> To a Fault > by ManestreamStudios > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Are ya chicken?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t long after morning broke that a particular orange farmer could be seen toiling away in the apple orchard, placing down barrels and buckets in preparation for today’s harvest. Several of which were already laid down, with only a few more left to place before the mare could get to buckin’. She escorted the last three on over to a lush fruit-bearing tree and strategically surrounded the trunk with the containers. With a small sigh and a smile, Applejack scanned the area once more to make sure all the barrels were in the right places. “Whew, reckon that oughta do it…” In the earth mare’s short seconds of pause, a loud noise suddenly startled her. Alert eyes panned around more carefully now in search of the source of this new disturbance. “What in tarnati-” The strange noise sounded once again, causing Applejack’s ears to twist and turn to aid in the search and identification of the loud racket. The sound itself was oddly familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. It was almost like a clicking grinding noise, but kind of garbled and throaty in texture. Her eyes narrowed as they slowly scanned the area once more. “Zzzzznnawck!” Quick as the whip, AJ’s head flicked up towards the source, but only saw the tree. Despite this fact, she sighed heavily in realization. Her ears could confirm what her eyes were unable to tell her. The farmer’s expression fell flat as she slowly turned her back to the tree, before giving it a good buck. The tree shook from the blow, rattling all the ripened fruits from their branches. To join the chorus of fresh produce piling into wooden bins, there was also a masculine yelp and yowl. Soon after, a rainbow-colored mass fell out of the tree, covered by a blanket and pillow immediately afterward. “Rainbow Dash! What in the hay are you doin’ sleepin’ in my tree?” the Applejack asked, addressing the overfilled barrel of cloth and prismatic hair. Rainbow Dash was quick to right herself in the pile, sticking her head up to find her best friend - and culprit of her disturbed rest - staring her down. “Oh, hey, AJ! I was wondering when you’d finally wake up!” the athlete replied with playful arrogance. Applejack cocked a brow slowly in silence. “Ya tryin’ to tell me you weren’t just sleepin’ right now?” “Of course not!” Rainbow Dash bluffed proudly, just before kicking her pillow and blanket aside. Regardless, she continued her stance of false pride. “Sleep is for amateurs. I was… um… power napping.” Applejack felt something hard smack across her forehead. It was her own hoof. “Right. Anyway, what are ya doin’ here so early? Ain’t ya got weather duty today?” “Nope!” the prismatic mare promptly responded. She then pointed a hoof to the sky. “Clear, sunny day just like yesterday. Which means I have the whole day off.” Rainbow Dash gave her friend the fiendish grin of a pony with a plan. “Thought that today would be a perfect day to hang. Maybe have a little… competition... if you know what I mean.” At the mere mention of it, Applejack got her own joyful smirk. “Hm… well, Ah can’t deny that beatin’ you at your own games makes me happier than a Junebug in July,” she chuckled. “Problem with yer math, however, is that Ah have work today. Though, Ah suppose if Ah were to get help, it’d get done fast enough for a bit of horsin’ around…” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but pick up on the thick layer of suggestion on that last statement. It wasn’t to say that the athlete hated the work, it was great for keeping her flanks in shape. She just hadn’t planned on starting her day off from work by doing… well, work. “Oh, well, in that case, I’ll go get Big Mac and just catch up with you later.” AJ nearly stuttered in shock, until Rainbow had flashed her that prankster smirk. Applejack just rolled her eyes. “Y’know, one of these days that mouth of yours is gunna land you smack in the middle of trouble.” “Yeah right, like that’ll ever happen,” Rainbow scoffed. “Keep talking and I’ll end up bucking more apples than you!” she challenged, immediately getting to work on the trees. “Anything else left on your list?” Rainbow asked with both trepidation and restlessness. “I’m ready to lose my mind over here!” It was nearly past lunch time now, and the two of them had been working non-stop. Bucking apples was never a quick task, even for the fast flyer. On top of that, they had to bring the cows around for maintenance. Picking and cleaning, mostly, but some of the bovines needed trimming as well. Some were more finicky than others, which only served to lengthen the task needlessly. Feed was placed, water was refreshed, and even a good portion of fencing was mended and painted to match. All of it was good work. A good burn was setting into her muscles. That was also the problem, though. Applejack was so set on getting things done that Dash feared they would have too little energy left for good fun. Not to mention she’d just spent at least a good quarter of her free day on not only work but somepony else’s work. Work that wasn’t even her job to do! “Whoa there, Nelly!” Applejack replied half-heartedly while going over her trusty list of daily chores. They rested in no particular order to be done in. She relied on a carefully guarded algorithm of experience and instinct to determine which should be done at what time. (A glorified way of saying what jobs she could shoehorn into the desired timeslot based on how long her previous chore actually took versus how long she expected it to take.) “It’s still only mid-day,” AJ pointed out. “We haven’t even thought about the sheep or the chickens yet. Not to mention the corn and wheat fields. We can’t let the pig pens get too dry neither, or the pigs won’t stay cool. Hot pigs ain’t happy pigs, ya know?” “Let me see this thing!” RD said with tempered spite for the list which she’d just snatched from her friend. “Hey! What do ya think yer doin’, Rainbow Dash!” AJ stomped, though she made no attempts to get her list back just yet. She didn’t want to ruin the paper in any kind of tussle she knew Rainbow would start to maintain ownership of it. Wingtips held the rolled paper before her eyes for reading. As Rainbow went down the line, more and more paper extended from the depths of the roll. Dash’s eyes grew wider as she skimmed through the seemingly endless list of things to do. “How much of this are we supposed to do today!?” “The whole darn thing!” Applejack replied firmly. “Now give it here so we can get back to work.” Dash groaned aloud, giving the rolled list back to her friend. “Applejack, c’mon! If we do all that, we won’t have time or energy left for anything fun!” Applejack let off a chuff as she fixed her hat and merrily got back to finding her place on the list. “Don’t you give me none of that. Chores here are plenty fun, especially with you. Besides, how are you supposed to earn Granny’s home-cooked dinner with that kind of attitude? Ya can’t tell me you’re not thinkin’ about warm cider on the porch later tonight even a little bit.” “Don’t get me wrong, Applejack,” Dash began, placing a hoof on the page and dragging it down to gain AJ’s full attention. “I do enjoy working the farm now and again, and I really enjoy Granny Smith’s job-well-done supper and cider. It’s all great to relax on the porch with, but…” “... buuut?...” Applejack implored for elaboration. Dash sighed slightly, trying to fit the right words into place. “It’s all so… same.” “Same?” Applejack was a little confused as to the intention of this word’s usage in this context. “Like, we do this nearly once a week, in this exact format. I’m bored, come here, we race through chores, maybe get in a bit of Iron Mare stuff, eat a meal, and then cool down on the porch drawing lines in the stars for about an hour, then bed. It’s not very often that we actually do much different, and I want today to be a different day. You know, while there’s still some day left to do it with. “Besides,” Rainbow continued by casually jabbing a hoof into Applejack’s chest. “When’s the last time you did something that wasn’t work?” “Uhhh….” Applejack could easily say that Rarity and herself spend an hour at the spa doing nothing once a week, but that wasn’t anything truly remarkable. Not to mention that half of the time she has to go find and repair a leaky coupler on the water line. “Exactly!” Dash proclaimed, crossing her hooves. “You are overdue for fun, AJ.” Applejack sighed. There was no point in arguing with the flyer. It’d be like selling cookies to a brick wall; damn near impossible. “Ah can’t just leave the farm like this, RD. Even if Ah could get Applebloom and her friends to help, there’s too much here for those fillies to do in one day.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes slightly. There was no helping this workaholic. “How about this; pick out the most necessary chores that have to be done today. Then we can break for an early dinner, but I get to choose any one thing to do for fun tonight. Fair?” Applejack rubbed her chin in consideration. Her eyes fell on the list for a moment, then back to Dash’s pleading puppy-dog eyes. Seemed fair enough, but she wasn’t sure about that final clause. “Any one thing?” “Anything,” RD confirmed with a solid tone. Applejack raised a brow suspiciously. “Why does it sound like you have had something in mind this whole time?” Rainbow Dash’s nose scrunched a bit as she attempted to play it off. “Well, I mean…” It was AJ’s turn to cross her hooves now, “I’ll take the deal, but you have to tell me what it is first. It has to be reasonable, Dash.” Rainbow Dash giggled knowingly while pulling out a small flier from under her wing, thinking that victory was in the bag now. She did say she would agree once Rainbow told her what it was. She’d hold her to it. Presented the ad, Applejack would find a graphic for some night club called Wood Oak. There was some print, but a couple of mares in provocative clothing garnered her immediate attention. Face blushing intensely, Applejack was quick to push it out of sight. “Absolutely not!” “What!? C’mon, you said you’d agree after I showed you! It’ll be fun!” Rainbow protested. “Ah don’t much care ‘bout what you do in your spare time, Rainbow, but Ah’m not really into that. My barn door swings one way, okay? End of story. Pick something else…” Dash exasperated a sigh. “Did you even read it, scaredy-hooves? Tonight is Mare’s Night! And Wood Oak is, like, the most popular place to go in Las Pegasus. We don’t have to sit at a tacker’s table, they have a regular bar, too.” “Las Pegasus!?” Applejack nearly cried. “Dash, we wouldn’t get back until tomorrow! Ah can spare some time today, but that’s just plain irresponsible! Not to mention how expensive everything is over there. Why, compared to them, Canterlot is just some cheap city.” “Already thought of all that,” Rainbow Dash replied confidently. It was almost like she was expecting this as well, and planned for everything. “I’ve been saving bits for months, just in case a great opportunity for fun like this fell into my lap one day. I’ve got plenty of money to party with, and a separate stash for the trip there and back. The train will get us there, and a taxi will take us back to Ponyville.” “In the middle of the night?” Applejack speculated unenthusiastically. “Pegasus is a twenty-four-hour city, AJ. There will be a taxi. I’ve already checked their range, too. A sky cab can reach Ponyville no problem.” The farmer seemed to be at a loss for further protest, which left Dash with a cocky smirk. “So, what’s holding you back? You’ve got time, I’ve got money, it’ll be fun, everything fits! Or are you just too… chicken?” “S’cuse me?” Applejack shot back. “You heard me.” Dash’s smirk only grew wider, continuing with something of a condescending tone. “I completely understand, AJ, you don’t have to be afraid to admit it. Seeing a bunch of stallions dancing on poles begging for your attention can be real intimidating. I could always just take Rarity or Pinkie instead. I’m sure one of them would love to go…” Applejack knew that Rainbow Dash was playing her, but that didn’t stop it from working. Face still flushed, she groaned a sigh and finally yielded. “Fine.” “Yes!” Dash pumped a hoof in victory. “But! Next time, Ah get to choose the outing, and it’ll be something you’re not comfortable with,” AJ added. “Pfft! Deal.” As was ceremonial, the two spit on their hooves and shook on it. Rainbow giggled. “Good luck figuring that one out. I’m pretty cool with just about everything.” Applejack just gave a knowing and slightly evil chuckle. “Ya might want to prepare to have your feathers ruffled anyway…” The sun was beginning to set over Las Pegasus now, though its citizens hardly noticed. Practically nopony around here understood the concept of closing. It wasn’t even a word in their dictionary. Even produce markets stayed open well into the night around here in this city that never sleeps. Rainbow Dash waited in line with her friend. She showed her excitement and anticipation for the event as she subtly bounced in her spot. Despite it being a bit unusual, Rainbow got a little invested into the occasion. She sported a black leather jacket with the collar popped out, and a barbell in her left ear. Her mane was groomed to more of a rebellious style as opposed to the usual lazy orientation. She even got dark blue eyeshadow for subtle flare. Pretty unusual for the mare, but it wasn’t every day that she got to take a night out on this town. Might as well do something to mark the occasion. It took a deal of encouragement, but Dash convinced Applejack to wear something too. Aside from her hat, the farmer fussed with her mane a bit to make it neater and donned a matching jacket. Simple, but nice. It’s not like she was here to pick up stallions, anyway. Rainbow assured her that their intentions were simply to drink, dance, and be merry. No doubt laced with their competitive spirits as well. Applejack was generally unsure of the whole thing, but she was too committed to back out now. Besides, she knew how she was going to get the flyer back for the inevitable hangover to come. The line seemed to be moving as slowly as the setting sun. AJ had to commend her friend, however. Step by step, she didn’t once get antsy or impatient. Quite the opposite, really. It seemed like every time the line moved up, she got even more excited. Almost like if Pinkie Pie grew wings and got a full body dye job. Finally, the farmer broke the silence with a small laugh. “Ah love how you’re all gussied-up like a bruiser, but you’re sitting her bouncing around like Pinkie Pie waiting for the bakery to finally open.” “I know I know, I just can’t help it!” Rainbow explained, trying to curb her outward enthusiasm now that it was pointed out to her. “I’ve never actually been to a night club before. I’ve always wanted to go… just not alone, you know? And it’s Mare’s Night! We could totally sit at a table if we wanted!” Applejack wanted to rebuke that last statement but held it in instead. She didn’t know this was her first time trying a club. No wonder Rainbow was so excited. She wanted a different night, and this was about as different as it would get for her. With a small sigh, Applejack just let it go. Who was she to limit Dash’s fun on her night? “Celestia help me if they run out of cider before we get in there…” she commented to herself. As they waited, the exit doors flew open, yielding to a group of boisterous mares who were all giddy and drunk. Each was walking a little funny, stumbling over themselves to try and stay upright. The bouncer watched them for a moment, before unhooking the red rope to allow some more ponies in. “Alright, next four can enter.” Rainbow’s expression dropped almost instantly. “Uh-oh…” she said. What is it, Rainbow?” AJ asked. “I’m fourth in line,” she stated, looking back to Applejack with a worried expression. “AJ, what do we do? I don’t want to go in alone.” Applejack shrugged. “Could just let the pony behind us go ahead and wait for the next group.” Rainbow nodded slightly until another thought passed and she shook her head. “But what if the next pony to leave is by herself?” Applejack raised a brow with a deadpan expression. For such a confident mare, she sure was being skittish about this. Probably why she’d never gone to a club before. “How about Ah go in first, then? When the next mare leaves, just come find me at the bar. Ah’ll wait for ya there.” One cheek pulled back in an odd grimace of uncertainty. “Are you sure? I know you aren’t really into this place.” “Not in the slightest,” Applejack confirmed. “But you really want to go, and Ah just can’t say no. Besides, Ah know you. You’re gunna convince me to go sit at one of them tables at some point. This’ll give me a bit of time to settle into the place.” Dash wasn’t the biggest fan of the idea, but it was the best they could do for the moment. Besides, it shouldn’t be too long of a wait now. “Alright… thanks, AJ. I’ll see you at the bar.” “At the bar, partner,” Applejack confirmed, bumping hooves with her friend before departing the line to enter the nightclub. The door shut behind the mare, and a short hallway opened up to an enormous party floor. Booths lined the walls which appeared to be smaller and more… intimate. Much of the open floor was littered with larger party tables, all of which surrounded a king-sized table in the center. It could probably seat at least twenty-five ponies around it and left enough room to house three poles for dancing instead of the normal single pole tables. Applejack forced back an uneasy grimace as she looked around the place. The air was filled with the smell of fruity, fancy alcohol mixes and sweat. Every pole was owned by a stallion tonight, all of whom ranged in appearance from beefy studs to more effeminate and demure frames and themes. Most of the guys here were contained, but a few already had their half-flaccid rods swinging around to the delight of the drunk mares tossing bits around like it was going out of style. Meanwhile, all Applejack could do was calmly shake her head. “Some things Ah’ll never fully understand…” she said to herself. Finding her way to an empty part of the bar, AJ got on one of the stools and waved down the bartender. “Cider, please.” A glass was promptly filled and passed to her, where AJ was able to throw back half the glass in one shot. Releasing a satisfied sigh, Applejack looked back out towards the floor. Just as she started to feel her body relax, another dancer dropped his drawers. As a subtle sting on her cheeks became apparent, she turned back to face the bar and sigh. “This is gunna to be a long night…” Rainbow waited outside for what seemed like hours. What used to be patient excitement was now anxious oscillation. She could hear a couple ponies behind her whisper something about her change and a silent giggle, but Rainbow didn’t address it. Their idle gossip wasn’t hurting anypony, and she could care less. Mostly, she just wanted somepony to hurry up and leave the club before Applejack had a chance to get too uncomfortable. Rainbow rationalized that AJ wouldn’t leave her hanging now, but that didn’t stop the thoughts from passing in and out. Finally, the doors on the exit flew open as a couple of mares stumbled out to start heading home. “Finally!” Dash said aloud in relief. The bouncer couldn’t unhook the rope fast enough, and Rainbow moved on through at a brisk pace, not wanting to come off as too rude. She didn’t want to piss off the stallion nearly twice her size. As Rainbow entered the club, she momentarily forgot herself as she looked around with wide and glittering eyes. Stallions littered the dancing tables, all of them owning their own allotment of solid wood and vertical metal rods. Each held their own style and grace, and their own unique image. That wasn’t what filled the flyer with excitement, though. Mostly, it was their physique. Tall, short, bulked or lean, they all were at their own peak physical condition, much like herself. Strong, defined muscles glistened in the strobing neon lights. Tight bodies flowing with the beat. This is what she came here for! Having taken in the glamor, Rainbow Dash centered her focus on the bar. It didn’t take very long to find that iconic cowgirl’s hat against the backdrop of a wall of liquor. She had her head resting against her hoof, elbow on the counter. Rainbow continued her nimble pace across the floor, fearing that AJ was already bored out of her skull. Oh, man! I knew I should’ve waited so we could go in together! Applejack will never let me live this down… As she drew closer, however, Rainbow slowed her pace a bit, until she was a few steps behind her friend. She seemed to be chatting up the bar mare, who held a comfortable smile as she droned on about a story Rainbow had no context about. Her ears flicked to pay closer attention, working to single their voices out from the thumping bass. “And that’s when I said, You thought I asked for a twelve inch pianist!?” They both burst into laughter, which brought a small smile to Rainbow’s face. AJ wasn’t bored, just listening to a story. Rainbow wasn’t quite too sure where that sentence was supposed to go, but it sure did take her mind to the gutter pretty quick. Regardless, Rainbow finished casually hopping up into the seat to join in the fun next to her friend. “Sounds like I missed something great?” AJ came down from her laughter-saturated high when she noticed that Dash finally got into the place. “Well, fancy meeting you here, partner!” she joked. Rainbow Dash just smirked and bumped Applejack’s shoulder. “I thought you didn’t like night clubs?” she remarked, playing along casually. AJ rolled her eyes. “Not quite so easy to drink when even the bussers let their twig n’ berries flop around in the breeze, but Ah’ve managed.” Rainbow laughed, “Y’know, for a pony that’s not keen on covering up, you sure are a prude.” While she playfully dogged Applejack, Rainbow made a silent request for cider from the bartender by pointing at AJ’s empty glass. This request was promptly filled and set within her reach. “It ain’t got nothin' to do with the nekkidness,” Applejack began, trying to justify herself. She had to give a good pause in thought, however, which surely didn’t help her case any. “It’s just… Ah mean, this kinda stuff’s s’ppose to happen behind closed doors. Nopony needs to know what your junk looks like. These places make it seem like it’s a gift worth giving or something, and it ain’t.” “Wow, AJ…” Rainbow was interrupted by her drink, taking in a good size portion of the sweet apple-flavored nectar. She wiped the foam off her mouth, accompanied by an exaggerated sigh. “I can’t even begin to tell you how not straight that sounds.” Applejack gained a heated blush from that comment. “Ah-! You-!” she stammered. “Just because Ah don’t want to see dicks floppin’ everywhere Ah go doesn’t mean Ah’m opposed to ‘em!” Rainbow got a good chortle out of her friend’s reaction, patting her on the back all the while. “Settle down, AJ, I’m just pulling your leg. C’mon, I’ll buy you a boiler.” “A what now?” Applejack’s first thought was a water heater. “Two boilermakers, please!” Rainbow called out to the bar mare. Quick as a whip, two glasses of beer slid down their way, followed by two shots of whiskey. Before the farmer could gather any thoughts, Dash nabbed both the shots and dropped them into each container of beverage with a foolhardy, “Bombin’!” One glass was then shoved into Applejack’s hooves along with a challenge of speed. At this point, she couldn’t question anything. The first of many gauntlets had been dropped tonight, and both glasses were raised to a good time, then tilted back. It wasn’t easy to keep track of time in this place, but Rainbow Dash figured it had been about a good hour of drinking and catching up. With a couple of quick drinking contests under their belts, alongside a debatable rainbow victory over the most complicated drink mix, they both were swimming pretty well. Applejack seemed to finally loosen up about the fact that random penises were swaying around her every time a busser came up to grab an order. That’s when Dash finally decided to ask the all-important question. After a good laugh about an old story involving Big Mac, Rainbow steered the conversation away. “Speaking of stallions,” she began, casting a hoof out across the floor as they both turned away from each other. “What am I going to have to do to get you to join me at a table?” Applejack sighed as she looked about, leveling unamused eyes at the scene. She wouldn’t have too much of a problem with it right now, but something was itching her mind. “Rainbow, let me ask you somethin’,” she said as she looked back at her best friend. “What is it you see about this place?” Dash seemed a bit confused, but mostly just caught off guard by the question. “Huh? What do you mean?” “Ah mean, what’s so darn facinatin’ ‘bout this place, anyway? Ah don’t understand it. Ah look around and all Ah see is a bunch of studs getting paid to wiggle their butts in ponies’ faces. Meanwhile, normal folk like you and me are bustin’ our rumps in orchards and skyways, making half the money for twice the effort.” Rainbow Dash took a moment to collect the thoughts together but gave AJ a cocky smirk. “Sounds to me like you’re jealous,” she teased. “Ah’m bein’ serious here, RD. It’s darn-near highway robbery, what these ponies do! It just don’t sit right with me, is all.” Feeling a bit more disgusted again, Applejack took another drink of hard liquor to burn the flavor out of her mouth. Rainbow Dash chuckled. She could tell that she was going to have to get her friend to see things through her own eyes. So, she looked back out to the main floor, being sure to push AJ’s seat so she’d face the same direction again. “You want to know what I see in here, AJ pal? I see my ponies in here.” Applejack snorted, holding back laughter. “You mean to tell me you want to be up on one of them poles?” “Fun as that could be,” Rainbow began to explain further, “that’s not what I meant. Look at those stallions. There isn’t a single one of them that hasn’t spent most of their time and energy on their own bodies. I’m talking about hitting the gym almost daily. Talking about following a strict diet. Personal grooming to perfection. Training hard to do some of the more complex tricks. All the same things I had to do just to get into the Wonderbolts Reserve. Buck, the only difference between me and one of them is that my brand of performance is safe for foals to watch.” As RD carried on, Applejack’s expression lightened up more and more. She’d never thought about it like that. Truth was, if she didn’t know Rainbow Dash so well, she’d probably think the same things about the Wonderbolts. She might be less critical of them being that Spitfire and her own were a military force expected to be ready to defend Equestria, but still… “Hmm… Ah s’ppose you’re right about that much,” Applejack finally broke the silence and looked over to her. “You are pretty overpaid for your position,” she continued, hitting Dash with faux snark. “Pfft,” Rainbow brushed her comment off like water on a duck. “Just don’t forget who’s paying for all of this.” At this point now, Rainbow’s glass was dry, and she was more than ready to get out there at a table. That’s when an idea crossed her mind which put a deviously evil grin on her muzzle. She pulled out a couple of large bills and pressed one into Applejack’s chest. “First one to sink these into a G-string wins!” “You want me to what!?” Too late, Rainbow Dash was already well on her way to the edge of the center stage. As much as she didn’t like the idea of sticking her hooves near what those skimpy little strands of floss were desperately holding back, she couldn’t let Rainbow show her up without a fight. Slamming back the last of her drink, Applejack got down off the stool with as much grace as a penguin and headed on over to join her friend. Though they were quite tipsy, both mares found their way to a gap in the circular crowd and sat down. Rainbow dash gave an enthusiastic whistle in delight of the show these stallions were putting on. One, in particular, had Dash’s attention as he held himself delicately upside-down on the pole. Her enthusiasm gained his gaze, which she held by flashing the large bill teasingly. “What are you doin’?” Applejack implored with unease as she nudged the pegasus. Rainbow Dash chuckled. “I can’t slip it in his string if he isn’t over here,” she rationalized playfully. “C’mon, show ‘em yours, too! Let’s see who he goes to first!” As AJ looked down to the money Dash gave her in her hooves, her face flushed a deep red unbeknownst to her. Preparing herself with a deep breath, AJ resolved to hold up the cash like Dash was. Though, with notably less excitement. AJ’s motions were a bit timider and shaky. This earned the stallion’s full attention. He nimbly hoisted down onto his hooves and gazed in their direction. Remaining true to his role, this stud took to the prowl, gracefully stalking in their direction with soft eyes and a confident smirk. Rainbow responded with a sensual purr, rolling an ‘r’ over her tongue with the right amount of exaggeration. Applejack shouldered her at that, “Don’t make this weird, Rainbow,” she urged, face still beet red. Rainbow laughed heartily. “Live a little, cowpoke!” she teased. The stallion couldn’t help a small grin at the scene. He couldn’t hear much as he wasn’t close at the time, but it was clear that this orange mare was quite skittish. Regardless, he continued his hunt. As he came upon the two, he swiftly thrust his chest forward and up towards them, hooves together in a strong and proud stance. Then, just like that, he rolled onto his back, hooves in the air while his head hung over the edge of the table. His mane cascaded off his head and neck in a fluffy waterfall of light and wavy strands. All smiles, he looked between the two before him. “Forty bits? Such wonderful mares we have tonight. You sure know how to make a guy feel loved.” Applejack’s jaw hung agape slightly. She wasn’t sure how, but she could feel her blush deepen by at least three shades. Dash could barely hold her giddiness at bay, however. Yet, her competitive spirit willed her to keep a cocky facade through her mild alcohol-induced blush while slowly moving in face-to-face. “Any chance I can get you to swing that tight flank over this way?” He chuckled lyrically. “You sure it’s not lethal?” He nodded back towards her friend as he said this. Rainbow looked over to Applejack. At this point, she seemed a little clueless and vacant while the bill hung lamely in the air. Rainbow just smirked and leaned closer to his ear for a quick whisper. “She’s a big girl, she can handle herself.” The stallion shrugged slightly before rolling back over. Laid out on his side and facing away from them, a hoof held his head up while hind legs casually stretched out and crossed. “Please, help yourselves.” Naturally, Rainbow Dash was the first to push the crisp twenty in under the waist string that was exposed. Then she backed off some to let AJ have her own go. “Don’t move too quickly, or he’ll bite ya!” she remarked sarcastically. Applejack puffed her cheeks at RD. She wanted to rebuke the statement, but words still largely failed her. Still, she had a mission, and she would see it through to the best of her abilities. Inching in closer like he had the plague, Applejack slowly and carefully moved to give him his money and be done with it. Mere inches away, she took a mental note before looking away slightly to find the nerve to slip it in. Just as she felt some resistance of the tight string resisting the paper money, something large and soft brushed against her hoof. She jumped back and yelped slightly, while Rainbow Dash laughed and the stallion bounced his eyebrows with a devilish smirk. It didn’t take much thought to realize that what she felt was his tail brushing her leg. Trepidation fell by the side and was replaced with forced indignation, and Applejack choked out a response. “Y-you got some nerve, partner!” “My apologies, miss,” he countered with a little bit of heart. “Enjoy the rest of your night.” AJ rolled her eyes, obviously unamused. Rainbow, however, couldn’t possibly keep her balance it seemed. She was already on the floor in a riot of uncontained laughter. While the dancer left back for his pole, Applejack moved on over to her friend and bumped her a bit rough to knock some sense back into her. “If anypony finds out about this, Ah’ll tan your hide!” Kicked while she was down, but she still found strength enough to giggle as she got back up. Though, after changing orientation so much so fast, she had to lean on her friend for the moment to regain her composure. A single tear was wiped from her eye before Rainbow responded. “Ah, don’t be a stick in the mud, AJ! It’s all good fun!” “Ah am so gettin’ you good for this,” she mumbled. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Dash was right. As unappreciated as it was, the act was harmless, albeit startling. “You really are such a prude, you know that?” Dash chuckled. “Ah got a smidge more respect for ‘em now after you said your piece, Rainbow, but that doesn’t make me any more comfortable. As Ah stand right now, Ah could bleed your party fund dry with cider alone and not feel the least bit troubled ‘bout it.” At this point, Applejack had no problems shooting Dash a cross expression. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” Rainbow finally relented. “I won’t horse around anymore tonight, alright? Just regular ol’ fun from here on out.” Applejack sighed. She wanted to stay mad, but it was pointless. “Yeah, alright. So long as you don’t expect me to be doin’ any of that again.” “Deal.” In agreement, they both exchanged a small smile before turning back to the stage. Though, just as their attention was returned, the music faded out without warning. The stallions there seemed to take it as some kind of cue as all three stepped into the center of the stage and waited. To the surprise of the mares, the center section began to lower, taking with it the usual entertainment for the night. Then a voice came over the microphone. “Alright, mares, it’s time for tonight’s main event!” As the announcer droned on, Rainbow watched the event with piqued interest. “Wow. Fancy gig they got going on with this table…” she commented aloud. Applejack was more along the lines of disbelief, though. “Main event? You mean there’s other stallions? Just how many of ‘em are performing in here?” Despite it being Las Pegasus, Applejack couldn’t imagine there were so many guys with nothing better to do. “Angel, and the Fallen!” Just as the voice concluded the introduction, the center stage hoisted up three pegasi; all standing upright with their hooves joined in a circle facing out. The each started by spacing outwards and flaring their wings. Every stroke of the feathers gently lifted them up into the air. That’s when everypony noticed that the lighting had been adjusted to create a pitch blackness near the ceiling. Mere moments after the pegasi disappeared into it, bolts of light flashed around. Without warning, three red forms fell back down onto the table. Completely different stallions now, obviously. Their wings were replaced with horns, and they were notably more buff. Heavy rock began to thump in the background as each of them looked up from prone positions and gazed upon the crowd with criminal intent. As the music began to pick up the pace, the three unicorns began to move in sync with the beat. Playing the roles of demons, their motions were deliberate and quick with a bit of spring, which worked well with their impish appearance. Crazed smiles would give off giggles and cackles as they went through their routine. At first, they would go out to the edges of the table, where everypony could see them more closely. Their cosmetics could be shown off in this way, which was very convincing. They even had red contacts and emphasized canines to complete the look. Of course, much to AJ’s discontent, they each also sported black semi-erect penises hanging out for primal effect. Reaching the body of the music now, they took to their poles. At this point, the stallions lost sync in favor of doing their own thing now, but none lost their luster. Each spun around slowly while perfecting difficult moves, and the onlookers were no strangers to cheering and whistling for the more gravity-defying poses. “See? You can’t tell me this doesn’t take skill.” Rainbow commented. “Ah don’t doubt it,” Applejack replied indifferently. Suddenly, the music was interrupted by flashing lights, and the demons reacted accordingly. Looking back up, the lighting showed another pegasus descending to the center of the platform. Unlike the other pegasi, this one was larger and more robust. Instead of pure white, his coat was an enticing creamy beige, save for the feathers which faded to a powdery white. A golden brown mane and tail gently swayed in a near ethereal manner with a soft and healthy shine. His locks were long in length (for a stallion anyway) and wavy. Deep sapphire eyes looked down with grace accompanied by a pure smile. Applejack couldn’t begin to fathom how he managed to captivate her with rapt fascination, but there was something about this stallion - between the sturdy build, toned definition, and glorious looks - which compelled her to glue her eyes on his entire form. Applejack noticed this before Rainbow did, thankfully, and regained her composure. “Sure are a flashy group,” she commented with forced indifference. Rainbow herself could feel her feathers ruffle a bit. He certainly did look handsome, but she wasn’t terribly interested. Mostly, she just appreciated the amount of work he put into his own form. By far, he had the best one yet. “Ain’t nothing wrong with that,” was her casual reply. Taking center stage now, Angel touched down softly. He looked between the other three there for a moment, enjoying the sight of them staring in awe. It was an act of course, but it was cute nonetheless. The background music cleaned up a bit and was given depth with the sound of a piano. Now it was his turn. Placing down the first step, the demons reacted accordingly, each scurrying over to their own pole. Moving to the first of three, Angel made a couple of rounds while the other climbed higher to hang upside down. They caught hooves when their positions synced and used each other to begin their collaboration. Applejack continued to watch intently, still unable to take her eyes off the pegasus. From here, the routine began to get interesting. Each position they worked for almost seemed to portray a struggle between the two sides. AJ wasn’t much for poetry or any of that nonsense, but these guys practically spelled it out with their getup. The real magic happened, however, when the demon seemed as if it began to fade away. The red color dissolved into the air like a mist, and a burst of magical special effect left one of the white pegasi from before in the demon’s place. The crowd ooo’d and aaah’d at the transformation. Applejack did as well, but her suddenly weaker voice was lost in the sea. She had to admit, this was getting pretty good now. The spectacle continued on with each pair executing more daring and complex moves, finally ending some minutes later when all the evil had been turned back to good. The music stopped and all the performers took a short bow while everypony applauded and practically drowned them in a shower of bits. “That was awesome!” Rainbow Dash shouted over the crowd. “See? Isn’t this fun!?” Getting nudged for a response, AJ pushed out a small sigh. “Yeah, Ah reckon it was pretty neat the way they did all that. They certainly put more effort into it than most the others here tonight…” Rainbow Dash chuckled, wrapping her hoof around her friend in a sidelong embrace. “I told you this would be fun!” “Fun’s a might strong of a word… but Ah s’ppose quaint would suffice.” Having dogged Rainbow with a bit of a smile, she managed to free herself of the flyer’s hold now. “Pfft,” Dash scoffed. “That sounds like something Rarity would say.” “A big thank you to Angel and his boys tonight, ladies. If you’d like to see more and want to really show them some love, they’ll be available for private shows tonight only!” As this was announced, the performers had already convened at the center lift which carried them down out of sight. Many of the mares giggled and talked amongst themselves now as they waited for more entertainment. Some of them even carried back off towards other tables that were freed up. Meanwhile, Dash’s eyes lit up with a gasp as she looked back over to Applejack. “Private show!?” she echoed. AJ’s heart nearly skipped a beat. She sure wouldn’t mind watching that beige pegasus do some more work, especially if it meant she could get away from the huge crowd. Yet, if she signed up for it with Dash and didn’t put up a fight, Rainbow would never let her live it down. That in mind, Applejack gave a strategic groan. “Aw, c’mon partner! You’re killin’ me over here!” “But, AJ,” Rainbow began with puppy dog eyes. “Tonight only!” Applejack cocked a brow nice and high. “You do realize they only say that to get you to let go of the money faster.” Still, those big pleading eyes didn’t stop. Admittedly, even if she didn’t want to do it, AJ wasn’t sure if she could resist that. There wouldn’t be any lack of trying, either. “Oh… oh, alright, fine! Go get us this private whatever. I need another cider.” “Yes!” Before another word could be said, Dash took the opportunity and ran off with it, speeding away to try and be the first to secure a couple of spots. Piling back into the dressing room at an easy pace, Angel and his group casually laughed and talked about some of the mares in the group tonight. Angel took a seat before a mirror and began to touch up the white powder on his wings. “Good show tonight, guys,” the star congratulated, cutting through the idle chatter. “Went off without a hitch.” “Not for a lack of trying,” one commented suggestively, causing the others to laugh some more. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group of more excited mares,” another mentioned while checking the alignment of his contacts in another mirror. Angel chuckled. “Blame the routine! Mares love that good triumphs over all crap.” “Was I the only one who saw that one orange mare oogling Angel?” “Hm?” Angel inquired like it was an odd thing to say. “We’re dancers; they're supposed to oogle us, remember?” “Nah, man,” the other continued. “There’s oogling, and then there’s bucking oooooogling. Straight-up daydreaming. Might as well have jumped on the stage and started sucking you off.” The rest of the group giggled, accompanied by a couple catcalls. Angel rolled his eyes. “Well, maybe she’ll pay for a private showing, and turn dreams into reality.” he joked. “Heheh, careful what you wish for, Angel,” chimed one of the demons. “Angel!” The pegasus in question stopped fussing with his wings for a moment to look over to the manager, who was in the doorway. “Yes?” “Couple of mares booked you and your crew.” The manager pulled out a clipboard and began to look through a list. Angel’s eyes widened, as well as some of his coworkers. “All of us?” “All of you,” he confirmed. “The only table large enough is the private party room. You’ve got five minutes.” The manager left right after that, leaving the group to look at each other a bit dumbfounded. Angel himself just shrugged and proceeded to finish freshening up, his angels and demons following suit. Rainbow Dash and Applejack waited in the large party room they were guided to after Dash dropped a hefty sum of money on the group. Complimentary drinks came with them as well, which the flyer was enjoying currently. She’d gotten a few shots of patron for herself, while AJ decided to try a peach whiskey she’d never heard of before. She seemed to appreciate the flavor. At this point, the tipsy pegasus began to step into care-free territory with her alcohol. Once boredom began to set in, she looked over to AJ. “Wanna try the pole while we wait?” Applejack, for her part, was mostly just looking to sustain her buzz. Her shots were hardly touched yet. “Pfft!” she chuckled. “Rainbow, you’d fall flat on your face before you even reach the pole like that. Besides, Ah’m pretty sure we’re not s’ppose to be up there.” “Ain’t nopony looking!” Rainbow justified as she began to push herself up onto the table. As she approached the metallic strut without fanfare, she looked back to the farmer who had kicked back and watched her with a cocky smile. “Awfully odd of you to not protest, considering that’s all you’ve done tonight. You sure you don’t like mares?” As she said this, Rainbow began to sashay her hips teasingly. “Ah’m just waiting for the part where you fall flat on your flanks.” she tossed back casually. She was getting a little tired of defending her sexuality from attack by now, so she just numbed herself to Dash’s prodding. Rainbow scoffed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Carrying on with her stunt, Rainbow first tried to grasp the concept by standing with assistance from the pole. She circled it a couple of times while thinking of something fun to try. A devious smirk split her muzzle when she found her muse. Applejack lightly sipped from her shot of peach whiskey and patiently awaited the moment she could say that fun three-word phrase. She watched as Rainbow seemed to get something in her head and proceed to grasp the vertical bar tightly between her hooves. She then carefully began to shimmy up the pole, which showed Rainbow’s inexperience quite well. Once she was high enough, Dash looked about herself as much as possible, going off of memory to try and perfect the position before lowering her upper body into an upside-down hang. Applejack snickered as the flyer eased into it about as well as an elephant warmed up to a mouse. Despite her misgivings, though, Dash managed to pull it off. “Not bad, RD. Now, how are you gettin’ down?” “Ha! Watch me!” Dash boasted with a cocky grin. She extended her wings out and let the metal rod free from her thighs. Quick as a whip, her body rocked forward, and her hind legs came down on the table with a loud thud! Though she stuck the landing, Dash stayed clung to the pole for a little while longer. She’d changed orientation too fast and knew she’d fall over if she let go. That wouldn’t stop her from trying to play it off, though. She flicked her mane as she looked back to her friend. “Tada!” The clapping of hooves caused them both to jump slightly and look over their shoulders. Angel was standing in the doorway, the rest of his stallion group behind him. His alone was their only applause. “Not bad for somepony who’s never danced before. The dismount needs work, though, creative as it was.” Rainbow blushed a bit as she began to back away to her own seat. “Oh, uhm… Thanks! Sorry! I was just… passing the time! Yeah, heheh.” Angel let the subject fall to the side as he fully entered the room now, allowing his crew to follow suit. Most took their own seat on the opposite side of the booth while Angel and one of his white pegasi took to the stage and stood by their own poles. “So, were you mares looking for another performance of the main event tonight?” Angel inquired. RD looked to Applejack, who only responded with a shrug. “Eh, just whatever, I guess. We’re just having fun and chillin’ tonight, so whatever routine you want to do is cool,” Rainbow replied. Angel nodded slightly. “Well, let’s start in pairs and go from there, then. Please enjoy the show!” Angel was the first of the pairs to perform. He didn’t do anything too flashy, but he still held their full attention. As time drew on and they were approaching the last pair, though, Angel would notice that Applejack wasn’t nearly as interested in the other performers from his casually watching the two. Though, he could swear that sometimes she was stealing glances of him. He was beginning to wonder if what the others were saying held any merit. Fortunately, he had the perfect plan to find out. As the last pair finished their duet, Rainbow gave an enthusiastic applause, which prompted her friend to follow suit to be a good sport. Once the two red unicorns got back down, Angel took it upon himself to wordlessly rejoin a pole. He stood and flared his wings nice and wide, immediately grabbing the attention of the farm mare. Soft eyes held them both with ease, but only AJ followed his every motion wistfully. He wasn’t even doing much of anything yet; just circling the pole with a bit of flare. On a dime, his demeanor and visage turned from innocence to devious and lustful. A kick here, a swing there, and he was showing off a little more than usual. It only took a few moments for him to see the expected results; an orange face turning redder and redder. Then, he did something a little unexpected. Angel stopped and began to approach the mares. He laid to rest on the edge of the table to be more at eye-level with them both. “I can’t help but notice you staring at me,” he mused at AJ. Applejack’s blush deepened. She felt very much like a deer in headlights with that statement. She could also feel just how hot her face was. “Ah… uhh. Aren’t Ah s’ppose to?” she tried to reason. “Hm… well, normally, yes. Except, you’ve only ever watched me. I can’t help but be curious. May I ask why?” It didn’t take much for Dash’s mind to go straight into the gutter after Angel laid the groundwork. She looked to AJ with a cheeky grin and nudged her shoulder. “You! You like him, don’t you!?” “W-What!?” Applejack exclaimed. “N-No, no, it ain’t like that!” Rainbow couldn’t help laughing at her expense, who originally was strongly against the experience. “Please, AJ, explain how it is like.” “Well… Ah mean…” She began to twiddle her hooves together now. Applejack really wished Rainbow hadn’t pushed her into this now. “Ah, uh… Ah really like your… wings?” Angel giggled slightly, flourishing his wings and gently animating them for her. “That’s very kind of you. Please, don’t stop there…” Again, words largely failed the earth pony. Rainbow saw fit to chime in. “What about his mane?” “Yeah, Ah… guess Ah really like your mane…” she managed to sputter out. Internally, she didn’t like where this was going. Angel chuckled some more as he flicked his mane a few times. “Aw, thank you! Honestly, the credit must go to my stylist. That mare is a miracle worker. I’d love to recommend her to you.” The unease became more apparent in AJ’s demeanor now. “Er… sure! Ah guess…” At this point, Rainbow couldn’t stand the torture any longer. “Oh, c’mon, Applejack! Is it really going to hurt you that bad to say he’s attractive?” “Alright, fine!” she proclaimed, having had enough of this as well. “Ah’ll admit it, you look very good. Ah Like the theme ya got, and the wings are a nice touch.” She looked away with a slightly annoyed expression now, but crossing her hooves didn’t stop the intense blush stretched across her face. “Happy?” Rainbow just rolled her eyes some. “Sorry, guys. Applejack’s kind of a prude.” “Ah am not!” she puffed at Rainbow. Angel wasn’t having any of this forced sense of indignation. He folded his wings as he got up now, and offered a hoof towards her. “Would you like to try?” “Excuse me?” Applejack inquired with a small helping of sass. “As an entertainer, I don’t like to see my audience anything less than completely happy. I find that allowing for a bit of fun interaction puts the good spirits back in a pony.” After explaining, Angel nodded back towards the poles. “C’mon, let’s try.” Applejack seemed unsure now. “Ah… Ah don’t know ‘bout this…” “Afraid you can’t do better than me?” Rainbow playfully challenged. “Let’s go, Ironmare, try and show me up!” Applejack sighed and put a hoof to her forehead. Rainbow Dash was doing this right now; she was throwing down a challenge and making her participate. AJ looked back up to Angel, who only responded with encouragingly bouncing his eyebrows. The farmer shook her head some while reaching down for one of her shots. Like a pro, she slammed back the warming peach nectar before finding the resolve to take the stallion’s hoof. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” “That’s the spirit!” Angel congratulated, hoisting her up onto the table. The rest of the ponies casually clapped for her while he guided her over to the pole. There, he rested a hoof on it. “Anything you’d like to learn?” Applejack shrugged, which caused Rainbow to chime in. “Do a flip!” she hollered with a slight slur. Her friend looked at her questioningly, and Rainbow just nodded. “I did one, so you gotta do it too!” Angel chuckled a bit, which regained the farmer’s attention. “Who is this pony that keeps shouting? Do you know this mare?” he inquired in a playful tone. Applejack rolled her eyes. “A stalker, Ah s’ppose…” “Hey!” Angel furthered the act by brushing the pegasus off with a gesture. “Nevermind her, then. All you need to focus on is the pole. Get a good feel for it real quick.” Applejack chuckled slightly but stopped abruptly to try and salvage her image in front of Dash. She didn’t need that loudmouth to gather more ammunition. Following Angel’s direction, Applejack looked at the metal rod with some trepidation. Slowly, she brought both forehooves to the construct and tested her grip. Observant as she was, AJ knew she was testing the friction as it corresponded to different levels of applied strength. “Good, good. Now, work your way up the pole until you can get your hind legs around it.” Once she garnered as much comfort as she could muster, Applejack proceeded as told. Pretty soon, with some effort, she found herself suspended a foot off the ground with her own might. She couldn’t help a small smile at this point. “Heheh, um… this ain’t so bad.” A couple other stallions gave light applause and a whistle of encouragement. Angel just chuckled slightly. “Alright, now I’m going to lift you. Don’t let go.” “Wait, what? Hold on, Ah’m-OOOoooooh no!” Before she could protest, Angel grabbed the would-be dancer by the barrel and moved her up higher on the pole. The sudden adjustment caused her to latch onto the metallic bar tightly now as her muscles visibly tensed. “O-Okay! Ah’m-Ah’m up here now. Ah’d very much like to get down now.” Normally she wouldn’t fret, but she knew that being drunk and heights were never a good combination. “You’re doing great, Applejack.” Angel seemed to completely ignore her request. Or he just plain didn’t care. Either way, he proceeded with more steps to follow, still supporting her by her sides. “Alright, now you’re going to let go with your forehooves and slowly lean back. Keep a good grip with your flanks.” “Are you crazy!?” “I’m right here in case anything happens,” Angel reassured her. “You can do it, AJ!” Rainbow called with merry glee. Applejack forced out slow but tense breaths in preparation. Once she felt ready, she began to ease her grip on the pole. Her hooves slipped rather unexpectedly, however. She let out a loud gasp as adrenaline coursed through her body now. Angel was very responsive in catching and supporting her, but her senses were beginning to feel overloaded now. “Ah’m not so sure 'bout this anymore.” “And we’re leaning back now,” Applejack tried not to fight him as he gently laid her back into the air until she reached a good point in which she hung from the bar with a good angle. “Alright, we’re doing great!” “Are we in the same reality!?” AJ rebuked. “Now, I need you to hold on good, because I’m about to push you in a slow spin so you’ll have to support yourself now.” “Ah’m pretty confident the next step Ah take is off this pole!” the farmer challenged. “Here we go,” Angel chuckled as he eased her into a nice rotation. “Oh my-” Applejack felt every fiber of her being tighten and lock up as she was cast like a leaf in the wind. As she made her first rotation, she observed the room spinning around her. The others would cheer a bit and shout advice like breathe and relax your chest. She recognized her first pass when she caught sight of Angel. He watched her with that big, doofy, innocently charming smile of his. Oh, how she wanted to hate that face of his right now. She was a tad preoccupied with holding on for dear life, however. Why did she have to end up liking this asshole? Passing her second clean rotation, Angel’s smile grew a bit. He could literally feel the daggers of her eyes carving his image to ribbons. She’d probably had enough now. “Okay, I’m going to catch you now.” “You best!” Applejack was finally able to breathe now, or she just remembered how to. Stepping back in, Angel carefully caught the mare and stopped her spinning. This time, he chose to support her by her withers, which allowed them to meet again face to face. Despite his calm smile, she didn’t look amused. “You have a wonderful mid-section,” he commented casually, putting that all too familiar and adorable blush back on her cheeks. “What do you do for a living?” “Get me offa here, an’ Ah’ll tell ya.” Angel only offered a smirk. “Alright, let’s complete the flip.” Nimbly, he guided her through the rest of the motions. He even helped her reach the solid ground by supporting her barrel from behind again. Once her legs were on the ground, Applejack held onto the pole a while longer to acclimate to normal gravity. He stayed close to make sure she was safe and didn’t fall over. Perhaps maybe a bit too close? Their bodies were practically touching, anyway. “Did you have fun?” Angel asked teasingly. Applejack panted slightly as she felt the adrenaline drain from her mind. She slowly fell back into a state of high between drunk and bliss as this happened, which she very much enjoyed and appreciated. Mostly, she was happy to be back on solid ground again. “Ah didn’t hate it,” she commented. A gentle heat began to return to her cheeks once more as she realized that he was nearly on top of her. Part of her wanted to throw him off, but another part was preventing that. “Better than nothing,” Angel compromised. “So, what did you say you do again?” Applejack smirked slightly as she found more of her bearing. Without even looking, she moved a hind leg back to plant down firmly on his hoof. He nearly jumped out of his skin when she did this. “Buckin’ apple trees. Wranglin’ farm animals. General labor.” Angel grit his teeth through the experience. She wasn’t hurting him, but it wasn’t any level of comfortable either. He could tell she was holding back. “It really shows…!” She let off of him soon enough with something of a giggle. Once the discomfort subsided, he took note of her small smile. It caused him to share his own with here. “Well now, I finally got a genuine smile out of you! I think you’re having more fun than you admit.” Applejack looked away now, his attentions doing nothing to quell this subtle joy partially induced by whiskey. “Heheh… Ah guess it’s not too bad.” Angel smiled warmly at that. “Would you… like to keep going?” Applejack felt largely unsure about the idea. At least until she began to feel a pressure against her flank. He was leaning into her a bit harder now, and she could immediately pick up on just where this was going. She looked over to Rainbow Dash, who at this point was ripped off her flanks. All the mare’s glasses were empty, and she probably wasn’t even paying much attention at this point. AJ would have no help or advice on this one. “Ah…. A-Ah, uhh… Ah-” “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Angel reassured her. Much as she wanted to refuse, the temptations were slowly rising within her. As she looked back into the stallion’s eyes, her brain pushed to kindly refuse. Her mouth opened again. Words tried to form, but nothing came out. Instead, for reasons she may never understand, the farmer moved in and lightly kissed him instead. Angel didn’t hesitate to return the small gesture. At this point, Rainbow Dash began catching onto what was unfolding right there in front of her, and some of the stallions blew out a few catcalls in encouragement and anticipation. The kiss lengthened and deepened as moments passed. What started as lips folded over lips was now a tongue-tangling experience. Applejack’s alcohol-soaked tongue explored the foreign orifice while his tongue snaked around for more of the same. Withdrawing from each other slightly, their lithe wet muscles shared their own dance in the open air for a brief time. Even as they finished pulling away from each other, a thick strand of saliva connected them before it drooped and then broke. “Ah… Ah don’t-” Applejack stuttered. “Shhhhhh-shh-sh,” Angel interrupted while gently placing a hoof over her lips. Carefully, he spun her around to have her back up against the pole. Staying close to her, he continued, “You guide me this time…” Applejack felt like her entire body flushed red as he initiated another deep and passionate kiss. Is this really happening right now? Did Ah pass out? Am Ah dreamin’? AJ’s lungs released a small, longing moan in reaction to him suddenly biting and sucking her lip. Confirmation that this was indeed no dream of hers. She also found that her body wasn’t resisting him at all. Quite the opposite, in fact, it was returning the affections in kind. She could feel her hoof tips explore the valleys of his skin and trace along the creases of his muscles. They raced around his withers and along his barrel. Their midsections pressed flush together, and his engorging girth pressing against more and more of the inside of her thigh. Can Ah do this here? I-In front of all those ponies? In front of RD? A heated sigh passed her lips when he finally pulled his tongue free of her own. A fleeting moment of reprieve, as he quickly set it to work trailing down the side of her neck with primal hunger. Applejack would quickly find that having her neck licked was a deeply pleasurable experience. A swift gasp and short moans reverberated from her throat as the event transpired, and she couldn’t help but hold his head against her with a hoof; the other wrapping around his body firmly. Heated bursts of breath washed over her moistened skin from his nostrils which served to further the experience. She was beginning to care less and less about everypony else in the room. As this carried on, Rainbow was left a little dumbstruck. After all the headbutting and fanfare she had to battle the entire night, Applejack ended up not only enjoying the event but was currently hooking herself quite the tight little stallion. In her near drunken stupor, she almost didn’t notice that this meager preshow already had her gently caressing her nethers, leaving a generous wet spot on the cushion of the booth. She looked down to pull her hoof off slightly and see the thick glistening juices stretch through the air. The flyer then looked back up to the other two, who were damn near ready to do the dirty deed. Eyes wandering further, Rainbow found the other group of stallions were in much the same spot as herself. Though, for them, it was almost a bit of a group experience. Some were stroking each other off, and one pair had even taken to their own instance of special attentions. That’s when Dash got herself an evil little smile. She wasn’t about to let Applejack have all the fun for herself, and she was just drunk enough to do something stupid. Maybe even something crazy right alongside that. It took a moment, but Dash managed to get onto the table semi-clumsily. Strutting on over to the free pole, Rainbow flicked her mane a bit. “Any of you guys interested? I have multiple positions open and available,” she mused. Two of them wasted little time joining the growing group up on the table; an angel and a demon. Without much grace, Dash pushed the unicorn back and down against the table to have his thick black rod standing erect and ready for her affections. As she hunkered down and got herself comfy, the other stallion circled around and began to knead her firm flanks while an eager tongue began to lap up the sweet honey spilling out of her slip. Gently moaning, RD started off her demon unicorn with a bit of cock worship. She took in the thickest part of his scent as she buried her nose in his dark velvety balls and inhaled deeply. Releasing a heady sigh of his excess musk, she proceeded to rub her cheeks against the base of his shaft while hooves held it firmly to her. A few stray licks escaped here and there to kiss his skin with thin coats of saliva, which allowed the mare to truly appreciate the amount of care this stallion put into himself. The texture of his flesh was very soft, smooth, and pliable, with only an undertone of dick flavor. Dash soon switched her focus to the root of his massive cock. Firmly, her lithe muscle slathered the base of his fuck stick, earning the mare tense and excited moans. His vocalized praise of her ministrations intensified when she decided to suck one of his balls straight into her mouth and caress it with the finesse of a professional. The little moans of delight she made as the pegasus serviced her rolled through her to the unicorn’s massive orbs, eliciting greater moans from his depths. Once one of the demon’s pair was thoroughly saturated in her spit, she released it in favor of the other yet-molested stallion pearl. The red unicorn released a low, earthy moan while a hoof glided through the flyer’s soft flowing mane. “Celestia damn it,” he muttered loosely. She rolled a guttural chuckle over the thin walls of his coin purse, pulling a slightly longer moan from his throat. His throbbing cock twitched all the while, protesting its lack of hot wet attention. The pegasus paid little attention to what went on at the other end of this toned, taut flank. His hooves spread her cheeks apart nice and wide, causing a mild stretch in her anus and the end of her swollen vulva. Meanwhile, his tongue set to work collecting the honey that trickled out of her pot, each stroke of the lithe muscle pushed her puffy lips apart to rake the silken pink treat hidden within; every pass leaving more of his saliva to mix with her juices. Lapping her pussy once more, the stallion pressed his tongue firmly against her entrance. Delving as deep as he could inside the mare, he flexed and wriggled his muscle against her slick walls, creating an all new symphony to play from her diaphragm. A jolt of electricity shot through the mare as she felt the foreign invader pierce through the barrier. She moaned louder and pressed harder against the unicorn’s thick shaft. As much fun as she was having now, she wasn’t quite ready to proceed just yet. She wanted this time to last, and bask in the glory of their sex for as long as possible. This in mind, Rainbow’s muzzle migrated south of its current location. The unicorn seemed to take notice of this fact as he visibly tensed the moment she moved in for the kill. The stallion jumped and gasped aloud at the sensation of something hot and wet rolling around his rosebud. His orbs rested loosely across the bridge of her muzzle, gently bouncing up and down with each passing lick. He felt his breath pick up and his face heat slightly. Before he had time to adjust, she’d already pressed firmly on his back door. Like a charged current washed over him, he groaned and swiftly arched his back when the slick muscle finally popped in. “Holy- buuuuuck…!” He had a feeling this mare has done this before. In no time, she found his sweet spot and ravaged it like a hungry wolf. His forelegs buckling under the intensity, he fell back on the table completely and struggled against himself to not completely lose it. By this time, Applejack was singing along to her own tune, pushing back against the pole while holding Angel’s head against her marehood. She sported wet tufts of fur trailing from her neck and down her barrel, circling an inner thigh before leading up to his current situation. His expert tongue made a delectable mess of things while the heated breath of his nostrils washed over her labia like a blast of steam. The occasionally debauched sounds of him sucking on her clit would accompany the farmer’s high notes. His hooves wrapped around her thighs to hold her down firmly, the only thing keeping her trembling form aloft as she writhed against him. A puddle of sweet sticky nectar was already forming on the table beneath her while viscous strands faintly glistened in the dim ambient lighting on their way down to the slowly growing pool of marejuice. Angel continued to play AJ like a harp when he finally pushed his heated tongue into the saturated depths of her inner labia. Every pleasure point rang a beautiful note, complimented by a sweet chorus with every movement. Her legs drew tighter, her back bowed a little farther, and her motions became less deliberate. Her body tremored with ecstasy with every passing moment, and she could hardly focus on anything beyond this moment and the blissful sensations that came with it. Gradually, a tightness made itself known to Applejack, and she could feel a certain powerful sensation climb its way through her spine. Her blush intensified when she fully comprehended what it meant. Somehow, Angel seemed to be aware of this as well. Her hooves gripped and tightened his mane in reaction to his ministrations picking up pace. She bit her lower lip now in a desperate attempt to hold back the high-pitched moans clamoring out of her lungs. Though her muzzle scrunched and her nose flared with each lust-filled breath, she couldn’t keep the muffled noises from escaping through her throat. Her needy whining built up tremendous pressure inside and her frame trembled to contain the pleasure amassing in her core, while Angel somehow managed to push harder and faster for her inevitable release. She couldn’t stand to take any more when he began to flick her G-spot with the edges of his tongue. A euphoric scream burst from her mouth as the apex of her gratification crashed her system. The pegasus continued to tie down her legs firmly while drinking in the torrent of marecum that flowed from her quivering mound. Applejack could feel the warmth of her climax slowly trickle between her thighs and around the end of his muzzle as this moment carried out for what she swore was the longest she’d ever orgasmed. A firm presence against her rapidly winking clit managed to sustain the euphoric high her being rode on. A sensation she soon enough recognized to be his tongue applying moderate pressure. Heavy panting replaced lustful moaning soon enough, granting Applejack a few minutes of reprieve in the absence of the stallion’s intense affection. Though she no longer contributed to the music, debauched groaning and wet squelching continued to flow through the air. Once she caught her breath and her body was allowed to relax, Applejack looked down when Angel nimbly removed his muzzle from her pelvis. She had to hold back an amused snort at the sight; he looked up to her with a cocky smirk, but his cum-stained muzzle with matted fur just make him look doofy. “Aren’t we an eager beaver?” he mused, referring to the relatively short time it took to bring her to the first of surely many climaxes. “You came onto me, partner,” she toyed back breathily. Angel chuckled slightly. It would seem that she was beginning to find some comfort. He had no problem with proceeding now as he began to climb up her form until they were face to face. “I don’t think I’ve done that yet, actually,” he teased. Her face turned completely red after a quick realization of his meaning, combined with their closeness. She nearly yelped with surprise when he pressed the crown of his shaft against her sopping cunt. “Slowly!” Applejack whimpered, pressing her forehooves into his chest to stop his progression. Heightened sensitivity still lingered from her fresh orgasm, and the pressure of his tip splitting her lips alone put a tweak in her mentality. Angel gave a warm giggle. It was plain to see that she wasn’t all too used to penetration. He wouldn’t be too surprised if this was her first real encounter. Without a word, Angel set to easing her mind and body. He’d caught her in another deep kiss while grabbing a firm hold of one orange flank and caressing the other. Applejack moaned into his mouth to the tempo of his hoof’s affections while their tongues made their hot sloppy exchange. It was in this instance that she discovered her own flavor. An acidic note dominated her palate with earthy undertones, moderately muted by the neutral taste of his saliva. AJ wasn’t initially partial to the new experience, but she quickly got used to it. Once again, their oral throws of passion didn’t last very long. His muzzle turned and let his tongue drag along her jawline, making its first stop on the side of her neck where bone ended into soft and delicate tissue. She gasped and signed to every breathy lick and nibble, throwing her head back to grant him full access to this wonderful pleasure center. She hardly noticed until it was too late that his hoof was hoisting one leg up to hook around his side. Timid moaning resumed when she felt his member gradually push harder against her tight hole. Gentle pulses and subtle gyration coaxed fresh juices to dribble from her labia to oil his shaft, softening the grinding of their sexes while he continues to work on easing her tension. Relaxation was a difficult task, however, when he insisted on relentlessly assaulting the most sensitive parts of her neck and ear, keeping her perpetually moaning and whimpering while fighting her body tooth and nail to both resist and embrace these intense sensations. Angel continued this routine until he had her wound up nice and tight. Once he could feel that her muscles were fit to burst, his ministrations stopped and left her panting for air. In this, he could feel her entire body go lame, momentarily exhausted from the overflow of attention. He made his move after she was good and settled into the position. A sudden thrust and a pop prompted her exaggerated gasp; the head of his shaft swiftly entered the folds of her love tunnel. The hard part over, Angel continued to ease his way deeper and deeper into her hot moist depths, bringing up her other hind leg to his side for optimum clearance and penetration. She hissed and seethed baited breath into his ear whilst trying to acclimate to the extreme invasion of her personal being. Through the whole process, Angel would grunt and bear his teeth a little. Applejack; how aptly named. This mare’s jacked muscles showcased their strength by squeezing her core tightly around his dick. Enough so that she easily placed first on his list for tightest pussies. His progress was halted at the medial ring for fear of splitting her like a log if he dared go further now. “Celestia damn, you’re tough,” he muttered to her ear absently. Applejack attempted to steady her shaky breath. “Y-yer not any ol’ stroll through the orchard, yerself…!” Angel offered a soft chuckle at the comment, which kind of put Applejack off. She wasn’t sure how to respond to that reaction while being held against a metal pole with half a hoof-sized dick stuffing her like an eclair. “Somethin’ funny to you…? Mister… flashy wings an’... an’ fancy moves?” she sputtered quietly. Angel couldn’t help a broad grin, narrowing a bedroom gaze with her deep green eyes. “You have the most pleasant choice in vernaculars and method of articulation I have ever heard… partner.” AJ spent a time just staring at him, caught somewhere between confusion and disbelief, ultimately leaving her feeling a bit embarrassed. “Ah don’t mean to come across a might unrefined, but how ‘bout you stop speakin’ tongues and start using your tongue b’fore Ah leave your balls bluer than cornflower?” Angel merely replied with a snarky smirk before getting back to work. Using what few inches were granted to him for the moment, he began a snail’s pace of thrusting and grinding, and Applejack was all too ready to resume her meager moans and sighs of pleasure. From this foundation, he would begin to wade the mare farther and farther into the deep end while their mouths shared in each other’s breath and flavor. Meanwhile, Dash was enjoying her own set of flavors and delights. The rainbow-colored mare had moved on from the red unicorn’s delectable plush plot and was currently bathing the thickest part of his girth in a glistening sheen of spit. His turgid member twitched and pulsed under every hot breath and needy moan, while her puffy marehood quivered with each passing flick of the white stallion’s experienced tongue as it danced across her vulva and around her inner thighs. Finally, it would seem that her new friend was done laying the groundwork as he finished eating her pussy. Rainbow stopped for a moment as well and watched as two white hooves fell by each side of her barrel. Her feathers ruffled to the familiar sensation of a rock hard cock tip rub against her nethers to gather the drippings for lube. Eager to finally begin, the mare gave little mewls and sighs to invigorate the stallion. Rainbow released a sudden and loud moan when he plunged half his meaty cock into the welcoming embrace of her hearty flower in a single thrust. Her wings loosely flared in approval of this rougher take on an age-old ritual, and she muttered encouraging words when he proceeded straight into moderate and deep thrusting. While this angel of Celestia shamelessly pounded away with his long and massive rod, Rainbow was swift to remember that her personal demon was desperate for more of her affection. Dash’s eyes opened again as she acclimated to the rolling pleasure, only to have a black fuck pole dominate her vision and pulse in mild frustration. It would get its own when she finally decided to press further. With a quick long lick up the bottom of his shaft, RD craned her head to accept his head and stuff her mouth full of the stallions bitter flavor. The red unicorn groaned and hissed as her head bobbed up and down on him and rolled her tongue around under the edges of his flare. Her every moan reverberated around between her cheeks and sent heated vibrations through his cock which would throb in appreciation. The winged stallion moaned as he picked up the pace, the sound of his flanks colliding against her plot became audible while his balls softly slapped her clit. This caused Rainbow’s body to tremble abruptly with excitement. Her every downstroke on the unicorn got deeper and farther as he got to watch her work her magic and make his dick disappear and reappear before his eyes. At this pace, it wasn’t long before Rainbow felt his cap press against the back of her throat, her lips kissing his medial ring which pleaded for more of her velvety mouth to cover and warm its flesh. A few more strokes across the better part of his shaft had him dripping with her hot mouth waterings and prepared for the final stretch. The next bob down had Rainbow slowly devouring the pulsating member of this stallion, and she was keen to having her tongue spilling out between his shaft and her lower lip. Again, the thick rod bottomed out against her throat, but still she steadily pressed on. Gobbing, almost gagging moans seeped through her throat until his dick was finally coerced into the greedy tunnel. “Oh, buck…” Internally, Rainbow smirked at the stallions passing words. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she impaled her throat on his massive rod. Her strengthened swallowing muscles worked a continuous deep tissue massage while simultaneously pulling the intrusion deeper still to blanket more of his cock with her burning affections. “Hooooly buck...” The frequency of pulses and throbs from his dick increased now, and she cold feel a pair of hooves take roost on the back of her head and hold her down. These scant few inches likely felt like the longest plunge this stallion had ever taken, given his panting and lust-filled moans while his hooves worked to press her as far as she could go. She could sense the quickening pace of his heartbeat through the veiny turgid muscle, as well as her throat stretching around the blossoming of his flare. Her eyes screwed tight as she resisted the feeling of suffocation, her neck giving off random spasms in a desperate attempt to solve the issue. Still, with his aid, she closed in on the last inch. A forehoof came to feel and press the massive bulge in her neck as he crawled down her throat. Her wingtips began to flutter and shake outside of her conscious control, and she could feel her lights growing dim. Her entire world was boiling down to the heady flavor and smell of his cock, while another one recklessly smashed in and out of her pussy unladen. Her body began to tingle and she could sense her brain fuzzing in the foreground. Suddenly, the stallion crammed in her mouth jolted. He groaned and yelled something she didn’t catch when the first hard throb stretched her esophagus even more and lanced a thick rope of searing hot seed down her gullet. The force of his climax stretching her jaw was enough to cause a back pressure, causing Rainbow to nearly choke while small spurts of semen leaped from the corners of her muzzle and nose. The base notes of musky cock were quickly washed away by the bitter flavor of his thick silken jizz. After he fired his first show directly into her belly, Dash was allowed to slide her head back off of his long fuck pole, which she did with a swift flick of her head. Rainbow coughed and panted from the experience, not even given a moment before the next string of his payload slapped her on the side of the face. He moaned as he pressed his flared head against her muzzle, and she quickly accepted it back into her mouth, sucking his dick dry for all his balls were worth. The mare wouldn’t revel in his flavor for too long, however. As reality refilled the gaps in her consciousness, Dash’s body tensed and she began to moan with a voracious hunger. The tingling sensation under her skin rapidly multiplied as her holy pegasus warrior pummeled her tight factory with his hardened flesh lance. This was the sensation she enjoyed so much; her personal reward for pushing the limits and coming out on top. “B-Buck… I’m gunna cum…!” The pegasus hunkered down and began to drive her into the ground, pumping her pussy as fast and hard as he could. Not even a few moments after this did she scream in orgasm, her whole body trembling while the inner walls of her vagina constricted around his cock and rippled in waves of ecstasy. He grunted and groaned as well; Dash was a pretty snug fit before, but now her slick velvety depths latched around his essence like her life depended on it. Meanwhile, he could feel gushes of marecum splash against his balls, spreading it into a bigger mess with each sloppy slap against her rapidly winking clit. Finally, his own wings flared and he craned his neck. All his weight went into the next thrust down. A loud, tense groan of pleasure shocked the chorus in the open air as the first thick rope of burning seed plastered her inner walls. Another full-force buck and groan gave way to yet another searing shot of semen. Again and again, this happened, until the fifth weighted thrust had him bury his bone for the last time. By now, mixed cum had completely filled her canal and began to spurt out with mild force from between the seams of their union. Dash’s voice cracked as she groaned, drinking in the invigorating feeling of fullness and completion brought on by this event, literally in a stupor. Yet, even as she sat there with a belly full of cum and a fresh coating on her face, she was prepared and ready for more. With a smirk existing between cocky and bliss, she leveled what Dash could only hope was an enticing bedroom gaze at the other four stallions rubbing themselves off. “C’mon! Round two! I can take you all!” Whether they believed her or not didn’t matter; they didn’t hesitate much to join the rest of the group. Angel had himself well worked into his personal farm mare at this point, fluidly plumbing Applejack’s sweet little pussy. Angel showcased his strength and endurance by holding her in the air and away from the pole now. Both hooves had a firm grasp around both sides of her luscious plot, using a combination of muscles to both raise and lower her body whilst thrusting his cock between her cherry-soft lips. His wings remained sprawled and ready, giving gentle flaps here and there to maintain balance through the intensity of the motions. Applejack’s mouth hung agape and moaned constantly while her eyes lost focus and dimmed, rolled back in their sockets from the constant stream of the pure pleasure and awe that embodied his divine shaft. Her whole weight combined with the sheer force of his pelvis rocking against hers with every audible collision, wet and fleshy slapping filling their ears in an attempt to drown out the debauched sounds of Rainbow greedily pleasuring a group of eager angels and demons. She could feel every vein embossed on Angel’s cock; how they pulsed with his heartbeat and struggled against the vice-like grip of her marehood. Applejack’s spine shuddered with every thrust in, juicing heated sexual fluids out of her inner walls and pouring them out to coat her ass and his balls. Droplets of the succulent nectar dribbled from the matted fur of her plot, flung off and spread over a small area by the motions of their nethers archaic dance. The sensations of his soft blackened leather grappling inside the plush slippery pillows of her canal were almost more than she could bear. An electrified wave of passion coursed through Applejack’s body, causing a loud and shuddering moan to leap from her throat. Yet another one surged forth from her core that crashed her mentality. She couldn’t stand herself anymore. Applejack instinctively latched firmly to her mate and screamed in agonizingly lust-filled orgasm more powerful than the last, leaving the mare senseless to everything around her while the sensations ran their course. Angel gave terse groans and grit his teeth in an attempt to trudge on. He’d managed mold the clay of her being into the rhythm all the way up until now. The already tight fit of their sexes was constricted further when her core clenched down around his cock like a vice, restricting the already limited distance of travel. With mere inches to work with, Angel doubled his pace to a furious tempo, hungry for the enriching experience of her muscular inner walls which rippled and convulsed around his hardened rod like none other. He could feel his own climax racing around the corner at top speed now, left with nothing but to brace for the impact that they both sought after. With a final hard thrust and loud groan of satisfaction, Angel’s cock flared to make way for his massive load which easily painted her insides with a thick white coat on the first earth-shaking throb alone. The two cried in bliss together in the shared moments of their release. Applejack could feel the end of his cock mashed against her cervix, casting searing hot stallion spunk to douse the burning flame of desire trapped in her uterus until there was no room left. Already, mixed cum extruded from their nethers as the two melted together. Amidst the mind-numbing euphoria, Applejack was somehow aware of just how large a load this pegasus was holding back. With zero effort, she could feel the clearly visible throbbing of his dick which dished serving after serving of his essence, and how his balls would clench and tighten with every draining pulse. Moreover, she could feel her greedy flower pine for more as the muscles milked him for every single drop and engorge themselves on the surplus of silken pearly jizz. This was certainly a surreal and life-enriching experience for the mare. Finally, their shared orgasm subsided, leaving Applejack in the afterglow as a sweaty wreck, moans and pants mixing together in an overwhelmed tone. Meanwhile, Angel seemed to be taking it all in stride, considering the intensity of the ride. For now, she just rested against him lazily with a chin on his shoulder. His breath steadying out now, Angel let loose a soft chuckle in the mare’s ear. “Enjoying your first time?” Applejack hummed at those words. “Might surprise ya to know this here ain’t mah first rodeo,” she admitted. “Unless you don’t count anal or oral.” Angel smirked knowingly. “I think I know a cherry when I’ve popped one.” “Touche.” “That sounded like a four letter word, Ms. Applejack,” Angel joked lightly. “Oohhh… please don’t,” she began shifting slightly in his grasp. She was instantly reminded of his still rock hard dong spearing her core. “Please don’t call me that. Ah sound like a single mom...” “Sugartits?” he giggled. “Now Ah sound like a whore,” she deadpanned. “Speakin’ of, you owe me a dinner. Ah like home-style comfort food. None of that fancy pants stuff…” “You’re going to make me work for this, aren’t you, partner?” he teased. “It’d sure be a cryin’ shame if you have a problem what that,” she smirked. “Well, you better prepare your mouth, because I know an ambrosia salad that’ll make you slap your grandma!” “Somethin’ tells me Ah ain’t the first cowpony you poked,” she remarked, noting his greater than average knowledge of southernisms. “I might have a thing for well-built earth mares.” With a smirk, Angel doubled-back the conversation. “Speaking of oral preparations, I hope you’re ready for a new position. A little birdy said you give the most delectable blowjob in Equestria, and I’m just itching for some good ol’ down-home hospitality~” “Yer lucky yer cute.” Finally, the two initiated their temporary separation, starting with him summoning the strength to lift her off his fuck pole. Applejack groaned as she felt his slick rod slide out of her pelvis. The buzzing roll of pleasure ended with a lewd pop! The moment his flare escaped from the firm grasp of her pussy, a torrent of mixed cum slicked out of her vagina, leaving Applejack in the odd state of sickening delight. She almost felt ashamed to admit that his cum dripping from her foal hole was something which served to greatly invigorate her libido for more of its intoxicating pleasure. “Your friend doesn’t hold back, does she?” “Hm?” Applejack ripped her mind from herself for a moment to look over to Angel after she was set to support her own weight again. Panning her sights over to Rainbow Dash, AJ’s face blanched to find her completely at the mercy of six stallions encircling her like wolves to a felled prey. Her throat, pussy, and plothole all got their own share of thorough stretching while the rest enthusiastically waited their turn. “Celestia’s beard…!” she muttered absently. “Yeah, the guys don’t normally do this… should we help her?” Applejack grimaced at the notion. “Eghhh… much as Ah really don’t want to, Ah can’t bear to let her destroy herself like that. She’s probably too drunk to even know what she signed up for right now…” The both of them moved in to be more part of the group that was currently fucking Rainbow senseless, who was all but helpless in her near-catatonic state. Applejack turned around and got herself comfy in a resting position while Angel sat before her to patiently await her affections. Looking back, she called attention to the stallions not currently preoccupied with a quick whistle. When the three spare looked over, she raised her tail to swish it to and fro enticingly. “Ah sure wish there were a few stallions free to go knockin’ on my back door.” They rolled their eyes with a smirk; how cheesy! Still, two pegasi and a unicorn moved on over to a new lineup of pleasure. One white pegasus stallion wasted no time in claiming first dibs as he hovered over Applejack’s body with his shaft perfectly lined up to her pre-oiled anus. “Y’all don’t worry ‘bout me none, Ah’m sure to have plenty of fun between the four of ya. Just try not to make a mess, y’hear?” “You got it,” the pegasus replied, taking it as permission to bury his bone in her backyard. Without further fanfare, he started the motions to coax her tight rosebud around the head of his cock. Applejack grunted and sighed while relaxing her facilities. Without much effort, his shaft popped right on into her juicy anus. The stallion murred as he inched deeper into her frame, while AJ’s attention was refocused to Angel’s twitching cum-soaked cock. She began the tedious task of lapping at the gargantuan phallus, disbelief settling in the back of her mind that this thing managed to fit in her babymaker. Yet it did, and she couldn’t deny that it was a primally delicious fit. Applejack moaned softly as her new playmate was already pumping her toned flanks with a moderate pace while she sampled the flavor of angel’s seed. It was hot, sticky, and thick, rife with notes of her flower’s nectar. The heady scent of his musk encouraged her to drink in the smell of freshly fucked cock to accent the plush texture of stallion cum. All the while, Angel praised her ministrations with pleasure-filled sighs of excitement and gently combed a hoof through the silky strands of her full mane. Nimbly, her tongue lapped up every drop of semen from his long thick shaft, leaving only a thin and glistening coat of saliva on his cock and balls. She spent a few fleeting moments nuzzling and bathing the great full orbs with her mouth before setting to work. A long firm lick up the main vein of his shaft pressed out the remaining traces of cum hold up in his urethra before her lithe muscle swirled around his cap to sweep the last of his flavor. Angel moaned with lustful greed, and she could feel his hoof pressing down on the back of her head. AJ complied with his plea and silently accepted the first few inches into her mouth. His needy sighs and groans filled her ears as she worked, bobbing, licking, sucking and twisting around the end of his shaft. Her tongue would flick and tease the edges of his flare as well as thoroughly glide across the bead of his frenulum. Hungry moans reverberated through the core of his thick cock with intensity, brought on by the stallion behind AJ who pounded away into her stretched anus. His dick wasn’t quite as big as Angels, but she was okay with this fact. No time was wasted on break-in, and the both of them were already lubed up and raring to go. His marvelous cock still reached deep within her forbidden tunnel and pressed firmly against all the right places, allowing a blissful experience for the farmer. Already, her clit would wink to spikes of pleasure in her nethers while his balls slapped her labia gently, which leaked fresh hot mare juices that carried strands of raw spunk from the entrance of her vulva. With stealth, an orange hoof slipped under AJ’s belly to gently rub her puffy sensitive flesh, coaxing more cum to dribble out onto the table. By now, Rainbow worked down to one red unicorn that simply wouldn’t give up the good fight. The other two had already filled her throat and pussy to the brim with a fresh batch of baby batter, and she was allowed the capacity to regain herself while they sat to her side for a short break. Meanwhile, Rainbow rediscovered her ravenous hunger for thick velvety cum, and a passing glance revealed to her an overstuffed reserve just begging to be eaten alive; Applejack. She knew that above all, AJ wasn’t particular for the succulent pleasures of another mare, but Dash could see that she was currently face first in Angel’s crotch, taking a rather large and thick cock like the champ she was. All while another pegasus ravaged her plothole at a feverish pace. More cum just itching to be devoured! Deciding that Applejack couldn’t possibly differentiate tongues, she got her trooper of a demon to give momentary pause while she settled into the position of her master plans. Literally dragging herself the short few inches, RD came to rest again face-up below the two ponies. Plump orbs hung in the air in close proximity to her muzzle, while AJ’s spilled pot of honey was a short stretch away from the flyer’s gluttonous tongue. Before the active red unicorn could proceed to remount her raw and quivering pussy, Rainbow was all too eager to pillage the plush and sensitive fields of Applejack’s exposed flower. Dash held fast to the hind legs of her best friend’s cave diver while her trained and experienced pink muscle set to work gathering every last drop of bittersweet cum doled out in spades for her accepting maw, making sure to give plenty of love to the mare’s button every time it popped out to greet her. Applejack gave a sudden and hard moan into Angel’s unsuspecting flesh, which throbbed in kind to the deepening pleasures of this surprise event. AJ could feel a hot wet tongue relentlessly cleaning out the stores of her freshest gathering, assaulting her reddened sensitive flesh and sucking on her throbbing clit. Her anal walls tightened around the intruding stallion behind her while the onslaught of euphoric sensations emboldened her efforts over Angel’s veiny girth, throwing random flicks and twists into her head motion to stack onto the performer’s building passion. Subconsciously, Applejack reached back to cup the muzzle bridge of the stallion who simply couldn’t resist his oral fixations. That’s when Applejack abruptly stopped her ministrations as a dark shadow cast over her face. The nose that she was softly caressing was much too narrow to belong to any of these large and lean stallions. Yet, Applejack couldn’t afford more than a second’s pause as the pleasures quickly overpowered her mind’s meager misgivings. Though a guilty shade of darkness and heavy blush obscured every feature of her visage, she continued to suck and gobble down Angel’s hearty fuck pole, existing somewhere between the self-outlawed affections of another mare, and the sinful pleasures she had no idea she’d been missing out on. The farmer could only resolve to continue enjoying the amassing sexual tensions that continued to build inside. The second demon unicorn picked up a wild and feral rhythm now as he continued to plow Rainbows wonderful pussy. Finally, he began to give in to the over-tightened tension aching to be freed from his balls. This prompted him to fuck Dash with all of his strength and stamina now, giving chase to his personal high. “Shit! I’m coming! ….AAAGHH!” In sheer ecstasy, the stallion rammed his cock to the root and sank his searing load into Rainbow Dash, her already overflowing nethers spewing more fresh silky spunk with every moan-filed powerful pump. Anxious to leave his mark, the stallion pulled out after a couple more throbs of cock juice and proceeded to spray the rest of his load out in random patterns all over Dash’s matted belly. The strongest of his euphoric releases managed to smack flat against her throat. Panting in bliss, the demon moved aside for another who was ready for another round and didn’t hesitate to lift Dash’s rear into the air by her flanks and thrust his cum-soaked cock balls-deep back into the flyer’s asshole, resuming the assault. Just the mere act of this next stallion roughly pile-driving her worn and gaping sex with such tenacious enthusiasm was plenty enough to push Rainbow over the edge once more. Loud, greedy moans leap out of her throat to collide and vibrate against Applejack’s quivering clit while more marecum squirted from her own pulsating pussy, which desperately clenched and rippled over a non-existent horse cock. This caused her to squeeze out liberal portions of her freshly topped off pool of hot stallion seed as it boiled up and bubbled out across her crotch to greet the open air. The current white pegasus plowing the orange mare was starting to meet resistance now as he began to proceed at a feverish pace. “Oh man, I think she’s getting ready to cum,” he commented aloud subconsciously before he grit his teeth and pushed harder and faster. “Yeah,” Angel agreed, his face painted with its own terse expression. “I noticed…” Her burning velvety mouth spared no expense in keeping Angel informed of every change in Applejack’s state of euphoria. He could feel his own tightness arising rapidly within his depths. Carefully but quickly, Angel got up from his sitting position and began to pump his cock into her muzzle as gently as his gluttonous passions would allow. A hoof stayed glued to the back of her head while the cream-colored pegasus met his moaning white stallion in the middle for a deep and debauched kiss. Tongues and leftover marecum oils desperately folded over each other in a desperate pursuit of the highs which would be produced from their encroaching climaxes. Applejack was the next one in line to buckle under the pressure. The combined overstimulation of her raw pussy by Rainbow’s forbidden tongue along with the animalistic intensity of the rock hard and throbbing stallionhood coursing through the form-fit of her anal canal finally cast the farm mare into a downward spiral. Her eyes rolled back as her vocal chords moaned hard against the cock her muzzle engorged itself on. Her sphincter clenched and pulsated around the thick base of the backdoor intruder while her vulva tremored under Rainbow’s tongue. All at once, every nerve in her body exploded with pleasurable stimulation that flung Applejack’s mentality out into the chaotic limbo of the exultation dimension forcefully created within her mind as a means of escape into the purist of elation. Angel and his heavenly pegasus both moaned deeply into each other’s mouths, their lips sealing tight in a final thrust of liberation. Angel’s stallionhood flared as it plunged deeper than ever before into Applejack’s throat, instantly drowning out the intense vibrations it sent reverberating through his bare flesh. His great full balls heaved as he came hard to the euphoric sensation of her nose scrunched hard into his pelvis, and his body trembled in the bliss of the experience. Every hard, visible throb of his pulsing cock could be seen even through the thick barrier of her throat as more and more cum was pumped into her stomach. The white stallion pumped hard into Applejack’s delicious and succulent flanks while her anal walls hungrily milked his cock for everything it could offer. Without warning, the stallion jumped slightly to the feeling of a velvety wet muscle caressing his heavy balls; the tongue belonging to Rainbow who desperately craned her neck to coax as much cum as possible from his sperm banks. No sooner after the pure angel jumped did he jolt once more - harder this time - causing him to break the passionate kiss with his coworker and whine aloud helplessly. The cyan pegasus below saw fit to nip an empty fold of his sack, a painful pleasure that gave him a thick and heavy blush. More sinister affections would be had, however. He whined and moaned louder when Angel stretched the distance to latch his teeth around the softest and most sensitive part of his neck in an aggressive nibble. Every part did its job, as he continued to stuff Applejack’s ass with more stallion spunk than he could ever remember giving, his whole body trembling and jerking with each thick shot of ropey seed. Finally reaching the drop-off of their shared orgasm, Angel let go of his sinful seraphim’s neck and backed out of Applejack’s throat to finally give her air. A fine trooper she was, too, for she resisted the desperate urge to let her head fall lame on the table the moment her muzzle jerked off of his long thick shaft and remembered how to breathe. She gasped and coughed while her swallowing muscles rapidly normalized in the absence of her hearty meal, and the light of consciousness slowly faded back into her dim emerald-green eyes. When Rainbow could sense that the pegasus’ balls were thoroughly emptied of its valuable and coveted contents, she finally released his sensitive flesh from her teeth and let him tug his cock from Applejack’s carnal depths. A milky pop sang the flyer’s tune before the stallion stepped aside, leaving the orange mare’s gaping hole to twitch softly while the overflow of cum oozed out of her tunnel in a viscous stream of bitter-sweet velvety delight. Rainbow had no issues with using her tongue to scrape at every single drop within her reach, causing her friend to relinquish low and intoxicated groans of sickening delight. The last two stallions could see spent ponies when they laid eyes on them. Much as they wished for the sweet delights they were promised, the two had already resolved to greedily thrust into each other’s muzzles long ago. They weren’t about to stop anytime soon, either. A couple weeks later “Hey, Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow was strewn lazily across a lone cloud in the middle of the sky in another one of her afternoon power naps. She wouldn’t admit it, but the toned flyer was still normalizing after the beating her body took from that night. She wasn’t sure what was worse over that next morning, the skull-splitting headache of her draining hangover or the knowledge of just how many rounds she’d taken to home base the night before. Nine times in total did she get stuffed beyond stuffed in her fucked raw pussy alone, not including the five she had buried in the backyard and countless ounces of cum consumed. Rainbow returned home that night in a technical and literal wreck. Apparently, she even had to pay the taxi a good chunk of money for all the work he’d have to put in cleaning out all the cum she was dripping, and sanitize the entire thing. Honestly, it sounded like it would’ve been more cost-efficient to just burn the damn thing in a bonfire and buy a new sky cab. At least, that’s what she would’ve done. “Rainbow? Wake up!” This, of course, was all without mentioning the extreme hours she put into her own deep cleaning. It took Dash seven hours in a steaming bubble bath to get all the sweat, alcohol, and cum stains out of her coat alone. Nevermind the fact that she was still getting scant traces of semen out of her anus. Seriously, just how much of this junk was still in her? Worst of it all, though, was that she could hardly remember any of it. She lost track of all space and time somewhere in the middle of AJ struggling to do a flip on the pole. Small two-second fragments of choking, moaning, and screaming orgasms floated in and out. Some of the night before that moment was still fuzzy as well. Applejack refused to elaborate just how far she’d gone that night. Though, it was the consensus of Rainbow’s that the farmer didn’t go nearly as long as herself. “Girl, don’t make me find a rock to throw at you!” “Huh?...” Slowly, Rainbow’s eyes fluttered open to the stinging light of day. How long had she been out? Not long enough if her eyes stung like this. With the little strength she was willing to muster at the moment, Rainbow rolled over to the side of her cloud and looked down over the edge to find Applejack staring back. “Oh. Hey, AJ,” she acknowledged her lamely. “What’s up? Something wrong?” she asked as she rubbed the soreness and sleep from her eyes. Applejack giggled a little bit. “What’s wrong?” she echoed. “Suddenly Ah need a reason to have fun with mah best friend?” “Fun?” Rainbow asked. “‘Course! Big Mac took over chores today so Ah could have some free time. Hurry up and get down her, RD, you’re burnin’ daylight!” “Oh! Sweet…” Dash wanted to sound more enthusiastic, but she needed to finish waking up first. Pushing up onto all four hooves, the pegasus doled out a long yawn paired with a hearty stretch. Once everything in her being was woken and righted, Dash kicked off of her makeshift bed and took to wing. A quick buck dissipated the misplaced tuft of the sky before she flew down to join Applejack on the ground. “Alright, what’s on the agenda first? Hoof wrestle? Push-ups? Fifty-meter dash?” Rainbow smiled brightly while holding up a foreleg to receive a hoof bump from her friend. “Oh, Ah’ve got somethin’ even better in mind than all that, just you wait!” It almost killed Applejack to see how much excitement was suddenly pumped into her rainbow-maned friend at those words. Almost. “C’mon, Ah’ll race you to it!” Suddenly and without warning or direction, AJ sprinted off towards town. It would be a bit hard for Rainbow to take the lead if she didn’t know where they were racing to, but she just took the challenge at face value and ran with it. It would just make victory that much sweeter in the victory circle! In the winner’s circle, Rainbow Dash did sit. However, she was not smiling and she didn’t look very happy. In fact, from the moment she stepped in, she could feel the fun and youthful life drain from her existence slowly, agonizingly with each passing minute. Boredom dominated her mind, but if there was one word she could use, to sum up her feelings, it would be remorse. A stallion and his daughter passed by, all smiles and staring as they passed. The little filly even giggled at the current state of Rainbow and her nearly depleted masculinity. This was embarrassing! “Ain’t this just the most fun and challenging contest we ever did face off in, RD!?” Applejack rubbed in with an evil and maniacal grin, obviously over-exaggerating the glee in her tone. Rainbow couldn’t stop a small blush on her face as she groaned aloud in response, currently up on a small outdoor stage dressed in the most ridiculous half-formed outfit she’d ever seen! It looked like it was straight from the dreams and drawings of a five-year-old filly who knew zero taste in even the most girly and frou-frou of fashion. “I knew I should’ve taken Pinkie to Las Pegasus,” she grumbled with extreme indignation. “Oh, hush, Darling, you look fabulous! You know, you really should dress up more often!” Rarity chimed, who was in with Applejack on this evil and overcomplicated plan. It took a lot of work and preparation (mostly lounging and directing on Rarity’s part) to get this outside dressing studio just perfect for Rainbow to stand upon like a statue all day long, but it was worth it. “I really must thank you girls again for helping me design my next line of ensembles. After that misfortunate event with Opal and my poniquins, I’ve been in such a creative rut waiting for the repairs and replacements!” Applejack giggled when Rainbow only responded with yet another heavy groan. “Oh, we’re just so glad to help, Rarity! What are friends for if you can’t rely on them in a pinch?” AJ then offered a knowing wink to Rarity. “Exactly, Darling!” Rarity agreed before continuing to work needlessly on some hot pink pleating loosely attached to Rainbow’s dress. “You two are the biggest, worst fakers I have ever seen,” Dash deadpanned, holding back a venom-filled bite and the overpowering urge to fly off into the great blue unknown. “Honestly, Rainbow, I simply don’t know what you’re going on about,” Rarity passively comment before turning her attention back to Applejack. “So tell me, Darling, how are you and that wonderful stallion doing? Angel, was it?” “Oh, we’re doin’ alright,” Applejack remarked casually. That was one of a few things that Neither iron mare competitor dared elaborate much on. The rest of their friends were still very much in the dark about what happened that night, and Applejack most of all planned to keep it like that. Rarity lost a bit of her smile when she detected something. “I feel like a ‘but’ is coming along…” “Buuut…” Applejack pushed out, having been caught in her thoughts. “Ah think we’re just meant to be friends. He’s a great guy and fun to be around, but neither of us thinks he’s ready to move from Las Pegasus anytime soon. He’s still got a lot he wants to do there.” “Oh, Applejack, I'm so sorry! I could tell you were just smitten with him on his first visit, and he is such a sweet and adorable stallion…”Rarity lamented in her casually dramatic fashion, still needlessly fussing over frivolous details in the dress. “It is what it is, Ah suppose. Ah got a great friend out of it, so it’s not all bad Ah reckon.” “Well, I know it isn’t my place to say, but I do hope you two hold out for each other a while longer. Such a charming and well-mannered gentlecolt isn’t easy to come by anymore these days.” Rarity then gasped at a thought which momentarily ripped her from her work, her eyes glinting as she looked over to Applejack. “Ooo! Or perhaps you could arrange a more personal meeting with Fluttershy! He does seem to appreciate the groundscape scenery very much, and rare is the occasion that you find a pegasus with an earthbound spirit such as theirs. They’re both so gentle and kind; surely you can agree they’d make a very cute couple!” “Ah’ll see what Ah can do, Rarity,” Applejack smirked as she rolled her eyes. She highly doubted either of them were each other’s type, but the farmer found it was more often than not harmless to let the fashionista have her passing thoughts of entertainment. “Can we hurry up and finish the dress, here!? I can feel my legs dying from all this standing still!” Rainbow whined indignantly. “You sit tight, missy! Otherwise, this dress will take all afternoon to finish.” Rarity calmly scolded as she got back to work. She couldn’t help a small giggle, though, when Rainbow let off yet another exasperated groan. However, Rarity gave off a slight gasp when she reached down and realized that she was out of pins. “Oh my, I seem to have underestimated the amount of pins this design would require. Sit tight, girls, I’ll be back from the boutique promptly!” “Oh, don’t fret, Rarity! You just take your time, ya hear?” Applejack called after her. With Rarity gone and the street pretty empty now, Rainbow didn’t have to worry about holding back. “I know you didn’t want to go to Wood Oak, AJ, but this is overkill! I thought you had fun?” Applejack shood her head in mild disbelief. “You still forgot the reason why you’re here, haven’t you?” “Because you want me to be uncomfortable,” Rainbow replied indignantly. Applejack released a forced laugh. “Hah! That’s funny! If’n Ah wanted you to be uncomfortable, Dash, Ah’d have sat your tail through one of Twi’s lesson plans like Ah initially was going to.” “So why this!?” Rainbow Dash cried curiously. “I’d actually enjoy one of Egghead’s history lessons compared to this!” “Because now Ah want you to feel embarrassed and ashamed of yourself!” Applejack scolded, words which very much caught Rainbow off guard. “An’ sense it don’t do no good to punish you without you knowin’ why, Ah’ll tell you why. You remember the line, right? The point Ah made very clear that day?” Rainbow dedicated legitimate effort to recalling that night now, seeing that Applejack was very upset over something. Though, she was drawing a blank about the line. “Uhh… let the mare behind us go ahead?” she asked with shaken confidence. Applejack slapped a hoof to her forehead. “Not that line! Ah’m talkin’ ‘bout the line you crossed! The one rule Ah set down before we even left.” Rainbow was still drawing a blank, prompting AJ to finally fill in the gap. “Ah don’t do mares.” In that moment, one of those memory shards came back to her, revealing to Dash the moment she snuck in behind AJ and ravaged her marehood without a second thought. “Oh… buck…” “Mmhm, ‘oh buck’ is a good choice of words, partner.” Applejack commented. “I’m sorry, AJ!” Rainbow said with remorse as she got down on her knees. “I was drunk! I wasn’t thinking straight!” “Ah’ll bet you weren’t thinkin’ straight,” AJ further dogged her friend. “C’mon, AJ, you know I wouldn’t do that kind of thing to you consciously! Besides, you could’ve stopped me at any point and I wouldn’t have complained.” “Oh yeah; stuffed an’ mounted at both ends, an’ Ah’m gunna be able to stop you in any manner that doesn’t kill the mood?” Applejack watched her friend blush and look away some. Good answer. “Ah ain’t dumb, Rainbow, much as you were probably hopin’ Ah’d be right then. An’ those kind of stunts ain’t cute. That’s why you’re here right now in that ridiculously pink dress. Maybe next time, even if you’re plum drunk down to the last feather in your wings, you’ll remember my ground rules and what’ll happen if you break ‘em.” Dash relented a heavy sigh of acceptance now. “I’m sorry, AJ. Really sorry. I shouldn’t have done that to you, and I accept your punishment…” Finally looking back to her friend, Rainbow held out a hoof with weakened confidence. “Friends?” Applejack rolled her eyes slightly. A first offense, and one that wasn’t horribly received, wasn’t going to end their friendship. The earth mare could see why she needed the reassurance, though. She did kind of lay it into her pretty heavy. Without hesitation, AJ met Dash with a hoof bump. “Friends.” Rainbow shared a warming smile with her friend. At least, until AJ deemed it necessary to shoulder her roughly. “Hey! C’mon!” “That’s for crossin’ my line, partner,” Applejack added. There was an uneasy pause now before she was sure that nopony else was around. Without warning, AJ pulled Rainbow into a bit of an awkward kiss for only a brief moment. A brief moment that pepped both their cheeks with a modest blush and left Dash speechless. “That’s for… well, everything else…” Applejack remained lightly flustered while RD mulled over the all implications of that small kiss on the lips. She then grew a dumb smile. “I could probably get used to this…” she commented absently. Some more time in silence passed before Pinkie could be seen merrily trotting into view. Before a thought could be adequately formed, the party pony gasped and was immediately on top of them. “Wow, Dashie, you look good in that shade of pink! Gasp! Is that going to be your dress for the next Grand Galoping Gala! Oh! I could wear my pink dress, and we’ll look like sisters or something! Would that be fun!?” Just like that, Rainbow Dash’s mood was torn asunder yet again. She groaned in embarassment as she looked away. “AJ, can I please get out of this thing, now? Lesson learned, okay?” Applejack giggled, shaking off the blush on her face. “Oooh no you don’t! Why, Twi and Fluttershy still need to see this. And Ah still have to get a picture when it’s all done up! Promised Big Mac one for doin’ all the work today.” “What!? No, AJ, not Big Mac! Anypony but Big Mac, please! I-I, I, I-” “-Wet his whistle ‘bout twice a month?” Applejack interrupted with a knowing smirk. Dash went completely slack-jawed now. “Told you Ah ain’t dumb, partner.” Pinkie gasped aloud. “What? No! Way! I didn’t know Big Mac has a whistle!? I also didn’t know whistles need to be wetted to use,” she mused thoughtfully. “Oh my gosh! I’ve been blowing whistles wrong my whole life! Dashie! Can you show me how? I have to know now! My entire collection of whistles is at stake, here!” she implored insistently. By now, Applejack was rolled out on the stage busting a gut, and Rainbow was left in utter shock.