> Wildfire 3: The Flame Renewed > by Dusk Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - The Morning After > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday morning and the bright sunlight crept up the side of Canterlot Mountain, illuminating the capital city in its warming glow. Ponies all over the land got up and went about their daily business. However, a certain group of ten was longer to wake than most. It was pushing ten a.m. by the time they rose in Prince Dusk’s suite in the Royal Palace. With a slightly thick head from the party the night before at the three hoof restaurant and the after party at Dusk’s suite, Airmail made her way to the Prince’s fridge on the hunt for food. The azure blue pegasus opened it and shut it immediately with a look of frustration on her muzzle. Brushing her summer green mane from her eyes she instead began a fruitless search of the cupboards in the kitchen area. “The only food in Dusky's fridge is liquid bread!” She exclaimed with a grump after a few more moments. “Yeeeah…” Dusk tried desperately to smooth down his charcoal grey mane – he hated bed hair so much – and chuckled as he trotted from the bedroom of his suite. “I haven't been here in a week, the staff haven't, they wouldn’t, have kept it stocked. We can always eat in the dining hall?” “Waffles!” Mapper declared imperiously, emerging from the spacious bathroom with Serenity and Wildfire in tow. All three mares looked utterly perfect, a fact that rankled with Dusk as again he tried and failed to control his mane. “Anything you like, Mapper.” Dusk replied as he gave up and settled for tying it back in a tight but messy pony tail. “Wily, you'll want celery right?” “Horseapples D!” Wildfire turned her head to the sound of Dusk’s voice. When she addressed Mapper however, her voice was much more submissive. “May I have oatmeal, please, Mistress?” Mapper smiled at the very tone of her Pet’s voice. “You may as long as you have some mixed fruit with it.” For a moment she pretended to give the matter some thought. “Peaches in the mixed fruit, of course.” Wildfire was about to answer her Mistress when there came a knock on the suite’s ornate door. A second later an ancient looking pale blue earth pony mare with a mane of wispy white hair let herself in, presenting all the expertly laundered and pressed outfits on her back with a bow as low as her old joints would allow. “Your laundry, your Highness.” Dusk of course didn’t mind in the slightest that his maid had let herself in. At her age she was a law unto herself. “Thank you Miss Ocean.” Dusk took the cleaned clothes in his hooves and presented a suit and a dress to Sonic and Trails. “Thank you very much, Miss Ocean, wonderful work.” Trails smiled as he accepted his dress back and moved to pack it away along with Sonic’s suit in his case. Miss Ocean, who claimed to have been Celestia’s maid when the Princess herself was young, bowed to the pink earth pony stallion. “You're welcome, Sir.” To Dusk she bowed again. “Highness.” “Of course Mistress.” Wildfire bowed her head to her Mistress as Miss Ocean took her leave. When Miss Ocean had left, Dusk hoofed Mapper the three outfits, hers, Serenity’s and Wildfire's laundered clothes. “Mistress Mapper, your dresses and suit.” At Mapper’s nod, Serenity stepped forward and accepted the outfits in her glowing hazel aura and packed them away. Smiling at Brush Stroke as the mid blue earth pony stallion emerged from the bedroom, Dusk put his dress and his lover's suit away in his closet. “I take it you aren't in a rush for yours sweetie?” “Not at all,” Brush Stroke replied to his effeminate stallion with an affectionate nibble of his neck that made Dusk’s legs weak. “I may hang around here a while, after all I've seen worse digs.” Dusk stuck his tongue out at his dominant partner. “I’m sorry to make you 'slum it', Sir.” He said with a giggle in his voice. “I'm sure you can find some charm somewhere in this provincial backwater village.” Mapper commented, earning herself a snort of laughter from Tempest. “I've heard that Ponyville is the place to go for charming,” Brush Stroke said, nodding his approval as his Dusky donned a plain yellow dress. “At least based on last night's escapades.” “It is indeed, Master Oils.” Serenity’s soft melodic voice drew the Dom’s attention. “The second best DJ in all of Equestria lives there.” “Really?” Brush Stroke asked the teal coloured unicorn, “Dusky, could we go later?” Dusk smirked as he smoothed out his dress. “Let me check my busy schedule...yep we can go!” Mapper briefly imagined spanking the submissive ‘Princess’ for her insolent tone and bit her lip. Serenity heard her thoughts and blushed with her Mistress. “I'm sure the Princess may have contacts to get you in to one of those events.” Mapper said with a smile, pushing her thought out of her mind. She wasn’t hers to spank. “Dusky, does your schedule show any monster attacks on Ponyville this day?” Dusk laughed, “No Mistress Mapper, the random Everfree monster attacks seems to have dwindled in the past few years.” He blushed a little when Brush Stroke took out his collar. “Do you want to fly or take the train?” “Hmm…that depends,” Brush Stroke smiled and in front of the whole group as casually as if it were breathing, the mid blue earth pony buckled the collar snugly around his lover’s neck. “Are you going to fly sensibly?” Everypony there understood that Brush Stroke wasn’t asking if his coltfriend was going to fly sensibly, rather he was telling him he was going to fly sensibly. Sonic barked out a laugh. “To a stallion, a mare is never sensible.” “This one certainly isn't.” Brush Stroke nibbled his mare’s ear as Trails giggled in a very un-stallion like manner. “Whaaat?” Dusky let out a very feminine like whimper. “We got back to the castle first, didn't we?” “I don’t remember it being a race sweetie,” Brush Stroke admonished his mare with a firm but gentle bite of her ear, “and I do not want to go that fast again.” He added a definite emphasis on the ‘do not’ part of his last sentence. “Poor Dusky is just tooooo slow,” Tempest teased the submissive royal pegasus, the violet mare having a distinct mischievous glint to her blue eyes. “Maybe your friend Rainbow Dash will convey Oils to Ponyville. That will give Oils plenty of time to sight see while he waits for your arrival.” “Oh yes,” Dusk laughed in spite of his position. “I can just see Oils going for a ride with Rainbow.” “And why is that?” The artistic earth pony asked, shooting his mare a look that said he was earning himself a punishment later. Dusky caught the look and smiled a satisfied smile. “Ah…let’s just say she's faster than me.” “How much faster?” “Oh…” Dusky said casually, if he was going to be punished, he wanted to have properly earned it. “Up to Mach three.” “That’s about two thousand, two hundred miles per hour,” Tempest supplied helpfully, just in case Brush Stroke – or anypony else, for that matter – didn’t fully comprehend how fast that was. “She can have you back to Manehatten in oh…a half hour or so.” He couldn’t help it. Brush Stroke’s jaw almost hit the floor. “I ah…I think I'll take the train…” Sonic nodded approvingly. “Good ol' earth pony wisdom that.” Trails was quick to speak up, the taunt ready on his lips. “Did you enjoy your flight last night?” Sonic merely smiled. “I never said I was wise.” “I believe we are losing sight of our priorities.” Mapper impatiently stomped her hoof into the thickly carpeted floor of Dusky’s suite and looked from stallion to stallion and back again. As fun as this exchange was, and as pretty as Dusky arguably now was, her rumbling belly reminded her of its empty state. A frankly intolerable state that had to be remedied now if not sooner. “Waffles!” “Quite right Mistress Mapper, breakfast calls.” Dusky inclined her head politely to the pink unicorn. “If you'd allow me to show you to the dining hall?” ~ ~ ~ Moments later, having led the small herd of ponies through a couple of corridors and down two rather grand ornate flights of stairs, Dusky arrived at the private dining hall. The one that was not open to the general public. Nodding at the two unicorn guards – who both returned the gesture with polite nods of their own – the two distinctly tired looking stallions removed their spears from the gold edged white doors. Opening the large double doors to reveal the expansive dining room, the herd, carrying their saddlebags with them, walked in on Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Lady Octavia already inside eating their respective breakfasts. “Good morning Mom, Mum and Auntie Celestia.” Dusky greeted the three royals more formally than he usually would have. Princess Celestia caught the tone of her nephew and glanced up from her plate of chocolate and cream covered pancakes and, seeing the collar he wore along with the dress, smiled. It really did suit him. “A good morning to you all!” The solar alicorn smiled breezily while beside her to her left her sister grumbled out an indistinct greeting around her steaming coffee mug. Like she owned the place, Mapper moves in and seated herself at the long dining table, making sure Octavia was between herself and Luna. Serenity quietly followed her Mistress and sat at Luna’s unoccupied right side. “So Mapper,” Celestia sounded positively amused from her position at the head of the table as the others all sat down. “I trust we have you to thank for testing the castle security last night?” Mapper nodded solemnly. “As battle mages we felt it our duty to test your security.” She replied with a tiny trace of a smirk as she recalled the tired looks on the guards’ faces. “Drills do keep one on their hoof-tips.” Lighting her horn, Mapper levitated out the used cracked level ten inhibitor out of her saddle bag. “Seems our enchanters are losing their touch though.” She said as she rolled it across the table to rest within easy reach of the Princess. “Yes…Major General Bastion was very ah…'grateful' for the impromptu drills last night.” Celestia giggled, “I don’t think the same can be said for the rank and file.” Concentrating, she levitated the pieces of the cracked inhibitor together and, using her immeasurable power, fused them before floating the now mended ring back to Mapper. “It is nice to see you haven’t lost your touch.” She said with a sly wink to her most infamous student. “Thank you Princess, but it was Senior Pet that broke that toy.” She returned the knowing wink while Serenity blushed a deep red. Then, to the waiting staff who had materialised as if summoned from the ether around the table, she gave her orders. “From myself, Senior Pet and Middle Pet,” she indicated the teal unicorn next to Luna and the blind pegasus where Wildfire was currently sitting over the other side of the table next to Airmail, “Waffles with Everfree Honey if you have it, Tree Sap if not, mixed fruit, with plenty of peaches included please, mocha for me and coffee with sugar for the other two.” “Just so you all know,” Luna, looking as dishevelled as Dusky had when she had woken up, grumbled and emptied her black coffee – which the staff instantly refiled while the rest of the herd placed their breakfast orders. “All of your dreams are disgusting.” “Mushroom omelettes for me and the same for my mare, please,” Brush Stroke placed the breakfast order for himself and Dusky before the midnight blue pegasus could speak. “Earl grey tea for her and milky coffee for me, thanks.” Mapper looked at the inhibitor, studying where it had been cracked and observing the flawless repairs before she floated the ring back in her saddle bag (which was of course being carried by Serenity) before she glanced across to Luna who was sipping at her refilled mug. “Pardon, Mistress Luna?” “You'll have to forgive my wife, Mistress Mapper,” Octavia spoke up midway through her own four cheese omelette, as the staff disappeared to fill the various orders, “it was a very busy dream patrol last night.” “The whole of Canterlot and Ponyville combined wasn't as lewd as my ‘daughter’s’ bedroom last night.” Luna groused as with another mouthful of her coffee she tried to get her ethereal mane under control. It had been a busier than normal night and following the arrest of Wildfire’s father earlier in the day, the alicorn was in need of her rest. “Long night, mom?” Dusky asked all concerned. “Upset that I didn't dream of you?” Mapper teased and was pleasantly surprised when the Princess’s cheeks turned a faint red. Looking away to Celestia she said, “I had that ‘happy mare in the middle’ dream. My horn in Middle Pet and Senior Pet's horn in me.” She let that statement hang in the air for a moment before concluding, “Was a nice dream.” “Ha, ha...” Luna started while Serenity looked at the midnight blue alicorn and simply blushed hard as she recalled her dream. “Mind you, it made an interesting diversion after the nine hundredth nightmare.” “I don't remember my dreams.” Airmail stated before the very efficient mini army of staff returned laden with all of their orders and silently set them all down in front of their respective owners. “I was directing a category five hurricane.” Tempest said with a faraway dreamy look on her face before she started demolishing her stack of pancakes. Sonic grinned over at Princess Celestia, “I may have dreamed of an extended flight from yesterday.” “Like Airmail, I don't remember myself.” Trails said as both he and Omega started on their steaming oatmeal. “You all kept my sister busy then?” Celestia commented with a giggle before she made a chocolate pancake disappear. “W-Wait...you didn't see mine did you?” Wildfire spluttered as she ate a mouthful of peachy waffle and blushed a very deep scarlet. “Not with nightmares I don't...” Mapper said as she too made a start on her honey coated waffles. However, when the pink unicorn saw the scarlet Serenity she asked, “Did you have a nightmare Senior Pet?” “No Mistress!” “Hmm…” Mapper mused, “I wonder sometimes, your pleasant dreams are the stuff of nightmares.” If at all possible, Serenity blushed even harder at her wife's comment. "No Mistress...ah...um...maybe, Mistress..." "Serenity's was hard to judge whether she required waking or not." Luna put in, but didn't feel the need to go onto any further details. The contents of Serenity's dream was definitely not a suitable topic for the breakfast table. "I got lost in Wildfire's dream for a good ten minutes." "Forgive me Mistress Luna," Serenity blurted out, "I didn't mean for you to do all those things to me!" Likewise, Wildfire blushed with an intense heat. "You, ah, you saw all of mine?" "I pulled out when the rest of the Manehatten Sharks came into the locker room, something Thundercracker didn't, I see." Luna carried on, picking up and emptying her third mug of coffee. "Serenity," she said, lifting up a hoof to stay the waiting staff, "it was a pleasure, mostly." With a severely raised eyebrow, Mapper shot Serenity a questioning look. Quietly, but still loud enough to be heard, Serenity said, "DJ Moonbeams doesn't hold back, Mistress." "Well I knew all about Wildfire's fantasy.” Airmail said with a nudge to the diminutive mare’s side. "I'm taking her to a game with locker room interview." Wildfire giggled a very loud girly giggle as Celestia leaned over and whispered something to Luna, who in turn nodded and smiled. "You know, Mistress Mapper," Luna started softly, "I can give you a pass to the old dungeons, if you want to give your Pet a proper tour." "To punish her by seeing and not using it," Mapper replied after a moment's contemplation on the subject and seeing her wife's hopeful face, "or to reward her by running her through the devices?" "Reward her of course, Mistress Mapper," Luna said with a smile, "Although I recommend not using the branding irons." She noted that almost everypony else at the table flinched at that and conspicuously went about eating their food. "Then, your blanket statement, that all of our dreams are disgusting was overstated, Mistress Luna?" Mapper addressed the Princess with an amused smile. "Yes, Senior Pet, we have until seven tonight to play, and play we will." That was far more than Serenity could dare to hope for. "Thank you, Mistress." "Princess," Mapper looked at Celestia but she was asking either of them, "if by chance I'm unsure of a device's use, is there somepony I could consult?" Celestia nodded as she finished her plate. "Either Luna or I can be on hoof to assist if you wish, you'll not find a better living authority on these 'instruments'." "It wasn't overstated Mistress Mapper," Luna said quietly but definitely. "I can still smell and see your Pet's dream. As I said, I was very close to waking her up." That much was certainly true. What she had witnessed made even her shudder, and Luna believed that after her long years of life that she had seen it all. Mapper smiled, "Still enough for a reward though. If you have time Mistress Luna, maybe you and your wife would be available for that tour." "Well," Tempest spoke up, trying valiantly to change the subject, "maybe a good rutting will help curb Wily's dreams, but we must be off to Vanhoover this morning." Luna smiled over at her wife. "Certainly we can, right Tavi?" Octavia nodded rather solemnly. Her flank and hindquarters still remembered the feel of Mapper's crop, and the aged cellist was well aware of Serenity's 'tastes' from when she had watched her dearest Luna heal Wildfire's wings back at Caffeinated's ranch. "If you wish, Mistress." "You still owe me a rutting, Stormy, but it can wait." Wildfire smiled as she swallowed a mouthful of waffle. "Wait?" Tempest asked from Wildfire's right, making Airmail giggle as she ran her tongue up Wildfire's ear - a distraction to allow her to place several peach pieces on her fork, "Who said anything about waiting, Wildflower?" Wildfire let out a surprised 'eeep'. "Ah...not me Mistress stormy, I didn't!" Although she couldn't see it, of course, somehow Mapper's smile had gotten brighter. "I think we're safer flying to Ponyville love," Dusky whispered into Brush Stroke's ear. "I'll take you to Rarity's, you can pick me out a dress." Trails rather liked the sound of that. "Oils," the pink stallion said, "do you remember the lovely dress that Lady Octavia wore to the open mic night? I think Princess Dusky would look divine in something like that." "I do indeed Trails," Brush Stroke replied. How could one forget 'that' dress that Lady Octavia had been wearing so magnificently? "I'll make sure to ask!" Finishing off her breakfast, Airmail smiled a very sly smile. "I thought she looked rather nice in the dress she wore the next day..." At that, Octavia's grey fur erupted in a very intense blush. The very last thing she wanted was to be reminded of the outfit she had been made to wear out and about in Manehatten. "Thank you Miss Airmail, I learned to like it." That may be so, but it was still a humiliating memory. "Mom," Dusky asked out of the blue once everypony had finished eating and the waiting staff had cleaned away the dirty used plates, "did you really spank mum with a pink sock near the Manehatten fountain?" Dusky, who had been with Brush Stroke at his apartment, had missed that shopping trip. That query about what had happened back at the public fountain was just too much for Airmail and Tempest, who both collapsed into fits of giggles as they tried to cover their mouths with their forehooves. Serenity made a valiant effort to come to Octavia’s aid, however. “It was most terrifying, Miss Dusky.” Dusky too giggled at his mum’s plight. He could tell by his stallion’s look that he was earning the sheath lock with every second, but it was too good an opportunity to waste. “I don’t need to imagine how terrifying it was, there were and still are photos all over the Manehatten gossip rags.” Luna looked up at that. “I do hope the photos are good quality ones?” She asked playfully as she watched her wife blush scarlet. Airmail struggled to get her giggles under control and reached into her bag. “Please…oh, please excuse me…” she still had giggles as the azure blue mare played with her phone at the table and then slid it over to where Luna was sitting. “We ran this in the entertainment section.” Luna took the phone up in her turquoise aura and studied the picture very closely. It was of her, bright pink sock held in her magic coming down and impacting the old grey mare’s ass as Octavia cried out her safe word, very clear and in brilliant vivid colour. “Oh that's just fantastic!” She clapped her hooves together in glee. “Please, can I get a copy of this?” “Of course,” Airmail replied to Luna, nodding her appreciation as the phone was levitated back to her after Luna had shown her sister the picture. “I thought they would have sent you the issue too, unless of course it was intercepted…” she smiled and glanced knowingly at Octavia. Octavia narrowed her eyes and glared hard at Airmail like she was Pinkie Pie reincarnated. “I'm sure I have no idea what you mean, Miss Airmail.” She enunciated each word very clearly and then looked away from everypony else at the table. Mapper smiled a dangerous little smile and said in her silkiest tone, “The Times is so easy to get lost in the junk mail.” “Pet,” Luna reached over Mapper’s back and very gently laid her hoof on Octavia’s shoulder. “Did you throw away the issue of the Times?” Slowly, almost trembling, Octavia turned back to the dining table with a very guilty look on her old face. “Um...maybe...well yes…” this was so unfair! Surely Luna knew how she felt about that day, about that damned fountain! Again it seemed her pride had bitten her ass. “Um…not on purpose...yes, yes I did.” It damn near killed Octavia to admit what she had done, purely because she hated ‘that’ look on her wife’s face. Mapper took one look at Octavia then at Luna and giggled like a filly. “It should be a very fun tour, Mistress Luna.” “Ahem…” Celestia coughed somewhat obviously behind her golden horseshoe clad hoof. “Ah, if you'll all excuse me, I'll take my leave.” She got up almost immediately from the dining table. “Day Court begins in a few moments.” She finished by way of an explanation to her sudden departure. “Tia,” Luna caught her sister’s attention, “on your way to the Day Court, could you escort my naughty Pet to her room, please?” Understanding at once, Celestia nodded and with the merest of touches, Octavia got up and without a word of protest allowed herself to be guided from the private dining room. Mapper – having the good grace to at least wait until the two mares were out of hearing – said, “Her room, is this from something we talked about earlier?” Once her sister and her wife had left the room, Luna turned her somewhat sorrowful gaze to the pink unicorn. “Yes Mistress Mapper, yes it is.” She recalled quite clearly as she was sure so did her friend, the conversation they had shared in the bedroom of Caffeinated’s ranch. “I had one room fitted out with unbreakable mirrors, as you suggested. It has proved effective this week.” “Mistress is harsh.” Serenity passed her judgement on the issue. “Bad ponies need a harsh Mistress.” Mapper turned to glance at her partner. “Are you a bad pony, Senior Pet?” “Yes, Mistress.” Luna nodded, circling her hoof glumly on the table top. “I put Tavi in there the Monday after we got back from Manehatten, it seems she still hasn't learnt her lesson.” Reading the situation, Dusky nudged Brush Stroke’s barrel with his elbow. “Well if nopony needs us, we'll be going too.” He turned and affectionately nuzzled his stallion. “A nice leisurely flight to Ponyville, I promise.” Mapper casually inspected her forehoof. “At least until the dragon shows up.” “D-Dr-Dragon?” Brush Stroke stammered, “Seriously?” Dusky laughed, as did Wildfire and the rest of the table. “You'll see, Sir.” Getting up, ‘she’ trotted around the table and gave his mother a good bye kiss. Quietly he whispered so only Luna could hear, “Go easy on mum, huh?” Lovingly, and with a wink that told Dusky not to worry, Luna returned the kiss. “Oh don't worry Oils, she can outfly most dragons, unless it’s a really fast one.” “Ignore them sweetie,” Dusky nuzzled his lover’s cheek in an attempt to calm him down. “There hasn't been a dragon sighting in years, c'mon, think of me in those lovely dresses.” Brush Stroke gulped nervously. “O-okay,” to Luna he gave a polite little bow. “It was nice meeting you again, Princess.” Once they were both well out of hearing range, Mapper leant in close to Luna and said in a very casual manner, “How big is Princess Twilight's assistant now?” “Spike’s nearing the end of puberty, he's a good thirty feet tall and has very nice wings.” Luna replied with a wide smile. She could see where her friend was going with this and she liked it. “Maybe the Princess of Friendship should know that Prince,” Mapper giggled and amended herself, “I mean, Princess Dusky should be greeted by her assistant to help show of the lovely little hamlet.” “You know what?” Luna reached for her cell phone, her eyes alive with mischief, “that’s a very good idea!” While Luna was on her phone talking excitedly with Twilight, and the waiting staff bought everypony else refills of their respective drinks, Mapper nodded to her wife. “Remember this moment Senior Pet. I'm the mother of your foal that didn't birth your foal.” “Yes Mistress.” Serenity’s soft melodic voice answered almost straight away, however when she spoke again it was more confident. “Mistress?” “Yes?” “You will still be a good mother.” Mapper did her very, very best to hold back the tears at that, and she succeeded – for everypony else that is – but via her link with her wife, Serenity could feel them and she just smiled as Luna got off of the phone. Mapper nudged the Princess’s barrel. “That will be entertaining just thinking about it.” “Won't it just?” Luna giggled and blew the steam from her new mug of coffee. “Oh Wildfire,” she said, immediately drawing the blind mare’s attention to her rough direction and away from her own black coffee, “Twilight said she just got Tia's letter, about your poems.” “She ah, she did?” Wildfire answered hesitantly, her hooves frozen touching her hot mug. “That was quick, Princess.” “Well,” Luna said with a shrug, “Tia's had it ready to send for days, she was just waiting for your say so. “And, please don't worry, Twilight wasn't going to publish the braille ones anyway, she understands they're sensitive and personal.” Wildfire breathed out a breath she hadn’t realised she had been holding in. “Thank you, Princess.” Mapper nodded to Airmail. “Airy, you will arrange a book signing in Manehatten, of course?” Airmail took a sip of her coffee and nodded. “High on the list when we get back.” “You should do it at Caffy's shop,” Tempest said gently, for she could see that Wildfire was starting to get overwhelmed already. “Or is there a book story you like, Wily?” “No...” Wildfire muttered, her head pointed down at the table, “Mr. Caffy's shop is great if he's okay with it.” “I'm sure Caffy will have no trouble with that.” Airmail asserted, making a note on her phone to speak with the orange zebra about this very thing once she saw him next. “One more famous pony graces his shop.” “Um…Princess?” Wildfire asked tentatively, giving voice to the thing that was bothering her, “the copy that Princess Twilight has...” “Is her personal copy and will be kept in her private library.” Luna assured her, “I can almost guarantee nopony else’s eyes will ever see it. Ever.” “Thank you, Princess.” Wildfire blushed and sighed a sigh of relief, before finally taking a sip of her black coffee. “I'm not famous, Pretty, I'm just me.” “Just keep believing that Wily.” Airmail said as she affectionately nuzzled her marefriend’s left cheek. “It will be easier to get through doors then.” Tempest and Luna both giggled at that, before the lunar alicorn looked at the teal unicorn. “Serenity, did you get your autograph from the new celebrity?” Serenity nodded and patted her saddlebag. “Yes Mistress Luna, I have it safely put away.” “In that case…” Luna used her magic to float over a pen and paper to Wildfire, bringing both to rest in front of her so that they gently nudged the toes of her forehooves, “I want to be second. Wildfire, may I have your autograph please?” “Wow...” Wildfire really didn’t know what to make of that. She was nopony special, at all, yet here was a Princess asking for her autograph! “Um, sure…” Taking the pen in her mouth, the blind mare proceeded to stamp out her name in braille dots. “There you go, Princess.” Mapper watched fascinated as her herd-mate and Pet stamped out her name. She had to confess the series of dots meant nothing to her. “Middle Pet,” she said gently, “you can still sign your name over the dots please.” “Of course, sorry Mistress.” Wildfire, pen in her mouth, attempted to blindly write her name under the dots. “I'm just used to writing that way.” She offered the paper, complete with its untidy scrawl, back to Luna who took it in her magical aura. “Together they had legitimacy to the signature.” “That they do, Mistress Mapper.” In a light airy tone, Luna addressed the group as a whole. “It just so happens I have plenty of paper here, if anypony else wants to ask for one too...” While Tempest giggled behind her hoof, Airmail replied, “She has already signed where no other hoof has gone before.” Wildfire blushed a deep crimson. “Airy!” She exclaimed. Serenity saw her chance and quickly put her hoof in the air. “Mistress Luna, could I please have yours to add to my collection?” Luna smiled at the teal unicorn. “Do you want mine or DJ Moonbeams?” Now it was Serenity’s turn to blush. “As Mistress pleases, but you know of whom I dream about.” Grinning, Luna lit her horn and appropriated more paper. In her alter ego’s style she wrote out a brief note and signed it as M00N834M$, before floating it over to Serenity. “There you go, my number one fan, not quite the autograph you dreamed of, but I hope it will do.” Luna shivered noticeably while Serenity, with a tear in her eye, carefully put the autograph away in her saddlebag. The Princess then smiled over at Airmail. “You say you're going to Vanhoover,” said the midnight blue alicorn, changing the subject. “What time's your train, or are you flying?” “Train.” Tempest answered as she took a mouthful of her coffee. “Thank heaven for that,” Wildfire muttered, pushing away her half-drunk coffee. Airmail shot Tempest a warning look over Wildfire’s back that stayed her flaring temper. “Stormy will be working on Wildfire's endurance.” Luna’s countenance became slightly stern. “I believe I did say on Friday night to go easy on them, did I not, Wildfire?” “Yes Princess,” Wildfire replied glumly. “And I have Princess, I haven’t had a problem with them until last night.” Tempest shot Mapper a look, who in turn nodded and leant forward with a cough that drew the Princess’s attention. “Mistress Luna, you may place the blame for last night on me. I wanted to see if Middle Pet would admit she would be unable to fly. She passed my test and we had a lovely chat on the tram.” “Hmmm...” Luna clearly wasn’t convinced, with narrowed eyes she looked searchingly from Mapper to Wildfire. “As you wish, Mistress Mapper.” “I'm so lucky my Mistress was able to save my life!” Wildfire gushed sycophantically from out of nowhere. Serenity glanced at her wife, although Mapper really didn’t need the silent link communication, nor did she require the ear-flicking from Airmail and Tempest. She already knew what her herd-mates were telling her. Wildfire wasn’t worthy or ready to be her slave. She was still too damaged mentally in spite of the remarkable progress she had made. As her friend, lover and Mistress she had to stamp this out quickly. “Really Pet, when it was I that put your life in danger?” Wildfire heard but she didn’t listen. “With respect Mistress, you didn't ask me to dive down Canterlot Mountain.” Mapper narrowed her eyes which was reflected in her voice. “You would argue with me, Pet?” “Eeep!” Wildfire shrunk a little. “No, Mistress.” “I may have been mistaken then.” Mapper hid her sigh and got up from her seating pad at the table and walked around until she was nose to nose with the little yellow mare. “Did you try to show me a fun time flying, Pet?” “Yes Mistress,” Wildfire shivered, feeling her Mistress’s breath on her muzzle. “I did.” “Did you ask if I would like to do a steep dive?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Did I help you get to the place you could do so?” “You did, Mistress.” “Was I the one that removed the air resistance underneath you?” “You were, Mistress.” “Was I the weight on you back?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Did you pull up in time?” “Yes, but...” Mapper was ready for any ‘but’ and interrupted her quickly. “Did you decide to land?” Wildfire nodded. “I did, Mistress.” “One last question pet.” Mapper inched a little closer so that she was almost kissing the blind pony. This close she could see every little detail of her acid scars. “Do you think I'm too stupid a unicorn to know a pegasus’s flight limitations?” Wildfire shook her head. “No, Mistress.” “So you see Mistress Luna,” Mapper said after giving Wildfire the tenderest loving kiss she could give her. “Sometimes you have to play a dangerous game to get the results you need. My Middle Pet knows when to say enough. That may save the life of somepony less gifted than me. Oh…” she couldn’t help but giggle, “A tree or two may have been damaged on the west side of the mountain near the tree line.” Lovingly, Wildfire returned the kiss to the pink unicorn. “Thank you, Mistress.” Luna sighed and rubbed her forehead with her hoof. ‘These ponies will surely be the death of me’, she thought to herself. “A dangerous game indeed, Mapper.” She then turned to Wildfire. “And, how have your wings been otherwise since Friday?” Instinctively, Wildfire flexed her wings. “They’ve been just fine, Princess, then again I haven't gone very far with them.” “We plan on flying back to Manehatten after our visits to Vanhoover, Trottingham, and returning here.” Airmail put in once she was sure the little drama had passed them by. Walking back around the table, Mapper laughed and hugged the Princess with the self-assured confidence that oozed from her very being, almost daring the royal mare to push her away. Mapper knew she wouldn’t do anything of the sort. “A dangerous game is giving me a horn job, more so giving one to Serenity, and even more dangerous was breakfast this morning. I have Witnessed Celestia's ability to wield a fork in pursuit of cake.” “Um…we are?” Wildfire asked in Tempest’s general direction as Luna giggled in Mapper’s embrace. “We’re flying all the way home, from here?” She really didn’t care for that plan very much. “You still have more exercise to do before we return,” Tempest said in her marefriend’s ear, and we will do it in legs until you say 'enough', as Mapper so kindly pointed out you can.” “Well okay,” Wildfire muttered, “if I won’t slow us up too much.” Getting around the table for a second time, Mapper kissed Wildfire again. “Even you can't be much slower than the train.” Wildfire kissed her Mistress lovingly on the lips. “No Mistress, I don’t suppose I can.” “Good Pet,” Mapper kissed the diminutive yellow pegasus’s lips. “Maybe Mistress Stormy will let you have some chocolate on the train if you perform well enough.” Wildfire nodded, eager as always to please. “I'll be a good Pet, Mistress.” With that, Tempest and Airmail got up from the dining table and with a touch of her wing Airmail let Wildfire know it was time to go. Together the two older mares ushered their little lover out of the dining room and onwards to the train station. While the three mares left, along with Sonic, Trails and Omega who all made their polite farewells for the time being, Mapper moved back over to Serenity and whispered silkily in her ear. “I'm sure you'll be as good a bad pony as you are, Pet.” Now that it was just the three of them left in the private dining room, Luna turned to Mapper as Serenity squirmed in anticipation. “We can begin that tour whenever you're ready, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper let out a delighted little giggle. “Was it Senior Pet’s fidgeting tipping you off?” Princess Luna giggled, “Just a lot, she's in danger of wearing a hole in that seating pad.” > Chapter 1 - In Every Season There Is A Song > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mapper looked over her wife to ensure she was dressed for the evening’s entertainment. Both of them were in Rarity originals. Mapper had packed her suit and accessories for later tonight in an overnight bag. “Time to go, Love. Mustn’t keep Middle Pet’s friends waiting.” Serenity checked herself in the mirror, “I’m ready Mistress.” Mapper led the way out of the hotel room, “You’re on free time for the rest of the evening. Have fun, as I know I will.” Serenity took up the overnight bag in her magic and followed Mapper out of the room. Soon the both of them were in a cab on the way to the Season’s house. They rode in silence until the cab pulled up to the house, and Serenity commented, “Mistress Moonbeams may be there to take in your performance this evening.” Mapper raised an eyebrow and giggled as she got out of the cab and paid the driver. She motioned for her wife to precede her to the house. Serenity shared the giggle, knowing she would pay for it later. She followed her wife out of the cab with the bag in tow. Once she reached the front door she knocked on it with a hoof. When she heard the knock, Winter glanced at the clock. It was ten minutes to seven. “She’s here!” the mare said excitedly. “Autumn, Summer, best behaviour please.” Winter moved to the front door. When she opened the door she realized how simple her dress was compared to the two on her front porch. She fought to find her voice, “W…H…Hello! Oh my stars, you’re really here!” She moved to the side, “Please come in!” “Greetings Ms. Winter,” Serenity said as she moved in for a hug. “It is a pleasure to be here. This is my wife, Mapper. I do hope I’m not too early.” “The pleasure is all mine,” Winter said, “Oh my, thank you so much for coming Ms. Serenity. I’m very pleased to meet you Ms. Mapper. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable.” “Thank you,” Serenity said. “We don’t want to hold up your guests. Do you need any help preparing?” Winter shook her head, “Oh no, ma’am. I’ve had Summer and Autumn on food duty all afternoon. Please forgive me. The place is a little cosy.” “This is a lovely home,” stated Serenity and she leaned in closer to whisper, “You did mention food? My wife is a bit peckish.” Winter blushed, “It’s nothing special. There are a couple of tables set up in the kitchen, just buffet things though. I hope that’s alright?” “Buffet is right up my alley,” said Mapper. “I’ll check it out.” Mapper moved past and into the kitchen. Serenity smiled at her wife’s departure, “She isn’t one to waste an opportunity to eat.” “Well, that is what it’s made for dear,” said Winter. The doorbell rang. “Pardon me.” Winter opened the door to reveal a pair of ponies. “Starburst, Fire Prism, thank you both for coming. Is Air Raid with you?” Starburst shook her head, “She had practice but should be along shortly. If we had this at our place there’d be more…Oh, hello!” “We did offer to have this catered,” commented Fire Prism. “Hello,” said Serenity. “I’m so happy you’ve come to hear me sing. Ms. Winter has a lovely home and I know my wife prefers home cooking over some restaurant food.” She watched both ponies take the news of her having a wife in stride. “I’ll have to admit when Winter said you’d be here,” said Starburst, “I thought she was pulling my hind leg. I would never miss a chance at a live performance!” Winter gave a soft sigh of relief as Serenity had nicely deflected the disparaging comments. “Please come in and make your selves comfortable. Food is in the kitchen.” Starburst scrunched her nose, as they both moved past Winter to the living room. Winter whispered, “You have to ignore Starburst and her husband. They think they are more ‘royal’ than the alicorns.” She giggled, “When Wildfire said you’d come I never doubted you’d be here.” Serenity smiled, “Having had a meal or two with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I can agree they could be more ‘royal’.” Winter’s eyes went wide, “You’ve eaten with the Sisters?” She blushed, “I can’t thank you enough for coming to my little house.” “That’s the point,” giggled Serenity, “they are just ponies too, so let others put on their ‘royals’ and try not to laugh. Where are the twins?” “Let’s join the others and I’ll call for them,” said Winter as she leads Serenity to the living room where Starburst and Fire Prism sat. “Summer, Autumn, come on out, our guests are here.” As the colts came out Serenity moved to receive hugs from both of them, “Hi, I’m Serenity and I like to sing. Do either of you sing?” Both colts took their hugs and Autumn spoke up first, “Um, I don’t sing, Miss. Summer snickered, “He can tell you all about the fire station though.” “Oh!” exclaimed Serenity, “I met a nice pony here in Canterlot called Hot Spot.” “Really?” Autumn clapped his hooves excitedly, “He’s the Fire Captain! I’m going to work for him someday.” “He’s a nice pony,” Serenity said. “My friend, Wildfire, worked for him before she moved to Manehattan.” She turned to the other colt, “What do you look forward to doing, Summer?” Summer’s eyes lit up, “I’m learning to be a paramedic, like Red Alert!” “Just don’t ask him anything medical,” snickered Autumn. “First aid training is awesome,” added Summer. Serenity nodded, “Both of you are looking to do important jobs that will save lives. Do remember to still have some fun though.” The unicorn giggled, “Shall we see if my wife left us anything to eat, Ms. Winter?” Mapper quickly used her hoof to pile items from the buffet table to her plate. “Hello, you must be Spring. I’m Mapper and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She held out a hoof for a bump. “It is, Ms. Mapper,” Spring responded with a hoof bump. “And I’m very grateful that you and Serenity could come over tonight.” He watched the unicorn fill her play without magic, but said nothing about it. “I’m sure my wife is talking your wife’s ear off.” “Who did all the cooking?” asked Mapper. “This is a really nice spread.” She watched Serenity and Winter walk in followed by the colts. “Hey guys, you look sharp today!” Summer blushed as he answered, “Thanks Miss.” Autumn stood a little taller, “I told him to wear the suit.” “You did not!” retorted Summer. “Did too!” responded Autumn. Spring chuckled and gave the colts a look that quieted them down. “I’m glad you like the food. Winter and the colts prepared it. You colts can have something after Ms. Serenity gets hers.” The two colts nodded. Mapper waved a hoof, “You should see the cardboard they serve backstage.” She looked back to the colts, “You’re both handsome.” She walked out into the living room with Spring and sat at the end of a couch pad. She couldn’t help but notice the two ponies in the room give a disapproving look at her piled plate. Spring sat next to her. “This is a pretty nice place, Spring. What do you do?” Spring smiled with pride, “Senior Nurse, Ms. Mapper. This is my twentieth year.” Before Mapper could reply she was distracted by a conversation in the kitchen. Summer stated, “She called us handsome!” “I’m more than you,” quipped Autumn. “Are not!” responded Summer. Winter intervened, “Colts, that’s enough.” Mapper giggled, “Twins must be a hoof full. Are you at Canterlot Royal?” “They’re not that bad,” responded Spring. “I think a level of competition keeps them both striving for the best. Yes, I’m at Canterlot Royal, and I work with the stallion over there.” Mapper looked over at the couple with a benign smile to see if they were real or pretenders. “I’m on the board of directors,” Fire Prism said. “Is Air Raid still coming?” asked Spring. “While she does need to stay in practice to stay on top,” commented Starburst. “I do expect her any moment.” “Well she needs to hurry it up if she doesn’t want to miss the performance,” responded Spring. Serenity walked into the room with far less on her plate than Mapper. “We have a few minutes till I start.” Serenity daintily used her magic to eat while her wife ate directly from her plate. Mapper thought she had the couple pegged, but wanted to test it further, “Hello, I’m Mapper, Serenity’s wife.” “Fire Prism,” the stallion replied. “My wife, Starburst, Ms. Mapper. We were waiting to be introduced. Really, Spring, must you be so impolite?” Mapper giggled, “I think having Serenity over has him a bit flustered. She can do that to ponies. I love your dress, Starburst, and you’re looking dapper as well, Fire Prism.” Fire Prism gave a shrug of his shoulders and nodded, “Your visit is certainly the biggest thing to happen here in a good few years.” “Why thank you, Ms. Mapper,” Starburst smiled, “Carousel Boutique originals, you know.” “Lovely,” responded Mapper, “Rarity does make some wonderful creations. Don’t let me hold you up from the buffet. There’s a marvellous selection. Serenity, love, I do hope you got some of this Trojan Salad, it is a wonderful mix of olives and fresh feta!” Fire Prism sniffed, “It’s not bad. A bit pedestrian.” Spring grinned, “You’re right Prism, it’s not the stuff you’re used to. How will you ever manage?” That got a chuckle from Fire Prism, but neither him, nor his wife, stood up to get any food. Winter and the colts entered the room with their plates. Mapper looked at them and back to the couple on the couch. Mapper labelled the two of them ‘likeable pretenders’. She should know being a pretender herself. They didn’t rise to the bait and were putting on airs without really knowing how. “Yes, Love, I did get some, but not too much,” answered Serenity. “I don’t want to overfill before I sing.” “Thank you, Ms. Mapper,” Starburst responded to the comment. “I had to brave a trip to Ponyville, but the clothes are worth it.” A screech of tires was heard outside the house. “Ah, that would be Air Raid now.” “Excuse me, while I go let Air Raid in,” Winter said as she moved out of the room. With a giggle, she added, “Before she lets herself in.” Mapper said, “I grew rather fond of Ponyville. It was the place to escape too. College here could really wear a unicorn down.” Fire Prism sniggered, “Please, I should have Spring issue shots before going there. I’ll get us a plate before our daughter takes all that is left.” He stood and exited to the kitchen. Spring laughed, “You’d think Ponyville was a foreign country.” “As dangerous as it is, it might as well be,” added Starburst. “Did you attend Canterlot University? That is where Air Raid graduated from.” “Oh, no,” responded Mapper, “Serenity and I graduated from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.” “The both of us are going over there later this evening for an alumni event,” added Serenity. “The Princess’s school. That’s very impressive, Ms. Mapper, Ms. Serenity,” Fire Prism said as he returned with a plate of select item for his wife and himself. “I found the night life in Ponyville to be very entertaining.” Mapper giggled, “And the occasional monster attack spiced things up.” “That is true,” Serenity said, “the varity of musical styles did influence me when I was younger.” “I must say we are huge fans of yours, Ms. Serenity,” stated Starburst. Winter and Air Raid entered from the kitchen. Air Raid’s plate was piled in the same fashion that Mapper’s was. “I saved you a spot over there next to your parents, Air Raid.” She motioned to the pair of unicorns, “This is Ms. Serenity and her wife Ms. Mapper. They’re friends of Wildfire.” Mapper noted that Air Raid was stunned by the news, but she wasn’t going to let her have a chance to speak. “Now, Winter, is sporting an elegant gown. I believe that is the same cut and style that Princess Twilight wears. Quite the prize to obtain.” “Princess Twilight did make that dress famous,” interjected Serenity and added, “Thank you, Starburst, it is always wonderful to meet fans of the opera.” Mapper continued before Winter could deny any such claim. “Air Raid, are you with the Wonderbolts Academy? That is a very nice looking uniform.” Winter sat next to her husband with a strong blush showing. She knew that she purchased the dress at Marecys. Air Raid overcame her shock. “I’m not a Wonderbolt, Ms. Mapper, I’m a rally driver. Sorry for being late. Did…Did you know Wildfire?” “Any fan of the opera is a fan of yours, Ms. Serenity,” said Starburst and she then turned to her daughter, “We are not here to reminisce about old friends.” Serenity ignored Starburst to answer Air Raid’s question, “Yes, she lives in Manehattan just across the lake from us. Wildfire works at the Manehattan Fire Department.” “A very respectable job for the city,” commented Mapper. “I say, Serenity, doesn’t Air Raid remind you of our dear friend, Tempest?” She giggled, “The need for speed.” “Mane…Manehattan,” stuttered Air Raid. Fire Prism said, “The last we heard she was in Fillydelphia being cared for by her family.” “I had wondered where she had gone,” muttered Air Raid. “A firefighter, but how?” Starburst’s voice carried a warning, “You aren’t getting nostalgic, are you?” Air Raid’s ears wilted, “No mother, we are long over.” “I was born in Fillydelphia, unlike my wife who is a Canterlot native,” Serenity said. “Wildfire has never lived in Fillydelphia, and I’m not sure where you’d have gotten that information.” “She is also a very capable flyer, which is just what the Fire Department needs,” added Mapper. “Just the minor handicap of being blind.” “It was her father, Cold Front,” explained Fire Prism. “He informed us all that she went there after her accident.” Air Raid smirked, “Minor handicap, yeah right, I mean she was pretty once, but…ah…y’know.” “That is what we were told, alright,” Spring agreed. Both Summer and Autumn gave their best ‘death stares’ at Air Raid for her comment. Winter spoke up, “Pardon me, Ms. Serenity? Are you saying our Wildfire was never in Fillydelphia?” Serenity nodded, “Ah, yes, Cold Front. Sad that.” Mapper continued, “Yes, but Emerald should make a full recovery. I’m surprised it wasn’t in the paper.” “There was something in the paper about him being arrested,” said Winter, “but the details were sketchy.” “Arrested, was he?” Spring frowned, “Can’t say I’m surprised at that. I haven’t read the paper yet, Ms. Mapper, just back from a long shift.” “I’ll tell you later dear,” said Winter and then she looked at Air Raid, “You could always visit her in Manehattan.” Air Raid snorted, “No thanks, she was alright till she got herself blinded.” Summer spoke up, “Don’t be mean to auntie Wildfire!” “Summer,” Spring told his colt, “that is enough.” “Indeed, Air Raid,” added Fire Prism, “these are her friends.” “It is the truth though,” said Serenity, “and the world can be unforgiving. She has already met many of the same opinion as Air Raid.” Serenity shrugged her shoulders, “Even if it is an opinion I don’t share.” “True,” added Mapper. “One does have to face the good and the bad, which Wildfire seems to be doing well at. She has spoken of you in a kind way.” “She has spoken of me?” whispered Air Raid. “Ms. Winter,” said Serenity in a loud voice, “that was a lovely buffet you put together. So, who is ready for a song?” Winter was grateful for the change of subject, “Ms. Serenity, I’m sure we’re all more than ready to hear your lovely voice, my dear.” Mapper leaned towards Air Raid and in a low voice she said, “Yes, Air Raid, some fond memories.” Then louder, “Serenity is correct, it was an excellent buffet. I thought the salad was good, but these spring rolls are divine! I demand, as price for tonight’s performance, the recipe!” Winter giggled, “I think I can afford that.” While Serenity glared at her wife. Mapper was not unaware of the glare, “That, of course is only for the entertainment that I provide. My wife refuses to accept any payment for hers.” She turned to her wife, “So, love, do lead us off.” Serenity could see she had everypony’s attention, even the colts. “Well, first I’ll need to warm up my voice so I thought I’d start off with something to honour our hosts from that wonderful Pegasus, MyFly. ‘You’ve Got a Friend’.” No one was more surprised by Serenity’s first choice than Winter. She would later deny that she looked for a pony named after another season so they could have the other two for foals. Of course, Serenity could have sung the phone book and Winter would still have been happy. Serenity made sure she pointed to each member of the family when prompted by the song, “Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you have to do is call.” She took a little bow at the applause she received, loudest from the family she honoured. “Now that I’m warmed up I’ll start with Hamerea from Camare.” Winter practically bounced in her seat while Starburst was only a little more restrained as she leaned forward to capture every note. Spring and Fire Prism looked on at their spouses with amusement. When Serenity finished the song, Mapper commented, “I don’t remember you dressed as modestly when you sang that on stage.” She was pleased with the blush her wife gave. The rest gave her performance a heartfelt applause. “Thank you for your enthusiasm,” said Serenity. “Next I’ll sing ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ from ‘Die Walkure’ which I think is a beloved opera for all pegisi.” “Indeed, it is, Ms. Serenity,” said Fire Prism. When Serenity finished, Winter said quietly, “Best. Night. Of. My. Life.” Louder she commented, I’m amazed you can do that with no music to accompany you.” All clapped loudly, except for Air Raid, who seemed to clap to keep up appearances. She herself was deep in thought about what the two unicorns told her. Mapper smiled and said, “I’m ready to ride that…” She cut herself off with both the look and thought of what would happen if she finished that sentence. “Well done, love,” Mapper concluded. “That should have gotten everypony’s blood flowing,” Serenity said. “Let’s start with Ms. Starburst. Is there a song or opera you’d like to hear me sing?” “Anything?” Starburst asked and Serenity nodded. “Well, could you sing ‘Music of the Night’ from ‘Phantom of the Opera’, please Ms. Serenity?” “I can do that octave,” Serenity lowers her range and sings. She can see that Starburst was enraptured by the song. “Now I’ll preform the song that I sang on stage, ‘All I Ask of You’,” Serenity raised her range and sang. Starburst wiped a tear from her eye, “That was marvellous! Thank you so much.” Serenity’s eyes settled on the colts. She managed not to laugh when Autumn moved onto his mother’s back to hide in her mane which left Summer in the open. “The next request will come from Summer.” “But I don’t know any operas,” Summer said quietly. “Trust me young Sir,” said Mapper, “Serenity is not limited to the opera.” Summer blushed, “Do you know ‘Circle of Life’ from the ‘Zebra King’?” “I do!” exclaimed Serenity. She sang that song and followed up with ‘Love Will Find a Way’ from the sequel. Winter beamed, “They do love their Disney movies.” “Ms. Serenity,” Summer said as he clapped loudly, “That was better than the movies!” “Thank you, Mr. Summer. Have you ever seen a zebra?” Serenity asked. Summer shook his head. “I know a zebra who could be king,” continued Serenity. “I think he is much happier serving coffee to others.” That got a snort out of Mapper. “It is now Ms. Winter’s turn.” “I’ve always loved ‘Memories’ from ‘Diamond Dogs’,” said Winter, “if you could sing that please.” Serenity reminisced, “I so wanted to play Grizabella, but instead I played Jennyanydots.” She sang the requested song and followed up with ‘The Rum Tum Tugger’. Spring had to give Winter a napkin to wipe away the tears after the first song. When Serenity finished the second song she squealed like a filly, “Brilliant!” “Thank you,” said Serenity. She looked at the other colt, “Mr. Autumn, do you have a request?” The colt froze up on his mother’s back, “Aw, don’t go all shy, honey,” Winter comforted her colt. Autumn poked his head out and whispered, “’A Whole New World’ please.” Serenity nodded, “That is a nice production, though I haven’t played any of the parts.” She led off with ‘Saddle Arabian Nights’ and then followed up with the requested song. She encouraged Autumn to join in on the male lead’s sections and by the end of the song she had the colt singing loud enough for all to hear him. “Very good, Autumn. Now for a brief intermission. Ms. Winter, could I get some water please with a twist of citrus? And some more of the spring rolls my wife is raving over.” “Of course, Ms. Serenity,” Winter said as she shooed Autumn off her back and stood. “I’ll get something for the two of you.” “If you have a beer, I’d like that,” said Mapper. “Of course we do,” said Winter. “We have wine also.” “Some wine would be nice,” said Starburst, “Thank you.” “A beer for me, Ma’am” added Air Raid. “Aren’t you driving, dearie?” asked Winter. “Just one beer,” responded Air Raid. Winter left for the kitchen followed by Spring to help bring out the drinks and food. Autumn approached Serenity, “Thank you for singing my songs. I’m sorry I got shy.” “That is okay, Mr. Autumn,” Serenity said, “but remember the Fire Department is a public job so you will have to learn to work with others.” Autumn nods and moves back to his seat next to his brother. Mapper moved up to nuzzle her wife, “How is your voice holding out?” “I’m pacing well,” responded Serenity. Both helped themselves to the food and drink that Winter and Spring brought out. Air Raid was done chasing her circling thoughts, “What did Wily say about me?” Mapper responded, “She has spoken about you. We visited Silverbolt recently. Oh, Air Raid, did you know that Princess Twilight is having Wildfire’s book of poems published? You were quite an inspiration for many of those.” Air Raid blushed, “She’s spoken about me…I, well, I knew she wrote poems.” Fire Prism interjected himself, “Will you please forget about that pegasus, Raid, and…” He turned to Mapper, “I’m sorry, Ms. Mapper, but did I hear you right?” Starburst laughed, “How does a Princess know a pony like her?” Serenity said in an even tone, “Wildfire is well aquatinted with all four Princesses.” “Yeah, and I’ve only dined with three of them.” Mapper’s voice turned conspiratorial, “Twilight didn’t have wings then in my class, and I called her Queen of the Libraries.” Fire Prism’s jaw hung open in disbelief, and Starburst stopped laughing, “Really?” she asked. “Mum, mum, auntie Wildfire knows the Princesses! Exclaimed Autumn. “Yeah, she really does!” added summer. “She remembers me?” Air Raid’s voice was just above a whisper. Serenity continued, “Wildfire had enough poems and when she showed them to Princess Twilight, only a little editing was needed.” Serenity smiled, “I even have her autograph.” Mapper picked back up, “Yes, Air Raid, she has spoken about you. Some very happy memories, and some, well shall I say, less pleasant.” “Unlike my wife,” said Serenity, “I’ve never had a chance to eat at the same table as Princess Celestia.” Serenity giggled, “Ms. Wildfire got us both seats with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.” She gave a soft sigh. Mapper waved a hoof, “They eat like any other pony, with their mouth.” Air Raid bowed her head, “I’m sorry.” “Rubbish!” interjected Fire Prism, “You have nothing to apologize for.” Winter said, “Well, I for one, am very pleased she’s doing well for herself. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer mare.” “I’ll let her know, Ms. Raid,” Serenity said with a smile. “Thank you,” responded Air Raid as she sat back in her seat. “True, Mr. Prism,” Mapper said, “Life moves on. We learn from our past and try to not repeat it in the future. And, Ms. Winter, I do want this spring roll recipe!” “Ahem,” Winter coughed, “Yes, well, let the past stay there shall we dears?” She smiled at Mapper, “You have most certainly entertained me tonight and shall receive your price of one recipe.” “Thank you, I do try my best.” Mapper turned to her wife, “Ready to start up again, love?” “I am,” Serenity said, “and I believe it is Mr. Prism’s turn to pick a song.” Fire Prism thought for a moment, “I wonder if you could do a song from Evita, ‘Don’t Cry For Me Griffonstone’, please.” Serenity smiled at a memory, “Very interesting choice. My friend Thespian played the part of Evita in the Equestrian production.” She sang the requested song and followed up with ‘On This Night of a Thousand Stars’. There was a lot of hoof clapping, and Fire Prism clapped the loudest, “My thanks for a wondrous performance.” “That is one of our favourites,” added Starburst. “Thank you,” said Serenity, “I do believe that Evita is on tour, but you really should come to Manehattan to truly enjoy the show.” “We’d love to go back to Manehattan,” said Fire Prism. Starburst laughed, “Any excuse to see Evita again.” Serenity took a small bow and turned her sights on another pony, “Mr. Spring, your selection please.” “Are you a ‘Highlander’ fan?” Spring asked, “If so, I’d like ‘Who Wants to Live forever’.” Winter nudged her husband, “You and that movie.” Serenity laughed, “It just so happens I heard Princess Celestia sing that very song when she was helping the staff for a school play.” She sang the requested song and followed up with ‘Princess of the Universe’.” Spring stomped his hooves like a little fancolt, “Princess of the Universe! Oh, my heavens! Superb, Ms. Serenity, Superb!” Serenity couldn’t suppress the giggle, “Thank you sir. I would be remiss if I didn’t give my dear wife a song choice.” Mapper grinned, “You know I want to hear from ‘Rigoletto’, love. You played a beautiful Gilda.” Serenity led off with ‘La donna e mobile’ and followed up with ‘Bella figlia dell amore’. She received plenty of ‘Oohs and ahhs’ for the performance and after the hoof clapping died down she said, “Ms. Starburst will you do me the honour of a second selection?” “I’d be only too happy to, Ms. Serenity,” said Starburst. “There is a song I know me and Winter both like called ‘Cuando Calienta el Sol’, if you could sing that please.” Serenity asked, “The version by Neighcy Sineightra?” “Oh, yes please!” squealed Starburst and Winter joined in on the excitement to the amusement of both stallions. After she sung the request Serenity followed up with ‘Saturday in the Park’. Starburst and Winter bounced like fillies, and the colts sniggered. “Thank you for your enthusiasm,” said Serenity. “Now, Ms. Winter, your second choice please.” “Oh, my, could you please sing Dolly Parton’s ‘Coat of Many Colours’? It’s a favourite from back home.” Winter may or may not have seen Mapper’s eye roll, but Serenity ignored it. “I’d love to,” said Serenity, “But how about I sing ‘I Will Always Love You’ from ‘Jolene’ first.” With happy Winter’s happy nod she sang the songs in that order. Spring was quick with another napkin to wipe away his wife’s tears and follow up with a hug. Winter said, “My old mum used to sing that.” “Thank you, Ms. Winter for being a wonderful host, and for inviting your friends to attend,” Serenity said. “It has been a pleasure, but I’m scheduled to perform at Celestia’s school later this evening.” Mapper said, “Our cab will be here at nine ten so you have time for one more, love. From an opera.” Serenity looked at her wife and gave a little pouty lip before she smiled, “Then I’d like to close this evening’s entertainment with ‘Madam Butterfly’.” She finished the song to a loud round of hoof clapping and cheers. Winter was the first to thank Serenity and Mapper, “It was my pleasure to host you this evening, my dears. Thank you so very much for dropping in.” “Spring roll recipe please.” Mapper giggled, “And if I can have some to go I’ll slip a few to Princess Luna tonight.” “Why certainly!” exclaimed Winter as she bustled off to the kitchen followed by Mapper. Serenity said, “If you have anything for autographs, I can take care of that.” The adults all had something, and Spring brought Winter’s items for her. Even the colts got Serenity to sign their school class books. Only Air Raid had nothing for her to sign as she was lost in her conflicted thoughts. Mapper and Winter came back out of the kitchen. Mapper had a bag with the remaining spring rolls on her back and Starburst quipped with a sly smile, “Are those fit for royal lips?” Winter snorted, “Well they were good enough for you.” The two mares shared a laugh. Serenity had finished the signings, and Mapper told Winter, “Here is Wildfire’s mobile number. She’s moving to a bigger place so I won’t bother with an address. I’m sure she will forward the new one to you.” Mapper lowered her voice to a conspiratorial tone, “As I’ve warned others, once Luna tastes these you may receive an unannounced spring roll inspection.” Mapper giggled. “Oh, thank you, Ms. Mapper, I’ll be sure to call her soon.” Winter giggled, “I’ll be sure to make her highness most welcome. Perhaps she’d join us for a coffee morning, Starburst?” To that Starburst offered her own eye roll. Serenity spoke up, “Oh, no, no, no, no, that would not do at all Ms. Winter. Donut Joe has the best coffee in Canterlot!” Mapper giggled at her wife’s outburst, “It is all about the beans, Winter.” Winter laughed, “Indeed it is, my dear, indeed it is. That is why I get my beans from Donut Joe.” “Well, in that case, please do carry on with your original plan,” Serenity said with a smug smile. A horn outside let everypony know it was time for them to go. “We must be off,” Serenity said as she then gave everypony a hug to include the colts. Mapper was gracious enough to receive hugs from Winter and Starburst. The two were soon out the door to their waiting cab. The door didn’t have a chance to close when Air Raid rushed outside, “Wait! Please wait!” Mapper positioned herself between Air Raid and Serenity, “Yes?” Air Raid nervously ran a hoof through her mane, “You…You’re Wily’s friends…What happened to her?” Air Raid’s words became rushed, “I tried to go back to the hospital the next day to apologize for what I did. I felt awful, but her dad had checked her out. Please, what happened?” Mapper turned and shared a look with Serenity and then turned back to Air Raid, “Ride with us.” “Okay,” said Air Raid as she got into the cab with the other two. Serenity studied the pegasus mare closely as the cab drove off. She reflected on what Air Raid said in the house and then what she said outside the house. It seemed to her that Air Raid didn’t care about Wildfire until she found out that Wildfire had made something of herself. Serenity decided to skip the small talk, “Why do you care?” Air Raid could tell she was under scrutiny. She took a moment to think about the direct question. “If she told you about me, then she told you about what I did to her. I…I just want to make it right between us.” Serenity stated, “The first time on the cloud is a strong and happy memory of hers.” Mapper advised, “As they say a mountain of At-A-Colts can be destroyed by one Ah-Shit-Pebble.” Serenity continued, “Your last meeting is also a strong memory of hers.” Air Raid smiled, “Yeah…That date was awesome.” Her smile faded, “Look, I should never ever have left it like that. I tried to see her, I really did, but she was gone. I went to see her dad, many times, in the end he slammed the door in my face and broke my nose and muzzle.” Mapper nodded, “That does sound like Cold Front.” “After that I took the hint and I stopped asking.” Air Raid was on the verge of tears, “Then my friend was injured looking for Wily, and that is when I stopped searching. I thought it best I just pretended she never happened.” Mapper nodded, “There are some things you need to know then. Wildfire moved from Canterlot to Manehattan less than two weeks back. She starts work at the Manehattan Fire Department the Monday after this.” Air Raid was stunned by the news, “Wait, she never left Canterlot?” Mapper continued, “Cold Front imprisoned her for money. One of the reasons he has been arrested. Those that ran the jail have already been dealt with. Still one must dig to the root of the rot.” Air Raid was still trying to take it all in, “He…I can’t…He did that to her? His own daughter. I had no idea, I thought she was with family.” Serenity gave a soft sigh, “She took you to see the part of her family that mattered the most to her.” Air Raid nodded, “Her mum. I remember, she wrote a poem right there before we, y’know, took it to a cloud.” Serenity shrugged, “Soon you can read it again if you buy her book.” “There is something more important that you need to know about Wildfire,” Mapper added, “She is part of a herd now. The same herd we are a part of. The herd has a zebra for an alpha stallion, and an earth pony for the alpha mare.” “I…I’m really happy Wily’s got decent ponies around her. I’m genuinely sorry I wasn’t one of them when it mattered.” Air Raid looked over at Serenity, “Ms. Serenity, you really don’t like me, do you?” Serenity looked back, “My opinion of you is of little matter, but it is not favourable as you suspect. Then that is why you’re here, isn’t it?” Air Raid pleaded her case, “I just want to see her and say sorry, and mean it! Like I tried to do years ago, you think I’m interested because she’s going to be famous?” Serenity’s face remained neutral, “I don’t think one short book of poems will make her famous outside a coffeehouse poetry club, nor does one become famous in the fire department without terrible sacrifice.” Mapper continued before Air Raid could speak, “You are two things to Wildfire. Her first, and it is an experience she really did enjoy and left a lasting impression on her. The second reminds me of so many stallions, ‘I opened that well and there is no need to go back for another drink’.” Serenity added, “Was she little more than a new toy you got to unwrap to find it lost its shine rather quickly when it was a bit broken?” “Wily was fun. Really fun. Anything you’d think of she’d give it a go, and yeah, I saw other ponies. She said she was cool with it. She did too…” Air Raid looked at the floor board of the cab, “I never thought she was a toy, not ever…” Air Raid sighed, “When she got blinded, no pony warned me, or told me what to expect when I went to see her. I freaked, I panicked, and I’m not proud of it. I did try to go back and make it right. I should have never failed to start with.” Mapper said, “She is on a trip with her two marefriends. They visited her parents, and now she is off to visit theirs. They are returning to Canterlot sometime early in the week to check up on her step-mother.” Mapper gives Air Raid a piece of paper, “Here is her mobile number.” “She has forgiven ponies in the past, and will do so in the future,” said Serenity. “There is no reason you cannot be on that list. How much of her new life she will share with you is unknown?” “Thank you, Ms. Mapper, Ms. Serenity, for giving me this chance,” said Air Raid, “If I may ask, why did you ask if I’d move to Manehattan?” Serenity answered, “Wildfire is not returning to Canterlot to live. If you want back into her life you would have to move.” “Some free advice,” Mapper added, “One of her marefriends is a weather pony named Tempest. She is the leader of the three and soft spoken. Her other marefriend is a newspaper pony named Airmail. Put it simply, Airmail would kill you if you hurt Wildfire again.” “She is being very literal here,” stated Serenity. “Kill… Hurt,” Air Raid swallowed, “Look, I never meant to hurt her before! I was twenty-one and a jerk. It was a dumb mistake. No amount of saying I’m sorry will change what I did. I just want to apologize and let her know I was thinking of her.” Serenity pointed a hoof at the paper with Wildfire’s mobile number, “You have the means to repair the past. Then you can make a clean break and move on, or re-establish the friendship. It may, or may not, lead to more, but that is really not in your hooves to decide anymore.” Mapper gave Air Raid a business card for ‘Stripe’s Cup of Java’, “That is for the shop run by the alpha stallion. If you find yourself in Manehattan that is the best place to start.” “Thank you,” said Air Raid. “No matter what you think I’m not after Wily to gain anything. I have my own fame as a racing driver, and I’m good at what I do.” She looked at the two of them, “So, um, you think I should ring her up, or turn up at the coffee shop?” The cab pulled up to the front gate of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Serenity said, “Do you want to see her on her swing back through Canterlot, or wait till you’re ready to face her in Manehattan?” The three step out of the cab, and Mapper said, “If the first I’d ring her soon before she goes to bed. The train arrives in Vanhoover at five in the morning. If the latter, I’d wait till she has started work as it is near the coffee shop.” Serenity gave Air Raid a hug, “My opinion of you is a bit better than it was, but your actions will speak louder than my words.” “I’ll ring her soon,” stated Air Raid, “Thank you for this opportunity.” Mapper paid the driver with enough extra to take Air Raid back to Winter’s house. She accepted the hug Air Raid offered, “Clear skies, Air Raid.” The two unicorns passed through the school gate, while Air Raid got back in the cab to return to her car. She had plenty of time on the ride back to mull over her possible future with Wildfire. > Chapter 2 - Three Become One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Airmail, Tempest and Wildfire, the flight to the train station from the castle was a pleasant if uneventful one. The three pegasi flew in a loose triangle formation with Airmail, the eldest, at the lead. While Wildfire couldn’t see the sun and the amazing view, she could feel it on her recently renewed feathers and the scars on her face. Tempest, for her part admired the weather pegasi in the distance as they laid storm clouds around the Residential and Warehouse Districts. Landing at the station, Tempest looked up at the nearby timetable and smiled. “We have thirty minutes, Wildfire.” She announced, her Trottingham / Manehatten accent at odds with the ponies milling on the platform. “Do you want the cafe, sit and wait, or is there something else you'd like to do?” Tucking her wings away following her landing, Wildfire oriented herself on Airmail’s right side with a wing tip. “Hmm, the café sounds cool, I can always do a black coffee.” Airmail snickered, “You off sugar, sugar?” Wildfire smiled, “Only when I stop breathing, Pretty.” “Well, black to Caffy is pure coffee of the moon goddess with nothing added.” Airmail giggled and Tempest led the way to the café, which for a Friday morning, was relatively empty. “I've had his black coffee,” Wildfire commented to the azure blue mare as they walked up to the counter. “It’s divine, kinda like me.” Tempest took a valuable moment from perusing the freshly prepared cakes and treats behind the counter to whisper loudly and conspiratorially over Wildfire’s back to her herd-mate. “Too much Zebran, right to the brain.” Sniffing the treats, of which she was sure there were chocolate brownies, cinnamon buns and vanilla slices, Wildfire giggled behind her hoof. “What? I can’t be in a good mood?” The violet pegasus kissed Wildfire’s right cheek, which was followed very quickly at the counter by a kiss from Airmail. All this time the serving mare waited patiently, although she conspicuously avoided looking at the little yellow mare’s face. “A vanilla latte and a cheese Danish for me please,” Tempest said, placing her order. Airmail placed hers next. “Coffee with cream and a blueberry muffin. What do you want, Wily?” Wildfire stole two quick kisses to her taller marefriends while she made up her mind. Going purely on the smells, of which there were many and those that were there were confusing, she decided to play it safe. “I’ll have a black coffee, two sugars and something chocolatey, please.” The earth pony mare at the counter gave the diminutive pegasus a quick glance, “Choco, choco chip muffin or brownie, dear?” Wildfire gave an internal cheer. She knew she smelt a brownie! Score one for her choccy Wily sense. “Oooh yes, one of those, a brownie, please.” After paying the requisite bits, Airmail collected the pastries and brownie on a tray in her mouth and steered Wildfire over to one of the empty tables. “I’ll bring the drinks.” Tempest called from the counter. “Ready to meet my mom and dad?” Airmail asked once she had laid the tray down on the table and she had taken a seating pad, scooting over to make room for Wildfire to sit next to her. Wildfire nodded and sniffed at her chocolate brownie. The smell…oh, after five years at the care home, she’d never ever get tired of sniffing chocolate. “I really can’t wait, Pretty.” “The youngest two still live in Vanhoover, so we'll meet them for sure.” Airmail said as she nibbled her pastry. “The other two are going to try to stop in.” “Awesomes,” Wildfire replied after she licked her brownie. She was determined to savour this. “Hey, this must be what a grown up relationship is, when you get taken to meet the parents.” Just then, Tempest arrived with the tray of drinks in her mouth and set it on the table with the steaming hot drinks nearest to those who had ordered them. “I've met your mom, so you need to meet mine.” Airmail said and Tempest giggled as she took a seating pad opposite the other two mares. “Yuppers, and Honey's met dear old daddy,” Wildfire shivered as she sipped her black coffee. “Oooh, that’s nice…” Tempest smiled, “Not bad for a Starcolts.” “Nopes, it’s alright.” Wildfire shook her head and took another sip of her coffee when a thought occurred to her, about what Princess Luna had said at the breakfast table back at the castle. “So, what did you two dream about?” “I never remember my dreams.” Airmail stated plainly. Tempest shrugged and put her coffee cup down. “I was rutting Airmail.” “Well, if that’s all, I feel positively filthy working my way through the whole rugby team.” Wildfire paused and giggled, “Again.” Airmail took a bite of her pastry and sniggered, “If you worked your way through them in the shower you'd feel a lot less filthy.” “We never make it out of the locker room.” Wildfire commented innocently and finally after several licks she took a bite of her brownie. Airmail and Tempest both noted the way their herd-mate treated her brownie but they chose to say nothing about it. “Will you need a chastity belt and a muzzle for the interview?” Airmail asked her with an amused smile. Wildfire giggled, “You know me so well, Airy.” Taking another sip of her coffee, the blind mare turned her head towards the sandalwood scent coming from the other side of the table. “Y'know Airy, Stormy was talking the other day about the Trottingham Titans, bless her.” Airmail rolled her brown eyes. “Some sports fans never give up.” “Even the Goddesses couldn't help them win.” Wildfire sniggered playfully, she could just imagine Tempest sticking her tongue out at her. “Everypony knows the Sharks have got their hooves on the cup, again.” “Would that be the coffee cup or the tea cup?” Tempest asked, indeed she was sticking out her tongue, earning herself a snicker from Airmail. Holding her coffee in her hooves, Wildfire giggled, “not my coffee cup.” “I'll be the first to say Vanhoover doesn't have a chance either.” Airmail spoke up in Tempest’s defence. “Baltimare is the only team I think that can realistically stop the Sharks.” “Totally!” Wildfire nodded eagerly. At last she had a sports buddy to talk rugby with. “You know it’s gonna be the Ravens and the Sharks in the final. It’s sooo gonna be a rematch of the 2024 final!” Tempest rolled her eyes with a huff. “Does this mean I'll need to learn sports now?” “Don't worry Honey, we'll teach you.” Wildfire said with a bright giggle, “as long as you know Apple Honey's the best captain the Sharks have ever had, you'll be okay.” Tempest sniffled, really pouring on the ‘sad mare’ look. “I'm down to third mare now behind Apple Honey and Airmail...” “Aww,” Wildfire reached across the table with her hoof, aiming to comfort her upset lover. “You're still my bestest weather pony, Honey.” Seeing the hoof reaching for hers, Tempest helpfully put her violet hoof where it could be touched and she sniffled some more. “Y-You haven't met Airmail’s mom yet.” She muttered sadly, though her blue eyes were twinkling mischievously. “Wait till she meets your parents.” Airmail snickered, “You'll really be out of the running.” Wildfire put her half empty coffee cup down. “It sounds like Stormy could use a cuddle.” “Always.” The little yellow mare opened her forehooves for a cuddle, which Tempest quickly filled. “You're better than Apple Honey anyway, Honey. The press says she has an awful temper.” She then nuzzled the older mare’s neck and breathed in her sandalwood scent that told her everything was going to be alright. “And, Airy’s good with the crop and a preen, and you can cook, Stormy, so I guess I'll keep you.” It was a good thing Tempest had just put her coffee down, otherwise she would’ve spat it from laughter. “You hear that Airy? We can stay at our own house!” “Thank Celestia,” Airmail laughed, “I was worried we'd be on the street.” “It is a nice house,” Wildfire giggled, going along with the joke, “you can stay in it I suppose.” “That’s it!” Tempest declared dramatically with a hoof to her forehead, “We're moving.” Airmail snorted out a laugh. “I’m with you, Stormy.” “Does this mean I get to have the bed all to myself?” Again, Airmail laughed, this time at Wildfire’s question. Partly because she remembered the last time Wildfire had been left at home one her own, all tied up and sexy looking. “Only if you're home alone,” she sniggered, “and then I'd expect you to be up and dusting!” “As it happens, I'm very good at dusting except when somepony…” Wildfire coughed conspicuously, “Stormy…” she coughed again, “moves the chocolate chips.” Tempest giggled, “Or tells somepony how priceless the dishes are.” “That was not fair!” Wildfire whined, an act that earned her a dangerously narrowed look from Tempest and a shake of the head from Airmail, “I could've gone on quite happily not knowing that.” Recovering quickly from her very brief flash of temper, Tempest took a moment to drink the rest of her coffee and settle herself. “It was priceless though to watch you jump.” “Of course,” Airmail put in, “Stormy and I have broken a few over time too.” “True,” Tempest agreed, “as long as it wasn't a saucer we would have easily replaced it.” “You're both mean.” Wildfire stuck her tongue out to both of her marefriends, “and I'm not dusting them again.” Airmail casually inspected her hoof and whispered warningly in Wildfire’s ear, “I'm sure Mapper won't notice the dust.” That made Wildfire shiver, and not from the proximity of Airmail’s lips to her ear. “C'mon, I'll do everything else, I just think those are best done by somepony who can oh, I dunno, see...? Please?” Tempest had to bite her hoof not to throw a retort when Wildfire began decrying her abilities. Especially when she had shown she could do so much already this past week. “Ser might trade dusting duties for kisses.” “I hope so…” Wildfire let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding in just as the Friendship Express steam strain pulled noisily into the station ten minutes before its allotted departure time. “I’m sorry guys, I just really don't want to break any,” she rubbed her left foreleg along her right, feeling some of the old breaks that lingered there. “Really Wily,” Tempest giggled as the passengers on the train began disembarking, “you worry too much. Finish up, I have us a compartment booked.” “I guess I do,” Wildfire blushed and she quickly downed what was left of her sugary black coffee in one mouthful. Thankfully, what was left in the cup had cooled. “Done!” “The last two cars for Vanhoover,” Tempest explained as she too finished her pastry when Airmail finished hers. “The rest of the train is going to the Crystal Empire at the end of the line.” “Let’s see if we got a cabin to ourselves.” Airmail said as she gently leaned on Wildfire to get her to get up from the café seating pad. Feeling Airmail’s nudge, Wildfire did get up. “Ooh I’ve never been to the Crystal Empire...then again I’ve never been to Vanhoover either.” When Airmail got up with Tempest, both mares checked their saddlebags to ensure they had everything. There were ‘supplies’ they’d both need for the trip in them. Fun supplies. “You'll need to add that to your bucket list then,” the azure blue mare smiled and kissed her little lover’s ear, “Maybe we can drum up an excuse to go that far north.” “Hmm, can’t we just go because it's pretty?” Tempest rolled her blue eyes again and flicked her black tail under Wildfire’s nose to get her to follow her scent. “It is another twenty hours on the train north of Vanhoover.” Airmail nuzzled Wildfire’s flank as they left the café and walked back out onto the noisy busy platform. “And, if you like ice then it is pretty.” Wildfire shuddered, remembering the abuse that Amethyst Glory used to deliver to her wings when it was winter in Canterlot. “I'm not a huge fan of ice, but it'd be an experience, and you never know we might meet the Princess.” “Mapper is getting pretty close to Luna,” Airmail nodded as they waited their turn to get onto the carriages marked for Vanhoover, “so you may be meeting more Princesses than you could ever want.” Tempest snickered as they boarded the train. “I’d like Princess Cadance to sign my stallionhood, while I'm wearing it.” “Stranger things have happened surely.” Wildfire commented, very closely following the violet pegasus’s scent so as not to lose her. “Airy, I bet a week ago you never dreamed you'd be flying to Princess Luna's place and asking her to lead an arrest.” “I would have lost that bet.” Airmail admitted while the threesome made their way through the Vanhoover carriages in search of an empty compartment they could commandeer. “I had to do something, and killing your father was not one of the somethings.” Tempest gave her herd-mate a ‘look’ over her shoulder. “I never dreamed of having breakfast with Princess Celestia.” “Or of having group sex in the Prince's suite?” Wildfire interjected with a grin on her yellow muzzle. Airmail giggled. “Group sex, yes, Canterlot Castle, no.” “See?” Wildfire snickered as she felt Tempest in front of her slow down. “Benefits to having Dusky as your best friend.” “Good,” Tempest said loudly once she had come to a halt outside of a compartment three quarters of the way down the first Vanhoover carriage, “It looks like we have the compartment all to ourselves.” Tempest grinned back to Airmail and both mares shared a nod and a wink as the violet weather pony slid open the compartment door. “Wildflower,” she declared, her attitude changing to become more severe, “you were a bit flippant in the castle about being rutted.” Wildfire followed her lover into the compartment and at once caught not only the code word to become a Pet but the subtle change in Tempest’s voice as well. “Um, well, I ah…I thought you'd forgotten...Mistress.” “Still the flower has a wild streak.” Like her herd-mate, Airmail’s tone had hardened and she licked her right ear. “Spread your hooves.” “Yes, Mistress Airy.” Obediently, now fully in her role, Wildfire spread her four hooves wider than shoulder width apart. As soon as she did so, the little blind mare heard a rustle in a saddlebag behind her to her left, and a moment later she felt Airmail and Tempest place padded cuffs on all her hooves and securely buckle them in place. “Now,” Tempest ordered, “stand with them close together.” “Yes, Mistress Stormy.” Doing as she was told, very quickly, she stood and drew her hooves close to each other. “What do you think, Airy?” Tempest asked conversationally, pointedly talking to her partner as if the little yellow pegasus wasn’t there at all. Airmail looked her little lover over critically. She had no real doubt in her mind that she could take absolutely anything that either of them were willing to dish out, thanks to her recent past, but this was different. This was a game. “She is still in training, let’s go with twelve.” Wildfire was wondering just what Airmail meant by ‘twelve’. Twelve what? She didn’t know but she was excited to find out. As she was pondering this she felt something get clipped to each cuff of the four cuffs and one of her partners, she judged it was Airmail by the scent, slowly spread her legs apart. It quickly became apparent that there was a twelve inch chain going from each cuff to a central ring. Wildfire allowed her legs to be spread until she felt the foot long chains become taut. The diminutive mare just got accustomed to this when a blindfold was placed over the scars where her eyes used to be which was followed by a bit and bridle. Almost straight away she could feel the weight of the reins on the bridle. “Isn't Wildflower a pretty mare?” Tempest asked somewhat rhetorically as she watched Wildfire shake her head slightly, feeling the familiar weight of the reins and bridle. “Yes,” Airmail agreed cheerfully, “she is a very pretty mare. To the club car!” Wildfire felt the reins get tugged and she knew she was going to be led out of the compartment and through the train, which had by now started moving. Knowing full well they were now in a ‘session’, Wildfire paused and giggled, pulling back on the reigns a little as she did so. Straight away without hesitation the yellow mare felt the sting of a riding crop bite quite forcefully over her left cutie mark courtesy of Airmail. “Problem, Wildflower?” Tempest asked from the front of the trio. “Aaah!” Wildfire squealed at the bite of the crop. She could tell from the scent and the direction of her voice that Tempest was to her front so she must have the reins. “N-No problem, Mistress Stormy, I'm just a bad pony…” the reins were pulled once again and this time, Wildfire walked with the reins, not pulling back as she was led through the Vanhoover couch car. There were a few giggles from the other passengers, some whistles of approval and more than a few ‘Oh my!’ comments. With her head held up high and proud, Wildfire smiled, resolving to put on a good show. Next along on the walk was the dining car, which as it happened was nearly empty. There were a couple of late risers from the sleeper carriages having their breakfasts but none of them chose to make any comments of the three mares as they walked past. The next car was the club car. Tempest led Wildfire along to an empty table. Wildfire didn’t really like this carriage. It was noisy, scents and sounds of ponies from all around her assaulted her senses and were it not for her marefriends she would’ve been quite disoriented. “Sit.” Tempest ordered. “Yes, Mistress Stormy.” Wildfire was very grateful they were there, and with a cuffed hoof she felt the edge of a seating pad waiting for her. In short order a waiting stallion appeared at their table, a dappled grey earth pony, “Would you like something?” He asked politely, sparing Wildfire and her state of dress an interested glance. “Two hot spiced chai teas and one water, please.” When Tempest placed the order for the three of them, the waiter quickly vanished and returned with the drinks on a tray. Helpfully, he slid one of them in front of the blind pony touching her right wing. “You may drink your water as you like, Wildflower.” “Thank you, Mistress Stormy.” Taking the glass in her wing, she took a sip of her water. “Excuse me.” The dappled grey earth pony stallion turned his attention to Airmail. “Yes madam?” The only thing Wildfire heard was a series of taps on the table between her and her marefriends. She assumed, correctly, that it was a menu. Idly she wondered what the azure blue mare was ordering. The waiting stallion nodded, “Yes madam.” Not ten minutes later and a large plate was placed on the table along with some smaller plates around it. A split second later after that and the blind pony smelled something on the relish tray that she’d rather not smell. At all. Something she hated with a passion. Sipping her water, she sniffed at it again to make sure. “Mistress?” She asked hesitantly, “that's not...it is, isn’t it?” “It is a relish tray, Wildflower.” Tempest explained, her tone that of the consummate Mistress. The violet mare slid a small plate in front of Wildfire to the left of her water. “There is some blue cheese dip in front of your plate. You will eat everything on your plate, Wildflower.” At that, Tempest and Airmail sat back on their seating pads and while they ate the light vegetables in front of them they chatted about Vanhoover, about Airmail's family and must see items that they simply had to do while they were going to be in the northern city. Both were pointedly ignoring their Pet. Wildfire sniffed again at her plate. “B-But...Mistress, there's celery...” her muzzle moving over the plate, she detected not just the hated celery but there were carrot sticks, bell peppers, zucchini slices, cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes and black olives. She was very glad to have the blue cheese dip. “I told you our pretty mare was smart too.” Tempest snickered. “You did Airy, and I didn't disagree with you.” Frowning a very deep frown, Wildfire dipped her muzzle into the plate and began eating the carrot sticks, conspicuously shuffling the pieces of celery far over to the side of her plate. Unfortunately, this did not go unnoticed by Airmail and Tempest as they carried on their conversation about the harbour, and maybe a whaling tour. Wildfire dipped the peppers in the sauce and ate them with a sip of water. “Mistress, must I eat this?” She pointed to the celery with her nose. “Does Mistress Stormy need to repeat herself?” Airmail asked imperiously, “I thought you were a clever mare.” “But...no Mistress, she doesn't need to repeat herself…” Wildfire’s shoulders slumped as she moved on to the cucumber and tomatoes. Airmail and Tempest resumed their talk about the upcoming visit. Apparently all three of them would be staying at Airmail's family house. Wildfire wasn’t really listening. She was focussed on her plate, her thoughts milling around in her head. She really hated the thought of the celery, but…but it wasn’t like Lotus Stripes was there ready to break her legs if she left any anymore, was it? This was a game. Wildfire had to keep reminding herself off that as she ate the zucchini and the black olives while saving the blue cheese dip to take away the taste of the upcoming celery. However, when there was nothing but celery left on her plate, Airmail fired a broadside into her carefully laid plan. “Stormy, I've run out of dressing.” Tempest had to really try very hard not to laugh at the sour look on the little yellow mare’s face. “Oh, here Wildflower hasn't even touched hers.” “Thank you.” Airmail smiled as she swiped the blue cheese dip over on to her side of the table. With the loss of her last hope of rescue from the hated celery Wildfire let out a loud petulant whine and, as she picked up one of the celery sticks in her mouth Airmail and Tempest both had the biggest smiles on their muzzles. Grimacing, the yellow pegasus took a bite, chewing it as fast as she could before swallowing with distaste and going for her water to get rid of the peppery taste. Again, it wasn’t like Lotus was there forcing it down her gullet, but she ate stick after stick of it for fear of disappointing her Mistresses. She knew she could say ‘peaches’ at any time and end this little game, but she didn’t. “She is eating it so quickly and she saved it for last.” Tempest commented with just a hint of a gloat in her voice. “Do you think she wants some more?” “No!” Frantically, Wildfire shook her head. “No Mistress please, don't order anymore.” Airmail took pity on her begging lover and Pet. “I'm rather full, and we would have to order a whole tray.” Reluctantly, Tempest agreed. This was after all supposed to be fun, and Wildfire’s face right then was anything but fun. “You're right, Airy. I'm sure we can pick some celery at the store in Vanhoover.” “Thank you Mistress!” Wildfire breathed a huge sigh of relief. ‘I'm not being beaten by celery,’ she thought as she finished the very last of the celery on her plate and lunged for the rest of her water. “I feel restored from that snack.” Tempest got up from her seating pad in the club car and tugged on the reins she held. “Come Pet, let’s go back to our compartment.” “Yes Mistress,” Wildfire grumbled a little as she allowed herself to be led along. “It was...lovely…” walking somewhat sullenly, she kept up with the pull of the reins. “Yes,” Tempest said as she led the way back to the cabin, “it will be lovely.” Sliding open the cabin door, the violet mare entered first followed by Wildfire whom she led to face the window. When Wildfire entered the compartment, she could feel Airmail enter right behind her. In a bit of a mood from having to eat the frankly evil celery, the little blind mare resisted and once more she pulled a little on the reins. She tossed her head side to side but still, she stood in front of the window where directed. Tempest of course noted this sullen behaviour straightaway. “I think she may be sulking, Airy.” Airmail gave her herd-mate a series of ear flicks and she got a silent nod in reply. “I did have to remind her of your instructions.” “Yes,” Tempest tapped her chin thoughtfully, “Our Pet is most forgetful, it seems.” Another set of ear flicks and both mares shared a nod of the head and a knowing smile. “Do you think it’s her attitude?” The azure blue mare asked. Tempest nodded. “She has been a hoof-full since the palace.” “It was a rough day yesterday.” Airmail commented as she ran her left wing gently over Wildfire’s right flank. Tempest didn’t buy that at all. “Sound like an excuse to me.” Facing the window, her hindquarters pointed towards the compartment door, Wildfire lowered her head. They were right of course, she was acting a lot like a spoiled brat. “It’s no excuse for my actions, Mistress.” Airmail gently swatted Wildfire’s flank with her wing. “Did you ask to speak, Pet?” “I don't recall her doing so.” Tempest said with a wink to Airmail. The azure blue mare resumed her tender caress of Wildfire’s flank. “Maybe an attitude adjustment is needed?” Grinning, Tempest bent down and whispered in Wildfires’ left ear. “Does my very bad pony need a spanking?” Wildfire nodded her head enthusiastically. “She does Mistress, to remind your Pet how to behave.” Tempest stood back up to her full height and nodded to her herd-mate. “You may begin Airy.” The violet weather pony then stood back and watched as Airmail tenderly stroked the feathers of her wings over Wildfire’s right flank, up and down her hind legs and finally between her hind legs. The azure blue mare then repeated this gentle treatment on the yellow pony’s left side and continued back and forth. “That's it Airy,” Tempest cheered, “You give her what for!” Under the maddeningly gentle wing caresses, Wildfire let out a frustrated whimper, hopping from hoof to hoof in a desperate need to be spanked. The next thing she felt was Tempest giggling in her left ear. “Careful Pet, if you displease me it will be the socks next.” That was the absolute last thing she wanted. She recalled the horrific beating that Lady Octavia had endured at the Manehatten fountain. Wildfire whinnied, “I ah, I understand Mistress.” With an act of will, she forced herself to stand still as the feathers caressed her. “Good Pet,” Tempest whispered, still in her left ear, “take it like the bad pony you are. Tail up high please.” Wildfire tried very hard not to smile. “At once, Mistress.” Flexing her dock, she lifted up her tail as high as she could get it, exposing her slowly moistening marehood to anypony that happened to walk past the compartment and look in. There was now a pause between each tender wing stroke as Airmail darted in to lick between Wildfire’s cleft. “Hmmm!” The blind mare cooed at the touch of the hot wet tongue on her labia. “Airy, love,” Tempest said in her ‘Mistress’ tone as she backed away, “I think our Pet is enjoying her punishment. Pause for a moment and help me prepare for the next event.” Tempest moved away and all of a sudden the wing caresses and the licking stopped. Almost immediately Wildfire whined at the loss of the contact and smiled impishly as she lowered her black tail. Two minutes later and the smell of strawberries filled the compartment, along with the musky scent of Wildfire’s arousal as she began to leak juice down her hind legs. She sniffed the scent of strawberries knowing full well what that meant and that just served to get her more excited. A second later and she felt the sharp sting of the riding crop on each cutie mark and quick as a flash Tempest was back in her ear. “Did I change your instructions?” “Aah!” Wildfire gasped out loud. That flash of stinging pain always came as a 'nice' surprise to the blind pegasus. “N-No Mistress, you didn’t.” “Are you sure?” Tempest asked as she landed two more rapid strikes over each of her stylised fireball cutie marks. “Aaah!” Another gasp and Wildfire raised her tail back to where it was. “I'm sure, Mistress.” “Okay, I am going to pause the game for a moment.” Tempest declared, her voice at once going back to her usual blend of Trottingham / Manehatten. “I have a question that only Wildfire can answer. I want Wildfire to answer this question. I know you have toys for both holes, but I'm going to rut you. Which hole does Wildfire want me to rut her in?” Wildfire was very, very grateful for that. She smiled both inwardly and externally. That love, that simple show of love, respect and affection was all the difference between the care home and now. It was still something she was getting used to, but she appreciated in nonetheless. “Um, can you rut my tail-hole, please Stormy, if that's okay?” She said and puckered her lips, offering up a kiss. Tempest didn’t look away from the little yellow mare in front of her. “Prepare our Pet, Airy.” Smiling, Tempest returned the deep kiss. “You need to relax.” Airmail said as she smeared her strawberry lube covered hoof over the muscular ring of her newest herd-mate’s anus. There was the tiniest frown on her azure blue face at how easily it opened to accept the very toe of her hoof as she liberally applied the lube. “Thank you, Honey.” Wildfire whispered and took a deep breath to relax herself as the lube was generously applied to her ass. Tempest gave her diminutive lover another kiss and she stood up, her aspect once more returning to the ‘Mistress’. “Now Wildflower, you punishment will begin in earnest.” Tempest moved away and Airmail stepped up to Wildfire’s front and lovingly nuzzled her right ear. Wildfire felt a pair of hooves on her back and something wide pressed against her tail-hole. “Relax,” Tempest purred into her ear, “I don't want to tear you.” Taking another deep breath, Wildfire nuzzled Airmail’s cheek as she planted her hooves on the floor of the steam train’s compartment, relaxing herself as much as possible. Bucking her hips, Tempest pushed forward until Wildfire’s well-used ring finally give her entrance. Airmail whispered in her left ear, “Don't be afraid to use your safe word.” She gave her a delicate kiss as Tempest shuffled forward, sliding the length of the toy into her lubed up ass. “I-I won't Airy…hmmm!” Wildfire swooned as she felt the length and girth of the toy enter her hole. “Oooh M-Mistress!” Airmail broke the kiss. “Rut her Stormy.” She was satisfied that Wildfire would use her safe word if she needed to. “Rut her hard.” Back in Wildfire’s ear she whispered, “take it all, my pretty mare.” Given the go ahead, Tempest had half the length of the dildo buried in Wildfire’s asshole and she started pumping it in and out, leaning her full weight on her back as she wrapped her forehooves over her yellow wings. “I-I will Mistress!” Wildfire squealed at the intrusion into her ass, feeling very full from the toy that spread her and stretched her open. “Ngggh! Thank you for rutting me, Mistress!” In her teeth, Tempest grabbed the black mane and pulled her head back away from Airmail's mouth. From experience she knew how far she could shove up an ass as her pace picked up. “Oowoow!” Wildfire moaned and bucked her hips backwards against Tempest's thrusts with a smile. “H-Harder, M-Mistress!” Underneath her, Airmail moved to lavish her attention on Wildfire’s hard exposed clit while Tempest slammed into her butt. “AaaaAAAHH that’s gooood...” Lost in the sensations of plowing the diminutive mare, Tempest stamped her hoof. Sucking hard on her clitoris, Airmail knew her lover was close. “You may cum, Pet.” Airmail moved from licking to nibbling her hard nub. Just then, when all three mares were lost in the moment, the door to the compartment slid open and an earth pony stallion – who had been admiring the show since it began – said, “Tickets please.” Tempest didn’t miss a beat as Airmail slid out from underneath Wildfire and showed the stallion the tickets. She just slammed the little mare harder and harder. “Thank you, have a pleasant trip.” The stallion, for his part didn’t flinch or blush, he just shut the door and went to his cabin to enjoy what he had just seen. “Th-thank AAAAH! Thaaank y-you Mistress!” Wildfire shouted and shuddered as her climax took her over the edge. “Mmmm sweeEET CELESTIAAAAA!” Her legs buckled as she came very hard. As she squirted, Airmail got under her just in time to lap up her juices while behind her Tempest kept driving hard, not letting up her hard solid thrusts. “Aaah-ooow ooOOOW!” She squealed, starting to get a little sore but it still felt sweet due to the mare lapping at her crotch. Snorting, Tempest twisted Wildfire’s black mane and she didn't slow down. She just got faster and harder. Airmail stopped lapping, and stepped away to watch what was happening. “Ooow ooouch!” By now she was starting to get really sore, it felt like Tempest was tearing her in half. “AAAH OOOOOOW! P-Peaches!” When Tempest didn’t show any immediate signs of stopping, Airmail bit the violet mare’s ear hard. “Ooow! Ohhh…” coming back to herself she paused and then she slowly pulled out leaving a gaping Wildfire in her wake. Wildfire hung her head slightly, “I’m s-sorry!” “I love you, and don't you ever forget that.” Tempest smiled, sounding for all Equestria like herself again. “Airy knows I get carried away slamming ass.” “I was watching you Wildfire, and I was about to bite her anyways.” Airmail said as she moved to stand at Wildfire’s right and nuzzled her ear. “I love you too.” “I-I love you both too, I’m sorry I ended it…” Wildfire muttered. She deeply wished she could’ve stopped it so easily back at the care home, but nopony had loved her there. “It was really nice at first, then it started to hurt.” She blushed a bright red. “Thank you, for stopping, Honey.” Tempest moved along Wildfire’s left side and nuzzled that ear. “Thank you for being willing to stop me.” Wildfire kissed both of her marefriends. “Thank you,” she kissed them both again. “Did you, um, come too?” “No, which is why I didn't stop...” Tempest admitted, “I’m sorry, it’s different between which hole I'm in. I sort of lose where I'm at...” “She gets too focussed rutting you she forgets to rut herself.” Airmail explained. “Yeah.” Tempest licked Wildfire’s left ear, “you want to finish me off?” Wildfire nodded. “I'd love to, Stormy.” “You up to rutting me?” Tempest asked, “We brought your toy too.” “Oooh yes please!” “You know the drill,” Airmail smiled as she took out Wildfire’s stallionator toy from one of the saddlebags and generously applied the strawberry lube to its veiny length. “Step back into the harness, Wily.” Wildfire sniffed the strawberry lube with a smile and stepped backwards awkwardly with her hind legs into the harness. “I’m sorry,” she giggled, “I’m a bit stiff.” “Hmm,” Tempest moved back at that comment and ducked her head under Wildfire’s tail. “It does look like an open tunnel under that tail of yours…” she didn’t know whether to be proud at that or a tiny bit ashamed as she watched Airmail move the dildo up and into Wildfire’s very slippery slot filling her in a new way. “Swap spots and you can lower your tail now.” “Gee, that’s a nice image…” Wildfire sniggered at being described as an ‘open tunnel’ and moved to one side, lowering her tail to hide the view. “Just like last time Wily, you can do this.” Airmail said as she ushered Tempest into position at the window before whispering in the blind mare’s ear, “Once you're in don't hold back.” “Oh okay...” Blindly, Wildfire felt for Tempest's hind quarters and, once she found her, she reared up to her hind legs and placed her forehooves on Tempest's wing joints. ‘I got this,’ she thought to herself as she roughly aimed the tip of the toy at her marefriend’s waiting marehood, fumbling slightly as she entered her. “You okay Stormy?” “No,” she snorted in reply, “you're not rutting!” Wildfire blushed, feeling a bit daft. “Sorry!” Resolving to be more firm, Wildfire gripped the base of Tempest’s wings with her forehooves as she rocked her hips forward, entering her older lover to the hilt in one smooth thrust before pulling out half way and firmly thrusting back inside. Stepping back to watch the show, Airmail snickered, “I wish I had some popcorn,” to which Tempest snorted a deep lusty breath as Wildfire picked up her speed, slamming the toy into Tempest harder and deeper with every thrust of her hips. The violet mare pushed back and snorted some more. “Ride that pony!” Airmail cheered them on. Wildfire was really going for it, slamming into Tempest’s sopping wet marehood as hard as she possibly could, pulling her lover back onto herself with each deep thrust. “Yessss yeessssssssaaahahaaaa!” Tempest screamed as she came, and Wildfire could feel her climax and her muscular tunnel clenched around her false shaft. “Oh yeah,” Airmail grinned, “that was worth the price of admission.” Slowing her thrusts, Wildfire lowered herself to Tempest’s back, kissing along the back of her neck and her black mane. “So Wily,” Tempest was panting as hard as she was, “how was our performance?” “It was great!” Wildfire replied as she pulled out of her herd-mate and hopped back to her four hooves and trotted round to her front for a kiss. “Even the celery.” “Good.” Tempest smiled as her breathing returned to normal. “Airy, check she is okay.” Airmail nodded from Wildfire’s rear end. “Lift your tail, please.” Wildfire gave a little derisive snort. “I'm fine.” She still lifted up her black tail though. Airmail inspected her little lover’s ass closely. “She has a welt over the left cutie mark, a couple over the right, and no bleeding.” The azure blue mare reported, breathing a considerable sigh of relief that the blind mare’s used tail-hole was closing up. “See?” Wildfire kissed her marefriend, “I'm fine.” “Mother hen, remember?” Airmail said with a giggle, “You ready for me to slide this out of you?” She asked as Tempest joined her in a giggle. “Yuppers,” Wildfire answered quickly, “and I wouldn't have her any other way.” She smiled as Airmail helped her out of the toy’s harness before getting a cloth to wipe both of them down. Flexing her hind legs, the blind mare gave a little wince and a groan as pain spiked from her ass. “Well, almost fine.” “Thanks for indulging me.” Tempest said as she turned and nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek. “Airy still thinks it is an output device only.” Wildfire lovingly nuzzled her partner as Airmail noisily raspberried the two mares. “You were the gentlest ever, and I love you for that.” “I love you too.” Tempest knew exactly what she meant by that last remark and to be honest she didn’t want to dwell on it too much. “I'm for a nap till lunch.” “I'm going back to the club car.” Airmail stated, “You napping too, Wily or coming with me?” “Um,” Wildfire made her mind up quickly. “I'll go with you Airy, I'm not tired.” “Hoof cuffs, but no chains?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire nodded, “that sounds good.” As Tempest hopped up and got herself comfortable on one of the fold down beds in the train compartment, Airmail removed the twelve inch chains and left the cuffs, bit, bridle, and blindfold in place. Taking up the reins in her hoof she gave them a firm tug. “Let’s go.” She said and led her little lover through the Vanhoover coach, the dining car and onwards to the club car which had gotten more crowded in their absence. “Excuse me, can we share you table?” A pea green earth pony mare with a dark green mane tied up in a bun looked up her seating pad. “Oh, sure.” At that, Airmail led Wildfire to a vacant seating pad opposite the earth pony. When Wildfire felt the edge of the seating pad with the leading edge of her hoof she hopped up on to it and scooted over to make room for Airmail to take a seat beside her. “Thanks,” she said with a smile to the mystery mare. “Willow.” The pea green mare supplied with a nod of her head. “Airmail.” The lead editor gave her name as she too sat down next to Wildfire. “Hey Willow,” the blind pony extended her cuffed hoof across the table in greeting. “I'm Wildfire.” “I see you're all dressed up,” Willow said as she addressed the bridle and bumped the yellow hoof that was extended to her. “But, why the blindfold?” “Oh I'm blind,” Wildfire stated blandly. “It was an accident at university.” Wildfire knew she was skirting the issue, but she figured there was no need to go into heaps of detail just yet, if ever. “A bit redundant then?” Willow remarked with a raised eyebrow. Airmail smiled, “It’s a good conversation starter.” “Okay,” Willow grudgingly admitted, “I guess I fell for that.” Wildfire giggled. She rather liked the sound of this new mare. She had a soft fragile voice that carried a hint of determination to it at the same time. It was a tone she could emphasise with. “It looks better than what's underneath, and yuppers, it’s an icebreaker.” “Do you want black coffee and two sugars this time, Wily?” Airmail asked and when she nodded ‘yes’ the older mare placed the order with the waiter that had stopped at the table. “How far are you both going?” Willow asked after the waiter had gone and she had taken a sip of the tea she was nursing in front of her. “Vanhoover,” Wildfire replied eagerly. “I’m meeting Airmail's family. How 'bout you?” “End of the line.” Willow said with a nervous smile and she glanced at her feather duster and apron cutie mark. “I’ve got a maid job in the Crystal Empire at the palace, it’s better than cleaning a hotel room in Canterlot.” That certainly got Airmail’s attention right there. Leaning forward, her ears perked up with interest, she asked, “How hard was that to line up?” “Six months of applications and interviews,” Willow answered with a not too small amount of pride in her voice. “I tried for the Canterlot palace and the Ponyville palace too.” “The Canterlot palace is nice, I’ve never been in the Ponyville one.” Wildfire commented as she smelled the drinks arriving. She could tell from the scent of the coffee that it was a decent brand. “Did you work at the palace?” Willow asked, making conversation. Wildfire shook her head. “No,” she paused and took a sip of her steaming hot black coffee. “My best friend Dusk lives there.” Willow’s jaw hung open in surprise and a bit of shock. “The Prince!” She had no idea she was in the company of those that knew royalty. The pea green mare felt very out of place, seeing as she didn’t have two bits to rub together. “If you want this table to yourself, I can move, ma’am.” Wildfire raised up her hoof. “Don't be silly Ms. Willow, you were here first, right Airy?” Airmail couldn’t help but giggle. “Okay, that was funny, and you are an awful name dropper Wily.” To Willow she smiled a sympathetic smile. “They're both pegasi and when to school together.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire giggled, “we went to the same dull boring school where nothing ever happened.” “Well, at least you got to see the inside of the palace.” Willow commented, trying very hard to keep the resentful edge from her voice. “I got to take care of the rooms of stuffy nobles.” Wildfire shrugged. “They're all stuffy…mostly.” She added quickly, amending her statement. Willow gave a light little giggle that entirely suited her soft voice. “Yes, they are, but I hear it is different in the Crystal Empire.” “You don't mind the cold?” Willow turned her sparkling blue eyes to Airmail as she considered her question. “Well, it helps being an earth pony, and it really isn't bad unless you leave the main city.” “Oh I am sorry,” Wildfire rested her black coffee back on the table and felt really rather silly, and a bit rude. “I should've asked what pony you were Ms. Willow...um, would you mind if I touched you, please?” “Ooh, ahh no.” Willow wasn’t expecting that, at all. “Let me come around to your side of the table.” When the pea green mare got up, Airmail moved aside so that Willow could sit next to the little blind mare. When she was sat comfortably next to her, she said, “Go ahead Ms Wildfire. So you've met the Prince's family?” Airmail was, through a considerable act of willpower, able to hold in her laughter at that understatement as Wildfire lifted up her hooves and gently touched Willow's face, carefully taking in the features of her nose, her muzzle and her cheeks. Now she determined that she liked this mare even more. “We've met them once or twice, his parents are pretty cool.” “That sounds so exciting.” Willow said, trying not to move her jaw very much as her face was felt all over. Idly she wondered what the yellow pegasus saw in her mind’s eye. Wildfire nodded as she lowered her hooves. “They're a laugh, for old ponies.” “Oh my!” Willow gasped, that fragility back in her soft voice. “Let me move so your partner can have her place back.” With that the pea green mare got up and moved back around to the other side of the table and Airmail slid in to sit back down next to Wildfire. “I'm hoping I'll be able to meet Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” “Call her Cadance,” Wildfire spoke up, “D says she prefers it to her full name.” Willow didn’t know what to make of that. She doubted she’d get that close as to call the alicorn anything other than her full title. “A servant shouldn’t presume.” “You can trust Wildfire on that one.” Airmail said kindly, “It may help you get promoted when you arrive in the Empire.” “Um…okay…” Willow still wasn’t wholly convinced. When the waiter came over she quickly finished her cup of tea and gave him her empty cup. “I'll have another Jasmine tea please.” She then turned back to the other two mares. “Did you stop in Canterlot to visit?” “Kinda,” Wildfire said with a smile, “I introduced Airmail to my mum, and we had some ‘other stuff’ to take care of as well.” Willow giggled, “It’s always nice when a couple does the 'meet the parents' thing.” “It was, I think they got on nicely.” Wildfire giggled, not feeling the need to go into all the ins and outs of the day and exactly what had happened, “Then we had a night out with some friends in a posh restaurant, that was fun.” She was well aware that ‘posh’ didn’t go all the way to describing just how upper class and elite that restaurant had been. “Yes,” Willow’s soft voice sounded very distant. “I'm sure it was…” At once, Wildfire picked up on the change in Willow’s voice. “What’s the matter, Ms. Willow?” “Hmm?” Willow made the noncommittal noise without really listening. “Oh, nothing Ms. Wildfire, I just don't tend to go to posh restaurants.” “Me neither as a rule, they’re way too stuffy.” Wildfire had an idea that she had said something wrong and intentionally or not, she had upset the mare she liked. She also had an idea to make up for it. To Airmail she asked, “Have you got your phone on you, Airy?” “Yes dear,” Airmail replied and she retrieved her cell phone from her bag. “Left yours in the cabin?” “Thanks, Airy. I was gonna show Ms. Willow the clips of our night out, to cheer her up.” She whispered, “Y’know, the ones that Moonbeams took…ah, how'd I get Facetube up on this?” “Okay,” Airmail caught on to what Wildfire had in mind and she took her phone back with a laugh and swiped her way onto the right screen. “Okay, give me a moment. Good, they have WiFi in the club car. Here's an earpiece, Willow.” Airmail then slid her phone over on the table so that Willow could easily see the whole screen. “That's Wildfire in the white dress, and Dusk is there, wearing that dress.” “Dress?” Willow’s blue eyes went wide as she watched the scene unfold on the screen. “Yeah, dress.” Airmail supplied, “I'm the one in the blue dress.” “You’ll love it,” Wildfire laughed, “and yeah, Dusk likes wearing dresses, it makes his stallion happy.” “Oh, I see.” Realisation dawned on Willow as to what was happening when she saw the reveal of the same sex partners making out in public at the restaurant and the ensuing debacle afterwards. “Is that the stallion that just ate the bill?” Wildfire cracked up into fits of giggles. “Yuppers, that's him.” “Oh my!” Willow was shocked that anypony could act like that in Canterlot. “If Mr. ah...Oils, was it? Is with Prince Dusk, then why is Prince Dusk with that mare and Mr. Oils with that stallion? This is very confusing…” then the bit dropped and it became obvious as to what was happening. “Aaah…so this was all a set up?” “Yes,” Wildfire laughed, “I’m afraid it was rather.” “Oh my, this is…this is…” Willow began laughing behind her hoof. “This is really funny!” “It turned out to be a decent night didn't it, Airy?” “It did Wildfire,” Airmail agreed, “yes it did.” Reaching a wing out for her coffee, Wildfire found her cup and took a drink, draining what was left in one gulp. “Is it going to be just you in the Crystal Empire then, Ms. Willow?” When Willow finally stopped laughing and removed the ear piece, the giggling pea green earth pony mare pushed the cell phone back over to Airmail who put it away back in her bag. “That was pretty good, and yes, I’m making a fresh start.” Now Wildfire decided that she liked her even more. “Good for you. I did that with Manehatten, I start work there in about a week.” “I wish both of you well then,” Willow said as she summoned the waiter and paid her bits for the jasmine tea. “I'm going back to my seat, I may meet you again later today.” After Willow had gone, Airmail playfully nudged her little lover in the ribs. “You name dropper.” “Whaaaat?” Wildfire giggled, “I only said my friend lived at the palace, which he does.” “Just teasing you.” Airmail snickered, “I hope she does find that new start she’s looking for.” “Yuppers, so do I. I liked her, and we all deserve a fresh start.” She then placed a delicate little kiss on her marefriend’s cheek. “Our past is not today, right Pretty?” “Eeyup.” Airmail couldn’t argue with that. “It got us here, but it isn't leading us on.” “Well said love.” Wildfire affectionately nuzzled the older mare’s neck. “Thanks for watching out for me with Stormy.” “No problem love.” Airmail drained her own drink with a lick of her lips. “Stormy won't do that to you solo, she knows herself well enough.” Wildfire shifted a little on her seating pad. The pain in her rear was almost completely gone by now. “It was nice, mostly.” She giggled like a filly when a thought occurred to her. “I hope the conductor got a good show.” Airmail laughed out loud at that. “I'm sure he has seen it all.” “Well, I've just about felt it all.” Wildfire commented somewhat ambivalently, her tone a mixture of pride and sadness. “You want another coffee?” “Actually Airy,” Wildfire used her sense of smell and touch to pinpoint her marefriend’s location and waggle her eyebrows, “I was thinking we could play a game…” Unfortunately the sexy gesture went over Airmail’s head. “I don't think the train has any gaming systems.” She said, missing what Wildfire had intended. Moving close to the larger older mare’s ear, Wildfire giggled, “not that kind of game. We need to go back to our compartment to play it.” Then, she gave up being subtle about it. “It’s called how many times can I make you cum without waking up Stormy.” “You mean the Stormy that sleeps through her own thunderstorms Stormy?” Airmail deadpanned, “I think you have a better chance of making me pass out than waking her.” She continued with a giggle, “I'm game.” “Awesomes!” Wildfire leant up and kissed her ear. “It depends how loud you are. The longer she sleeps, the more you cum. Simples.” At that, the little yellow mare felt her reins being tugged, and with a giggle she allowed herself to be led from their table in the club car. On the way back to their carriage, while she was looking forward to their impromptu game, Wildfire paused. “Pretty, what did you think of Ms. Willow?” The question, unexpected as it was, made Airmail pause in turn. “Willow was a nice mare.” Airmail answered truthfully. They hadn’t spent a great deal of time with the earth pony, but she had come across as genuine. “I think she has had a hard life and looks to change her fortune in the Crystal Empire.” “I thought so too.” Wildfire thought as they started to walk through the dining car. “I was thinking, y'know, about fresh starts and everything, maybe I could give D a ring after our game see if he can’t help her out.” Airmail liked the sound of that. “Sounds like a good plan. I'm sure Dusky knows how to pull that off without putting Willow on the spot.” “I hope I'm not sticking my muzzle where it doesn't belong,” Wildfire fretted, “but everypony deserves a fresh start right? I’m thinking of Emerald, you, me y'know?” Airmail nodded. She couldn’t argue with any of that. “I have to agree with you, and I do think Dusky can do it right, so if you can lend a helping hoof, then go for it.” “I will, thanks Pretty.” Wildfire smiled, feeling buoyed about what she was planning to do. “Now about our game, what don't you want me to do?” “No hoofing me,” the azure blue lead editor replied quickly, she was very grateful Wildfire had asked that. “But, anything else is pretty much game.” “Okay love, I wasn't going to as I haven't washed these since last night.” Wildfire said, the very last thing she wanted was a repeat of the freak out she had caused in their bedroom back in Manehatten. She’d learnt that lesson good and proper. “Are you alright with me licking yours?” Airmail nodded. “If you wipe them down first I may have stepped in a puddle in the club car.” She slid open the compartment door and almost straightaway there was the sounds of a softly snoring Tempest coming from within from her chosen perch on the lower left bunk. The other three bunks were left folded up. Wildfire lowered her voice and whispered, “It sounds like somepony's enjoying her nap time.” Walking into the cabin, Airmail smiled, “For her the morning is the minute between eleven fifty nine a.m. and noon.” Airmail let out a light giggle. “And you won't be surprised to see me pass out by nine p.m.” Thinking to their upcoming game, Airmail looked around the cabin. “There is the open area in the middle where you stood, and seating pads on the right. We can lower the bunk too, you know how narrow those are.” “Best lower the bunk,” Wildfire thought, picturing the scene in her head, “I need to bend you over something.” “I'm liking this game already.” Airmail said as she quietly lowered the right lower bunk. “Oooh, we need a couple of props.” Wildfire said with a grin when she heard the bunk being lowered down and clicked into place. “Can you please help me into my toy again, and get a vibrator from the toy bag?” “Which one?” “The not-the-butt-plug one,” Wildfire grinned, “I know you don't like that.” “Just checking.” Airmail smiled and walked over to where they had left their saddlebags. “Anything else from the bag?” Wildfire shook her head, “nopes, that should be fine.” Airmail gave a little bow as she hoofed over the vibrator to the blind pony. “As you wish, Mistress Fire.” Giggling very hard indeed, Wildfire accepted the vibrator from her lover. “Mistress Fire…teehee, I kinda like that. Thank you, for helping me into the harness again, Pretty.” “It would please me to help you, Mistress Fire.” Getting the stallionator and its harness from the saddlebag, Airmail carried it over in her mouth and knelt down behind the diminutive mare. “When you're ready, Mistress Fire.” “I’m ready, Pretty.” Stifling another loud giggle, Wildfire stepped into the straps so she could lift it up and slide it inside her. “Thank you Pretty. One last thing, take my blindfold and put it on please.” Reaching up, Airmail carefully untied the blindfold from around Wildfire’s head and obediently she slipped it on over her brown eyes and turned to face the yellow mare. “Done, Mistress Fire.” “Good,” Wildfire tried very hard to sound authoritative, eventually she decided to go full ‘Canterlot’ with her accent instead. “Now, bend over the bunk please, wings spread wide.” Moving to the lower right bunk, Airmail bent over it as she was instructed as made sure she was as far forward as she could manage, her chest to the wall and her head to the right. “Yes, Mistress Fire.” Feeling where she was, Wildfire knelt down behind her marefriend’s outspread left wing and laid her right forehoof on her back. “I promise I won't hoof you, but if anything else I do freaks you out, stop me, 'kay?” Airmail nodded. ‘Luna’s mane she’s adorable,’ she thought with a smile. “Yes Mistress.” “Awesomes.” Wildfire turned on the vibrator she held in her left hoof, setting it to medium and resting it at the base of Airmail’s left wing while her right hoof stroked teasingly up the inside of her left hind leg. Almost straightaway, the azure blue mare shivered under the sensation at her sensitive wing base. “You like that, Pretty?” Wildfire asked rhetorically as she moved the vibrator slowly up the leading edge of her wing to the elbow and back to the base. “Eeek!” Even though she tried to hold still, when the vibrating toy neared her elbow Airmail's wing jerked away. “F-Forgive me, Mistress…” she murmured and steadied the limb when the toy moved away from her sensitive joint. “Forgiven this time, Pretty.” Wildfire couldn’t hide the smile in her voice as she stroked the vibrator up the edge of her wing this time all the way up to the wingtip. Airmail still jerked her wing at the elbow and fluttered it a bit on the finger joints but not as bad. Wildfire ran her right forehoof up to the top of Airmail’s inside leg, over her marehood to the base of her summer green tail and back again while stroking the vibrator over her primary feathers. “Mmmmmmmm!” Airmail purred heavenly and, encouraged by her moan, Wildfire ran the vibrator along the edges of a few feathers, circling her moistening labia with her other hoof. Airmail pressed against the yellow hoof and the feathers shivered along the vibrator. Running the vibrator along her secondary feathers now, her right hoof began tracing circles around the hood of Airmail’s hard clit. “AhhhHHHhhh!” “Is that nice my Pretty?” Wildfire asked as she moved the vibrator back to tease her primary feathers while starting to nip and suck on the tertiaries, her hoof still toying around her clit. “Yes Mistress, very nice…” “Awesomes.” Switching the vibrator over to her right hoof, Wildfire ran it along the primaries on Airmail’s other wing. “Best not neglect this one, hmm?” Scooting quickly around to her lover’s right side she ran her left forehoof around her hood, gently flicking her nub. “OhhhAAhhHH!” Airmail gasped as she ground herself backwards onto the soft yellow hoof. Wildfire held the vibrator against her primaries, nibbling and sucking on the secondaries, while she was flicking the tip of her hoof across her clit as the azure blue mare ground against it. “A-Ahh!” She moaned and jerked at the hoof flick. Passing the vibrator back to her left hoof, this time Wildfire ran the tip of it over her ever moistening labia as she sucked and nipped at the tertiary feathers. “Niiiiiiice Miiiiiiiistressss…” “I'd like you to cum for me, Pretty.” Wildfire commanded in her Canterlot accent as she slid the vibrator inside her wet tunnel while her right hoof rubbed in figure eights over the base of her right wing. Whimpering, Airmail pushed back against the vibrator. “W-Would Mistress please bite at my feathers?” “Of course my Pretty.” Switching the vibrator up a couple of notches to high, Wildfire lowered her head and tentatively bit down on the shaft of a primary feather. That did the trick. “Ahhh, yeess ah oooaoo aa hhh ah!” Airmail’s body shuddered and Wildfire’s hoof got considerably wetter. Seriously, Wildfire asked, “Was the bite okay Airy?” The last thing she wanted to do was hurt her lover. Airmail barely managed to nod her head. “Y-Yes Mistress Fire, I like them tugged, not removed.” “Awesomes.” Switching the vibrator up one more notch, as high as it would go, Wildfire selected another primary feather and biting it between her teeth she tugged it hard as Airmail rotated her hips to get as much of the vibrator in her as she could. Sliding her left hoof to her hard clit, she rubbed her hoof gently across it and she took a couple of secondaries in her mouth and bit down on them. Airmail's body shuddered as she let out a low moan of happiness that Wildfire had heard before. Sliding her way across to her left wing, Wildfire bit down and tugged on a primary feather as her right hoof tapped the buzzing vibrator in and out of her sopping wet marehood. “Please Mistress…” Airmail begged as she climaxed for a second time. “Yes Pretty?” “Mount me please, Mistress Fire.” “Seeing as you asked nicely,” Wildfire slowly withdrew the vibrator and turned it off before putting it on the floor. “How can I refuse?” Smirking a little, she said, “Face the window if you please, Pretty.” When Airmail moved to stand where she herself had stood earlier, she positioned herself behind her older marefriend and reared up onto her hindlegs with her forehooves gripping at the bases of her wings. Airmail’s outstretched wings fluttered in anticipation. “Rut me hard, Mistress Fire.” “Oh I will, Pretty.” Wildfire bucked her hips and entered her lover half way before withdrawing it almost all the way and then she thrust her hips forward hard, burying the dildo up to the hilt inside her marehood, tugging on the bases of her wings. “Yes Mistress use me!” Wildfire grunted and slammed into Airmail again and again. “Oh I'll use you Pretty, I like hearing you beg for this cock in you.” Airmail was in utter heaven. “I want it all Mistress! I want you to ride me!” Snorting, Wildfire pulled the blue mare onto her with her right forehoof as she used her left to spank her cutie mark – although it wasn’t a very hard hit – and she slammed into her a fourth and fifth time, her yellow fur touching the blue. Airmail bucked backwards against the hard thrusts and Wildfire kept up her hard pace, spanking her flank again as she hilted deep inside her. Airmail was on the very edge, she just needed a little more. “H-Harder love…” Wildfire snorted into a grunt as she slammed the dildo in has hard as she possibly could, spreading Airmail’s cheeks and hitting her cervix. “YES YESSS AHHHAHH!” Her body arched underneath the blind mare and stiffened up. “Scream my bucking name!” Wildfire commanded, all thoughts of not waking up Tempest long forgotten as she slammed in again, just as hard as before, once more hitting her cervical wall. Airmail couldn’t speak for a few moments as she came down from her orgasm. “M-M-Mistress Fire!” Slowing down her thrusts, Wildfire became far gentler and she leaned forward to kiss the back of Airmail’s neck, whispering as she did so; “I love you, Airy.” Airmail panted as she came back down to earth. “L-Love you t-too, Wildfire.” “I love you both,” Tempest interrupted them with a generous round of applause from her bunk, “but how many names does our Wily have now?” Wildfire just giggled as she pulled out of Airmail and stood back on her four hooves. “Game’s up, I counted four before you woke Stormy.” “Between three and four,” Tempest commented, revealing just how long she had been watching her two herd-mates go at it. “I do love a good show.” Wildfire bent her forelegs and bowed a very low bow. “Honey, you're welcome, and the Mistress Fire thing was her idea.” She pointed a hoof over in Airmail’s direction. “The creative wordsmith.” Tempest smirked as Airmail stuck out her tongue at her violet lover and turned to help the blind mare out of the stallionator’s harness. “Hey, I just went with it,” Wildfire grinned as she stepped out of the straps around her hind legs. “I wanted to see how many times I could make Airy cum before you woke up.” “I think it was the first smack on her ass that got my attention.” Tempest said with a giggle. “Did you do anything else while I caught up on my beauty sleep?” Wildfire shrugged, “We had a chat with this nice mare called Willow in the club car...which reminds me, I need to give Dusky a call.” “We have our lunch time slot yet?” “No,” Airmail paused in her cleaning of the strap-on toy to answer Tempest’s question, “When do you want to eat?” “I can wait a bit,” Tempest replied, resting her violet hoof on her belly that had been so recently filled with the breakfast at the palace, the pastry at the train station and the relish plate in the club car. “How about you Wily?” “I'm fine for now Stormy.” Wildfire smiled, she never really ate very much as Amethyst hadn’t ever allowed her to, so she was still full as well. “That celery was very filling.” Still smiling, she searched for her cell phone while Airmail left the compartment to go and sort out the lunch seating. “What?” Dusk answered his cell on the third ring. “Wily, is this important?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire said as she flipped her phone over to speaker. “It is, why?” “I'm halfway to Ponyville,” the young Prince sounded harassed on the phone. “Oils nearly fell off me when the phone rang.” Wildfire sniggered, “Aaaanyway, I met this nice mare called Willow on the train to Vanhoover, she starts work as a maid in the Crystal Empire castle soon.” “So?” Not that Dusk wasn’t grateful for his best friend calling, but he wondered what this had to do with him. Tempest couldn’t resist teasing the earth pony artist. “Tell Oils that freefall is a good cardio workout.” Wildfire snickered. “Tempest says freefall is a good workout.” “Yeah,” Dusk laughed and the sound of passing wind could be heard over the phone line. “I'll tell him, so this mare?” “Yuppers, it sounds like she's had a hard time of it in Canterlot and she's starting over in the Crystal Empire.” “And?” Trying to balance his lover on his back, his phone in his hoof and fly straight, Dusk really wished Wildfire would hurry up and get to the point. “What do you need, Wily?” “Weeeell,” Wildfire said in that tone that said she really wanted something, “I was wondering if I could call in that favour you're always saying you owe me, and get onto your cousin and make Willow's life a bit easier there.” “Is that all?” Dusk asked, “Ring Cady for your new friend?” “Could you, pleeeease?” Wildfire asked again as Airmail returned to their compartment. “Of course I will.” Dusk stated, “I'll ring you back in a bit, and tell Tempest to stop laughing at Oils freefalling, he's going green on my back.” “Green is a nice landscape colour.” “Yeah,” Dusk chuckled at Tempest’s jibe, “not over me it’s not.” “You aren't speeding, are you?” Wildfire asked with a giggle. “No he isn't!” Brush Stroke’s anguished voice came over the phone then, sounding very queasy indeed. Dusk scoffed, “I'm barely pushing forty…” “The train is faster!” Tempest cajoled loudly, making sure she was heard. “I know!” Dusk grumbled. He didn’t care at this point if he was punished when he landed. This speed was killing him. “I'm barely maintaining flight as it is.” “It’s plenty fast enough!” Brush Stroke squealed when Dusk performed a shallow angled bank. “Even I can fly faster than that.” Wildfire laughed out loud while Tempest and Airmail both started to chant ‘Rainboom, Rainboom, Rainboom!’ in the background. “Good idea,” Dusk giggled, “shall I sweetie?” As Brush Stroke screamed out a loud ‘Noooo!’, he definitely knew he’d get spanked for that. “Wily, I'm gonna land, get on to Cady for you, I'll ring you back in about forty five minutes ish.” “Ground!” Brush Stroke squealed, “sweet sweet ground!” “Okie dokie D, and thanks.” “You know who Oils reminds me of?” Tempest asked as Wildfire ended the call and put her phone away. “No, who?” Finally getting off of the bunk, Tempest kissed Wildfire’s lips. “Caffeinated.” “Yeah,” Airmail snickered at the memory that came flooding back to her, “It took all we could to get him to cloud walk that one time.” Wildfire giggled at the image of the robust orange zebra up on a cloud. “Caffy, on a cloud? I'd so love to see that.” Airmail laughed out loud, “He isn't much for heights.” “Good thing his shop is on the ground floor.” Tempest joined in the laughter that filled the train compartment. “Not as bad as my friend Cyclone.” Wildfire sighed as her laughter died away. “Imagine a pegasus so scared of heights she'd pass out on a rollercoaster…poor Cyclone. Well that’s my good deed done for today.” “So, the call went well.” Airmail leant in and nuzzled the little yellow mare’s cheek. “We eat in fifteen minutes at two thirty p.m.” “Yuppers, I reckon D'll sort something out for Ms. Willow.” “Maybe an upgrade from maid to chambermaid?” Tempest wondered aloud. “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled, “that'd be cool if he could.” A thought ran through the yellow mare’s head then, a worry that threatened to take over her buoyed mood. “I hope she isn't cross that I've stuck my muzzle in her business, it took her six months to get the maid’s job, and I just swoop in like that…” Tempest saw the fretting mare and decided to head it off at the pass before it could gather too much momentum. “I think she'll be cross if Dusky gets her fired.” She crossed the cabin and tenderly nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek. “Other than that, I don't see why she would be upset if her position at the palace is of higher station than when she first signed up.” “Unless she is a terrible maid and that is why she is running from Canterlot.” Airmail thought aloud. “I dunno why she's running,” Wildfire said, very grateful of Tempest’s cheek on hers, “but the Crystal Empire is a long way to go on your own to start afresh, she must have a good reason. I just saw me in her, y'know?” “She did sound honest,” Airmail put in, “and I don't think we'll upset her.” “The difference is, I had two awesome sexy mares looking out for me,” Wildfire said, her comment earning her a generous lick of her ears from her herd-mates. “I thought I'd do the same for her. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what Dusky has to say.” There was a knock at the door then and a stallion slid it open. “You may be seated now, Ma’am.” He addressed Airmail but he spoke to the cabin as a whole. In the Dining Car the three mares were going to take a table to themselves when Airmail saw a beige earth pony with a mane as green as her own. “Mr. Kernel?” The lone stallion seated at the table looked up from his menu at the sound of his name and a second later a wide smile appeared on his face. “Airmail? It has been over a year.” “Going home with my herd-mates.” Airmail said by way of explanation as she took a seating pad next to the middle aged earth pony. Tempest slid in and took the seating pad opposite Kernel, leaving the pad next to her on her left for Wildfire to take. “How long have you been in Canterlot?” Kernel nodded at each mare in turn then he answered Airmail’s question. “I just finished some farm bill work in Canterlot, it’s been almost a month now. The wheels of bureaucracy grind even slower than the threshing floor.” Airmail noticed Tempest’s puzzled look and Wildfire’s tilted head and decided to make the introductions. “This is Mr. Kernel. He heads up the COOP that my father belongs too. Kernel, this is Tempest and Wildfire,” she waved her hoof at the violet and yellow mares in turn. Kernel nodded politely to the mares sat opposite him. “Pleasure to meet you.” “Hey Mr. Kernel,” Wildfire smiled in the stallion’s rough direction, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sat next to her, Tempest read out the lunch menu choices as it wasn’t in braille. Between hayburger and hayfries or daisy sandwich with carrot sticks and cucumber slices, Wildfire didn’t really see a choice. “Ooooh hayburger and fries sounds awesomes, I'll have that please!” Kernel and Airmail opted for the same, while Tempest went for the daisy sandwiches. “Do you want a beer, Wily?” “Yes please, Stormy.” Tempest placed the order. Again, Kernel and Airmail chose to have a beer with the blind mare while Tempest chose to have a glass of wine. “Was your trip a success Mr. Kernel?” Tempest asked once the waiter had taken the orders and the menus. The beige earth pony stallion nodded thoughtfully as he reflected on his business trip to Canterlot. “Got most of what we wanted. Autonomy is always a hard sell with the Nobility.” “Something's better than nothing, Mr Kernel.” Wildfire commented. “Yeah,” Airmail agreed, “and holding up production doesn't work with them and only hurts the common pony.” “It’s the way it is.” Kernel said with a shrug of his shoulders, then the conversation went on hold when the food arrived. For the next few minutes there was no sounds coming from the table other than hungry sniffs and the sounds of four ponies enjoying their lunches. Once he was done eating his hayburger, Kernel stood and wished Airmail well on her visit to her family and promised he may stop in to see Rye some time. “He was nice.” Wildfire commented as she ate the last of her burger. “Friend of yours Airy?” “Friend of my father's more like.” Airmail corrected gently as she too finished her fries. “Runs the Cooperative.” “Cool.” Wildfire drunk the rest of her beer, draining the half empty bottle in one swallow. The whole dinner had taken roughly half an hour and the three remaining mares were all finished as the next seating was ready. “You want to walk to the front and find Willow or take the call in our cabin?” Tempest asked as she stood up from her seating pad with a distinctly rounded belly from the food she’d eaten. Wildfire, with a mouth full of beer, tapped her hoof once on the table to indicate the first option. “Then up and at ‘em.” Airmail said as she too stood up from the dining table. “We can walk to the front to stretch your legs and see if she is along the way.” “Helps that our cabin is in the last car.” Tempest smiled as she took the lead and flicked her black tail under Wildfire’s snout to get her to follow after her. After the dining car there were three sleeper cars for the Crystal Empire and after those there there are four coach cars until the baggage car. To the first attendant they came across, Tempest stopped her and asked, “Excuse me is there a Willow in sleeping class for the Crystal Empire?” Very quickly the unicorn mare checked her passenger list and shook her head. “No Ma'am.” “Blimey,” Wildfire commented when Tempest thanked the attendant for her trouble, “That’s a long ways to go and not get a decent kip…” wordlessly Tempest kept moving forward in search of the pea green earth pony and at the back of the little convoy Airmail made sure Wildfire didn’t lag behind. As they made their way through the Crystal Empire sleeper cars to the coach cars Wildfire’s phone began to ring. Using her left wing, Wildfire fished in her bag and retrieved her phone. “Hey D, thanks for getting back to me, how'd it go?” “Cady was fine, we pulled a string or two, nothing huge.” Dusk answered quickly, “Is that mare there with you?” “No,” Wildfire held her phone in her wingtip as they walked along, “we're having trouble finding her.” “Stall him a bit,” Airmail hissed from the back, “It shouldn't take long.” As it turned out, Willow was just inside the next coach car along. At the front of the line it was Tempest who saw her first and she recognised her from the description she had been given back in their compartment. “Bingo!” She said in celebration of the conclusion of their hunt. “Ah,” Wildfire said to Dusk, “I think we've found our quarry.” “Oh hello again,” Willow smiled as she saw the three mares approach her seat. The pea green mare was sat on a seating pad wide enough for three ponies with another one facing her. “Out for another walk?” “All part of our plan.” Tempest replied and Airmail giggled as the two older mares sat on the pad facing Willow, leaving Wildfire to sit next to her. “Definitely found her, D.” “Can you give her the phone, Wily?” Dusk asked as Wildfire felt for the seating pad and sat herself down next to the somewhat confused earth pony. “Sure D, hang on.” Using the scent of lilacs and the sound of her soft gentle voice, Wildfire was confident she had Willow’s location and she held out her phone. “Ms Willow, my friend wants to speak to you.” Now Willow was thoroughly confused. “Your friend?” “Yuppers, my friend, y'know, Dusk.” “P-Prince D-Dusk?” Willow asked nervously, her pea green coat going pale, “Am I in trouble?” While she sat there fretting, Tempest and Airmail just smiled, already having an idea what the outcome of the call would be. “Nopes,” Wildfire smiled as she offered the cell phone again with a smile, “hopefully it’s good news.” “Oh, okay…” still very nervous, with a shaking hoof, Willow took the cell phone and lifted it up to her ear. “H-Hello, this is Willow.” “Hello Ms. Willow, Prince Dusk, it’s nice to speak to you.” The young royal greeted her patiently, well aware how much of a big deal this conversation was to her. “Wily called me earlier, said you were starting work in the Crystal Empire soon, she asked me to call my cousin for you.” “Ahh...ahhh....ahhahh...” Dusk couldn’t help but smile. The poor earth pony sounded like she was short circuiting. He did feel a little guilty about what he was going to say next. Only a little. “I had a chat with Cadance, and the thing is Ms. Willow, she doesn't really need another maid...but...” “But Sir!” Willow interrupted him before he could finish his sentence, her soft voice all alive with panic. She needed this job, she had struggled for months to get this appointment. “I can do the job! I have a reference!” Dusk simply carried on, “But it turns out Cady could really use a hoof-maiden, if you're up for the job?” That stopped Willow dead in her tracks. “But I...I...what…I…what…pardon?” “Yes,” Dusk had to really try very hard not to laugh. It was mean to prank this poor mare, but it was worth it. “Cadance actually needs a hoof-maiden, 'apparently' that’s what she was supposed to have advertised for all along. The job is yours if you're up to the task, Ms. Willow.” “I-I will be Princess Cadenza's Lady-in-Waiting?” Willow was shocked and more than a little bit stunned. “Y-Y-Yes sir! I'm ready to take on that responsibility!” “Excellent. You'll love it, Cady's a push over.” Dusk smiled, “tell her you love her hair and she'll love you. So, I'll ring her back and tell her yes, shall I Ms. Willow?” “Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!” “Done.” Dusk confirmed with a happy grin at a good turn well done. “A Crystal Pony by the name of Lilac Lustre will meet you at the Empire train station. I'm off to finalise this, and Ms. Willow? Tell Wily I'll always owe her one.” “Yes sir!” Willow thought she was dreaming. “Thank you Sir!” “You're very welcome Ms. Willow.” With that Dusk hung up the call, leaving a very stunned and flustered earth pony to pass the cell phone back to a widely grinning Wildfire. “Soooooo...” the blind mare said as she took her phone back, “good news then?” “Yes sir...yes Ma’am…” “Awesomes,” Wildfire put her phone away with a smile. “I'm glad we could help, and I'm kinda sorry if I stepped on your hooves at all…” Willow silenced the fretting mare as she wrapped Wildfire up in a huge hug. “I'm going to be Princess Cadenza's Lady-in-Waiting! Oh my...thank you Ms. Wildfire, thank you!” “Call me Wily, and it was my pleasure.” Wildfire blushed as she was hugged tight. From the lack of any nearby conversation or indeed any sounds at all she had a hunch that they pretty much had the attention of the entire car at this time, especially as Willow had started crying on her shoulder in happiness. “See Stormy,” Airmail said with a smirk, “Wily does make all the pretty mares cry.” Tempest rolled her blue eyes. “Shush, you.” “You okay?” Wildfire asked the crying earth pony mare, rubbing her back comfortingly. “Y-Yes,” Willow hiccupped, trying in vain to slow her happy tears, “I'll be okay, this is just...I just wanted to be somepony, and now…I can never thank you enough.” “Just make a go of it 'kay?” Wildfire nuzzled the weeping mare’s cheek as she rubbed her back. “I don't know what you're leaving behind in Canterlot, but it must be pretty cruddy if you're coming all this way for a fresh start.” The blind mare tightened her hug. “But, I can relate. Everypony deserves a chance.” “Thank you,” Willow finally managed to stop sobbing and she dried her blue eyes with the back of her hoof. “I'll do my best and make you proud.” “You can’t give more than your best,” Wildfire grinned, “unless you're offering a limb or a vital organ, and they aren't necessary.” Willow laughed out loud at that, her previous tension all but gone. “Thank you, that has calmed me down.” “See Airy?” Wildfire snickered, “I can make the pretty ones laugh too.” The blind mare then turned back to roughly face where she thought Willow was in relation to her. “Was Canterlot that bad for you?” Willow shook her head and shrugged. “Just no hope of progression. High end hotel paid poorly and none of the guests ever tipped. What with the cost of living and such, I just couldn't afford it there anymore.” Wildfire nodded. She knew there was a reason she intuitively saw herself in this mare. “I get that, I had a similar thing, life in a care home with no future. But, I was lucky, I had help from these two, amongst others, and I got out.” Willow blushed, “Thank you again, I'm a little overwhelmed right now, but I'll be okay. Still over a day to get there. If this is a dream I hope I don't wake up.” “Can I pinch her?” Airmail asked as innocently as she could. Again, Tempest rolled her eyes. “Hush, you.” “You know, I remember saying something like that to Tempest here the day after I was freed, right Stormy?” “Didn't I pinch you?” The violet pegasus asked with a grin. “Yuppers,” Wildfire pouted, “And hard too.” “I hope you enjoy the rest of your Journey, Willow.” Tempest giggled as she got up from the wide seating pad and nudged Airmail to do the same. “We’re off very early at Vanhoover, but we'll be in the club car again before dinner.” “Yuppers, I hope I'll feel you later.” Wildfire held Willow’s hoof as she too stood up. “Thank you again…” Willow murmured, as she was still a little dazed. Airmail this time chose to lead the way back to their compartment, her summer green tail held under Wildfire’s nose. Wildfire, a very big smile on her face, hummed ‘Prettiest Eyes as she walked through the various train carriages, properly chuffed with her little self. When they were back in the privacy of their cabin, Airmail asked, “Who wants to listen to a movie?” “I'll listen to one,” Wildfire said eagerly, she hadn’t been aware there was a DVD player in the compartment, but still she was game for a movie. “What is it?” “The Gauntlet, starring Eastwood who wrote it,” Airmail replied quickly with a grin that only got wider when she saw the despondent look on Tempest’s face. “Another pony count movie?” The violet mare asked with very little enthusiasm. “Yes!” Wildfire cheered when she recognised the movie title. Airmail snickered and Tempest yawned openly as the azure blue pegasus fished in her bag for the DVD she wanted to put on. “Fine,” Tempest grumbled, “but I pick the next movie.” “You brought some?” Airmail asked her herd-mate. Tempest shrugged, “I saw a few discs missing and thought it best that I did.” Airmail just raspberried her lover in response. “Stormy,” Wildfire giggled, “did you bring 'Running Stallion', ' The Terminator' or something older than me?” “I brought Airy, does that count?” Wildfire’s giggles evolved into full blown laughter. “Depends if she's in black and white or not, though to be fair, most things are older than me.” “I'll have you know this is older than you.” Tempest snickered as she gave the little yellow mare’s left ear a kiss. “’The Unicorn in Winter’, with Hepburn.” “Oooh I’ve never heard of that one.” Tempest wasn’t in the least bit surprised that Wildfire hadn’t heard of it. “She plays the role of Princess Platinum trying to marry off her daughter to marry the Pegasi king’s son to unite the tribes.” Now it was Airmail’s turn to yawn. And yawn she did. Loudly. “Plots within plots to make me fall on my plot.” “Cool,” Wildfire smiled, “At least it’s not a musical. I mean, who believes ponies break into song for no reason?” “You'd rather a musical?” Tempest asked hopefully, “You might like Evita, it is only just a little older than you.” “Isn't that the one with singing griffons?” Airmail asked, displaying all her musical knowledge – or lack thereof – in one fell swoop. “Yes.” Tempest replied and Airmail just facehooved. “I like Evita,” Wildfire put in, wanting to come between the two bickering lovers. “Mum used to have it on video.” “I have the original in Griffon.” Tempest sounded far more buoyant and happy now she knew Wildfire liked Evita. Perhaps she wasn’t a lost cause after all. “But this one is the Equestrian dub with Maredonna singing most of the songs.” Airmail tilted her head back and let loose with a loud ‘ARRRRGGG!’ “Oh awesomes!” Wildfire replied with a smile and an effort not to laugh out loud at Airmail. That version was the one that her mum used to have when she had been a filly. “Not as good as ‘Phantom of the Opera’ or ‘Diamond Dogs’, but it’s still cool.” “She wouldn't have brought Phantom,” Airmail groused playfully, “I like Phantom...” ~ ~ ~ “Oh, come on!” Tempest cried out as she threw her hooves up in the air when ‘The Gauntlet’ reached its climax. “That bus had to have taken a million rounds and it doesn’t conk out till it gets all the way to city hall?” “That's pure Ponywood.” Airmail declared in a tone that said that was that and it explained everything. Tempest though wasn’t placated that easily. “And the motorcycles? Was there a need? Really?” “You're supposed to suspend your disbelief Honey,” Wildfire leant in close to the violet mare’s ear and whispered, “It’s not really real, you know.” “But...” words completely failed the weather pony then and she resorted to just; “Come on!” Airmail giggled and blew Tempest a kiss. “Let’s go get some supper. A full belly will help me sleep through the next film.” She giggled even louder when the violet mare blew a raspberry at her in return, but she still led the way out of the compartment. Wildfire giggled too as she was led through the train to the dining car. “As if you'll need any help sleeping, Airy.” As the three mares arrived in the dining car, they were shown to a table with a cinnamon coloured unicorn mare sitting at one of the seating pads while the other three were vacant. She had her drink, but no food yet, nor did she have a menu. “Hello, I'm Ink Blot,” she smiled at them, “Welcome.” “Hello, I'm Tempest.” She said as she sat down on the seating pad next to her. “I'm Airmail.” The azure blue mare introduced herself with a smile and sat opposite the cinnamon unicorn. Wildfire again felt for the remaining pad and sat next to Airmail. “Hey, I'm Wildfire.” Ink Blot nodded to each mare in turn as they introduced themselves. “Traveling to the Empire?” She enquired politely, sipping her coffee. Airmail shook her head. “Just to Vanhoover.” “Hmm,” Ink Blot drained the rest of her drink and ordered another. “I'm returning to the Empire after visiting family in Canterlot.” “We are off to see my folks in Vanhoover before returning to Manehatten.” “I’ve never been this far on a train before,” Wildfire commented, then she turned her head to the unicorn’s direction. “I’m guessing you work in the Crystal Empire, did you enjoy your visit to Canterlot, Ms. Blot?” “Yes,” Ink Blot nodded, “I was lucky that the Stenographer that I worked for was selected by Princess Cadance to be her Stenographer. It’s remote, but I find it rewarding.” “As long as you enjoy your work,” Wildfire said with a smile, thinking of her own work with the fire department and how much she loved that, “It’s not really work.” “Until somepony forgets something,” Ink Blot giggled, “then it is panic.” “And you get to pick up the pieces behind everypony?” “That is what they pay me for.” “Yes,” Tempest grinned at Ink Blot’s statement, “Damage control, they call that.” “Kinda like a firebreak so not too much forest burns down…” Wildfire mused. “More like the point of blame.” The cinnamon unicorn corrected, “At least in the Crystal Empire Princess Cadance doesn't lop off heads,” she finished with a giggle. Wildfire joined in the giggles, “you mean the other Princesses do?” Ink Blot shrugged at that. “There are…rumours…about Princess Luna.” “Oh?” Wildfire questioned with a raised eyebrow, “I'm sure they're just rumours...right Airy?” Airmail giggled, as she counted herself as one of the few ponies alive today that knew anything close to the truth about Luna. “Most likely started by the Princess herself.” “I think it was started by Princess Cadance to let ponies know they can make a mistake and own up to it.” Ink Blot said as the waiter bought over their evening meals. “I can just imagine Princess Luna with a huge axe yelling 'off with their heads!'” Wildfire sniggered as she lowered her head and took a good long sniff of her fish. “I imagine Coffee Bean with the axe and Princess Luna yelling 'Off with their heads!'” Tempest put in, earning another round of giggles from her herd-mates. “Coffee Bean is a Priestess of the Hall back in Manehatten.” Airmail supplied to Ink Blot, who had a confused look on her face. “Oh,” the cinnamon unicorn nodded her understanding, “a Lunar Priestess?” When Airmail nodded, Ink Blot continued, “That sounds scarier than Princess Luna with the axe.” After that brief exchange, dinner went swiftly and smoothly, with each mare quietly enjoying what they had ordered. The conversation flowed as easily as the coffee, and before very long Airmail, Tempest and Wildfire had bid Ink Blot a good night and were back in their cabin. In their cabin, Tempest was a very, very happy pony as she was explaining the plot of ‘Unicorn in Winter’ to an interested Wildfire and a distinctly bored Airmail. It was a story of Princess Platinum's Mom and how her husband had her imprisoned for ten years and how they played her and her sisters off against each other. Ten minutes into the movie and a rapidly falling asleep Airmail was saved when Wildfire’s cell phone began to ring. Reaching for it in her bag, the yellow mare answered her phone on speaker. “Hello?” “Hi…ah, uh, Wildfire?” “Yuppers, who's this?” Wildfire answered uncertainly, although the mare’s voice on the other end of the line did sound very familiar. “It’s, ah…it’s Air Raid…” “Okay,” Wildfire’s voice had taken on a very distinct ‘edginess’ to it bordering on full Canterlot, while Airmail and Tempest both watched their little yellow lover, ready at a moment’s notice to offer support. “How'd you get this number, and what do you want?” “A pink unicorn named Mapper gave it to me after she and her wife came to sing at Winter's place.” Air Raid replied quickly, recounting what had happened earlier that evening. “I…listen Wily, I um, I wanted to say I’m sorry…” “Sorry?” Wildfire interrupted her ex-marefriend, cutting her off mid-sentence. “Sorry…you’re SORRY!?” Wildfire screamed down her phone, “First of all, don't call me Wily, my name's Wildfire. You don't get to ring after five years of buck all and call me Wily!” “W-Wildfire, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...” Again, Wildfire interrupted her. “Sorry? What for?” The blind mare asked with a nasty tone to her voice, “Screaming in my face or leaving me because I wasn't pretty enough for you anymore?” Tempest interrupted Wildfire’s rant with a very loving kiss while Airmail whispered in her ear. “Mapper gave her your number for a reason, and Serenity would have been there as well.” Wildfire returned the kiss to Tempest’s lips, almost instantly calming down and she nodded to Airmail. After all, the blue mare had a point. “What do you want, Air Raid?” “I want to apologise for what I did to you, Wildfire.” “Apologise?” Wildfire asked sceptically. She heard the exhausted tone to her ex’s voice but that didn’t sway her any. “Yeah,” Air Raid couldn’t hide the sheer amount of fatigue any longer. She had done a good job back at Winter’s place of putting a front on for her parents, but the pressure of racing and four years of looking after Darkstar was starting to wear her very thin. “I tried to go back to the hospital the next day, but you were already gone, look I know I was a jerk...” “You got that right.” A third time, Wildfire cut across her. Airmail whispered in her diminutive lover’s ear, “Go with whatever story Mapper told her.” “I know, and I'm sorry!” Air Raid almost screamed on the verge of long held tears. “I tried to find you, really truly I did. Your dad said you were with family, he hurt me when I kept asking after you.” “Uh huh…” was all Wildfire said as Tempest nuzzled her cheek. “Mapper said he imprisoned you for money, I…we, had no idea!” “Yuppers…” for a split second, Wildfire was very tempted to unleash all the five years of bitterness, abandonment and abuse at Amethyst Glory’s hooves down the phone line at her ex-marefriend. Her heart and soul screamed in pain at the very sound of her voice after so long. She wanted to rant and scream and smash her and hug her all at once and she didn’t know which she wanted to do first. Wildfire wanted to turn her chest into a cannon so she could fire her heart down the line. “Yeah he imprisoned me, but I got away in the end,” was all she ended up saying. “Wildfire, when are you back in Canterlot?” Air Raid asked, the adrenalin in her system starting to give way to exhaustion. “I'd like to see you, and your marefriends.” Again, Airmail was there to whisper, “your call.” “I…” for the first time since she had answered her phone, Wildfire faltered as her ire began to ebb. “I don't know...” “Wildfire please, please see me just once, please!” Wildfire turned to Tempest, though she still wasn’t wholly convinced, her words to Willow came back to her, that everypony deserved a second chance. “Honey, when are we due back in Canterlot?” “We return Sunday evening around ten p.m. and we leave for Trottingham at ten p.m. Monday night.” Tempest answered quickly, sharing a series of ear flicks with Airmail. “Alrighty…Air Raid?” “Yeah Wily...ildfire?” “We'll be on the Friendship Express that gets in Canterlot ten p.m. Sunday.” The blind mare stated, the initial anger in her voice all but gone by now. “Meet us at the train station. If you aren't there we won't wait.” “I understand...” the relief was palpable in Air Raid’s voice. “Thank you Wildfire, I’ll see you Sunday.” “Y-Yuppers…bye.” Barely managing to keep her voice even, Wildfire hung up and cancelled the call. At her lover’s right side, Tempest put out her hoof. “Wily, your phone please.” When Tempest dialled Mapper’s number, the pink unicorn answered her cell phone on the second ring, almost as if she was expecting a call. “Hello, Wildfire.” She didn’t sound surprised in the least. “It's me.” “Oh,” Mapper did however sound surprised that it was Tempest on the line and not her Middle Pet. “I take it Air Raid called.” “Yeah, she did.” “Is Wildfire listening?” Mapper asked of her herd-mate. “Yuppers,” Wildfire spoke up. As the phone was on speaker she could hear everything. “I'm here, Mistress.” “Firstly, Winter is a wonderful pony, she has a very nice family and Senior Pet had a wonderful time.” Mapper said, for she couldn’t praise the earth pony mare enough. “Air Raid's parents are pretentious, boastful, but not the worse I've seen. Still they are not at all good ponies. Air Raid does not want to be them.” Mapper put a lot of emphasis on the ‘not’. There was a brief pause before Serenity’s soft melodic voice came over the phone. “She is a bad pony, but so are we all. Even bad ponies can be forgiven.” Another brief pause that lasted just a few seconds before Mapper asked, “Any questions?” “I'm really glad you liked Ms. Winter and her family, Mistress.” Wildfire paused, gathering her thoughts. “About Air Raid, I don't know what to think, Mistress. She wants to meet us in Canterlot, and part of me wants to hear her out but I just don't know.” “It costs nothing to listen.” Serenity said, “You have two poems about her. Which one do you want to keep in your heart?” “It’s your call Pet.” Mapper stated. It wasn’t for her to make up Wildfire’s mind for her. “Better a clean break than no resolution at all.” Wildfire sighed a long deep sigh. Deep down she knew what she was going to do. What she was always going to do. It was Air Raid, after all. How could she not at least meet her? “I…I prefer the one I wrote back on our first date. Thank you, Senior Pet, thank you Mistress.” Wildfire felt like the weight of Equestria had been lifted from her little shoulders. “I'll hear what she has to say, and we’ll go from there.” > Chapter 3 - Family Runs Deeper than Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four thirty in the a.m. of the next morning, which was a Saturday, the conductor of the Friendship Express slid open the cabin door and loudly announced to the three sleeping mares that the steam train would be arriving in Vanhoover within thirty minutes time. When Airmail, the lightest of the three sleepers, rolled over from the other two pegasi and grunted in reply, the stallion then moved on to the next cabin. A second later and Wildfire woke from her amazing snuggle-fest of a dream, excited like a little filly on Hearths Warming Eve. “Airy!” She squealed happily, “Stormy!” Her squeals of joy were palpable even before she was wide awake. “I saw you! I saw you!” She was still squealing when Airmail grabbed the blind mare in her hooves for the first kiss of the day. “I really did see you! All of you!” With that she peppered the azure blue mare’s face with kisses. “That you did,” Airmail beamed and returned every single kiss she was given in kind. “And we saw you too, pretty eyes.” Now awake herself, Tempest also moved in for her kiss. Not usually compos mentis until the afternoon, it was only Wildfire’s seemingly boundless joy and happiness that roused the weather pony. “I can’t believe that happened!” Wildfire squeaked and bounced on the bunk in between kisses, “that was the best thing ever, really ever!” “I told Mapper you wanted to really see us,” Airmail said with a very wide smile. It was hard not to, Wildfire was infectious. “I thought she might know some unicorn magic, but that was way better.” Tempest nodded as she once more kissed Wildfire’s lips. “Luna did a very nice thing there.” Wildfire finally stopped bouncing on the bunk bed in the cabin. Her joy was literally like a wild fire, infectious and all-consuming, and with good reason. Thanks to Mapper and Luna, her dreamscape had been merged with her herd-mates and she had actually seen them. “You all did an amazing thing. Seriously it’s beyond any words.” Tempest didn’t know what to say, after all what could she say that hadn’t already been said? To see her blind lover so enthused was word enough. Ultimately she settled with just; “Thank you, Wildfire.” “Let's get our stuff together and grab a coffee before we get there,” Airmail smiled, “I know Stormy is only pretending to be awake.” “Ha, ha, ha.” Tempest replied in a snarky tone, though secretly she was glad of the subject change and she did need her dose of lifeblood. “To coffee!” “Now you mention it, I could use a coffee.” Wildfire then did a happy little hoof dance, still very hyped up from her dream experience. “I saw my marefriends!” “Yes, but you didn't see Airy's best part.” Tempest smiled and gave Wildfire’s ear a loving lick as she led the way to the club car in search of her much-needed sustenance. “Well, that can be for next time.” Wildfire countered almost immediately, her enthusiasm not quenched for a second. “Mistress said there'd be a next time…” she bounced all the way to the club car. “I'm so looking forward to next time! Whoooo!” Tempest couldn’t help but giggle from her lead position. “I am never gonna forget opening my eyes and seeing you all!” The little yellow mare smiled a huge smile. “Oooh I could die happy right now!” “No you can't!” Airmail exclaimed from the back of the line, “I need to get a policy on you before you go.” Wildfire joined Airmail in her giggle fit as Tempest guided her to a table with a familiar mare already sat enjoying her morning drink and the violet weather pony proceeded to order coffee for everypony. “Good morning,” Willow greeted the trio with an easy smile. “I thought I'd see you off.” “Hey Willow!” Wildfire, instantly recognising the pea green mare’s soft voice, wrapped her hooves around the earth pony for a huge hug and equally huge kisses. “Good morning!” Willow simply smiled at Wildfire’s greeting and returned the hug just as tight – she was an earth pony after all – and nuzzled her cheek. “I wanted to thank you all again and hope that your travels go smoothly.” “Ahem…” Wildfire pulled herself off of Willow with a deep blush. “Ah, sorry about that, I'm just super excited. And it was no trouble, I was glad to be able to help.” “I don't mind,” Willow smiled and nuzzled the blind mare again. If there was one pony on earth who she would allow to tackle-hug her, it was Wildfire. “I hope that if you visit the Empire you look me up. I'll be sure to find you a nice place to stay instead of a hotel.” “We'll take you up on that Ms. Willow, thank you.” Wildfire took a welcome sip of her coffee. “You looking forward to it?” “I was looking forward to it,” Willow replied, “but now I can't wait to get there!” Wildfire took another sip of her coffee and giggled, “we're just what Tempest needs, two excited mares early in the morning.” That comment didn’t even register on the radar of Tempest’s consciousness. It was four forty five a.m., she downed her coffee in one swallow and ordered a re-fill immediately as the first one didn’t even touch the sides. “Don't mind me, just sleep walking here.” “We wish you well too, Willow.” Airmail rolled her brown eyes at Tempest. “Just be careful when Princess Cadance asks you to try out her new MiAC line of items.” “I'll take that under advisement.” Willow said with a wink at the azure blue mare’s giggle, “Maybe.” “Her MiAC stuff is cool,” Wildfire put in, “I bought some supplies the other day.” “What pony doesn't?” Asked Willow seriously as she drained her jasmine tea. Airmail giggled again, “Maybe a Librarian?” Wildfire couldn’t help herself. “What about a really sexy naughty Librarian who punishes late returns?” “You don't need to share all of your fantasies, Wildfire.” Tempest groused as she drunk her second coffee in two swallows. “Fine, Miss Grumpy,” Wildfire raspberried Tempest, “I'll keep my sexiness to myself.” Tempest was about to fire off a hasty nasty retort when Airmail caught her eye and shook her head. The violet mare had to take a very deep breath and remind herself that one; it was still early in the morning and two; Wildfire was a morning pony and she had just had a very, very wonderful surprise so she was understandably excited. “I thought you were the sexy naughty maid who misses chocolate chips on the table?” “Oh I am,” Wildfire sniggered, missing the sarcastic tone in Tempest’s voice, “and you're the sexy Mistress who aids and abets the chocolate chips by flicking them away.” Tempest shrugged and giggled, her mood all of a sudden improved when the caffeine hit her system. “Not my fault I have a twitchy wing due to your sexiness.” “Uh huh,” Wildfire giggled as Willow burst out laughing at the exchange. “You see what I have to live with, Willow?” “I do, and I can understand your complaint.” Willow laughed died to a snicker. What she saw was a very loving threesome between mares who cared very much for each other. “Since you're not dealing with that right now.” “You get used to it,” Wildfire smiled and she drained her mug, “there are worse places to live.” “Now, that I do understand.” Willow lifted up and tapped her empty tea cup to Wildfire’s own. “To new beginnings.” “Yuppers, I'll drink to new beginnings.” Airmail and Tempest both joined in with the toast as the train began to slow down. “We need to get our stuff from the cabin.” Airmail smiled as she stood up from the table. “It has been a pleasure as always, Willow.” Tempest leant in to offer the pea green earth pony a genuine nuzzle. “Happy trails to you.” “I hope it goes well hun.” Wildfire also nuzzled Willow’s cheek. “Be awesomes!” A very short trip back to the cabin later for their stuff was completed when Airmail and Tempest loaded up both of their saddlebags on each other’s backs and checked to make sure everything was packed away. A moment later and the Friendship Express steam train pulled into the station at Vanhoover. When the three mares stepped off of the train to the noisy crowded station amid clouds of billowing steam into the early morning northern chill, they were greeted by a couple of widely grinning middle aged ponies. Wildfire sniffed and smelled this strange air. She could pick up a definite oceanic salty tang in the air. “Hello Airy,” she heard a stallion’s voice, “glad you made it.” She couldn’t see, but Airmail was engulfed in a hug. Wildfire next heard a mare’s voice, as heavily accented as the stallion was. “Welcome home Airy, it’s good to see you again Stormy.” The blind mare heard the unmistakeable sounds of ponies being hugged and suddenly she wanted one too. “And this must be Wildfire!” The strange new mare then gave her a hug as well. Wildfire smiled a wide smile. “That's me!” She said as she returned the hug to the new mare. She couldn’t tell much, but she was definitely a pegasus. “Thanks mom.” Airmail stepped back and looked her mother and father over as they both hugged Wildfire. For sixty eight, her mother Bluesky looked good it had to be said. Her pale blue coat and feathers had streaks of white in it now, as did her father’s wheat coloured coat. Rye was seventy two though, but as an earth pony he was as strong looking as ever. “I’m glad both of you could meet us.” Rye nodded and brushed his white streaked blonde mane from his green eyes following the enthusiastic hug from Wildfire. “The others will see you later, as they didn't want to wake up this early.” Bluesky smiled generously, “Let’s get your luggage, we have the farm cart waiting.” Wildfire giggled, “Neither did Stormy. It’s cool to meet you at last.” Rye smiled as he took the saddlebags from Airmail and Tempest, the old earth pony lifting them like they were nothing. “Always nice to see a herd grow. I take it Mapper and Serenity couldn't make this trip?” He asked his daughter. Airmail shook her head, “Serenity needs to be back to work on Sunday night.” “It’s also awesomes of you to meet us,” Wildfire spoke up as they turned to walk off the rapidly emptying station towards the carpark – Tempest as ever leading the way with a flick of her black tail under the yellow mare’s nose, “Airy's told me all about you.” “Nothing too bad I hope…” Bluesky smiled slyly and shot Airmail a sideways look. “Mom!” “Yes,” Rye chuckled as they walked in the early morning dawn, the slight northern chill not bothering him in the slightest. “She just loved farming as a filly.” “Dad!” Wildfire giggled, “Well, nothing really bad anyways.” Tempest snickered from the head of the little group as she walked alongside Rye. “Nor did I say anything bad either lest Airy air my family’s dirty laundry.” Bluesky nudged Wildfire’s barrel good-naturedly and she draped her wing over the younger mare’s side as they walked. “They did tell you how the two of them met I hope?” Wildfire nodded with a wide smile on her muzzle. “Stormy told me how Airy took a shot at the very annoying weather pony.” Rye laughed out loud at that. “What better way to increase the herd than to make sure they can't get away.” Tempest snickered as they walked along. The slight chill in the air was helping to keep her awake. Celestia hadn’t even lifted the sun yet. “Helps to have a unicorn accomplice.” In the distance behind them, the Friendship Express gave an almighty whistle and in a billow of steam pulled away from the Vanhoover station on its way to the Crystal Empire. Wildfire let out a giggle. “I'm doing well I think, Airy hasn't shot at me yet.” Tempest couldn’t resist that. She’d been allowed a free shot at an open goal and by Luna was she going to take it. “You were lucky in that hostage situation the other day. She can be deadly with a paper clip and a rubber band.” Airmail pouted like a filly. “Ha, ha, ha. Very funny…” she was about to explain herself when her dad interjected quickly. “Lunch was late, I take it?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire admitted, laughing out loud as she remembered back to that Monday when she had taken a break from her solo shopping trip to have a coffee in Caffeinated’s coffee shop. That ‘hostage’ situation had been thankfully been resolved with the delivery of food. “It was my fault Mr Rye,” Wildfire dredged the name up from her memory. “I held it up. Luckily the food was delivered and her hostage was released safely.” Airmail rolled her brown eyes. “You've been reading Lavender's Hoofbook page.” Bluesky giggled, her wing conspicuously still over Wildfire’s back. “It is an entertaining page.” “Are you four going to fly back?” Rye asked pleasantly as they all reached his beaten and battered old white ford pickup truck, affectionately called ‘The Cart’, amongst the family as it was older than most of them. “Can we Airy?” Wildfire bounced eagerly, “I'm up for a flight.” She certainly was, after hours and hours cooped up on the train, exciting as that was, she was keen to spread her wings. Tempest took one look in ‘The Cart’s’ back seat and imagined herself sleeping while the wheat coloured old earth pony farmer drove back to the family farm. Her mind was made up for her. “I'll ride back with Rye.” Bluesky snickered, knowing full well of Tempest and her aversion to mornings. Thankfully the sun was by now starting to rise. She knew it would be fully up by the time they reached the family farm. “Okay, let’s go!” The old pegasus took off into the lightening morning sky and as Wildfire wasn’t wearing her flight suit, Airmail flicked her with her summer green tail and lifted off too. Smiling broadly, Wildfire spread her wings and took off, flying quickly alongside Airmail’s right side. “Raindrop couldn't make it.” Bluesky said when they were in flight, “Grain is still living with us, and Silver will be in for breakfast.” “Well, you can’t always get out of work.” Airmail commented to her mother as she flapped her wings at a steady pace. To Wildfire she explained, “Raindrop does weather work over in Baltimare.” “Oh cool,” Wildfire started, wanting to sound like she was paying attention as she flew along, “like Stormy?” “Yes, Wily.” Airmail smiled, she could see from Wildfire sniffing about and flicking her ears in all directions she was trying to take in every new scent and sound of her new surroundings all at once. To her mother she asked, “What about Sundown?” “Your brother will be in for dinner tonight, Airy.” “You still in business, Mom?” Airmail asked the question that had been burning in her brain since she had gotten off of the train. Bluesky banked roughly twenty degrees and angled herself to show off her body to her daughter. Specifically her undercarriage to her daughter. “What does it look like?” The older mare asked with an amused smirk. One look at her mother’s larger-than-normal-for-a-pony teats that were swollen with her milk answered her own question for her. “You're still in business,” she said with a delighted giggle, licking her lips in anticipation. “How is Grain doing?” She decided to change the subject and she asked about her other brother instead. “He has pretty much taken over the farm.” Bluesky replied with a fond smile. “Let’s Rye sit at the coop and play checkers.” Flying quietly alongside the two older mares, Wildfire was happy for a few moments to be silent as she was thoroughly enjoying the salty tang of the nearby ocean air, the chill of the north and the general sounds and scents out here in Equestria’s north-west. She hummed ‘Prettiest Eyes’ to herself, as was her happy habit, and would’ve stayed quiet had a thought not occurred to her. “Glad to be back home, Airy?” Airmail nodded with a comfortable smile. “It is nice to be home and visit, yes.” “But, farm life is a bit dull.” Bluesky let out a bright giggle. Wildfire thought about that for a brief moment or two. At one time in her life she would’ve hated ‘dull’. Now she rather craved it. “After this past week Ms. Bluesky, I could handle dull for a few days.” “Nothing like watching grain grow!” Airmail laughed and nudged Wildfire’s barrel with her forehoof as they flew along. She could quite easily understand where her little lover was coming from. “You can go out every few minutes to see how much taller it has gotten.” “Hmm…now you mention it, I think I'd rather tackle a decent fire…” “You can tackle the fireplace,” Bluesky interjected, the mother in her didn’t like the sound of the blind pony anywhere near fire at all. “But, I would recommend there is no fire in it at the time.” “I ah, I hadn't written about your new job yet, Wildfire.” Airmail put in with the red tinge of a blush colouring her azure blue cheeks. “That's alright, Airy.” Now Wildfire understood the tone in the much older pegasus’s voice. The ‘motherly’ tone. She remembered it from her own mother and she was sure that every mother had it in their arsenal. “I'm a firefighter, Ms. Bluesky,” she explained proudly. “That is a very dangerous line of work.” Wildfire couldn’t help but smile. There was that tone again, and deep down she loved it, that ponies cared about her. “I worked for the Canterlot Residential District fire team as a reserve before my accident, and I start work for the Manehatten team soon.” She grinned, “Yuppers, it is dangerous, but that's half the fun.” “Well,” Bluesky said, “my job isn't even slightly dangerous. Rye's not much more now that Grain has taken over.” “Not every job has to be dangerous to be worthwhile, Ms. Bluesky.” Wildfire said with a smile, “I gotta say though, dancing with the fire is a thrill, and I can’t wait to get back to it.” Airmail frowned at her mother, and the two older ponies shared the same frown. “I think she just wants to see me worry.” Thankfully, the landscape beneath them was changing from an urban sprawl to open farmer’s fields and that took the lead editor’s mind off of Wildfire and her new job. Wildfire giggled. She too had picked up on the changing scents around her. Along with the ‘city’ smells of car fumes and the salty ocean air, now there were other smells creeping in. Straining, she was sure there was wheat underneath her. “Airy, I know what I'm doing.” Now Airmail laughed at that. “That's what Stormy said.” Bluesky saw their old farmhouse approaching them from the middle distance as they flew nearer to it. “We have a thousand acres,” she announced with pride, “And the herd is up to twelve now.” “You're not missing much, Wily.” Airmail smiled as they flew over the sprawling fields of crops and produce. “Endless fields of wheat, rye, alfalfa and corn.” Wildfire was impressed. A thousand acres was…well, she didn’t know how big it was, but it certainly sounded huge. “That’s big! I bet Stormy would like the alfalfa,” she giggled, thinking on Tempest’s particular scat fetish. “She hasn't complained in the past,” Bluesky commented with a wry grin, also well aware of her daughter’s herd-mate’s kink. “We're here.” Airmail nodded and thought about her earth pony brother for a moment. “Grain's oldest is due soon, isn't she?” She asked her mother. Bluesky nodded, “not for another month.” With that she began to descend to the old farmhouse, aiming for the space just in front of the white weather beaten wooden door. Airmail also began her descent, moving in front of Wildfire and flicking her summer green tail under her nose so she could follow them both down. “We're here?” Wildfire asked all surprised when they landed. She folded her yellow wings away to her barrel and felt the earth and dirt under her hooves. “That was quick!” “Looks like nopony is up yet.” Bluesky commented as she hoofed open the white door to the battered old farmhouse, which opened with an obligatory creak. “Can I get you both some drinks?” “Could I have a black coffee with two sugars please, Ms. Bluesky?” Wildfire asked as she entered the farmhouse behind Airmail, as always following the familiar scent, trusting it to steer her right in the unfamiliar surroundings. She rather liked this old building though. The creak of the wooden floorboard under her hoof and the smell of home baking went a long way to relaxing her. Bluesky nodded. “That’s easy to do, we put a pot on before we left.” Getting the mugs and the coffee ready, the old pale blue pegasus poured out the boiling water before turning to her daughter with a sly smile. “Like some milk in yours, Airy?” Licking her lips, Airmail subconsciously looked down at her mother’s heavily swollen teats. “Please, mom.” “It will be a little bit for Rye and Stormy to get here.” Bluesky giggled as she noticed where her daughter was looking and moved her hind legs so she could get a better look. “You want to help me hook up, Airy?” “Mom!” Now Airmail coloured up in a very, very bright red blush. “I aaaaah…” Wildfire was a little puzzled at that. It was so strange to hear Airmail so flustered. “S'up Airy?” She asked as she sniffed her out and laid a yellow wing over her larger marefriend’s back. “Ooooh, I get it.” Bluesky snickered as the bit dropped. “Wildfire, did Airy not tell you what I'm doing for a living?” “Um,” Wildfire shook her head. “No, I don't think so.” Airmail suddenly found the sanded wooden floorboards very interesting indeed. “It um…it never came up.” “Aaaah,” Bluesky teased playfully, “My Airy is blushing!” “Mom!” Bluesky walked over, making sure her hooves clopped on the hardwood floor so that the little blind mare could track what was happening, and lovingly nuzzled Airmail’s glowing cheeks. “I'm a milk mare, Wildfire.” Wildfire did indeed track the movements with her ears and she smiled, “I imagine Airy's cute when she blushes,” she giggled, “Milk mare? That's cool!” The little blind mare had never met a milk mare before, but she knew of them of course, and she understood now why Airmail blushed, given her milk fetish. “I was a weather pony until Raindrop was born,” Bluesky explained as she quickly gave Airmail a second affectionate nuzzle before moving over to the corner of the rustic farmhouse kitchen that was hers. Between the expansive aga and the counter worktops was a large padded cushion and milking machine. “And it turns out I'm more then well endowed. Of course, now I'm only producing four gallons a day. Airy helped me with my excess back then, up until she left.” Bluesky laid herself down on the cushion on her side, exposing her belly to the room. “Come on over Wildfire and have a feel. You can see why I gave up weather duty.” “Alrighty,” Wildfire smiled eagerly. She had paid attention, and she knew where the old pegasus mare was laid now. “If it’s okay, may I have that feel Ms. Bluesky?” “Please do and feel free to taste too,” Bluesky smiled, “just leave some for Airy.” Airmail stepped close to Wildfire and kissed her ear. “It's mom's goal to get my whole herd to have a taste.” “I believe Wildfire is the only one from your mare's group that hasn't,” Bluesky commented, “And you have how many now in your herd?” “Wily makes the twenty-first.” Bluesky nodded. “So I just have twelve more to go.” “Alrighty, I will thanks.” Wildfire said to Bluesky as she sniffed and followed the distinct scent of home baking bread mixed with milk and when she was close to the older mare she knelt down and ran her hooves experimentally over her pale blue barrel, feeling her way down to her swollen teats and when she was there she lowered her head to where her hoof was and took a nipple in her mouth, giving it a suck. “Mmmmm,” Bluesky purred like a kitten almost the instant the diminutive pegasus wrapped her lips around her hard left nipple and she felt her milk be drawn out and swallowed. “I still like that better than the machine.” Sucking delicately on the nipple, Wildfire found she didn’t have to apply much pressure to get at the milk, which she found was sweet and a little nutty, with an almost vanilla-like flavour to it. After a few minutes and she’d drunk her fill, Wildfire pulled off and stood up. “That was really nice, Ms. Bluesky, thank you.” “No problem, dear.” Bluesky smiled, she rather liked this little pegasus, a lot. She was everything that her daughter had told her and a little more besides. “Your turn Airy and then you can get me hooked up.” Wildfire licked her lips as she stood aside to make room for her marefriend to get in, very nearly walking into the roughly hewn kitchen table. “I can see why you have such a milk fetish Pretty, that’s well nice.” “What are you plans while you're here?” Bluesky asked Wildfire while Airmail knelt and got herself a good drink before wiping down the teats when she was finished and hooking up the milking machine and switching it on. “While Airy was busy feeding me celery on the train,” Wildfire said, emphasising the word ‘celery’ with a definite shudder, “her and Honey did mention a harbour and a whaling tour.” “Oh yes, this is the right time of year for that.” Bluesky grinned as she thought about that, and noticing the shudder, she asked her daughter, “Am I to take celery off the menu?” “Peaches too.” Airmail added quickly, “Some mares are just soooooo picky.” “Yes, thank you!” Wildfire squealed happily, “And I am not picky…except with celery and peaches.” “She does do a better job at keeping her hooves clean at least.” Airmail commented and her mother broke out laughing at that, knowing full well of her ingrained phobia. Wildfire giggled brightly, “As it happens Ms. Bluesky, I am rather awesomes with hooves.” Bluesky sighed happily as the milking machine drew her milk from her teats. “I'm guessing that from my Airy's comment.” At that moment, with the sun now risen high in the sky, two earth ponies entered the weatherworn old farmhouse. A caramel coloured stallion and a hazelnut coated mare. Airmail greeted them both with an affectionate nuzzle and a familiar hug. “Hello Grain, Hayseed.” To Wildfire she made the introductions, “This is my oldest brother Grain, and his wife Hayseed.” The azure blue mare then gestured to the little yellow pegasus, “This is Wildfire, part of my triad with Stormy.” Grain brushed his blonde mane from his eyes and greeted the diminutive mare with an easy smile. “Pleased to finally meet you at last.” “The same,” Hayseed smiled and offered Wildfire a nuzzle of greeting. While Wildfire was busy feeling both of the earth pony’s faces and getting to know them, a turquoise coloured teenage earth pony colt clopped his was way yawning down the stairs. “Good morning grandma Blue…” he saw Airmail standing in the large kitchen and his sleep bleary eyes widened, “Oh, Hi aunt Airmail! Is...ah...is breakfast ready?” “Not yet,” Bluesky answered her grandcolt with a smile as the milking machine carried on its work. “Maybe Grain will take care of that and you can help?” Grain nodded, “Everypony okay with oatmeal for breakfast?” The earth pony farmer asked the room and Airmail giggled at the question. “What you giggling at Airy?” Wildfire asked curiously as she finished her hooves on inspection of the two farm ponies. “I'm more than fine with oatmeal, Grain.” “You didn't announce that your Wily sense detected oatmeal.” Airmail replied, still giggling like a filly. “Oh well, sometimes it doesn't work as good as it should,” Wildfire blushed, “I think I'm losing my touch.” Teasingly, Airmail giggled some more before she realised that nopony had as yet introduced the teenager to Wildfire. “The colt is River, Grain and Hayseed's foal.” “And like any teenager,” Hayseed the hazelnut earth pony smiled, “It’s stomach first chat later.” “That’s cool.” Wildfire turned her head this way and that as she heard the sounds of multiple ponies moving about in the farm’s kitchen. After a few attempts she gave up trying to keep track of them and what they were doing, content to sit on her haunches next to the table. “And you're cute when you giggle, Pretty.” To the sound of Hayseed’s voice, Wildfire turned her head. “That sounds awfully like Airy, River isn't going to hold us hostage, is he?” Hayseed tilted her head to one side, a puzzled look on her face. “What?” “Inside joke, Hayseed.” Airmail explained quickly for the earth pony’s benefit. “Oh.” Hayseed didn’t get it, then again she wasn’t on Hoofbook so she obviously had missed Lavender’s post. “Grain thinks he is a great cook, and I'm not going to argue with that.” She grinned as her husband and her son got to fixing the breakfast for them all. “River seems to like helping out in the kitchen.” Wildfire glanced down at the floor, “I'm not a great pony in the kitchen,” she murmured like it was obvious. “I'm alright helping out though.” Airmail caught the self-deprecating gesture and immediately nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek to cheer her little lover back up. “She is high maintenance however. We now have a table cloth.” Bluesky giggled at Airmail’s tone, a tone that said it was a matter of pride to own such a thing as a table cloth. “So, you finally learned to eat without making a mess?” Now, it was Airmail’s turn to investigate the hardwood floor and she rubbed her left foreleg with her right. “No...” She knew from the proximity of her scent that Airmail was close to her and Wildfire gave her the nuzzle she thought she needed. “Well, we haven't actually used the tablecloth yet, but it’s nice to know it’s there.” “On other news we plan on moving soon to a bigger place on the island.” Airmail announced to the ponies in the kitchen, keen to change the subject. That caught Bluesky’s attention. “Oh?” “Mapper and Serenity will be joining us, and what we each have now won't fit five.” Airmail forged ahead and paused to give her little lover a tender kiss then she whispered loudly, “or more.” Wildfire returned the kiss and squealed excitedly. “Serenity and I are going to have foals!” She burst out, unable to keep it in any longer. “Woah,” Hayseed expressed, somewhat disbelieving of this news. “That is a big step!” Bluesky however was immediately happy, for Wildfire and for her daughter. “That’s welcome news as the herd will get bigger.” “I’ve been dreaming about it since forever,” Wildfire bounced happily, now in a supremely good mood and not caring who saw it and to what extent while Grain and River were busy with the breakfast. “Now it’s gonna happen!” “I'm happy for you all.” Bluesky smiled a smile of thanks when Hayseed helped her out of the milking machine once it was finished with its work. “It is nice to have little ones running around the place.” “Yeah,” Hayseed groused playfully, “Especially when you encourage them and I have to clean up afterwards.” “I really can’t wait.” Wildfire giggled at Hayseed’s laugh, “I've got aunty Airy and Stormy helping out on cleaning duty.” “Changing duty is something she is very good at.” Bluesky commented as she stood up from her cushion and made her way over to the very large table just as her son and grandcolt were serving out the freshly cooked oatmeal into the many bowls they had ready. “Grain! Are you listening?” From the stove, his mane frazzled by the heat, Grain shot back, “Sister Airy hasn't changed my nappy in well over a week.” “I’m gonna have to hit her up on tips for nappy changing.” Wildfire nuzzled Airmail’s cheek before she was nudged towards the table and she took her seating pad there. “My foal’s gonna be a lucky filly with all these aunts looking out for her.” During the breakfast that Grain and River served up on the table, and which the two earth ponies joined Bluesky and Hayseed in eating, Stormy and Rye eventually showed up. Eating quietly along with the others, Wildfire greatly enjoyed her oatmeal, thankful at least that there were no peaches in it this time. “This is really nice, thanks Grain!” Grain smiled as he looked up from his seating pad next to his wife. “You’re very welcome, Wildfire.” “Good,” Rye beamed a wide smile as he and Tempest walked through the door and into the kitchen to be greeted by the scent of hot oatmeal. “Just in time.” “Nothing like breakfast after a good nap.” Tempest agreed as she took the empty pad to Wildfire’s right side. “You had a nap?” Wildfire asked with a smile, while River got up from the table and quickly fetched his father and Tempest a bowl each of steaming hot oatmeal. “You only just woke up!” Tempest merely shrugged and made a non-committal grunt of thanks when the turquoise earth pony set the bowl in front of her. “Morning doesn't begin until after the sun has risen.” Wildfire giggled after swallowing a mouthful of her oatmeal. “If you say so, Honey.” “I know so.” Tempest grumped with her mouth full. “Where is Raindrop, Silver Cloud and Sundown?” She asked after the rest of Airmail’s family that were absent once she had swallowed. “Rain couldn't make it over from Baltimare,” Bluesky answered the violet weather pony’s question. “Silver will be here for dinner and Sun will be in later today.” Taking a welcome invigorating sip of the coffee that had been prepared for her, Tempest at once felt perked up. “Airy tell you I traded her in for a younger model?” She asked, playfully nudging Wildfire’s side. Wildfire swallowed some oatmeal she had in her mouth and reached for her black coffee that Bluesky had prepared for her. “Aw, bad luck Airy!” “Pfft,” Airmail rolled her brown eyes, “I got you, so together you and Stormy might be able to act half my age.” Wildfire giggled, “No promises, oldenpony.” “You hear that mom?” Airmail winked at her mother while the rest of the ponies at the table sniggered, “she just called you an older pony!” “I did not!” Wildfire protested. Tempest took a break from her coffee and playfully licked Wildfire’s right ear. “I hope you weren't referring to me.” “Um…” Wildfire knew they were teasing her, and she knew it was all in good fun, but that hidden part of her was scared to carry on the gentle teasing and she backed out. “Maybe I meant Airy…” she grinned and hoped her cop out wouldn’t be noticed. She really wanted these ponies to like her. “Then again, most ponies are older than me.” Thankfully, without realising it, River came to her rescue. “I'm not!” The sixteen year old exclaimed indignantly while the rest laughed. Wildfire joined in with the group laughter, her mood immediately buoyed by River’s timely distraction, and nodded to where she thought the young earth pony was sat. “It’s nice not being the youngest for a change.” “Thank Celestia for that,” Airmail laughed, “that is one less nappy I'll have to change.” Bluesky spoke up once the good natured laughter had died down and the rest of the table went back to their remaining bowls of oatmeal. “If you're going to do the whaling tour, it leaves from pier six at one p.m.” Wildfire snickered and said quickly without thinking, “Stormy should be awake by then.” Rye, Bluesky and Grain all looked up at each other when Tempest flared her wings in a flash of temper and opened her mouth to launch a retort back at the blind mare when Airmail reached her right foreleg over the little mare’s back and stopped her just in time. Instead the violet pony just shook her head. “Dad,” Airmail said, more to just say something, “we rode back on the train with Mr. Kernel. He said things went well in Canterlot.” Rye, along with the other ponies sat around the table, breathed out a hesitant sigh of relief as the volatile situation was diffused by his daughter. “Hmm, that is good news.” Flicking her ears about, Wildfire picked up on the exhalations around the kitchen and she also noted that Tempest had gone very quiet. Inwardly she hoped she hadn't wound her up, but she had an inkling that she had done just that. “The ah, the journey here was fun, I’ve not spent so long on a train before.” “You seemed to take it well.” Tempest said evenly, the flash of her temper dissipating just as quickly as it appeared. “Just a little noise yesterday, but you took it well.” Removing her blue hoof from Tempest’s shoulder, Airmail let out a very relieved giggle. Likewise, when she realised Tempest wasn’t angry with her, Wildfire giggled. “Thank you, Honey.” Tempest studied her bowl of half eaten oatmeal and inwardly counted backwards from ten to one in order to get her good humour back in place. Train travel has improved when you get dinner and a show thrown in.” Wildfire sniggered around her spoon, almost but not quite, showering the table. “It was a good show, wasn't it?” Rye looked over at his wife and shared a knowing wink with Bluesky who merely winked back. “Was it a two pony act, Stormy?” “Yes it was Rye,” Tempest replied with a smile as she reached for her coffee and Grain and Hayseed both snickered at the thought. “And it was well worth the price of admission.” Airmail affectionately nuzzled Wildfire’s left cheek. “I had my eyes closed for most of it.” With the nuzzle and the round of snickers as well as Tempest’s gentle teasing, Wildfire blushed a deep beet red. “That was another reason I enjoyed the train ride. You don't get entertainment like that when you fly.” Her mood now well and truly restored, Tempest burst out laughing. Thankfully her coffee cup was empty. Something River helpfully got up to remedy, he then went around the table and filled the other pony’s cups as well. “I'd be entertained to watch a bird try to fly with four wings.” “Oh...” Wildfire blushed a brighter red when the realisation of what Tempest had meant sunk in. Bluesky gave River a nod of thanks as the sixteen year old filled her cup back up. “I see you can still make ponies blush, Stormy.” “I'm not blushing...much,” Wildfire coughed, even though she could feel the heat emanating from her cheeks she knew must be as red as her cutie mark. “Stormy just reminded me of an experiment...yeah that's it…” she really, really wanted to hide behind her wings. “Of course she did.” Hayseed nudged Grain with her hoof and both farmers burst out laughing. “Yes, that must be it.” Rye said evenly as the old earth pony reached for and took a sip of his fresh coffee. “Not.” Bluesky gave her husband a seductive wink. “She did!” Wildfire protested desperately. “Airy, you ask Air Raid tomorrow...” the little yellow mare then realised where this sentence was going and with a very quiet mumble and her hoof over her mouth said, “I think I'm gonna shut up now…” the group as a whole had a good natured laugh at Wildfire’s expense and she did get a bunch of hugs for her trouble. “It ah, it was fun though.” “It is supposed to be fun, dear.” Rye smiled. “Any additions while I've been gone, Grain?” Airmail asked her caramel coated brother as she too took a mouthful of her coffee. Grain finished his oatmeal as he mulled over his sister’s question. “Just expanded the bunk house.” “I think he plans on putting me out to pasture.” Rye snickered around his half empty cup of coffee. Shortly after that, the hearty breakfast of oatmeal and coffee was eaten, the house phone ring from the farmhouse’s living room. Getting up from the kitchen table, Bluesky went and answered it then she returned a few moments later. “That was Ocean.” The old pale blue pegasus explained, “She said she has the whaling tour lined up for ten a.m. instead of one this afternoon.” “That would be my youngest brother, Sundown's wife.” Airmail said to Wildfire when the blind mare was about to ask who that was. “Cool!” Wildfire squealed like an excited filly. “I’ve never been on a whaling tour!” “Ever been on a boat on the ocean?” Tempest asked. “Nopes.” Wildfire shook her head. Until yesterday, she’d never been out of Canterlot in all her young life. “We'll take the motion sickness pills, just in case, then.” Airmail thought out loud, making a mental note to raid her mother’s medicine cabinet before they left the farm for the harbour. “I had a lot of stuff lined up to do after I left school and university,” Wildfire carried on, a little melancholy in her tone, “but y'know, stuff happened…” she waved a hoof over the acid scars on her face where her chestnut brown eyes used to be. “Time to break out that list,” Tempest smiled a warm loving smile and laid a violet hoof on Wildfire’s shoulder. “But I think Disco is dead.” “I'll have to make a new one.” Wildfire giggled and nuzzled the hoof that was at her shoulder. “I binned the other list when I thought it wasn't ever gonna happen.” “Ten a.m.,” Tempest said as she looked up at the wall clock. As it was seven now, the weather pony grinned. “That means I'll have time for another nap before we go.” “You do that Stormy,” Airmail said to her marefriend, “Want to see the farm, Wily?” “Yuppers!” Wildfire squeaked, far too excited to even consider being tired. “Now I can cross ‘going on a farm’ off my new list!” “I was able to cross that one off when I was born.” Rye sighed as he casually inspected his hoof. “I have done SOME things...” Wildfire muttered defensively from her seating pad, feeling suddenly under a lot of scrutiny and a need to justify herself. She should have done more with her life, she knew it, and she blamed herself in part that she hadn’t. “Just ah…not much.” “You have, 'been to the Capital' crossed off.” Tempest offered with a gentle stroke of her hoof along Wildfire’s foreleg. Wildfire however wasn’t buying that. “Oh come on, I was born there!” “I made it all the way down to Seaddle,” Rye said with a snicker, “that is closer to the Capital than here.” “That is the point,” Airmail nuzzled her diminutive lover, “pops was born on a farm.” “And, going with you was my first time to Canterlot.” Tempest smiled and licked Wildfire’s right ear in just that way she knew the blind mare liked the most. “Eeek!” Wildfire squeaked as her ear was licked, “It was a more enjoyable trip home than I ever thought it would be.” She grinned a wide happy grin at the memories of the past Thursday and Friday in Canterlot with her herd-mates. Taking them all to meet her mother and Heatwave had been the highlight by far, though the less said about her dad the better. “I can cross off Manehatten, and all the sexy times we've done...ooh! I can cross off getting to see my herd too!” River was confused. The turquoise earth pony cocked his head to one side as he tried to work out how a blind pony could do that. “See?” “Yuppers!” Wildfire enthused, “Princess Luna did me a favour last night, she joined our dreams together so I could see them as they really are.” “Wow,” River was amazed and awed, and justly so, “that is so cool, you've met Princess Luna. Have you met Princess Celestia?” He asked, as being a farming based family they were by nature very pro Celestia. “I've met them both,” Wildfire said without a trace of ego or boast as she turned her head in River’s general direction. “Both before and after I was blinded. I went to school and then university with Princess Luna's son.” River was absolutely enthralled. “I want to go to Canterlot.” “You should go with the next delegation then.” Rye said with a smile. “Want to work that, Grain?” “And have my colt out from under my hoof for a week?” Grain commented with a snickering grin as River pouted at his dad. “I'm on it.” “Maybe your Aunt Wily can get you an audience, River.” Airmail suggested to the blind mare. “Ooh I'd love to,” Wildfire smiled a wide smile at being called an aunt. She hadn’t considered all the extended family that she was now a part of. “I'll give my friend Dusky a ring, he'll show you around the castle, River. He'll take you flying if you ask nicely.” “I like flying.” River said, “Aunt Silver and Rain took me flying and when Aunt Mapper was last here she let me do cloud walking.” “If you like flying fast,” Wildfire grinned, “Dusky can do a rainboom.” The ‘mother’ in Bluesky got the better of the milk mare even as River’s bright blue eyes went wide with excitement. “As long as this Dusky is careful.” “Come on grandma Sky,” River squeaked, “it will be fun!” “He's a very good, strong flier Ms. Bluesky.” Wildfire felt the urge to come to her best friend’s defence. Outside of Tempest, Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Wonderbolts, Dusk was the most able flier she knew. “He flew all the way back to Canterlot at rainboom speeds when Stormy told him what...um…what, ah…when he had to.” “Yes, I'd say Dusky is reliable.” Airmail leapt in then when she saw where Wildfire was going. “If you're done Wily, I'll give you a tour while Stormy gets her beauty sleep.” “You going to gather eggs?” Rye asked as his daughter got up from her seating pad. “Yuppers, I'm done Pretty.” Wildfire giggled as she too got up and stretched her legs on the creaking floorboards. “I'm looking forward to feeling my way about, and there's no way Stormy needs beauty sleep, I saw her last night.” Airmail couldn’t resist. “You must have been looking at the wrong end.” The azure blue pegasus giggled when her comment earned herself a raspberry from the violet mare. “I'm not sure,” Wildfire replied innocently, “the end I was looking at smiled and winked.” Hayseed burst out laughing long and loud at that, as did Bluesky and Rye, at the unintended innuendo. “On that note,” Airmail stated with a definite air, “let’s go.” Wildfire giggled, “I think we should. Lead on, Pretty.” With the sound of the family’s laughter still ringing from the farmhouse, Airmail led the blind mare outside and began a flying audio tour with landings at the various places of interest so that Wildfire could check out stuff by hoof such as where the wheat, rye, corn, and Alfalfa was grown as well as the silos for storage, the barns where the equipment was kept and the chicken coop. Airmail even managed to introduce Wildfire to the cats Top and Tom that were the resident mousers. “This is really cool Airy, it smells so different to Canterlot.” Airmail carried on the tour with a not too small amount of pride. “You have to go into Vanhoover for industry. Since you like fish, you should like the fishy smell.” “I do like me a bit of fish,” Wildfire commented as Top allowed her to play with his ears. “Vanhoover does have some of the finest seafood restaurants in Equestria.” “It must've been really awesome growing up here.” “It was okay,” Airmail replied when Top cat finally got bored of being played with and went off to hunt mice. “When Sky retired from weather duties though, farm life got dull so I joined the forces to escape.” “I like your family,” Wildfire smiled as they carried on walking, taking in the various smells of the farm, some of which were more pleasant than others. “They're cool.” “Oh yeah,” Airmail draped her right wing over Wildfire as they walked from silo to silo, with her pointing out each one to the blind mare. “I was very lucky to end up with them.” Airmail went silent for a moment while she thought on her adoptive parents and her family. She certainly had been very lucky. “They gave my life purpose and focus.” “Hmm…kinda like you've done for me.” Wildfire paused and gave Airmail a lingering kiss unerringly to her lover’s muzzle. “It’s cool how they've all been so nice to me.” Airmail wrapped her forehooves around Wildfire’s neck and returned the kiss. “They understand the herd life and it is what got me to want a herd to belong to.” “I meant how nice they've been to my scars,” Wildfire explained, somewhat unnecessarily as her herd-mate fully understood what the little blind mare had meant. “Although that's well cool too. I'm glad we've both found a place to belong to.” “You're just not used to ponies judging you by who you are instead of what you look like.” Wildfire giggled, “I gotta admit, it is different.” “Be nice if it was normal though, right?” Airmail smiled and she kissed the yellow mare again. “Want to collect some eggs?” Wildfire nodded at that. It certainly would be nice, amazing even, if everypony’s reaction to her and her scars was the same or even close to being the same as Airmail’s family had been so far. “You have no idea…” then she smiled at the prospect of doing another thing for the first time. “Yuppers Pretty. I'd love to.” As they were a few feet away from one of the chicken barns, Airmail chose that one. “They like to lay up in the loft and can get a little feisty when you collect their eggs. Fend them off with a wing and put the eggs in the basket.” Following the brief explanation, the azure blue mare hoofed her lover a wicker basket for her to carry in her mouth. “Hmhmm!” Nodding her understanding, Wildfire took the handle of the basket in her mouth. Walking through the barn, she soon found it was an easy matter of feeling with her hooves for the nesting birds, shoving them off their nests with a wing and quickly putting the eggs there in her basket, what was tricky was climbing the stairs to get there. Giggling, Wildfire shooed off the nearest chicken with a wing, humming to herself as she feels along the row for the next nest. The chickens, for their part, did put up quite a fuss, and took every opportunity to peck at the pegasi’s wing feathers. But, while they were enthusiastic in their defence of their eggs, the birds did no real damage, Wildfire soon found out she’d had stiffer preenings. Once she was happy her basket was full, Wildfire fluttered her way back down to the ground level and put her basket down. “Y'know, these birds aren't bad at preening, you might want to learn them up a bit though, I've had better.” Airmail laughed at that, seeing as she was finished as well. “Yeah, I said the same thing forty years ago.” “Way before my time.” Wildfire giggled before her tone went altogether more serious. “I know I make fun of you Airy, call you oldenpony, but it’s cool. You remind me a lot of my mum.” “Because we're both sexy and have wings?” Wildfire blushed. “I was gonna say your sense of humour and general awesomeness but yuppers let’s go with your answer...though I totally never fancied my mum.” “Don't need to fancy somepony to know they're sexy.” Airmail giggled as she secured the full basket under her wing and instructed Wildfire to do the same so they could talk and walk. “Caffy and those stripes are sexy, but I'm not going to roll in the hay with him.” Wildfire thought then back to the days not so long ago when she wouldn’t have been given the choice. Quickly she banished those thoughts to Tartarus where they belonged. “Should I paint stripes on my flank for you?” “Of course, Coffee Bean is old enough to be my mother and she is totally hot!” Airmail giggled as they walked at a steady pace back to the old farmhouse. Suddenly images of Wildfire with sexy stripes flashed across her mind. “Let me think about that…” “Maybe dark red ones to match my cutie mark colour?” “You know, you'd look really cool for Nightmare Night if you paint flames on yourself.” “Awesomes!” Wildfire let out a delighted little giggle. “I used to have a dress I wore for that, all flames and stuff.” Airmail made up her mind on what needed doing for that. “We are getting that replaced for you the next time in Manehatten when we see Coco again.” An idea occurred to the azure blue pony then as they walked back past one of the many grain silos. “We can take some fried egg sandwiches with us for lunch.” “You’d best get somepony else to make them,” Wildfire commented, “I don't want to be caught leaving the tops off any jars here.” “Oh, I don’t know…” Airmail snickered, “There are lots of earth ponies in this family and they can spank pretty hard.” She smiled, thinking in particular of Bluesky and Rye and the times she had required a stiff spanking growing up. “Cool!” Wildfire paused and drooled at the thought of getting spanked. Hard. “Then again, maybe I could leave the odd jar topless…once or twice.” “Maybe you could.” Airmail smiled and ran her free left wing over Wildfire’s right flank. “Let’s trot back and turn these in.” Sharing a wing rub, both mares made their way back to the weather beaten farmhouse. The tour that Airmail had given Wildfire had run on for two hours, thanks in no small part to the egg gathering exercise, so Tempest was by now awake, in a better mood and chatting with Bluesky and Rye. Grain and River had left the farmhouse and were working one of the Alfalfa fields as they neared the house, and when they got back inside a very grateful Hayseed checked on the eggs they had both gathered in their baskets, relieved that they had saved her from that chore. “Getting the eggs was fun,” Wildfire grinned a proud grin at a job well done, “I’m so doing that again the next time Airy brings me.” “You should visit a dairy farm.” Hayseed said, the hazelnut earth pony farmer safely storing the fresh eggs away in the kitchen. “They farm dairy?” Wildfire sincerely asked in all seriousness, her head cocked to one side. “I bet that’s easy!” In her head she was genuinely picturing farmers with herds of milk bottles. Airmail shook her head at Wildfire’s obliviousness. A thing she tried to communicate to Hayseed with a gesture of her hoof to stop her sister in law asking about it. Tempest and herself both knew it was a side effect of her time at the home. “Sometimes those cows can be stubborn with visitors.” Hayseed shrugged her shoulders at Airmail and instead spoke to Wildfire. “They're not bad once they get to know you.” “Yeah,” Airmail muttered, “You kick over a milk bucket the once...” Hayseed giggled behind her hoof. “That isn't the story Sky tells us.” “Oh?” Wildfire asked as she sidled over to Airmail’s right side and nestled comfortingly into her. “And, what is the story Ms. Bluesky tells? I'm all ears.” Realising she had no way out, Airmail sighed a deep sigh and prepared to tell her little story. “When I kicked over the milk bucket I told them my mom's milk was ten times better than theirs.” Hayseed’s eyes were alive and twinkling with mirth. “And?” “And…” Airmail felt three inches tall. “They called me a baby for drinking mare's milk, and so in temper I kicked over another bucket and then Marigold kicked me. Hard.” “How old were you at the time?” Wildfire asked curiously. “Nine.” Wildfire giggled openly and nuzzled her larger lover’s cheek. “It’s not like we haven't all done something daft at some point or other,” the blind mare nudged her side playfully, “I thought it was a good idea to fly through a burning building when I was eighteen.” Airmail smiled at that, thinking immediately of Winter, her husband and her two colts back in Canterlot. “I think there are four other ponies that thought it was a good idea too.” “My wings and tail didn't think it was so hot...well, it was, but...oh you know what I mean.” “That sometimes the young engage the action before engaging the brain?” Hayseed snickered, at thirty six, the same age as her husband Grain, the farmer felt justified in saying that. “I’m guilty of that, Ms. Hayseed, twice.” And Wildfire knew exactly what two examples she was thinking of. “We can fly into the city.” Airmail said as she noticed the clock had just ticked over onto nine fifteen a.m. and she wanted to allow them plenty of time to get to the harbour. “There is a nice shopping area near the pier.” Just then River came back in from the alfalfa field for a drink of water. “Aw cool,” Wildfire didn’t know what time it was – she made a mental note to get an audio watch the next opportunity she got – and she flexed her wings. “I should probably take any chance to fly I can get.” “Yes you should,” Tempest finally spoke up after finishing the coffee she had been nursing for the last few moments. “And I'm putting you on an exercise program when we get home.” River was curious about that. “Why does she need an exercise program?” Wildfire turned her head to the young earth pony stallion. “Because my wings aren't very strong River, I have weak flight muscles and I'll need strong ones for when I start work soon.” “Oh,” River took that at face value. “Okay.” “I'm ready,” Tempest announced as she got up from the pad she was sat on next to Rye and Bluesky. “You ready, Wily?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire nodded eagerly, “as I'll ever be.” Airmail walked over and gave her mother and father a tight hug and a smattering of kisses. “Be back for dinner.” “Hugs!” Wildfire squeaked, “I hear hugs, I want hugs!” “Okay, okay…” snickering, Airmail gave the little yellow mare a hug, and as soon as she released it Rye and Bluesky also closed in for a hug only to be followed by Tempest and Hayseed. “Me too!” River exclaimed and gave his new aunt a hug as well. “Aw River that was the best hug ever! They were all awesomes!” Wildfire grinned as the last hug from the colt was finally released. “Especially yours, Ms. Bluesky, now I know were Airy learnt her hugging skills.” She giggled, “Yours was okay too Stormy.” “Gee…” Tempest playfully flicked Wildfire’s ear with her hoof, “I got the Wily seal of approval!” “Trust me Wily,” Airmail giggled, “mom will still feed you without all the flattery.” “Yes you do, Honey,” Wildfire giggled and stuck her tongue out. “Airy, it doesn't hurt to be nice.” “That's right.” Bluesky smiled and gave the little yellow mare an affectionate nuzzle. “I may make chocolate something for dessert tonight.” “Yay!” Wildfire squee’d and performed a happy little hoof dance. “Chocolate something's my absolute favourite!” “I wonder how my mom knew that.” Airmail placed a delicate little kiss on Wildfire’s lips. “Let's fly.” With that, the three mares lifted off from the doorstep of the old farmhouse into the bright clear blue morning sky with the azure blue pegasus leading the way while Tempest trailed behind to make sure Wildfire didn’t lose Airmail’s scent on the wind. “It's about thirty minute’s flying time from here to the harbour.” “Alrighty Pretty. Thirty minutes I can do.” As Wildfire flew along behind Airmail, her older lover’s scent directly in front of her, the yellow pony realised there weren’t any flight zones here like there were back in Manehatten. They hadn’t been in the air very long when Wildfire began to really smell the ocean air. She took a deep lungful of the fresh air. “Now that's a lovely smell.” “Is it?” Airmail raised an eyebrow at that. “Stay with me, we are going a bit north.” “Yuppers, totally!” Wildfire replied loudly, “clean fresh sea air? Ocean breeze on my fur? I'll have some of that thanks!” She grinned as she noticed the slight course change and she altered her flight to stay behind her older marefriend. “I'm with you Pretty.” Flying behind them, Tempest noticed where they were headed and she started to fall back. “So, are we headed to the boat Airy?” “In a bit, I wanted to let you experience something first.” Airmail answered her with a wry smile and after five minutes the fresh salty ocean breeze had turned decidedly putrid and foul. “Uugh!” Wildfire almost retched in mid-air. “This don't smell too good, it kinda reminds me of the Stallion’s Room that me, Octavia and Beauty cleaned at Caffeinated’s place the other day.” Actually, it reminded her more of her cell back at the care home when it had gone uncleaned for several days. “What is it?” She asked with a hoof held over her nose. “It's the cannery.” Airmail explained with an amused smile. It really did smell as rank and rancid as it was possible to smell. “Stormy says it smells worse than a Trottingham hog farm.” Wildfire retched and dry heaved as they flew overhead, thankfully leaving the smells behind. “I have no idea how bad they smell, but that was pretty damn bad, babe.” Deep down in her heart she knew that smell, like she herself had smelled after three days locked in her box. “Okay, I just thought you'd want to experience all of Vanhoover,” Airmail giggled and corrected her flight path back left to the north-west to head straight to the harbour and the coast. “Let’s turn around as Stormy has stopped following us.” “Gee,” Wildfire wondered aloud, a little sarcastically, “I wonder why…” she let out a little giggle. “At least I wouldn't need my flight suit to find that place.” “Maybe not, but it is a part of the industry.” Airmail grinned as she led her diminutive lover onwards, “on the north side of town where the winds keep it downwind from the main city.” “Well, my mum always said no job is worth less than any another,” Wildfire commented somewhat kindly as she flew hurriedly away behind Airmail. She was in no doubt whatever that there were ponies that worked in the cannery that were very proud of what they did and rightly so. “Still, I'm glad I work with fires.” A further minute of silent flying and Wildfire picked up Tempest’s scent behind her. She knew the violet mare wouldn’t take long catching them up. Another ten minutes of silent flight, and the three mares landed at the shopping area at the pier, with Airmail still at the head of the group. She folded away her wings and straightened her mane. “Mostly souvenirs, and some local flavour here.” The azure blue mare explained the surroundings to her blind lover. “Now, this is much better.” Wildfire fluttered her wings to allow the breeze through her wings and took a lungful of the crisp salty air. “There’s not many piers in Canterlot.” “I thought there were a lot of peers in Canterlot?” Tempest asked as she playfully licked Wildfire’s right ear. “N-Naaaah!” Wildfire squeaked as her ear was licked. “N-No, there really isn't,” she answered cluelessly, “oh there are a couple of small ones on the lake, but not like this one here.” Airmail giggled at her little mare’s obliviousness. “She was making a pun love. The piers here are a dock for ships, and the peers in Canterlot are the nobility.” She saw Wildfire’s stricken expression and gave her a tight hug. “Oh...ooooh right…” Wildfire blushed beet red for what felt like the millionth time that day already. “I’m sorry Stormy,” she shook her head with a giggle. “I am so clueless sometimes…” “Fishermare!” Airmail then interrupted whatever Wildfire was going to say next when she saw a thirty two year old cobalt blue earth pony she knew very well and she rushed forward to greet her with a familial hug. “That is her sister-in-law, Ocean.” Tempest explained to a puzzled looking Wildfire with a smile on her violet muzzle. “She’s married to her youngest brother Sundown. Looks like she brought all her foals too.” The weather pony’s smile only widened when she saw the two blue fillies and the burnt umber colt. “Foals?” That got Wildfire’s attention on the busy pier. “Awesomes!” “Wildfire!” Airmail called over, “come on over and greet my sister-in-law.” “Alrighty…” the blind mare sniffed the air and used every part of her hearing to find where Airmail was now standing on the wooden pier. Thankfully, when she walked over, as ever using her wingtips to steer herself, she found they were all stood by the old metal guard rail that prevented her from walking off of the edge and into the lapping ocean underneath. “Hey!” The very instant Wildfire got next to Airmail she was greeted to a traditional earth pony hug, one that was aided by muscles honed by years of working at sea, that is to say Ocean almost cracked her ribs and her spine. “It is good to finally meet you after all Airy's letters.” “I-It’s…aaaak…g-good…” Wildfire gasped for air once the bone crushing hug was released, “t-to meet you too. I hope Airy wrote nice things about me?” “She did,” Ocean replied quickly in her very thick Vanhoovan accent, “something about a mare half her age making her feel half her age.” Tempest laughed out loud at that. “Sundown is working, but I brought my foals.” The tall muscular earth pony gently nudged her foals forward as she introduced each one. “Seashell, she’s the oldest at ten and an earth pony like me and her brother Sand Dune who’s eight. Lastly we have little Sunrise, a six year old pegasus.” “I do my best with Airy,” Wildfire giggled as she took a hug from each foal in turn as they were introduced to her. “I love all of your foal names, they’re cute.” “I'm from a long line of ocean ponies.” Ocean said with a proud smile that practically shone in her voice. “The boat is at the end of the pier and we will be out for three hours. You ever been out on the ocean before, Wildfire?” “Um, nopes.” Wildfire shook her head as the group began to make their way along the busy bustling pier to the end. “This is another first for me.” Ocean flicked her cobalt blue ears at that. “Airy did...” Airmail nodded, “I got the Dramamine right here. Just in case.” “Okay,” Ocean snickered, she’d seen way too many ponies hurl on their first times on the waves. Especially the northern waves that she shipped and fished in. “I suggest you take some, just in case.” “I think I probably should,” Wildfire agreed. She was in no way in a mood for a pretence of false bravado. One, she knew Airmail and Tempest would see through it immediately, and two, she knew she wouldn’t be better thought of for it. “Heh y'know, just in case…” “Then you can sit up front and catch the spray, and hear the whales.” Ocean grinned with pride as they approached her boat. “Come on, I have everything set up on board.” “Awesomes,” while she was very nervous, she was also very excited as well. “I’ve only ever seen a whale in a museum years back in Canterlot.” “You will be getting wet on this trip.” Ocean snickered. “Let me introduce you to your ride.” The cobalt blue earth pony helped Wildfire rest her hoof on the hull of her fishing boat while Airmail pulled out the sea sickness pills. “She’s the Radiant Way. She’s a double rig beam trawler, twenty years old, eighty feet long by twenty feet wide at the beam and when I push her she’ll reach eleven knots.” Airmail nuzzled Wildfire’s left ear as she slipped her the pills and whispered, “make that wet again, on this trip.” Wildfire gratefully swallowed the pills, as did Airmail, and returned the nuzzle with a loving kiss to her marefriend’s lips. “I can handle getting wet.” Once all eight ponies were safely on the boat and Ocean had cast off, Airmail steered Wildfire up front on the deck past the wheelhouse just behind the front mast. “My brother, Sundown, does search and rescue out at sea. He fell for Ocean and the rest is history.” “Now that's really awesomes,” Wildfire stood on the gently rolling deck as the boat pulled out of the harbour thinking it wasn’t so bad just yet. What she couldn’t tell was that while the ocean was a mill pond inside, outside the harbour the waves were a good few feet high. “I can get emergency services. We'll have to swap stories.” Then she said with a smile, “I kinda like that kind of history.” “I told him you flew into a burning building.” Wildfire giggled as she adjusted her stance with the pitch of the deck under her hooves. She wasn’t all that sure she liked this very much just yet. “Seems like I live off that story. What did Sundown say?” “He's done nothing like that so will talk to you this evening.” Airmail replied as Ocean worked with her stallion crew mate to navigate their way past the other moored boats and out of the crowded harbour. “He is a really good swimmer though and has his stories to tell you too.” Then, the azure blue mare whispered, “I didn't tell the family that you got the job in Manehatten. I thought you'd like to do that tonight.” Wildfire smiled at that as she recalled Bluesky’s surprise on the flight from the train station to the farmhouse. “Your mum did sound surprised when I mentioned fires to her earlier.” “Yeah,” Airmail smiled, “sort of like a teaser.” Steered with deft skill by Ocean, at slack water, the Radiant Way left the relative calm of Vanhoover harbour and almost instantly the fishing boat was hit with four foot waves which sent the salt water spray high over the rail. “I'm still amazed I got the job to be honest,” Wildfire commented as she stumbled on the deck, the spray splashing on her face. “Whoa!” She gasped at the lurch of the craft. “Ugh, is this moving about normal, for a boat?” “This is pretty calm today,” Seashell said as the cobalt blue filly moved to stand on Wildfire’s right side, the ten year old entirely comfortable on the waves. “May get a bit rougher further out.” Sand Dune came up the front to stand next to his older sister. “I like the waves!” “Don't let them get to you.” Airmail spoke into Wildfire’s left ear. “We're here next to you.” Tempest and little Sunrise were stood behind the almost panicking blind mare and Ocean, who gave up the wheel to her crew stallion, also stepped out onto the deck to stand alongside her youngest filly. “Keep your knees bent Wildfire and you can ride out the movement.” “Yeah,” Tempest snickered playfully as two four foot waves hit the boat’s prow together making it lurch upwards, “kinda like riding Airy!” “Calm?” Wildfire squeaked to Seashell while she and Sand Dune both giggled at their auntie’s rude comment, “you mean it moves about more than this?” The diminutive mare tried to bend her knees when the first of the double wave hit but she hopelessly mistimed it and staggered like a drunken pony. “Ha, ha Honey, Airy doesn't usually move under me this much.” “Then you’re either doing it wrong or you need more practice!” Tempest shot back straightaway. “She hasn't complained yet, thank you.” Wildfire retorted, however it was cut short as the boat pitched downwards this time, dropping five feet into the trough of a wave. “Ugh…” she groaned, her stomach left behind her, and she extended her wings out in order to steady herself. Airmail, still blushing profusely from Tempest’s last comment, used this opportune chance to slide her wing under Wildfire’s left and up over her back. Feeling the familiar feathers over her barrel, Wildfire inched a bit closer to Airmail and whispered, “thanks Pretty.” Now though, they were in the open ocean the waves here were six to eight feet high. Something Wildfire was suddenly aware of when one hit them. As Seashell and Sand Dune both whooped and cheered at the waves, the stallion in the wheelhouse called out, “Whales off the port bow!” “Looks like a pod of four.” Airmail said, looking off to the left of the boat. “Sandy and Sea, let Wily move to put a wing over the rail on the port side.” “Uugh, you weren't kidding about these waves were you?” Wildfire moaned, and while Seashell and Sand Dune both gently encouraged her to move on the heavily pitching and rolling deck, she eventually stepped forwards until she felt the railing. She wasn’t going to lie. Right now she hated this. A lot. Still, she hesitantly put her left wing over the rail, thankful that Airmail was ever present on her left side with her right wing over her. As soon as she stopped moving she felt ponies move around her. Seashell and Sand Dune were in front of her to her right, Tempest was right behind her and she put her left wing over Airmail’s back. Scant feet ahead in the water she could hear something blowing water like a hose. Airmail saw which way the boat was turning. “They are going to pull up alongside the pod.” Scared stiff, Wildfire hung her right wing over the rail of the pitching fishing boat while she held on to Airmail’s back with her left wing. “This ah…this is really cool though…” she said as she felt the cold seawater on her wing and on her fur. “Just you wait!” Sand Dune whooped in delight, “We're going to get covered in whale spit!” “A-Awesome...” Wildfire moaned, distinctly less enthusiastic than the excited young colt and she turned her scarred face towards the noise as the hose like sound went off next to her scant feet in front of the boat’s bow and the ice cold water fell on her from above. “Hang on tight!” Airmail yelled when she saw the whales begin to dive. A second later and a huge splash from their fluked tails next to the boat absolutely drenched them both in water, leaving Sand Dune and Seashell shouting for joy. Wildfire however was not shouting for joy. The diminutive yellow mare was shrieking like a filly, desperately holding on to both Airmail and the boat’s railing. “B-Bucking h-hell!” She gasped once she found she could breathe again. This was like the times that Amethyst had used the water on her, but with the added terror of the rolling deck. At least here she wasn’t hoof-cuffed upside down. Airmail caught the concerned glance from Tempest and from Ocean, and she said, “We can move back towards the cabin if you want to stay dryer, Wily.” “N-No...” Wildfire shook her head and refused the offer, not wanting to appear weak, especially in front of the foals that were half her age and more besides. “I'm alright, it was just a shock, that’s all.” Smiling at her blind lover’s nerve, Airmail nuzzled her cheek and whispered, “It's okay love. I'm here with you and I will stay with you anywhere on this boat.” “I, I know…” buoyed by Airmail’s nuzzle, Wildfire managed a shaky smile that was almost convincing. “I'm enjoying it, really.” Airmail gave her a loving kiss. “Okay, but don't think you need to impress anypony…hang on!” Airmail cut what she was saying short to issue the warning as the whales had resurfaced and squirted the water from their blowholes. When the gout of icy cold water blasted over the bows and soaked them all through to their skin it was obvious the young ponies in front of her were having the time of their lives. Wildfire began to smile a genuine smile as she held on tight to her marefriend and the rail. “I think,” she said, shaking her head, “that oatmeal was off earlier…” although, by now the Dramamine was thankfully kicking in. “I'm really glad you bought that stuff you gave me, Airy.” “I take it too.” Airmail confided in her. “Stormy though is unfazed by the gale force waves.” “Lucky for some ponies, huh?” Wildfire smiled and it was a proper smile as she finally telegraphed the pitch and roll of the Radiant Way and rode out the eight foot wave as it came in from the starboard side. Seeing her little lover improve, Airmail gave her a second nuzzle. “Why she has that cutie mark on her ass.” “It does suit her, that cutie mark…whoaaaaaa!” She squealed in frightened delight as a large wave washed over the starboard bow of the fishing boat. “This isn't so bad!” She said aloud, earning herself admiring glances from Seashell, Sand Dune, Tempest and Ocean. However, to Airmail she whispered, “I’m glad you're with me.” Without hesitation, the azure blue mare whispered back, “The feeling is mutual, Wily.” Wildfire tightened her hold on Airmail’s back. “Ocean, what kind of whales are they?” “Caneighdian Long-finned Pilot whales,” Ocean replied quickly, squealing in delight as her boat pitched downwards following a six foot wave and the Long-fins chose that moment to expel more water over the deck. “Later in the year there are Humpback and Blue whales.” “Sweet, the one I saw in the museum was a Humpback, and it was huuuuge!” Wildfire replied and she finally loosened her hold on Airmail’s back. “I never thought I'd be this close to a real living whale!” “The nearest is twenty yards off the boat.” Airmail said as she judged the distance when the unusually long dark grey pectoral fins of the four whales broke the surface of the water. Feeling rather brave, Wildfire at last let go of Airmail’s side and rested both of her forehooves on the rail as she actually started to enjoy the whaling tour. “Y'know, once you get used to the uppy-downy it’s not so bad,” Wildfire grinned a far more confident grin as the boat rode the crest of an eight foot wave. “I can’t believe they're so close to us!” “The first mate steering the boat has been doing this for years.” Airmail giggled, “I can tell the Dramamine has kicked in. Just don't let go of the rail with your hooves.” “Oh, don't you worry…whoooooo!” Wildfire cheered uncertainly when the boat rode out the wave, “you'll have to surgically remove this rail.” “You having fun now, Auntie Wildfire?” Seashell asked her as Airmail and Tempest both burst out laughing at Wildfire’s comment. “Yuppers Seashell, I was just getting my hooves used to being on a boat.” Wildfire grinned like a filly on a rollercoaster as she rode the boat, “This is cool though, isn't it?” “Yeah,” Sand Dune agreed loudly, “this is great and the whales are so close you can almost touch them!” “Do you think we will touch them?” Wildfire asked, “That'd be sweet.” “I wish,” Seashell said with a note of regret in her voice, “but they won't let the boat get that close.” “Aww that's a shame, still I'm loving this now.” Wildfire giggled, “I take it you come out all the time?” Sand Dune nodded his sandy brown maned head energetically before he realised his new aunt couldn’t possibly see the affirmative gesture. Blushing, he said, “We come out every month for this, and mom takes us out on the fishing boat too.” “That's properly neat,” Wildfire replied as the boat dipped again, “I guess you took to it quicker than I did?” “Yeah, right away.” The little cobalt blue colt swelled with pride, “our little sister is still learning to get her sea legs.” He continued, shooting Sunrise a look and getting a raspberry from the little filly for his trouble. Airmail had no small amount of sympathy for the queasy looking six year old who was nestled into her mother’s flank. She knew how she felt. “Sometimes it takes a pegasus longer to adapt.” “Yuppers Airy, yes it does,” Wildfire sniggered, now fully enjoying herself with her wings held wide to catch all of the surf, “At least the waves aren't sneaking up on you!” Airmail had to agree with that. She could easily understand how unnerving and scary the sea could be, especially in these waves, although growing up she had seen them twice this size in the heart of winter. Still, didn’t mean she couldn’t tease her little lover. “You didn't seem to mind me sneaking up on you.” Wildfire giggled and got a face full of sea water courtesy of the Long-finned whales, “you have one thing in common with the waves, you both make we wet through!” “Ohhhh!” Seashell erupted in a bright red blushing giggle fit, “I know what that means!” “Pfft,” Sand Dune snorted dismissively, playing the bluff colt well, “Mushy stuff…” “Mushy stuff is awesome Sand Dune,” Wildfire giggled, “especially naughty mushy stuff…wheeeeeee!” The little blind mare let out a whoop of delighted joy as the boat continued to ride the choppy north Equestrian waves. “Mom showed me,” Seashell said, sounding very grown up indeed, “but I'm not ready to try it yet Sand Dune thought for just a moment before passing his expert opinion. “Eww!” “Colts…” Wildfire and Seashell shared a giggle, “I thought it was eww too, till a certain blue mare sneaked up on me in a coffee shop in Manehatten.” “He'll change his tune one day and sing his heart to another.” Airmail said wisely, fighting off a fit of her own giggles as Sand Dune scrunched up his face and made retching noises. Seashell reared up to her hind hooves and pointed over the railing at the pod of whales before she shouted loudly, “They are pulling away!” “Oooh…did we turn?” Wildfire asked uncertainly as she felt the Radiant Way shift under her, the craft was being tossed from the opposite direction now, but at least the waves were distinctly smaller at just four to five feet high. “Ah…at least the waves are smaller.” “They will search out another pod closer to the shore to chase.” Airmail explained to her blind lover. “Not that I'm not enjoying it, of course,” Wildfire tried – a little too late – to cover her tracks. Unfortunately this tactic didn’t quite pay off and everypony except little Sunrise snickered in her direction. “It is nice when it doesn't rock so much.” Seashell laughed, “You need to go with mom on the fishing boat in the stormy season!” “Yeah,” Sand Dune piped up, “when dad goes he uses his wings most of the time.” “That depends Seashell,” Wildfire asked, altogether not liking the idea of a ‘stormy season’. The only stormy season she was interested in involved the tempestuous violet pony stood behind her on the deck. “Are the waves bigger than these?” “Yeah,” Sand Dune’s voice was way happier than it should’ve been for Wildfire’s liking. “They are like taller than our whole house!” “We all have to wear belts and clip to the ropes when we’re on the deck!” “You know what, Seashell?” Wildfire squeaked, her yellow cheeks turning green at the mere thought of that in spite of the sea sickness medicine’s best efforts. “Ah, thanks, but I think I'll pass on that. There's not enough drugs in Equestria to get me through that.” Airmail giggled and held on to her diminutive lover as the boat dipped and rose through a series of four foot waves. “I'm with you there, Wily.” “Whales off the bow!” The stallion hollered loudly from the wheelhouse. “It's another pod of Caneighdian Long-fins.” Airmail said when she realised Wildfire was about to ask what sort they were. “Looks like six this time, Auntie Wildfire.” Wildfire smiled at Seashell’s comment. “I think I'll watch those waves from the shore, where it’s safe, and level. Very level.” She held on tight to the rail again when the fishing boat rolled to the right under a couple of waves. “At least I'm ready to get wet this time.” Sand Dune grinned at the blind pony, “Okay Auntie Wildfire!” As a burst of icy cold sea water was blasted over them by this new pod of whales, Wildfire nudged Airmail’s barrel with her forehoof. “That’s so cool, I'm an auntie now!” “Yes,” Airmail smiled a smile that Wildfire could hear, “you now have no shortage of nieces and nephews.” The lead editor leant in real close and lovingly nuzzled her yellow cheek and neck. “You have seven just with my family and soon to be eight when Silver Cloud drops. Then there are three more on Stormy's side, and of course there is the rest of the herd as well.” “It’s gonna be fun next Hearth's Warming Eve,” Wildfire giggled, “so many pressies to buy everypony!” Airmail joined her in her giggles. “Socks for everypony!” “You can never have too many socks.” Wildfire stated like she was an authority on the subject, a sentiment she knew for a fact that Airmail and Tempest agreed with. “I want some more purple and blue ones.” “I like socks.” Seashell joined in. “Good filly,” Wildfire smiled as she found the earth pony filly with her right wing. “Socks are awesomes.” Another spurt of water from above and a splash over the rail courtesy of the whales had the brother and sister again whooping for joy, distracting them from further talk of socks. “Wohooo!” Wildfire cheered with them and, after another hour of soaking and chasing this pod of six the boat finally headed back to the harbour. “I swear I have never ever been so wet in my life!” Wildfire squealed, “And I worked with rain clouds!” “They do have a shower on the pier to get the salt water out of your fur and feathers,” Ocean told her, as she knew full well they’d all need it after this trip out on the waves. Wildfire shook her head, sending salty water cascading to the deck from her black mane. “Oh, thank Luna for that.” She knew she really needed a shower.” Ocean giggled at that, “You favour the Moon Goddess over the Sun Goddess, Wildfire?” “Well, a bit, she's cool!” Wildfire exclaimed, “But everypony always uses Princess Celestia's name, Luna must feel left out, that’s all.” “True,” Ocean had to agree with that. “The farmers do favour Celestia over Luna, but for me I go when the fish are about day or night.” “Luna is pretty fun though.” Wildfire started then she caught herself. She didn’t want to be any more of a name dropper than she already was. “Ocean, I bet it's fun fishing at night, isn’t it?” Ocean thought about that as they entered the harbour and sailed back to the pier they left from. While sure it was hard work, it was always fun. “It is very pretty out on the waves at night.” “Yuppers, I used to love the night sky…” Wildfire commented as Ocean and her first mate moored up the boat at the pier to secure it in place. Once everypony had disembarked and had taken use of the aforementioned showers that Ocean had told Wildfire about while they were out, the fishermare and her foals all shared very tight hugs with the blind mare. “Y’know, I'll never get tired of hugs.” “That's good,” Tempest grinned when she took her turn in the hug fest, “as we aren't going to get tired of giving them.” At that, Ocean and her foals took their leave of the three mares, with the promise that they’d all see them later back at the family farmhouse for dinner. “And that’s why I love our herd, Honey.” Wildfire smiled as the hug from Tempest was finally released. When it was, a fun little idea crept into her head, a very fun idea indeed. Especially as she knew they were flying back to the farm. “Hey, which way's your mum's place, Airy?” “East, young mare, east.” Airmail grinned and helpfully nudged the yellow pegasus around until she was facing in roughly the right direction. “Cool…” Wildfire smiled a huge smile as she was turned around on the pier to face east. “Race you!” Without any further warning and without waiting for Airmail or Tempest to lead her she thrust herself up into the air and took off. Sharing a laugh between themselves, Airmail and Tempest took off behind her and followed while up front Wildfire laughed and flapped her wings as hard as she could. A few minutes into the flight she slowed a little to ease her wings. As the two older mares were following their little lover, Airmail stayed a good two hundred yards back and tried to get Tempest to keep quiet, but the mother hen in the violet pegasus got the better of her. “On your six, Wily.” Wildfire turned her head and grinned before she pushed a little harder to increase her airspeed. “C’mon then, Honey!” Tempest couldn’t contain her beaming smile if she tried. Which she wasn’t. “Is that a challenge, Wily?” “It was!” Wildfire yelled and took a deep breath and pushed herself faster, flying all the way from thirty up to fifty five miles per hour. Tempest sniggered, while she knew she could smoke her little lover – she could easily sustain two hundred miles per hour for up to three hours and she topped out at two hundred and fifty – the violet pegasus instead accelerated and flew under Wildfire, brushing her underside with her hooves starting from between her hind legs to her chin. “Teehee!” Wildfire giggled at the tender gentle touch along her undercarriage and she tried to go a little faster but, as she was already at her top speed of almost sixty, Wildfire realised that despite her best efforts she wasn't going any quicker so she started to slow down. Putting on a burst of speed, Tempest overtook Wildfire and called back over her shoulder, “Watch out you're going to fly through a yellow rain cloud!” “Yellow?” Wildfire was puzzled for just a moment until the bit dropped with an ‘ooh!’ and just in time she swerved to the right, all the time slowing a little more so she could keep her breathing steady. Keeping up the rear – and admiring Wildfire’s shapely ass - Airmail also managed to swerve out of the way of the impromptu cloud. “Stormy!” She yelled indignantly. Wildfire smelled a stream of urine to her left and up ahead of her Tempest was laughing hard. Giggling like a filly, Wildfire laughed and maintained her steady pace, allowing Airmail to catch up with her. “Stormy is crazy!” The azure blue mare grumped as she came alongside her. “Yuppers,” Wildfire agreed, “but she's a good kind of crazy…” she giggled as she slowed right down to just forty five miles per hour, “It was nice winning while it lasted, Pretty.” “How are your wings?” Airmail asked when almost immediately she caught the reduction in speed. “Just so you know, if you hurt yourself we won't let you peen anypony while we’re here.” “They're okay right now,” Wildfire replied assuredly, “That’s why I slowed down.” “Okay,” Airmail breathed a silent sigh of relief. The very last thing she wanted was for Wildfire to hurt herself trying to show off. “You did start at a good pace, just a few more minutes and we’ll be back at the farm.” Wildfire giggled, “I was never a racer.” Still chuckling away merrily to herself, Tempest circled around to fly alongside Wildfire’s unoccupied right side. “You both missed that unscheduled yellow rain!” “Yuppers, shame that!” Wildfire giggled, this time at the mirth in Tempest’s voice. It was contagious. “In the bath next time, please, Honey.” She paused for breath while Tempest burst into a giggle fit. “Not much of a race, but it was fun.” “It was bold of you.” Tempest commented approvingly. She wanted to see a great deal more of this Wildfire. “Yeah,” Airmail put in, “which made it fun.” Just then, Airmail saw something on the ground and pointed it out to Tempest along with a series of complex ear flicks and the violet mare simply nodded. “Detour time, Wily. Let’s land over here…” As she banked and descended, Airmail’s voice diminished off to the left, and Wildfire had to really concentrate to follow her herd-mate’s sounds and scents down to the ground. Especially, she noted, as neither of them waited and gave her any extra warning than was necessary. She liked that. As she hovered down to the ground, Tempest did give her feet by feet height check until she touched down though. “I got it, thanks Honey.” Airmail walked around the edge of what had caused her to want to land. “Welcome to our own lake.” Tempest chuckled at the sixty feet wide body of clear water. “It’s more of a big pond…” “Details,” Airmail cut across her marefriend. “Want to go swimming, Wily?” “Um,” having never actually swam before – there wasn’t much need or call for it in Canterlot – Wildfire really wasn’t sure about this at all. “Sure I guess…” Tempest, ever the mother hen, studied the blind pony’s body language. “You ever been swimming before?” “Nopes.” Wildfire shook her head. “Never too late to learn though, right?” She’d already done so many ‘firsts’ on this trip as it was, she figured another one couldn’t hurt. “I learned to swim in this 'pond',” Airmail said with a loud giggle as she recalled all her lessons when she had been growing up. “It is about fifteen feet deep in the middle.” “If you hold your wings out, they work like floats.” Tempest instructed, already going into her lecture mode. “Oh okay,” Wildfire shrugged her little shoulders. “Let’s give it a whirl!” After all, her marefriends were with her, she knew she ultimately that she was safe, so she extended her wings out wide as far as they would stretch and she slowly walked out into the clear lake water. “Oooh, you could've warmed the water!” “Silly filly,” Airmail snickered, “it isn't that bad it’s been warmed by the sun all morning.” At that, the azure blue mare took to her wings and yelled, “CAAAAAANNONBAAAAAALL!” As she folded her wings tight to her barrel and plummeted from thirty feet in the air to the centre of the pond. Laughing fit to burst, Tempest waded in next to Wildfire as water splashed over them both. “I sort of knew she'd do that.” “You utter pirate!” Wildfire giggled as she floated on the water. “This is pretty nice though,” she commented, treading water while she got accustomed to the new feeling of the water around her. It was kind of like a really big bath. While Airmail was busy swimming like an earth pony, Tempest decided to carry on with her ‘lecture’. “If you fold your wings and roll onto your back and open them again, you can float with your legs in the air and the sun on your belly.” Wildfire, as ever quick to follow instructions – another by-product of Amethyst and the care home - folded her yellow wings and rolled over to lay on her back in the water. Opening them wide once more, the blind mare found she was surprisingly buoyant as she rose up to the surface and floated “Hey, I did it!” She sounded genuinely pleased with herself. “Stormy I did it!” Almost immediately Wildfire heard Airmail’s voice not far away chanting ‘Duun Dun! Duun Dun! Dun Dun Dun!’ The little pegasus knew exactly what she was doing, and she had always hated that movie. And sharks. And movies about sharks. “T-That’s not funny Pretty, even I know there isn't a shark in here…” she said, trying hard not to sound scared as she floated on her back. “I really should've done this sooner.” And she would’ve, if it weren’t for that move. And that shark. As she said that, Wildfire felt a definite ‘something’ ride over her black tail and then the ‘something’ planted a big smooching kiss between her hind legs and it backed off. “Sorry Wily,” Tempest couldn’t hide the amusement in her voice, “There appears to be a Snatch shark in the lake!” On the verge of a panic attack, Wildfire giggled like a filly. “I think I like that kind of shark,” she said, opening her hind legs a little in the water. Again, Airmail came stalking up over Wildfire’s tail but this time she stayed in place, licking at the blind pony’s exposed marehood. Coming up on her right side, Tempest nibbled Wildfire’s ear. “Enjoying your first swim?” “Y-Yuuupp…aaah y-yeeeah...” Wildfire moaned blissfully, “it's...ooooh...better than I thought it'd be.” “Flutter your wings now and again so they don't get water logged.” Tempest advised her while Airmail rubbed Wildfire’s ass with her forehooves as she licked away at her glistening marehood. “A-Alrighty…” Wildfire fluttered her wings, “d-damn Airy that's really nice!” She felt herself being slowly moved across the pond over the deep end and then to the far side where it was shallower. “Hmmm!” She whimpered at Airmail's tongue buried muzzle deep in her crotch. “N-Never knew...hmm...swimming was this much fun…” “Bluesky stays belly down when she swims with Rye.” Tempest giggled and once the violet mare’s hooves touched the bottom she held Wildfire in place so that Airmail could put more effort into what she was doing. “R-Rye mounts her…aaaah, in the water?” “Yes he does.” Tempest said as she licked and nibbled Wildfire’s ears, “A real challenge for her to stay afloat.” “Aaaah! Awesomes...” Wildfire arched her back and was very grateful for Tempest holding her afloat. “Airy, can you hoof me, in the water?” “I can try.” Airmail wasn’t wholly convinced, but… “Let me clean my hoof first.” At that, Airmail swam over to a nearby sandy area and while Tempest kept up the attention on Wildfire’s ears and now her teats, the azure blue mare made sure her hoof was clean before she swam back. “You ready for this, Wily?” Wildfire nodded and spread her hind legs further apart. “Oh, I’m ready!” “Try to remember to flutter your wings or you will sink.” Tempest whispered as Airmail got into position, “it is only about three feet of water here though.” Airmail dug her hind hooves in for leverage, leaving her head above the water and she gently pushed the toe of her hoof against Wildfire’s moist entrance. “Aaah…” Wildfire fluttered her wings in the water, “oooh yeah do it Airy…” she bit her lip at the feel of her hoof while Airmail’s other forehoof rubbed circles around the blind mare’s hard love button as she pushed in with the other hoof. “Yes! oooh yees!” Wildfire squealed happily, loving the feeling of her lover’s hoof in her, filling her up. Tempest nuzzled and teased Wildfire’s ears and lips as Airmail slowly pushed the whole of her hoof inside the yellow pony’s dripping wet snatch and now she tongued the area above it while the other hoof began drift down to her tail-hole. Wildfire squeaked the blue hoof at the ring of her anus and she relaxed herself at Tempest’s nuzzle. “OOooaaAAAH I looove that!” Encouraged by Wildfire’s deep lustful moans, Airmail pushed on deeper and she nipped and nibbled at her clit as the toe of her other hoof pushed against the yielding tail-hole. Wildfire let out a loud surprised ‘eep’ and took a deep breath to relax her muscles. “G-Go for...ooOOooOH...it Airy!” Airmail pushed her foreleg in deeper and then she started to pump with it in and out. While her other hoof only toyed with the other hole she moved to nibbling Wildfire’s hard nipples along with her clit. At her front, Tempest moved from tonguing her ears to deep kissing. Her mouth full of hot wet tongue, Wildfire whimpered and moaned lustfully into the kiss, pushing her own tongue against Tempest's lips. Using the distraction, Airmail pushed with her hoof past her fetlock inside Wildfire’s stretching marehood and she continued to rock it in and out, all the while nipping and nibbling at her labia and clitoral hood. “N-NaaAAAhhh!” Wildfire groaned and mashed her lips against Tempest's as she tried to buck her hips against Airmail's hoof, her climax building within her core. Sensing that Wildfire was so very close, Airmail pushed inside far enough to bump her hoof against Wildfire’s cervix and she started to tap it while her other hoof pushed a third of the way inside her tail-hole and she bit down on her hard nub. “A-A-AAaaAAAAAiry!” Wildfire screamed her lover’s name as she came long and hard, shuddering and clenching her pussy muscles tight around the foreleg buried inside her. As Airmail lapped up around her leg, Tempest purred deep into Wildfire’s ear, “My, that was fun to watch.” “F-Fuuuuuun…” Wildfire mumbled something incomprehensible as she rode out her momentous orgasm. “That...fun...woooweee!” Tempest gave Airmail a sly look. “Airy, are you going to let me watch Wily do that to you?” Airmail thought about it for a moment before nodding apprehensively. “Only after a hoof inspection.” Wildfire panted, breathing very heavily. “T-That...was…awesomes!” “I’m glad you enjoyed that.” Airmail smiled as she slowly and carefully removed her hoof and washed it off in the water. “See, swimming is fun.” Tempest snickered. “A lot of fun.” “I really like swimming,” Wildfire gasped weakly and Airmail moved up under Wildfire’s outstretched fluttering wings to kiss her lips. “I thought you were gonna hoof my ass there for a second.” Tempest laughed out loud and clutched her sides as Airmail let out a definite ‘ewww’. “Okay,” Tempest breathed through her snorted giggles, “Okay, now it’s exercise time. Dive and use your wings to push you forward like you’re flying. Just drag your hooves along the bottom.” “It’s sixty feet side to side,” Airmail added, “and you can come up any time you need to.” “Alrighty,” Wildfire sounded far braver and more confident than she felt. “Here I go…” the blind mare took a very deep breath and dived under the clear lake water and spread her wings and she began flapping her wings as if she was flying under the water, going along a few feet before surfacing and taking a breath and diving under again. Tempest and Airmail had a bet between themselves as to how many laps Wildfire could do. Wildfire smiled to herself under the water as she swam along. She felt exactly like a penguin, flapping her wings and dragging her hooves on the bottom. Wildfire surfaced for breath before diving again, this time turning and ‘flying’ back the other way hard against the water resistance. Eventually after fifteen minutes Wildfire realised she wasn’t going to get any further and, worn out with tired flight muscles, she surfaced for breath one last time with a whoop of celebratory joy. “Phew…I-I don’t think I can do another length…sorry…” Over on the bank, Wildfire heard Airmail and Tempest hoof bump each other and then they each came over and nuzzled her cheeks. “Well done Wily!” Tempest cheered as her nuzzle evolved into a full on kiss-fest by the lakeside. “It’s not as easy as you'd think.” Airmail looked over at her family’s old weather beaten farmhouse standing just over half a mile away. “Let’s walk back and air dry.” She knew in this sun, they would all be dried by the time they reached the building. Wildfire gave the two older pegasi many excited kisses. “I did two whole lengths! I did it! Did you see? Is that good?” Tempest had to try really very hard to not laugh. Not that it would’ve been a mean laugh, more one amused at Wildfire’s sheer excitement. “After the flying and floating, I think you did really good, Wily.” Airmail noted the state of her little lover’s feathers as they walked along. “We can do some preening back at the farmhouse.” “Awesomes!” Wildfire cheered herself, “I did good!” She shook her wings and giggled, “I think I could use some Airy preening.” “I think I could use some Wily preening.” Airmail grinned, and Tempest giggled, fully intending to get herself some as well. Exhausted, Wildfire set off at a steady walking pace. “I'm not racing you this time…” > Chapter 4 - The Herd Shares Our Burdens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner itself later that Saturday afternoon was a largely uneventful, albeit a rather crowded affair with sixteen ponies all amassed around the very large dining room table in the old farmhouse. Rye and Bluesky sat at the head, with Airmail, Tempest and Wildfire sat on their left. Opposite them were Airmail’s oldest brother Grain and his wife Hayseed along with River sat next to her. Next to them were sat Ocean, the earth pony fishermare from the whaling tour and her husband, Airmail’s other brother Sundown and their foals Sunrise, Sand Dune and Seashell. Lastly on the left were the new arrivals Silver Cloud, the heavily pregnant pegasus and Airmail’s brother in law Icicle and their colt Sky Dive. “Silver Cloud wants everypony to feel her foal kicking!” Bluesky called out once the last plate had been cleared of the summer vegetable salad she had served up. “She’s due in four weeks.” The very large, very round slate grey pegasus mare sat on her sister’s right smiled out at her assembled family. “Another colt, so we'll need to try for another, right love?” Icicle, the fittingly ice blue stallion grinned and nuzzled his wife while Rye got up to serve up the after dinner drinks to the table. “Sure we will.” Wildfire smiled when she felt a steaming hot coffee mug placed next to her left forehoof. “Oh, you want a filly as well, huh?” Icicle laughed out loud at that. “She wants as many as her mom!” Silver Cloud chuckled as the table full of ponies all lined up to have a feel of her swollen belly – Rye and Bluesky using this distraction to supply fresh drinks to everypony’s setting – and she thought of the five her mother had. “It would be nice but I'm not going to worry over it.” Awaiting her turn, Wildfire stepped up to the slate grey mare and leant in to rest the side of her head against Silver's belly, almost nuzzling the unborn colt, something that made her giggle when she received a very healthy kick. Mostly because she imagined it was her in Silver’s place. “I'm happy with one filly, I think.” Silver gently stroked Wildfire’s black mane. “Airy says you and Serenity each want a foal.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire replied as the other members of the large extended family sat back down at the large dining table. “I’ve been dreaming about it since like, forever. Serenity's looking forward to it too.” Bluesky took a sip of her coffee and smiled, “the more the merrier, I say.” Ocean shared a knowing look with her husband, Sundown and snickered at her mother-in-law. “Well, I'm happy with three.” Silver Cloud giggled over at her cobalt blue sister-in-law, “Raindrop isn’t far away from having about another one, Ocean.” Sat next to his farmer mother, River grinned a satisfied grin. “I have life easy being the only colt.” “I'll feel how I get on with one before I think another,” Wildfire smiled as she felt for her seating pad and sat back down. “Yeah,” Sand Dune groused with an adorable little pout to his older sister Seashell and younger sister Sunrise, “you don't have two sisters who want to play dress up all the time.” Wildfire giggled at that as she drained her black coffee with its two black sugars. “Aww, Sandy, dress up isn't that bad. You handled that boat just fine I'm sure you can handle a little dress up too.” She smiled, and with nothing else to bring up, the conversation at dinner was light to catch Airmail, Tempest and herself up on what has been happening. When there seemed to be a natural lull in the many and varied conversations around the table, Bluesky nudged her husband in his ribs with her forehoof. “If you would serve the chocolate mousse please, love, while I serve some others.” The old pale blue milk mare got up from her seating pad and walked over to her milking station in the corner. “Sunrise, bring your cousin Sky Dive over here to help grandma with her milk,” she said as she got comfortable on her cushion. To Wildfire, Airmail leant in and whispered loudly, “It was a lot easier when I only had four siblings to deal with.” Wildfire couldn’t help but giggle, “I bet.” Once the cobalt blue filly Sunrise and the mid grey colt Sky Dive had both drunk their fill from Bluesky’s heavy milk swollen teats, the old pegasus called out, “Sand Dune and Seashell, you're next.” “There go my grandfoals,” Rye chuckled as he set down the chocolate mousse on the table and watched the brother and sister trot on up to their grandmother, “drinking up all the profits.” “You want your turn, Airy?” Wildfire asked amid gales of laughter from the other adults at Rye’s comment. “I'm glad I got a turn this morning.” Airmail said, smiling and nuzzling her little lover’s cheek. “It goes youngest to oldest. At least Dad has daily access.” After Sand Dune and Seashell had finished, Bluesky called over River for his turn, and she announced that Wildfire could join the sixteen year old colt at her milky teats. “Yay!” Wildfire trotted over eagerly for a drink when she heard her name. The blind mare felt around the engorged right teat with her hoof and she judged the old mare still had a good quart left in that right teat. After a few moments, Wildfire finished up her drink and licked her lips. “That was yummers!” “Thank you, Wildfire. I owe it all to Rye's fine foods.” Bluesky reached up and nuzzled Wildfire’s neck as she stood up to make room for the others. “Sundown and Ocean, you’re next.” “Don't worry Airy,” Wildfire giggled when she got back to her seating pad next to Airmail, “when I've got Fireflight you can have all the milk you like.” “Mmm!” Airmail really had to struggle to keep her wings under control at that thought. “I love you too, Wily.” As Bluesky called over Grain and Hayseed to take their turns on her teats, Wildfire nuzzled her older marefriend’s cheek and gave the azure blue mare a hug. “I'm sure Fireflight will share with her auntie Airy.” “Icicle and Tempest, you're up.” Bluesky called out five minutes later when Airmail’s brother and his wife had drunk their fill. “Of course,” Wildfire said when she heard Tempest give a ‘woot!’ of cheerful joy, “you might have to kick Stormy out the way first.” Airmail shook her head, “Stormy is just being polite, she isn't into milk like me.” “Okay Airmail,” Bluesky grinned finally when Tempest and Icicle were both finished, “you and Silver Cloud can have your turns now.” Almost instantly, Airmail was up on her hooves, only sparing a fraction of a second to kiss Wildfire’s lips. “I promise, the next one will be milky.” “That filly does love her momma's milk.” Tempest purred into Wildfire’s right ear. “Hmm, y'know, I had gathered?” Wildfire giggled, waiting patiently for the three mares to return to the table before indulging in her mousse. “Hey Honey, do you think I can do exercises in our lake back home like I did earlier?” “Of course you can,” Tempest nodded in agreement like it was a non-question. “It does have a swimming side. But! Please take one of us with you though, just in case you get tired in the water.” “That was a good idea to do that.” Wildfire smiled determinedly, “next time I'm going to do more than two measly lengths!” Tempest shook her head with a faux sigh while Airmail sated her milk fetish on her mother’s teat. “One length of the lake at home is worth four lengths of the pond here.” “So?” Wildfire said defiantly, “I can do it, I will do it. You just watch me.” Tempest couldn’t help but smile proudly at her diminutive lover’s determination. As she did so she planted an affectionate kiss to her lips. “I know you can, and I will watch.” “Thanks mom,” Airmail nuzzled her mother before turning to her heavily pregnant sister. “You can finish her off, Silver, since you're the one who’s expecting.” “You’ll see, I'm gonna own that lake by the time I'm done…” Wildfire returned the kiss to Tempest sat next to her. “Besides, one day I want that race without a head start.” Now, she knew that was a pretty long shot, but it was a goal she was determined to reach. Maybe. “She be gun'n for you, Stormy.” Airmail affected a corny cowpony accent straight from a Ponywood western, which just made everypony there laugh again. “Oh come on,” Wildfire laughed, “I doubt I'm ever going to win, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to try.” “As they say in the big leagues,” Tempest smiled, putting all her limited sports knowledge to its full use, “Bring it!” “I intend to, Honey.” “Good,” Tempest snorted out a laugh as they all started to demolish their respective chocolate mousse’s, “Since Airy's idea of wing exercise involves the TV and a remote.” Wildfire could literally see and hear Airmail roll her pretty brown eyes and she giggled, “you aren't gonna get me doing wing ups, are you?” “They are standard training, but no, I'm not going to make you do anything.” Tempest sighed and emphasised the ‘make’. “You are of course free to copy what I do.” “I do want to do as much as I can,” Wildfire countered after she swallowed a mouthful of mousse, “I start work soon.” With that said, she didn’t want to be the weakest flyer in the fire department. “We will focus on endurance.” Tempest stated firmly but gently at the same time. “Moving clouds from the weather factory to a fire will be a lot of flying. If you do it fast enough you can rest on a cloud till the fire crew takes it.” “Hmm, that sounds like a plan Honey,” Wildfire smiled, “I don't want to drop from exhaustion in mid blaze. That'd be so embarrassing.” “Just know your limits,” Airmail put in, “but you figured that out at Canterlot.” “I did Pretty,” Wildfire giggled loudly, “don't plummet down the side of a mountain unless you're sure you can fly back up.” “Okay!” Rye declared after the old earth pony saw that all the bowls of chocolate mousses were sitting empty on the dining table, “who wants to play Charades?” “Oooh, Charades sounds like fun!” Wildfire squeaked, and in short order each family teamed up together to make five teams. During the game, Airmail and Tempest both whispered what the pony whose turn it was, was doing. Everypony had at least one turn giving, and Wildfire’s phrase was 'Winter Wrap-up', which was in itself hilarious to watch her try and perform. After the game of Charades there was an action adventure movie, 'Romancing the Stone’, complete with bowls of popcorn and drinks from soft to hard cider. Amazingly, after the movie some of the young ones were still awake. “River,” Bluesky spoke up to the sixteen year old earth pony colt as Rye put the movie back on the DVD shelf, “please get the young’ns off to bed.” River grunted a little as he stood up from where he had been laid on the floor, little bits of popcorn dropping from his turquoise coat. “Okay grandma Blue.” Sand Dune however crossed his forehooves over his cobalt blue chest and pouted. “I don't wanna go to bed.” Sundown grinned at his colt’s stubbornness. “And why is that?” “I wanna see what you all do.” Sand Dune replied, plus he was eight! He was practically an adult! He should be allowed to stay up. Ocean smiled good naturedly and swept up Sand Dune in her forehooves. “You know we don't do anything until you go to sleep.” Sand Dune however was not going to be placated with motherly hugs and a belly rub. He was determined. “I'm going to stay up this time.” Sundown could see this was headed all the way to a stand down argument and he decided to head it off at the pass, so to speak. “Off to bed with you, and if you're still awake when we get there you can watch all you want.” “Okay, dad!” Nuzzling his mother and father, Sand Dune slid off of his mother’s lap and followed behind as Seashell carried her little sister Sunrise and River carried Sky Dive up the creaking wooden stairs to the large farmhouse bedrooms. Wildfire simply giggled at the familial exchange, “I'm sure I have all this to come.” Bluesky laughed and nudged Airmail’s barrel with the elbow of her foreleg. “Curiosity of foals, right Airy?” Airmail blushed a very intense blush but she didn’t look away from her teasing mother. “It was only because I was watching that Rye finally did it right and got you Raindrop.” She said proudly. Wildfire nuzzled her larger azure blue lover. “There’s nothing wrong with being curious, Ms. Bluesky.” “Nope,” Tempest agreed as the foals were taken up the stairs out of sight. “They’ve got to learn sooner than later.” Wildfire let out a snigger, “I learnt pretty quick not to look under Dusk's bed!” Airmail rolled her brown eyes and playfully dug her hoof into Wildfire’s ribs. “You could have told me that when I had a chance to look, Wily!” Wildfire giggled as she was ‘chastised’ by Airmail and now Tempest’s tickling hooves wandering about her body. “I'm…teehee! I’m haha…I’m sure hehehe…he's got rid of the magazines by now, and besides, I was busy that night.” “Did he have more Playfilly than Playcolts?” Tempest asked, licking her hot wet tongue up Wildfire’s ear. “Y-Yuppers…” Wildfire breathed when her giggles died away, “a lot more.” Airmail and Tempest both giggled and bumped their hooves together in triumph. “And they were the tame ones, too.” “Pfft,” Airmail scoffed dismissively, “no fun in that.” Bluesky got up and nuzzled Airmail, Tempest and Wildfire in turn. “You three bunking with us, or do you want a private spot?” “Oh,” Wildfire hadn’t really considered that, at all. “I'm easy.” “We thought you would be, being herd,” Rye said as he stood up as well and stretched his old legs, “but it’s always polite to ask first.” “Aw, Airy your dad's such a gentlecolt,” Wildfire giggled from behind her hoof. “Yes, he is.” Airmail replied as her old dad took a low bow, “Mom doesn't complain either.” “Be careful Stormy,” Wildfire said with a grin, “he'll take the title of 'nicest stallion I know' at this rate.” Tempest raised her eyebrow and purred in the blind mare’s ear, “I'll be sure to tell Caffy that.” Wildfire blushed, “I meant nicest stallion in Vanhoover.” “Of course you did,” Airmail deadpanned beside her little lover. “That's my excuse.” Wildfire stated, still blushing, “And I'm sticking to it.” “Well,” Bluesky announced after another round of nuzzles, this time to everypony still in the living room of the farmhouse, “I'm for bed then. The rest of you can follow as you will.” With that, Rye and Bluesky both left the living room and took themselves up the creaky stairs to their bedroom. “I think,” Wildfire said as she leant back on her seating pad and nuzzled into Tempest and Airmail’s flanks nestled either side of her, “That this has been one of the best days ever.” “This isn't my best day with you.” Airmail spoke up almost straightaway. “No, Pretty?” “My best day with you was when I found a certain somepony sat in a coffee shop.” Wildfire laughed at that, the memory of that day nine days ago now flooding back like a welcome balm. “Yuppers, that was a pretty sweet day.” The blind mare nestled ever deeper amid her azure blue and violet cuddle pillows. “That really was the best day ever. I’d say this day ranks in the top three.” Tempest snickered, “Sounds like another challenge for me in Trottingham.” Silver Cloud looked up from her willing Icicle shaped pillow. “On that I hope we can rate a tie.” “I dunno,” Wildfire grinned, “I’ve taken care of so many firsts today, you'll have to go some, Honey.” “Wily,” Tempest was so content even her anger didn’t flash up at that, “as long as the three of us are having fun, I'm good.” “No two mares I’d rather have fun with, Stormy.” Wildfire replied with a satisfied smile. Following that, the conversation amongst the nine adult ponies all laid up in the comfortable living room seemed to revolve around Wildfire and the big herd. Silver Cloud, Icicle, Grain, Hayseed, Ocean and Sundown all wanted to know how everypony in the Manehatten herd was doing, and especially they wanted to know more about the newest herd member Wildfire. “Do you play those games in Caffeinated's Dungeon?” Silver Cloud asked after ten or so minutes of Airmail and Wildfire telling them all she had been hired by the Manehatten Fire Department. “Yuppers,” Wildfire answered as she turned her head to Silver Cloud’s direction, “I'm into that.” That got Grain’s attention, and his ears perked up almost vertical, causing Hayseed to playfully tug the back of his neck to pull him back down. “So, how kinky?” “Let’s feel,” Wildfire smiled at the caramel brown earth pony farmer, “I'm Mapper’s Pet, I like being tied up, hoofcuffed, whipped and spanked, I like watersports and I really love licking hooves.” Sundown snickered, throwing a wink at Tempest. “So, Tempest has found somepony to share her kink with.” Silver Cloud looked over at her older sister. “You brought your toys, Airy?” Airmail nodded, “Just like always.” “Stormy's kink is awesome, oh!” Wildfire gasped as a thought struck her. “And, I really like being hoofed, too!” All the three siblings and their respective partners laughed long and hard at that. All of them were well aware of how Airmail felt about hooves. “I've gotten better,” Airmail glowered at their laughing faces and blushed bright red. “well, a little…a bit…maybe.” Leaning up, Wildfire affectionately nuzzled Airmail’s glowing cheek. “Aww c'mon Airy, you're sweet at it!” Grain snorted out a laugh before he could stop himself, “What, Ms. Prissy Hooves?” He then let out a pained ‘hey!’ when Hayseed swatted the back of his head with her hoof. “Yuppers.” Wildfire nodded eagerly, “we had a ‘moment’ the other day, but Airy's really good at hoofing me…” she thought it best at that point to gloss over the whole running in phobic fear to the bathroom and douching herself and then the tears and the hugging that had been the whole failed hoofing incident. Still, it had ended rather well, all things considered. Now Ocean perked up beside Sundown. “You do know a demo is now required, right?” “I'm game,” Wildfire replied, “are you, Pretty?” “What,” Airmail retorted, “Once a day isn't enough?” “Once?” Silver Cloud asked, immediately picking up on the interplay between Airmail and Wildfire. “Airy hoofed her in the pond.” Tempest explained baldly. “Hey,” Grain wailed, “I swim in that pond!” Hayseed just rolled over laughing, clutching her sides as she shook with mirth. “If I have a chance to have your hoof in me again,” Wildfire stated unashamedly, “I'm taking it, and your hoof.” For the millionth time that day, Airmail rolled her brown eyes. This time loud enough for Wildfire to hear. “I'm rather attached to my hoof at the moment.” Silver Cloud then asked, as she’d heard his name mentioned a couple of times now, “How well do you know Prince Dusk, Wildfire?” “Dusky's my best friend,” Wildfire answered easily with a smile, “and I'm pretty sure I'm his, too. I’ve known him since we started high school years back and we were friends all through university. We um, we kinda lost contact for the last few years though after my accident.” Again, she thought a gentle skirting of the issue was in order, rather than go into all the details of Helping Hooves care home right now. Icicle leant forward, “The facial scaring over eyes is pretty bad,” the ice blue pegasus said cautiously which earned him a glare from Silver Cloud, “I can't imagine the pain. Is there still pain?” Still glaring at her husband, Silver Cloud asked, “What colour were your eyes, Wildfire?” “Yuppers Icicle, I'm a horror show alrighty.” Wildfire chuckled, she’d heard it all before on the streets of Canterlot, and she had felt her own face, the acid scar tissue over her shrunken empty eye sockets. “I’ve never known pain like it when it happened, and I've been on fire before. The worse part after the burning feeling was feeling everything melt. There's still pain, though I don't notice it as much now.” To Silver Cloud, she answered the pregnant pegasus’s question, “my eyes were a chestnut brown.” Sundown spoke up, “Seashell has learned braille.” The search and rescue pegasus stallion smiled a proud smile, “She has a blind friend at school.” Airmail nodded. “Wily is teaching it to me and Stormy.” “That's really cool Sundown, I bet it’s like having a secret code with her friend,” Wildfire giggled, “I taught myself braille after it happened while I recovered in the hospital so I could keep writing my poems.” “Poetry?” Hayseed, the hazelnut coloured earth pony, seemed very interested in that comment. “You left that detail out, Airy.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire started proudly, “I've got a book full of them, mostly written normally, though a few are in braille.” “You should publish them,” Ocean suggested from her pony shaped pillow. “She is!” Airmail and Tempest both said that together at the same time, and both ended up in fits of giggles as a result. “Well…” the blind mare blushed as red as her cutie mark, “It’s Princess Twilight that's doing the publishing, she's sending copies out to all the libraries.” Silver Cloud’s mouth hung open in awe. “You've met Princess Twilight too?” “Yuppers, well kinda, she was teaching the science class when I got blinded.” Wildfire started off rather confident and ended up mumbling a little. She hated being a name dropper. “Dusk's aunt Celestia gave her a copy of my book before he returned the original to me in Manehatten.” Hayseed asked, “Have you met all the Princesses?” Wildfire nodded then she shook her head. “I haven't met his cousin Cadance. His mom's a pretty fun pony though.” “Which one?” Grain asked, wondering if the little blind mare meant Luna or Octavia. “Oh, I meant Princess Luna.” Wildfire explained, “She used to bring us all moonshine round when we had sleepovers at D's suite at the palace.” “Oh my!” Grain breathed, almost as awed as his sister. Silver Cloud however was getting fidgety on her seating pad in the living room. “Airy, I'm sure the foals are asleep by now, so how about that demo?” She asked hopefully, returning everypony’s attention and thoughts back to the first conversation regarding kinks. Airmail nodded to her younger sister. The foals had been upstairs almost an hour by now and Silver Cloud was right, they should be asleep. “I know some of you will want to copy us, so everypony, clean hooves now!” She declared in a tone of voice that wasn’t going to countenance any arguments. Grain rolled his blue eyes as he got up from his seating pad. “Yes, momma Airy.” “Do I need to clean mine, Airy?” Wildfire asked as the others stood up as well and stretched their legs. “Yes,” Airmail affected a sigh that became a giggle when she watched Silver Cloud attempt to stand up. Eventually she fluttered her wings and got to her hooves that way. “You might touch me!” “I hope I'm gonna touch you,” Wildfire giggled as the very pregnant Silver Cloud gave Airmail a considered raspberry. “Do I need permission, miss?” Airmail shook her head. “Not if you clean your hooves.” Tempest snorted out a loud fit of giggles. To the others the violet mare said, “She hasn't changed at all.” “Alrighty,” Wildfire gave in. She knew she was beat and Airmail was right, besides she wasn’t really going to argue anyway. “I'll clean 'em. Where do I go?” She asked, and silently Airmail flicked her summer green tail under Wildfire’s nose and proceeded to lead the group up the creaky stairs to the main washroom and, running a shallow bath of hot soapy water she started with fastidiously washing her own four hooves. Ocean had a very puzzled look on her cobalt blue face as she watched Airmail get out of the shallow bath after ten long minutes and she ushered Grain in next, to be followed by Hayseed. “Airy, why are we washing our hooves, again?” Airy shot her sister-in-law a withering look. “You'll understand in a moment, fishermare.” When it was her turn in the bath after Hayseed, Wildfire took the time to clean her hooves very, very thoroughly indeed. In the back of her mind she was thinking of the failed attempt the other day in their bedroom and how much she did not want that repeated. “How're they now Pretty, shiny enough for you?” She asked as she even scrubbed the bulbs of her hooves. Very seriously, Airmail inspected her diminutive lover’s now shiny hoof, even running her nose close to the toe and giving it a sniff. “There is still some hoof left, but it will have to do.” Wildfire giggled as one by one the remaining ponies went in the bath and cleaned their hooves. “I'm sure they're reflective by now, Pretty.” Satisfied that everypony was as clean as Equinely possible, Airmail nodded and she led the group down the short hallway and into the very large bedroom. It was easily the size of Airmail, Tempest and Wildfire’s main bedroom and their office combined. On the generously sized ten pony bed, Rye and Bluesky were asleep with Sand Dune, Sunrise, and Sky Dive all nestled in around them. Only Seashell and River were awake. Sundown chuckled at his little cobalt blue filly as she looked at the group of adults with big round eyes. “Still awake, my daughter?” Seashell nodded eagerly, "I want to know how to do it like mares do it." River coughed, “I'm interested too.” “Both of you pay attention then,” Ocean smiled at her daughter and nephew, “but you must save your questions till we are finished.” Airmail looked from filly to parent with a smile, “Is she up to speed, Ocean?” The thirty two year old cobalt blue earth pony looked over at her daughter laid on the bed next to her cousin, River. Seashell piped up, “Mom has taught me what is what and how it all works, Aunt Airy. So I have no plans on letting a colt in me anytime soon.” Airmail found the little filly’s determined tone all too adorable. “Okay, well we are jumping into the advanced class tonight.” Wildfire did her best to hold in a giggle. “Are we being educational, Airy?” “We are, Professor Wildfire.” Airmail nodded seriously. “As dean of this institution I'll get things started. Okay, mares, look at your hoof and your mate's hoof. Then remember when you passed that watermelon known as your foal.” “Wait till you pass that watermelon, Wily.” Tempest said dryly when Wildfire let out a snigger at Airmail’s very formal tone. Airmail continued as if she hadn’t been interrupted. “So, you can see how much you'll need to dilate to take that hoof inside you.” Seashell was awed. “You're going to stick a hoof up your vagina?” She knew her mum had told her to save her questions, but technically they hadn’t started yet. “Yes, Seashell.” Airmail stated simply. Then, to the adults who had by now taken up prime viewing positions, she said; “You may want to start with another mare's hoof, and the stallions can watch and jerk off.” Sundown rolled his green eyes. “Love you too, sis.” He snickered, he didn’t however correct his older sister. “I know you do.” Airmail smiled sweetly at her brother before turning back to her little yellow lover. “Wily, lube me up love.” The lead editor then placed her right forehoof in front of the blind mare’s muzzle, gently tapping her nose. “I love you,” Wildfire breathed onto the sole of the offered hoof and she took it in hers, sticking out her tongue and slathering wet kisses all over it. Once Airmail judged that she was suitably lubricated, with her lover’s saliva dripping from the surface of her hoof, she said; “Now let me get you ready love. Roll to your back please.” She waited the split second it took Wildfire to roll over and lay on her back, gravity spreading her hind legs apart for everypony to see. Airmail then moved her head down her body to reach her exposed marehood. Behind them on the bed, Seashell moved for a closer look while River stayed where he was and Wildfire shivered in anticipation. In their respective positions, the other couples cuddled together and got ready to watch the show. “Wily has some good muscle control,” Airmail stated, “You all will need to practice to do this. Ready, love?” “Oh I'm so ready…” Wildfire breathed as Airmail moved around her spread apart hind leg and went back to licking and sucking on her labia while she prodded the entrance of her wet tunnel with the toe of her blue hoof. Seashell moves again for a better view and this time she was joined by River. Wildfire cooed happily, “ooooh I'll never get tired of this…” she murmured as Airmail slid the toe inside her and twisted the hoof while she continued lick and nip on and around her hard clitoris. Tempest got herself in position at the blind mare’s right side. “Wily, I'm going to preen you.” Wildfire whispered, “Awesomes...” the others were by now nuzzling and stroking each other intimately as they watched. Between Wildfire’s legs, Airmail got the whole of the hoof’s leading surface inside her accepting snatch and she made sure to keep up the attack with her teeth and tongue. Behind her, Tempest moved to the secondary feathers on her left wing so that the youngsters had a clear view. Wildfire arched her back, bucking her hips against Airmail’s questing hoof. “Hmmmm…go for it Pretty…” Airmail lifted up her muzzle to speak. “Okay, now I've gotten this far, you can continue to push inside slow and easy with the goal to tap the cervix.” As an example, Airmail rocked her hoof in and then out again a tiny bit and then in again while she put her mouth and tongue back to work on her lover’s hard nub. Her other forehoof strayed lower so she could play with her tail-hole. River couldn’t stop himself whispering in awe, “She touching her butt hole.” Seashell whispered back to her cousin, “My mom likes that.” “I aaah…I like that tooooo…” Wildfire moaned and flared her wings out and erect underneath her while Airmail's whole hoof disappeared from view inside Wildfire’s stretching tunnel as she continued to push her way in rocking in and out all the time. Tempest moved up to her primary feathers on her left wing. “Yeeeeeeesssss...” Wildfire bucked her hips in time with the rocking motion of Airmail’s right hoof. Oh how she loved that right hoof. “Hmmm juuuust like that!” “Try not to wake the little ones, my love.” Tempest purred teasingly deep inside Wildfire’s ear as Sand Dune opened his eyes and then immediately the colt snuggled back in against his grandmother and went back to sleep. “I didn't know there was so much room…” Seashell commented as she watched wide eyed. “S-Sorry...” Wildfire whimpered, “I'll be quiet…” Airmail lifted her mouth again. “Not if I can help it, you won’t.” With that, she went back to tonguing Wildfire’s clit and the little yellow pegasus had to put her left hoof over her mouth and she relaxed to enjoy the hoofing. For a third time since they began, Airmail lifted her muzzle. “Okay, now this part is tricky. Too hard and it will hurt. I'm sure you've all hilted your mare a time or two, but done just right this is like electricity shooting through your body. Watch Wildfire closely.” With that, Airmail went straight back to tonguing Wildfire’s nub while her hoof was pulling in and out of her sopping wet marehood. Tempest moved around to Wildfire’s other side and the violet mare had Seashell and River go to where she was and she started preening the secondaries of her right wing. Wildfire laid back, her feathers quivering, whimpering quietly into her hoof. Once everypony was in place, Airmail surged forward just a fraction of an inch and tapped Wildfire’s cervical wall with her very hoof-tip. In a world of pleasure, Wildfire bit her hoof and her pleasured moans were muffled. Airmail kept it up and she nibbled Wildfire’s clit hard. Tempest used some force on her right primary feathers. “Come for us, my little flower.” Tempest whispered in her ear. “Y-Yes…Hmmm!” She panted, “Yes M-Mistress…” she stuffed her hoof into her mouth as she came hard, her back arching, her hips bucking, squealing both of her lover’s names as she climaxed, her squirted cum leaking down Airmail's foreleg. Buried deep inside her, Airmail gave her a few more taps before she slowly rocked her leg back out. At the same time, Tempest finished up on Wildfire’s right primaries. “Wow…just…wow…” Wildfire squeaked with each tap, riding out her heady climax. “Wow…” Once Tempest finished her preening, she replaced Wildfire’s hoof with her mouth to give her diminutive herd-mate a passionate loving kiss. Airmail licked her own leg clean as she withdrew the limb from her gaping snatch. Once Airmail had pulled all the way out she licked her own hoof and then Wildfire’s drenched marehood. “O-Okay,” Grain gasped, “that was hot, I'd say the second hottest show you've brought to this farm, Airy.” It took Wildfire ten minutes before she could even think about speaking. “O-Oh…hmmm, tr-trust me it felt hot...what d'you mean, second hottest?” “That would be me.” Tempest said with a not too small amount of pride. Silver Cloud giggled, “Yeah, when Tempest took two ponies at once and was munching on Airmail at the same time.” “Hmm,” Wildfire’s wings, almost back down to her sides, shot out again. “That does sound pretty hot, Mistress Stormy.” “Two at once?” Seashell asked, utterly confused. “One in the vagina and one in the rectum.” Her mother Ocean explained. “Ooooh,” Seashell nodded as realisation dawned on the ten year old filly. “It’s been a while since I've had that,” Wildfire said, still laid out on the floor from her hoofing. “Thank you, Aunties,” the cobalt blue filly said, “that was more than I was expecting.” “The hoofing is optional and not definitely not recommended for a first date.” Airmail stated and she kissed Wildfire’s lips, “at least most of the time.” “Remember,” Tempest put in, “if it makes you feel good it will make her feel good too.” She said with a smile as Seashell yawned and curled up next to her grandma Blue and closed her eyes. River moved over to where his parents were cuddling. “Think I need a brother or sister?” He asked, while Grain and Hayseed laughed at their colt. “I think that was a very cool lesson, and Airy's right, best left alone for a first date.” Wildfire giggled from the floor, “unless you have a cloud to hide on.” “She learned braille for her friend who is a mare.” Ocean smiled at Seashell, “I think she wants to do more than just pass secret notes in class.” Icicle looked up from his deep nuzzling session with his pregnant wife, “What toys did you bring this time, Airy?” “Pretty much the same as last time, Icy.” Airmail replied, pointing to Tempest’s and her own bulging saddlebags. “Plus a few extra items for Wildfire's pleasure.” Icicle kissed Silver Cloud’s lips. “You going to give us another demo?” Smirking, Airmail looked over at River. “I wouldn't recommend most of this for first date either, River.” The turquoise earth pony colt puffed out his chest. “Maybe I'm beyond the first date.” “Any preference, Wildfire?” Airmail asked her herd-mate, her own wings fluttering in anticipation. “Hmm…” Wildfire thought to herself as she finally stood up to her hooves, “hoof cuffs, gag and the crop? Please, Airy.” Silver Cloud’s own wings began to flutter at the sound of that. “Okay, that sounds like some fun.” Grinning, Tempest went over to her saddlebag rummaged around in it for a brief moment. After a moment she found what she was looking for and stood up. “Have her put these on first,” the violet pegasus passed the purple and blue socks over to Airmail. “I'll fill her up.” “Oooh,” Wildfire smiled, “did you bring the clamps?” Quietly, Airmail helped Wildfire put on her socks one after the other and then she quickly followed them up with the hoof cuffs. As Tempest carefully inserted the vibrating butt plug in her yielding anus and the dildo in her still wet marehood, she completed the picture when she pulled the panties up Wildfire’s hind legs. “Yes love, I packed them.” Wildfire did a happy little hoof dance. “Sweet!” When Wildfire had obliged to stand still, Airmail used her mouth to apply the nipple clamps to the blind mare’s teats and Tempest put on the ear clamps and the tail sleeve. Wildfire gasped when the clamps were put on, she felt the delicious pinching pain on her sensitive skin. Airmail then applied the lead from the tail sleeve to the ear clamps and tightened it up while Tempest added the bridle and bit over Wildfire’s compliant head. “Awesomes…” Wildfire grinned a huge grin around the bit, wiggling her hips as her tail was pulled up by the sleeve and secured to the ear clips. When Airmail applied a gag that held Wildfire’s tongue to the bottom of her mouth, the azure blue mare leant in close to Wildfire’s left ear and whispered, “Your safe word now is rapid hoof stomps with your right forehoof.” Tempest completed the set up with a spreader bar placed between Wildfire’s rear hoof cuffs and she clipped a twelve inch chain between the front cuffs. ‘Rapid right forehoof stomps, I got it,’ Wildfire thought to herself as Tempest set the vibrators in her to the ‘low’ setting. Watching from the bed, River didn't even bother to hide his erection, which was earth pony impressive. “Is socks a good gift for a sixteen year old?” “Socks yes,” Tempest replied, “but I'd wait on panties. That is something you should shop for together,” she said, a smirk on her face as Wildfire began to shudder as the vibrators started sending their pulses through her body. “Okay, this is your standard riding crop.” Airmail displayed the crop to her siblings like she was advertising it on the shopping channel. “It will encourage a pony to do many things, like naughty ponies that don't eat their celery.” “I will outline the strike zone.” Tempest added, indicating various points on Wildfire’s hindquarters that were pointing their way. “The entire ass from mid-thigh up, flank with cutie mark. Inside the thigh. Teats. The nipples are very sensitive with the addition of the clamps so please be careful to not strike there.” Airmail stepped up and stroked the crop over Wildfire’s cutie marks. “I shall lead off with a demonstration. Snort if you’re ready, Wildfire.” Almost immediately, the blind mare snorted loudly, making her intent clear and Airmail moved behind her little lover and applied four quick strikes, two to each cutie mark, followed by four more, one per butt cheek and one over each vibrator. “Aaah!” Wildfire rose up to her hoof tips, gasping in surprise with the stinging of the strikes. “Hmmmm Aiiiiiry…” Silver Cloud’s wings were very hard and erect, “Is she like Serenity?” She asked curiously. “No,” Tempest replied quickly, “she will let us know when to stop, but she will get all pouty if you hold back.” “Pouty Wily is no fun at all.” Airmail snickered, before turning to her brother-in-law. “So, Icy, you want to go first?” “Sure do.” The ice blue pegasus stallion got up from his pad he was sharing with Silver Cloud and Wildfire wiggled her ass invitingly. Icicle took the crop from Airmail and gave a couple of testing swats to the air before he turned to the bound mare and used as much force as Airmail as he delivered eight blows, aiming for the inside of each spread open thigh, each ass check, each breast – carefully missing the clamps - and each cutie mark. Grain got up from beside Hayseed when Icicle gave Airmail the crop back. “I'll have a go, if I may?” “Of course little brother.” Airmail gave the earth pony farmer a nod. “Mmmm!” Wildfire squeaked happily, the strikes thus far serving to warm her up nicely. “OOooOoh!” She began to get wet between her hind legs and while Grain was taking the crop from Airmail, Tempest casually turned the vibrators up to a low medium setting, timing the switch as Grain landed his first strike. Being an earth pony, his blows were roughly twenty five per cent stronger than Icicle’s were. The farmer landed eight blows in total, including three on each ass cheek in different areas and one to the base of each vibrator. “AaaAAAAH!” Wildfire squirmed as the more intense vibrations flowed through her and she winced at the stronger blows, her pussy getting dripping wet. “Itty bitty brother want a turn?” Airmail smirked at Sundown. “Ha, ha, sure, I'll take a swing at your marefriend.” The pegasus search and rescue operative got up and Hayseed snuffled her muzzle underneath Wildfire’s held up tail. “Ocean,” the hazelnut coloured farmer sniggered, “she is wetter than the underside of your boat.” The rest of the group laughed out loud at that. Wildfire giggled, eagerly anticipating the coming strikes, thrilled and very aroused indeed that they weren't holding back with her. Sundown took the crop and he proved himself to be as strong as Icicle was as he landed blows to each of Wildfire’s fireball cutie marks, her teats and the clamps, her outer thighs and her ass cheeks. “OOooOOOOW!” The diminutive mare squealed at the strikes on the nipple clamps, dances up on the tips of her hooves. Tempest noticed this and she quickly moved in behind her and rubbed her back with a gloved hoof. “Hmmm…” straightaway, Wildfire relaxed at the touch, feeling a lot better. Airmail turned back to the watching mares. “Girls turn!” Silver Cloud was the first to get up. “I'll have a go, Airy.” Wildfire playfully shook her reddened sore ass, wondering what it looked like after all these strikes. When the heavily pregnant Silver Cloud took the crop, the pegasus really put herself into it, striking almost as hard as Grain had done. She landed two hits to each cutie mark and two to each butt cheek. “Woah,” Icicle breathed out, very impressed. “Way to go, love.” “Eeep!” Wildfire yelped and danced with each and every lick of the crop as it lit up her red and welted rear end. Tempest leant forward and whispered in Wildfire’s ear. “That's forty, snort to keep going.” “M-More…” Wildfire whispered, endorphins coursing through her system, and she snorted loudly. “Come on, Hayseed,” Ocean grinned at the farmer, “let's tag team the mare and show her what an earth pony can do!” “Eeyup!” Tempest nuzzled Wildfire’s ear, which caused her to pull sharply on the clamps at her ears. “Nggh!” The blind mare whimpered, “I-I'm good…” though she winced at the sharp sting of the clamps that pulled at her ears and tail. Behind her, Ocean and Hayseed quickly found a slow and steady rhythm as they tossed the crop between each other, but the first blow went a long way to bringing back memories of Lotus Stripes from the care home. The two mares landed blow after blow to Wildfire’s hind quarters, half again as strong as anything Airmail could manage on her best day, and by now Wildfire’s welts had become angry and bruised, as did the insides of her thighs. “AAaaaAAH…OOooOOW!” Wildfire hind legs buckled under the incessant strikes, the blind mare trembled at the risen memory, and she tried hard to put it to the back of her mind, instead focusing on enjoying the dripping of her fluids. However, several strikes later and the two earth ponies hit the butt plug and the vaginal plug one after the other and they hit one of the raw welts on her reddened ass over the outside left thigh and then right thigh. Wildfire shook, the memory of the home coming suddenly real again and the demo was not fun anymore. “S-St-Stop A-Amethyst…” she begged, stomping her right forehoof into the bedroom floor. In her head though, Wildfire was back in her cell, and it was Lotus and Amber taking turns with her. “I-I-I’ll be good,” she whimpered pitifully, “please…please stop…” Airmail looked at Tempest. Tempest mirrored Airmail’s shocked and stunned expression. “Time!” Airmail declared a split second later, using her foreleg to deflect the crop as it came down again. Working quickly and efficiently, Tempest removed the ear clamps and she nuzzled the panicking mare. The other members of Airmail’s family moved to lick and nuzzle her abused hind quarters. “You're safe, love.” Airmail repeated as she took the gag from Wildfire’s mouth. “Safe with us, love.” Tempest whispered into her ear. Wildfire couldn’t hear them. “D-Don't get the box please don't...I'll be good...I promise…” Airmail kissed Wildfire’s lips as delicately as she could manage. “Wily you’re safe.” “Please, please not the box, please!” Wildfire screamed before Airmail’s words made their way through to her brain. Hesitantly, she began to breathe, calming herself down with a series of long deep breaths. “A-Airy? S-Stormy?” Airmail and Tempest moved to their little lover’s front and they traded nuzzles and kisses. “You're safe with us, Wildfire.” Airmail repeated herself. Tempest wrapped her forelegs around Wildfire’s neck while Airmail worked to remove the spreader bar and the tail sleeve. “Thank you for not putting up a false bravery.” “I love you, Wily.” Airmail said after her work was done. “I love you, Wily.” Tempest repeated as she lifted off the bridle and she removed the nipple clamps. “Yu…Yuppers…I ah, I love you too…” she flexed her legs and she felt really properly foolish at her overreaction. “Guys...I'm sorry about that then, it was, it was intense.” Ocean looked at Hayseed and blushed. “Yeah, we got a bit carried away.” Hayseed shared Ocean’s deep red blush, “Then that is what Mapper wanted on Serenity.” “It…ah, well, it was cool until you teamed up,” Wildfire mumbled miserably into the bedroom floor, her head pointed straight down. “It um, it just bought back some memories…forget it…” “No,” Silver Cloud, still standing, moved up to the blind mare and with her wing tip the pregnant pegasus lifted up her head. “We won't forget it, Wildfire.” “You are part of a second herd now, Wily.” Airmail said gently, as ever positioning herself at the yellow pony’s left side. “Y-You all s-saw that...” Wildfire felt even smaller than she actually was. Again, she had allowed those dreadful memories to invade her current life. Amethyst Glory was never going to leave her alone, was she? “Um…look, it’s ah, it’s alright, I'm alright now.” She did not sound convinced. Airmail nuzzled Wildfire’s left cheek. “May I tell them, Wildfire?” Devoid of Silver Cloud’s wing, Wildfire just hung her head. “Uh huh…” “Wildfire.” Tempest said calmly, “We love you.” “Y-Y-Yuppers, I know, I love you all too, Tempest.” “When it stops being a game,” Airmail said kindly, “it is no longer fun to play.” “Yuppers, Airy can we get a drink of something before you tell them, please?” Hayseed stepped forwards and took her ‘turn’ to give Wildfire and affectionate nuzzle. “Sure thing, darling, what would you like?” “Can I get a beer, please?” Hayseed nodded and again she nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek. “That’s no problem. Beers all around?” Rye sat up on the bed, finally abandoning the pretence of being asleep. “Yes please, Hayseed.” Nodding to her father-in-law, the hazelnut earth pony farmer left the large bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen in search of beer. Poor young River was beyond confused. The turquoise earth pony colt looked from adult to adult trying to discern what was wrong. In the end he chose to ask his aunt. “Is everything okay?” “No nephew, things are not okay.” Airmail answered him quickly and firmly, though she kept the air of kindness in her tone. “Life is not fair, but love can overcome almost anything.” Wildfire turned her head to Rye’s general direction, “Oh um, I’m sorry if I woke you, Rye.” Rye smiled an easy smile at the obviously troubled young pegasus. “Easy to wake somepony pretending to sleep, Wildfire.” “We remember when Mapper and Serenity were last here.” Bluesky also sat up, being of course very careful to not wake up the four foals that were sleeping soundly around her. “Even River couldn't stay up to watch what happened that time.” “Yuppers...” Wildfire knew they were trying to comfort her, but she felt more and more wretched with every passing second. “I'm sorry I went off like that, Ms. Bluesky.” River shook his head. The sixteen year old was no nearer to understanding now than he had been before. “I don't understand this at all.” Tempest spared the colt a sympathetic smile before she once again rummaged in her saddlebag and pulled out a tube of fast acting speciality ointment designed to reduce the many welts and bruises that decorated Wildfire’s hind quarters. As she applied the cream, she said, “We will explain it to you, River.” “Okay,” River nodded, still confused. Rye carefully got off of his large bed and walked over to the despondent pegasus. “A burden shared is a burden lessened, Wildfire.” The diminutive blind mare managed a very shaky uncertain smile. “Beer helps.” Bluesky, after a very delicate extrication of herself from the bed, which she managed despite Sunrise using her teat as a pillow, also walked over and nuzzled the little pony. “Depends on why you're drinking I think,” she said kindly just as Hayseed returned from her hunting trip to the kitchen with a twelve pack, eleven beers and a root beer. “Thank you, Hayseed.” Wildfire said quietly as she took a beer from the farmer. “To forget the last few moments would be nice.” “Wrong reason,” Rye half-heartedly scolded her as he took a beer as well. “It should ease the pain to remember why you want to drink so you won't need to drink.” “Hmmm…” Wildfire wasn’t at all convinced by that. “You can tell them when you're ready Pretty, they may as well know.” Airmail took a few moments to have a mouthful of her beer, to give her time to collect her thoughts and to give everypony else chance to have a drink as well. “After she was blinded by the accident at university, her father sold Wildfire off to a care home in return for a kick back and to steal from her bank account. Prince Dusk helped her escape a couple weeks ago.” The azure blue mare paused, the group around them in a state of shock. “They routinely abused her at the care home.” Tempest picked up the story when it became clear Airmail wasn’t going to. “They abused her, physically and mentally, to the point where she took pride in the pain.” Rye found his voice after a visible struggle, “But…didn't they do something?” Airmail cleared her throat and took another sip of her beer. “After Dusk got her out of the home, he and Princess Luna brought the full weight of the law down on the wardens of the care home and on Wildfire's father. They will trouble no pony again.” She sounded very bitter that she had been unable to deliver that ‘justice’ herself. She was. “That was home for five years.” Wildfire’s voice was barely audible at this point. “I was kinda hoping I was over it.” Bluesky could not believe that. The old milk mare almost dropped her beer. “It took five years!?” River flinched at the sound of his grandmother’s angry voice. “Then, why would you want to be spanked?” He still didn’t really get it. “That is at least third date.” Airmail said with a wry smile as Grain and Hayseed both moved to hug their son. “The body releases endorphins when there is pain. That is a natural high to some. Serenity thrives on endorphins. Wily has gotten so used to them she misses them.” Pausing, Airmail kissed Wildfire’s cheek. “Now Wildfire no longer has pride in taking pain.” Tempest explained, “If it goes beyond pleasure she knows when to stop.” Tempest placed a delicate little kiss on Wildfire’s right cheek. River took a long drink of his root beer as he thought on that, “I've heard the other adults here talk about the parties at the zebra's place and how you push the edge in things. What is that all about?” “See,” Airmail smiled, “they do listen.” Turning her head left then right, Wildfire returned the kisses to her herd-mates before she drained her beer. Then, in a quiet toneless voice, she said; “The beatings were normal. They were every day. I got used to taking them. Soon they started breaking my legs, sometimes they'd switch out a pony when they got tired, or team up. It was normal that's all. I could take that.” Hayseed was moved to tears, as was Silver Cloud, Ocean and Sundown. “We teamed up on Serenity at Mapper's request since we couldn't give her what she needed,” the hazelnut mare explained, “I'm sorry.” “It’s alright, no harm done really.” Wildfire continued in the same toneless voice. “Around the second year I think they started breaking my wings and shutting me in this box…” she shuddered, as did every pegasus there except Airmail. “I hated that box. They knew I hated it too.” River nuzzled his mother, “Why does she sound like she's dead?” “I started wishing I was by the end.” Wildfire answered dully, “That’s when Dusk found me again. I was allowed out for good behaviour. They knew I wasn’t going to run anywhere. They had broken me by then. Amethyst laid off a bit when he started visiting. It was all for show, till he came and got me for a visit to Manehatten nine days ago.” “Was it worth it?” Bluesky asked kindly. “It was totally worth it,” Wildfire replied with a brighter smile, “for what I have now.” Bluesky lovingly nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek and hugged her tightly. “You have added to the happiness of my daughter.” The old pegasus stated with an assured tone, and Airmail along with Tempest hugged the little blind mare. “I still don't see why you do things that remind you of that time?” River asked as he took another sip of his root beer. He was thankful however that his new aunt was sounding more like ‘herself’ than the deadened mare of a few minutes ago. Wildfire had to think about that one. “Serenity asked me that on the train to Canterlot. I don't really have an answer, River other than it's what I'm used to, only now it’s safer cos I know it will stop when I want it to stop. I’m the pony with the power now, not Amethyst Glory.” Tempest was really so proud. So very proud as she applied another hoof full of the special ointment to Wildfire’s ass end. “And sharing is caring.” Airmail nodded solemnly. “River, the more she talks about this, the more it will stay in her past.” “I'm ah, I’m sorry I had that bad a reaction,” Wildfire said as she let out a little giggle, “You earth ponies do pack a wallop, it just bought it all rushing back.” “The more we know, the better we can love you back.” Rye said with a smile, and River walked up to his newest auntie and gave her a tight hug. “Thank you for telling us.” Wildfire felt the hug, and even though it was from a colt, the earth pony hug was tight and strong. “No problem at all. Like Airy said, it helps to talk about it. I should thank you all, for listening.” Rye nuzzled the now calmed little mare affectionately on her cheek when River released the hug. “You can take the middle spot in the cuddle pile, then.” “Do you want a fluffy pillow for your ass?” Airmail asked as she ran her hoof over Wildfire’s rosy reddened hind quarters. She was very pleased to see Tempest’s magic cream was already doing its job. It had only been applied for a few minutes and the worst of the welts were starting to fade. Wildfire flexed her sore butt with a wince. She was grateful for the cream, though the sweet sing of the crop and also started to fade to a dull background ache. “That would be lovely, Pretty, thank you.” Airmail laughed a bright laugh. “Sorry love that was a joke. Mama, can you put your soft titties against Wily's butt?” Bluesky smiled as she settled back down on the large bed. Like Silver Cloud, Hayseed and Ocean, she’d had to dry her eyes and take a few breaths before she was confident of talking again. “Sure, settle in here, Wildfire.” “Yay!” Her mood instantly flipped and buoyed back to its previous condition, the blind mare scooted over to the bed and climbed up, turning her back to nestle in – little spoon style – against the much older pegasus with her heated flanks in amongst Bluesky’s swollen teats. “My,” the moment she laid in, Bluesky felt the heat from Wildfire’s butt, “you are warm, dear.” Wildfire giggled as she felt the bed move around her, a sure sign that all the other ponies were getting up and getting comfortable nestling in with each other. “The crop does have a warming effect.” The little blind mare smiled a comforted smile when she smelled Airmail lay in front of her and give her a kiss, “Way better than central heating.” She yawned and nuzzled whatever part of her lover she could reach, sleep taking her like a welcome balm. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sunday morning soon arrived on the family farm and like almost every other morning, Airmail, Grain, and Hayseed were up and active, their biological clocks seemingly in tune with the rising of Celestia's glorious sun. Wildfire, being both a light sleeper and a morning pony, stirred from her spooning position in Bluesky's hooves and yawned herself awake while the other members of the family were snoring contentedly around her. Feeling rather than seeing her move as the bedroom was still rather dark, Bluesky playfully licked Wildfire’s ear. “While you're down there do you want an early breakfast?” She asked, licking her ear again, “at least till they get the oatmeal ready downstairs?” “Hmmm….” Wildfire murmured, now properly awake, “I'd love to, thanks mum.” She didn’t know where ‘mum’ had come from, but it felt right. It just felt proper to call the old pegasus that as she carefully rotated around in her snuggle so she could take one of her milk heavy teats in her mouth. “Mmmmm, yes…” Bluesky purred almost sexily when her milk began to leave her teat, and after a few moments Sky Dive, Silver Cloud and Icicle’s two year old colt joined the little yellow mare on the other teat. Wildfire took her time, in no mood to rush as she drank from the milk mare. After some minutes, when she had drank her fill, she finished up with a lick of her lips and she felt her way up Bluesky’s body to give her a thank you kiss. “Thanks mum, you were well cuddly last night.” “Always happy to help.” Bluesky smiled a very maternal smile. While she was in no way Wildfire’s mother, she wasn’t about to stop her calling her that. Besides it felt as right to her as it no doubt did to the blind pony. “They should have the food ready by now.” “Your cuddles were just what I needed,” Wildfire offered her ‘mum’ another kiss, which was quickly returned, before she got up from the large bed. “I'm gonna go get some oatmeal, thank you again, for everything.” Wildfire smiled and trotted out of the bedroom and followed the scents of breakfast downstairs to the kitchen in search of Airmail and oats. Airmail saw her little lover get down the stairs and she smiled in greeting. “Good morning, Wily, do you want cinnamon and raisins in your oatmeal?” Wildfire nodded as she sat down on her chosen seating pad next to Airmail. “Please, Pretty.” “Okay,” As Airmail got up to get her herd-mate’s breakfast in a bowl, Grain and Hayseed both walked over and gave the blind mare a crushing hug. “Did my mom provide you with soft pillows?” “Mum was awesomes,” Wildfire gasped for breath amid the earth pony hugs, “just what I needed.” Grain grinned and gave her a nuzzle, “That's mom!” Wildfire flexed her ass which, thanks to a combination of Tempest’s cream and Bluesky’s cuddles, wasn’t as red and angry as it had been last night and giggled, “She was just what my flanks needed.” Airmail set her bowl of oatmeal and raisins down on the table and gave Wildfire a kiss straight to her lips. “Dig in, Wily. You want some apple juice or orange juice with that?” Gratefully, Wildfire returned the kiss, “I'll have orange juice, thanks Pretty.” She smiled and quietly dug into her oatmeal as over the next half an hour all but Sundown and Tempest slowly drifted down the stairs and in for breakfast. Grain and Airmail kept the flow of food coming to all who sat down and Hayseed delivered the drinks. When she finished her first, Wildfire even treated herself to a second bowl, eating quietly as she listened to the others wandering in. After another half an hour, Hayseed selflessly risked her life by going upstairs and waking up Tempest and Sundown before noon so that the last two ponies didn’t miss breakfast. In a typically sour morning mood, Tempest grumped her way downstairs and plonked herself at the table. “Eating before noon is bad for your health…” she muttered darkly to nopony in particular. Wildfire turned her head towards Tempest. “Oh, hey Honey!” “Coffee first tal...” Tempest muttered as she sat down, thankfully Airmail was ready with a fresh steaming mug of coffee to sate her nerves and her mood. “Luna bless you, Airy.” The violet mare took a long welcome drink of her coffee. Hearing that, Wildfire shut up and drank her orange juice. “Now,” Tempest said far more alert and awake once she’d emptied her mug. “Life may begin. Hi, Wily, I see you were up with the sun too?” Wildfire perked up a little. “Morning pony as always,” she thought to herself for a moment when she heard all the other family members sit at the breakfast table, “Everypony...about last night, you can talk about it, it’s cool.” In a huge bout of sympathy, Silver Cloud leant over the table and rested her slate grey hoof on Wildfire’s yellow one. “Is there more to the story? You were sold into slavery by your father. You were abused to the point it was normal. Now you got these crazy lovers that indulge yours and their fantasies.” “Yeah,” Icicle put his hoof next to his wife’s, offering Wildfire his comfort and support. “It's cool. You're still family.” Wildfire wished she had eyes then, just for that tiny second, just so she could cry properly. Instead she settled for sniffing with the emotion she felt, immediately she got nuzzles from Airmail and a perked up Tempest. “I um, I just felt like the pegasus in the room everypony’s looking at…” she sighed and sniffed again. “Silver, that's a pretty neat summary of it,” she giggled, “and thanks Icicle, that means a lot. Ocean smiled warmly, a smile that reached her voice. “Well, you are the newest addition so yeah, I'm looking at you. Especially that rosy flank of yours,” she finished with a giggle. Wildfire giggled at that. So the super special cream reduced the welts but left the rosiness and the slightly sore feeling. Sweet. “It is a pretty fine flank. That’s nothing though. If Princess Luna, Mapper and Serenity hadn't healed my wings I could've shown you them, too.” Sundown abandoned his empty oatmeal bowl and walked around the breakfast table. “Would you rather fly straight or show off scars you didn't earn?” The search and rescue pegasus stallion asked straight out. Wildfire turned on her seating pad and smiled at Airmail’s younger brother. “That was pretty much the choice, yeah.” She laughed, “Stormy tell you I was proud to show ‘em off too?” “Pfft,” Sundown snorted dismissively next to the little yellow mare and turned so his left flank was presented to her. “Feel my left rear leg above the knee on the inside and outside.” Ocean waved her hooves in the air. “Look everypony, “Sundown has fresh meat to tell his story too!” As Sundown and everypony else laughed at that, Wildfire sniggered and ran her hoof over the stallion’s leg. In very short order she felt two rows of very odd scar tissue on the inside and the outside of his upper leg. “I'm a strong flyer and I can carry a good deal of weight.” Sundown smiled as he explained the incident. “A boat capsized with three earth ponies that went into the water. I was fishing the second one out when a shark took a bite. I dropped the pony and carried the shark where the rescue boat shot it and cut it from my leg.” “Now that’s awesomes!” Wildfire was suitably impressed and she turned around on her pad. “If you part the fur on my shoulders and above my flanks you'll find scars there that I am proud of. I smashed a window to get to a family of four earth ponies trapped on the third floor of a four storey building that was on fire. I ended up with 1st degree burns in places.” “Yes,” Sundown commented as he parted Wildfire’s yellow fur and saw the scars there. “There is a pride in scars that are earned.” “Looky here Airy,” Tempest snickered as she worked on her second mug of coffee. “Our little Wily has gone all macho just like Sunny.” Wildfire offered a calm and considered raspberry to Tempest who just erupted in a fit of giggles. “You're right there, Sunny, we should be proud of scars we earn.” Airmail giggled and playfully swatted at Tempest who ducked and stuck her tongue out. “There are things to take pride in Wily,” the violet mare agreed, “and saving lives is one of them. Right, Sundown?” “Yes,” Sundown nodded his agreement, “Plus it is a free meal if Ocean gets mad at me.” “That's a good point,” Wildfire conceded with a thought, “Although Canterlot from Manehatten is a long way to go if either of these two gets mad at me,” she said with a giggle of her own. “Pfft,” Airmail snorted, “you know Serenity will take you out for some hayburgers.” Wildfire sniggered, “and she won't put celery on ‘em either.” “True,” Tempest put in as she nudged Wildfire’s side, “but she might treat you to some peach ice cream.” Wildfire laughed, “Well, at least the last time she gave me some she only gave me one scoop of it.” The blind mare giggled hard, “mind you, it tasted better than my mouth after I woke up that morning. By Celestia did I feel rough…saying that though, the hangover was worth it, it was a top night wasn't it, Airy?” Airmail nodded sagely, she recalled their night together as easily as Wildfire did. “It was a fun night out, but putting a ribbon on Stormy’s tail was the highlight of the night.” “Ah yes,” Wildfire snickered, she could virtually feel Tempest’s eye roll next to her. “That was fun, and I'm so glad I didn't make an idiot of myself once!” “Yes,” Airmail deadpanned, “of course love.” “Well,” Wildfire blushed as red as her flanks, “unless getting so drunk I forgot I was blind counts.” “You did say 'not once',” Tempest grinned as she emptied her second mug of coffee. “I'd even dare to say not twice.” Wildfire laughed, “Fine, maybe a lot more than twice. So, what's the plan for today?” Airmail shot Grain a sly look that just dared him to answer her back. “A ‘swim’ in the pond, some sight-seeing, the train back to Canterlot leaves at noon so we have time.” “No swimming until one hour after you've eaten,” Bluesky said and the rest laughed at that as she and Rye cleared away the breakfast things. “Oh, oh no I won't.” Wildfire promised, “I'll remember that, Ms. Bluesky.” Tempest had an idea then, mostly to spare Grain, but also to show Wildfire as many different things as possible before they left Vanhoover. “Instead of the pond, let’s go into town and to the beach. It's nice to swim there, too.” “Alrighty Honey,” Wildfire nodded, “that sounds like fun!” Airmail got up from the table and walking around it she hugged each member of her family one after the other ending with her mother. “All of you are free to visit Manehatten anytime, and I'll be sure to send you all the new address as soon as we have it.” Following her marefriend’s lead, Tempest also hugged the other ponies around the table. “Thanks again for putting us up and putting up with all the fun.” “Thank you for having me too,” Wildfire also made the rounds around the table, but unlike the other two, she started with Bluesky and ended with a second hug and an especially big nuzzle to the old milk mare. “I've really enjoyed meeting you all.” Silver Cloud smiled when she was hugged by her sister, Tempest and finally by Wildfire. “Always fun to see who stole Airy's heart. Be sure to give Raindrop a hard time when you catch up with her.” “I will,” Wildfire smiled as she thought about Airmail’s relative who lived over in Baltimare. “I’m looking forward to meeting her and her family too.” With that, everypony had another round of hugs and kisses and it was time for the three mares to leave. As Grain, Hayseed and River returned to the fields, Airmail and Tempest hefted up their saddlebags and walked outside into the warm mid-morning sunshine. Bluesky and Rye stole another hug and a kiss each from Wildfire and then they were flying to Vanhoover City. On the way there, Airmail and Tempest both took turns telling Wildfire about all the attractions and things of interest she might like to visit. The blind mare learnt that Vanhoover had a Train Museum, a Maritime Museum, and a Boardwalk. There was also a fairly large 'Griffon Town' section. Both of her marefriends asked her if she was interested in any of those, and after a moment’s thought, Wildfire answered; “The Maritime Museum! I’ve always loved those big ships, y’know, the steam liners…” Wildfire smiled, as the alternative was being dragged through one of the botanical gardens till it was time to go swimming. Airmail flew closer to her diminutive lover and caressed her flank with her summer green tail. “Excellent choice, Wily!” > Chapter 5 - Our Past Is Always Right Behind Us (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright sunny midday when Airmail, Tempest and Wildfire boarded the Friendship Express steam train at the main station in Vanhoover City headed back to Canterlot. All three mares had enjoyed a very pleasant morning exploring the city’s Maritime Museum, the Train Museum and a generous amount of coffee and chocolate ice cream on the Boardwalk. Again, just like on their way here, the compartment they had on the carriage only had the three of them. As the brightly coloured steam train pulled out of the station and quickly picked up speed, Airmail decided that they needed something in them more substantial than ice cream, so after they left their heavy saddlebags in their compartment the azure blue mare led the way to the club car. “You may order what you wish, Wily.” Tempest snickered loudly as they sat themselves down at an empty table. “The great and powerful Airy has spoken.” “Well, I'm still full of chocolate,” Wildfire smiled, making herself comfortable on her seating pad next to Airmail, “so shall we have three beers, oh great and powerful Airy?” Tempest couldn’t help herself; it was way too easy. “You won't damage any refrigerators after drinking three beers, will you, Stealth Pony?” Wildfire stuck her tongue out in Tempest’s general direction, before she erupted in a fit of giggles. “I'll do my absolute best not to run head first into anything…” Airmail, studying the menu at the table, interrupted her little lover, “I'd be okay with her running head-first into my ass.” Just about coming out of her giggles, that set Wildfire off again. “I could arrange that.” “Airy and her hardcore negotiation skills.” Tempest shook her head and even, as the situation called for it, rolled her blue eyes at her long time marefriend as she ordered a fruit salad complete with extra peaches. Tempest herself ordered two daisy and watercress sandwiches. Both opted for coffee while Wildfire ordered three beers. Wildfire smiled and she nuzzled Airmail’s right cheek while the serving pony trotted off to fulfil their respective orders. “You gotta love those negotiation skills,” she snickered and then a stray thought wandered through her head about meeting Air Raid in Canterlot later that day. “Guys...y'know when Air Raid called, I can’t remember, did I tell her the time to meet us in Canterlot?” Airmail shared a look at Tempest, who conspicuously returned the look as well as a series of silent ear flicks. Safe to say neither were keen on seeing this mare, given what they had been told about her. “You did,” Airmail started, taking a deep breath, “but the Express is thirty minutes ahead of time, no harm in ringing to remind her.” “Hmm...” Wildfire sighed. She couldn’t argue with the logic, after all there was no point meeting her if Air Raid had the wrong time. She still couldn’t believe, after all these years, she was going to actually speak to her again. “I'd better ring her back, I guess.” “Okay,” Tempest reached over the table and rested her hoof on Wildfire’s own, “but you didn't promise her anything, so no pressure.” “Yuppers, I know...” as the serving pony reappeared at their table with their orders held on a tray in his magical aura, Wildfire reached into her bag and pulled out her cell phone. “Part of me wants to welcome her with open hooves, the other wants to slap her so hard. But...” again, Wildfire sighed, “But she did call me…didn’t she?” “True,” Airmail commented. The lead editor had to give Air Raid that much credit. It couldn’t have been an easy thing for her to do, especially after being grilled by her two herd-mates. “And, don’t forget, that was after talking to Mapper and Serenity.” Uncertainly, Wildfire toyed with her phone between her forehooves. “Mistress and Serenity wouldn't have given her my number if she wasn't on the level, would they?” Airmail considered that for just a moment. “Mapper has done some mind game stuff before, but Serenity wouldn't have let her do that to you with Air Raid. I think somepony is looking for forgiveness.” “You think I should give it?” “Forgiveness is about yourself,” Tempest said simply as she took a bite of her sandwich. “You forgive so you don't have to dwell on it anymore.” “You're right, Honey, I've thought about this enough over the years.” And, the diminutive blind mare certainly had. In those dark moments locked alone in her cell at the care home nursing her many wounds she had thought about very little else. It would be easy – the easiest thing in the world – to turn her back and ignore her ex-marefriend, but it was finally time to move on. For everypony. “Alrighty, I'll call her…” saying that, she hit the call back button on her phone. After three rings, on speaker phone as always, Air Raid’s tired exhausted sounding voice came over the line, “Y'ello?” Wildfire couldn’t ever remember her ex’s voice sounding like that. “Air Raid, it’s me, Wildfire.” “Oh, oh hey Wil...dfire, what’s up?” “Nothing, I’m just letting you know when we'll be back in Canterlot…” Wildfire replied hesitantly. Straightaway, she felt two hooves comfortingly touch hers. “Oh right,” Air Raid sounded distracted, and indeed she was. She was stood in her kitchen in Canterlot firmly between her friend and the knife drawer. “Um, when will that be, again?” “The train schedule says we should be there about ten p.m. ish,” Wildfire repeated the time to her ex, “But we might be a little early, we don’t know yet.” Tempest leant over the table and whispered in her lover’s ear. “Does she want to meet us and if so, when and where?” Wildfire nodded, “Raid, Tempest asks if you want to meet us?” “Yeah Wily...sorry Wildfire,” Air Raid corrected herself, momentarily forgetting Wildfire’s ire at the previous use of her nickname as she tried to stop the white unicorn. “I heard, we can meet you at the station car park.” Wildfire shook her head. This didn’t sound like the Air Raid she remembered, at all. “It’s okay, you can call me Wily, and who's 'we'?” While she was distracted by the phone call, Darkstar managed to get around her carer and she reached the knife drawer. Just in time, the lime green mare turned and caught her as she took a carving knife in her hoof. “Sweetie no!” She screamed, a scream that was heard down the line. “Don't do that, give it here!” After a few moments, she was able to get the knife from her. “Hey thanks, sorry Wily. ‘We’ is Darkstar. We're um, together now.” At Airmail’s confused look, Tempest nudged her and spoke softly, “That's the pole dancing unicorn.” “You're with Darkie?” Wildfire was well and truly confused now. “Darkie isn't in to mares…” “Wily,” Air Raid deposited the knife back in the drawer and stood in front of it so she couldn’t get to it. “Darkstar, she's...she's changed. Like, a lot.” “What d'you mean, she's changed?” “Ponies change Wily, not always for the better.” Air Raid had that deadened tone to her voice, not too dissimilar to the one Wildfire herself had the night before. “Look, you'll see later tonight. Just, don't expect Darkie to be there.” “You're coming alone?” Wildfire asked, puzzled as ever. “No, Darkstar will be with me,” Air Raid was crying now when Darkstar gave her a foul look and miserably sloped off out of the kitchen. “She just isn't the unicorn she used to be.” Airmail whispered to Wildfire and to Tempest, “What the Tartarus does that mean?” Wildfire had to agree. “You aren't making much sense, Raid.” Air Raid sighed a very long, very audible sigh. “I know, look I'm sorry, everything will be clear later…” just then she was interrupted by a loud squeal from the living room. Poking her head around the door she almost dropped her cell. “Oh no, sweetie how'd you get that? Wily I have to go, Darkie needs me…” “Alrighty, Raid I...” Wildfire started but Air Raid had hung up the call before the yellow pegasus could finish her sentence, “I forgive you...” numbly, with slightly trembling hooves, she put her phone on the table. “Well, what do you make of that?” She asked her two marefriends. A short series of ear flicks between Tempest and Airmail later and the violet weather pony gave voice to a thought she knew she shared with the lead editor. “You'd think she was talking to a foal.” “There was something up, right?” Wildfire commented, even as famously oblivious as she was, she picked up on the tension in Air Raid’s voice. “What did she mean, 'Darkstar will be there but don't expect Darkie'?” “Maybe she had a stroke?” Tempest offered as she mused on what she had just heard over the phone. “Oh I dunno,” Wildfire felt helpless and powerless, and she hated feeling like that. “But, I do remember Darkie was strictly stallions only…” she shrugged and slumped on the seating pad next to the table. “Something's happened, I know it has.” Airmail nuzzled her little lover and pressed one of the beer bottles into Wildfire’s hoof. “That will be a bridge to cross later tonight, Wily.” “Yuppers,” she said thoughtfully as she took a long drink from her beer bottle, “I hope she's alright, whatever it is.” Tempest mulled this over as she ate one of her sandwiches. “Is there anypony else you could call to find out about her?” “Well,” Wildfire thought about that, “it's a longshot, but I've got Cyclone's number, I looked it up online the other day when I was adding locations into my headset.” Airmail swallowed a mouthful of peach fruit salad. “Worse you'll do is scare them with the voice from the past, love.” “Good point, Pretty.” The blind mare emptied her first beer bottle, purely for nerve, and she dialled Cyclone’s number stored in her phone. “Hello?” The jet black pegasus answered her cell phone on the second ring. “Cyclone speaking, who is this, please?” Wildfire smiled a wide smile. Now Cyclone at least sounded just like she remembered her. “It’s Wily, remember me, Cy?” “Wily?” Cyclone was so surprised to hear her long lost friend’s voice that she almost fell off of her couch and landed on her ass in her living room. “Well shit, how long's it been?” “Too long, Cyclone. Too long.” Cyclone really couldn’t argue with that. She still couldn’t believe she was talking to her old friend. She’d pretty much given up ever seeing or hearing her again. She almost wet her nappy she was so surprised. “Where you at now, girl?” “Manehatten,” Wildfire replied with a smile, “with my marefriends. How about you?” Cyclone’s mood, so recently elated, dimmed a little as did her voice go somewhat clouded. “Cloudsdale,” she said sombrely. She had to remind herself that of course Wildfire had no idea exactly why she was in the floating cloud city. “Four years next week. So, marefriends huh? Good work. Tell them I say hi!” “Yuppers...Cy, I got off the phone to Air Raid just now, she's with Darkie.” Wildfire started, she was so concerned about Air Raid and Darkstar that she missed the fact that her old scared-of-heights friend was now living in the highest city in the land. “Do you know anything about it?” As the call was, as always, on speaker, both Airmail and Tempest could hear the strange new mare on the other end of the line send them greetings. “Hi Cyclone!” They both called together, earning them a couple of glances from the other ponies in the Express’s club car. “Oooh, hello!” The innate gossip that lurked inside Cyclone sensed a scoop. “It sounds like somepony landed on her hooves! Well done you.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire sighed and she made a start on her second beer bottle. “I'm a very lucky pony...so, Darkie?” Cyclone realised quickly realised that if Wildfire was getting back in contact with the old gang, she would obviously have no idea about Darkstar. She didn’t want to be the one that told her. Instead she tried to change the subject, “I hope your marefriends aren't letting you play the blind card to get your own way all the time.” “No, no they aren't.” She thought instantly about her Mistress Mapper, and Tempest and Airmail when they dominated her. Again, she tried to steer the conversation back to why she had called. “So, d'you know what happened to Darkstar?” Airmail too could sense when an issue was being evaded, and this was definitely being dodged. Big time. Like her little lover, she returned to the subject at hoof. “We talked to Air Raid and she ain't talkin'.” “Riiiiiight.” Cyclone gave a very long sigh. She could tell they weren’t going to be dissuaded, and it seemed like she was going to be the one to tell Wildfire after all. “Well, the thing is Wily, after you left for Fillydelphia things changed. We kinda drifted apart. Raid had a big fallout with Dusk, I moved to Cloudsdale. Bright even went over to Filly to try and find you. Raid and Darkie kept trying to get hold of you in Canterlot, Raid didn't believe your dad’s story that you'd gone to live with family.” “Well I...” Wildfire was about to interrupt when Airmail rested her hoof gently on the yellow mare’s lips to silence her. “Exactly.” Cyclone took a deep breath as she forged ahead. While she didn’t want to tell this story, now she’d started she didn’t want to stop either. “None of us could remember you ever talking about family in Filly. Raid and Darkie kept on at your dad for weeks and weeks, until one time he slammed the door in Raid's face, breaking her nose and muzzle.” Tempest’s voice was low as she leant over the table to Airmail. “I wonder if Raid told that to Mapper?” Nodding quietly at the weather mare’s question, the azure blue pegasus got her own phone and began to text her carnie herd-mate. “Then what?” Wildfire asked, trying very hard to not get annoyed that her old friend wasn’t just telling her already. “Raid took the hint,” Cyclone replied, getting up from her couch and making herself a much needed coffee in her little kitchen area of her cloud house. She’d need it by the end of this phone call, she was sure of that. “But, Darkie wouldn't leave it alone. She started investigating your disappearance. She asked around in the hospital, she even interviewed this pegasus waitress who worked in the cafeteria. She disappeared too. Darkie told Raid she was close to finding you, oh must've been a year after you'd gone. Then...well I'm sorry Wily, but your dad got hold of her.” Just then, Airmail got a reply from Mapper to the text she sent her. Turning her phone around so that Tempest could see, they both read that yes, Air Raid had said in the taxi that Cold Front had attacked her. With that in mind, Airmail took her phone back and began a search on Darkstar dated about four years ago. Wildfire’s blood ran cold in her veins. Knowing what she now knew about what her dad had done to her, selling her to Amethyst Glory and stealing from her as well as abusing her step-mother Emerald, she dreaded to think what happened next. “What did my dad do, Cy?” “You don't wanna know, sweet flanks,” and Cyclone really didn’t want to have to tell her. Again she tried to fudge the issue. “From what I read in the papers it’s over now.” “The papers?” Wildfire asked, momentarily distracted. “You made the front page on Friday.” Cyclone explained, thankful for the moment that her friend was distracted. “Princess Luna and a hoofful of guards arrested Cold Front, Thursday and at the same time a very reputable bank faces crisis over a fraud scandal?” There was a faint hint of amusement while Airmail was busy searching the internet for police reports of Darkstar, and she expanded the search to include any newspaper articles about her also. “Not very low profile, Wily.” “So, tell me,” Wildfire asked, “what did my dad do?” “Cold Front could have been my new record from shot to kill…” Airmail muttered at what she had discovered on her phone. “Stand down, Airy.” Tempest said firmly, although her resolve was tested when her herd-mate flipped her phone and showed her what she had discovered. “Luna has it under control.” “Alright, you asked.” Cyclone gave a defeated sigh that spoke volumes to the eagerly listening Airmail and Tempest. “Air Raid was coming back to Canterlot after a race series in Filly. Darkie was on her own at Café Diem. Your dad and a couple of his mates picked her up and worked her over in the back of his van. They beat her up, badly. They broke a few bones, and they took turns with her, they ah, they raped her over and over for fun, and then they cut off her horn before dumping her outside in the Warehouse District in Canterlot.” Wildfire almost spat her mouthful of beer. “D-Dad…m-m-my dad did…h-he did that?” she spluttered disbelievingly. “Yeah…in the hospital, Darkie was in a coma for three months.” Cyclone continued with a very definite sad tone. “When she woke up she wasn’t able to press charges. We all went to the police and told them our suspicions but his wife, Emerald, gave them all watertight alibis. Darkstar would've gone to a care home if Raid hadn't taken her in.” “A care home?” Wildfire’s voice had taken on a very cold aspect. “Darkie's clinically depressed, Wily, the doctor’s say she’s gone mad.” Cyclone was actually crying now. “She's tried killing herself at least ten times, maybe even more than that. Air Raid looks after her at her home.” “Okay,” Tempest gasped. She shared Airmail’s stunned look. They both knew what severing a unicorn’s horn meant. “Okay…that is totally bucked up.” “Tell me about it.” Cyclone heard Tempest’s comment and had to agree. “You, one of her marefriends, I can tell you we all cheered when we read the papers on Friday morning.” “We had no idea how many lives he screwed up besides Wily's.” Airmail put in sadly. “Well, one thing’s for sure, he ain't screwing up no more,” Cyclone said, her voice far sturdier, “Saturday was the trial, and yesterday he started three life sentences in the dungeons with no chance of parole. Ever.” “It’s more than he deserves,” Wildfire snorted derisively. “No arguments there, sweet flanks.” Cyclone said and for the umpteenth time she changed the subject. “So, now you know. You gonna introduce me to your marefriends, or what?” “Um…ah…sorry, yeah.” Wildfire mumbled, not at all concentrating as her mind was all over the place. “Cyclone, meet Airmail and Tempest.” “Hello Cyclone,” Airmail was the first to answer, nuzzling a shaking Wildfire as she did so. “I'm Airmail or Airy, and thanks for the update.” “I'm Tempest or Stormy and we're all pegasi.” “I wish I could say the update was my pleasure hun.” Cyclone said as she drank her coffee and prepared herself another, “It’s nice to meet you two though. How long you been with the yellow furball?” “Coming up on our second week anniversary,” Tempest supplied with a worried glance at Airmail and then at Wildfire. “Have you met her mum yet?” “Yes,” Airmail nodded, taking note of Tempest’s knowing look with a shake of her head. “Wily wouldn't go all the way without her mum's approval.” “Oooh, it’s serious!” Cyclone couldn’t help but snigger and she clapped her hooves. “If you're ever in Cloudsdale look me up. Hey, stormy, Airy, does she still like being tied up and spanked?” At that, Airmail and Tempest both offered their diminutive lover many silent nuzzles. “Yuppers Cy, yes I do.” Given the previous conversation, she didn’t feel like going into all the details. “Good, next time you play give her a lick from me, for all the times she teased me about my fear of heights.” The jet black pegasus giggled, “Well I'm due some holiday time in about a month or so, how about I come to Manehatten for a spell?” “Second or fourth Thursdays are good for me,” Tempest said quickly. “Sweet,” Cyclone commented, considerably happier now she was making a second coffee. “I have Wily's number now, so I'll get in touch when I have a date set. It’s been cool meeting you both but I really must get back to doing my bosses work for him…” she gave her laptop on her living room table a hated accusing look as it was keeping her from her playpen and her Power Ponies. “You call me any time Cy, you'll like Manehatten.” Wildfire still had that deadened detached tone to her voice, “nice talking to you again.” “You too. See ya guys!” Cyclone said as she cancelled the call and went back to her work. “Okay,” Airmail slammed her hoof into the table so hard she made Tempest flinch and she almost knocked over the beer bottles and coffee mugs. “So things are really screwed up because of Cold Front.” Wildfire didn’t know what to think. She didn’t know what to do or to say. She tried to comprehend and understand what she’d just heard. She couldn’t. She tried again and again to wrap her brain around what her old friend had told them all. She couldn’t. Not even close. She tried one last time and then she chucked her phone over the table to the empty seating pad next to Tempest. She reached for her beer then she changed her mind, whispering; “Wildflower. I…I just can’t deal with this, I’m sorry I can’t…” About to shoot her an angry retort, Tempest caught Airmail’s shake of the head and the flick of her ears. The violet mare stood up from her seating pad and took Wildfire’s beer. “Back to our compartment, now Pet.” Wildfire nodded glumly and didn’t offer any resistance as she too got up and left the club car with the older weather pony. Staying behind in the car, Airmail ordered some more beers and she picked up Wildfire's thrown cell phone. Thankfully it wasn’t broken from its flight over the table. An idea occurred to her and the azure blue mare used the phone’s contacts to find the speed dial for Dusky. Wanting anypony to answer, she hit the ‘call’ button. On the fifth ring, just as Airmail was about to change her mind and hang up, Prince Dusk answered his phone. “What’s up Wily? Having fun?” He would’ve answered sooner, had he not been trying to find his new house key in the hidden pocket of his sunflower yellow dress with pink flowers on it. “Hello Dusky,” Airmail greeted the young royal with as much respect as her weary mind could muster. “Wily is not having fun.” “Okay Airmail.” Dusky’s tone changed almost immediately when he got inside his new house in Ponyville. He recognised that tone, and he realised it wasn’t a casual call. “What’s wrong?” Airmail sighed, “Cold Front is haunting us.” Haunting was right. The azure blue mare had hoped they’d all seen the last of the wretched unicorn last week, but like a cheap horror movie villain, it seemed he was ever going to crop up. “Does he still breathe?” “Yes,” Dusk admitted as he prepared for himself a cup of earl grey tea. This seemed like an earl grey moment. “He started three life sentences yesterday. Mom convicted him herself.” Dusky rubbed the bridge of his nose with a hoof. It still smelled of copper despite being cleaned. “What's he done?” Airmail decided to approach this from a slightly different angle. “Wily told us of the times you and the group would hang out together, when is the last time you checked up on any of them?” “Wow...it must be at least a couple of years.” He really didn’t want to admit he’d had more than a hoof in the fact that their group had split up. Air Raid’s separation in particular was in part down to him and his overreaction. That he hadn’t seen the rest as well, well that was all him, and his stupid pride. “We all kinda drifted apart. Airmail what's up?” “We are on the Friendship Express from Vanhoover to Canterlot.” Airmail started tersely. She helped herself to one of the three beers to calm her nerves. She figured Wildfire wouldn’t mind. “We’re about an hour out of Vanhoover. We aren't due in till ten p.m. tonight. Maybe your mom can get us there sooner when she wakes up for the night shift?” Dusky considered that for a moment as he delicately sipped his tea. “I'm sure she could, what's happened?” For a moment he was tempted to drip a few drops onto his dress to be naughty, but he decided against it. “Has the trip not gone well? I thought you were all up for it?” “We are meeting Air Raid and Darkstar tonight at the station in Canterlot.” Airmail explained, “Cold Front broke Air Raid's jaw and nose. Serenity with Mapper has confirmed this. It’s Darkstar we are worried about right now.” She paused and slumped in her seating pad as she sipped the beer. “Cold Front and some of his buddies worked her over four years ago, and she hasn't been right since. It may be beyond Luna to heal.” There was a distinct dangerous tone to the Prince’s voice now, one Airmail hadn’t heard before, but a cold detachment she recognised. She’d been that detached herself. Many times. “Oh he did, did he? We all suspected it was him, but understand, there was very little evidence, lots of alibis and no charges.” The newest member of The Nightwatch licked his lips, sensing a new target. “Want me to pay him a visit in his cell?” Again, Airmail changed tack. "How is Emerald? I think she will change her story that was given under threat.” Airmail sighed as she recalled the pitiful state of the mutilated pegasus, clipped wings and all. “I'd like Luna to visit Darkstar's dreams to identify the others and see if there is any hope for her.” She reached for the beer bottle but found it empty. “What I'd really like is to sanction Cold Front, but Stormy has again told me to stand down.” Dusky smiled. There was a topic he was happy to talk about. “Emerald's out of the hospital, she's back in Wily's old house. She only had superficial injuries, apart from the clipped feathers, which will grow back stronger than ever. The doc’s checked her over and released her after they healed her cuts and bruises.” He drained his cup of earl grey, “Do you want me to get mom to meet you on the train, if you want to get to Canterlot quicker?” Airmail nodded to herself, even though Dusk couldn’t see it. “Tonight, after moon rise would be great. Our cabin is in the last car, room Three.” “I'll get her on it,” the midnight blue pegasus promised, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” “Follow up on your old friends.” Airmail said definitely, a plan forming in her head. “We have only talked with Cyclone and Air Raid so far. I don't know how much more harm that bastard did.” “I'll look up Brightstar and Slingshot.” Dusky reached for his tablet and navigated his way on to the extremely secret and private Nightwatch Files that only Luna’s operatives had access to. “I'll keep you informed if I see you.” Airmail’s next sigh was one of relief. “Thanks Dusky, I’m sorry to just drop this on you. Are you in Manehatten? “Not yet Airmail,” Dusky replied, “I thought we were flying with you to Trottingham. Is there something you need?” “Crash space.” Airmail let out a giggle to release her state of nervous tension. “Take care, Dusky may the winds be at your back.” “Clear skies, Airmail.” Dusky completed the traditional pegasi saying. “We’ll see you tomorrow. Be sure to look after Wily for me.” “Stormy has Wildfire under her wing.” Airmail smiled, knowing the little yellow mare was in good hooves. “Why I want to wait on the pickup. We need to get Wily's head back in the game.” At that, the azure blue mare hung up and reached for the second of the beers as she tried to organise her thoughts. ~ ~ ~ Wildfire didn’t know what to think. She didn’t know what to do or to say. She tried to comprehend and understand what she’d just heard. She couldn’t. She tried again and again to wrap her brain around what her old friend had told them all. She couldn’t. Not even close. She tried one last time and then she chucked her phone over the table to the empty seating pad next to Tempest. She reached for her beer then she changed her mind, whispering; “Wildflower. I…I just can’t deal with this, I’m sorry I can’t…” About to shoot her an angry retort, Tempest caught Airmail’s shake of the head and the flick of her ears. The violet mare stood up from her seating pad and took Wildfire’s beer. “Back to our compartment, now Pet.” Wildfire nodded glumly and didn’t offer any resistance as she too got up and left the club car with the older weather pony. “Okay Stormy…” Wildfire murmured as she fell in behind Tempest with her ears slicked back to her scalp, her head hung down and her tail firmly between her legs, dragging her hooves through the aisles of the steam train’s carriages. As they passed from one carriage to theirs, Tempest happened to look over her shoulder and her heart almost melted at the sight of Wildfire so forlorn. If she had to put a hoof on it, she’d say she looked defeated. She wondered for a moment if this was how she had appeared at the home, if this was how she had been conditioned. She had to do something about that. “I expect my Pet to look pretty at all times, as it reflects on me.” “Yes, Mistress.” While she still sounded sullen, the blind mare nonetheless picked her head up and started to walk more confidently through the train. Soon enough after a few minutes they were back at their cabin. Tempest slid open the compartment’s door and entered first, a quick plan for ‘Operation Distraction’ forming in her head. While she could sympathise and understand how Wildfire was feeling, she couldn’t countenance her lover moping and dwelling on it. “Face the window, which is opposite the door.” She ordered as she got the crop ready. “Yes, Mistress.” Wildfire only just managed to keep her head up as she entered the cabin and took a couple of steps forward to face the window. “Whose fault is it that Darkstar is messed up?” Tempest asked, gently caressing the end of the crop over the diminutive mare’s ass. Although her ointment had naturally worked its miracles, there was still a somewhat reddened tinge to Wildfire’s hind quarters if you looked hard enough. “It’s...it’s…” Wildfire was really struggling. She had a hard time believing her dad had screwed her over, she really couldn’t believe he had done the same to Darkstar as well. More, she didn’t want to believe it. “It’s…” in the end, she sighed and visibly deflated. “It’s his, Mistress.” Greatly relieved, Tempest kissed both of her lover’s cutie marks. While she could understand Wildfire’s distress, the thought of hearing her even try and blame anypony else was beyond the pale. “I'm glad that you know that. I love you, do you love me?” Wildfire nodded. “I love you, Mistress.” “Thank you Wildflower, I needed to hear that.” Both thankful and relieved that the crop hadn’t been necessary, Tempest set it down on the couch seating pad and she rummaged through her saddlebag until she located the hoof cuffs and the chains. Setting the chain’s length to just eight inches, the violet mare buckled the cuffs to her Pet’s hooves. Feeling the cuffs tighten against her fur, Wildfire visibly relaxed as she tested the length of the chain from the centre ring. “Thank you, Mistress.” “Now my Pet, let's get you looking pretty so that I can parade you up and down the train.” As she dressed her diminutive lover in her forest green corset and panties, her heart was hammering so hard in her chest she thought she’d break a rib. She knew she had to get this right lest Wildfire regress back to where she was when they had first met. The very last thing she wanted as she put on the blindfold, the bit and the bridle was a return of the scared little slave that cowered at every single noise. “I'd like a parade,” Wildfire said, speaking up at last. She had been silent while she was being dressed. Deep down she knew it was her dad that was at fault, and that nothing would be gained from blaming herself, but she couldn’t help but wonder who else had been hurt by her dad, "if it pleases you, Mistress.” “It will please me greatly if you show me that you are proud to be my Pet.” Tempest purred into Wildfire’s right ear, finishing with a loving lick straight up it. “It would displease me if you are sulky.” Wildfire lifted her ears up from their slicked back position and she managed a shaky little smile. “I love being your Pet, Mistress.” Tempest turned Wildfire’s head to face her and she kissed her soundly. “Nuzzle under my left wing.” Wildfire gladly returned the warm hot kiss before placing her muzzle under Tempest’s left wing to nuzzle her wing joint where the strong powerful limb met her body. Almost immediately she felt the handle of the riding crop brush against her nose. “Ready to parade love?” The weather pony asked kindly but firmly, “Do well and I won't find you celery.” Feeling considerably buoyed, but thankful for the distraction, Wildfire nodded eagerly. “Yes, Mistress, I'm ready.” Satisfied for the moment, Tempest slid open the compartment door and stepped back out into the hall. “To the back door first, then all the way to the baggage car.” “Yes, Mistress.” Wildfire walked carefully towards the sound of her Mistress’s voice, testing her step against the eight inch chains that bound her hooves and restricted her natural gait. Watching proudly, Tempest waited to follow but she used her right wing tip to brush her flank. As she felt the touch on her right flank, Wildfire turned to the right to the back door. Smiling as she admired the view of Wildfire’s swaying ass, Tempest appreciated just how much punishment the diminutive mare could take. Following her to the end of the carriage, the violet weather pony fancied that her lover was simply unbreakable, and that was that. “The door is in front of you, touch it then turn around.” Tempest ordered, “You will go through every car on the train. If anypony speaks to you, you may say, ‘I'm enjoying my walk, thank you’.” “I understand, Mistress.” Wildfire nodded and as she touched the door with her nose she turned around and began walking back the other way, making sure to hold her head up high. She was after all a proud Pet. When the little yellow pegasus passed Tempest, she brushed her flank again with her left wing tip earning the older a mare a little giggle. While Wildfire was walking with as high a step as the cuffs and the eight inch chains would allow, Tempest had another idea. To admire the view, of course. “I think a more enthusiastic swish of the tail is needed, Pet.” “Yes Mistress, at once.” Immediately, without breaking her restricted stride, Wildfire flexed her dock and held her black tail up high, swishing it side to side so that very little was left to anypony’s imagination. Tempest was glad there was precious little left to her imagination, it allowed what was left to roam in many kinky directions. “You are a pretty, pretty mare.” “Thank you, Mistress.” Wildfire smiled to herself with pride and flicked her mane and tail, further exposing her marehood that was covered by the thinnest of material to her following lover as they paraded through the steam train from back to front, starting with the Vanhoover sleeper, Vanhoover coach, dinning, club, the first and second Crystal Empire sleeper, the two Crystal Empire coach cars and finally the baggage cars. Wildfire, now considerably happy as she was focussing on her given task, hummed to herself as she walked along. It wasn’t very long, given the provocative nature of her attire, that Wildfire began to draw the attention of the other passengers. A stallion in the Vanhoover coach car almost dropped his newspaper. “My,” he beamed, “Aren’t you a cutie?” With a smile, Wildfire turned her head in the stallion's general direction and bowed her head just slightly. “I'm enjoying my walk, thank you.” Likewise, Tempest beamed a smile at the harmless elderly unicorn. “Yes, she is indeed a cutie.” With pride, Wildfire puffed her chest out a little, walking along with a big smile on her face and an extra few inches raised up on her tail, when another stallion – this one far younger than the first and infinitely smarmier – asked; “You sharing?” “I'm unsure if Prince Dusk shares,” Tempest said quickly as she spared the stallion a very withering gaze, “you could ask him of course.” She smiled when the stallion suddenly found himself very busy. Wildfire sniggered at her Mistress’s barbed comment and, once the stallion had pretended to not exist, she resumed her happy humming once more. But for the staff, the dining car was empty, but in the club car the little blind mare heard a very familiar and welcome whistle. “Sexy mare want a drink?” Airmail called out, thankful of Tempest’s impeccable timing seeing as she had just finished talking to Dusk. Grinning at Airmail, Wildfire was about to answer her when just in time she remembered her Mistress’s instructions. “I'm enjoying my walk, thank you.” Airmail leant in and nuzzled her diminutive lover’s cheek. “I'm enjoying your walk too.” “Wildflower,” Tempest started with a most imperious tone in her voice that almost instantly had Airmail in fits of giggles, “you may entertain this mare and enjoy one drink with her, but do not let your tail rest from its swishing.” “Yes Mistress, thank you.” To Airmail, the little yellow mare said with a bow, “I would like a beer, thank you very much.” She smiled, making sure all the time to keep swishing her black tail. Glad she had kept one, Airmail slid the one sealed bottle of beer over to Wildfire so that she could reach it with her left wingtip. “It is good to keep up your exercise program on the train, Wildflower.” Gratefully, the yellow pony extended her wing and took a drink of the beer. “I do my best, Ms.” “Want one, Stormy?” Airmail asked as she flicked her ears to silently communicate to the weather pony what had transpired between herself and Dusk over the phone. Tempest replied quickly, “No thank you.” All the while she was reading her herd-mate’s ears, and a couple of times asked a question which was answered in kind until the violet pegasus was up to speed. As she took a second drink from her bottle, Wildfire decided to test her Mistress and she lowered her tail to a resting position. She had barely swallowed the cold liquid down her throat when she felt a single quick strike of the riding crop land across her ass. Quickly, she started swishing her tail again, though she couldn’t hide her surprised little squeak. Airmail was impressed at how fast her marefriend had moved. “That was from nowhere.” “Hiding it under my left wing.” Tempest gave her a happy wink. “Easy to get to with misbehaving fillies.” During the exchange, Wildfire had finished her beer. “I'm done, Mistress," she reported as she set the empty bottle back on the table. Tempest nodded. “Proceed, Wildflower. Catch you later, Airy.” Wildfire blew her herd-mate a quick kiss. “At once, Mistress.” When she turned to face the Crystal Empire cars and started walking, it wasn’t long before she was humming happily once more. Left behind, Airmail went to the car’s counter and ordered a platter of daisy sandwiches and beer to be sent to their compartment before she herself walked back, lost in thought of seeing Luna again so soon. Up in the first Crystal Empire sleeper car, where there were more ponies than in the dining car, Tempest called out, “Stay to your right so ponies can pass.” “Yes, Mistress.” Wildfire did as she was told without question and she moved to her right. Walking to the baggage car without any further incident Tempest turned the diminutive mare around and she had her walk all the way back to their cabin. By the time they had both reached their compartment back in the Vanhoover car, the platter of sandwiches that Airmail had ordered had arrived, as had the beer, which were waiting for them on the drop down table. “So, you hungry yet, Wildflower?” The azure blue mare asked as she slid open the door for them to enter. Wildfire noted the continued use of her Pet name and nodded before she felt her way to a seating pad and sat down. “I am, Mistress.” Airmail smiled at her, “Then you are in luck, I have daisy and cucumber sandwiches and beer.” Now that they were safely ensconced in their compartment, Tempest eyed up the beer. “You may eat and drink, Wildflower.” “Thank you, Mistress.” Sniffing out the platter in front of her, the blind pony happily leant over the table and took a sandwich in her mouth. “There are two for you.” Airmail said before she pointed to two that had been moved from the main pile. “Here's yours, Stormy.” “Thank you.” Tempest gave the older mare a nod of thanks, suddenly grateful for her foresight in ordering the plate of sandwiches as well as the beer. She knew there was a reason she loved her. “How was your walk Stormy?” Airmail asked, though she had an idea of how the walk had gone thanks to the stories from the conductor. “I had a pleasant time,” Tempest said thoughtfully as she shot Wildfire a sideways look and took a daisy sandwich. “I think our Pet did, too.” “I had fun, Mistress.” Airmail shared a look with Tempest before she leant over the table and gently laid her blue hoof on Wildfire’s own. “Wildfire, are you going to keep it together?” Instantly, the little yellow mare noted the use of her actual name as opposed to her Pet name and she took a moment to chew and swallow her sandwich before she replied. “Yuppers,” she nodded, talking as much to herself as to her two marefriends, “I'll be cool, it was just a shock to hear all that, that’s all.” Airmail understood of course, “I have your phone and I used it while you were getting ready for your walk.” “Did you call Dusky?” Wildfire asked after she swallowed a mouthful of her beer. “Good guess,” Airmail smiled, “he will follow up on the others and check up on Darkstar. We may be arriving in Canterlot a little early, too.” Wildfire shrugged as she took her phone back in her wing and she felt around for her saddlebag where she had left it by her seating pad. “I just assumed, as you used my phone, it’s totally cool by the way. Anypony else and you'd have used yours.” Airmail nodded solemnly and took a sip of her own beer before she continued. “He will ask Luna to look in on Darkstar's dreams, to find the two others responsible for her attack and to see if she can be helped like Luna helped with your wings.” “I really hope she can,” instinctively, Wildfire flexed her wings. Her recently healed wings that didn’t hurt her anymore, that weren’t in constant pain from the accumulated damage of the care home. She couldn’t imagine going back to how they were before her healing, and while she had no idea how it felt to use magic, “I can’t imagine wanting to kill yourself, let alone trying ten times. I never thought I'd say this, but I’m glad my mum's dead…” “I wouldn't say that,” Tempest cut across her, but not in a nasty way, more to correct her. “It is just unfortunate the wrong pony was struck by lighting. What is, is. Now we move forward.” Airmail attempted to change the subject to a more hopeful one, “Dusky told me know that Emerald is back home.” Wildfire shrugged her shoulders and reached with her muzzle for her second sandwich. “I just meant I'm glad mum never got to see ‘Him’ like this. I can’t believe he's capable of it…” she really couldn’t. Before her mother’s death, her dad had been the most perfect dad in the world. “I am glad Emerald's out. I’m also glad Raid took Darkie in. She could've ended up much worse. You heard Cy, she would've been sent to a home.” Airmail was sure of that. In her brief online checks, she had noted that Helping Hooves was the largest care home in Canterlot. There was little doubt in her mind where Darkstar would have gone were it not for Air Raid. “Much worse indeed.” “So,” Tempest said loudly, “what’s next?” “We have time 'till dinner,” Airmail commented as she checked the schedule, “I don't expect Luna to arrive until sometime after moonrise.” “Princess Luna’s taking us off the train then?” Wildfire asked. “I hope so,” Airmail said with a smile, “Not sure, she will contact us later.” “I hated Air Raid for five years,” Wildfire said quietly, giving voice to the roiling maelstrom of thought that was cascading around her brain, “then, I find out she tried to come back to me. She tried her very best to make it right.” Airmail and Tempest both adjusted the way they were sat so they could simultaneously nuzzle Wildfire’s cheeks. “Then, I discover her and two of my friends spent a whole year trying to find me. They…Darkie…never gave up on me…” Wildfire shuddered as she thought of the Tartarus that Darkstar had experienced. “He did all that to her, just because she was close to finding me.” Airmail never stopped nuzzling her diminutive lover. “We will know more when we meet up with them later, Wily.” “Yuppers, we will.” Wildfire finally smiled as she returned the nuzzles to her herd-mates. “Y'know, I'm so lucky to have the two of you.” Airmail turned the blind pony’s head to her and planted a hot passionate kiss to her lips. “You aren't the only lucky one.” At that, Tempest also put her lips to Wildfire’s, letting her know how much she loved her. Wildfire placed kisses on both Airmail and Tempest’s lips. “I know, I just wanted you to know how much I love you.” “We love you too.” Tempest smiled, and with their little late lunch of daisy and cucumber sandwiches all finished, and everypony had a couple of beers each, the violet mare decreed it was time to relax and cuddle until it was time dinner. She knew that Luna was 'expected' sometime after moonrise at the earliest, and that gave them at least another five hours or so, with three hours before dinner was served in the car. “I'm thinking of sitting in the club car and letting everypony see my pretty, pretty mare.” Tempest announced after an extended cuddle pile in their compartment. “We can all relax with some coffee and maybe even some celery sticks. That sound good Wily?” “Yuppers, Honey that sounds good.” Wildfire giggled as she sat up, “But you can have the celery sticks, I'll have the coffee.” “But sharing is caring!” Tempest whined playfully, “Come along my Pet, I'll let you have the non-celery items on the relish tray.” She giggled as she and Airmail both got up from their seating pads and they removed the chains on Wildfire’s hoof cuffs while leaving everything else in place. Wildfire stuck out her tongue and said, a little sarcastically, “You're too kind to me, Mistress.” “I am,” Tempest chuckled, “and I still have the crop under my wing my dearest Pet.” The violet weather pony demonstrated this by running the edge of said crop over her Pet’s hindquarters before she led her out into the carriage. “Just checking, Mistress.” Wildfire smiled as they walked along through the carriages, and by the time they had reached the dining car Wildfire was almost walking on air with the amount of appreciative whistles she had been given by the stallions and mares they had passed. With a wide proud grin, the yellow pegasus held her head up high and made sure to swish her tail provocatively. “There’s a table three paces forward and on your right.” Tempest whispered in Wildfire’s ear. “You will have the aisle seating pad I'll take the wall next to you.” “I gotcha,” Wildfire nodded as Tempest walked ahead of her and sat down, scooting across to the seating pad at the wall of the train carriage, leaving the one nearest the aisle free for her, which she took after walking forwards the three paces and finding the table. “Relish tray and three coffees please,” Airmail placed the order with a passing waiting pony as she too sat down, this time opposite Wildfire, “One black with two sugars, the others with cream and sugar.” “So,” Wildfire smiled once she was comfortable, “what game are we playing?” “I'm counting how many walk past and do a double take to look at you.” Airmail explained with a slight giggle. “I'm doing the same but from my point of view,” Tempest put in. Airmail added, “There’s double points for anypony that turns around for a second look without leaving the car.” “That’s a sweet game,” Wildfire snickered, “who's wining?” “The winner is you, my sexy mare.” Tempest said as she counted two glances already. “Well, I am awesomes!” Wildfire flicked her mane with her hoof in a very good imitation of a model. Retrieving the riding crop from under wing, Tempest landed a sharp stinging swat to the little blind mare’s left cutie mark. “Hmm, so humble too.” “Ah!” Wildfire gasped, more from surprise than from any real pain, “Yes Mistress, I do try to be,” she blushed a little when Airmail let out a tinkling little giggle and asked, “may your Pet ask how many looks she's received so far?” Airmail answered first, “I have counted four plus two.” “And I have just three with a plus four,” Tempest lamented with a heavily affected sigh. “Yuppers, I'm awesomes!” Wildfire cheered and she pulled a little hoof pump in the air before she caught herself, “I mean...I’m humbly awesome, Mistress.” Just then a chocolate brown unicorn stallion with a cream coloured mane approached their table, one of the waiting staff by his uniform. “Greetings good mares,” he had an easy smile that reached every part of his friendly blue eyes, “I would like to offer you seating for dinner.” Airmail nodded, and taking an instant liking to the affable middle aged stallion she flicked her ears. “An early seating if possible, please.” “That will be no problem, Ma’am.” He nodded, his easy going smile seemed to be a permanent fixture. “Five p.m. then?” “Yes, that would be nice.” Tempest caught the ear flicks from her herd-mate and she had to agree. He just had a good natured air about him. “Care to join us for some coffee?” “Thank you, I will.” The stallion replied as he sat next to Airmail who had moved up to make room. “My name is Fast Step,” he introduced himself for Wildfire’s benefit, as she obviously couldn’t read his nametag. “Hey Fast Step,” Wildfire greeted him, all the while sniffing the air and listening intently. She had to admit though this newcomer sounded nice. “How's it going?” “Life is good.” He replied, enjoying the view that Wildfire presented without actually going so far as to leer at her, “I enjoy the Canterlot to Crystal Empire run.” “It's not bad is it?” Wildfire giggled, “I never knew you could have so much fun on a train.” “For me it is the ponies I get to meet.” Fast Step explained, “The scenery is nice when you can experience it, but work does keep me busy.” “Hmm, well I'll take your word on the scenery,” Wildfire smiled in Fast Step’s direction, “but my marefriends are pretty cool.” The chocolate brown unicorn laughed at that. “I saw the violet one next to you warm you up. You three have made this a prettier trip south.” “Oh, that's Tempest,” Wildfire introduced her with a laugh, as she could feel the weather pony bow next to her, “and this is Airmail. I’m Wildfire. “Sometimes I need reminding not to show off, a crop to the cutie mark helps, right Mistress?” “You just need to step faster.” Fast Step laughed some more and the coffee that Airmail ordered was delivered to the table, plus one extra for the stallion. “Thanks Hopper,” he thanked his colleague before turning back to the three mares. “Did you enjoy Vanhoover?” “It is always nice to visit family,” Airmail answered as she took her coffee. “Are you from the area?” “It was nice to go somewhere new,” Wildfire commented with her hoof on her black coffee and a wary sniff to the relish tray that had arrived with the drinks. “And to visit Airy's family.” “I live there now, but I'm from Saint Mare.” Fast Step nodded to Airmail’s question. “I like the ocean and this route is mine for the foreseeable future.” The chocolate brown stallion simply couldn’t ignore Wildfire’s attire any longer. “Is this daily wear?” Tempest gave a proud smile, “When we go out for ice cream.” Airmail grinned, “Or train rides.” Wildfire nodded and plucked a lettuce leaf with some diced carrot from the relish tray, swallowing it before she answered, “Pretty much daily wear.” “You really do look cute in it.” Wildfire ran her hoof along her corset she was wearing. “Thanks, I'm awes…” she paused as she remembered the crop. “I mean, that's nice of you to say, Sir.” “Thank you for the coffee,” the amiable unicorn smiled to the three mares, “but my break is over. I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip.” “Have fun, Sir,” Wildfire said as he got up with a polite bow to them all and returned to the counter to help Hopper serve the waiting ponies. “He was a pleasant colt,” Airmail commented and she was pleased when Tempest agreed. “Wily, don’t you want any of the celery? I'm going to eat it all…” “He was nice, and he thought I was cute...” Wildfire smiled as she and Tempest went in for some of the chopped bell peppers from the plate. “Um...no, you're entirely welcome to the celery Pretty, think of it as a gift.” Tempest snickered, thankfully she had swallowed her peppers first. “Wily is known for her generosity.” “I do my best, Mistress,” Wildfire snickered and Airmail ordered a second round of coffees for them all. “I'll stick to the non-celery items, if it pleases you?” “I'm fine with...” Tempest didn’t get to finish what she was fine with as an orange earth pony stallion interrupted her. “Hello good mares but I was wondering if...” “Not for sale.” Airmail cut across him with as cold an expression as she could muster. “Oh...aaah…good day, then.” With that the stallion rushed off to hide in the crowd. “How many points for that one?” Tempest asked sarcastically. Airmail snorted, “Let's go with zero, since that is what he was.” “I take it he didn't count?” Wildfire asked curiously as she had picked up on the slight change in her marefriend’s voices. “I’d put a hoof up his ass,” Airmail snorted derisively, “but it would be too much pleasure for him I'm sure.” “He was fumbling with his wallet.” Tempest gave Wildfire a quick reassuring nuzzle as she leant in close to explain what had happened. “Oh…oh...oooh right…” Wildfire nodded as the bit dropped. The stallion had been trying to buy her like those ‘nobles’ had at the charity balls that Amethyst had sent her to. “Probably best you sent him packing, Pretty.” “He didn't look like he could afford you anyways, Wily.” Airmail had to really struggle to get back to sounding like herself. Wildfire giggled before she took a sip of her second coffee. “Hmm, not many can afford this amount of awesome, right Mistress?” Tempest too reached for her coffee. “Not if I'm going to give it away.” “What?” Wildfire’s blood ran cold then for just a minute. “Y-You wouldn't give me away...would you?” “Yes, yes I would.” Tempest began, her tone deadly serious before she sniggered at the look the yellow mare was giving her, “I'd give you away to any stallion or mare in the herd you so desired to be with.” At that, Wildfire’s outraged expression was covered at once by a very intense blush. “I kinda flew into that one, didn't I?” Airmail giggled, “You are our mare for the evening, and nopony else’s on this train.” “I know Pretty…” in an attempt to cover her blush, Wildfire dived back into the relish tray and swallowed a mouthful of sweetcorn and zucchini. “I wouldn't have it any other way, either.” Ten minutes later, and the relish tray was emptied as were the second cups of coffee. “Time for another parade, I think.” Tempest announced as she looked around the dining car and she saw there were more ponies in now. Airmail nodded and counted in her head. “I have sixteen points, you?” Tempest giggled, “I have twenty four, but a lot of your singles did a double take for me to double up on.” “Wait…” Wildfire, who was notoriously dire at math did the addition in her head, “so I'm sixteen plus twenty four amounts of awesomes?” Tempest didn’t even wait until her diminutive lover had finished the question before she delivered two hard swats of the crop to each of the fireball cutie marks. “I think your humility mask may have fallen off, Pet.” “Ooow!” Wildfire squeaked, those actually did sting a little. “I-I’m s-sorry Mistress, your Pet forgot herself…” “Always happy to be that helpful reminder.” Tempest snickered and laid a tender little kiss on each of Wildfire’s cutie marks. “Airy, take the lead please in case that ruffian should still be feeling foalish. We will proceed all the way to the front and then to the back deck to take in some fresh air.” “Yes Mistress,” Wildfire said as they all stood up from their table. “I guess some air would be nice.” “If there’s time you can have some of me,” Airmail let out a little fit of giggles as she led the way through the dining car towards the front of the train. “I do hope you remember what you are to say when addressed, Pet.” Tempest said silkily as she brought up the rear, admiring Wildfire’s rear as she did so. Wildfire nodded. “It was, 'I'm enjoying my walk, thank you', Mistress.” “Very good,” Tempest said in her imperious tone that made Airmail want to laugh, “follow Airy, Pet.” “At once, Mistress.” Wildfire totted behind Airmail, her sharp nose following her scent down the aisle of the dining car. There came a few whistles as they all walked along, particularly with Wildfire dressed the way she was dressed. In the first Crystal Empire sleeper car, an elderly pegasi couple saw them coming and gave them a cordial greeting; “Good afternoon mares, my but you are all looking lovely!” Wildfire turned her head to the couple’s direction and smiled. “I'm enjoying my walk, thank you, Ma’am,” she replied as per her instruction from Tempest and she trotted along happily, her head well up and her black tail swishing from side to side to give the nice couple a good show. “Thank you for the compliment,” Tempest nodded to them, “you've made her smile.” Wildfire did indeed smile and, as the nice elderly couple returned to their cuddling, the little blind mare hummed to herself and flicked her tail in a wide arc to reflect her elevated mood. Every other step, she felt her black tail swish across the riding crop a couple of times before it disappeared. “You really are a beautiful sight, my dear Wildflower.” “Thank you, I'm pleased you're pleased, Mistress.” Wildfire replied smartly over her shoulder and when the trio made it to the Crystal Empire coaches the interest really picked up. The little yellow pegasus and her shapely corset got several whistles and cheers, a couple of ponies shouting ‘Hey sexy!’ and there was even a marriage proposal from a charming stallion that sounded so old he might’ve been young when Luna was at school. On the first ‘sexy’ call, Wildfire heard Airmail say thank you, followed by a lot of laughter. Wildfire giggled and fluttered her wings happily. To the stallion that proposed to her she was so taken aback she almost said ‘yes’, then she remembered herself. “I'm enjoying my walk, thank you.” When they reached the baggage car, Airmail turned and moved past Wildfire to start heading back towards the back of the train. Tempest used the crop to ‘help’ her little lover turn around and took up her rear position once more when an idea came to her. “Wildflower, please sing 'Prettiest Eyes' on your way back. I like your voice.” “As you wish, Mistress.” Wildfire made the turn and followed Airmail’s scent back the way they came. She wasn’t at all convinced about her voice. Inwardly she thought it was a good thing Luna was coming for them as her singing would get them kicked off the Express. Nevertheless, when they exited the baggage car she started to sing 'Prettiest Eyes' at the top of her voice with her head held up high. Several ponies – including the stallion that had proposed to her and the elderly couple all applauded as they walked through the coach. “Sing loud and proud, Pet.” Tempest snickered behind her and stroked the crop over her ass to ‘encourage’ her. “And sing a different song after this one.” Wildfire nodded politely to the applause. “Does my Mistress have a preference?” When Tempest said she could indulge herself, Wildfire’s thought strayed back to her Beautiful South CD she had bought in Manehatten and she started to sing 'You keep it all in'. She trotted through the carriage, happily singing her second song through the Crystal Empire sleeper cars. A couple of doors opened to see what was going on. One closed right away and the occupants of the others cheered and clapped their hooves. Wildfire bowed at the clapping. “Shall I keep on singing, Mistress?” “Yes Wildflower,” Tempest affirmed, “until we reach the end of the train.” “As you wish, Mistress.” Wildfire went on to finish her song as she walked along, and straight away she began to sing one of her mother’s favourites, ‘Sail this Ship Alone’. When they walked through the club car, she received another generous round of applause, to which she bowed with a big grin on her face. The dining car was empty when they got to it and Wildfire made sure to keep her tail up high for her Mistress’s pleasure as she walked. The Vanhoover coach car, when they reached it, garnered Wildfire some more whistles, some cheeky, but well-meant words, and more than a little applause. The little blind mare smirked at the whistles and especially the words and she forgot to swish her tail as she started the song’s second verse. A mint green unicorn stallion – who also happened to be a Beautiful South fan - heard the singing and stuck his head out of his compartment. “Have you sung 'Good as Gold' yet?” “She has not,” Tempest replied, using the crop to make Wildfire halt for this nice pony. “But she may do so now.” “Thank you, Mistress.” Wildfire smiled, she really liked this song. She had often teased Dusk with the line ‘Good as gold, but stupid as mud…’ of course she was the gold, Dusk being a stallion was stupid. She threw her head back and began enthusiastically to sing ‘Good as Gold’. When Wildfire finished the four minute long song, the mint green stallion was overjoyed. “Thank you! That was excellent!” He loudly clapped his hooves before disappearing back inside the compartment. “Continue our walk, and continue singing, Pet.” Tempest ordered when their immediate audience had left them. Wildfire bowed to the stallion, unaware that he had already gone back in his compartment. “Yes Mistress.” Happily, she trotted on and she decided to sing ‘Song for Whoever’. Wildfire finished her song, they reached the tail end of the train where there was a platform that was large enough to easily hold four ponies. There were a couple there already, but seeing as the blind mare was so small, the five fit on the platform comfortably. “We should fit fine, I think,” Tempest said as they all made room for each other. Wildfire tapped Tempest’s shoulder with her right foreleg. “Should I sing another song, Mistress?” “No love,” Tempest shook her head as the other unknown couple smiled pleasantly at them. “That is enough for now, Wildfire. Let us enjoy the sounds and the fresh air as the country side slips past.” The scenery out there was indeed beautiful in the late afternoon / early evening sun. “Oh, alright Honey.” Wildfire at once caught the use of her name and likewise addressed her herd-mate in kind. “Was I any good?” “You did very well at acapella, love.” Airmail smiled and nuzzled her marefriend’s left cheek. “Yes,” Tempest agreed as she watched the sun begin its journey downwards, casting lengthening shadows over the rolling hills and forests of the countryside. “I'm very pleased.” “I'm no Serenity,” Wildfire said modestly as she enjoyed the sensation of the wind passing her by, “but I know the Beautiful South…” she giggled and took a deep breath. “It smells nice out here.” “There’s the North Luna ocean over to your left and forested hills and the Smokey Mountains on your right. In the distance there’s the Unicorn Range.” Airmail explained the view to the blind pony. “It feels nice,” Wildfire smiled a wide smile as she imagined the view in her mind. In her mind it was a very awesome view indeed. “The wind in my mane. I can also smell the ocean.” The earth pony mare stood next to them spoke up then. “Excuse us, please.” She had taken a look at Wildfire’s corset and quickly ushered her husband, who was checking out the tight panties, back inside the train. When they were alone on the platform at the back of the speeding train, Airmail scooted close to press herself into the blind mare’s left side. “How you doing, Wildfire?” She asked, concern rife in her voice. “I dunno…” Wildfire shrugged her shoulders. “I dunno, I mean, I’m alright I guess.” She sighed a deep sigh. “If I'm honest, Pretty I'm trying not to think about, well anything, really. Your distractions are working at any rate.” Tempest nuzzled her lover’s right cheek. “Wily, we're not trying to get you to forget what is happening, but to step back so 'we' can figure out what is the best next step.” “A best case, worse case outcome,” Airmail clarified. “Alrighty, what shall we do then?” Wildfire asked, a sudden flash of uncharacteristic anger causing her to stomp her forehooves into the platform. “I'd love to have fifteen minutes alone with my dad, but that's not gonna happen is it? Best case is we work out what to do with Darkie…” “What do these two mares mean to you?” Tempest asked as she cut across her angry young lover. She had noticed the sun was almost midway down the sky now, and she judged time was short. “What will you spend on time and resources to help them?” Airmail asked, for she too had seen the descending sun. “What will you give up to help them?” Tempest asked plainly. Airmail pressed on, “What will you do if they refuse your help?” That was a good question. Those were good questions, in fact. “Air Raid...I dunno, I spent all those years hating her, she was my white whale I guess, now that seems unfounded. I loved her, with all my heart. Part of me still does. Darkie…Darkie I love in a different way. She's my friend, she never gave up trying to find me, even though she should've.” She paused while a quiet resolve filled the whole of her being. “I'll do anything, spend anything I have to help Darkie, I owe her that much.” Airmail put her wing over Wildfire’s back. “Would you give up your career for her?” “Yes.” Wildfire answered definitely, the use of ‘yes’ as opposed to ‘yuppers’ alerting the older two mares to just how serious Wildfire was. “In a heartbeat, just as I would for any of you.” “Okay,” Tempest was convinced of Wildfire’s conviction. “Before we meet them at the station we can get an assessment from Luna and Dusky to see where they stand.” Wildfire lowered her head and let out a low sniff. “T-Thank you guys, I-I appreciate it, like a lot. Luna's coming soon isn't she?” She felt Airmail nod next to her on the platform. “I'd like them to come with us, Raid shouldn't have to do this alone anymore, and I have to help Darkie.” “First of all,” Tempest put in very firmly so that Wildfire understood, “you don't 'have' to do anything. What will be more important to them is that you want to do something.” Tempest emphasised the ‘want’ and kissed her little marefriend’s right ear. Airmail nodded, her cheek pressed into Wildfire’s neck so she could feel it. “The sins of your father do not pass an obligation to you. Your wish to make it right has meaning. Luna will come sometime after moonrise, but I don't know when for sure.” “I'm sure Dusky can come with us to the meeting,” Tempest started, now hanging her strong wing over Wildfire’s back to join Airmail’s in the hug, “but I can't speak for Luna. You can always ask her.” “Of course I want to help,” Wildfire said determinedly, “what kind of friend would I be otherwise? I'll ask Luna, she might be able to heal Darkie's horn.” “She did do a good job with your wings.” Airmail commented. “She did,” Wildfire said grimly, “I have no idea how easy a horn is to heal though…” Airmail snickered. She just couldn’t help herself. “They took mine when they kicked me out of the alicorn club.” Wildfire laughed out loud at that, her slightly darkened mood lifting instantly as she chuckled at the azure blue mare’s joke. “You should ask Luna to give it you back,” she snickered, “I can totally see you as the Princess of Preening.” Tempest laughed, “I could see that too!” “You both are too kind.” Airmail deadpanned and added a noisy roll of her brown eyes for good measure. “You’ll be the Princess of Peeing, right, Honey?” Wildfire giggled behind her hoof. Airmail let out a loud snigger, “Well, I wasn't going to go there.” “I think I’ll be Princess of the Rain,” Tempest offered as she gave the matter very serious consideration indeed. “Wherever and however they may originate.” “That sounds cool,” Wildfire thought aloud, “I'll take Princess of Hooves.” Airmail released her tight hug and gave the diminutive pegasus a very low bow. “It would be an honour indeed to escort Princess Deep Hoof on her royal duties.” She said in a very servile tone of voice. “Which leaves the three of us,” Tempest giggled, “I've had way too much coffee.” Airmail gave her marefriend a look and grinned. “So have I. You thinking what I'm thinking?” “How’s your bladder doing Wily?” Tempest asked as she nudged Wildfire’s right flank. “Hmm…” now Tempest mentioned it, now she thought about it, she was getting familiar cramps in her abdomen. “It is a little full, and I think I'm thinking what you're thinking.” Tempest chuckled, “We're thinking of pissing off the back of the train.” “Oh, yuppers,” Wildfire blushed. She wasn’t thinking that. She had been thinking about kneeling in front of her lovers and drinking their pee, but on reflection she realised that was silly out here with no bath to clean up. “I'm thinking that too.” Tempest simply snorted her disbelief of that into the dawning evening sky. “Wily, you are in the middle. You'll need to hover high enough to get your hind legs over the railing. Feel the bottom and there is a cross rail to rest your forehooves on.” “Alrighty, I gotcha, Honey.” Flapping her wings, the blind pony hovered just high enough off of the ground to feel the cross rail. Sliding forwards just a little she held on by hooking her forelegs over the rail. “Whooo!” She whooped when she felt the train carrying her along. “Now, hold it till we say go.” Tempest smiled like a naughty filly as she and Airmail got themselves into position either side of their herd-mate. “I've got watch on the right.” Airmail nodded. “I'm good on the left.” “Railroad crossing!” Tempest called out, “traffic on my side.” “Same here.” Airmail couldn’t help but smile as she started a countdown. “Count of three, Wily. One...two...three!” “Alrighty!” On the count of three, Wildfire relaxed her bladder muscles and she proceeded to urinate her hot yellow stream into the air. Either side of her, Tempest and Airmail did the same, both laughing out loud as the wake of the train misted the urine into a cloud that splashed all over the parked vehicles at the crossing. Wildfire too joined in the laughter when she felt her stream die out. “That was fun, naughty, but fun.” “I feel so juvenile!” Airmail squealed, but she still aimed her pee at the cars until she had finished, regardless of how juvenile she felt. “Sharing is caring!” Tempest giggled as her pee petered out. “Now, Wily, be careful and get your legs back on this side of the rail.” “Alrighty…” it was a slightly trickier manoeuver than getting over, but after a few moments she was able to carefully lower herself back on to the platform. “Well, that was a bit of fun.” Airmail giggled like a very naughty filly, “Let's go relax in our cabin 'till it’s time for dinner.” Tempest grinned, “I'll lead this time so Airy can enjoy the view.” “That sounds fair, Honey.” Wildfire smiled and trotted behind the violet pegasus as she led the way back inside the Vanhoover carriage, making sure to hike her black tail out the way for Airmail to enjoy the view. After a few minutes Tempest entered the cabin first she held the door for Wildfire and Airmail to enter after her. Once they were all inside and the door was closed, she said, “I didn’t hear any smacks so I guess you enjoyed the view, Airy?” Again, Airmail rolled her eyes. “She is a lovely exhibitionist.” Wildfire let out an excited giggle. “Share the wealth, mum used to say.” “You want to stay dressed up, Wildfire?” Tempest asked as she nuzzled her little lover. “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled, running her wings and hooves over her corset, “If you don't mind, Honey.” “I do mind,” Airmail put in, affecting an outraged tone and going so far as to stamp her hooves. “I'm underdressed!” “We'll have to fix that then, won’t we?” Tempest stated as she searched through her other saddlebag and eventually held up her prize for her herd-mate to see. “Socks!” “Socks!” Airmail squealed happily and clapped her hooves as she saw her pair of socks. “Problem solved.” Wildfire nodded with a smile. “Socks do solve many problems.” Tempest smiled as she tossed the socks to Airmail and she hopped up onto the fold down bunk bed. “You two play nice and I'm going to take a nap.” “We always play nice,” Wildfire grinned, “right Airy?” “We've gotten better.” Airmail giggled as she pulled up her violet and yellow socks up each of her legs. “We have a couple of hours 'till dinner, what would you like to do, Wily?” Wildfire cocked her head to one side and she thought about it for a moment. “I'd like a beer or two, a cuddle and to tell you about the Darkie that I remember.” With that, Airmail took the few steps to the door and she pushed a button on the wall near it. A couple of seconds later and it slid open to reveal a smiling Fast Step at the door. “Good evening, how may I be of service?” “Two beers now,” Airmail returned the easy going stallion’s amiable smile, “and two more in half an hour, please.” Fast Step inclined his head, “Be right back with the first round.” When he was gone and the door to their compartment was slid shut, Airmail ushered her diminutive lover to the couch seating pad opposite the bunk that Tempest was currently laid out on. “I'd love to hear about all of your old friends,” the azure blue mare bade Wildfire to sit next to her and she held her in a tight feathery hug. “It seems they haven't left you after all.” “No…” Wildfire hung her head slightly, “and I did them a disservice thinking they had.” “Hey,” Airmail squeezed the little yellow mare with her foreleg now, "no beating yourself up.” “Yeah,” Tempest commented as she lazily opened an eye, “that's my job.” “No, you're right.” Wildfire sighed a deep sigh. While she was still trying to reconcile all her roiling tempestuous thoughts, she was certain of one thing at least. “We all know who's at fault…” she couldn’t help but giggle, “and you do a good job of it, Honey.” “Stormy's a professional, even when she’s sleeping.” Airmail started, earning herself a loud raspberry from the reclining violet weather pony just as the door slid open and their two beers were delivered. Airmail nodded gratefully to the expedient stallion, “Thank you Fast Step.” The serving stallion returned the nod with his characteristic smile and closed the door as he took his leave. “Thanks for the beer, Pretty.” “You've told us a lot about Air Raid, with the poems and the last impression.” Airmail said gently as she held the beer bottle at Wildfire’s hoof, “Tell me about Darkstar.” “Oh Darkie…” Wildfire took the beer in her hoof and laughed a bright laugh. “Where do you start? She was in my class at school and then at university. Her talent was illusion magic, she was good at languages, and she had an 'eccentric' sense of humour, at the best of times.” “How did a unicorn fall into your airborne group?” Airmail asked as she took a sip of her beer. Wildfire didn’t need to think about that at all. “Purely because she was fun. Darkie was crazy, but in a good way. For my eighteenth birthday we had a party at Dusk's place, we all got wasted on moonshine and we woke up in Las Pegasus.” Wildfire laughed at Airmail’s sharp intake of breath. “We had to work in the casino kitchens for three weeks to get the money to come home…at which point on the train Darkie revealed she had our tickets all along.” “And you took this as a good prank?” “Well like she said, it was a grand adventure in the end.” Wildfire giggled, recalling one of the defining moments in their group’s friendships. “For my nineteenth she tied up Air Raid and Cyclone with bright red birthday ribbons and left them on our bed for me to find…complete with gags, blindfolds and vibrators set to low.” Airmail giggled, almost spilling her mouthful of beer as the Friendship Express sped along the tracks towards Canterlot. “Well that must have been a nice present. Stormy said she was the pole dancer you learned your skills from.” “Yuppers.” Wildfire sipped her beer and she heard a loud snore coming from Tempest. “She left instructions saying whoever I unwrapped first had to help me make the other cum at least twice. She had this whole 'shy' thing going on but didn't fool anypony. She wanted to work the clubs in Las Pegasus, so she roped me into joining her in some lessons.” Airmail took a mouthful of her beer. “I will need to get a demo once we get home.” “Darkie's way better at it than me. She’s a natural born dancer.” Wildfire smiled as she recalled another fun memory of the pure white unicorn. “On the day Heatwave died we played truth or dare at Dusk's, Darkie revealed she was into hoof cuffs and spankings. Then her brother Brightstar revealed he liked to watch as her coltfriend bucked her.” “So Brightstar is a voyeur then, and kinky watching his sister.” Airmail took a mental note of all this. She had a hunch she’d be meeting these ponies before very long. “Was he part of your group?” “Yuppers. He’s a unicorn too.” Wildfire replied with a smile. “Slingshot was the other non-flyer. He’s an earth pony. He was mainly Air Raid's friend, he got well with us all though. He was her co-driver when she raced.” “Hmm…kinda nice you didn't make an exclusive click. It is easy to fall into.” Airmail still held her little lover in her tight hug when she carried on next. “What got a flyer like Raid into motor sports?” Wildfire took a deep breath before she answered that. She wasn’t sure how much Air Raid would want her to tell her herd-mates, but on reflection her ex-marefriend had never hid from it. “Air Raid has Scootaloo’s Syndrome. She can’t fly, at all. Not even an inch off of the ground. She tried to cut her wings off when she was seven, just after the diagnosis. When that failed and she was in the hospital, she saw Scootaloo doing stunts on her scooter and that inspired her to race.” Wildfire smiled then, “she was determined with her first real big winnings she was going to buy this ridiculous super car.” Airmail considered that for a brief moment. She had a burgeoning, albeit reluctant, respect for Air Raid. Scootaloo’s Syndrome was devastating to a pegasus. While she wasn’t the strongest flier out there, she couldn’t imagine not flying at all. “Like one of those Germaneigh punch buggies you mean?” “Yuppers, it was an Audi R8 that had her drooling.” Wildfire snickered and drained her bottle of beer. “It wouldn't surprise me if she's got one by now…” she went quiet for a moment, her thoughts turning back to Darkstar and her violent brutal attack at the hooves of her dad. “If Luna can heal her horn, I'm hoping she can do something with her mind, too.” “You know well enough what it is like to be rejected for changing,” Airmail said gently and kindly, “Are you going to be able to accept Darkie if nothing can be done for her?” That was a very good question, wasn’t it? Wildfire thought about it. “If nothing can be done…she's still my friend, even though she's not the same as she was. I just don't want her to keep hurting herself.” Swallowing the rest of her beer, Airmail put her empty bottle on the little table and quickly she returned to hugging her diminutive marefriend. “You won't have to go it alone.” Gratefully, Wildfire wrapped her foreleg around the older pegasus and hugged her back, “Thanks Pretty, I really am lucky to have you both.” Airmail gently kissed her lover’s nose. “So, if Darkstar was the prankster, what was her brother like?” “Brightstar was the chalk to her cheese.” Wildfire answered quickly. “Like night and day different. His talent was illusions, like Darkie, he was as good as his sister at languages. He aced every test he ever took and, when he was seventeen he went and spent a year at Stormclaw Academy in Griffonstone. He loved griffons," she giggled, "except when he was watching Darkie and her coltfriend.” That piqued Airmail’s interest. “Did he watch in secret or did the coltfriend know?” “Yuppers, he knew alright,” Wildfire replied with a smile. She didn’t go into Darkstar and Brightstar’s deeper physical relationship. That was definitely a private thing for them to share if and when they wanted to. “That's cool,” Airmail commented with a smile, “Now for our 'afraid of heights' weather management pegasus friend, Cyclone.” The azure blue mare moved on to Wildfire’s other friend. She had to admit she had sounded fun on the phone. “Darkstar left her wrapped up for you. You do a lot of threesomes?” Wildfire laughed at that. “Hmm, that was my first. Of many, I might add. I'm glad it seems she's gotten over her fear of heights.” She giggled as she recalled the time at the funfair. “She really was bad, like, 'freaked out at the top of a roller coaster bad'.” “I should thank her for giving you experience so when Stormy and I pounced you, you were ready.” “You should thank Raid as well, then.” Wildfire joined in Airmail’s giggles, “I did so many things 'first' with her. It’s a shame I didn't get to properly enjoy that first threesome. I was called to a big fire before I could unwrap one of them. In the end I untied Cy and let her have her fun with Raid.” “The three of you did share some fun times later though?” Airmail asked as she nuzzled her muzzle deep into Wildfire’s neck. “Y-Yu-Yuppers,” Wildfire squeaked at her neck being nuzzled, kissed and licked. “When I came home dirty, sweaty, sooty and smelling of smoke.” “Hmmm…” Airmail kissed her way up to Wildfire’s left ear and licked it. “That can be quite the turn on. Stormy after a twelve hour weather job where there was no cloud left for her to clean up…oooh, she didn't make it out of the kitchen before I was all over her.” “I bet.” Wildfire smiled, “So can I look forward to getting jumped on when I stumble home covered in singed feathers and soot?” Airmail giggled, “Depends on when you stumble home.” “I'll have to schedule fires for when you're home.” Wildfire giggled, “Or I could always stagger into your office instead.” “The office would be fun.” Airmail commented with a grin, “Of course, Lavender will sell tickets.” “That's fine, I can entertain a crowd.” “You've proven that,” Airmail said, before she moved on to the last pony she didn’t know. “What about the other colt, Slingshot, has Raid ever hooked up with him?” Wildfire shook her head. “No, they were strictly friends and race partners. Not that it stopped Slingshot trying, but mind you it was no secret he really liked Darkstar.” “Can't fault a colt for trying.” Airmail snickered, “It is always funny when Trails hits up on me.” “Bless,” Wildfire snickered, “he was like a dog chasing after a car!” “So your group was four mares and three colts, then?” “Yuppers. We were pretty close, very close actually.” Airmail nodded as Fast Step reappeared with a second beer for them both and removed the two empties. A tight knit group was something she could understand and appreciate. “I remember my early days in the Forces. That camaraderie. “It was just like that, just without the whole being shot at thing.” The little blind mare leant in for a nuzzle and she took her second beer in her hoof. “Tell me about them days, Pretty.” “Life was good on the farm, but I didn't want to be a farmer, and mom retired from weather duty when she found out she was a milk mare.” Airmail began as she took a drink of her beer. “The only way out was to join the Forces. Being a pegasus left most higher level schooling out unless I wanted to take a pegasus job, and, well working for the post left a bad taste in my mouth.” “I bet,” Wildfire felt for her lover’s face and gave her a kiss to her lips. The last thing she wanted was to make her relive unhappy memories. “I'm sorry you had to deal with that when you were younger. Did you like the forces?” “It was hard work at first, but I was a natural shot.” The azure blue mare giggled with pride and returned the kiss. “I could pick the legs off a flea at a hundred yards and then watch the flea writhe trying to figure out why it couldn't jump. I loved the outdoors life. Camping in the mud, and of course, finding Mapper really made my life complete. I was seventeen when I made my first kill. They were reluctant to assign me the mission, but it needed to be the perfect assassination, and the window was small. It was a griffon. Some technomancer that was working on a mass destruction spell.” “That’s...” Wildfire didn’t really know what to say to that, other than her mother had raised her to respect the armed forces as a filly. “That’s…wow that's kinda cool actually.” She nuzzled her older marefriend’s neck and cheek. “The nearest thing to a gun I fired was an air gun at the funfair, then again I missed and hit the stallion running the stall.” “Those pellets can really hurt.” Airmail sniggered, “They did a psych review after the mission, then they started coming at me non-stop. I was twenty four when I found Mapper at an exercise. She was to be a battle mage, but her lack of control left her doing training only. I never thought I'd fall for a unicorn, but she was so much fun.” “Mistress Mapper certainly is fun,” Wildfire giggled and nestled into her herd-mate’s body. “'Fun' is a relative term.” Airmail welcomed the nestling mare into her and she wrapped her wing around her like a feathery blanket. “My career took a turn when they had me go after bad ponies. Often the target was surrounded by worse ponies. The first time I did a mass assassination they almost kicked me from the unit.” Wildfire didn’t know what to say to that. What could she say, really? “Um…you took out more than you were tasked with?” “Yes,” Airmail sighed a deep sigh. “I became judge, jury, and executioner. After the debrief they decided to let me continue, but cautioned me that I would need evidence for any non-sanctioned kills.” She shrugged, “That worked for me.” “Pretty...” Wildfire started but she paused when a thought occurred to her. “Thursday, in Canterlot, when we met Emerald, you would've gone for my dad wouldn't you?” Airmail nodded resolutely. “I left so I wouldn't kill your father in front of you.” “Thanks, for fetching Luna and the guards.” Wildfire sighed and gave a loud sniff. “It was more than he deserved.” “Stormy also gave me the 'stand down' order.” Airmail went on to explain, “I guess that is one order I will obey. Abusing another pony is something I'll not idly watch.” Wildfire sniffed again. “Turns out it wasn't just me and Emerald though. I really hope he suffers in prison.” “You are sounding like me now.” Wildfire angled her head upwards to ‘face’ her lover. “Is that so bad?” “It can be,” Airmail said quietly, “I've learned to care more about life since I've left the service. I've learned that it is possible for somepony to change and be redeemed. I'm still not big on third chances though.” The little blind mare nodded. “I can’t count how many chances he's had. I…I hate him, Pretty. I'm ashamed to say I’m his daughter.” “A heart should have no room for hate.” Tempest interjected as she opened her eyes and yawned herself awake from her brief nap on the fold down bunk. “It is because of him that we have you. That is all you need to remember him by. Consider him dead, and that he is not where your mother is.” Airmail raised an eyebrow to her violet herd-mate as she finished her second beer. “We too loud for you, Stormy?” “I can't help it.” Wildfire muttered. “I mean, I'm glad I'm here and all...I just, ugh…I dunno. I’m sorry if we woke you, Stormy.” Tempest shrugged her shoulders and vaulted from the bunk to land on her hooves in their compartment. “It’s about time for dinner anyways.” Again, for the millionth time, Airmail hugged Wildfire close to her. “The past got us here, but doesn't define who we will be.” “My past is not today, huh?” Wildfire smiled as her tummy made itself known with a very loud rumble. “I agree, Honey. It’s fuel time!” ~ ~ ~ After the very pleasant but uneventful dinner in the dining car, the three mares made their way back to their compartment in the Vanhoover car. Tempest, at the head of their little convoy, noticed that during the dinner the sun had fully disappeared beyond the horizon and that the moon had risen high into the young night sky. The violet pegasus knew what that meant. Getting to the compartment first, Tempest slid open the door and was only shocked for the briefest of moments when she saw whom was waiting for them. Taking up a good portion of the space in the room, Princess Luna surveyed each pony as they entered and nodded to Tempest and Airmail. “Greetings to you all, my friends. Dusk informs me there is 'something up' as he put it, regarding an old case.” Tempest snorted and had to be silenced by a ‘look’ from Airmail. “That was your briefing?” “Well,” Luna shrugged, her starry ethereal mane billowing on its magical breeze around her shoulders, “Dusk didn't tell me much, just that it involved your father, Wildfire, and an old friend of yours.” She paused and took the time to study the three herd-mates, picking up on the underlying tension in the cabin. “He said I'd get the full details when I met you here, and that I should appear as soon as I'd raised the moon.” Airmail turned her head and gave Tempest a look down to Wildfire and then to the door. “Stormy, why don't you and Wily get some drinks for us? I'm sure Luna would like something.” Luna nodded, spotting a diversionary tactic when she saw one, “I would love a good coffee, teleporting a great distance does drain one.” “Sure, no problem,” Tempest caught the meaning behind the look as well as Luna did. She agreed completely, “lend me a hoof, Wily.” “Well...sure um, okay…” Wildfire was confused, she asked Tempest, “Isn't there a room service?” Smiling, reminding herself that while her little lover was naive, she wasn’t stupid, the violet mare replied, “No need to risk Luna getting some random coffee.” The weather pony moved to open the door. “Come along, now.” Airmail waited until the two of them were out of the cabin and out of earshot before she turned to the lunar alicorn with a grim smile on her face. “We've been talking with Wily about her study buddies that used to hang out with Dusk at the palace. You remember them?” “Of course I do,” Luna stated as she sat herself down in the cabin. “A fun group if ever there was one.” “Wily thought they had abandoned her, since they didn't come around.” Airmail proceeded to explain to the Princess what they had discovered. “Her father said she went to Fillydelphia, and with her bad parting with Air Raid, she gave up on the lot of them. Air Raid called out of the blue after talking with Mapper and Serenity; seems she was at that party where Serenity sang. If Serenity gave her a pass, we thought we should too.” Luna nodded her agreement to that. From her recent encounter with Mapper and Serenity, she counted them both as friends. Real friends. In her opinion, Serenity’s pass carried more weight with her than the High Noble Seal, especially after the day they had shared on Friday. “Alright,” she said, listening, “you have my attention.” “Now, it seems that Air Raid is Darkstar's legal guardian.” Airmail continued, “Another pony, Cyclone, gave us the lowdown.” Luna nodded. “I recall the Darkstar case, nineteen years old, she was abducted and badly beaten four years ago.” “Wily's father abducted Darkstar for being a pest, trying to track Wily down.” Airmail took a deep breath and forged ahead as she saw Luna’s turquoise eyes narrow dangerously, "he and two others raped her and cut off her horn, but she couldn't press charges. I have the articles of her being admitted and the useless police report, and the paper showing Air Raid gaining guardianship; not sure why it wasn't Brightstar. Cyclone says it was Cold Front and some others. I don't know anything about unicorn horns, but I guess she is in bad shape now.” Airmail paused. She could sense the aura of power emanating from the Princess and it made even her shiver at what she was about to ask. She knew full well what she was about to unleash, what Luna was capable of. Still, she asked, “To the point; can you surf Darkstar's dreams to find who did it and have them...sanctioned? Also, can anything be done about a severed horn like you did with Wily's wings?” Luna, whose eyes had narrowed dangerously beforehoof, listened carefully to every word of the story and when Airmail had finished her eyes were little more than slits. “I tire of this Cold Front's name appearing before me again and again!” she declared angrily, raw power seeping from her like a dark mist. “One moment, please, while I attempt to find her in the Dreamscape.” Airmail nodded quietly as Luna closed her eyes and sat immobile in the cabin while she casts her spell. A glowing white light travelled up her horn from the base to its tip as she searched the ether. It was a matter of about five minutes and, while the unicorn in question was awake, with a definite target to search for, the Princess was able to track down an echo of her dreams. A tear rolled down her cheeks as she saw everything that had happened to her that day four years ago. “Oh…oh, my sweet stars above...” Airmail shuddered, wondering what brutal attack could make Luna – after all she had seen and done – react like that. “Cold Front was just part of the rot, but a deep part. How many others sold their family to Amethyst Glory?” “Too many,” Luna said in a low deadly voice as the light on her horn went out and she opened her eyes. Airmail’s face set hard. “Is there any hope for Darkstar? Wily feels responsibility for her.” “See,” they could both hear Tempest’s voice drifting in from the hallway outside, “but getting it, I can ensure that Luna will have the Brazebran the cook was hiding…” “One moment please, Airmail.” Luna held up her hoof and lit her horn to levitate her phone from her bag, quickly dialing her sister’s number. “Tia?” She spoke as her sister answered after the first ring, “I have evidence regarding the Darkstar case...you remember it?” Of course her sister would remember it. It was an infamously unsolved case with almost no evidence. “I hereby formally request permission to transfer prisoner Five Two Six from the Dungeons over to Room One Zero One for interrogation regarding this case...thank you, sister.” Seeing her two herd-mates outside the cabin armed with four cups of coffee, Airmail thoughtfully opened the door for Tempest and Wildfire to enter. “Brazebran black for you, Luna,” Tempest announced cheerfully as the commander of the Nightwatch typed the text message to her newest operative. “Wily has your moca, Airy.” “Ah!” Luna’s eyes brightened and with a conscious effort she pulled back the tendrils of misty darkness into herself she completely changed her tone. “My coffee!” She inclined her head in a polite bow, "you two have my thanks.” As Wildfire held out the cup and the Princess took it in her turquoise magical aura, Airmail turned to her two herd-mates. “I was talking to Luna about Darkstar's injuries while you both were out.” “And?” Wildfire asked the lunar alicorn as she bowed respectfully, “Princess?” “I've looked into her dreams.” Luna began to explain, to Wildfire and to Tempest as well, what she had done for Darkstar. “Wildfire, your friend's physical injury, her horn, can be healed. however...” “However, what?” Wildfire stood, not caring how snappish her tone sounded, even to the Princess of the Night. Luna sniffed, reminding herself to not be offended. “She has suffered severe mental trauma, I can see by her dreams she is depressed and suicidal...what concerns me is why I was unable to detect these dreams before now.” “It is a big world and there are lots of ponies.” Tempest offered her suggestion as she took a sip of her coffee. “It is more than that, Tempest.” Luna asserted. “These dreams your friend has been having these past four years. To her they are not nightmares. When she dreams of harming herself and taking her own life, she enjoys them. While they are dark by nature, they do not register as nightmares in my Dreamscape.” “Sound familiar, Wildfire?” Airmail asked as she sidled up to her little lover and nuzzled her cheek. It did sound familiar. Horribly familiar. It sounded just like her experiences at the hooves of Amethyst Glory and the Wardens. Just because it was her dad that had caused that, she wasn’t placated. “Well...but, I...couldn't you have done something‽” Princess Luna breathed deeply through her nose. There weren’t many who she would’ve allowed to raise their voice to her like that, but in this case there were extenuating circumstances. “Seven billion sapient beings dream, Wildfire; griffons, zebras and yes, ponies. Nine tenths of them are happy. The other one tenth stand out as nightmares. I'm afraid I cannot be everywhere. Your friend simply got lost in the happy dreams.” “You lost her‽” “I believe, Wily,” Tempest interjected diplomatically, “that Luna is saying Darkstar's dreams were not nightmares to herself, no more than your dreams of abuse at the hooves of Amethyst were nightmares to you.” “Precisely.” Still, Luna breathed through her nose to remain in control. “Nothing about either of your dreams flagged up as needing my attention. I can only apologise if you think I have failed either of you.” “A-Alrighty,” Wildfire instantly deflated, the fight leaving her as she realised just how disrespectfully she had spoken to the alicorn. “So um, what happens now, can you go and zap her better?” Luna actually smiled a sad smile. “Would it were that simple, Wildfire.” Her words sounded as heavy as her heart felt, knowing that once again, she had failed one of her subjects. “There is a therapy, a dream therapy, whereby I can attempt to restructure Darkstar's dreams now that I know of them, but...” “Then do it,” Wildfire didn’t mean to interrupt, she was aware she was pushing her luck. “Please, Princess!” “But,” Luna continued as if the little blind mare hadn’t spoken, “As she is not of sound mind I require her guardian's permission before I can act in this capacity.” “We are scheduled to meet them both at the station when the train arrives at ten p.m. tonight.” Airmail put in for Luna’s benefit. “But, can’t you do anything now?” Wildfire demanded. “NO!” Luna snorted and angrily she stomped her hoof into the cabin’s floor to further emphasise her point. The lunar Princess gave the blind pony a pass on account of the sacrifice she had made for her son. “I have bent the rules enough already. I shall not bend them further. Do I make myself perfectly clear?” Taking a very deep breath she turned to Airmail. “Dusk did say you might want to get there sooner?” Airmail nodded and rested her wing protectively around Wildfire’s shoulders. “I was concerned that noon is not a convenient time for you. If we collected the two of them earlier we could bring them by the palace for you to look at and go from there.” “I am usually asleep by noon,” Luna replied as she stood up to her height, “Very well. We can leave now if that's what you wish?” Tempest finished her coffee with a thankful smile. “I thank you, Luna. It seems we take up a lot of your time.” Now fully calm, focussed and with a plan of action ahead of her, Luna smiled at the violet weather pony. “I can't say knowing you all has been boring now, can I?” Airmail puffed out her chest with justified pride. “Your son knows a good party when he spots one.” “Indeed,” Luna smiled as she inclined her head to Airmail, “I've raised him well.” She giggled, “There are nobles in Canterlot who wish they could summon me as you do, Airmail.” Airmail returned the gesture of mutual respect. “Then I'll know I'm one of them the day you don't respond.” Luna sniggered at that and with a wink to Tempest and Airmail she asked, “Are you all ready?” “Yes,” Airmail agreed, “the steward knows we'll be missing and he’ll not be worried.” Luna’s visage took on a very serious look. “Is your stomach ready?” “No, but that doesn't matter.” Airmail answered honestly, “I promise to not upchuck on you.” Tempest grinned, giving Airmail a knowing wink. “I'm fine as far as that goes.” Wildfire wasn’t at all sure about teleporting. She felt iffy inside when Recital had teleported her the few feet back at Caffeinated’s ranch that Thursday. “I'm promising nothing, Princess.” “Very well.” In the cabin, Luna spread her impressively powerful midnight blue wings wide. “All of you, take a very secure hold and do not let go.” “No hoofing, Wily.” Airmail snickered as she held on to Luna’s left wing. “The thought didn't cross my mind...much.” Wildfire smiled, holding tight to Luna’s hind leg. “Right, here we go.” Luna prepared her spell as Tempest took a secure hold of her right wing. “There will be disorientation when we appear in Canterlot. Do you have a destination?” Tempest nodded. “We may as well spend the night at your place, Wily.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire agreed, “we can surprise my step-mum!” “Very well…” a thought occurred to Luna then as she silently cast the cantrips of teleportation, her horn starting to glow with power. “You wish to see Air Raid and Darkstar there this evening?” “The sooner the better,” Airmail said, “what is your schedule like this evening?” Luna smirked as she bound the spell in layers of protective magic to safeguard her passengers from splicing. “Do you know, it’s surprisingly empty?” “Then we will contact Air Raid, get a taxi and come to the palace.” Airmail determined. “If you'd be so kind as to pencil us in with an appointment for the guard?” “Of course.” Luna smiled, her spell almost complete. “This can be arranged once we arrive. Hold onto your tummy, Airmail.” She giggled and concentrated hard her horn lighting up as she focused her considerable power for the mass teleport and in a dark blue flash of pure power they and their bags vanished from the Friendship Express. > Chapter 6 - Lunar Healing (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “That was great!” Tempest whooped with unbridled joy as the four ponies – Luna, Airmail, Wildfire and herself – materialised outside Emerald’s house in Canterlot. Completely unaffected by the teleportation, the violet weather pony reared up to her hind hooves in the moonlit street and hoof-bumped the Princess. Three feet away from them, Airmail staggered uneasily on her hooves, her azure blue wings firmly clamped over her mouth, which was very green indeed. “I need to inspect that bush, now!” With that, she darted off as fast as her wobbly hooves could carry her. “Uuuugh…m-me t-too...” a foot away from Airmail, Wildfire almost threw up then and there. With her wings over her mouth she ran anywhere really, it was pure luck that she found the bushes. She didn't care as she noisily and violently emptied up the contents of her belly. “Silly fillies.” Tempest snorted derisively. Accustomed to class ten tornadoes, she thought the long range teleportation was fantastic, especially the sensations of being compressed and squeezed through a very tight tube. The ethereal stars and magical other-realm…ness was just a bonus. In her opinion it was the best carny ride ever! “You so need to do that to Requiem.” Luna lifted her hoof to her mouth and giggled, her mood flipped one hundred and eighty degrees from the tense meeting on the Friendship Express mere seconds before. “Tempest, I'm glad you mentioned Requiem.” The Princess’s giggles died away but her tone remained light. “I may need her services regarding this matter. So, your plans now?” She enquired. Tempest had to really fight her laughter. “Ahem, when they are done fertilizing these bushes, we will go and check in on Emerald. We’ll call up Air Raid, meet them and drag them off to the palace. Once you have assessed the damage we will go from there.” She said determinedly, “Air Raid was talking about escaping her parents and moving to Manehatten anyways.” “Excellent.” Luna smiled and nodded. She approved greatly of this plan. “I shall await you at the palace then, tell the guard there you're all here to see me, Bulwark and Shieldwall will let you straight in.” The lunar alicorn’s face hardened then. She knew the unwholesome task that awaited her in the depths of the palace, in Room One Zero One, far below the dungeons. She didn’t look forward to what she had to do, but she knew it had to be done. “Now, if you'll excuse me Tempest, I have a prisoner to make very uncomfortable.” Tempest shuddered involuntarily. The violet pegasus was in no doubt whatsoever what she meant by that, “I'll just forget I heard that, Princess.” She stepped forward and knocked on the door while Wildfire and Airmail continued to rearrange the contents of their stomachs. “Until later, Tempest.” With a respectful nod of her head, Princess Luna vanished in a bright flash of magic and teleported to the palace, the dark part of her mind eager to be let free. After a few moments Emerald cautiously cracked open the door, just barely so that the thirty year old orange pegasus could peer out through the gap that the security chain allowed. “H-Hello?” She stuttered nervously. “Hello Emerald, I'm Tempest.” She greeted the painfully nervous mare with an easy friendly smile. “I was here on Thursday with Wildfire and Airmail.” “Oh…of c-course,” Emerald smiled a relieved smile now she recognised just whom had come to call on her. “How c-could I f-f-forget my three saviours?” She unhooked the security chain and opened the door wide. “W-Won't you c-come in?” “One moment, please.” Tempest held up her violet hoof. “Airy, Wily, are you ready to come inside?” “Ugh…I think so, I could use some water.” Airmail groaned as she wiped her lower foreleg across her mouth and moved up to the door with a shaky smile on her muzzle. “Y-Yuppers...” Wildfire likewise staggered up to her old family house. “Um, water would be nice.” Tempest chuckled and turned back to Emerald, who was looking at them both with a quizzical look on her orange face. “Yes please, we can talk inside.” “Ok-kay...um, are they b-both alright?” She asked, stroking her hoof through her emerald green mane as she stepped aside to allow the three mares entry to her house. “They'll be fine,” Tempest let out a giggle, “just a bad case of motion sickness.” “Yeah,” Airmail grumbled as she slouched over to the nearby couch seating pad, “when my stomach knocks, please let it in.” The azure blue mare was so out of it from the after effects of the teleport that she didn’t realise the very comfortable cream coloured couch was new. “It’s not stopped moving yet...” Wildfire groaned as she too found the couch. “I'm never doing that, ever again…” “P-Please, make yourselves c-comfy,” Emerald smiled warmly, she went quickly to her kitchen and returned with two glasses of ice cold water. “T-To w-what d-do I owe the p-p-pleasure?” “Follow up visit to make sure you're okay and you have what you need,” Tempest answered in what she hoped was her best comforting voice. She looked around and noticed for the first time that the house was far neater and cleaner than it had been on Thursday. There was no smell of booze, cigarettes or salt lick in the house. “Our main reason for being in town is to contact some others that were affected by your husband.” The orange pegasus almost dropped the tray she was carrying. Her smile dropped a country mile and her wings – whose clipped feathers were starting to regrow – fluttered in panic. “Oh I s-see…” Airmail put out her hoof and helped Emerald lower the tray to the restored coffee table in front of the couch. “He is still your husband?” Emerald nodded and set down the tray before sitting on her new cushioned fitted carpet. “Until the d-divorce c-clears.” She admitted sadly. She was just getting over the trial on Saturday. She had only been able to attend via monitor system as she had been in the hospital recovering. That she had been almost framed as an accomplice just added to the hurt she felt. “Who has he hurt n-now?” “Don't waste your money on a divorce,” Airmail snorted as she reached a wing for her water. Only then did she start to notice the new furniture and the clean smelling house. “Capital crimes, I suspect he will leave you a widow very soon.” “It’s been alleged he cut off a unicorn's horn.” Tempest explained. Emerald went very, very pale indeed. Her orange coat was almost white, throwing into stark relief the bruises still on her neck and her healing black eye. “I-I’m sorry!” She squeaked pitifully and shrunk to the floor where she lay shaking in fear. “I r-remember her...I had n-no choice to lie f-for him!” “Mum...” Wildfire couldn’t see her step-mum, of course, but she recognised that terrified whimper all right. She had made plenty of them herself over the years. “Mum, it's alright…” “Do you remember any other victims that may need to be addressed?” Airmail asked gently, not wanting to push the panicking mare too far too quickly. Emerald however wasn’t placated. Her panic was starting to overcome her. She was going to get beaten any second, she knew she was, she always got beaten when she panicked. “He w-was g-going to k-kill me!” she cried into her new carpet, her wings fluttered protectively over her face. She hated her face being hit. “I-I d-don't r-re-remember anymore...s-sorry…” Airmail scooted off of the couch and moved around the coffee table and she gave Emerald a tight loving hug. “Calm down, there is a special investigation unit assigned to the case. You are not in any trouble, but some ponies may ask questions. Just tell them what you know and it will work out. He can't harm you anymore.” Emerald didn’t fight the hug but she didn’t return it either. Her eye was only just starting to heal and she was still panicked. “I d-didn't w-w-want to, I really d-didn't…” It was only Wildfire’s use of the word ‘mum’ that managed to calm the stricken mare down. “W-W-Wildfire, y-you called me mum…” “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled warmly in her mother’s direction. It didn’t matter to her that the orange pegasus was only a few years older than herself. As far as she was concerned, she was family. Not only was she legally her step-mother, she had lived through the same kind of abuse she had. That was a bond, right there. “Well, you are my step-mum, aren't you?” Tempest smiled and took Airmail’s place on the couch, laying a gentle nuzzle on Wildfire’s cheek as she sat down. “Looks like you've gained a daughter, Emerald.” Emerald coloured up in an intense red blush. “I d-don't k-know if I d-d-deserve that…” she really wasn’t sure about this at all. Three days ago she didn’t know Wildfire existed, now here she was embracing her as her mum. Airmail gently worked her muzzle under Emerald’s wing that was still covering half of her face and she coaxed the timid mare into a nuzzle. “We may need a place to crash for the night, if you don't mind. Not sure yet though. Wily, do you have Emerald's phone number?” Emerald nodded as her clipped wings gradually returned to her barrel. “Y-You are all m-more than w-w-welcome, anytime.” “I c-can g-give you m-my n-nu-number,” Emerald stuttered when her step-daughter shook her head ‘no’, and she got up to get a piece of paper from the dining table and she scribbled her number down before hoofing it over to Airmail for safe keeping. “So, mum,” Wildfire started as she heard the scribbling and the paper being passed. “What are you doing with the house? I assume it's yours now?” “P-P-Princess Luna said the house is m-mine,” Emerald replied with a happy smile. “She has go-gotten the b-bank to forg-give the mortgage! I'm t-turning it into a halfway house, and a d-drop in p-place for homeless p-po-ponies. T-There are five rooms upstairs and I'm c-converting the b-basement to b-be my room.” Tempest nodded. She greatly approved of this plan, and if anypony deserved a bit of ‘help’ from Luna leaning on the bank, it was her, after everything she had been through. “You can make a difference in so many lives, Emerald.” “That’s w-what I hope t-to d-do, Tempest,” Emerald replied to the violet mare. “Wily,” Airmail said, gently removing herself from Emerald’s side now it seemed the orange mare had calmed down enough, “can you give Air Raid a call and see if she and Darkstar are available for a visit?” “Alrighty, Pretty!” Reaching in her saddlebag, Wildfire retrieved her phone and navigated her way through her verbal menus to get to Air Raid’s number and she dialled. Four rings later and Air Raid answered the call. “Hey Wily,” her tired voice came through the speaker of the blind mare’s cell phone. “I wasn't expecting to hear from you for a good few hours yet.” “Hi Raid,” Wildfire’s – by comparison bright and chirpy voice – greeted her ex-marefriend, “can you and Darkie come to my old house a little early? Me, Airmail and Tempest are here…oh, do you want us to come pick you up?” Air Raid sighed a heavily fatigued sigh. With everything that had happened that day already with Darkstar and the knife, not to mention recent events in general, she was worn down and she didn’t know which way was up right now. “It’ll have to be a taxi then, my car only seats two…” she paused as a thought occurred to her. “Wily, where we going? Still over to your old place?” “Alrighty Raid,” Wildfire spoke into her speaker. Despite her feelings about Air Raid over the years, she knew her ex needed a hug. And a friend, it seemed. “We're getting a six-seater taxi from my step-mum's place to yours then to the castle, 'kay?” Again Air Raid sighed. She was running on less than fumes. “Alright Wily, I just need a moment to get Darkie ready, then we'll meet you out front.” “See you in a few, Raid.” Wildfire cancelled the call and then she busied herself with dialling a taxi firm to request a six-seater taxi to pick them up at Emerald's address. Emerald looked from Airmail to Tempest to Wildfire disbelievingly. “Y-You're g-go-oing to see the P-Princess?” “Princess Luna,” Tempest specified gently, “I’m not sure if her sister is still awake.” Emerald blushed as she got up to her hooves. “I kn-know it's n-not much, b-but give her m-my be-best and m-my thanks for vi-isiting me in the hospital.” She bent and picked up the empty glasses on the tray and returned them to the kitchen to be washed. “Thank you for your hospitality with us dropping in on short notice,” Airmail said when she stood up from the luxurious quilted carpet. She’d heard the taxi cab pull up already on the street outside. She had to admit she was impressed at the driver’s speed. “Oh, p-please…” Emerald at last smiles a genuinely happy smile, “y-you three are always w-we-welc-come anytime!” And, she meant that too. These three had literally saved her life, of that she had no doubt whatsoever. She walked over to her step-daughter and gave her a tight loving hug. “E-Especially y-you my d-daughter. M-My d-do-or is always open for you.” Wildfire blushed in her step-mother’s hug. “Gee, um…thanks mum.” In the moonlight and glow of the out-dated gas lights outside of Emerald’s house, on the short path from the building to the taxi, Tempest put her violet wing over Wildfire’s back. “I’m really quite proud of you, Wildfire.” “Proud?” Wildfire knew the taxi was waiting, but she paused at that and turned her head to Tempest’s direction. “Why, what did I do?” Tempest snickered, typical oblivious Wily being adorably oblivious. “You made Emerald feel welcome in her own home, that’s what.” “Yes,” Airmail waved her hoof at the taxi to let the mare driving know that they were coming before she nuzzled her little lover’s cheek. “I understand what it is to call another mare ‘mom’ that didn't give birth to you.” Wildfire nodded. She knew well what Tempest and Airmail were saying. She also knew what Emerald had suffered through. Yes, she wasn’t her real mum. Yes, she had lied for her dad, but she had no choice. Just like she had had no choice to obey Amethyst. That understanding left a ‘thing’ between them. “I'd say she's earned it, after what she's been through.” “You can't earn what you just gave, Wily,” Tempest said kindly. “You can only receive it when freely given.” Airmail nudged her diminutive marefriend’s left flank with her right wing. “You ready to meet the Darkstar of today?” she asked her gently. “As…” Wildfire sighed and resigned herself to the inevitable as she and her herd-mates got in the back of the taxi. “as I'll ever be, Pretty.” She really didn’t know what to expect or what she’d find at Air Raid’s house. All she knew for sure was that Darkstar was her friend, and things weren’t as cut-and-dry as once she thought they were. ~ ~ ~ “Please wait,” Tempest said to the earth pony mare operating the cab following the thankfully short taxi ride from Emerald’s house to Air Raid’s expansive one storey villa in the Upper Noble Quarter of Canterlot’s Residential District, “we are picking up two more here.” All ready and waiting just inside her living room, Air Raid saw the taxi pull up outside of her luxurious house. The lime green pegasus waved her greeting to the waiting taxi and she ushered her friend with her wing. “C'mon Darkie, they're here…” she trailed off to silence when she saw the sullen look in Darkstar’s yellow eyes. She’d had ‘that look about her since she had taken the knife from her earlier. Air Raid sighed a deep reluctant sigh as she took Darkstar down the driveway past her white R8 to the taxi. She was really hoping the promise of seeing Wildfire again, as well as meeting her two new marefriends, would have snapped her friend out of her current depressive state. No such luck. Airmail kept Wildfire in the cab, scooting over to make room while Tempest exited to wait for the two ponies to board. “Thanks…” Air Raid smiled to the violet weather pony as they boarded. Tempest studied both mares intently. While she didn’t have the ability of Serenity, she fancied she could read a pony fairly well. “To the palace, please,” Tempest requested their new destination to the earth pony driver and once Air Raid and Darkstar were on board she too retook her seat. “We have a Night Court appointment, but there’s no need to rush.” She returned to studying the new arrivals as the taxi began to move. In her opinion, she’d never seen a pony look more crushed and defeated in her life. Then she turned her attention to Darkstar; the pure white unicorn had a pale grey mane and her cutie mark was of three black stars. Tempest thought she was cute and she looked healthy, but for the top third of her horn missing and the gold level-twelve inhibitor which she wore around its base stood out a mile. Airmail leant forward as the cab took off down the moonlit street. “Hello, I'm Airmail, but you can call me Airy.” “I’m Tempest,” the weather pony held out her hoof for a bump like Airmail did as she introduced herself properly. “But my friends call me Stormy.” “Hey, I'm Air Raid,” the lime green mare gratefully accepted the hoof bumps from Airmail and Tempest. If she was honest she was just trying to keep the exhaustion from her voice and her whole demeanour. She failed on both counts. “Or just Raid, this is Darkie…” In a flat toneless voice very reminiscent of the one Wildfire had spoken in after the BDSM session at Airmail’s parent’s house, the white unicorn interrupted her de facto carer. “I'm Darkstar.” Unlike Air Raid, she did not return the hoof bumps, her yellow eyes firmly fixed on the floor of the cab. “Hey guys!” Wildfire smiled at her ex-marefriend and her old friend, beside her, Airmail and Tempest looked at each other and they shared some silent ear twitches between themselves. They both agreed that Air Raid wasn’t the evil bitch they had thought her to be. They were both equally shocked at Darkstar’s obviously depressed state. Air Raid raised an eyebrow at Tempest and Airmail’s ear twitches, but as her focus was split between the white mare sat next to her and the blind mare sat opposite her, she paid it no mind. “It’s nice to finally meet you at last,” she said while Darkstar just shrugged silently. “Raid...” Wildfire said, turning her head to her ex-marefriend, she was amazed that she still smelled the same – a definite scent of coconut oil was coming from in front of her in the taxi, “you…you came back for me?” “Yeah,” Air Raid looked up across from Airmail and Tempest over to Wildfire and the twenty seven year old looked, really forced herself to look at Wildfire. She looked at her and really saw her. For the first time she saw past the acid scars that disfigured her face and she saw her marefriend looking back at her. She realised how much of a selfish mare she had been five years ago, and how lucky she was to have a second chance. “But you were gone from the hospital the next day, I'm so sorry…” “No,” Wildfire cut across her. She wasn’t going to allow this self-pity to continue. “I'm sorry. I've hated you for ages and it wasn't your fault.” Air Raid however wasn’t done hating herself just yet. She had to explain, “Running out on you was my fault, I shouldn't have done that, screamed at you and stuff…” Air Raid trailed off and didn’t finish her sentence. It didn’t really need finishing, did it? Wildfire was here, and talking to her. Wildfire then turned to the sullen unicorn. She didn’t smell like she remembered. There was no hint of caramel coming from her old friend. She smelled wrong and she sounded wrong too. “Darkie...” “Darkstar,” she answered dully, her gaze flitting from the taxi’s floor to her fetlock and the many scars barely hidden by her white fur. She didn’t feel happy at seeing her old friend, nothing much made her happy anymore, except the touch of her favourite knife on her skin. “Darkstar...I'm sorry my dad hurt you,” Wildfire didn’t really know what to say. She wanted to hug her friend, hug her like old times, but she didn’t know what would happen if she did. She contented herself with fidgeting next to Airmail. “Why did you keep pushing?” Darkstar shrugged. “You weren't in Fillydelphia,” she answered in that same flat deadened tone. “So!” Air Raid, a little too heartily in an attempt to compensate for Darkstar, “you're living in Manehatten now?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire beamed a wide happy smile that lit up her whole face, “with Airy, Stormy, Serenity and Mapper.” Seeing Wildfire’s beaming smile, hearing her say ‘yuppers’ one more time, Air Raid smiled. She couldn’t help it. The little yellow mare was like a soothing balm over her invisible wounds. She hadn’t expected this. She had expected her to be like she was on the train when she had called her, but, she supposed, her new marefriends had calmed her down to where she was now. “I met them,” the lime green mare recalled the meeting outside Winter’s house, “they were nice enough to listen to me.” Wildfire nodded before she turned back to the unicorn, “Darkstar, how are you?” For the third time Darkstar shrugged. “I’m alright today,” she started. She knew it was a lie, but she didn’t care. She knew everypony else in the taxi probably knew it was a lie, but she cared even less about that. “I have to take medication for depression and I have to wear an inhibitor all the time.” At least the medication had silenced the other one that lurked in her mind, the one that tormented her. “Darkstar,” Airmail spoke up. She and Tempest had been content to allow the three mares to reintroduce themselves to each other, but there was something she needed to know. “Are you willing to risk it all to have your horn fixed?” “Sure,” Darkstar replied. At last, she lifted up her yellow eyes and looked straight at Airmail, “it’s not like I have anything much to risk, but that's not my call to make.” Airmail flinched at Darkstar’s gaze. It had been a long time since she’d seen a pony who was so dead inside. It was as if there was nothing behind her eyes. “Whose call is it?” She asked, she thought she saw the faintest flicker of ‘something’ there. It made her wish she had taken out Cold Front when she had the chance. But, Tempest had told her to stand down. “It’s mine Airy,” Air Raid put in, “I have full guardianship over Darkstar.” That piqued Tempest’s interest. She leant forward on her seating pad and said, “I was wondering why you instead of her brother?” “Brightstar doesn't live around here anymore,” Darkstar answered that. There was the barest flicker of emotion in her voice when she spoke of her brother, “He moved to Fillydelphia to try and find you, Wildfire, before I was attacked.” That didn’t really sit very well with Airmail. You just didn’t leave family. “Does he have a family there now?” Air Raid nodded quickly. “Brightstar met a griffon called Moonbeak. She already had a kitten at the time and she was pregnant with her second. He’s married to her and he’s the step-father of her two kittens. Shortly after what happened to Darkie, he joined the Fillydelphia police department.” Airmail sighed. At least this Brightstar hadn’t abandoned his sister for no good reason. He did have a family and a responsible job worthy of respect. “Raid, we're going to the palace so Luna can assess the damage to Darkstar. She says to not expect a miracle, but at best Darkstar will regain control of her magic and at worse, lose her magic completely.” “Okay...” Air Raid took that in and nodded her understanding, “well, anything would be something, right Darkstar?” “It makes no difference,” Darkstar answered glumly, “I can’t use it now so it makes no odds to me, really.” Tempest caught the depression rife in Darkstar’s voice and the weather pony decided to try a different tack, “Mapper told us you are looking to move to Manehatten, Raid. Is that true?” Air Raid nodded eagerly to Tempest, glad and relieved to change the subject to a happier one. “Yes Stormy, I...I mean we, have been looking to get out of Canterlot for a while, I just thought the change of scene would do her good.” “Why do you have to wear the inhibitor?” Wildfire asked suddenly, the thought springing to her mind. Darkstar turned her gaze to her friend then. A tiny spark in her mind fired. “I can’t control the magic. I'm as much a danger to myself and to others. Sometimes I can struggle to levitate a pen or I could implode this taxi. At my last therapy session I lost control and blew out a wall of her office.” “Do you own your place here in Canterlot?” Tempest asked as Wildfire whistled in appreciation. “Yes,” Air Raid nodded, “I do.” “It just so happens both we and Mapper are putting our houses up for sale.” Tempest said with a smile. “We're buying a new place to move in together.” “Our place is a two level townhome, street parking, one point three million bits.” Airmail picked up, “Mapper’s is a three level townhome with garage on the lower level and it’s two million bits. That place you were in looks like it should sell for four million bits, easy.” “Thank you,” Air Raid murmured. It all seemed too good to be true, like she was dreaming. “It’s pretty much unchanged since you were in it, Wily.” “Except for my room,” Darkstar said, her voice as emotionless as ever. “It’s padded.” “Your room?” Wildfire was puzzled at that. “Raid said you were together, don't you sleep together?” Air Raid blushed intensely while Darkstar retreated back inside herself and studied her scarred forelegs. “We're only together in the sense we share a house and I look after her. So, what do you all do in Manehatten?” Tempest puffed out her chest with pride, admittedly, deserved pride. “I'm a major, in charge of the First Manehatten Weather Battalion.” Airmail rolled her brown eyes good naturedly. “I’m the lead political editor for the Manehatten Times newspaper.” “As you heard,” Tempest continued, “Serenity is an opera singer and Mapper is a carnie.” Wildfire said, “And I start work at the Fire Department next Monday.” She smiled a very proud happy smile at that. She really couldn’t wait for her first day of work. Something however was bothering her, a lot, “Raid, have you been taking care of Darkstar all on your own?” Air Raid nodded sadly, “Yeah, pretty much, but there is a nurse who comes when I'm away racing. Darkstar can’t be left alone, at all.” She looked across to her friend who simply carried on looking down at the floor. “The place we are getting is just four blocks from Mapper’s current place.” Tempest interjected. She understood the need for the troubled young unicorn to be constantly supervised, given that she’d attempted suicide ten times. “Cool,” Air Raid sighed, visibly relaxing at the thought of Wildfire and these ponies that were tentative friends being nearby. “So you'll all be pretty close then?” she couldn’t hide the hopeful tone in her voice. “Raid,” Wildfire started as the earth pony mare pulling the taxi began to slow down as she approached the long wide avenue that lead straight to the palace gates, “you do know we're a herd, right?” That they were herd meant that they helped and that they were there for each other. Raid needed to learn that she wasn’t alone anymore. Air Raid nodded with a reluctant hesitant smile on her face. “Mapper mentioned it the other day, yeah.” The taxi cab came to a stop ten minutes later in the dull glow of the ancient gas lights that only just managed to illuminate the guard station at the palace gates. In fact, it was a common joke amongst the ranks that Luna’s moon lit up the streets more than the lighting did, and it was an even more common hazing for new unicorn recruits to be used as street lights. Tempest left the taxi first and paid the cabbie while Airmail waited patiently for Wildfire, Air Raid and Darkstar to get out. When she stepped out next to the cab, the lime green mare looked up at the palace. “It’s been awhile since we were last here, right Wily?” “Good memories I hope.” Airmail walked up to the guard station as the taxi sped off to her next job. “Airmail,” she announced herself smartly, “party of five to see Princess Luna.” Air Raid nudged the blind mare’s side. “Very good, right, Wily?” Wildfire blushed a very bright incandescent shade of red that did a better job of lighting the avenue than the street lights. “Hush!” Bulwark, a massive sandy brown unicorn that looked like he had been carved straight out of the mountainside, nodded down at Airmail. “Yes Ma'am, her Highness is expecting you.” After years of being a guard for the Princess of the Night, he had learnt you go with the flow around the palace. His Princess said they could go in, he let them in. “You may enter.” “Thank you.” Looking the guard over, Airmail wondered if they had to make his gold armour specifically for him, or as he was literally a walking slab of muscle, if he needed armour at all. “May we have an escort, please?” “Certainly, Ma'am,” Bulwark smiled. It wasn’t often he got to escort five very attractive mares, one of whom was his coltfriend’s favourite racer. He resolved to get Air Raid’s autograph, in the hopes that it would make up for missing his griffon’s birthday last week. “If you'll walk this way, I can take you to her Highness’s chambers.” “Thank you, Sir Knight.” Airmail gave him a polite bow of her head and she fell in by his side, looking for all the world like a father taking his filly to school, their sizes were so different, and Airmail wasn’t a small mare by any means. Bulwark nodded, grateful that they hadn’t requested a teleport. He was still learning that skill. “You're welcome, Ma'am.” The sandy brown stallion trotted off towards the palace proper with the five mares in tow behind him, his brain wondering how he could ask Air Raid to sign something without being the biggest fancolt in Equestria. Wildfire sniggered as she smelled Airmail’s scent move ahead of her. “Heh, after you, ‘Ma'am’.” Without warning, Tempest laid a stiff smack that landed on the blind mare’s right cutie mark. “What was that, Lady-in-Waiting Wildfire?” “Ow!” Wildfire let out a surprised yelp that made even Darkstar smile slightly as they walked through the palace’s hallways. “I meant, after you, Princess Airy.” Air Raid giggled, “You haven't changed, Wily.” It had been way too long since she’d heard the little mare yelp like that. She kind of missed being the one that caused it. “Change is slow and from within,” Tempest giggled as she caressed the reddened spot on Wildfire’s ass with her right wingtip. “Do you still do the hoofcuffs and the crop then?” Air Raid asked, all the time fighting a battle to keep her wings down at her sides. Tempest nodded solemnly, thought that was ruined somewhat by the broad smirk on her face, “That isn't her favourite thing though; you did leave a lasting impression on her, Raid.” Air Raid caught Tempest’s smirk and returned it with one of her own. “Let me guess, hoofing?” When Wildfire stuck out her tongue, the lime green mare blew her a playful kiss. “And, don't you be too sure Stormy. Did Wily never tell you about the teacher dream? The one we re-enacted with Darkie’s help on Calculus’s desk?” “I am right here, you know!” Wildfire exclaimed indignantly as they navigated the corridors, hallways and stairs to the lunar alicorn’s chambers. After a few minutes of walking, Bulwark stopped outside the ornately carved black marble doors to Princess Luna's private chambers. “We're here Ma'am. You are expected, so I shall take my leave.” “Thank you again, Sir for your expedient escort,” Airmail nodded politely to the huge guard before she hoofed open the door. “Good evening to you all.” Bulwark turned to leave, and at the very last moment he summoned his nerve and he used his magic to summon his old style instant camera to him from his locker. Air Raid for her part was only too happy to take a moment out and pose for the picture. She was even happier once the polaroid had developed to sign it to Bulwark’s coltfriend, Nereus. Inside her chambers, Princess Luna looked up from her book that she wasn’t really reading – it was the old diary that her lover Sky Dive had written during the first few decades of her banishment that had been returned to her after her return. It always soothed her soul after an interrogation, and she knew it off by heart. It was like being hugged by her lover - at her door opening. Despite her efforts, the heavy smell of disinfectants still clung to her hooves. “Ah! Welcome, Airmail, and welcome to you all.” “Good evening, Luna.” Airmail walked straight up to the midnight blue alicorn and gave her a very tight hug. “You may remember Air Raid and Darkstar.” With a wide familiar smile, Luna returned the hug in the manner it was given, she loved the way this Manehatten herd wasn’t afraid to hug her, argue with her and love her like any other pony. “Good evening to you, my friend.” She nuzzled Airmail’s cheek before turning to the two other mares. “I do indeed remember them both.” She gave Darkstar a very meaningful look. Once Airmail had released Luna from her forehooves, Tempest moved in for her hug, brazenly she licked up the Princess’s ear – a move that stunned both Air Raid and Darkstar equally. “Serenity likes the pegasus, a lot, and finding out about the unicorn was a heartbreaker.” Hugging Tempest close to her, Luna tried not to whinny in pleasure as the violet mare found ‘that’ spot on her ears that she really liked. It wouldn’t do to show that side of her just now. “I'm sure it was Tempest. I will see what can be done for her. Wildfire, do I get a hug?” “Of course, Princess!” Wildfire sniffed out the alicorn and moved in for a hug of her own, though for the one that had played a part in healing her wings, she’d have gladly been her hoof stool for a week. Luna couldn’t help but giggle at the look on Air Raid’s face as she was almost tackle-hugged by the little blind mare. “Now, the last time you three were in the castle together, the cleaning bill for Dusk’s suite was up in the thousands. I trust that won't be repeated?” Air Raid knew of what Luna meant. Intently she studied her lime green hooves. “No, Princess.” Darkstar shook her grey maned head. “It won't, Princess.” Airmail looked at Tempest and blushed, especially as the Thursday night was still fresh in her mind. “I cannot make any statement, affirmative or dissenting, on that matter.” Tempest looked at Airmail and thought the same thing. “I'm with Airy.” Luna giggled, “You were quite the party ponies as I recall, Air Raid?” She teased the racer, “You and Brightstar, re-enacting the siege of the palace, both swinging from the chandeliers in the dining hall with swords held in your mouths, wasn’t it?” Air Raid blushed a severe blush as she vividly remembered that time – one of many – that had been fuelled by Moonshine. “Um…yes, Princess.” “Good times.” Luna’s smile gave way suddenly to a very serious expression now that the ice was well and truly broken. “Now then, to the business at hoof. Darkstar, may I see you, please?” Instantly Air Raid became defensive, throwing a protective wing over the white unicorn’s back, “Just what are you going to do, Princess?” “With your permission, Air Raid, I am going to attempt to repair her horn.” Air Raid breathed steadily, her wing still protectively held over Darkstar’s back. “O-Okay Princess, do what you need to do. Inspect her, mend her horn, help her, if you can.” Luna nodded from Air Raid to Darkstar, who was busy inspecting the floor of her bedchambers. “Thank you, Air Raid,” the Princess trotted smartly over to Darkstar, looking her over a good few minutes with a very critical turquoise eye, giving lots of 'hmms’ and ‘aaahs’ like the most annoying doctor in the world. Curiously, Wildfire nudged Airmail’s barrel with the elbow of her left foreleg. “Um, what's going on, Airy?” she asked, all she could hear was the Princess and her ‘oohs’ and her ‘aaahs’. Airmail lowered her head to Wildfire’s left ear and whispered quietly, she didn’t want to be obtrusive. “I think Luna is checking out Darkstar,” an idea occurred to her then. Understandably Wildfire was curious, but she knew Luna needed to concentrate. To that end she flicked her ears in Tempest’s direction and said, “We should let Octavia know.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire nodded, “that’s a good idea Pretty.” Despite Airmail’s efforts to keep her whisper quiet, the Princess overheard her as she was studying the remaining two thirds of Darkstar’s horn. She could see it had once been a jagged cut, but had since been ground smooth. The high-level inhibitor intrigued her. “Airmail, you'll find Tavi in the new nursery, three doors down the corridor on the left.” “New nursery?” That caught Tempest’s attention, as did the ear flicks from Airmail. Firstly, she nodded to her herd-mate, then she turned back to Luna. “That bodes well. Want to check it out, Wildfire?” “Yuppers!” Wildfire squeaked with excitement. Her excited inner-filly forgot for the moment about Luna and Darkstar and she was all at once interested in Octavia’s new foal. “We can talk foals!” While Tempest ushered Wildfire out of Luna’s private chambers, Airmail opted to stay behind. Luna raised her eyebrow, “Curious, Airmail?” “Concerned,” Airmail corrected the alicorn. “I thought getting twenty-questions-Wily out of the way would be a good idea. I can take Raid to see the nursery too, if needed.” Air Raid shuffled nervously next to Darkstar when Luna ceased her preliminary visual inspection. “Can you do anything for her, Princess?” Luna turned to the fretting lime green mare and she smiled, “Good thinking, Airmail. You can both stay.” Then, she addressed the troubled pure white unicorn directly, “Darkstar, I do believe I can heal your horn,” she said with complete confidence, having spent the last few nights studying healing magic with Twilight. Darkstar managed a smile at Luna; she was happy, but she didn’t dare hope for too much, “Thank you, Princess.” “Now,” Luna explained in a very serious tone, “I can’t guarantee it won't hurt. It might sting a little. It might well be the most excruciating pain you’ve ever experienced. Do you wish to proceed?” Darkstar considered that for a brief moment. Pain was no stranger to her. From her devastatingly brutal eight hour attack, all the way where she was now, she’d known pain. Usually of her own causing. Once she thought about it, she nodded to Air Raid. The lime green mare gave her suffering friend a last hug before she stepped away. “Yes, Princess.” The moment she gave her consent, Airmail stepped closer to move her away from Darkie and to offer Air Raid her support. “Very well then,” Luna stated with a note of calm detachment. “We begin.” Lighting her horn, she magically sealed the ornately carved black marble doors to her chambers. Then, she stood in front of the unicorn and she held Darkstar’s shoulders with her forehooves. Very gently indeed, she touched her lit horn to the base of Darkstar's horn, channelling her powerful turquoise magic to her in a series of glowing pulses of light. “Aaah...” Darkstar whimpered a little but she didn’t attempt to pull away. When Air Raid hugged Airmail’s flank, the azure blue mare whispered to the younger pegasus, “Luna fixed Wily's wings after they were very badly damaged at the home her father stuck her in.” Air Raid nodded in the hug, and she returned the whisper, “Then, she knows what she's doing?” With Darkstar, Luna closed her turquoise eyes and she concentrated hard, sending steady pulses of power through her horn straight to Darkstar, shattering the inhibitor ring in seconds. With the release of her unpredictable magic straight to her brain, the white mare trembled with pain, forcing Luna to hold on tight so as not to break contact. “Yes,” Airmail said quietly. Air Raid wasn’t very relieved at that, though her concerns were sated for the moment. “T-Thanks Airy...but, the inhibitor...” she whispered as she watched Luna increase the frequency of the magical pulses, as each one reached the severed stump of the horn, it gradually increased in length, the repair slowly taking shape. “Nggh!” Luna grunted with the sheer effort of what she was doing. She scrunched her eyes tight shut and she poured more power into the repair. The alicorn had thought healing Wildfire’s wings had been hard, but this was something else altogether. “OOooOOoow!” Darkstar squealed painfully as her horn was almost fully regrown. The sensations, it was like what was left of her horn was being stretched and pulled from her forehead with each pulse of magical power that emanated from the Princess’s horn. “For Wily, she fixed what was there, this is complete restoration.” Airmail commented, the awe in her voice palpable as she watched the magical healing in action. It was something to see, each transfer of power lengthened the white mare’s horn until it was almost a foot long. “She must be getting what is needed from Darkstar herself.” “Uh huh...and how're Wily's wings, after they were fixed?” “Good as new, weak as a newborn foal,” Airmail replied as she watched the horn develop a new rounded tip. Once that was complete a little spiralled groove cut its way from it all the way down the tapered appendage to line up perfectly with what was already there at the base. “We have her doing strength training.” “Okay...I feel better…” Air Raid’s voice was barely audible. “Is she doing well with it?” When Darkstar’s horn was fully regrown, Luna changed the nature of her magic. With a silent thought, the midnight blue alicorn now sent little dark blue tendrils of pure power up around the spiral grooves of the pure white mare’s horn until they spurted out at the new tip. “D-Darkstar...nggh…try to resist the flow, control it!” “I-I’ll…I’ll try…” Darkstar winced as she tentatively lit her horn in a dull yellow glow that was almost instantly snuffed out by Luna’s magic. Luna grimaced internally at Darkstar's apparent lack of control. She was only using the tiniest fraction of her considerable power now to keep her dark blue tendril wrapped around her horn. This was a foal’s exercise and she was struggling. “Trust your ability, resist my flow, Darkstar!” “I’m trying…” Darkstar lit her horn and tried again, whimpering with the sheer effort involved. She tried again to push the alicorn’s tendrils back, this time her magic glowed yellow at the tip of her horn before it petered out. “I-I can’t, Princess.” Airmail nudged Air Raid’s barrel, “I think Darkstar could use your words of encouragement.” Air Raid nodded. “C'mon Darkie, you know you can ace this!” The lime green mare stepped up and she rested her hoof on her friend’s white shoulder. “You got this, hun.” Luna subtly reduced the power of her magic by quite a lot. It was evident to her after that brief display that a considerable amount of Darkstar’s power had been lost – which admittedly wasn’t that much of a surprise after four years of not using her magic at all, but she didn’t need her ‘patient’ to realise it. Her yellow eyes closed tight, Darkstar concentrated all her remaining power and ability on her horn and, with a bright shining yellow glow now that there wasn’t much to overcome anymore, she started to stop Luna's magic from tipping her horn. “I-I'm doing it! Raid…Raid I'm doing it!” “Good Darkstar, well done!” Luna smiled a satisfied little smile. While her power was vastly reduced, at least her control was as sharp as ever. “Now, push me back, all the way to the base of my horn.” Trembling as she concentrated very hard, Darkstar’s white fur was covered in a glistening sheen of sweat from the amount of exertion she was putting herself through but, slowly and steadily, millimetre by millimetre, she began to push the dark blue tendrils back down her new horn. ~ ~ ~ Leaving Princess Luna’s private chambers, Tempest and Wildfire successfully navigated the tricky route to the nursery - three doors down back the way they had come and on the left – and the violet weather pony knocked on the carved white wooden doors with their gold inlays. “Knock, knock.” she called out, pushing the hardwood door open. Octavia, busy with arranging the crib and playpen, looked over at the door as it opened. Curious as to whom was visiting, the old grey earth pony mare trotted to the door and her pink eyes went wide in surprise. “Oh! Tempest, Wildfire!” she affectionately nuzzled both of her visitor’s cheeks, “What a lovely surprise!” She then stood aside to let them both enter the new nursery. “News about a new nursery travels fast,” Tempest snickered as she walked to the middle of the room. Everywhere was a riot of candy pink and bright summery yellows, greens and blue. Freshly painted murals of forests and mountains covered the walls. She recognised the Celestia Six painted in various poses around the walls and, with a certain degree of pride, she recognised a very familiar H shaped white ranch painted in the corner of one of the walls. “Or, at least when the source is somepony's wife.” Octavia giggled like a filly and she bounced on the padded soft play area already decorated with many, many plushies like a pony a fraction of her age. “We're trying for another foal!” Tempest rolled her blue eyes when Wildfire let out an excited squee. It was hardly news seeing as they were stood in the nursery of all places. “You picked a due date yet?” “Not yet,” Octavia said with a shake of her charcoal grey mane, complete with silver streaks of age in it, “right now I'm enjoying getting the nursery set up ready.” She giggled, “Dusky and Oils gave us a hoof with the lifting of things yesterday. I was thinking we might have our filly at a similar time to yours, Wildfire.” Wildfire joined Octavia in her happy bounces, the twenty four year old and the sixty two year old one and the same at heart. “They can be cousins!” “The vote for Wily to join the herd proper is Thursday,” Tempest said with a smile as she ran her wing over the playpen and studied the plushies, “and then I'm sure she will be spending a lot of time with Tinkerer and Belle after that.” “Excited, Wily?” Octavia asked with a grin once she had stopped her bouncing. Wildfire giggled, “Did the bouncing give it away?” “Just a little,” Octavia replied with a grin and another nuzzle to the blind pony’s cheek. To Tempest, she said, “Thursday is games night? I have a feeling we'll be there, you know Luna and her games.” Tempest nodded, “Both of you are always welcome.” “As you are always welcome here,” Octavia giggled as she sat herself down on one of the seating pads in the nursery. While her attitude towards her age had been considerably improved as of late – thanks in no small part to Mapper and Serenity, her arthritic joints still hurt after a while. “I noticed you spirited my Luna away from me again earlier.” “It was Airmail,” Tempest snitched on her herd-mate immediately as if she was reporting her to the strict headmistress, then she sat herself down on a second seating pad, “but, I'll stand guilty as charged as well. I’m hoping that Luna can help to fix some mistakes of the past.” “Oh it’s no trouble,” Octavia waved her wrinkled leg affably in the air, “if she has business to attend to I'm sure I'll hear about it sooner or later. I assume it has to do with your father, Wildfire?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire replied as she sat herself down on the soft padded play area. “A lot to do with him.” “So!” Octavia caught the unhappy tone in the blind mare’s voice, as well as the shadow that came over Tempest, and she breezily changed the subject, “do you like the nursery?” “I can barely remember mine growing up,” Tempest commented as she looked around again at the brightly painted walls and the armies of building blocks, shape sorters and plushes. “I'm sure this is the look that Wily would like. Is it okay if she feels her way around?” “Of course it is,” the old earth pony nodded, “you help yourself, Wildfire.” “Yay!” Given her free reign, Wildfire got up and trotted off on an explorative tour of the nursery. Octavia smiled a wide, very motherly, smile at Wildfire’s antics as she watched the blind mare sniff and feel her way around the room. “Lulu tells me you all saw each other the other night?” she asked Tempest, her brain fishing for a new subject of conversation. Lost watching Wildfire explore, marvelling at how the blind mare found her way around, Tempest tilted her head then it dawned on her that she was in fact being spoken to. “Oh! Oh, you mean in the dreamscape!” The violet pony snickered when the contents of her dream that night flooded back to her. Bowing as low as her arthritis would allow her, Octavia giggled. Luna had of course told her everything. “Did you have fun, Princess?” Tempest let out a loud belly laugh. Of course Luna would have told her wife about her alicorn dream. “My fun was indeed doubled!” Octavia giggled politely behind her hoof. “Oh, so was mine, after Lulu had a chat with Mapper.” “Oh?” Now Tempest was very interested; she smelled gossip that Lavender didn’t know, for once. While Wildfire was sniffing and poking around the shape sorters and plushies – oblivious to their conversation – the violet mare decided a gentle investigation was in order. “Other than a brief report about Serenity's singing gig, which included Air Raid, Mapper didn't say much about her time here after we left for Vanhoover.” “No?” That did surprise the elderly soon-to-be-mother, “I’m surprised. Lulu took Serenity for a walk around the gardens, apparently she was a good little pup, and well…” the grey pony blushed, “Mapper was a very well behaved foal for me.” “Sweet Celestia's Tail,” Tempest almost fell off of her seating pad at that little revelation. “Mapper did nappy play?” “She did, and she did it very well.” Tempest let out a low whistle of approval. “She's always had them in her toy box, but she’s usually the mommy. Lavender went through a time where she like to be a foal. As for Serenity, she is very good at role-playing just about anything.” Octavia’s blush was still in full effect as she went on to explain, “Mapper and I had a little play with Serenity and Lulu first, we had them both in some splendid nappies that Serenity purchased.” “Serenity?” Tempest asked, her violet ears standing to attention, “I smell a prank.” “She went shopping while Mapper and I had some tea time fun with Lulu.” Octavia smiled fondly at the vivid memory of her wife with a ring gag in her mouth holding a funnel while they forced her to drink tea while she pleasured them. “We then had them walking the halls in their nappies. We were going to have lunch with Tia but Lulu used her safeword first.” “So…” Tempest paused, she really, really, had to struggle to keep her powerful wings under control given the imagery in her brain at that point. “So…Octavia, will you be the one giving birth again?” she decided a change of subject was in order. “I am, yes Tempest,” Octavia lit up like a Hearths Warming decoration hanging from the tree. She was absolutely thrilled to talk about this to her new friend, “We’ve decided between us that we're going for a magical method to conceive this time, because Lulu wants to be more involved with the conception.” Tempest was sold. She could just picture the scene in her head, Luna and Octavia being together with each other after enjoying a day long date. “Now that sounds so romantic. I wish the two of you well. I'll make sure Wily stays in touch when she and Tinkerer work out the conception date. Serenity plans on having her foal around the same time too.” “Lulu can be quite the romancer when she wants to be…” Octavia trailed off to a very girly set of giggles, best not to reveal all of her wife’s secrets. “So, if Wildfire's filly and ours are to be cousins, I assume Serenity's and hers will be sisters?” “Herd sisters,” Tempest gently corrected the earth pony. “That's so sweet!” Octavia beamed to Tempest before turning to the young blind mare who was currently being adorable, playing with the shape sorter, presumably thinking she wasn’t being noticed, “Wildfire, is Fireflight the name you have chosen?” “Yuppers!” At the mention of her name, Wildfire dropped the shape sorter like it was red hot, “I’ve had that name in my head for ages, I don’t know where it’s from, I just like it.” “Wily,” Tempest said through her giggles as the shape sorter spilled its contents onto the padded play area, “hasn't Serenity picked out a name too?” “Oh, yuppers, she has, we were talking about it on the train here from Manehatten. For a filly she's chosen Hope.” “Does that mean you'll be available for foal sitting, Octavia?” Tempest asked, somewhat cheekily she thought, with a little giggle. Octavia didn’t think it was cheeky at all. She nodded her head eagerly. “Certainly I will,” she joined Tempest in her giggles, the more foals the merrier in her opinion. “Lulu's said I can chose our filly's name, I'm quite taken to Midnight Symphony.” “I don't know,” Tempest pretended to think, tapping her chin with her violet hoof. “You think she will have any exposure to music growing up?” Now Octavia laughed out loud. “Maybe just a little, Tempest.” “You’d better be careful if you ever foal sit Hope then.” Tempest snickered, “You already know what music Serenity likes. All of it.” “As long as I'm not expected to sing Lauper songs to her,” Octavia snickered. She recalled the events of the open mic night at Caffeinated’s shop just as well as Tempest did, and of course she was being teased about it, and rightly so! “I'm sure our foal sitting will go just fine.” “Wily got her a Steps CD,” Tempest teased. “You may welcome Lauper.” Octavia affected a very shocked expression that reached to her voice, “Wildfire, how on earth could you do such a terrible thing?” “Whaaaat?” Wildfire whined innocently, her hooves toying with the wooden building blocks, “she liked it, mainly because Mistress didn't.” Octavia suddenly understood. “Aaah, I see…” the old earth pony’s mind engaged, fully imagining Serenity singing along to her Celestia-awful CD while Mapper tanned her hide with the cricket bat. “Is this common knowledge yet?” Tempest asked, pointing a hoof to Octavia’s belly and then at the nursery as a whole. “Our plans for a foal, you mean? It’s common knowledge amongst the staff, so yes, I'm sure it’s throughout Canterlot by now.” “Okay,” Tempest teased, flashing a sly look over at her herd-mate, “because Wily is a notorious name dropper and won't be able to keep quiet about it.” “Hey!” Wildfire pouted up from the blocks, momentarily distracted from trying to work out why the raised lettering spelled out ‘breast milk’. “You make it sound like I do it on purpose!” Octavia giggled, “I’m sure you don't, Wily...much.” “Any other noteworthy ponies coming along on Thursday?” Tempest asked as she decided she had teased Wildfire enough for the moment. “Need to prep Thespian in case of a random plushie inspection.” “Twi will come.” Octavia stated definitely in reply to the weather pony’s question, “Lulu's been talking with her at very great length as of late about spells to affect sperm to get fillies, so she's interested in meeting you all.” Again, Tempest’s ears went straight up. “Really? That is interesting. I'm sure Serenity and Wily would be interested in that.” Wildfire sat up straight when she heard the Princess’s name mentioned, “Professor Twilight's coming?” “There's a good chance she'll come with us Wily,” Octavia replied kindly, “plus I know she wants to talk to you about your poems that she’s distributed to all the libraries.” Tempest giggled at that, “Another autograph hound…” Wildfire giggled nervously as she left the ‘breast milk’ building blocks alone and she felt her way back to where she was sat originally. “Um…they aren't anything special really...” “Still,” Octavia smiled. She wanted to scoop up the blind mare and mother her ‘till the end of time. “Lulu says she has been researching the spells for you, which knowing Twi means she hasn't slept since Friday.” “As Dusky would say,” Tempest snickered, “that is the checklist just to do the checklist, checklist.” When Wildfire and Octavia both burst out laughing at that image, knowing full well he would indeed say that. “We are still getting a lot of mileage out of that dating checklist, right Wily?” “Right we are,” Wildfire laughed at her best friend and his ‘Questionnaire’ story. She supposed it was high time by now that they stopped teasing him about it, but it was just too funny. “I’m sorry, Octavia but that story will never ever get old. Not ever. You'll have to ask Professor Twilight about it Thursday, Honey.” “I think to fluster the Princess of Libraries, I'd have to ask for a Mare Stallion dating checklist.” Octavia simply shook her head. “Just don't get her dancing, please.” “That will have to wait for open mic night in a couple of weeks…” Suddenly Tempest held up a hoof to her forehead and gasped, “We do have Dance Dance Revolution!” “Oh sweet Celestia,” Octavia’s pink eyes went wide in terror, “No, please, I beg you don't get her dancing, Tempest, pleeeease!” Chuckling, Tempest put on her deep masculine stallion’s voice, “You have brought this doom on yourself, fair maiden!” Octavia sniggered behind her arthritic hoof, “You have been warned, on your head be it.” “You've been to Caffy's place,” Tempest commented with a smirk. “All of us are disasters waiting to happen. It is a good thing that Luna brought that Twilight plush on her last visit. She has a complete collection of Princesses now.” Octavia nodded solemnly. “I was going to ask if there was any plushies she needs for her collection?” “I'm not that up to date on Thespian's plushie collection,” Tempest shrugged, “but that can be fixed, if you don't mind me using my phone?” When the grey earth pony nodded her ascent, Tempest giggled and took out her cell phone. “Just let me put it on speaker,” She grinned and pushed the speed dial button. “Hello Tempest,” Thespian answered her call on the third ring. There was a general hubbub of noise in the background. “I’m getting ready for a show.” “Yes, it’s me, and I just got word you may have your plushies inspected on Thursday, any you need to ensure your safety?” “What!” Thespian’s calm demeanour shattered in an instant at the thought of anypony inspecting her collection, let alone royalty. “Who, what, how do you know...oh by Celestia's mane, I need a medium or small or one of each Octavia plush! I don't want Luna to think I'm dissing her wife!” “Hello Thespian!” Octavia giggled and she spoke loudly into the speaker of the cell phone. “I'll tell Lulu to get you them. Oh, how is your Twilight plush?” “Stormy!” Thespian’s panic showed no sign of abating any time soon. It was a good thing the veteran actress had her own dressing room. “Ahh, it is fine Octavia. She is sitting to the far right of the other Princesses, and I even put a book between her hooves.” “Aww that’s nice,” Octavia smiled. She just couldn’t help herself. “I'm sure she'll appreciate the book when she has a look on Thursday…” “What? Wait!” Thespian foundered desperately, almost falling of her seating pad. “Dusky said she is married to the Wonderbolt, right? I only have small plushies of the five captains!” “That's right,” Octavia supplied, “she's married to Rainbow Dash.” “Would it be possible to get a small Twilight too?” Thespian asked as she finally got herself under some sort of control. “Of course, Thespian.” Octavia smiled, “I'll make sure we bring them for you when we all come over Thursday evening.” “Thank you, Octavia,” the blue grey earth pony said, “Mapper never seems to have any Twilight plushies.” “It’s my pleasure, Thespian.” “Anything else other than giving me a heart attack, Stormy?” Thespian asked, her tone only slightly grumpy when one of the theatre workers reminded her of the time, “I'm due on stage in thirty minutes.” “No,” Tempest breezed casually, “I just wanted to see if I could cash in on that insurance policy. Break a leg, Thespy.” “Hey Thespian,” Wildfire spoke up, “what's the show?” “Chicago, I'm playing Mama Morton.” “Nice!” Wildfire smiled. “Break a leg!” Laughing out loud, Tempest hung up and she stowed her cell phone back in her bag. “Now, that was fun.” Octavia giggled like an overgrown filly. “We are such teases!” “Mapper loves to tease Thespian about her plushies,” Tempest commented with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. “Almost as much as she complains about Caffienated winning them.” “Nothing wrong with teasing…” Octavia started as she got up from her seating pad. She had been seated a while and her joints demanded she stretch them, so she went over and nuzzled the violet weather pony’s cheek. “Right, Princess Stormy?” Wildfire let out a loud snigger at that, “Teehee, th-that was that your dream, Honey?” Tempest sniffed with an air of indifference as she very gratefully accepted Octavia’s affectionate nuzzle, “I believe I look rather good with a horn and you look rather good in slave filly clothes.” “Oooh really?” Wildfire’s wings shot out from her sides, standing very firm and erect indeed with that image firmly planted in her head. “D’you want to play that out when we next have the time, your highness?” “Note to self,” Tempest deadpanned, “take Wily shopping for slave outfit at the MiAC store. I don't know if Coco carries that line.” Wildfire giggled, “Now that's gonna be a fun shopping trip!” Tempest tilted her head to the side in apparent thought. “Although, Airy, Mapper, and Serenity would also need outfits to do it just right.” “Well, I'm sure that can be arranged, 'Princess'.” Grinning a very wide grin at Wildfire’s flippancy, and at her air quotes she had made with her hooves, Tempest pulled the crop from its resting place under her right wing and the violet weather pony landed two stiff smacks with unerring accuracy across both of Wildfire’s cutie marks. “Did you forget I still have the crop, Wily? I expect the title said with the due respect!” “Oooh oow!” Wildfire let out a deliciously cute yelp while Tempest and Octavia both giggled. “Y'know, I did forget…” she gave her herd-mate a very low bow, “thank you for the reminder, your highness.” “That is what you can look forward to with Fireflight.” Tempest declared as she put the crop away under her wing. “What, you gonna teach her to spank my ass?” All three mares shared a giggle at that, then Wildfire’s countenance became uncharacteristically serious, “Hey, Stormy, do you think it’s going well with Darkie?” At that out of the blue question from the diminutive blind mare, Octavia gave Tempest a quizzical look. “The real reason we are here,” Tempest supplied quickly. “You remember Dusky's friends that came over to study? Darkstar was attacked four years ago by Cold Front.” “Oh, I remember them all coming over, not always to study though…Las Pegasus, anypony?” Octavia smiled, then, after a second’s thought, her smile faded to a very saddened look indeed, “I also recall Darkstar being attacked. Wildfire…that was your father?” “Yuppers…it was, I’m sorry to say…” “I figure they will show up when Luna is done,” Tempest said gently as she and Octavia both took up flanking positions on the little yellow pegasus and nuzzled her neck and her cheeks. “I guess we just want to improve her healing skills with regular practice.” Octavia blinked her pink eyes once then twice, “Lulu's healing your friend's horn?” Tempest nodded sadly, “The top third was cut clean off.” “Yuppers, my dad did that.” “Oh…oh my...when did Lulu find out about this?” Octavia asked, her mind was slotting together the bits and pieces of the day, and why Luna had suddenly disappeared with no warning, and her very dire mood when she had returned. “Um…was it earlier, on the train?” “We had to call around Wily’s friends to find out just what happened, and then Airmail got Luna involved by asking for a pick up tonight,” Tempest explained quickly. “It has rolled along pretty quickly since then.” ‘Hmm…’ Octavia thought to herself, ‘that explains her dark mood when she got back.’ The old grey earth pony settled next to Wildfire and draped her foreleg over her shoulders. In a soft gentle voice she said, “You do know severing a horn is a capital offense? I'm sorry, Wildfire.” “Sorry?” Wildfire tipped her head questioningly, “What fo...” she trailed off to silence when the shocking realisation dawned on her. “Oh, oh right. Well, he…he deserves it…” “He did go out of his way to earn it,” Tempest snapped derisively. “Yuppers…yuppers, he did, didn’t he…” Wildfire let out a loud sniff. Her dad may have been a complete bucktard, but he was her dad nonetheless. “Octavia? Um…when's it going to be done?” Octavia’s voice was soft and quiet, though it carried a hard edge to it. “Knowing my wife, it already has been. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.” “At best, he will be sent to Tartarus with no chance of parole and declared legally dead,” Tempest snorted as she hugged her sniffing marefriend, “or, they have mercy on him and just execute him.” ~ ~ ~ “Well?” Airmail asked when she watched Darkstar – with no small amount of effort – force Luna’s glowing dark blue tendrils of power back down the spiralled grooves of her horn until the barely glowing bright yellow light was the only magic there. With a grim smile, Princess Luna cancelled her foal’s testing spell. “My assessment is complete Airmail,” the lunar alicorn answered simply with her turquoise eyes still closed. As she stood up to her full height she opened her eyes and smiled kindly down at the young white unicorn. Her cutie mark of three black stars seemed to glow now that her horn was repaired. “Your horn is fully repaired Darkstar, and you have control over your magic.” Darkstar looked up at the Princess through disbelieving yellow eyes. “I-I do? R-Really?” Air Raid didn’t dare to believe what she was hearing. Her friend, her charge, was healed! Really healed! “It…it worked, Princess?” Luna nodded solemnly. She hated to be the one to temper this happy moment. Alas, she was. “However...” Air Raid sighed. She knew it was too good to be true. “What,” she interrupted, “what is it?” Inwardly, the Princess sighed. Outwardly she maintained the aura of calm detachment. “Darkstar, your magical power has been severely reduced both as a result of your attack, and the amount of time you’ve worn the high level magical inhibitor. You have full control of your magic, you just don’t have a lot to control.” Having said all that, and seeing the unicorn on the verge of tears, she smiled a comforting smile. “Remind me, what magic did you study?” “Illusions, Princess,” Darkstar replied dully, studying the floor of Luna’s chambers. “My special talent was illusions.” That peaked Airmail’s interest. While there were unicorns in the herd, none of them had any proficiency with illusion magic. “What sort of illusions?” “I could muffle my hooves, make my voice sound from across the room.” Darkstar answered Airmail’s question. She didn’t sound happy, only barely was she relieved. “I can make you see, hear, smell and taste what I want you to, I even learnt invisibility, though it took a lot of effort.” Airmail rested her hoof on Darkstar’s shoulder. “Start simple and work your way up.” “Indeed,” Luna nodded to Airmail’s very sensible suggestion. “Could you cast a couple of the more simple illusions for me please, Darkstar?” Air Raid, at her friend’s right side, put her lime green hoof on Darkstar's other shoulder. “You can do it Darkie, you got this hun.” Nodding somewhat reluctantly, the young unicorn lit up her horn with a yellow glow and, as she concentrated on her chosen spell she started to sweat with the effort almost straight away. Airmail wondered just what magic she was casting until her voice sounded from behind her. “I’m behind you, Airmail.” When the hairs on the back of her neck went up, Airmail turned her head so fast in the direction of the voice behind her that she nearly got whiplash. “Okay, that really had me fooled.” Next, with her horn still lit with the pale yellow glow, Darkstar’s voice sounded in Airmail's left then right ear. “Nuh huh, over here…no, I’m here!” After that, she began trembling with effort. Airmail couldn’t help it, she looked to her left then her right. Of course she knew nothing was there, but it was so real! Blushing, she smiled at the white unicorn. “I take it you were the diversion to get past the bouncer at the club door?” Shivering all over, dripping sweat from her brow, Darkstar cancelled the spell with a wry smile. “It usually worked…” Air Raid let out a snigger when she recalled the time they got refused entry to Trixie’s Place, “It only failed the once.” Pretending not to hear the self-confessed underage drinking, Luna turned to the sweating mare. She had more immediate concerns, “Darkstar, can you try your muffle spell for me, please?” “Um…uh…” Darkstar wasn’t at all confident she could pull this off, given how much exertion it had cost her just to throw her voice. “Um, sure…I'll try, Princess.” “In your own time, Darkstar,” Luna watched her carefully to see how she performed. Darkstar turned to Airmail and smiled as she wiped her foreleg across her brow, “M-May I cast it on you, Airy?” “Sure!” The azure blue mare literally almost jumped at the chance to volunteer, she already had a target in mind for some deviousness, “It’ll let me sneak up on Willy.” Air Raid sniggered. She liked how Airmail thought. She liked her alot. A whole lot of alot, especially as she was observing the older pegasus’s ass. “That's what we used it for, sneaking.” Offering Airmail a weak smile, Darkstar nodded. “N-Now...you know why…” she gasped as she lit her horn, “I was the prankster.” She concentrated very hard and, after a couple of seconds, a faint yellow glow surrounded all four of Airmail's hooves. “Right, t-try walking.” Looking curiously at her hooves, Airmail noticed nothing was different apart from the faint yellow glow. She started out walking lightly, to see if the magic worked and, when she noticed she made no sound on the polished marble floor of Luna’s chamber, she moved up to a normal step. Still nothing! She was amazed, and even more so when she jumped in the air and landed a four hoof stomp. Darkstar grinned, happy that her spell worked. “Feels weird at first, doesn't it?” Airmail nodded. It was so disorienting. She expected there to be noise. There should be noise. But there was nothing. No sound whatsoever. “It…It’s sort of like cloud walking.” Air Raid giggled, her grey eyes still glued to Airmail’s ass as she walked and jumped about. She wished her green tail wouldn’t get in the way all the time. “We used to have some fun with that.” Luna smiled, she recalled the time that she herself had been pranked by the muffle spell. “Now, can you try something a bit harder please, Darkstar?” “I-I don't know...” she mumbled as she cancelled the muffle spell on Airmail’s hooves. That had taken alot out of her. She didn’t know if she could cast anything harder. Air Raid squeezed her friend’s shoulder, “You got this, Darkstar.” Airmail did likewise on her left shoulder, “Give it your best shot.” Darkstar grinned at the amount of support she was getting. Feeling somewhat buoyed by their encouragement she nodded. “I-I'll try...” she fired up her horn again, this time igniting it like a small sun as she attempted the most powerful illusion she knew. “Ngggh!” She grunted and struggled with the invisibility spell, her lower legs going transparent but stopping short of full invisibility. Airmail whistled appreciatively, “Okay…that was cool!” Scrunching up her eyes real tight, Darkstar poured ever more power, as much as she could manage, into casting the spell and her transparent legs went wholly invisible while the rest of her body stayed firmly in sight. “S-Sorry...” she gasped, “I...can’t do it, Princess…” Airmail was still impressed, regardless of her level of success. She was determined to give the young white mare something. “It would still be cool on Nightmare Night. ‘I'm the Legless Pony coming to steal your hoooooooves’!” Luna giggled at Airmail, not wanting to admit out loud that she had been given a very good idea for Nightmare Night herself, “Do not worry Darkstar, it was a commendable effort. Can you do anymore?” The guardian in Air Raid told her ‘no’, she shook her head, “I don't want to push her, Princess.” “No,” Darkstar panted and smiled, “no, I'm sorry I can’t.” “Being a pegasus,” Airmail started, “I have no clue on how unicorn magic works even after watching Mapper and Serenity work it. Is it a skill that can be improved with practice? Or fine-tuned to meet what magic is available?” Luna considered that question for just a moment, mulling it over carefully before she replied, “Like any skill, it can be improved with practice, in much the same way as Wildfire's wings can and are being improved.” “And...” Darkstar panted, her breathing quickly returning to normal, “Once learnt, a spell can be fine-tuned, mastered, if you like.” That made a great deal of sense to Airmail. The azure blue mare only really had one question left. “So...you don't need the inhibitor any more, what about the rest of you?” the lead editor asked kindly, her hoof still on her shoulder. “Are you going to live another day?” “Darkie...?” Air Raid asked tentatively. “I…well…” Darkstar shrugged her shoulders, “well, I guess…” “Air Raid,” Luna spoke up as she turned to the lime green mare, seeing as she was the unicorn’s legal guardian, “with your permission, I have a dream therapy course I can use with Darkstar's dreams.” “I know a pony that can work with Darkstar too,” Airmail said as she caught Luna’s eye and affectionately nuzzled the white mare’s cheek. “You like the theatre, Darkstar?” Darkstar couldn’t help but smile. “Please, call me Darkie...and, yeah Airy, the theatre's another kind of illusion isn't it? It's its own magic.” Airmail smiled when Luna nodded at her ‘look’ she gave her. Both mares were thinking the same thing; Requiem, “When did you guys plan on moving to Manehatten?” “We were gonna leave tomorrow,” Air Raid answered that one. “Pack our stuff in the back of my car, be on our way by road then stay in a hotel ‘till we get a house sorted for ourselves.” Little jewel encrusted gears turned in Airmail’s head. Plans and plans within plans formed in her mind. “What do you all think about zebras?” Air Raid grinned, her eyes still flitting down to the older mare’s ass. “Well, I’ve never met one but I’d like to, they're cool.” Darkstar nodded, “The same.” “I know Mapper has an eye on a new house,” Airmail’s gears were still turning, “but I have no idea on the move in date for it. You could crash there, but it would be crowded with four. One bedroom is an office so they only have one. Caffienated, the zebra, has a place with four bedrooms. If both of you come over to his place on Thursday we can see about living arrangements till the house is ready for you.” Air Raid simply could not believe what she was hearing. Nopony had stepped up to help them in four years, yet here was a mare they barely knew doing everything she could for them. “That sounds amazing, thank you! We can easy get a hotel ‘till Thursday…” Only then remembering what the Princess had offered, she turned to her, “I'd like you to start the dream therapy, please, Princess.” Luna nodded her acquiescence, “It’s my sincere pleasure, Air Raid. Airmail, Thursday sounds more and more fun all the time!” “Never a dull moment, Luna,” The azure blue mare smiled before she nuzzled Air Raid’s cheek. “Caffy is a pushover and Thespian’s not much harder to use deadly puppy eyes against.” “Thank you so much for all your help,” Darkstar whispered, her voice barely audible. “But…why? Why do all this for me, for us?” “You really have to ask?” Airmail smiled kindly and gave both of them a hug. She could only imagine what these two had struggled with more or less alone all these years. “We are herd, Wily will be joining that herd Thursday. You are Wily's friends, therefore you are friends of the herd.” “Thank you Airy,” Air Raid blushed as she returned the hug to the older pegasus. “We appreciate it. Oh...where's the place to pay speeding tickets in Manehatten?” she asked, hopefully nonchalantly. Airmail, not fooled for a second, snorted through her nose, “Depends on what borough you get the ticket in. You can do it online if you don't contest the ticket, but twelve points will cost you your license and you get four points for a speeding ticket.” “Well, I haven't got any right now, but come on, it’s like, a thousand mile trip and my car can do one hundred and ninety five…” she trailed off and giggled, it was so unfair that the flying pegasi could go any speed they wanted, but she was stuck at the speed of her car. “The right hoof gets a little heavy, y'know?” “Air Raid,” Luna shot the lime green mare a jovial wink, “I'll pretend I didn't hear that…” Airmail shrugged, “I'm not law enforcement so not my problem.” Darkstar rolled her yellow eyes, “Air Raid...” “Fine.” Air Raid pouted and stuck out her tongue. “Speed limits all the way. Boring…” Airmail snickered and gave Air Raid a friendly nudge. “That sounds like something Dusky would say.” “Dusk cheats!” Air Raid’s pout just got more accentuated. “He can go supersonic. So not fair!” and, it was so not fair! Air Raid would love to go that fast, and in her dreams she did, alot. “Well he has a 'boring' stallion now so speed is hard to achieve.” Airmail said through her giggles and she looked Luna square in the eyes. “You tell him that, and I'm so owning up to it.” “Oh, I will Airy,” Luna giggled behind her hoof like an overgrown filly. “I might let it slip out. Besides, Oils isn't that boring, he's got my Dusky wearing the most beautiful dresses.” Darkstar blinked once then twice. She couldn’t really believe that. “Dresses, really?” Then again, the more she thought about it, the more it did seem to make sense. Dusk was always an effeminate stallion. “Oils does have good taste, I'll give him that,” Airmail conceded to Luna. Quietly to herself she had to admit that when Dusk was Dusky, he was a really rather attractive ‘mare’. A thought occurred to her then, as she noticed the time ticking onwards. She didn’t want Tempest or Wildfire to worry, “Should we relieve Octavia of her foal sitting?” “Yes, why not?” Luna nodded her agreement with a wide smile. “I can show you all the new nursery.” To Darkstar, she gave a nuzzle, “I recall you used to favour the hoof cuffs and the crop, if you ask Caffy nicely I'm sure he'll oblige you. Airy, at your earliest convenience, could you please call Requiem, get her to add Darkstar to her list of clients for me, please?” Airmail nodded that she would, in fact she was already thinking of doing that very thing, “She should be at work now, so I'll text her after we join the others.” “Thank you Airy, I appreciate it a lot.” Getting up, Luna trotted across the polished marble floor of her chambers and led the small group out into the hall, “Follow me, please, the nursery is just down here.” When the group of four were just outside the door, three down on the left, Darkstar paused and put her hoof up to stop the Princess from opening it. “Wait, just a sec…” at their puzzled looks, she lit her horn with a yellow glow and with a little effort she successfully cast her muffle spell on Airmail’s four hooves. “You wanted to sneak up on Wily, right?” Airmail inspected her forehooves and gave an experimental stomp, which came back completely silent. “Totally!” Air Raid sniggered behind her lime green hoof, “You do know she gets all pouty when she's upset, right?” “That would depend on how I upset her,” Airmail shot back with a sly grin that spoke absolute volumes. Air Raid sidled up to the older pegasus’s flank, “I like you…” “Um...guys?” Darkstar groused. “I'm casting here, y'know?” She concentrated on adding a secondary layer to her spell, one that masked her jasmine scent as Airmail spared Air Raid her best eye roll. “Yeah,” Air Raid offered Airmail and her sexy flanks her best salacious wink, “I'm casting too…” “Nggh…” Darkstar let out an audible grunt as she began to shake with the exertion of casting her moderately complex multi-layered spell, “can you chat her up later?” Airmail giggled, “I am old enough to be your mother.” While it was true she was also old enough to be Wildfire’s mother as well, the fact was she loved Wildfire, she only barely liked Air Raid. The lime green mare, while pretty in her own right, had a lot of ground to make up. “So?” Air Raid gave the azure blue mare her best bedroom eyes. “Don't mean we can't have some fun…” Truth be told she was very nervous about that indeed, though she’d never admit it. It had been almost four years since her brief romance with Appleglow, and she wanted to see if she still had it. Darkstar shook her head like she had done back at university as she completed her spell, “Seriously...some foals…” Airmail snickered out loud, “Time will tell, Air Raid, time will tell.” Seeing the yellow aura glowing around her hooves she tested the spell with a big stomp to see if she was suitably sneaky for Operation Bury-The-Muzzle-in-the-Yellow-Pony’s-Crotch. To her delight, she was, even her scent was muffled. “Nggh...” Darkstar grunted with the effort of maintaining the spell, “y-you have about five minutes left I think, if Miss Horny Wings here is quite finished!” Satisfied she was sufficiently prepared for Wildfire pranking, Airmail nodded quietly to Luna for her to open the door to the nursery. “I don't think she is nearly as horny as you,” she giggled as she looked Darkstar up and down. “Right,” Luna snickered, “here we go…” She lit her horn and took the door in her turquoise aura, very delicately pushing it open. Very quickly, Airmail moved in behind the plainly unsuspecting Wildfire, who was lost in foal conversation with Octavia and Tempest. As she walked, the azure blue mare flicked her ears to her herd-mate, and Luna lifted her hoof to mime ‘shush’ to her wife. Tempest at once caught onto what was about to happen. She saw her marefriend’s glowing hooves, Darkstar’s glowing horn and put two and two together. “Luna, Air Raid and Darkstar!” The violet mare greeted them, “how nice of you to join us.” Octavia’s pink eyes settled on her wife and she greeted her like she hadn’t seen her in years, although it had only been an hour or so. “Hello love!” As much to create a further distraction as she was eager to see her wife, Luna rushed into the new nursery and gave the elderly earth pony a tight hug and she laid passionate kisses all over her lips and her muzzle, especially the lighter grey patches, “Why, hello my little cutie…” Wildfire sniffed the air and flicked her ears as she heard her ex-marefriend and her old friend approach. “Hey Raid, Darkstar, how'd it go?” Sneaking along with her hooves and her scent muffled, Airmail got herself in the prime position and in two quick silent steps she moved up and under Wildfire's black tail as the diminutive yellow mare was about to say something and she plunged her muzzle directly between her hind legs. “Who turned out the lights‽” she cried out before lapping her tongue straight up the centre of her marehood. Completely and utterly caught by surprise, Wildfire jumped a country mile in the air. “Aaaah sweet Mercy!” she squealed in a mixture of panic and arousal while Darkstar and Air Raid both sniggered at the prank. “It's a miracle!” Airmail said loudly, licking her lips. “I can see again!” “Y-You...evil...evil mare…” Wildfire giggled when Airmail revealed herself. She still couldn’t work out why she couldn’t smell her or hear her hoof steps, “How…how'd you do that?” Suppressing a giggle, Airmail quickly ducked her head under Wildfire’s tail and, sticking her tongue out, snuffled and lapped at Wildfire’s sweet marehood a second time, “Like this!” “Whoa!” this time when she jumped she cleared a good two feet off of the ground. “Whoa...what the buck? Airy!” “S-Sorry W-Wily!” Darkstar didn’t sound very sorry however as she and Air Raid erupted in fits of sniggering giggles. Tempted to snuffle her little lover’s crotch for a third time, Airmail shrugged and thought better of it. “It’s not my fault you smell so nice…” “But how?” Wildfire turned her head this way and that, sniffing the air as she did so. “Where are you? Why can’t I hear you?” “That’s my fault Wily,” Darkstar owned up to her old friend as she cancelled the spell she had been maintaining. In all likelihood it would’ve ended anyway as she felt herself running low on magical ether. “I muffled her hooves. For pranking purposes.” Air Raid laid her wing comfortingly over Darkstar’s sweat covered back and she giggled, “Just like old times.” Wildfire, about to launch into what she felt was an entirely justified pout of legendary proportions, quickly swallowed it down and forced up a smile instead, “Did…did it go well then?” Darkstar nodded and, shuffling forward from under Air Raid’s protective wing, she went over and gave Wildfire a very tight hug indeed, just like she had all those years ago back in the hospital bed before her blind friend had been removed to the care home. “It went ok, my horn's all fixed and I can cast again, I'm a bit weaker than I was before though.” “Well, she casts better than me,” Tempest laughed as she too went over and gave Wildfire a hug to stave off the attack of pouty Wily before it occurred. “Airy, Octavia was telling us how much fun Mapper and Serenity were on Friday. She hopes we can be half as much fun.” “Oh yes,” Octavia snickered as the old grey earth pony broke away from Luna's embrace, “they were so much fun!” Looking at the stylised foal clock on the wall, Tempest saw that it was gone ten-thirty already. She didn’t know where the time had gone to. “We've kept you from your duties long enough I think, Luna.” The violet pegasus was sure by now that the Princess’s time could be better spent elsewhere, with a certain grey mare, for example. “Thank you again for coming to our aid.” Luna smiled at her friend. “It was my pleasure as always, Tempest. I do have a favour to ask of you though...” “You need only ask, Luna.” Tempest replied quickly. Anything, literally anything that was within her ability to do, she would in a heartbeat for this mare. “Darkie,” Wildfire smiled as she nuzzled her renewed friend, “we all deserve a second chance. I’m not big on third chances though.” “Right…” Darkstar returned the affectionate nuzzle with one of her own. “I'm sure Princess Luna sweeps in and heals everypony in Canterlot all the time. I know how lucky I've been today, Wily.” Luna smiled at Tempest, “The next time you come over, can we just have a coffee? And yes, Darkstar,” she said as kindly as she could while she tapped her head, “I try to heal ponies where I can.” The midnight blue alicorn gave a little giggle when Tempest offered her a noncommittal shrug, promising nothing. “Besides which, all this teleporting on and off trains, leading arrests and adventuring through Manehatten is a job for the young...” “Nonsense you!” Octavia interrupted her wife with a wrinkled arthritic hoof to her lips, “Like I told Mapper, you're as young as you want to be.” Airmail giggled at that, very pleased that Octavia’s attitude seemed at last well adjusted. “Maybe for the well-rested.” “Yes indeed,” Luna commented as she sat by her wife’s side on the padded play area in the nursery. “The biggest thing I want to worry about at our next meeting is whether there's sugar in my coffee or not.” Tempest burst out laughing, “Don't pick up Wily's cup by mistake.” Airmail walked over to Luna and held out her now non-glowing hoof for a bump. It was odd, as prissy as she was regarding her hooves, she had liked the glowing effect of Darkstar’s spell. “Deal.” Immediately, Luna returned the hoof bump with her left forehoof. “I'll be sure not to, Tempest.” “We will see ourselves out, then.” Tempest stated. They had after all intruded upon Luna and Octavia’s time together quite enough for one night, and she for one had no desire to impose any longer than necessary. Besides, she really wanted to see Emerald again. “If you don't mind, Tempest,” Octavia smiled gratefully. “My Lulu has some ‘urgent duties’ she needs to attend to. Urgently.” “I do?” Luna looked puzzled for just a very brief moment before she remembered what she had promised her wife prior to Dusk telling her of Airmail’s call earlier that evening. A promise involving pink socks, a pink paddle, hoof cuffs and a urethral vibrator. Her turquoise eyes went wide indeed. “Oooh…yes I do!” “Yes,” Tempest caught ‘that’ look straightaway and she knew whatever was planned had nothing at all to do with the Night Court, “matters of state must be taken care of, after all.” Luna giggled while her wide powerful wings fluttered outwards slightly, “I'll be sure to have her…I mean, them, well in hoof, Tempest.” Tempest snickered at the slip of the Princess’s tongue, but she didn’t make anything of it, merely playfully rolling her blue eyes. “I’m sure your head is in the game Luna…” she let it hang in the air between them all as to just what ‘game’ the alicorn’s head was in. “Let's go, Wily.” “Alrighty, Honey…” Wildfire agreed as she got up to her hooves from the padded play surface. She was about to feel her way to the door of the nursery when she had a thought and at the last moment she changed direction. Sniffing and listening, she zeroed in on the Princess’s position and she promptly charged her, wrapping her in a tight and perfectly applied tackle hug that Apple Honey would’ve been proud of, “Thank you Princess! Thank you for everything!” Like Tempest, Airmail rolled her eyes, though she appreciated the sentiment behind the gesture. “Wily is such a stoic pony.” Tempest chuckled at the Princess’s slight discomfort at being so suddenly and unexpectedly hugged. “We really should work on that.” Wildfire didn’t care that she was hugging royalty. She didn’t care she was breaking probably a gazillion rules of protocol. All she cared about was the fact she had her friends back. Yes, she counted both mares in that regard. Darkstar had never abandoned her, and Air Raid had tried her best to put right what she had done. That was all she cared about as she planted lots of kisses all over Luna's face. “Thank you!” Smiling broadly under the assault of Wildfire's lips, Luna at last managed to gently push the blind mare away so she could breathe. “Don't you ever change, Wildfire. That’s an order.” She looked eagerly around the nursery, “Is anypony else for hugs?” Air Raid saw her opportunity to do something she hadn’t had the chance to do for almost five years. “I'll go for a hug, Princess!” straightaway she went in for her hug and wrapped her forelegs around Luna’s barrel. “Um…sure…” Darkstar managed a tentative smile as she too got up and hugged the lunar alicorn. Tempest went next in the hug line up, and after she was satisfied with that she moved onto a rather stunned, but grateful Octavia. When Tempest had her fill, Airmail likewise hugged both mares while Wildfire, Darkstar and Air Raid indulged in a three way hug-fest that was five years overdue. “Oh, I get hugs too!” Octavia beamed, overjoyed at getting hugs from Tempest and Airmail. “Yes,” Airmail giggled as she pulled out her cell phone and arranged a taxi cab for Darkstar and Air Raid, “but not too hard, we don't want to squeeze the baby maker too much, do we?” ~ ~ ~ “Pretty,” Wildfire asked once she, Airmail and Tempest were flying back towards her step-mother’s house, “How did it really go, with Darkie?” They had waited, at Wildfire’s insistence, with Air Raid and Darkstar at the palace gates until the taxi that Airmail had ordered arrived. Airmail looked down from their position a few hundred feet above the sprawling capital city and watched the lights of the taxi weave around the streets until she lost it in a sea of gas lights below. “Her horn was repaired, but her magic is about what it was when she started primary school. She will have to relearn some things, and fine tune others to improve her ability. That is the physical. Mentally...” “So...kinda like my wings then?” Wildfire asked as they flew along in the chill of the night sky. She smiled reflexively, she loved the feeling of the wind on her face. “In working order, just a bit weak...” her ears flicked towards her azure blue herd-mate and at once she caught the tone of her voice. “What, mentally?” Airmail tried once again to find the taxi, without success, though if she was honest she was stalling. “I don't think she is suicidal anymore, but there are issues that linger, nightmares and self-esteem problems. Luna will do what she can for the nightmares and I've asked Requiem to do what she can for the rest.” “Well,” Wildfire replied hopefully from her position behind Tempest’s black tail, “that’s something, isn't it?” “It’s hope,” Tempest commented over her shoulder. “She’ll be fine.” Wildfire stated determinedly. “I know she will. She’s a survivor like me,” she then giggled to herself, loud enough to be heard as they flew along in the moonlight. “So Airy, how long did it take for Raid to hit on you?” “About five seconds after she was sure Darkie was going to be okay,” Airmail giggled, in fact she was sure it hadn’t even taken the lime green pegasus five seconds. But, she had at least waited until she knew for sure that her long time charge was going to be alright. That at least held some water in her eyes. “Although, I'm now surprised she went after you.” “What, why?” In mid-air, Airmail adjusted her course and laid an affectionate nuzzle on Wildfire’s cheek, “She seems to go for older mares.” Up front at the head of their little formation, Tempest snorted out a laugh, “I think the word you're looking for Airy is 'breathing' or maybe 'not getting away'.” Wildfire returned the nuzzle with one of her own as she giggled, “Well, she'll not mind me saying this,but she wasn't just fast on the track…” She paused to concentrate on her flight path while they banked and changed direction, “Honey's right, you are breath-taking. You certainly took mine when you crept up on me.” Airmail laughed at that. “That ‘muffle’ spell of Darkie’s was a lot of fun, and it let me put my nose under your tail.” “Twice,” Tempest stated the obvious, somewhat unnecessarily as she levelled off. Wildfire sniggered, “Darkie's illusions were always fun. Did she manage to cast her invisibility spell?” “That one does need a lot of work,” Airmail replied after a few moments thought. Darkstar had tried her absolute best, of that she was quite sure, but the fact was she had failed in the attempt she was going for. “She did do the legless pony, which will be a hoot on Nightmare Night.” “One time she managed to cast an invisibility bubble on me and Air Raid,” Wildfire grinned like an excited little filly at the memory of that particular afternoon’s fun. “That nearly got me expelled from university.” “Now that is the type of prank that Stormy would do.” “Gee,” Tempest spared Airmail a look long enough to stick out her tongue, “thank you for your vote of confidence.” “Air Raid thought it was a good idea to have sex on the math teacher’s desk.” Wildfire smiled somewhat proudly before she carried on and explained. “Professor Calculus caught us right at the point when we came on her desk. See, the thing with being invisible, it hides you, but it doesn't hide your noises...” she paused and blushed bright red, “or your smell.” Again, Airmail flew over and nuzzled her diminutive lover, “Or a rocking desk, I would suppose?” “That too,” Wildfire admitted with a giggle, “or the fluids that polished the desk. It was such a good idea at the time.” “I've heard that line many a time before.” Tempest said as she saw Emerald’s house down on the street below and she started to descend. “I reckon everypony's got a story like that,” Wildfire commented as she too adjusted her course and began to fly lower to land, “and if they don’t, they should have.” “Time to land,” Airmail called out when they were just a few feet above the path, not all that far away from where Wildfire and herself had decorated the nearby bushes when they first arrived from the teleport from the Friendship Express earlier that evening. “I hope we aren’t too late for Emerald to let us in.” “Mum did say her door was always open,” Wildfire said as her hooves touched down on the path outside her step-mother’s door. “I think you should still knock,” Tempest said as she folded away her wings under her saddlebags. Wildfire nodded, “It’s only polite to knock, Honey.” “Yes,” Airmail thought aloud as her belly gave a very loud and pronounced rumble. “and I’d like a snack, now that my stomach is back where it belongs, it seems to be rather empty.” In all the excitement and drama of the evening, she hadn’t thought of her belly. Now it was all over, for the time being at least, she could focus on being hungry. “Yuppers, I could eat something too,” Wildfire said as she walked up the path to her step-mother’s door and knocked her usual two knocks with her left forehoof. “C-C-Coming!” Emerald called, her slightly panicked voice coming from inside the house. A minute or two later, after the sound of several locks opening had gone, the front door opened a fraction as she looked out to see who had come to visit. “Oh He-Hello!” “Thank you for receiving us so late,” Airmail smiled. She understood this flighty stammering mare’s need for the many locks on her door after what she had endured over the years. “Oh d-don't b-be silly, you're always w-w-welcome here!” the orange pegasus stood aside with what was a rare smile to allow the three mares in to her house. “D-Do you n-need anything?” “Something simple to eat would be nice, please,” Tempest replied as she walked into the well-lit, thoroughly modern looking living room, now that it had been redecorated. It was only then that the violet weather pony noticed that Emerald had tied her green mane back in a ponytail. This pleased her considerably. She wasn’t hiding behind her mane. “Certainly T-Tempest...are m-mushroom omelettes alright?” Airmail’s belly answered for her with another loud rumble, “That would be lovely!” Like Tempest, she too had noticed Emerald’s new mane style. It suited her, she thought with a smile. Yes, she still had the remnants of her black eye and bruises on her neck, but she wasn’t trying to hide them anymore. Emerald gave a somewhat confident smile, “M-Make y-yo-ourselves at home, I'll be j-just a moment…” “Thanks mum!” Wildfire, ever the stoic pony, tackle hugged her step-mother tightly around her chest before feeling her way over to the seating pad on the new couch she had rested on earlier. Once her daughter had released the hug, Emerald stood stock-still, almost as if a cockatrice had petrified her on the spot. The only thing that changed was her orange cheeks. They coloured up in a furious red blush at being called ‘mum’ like that. “Ah…b-beers,” she said in an attempt to cover herself. She wished her mane wasn’t so tied up then, “w-would you like b-be-ers?” Airmail had to fight the urge to hug the younger orange mare, “Just juice for me, please.” “The same please,” Tempest smiled, walking over to their hostess and giving her a feathery hug with her wing after she dropped off her bags, “and please, let me help you.” Very grateful for the help – and the hug – Emerald gave a broad smile that showed a couple of her missing teeth. “Thank y-you T-Tempest. W-Wildfire?” “Oh, I’ll have a beer, please, mum,” Wildfire replied as Airmail got herself comfortable on the couch next to her. At this point, poor Emerald was almost seventy-five percent blush. “Um…th-the k-kitchen's this w-way…” When the thirty year old mare walked off to her kitchen, Tempest followed quickly behind her to lend her a hoof in preparing the omelettes. Again she was amazed at how clean and fresh the house smelled and looked now compared to how it was three days ago. “I know it has only been a couple of days,” Tempest started as they entered the pale blue kitchen with its gleaming stainless steel appliances, “but how are you doing?” “Um…f-fine, thank you...b-better now he's g-g-gone,” Emerald stammered as she reached into one of her cupboards for the frying pan and set it on the gas stove. “How are y-you all d-doing?” “Tomorrow we start our trip back to Manehatten,” Tempest answered her. As she did so she wondered idly if she always had her speech impairment or if it was a side effect of her time with Cold Front. “Y-You and Airmail have be-been dragged into all this…” she smiled as she poured in the oil and got the eggs from the refrigerator. “Y-You always have a r-ro-oof here in C-Canterlot, if y-you n-need it.” “That is good to know, and of course, the same can be said for you in Manehatten should you visit.” “I w-will, as soon as I g-get the ch-chance,” Emerald promised as the eggs began to cook in the pan. She didn’t know exactly when she’d get that chance, as she had her first appointment with the psychiatrist, Doctor Relook, that the Princess had helped organise for her, coming up in a couple of days. While Emerald busied herself cooking the mushroom omelettes for them, Tempest made herself useful and got the juice poured out for Airmail and herself. “What are you having to drink?” “I'll join my d-daughter in a be-beer,” Emerald answered quickly, the fear that she’d get hit if she delayed still uncomfortably fresh in her mind. “Oh m-my that feels odd t-to say…” With the glasses filled with a summer fruit juice cocktail, Tempest sidled over and hugged Emerald with her wing and nuzzled her bruised neck. “Airy lost her birth mother when she was seven. We just visited her mom in Vanhoover. The one that raised her. When Wildfire calls you mom, it is because you are. Not a replacement for Silverbolt, but the living and breathing mother whose shoulder she can cry on if needed.” “It's j-just odd that I d-didn't kn-know they existed unt-till Thursday,” she moved the pan from the heat and smiled, “I l-like being a mum though…” she continued as she added the mushrooms. “Is W-Wildfire always so accepting so q-quickly?” “Always?” Tempest asked while putting away the juice and pulling two beers from the fridge, “I can't answer that, I've only known her for a couple of weeks. I do know she is intelligent and caring, and she learns quickly.” As the omelettes were almost done cooking, Emerald moved over and retrieved four plates out of the nearby wall cupboard. “Um…w-what's she l-like? She seems pr-pretty fun,” she blushed hard at that, realising she may have said something wrong. “Not t-that y-you aren't, y-you all d-do!” “Like?” Tempest took a moment to consider that as she poured out the beers into two glasses. “She is young, a little naive. She had a large part of her life stolen from her by Cold Front. Now she is leaning she is not alone, and that blindness does not define her.” Emerald nodded silently and she served up the cooked omelettes on to the waiting plates. “It’s h-hard to b-believe he w-w-was n-nice once…” she muttered, her voice barely audible. “I'm l-looking fo-forward to g-getting to kn-know W-Wildfire.” Once poured, Tempest pulled out a tray and she rested the drinks safely on her back. “I’ll give you our phone numbers and email addresses. They’ll stay the same. Our physical address is changing soon so we will get that to you when we can.” Getting a bigger tray, Emerald put the four plates along with forks on her back, balancing it perfectly through years of practise. “Um, are y-you s-s-st-taying the n-night?” “Yes, we are.” “Th-That’s n-no p-problem,” Emerald stammered as she opened the kitchen door with her hoof and allowed Tempest to go first. “You c-can ta-take your pick of the f-five rooms upstairs.” “We will just take one,” Tempest smiled kindly as she walked past the younger orange pegasus, “and you are more than welcome to join us.” “Hmm…I j-just might d-do that,” she replied and she followed the violet mare through the rooms. “Drinks are served, good mares!” Tempest declared loudly as she set the tray she was carrying down on the dining table in the corner of the living room. “The f-food's here t-too…” nervously - so nervously she almost dropped the tray - Emerald placed the plates down on the dining table. “I d-do ho-hope th-they're okay,” she stammered, her nervous state worsening her stammer. “I c-can c-cook more if y-you d-don't like th-them…” Airmail interrupted the poor fretting mare with a light tinkling laugh, “Food, Emerald, it is my favourite eats.” “Mum,” Wildfire got up and hugged her step-mother tightly; she had been in a very similar situation with Amethyst Glory, she understood the pressures of getting something right and the consequences if it wasn’t. Her mum needed to know it was alright now, “if this tastes like it smells you so have nothing to worry about!” Again, Emerald blushed, feeling silly at panicking, “Thank you, W-Wildfire.” “Please call me Wily, mum,” Wildfire gave her step-mother a loving nuzzle as Airmail and Tempest both proceeded to chow down heartily on their mushroom omelettes. Emerald took a sip of her beer, “T-Tempest says y-you're leaving for M-Manehatten t-tomorrow,” she said as she watched Wildfire plunge her head into her plate, foregoing the fork, which went unused. After the impromptu meal had been consumed and the drinks had been drank, Emerald busied herself with clearing away the dirty dishes to the sink. “We have an early start tomorrow,” Airmail started as she tried and ultimately failed to stop her burp, “so could you show us to a bedroom that will hold all of us please, Emerald?” “Of c-course Airmail,” Emerald inclined her head politely, “all the be-beds are b-big enough t-to s-sleep four.” “It’s how we sleep,” Airmail explained as Emerald led them all up the stairs to the first floor above. Both Tempest and Wildfire were hesitant as they remembered the way it had been before, but as it turned out their worries were needless. “We are a herd after all.” “Oh I d-didn't sleep up here, Airmail,” Emerald commented as she gave them the brief tour. Every one of the bedrooms had been extensively redecorated with several coats of fresh smelling paint in warm reds and orange hues. “I s-slept d-downstairs in the ba-basement,” she paused as she opened the door to room one. While it was as basic in its décor as the others, it was warm, inviting and the bed looked comfortable. “Here w-we are!” Airmail looked around the room and found it most to her liking. She could well imagine when this was an active halfway house the ponies getting their lives together in rooms like this. “Do you have a particular side or location you like when you sleep?” “I’d like o-one of the ends p-please.” Emerald blushed. It was still unusual for her to have a bed at all. Her husband had kept her chained by the neck to the cold hard floor of the basement after the day was done. There had been that one time when he passed out drunk he left her there for almost a week. “I ah…I usually s-slept alone.” “Not tonight,” Tempest stated in an air that said there wasn’t any arguments. “I’m the mare in the middle, Airy, behind me, Wily to my front and Emerald you can be in front of Wily.” “Yuppers Honey,” Wildfire snickered as she got up on the bed in front of Tempest who had wasted no time at all in getting snuggled down. “C'mon mum, you'll love this!” Tentatively resting her forehoof on the bed – it was still tempting to just lay on the floor in the familiar position – Emerald grinned, “Y-Yu-uppers?” Laid down next to Tempest, Airmail rolled her brown eyes. “Wily tends to use some modern form of language or a secret code we haven’t been able to translate or decipher yet.” “We're not sure which it is yet,” Tempest snickered and licked her tongue up Wildfire’s ear. “Oooh…oh I s-see…” Emerald giggled and got up on the bed to lie next to her daughter. “Muuuuum!” Wildfire whined playfully as she snuggled her muzzle in close to her step-mother’s chest fur, “The big ponies are being mean!” Immediately and without hesitation, Emerald wrapped her forehooves and her wings around Wildfire and added a loving nuzzle for good measure. “Th-There, t-there you po-or filly, let momma hug you be-etter,” she giggled. “C-C'mon W-Wily, you're a bi-big mare, and momma’s hugs are q-quite excellent!” Airmail snuggled into Tempest’s back and kissed that spot that she knew she really liked to be kissed. “I'm not so sure of that, I think further testing is needed.” “I agree,” Emerald smiled as she kissed Wildfire’s nose, “shall w-we be-begin t-testing?” “Yes,” the azure blue mare agreed, “only through science can we see if your hugs are excellent or not.” “That’s my kind of science!” Wildfire squealed with joy as the very hesitant orange pegasus opened her legs and wings and she accepted the hugs and cuddles of Airmail and Tempest before joining in with a big four way hug with all of them together. “Yuppers, I think you're right mum, hugs are excellent,” Wildfire giggled after they had each been hugged twice. “Hey,” she said when a thought occurred to her, “do you want to come with us in the morning and say hello to my other mum?” Tempest, her voice full of pride at the maturity that Wildfire had demonstrated towards her step-mother, gave them both a kiss on the cheeks. “I think that is a great idea.” “Y-Your other...” Emerald was absolutely stunned at that and for a long few minutes she couldn’t speak a reliable reply. “Oooh um…y-yes W-W-Wily I'd l-love to, thank you!” The orange mare hugged her daughter again and much snuggling ensued as Airmail and Tempest both moved off to sleep. “Good night mum…” Wildfire whispered, the last of them to drift off to sleep, held tight in her mother’s embrace. > Chapter 7 - Of Family, Friends & Collars (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airmail, uncharacteristically for the azure blue mare, slept in late the next morning and didn’t wake up until six a.m., at least if she assumed the clock on the wall of Emerald’s first guest bedroom was accurate – which it was. Blinking away the sleep from her brown eyes she sat up from the feathery multi coloured cuddle pile, being careful not to wake Tempest and Emerald who were snoring away beside her. As she moved however, Wildfire turned her head in the semi-dark room. Celestia’s sun had been in the sky for an hour already, but the thick red drapes kept the worst of the light at bay. “Pretty, is that you up?” Smiling at her little lover, Airmail answered quietly. “Yeah, I'm going to make us some breakfast, you want to help?” “Alrighty…” Whispering in turn, the blind pegasus carefully extricated herself not only from the bed, but rather skilfully from between the hind legs of Emerald and the forelegs of Tempest like some game of Twister. Even more impressive was the way she did this without waking her step-mother or her herd-mate. “I've been up a while,” Wildfire admitted when her hooves touched the new quilted carpet, “But I realised I didn't know where anything is now, so I stayed in bed.” “I slept in late.” It felt like such a guilty pleasure kind of thing to admit, and it made the lead editor feel like a naughty filly scrumping apples. While she wasn’t quite sure where the kitchen was herself, she was sure it wouldn’t be that hard to locate. Flicking her summer green tail under Wildfire’s nose, the much older mare led her quietly down the stairs. “I don't know how long I've been up,” Wildfire commented as she descended the stairs. All the while she was feeling with her wings and hooves, as well as sniffing the frankly unusually clean smelling house. She couldn’t remember it smelling this clean since her birth mother had died. “I just thought it best to stay where I was. Did you sleep well, Pretty?” “I did.” Airmail replied as she looked about the living room trying to guess which side door was the kitchen. The first one she chose was the downstairs bathroom. “It was nice to sleep in a snuggle pile compared to the train.” “Yuppers, it was.” Wildfire readily agreed to that. “My mum was right, her hugs are excellent. Oh, and when you’re done with the toilet, the kitchen is this way.” Airmail giggled as she closed the bathroom door and she trotted along in the direction that Wildfire was pointing with her wingtip. It made sense, it was after all her house. The layout was the same, just the contents were different. “You're not bad yourself.” Using her wingtip she felt her way along Airmail’s flank until she was able to kiss her cheek. “I’ve had good teachers.” At last, at the second door along and through a short connecting hallway, Airmail finally found the kitchen. Pleased with herself, the azure blue mare quickly scoured the cupboards in search of flour, eggs and milk for pancakes. She did find a tub of chocolate chips, so she decided to make chocolate chip pancakes for them all. Standing still while she heard her lover move about and get busy, Wildfire felt a bit like a spare wheel. “Let me know what I can help with, Pretty. Um…did you dream at all?” “I'm sure I did,” Airmail replied over her shoulder as she combined all the ingredients into a measuring jug and whisked them up into a batter, “but I don't remember them. Check the fridge for juice and syrup. I'm making chocolate chip pancakes.” “Alrighty, I'll have a look…” Wildfire felt around the kitchen until, after a couple of false alarms, she found the fridge. It didn’t help her concentration that she could smell pancakes cooking on the gas oven behind her. Using a wing she opened up the fridge and she started sniffing and investigating around at the contents inside. Smiling at her, Airmail let the little yellow mare do her thing while she continued to produce a lot of pancakes. After a momentary search in which Wildfire tasted something utterly revolting that was worse than celery – she didn’t ask what it was, she didn’t want something that evil to have a name – she stood up from the fridge in success. “Aha! I have what I think is juice and syrup!” Hearing that, Airmail turned from the stove to inspect the fruits of her lover’s mighty hunt of the fridge. She smiled warmly when she saw that she did in fact have orange juice and syrup. “Thank you Wily, can you put those on the table and then get the dishes please?” “Alrighty Airy!” Using her free wing that wasn’t clutching the juice and syrup, she felt around the kitchen until she found the breakfast bar and she set her load down on the bar top. Once that was done she went in search of plates. Thankfully Emerald had left the clean plates on the worktop by the sink from the night before and after a few minutes searching she got them. “I have plates!” “Chocolate chip pancakes are done too.” Airmail smiled as she carried the huge stack of steaming hot pancakes on the bar next to the plates that Wildfire had laid out ready. “Now for the coffee. I'll even make it anti-Luna for you too,” she said with a giggle. Upstairs in Room one, after Airmail and Wildfire crept out to make breakfast, Tempest moved over to snuggle herself into Emerald’s orange coat. The sleeping weather pony didn't wake with the smells of the chocolate pancakes, but the tantalising scent of coffee that was wafting its way up the stairs had her waking in short order. As she stirred, Emerald pulled her into a tight snuggle and yawned herself awake. “Do you think they will serve breakfast in bed, or are we expected to go downstairs?” Tempest asked, not wanting to move just yet. Giving her limbs a tentative stretch, Emerald giggled. “If w-we w-wait a m-mo-moment they m-might br-bring it up.” Tempest nodded. She liked that plan as it involved staying in the warm bed and in the younger pegasus’s warm embrace. “I'm all for waiting.” Airmail however was to scupper that plan when she yelled up from the kitchen, “The food is on the table and it’s growing cold!” “Aaand…maybe not.” Tempest sighed when she realised she’d have to get out of bed before noon. “C'mon mum!” Wildfire called up next from the kitchen, “Airy made chocolate chip pancakes!” “Oh w-well, I suppose it w-was w-worth a tr-try,” Emerald sighed and yawned as Tempest nuzzled her cheek before with remarkable grace she hopped out of the still warm bed with a flap of her powerful violet wings. At the door she waited for Emerald, who clambered messily out of the bed and, shaking her green mane into something that resembled ‘presentable’, she followed after Tempest with another loud yawn. “Coffee please.” Tempest requested shortly, entering the kitchen and following the scent of coffee like one of those characters on a Saturday morning cartoon. Silently, and with a knowing smirk, Airmail pointed to a seating pad stool next to the breakfast bar that had a mug of hot coffee waiting for her. “There, and it’s how you like it.” “Thank you.” Tempest sat on the stool, sipping her drink with a welcome happy smile. “Good morning to you both, and it is before seven when I just said that!” “G-Good morning.” Emerald smiled as she checked the kitchen clock and saw that it was indeed just six fifty a.m. “As my f-first g-guests how w-wa-was the r-room?” “Snuggly.” Was Tempest’s one word comment. “I agree with Stormy.” Airmail commented as she too took a sip of her coffee. “I third 'snuggly'.” Wildfire grinned and began to demolish her mini stack of chocolate chip pancakes. “I'd be well happy to stay here again!” she slurred with a mouthful of food. Quietly taking an empty spot at the breakfast bar next to Wildfire, Emerald blushed intensely. “T-Thank you, I d-do my b-best.” Airmail took a far more delicate, but no less messy bite out of her pancakes. “You do well Emerald and that is what matters.” “T-Thanks…” Emerald took a bite of her own pancakes. “Whose idea w-was br-breakfast?” “Wily's stomach woke me up so I thought it would be a good idea as I didn't want her to gnaw off a leg.” Airmail giggled around her mouthful of pancakes. “You're welcome,” Wildfire smirked as she took a drink of her sugary black coffee, “Mum your leg was safe, Airy's tastes much better.” “That is true,” Tempest thought aloud, working on her own coffee, “it’s no wonder she got up to make breakfast.” “Y-You've t-tasted her le-leg?” Emerald paused in the eating of her breakfast to let out a bright little giggle, one she hadn’t let out for a good long time. “I'm g-glad y-you fell in wi-with a g-good crowd.” Tempest considered that for a brief moment. “We're glad she did too.” “Y-You'll have t-to tell m-me all about it w-when you have m-more time.” Airmail drained her mug of coffee and got up from the breakfast bar to get herself a refill and one for everypony else there too. “Take some time for yourself and come and visit once we move into the new place. You can join us for the house warming party!” “I w-will d-definitely…” she started, then paused, offering a nod of thanks to Airmail when she placed the fresh coffee in front of her on the bar. “Mum,” Wildfire asked as she finished off her chocolate chip pancakes with a smack of her lips, “can I ask, have you always stuttered?” “W-What?” Emerald was so surprised by her step-daughter’s question that she almost dropped her mug of coffee. “N-No, it wa-was after I m-met your da-da-dad that it st-started.” The orange mare hoped somepony would change the subject. She really didn’t want to talk about her ex-husband right then, not when she was so happy with her new family. “Oh...” Wildfire pushed away her coffee. “Mum…I’m sorry.” Airmail caught the reticent look on Emerald’s face and glanced at Tempest just as the violet pony looked at her. They shared a very brief exchange of ear flicks before the lead editor nodded quietly and she put her hoof up in the air like she was getting a teacher’s attention. “I cooked!” Tempest flicked her ears one last time. “I got the dishes.” Wildfire, distracted by her two herd-mates at the breakfast bar, asked; “D’you want any help?” Tempest smiled, happy that their distraction had worked. “Sure Wily, you can dry.” When Tempest and Wildfire got up from the breakfast bar and carried the dirty dishes to the sink to clean and dry them, Airmail quietly ushered the shaken Emerald out of the kitchen and steered her towards the new cream coloured couch in the living room. “Emerald,” she asked as they sat down, “are you up for a flight to visit Silverbolt?” “Ce-Certainly Airm-m-ail…” In a fit of frustration, Emerald thumped her left forehoof into her cream couch. “I’m so-sorry for m-my stutter,” she then fluttered her clipped wings, the damaged feathers being a stark reminder of her ex-husband’s regular abuse and just one of the steps he had taken to ensure that she wouldn’t get away. “I um…I mi-might n-need help, t-to fly.” “I'm not worried about your stutter, so why should you?” Airmail gave the fretting mare a very kind nuzzle. “Be yourself, it is what we taught Wildfire….and, I’m sure your daughter will be more than happy to help you.” “You have taken to Emerald quite well,” Tempest commented quietly to Wildfire in the kitchen as she got on with washing the breakfast dishes. “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled with the tea towel in her hoof, “I know she's my step-mum just because she married dad, but it's more than that y'know?” She hadn’t put this into words yet, but she’d been thinking it. “It’s like a bond, because he messed us both about, and I figure she doesn't need a hard time from me over it.” Tempest nodded her head thoughtfully. They really did have a smart little mare here, no matter what her math result was. “That lesson took Airy almost a year to learn. Now Bluesky and Rye are her mom and dad.” “You worried I'm calling Emerald ‘mum’ too quick?” “No!” Tempest exclaimed as she washed the plates, “I'm glad you aren’t putting her through what Airy did to Sky.” As she was reared up to her hind legs, Wildfire was almost up to Tempest’s shoulder height-wise, so she gave her a nuzzle. “She sounds like a nice mare is all, and she must be as nervous about inheriting a daughter as I am about having another mum. So…I thought I'd make it easy.” She paused and giggled, “Was Airy stubborn then, at first?” “Resentful, I'd say.” Tempest replied after she gave the matter a little thought. “She was seven and her parents did the murder suicide thing. Also Rye is an earth pony. The, "I'm so bad my parents would rather die than love me" thing. Rye and Sky had a lot of patience with her, then Sky got pregnant and Airy turned around.” “Yuppers, I guess it’s easier me being older, I think I'd be more resentful if I were seven. My biggest thing to get my head 'round is my dad, the awful things he did, the ponies he did them to…” Wildfire hung her head in shame, humiliation and distress. “Stormy...don't let me turn into him.” “You don't have to be him,” Tempest said lovingly, wrapping Wildfire in the feathery embrace of her left wing as they washed up, “you can always be Silverbolt instead.” Wildfire nestled into Tempest’s warm hug. “It's dumb I know,” she said hesitantly, “I kinda feel 'dirty' having his blood in me, knowing what he did to me and to my friends.” “He gave you a chance at life. Sure, he tried to take it away, but he failed. You're here, and he isn't.” Tempest smiled and gave her diminutive lover a kiss to her cheek. “I'll give you a nice bath when we get home.” Wildfire, having dried the last of the dishes, wrapped Tempest’s barrel in a tight hug and she asked with a smile, “Promise?” “I promise.” “Awesomes!” “Okay,” reluctantly Tempest pulled herself away from the hug and she began to wipe down the breakfast bar with a wet cloth. “Let's get our saddlebags and go visit Silverbolt, then we'll take a short flight up to Cloudsdale.” Wildfire took a moment or two to process that statement. “You wanna meet Cy?” “Of course,” Tempest grinned as she moved onto wiping down the black marble worktops, “and I think Cy would like to meet you.” “That would be cool,” Wildfire thought aloud, “and it'd be sweet to visit Cloudsdale for once.” “It will be my first trip too.” Tempest commented before finally cleaning the sink, “Airy has been there before.” “It’s a good thing we have a guide then.” Wildfire smiled then a thought struck her as Tempest ushered the blind mare out of the kitchen and through the small hallway to the living room. A rather obvious thought, but she didn’t realise that. “Ooh! I bet Cy has a cloud house!” Airmail couldn’t resist. “All of Cloudsdale is cloud houses!” She giggled behind her azure blue hoof, as did Emerald and Tempest. “Oooh...” Wildfire coloured up in a blush. She knew they weren’t being mean. “I um, I knew that…” “See Emerald,” Tempest giggled and nuzzled the yellow pegasus’s cheek, “Wily is one of the smart ones!” Still giggling on her couch, Emerald forgot for the moment about her clipped wings. “So I s-see. So W-Wily, your m-mum, should I br-bring anything?” Wildfire thought for just a moment. She knew what her birth mother would love, what she always loved. Daffodils, though Wildfire had never asked her why. It was always daffodils with her mother. She assumed it was because of the yellow colour matched her mother’s coat. Silverbolt never told her the truth. “Daffodils, if you have them mum, that'd be great!” “There's a bu-bunch in t-the even nu-numbered rooms,” Emerald replied quickly as she got up from the couch, “I'll g-go get them.” “Here's the plan Wily,” Airmail said just as she watched Emerald trot on up the stairs. “Easy flight to see your mom. Quick flight to Cloudsdale. Easy flight to Ponyville for Dusky and Oils, then we go to Trottingham. You will let us know when to take a break, right?” Wildfire nodded with a very serious look on her scarred face. She knew this wasn’t a topic to joke about. “Sure I will, Pretty. I promise, the moment I start feeling iffy, I'll let you know.” “Good, the most important thing is not when we get there,” Tempest rested her violet forehoof on Wildfire’s little shoulder, “It is getting there together.” “I won't show off, don't worry.” Wildfire smiled a reassuring smile, “I promise the minute I start struggling I'll say.” Just then, Emerald came bustling back into the living room from the stairs with the flowers held under her right wing. She caught the last part of what her step-daughter had said. This concerned her, a lot. “St-Struggling W-Wi-Wily? W-What's wrong?” “We have Wildfire on a flight training program to get her up to speed for firefighting duty,” Airmail answered the orange mare’s question. Tempest grinned as she hefted up her saddlebags onto her back. “She can be stubborn though, so we need to be sure she lets us know if we hit her limit.” Walking straight over to the little blind mare, Emerald gathered Wildfire up in a tight hug. “Y-You let them kn-know if y-you need help.” She said in a firm tone that said she was having no arguments. “I've only ju-just got y-you, I don't w-want to s-see you hurt!” “Only time will tell.” Airmail gave her little lover a nuzzle before placing her own bags on her back and prodding Emerald to get up on Wildfire’s back. She knew she’d be able to bear the mare’s weight, it was only a short flight. “Let’s fly.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled as she heard her step-mother lock her front door. “C'mon mum, it’s this way.” From her flight suit, the little blind mare got her directions to the Residential District cemetery and with a flap of her yellow wings she took off with a broad smile. On Wildfire’s back, Emerald held on tight while Airmail flew alongside her left side and Tempest took her right flank. “I have my transponder on, Wily.” “I've got you, Pretty, point two.” Wildfire got the position of point one and point two either side of her as she flew with her mother on her back. Flying straight and level, it was only a twenty minute flight until she noticed Airmail start to descend. Wildfire followed the azure blue mare’s descent to the graveside. When the four mare’s landed at Silverbolt’s very well-kept grave, Airmail and Tempest stepped back and waited silently, both older pegasi giving Wildfire the chance to talk to Emerald as to why they were here. Stepping up, Wildfire felt the edge of the grave with her toes of her hooves. “Mum?” Stood next to her daughter in the early mid-morning mist, the sunlight struggling to break through the clouds, Emerald draped her mutilated right wing over the little mare’s back. “Y-Yes W-Wi-Wily?” Wildfire, very grateful of her step-mother’s wing over her back giving her strength, pointed her left forehoof to the grave and its headstone. “I'd like you to meet my mum, Silverbolt.” Removing her wing from Wildfire’s back, Emerald trotted around the grave to stand by the headstone and reverentially she laid the daffodils in place before backing off. “He-Hello Silverbolt, I'm Emerald. It's very ni-nice t-to meet yo-you at l-last.” When she was back by Wildfire’s side, she put her wing back in place. “T-Tell me about her, pl-please?” Wildfire took a long pause and a deep breath before she answered. “Mum died when I was twelve. She was a weather pony here in Canterlot. She was helping to make a class ten thunderstorm when an errant cloud caught her with a lightning bolt.” Along with her wing, Emerald now place her right foreleg around Wildfire's shoulder. “N-No...tell m-me about ‘her’, W-Wily.” “Oooh...” Wildfire smiled, feeling a little silly as she got the wrong end of the stick. “Well, she was a weather pony for twelve years. She started out in Ponyville with the weather team there where she was born and she had me at thirty five when she moved here to work.” Emerald listened and nodded, then she asked something that had been running around her head for the past few days. “And, y-you we-weren't always bl-blind, were y-you?” “Nopes,” Wildfire shook her head. “It happened when I was eighteen, it was an accident in science class at university. A long time bully went for my friend Dusk, he got me instead, with two beakers of acid.” “D-Did it hu-hurt?” Emerald blushed. She hadn’t meant to ask the foalish question quite so bluntly as she did. Wildfire nodded. “So much. It was pain like you can't believe, mum. I don’t have the words for how much it hurt.” Emerald’s blush was still in force and she looked around the otherwise empty cemetery, she noticed the mist was clearing up, she fished for a change of subject. “W-When you s-say Du-Dusk…” “Prince Dusk,” Wildfire supplied with a smile. She recognised a subject switch when she heard one, but she couldn’t fault her mum for that. “Yuppers, my bestest friend.” “And yo-your d-dad, he...he p-put you in the c-care home th-then, d-didn't he?” Again, Wildfire nodded her head. Not sadly, but determinedly. “Right around the time he got together with you? That's how we figure it, right guys?” At last, Tempest stepped up to stand beside Emerald. “That is what the bank records show.” Emerald looked like she was going to cry, especially with her step-daughter and her herd-mates around her offering her strength and courage after everything that had happened, and the part she had played in it. “H-He ma-married me w-w-with your m-money.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire agreed, “but mum you've got it now and you’re going to put it to good use helping other ponies, right?” “It was more than that.” Airmail put her azure blue wing over Wildfire’s back and over Emerald’s wing. She rather liked this picturesque cemetery this early in the morning. It was quiet and serene. “He did a lot of things for money. Including putting Wily away in the home, stealing her money and getting a monthly payoff to leave her there.” “It seems he used the money to entice you,” Tempest said, not unkindly, “but I don't think he married you out of love.” Emerald rubbed her forehoof across her eyes. They were getting awfully wet and she couldn’t have that, not here. Not now. “I th-thought he l-loved me at first, he was n-nice, sweet even.” And he had been. Cold Front had been the perfect gentlecolt when he had swept her off her hooves but then… “Then h-he ch-changed, after w-we w-we-ere married.” “I'm sure our friend Requiem could give us a lot of reasons for that, but in the end it was choices he made.” Tempest asserted definitely. Cold Front might indeed have been the best pony in the land once, but that wasn’t how he ended his days, and that was all that mattered to her. Wildfire wasn’t having any self-deprecating pity fest. She agreed with Tempest wholeheartedly. “In the end mum, it don't matter why.” She punctuated her statement with an affectionate nuzzle to her step-mother’s cheek. “The fact is nopony made him make the choices he made, and more important, it’s not our fault, right?” Airmail looked at Tempest over both Wildfire and Emerald’s backs and the violet weather pony nodded back with a wry smile. “Right!” They both declared together. “Ri-Right.” Emerald stammered with a thankful smile on her face. “And,” Wildfire continued, “you got awesome family and friends out of it, and I got a mum that I can cuddle if I need to!” Now Emerald’s smile was wider and more assured. “R-Right, W-Wily!” “Is this one of those D’AWWWWW moments you read about in mushy books?” Airmail asked Tempest, earning herself a giggle and a roll of the eyes from her herd-mate. “Wh-What's wr-wrong wi-with those m-moments?” Emerald asked innocently. She rather liked those ‘mushy’ books. Probably why she had been so easy to snare back in Las Pegasus all those years ago. “Family group hug?” Tempest leant over and kissed Wildfire’s cheek. “Group hug!” Emerald let out a bright happy giggle. “Gr-group hug!” For the next five minutes nopony said anything at all, they were too busy and occupied with the five way hug fest – they had seen fit to include Silverbolt’s headstone in the hug – to speak anything at all. Reluctantly, it was Airmail that broke the cuddle pile at the grave site. She didn’t want to, but they had places to be and a rough schedule to adhere to. “Thank you for your hospitality, Emerald. I look forward to your text with your email. We will let you know our physical address once we've moved into the new place.” Emerald nodded and again wiped her eyes. She wanted the hug to last forever. “It w-was my pl-pleasure Airmail, and I me-meant w-what I said, y-you're always w-welcome in m-my house.” Wildfire was the last to pull away from the hug. “Um…can you do me a favour, mum?” Emerald nuzzled her step-daughter’s cheek, “anything W-Wily, anything at all.” “Would um, would you mind, coming to keep mum company sometime?” Now Emerald did weep, but it was a good weep, with tears for the right reasons. “I wi-will, as often as I c-can.” “Okay Wily,” Airmail checked her watch. They really had to get a shift on if they hoped to get everywhere and get to Trottingham by nightfall. “I'm the slowest flyer in the herd, so you just need to keep up with me. Cloudsdale is at twenty thousand feet and about ten miles away.” Emerald stole one last hug with each of them in turn. “Y-You all take c-care now.” “We will mum!” Wildfire gave her step-mother a hug before turning to the sound of Airmail’s voice. “I'm ready, Pretty.” Ever the practical, sensible mare of their little group, as well as remembering that the orange pegasus was currently incapable of flight, Tempest asked; “Are you good getting back home, Emerald?” “Oh y-yes,” she answered quickly, “I'll g-go and d-do some shop-p-ping first though, since I'm out here.” Airmail and Tempest each spared a few seconds to give Emerald a last hug and then all three pegasi spread their wings and launched straight up into the morning sky. “See ya mum!” Wildfire called out over her shoulder and Emerald stood by the grave and waved until she couldn’t see them anymore. ~ ~ ~ “On Time to Mother Hen,” Airmail called out when the trio of pegasi had passed over the Canterlot city wall boundary, leaving the mountainside city behind them. “On Time to Mother Hen, do you copy?” Tempest snickered over her shoulder at her ‘call sign’, the morning sun shining brightly in the deep blue sky. “Mother Hen, I hear you loud and clear On Time.” “Roger that.” Airmail smiled as they broke through a layer of clouds, “Please keep an eye on...we need a call sign for Wily.” Tempest once more glanced over her shoulder, this time looking thoughtfully at her young herd-mate. “With that suit, hmm, how about Stealth Pony? What do you think, Wily?” Wildfire giggled, flying along at a gentle climb rate from five thousand to twenty thousand feet, she found the pace easy and very manageable indeed. She thought about it for a moment and smiled, “Stealth Pony sounds good to me, Honey.” “My real call sign is Storm Eye,” Tempest replied as she barrel rolled over a cloudlet for fun, “but I'll let Mother Hen go for now.” Flying alongside Wildfire’s left flank, Airmail giggled at the violet weather pony’s antics. “Let’s stretch those wings of yours, Stealth Pony.” With that she silently accelerated from fifty up to her top speed of eighty miles per hour. “Mother Hen suits you, Honey.” Wildfire giggled, then she concentrated when she heard the headset in her ear report to her that Point Two’s speed had increased and was now ahead of her. Smiling, she flapped harder to match Airmail's new speed. Noticing Wildfire speeding up, Airmail began to randomly alter her course, not flying in a straight line for very long to see if the blind mare was using her navigator correctly. On Wildfire’s right, Tempest took off at well over a hundred miles per hour to allow her to fly 'cover' if needed. At her new top speed of eighty, Wildfire noticed the two transponder signal reports moving in different directions and speeds. “Point Two, location, distance.” Immediately the headset responded with Airmail’s changing location and the blind mare set it to track her. As Airmail saw her change course to follow her, she performed some more – basic - manoeuvres as she climbed before slowing to a manageable seventy as she was getting tired. “I still got it, Pretty!” The rest of the twenty minute flight to Cloudsdale was relatively uneventful. Airmail and Tempest both enjoyed the view, of the countryside and Ponyville below and of Wildfire’s tight little ass ahead. When they reached the huge floating expanse that was the cloud city, Airmail – being the one that had been here before – directed the trio to land near one of the main boulevards through the city. Ever so slightly out of breath, Wildfire landed, flexing her wings a little as she took her first steps on Cloudsdale. It felt just like any other cloud. “So...this is Cloudsdale, huh?” “Could be,” Tempest snickered as she too landed on Wildfire’s right side. “It is on a cloud, after all.” Airmail gave Wildfire’s left cheek a loving nuzzle. “The large sign over there with the word ‘Cloudsdale’ on it sort of gives it away too.” Wildfire giggled. “You sarky mares.” Although of course she wouldn’t have either of them any other way. “If you'd point me to the sign I'll have a look.” “Above your head,” Airmail smiled, “But you'll need cloud touch to read it as it is all in clouds.” “Pretty much everything here is cloud.” Tempest supplied, somewhat unnecessarily. “Hence the term, 'Cloudsdale', huh?” Wildfire smiled as she listened and sniffed. The cloud city sounded and smelled as full and busy as Canterlot and Manehatten, although it did smell a great deal cleaner than Canterlot. “Sounds better than Cloudsfluffy.” Tempest snickered while Airmail laughed, steering the three of them over to a nearby public information board. “Oh I don't know,” Wildfire laughed as she crossed the empty cloud street. It was odd to her how there were sidewalks and roads and other stuff here, but everything was essentially made from cloudstuff. “Cloudsfluffy rings a bell…” “Sure,” Airmail giggled with a wing over Wildfire’s back, “you can start a name change campaign after you become the mayor.” She studied the information board carefully. “Hmmm…the information office here doesn't open till nine a.m. Lazy pegasi.” Wildfire pretended to think with her hoof tapping her chin. “Hmm, no that's fine, I'm too busy being a firefighter to be mayor as well.” Still shaking her head at what she perceived to be laziness of the highest order, Airmail pointed a wing down the street. “I know where City Hall is, so we may as well head there.” “If it is like Manehatten,” Tempest thought out loud, “that should have the weather offices.” “Maybe Cy's there already?” Wildfire suggested. “Maybe, but if she is anything like the weather pony next to you, she is still drooling on her pillow.” Airmail snickered as she flicked her summer green tail under the blind mare’s nose and began to lead the way down the cloud city’s central thoroughfare. Tempest sniffed indifferently, walking on Wildfire’s right side along the street. “I don't drool on my pillow! I drool on you Airy.” Wildfire giggled at Tempest’s comment while they passed shops along the way to City Hall including a flower shop, a MiAC store and even a branch of Rarity’s Recreations. “Hey, I thought you drooled on me?” “That is your fault for being Airy's replacement pillow.” Tempest said with a giggle, looking into the MiAC store with great interest as they walked past. “That's fine,” Wildfire shrugged, “my flanks can handle being a pillow.” “An absorbent pillow.” “Yes, that is important.” Airmail snickered when they rounded a corner and saw their destination just across the way. “At least City Hall is open at this hour. That is a good sign.” Wildfire giggled behind her hoof, “I dunno though, Momma Hen pillow was pretty good to lay on too.” They walked over the street and open central plaza to the City Hall entrance. “I think you were pretty good for Momma pillow too.” Tempest laid her violet wing over Wildfire’s back as they entered the building and Airmail, at the head of the group, looked at the directory. “Weather Offices are on this floor, Room One Zero through Two Seven.” The azure mare stated, she saw on the large map where the rooms were and she led them to the reception. “See, I can be a good filly when I want to be.” Wildfire giggled as they trotted along the dense cloud-formed corridor. “Yes you can be, my little egg.” Tempest squeezed the blind mare with her wing and added a lick up her right ear for good measure. “Lead on, Airy, let’s see when Cy comes into work.” Wildfire leant up and nuzzled the older pegasus’s cheek, “Aww I love being your little anything, Honey.” At the reception to the Weather Offices, Airmail hoofed open what looked like a frosted glass door but was in fact a super fine layer of cloud locked in a door frame and led them up to the receptionist’s desk. “Good morning, Miss. Is Cyclone in yet?” The receptionist looked up from her early morning paperwork with a practised pleasant smile. “She usually arrives about a quarter to eight, so should be here in about ten minutes.” “Thank you.” Airmail gave the mare a polite nod and turned to her diminutive lover. “Wily, could you see if you can hurry her along with a phone call, please?” “Yuppers, will do, Pretty.” With a smile, Wildfire dug in her saddlebag with her wing and, setting to speaker dialled Cyclone’s number. “Y'ello?” Cyclone, flying low and slow along Fairfeather Street, landed to take the call. She did wonder who was calling her this early in the day. It was way too early for Air Raid. Wildfire smiled at the sound of her old friend’s familiar voice. “Hey Cy, guess who?” “Oh hey Sweet Flanks,” Cyclone smiled and smoothed out her favourite summer yellow dress with the little green flowers around the hem over her padded rump as she started to walk along towards City Hall. “What’s up? I'm kinda on my way to work.” “I know,” Wildfire giggled, “We're waiting for you.” “Sweet Flanks?” Airmail asked, her eyebrow raised which made Tempest giggle like a filly. “That sounds like Airy, good morning!” Cyclone smiled broadly down her phone, happy with herself that she had remembered the mare’s name. “Have you seen Wily's flanks?” “From several different perspectives.” Airmail answered quickly, making Wildfire stick out her tongue and Tempest giggle louder. “Then I rest my case, they're sweet.” Cyclone stated as she trotted past the MiAC store – her favourite – and approached the open plaza. “I don't wanna be rude chaps, but I'll be there in a few minutes.” With that she hung up her phone, and once it was back in her bag she smoothed her hoof over her dress once more and trotted on. “That worked well.” Tempest snickered as she gave Wildfire’s ear a lick in just ‘that’ way she knew she liked it. “Thank you, Sweet Flanks.” Airmail looked at Tempest and grinned, “New call sign?” Tempest nodded solemnly. “New call sign.” “What,” Wildfire giggled, “not Stealth Pony?” Airmail and Tempest both laughed out loud at that. “I think Sweet Flanks is a bedroom call sign.” Airmail giggled, adding a lick of her own to Wildfire’s left ear for good measure. “You can keep Stealth Pony while we are flying.” “GAaaaaAAH!” Wildfire moaned, her legs going weak when her ears were licked and nibbled. She hated and loved that her marefriends both knew what made her do that. “Mmmm th-that'll do me, Pretty!” A few moments later Cyclone appeared, trotting along the corridor of City Hall to the Weather Offices reception area. Yellow dress impeccable over her clean fresh nappy, she had her turquoise mane tied back in a ponytail. “Morning chaps!” She greeted them with a cheery wave of her hoof. “We are on our way back east,” Tempest greeted her as cheerily as she could manage this early in the morning. “But we thought a stop off here for Wily would be a great way to start this trip.” Cyclone gave each mare a hug and a nuzzle of greeting, spending a little longer on Wildfire than the others. Though this was the first time she’d seen Wildfire’s scars, she didn’t care in the least. “Well, this is a nice surprise of a morning, I'm not supposed to be in 'till nine.” “Then you have time for a visit before you start work.” Airmail said as Cyclone led the way through the reception area to her office. “Oh of course I do,” Cyclone replied, hoofing open her office door and allowing them to enter first. “I'd make the time for you lot. Do you want a drink?” “Yes.” Airmail and Tempest both answered at the exact same time as they guided Wildfire over to a seating pad and took one for themselves. “Yuppers, please, Cy!” Cyclone smiled an affectionate smile at the friend she hadn’t set eyes on for five years. She literally drank in the sight. “Will vending machine coffee do you?” Airmail smiled, “It's not bourbon, but it will do.” Tempest, who hadn’t yet sat down, asked, “You need a helping hoof with that?” “Yes please, um...” Cyclone struggled to put a name to the violet mare. “Ah…Tempest, right?” “Major Tempest, Commander, First Manehatten Weather Battalion,” Tempest announced like she was on parade, earning a giggle from Airmail and Wildfire respectively. “And, fetcher of the coffee.” Cyclone saluted the older pegasus with a giggle. “Sir! Vending machine this way, Sir!” The jet black mare turned and, still giggling, led the way to the coffee vending machine out in the empty hallway a couple of doors down from her office. “Here we are!” She put the necessary bits in to buy four coffees. “How'd you like it?” “One black with two sugars, one with cream and no sugars and finally one with a sugar and cream for me.” “Gotcha.” Cyclone tapped the keypad and pressed in the order. “So, Tempest, I had Raid on the phone last night. I take it I have you guys to thank for bringing our Darkie back?” “You can thank Princess Luna for that,” Tempest replied modestly, downplaying her part in the whole thing. “Our herd holds a special place in her heart, so she does go the extra mile for us.” “Hey, don't knock a Princess in your pocket hun.” A few minutes later and the order of four coffees came out on the vending machine’s revolving serving plate. “You take two, I take two?” She asked, and when Tempest nodded, the jet black mare reached to the left of the machine and passed Tempest one of the trays, taking two cups on the tray she held on her back. “It’s nice to see Wily hasn't changed much after all this time.” Tempest took the tray and loaded it up with the two cups of hot coffee. “I'm glad to hear she is what you remember five years ago.” “She still sounds fun.” Cyclone commented as she walked carefully so as not to spill the coffee on her yellow dress. “I mean, yeah, shits happened and stuff but despite that she still sounds and looks like our Wily.” “Then…I'm glad you didn't meet her two weeks ago when Airy and I first met her.” Curious at that, Cyclone stopped and looked at the violet weather pony. “Hmm, why? What happened?” Likewise, Tempest paused and looked at the young pegasus for a good few moments, considering her reply. Eventually she made her mind up. “I think…we need to arrange a class reunion of the study buddies.” She said carefully. “I really think that is a story to be told once.” “Alright,” Cyclone nodded her agreement. Whatever it was that had happened couldn’t be that bad, surely? “That should be easy to sort out.” “Maybe.” Tempest sighed and gave a little yawn. It was still early for her. “Raid and Darkie are moving to Manehatten. Brightstar lives in Fillydelphia. Is Slingshot still local?” “I don't know.” Cyclone admitted with a shrug of her shoulders. “Slingshot and Raid had a big fall out a few years back. We haven't seen or heard from him since.” Tempest shook her head. “You young ponies and your drama.” Cyclone struggled to hold in her giggles, and failed, utterly. “After Darkie was attacked, Raid missed a lot of races and tournaments to care for her privately. As a result, their team slipped in the rankings. Understandably, perhaps, Slingshot got pissy about it and accused Raid of trying to get Darkie in bed.” “Subject to explore later,” Tempest stated definitely. “For now we need to complete this coffee delivery and engage in some light hearted conversation 'till you go to work and we leave.” The jet black mare grinned. “I couldn't agree more.” Tempest led the way back to Cyclone’s office and delivered Airmail her coffee, setting the tray down on the table in front of her. “So,” Airmail started as she sniffed the wonder that was her coffee, “based on some stories I've heard, how do you find life in Cloudsdale, Cyclone?” “Sweet Flanks,” the black mare smiled as she laid her own tray in front of Wildfire, “your coffee is served, my lady.” “Oh, shut up…” Wildfire giggled and took up her vending machine coffee. “Thanks, Cy.” “Oh, you mean my fear of heights, Airy?” Cyclone asked, turning to the azure blue mare as she took her own seating pad behind her desk. “I took therapy and got over it, mostly, and besides flying a few feet over firm clouds is like flying over the ground.” Airmail accepted that and she took a welcome sip of her frankly awful coffee. “I'm not one to talk though. I've spent more time on the dirt than in the air.” “We all live in a ground based house too.” Tempest put in as she too took a draught of the foul life giving liquid. “Now,” Cyclone smiled a broad smile. This was just like old times. Good times. “What else has this bundle of fun been telling you about me?” Airmail placed her half empty cup on Cyclone’s desk. “That you look pretty in red ribbon.” She said with a sly smile. Looking around her office she was struck as to how Spartan it was. Besides some awards for employee of the month, there was precious little in the way of personal effects. Wildfire and Cyclone both snorted with laughter, both were thankful that they weren’t drinking anything at that moment. “Yeah,” she laughed, “yeah Raid wasn't too pleased you got called in that evening, kiddo.” Wildfire shrugged innocently. “It’s not my fault a fire broke out!” Tempest nudged her in the ribs. “I'm sure it was totally her fault.” “What about you Cy,” Airmail asked quickly before Wildfire could come back with a retort to that. “Do you have a significant other?” Cyclone sipped her coffee slowly. “I'm afraid not. I’m single, sexy and all alone.” At that, Airmail carefully examined Cyclone's flank. Even under the summer yellow dress, she could tell the young black pegasus was very toned, very fit. There was a slight bulge to the back of her dress at the rump which she couldn’t quite put her hoof on, but that didn’t detract from her cuteness in the slightest. “Why do the young ones always look so cute Stormy? Like you,” she added quickly. Tempest rolled her blue eyes but she still gave her herd-mate an affectionate nuzzle. “Good save, Airy.” “Alas! For 'tis both a blessing and a curse.” Cyclone giggled as she drained the rest of her coffee. “And, that was an excellent save, Tempest. Still, I thank Celestia daily for the vibrating teddy bear and the 'grizzly' setting…” she blushed then, so intensely that it showed even on her black cheeks. She’d worn out two of those during her last heat cycle. “When you do come to visit I'll have to introduce you to the stallionator,” Tempest offered with a wry grin. “Ooh you got one of those?” Cyclone asked. As it happened she too had two of them, a unicorn one and an earth pony one. Sadly it was no fun when they weren’t strapped onto a mare and that mare was bottoming out against her cervix. “Hmm, I do recall you saying on the phone that Thursdays were your fun nights.” “Every fourth Thursday,” Airmail corrected her kindly. “This Thursday is gaming night. Second Thursday is intimate play night.” “Sweet.” Cyclone started before a though occurred to her. “Are there any fetishes you don't allow? I've got a thing for foal play…” “That is one fetish that will not have you welcomed.” Airmail interrupted very coldly indeed as she set her empty cup on the desk between her and the young black mare. “On that note, time to move along so Cyclone here can get to work.” With that, Airmail and Tempest both stood up. “Thank you for the coffee,” Tempest said in a tone that said she had scraped something off of her hooves. Cyclone blinked once then twice. Everything had been going so very well, and all of a sudden the nasty looks being shot her way from the older mares were palpable. Then, it hit her what she had said. Internally she facehooved. “Wait! Guys wait! I meant I like to wear nappies, not doing ‘that’ with actual foals!” Sharing a loud vocal ‘look’, and many complicated ear flicks besides, Airmail and Tempest sat back down, relieved smiles back in place. “Apologies, Cyclone. You just struck a chord with Airy there.” “Yes, I’m sorry for that.” Airmail offered the young mare an apologetic smile. “I thought killing you in front of Wily would be bad form. Mapper would love to do some adult foal play stuff and that would be most welcome in the herd.” “Eew! Ew no! I wouldn't touch a foal, that’s sick!” Very, very unpleasant memories of the incident with Cinabelle in the park back in Canterlot when she had been under the influence of the age regression potions came back to her then. All the scandal. The deal she had made to leave her home, the long fight she’d had to clear her name. “It’s just…after running around after my boss all day it’s kinda nice to slip a nappy on, get a foal bottle and chill in my crib, y'know?” “Willing to wear it in public,” Tempest asked, a little light going off then in her head as she connected the dots together, “Say with a cute yellow dress to cover the nappy?” “Sure thing,” Cyclone stood up and reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up, revealing the padded pink garment covering her rump. “There aren't many things I'm not up for.” Wildfire giggled at that. “Yuppers, I remember!” “A zebra, Caffienated, is our host, but a unicorn, Mapper is the Master of Ceremonies.” Airmail explained, now far more at ease with the young black pegasus now she had seen the nappy under the dress. “It can be fun, embarrassing, and very often silly.” “This Mapper sounds as much fun as the rest of you.” Cyclone grinned as she relaxed back on to her seating pad. “Please message me nearer the time and I'll come with my foal supplies, if that's okay?” “My Mistress is a lot of fun Cy,” Wildfire spoke up, “you'll like her.” Cyclone raised an eyebrow at that. That certainly caught her attention. “Mistress, huh?” She smiled as Airmail and Tempest both nodded. Giving them a delighted little snigger, she said; “You always were a kinky little mare. Well done you, kiddo.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire giggled, “thanks…” One thing however struck a note with Cyclone now that they were all at ease once more. “Um…now Airy, when you say you'd kill me, do you actually mean ‘kill’ as in kill?” “Aaaand on a better note,” Airmail said as she stood up for a second time, though this time there was a much more pleasant look on her face than before. “We really do need to be going. Thank you very much, for the visit.” “And the coffee.” Tempest smiled good-naturedly as she too stood up, this time nudging Wildfire so that the little blind mare also stood up ready to go. “Oh, you're all very welcome, anytime.” Cyclone got up and walked around her desk to give Wildfire a huge hug and a bigger kiss straight to her lips. “You’re still cute, Sweet Flanks.” As they were stood, Airmail and Tempest made sure to get their hugs too, and when it was her turn, Tempest kissed the black mare’s cheek and she whispered, “till next time, sexy.” Cyclone made sure to hug Tempest as she had been hugged in turn, “Message me nearer the Thursday…” she added with a whisper, “sexy.” Tempest kissed her nose. “Sure thing.” “Awesome.” Cyclone opened her office door and she saw them out into the hall to the reception area. “I'll be there. Clear skies to you all.” ~ ~ ~ Outside of Cyclone’s office, as the trio of pegasi made their way through the Weather Offices reception area, Airmail gave voice to a thought in her head. “Wily, please give Dusky a call and let him know we’re on our way. We’re about thirty minutes out.” “Alrighty Pretty!” Wildfire, following Airmail’s summer green tail through the corridors of City Hall to the plaza outside, reached into her bag and retrieved her cell phone. As ever it was on speaker when she dialled the Prince’s number. Four rings later and she heard her best friend answer. “hey D…” “Wrong stallion, Wildfire,” Brush Stroke interrupted her quietly with a smile on his mid blue face. “Oh…oh, hey Oils,” Wildfire’s cheeks flushed at her slight error, “I’m just letting you know we'll be at yours in about half an hour.” “For the flight to Manehatten?” The earth pony artist couldn’t have sounded less enthusiastic had he tried. “Oh, joy. Well, here’s our new address, look for the three storey house by the lake with a pink heart weather vane.” “Wily,” Airmail asked as Wildfire cancelled the call, “did Dusky or Oils tell you the new address?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire replied, storing her cell phone back in her saddlebag before they took off for Ponyville, “Oils did before we hung up, it’s the only three story house on the street.” The short thirty minute flight from Cloudsdale down to Ponyville was more of a glide than a flight, and it was an uneventful glide at that. Soon enough though, the three pegasi approached the outskirts of the suburban town. Once a small backwater, since the Princess of Librarians lived there now, with a castle and all, Ponyville was more like ten thousand plus inhabitants by now. With Ponyville proper in view, Airmail scanned the buildings for a place that matched Wildfire's description. “The glide down's been quite nice,” Wildfire commented as they levelled off, “My wings are holding up alright so far.” At Wildfire’s right side, Tempest smiled. “Your controlled falling is quite excellent.” Wildfire giggled as they flew slowly up above the streets and houses through the clear blue sky. “It’s better than uncontrolled.” Tempest couldn’t argue with that, not at all. “To be sure, Stealth Pony.” Flying along, Airmail scanned the houses by the few lakes in Ponyville. After several minutes, her sniper’s keen eye at last spotted one that was the most likely candidate for their destination. A few hundred yards away from them was a very nice white and black timber framed three storey building with a thatched roof. “That must be that place there,” the azure blue mare said as she pointed with her forehoof, “That one with the cute heart weather vane.” “A cute weather vane?” Wildfire asked as they changed their course, “that's so Dusky!” When Airmail landed in front of the building in question moments later, she added the house number to her phone’s contacts memory. With her hooves on the crazy paving path, Wildfire felt her way up to the front door. “Hmm, I should maybe add this address to my headset while we're here.” “A good plan,” Airmail agreed. Wildfire giggled, “I do have them y’know, now and again.” Tempest nudged Wildfire’s shoulder with a grin that reached her voice. “Would you like the honours of knocking, Wildfire?” “I would, Stormy!” At the painted white wooden door, the diminutive blind mare gave her customary two knocks and waited patiently for them to be let inside the new house. Seconds later, Brush Stroke opened the door with a pleasant smile on his face. “Oh hello!” he greeted them and brushed his red and yellow mane from his eyes, “do come inside, ladies.” “Thank you good sir.” Airmail gave him a polite nod as they walked inside the house. She looked all around and she liked what she saw. Unpainted, the hardwood panels had been varnished with a lacquer that brought out the natural grain of the wood. To say a Prince lived here it was understated, nicely decorated with bookcases and seating pads. “I must say your wife has excellent taste in decorations.” “Thank you Airmail,” Brush Stroke returned Airmail’s nod, “you could compliment her yourself if she was awake.” He sniggered playfully, “would somepony like to go and jump on our bed?” In a very dramatic voice, Airmail reared up and declared, “That is a job for Stealth Pony!” “Ooh yuppers!” Wildfire giggled, “I'll do that. Gimme the directions Oils, I'll take care of it…” she trailed off to a giggle. A somewhat sinister giggle as she planned just how she was going to wake up her best friend. The way she knew he hated. This was going to be perfect! And so much fun! Brush Stroke had to admire the young mare’s enthusiasm. Scary thought it was. “The stairs are directly in front of you, about ten feet, then it’s the second door on your left, Wildfire.” “Alrighty,” Wildfire snickered and crept off up the stairs imagining she was a ninja assassin. “I'm on it!” Tempest couldn’t help but giggle as she watched the little blind mare playfully sneak away up the stairs. She was instantly reminded of the night that Airmail and a very drunken Wildfire had tied a ribbon on her tail. Turning to their very gracious host, she asked, “What do you think of the small city so far?” “It’s quite lovely,” Brush Stroke replied as he showed them around his new living room. “It’s about as different from Manehatten as it’s possible to get. I absolutely love the scenery around here…” he paused at the bar that stretched across half the length of the far wall. “Can I get you drinks while the wife is being woken up?” “Not to be ungrateful for your hospitality,” Airmail answered quickly as she took a seating pad at the bar, “but do you have something other than tea?” Stepping behind his bar, the earth pony stallion grinned and threw open the doors of a large double cupboard to show off a vast array of drinks. “Name your poison, we probably have it here.” He said with a deserved degree of pride at his alcoholic collection. “Coffee with cream,” Airmail ordered with a smile. Tempest knew exactly what she needed, seeing as it was still before noon and she was awake. “Coffee with Red Bull.” “Easy.” With that, the artist bustled off to the kitchen to fix the drinks for his guests, as well as one for his partner and Wildfire too. “I do apologise for Dusky, we were having a lovely evening last night when Luna called about eight-ish. Something about an urgent royal job she had for Dusky to do, she left straight away and didn't get back till four a.m. this morning.” “A royal job?” Airmail asked with a giggle, “Maybe her sister needed a...” “Airy...” Tempest interrupted her herd-mate with a very deep frown on her face. “What?” Airmail asked, feigning all ignorance and innocence. “Flight lesson. I was going to say flight lesson…” Tempest merely rolled her blue eyes and said nothing to that, though she doubted that was what the older pegasus was going to say. “Well,” Brush Stroke called from the kitchen, “whatever the job was, it took her long enough. She was straight in the bath for almost an hour before crawling into bed earlier.” Tempest decided to change the subject. Looking around the living room she saw a large three by two foot painting of two earth pony stallions – one with a wheelchair strapped to his hindquarters – and while she didn’t recognise them, she knew the background instantly. She’d been to Trottingham Castle many times as a filly. It put her in mind of her parents. “My parents and brother live in Trottingham.” She waved her violet hoof at the painting. “Who do you know there?” Brush Stroke saw her looking at the painting of his fathers and smiled. “My parents live there, a lovely pair of stallions they are too.” “It is a lovely city,” Tempest commented as she thought back to the royal theatres and the castle tours. Airmail too admired the large painting. “At the risk of being rude, do you stay in touch with your surrogate mother?” “Oh it’s not like that,” Brush Stroke explained as he carried the drinks into the living room from the kitchen on a tray balanced perfectly on his back. “I was adopted from the orphanage in Trottingham when I was three years old. I don't recall my actual parents.” He said as he hoofed out the drinks to Airmail and Tempest. “Oh…” Airmail said quietly, a faraway look on her face. Tempest stepped in, forcing the coffee into her marefriend’s hooves. “Airy has less than good memories of orphanages.” “I'm sorry to hear that, Airy.” Setting his own and Dusk’s drinks down on the bar, the mid blue earth pony stallion went around the bar and gave the troubled pegasus a very big hug. “To be honest, I don't really remember the orphanage at all. I would've been none the wiser if Starbright and Dandelion hadn't sat me down one day and told me.” “I'm glad you also found loving parents,” Airmail muttered morosely, determined to not be comforted by the hugs she was getting. “I'm sure you took to them quicker than I did.” “I probably did, I certainly hope so anyway.” He shrugged and tightened the hug to earth pony standards. “I'm sure Dandelion would tell you different.” “Thank you for the drinks.” Tempest smiled as she took a welcome sip of the caffeine cocktail. “I'm not a morning pony either.” Airmail finally smiled, her good mood returning quickly to banish her maudlin thoughts away to the recesses of her mind where they belonged. “You think Wily got lost?” She asked with a sly grin. Right at that moment, as if on cue, Dusk’s voice – not at all mare-like – came shouting from the upstairs. “WILDFIRE! What in Celestia's name are you doing!? N-No…not tha…AAAAAAAH!” “Ah…” Brush Stroke smiled, not missing a beat or flinching in the slightest at the scream from upstairs. “My little sweetie is awake, it seems.” “Airy,” Tempest snickered as she took a sip of her drink, “please remind me to not ask Wily what she did to wake her. I'm most likely not old enough to know.” Looking like a pegasus that had just been exhumed from the depths of the Everfree forest after three months of exile, Dusk Melody came staggering down the stairs, muttering darkly as he ran a hoof through his bedraggled charcoal grey mane in a futile attempt to work out some off the knots. “Stupid…mare…of all the...damn pegasus!” In a stark contrast to the very tired looking effeminate stallion, Wildfire bounced along next to her best friend, ignorant to his dark mutterings. “Aww cheer up, it’s too lovely a morning to be in bed!” Brush Stroke saw the disgruntled look on his coltfriend’s face and decided against pushing his Sub too much too soon. “Tea, sweetheart?” he asked pleasantly. “Earl grey, hot...” Dusk mooched over to the bar and slumped onto a seating pad, resting his head on the bar top. When his messy mane fell over his pink eyes he realised his sour mood. “Sorry love, um, thank you.” “Well, I hear you mom is keeping you busy with duties!” Airmail said brightly as she sipped her coffee. “Will you still be coming over on Thursday?” “Good morning Airy, Stormy…” Dusk nodded, his mane still draped over his face, not bothering to swipe it out of the way. If it was dark he could pretend to be asleep. “If by 'busy' you mean flying to Las Pegasus and then to Baltimare to take out some trash, yes I've been busy.” Wildfire giggled behind her hoof, “Dusky you're so cranky in the mornings!” “You think so, Wily?” Airmail giggled, “I’m sure Dusky could take cranky lessons from Stormy.” “I'm sure I could,” Dusk muttered in reply from under the messy cover of his tangled mane, though his midnight blue fur looked no better, “and I'm sure you could've found a better way of waking me up!” Airmail shot Tempest a sly look and decided some teasing was in order. “Tongue to the…” she had to fight a giggle when the violet weather pony clapped her hooves to her ears and sung ‘La la la la la’ in order to drown her out. “To the ear?” she asked, sticking her tongue out at her herd-mate. A breath of air that blew his mane from covering his face was the only outward sign that Dusk was alive. “To the ear would've been better than where she ended up putting it…” While Wildfire busied herself with an evil snigger, Brush Stroke placed the cup of earl grey tea on the bar inches in front of Dusk’s twitching muzzle. “Here's your tea, my love.” For the next ten minutes nopony said anything while the five ponies drank their coffees and their tea. Dusk Melody licked his lips with relish as he swallowed the last of his earl grey. The transformation between semi-dead stallion to slightly aware pony was remarkable indeed. “Right…” he yawned once then twice, “I just need to get dressed, I shouldn't need more than half an hour.” The smile that Brush Stroke wore on his face was tangible. “Why don’t you wear the red dress, love?” Dusk smiled and the effeminate stallion pulled himself to his hooves, walking over and kissing his dominant coltfriend full on his lips. “Just for you, sweetie.” He kissed him again before hurrying off back up the stairs to the bedroom to get changed. He loved it so very much when he took control of him like that. “Would you all like some more coffee?” Brush Stroke asked after he watched his submissive lover scurry away. He loved that aspect of his Dusk so very much but, good host as he was, he’d noticed that his guests had emptied their respective cups. “Please,” Airmail said, nudging her cup over to the mid blue earth pony stallion. “But, with Dusky rushing like that, we may need to hurry to finish it,” she finished with a barely contained giggle. “Cream and sugar this time, please.” Tempest requested, also offering the stallion her empty up. “I think I'm properly awake now.” “Coffee, black with two sugars please, Oils.” Wildfire gave him her order with a smile, still proud of her little self for the way she had woken up her best friend. Brush Stroke nodded politely to each mare as he took the cups on the tray and put it on his back. “Certainly ladies.” In the kitchen he started fixing the drinks for them all, as well as another earl grey for his sweetheart. “And you're right Airy, thirty minutes is a rush. By the way, is it normal to take two hours to get dressed?” Tempest shrugged her shoulders. “Depends on the mare and what she is wearing.” “Yes,” Airmail thought with a grin, “many of the theatre mares in our herd can take some time.” Now she thought about it, she could easily see the Prince taking that long to turn himself into his Dom’s ‘Princess’. “Though, two hours does seem to be more of a gala preparation.” Brush Stroke chuckled, “That's her just going to the shops.” He hoofed out the drinks and set the earl grey down ready for his lover, “not that I really mind, but I can paint something in that time.” For the next hour, the three pegasi mares and the earth pony stallion shared small talk about the upcoming trip to Trottingham. Tempest told the very nervous artist that the planned was sixty to seventy miles per hour, depending on wind direction. They discussed the sights in Trottingham to visit for Wildfire who hadn’t been there before. Presently, after sixty minutes – in which Brush Stroke had made another round of drinks – ‘Princess’ Dusky walked down the stairs. “I’m ready!” She pranced down the stairs, a complete picture of a mare in a flowing red dress, red lip gloss, red gloss on her hooves and silver highlights in her wings. A light blue collar and her charcoal mane tied in a ponytail completed the image. “So, will I do?” Tempest’s mouth was hanging open, almost to the floor. If she didn’t know better she would’ve taken the Prince for a natural mare any day of the week without a second thought. ‘She’, was gorgeous. Stunning, even. “I think you'd do for an official visit to your mum's.” “Oh, that's alright then,” Dusky smiled a relieved smile, “Because this is more important than that, I'm going to be meeting the parents later.” “Well I think you'll do just fine, my love.” Brush Stroke smiled, proud of the effect his lover was having on the older pegasus. “Speaking of the parents,” Tempest said with a shake of her head to clear the cobwebs, “would you both like to meet mine?” Dusky nodded eagerly at his dominant partner with a smile. With a nod, Brush Stroke replied, “we'd love to Tempest, thank you for the kind offer. You're all welcome to meet mine, too.” “There is one small problem meeting mine.” Tempest spoke up, finally managing to pull her mind out of the gutter it was in, with the things she wanted to do to the Princess. “They live in the cloud district of Trottingham. I'm sure we could meet up at a ground restaurant unless you have cloud walking access Dusky. Of course, there is a unicorn at City Hall that will cast a four hour spell for a small fee.” Dusky walked up to her lover and nuzzled his cheek, making sure he saw the collar around her neck. “We'll have to make use of the City Hall unicorn, Miss Tempest.” “That's no trouble,” Brush Stroke returned the nuzzle and added a chaste kiss to his mare’s cheek. “I may not like speed, but I'm rather looking forward to the experience of walking on a cloud.” Airmail, silent until now as like Tempest she was thinking of all the naughty things she could do with this ‘mare’, said; “I wish all problems were so easily resolved. Lavatory, please?” “Don't we all?” Dusky commented before she pointed upstairs with her wing. “The bathroom is upstairs, Miss Airmail. First floor, first door on the left.” “Thank you,” Airmail grinned, feeling the three coffees she’d had in Dusky’s house as well as the one she’d had in Cyclone’s office wanting to make a reappearance. “Seeing as coffee can only be rented.” With that, the azure blue mare trotted off upstairs in search of the much needed bathroom. Busy finishing her third sugary black coffee, Wildfire had been busy sniffing and listening to everything that had been said so far. Something however did catch her attention. “Um…'miss'? What's that about, D?” Brush Stroke beckoned his Sub to him and he lovingly stroked Dusky's charcoal grey mane. “Simple manners Wildfire, right my love?” Dusky nodded with a relaxed compliant smile. She really loved it when her Master stroked her mane like that, he dug his hoof in just enough to pull, but not enough to hurt. “Of course, Sir.” Tempest nodded her agreement. She had completely missed the addition of the collar to the Princess’s neck. “Yes Wily.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire couldn’t help but be confused. “But…D knows us!” “Still,” Dusky smiled, trying really very hard to not get lost in her world of mane-stroking pleasure. This was made harder when the earth pony began scratching his ear. “M-Master Brush Stroke likes the niceties to be observed, Miss Wily.” “While I'll not argue against that,” Tempest commented, “there is a time and place for such formalities.” Brush Stroke considered that for just a moment. Of course he liked his mare just as she was right now, but he saw the violet pony’s point. “You're right, Tempest.” His mind made up, he stopped stroking Dusky’s mane – which earned him a whine of disappointment – and said clearly, “I’ll take the collar off for now I think.” Reaching behind his mare’s neck, he unbuckled and removed the light blue collar. “Better, my love?” Dusky nodded and blinked her pink eyes with a sigh, almost instantly her entire aspect changed. “Hmm, thanks babe.” “I totally missed that.” Tempest blushed a little uncharacteristic blush at her slip. “I’m sorry everypony. Wily, Dusky was wearing a collar and she was under certain rules.” “Oooh…” Realisation washed over the diminutive yellow pegasus like a very cold shower. Now she understood clearly the use of the honorific that her best friend had used in relation to Tempest and herself. “Oh...like Wildflower you mean?” “Don't worry about it Stormy,” Dusky smiled warmly, smoothing out her red dress down her flanks. “So what's the flight plan, steady two hundred and fifty miles per hour all the way to Trottingham?” “Airy briefed your passenger on our flight plan.” Tempest tried very hard to stifle her sniggers at the stunned look on Brush Stroke’s face. Tempest failed. Miserably. “Of course, you can stick to your own flight plan.” “Sweetie,” Brush Stroke said in the tone of one chiding a naughty foal, adding a gentle but firm bite to his mare’s ear for good measure, “we'll be sticking to sixty so we can fly with these nice mares and enjoy their fine company.” Playfully, Dusky pouted as he flicked his bitten ear. “Fine, I can do that my love.” Wildfire giggled behind her hoof, “Well when I get tired D, you can give me a lift too.” “Wily's wings were healed less than two weeks ago.” Airmail said as she came back down the stairs having used the toilet and fastidiously cleaning her hooves until they literally shone. “We have her on a slow, but steady training program.” She continued to explain as she trotted through the living room to nuzzle Wildfire’s cheek. “Which is why we are flying back east.” “Yes, Airy,” Dusky Melody nodded politely to the azure blue mare. “My mom did say something about your wings being healed, Wily. Does that explain the landscaping to the trees below the castle?” She asked playfully. Wildfire gave a considerable blush at being reminded of her misadventure with Mapper following the excellent meal in the restaurant four days ago now, last Thursday. With the pink unicorn’s assistance the morning after in the private dining room of the castle, the blind mare was at least over that by now. “It was a good job my Mistress was there.” Tempest raised a sardonic eyebrow at Dusky. “You think it was Wildfire that rearranged the forest?” Dusky let out a very feminine little giggle. She wasn’t surprised in the slightest that Mapper was involved in some way. “Not on her own, no, but I had a feeling she had a hoof in it somehow.” “That would be a fine story to listen to as we fly,” Airmail joined Dusky in her giggles. She was again struck by just how convincing a mare the royal stallion made. As she shot her covetous looks of her flank, highlighted by the red dress, the azure blue mare had to keep reminding herself she had the wrong equipment under that dress. “I'm sure Wildfire would love to share it.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire giggled, “it is a very fine story, and I'll be sure to add a dragon or two in the retelling of it.” “Well, I'm ready,” Airmail smiled. She had no doubt at all that Wildfire’s retelling would equal the grand sagas of the eldenponies themselves, but that was for the trip. She’d checked the clock, and pleasant though this visit was, and as nice as it was to at last see the new house that Dusky and Brush Stroke were calling home, they were wasting daylight. Playfully she nudged Tempest off of her seating pad. “I take you'll piss on some poor unsuspecting pony during the flight?” “I will not!” Tempest put on her best ‘affronted mare’ voice as she ushered Wildfire off of her pad with a waft of her black tail under her yellow nose, “I'll let them know or just pee on a cloud and let the weather team pick a target.” Getting up to her hooves, Wildfire giggled, “I like that idea!” Dusky nuzzled his dominant lover. “We're ready, aren't we sweetie?” Brush Stroke resigned himself to the inevitable as sure as if he’d had a death sentence laid upon him. “Ugh…” the mid blue stallion sighed, getting up and looking around his new living room like he’d never see it again, “as I'll ever be…” Dusky wrapped her forelegs around her stallion’s neck and lovingly kissed his lips. “One day, you'll love to fly,” she smiled and kissed him a second time. Swallowing his sigh and his retort, Brush Stroke simply kissed his Dusky’s lips. “I'm beginning to warm up to the idea…” “Hasn't she taken you above twenty thousand feet yet?” Tempest asked playfully, making sure to address the royal pony correctly, given her attire, as they walked over to the front door. Brush Stroke paused and gaped open-mouthed at that. He was only just warming to the idea of flying at all, let alone even entertain going up that high. “Why…why would you do such a thing?” Dusky had anticipated this and had just the argument ready at hoof to counter the naturally acrophobic earth pony stallion. “Love, imagine the stunning landscapes you can paint from Cloudsdale's point of view…” Wildfire well understood pony’s fears, from her time at the home. Earth ponies were acrophobic like pegasi were claustrophobic. The blind mare decided she’d try and help. “Now, that would be cool!” “You may want more than a scarf though,” Tempest snickered. Despite his race’s aversion to flying and heights in general, Brush Stroke surprised himself when he found himself giving it some serious thought. “Still Tempest,” he said as he reached for his house keys, “I suppose the idea has merit.” “We just came from Cloudsdale,” Airmail started as she moved alongside Wildfire’s left flank. “I'm a bit surprised you haven't visited with Oils yet, Dusky.” That got Dusky’s attention. Her ears went upright. “What were you doing in Cloudsdale?” It was little Wildfire who answered that as Brush Stroke opened the door to the suburban town and let the mares leave the house first. “Do you remember Cyclone? We spoke with her on the train the other day and she said she worked in Cloudsdale, so Honey thought it would be cool to meet her. It was nice, catching up with her.” “And we pushed Wily on the twenty thousand feet climb up to Cloudsdale,” Tempest added as she left first and waited on the path for them to join her. “And before you ask D,” Wildfire put in, “I managed it just fine.” Dusky had to confess herself a little affronted at that. “I wasn't gonna say a word Wily, obviously you did okay, you’re here.” Once they had all exited the three storey lakeside house and Brush Stroke had checked and double checked that his front door was locked, Airmail spoke up to Wildfire. “My transponder is still active. We're going to cruise at five thousand feet and we will go southeast, circling around the Everfree Forest.” Tempest for one was very relieved to hear that her herd-mate had taken the notoriously dangerous region into consideration. “Yeah, that thing still has some of the wackiest weather in Equestria.” It also housed nine-tenths of the monsters that the magical land was famous for, but that was neither here-nor-there. “Alrighty Pretty!” Wildfire activated her flight headset and once it was requesting a destination via the earpiece in her left ear, the diminutive yellow mare selected ‘Trottingham’, and she was immediately gifted with the south eastern coastal city’s direction and distance from their present location. “That’s probably for the best, Airy,” Dusky agreed and turned to her coltfriend as he put the house keys away in his pouch. “Are you getting on, babe?” “Oh…oh alright…” the mid blue earth pony climbed up carefully onto his mare’s back, but before he got comfortable, a thought occurred to him. “Do you want your collar back on, my love?” Dusky nodded with a grateful smile. “Yes please, Sir.” “Wily, you're first.” Tempest called from her position at Wildfire’s right side once the four pegasi were in the air in a loose diamond formation with Airmail at its head and Dusky with her passenger behind them. She watched Ponyville pass underneath them as they all climbed up to their planned cruise altitude. “Tell us all about your flight from the restaurant to the palace.” “Alrighty, Honey…” Wildfire didn’t say anything else for a few minutes as she was listening to her headset call out her increasing altitude. She didn’t want to overshoot the five thousand limit. “Well as you know, you lot were all showing off, doing tricks and stuff. Mistress Mapper asked me to do a couple of barrel rolls, so I did, then I did a loop the loop into a little corkscrew dive. Mistress said she liked it so I asked her if she wanted to do it again. She said yes, but she also asked for a bigger dive. So, I asked Mistress to tell me when we'd cleared the Canterlot city walls and then I did an inverted spiral dive. It was only when Mistress alerted me to pull up that I found I was struggling to do so.” All through Wildfire’s little story, Airmail had remained quiet so she could listen. When the little yellow mare paused however, she asked, “Why were you struggling?” “My wings felt like two lead weights.” Wildfire answered honestly. “They just wouldn't do what I wanted them to do. The more I struggled the heavier they felt. If Mistress Mapper hadn't been there to remove the trees from in front of me, I would've smeared us all over them I'm sure of it. Then I tried flying us back up the mountain and I just couldn't. I barely managed the glide down to the ground.” Tempest nodded her understanding. This matched the abridged version they had heard and put together themselves. “But, didn't Mapper do something so you could fly faster on the way down?” She asked curiously. Wildfire nodded her head when she levelled out at five thousand feet. “Yuppers, she did…” once they had completed the diversion around the Everfree, she continued; “Mistress Mapper told me to take a deep breath just before she removed the air resistance in front of us. It was a most...odd experience.” Now Tempest understood what had happened. Hearing that last piece of the puzzle put everything together. “Being a unicorn, I think she forgot that no air equals no lift for the wings,” the violet weather pony explained for Brush Stroke’s benefit. “Mapper took a calculated risk, and won.” “Only just, Stormy.” Wildfire commented solemnly. “I gave up at five thousand feet, with my wings how they were I know for absolute sure I wouldn't have made the rest of the climb.” “You should give Mapper a ride someday, Dusky.” Airmail called over her shoulder as she adjusted her course to head straight to Trottingham now they were clear of the Everfree. Dusky grinned, interested indeed by that suggestion. “I'd love to Miss Airmail,” she replied, the honorific back in use now that the collar was back around her neck. “How fast do you think she'd like?” Airmail considered that for a brief moment. “I doubt that Mapper has an upper limit.” “Well,” Dusky commented, shrugging a little as the easy fifty mile per hour pace was frankly boring her tail off something awful. “We can always put that to the test,” she thought, wishing very much to see how the pink unicorn would cope with a sonic rainboom. She noticed then that her Master tightened his grip on her flanks. “How are you enjoying the ride, Sir?” Brush Stroke couldn’t help but blush that he’d been called out. Of course his mare had noticed him squeeze her flanks. In truth he hated this so much, but he did trust his soon-to-be wife. “I-I'm doing j-just fine love, you're comfortable?” he asked cautiously, concerned about the talk of struggling fliers. Dusky sighed. Comfortable? Yes. Bored? Yes. Still she was flying and, more importantly, she was flying with her beloved stallion as a passenger. That made up for the slow pace. “I could do this all day, Sir,” she replied with a smile. “Did your mum and your mom tell you about their Friday with Mapper and Serenity, Dusky?” Tempest asked curiously. Looking back at the royal pegasus, the violet weather pony could see she was as bored as she was. She’d stretch her wings soon, she was sure of that. “Yes Miss Tempest,” Dusk replied quickly. “Both of them saw fit to impart all the details…” she shuddered underneath Brush Stroke, a shudder that made him clench all the tighter. Dusky emphasised the ‘all’, and that made Tempest and Airmail laugh out loud. “That's what lead to helping them with making the nursery, which was why mom made the stars for Ms. Mapper and Ms. Serenity, after your little dream gathering.” After a few minutes of flight, Airmail and Tempest’s laughter dissolved into a lengthy giggle fit. Eventually, when they’d both giggled themselves out, Airmail asked; “Are you ready to be a big brother?” Dusky pondered that. Ever since her parents had told her about their plans for a second foal, she’d been made up. Over the moon, as it were. “Big brother or big sister,” the midnight blue pegasus grinned, “I'm really looking forward to it, Miss Airmail.” “Hey D,” Wildfire called back to her best friend, “Is your little sis gonna be like a cousin to mine and Serenity’s fillies?” This time, Dusky didn’t need to think that over. “I think that's the idea, Miss Wily, and it’s a good one, I might add.” Tempest’s mischievous streak got the better of her then. She couldn’t resist a little humour at their friend’s expense. “You know, if you and Oils hurry, you can make sure she is born an Auntie…” she said, thoroughly unable to contain her mirthful glee at her own joke. On Dusky’s back, Brush Stroke blinked once then he blinked a second time as the violet mare’s words – although playful and intended as such – sank into his brain and began to take root. “A-Adopt our own, you mean, Tempest?” The artist asked in wonder, the roots of the perfect idea starting to grow into a beautiful little flower. “Sorry, that was in poor humour.” Tempest blushed. She really hadn’t been serious, and the last thing she thought of was that her throwaway comment might be taken as such. “Well…um, only if the two of you are ready of course. Any foal deserves all your love.” “Oh, not at all Tempest.” Brush Stroke waved a hoof in the air to stow her protestations, then he quickly held back on tight to his mare’s back. “What do you think, love?” He asked hopefully. As it happened, his dad Dandelion had been on at him for years to give them a grand-foal. He’d always blown them off before. Dusky thought about it for a moment. She’d never considered a foal before. Those years with Vocal Chord and being a ‘typical’ royal, as Air Raid had so disparagingly called him back then, thoughts of a foal had been ridiculous. Now though, with Brush Stroke, it sounded perfect. “I like the idea Sir, I like it a lot.” Brush Stroke couldn’t believe it. So excited was he to hear his mare’s agreement that he almost let go of his grip with his forehooves and cheered. Luckily he caught himself at the last moment and instead contented himself with kissing her ear. “Dusky, my love, are you sure about adopting? It's a big step…” “I'm sure Sir,” Dusky replied, glancing over at Airmail in order to catch her eye. “We do need a very long chat first though.” Airmail did indeed notice the royal pegasus looking meaningfully at her. “Nappy duty will be expensive!” She giggled playfully, although she agreed with Dusky’s sentiment. Knowing what she knew, they’d need a long talk indeed. “Worth every bit, I'm sure, Airy.” Brush Stroke smiled. He still couldn’t believe his mare was seriously considering this. “A chat about what, Dusky?” He asked. In truth he didn’t care. There was surely nothing his lover could tell him that could dampen this feeling he had now. Dusky, with a very heavy heart, was about to divulge the secret of his recent ‘royal duties’ to his passenger when he caught Wildfire’s ears flicking in their direction. “Not now Sir, I don't want Miss Wildfire to hear.” He really didn’t want his best friend to know this aspect of what he did. “Huh? Hear what?” Wildfire asked from her position in the diamond formation. She sounded disappointed that she might miss out on some prime gossip. “You talking about me, D?” Airmail decided drastic measures were called for. She wholeheartedly agreed that Wildfire didn’t need to hear what Dusky had to say, as much as she agreed Oils needed to hear it. “You see Wily, when a couple want a foal the daddy pony and the mommy pony get together, but in the case of Dusky and Oils it is complicated…” “Lalala!” Wildfire sang loudly, interrupting the older pegasus. “Lalalala! I don’t need to know!” Flapping her wings a little harder, she put on a burst of speed and flew on ahead of the group out of earshot. Dusky sighed a very thankful sigh. “Good save, Miss Airmail.” “I don't need to know either.” Tempest also had a very good idea what was about to be disclosed and, deciding she was much better off not knowing all the details, she put on a spurt of speed and easily caught up with Wildfire who was now leading the way to Trottingham. “Well Dusky?” Brush Stroke asked, curiosity getting the better of him, “We're as alone as we're going to be up here, what do we need to chat about?” “Miss Airmail knows what I'm going to tell you,” Dusky started almost reluctantly, knowing there was no going back now, “and after I do you may not want a foal with me.” “Tell me what?” Brush Stroke looked exasperatedly over at Airmail who had closed the gap between them in the air. Curiosity was starting to give way to frustration, and he didn’t want that. “What's she on about, Airy?” Airmail could see and practically sense the confusion on the earth pony’s face. She could sympathise with him. Still, she took a deep breath and prepared herself to help Dusky explain his ‘duties’. “One of your parents was in the Equestrian armed forces, correct Oils?” She asked, though she knew the answer. “Why yes,” the artist nodded, “Captain Starbright was in the medical corps…” “I'm happy to say I never needed his services.” Airmail spoke quickly, almost interrupting her newest friend. “I spent time in the forces too.” Again she took a deep breath. The prep was necessary to lay bare this aspect of herself. “Were you really?” That certainly piqued Brush Stroke’s interest. “Where did you serve? My father was stationed in Canterlot during the changeling invasion.” Both of his parents had spoken with him at great length about the time of the war, and how they had married during the fighting. Airmail let out a sad sigh indeed that seemed to come from the depths of her soul. “Back in '02.” Memories of the fighting came back to her like a very bad dream. And she never remembered her dreams for a reason. “Nasty business that. I was stationed in the city at the time. I wasn't assigned to any unit when I was in the field. Only during training. My job was to kill those that needed killing with no declared war at the time. Assassin would be a good job description for me.” “Yes Airy,” Brush Stroke agreed vehemently, “the invasion was truly awful. Father lost a lot of good ponies that day to the Bugs.” He nodded when Airmail continued her explanation. “I understand you Airy, and I assume you were good at it, given that you're here now.” “Good enough to retire,” Airmail mused, almost as much to herself as to her companions. “Of course, the work itself is never done, right Dusky?” Dusky shook his head. “No Miss, Airmail, it isn’t.” “Dusky?” Brush Stroke asked, his curiosity at maddening levels, he wished whatever it was, they’d both just tell him already. “What is it you have to tell me?” Now it was Dusky’s turn to take a deep breath as she collected her thoughts together. “You know my royal duties, the ones mom rings me about at short notice, sometimes at night?” “Yeeees?” Brush Stroke pushed impatiently. So impatient was he that he quite forgot they were flying along at five thousand feet. For once, he was quite distracted from the wondrous and scary view below. “Sir…I-I'm an assassin.” When Brush Stroke inhaled a sharp intake of breath, the royal pegasus continued, “I take my targets from my mom, and in the ten days I've known you, my tally is seven.” “Ha, ha teehee!” The mid blue artist laughed out loud on Dusky's back. This was comedy indeed! “You're joking...right?” Airmail adjusted her flight and her speed so that she was right alongside the mid blue earth pony stallion, a deadpan look on her face. “It's good you can laugh about it, Oils.” “No Sir,” Dusky felt a lead weight in ‘her’ chest where her heart should be. Of course Brush Stroke was disbelieving. Why wouldn’t he be? But then again, Dusk had played his part very well. Perhaps too well. Still, they either had a future or they didn’t. No going back now. “I'm not joking, and neither is Miss Airmail.” “I-I'm not la-laughing about it...” Brush Stroke’s green eyes were wide in wonder. Dusk, his Dusky, the pony who fainted at nosebleeds and hid behind the couch cushions when a horror movie came on, a killer? Really? “You’re telling the truth…you're really assassins?” Airmail had that sense of cold detachment about her, that reached her eyes and her voice. “I haven't killed anypony in over three years.” Now the cat was out of the bag, as it were, Dusky found it easier to talk. “Sir, my first kill was eleven days ago.” Brush Stroke put two and two together in his head. “You mean, the day before we met in Manehatten?” “Yes Sir, that's right.” The mid blue earth pony looked at Airmail as they flew along. There was ‘something’ about her demeanour now that just gave him the creeps. “What made you stop, Airy?” “As I said I retired.” The cold detached, almost emotionless, tone was still present in Airmail’s voice. “Since that day I was recalled twice, and the last one was a unicorn that tried to rape me.” Brush Stroke shivered. So much that Dusky felt it underneath him. As an experienced Dom, he was all about consent, and rape was the one thing he couldn’t countenance. “I ah, I take it he was unsuccessful?” “No,” Airmail replied quickly. When she blinked and closed her brown eyes she could see the unicorn, his lifeless body dead before it hit the ground. “But…I decided there was no need for him to stand trial.” “You have my sympathies, Airy.” He dearly wished the two stallions that had assaulted his dad, Dandelion, hadn’t stood trial either. Maybe then, they wouldn’t have gotten away with it. “Ah…” he shook his head to clear the unpleasant memory. “What made you start, Dusky?” “Mom and I raided the care home where Miss Wildfire was living.” Dusky explained, no small degree of pride in her voice. “My mom took care of the other wardens, she offered me the head of the head warden. I took it.” Dusky closed her pink eyes as she flew. He could still see Amethyst Glory knelt before him. Defiantly taunting him as he readied his wingblades. He could see and smell the spray of her arterial blood as he severed her head from her shoulders. Since then, his blades had taken six more heads. “Stuff happens,” Airmail said, sounding much more like herself now. “And corrective measures were taken. Same can be said for Dusky's actions.” “You're right, Airy.” Brush Stroke commented. Again, his mind wandered to the two that had assaulted his dad. How the unicorn and the griffon had smirked when they left the courtroom. How the assault had been so violent his dad had been left with a limp, even now. “Um, Dusky…when you carry out these missions, you are, well…safe, aren't you?” “As much as I can be, yes Sir,” Dusky replied honestly. “So far I've only received a few bruises.” “What we are doing right now,” Airmail actually laughed a little, her good humour returning, “Would you classify that as safe?” “Flying to Trottingham?” The artist asked, surprised by the question, “Yes I feel safe with Dusky, and the rest of you.” At that, Airmail laughed out loud indeed. “We could get wing fatigue, there could be a sudden medical issue. Some crazy griffon could assault us from nowhere.” Airmail continued with a giggle, wondering why the earth pony’s face deadened at the mention of a griffon. “Yeah, we are safe as we take necessary precautions. Still, nothing is ever truly safe.” “This is my point Sir.” Dusky said seriously, “on a hunt I try to be as safe as I can, but I cannot guarantee coming home to you. Do you still want a foal with me?” “I would add that Dusky's trainer is far superior to my trainer.” Airmail offered helpfully, knowing full well that it was Luna herself that was teaching her son the arts of his craft. Brush Stroke blinked a couple of times as he digested his mare’s question. There was however only one answer to that. “Yes Dusky, yes I do...” How could there be any other reply now that Tempest had put the idea into his head? “Ah…I take it your mom is your trainer?” “Yes she is,” Dusky admitted, “now don't dismiss this out of hoof. This is what I do. I'm telling you so you understand what I do.” The royal pegasus sincerely hoped his coltfriend understood the gravity and the meaning of what he was telling him and why. “There might come a hunt I that don’t come back from.” “That would be something that would bring me out of retirement and I'm an old pony.” Airmail stated in all seriousness. Smiling, Dusky held out her hoof to Airmail for a bump, which the lead editor returned straight away. “Why, thank you Miss Airmail.” “I'm going to ask then,” Brush Stroke spoke up, a thought suddenly in his head, “why the dresses and allowing me to be your Dom?” Dusky’s smile grew ever larger at that. She didn’t need to think on it one bit. It was obvious. “Because they please you, I like pleasing you, and after a night at ‘work’, it’s nice having a pony that I trust in charge of me for a change.” Airmail nodded her head. “Because our personal life need not be governed by our professional life.” “Exactly that, Miss Airmail,” Dusky agreed, “Now Sir, I ask you this, to please be discreet. Aside from Miss Airmail, only Ms. Mapper, Ms. Serenity and Ms. Requiem know what I do. I'd like to keep it that way, please.” “To add to that, the others know due to information shared with Luna, and our background checks.” Airmail explained simply, “Yes, you can imply what that means for you.” “Not a word will pass these lips, I promise you my love, and I still would like a foal with you.” Brush Stroke made the promise with a delicate little kiss to Dusky’s ear before a rather awkward look came over him. “Um, while we're sharing, I should tell you Dusky, that my father Starbright, well, he hates the royals. When you meet him I was going to play down who you are.” “Yeah, like that is a good idea…” Airmail snorted derisively through her nose. “Sorry, but this sounds like some personal alone time. I'll catch up to Stormy and Wily.” As Airmail flapped her azure blue wings and zipped ahead to catch up with her herd-mate and her lover, Dusky shook her head. “Sir, don't down play anything, I'm amazingly comfortable with who I am. Your dad will either like me or not, that’s up to him.” “Of course, you're right, Dusky…” Brush Stroke smiled as he kissed his lover’s ear once more, in that spot he knew she liked most. ~ ~ ~ “Hey Stormy,” Wildfire asked when her flight headset warned her that Point One had flown up to her right flank, “what do you suppose they're on about back there?” Not for the first time, Tempest was rather pleased Wildfire was blind. It meant she could – not outright lie – bend the truth a little. “Oh…work and foals,” she answered, searching for something to elaborate on that. “You know the sort of thing, ‘because of my job are you sure we should’…etcetera, etcetera…you for example. You're going to be working in the fire department. Not a low risk job, and you want to have a foal.” “Yuppers, that’s true,” Wildfire smiled, immediately put at ease, “although I can't imagine doing anything else, it’s like you and weather duty.” Tempest nodded at that, breathing a sigh of relief that her misdirection had worked. “Jobs are only as safe as you make them.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire adjusted her course just a little. For some reason she was drifting to the left all the time. “I know what you mean, good job I'm good at firefighting.” “Dusky does whatever it is the nobility does,” Tempest giggled, “and there’s a risk that Oils might fall on a paint brush.” “Ugh!” Wildfire snorted, “The nobility's just boring. Those paint brushes though can be real dangerous,” she joined in Tempest’s giggle before going quite serious. “Honey…speaking of dangerous jobs, I'm more worried about you.” The violet weather pony’s heart wanted to melt then. She understood why her diminutive lover was so concerned. “I'm well past most of the dangerous stuff since I'm in charge of the battalion.” “Y-Yuppers…” Wildfire however wasn’t consoled by that, at all. “But, you work with lightning, and you know what happened to my mum…” “I do,” Tempest moved over in flight and glided long enough to gently stroke her left wing tip along Wildfire’s right side. “But, I rather like thunder and lighting and I respect its power.” “Well…I won't ask you to be careful, because its lightning and you can’t, but, just...” Gliding along Wildfire’s side, Tempest brushed her yellow cheek comfortingly with her largest primary feather. “I'll try very hard to be careful. After all, I want to be here to spoil my niece.” “Thanks Honey,” Wildfire smiled a wide smile, “and I think your niece will want to be spoiled.” Tempest giggled, “At least I'll only spoil her with certain things since I'll not be able to send her back home.” She snickered, making a mental note to not buy any drum kits or noise makers at future Hearths Warmings. “You can spoil her anyway you like, Honey.” Wildfire snickered, before going all serious once more. “Do you really think D and Oils will adopt a foal?” “Yes, I do,” Tempest replied quickly. “I’ll admit, when I first said it I didn't think they would take me seriously. Now though, thinking about it, I cannot see them doing anything else.” Wildfire had to agree with that. “Personally I think Dusky would make an excellent mum.” Tempest giggled some more. “Yes, she will.” “Tell you what, Stormy,” Wildfire said, her thoughts running ahead of her now that she was thinking about her best friend and his relationship with Brush Stroke in particular, “it's so weird when D calls me 'Miss' all the time.” “Remember what Mapper said about showing respect?” Tempest asked after she considered that statement for a moment. “That is what wearing the collar has done to Dusky. If you had your collar on right now, would you be so flippant?” “Hmm…” Wildfire cocked her head as she thought that example over in her head. Of course Tempest was right. “I remember, and you're right, I wouldn't be flippant and disrespectful, not at all.” Because, you aren’t the same when the collar gets buckled around your neck. The yellow mare understood that, and so did her best friend. “I didn't catch that at first,” the violet weather mare admitted, “I’m still so new to the collar thing that I didn't realize Dusky was wearing one.” Wildfire shrugged her shoulders. “Huh…I suppose it was part of her getting ready to go out.” “Really Wily,” Tempest rolled her blue eyes, “even I know that.” A thought then entered her head, related to the whole collar scene, its symbolism and what they represented to the wearer and the one they wore them for. “Have you put your own collar on? I would recommend that you never do that. I'm surprised Mapper hasn't said anything before now.” “Oh…oh ok, I'll be sure not to.” Wildfire remembered something then, prompted by what Tempest had just said, memories of her shopping trip from the other Monday. “Actually Stormy, now that I think about it, when I gave my Mistress the pink collar she asked me if I'd touched it or not.” “Yes,” Tempest commented, she may not know much about the wearing of collars, but she knew this much. “You don't own the collar, it owns you.” “That I understand,” Wildfire put in, a broad smile on her face, “that’s why I got you and Pretty a blue and purple one, so you could both use it and you can both own me when we play.” Again, Tempest stroked her wing along Wildfire’s side, though this time she lingered over her cutie mark and her ass. “That was a very thoughtful thing you did, my love.” Wildfire almost glowed at that. “I do like to treat my Mistresses…” Playfully, Tempest swatted her wingtip over Wildfire’s stylised fireball cutie mark and she giggled, “You are getting such a sweet bath when we get home.” Wildfire giggled and bit her lip, “and that's my reward!” > Chapter 8 - Rainboom To Trottingham (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following her very revealing talk with Dusky and Brush Stroke, Airmail’s small burst of speed easily allowed her to catch up with, and join, her two herd-mates and lovers flying at the head of their loose formation. Any other time, with anypony else, she would’ve been enjoying the scenery of the fine Equestrian countryside passing below her, but today there were other concerns. Namely, training Wildfire’s wings. “Okay,” - she smiled as she pulled up at Wildfire’s left - “let’s pick up the pace girls!” Tempest -who actually was enjoying the view of a fast flowing river winding its way through some hills below her and into the Everfree Forest that lay just off her left wing- looked up at her herd-mate and blinked in surprise. “My pace or your pace?” she asked with a smile.   “Mine please, Stormy,” Airmail replied with a roll of her eyes. “Your pace is spelled with a capital letter ‘R’.” “Aaah,” Wildfire giggled behind her hoof. She’d known before lead editor had spoken that she was approaching, thanks to her headset alerting her to the proximity of Point Two, as well as the collision warning she was getting. “Airy's joined the cool kids again, Stormy. Are the colts having private time?” Airmail giggled and gently caressed Wildfire’s left flank with her outstretched wingtip. “Just letting the stallions have their kissy time.” “D'aww…that's sweet!” Wildfire let out the very filly-like squee. “Are they definitely going for a foal then, Airy?” “Yes,” Airmail replied definitely, “It’s just a question of when, rather than if, now.” Happily, Wildfire clapped her forehooves together. “Oh, that’s so awesomes!” Tempest flew a little closer to Wildfire and stroked her left wing lovingly over her cheek and her ear. “Even if they’re parents before you?” she asked carefully, for she knew how much being a mother meant to the little blind mare, and she didn’t want anything to mar what was a happy time for the couple behind them. “Hey,” Wildfire retorted quickly, “nopony said it was a race did they?” “For Dusky,” Airmail spoke up, following a quick series of ear flicks between herself and Tempest, “I think everything is a race.” “That’s only because he wins most of the time!” Wildfire laughed easily. In truth she was made up for her best friend. Yes it was her almost lifelong dream to have a filly, many, many fillies, but like Tempest had said, there were plenty of loveless foals out there who deserved good parents. She was more than sure Dusky and Brush Stroke were more than good. “Let’s move it,” Airmail declared loudly as she flapped her wings and speeding up, “I'd like to get there in time for dinner.” “Alrighty, Pretty!” Flapping her own wings harder, Wildfire put on a spurt of acceleration and Tempest laughed as she flew lazy circles around the two of her marefriends. Listening to the reports from her headset, the blind mare giggled at Point One’s antics. “Stormy's showing off, isn't she?” “Never mind her,” Airmail shot back, maintaining her straight and level flight path. “Conserve you breath and fly.” At that, Wildfire nodded her head and determinedly pushed herself a little harder, flying faster still. Airmail too pushed herself - and Wildfire – all the way up to ninety miles per hour for fifteen minutes before dropping back down to a manageable sixty. “Oh wow...” Wildfire, covered in a fine sheen of sweat, panted as she slowed to the comfortable speed of sixty miles per hour, “that was fast!” Sailing in behind the two slower mares, Tempest playfully nipped at both their tails. “How are you doing, Wily?” “A…A little out of breath...but, I-I'm fine!” Came the slightly gasping reply, in no way helped by having her tail nipped with no warning. “Okay,” Tempest said as she moved up alongside the blind mare’s right side, “we can do a bit of lunch at our next stop, but eat lightly.” Airmail snickered, “Celery is light!” “I’d rather eat one of Stormy's yellow clouds!” Wildfire spat back immediately, and right then, Tempest and Airmail had a very hard time flying since they were both laughing so hard. Wildfire giggled and flew up to eighty miles per hour for a moment or two while the other two mares made sure they kept her in sight, but they didn’t speed up. Noticing this, Wildfire slowed back down to sixty with a noticeable wobble of her left wing. “Oops!” At once, her wingmares were by her side and slowed down with her. “I'm fine!” She squeaked, “I just went...too fast…” “It's cool, Wily…” Tempest said kindly as she and Airmail both matched their speed and flew a few inches away from the struggling mare. “Actually,” Wildfire interrupted the violet weather pony just as her left wing wobbled again, “maybe a break would be nice.” That made Airmail’s mind up for her. “Lunch time,” she stated with a tone that screamed, ‘We’re landing. Now.’ To Tempest she flicked her ears and said, “Please let the stallions know, Stormy. There looks like there’s a small town about fifteen miles ahead of us.” “I can make that…” Wildfire scanned ahead with her flight headset and the small town that Airmail had pointed out was in fact Dodge Junction. Under her breath, she muttered, “just…” “Go into glide mode, love,” Airmail said comfortingly as Tempest dropped back to where Dusky was flying with Brush Stroke on his back. “You'll be fine, I'm to your left and a bit below.” “I gotcha.” Wildfire spread out her wings and flared the primary feathers to maximise their surface area to extend the glide slope. Airmail glided down with her, thinking that a quick, greasy something for lunch at the town’s Hayburger-style place was just what the doctor ordered. The leisurely glide took thirty minutes to complete, and as the blind mare and her wingpony landed in the rustic backwater town, a few feet away from the Dodge Burger joint, Wildfire sniffed the air. Almost instantly her mouth began to water and she sniffed the air. “Ooh I smell hayburgers!” she exclaimed with a delighted grin. “Good to know that sense is working well.” Airmail giggled and affectionately nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek. “Fast food for a fast turnaround. That, and I really like hayfries.” Wildfire giggled and returned the loving nuzzle with one of her own. “Well, Pretty, y'know us blindies, smell is the first thing that goes super powered, next is hearing. After that is sheer awesomeness!” she declared with a shake of her toned hindquarters before the azure blue mare hoofed open the diner’s doors so that the two lovers could enter. When they did, the intense smell of fried food washed over them like an ocean wave. Up in the air, Tempest saw her two marefriends land at the Dodge Burger joint and she turned her head to the Princess. “Meet you in the town for lunch, Dusky.” “Shall we land with them, Sir?” Dusky asked his dominant partner as she watched Tempest bank and enter a very steep dive, only to land perfectly on the dirt path street outside the diner.   Brush Stroke nodded his approval of that plan, well more to the point, his rumbling belly approved of the plan. “That’s a good idea love. Land, gently, please.” Tempest, who had seen Airmail and Wildfire enter the white walled diner, complete with its garish flashing neon sign, spotted the two mares already at a table in the burger joint. A few moments later and Dusky touched down effortlessly beside her a couple of feet away. As Brush Stroke gracefully and carefully got off of his mare’s back, the royal pegasus danced a little on the dirt path when she saw the traces of mud on her hooves.   Blushing a little at the unsightly state of her hooves, thanks to the path they’d landed on, Dusky contented herself with adjusting her charcoal mane and smoothing down her red dress with her wingtips. Looking at his fussing mare, Brush Stroke couldn’t help but chuckle. “Dusky you look lovely, come on, let’s go eat.” From inside the rustic diner, Airmail saw the group of three ponies and she waved her right forehoof as they entered. “They have great shakes here!” Several ponies and a griffon that were eating in the diner looked up as the trio entered and Airmail greeted them. None of the diners thought anything out of the ordinary. They just saw two pegasi mares – albeit one ridiculously overdressed for a two-bit place like this - and an earth pony stallion. Quickly, Brush Stroke led Dusky over to the table and bade his Sub sit down. While he and Tempest also sat, Dusky asked, “May I have a vanilla shake, please, Sir?”   “Of course you may.” Brush Stroke smiled warmly at his Pet as he briefly perused the menu. “I believe I'll have one, too.” Wildfire giggled at her best friend’s submissive display, knowing that if her Mistress were here she’d be doing just the same. “I'll have a chocolate one. Everypony knows chocolate is best!” she declared like it was fact. Which it was. “I think we’re making good time…” Tempest started as she too looked over the diner’s laminated menu, shooting Dusky and Airmail sideways long looks. “At least for a bunch of slow pokes, right Dusky?” “We aren't doing too badly Miss Tempest,” Dusky replied with a wide grin as she caught the weather pony’s look, “for a bunch of slowpokes, that is.” “Hey!” Wildfire exclaimed, almost dropping the menu that she was holding. Thankfully, for a two-bit grease pit, they had braille menus, “We aren't slow, we're sensible, right Airy?” she asked with a pout, seeking support from the older pegasus. “Wily!” Airmail joined in the pout, making everypony at the table break out in a loud giggle-fit. “Stormy is being a big meanie!” Wildfire snickered behind her hoof. She was tempted to have a playful dig at her older marefriend, but thoughts of a very sweet bath that she was promised upon their return to their home wandered through her mind. “See, I've got a really sweet bath on the cards so she's allowed to be mean.” Brush Stroke snorted out a loud belly laugh at Wildfire’s comment, while Dusky simply giggled behind her hoof. “Nice priorities you have there, Wildfire,” the mid blue artist sniggered, while Tempest carefully considered her options and settled on a perfectly formed raspberry as Airmail rolled her eyes and got up to place their milkshake orders. “Sorry Airy,” Wildfire said ten minutes later when she heard the azure blue mare’s familiar hoof-steps return to their table – she had by now learnt her herd-mate’s patterns. Tempest always led with her left forehoof and walked more on the toes of her hooves like she was always taking off. Airmail however led with her right forehoof, and her weight was more at the back, towards the heel. “You know I can't argue with a sweet bath!” “Knowing you two,” Airmail shuddered as she set the tray holding the five milkshakes on the table from her back, “it is a bath I don't want to be in.” Wildfire giggled at that. “I’m sure it will be loads of fun!” She was about to reach for her chocolate shake when her phone beeped loudly, alerting her to a new text message. Retrieving her cell phone, she quickly checked what it was and whom it was from. “Oh!” She beamed, scanning her screen with her hoof. “Raid's just let me know they've left Canterlot.” “That’s good news,” Tempest commented before taking a long suck of her thick strawberry shake. “Yuppers,” Wildfire agreed, tucking her phone back in her saddlebag and hollowing her cheeks as she sucked hard at her thick shake. “At her speeds, they should be there in a few hours.” “I'd say fifteen,” Airmail thought aloud as she sat back down at the table, “plus ticket stops.” “She did say they expect to arrive early tomorrow morning.” “Pardon me, Miss Wily,” Dusky spoke up from her spot at the table having taken a delicate little sip of her vanilla shake. She had to admit she rather liked it here, the anonymity was quite refreshing. “But, would they not be quicker going to Manehatten on the train?” Wildfire cocked her head and considered that for a moment. “I'm sure they would D…usky, but there's no way Raid would ever leave her car behind.” Of this she was absolutely sure, if she knew her ex-marefriend at all, and she rather fancied that she knew Air Raid better than most. Airmail smiled and attacked her shake once more. “She should be fine with Darkie as her co-pilot.”   “Speaking of Darkie, Dusky,” Tempest spoke up when a thought occurred to her suddenly, “did Luna fill you in on the healing?” Dusky nodded briefly. “My mom gave me the very basic details Miss Tempest, she was rather straight to business on the phone. I assume it went well?” “Not being a unicorn, I believe so,” Tempest stated with certainty, “She can at least control her magic again, though her magic is weaker than it was before.”   Airmail burst out laughing as she recalled the white unicorn had muffled her hooves and her scent, “Enough to silence me so I could sneak up on Wily.” “Yuppers!” Wildfire stuck out her tongue and raspberried her azure blue lover. “Twice!” Brush stroke let out a delighted chuckle then, just as the earth pony waitress carried over a large tray of hayburgers, hayfries, onion rings, breaded garlic mushrooms and milkshake refills over to their table on her back. “Airmail, that's awful!” The grin on his face however belied his criticism. As his Master set out a burger and fries for her to eat, Dusky giggled brightly. “Oh, that old trick…” she snickered, remembering all the times that she’d been the victim of Darkstar’s illusions. Of course they all got her back at some point, that was the game. “We got in so much trouble with that spell.” Airmail took a small messy bite out of her hayburger and chewed it thoughtfully. “I also gave Requiem a heads up to let her know she has a new client coming.” Dusky chewed and swallowed a small mouthful of her fries that Brush Stroke had set aside for her. She really liked Requiem, a lot. “That was very kind of you, Miss Airmail.” Wildfire nodded, grease from the onion ring on her muzzle, “it was a pretty awesome thing to do, Airy.” Airmail shrugged her shoulders and decided to attack her refilled milkshake. “Requiem is always looking for interesting clients and at least the state is covering this one.” Dusky cocked her head and thought about that for a moment. “Ms. Requiem is a lovely pony to chat to.” “So Oils,” Wildfire started, changing the subject somewhat with swallow of a mouthful of hayburger, “did you have your chat about foals?” “Oh yes, Wildfire,” Brush Stroke grinned, momentarily distracted from his garlic mushrooms. “We're definitely going to adopt…” the earth pony stallion nodded to the violet weather mare, who currently wore a blush on her cheeks, “thanks to you, Tempest.” Quickly, Tempest’s impish side squashed her blush in an instant. “Dusky, is there any particular percussion instrument you think your foal would like best?” Dusky looked up from her burger and swallowed nervously. “The ah…the triangle, I hope, Miss Tempest.” “Oh come now love,” Brush Stroke laid his hoof on his mare’s and squeezed gently, adding a reassuring nuzzle for good measure. “Our colt would simply love the drums!” Tempest laughed out loud at that, picturing the scene in her head; four in the morning, some Saturday or Sunday, the house in Ponyville dead quiet, then all of a sudden a ferocious drum solo shakes the foundations…better still, she could see Celestia foal sitting and the same scenario blasting the Princess out of bed. “Since you and your mom love strings so much, maybe a hammered dulcimer?” “Um...no, Miss Tempest…” Dusky did think about that for just a minute, the percussion and stringed instrument with its strings typically stretched over a trapezoidal sounding board, the player holding a small spoon shaped mallet hammer in each hoof to strike the strings, and she shuddered. “I'm really sure he'd love the triangle.” Wildfire couldn’t help but snigger once she’d safely swallowed her shake. “You know you aren't getting a triangle, D!” Airmail, who had been quiet while she stuffed hayfries and onion rings in her muzzle, said; “He may take after Oils though, so I think hoof paints are in order.” She smiled, thinking of those beautiful clean white clean walls that were pristine white, but may not stay that way for very much longer. Dusky grinned over at her best friend. “I believe Miss Wily is the hoof painting expert, Miss Airmail.” Airmail and Tempest both laughed at that, the former almost spitting her fresh mouthful of fries while Wildfire simply giggled. “Yuppers, I’m a proper little artist, me.” When Brush Stroke gave his Pet a questioning look, Dusky quickly swallowed the onion ring she had been working on and explained, “Do you remember the makeover they gave me that Thursday before we met, Sir?” “Willy bent the rules so far I'm surprised they didn't break…” Airmail said, giving her little marefriend a playful lick up her left ear. Dusky had to agree with that. “You did fly pretty close to the wire, Miss Wily.” Sucking up some more of her thick chocolate shake, Wildfire giggled. “Live dangerously, that's me.” Tempest satisfied herself with a shake of her head at what she perceived to be a lost cause. Munching a couple of mouthfuls of her hayburger, she thought for a moment about Brush Stroke. “Have you found the landscapes of Ponyville to your liking, Oils?” she asked curiously, wanting to know a little bit more about the artist. “Oh, you have no idea!” Brush Stroke enthused. He set his shake down as he spoke about the suburban town and surrounding scenery, “Ponyville is gorgeous, it’s just beautiful. So, so different to Manehatten!” “If I may?” Dusky asked submissively and, when his partner nodded, he continued. “Miss Tempest, you should see the studio on the second floor, his paintings are quite lovely.” Tempest nodded, making a mental note to do just that. “I shall make a point of that on our next visit to the area, Dusky.” Brush Stroke smiled proudly. “Why thank you, Tempest.” Dusky beamed. “Sir does like to show off.” Wildfire cocked her head to the one side, apparently deep in thought while she chewed the rest of her burger. “It’s a shame you can't paint something I can like.” Airmail giggled as she too ate the rest of her own burger. “He could always paint you,” she said slyly. “You what?” Wildfire spluttered, caught momentarily off guard by that comment. “Oooh…” Brush Stroke gave that a lot of thought just then, setting aside the rest of his shake as he mulled that over, running through the possibilities. “Oh I say, a landscape painted on a pony...” already he was seeing what could be done, the displays he could do, the shows he could put on. “What's she like at standing still, Airy?” “She can stand very still,” Airmail giggled as she licked Wildfire’s ears, giggling harder when she flinched. “It is quite funny when she does.” “Oh,” Brush Stroke asked with a grin all over his mid blue muzzle as he sensed a bit of gossip, “how so?” “Wait…hang on!” Wildfire spluttered, disbelieving what she was hearing, as several of the other diners looked their way at the exclamation, “you aren't actually considering it?” Tempest shrugged and simply nipped at the little blind mare’s right ear, “Well, it was your idea, Wily…” “I um, I ah, I just meant a canvas painting that I can touch,” Wildfire blushed heavily, flinching when her ears were nipped and licked, “Y’know…with textures and stuff, not actually painting on me!” “Hmm...” Brush Stroke thought about that. Now that the artist pondered the suggestion, it did make a great deal more sense than actually painting on her body. And, he had read in the painting community’s online journals where just this sort of thing had been used in certain special schools to help foals born with severe learning disabilities. “Hmm, I don't see why I couldn't, Wildfire.” Wildfire’s face lit up, “Really?” “Well, yes,” Brush Stroke continued as Dusky, Airmail and Tempest all shared delighted smiling looks between themselves at the shift in the little blind mare’s mood. “It shouldn't be too different from how I paint now, I can use textured paints and techniques that will let you feel what I paint.” As Dusky gave his dominant partner a very tight hug indeed, Tempest finished the last of her garlic mushrooms and onion rings. “The painting of yours at the building I work at is quite nice, Oils.” The violet pony said as she washed her food down with her strawberry shake. “Would that be the one of the Manehatten skyline?” Brush Stroke asked, as he knew where Tempest worked. “Yes, in the lobby of City Hall.” “Oh, I remember that one!” Brush Stroke smiled nostalgically as he and the rest of the table finished off the last of their respective meals, his mind’s eye conjuring up an image of the oil painting that Tempest was talking about. “Everypony always wants prints of that one.” “Are we getting on?” Wildfire asked as she slurped up the dregs of her chocolate milkshake and, bidden by her Master, Dusky took the waste over to the trash can in the diner. “Only, Airy and her belly wanted to get there before dinner.” “I'm ready to fly,” Airmail said, playfully swatting at Wildfire’s ear with her wingtip, “Just no swimming for two hours.” “I'm ready,” Brush Stroke stated, standing up from the table. “Dusky?” Dusky nodded as she approached her lover, her head slightly bowed respectfully. “Sir, if I may, can Miss Tempest and I fly a little faster, please?” At first, Brush Stroke was going to say ‘no, not at all’, but seeing the pleading look on his mare’s face changed his mind almost instantly. He knew his Dusky liked to fly fast, and she had been a very well behaved little Pet for him. She deserved to stretch her wings once in awhile. His mind made up, the dominant stallion nodded. “I don't mind, my love, as long as I can ride elsewhere…” Wildfire raised up her hoof. She knew how much her best friend wanted this, so she volunteered. “I'll give you a lift, Oils.” Airmail smiled as she led the way to the door and hoofed it open for the group to leave. “You will treat Oils like you did Octavia's cello.” Following the scent of her lover’s tail, as well as the familiar sound of her hooves, Wildfire left the little rustic diner and stood on the dirt path that was the main road through Dodge City in the warm late morning sun. “Of course I will, Pretty. I'll be real careful, Oils.” Dusky just could not believe that. Not. At. All. She was so amazed to hear that somepony else had carried her mother’s instrument that she quite forgot about the mud on her hooves. “Aah…please forgive me Sir, but Miss Wily, you carried my mum's cello?” “She did!” Tempest declared with pride as she stretched her legs and her wings in the warmth of the sun. “From the Coffee Bar to Caffy's house while Luna carried Octavia. I even had Wily fly through the wires on the Narrows Bridge while she was carrying it.” Airmail snorted out a laugh at the memory of the Open Mic Night at Caffeinated’s shop. “Did Octavia ever make a sound on that!” She was aware that ‘sound’ was putting it lightly. As she recalled, Octavia was having a proper royal strop about it at the time. Still, Dusky was stunned, as her open mouth attested to. “I'm amazed she allowed anypony else to carry it, I remember I was soundly spanked once for just touching it.” Airmail calmed down from her laughter. “Mapper had a lot to do in the execution of that, though.” “And Luna painted the cello bright candy pink with a couple of green lightning bolts too!” Tempest couldn’t help but put that little nugget in the conversation too. “With magic,” Airmail clarified, “but it was rather cool looking.” Despite the unsightly mud covering her forehoof, Dusky raised it and giggled. “I'm surprised my mum didn't die of shock!” After she finished giggling, she wiped the tear from her pink eyes with the back of her foreleg. “You know, I'm not surprised mom likes Ms. Mapper so much.” Brush Stroke took his lover in his forelegs and passionately kissed her lips, an act that earned him a loud disapproving ‘tut’ from an elderly mare who walked past them. “I don't mind riding with Wildfire while you indulge yourself…” he kissed his mare a second time, not caring in the slightest of the disapproving looks from the natives, “As long as you are careful and come back to me.” “If this is just to stretch our wings, then it should be a lot of fun,” Tempest said as she stretched her own powerful wings wide, flaring her feathers in preparation for high speed flight. “But if this is to see who is the fastest pony, then you win, Princess.” Likewise, Dusky also stretched and prepped her wings and her flight muscles for the strain she was about to put on them. “No racing Miss Tempest, I promise.” “I have no trouble with racing,” Tempest replied with a giggle, “then again, I have no trouble with losing either.” With a last stretch and flex, Dusky giggled, “I just want to play.” Smiling, Tempest gave Airmail and Wildfire each an affectionate nuzzle and a kiss. “I'll give Wily a call when we’re ready to get back with you three.” After getting a kiss back from both of her lovers, the violet weather pony stepped aside and, spreading her wings wide, she crouched in the dirt path. “Okay Dusky, let's start by playing up!” All at once, with a strong flap of her powerful wings, Tempest took off straight upwards and kept on climbing. Quickly, Dusky gave her stallion a loving kiss. “Sir, thank you Sir, I’ll be careful, Sir!” Without so much as a crouch – for fear of getting dirt on her red dress - she took off vertically, almost instantly catching up with the violet speck already high above her. “Well Oils,” Airmail said to the mid blue earth pony stallion after a couple of seconds, when the two fliers had diminished into indistinguishable specks in the sky, “if you're ready to go the Wily Taxi service is available.” Brush Stroke, who had been like Airmail, scanning the sky to watch his lover zoom up into the wide clear blue sky, turned to the lead editor and nodded. “I'm quite ready Airy thank you, and thank you too, Wildfire.” “Wily, please.” The diminutive yellow mare corrected him kindly, affording him the privilege of her nick name. “Alright, Wily…” Brush Stroke replied as he very carefully climbed up onto Wildfire's back and, wrapping his forelegs around her neck, nodded grimly like he was being led to the gallows. “I, ah, I'm ready, girls.” Airmail smiled and shook her head at what she perceived was the artist’s foolishness. She determined that she was going to closely monitor Wildfire while she was in flight, even more closely than when she was flying by herself. “You set the pace Wildfire,” she said, stroking her lover’s flank with her wingtip, “let’s climb to a thousand feet.” She resolved to be ready to take the earth pony if things might look bad. “I gotcha Pretty,” activating her headset and once more setting it to Trottingham, and requesting the direction and distance as well as requesting them be on constant report, Wildfire spread her yellow wings wide and launched herself into the sky. As she climbed up to one thousand feet, she was reminded heavily of the time at the fun fair that she had carried Air Raid up to the cloud. When her altimeter read one thousand feet, she levelled off and grinned, “I gotta say Oils, you're certainly heavier than a cello.” “Did you just call Oils fat?” Airmail asked with a smile from her covering position to the left, behind and slightly above her blind lover as she reached the one thousand feet flight level. “Or just an earth pony?” “Umm, n-no...” Wildfire flinched, shivering badly at what the older pegasus had said. “I’m sorry!” She squeaked timidly and, while she could guess that her marefriend was playing, it was the sudden nature of the question that set her off. “I didn't mean anything by it Oils, honest I didn’t!” Brush Stroke chuckled good naturedly, “Oh, don't worry about it Wily, no offense taken I assure you.” Airmail giggled, though she immediately caught the shudder from the young mare and flew up alongside her just long enough to caress her flank before falling back. “Just teasing you, Wily.” At that, Wildfire blushed profusely and after a few moments she stopped shuddering and began to fly normally, maintaining a very steady and manageable fifty miles per hour towards the south eastern Trottingham. “Huh…I fall for that every time!” She grimaced, silently kicking herself. “Are you cold, Wily?” Brush Stroke asked, giggling a little at Airmail’s little trap. “No, why?” “You were shivering…” “You’ll have to forgive her that,” Airmail spoke up loudly to make sure she was heard. She had to admit she felt a little poor for doing that, though she was sure by now that the blind pony could’ve taken the joke as it was intended. “The thought of being in trouble can give her the feeling of impending severe punishment,” she explained for the stallion’s benefit, “and not the fun kind of punishment either.” Brush Stroke, as a Dominant of many years’ experience, was stunned to hear this. “Is this true?” he asked gently into Wildfire’s ear, and to his great dismay she answered with a nod and a beet red blush that he could feel as well as see. “Then please forgive me, Wily, I really had no idea.” “The fault isn't yours, Oils,” Airmail interjected quickly. No, if the fault was anypony’s it was that thrice damned bitch Amethyst Glory’s. But, she should’ve known better too. “You see, I triggered it with my teasing, but Wily is the one that needs to overcome her past fears with her present realities.” Wildfire smiled shakily as she flew straight and true to Trottingham. She could feel – thankfully – her blush diminishing to a dull heat in her cheeks. “Well, I'm getting there with it, my Airy does like her teasing though, right Pretty?” Airmail snorted loudly, “As if you don't like doing the same, my love.” “What,” Wildfire asked, a little of her former good humour returning to her, “little old me? When do I ever tease?” “I’m sorry, I lost count.” Airmail snickered, maintaining her three feet of separation in the clear blue perfect sky, “But I assure you she is a tease in the bedroom, Oils.” Wildfire shrugged her shoulders and giggled as her earth pony passenger gripped her neck a little tighter. “Guilty as charged.” “You sound just like my Dusky,” Brush Stroke commented with a nervous smile when he realised he wasn’t going to get thrown from the blind mare’s back. Airmail’s earlier warning of rogue griffons was still in the back of his mind though. “She's a dreadful tease too.” “I think that is where Wily learned it from!” Airmail called, although she was watching her lover’s progress, every now and then she found her brown eyes wandering down to her black tail, and the treasures that lay underneath it. “Airy,” she called over her shoulder, “I’ll have you know, I had many excellent teachers.” As she said that a thought occurred to her, something similar to what she had discussed with Tempest earlier when they had flown around the Everfree Forest. “Hey…speaking of D, how'd you ever get him in a dress?” Over his shoulder, Brush Stroke shot Airmail a puzzled look, but he just got a shrug in reply. Instead he asked, “Whatever do you mean, Wily?” “Um…well...” Wildfire considered that for just a moment, though she did have to correct her flight again as she found she was starting to drift to the left again. It was definitely her, though it wasn’t a huge correction, she didn’t worry about it. “He's never done anything like that before, that's all, and it just came as a surprise.” A sudden flash of inspiration later and Airmail thought she knew just how to deal with this. Not that she couldn’t understand Wildfire’s confusion. She could, indeed, just the other week she and Tempest would never have called themselves Doms either. “Wily, have you ever asked Stormy why she likes to dress as a stallion?” “No, I haven't, now that I think about it, I just assumed she liked it.” Wildfire replied with a shake of her head. Airmail smiled a broad smile. That was what she’d thought. “And what makes you think Dusky doesn't like it?” “I don't know...” Wildfire flustered a little when she answered. She could see what her marefriend was getting at, and it made a great deal of sense. Still, this was Dusky. “It’s just weird, y'know? He - She's my best friend but I never knew this side of him, I mean her, before.” “You didn't know Vocal Chord, the singer did you?” Airmail asked, ever so slightly changing the subject. Wildfire gave that a tiny bit of thought. She knew Vocal, a little bit, but Dusky hadn’t been with him long before her accident in the science lab. As a result of that she didn’t really ‘know’ him as it were. “Um…no, not really, but with him Dusk was always the dominant pony back then as I recall.” “Yes…my Dusky has spoken of his ex,” Brush Stroke commented almost absent mindedly. He was quite ambivalent towards the singer that had been with his mare. On the one hoof he hated him for the rather callous way he had dumped his Dusky over the phone. On the other however he was glad he had, because now he was with him…so, ‘Six of one, half a dozen of the other,’ as his dad was fond of saying. “It sounds like some good after dinner conversation,” Airmail said with a smile, flying a teeny bit below Wildfire now to get a better view of her teats. To keep an eye on her flying, of course. And her teats. “I must say Airy, Wily,” Brush Stroke started, feeling so comfortable with his ride that he actually sat up straight on the little mare’s back, “that since I've known him, my Dusky hasn't shown any dominant tendencies at all. In fact, he loved it the first time I called him, my little mare.” Just then, as she was about to reply to that, about how in a similar vein she wasn’t considered a Dom either until she met Wildfire, Airmail’s train of thought was derailed somewhat when she thought she saw a pronounced wobble in the little yellow mare’s flight. “How are your wings doing, Wily?” she asked immediately, going from teat ogling to alert in an instant. “Oh, they’re not bad,” Wildfire answered quickly. But for being a little bit out of breath – which she put down to carrying her passenger – and making the course corrections, she was fine. “I'm good for now,” she added with a slight pant and a gasp to fill her lungs. Airmail shook her head. Obviously she had imagined the wobble, but in her defence she had been teat watching, not Wildfire watching. “We can always land and switch taxies,” she offered, all the time wishing her lover would move her hind legs just a touch, to give her a better view. She flew through a little cloudlet, hoping the moisture would act like a cold shower. “Oils, are you an only foal?” she asked, trying to change the subject. “I can do it,” Wildfire said in a very determined voice. “I got this, Pretty!” “That’s a good question Airy,” Brush Stroke replied, having to cast his mind a very long way back now that the thirty-two year old artist thought about it. “To be honest I don't really know. I don't remember the Trottingham Orphanage much, and I certainly don’t remember my birth parents. My two dads only adopted me. How about you?” Airmail giggled as she flew a little closer to better allow conversation. “That is what I meant; if your dads adopted more than one foal.” Then again, she supposed her question had been a little vague. “I was the only foal of my birth parents, and of my adopted parents since they thought they couldn't have any…” she trailed off and laughed. “I must have been magic as they had four after adopting me.” Laughing out loud, Brush Stroke replied, “I think I put my parents off from adopting anymore.” The mid blue earth pony went a little quiet as reflected on his childhood. He’d been, in Starbright’s own words, a ‘right little shit’ growing up in Trottingham with the two stallions. “I enjoyed having younger siblings,” Airmail said with a smile, “even if it did develop one of my biggest fetishes.” “Oh?” Now Brush Stroke was interested. “Y-Yuppers…” Wildfire panted, working hard now to catch her breath, “A-Airy likes...breast...milk…” Noticing her lover beginning to struggle a little, Airmail resolved to give her just another half an hour before landing and taking a little break. “After my mom got pregnant she found out she was a natural milkmare,” the azure blue mare explained with a hazy faraway look on her eyes. “Ah, I see now…” Brush Stroke smiled, “That’s actually really cool. Dandelion is my 'mum' I suppose would be the correct term. Compared to Starbright he's rather effeminate, and I suppose my dad helped create my fetish too. Being ex-military, I had to be assertive in the household to get noticed.” Scanning the ground ahead of them, Airmail looked for a park or rest area for them to land in as they flew onwards. “My purpose in the military was to 'not' be noticed.” “Aah, just like...like a pony I know.” Brush Stroke blushed a bright red, catching himself just in time from almost dropping Dusky’s name then and there. They flew on for another twenty minutes in relative comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company in the crystal clear blue sky until Wildfire wobbled a little but she quickly recovered and flew a little bit lower. “Ah…actually Pretty, landing about now would be really good.” “I agree,” Airmail commented, as ever scanning the ground for a suitable landing spot. As luck would have it, roughly three-quarters of a mile away she spied a park with large trees overhanging a very picturesque looking lake. More importantly there were public toilets. “That grease bomb went right through me!” “You see?” Wildfire started, setting her flight headset for a three-quarter mile descent from her current altitude to the ground, “I know...my limits!” Airmail smiled a mother hen-like smile that Tempest would’ve been impressed with. “I’m proud of you, love.” “I only need to be taught a lesson once…” Wildfire panted with a giggle as she began her gliding descent, “well, unless it’s math, anyway.” Realisation dawned on the mid blue artist then, as he saw the ground start to come up towards them at a steady pace. “I take it your wings aren't as strong as they could be, Wily?” “You’re right,” Airmail said with a smile in her voice, “and you my good sir have now been added to her training program.” Brush Stroke chuckled at that. “I'm glad my vast weight is being used for something constructive.” “You are a performance enhancement drug,” Airmail giggled. “Wily, the park is now at your two O'clock position about half a mile away,” she advised, guessing correctly that the park would be too small a location to be already on her headset like the bigger towns and cities. “I gotcha Pretty.” Wildfire angled her wings and started the bank to her right and she started the glide, following her headset to the ground. “Pretty?” Brush Stroke asked curiously. Airmail giggled as she descended on the same glideslope as her blind marefriend. “It’s my nickname for the oldenpony over there,” Wildfire snickered as her headset told her she was a hundred feet above the ground and getting lower. “When we first met she let me feel her face and the first thing that came to my mind was 'pretty'.” “Sadly,” Airmail lamented with a forehoof to her forehead, “I'm not as sweet as honey.” “That's Tempest, I assume?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire replied to her passenger before she flared her wings at ten feet and landed very gently indeed on the lush green grass of the park. “For the same reasons as Pretty.” “What’s your pet name for Serenity?” Airmail asked, landing on the grass next to the wide lake and the much needed public toilets. Idly, she wondered just where they were, but she didn’t suppose it mattered all that much; they wouldn’t be here all that long. Wildfire blushed a faint red tinge on her cheeks as she pawed the ground a little with her forehoof. “Um…Beauty…” Airmail tucked away her wings and was halfway over to the toilet block when a thought crossed her mind. “Do you need a Wildfire pet name, Oils?” “Everypony else seems to have one,” Brush Stroke grinned as he got off of his taxi’s back and sighed, feeling the lovely, fantastic amazing ground under his hooves. “I suppose it would be nice to be in the club.” “Wily can think about it while I use the commode.” Airmail giggled, shutting the toilet door behind her with a bit of a firm slam. Wildfire stretched her wings, stretching her flight muscles and then she folded away her wings before sniffing and getting a feel of the park, whatever it was, where they were resting. “Did you enjoy the flight, Oils?” she asked, shaking her black mane straight. “I did,” Brush Stroke replied, giving the diminutive yellow pegasus a friendly nuzzle of thanks. In spite of his rather acute acrophobia, he had to admit the flight thus far from Ponyville to wherever they were, southeast of Dodge City, had been pleasant enough. “Although I think I prefer Dusky as a mount, no offense.” “Hey,” Wildfire snickered behind her hoof, “you mount him however you like,” she said with a giggle. “That’s your business for you two lovebirds.” After that, she gave a serious thought to what she could name her new friend. Minutes later, when Airmail emerged from the toilet, she had the very thing. “I know, Oils, I shall call you Holly." Airmail raised her eyebrow at that. Pretty, Honey and Beauty she could well understand. This one however was quite beyond her, no matter how hard she tried. “Um…Wily, why Holly?” “Isn’t it obvious?” Wildfire giggled, and when no comment was forthcoming from either Airmail or Brush Stroke, she explained, “Cos he ain't heavy!” Airmail rolled her eyes and facehooved at that, while the earth pony stallion burst out laughing, finally getting what the little mare meant. ~ ~ ~ While Airmail, Wildfire and Brush Stroke had continued to make their way southeast, Tempest and Dusky had played pegasi tag in the sky high above the Dodge City Hayburger joint. Thirty thousand feet above it, to be exact. Together they barrel rolled, climbed and swooped, corkscrewed and pirouetted in the clear blue sky. After twenty minutes of this play, after Tempest had performed a very complex corkscrew backflip to tag Dusky’s hind leg for the seventh time, the royal pegasus came to a hover next to his playmate, an excited idea running through her mind that she just knew the weather pony would love. “Well played, Miss Tempest.” Dusky bowed her head graciously to the winner of their game. “Now we’ve played, would you like a fast ride?” “Sure!” Tempest exclaimed joyously, only too happy fully stretch her wings up to her full two hundred and fifty miles per hour top speed. “Are you going to do a rainboom?” she asked, eager to actually see one happen with her own eyes in the flesh as it were. “Well,” Dusky replied with a very wide grin, “Sir did say I could indulge myself, if you'd like to, Miss Tempest?” “I can't do it on my own,” Tempest admitted honestly, but an idea did occur to her; maybe instead of just watching, all her Hearths Warmings could come at once and just maybe, maybe, she could experience it first-hoof. “But, I'd be happy to hitch a ride?” she asked hopefully. Dusky saw the very, very excited and eager look on his friend’s face and she couldn’t refuse her. It didn’t even enter her mind. “Miss Tempest, it would be my sincere pleasure.” Without needing any further prompting, the violet weather pony hovered over and in a very precise manoeuvre she settled on Dusky’s back, settling in and gripping with her hind legs. “Are you ready, Miss Tempest?” she asked when she felt her passenger grip her flanks. Tempest leant forward and in Dusky’s ear she whispered, “Oh yeah.” “Miss Tempest,” Dusky said seriously, in a no-nonsense tone that was out of character for the usually submissive pegasus, “you must tap my flank twice when you want me to stop, alright?” he said, as at the speed of sound, there would be no possibility of verbal communication. “Would falling off be another signal?” Tempest asked with a giggle, completely at odds with the serious tone of the pegasus underneath her. Deciding there wasn’t any need for any further warnings, Dusky laughed. She knew of Tempest’s ability, and proclivity for speed. “Yes, I rather suppose it would, but I'd rather you didn't, Oils thinks I'm safe!” “And how many rainbooms have you done with Oils on your back?” Tempest asked, showing at least a little caution. “None so far, Miss Tempest,” Dusky admitted, still hovering in place easily, “but I have done several now without hitting anything.” “And…how many have you done with anypony on your back?” “Three.” Dusky stated definitely. He could remember perfectly each and every one too, and each was memorable in their own right. “And those ponies are alive and ‘mostly’ well.” Tempest grinned a very wide, excited grin. Very, very excited. She wanted to do this before she lost her nerve and backed out altogether. “So, what are we waiting for, Princess?” “Hold on tight then, Miss Tempest…” Smiling, the midnight blue pegasus fully extended both of her forelegs out in front of her and angled the toes of her hooves to cut through the air and already after a few flaps of her very powerful wings they had accelerated up through three hundred miles per hour. Along for the ride, Tempest lay low on Dusky’s back to present as little air resistance as possible. They reached five hundred miles per hour and Tempest watched in awe as they passed twice her top speed. She felt the air around them start to lose pressure. She saw the cone of resistance begin to form a foot in front of Dusky’s forehooves. The violet pony grinned like a maniac as the friction through the air caused static electricity to spark from Dusky’s hooves all along their flanks. She knew they were close. Very close. With a final quiet prayer to his mom, an ‘I love you’ to his mum and to Brush Stroke, Dusky gave a final push of speed and with an almighty flap of her wings, they ripped through the sound barrier with a loud boom as Dusky took Tempest to supersonic speeds. Heralding their achievement, three concentric midnight blue and charcoal grey rings exploded outwards from them, the same coloured trail streaking in their wake from Dusky’s mane and tail. At the boom, Airmail looked up from the park where she, Wildfire and Brush Stroke were resting on the grass by the lake. The azure blue mare smiled at the dark blue streak cut across the sky. “Have you taken that ride yet, Oils?” she asked with a wry smile. Brush Stroke looked up, he saw the streak of light that was his mare vanishing into the distance and he shuddered. “Oh…oh no, no ooooh no…his mother has, Octavia is rather taken with speed you know,” the artist answered, his innate fear making him feel ill, even on the ground. “I um…well, I'd like to...it’s not that I don't trust him, it's just, well I'm...” “Scared to death, Holly?” Wildfire asked with a smile from her position in the middle of the other two ponies. Twiddling his forehooves over each other, Brush Stroke found himself studying the grass underneath him rather intently as he admitted, “Yes, yes I am, Wily.” That was a step too far for Airmail’s liking right there. “Wily?” she said in a very firm tone, “You can get away with teasing me and Stormy, but don't you stretch a privilege.” “Oh…oh I-I’m s-sorry Oils,” Wildfire shrunk into the warm green grass, her ears slicking straight back to her scalp and her tail flicking down between her hind legs. “I-I really didn't mean to tease you,” she whimpered with her forehooves now over her muzzle. She knew she’d really messed up. “I d-didn't think, I apologise…” “That's quite alright, Wildfire.” Brush Stroke gave the quivering blind mare a friendly nuzzle and he nodded over to Airmail with a thankful smile, “Thank you for that, Airmail.” “No problem,” Airmail replied calmly. She really didn’t want to reign in and discipline her diminutive lover, but enough was quite enough and there was a line. In her opinion, she crossed it. “It is nice to know that you have a fast way out if you really need one. You remember Requiem, the earth pony mare?” Quietly, saying nothing at the nuzzle she received, Wildfire hunkered down even further into the grass. She felt as wretched as she ever had done in the week and a half since her release from the care home. Next to her, on her right side, she felt the earth pony stallion nod. “I do, she was at the open mic night for a while, as I recall.” Seeing Wildfire’s somewhat extreme reaction, Airmail scooted a little closer to her marefriend and gently she draped her right wing over her back and she gave her a loving nuzzle. “You apologised love, so it’s all good.” She felt a little bad, but the young mare needed telling. She was just grateful it was her telling her and not Tempest. “Her hobby is free falling from twenty thousand feet or higher with no chute or spells,” she explained to the mid blue artist. “I…I know Pretty,” Wildfire hesitantly returned the nuzzle. “I um…I just felt like sitting down, out the way.” Brush Stroke gave the older pegasus a very nervous chuckle. “Wow, that is some hobby.” “Yes,” Airmail commented, tightening her grip on Wildfire’s back with her wing. “Someponies live for the thrill of it.” Like Airmail, Brush Stroke scooted closer to Wildfire’s right side but in place of a wing he draped his foreleg around her shoulders. He couldn’t help feel a little bad for her. “Please don't cry, Wildfire.” “I’m not,” Wildfire muttered with a very sad little giggle, “'m not, because I can’t. I'm fine…” “This is Wily's brave face,” Airmail said as she placed a tender, delicate kiss on Wildfire’s left cheek in an effort to lift her lover’s spirits. “I’m sorry Oils,” Wildfire muttered miserably, tentatively returning the kiss to Airmail’s lips. “Sometimes I say and do stuff without thinking, I don't know why and I know I shouldn't.” “It’s alright, Wily, I promise,” Brush Stroke said as he too tightened his hug he had around the little mare’s shoulders. His heart really went out to her. “You really can't cry?” “Nopes…” Wildfire shook her head sadly. “The acid completely destroyed the eye sockets when it was thrown in her face, including the optic nerves and the tear ducts,” Airmail explained. “You have to know her to tell when she is crying on the inside.” “I'm sorry, Wildfire.” Brush Stroke again nuzzled the diminutive mare’s cheek, feeling that if he ever had a sister, this is what he’d feel like. “But please cheer up, you didn't offend me, Wily. We all do silly things without thinking.” “O-Okay…” Wildfire said quietly, a shaky smile on her face as she stood up to equally shaky hooves. Airmail gave her lover another nuzzle as she too stood up and took a last look at the admittedly beautiful lake. She resolved when she had the chance to find out exactly where this place was and what it was called. “My turn to play taxi ‘till I get tired, then Dusky can take over,” she announced with a flutter of her wings. “Alright, Airy,” Brush Stroke smiled and stepped up to the lead editor, “I promise I'm not as heavy as I'm made out to be…” “You aren't!” Wildfire interrupted him and, without waiting for a reply, she launched herself into the early afternoon sky. As she lifted off, she once more set her headset for Trottingham. “Still, you earth ponies are pretty solid lot.” Airmail and Brush Stroke both shared a laugh at that and she waited until the mid blue artist had a good firm hold around her flanks before she too took off, at a far more sedate pace than Wildfire who was silently flying ahead of her, already at sixty miles per hour. Brush Stroke watched Wildfire for a few moments before he gave voice to a thought in his head. “I'm no shrink Airy, and do correct me if I'm wrong, but she is a very troubled young mare.” Somewhat unnecessarily, given the distance between them, Airmail kept her voice low when she replied to her passenger. “I thought I had a troubled life with my parents’ murder-suicide, but her mom died in the line of duty when she was twelve and after she was blinded at nineteen, her father sold her into slavery.” To say Brush Stroke was stunned would’ve been an understatement. “Dusky's told me bits and pieces, I was reluctant to pry, of course, the whole affair seemed private.” Airmail could understand and appreciate that, in fact, her levels of respect for Dusky’s coltfriend and Master went up a few levels. “To put it simply,” she started before taking a breath, “imagine spending five years in Tartarus and then being released just two weeks ago.” “Oh my...” He really hadn’t been expecting that. “I had no idea it was quite that bad.” Now the earth pony felt even more like a big brother to the young mare flying ahead of them. “Forgive me, Airy, but she seems so, well, 'normal' on the surface doesn't she?” Airmail nodded solemnly. She knew what Brush Stroke meant, and she knew he hadn’t meant any offense by it. “It has been a hard two weeks, but Stormy and I want it to be normal to the core, not just on the surface, at least as much as it ever will be after what she’s been through in the care home.” “It can't be easy for you two though…” “When was love ever easy?” Airmail asked with a laugh in her voice. Brush Stroke shook his head, then he very quickly shoved his yellow and red striped mane away from his green eyes. “Never, Airy. I can assure you of that.” He had a sudden flash of memory of a couple of his past romances both good and bad, “A case in hoof is my dad,” he chuckled, “it’s going to be fun introducing him to my Dusky.” “We’re all happy that Wily dropped into our lives.” Airmail said with a look of pure love on her face as she watched Wildfire fly ahead of her. “It will of course take more than a couple of weeks to undo years of damage. Not all that different from your dad.” The earth pony artist pondered that for just a moment. He understood what Airmail meant, about his dad’s feelings towards the royalty – well, Luna, to be exact – following the Changeling invasion all those years ago. “I can tell she'll be fine. We had a similar experience with dad after he left the army. He isn't as bad as he used to be, but he still hates the royals.” He snorted a laugh then, “Of course, Dusky is adamant he doesn't want to downplay who he is later.” “No good will ever come from hiding or covering up the truth.” “You know,” Brush Stroke grinned, “that's pretty much what Dusky said after you flew off earlier.” As Airmail was flying slower than Wildfire, the landscape artist took a few moments to appreciate the scenery passing underneath them. Rolling hills, rivers, forests, they even passed an unnamed donkey village. “I'm glad he told me of his royal duties, thank you for helping with that.” “I've been a killer for a long time,” Airmail stated, taking note of the very picturesque little village far from anywhere as they passed over it, “to the point where I almost forgot the value of life. Now I have another life to love right there, in front of us.” “She couldn't ask for better, I think.” Brush Stroke smiled warmly, “Now I can understand Dusky not wanting Wildfire to know what he does.” Airmail nodded, “I'd just as soon Stormy didn't know for sure. ‘ts why I changed the subject while she was carrying you.” Brush Stroke chuckled, “Another reason I'm pleased he told me, I was worried he was seeing another pony.” Now Airmail let out a very loud laugh indeed, taken by a genuine fit of mirth. “I think Dusky's mum would kill him if he betrayed somepony.” She could well imagine Octavia’s outrage should her son ever do such a thing. “Oh, without question she would!” He giggled, imagining the very same thing as the mare giving him a ride. “You can imagine my sense of relief when I found out what he was really doing.” “That he was seeing other ponies?” Airmail asked with a raised eyebrow. “For the last time, that is?” “Exactly that,” he replied grimly. “I'm pleased those that hurt Wildfire and her friend were punished for what they did.” “Ugh…I-I'm not going to be good for much longer,” Airmail grunted as she flew along. She could feel her flight muscles beginning to tire after the thirty minute flight from the park to where they were now. “Last time I had a passenger was for search and rescue in Vanhoover.” “Understood Airy, perhaps another landing would be prudent?” Brush Stroke suggested, thankfully as he thought for a moment, he saw another little town hove into view not all that far ahead of them. “The only thing that really concerns me about Dusky's new duties is the bit where he might not return home to me.” As she felt herself get ever weaker, Airmail called out loudly, “Wily! I'm going to need to land!” To her passenger, she said simply, “That is called life. He does have the best trainer and he doesn't have the stupid bravery I had at his age…” Again, she raised her voice, “I've spotted a burger joint, a Hay-in-a-Bale! I could use an energy restoring shake!” Ahead of Airmail and Brush Stroke, Wildfire slowed her flight to show she had heard and understood. “As long as it’s a chocolate flavoured shake, I'm there!” she called back over her shoulder. “I'm sure he'll be fine for a while yet, Airy,” Brush Stroke said confidently, “as you said, he has the best trainer.” “And he is smarter than me.” Airmail thought aloud as she scanned the upcoming little town. She vaguely remembered it from a previous visit a few years ago with Tempest. “It’s at our twelve! About a quarter of a mile, Wily. Gliding down now!” “I gotcha Pretty!” Wildfire activated the scanner on her headset and she was rewarded with a place name as the town, like Dodge City, was big enough to be pre-programmed in. She’d never heard of Marezona before, but as she started her gliding descent, she figured she’d find out about it soon enough. As Airmail descended behind Wildfire, Brush Stroke watched the little blind mare descend also. “I say, she is good isn't she? Airmail nodded absent mindedly. She could tell from just the sound of her lover’s voice that she was in a much better mood now than when she had took off from the impromptu stop at the park. “She does have some good gear which makes up for her disability.” “Of course,” the earth pony agreed, “but she has to know how to use it properly otherwise it’s useless, surely?” “I agree,” Airmail said simply as she glided lower towards the town and to the diner, “but she's no dummy either.” She stated, landing on an actual sidewalk this time instead of Dodge City’s dirt path. In a much brighter, happier mood, Wildfire asked, “Who's not a dummy?” As she too touched down on the concrete, basking in the early afternoon sunlight. Airmail giggled and then stepped closer to her little lover, licking her left ear and adding a sharp nip for good measure. “You, sexy.” “Sexy and awesome!” Wildfire declared, striking a pose as Brush Stroke carefully climbed down from his azure blue mount and felt the smooth sidewalk under his hooves. “And, about to be filled with fries and a shake.” “Yeah,” Airmail smiled, finding that Marezona was exactly as she’d left it all those years ago. “I can go for that.” “Holly, as I'm sure Pretty will tell you, I'm astoundingly humble with my amount of awesome.” Wildfire snickered as the three of them got together and decided they would have cheesy fries and shakes. Brush Stroke giggled as he opened the Hay-In-A-Bale’s door for the ladies to enter ahead of him. “Oh yes, Wily, very humble.” Inside, Airmail snorted a laugh and trotted up to the counter to place their order. While Airmail went and ordered for them at the remarkably empty diner, Brush Stroke and Wildfire secured a nearby table. “So,” Wildfire started, fishing for a topic of conversation now that they were alone together, “I know you're as at home in the air as I am at a math test, but seriously and with no teasing, you should let D take you for a ride.” “Tell you what Wily,” Brush Stroke answered the blind mare after a few moments thought on the subject, “I'll see what Tempest says when they get back, and then I'll make my mind up. Deal?” Wildfire held out her forehoof out and the artist bumped it straightaway. “Deal!” She exclaimed with a smile. As she came trotting over to the table, carrying the three deep bowls of cheesy fries and the thick milkshakes – strawberry for her, chocolate for Wildfire and vanilla for Brush Stroke – Airmail caught the word ‘deal’ and she sat the tray down between them before taking her seating pad next to her marefriend. “What deal is that?” she asked curiously. “Ah, well you see,” Brush Stroke began, pausing just long enough to take his bowl of fries and his shake, “if Dusky and Tempest return, and if she liked her supersonic flight, then I'll consider going for that ride myself.” Airmail had to stifle her giggles. She utterly failed in that attempt. “I'm surprised you used the word 'if'. I doubt that both will go hetero and fly off together.” Wildfire, who had at that moment taken a mouthful of cheesy fries, sniggered around them and almost spat them out. The earth pony stallion did laugh out loud, both at Airmail’s quip and at Wildfire’s struggle to swallow. “That’s not quite what I meant, ok, when, when they return. And Wily?” “Yuppers “When I go for my flight, you'll study and pass a math exam!” Airmail looked from pegasus to earth pony, chewing her own mouthful of fries slowly as she gauged each pony’s reaction to that. She had to admit she was impressed with the artist’s raising of the stakes. “Wow…it looks like somepony just doubled down.” “You have a deal, Oils,” Wildfire giggled and slurped her chocolate shake, “Although I can’t guarantee passing, I am thick you know.” “Nonsense!” Brush Stroke exclaimed before Airmail could. He refused to believe that. Everything he had witnessed thus far spoke to just how intelligent the blind pony was. “Airy says you aren't a dummy. Is she wrong?” Slurping some more of her shake, Wildfire shook her head. “Um, no, no she isn't.” “That is one area we haven't explored yet.” Airmail explained after she swallowed a mouthful of her food, “Stormy says she needs to work on it for her job, though.” “Well then,” the earth pony smiled as if that was that settled, “this is the perfect opportunity to show everypony that you can do it, Wily.” “Yuppers, I know…” Wildfire said a little glumly, fiddling with her fries. “Like Airy said, I need it for my work, it’s just, well, I'm just not good with math that’s all.” “Correction,” Airmail stated definitely, striking her hoof on the table top for emphasis, “you weren't good at math five years ago.” “True, I haven't tried any kind of math since university,” Wildfire admitted with a hopeless shrug of her shoulders, “but I can't have gotten better, surely?” “Do you think you could have gotten worse?” Airmail asked, a slight tone of annoyance in her voice. Like Tempest, she disliked self-deprecating ponies. Wildfire laughed at that. “Dusky and my teachers would argue that's not possible.” Brush Stroke shook his head. Like Airmail he too hated this kind of attitude. “You can’t be that bad, surely, Wily?" “The problem is,” Wildfire began to explain her problem before pausing for another quick slurp of her chocolate shake, “when I looked at the pages the numbers all kinda blended into one huge mess, and the more I tried to figure it out, the bigger mess it became. I was hopeless!” Airmail laid her hoof gently on Wildfire’s left one. “Stormy seems to think that when you touch the numbers now, they won't blend like that anymore.” “It’s worth a try,” Wildfire admitted with a shrug, “besides, I do have my side of this deal to uphold, right Oils?” Brush Stroke grinned, “That's the spirit, Wily!” ~ ~ ~ With Princess Dusky as a de facto windbreak, Tempest was enjoying the sight of the southeast Equestrian landscape flashing past like it never had before, in her thirty-eight year long life. To say it was stunning would be an understatement. Indeed, as she hung on tight to the royal pegasus’s back, she found she didn’t have the sufficient adjectives to describe her experience right then. Tempest was going to whoop with delight when she felt Dusky accelerate up from the speed of sound to what she guessed was mach one-point-five, but as they were currently going much faster than sound there was no point. She whooped anyway. Going this fast, the violet weather pony was almost tempted to let go and fall off just to experience what supersonic free fall would be like, because if it was her time to go, it couldn’t get better than this right here. Thankfully, as the countryside beyond Dodge City flashed past, now at close to nine hundred miles per hour they whizzed over a donkey village below as nothing more than a blur of speed, Tempest clung on for the sheer thrill of the ride. Dusky, meanwhile, was grinning like a total idiot and, having reached his maximum speed of one thousand one hundred fifty miles per hour decided then and there to keep pushing ever faster. After all, she had promised Tempest a fast ride, and his coach Rainbow Dash - the only pony capable of a triple rainboom – had been telling her pupil for years he could go faster. Concentrating, Dusky flapped her midnight blue wings harder than she ever had before and felt herself easing up past mach one-point-five and after a few seconds she managed to break one-point-seven-five for a new top speed of one thousand three hundred fifty. Silently Dusky whooped for joy and finally began to slow down. When she had slowed to subsonic speeds, slow enough to allow conversation but still blindingly fast, Dusky was still whooping with delight. As was Tempest on his back. Eventually she slowed to ‘just’ three hundred and asked, “How was that, Stormy?” Now back down to ‘normal’ speeds after the thirty five minute supersonic run, Tempest leant forward and nuzzled Dusky’s right cheek. “Fantastic! Just…fantastic!” she gushed like a filly on her best Hearths Warming. “Way better than I ever thought it would be!” She was delightfully giddy, so much so that she almost didn’t notice that they had blasted past Marezona and were further on the way to Trottingham. “When it went silent…wow! Just, wow!” “I’m glad you liked it,” Dusky grinned, returning the nuzzle that Tempest gave with one of his own. “I managed to push one-point-seven-five back there,” she smiled, “almost mach two, just for you.” Tempest was still giddy from the sheer amount of speed she had just experienced. She almost didn’t care where they were in the country. “I could see the pressure wave!” She let out the delighted squee. “I saw it build up in front of you and then it just snapped!” Dusky grinned an ever wider grin. He’d been exactly the same the first time Rainbow had taken him past the speed of sound in flight school. “I would've carried on, see if I could finally do the double, but...I was thinking of the return trip.” “We can just fly off to Caneighda together and leave it all behind,” she suggested with a giggle. “Deal!” Dusky laughed, “Tempest, I'm cured, I want the mares!” “Fine,” Tempest laughed, a crazy little part of her wondering what Caneighda was like this time of year, another crazy part of her entertaining the possibility of eloping with the royal pegasus. Of course she never ever would, but it was fun to think about for just a few moments. “But you wear the dress, I'm wearing the suit.” “That works for me, Stormy,” Dusky giggled, he’d seen the ‘stallion’ that Tempest became at the restaurant five days ago last Thursday in Canterlot, “I think the suit does suit you.” “Alas, it may all be for naught!” Tempest declared in as theatrical a voice as she could manage. “I'm unsure about Oils, but Airy is the dangerous type of pony. Of course, there is also your parents to deal with.” “Ah me, I fear you're right, Stormy.” Dusky sighed, adding a hoof to his forehead for dramatic effect, not unlike Rarity was known to do. “Although, between you and me, I'm not so much worried about my mom, but mum actually would hunt me down and assault me with her cello.” “I think I'd rather be shot,” Tempest gave her considered opinion on the subject. “Me too.” Finally, Dusky slowed enough to be able to turn around in a wide arcing U turn in the early afternoon sky. “I've seen mum swing her cello once before.” “I'm a bit surprised she didn't say anything about Wildfire carrying it,” Tempest commented with a smile, remembering the flight back to Caffeinated’s ranch following the Open Mic night at his coffee shop over a week ago now. “I was busy guiding Wily, but afterwards Airy told me all about her expressions and yelling when we flew through the Narrows Bridge.” “Well, mum told me about it when we finally met back up,” Dusky replied as he began to fly back the way they had come, Marezona away in the distance, “she was rather distressed about it at the time, but I suspect mom calmed her somewhat.” “I told her and Mapper that I thought the carrier was more precious than the cargo.” At that, Dusky turned his head to face Tempest over his shoulder. “And you'd be quite right too Stormy,” he said to her seriously. “Wily is very precious to me too.” “Gave your mum cause to pause.” Tempest smiled, “Still, the prank your mom played making Tavi play her music on a pink cello...that was priceless!” she added with a giggle. “Ooh yes...they both told me about that,” Dusky joined his passenger in the little fit of giggles. “When my parents ever act their age Equestria will fall, I’m sure of that. You say Airy is the dangerous pony, if I'm honest with you Tempest, you scare me more.” Still giggling as they flew back towards the north-west the way they had come, the violet mare asked, “Afraid I'll make it rain on your parade?” “Nooo, no, not that.” Dusky took a deep breath and considered his thoughts at that. “I saw the look on your face when you came up from the Mare's Club room that Thursday.” He shuddered at the memory. “I'll not forget that in a hurry, Tempest.” “That was a trying day indeed,” Tempest admitted, giving her ride’s cheek another friendly nuzzle. She remembered her actions as well as anypony else that was there at the ranch that day. “Besides, you should see Airy when she does that; the cold dead eyes and the voice…” she shivered on his back just thinking about it. “Yes, yes it was trying…” he gave Tempest a hesitant giggle. “Honestly it felt like several days in one. You know the morning after I spoke to Requiem, she asked me if I was worried about Wildfire. I had to say no, because I knew she was with the two of you.” “Thank you for that vote of confidence,” Tempest said with a definite blush colouring up her violet cheeks so much that Dusky could feel the heat. To get that seal of approval from Wildfire’s best friend, it meant a lot. A whole lot. “Wily has done things for us too. She’s brought our mini-herd back together.” “I don't give that confidence lightly. I've seen how you all gel together. Wily couldn't be in better hooves.” “Time will tell,” Tempest said, still blushing, “but we won't give up on her.” “Well, that much is obvious!” Dusky giggled, “you've lasted almost two weeks of her telling you how ‘awesomes’ she is, it’s clear you're there for the long haul.” Tempest snorted a laugh at that. “She is awesomes…” she leant forward and whispered in his ear, “in bed.” Dusky sniggered, “I'm sure she is, Tempest. On that note, are you ready to cover about eight hundred miles in just over half an hour again?” “Yes, captain!” Tempest squeaked like that excited little filly once more. She knew in the back of her mind that the upside of coming out here at rainboom speeds meant going back just as fast. She spent her life dreaming of going that fast once, now she got to do it twice. Twice! “Seat backs and tables have been stowed in their upright position!” Giggling, Dusky completed the airship emergency routine. “In case of emergency the exits are here and here…” he waved his hooves to the left and the right as he spoke. “And should we crash you are asked to not scream, as its annoying.” “No scream, check.” Tempest snickered, holding on tight as with three flaps of his powerful midnight blue wings, Dusky accelerated from a stationary hover up to one hundred miles per hour. “Permission to haunt you?” “Granted.” The royal pegasus grinned and flapped harder, blurring past the outlying countryside surrounding Marezona at three hundred miles per hour. “You can stand at the edge of the bed and try to distract us!” he called back, the familiar cone of pressure starting to build around his forehooves. “Deal,” Tempest clenched her hind legs tight in readiness of the upcoming spectacle, “let's fly!” “Yes Ma'am, Miss Tempest!” with that, Dusky blasted through seven hundred and fifty miles per hour, shattering the sound barrier with the explosion of dark blue and grey concentric rings that shot out from him as its epicentre, the stallion leaving the dark blue streak behind him as he shot off at speed. On Dusky’s back, Tempest enjoyed the supersonic flight back every bit as much as she did the first one. Eventually, when the violet pegasus unaware that the others had flown on since they themselves had taken off to play - thought she saw the burger joint in Dodge City blurring towards them and she tapped Dusky’s flanks twice. When her ride had slowed enough to talk, she asked, “Are Oils’ parents expecting you two tonight?” “I don't think so, Miss Tempest, I think we were due in tomorrow.” “The two of you are welcome to come spend the night at my folk's place.” Tempest offered to her now very good friend as they glided down almost at a slam dunk approach to the dirt path in Dodge City. “My elder sis moved out some time ago, while my brother still lives there.” “That's very kind of you Tem...sorry, Miss Tempest,” Dusky corrected himself as he was close to his Master, he thought he’d get back in the respectful habit. “I'll ask Brush Stroke when we get back.” Nearing the burger joint, Dusky slowed down to a hover, not wishing to dirty his hooves again. “I don't know about you, Miss Tempest,” he smiled, “but I could use something unhealthy and greasy.” “Hang on…” scanning the rustic diner, Tempest found their three companions weren’t there. They weren’t anywhere. “Just a minute, Dusky.” Getting her phone from her saddlebag, she quickly called Airmail. “Airy, we're back, where are you?” After several minutes of back and forth with Airmail and Wildfire, who used her flight headset to divine the location of Point One that the violet mare held, Tempest found out they were at the Hay-In-A-Bale burger joint over in Marezona two hundred and twenty miles back towards the south east. “I got it,” Tempest snickered, “we’ll see you in a few minutes.” Still hovering effortlessly a few feet above the dirt path, Dusky waited ‘till his passenger had put away her cell phone before he asked, “Where to, Miss Tempest?” “You have the right food joint, but the wrong city.” Tempest giggled and pointed towards the southeast. “They’re about two hundred miles that way at the Hay-In-A-Bale in Marezona.” “So I overshot a little,” Dusky said with a shrug of his shoulders, “I was close, a little.” “I think you were spot on with the return,” Tempest said, “just that they didn't wait for us, but they continued on to Trottingham and made a whole two hundred miles while we were gone. Be sure to congratulate them on such long distance flying.” “I have to admit that's not bad is it?” Dusky admitted with a smile as the effeminate stallion rose up into the clear blue afternoon sky. “I'll have to give Wily a hoof bump for getting that far.” “Indeed,” Tempest agreed as she very gently disengaged herself from Dusky’s back. She had been fine being a passenger during the two supersonic runs, but now she was eager to fly properly. “This is good exercise for her, it is a hundred mile round trip from city centre to the cloud factory.” “I take it her exercises are going well then?” Dusky asked, reaching one thousand feet of height and smoothing out the red dress he wore. “This is day four of the program,” Tempest explained, “so it’s a bit early to tell results. She is very determined though, and that is a big part of it.” Dusky giggled, “She's always been a driven mare, when she sets her mind to something she usually gets there. Still, as early as the progress is, it’s something to report back to mom.” “I'll have her doing underwater flying at the lake by our house,” Tempest continued as they flew along side by side at a steady – for them anyway – one hundred and fifty miles per hour. “She got her first taste of it over at Airy's place, in Vanhoover.” “Excellent!” Dusky exclaimed as they flew over the park where Airmail, Brush Stroke and Wildfire had rested, “That'll keep my mom happy…” he laughed out loud at that, “you know she's become quite enamoured with your herd, right?” “I haven't had a lot of interaction with your mom or your mum,” Tempest commented, the time she had rutted Princess Luna down in the Mare’s Club room at Caffeinated’s ranch notwithstanding, of course, “but I know that Airy trusts her, and she has come through for us more than once. Then, I know as well that Mapper loves them both.” “I happen to know she holds you all with a great deal of affection, especially Mapper.” Dusky said with a grin over at his friend, “I'm not sure if it’s from a sense of duty, of failing Wily and making up for it, but I do know there's only a hooffull of ponies in the world that mom would fly to a train for at such short notice.” “From Airy, it is because we treat her like any other pony,” Tempest commented as they once more passed over the donkey village, this time considerably slower. “Still, I think we will be careful to not cry wolf.” “Yes, mom craves the normality.” Dusky nodded his agreement at that. “She's never been one for protocol and procedure. That's Aunt Tia. My mom's more action and intuition. Still, I think not doing the crying wolf thing is wise.” “I was so surprised that Airy got in to see her after we first met Emerald.” “It’s very simple really.” Dusky commented, “My mom likes you. Mapper - and by extension all of you - are her friends. Why'd you think she did the dream merging for you?” “Because…” Tempest paused and took a deep breath, gauging how best to carry on, “Because Mapper can be quite manipulating when she wants to be. Nothing against Mapper, she’s the love of my life, but she does play many a pony, like your mum plays her cello. Still, the dream merging was the nicest surprise I think I've ever seen anypony get. Besides, now you're getting a sister out of the deal!” “Mapper likes mind games,” Dusky laughed, “mom invented them. Probably why they get on so well. Tell me, did Wily like her surprise?” “By Luna's everflowing mane she did!” Tempest exclaimed as they sped up a little to two hundred miles per hour, Marezona far away on the horizon. “It gave her hope too. I think after the foals are born, she would like another dream trip to see the three of them.” Dusky giggled when Tempest used his mom’s name. “Now you sound like Sonic, you'll be blessing her teats next. And I should thank you, Wily could use a little hope. Of course, another dream trip is required, Miss Tempest.” Tempest joined her friend in the fit of giggles. “I like to use Sonic's approach; if it is good I swear by Luna and if it is bad I swear by Celestia.” “I like that approach,” Dusky replied, then he went quiet as a thought crossed his mind. “I've been meaning to ask, how was she after we dropped off her book? We were going to stick around, but my Oils wanted some fun alone time.” Tempest breathed heavily. She had to fight back more than a few tears at the mention of the poem book. It had been a very emotional day. “Wily thought it was gone. Destroyed by Amethyst. Later, Airy and I read all but the braille poems. We allowed Wily to read those out to us and recorded her…” Tempest reached over and griped her friend’s hoof with her own. “They were really sad.” “It was found in Amethyst's safe the day after the raid by a guard on cleanup duty,” Dusky explained simply. “Aunt Tia took a copy of it and asked me to return it.” He squeezed Tempest’s hoof with his own. “Do ah…do I want to know about those braille ones?” “No.” “They’re that bad, huh?” Tempest wiped away her few tears with her free hoof. “Bad enough that I wish you hadn't brought it up. At least those poems will not be published.” “I'm genuinely sorry, Miss Tempest.” Tempest flew a little closer to her friend and gently nuzzled his midnight blue cheek. “You are not to blame for what happened to Wildfire. I believe that those who are to blame have had justice meted out to them.” “They have,” Dusky replied, thankful for the reassuring nuzzle, “to the fullest of mine and my mom's ability.” “Wily knows that too,” Tempest said, giving him a further nuzzle for good measure. “So it has to be good enough.” “It is.” Dusky smiled then, a different thought occurring to him then. “Oh, and on a different topic, thank you very much for giving Oils the idea of adopting.” “Insert hoof in mouth!” Tempest laughed as they began their steady descent into Marezona. “Still, I'm glad you both not only took it well, but took it to heart.” “Or,” Dusky sniggered, “you could insert your hoof in Wily's mouth. To be honest I've been thinking about it for a while, I was just wondering the best way to bring it up in conversation.” “I promise not to tell Oils this ride was the payoff for bringing it up,” Tempest swore with her forehoof over her heart. “Based on what Oils said earlier though, I hope you find one closer to you than him in personality.” She giggled, and at Dusky’s questioning look, went on to explain, “Oils said after getting him, his folks decided he would be an only foal. At least yours, even after twenty five years, decide to have a second.” “There is the Hay-in-a-Bale!” Tempest pointed with her forehoof and began her descent towards, the thankfully more modern than the one in Dodge City. “All passengers have prepared for landing!” “I see it!” Dusky peeled off and began his descent to the ground. “I don’t know about you Tempest, but I'm looking forward to something unhealthy and full of calories.” When he landed Dusky began to fuss over his appearance, once more becoming the mare that he was always meant to be inside. She stroked her charcoal grey mane and smoothed her ponytail. Noticing this, Tempest tutted like the mother hen she was and, seeing what a mess Dusky was making of said ponytail, proceeded to fuss over it for her. Once her mane was sorted, Tempest used her wings to smooth out the wrinkles in the red dress. “Dusky, you look lovely.” “Thank you, Miss Tempest,” Dusky smiled and, changing his voice ever so slightly, completed the transformation from stallion to mare. “I was worried I looked like I'd carried a pony supersonic twice…through a hedge, backwards.” “You're good,” Tempest gave the submissive royal pegasus a last critique. “Definitely no yellow stain on your dress.” “That'll do me!” Dusky giggled and bowed politely as Tempest opened the Hay-In-A-Bale’s door and allowed the Princess to enter ahead of her. > Chapter 9 - Let Love Speak Up Itself > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There is the Hay-in-a-Bale!” Tempest pointed with her forehoof and began her descent towards the thankfully more modern than the one in Dodge City. “All passengers have prepared for landing!” “I see it!” Dusky peeled off and began his descent to the ground. “I don’t know about you Tempest, but I'm looking forward to something unhealthy and full of calories.” When he landed Dusky began to fuss over his appearance, once more becoming the mare that he was always meant to be inside. ‘She’ stroked her charcoal grey mane and smoothed ‘her’ ponytail. Noticing this, Tempest tutted like the mother hen she was and, seeing what a mess Dusky was making of said ponytail, proceeded to fuss over it for her. Once her mane was sorted, Tempest used her wings to smooth out the wrinkles in the red dress. “Dusky, you look lovely.” “Thank you, Miss Tempest,” Dusky smiled and, changing his voice ever so slightly, completed the transformation from stallion to mare. “I was worried I looked like I'd carried a pony supersonic twice. Through a hedge backwards.” “You're good,” Tempest gave the submissive royal pegasus a last critique, “Definitely no yellow stain on your dress.” “That'll do me!” Dusky giggled and bowed politely as Tempest opened the Hay-In-A-Bale’s door and allowed the Princess to enter ahead of her. Airmail looked up from her strawberry milkshake as she heard the door open and close, a big smile all over her face. The hour or so apart from Tempest had been too long indeed. “Hey, the explorers are back!” Wildfire too perked up her ears and sniffed, at once hearing and sniffing Tempest’s familiar hoof-steps and her scent as her marefriend trotted through the diner from the door to their table. “Hey Honey,” the blind mare greeted her, “Did you have a nice ride?” “Dusky!” Excited to see his lover, Brush Stroke launched himself from the table and ran over and immediately wrapped his mare up in a very tight bone crushing earth pony hug as if it was the very first time that he had seen ‘her’, for that’s what the Prince was now, his mare. While Brush Stroke hugged it out with Dusky, Tempest likewise hugged Airmail and then Wildfire in turn. “It was a lovely ride,” Tempest grinned a very wide grin at that, for her experience had been far, far more than just ‘lovely’. When Airmail scooted up and made room for her, the violet mare sat down, the wide grin still on her face. “I saw a good bit of country side from a comfy perch.” The countryside in question though had been whizzing past at an almost imperceptible blur. “My mare did well then, Tempest?” Brush Stroke asked proudly, very proudly indeed. When the violet weather pony nodded, the artist hugged his mare ever tighter, so much so that Dusky was starting to struggle to draw breath. “Are you hungry, love?” He asked, finally allowing her to inhale. Tempest nodded again as she got herself comfortable next to Airmail’s right. “I had to keep my hooves inside the vehicle at all times so she wouldn't nibble on them.” Laughing at that, Airmail flapped her azure blue wings from her position between Tempest on her right and Wildfire on her left and hovered over to the counter. “I'll get your usual, love.” She called back to Tempest over her shoulder, getting a welcome kiss blown in her direction as a thank you. Still in Brush Stroke’s embrace, Dusky nodded as her belly gave a very loud rumble. “I am Sir, yes, could I get the biggest hayburger they serve, please?” She blushed as her belly rumbled again. The two supersonic flights had taken more out of the royal pegasus than she actually cared to admit. Brush Stroke gave his hungry mare a delicate little kiss on her nose and bade her to sit at the table. “Of course you can, sexy mare.” At that, the mid blue earth pony stallion made his way over to the serving counter and ordered his Dusky a three quarter pounder triple stacked hayburger with three cheeses and haybacon. He also got more cheesy hayfries for himself, Wildfire and Airmail, seeing as she had already got them all refills on their shakes. “Airy that was the bestest ride ever!” Tempest squealed joyously after she’d taken a sip of her vanilla shake that her herd-mate had just set down in front of her. Tempest did at least wait for her to hover her way back between herself and Wildfire before she continued, “Everything was going by so fast! I can't imagine hitting a bird or even a bug at those speeds!” Wildfire giggled and took a slurp of her own shake. “D hit a house once going that fast, remember, D?” Of course, being blind she couldn’t see Brush Stroke’s wince at her comment, especially given what they’d agreed moments earlier. Taking a very, very long slow sniff of her massive burger, Dusky smiled and put her left wing tight around her Master’s back. “No,” she said with a grin at her best friend, “I was told about it after the hospital released me two months later.” Indeed, Dusky knew full well she had been lucky to even survive that at all. She had only gotten away with broken limbs and a mini coma because the pressure wave from the rainboom had demolished most of the building first. In a very loud stage whisper, Tempest said, “Not helping Wily…” seeing Brush Stroke’s wince though, she couldn’t help but feel amusement and sympathy in equal measure for the acrophobic earth pony. “But, at that altitude there really was nothing to hit,” she supplied quickly. “And,” Dusky put in as she took a hungry bite of her burger and swallowed it, relishing in the heavily calorific greasy bundle that slid down her throat, “That is why I only attempt them at a minimum thousand feet altitude.” Somewhat pale, Brush Stroke rested his right mid blue forehoof on his lover’s before she could pick up her mammoth burger once more. “Ahem…Dusky, we were chatting while you were gone, and well...um, I ah, I would like it if you'd be able to take me that fast…please…” he asked as per his agreement with Wildfire, before his nerve vanished altogether. “Some advice for you, then.” Tempest interjected through a mouthful of Airmail’s cheesy fries. She’d have stolen Wildfire’s but she couldn’t reach. “Keep your head pressed to the neck as that reduces air resistance and makes it easier for the passenger to breathe. Holding on wasn't an issue, there is very little turbulence. I didn't experiment with ear licking, but you can certainly give it a try,” she finished with a giggle as Airmail successfully defended her fries against a second attack. Dusky, for her part, had her mouth hanging all the way open and then some from shock alone. “R-Really Sir, you want to go for a rainboom ride?” Her mouth was still hanging wide open when Brush Stroke nodded silently that yes he would. She still couldn’t believe her ears. “It would be my sincere pleasure, but perhaps tomorrow?” She asked with a sheepish little smile. “I'm not up to it right now, Sir.” Brush Stroke smiled a very relieved smile indeed as he went back to his vanilla shake. “That would be fine, Dusky.” He finished with a gentle little kiss to Dusky’s nose. “Now you're going to make me want a ride,” Airmail said as the third cheesy fry raid from Tempest succeeded in the loss of a few of her valiant soldiers. “You're more than welcome to go first, Airmail.” Brush Stroke replied, barely holding back his giggles when the azure blue mare passionately kissed her marefriend and got her stolen fries back. “You're tired D?” Wildfire smirked as she slurped hard at her thick chocolate shake, “Now that's a first!” Tempest saw the flash of temper in Dusky’s pink eyes and sought to head it off at the pass. “I'm glad you're as fresh as a daisy…” “Wildfire!” Dusk snapped, unintentionally slipping his character before getting a sharp rap across his forehoof from his dominant lover that quickly brought the effeminate pegasus back into ‘her’ role. “Ahem…ah…M-Miss Wily,” Dusky corrected herself as Brush Stroke kissed the rapped hoof, “I've just covered about one thousand six hundred miles in around ninety or so minutes. So yes, I'm a little tired, thank you.” “Oooh...” Wildfire blushed and went a little quiet, “Oh wow...I’m sorry, D that's really impressive.” “Indeed it is, sweetie.” Brush Stroke smiled and hugged his mare tightly, happy that the whole incident was brief and over with. “You flew with Oils on your back for ninety minutes, so you too did well, Wily.” Tempest put in, offering her support too for her marefriend. Straightaway, Wildfire grinned wide, her descending mood buoyed back up to where it was before her slip of the tongue. “I did well?” Dusky nodded her agreement to that. “Quite right you did well, and…I'm sorry I sounded a little testy with you.” “Oh, um, that’s alright D,” Wildfire blushed and occupied herself for a few seconds with clearing the last remnants of her cheesy fries, “y'know me, act first think later.” Airmail nodded at that, when she had finished her own plate of fries and her strawberry shake. “You ready to go, Wily?” She asked, believing a brief separation flight was in order to properly let the situation calm down. “Yuppers,” Wildfire beamed, her plate and her shake empty, “I’m all refreshed and recharged!” “Finish your meal and take your time, Stormy.” Airmail said to her herd-mate as the violet mare stood up to allow Airmail and Wildfire to get out of the booth seating pads at the table. Brush Stroke stayed sat down with his mare, who was valiantly taking delicate bites of her plate sized burger. “You two won't have much of a problem catching up with us.” After giving and receiving nuzzles to everypony at the table, the azure blue mare flicked her tail under the blind mare’s nose and led her outside. “Let's fly, Wildfire.” Once they were airborne and once more headed back towards Trottingham at a comfortable thousand feet of altitude, with Wildfire and her flight headset leading the way, Airmail flew up alongside her diminutive lover and brushed her flank with her wingtip. “I said it would be easy for them, but that’s no reason to make it easy. You set the pace but I'd like to cover at least three hundred miles without a stop.” “I gotcha, Pretty!” Wildfire checked her flight headset and, getting a reading of fifty miles per hour, she left the southern city of Marezona behind her as she accelerated up to seventy five with a few strong hard flaps of her yellow wings. “Y'know, this isn't as hard as it used to be, Pretty.” “You've shown a lot of improvement, Wily,” Airmail smiled as she accelerated to match her marefriend’s speed and course heading. “Of course, healing your wings may have helped you just a tiny bit. You do know it is a one hundred miles round trip from Manehatten’s city centre to the weather factory?” “Healing my wings was a big help.” Wildfire nodded, “You remember when I flew with the weather patrol that Friday afternoon before the Open Mic night? I was buggered after just an hour.” Quietly, Airmail nodded, in spite of Wildfire of course not being able to tell. She remembered those ‘early’ days as well as anypony. The lead editor was amazed and impressed in equal measure with the amount of progress her little lover had made towards her recovery. “So, now we work on stamina.” “My wings as they were then just couldn't handle more than an hour's flight.” Wildfire smiled at that. Even though it had only been ten or so days, she just couldn’t remember how badly her wings had hurt her before. All the badly healed breaks, the fractures, the trapped nerves, the tortured flight muscles…it had all become ‘standard’ daily pain over the years. “This trip would've been impossible for me before, though I don't think it’s stamina I need to work on.” “You don't?” Airmail asked with a raised eyebrow, “Hmmm, so you can hover for about four hours with no issue then?” “Well yeah, um I mean no I can't but yuppers I need stamina, I mean...” Wildfire squealed as she began to get flustered in flight. “Oooh! I-I mean…I think I need to work on not putting my hoof in my mouth first.” She finished with a very red blush colouring her cheeks. “Yeah,” Airmail giggled, running her right hoof playfully along Wildfire’s left flank. “And here I thought you wanted to put my hoof in your mouth.” “Well yuppers of course I do,” Wildfire continued to blush, “Only like all the time, that’s not what I meant though.” “I know what you meant,” Airmail giggled as they flew over a crystal clear fast flowing river that was heading towards the Unknown South. “I love you, Wildfire.” “I love you too, Airy.” Wildfire beamed as she flew on quietly for a few long moments. “I just wish you didn't have to keep apologising for me, that’s all.” “Oh,” Airmail looked up from the beauty of the river and the rolling hills beyond it, “and why is that?” “You might've noticed, the mouth opens before the brain engages.” Wildfire replied quietly, “The next thing I know either you or Stormy's saying sorry to somepony like I'm a thoughtless filly.” “What would you have us do?” Airmail asked with a very audible sigh, “We do both care about you.” Wildfire didn’t answer straightaway. Silently she flew over what her headset informed her was a tributary of the Delamare River that flowed through Fillydelphia to the South Celestia Sea. “I know you do, and I love you for it, you shouldn't have to though is all…” quietly she flew a little bit further, maintaining her seventy five mile per hour speed, “It’s no excuse, but we didn't really talk much, y'know, before.” ‘No,’ Airmail thought with a wry smile, ‘There’s been too much kinky sex to waste time talking…’ she giggled in spite of herself. While the sex had been a blast, as had the past week and a half, and she wouldn’t change a minute of it, she did wish there had been more talking time. Still, it had been necessary to get the blind mare over her issues. “How long have you known me?” “Eleven days, Pretty.” Wildfire answered quickly. Crap at math as she was, even she knew that much. “To be fair to both of us, we really haven't had a lot of down time to just get to know each other.” Airmail commented thoughtfully after a second or two to reflect on what her diminutive lover had said. “So far it has been a wonderful engagement with you, but it has been hectic too.” This much was definitely true. Wildfire herself had spoken to her and Tempest about this and said that much, that she felt like her hooves hadn’t touched the floor since that Thursday. Airmail’s thoughts however were soon derailed by a very innocent question from the blind pegasus. “Engagement,” she started, turning her head in her direction, “Are we getting married?” Airmail didn’t quite know how to respond to that, so she just giggled, hoping that as clueless as Wildfire was sometimes, this time she was being purposefully so for comical reasons. One look at her serious face however proved that to be false. It was clear what Wildfire thought. “I'm still single, and I've been living with Stormy for a long time.” She said after a deep breath, “Mapper did marry Serenity, but she really had to for medical rights. Is…that what you want, Wildfire?” “It’s like mum used to say,” Wildfire answered somewhat quietly, “you meet a pony you love, they love you, you get married and make with the happy ever afters.” She shook her head though, “that’s just foalish rubbish, isn't it? My mum believed it though…” “Not really.” Airmail interrupted her, “Look at the married couples in the herd, I doubt they'd say it was rubbish.” She then gently caressed Wildfire’s flank with her wingtip. “You didn't answer the question, either.” It was at that moment Wildfire realised her attempt to divert and change the subject hadn’t been successful in the slightest. “Do I want to get married?” She asked in turn, blushing bright red, “Yes, yes I would.” Now Airmail smiled a very wide, genuine, smile. “So,” she asked, although she already had a decent idea what the answer was going to be, “who do you want to marry?” It was barely a second before Wildfire squeaked, “You! I want to marry you!” Wildfire’s heart was beating a gazillion beats per minute, and not at all from the exertion of the seventy miles per hour pace. She couldn’t believe she’d just said that. She also couldn’t believe she was in a position to have a mare to say that to, after everything that had happened to her. “Oooh,” Airmail smiled, “so you do like the older ponies…” the azure blue lead editor flew forwards a little and caressed the blind mare’s cheek with her wing tip. “We’ll have to see what Stormy has to say about it.” “Well you're pretty and awesome and really cool when you spank me and it’s really the best ever being with you…” Wildfire breathed a very necessary breath as she ran out, “And, I'm a gushing filly who should stop talking.” Airmail’s heart melted then and there for this diminutive yellow pegasus who had just bared hers to her. “I'd kiss you right now, but we would most likely crash.” She giggled and caressed her again, earning herself a smile. “It is good to be open with your feelings. Now my turn. I love you, but I've never thought of marriage. I'm not against it of course. Otherwise I'd have said something when Mapper got married. I guess Stormy and I are comfortable where we are. Now you have entered my life, love.” “Yuppers, I have,” Wildfire mumbled, thinking from that exchange that she had no chance with the older pegasus at all. Still, like her mum said, Faint heart never won fair pony. “And…I'll never forget the day you entered mine.” She said hopefully, a little spark of her still daring to dream that Airmail would say yes. “It was a Thursday afternoon, I think.” Airmail smiled, playfully tapping a hoof to her chin in thought. “That night was the night I did you wrong.” “Hey, don't be silly,” Wildfire turned her head to her lover’s direction and scoffed as they flew along, “hop on my back and gimme a kiss.” “I have one better as I've seen you do it,” Airmail giggled, “Fly upside down and when you're good just glide. I'll swoop in and give you a kiss and we shouldn't tangle wings.” “Alrighty!” Now that sounded like fun. Concentrating, the blind pegasus angled her wings and performed a perfect primary feather roll so that she was on her back and, holding her pinions out, glided on her back. As soon as she was inverted, Airmail glided in over her and planted as passionate a kiss as she could manage until gravity began to pull her towards the ground. Straightaway she flipped back over and flapped her wings to regain her lost height. “Now…that was awesomes!” “I can agree with that.” Airmail smiled a very wide smile and flew alongside her blind lover once more. “Seriously though, we can talk it over with Stormy, but I'm sure she won't have a problem with it.” She said calmly, bringing the conversation back to the wedding ‘proposal’. “First of all though we do need to really learn about each other. We've both done the 'meet the parents', now I have to hope Stormy's parents don't make you decide to marry her instead.” Wildfire could scarcely believe it. Was Airmail really agreeing to what she thought she was agreeing to? With her, really? Married? She didn’t dare believe it. “I…I can do serious, sometimes. I do have a question though, you’ve been with Stormy ages and not married her, why bring it up with me after just eleven days?” At that, she thought quickly, not wanting to have stuck her hoof in her mouth. “Um, ah, not that I don't want to, I do, I really do…” “I didn't.” Airmail replied simply and honestly. “You did. Engagement is a military term when two forces combine. Sorry, but you thought I meant something else, I believe.” Wildfire’s heart sank. It sank through her body like a five ton weight. “Oh. I messed up again, didn't I?” She felt smaller and more foolish than she had in a very long time. She’d bared her heart and soul. “I-I really thought that's what you meant.” “Love,” Airmail caressed her lover once more. She knew, wholly knew and understood what the past few seconds had just cost her marefriend. “Wily, it is okay, because now I know your heart better than I did a few minutes ago.” Wildfire’s ears, which had been slicked back to her head, now perked up. “It’s…it’s really alright?” Again, Airmail wanted to melt. The little pony really was so adorable. “Yes love, it is really all right. Still, we need to talk to Stormy, and I expect some romantic dates that don't involve denting the refrigerator.” “Poor fridge door,” Wildfire immediately burst out laughing at the memory of that wonderful night out. “He never stood a chance!” Once she finished laughing, a thought occurred to her. About how she had shouted at her later that night. “Hey Pretty, I'm sorry too y'know, for doing you wrong that Thursday.” “No, do not be sorry for that.” Airmail corrected her quickly and definitely, “You have forgiven me, and I have forgiven you. That was a difficult night, but it did lock you into my heart forever.” “I yelled at you and made you cry.” Wildfire said quietly. “Not a very good start, Airy.” Airmail however wasn’t allowing her to take all the blame for that, not by a long chalk. “And I let Mapper follow through with Luna's plan to break you.” She pointed out to her marefriend as she caressed her flank lovingly. “I was there watching the whole time. I was crying long before you yelled at me.” Wildfire thought about that quietly for a few moments of flight. “So,” she said presently, “we agree Thursday was a toughie, right?” She asked and blew her older lover a kiss. “I can agree to that,” Airmail smiled, “then Friday came and it was a wonderful day.” “Yuppers, that Open Mic was sweet. I loved reading you that poem.” “You have a lovely voice, too.” “Thanks babes,” Wildfire beamed her wide beaming smile at that. “And you're really smart y'know, you came up with that whole Wildflower thing for my headset…” she trailed off to silence and her smile became a blush, “then I go and prank you…” “It was a good prank though,” Airmail giggled. She remembered that prank, and the spanking fun they’d had afterwards in their bedroom as a result. “Don't think you have to change for me. If you want to change, you need to do it for us as a herd.” Put at ease, Wildfire giggled. “You were just the awesomest after, that spanking you gave me was sweet. You know what was the best though? When I saw you in the dream.” The yellow mare’s tone took on a very faraway dreamy tone now. “You were the first of the herd I met, and the first I ever saw. That dream meeting was really special. I loved you before, but that night I started fancying you too. You're just really pretty, with your fur and your mane and your um…fur.” Airmail couldn’t help but giggle. By Celestia’s sainted white flank Wildfire was adorable! She couldn’t resist a little teasing. “I'm so wiggling my hips for you right now.” “Pretty!” Wildfire exclaimed, “I'm trying to fly straight!” “Okay,” Airmail laughed, happy that her teasing had worked, “so I'll just fly in front of you with my tail lifted like a flag.” “Yuppers, ‘cos that's a lot better!” Wildfire giggled as she was told by her flight headset that Point Two was flying in front of her. “I saw Stormy too and how cute she is, well I...I didn't think we'd be talking marriage anytime soon.” She was still amazed that Airmail was technically single. “How are you doing, flight wise?” Airmail asked over her shoulder. They’d been flying at seventy miles per hour now for well over an hour. “Alrighty love,” Wildfire answered quickly. “Surprisingly I'm not thinking about my wings!” ~ ~ ~ Way back in Marezona, in the Hay-In-A-Bale, Tempest was busy shovelling in her cheesy fries at a delicate pace. “I'm sure this stuff is going straight to my hips,” the violet mare grinned as she brushed her unruly black mane away from her face. “But, I just don't care!” She declared with foalish glee. “I'm with you Miss Tempest,” Dusky smiled, the midnight blue fur on her face streaked with grease and flecks of stray haybacon. “Right now I couldn't care less, this huge burger is amazing!” “Oils, what was your parents’ occupations?” Tempest asked. Seeing as they were sharing each other’s company for a while, the weather pony decided it prudent to get to know her new friend a little better. Plus, she was feeling particularly nosey too. “Both of mine were weather ponies, they’re retired now.” While his mare busied herself with putting away the monstrous burger – the artist had no idea where Dusky put it – Brush Stroke smiled at the thought of his parents. “Dandelion, my ‘mum’, he’s fifty two, he owns a flower shop in Trottingham, his special talent is growing flowers and he's had that shop for about twenty years now. Starbright, definitely the ‘male’ of the two, he’s sixty and he was a captain in the Equestrian army Medical Corps. He retired from active service fifteen years ago.” A thought occurred to Tempest then, to do with her mother’s favourite treat, something she hadn’t bought her in a good long time. “If we get back soon enough, I'll need to pick up some flowers for my mom, then.” Tempest said, almost thinking aloud. “Chrysanthemums if your dad has them. My mom loves to nibble on those.” “Dad has all sorts of flowers,” Brush Stroke replied with a shrug of his mid blue shoulders, “he's even got a whole wall filled with really rare ones. I'm sure he has whatever you could need.” “Vanilla shakes, too?” Tempest asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face as she slurped her shake. Dusky simply giggled around another mouthful of her burger while Brush Stroke smiled. “He has tea.” “Tea?” Tempest giggled, “I'm shocked.” “Oh yes, Dandelion just loves his tea.” Brush Stroke commented, thinking back on all the many and varied types of tea his dad adored. He had brands and varieties for every single meal, holiday and situational disaster. No matter what, Dandelion had tea to match it. “How long have your parents been retired?” He asked, as curious about Tempest as she was about him. “My sire, Lightning, just two years ago.” Tempest explained as she took another mouthful of her cheesy fries. “My mother, Mist, retired to do a weather desk job about five years ago.” “I think Starbright would like Dandelion to work less in the shop,” Brush Stroke smiled as he thought of his handicapped father, “but staying at home would drive him crazy.” “That would be true.” Tempest had to agree with that. She knew exactly what he meant. “My mom still works so she can escape my sire,” she let out a little giggle, “Of course my brother still lives at home.” Brush Stroke chuckled, from his own experiences with his parents he could well understand that. “When I was younger, Starbright tried helping out at the shop a few times until dad had enough of his ‘help’ and threatened to turn him into fertilizer for his flowers.” Tempest burst out laughing, almost coughing up her shake. “In a way, I'm glad Wily didn't go for a weather job. The five of us with different jobs makes living together a lot smoother.” “Exactly that,” Brush Stroke agreed, helping himself to a hoof full of his mare’s onion rings. “My dad has a very 'organised chaos' approach to his shop, whereas father is strict on order. It didn't last, thank Celestia.” Having demolished three quarters of her burger, Dusky swallowed the mouthful she was working on. “There you go again, always thanking Aunt Tia!” The royal pegasus smirked and reached for her milkshake. “Yeah, you really need to include a body part in that you know,” Tempest snickered, thinking of her friend Sonic in the greater herd as she finished off her shake. She cleared her throat and gave a loud example. “By Celestia's left teat these fries are delicious!” Caught entirely unprepared, in mid-bite, Dusky choked a little and Brush Stroke had to gently slap his mare’s back. “By Celestia's arse that was funny!” The artist sniggered while Tempest simply ate the rest of her plate with a huge grin. “Y-You…” Dusky gasped, tears in her pink eyes. “You...are both...evil, Sir, Miss!” “Oh my love we aren't that bad,” Brush Stroke giggled and laid a somewhat apologetic little kiss on his lover’s wet cheek. “By Luna's inner folds we are, Sir!” Tempest declared loudly, earning her several curious glances from the few other diners that had entered the Hay-In-A-Bale in the last few minutes. Looking at the particularly scandalised face of an elderly unicorn mare she couldn’t help it anymore and lost it in fits of laughter. At her seating pad, it was all Dusky could do to not colour up in a huge blush while Brush Stroke joined in with the riotous laughter. “By Luna's awesome teats I quite agree!” When the mid blue earth pony stallion let loose with however, Dusky lost the blush battle. Dusky groaned, “I hate you both.” “I can feel all the love!” Tempest snorted through her gales of laughter. Leaning in to his lover, Brush Stroke gently lifted Dusky’s face from the table with a hoof under her chin. When he was looking into those pink eyes he loved so much, he gave her lips a delicate little kiss. “You love us, really.” Immediately melting into the wonderful kiss, Dusky smiled. “You know I do, Sir.” “Dusky,” Tempest smiled apologetically, “can you tell I've been around Sonic for far too long? He really loved swearing by your mom when she was present to hear him.” Dusky giggled and, not breaking the embrace, replied; “Just a lot, Miss Tempest.” “Sonic was - is – a lot of fun,” Brush Stroke grinned widely as he finished off his shake. “As is his partner Trails. It was so funny when they came over to my North Park apartment in Manehatten.” Now Tempest was very interested, especially as she knew full well Trails liked to cross dress as a mare as much as she liked to dress as a stallion. “Was it Trails or Shoe that paid you two a visit?” “It was Miss Shoe,” Dusky replied, her blush firmly back in place and looking like it wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. “And yes, I fell for the act.” Fresh laughter erupted from Brush Stroke, “Oh, did you ever fall for it, my love!” “She said she'd gone to the night court as she was pregnant with my foal and wanted to marry me!” Dusky reeled off quickly as she though she ought to explain for Tempest’s benefit. “Pranksters the two of them.” Tempest giggled, passing her judgement. “Tempest, you should've seen my Dusky's face, it was such a picture!” Brush Stroke laughed. “It wasn't funny!” Despite Dusky’s insistence that it wasn’t funny, both Tempest and Brush Stroke erupted in a fresh bout of giggles. Much to the elderly unicorn’s disapproving glare from the neighbouring table. “Have you by any chance told your mom or mum about that prank?” The giggling violet mare asked, ignoring the unicorn completely. “No, I haven't,” Dusky answered emphatically, “because they are more than capable of coming up with their own pranks.” “I'm sure there will be a prankster’s conference on gaming night,” Tempest commented, not entirely helpfully. Despondently, Dusky put her forehead in her hooves. “Sweet Celestia, help us all…” she muttered as she picked up what was left of her burger, determined to finish the lot. “You forgot a body part.” Tempest couldn’t resist. “Aunt Tia's sweet horny horn help us,” Dusky amended, making sure to stick her tongue out at the giggling violet weather pony for good measure. “Especially as mom tells me Twilight's coming this Thursday, too.” “The Princess is coming?” Brush Stroke asked, his ears perking up. “It’s a good thing I told Thespian already that Twilight’s coming.” Tempest paused then, a delicious idea for a wonderful tease running through her mind. “Does the Princess of Libraries prefer alphabetical order by title or author?” She asked, freezing up with a cat-that’s-got-the-cream grin plastered all over her muzzle. “She likes both, Miss Tempest,” Dusky answered absent mindedly as she chewed and swallowed the last of her burger. “That's why she's forever re-shelving the library,” it was then that the midnight blue pegasus looked up and noticed Tempest sat opposite biting her lip in an effort to keep silent. Not sure she wanted to know, she asked, “Miss Tempest...what are you planning?” Clearly holding in a huge laugh, Tempest was very pleased she’d finished her meal and her shake, lest she spit it everywhere right now. “I-I m-mustn't say it!” She spluttered, glee and mirth threatening to overcome her at any moment, which of course they did a second later when she blurted out; “Questionnaire!” Her blue eyes alive, she put both of her forehooves over her mouth. Letting out a sigh, Dusky slumped forward and banged her head on the table. Beside his lover, Brush Stroke almost fell of his seating pad in laughter. “I will never ever live that down, will I?” Like the laughing stallion, Tempest found she couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. By now, the others in the Hay-In-A-Bale were staring at the three of them, most notably the old unicorn. The old mare’s disapproving tuts were too much for Brush Stroke and the artist actually fell on the floor, holding his sides he was laughing so hard. “I'm travelling with hyenas,” Dusky sighed, “Hateful, hateful hyenas…” Tempest, laughing so hard she could only point a hoof and mouth the words because no intelligible sounds were coming out, rolled on her pad. Slowly, and with a considerable effort on her part, Tempest at last was able to get her breathing under some sort of control. “I do hope she brings a copy of it.” Likewise, Brush Stroke pulled himself back up to a sitting position. “So do I, Tempest!” He snickered with a great deal of glee. He’d heard tales of this near mythical questionnaire, now he’d really like to finally see it. “Am I the only one who hopes she doesn't?” Dusky asked forlornly, lifting her head a few inches from the table. “Dusky, there is not a chance in Tartarus she won't bring it.” Tempest grinned a particularly evil grin, “At least not after I speak with Mapper, anyway.” “You are actually loving this, the two of you, aren't you?” “So very much, my love!” Brush Stroke chuckled. Like Tempest, he was completely ignoring the disapproving looks he was getting from the other diners. Dusky sighed a deep sigh. “Well, in hindsight, I wish I'd gone to any other pony for advice than Twilight…” “Don't you ever change my love,” Brush Stroke smiled and pulled his mare into a deep tight hug, gently kissing her ear just the way she liked. “Promise me?” Tempest, while she had been ignoring the looks from the diners regarding their somewhat rowdy behaviour, hadn’t the staff talking behind the serving counter and pointing their way. She knew any moment now a manager type would be trotting over. She decided to save them the trouble. Are you ready to catch up with the other two?” “Yes,” Dusky exclaimed as Brush Stroke stood up, “for the love of Aunt Tia's sainted arse crack, yes!” “See,” Tempest snickered as she too stood up, “now you're in the spirit!” “Are you riding me again, Sir?” Dusky asked when Brush Stroke held open the door for her. “Not here sweetie, there are ponies looking!” Brush Stroke couldn’t help himself. His little joke was worth the picture perfect eye roll he received from his mare. Tempest again burst into giggles as she walked out ahead of the mid blue earth pony. “After that display?” She asked with a giggle. Dusky shook her head and, checking her ponytail, spread her powerfully strong midnight blue wings in preparation for the flight to come. “You two are the filthiest minded hyenas ever!” Dusky giggled and again tested her flight muscles. While the rest and the burger had rejuvenated her to some extent, she was still nowhere near her top form. “Come on, Sir, get on, I bet they'll be miles away by now.” “How far is the next Hay-In-A-Bale?” Tempest asked while Brush Stroke got himself comfortable on his mare’s back. Dusky found herself thinking about that for a moment as she straightened her red dress. With her Master riding, she knew the flight from here to Trottingham wouldn’t be the easiest she’d ever undertaken. Still, it wasn’t all that far away now. “I'm not all that sure, Tempest.” To be honest, she wasn’t all that sure where they were now, really. “That was a joke, Dusky.” Tempest snickered and, spreading her violet wings, took off into the clear blue early afternoon sky. With a very loud raspberry, Dusky took off into the cloudless blue sky and even with the load on her back quickly reached Tempest’s height of a thousand feet with a few flaps of her wings. After flying along at a steady – for her at any rate – one hundred miles per hour for thirty minutes and enjoying the early afternoon sun warming her back as they flew along, Tempest broke the comfortable silence when she realised that Airmail and Wildfire were still nowhere in sight. “They really are pushing themselves.” After another hour of pleasant quiet flight, in which Tempest was quietly impressed at just how far her marefriends had come on their own, she peered ahead and thought she saw two very familiar specks way ahead. “Oh!” She exclaimed, once more breaking the easy silence, “I think those two dots may be them!” Passing the Delamare River, Dusky squinted ahead at Tempest’s sudden call. “I think you're right, Miss Tempest.” Brush Stroke, who had for the past ninety minutes occupied himself with licking, kissing and nipping at his mare’s ears, also looked forward. “Oh my, they really were pushing themselves, weren’t they?” “I'll have to give Wily a hoof bump for getting that far,” Dusky commented with a smile as they sped up, “Miss Airmail, too.” As she flapped her wings a little harder to catch up with her distant marefriends, Tempest giggled, “They are both flying at about the same level so it is good they push each other. Shall keep our pace or sprint to catch up?” “Well Miss Tempest,” Dusky grinned after a moment’s consideration, “the immature thing to do would be to buzz past them at a foalish turn of speed…” “I think they are doing too well for us to do that to them.” Tempest interrupted her friend sharply. “No need to rub in what they just can't do yet.” “You’re quite right Stormy,” Brush Stroke agreed, then he turned his attention to his mare and not all that playfully he hipped her ear hard. “That was mean, Dusky.” Dusky flicked her ear and whispered quietly, “I’m sorry Sir, Miss Tempest.” “On a different day, I would have said yes, but today I don't want to demoralize them over something so minor.” Tempest commented, feeling a teeny bit bad for the admonished pegasus because the idea had been a fun one, just not today. “When you're next in Manehatten we will buzz them at the lake.” Up ahead, Wildfire was scanning her headset for directions and any course corrections she might need to make to point herself straight at Trottingham when she got an alert from her Point One. “Pretty,” she said brightly, “we have a Stormy shaped bogey approaching from our rear at a fair old rate of knots.” Airmail looked behind her over her shoulder and was able to spot Tempest and Dusky in the distance. “It's been well over an hour since we left, so I'd say we're doing pretty good.” She said to her blind lover, “Want to keep this pace or stretch our wings for a few minutes?” “I'm feeling like I can do anything right now,” Wildfire giggled, and indeed she was, what with the sheer excitement of the very recent marriage talk cascading all around her head. “I say let’s go for it, babe!” “You lead,” Airmail said, eager to be able to ogle her marefriend’s shapely hindquarters, “but I still want another thirty minutes before we land, so pace yourself.” “Alrighty, Pretty!” Flapping her wings, Wildfire with some effort accelerated up to eighty five from seventy miles per hour. Flying a few feet behind her, Airmail was able to keep up but she was pushing herself too. Fifteen minutes later, Wildfire decided to slow back down to a much more maintainable speed of seventy. “I ah, I think that's enough exuberance, Pretty.” Breathing hard, Airmail likewise slowed down and moved up alongside Wildfire’s left flank. “Good, that should hold them off for a couple more minutes.” Hearing her lover and now her fiancé breathing hard, Wildfire let out a delightful little giggle. “It’s nice to know I can still make you out of breath, sweetie.” Airmail flew a little closer to her diminutive lover and caressed her with her wingtip. “You'll always take my breath away, my love.” Wildfire blushed hard, both at the touch of the wingtip on her flank and the touch of the words on her soul. “Pretty, the headset says I'm all yours for ten more minutes.” Airmail nodded. “Let's wait till they are a minute out and do one of those fly by kisses.” “I like the sound of that,” Wildfire agreed with a ready smile, “You want me to flip over again?” “Yes, we may as well put on a good show for them.” “Alrighty, we'll give them a minute or three to catch up,” Wildfire giggled as a thought occurred to her, something that Airmail had said to her a little while ago. “So, where do you want our first non-fridge harming date to be, Airy?” “I liked the place we went to.” Airmail replied after a moment’s thought. “Maybe with just a few less beers between the two of us the next time.” “I think you're right on that, Pretty, I'd like that.” The little blind pony sniggered, “I'll spare you any theatres.” “Just don't spare the dancing.” “It must be true love if you want more of this…” Wildfire wiggled her hips in mid-flight, “on any dancefloor.” Airmail gave her little mare a very appreciative look, especially her hindquarters. “I like the way your cutie mark moves me.” Even though it was hidden beneath the extremely thin fabric of the flight suit and its proximity sensors, the lead editor knew the stylised fireball was there and she could picture it clearly in her mind. Wildfire giggled, “You like my flames?” “They set my heart on fire.” “And here I thought it was my eloquence and poetry that won you over,” Wildfire snickered and wiggled her ass a little more. “While all time you're ogling my cute flanks!” “Don't be down playing the poetry,” Airmail corrected her gently. It wasn’t just her flanks, she was ogling her breasts too. Her soon to be milky breasts full of milky milk. “I'm a romantic after all.” “Want a quick one?” Wildfire asked suddenly, breaking the azure blue pegasus out of her breast induced reverie. “You are incorrigible!” Airmail exclaimed, though she found her gaze drawn once more to her lover’s breasts, all barely contained and well defined in and by the flight suit. “I'm all about quality and not speed, my dearest.” Wildfire sniggered, “I meant, a quick poem.” Although, the way she felt right then, she could’ve jumped her fiancé on the nearest cloud, if there had been any nearby. “I thought of this one for you just now.” With that, she started to recite; “Love not with your eyes but with your mind Obvious really because true love is blind Who cares what you see, it is what you feel True love my friend is very hard to conceal May never see love but it surely can be felt You know that feeling when two hearts melt Hooves may tingle and the heart does flutter One single touch and you will melt like butter Beauty is skin deep, it's really only a disguise Once you have fallen in love, this you'll realize Ponies may put on make-up, their face to hide Only thing that matters is what they have inside They have money and fame, but I still couldn't care Looks and money can't buy love that only two share May look good together but you don't need to be smart True love won't be bought it must come from the heart.” “I hope that is the first page of your second book of poetry.” Airmail beamed, all of a sudden very aroused by her lover’s poem, when she had finished her wonderful little recital. “It certainly is Pretty,” Wildfire beamed with pride. “I call it ‘love is blind’, and it’s the first entry in what I will call the ‘Awesome Airy’, section.” “I think I'm worth a triple A rating, love.” Airmail smiled so much, with so much love in her voice that she wanted Wildfire to hear it. “‘Awesome Adorable Airy’.” Wildfire giggled, she liked the sound of that, a lot. “Yuppers, I'll go with that Pretty, so um, did you like it?” She asked, somewhat nervously. This was the first in her new book, it had been a rather big day so far, and she was nervous. “Well, I thought beauty was forced, but yes!” Airmail said, “Yes, I loved it!” Wildfire giggled happily, “I haven't lost my touch, then?” Airmail glanced over her shoulder and saw Tempest and Dusky coming up barely a few hundred feet behind them, she judged they were less than a minute away. “Time for your upside down manoeuvre so I can thank you properly.” She called, directing a wink back to her violet herd-mate. “Alrighty, Pretty!” Wildfire smiled and as she prepared to once more perform the primary feather roll she grumbled playfully, “I swear I’ve never spent so much time on my back…” with that she angled her wings and her feathers and flipped over on to her back, flapping her wings to allow her to glide. Again, Airmail swooped up and over her for the kiss but, this time she allowed her left wing tip to trail all the way from Wildfire’s tail up to her nose before she flapped off to the side. Tempest, flying up to re-join Airmail and Wildfire, clapped her forehooves delightedly. “Nopony told me it would dinner and a show!” As she felt the touch of her fiancé’s feather, Wildfire erupted in a fit of fresh giggles before righting herself in mid-air. “Warn me before you do that, Pretty!” She groused playfully. “Nice manoeuvre Miss Wily,” Dusky gave his best friend her seal of approval as she flew along her right side. “I'll have to remember the upside down glide thing.” “She got that right on our first flying session.” Tempest commented with a fair amount of pride in her voice. “I think Wily was a stunt flyer for the Canterlot Fire Department.” Wildfire shrugged her shoulders. “Well, you have to be able to get everywhere with a hose just in case there aren't any clouds to hoof,” she said simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Indeed, Miss Tempest,” Dusky agreed, she was beginning to struggle a little bit under the weight of her Master on her back. The two rainbooms didn’t help either. “I was never one for aerobatics, I'm more straight line speed.” “And you are very, very good at straight lines, er speed…” Tempest snickered at the midnight blue pegasus before once more turning her attention back to her two marefriends. “I'm a bit surprised by you two, and proud. It took us longer to catch up to you than I first estimated it would.” “Airy knew you'd catch us,” Airmail smiled, “she just wanted to make it not so easy for you.” “You did give us a decent chase, Miss Wily.” “Airy,” Brush Stroke smiled at his mare’s comment before continuing, “May I ask what did Wily do to earn that little show?” About to answer, Airmail paused and, in a valiant attempt at imitating Wildfire's best upper crust Canterlot accent, said; “Well, Wildfire, the published author of poetry did compose a new poem for her next book dedicated to me.” Wildfire’s ears flicked at the imitation of her accent and, faux outraged, exclaimed; “I do NOT sound like that!” With the use of her actual accent, Airmail had a very foalish giggle fit. “True,” Tempest commented, barely keeping her own giggles in check, “you are far stuffier!” “Y-You do a little…” Dusky giggled like the mare she was, on her back, Brush Stroke joined his mare in a delighted snigger. “Well!” Wildfire exclaimed in her fullest affected Canterlot accent. “I have never been called stuffy before!” When Dusky joined Airmail and now Tempest in the fit of riotous giggles, Wildfire stuck out her tongue and raspberried them all with a pout. “I am not stuffy…” she added a little sulkily. “Uh oh, Miss Tempest, I recognise the early stages of pouty Wily...” Dusky saw the pout and knew from past experience her best friend was fast reaching the point where the teasing wasn’t fun anymore. Tempest glanced from Dusky to Wildfire and back again. She had to agree with the Princess’s assessment of the situation. “I'm sure that when she remembers the upcoming bath I promised her, she will be less pouting and learn that we laugh with her and not at her.” Straightaway Wildfire giggled, her bleak mood lifting almost immediately like the flick of a light switch. “I haven't forgotten the bath, Stormy.” “We're going to get at least another hour of solid flying in,” Airmail spoke up as for the first time since they had left Ponyville earlier that morning they all flew together in the loose diamond formation with Tempest at its head. “I do hope we don't slow you all down too much.” “N-Not at all M-Miss Airmail…” Dusky replied, breathing heavily and panting just a little. “The ah, the steady pace is most welcome.” Airmail caught the laboured breathing from her new friend and was mildly surprised, given the royal pegasus’s flying prowess. “How far did you go with Stormy hitching a ride?” She asked curiously. “Th-The ah…” Dusky’s breathing became noticeably heavier then, “The t-total trip there and back was somewhere around one thousand six hundred miles, Miss Airmail.” “Dusky,” Airmail said definitely and not a little kindly, now she fully understood the nature of her friend’s exertions; “You can call for a break too, not just Wily, but any of us can.” She squinted off into the far distance and her keen trained eye spied a series of low lying clouds. “To be exact the two of you can go about sixty miles ahead and find a cloudy resting place to wait for us.” “I…ah, I could actually really use a break,” Dusky grunted with determined effort to stay airborne, “if nopony minds?” “Of course not Dusky,” Brush Stroke hugged his mare’s neck tightly and lovingly kissed her ear. “Let’s do as Airy sensibly suggests and find a place to set down.” Dusky sighed thankfully and very gratefully. “I will…” she panted hard, she too had seen the series of clouds sixty miles distant that Airmail had pointed out. “Look for us on those Nimbostratus clouds that Miss Airmail pointed out in a straight line from here.” Airmail nodded, “We'll call you when we get close.” “Alrighty Pretty,” Wildfire smiled over at her best friend’s direction, “You wanna race, D?” “N-No Miss W-Wily,” Dusky grunted with a definite wobble to her wings, “Because right now I'm struggling to maintain sixty f-five…” “Aww, c'mon D,” Wildfire began to accelerate up to seventy five, “You can catch me easy-peasy!” As Tempest gave Dusky a wave of her forehoof – a clear signal to fly ahead of them and to let her deal with this – the violet weather pony counted backwards from ten down to one, in order to contain the flash of temper that threatened to burst forth from her. She had to do this twice. “Wily?” She asked after a few minutes. “Yuppers, Honey?” “There is a cloudlet ahead of us at this altitude, about three miles away.” She spoke tersely through gritted teeth, “You beat me there and then you can race Dusky. Deal?” “Deal!” “So, go already.” At that, Wildfire flapped her yellow wings hard and flew off as fast as she could manage, accelerating all the way up to eighty five, according to her headset. Laughing, Dusky peeled off from Airmail and Tempest and flew on to the resting spot far in the distance. As Wildfire flew off at her new top speed, Tempest hung back and flew behind her, watching Wildfire like the proverbial hawk. Likewise, Airmail was following to make sure her herd-mate didn’t do anything foalish like locking up her wings. That would be bad. Very bad. Two and a half miles ahead already, almost at the cloud, the blind mare consulted the tracker on her headset and found that the Point One was still behind her. She knew Tempest was better than that. “Stormy...why aren't you miles in front?” Just as Wildfire was scant feet from the cloudlet, Tempest whooshed past her and stopped at the cloud first and turned around just in time to see the diminutive yellow pony rest her forehooves on the edge of the cloud. “Whoo!” She cheered, slightly out of breath, “That was fun!” “Oh yes…” Airmail panted, breathing very hard as she arrived lastly at the cloudlet. “Oh yes, what fun and joy.” Happily, Wildfire was bouncing on the cloud as fresh as a daisy. “Now,” Tempest said firmly, “if you had flown sixteen hundred miles, do you think you would have come in second?” At that, Wildfire immediately stopped bouncing. Her ears slicked back, her tail went between her legs and somehow she seemed to become even smaller than she already was. “Yeah...” she said in a very subdued tone, “I guess I would. I’m, sorry Stormy.” “You are forgiven…” Airmail interrupted her then when she flopped face first unceremoniously into the surface of the little cloud. “Double forgiven.” Wildfire blushed as she too laid down on the cloud. “I um, I did the hoof in mouth thing again didn't I?” She asked quietly already knowing the answer. “D’you think D's okay?” “I think Stormy didn't give Dusky enough down time before catch up with us.” Airmail commented, though her voice was somewhat muffled as she hadn’t lifted her head up from the cloud. “That may be true,” Tempest answered, more thinking out loud than answering in the strictest sense. “He seemed fine at the time. Rest up with us here, Wily, and we can all go and catch up with him. I think he was doing close to a hundred when I lost sight of him due to the clouds.” “Alrighty, Honey.” “Yeah,” Airmail sighed, finally lifting her head up, “no hundred for me, thanks.” “You just like laying on a fluffy cloud.” Tempest said with a smile, then a sneaky little thought ran through her mind. A tease too good to pass up. “But…what if some other pegasus went and peed on this one?” The effect of her tease was immediate. As if suddenly re-energised, Airmail flapped vertically upwards. “Ewww, how can you know?” That was all it took for Tempest to lose it in a fit of laughter. “All weather ponies 'go' on clouds, Honey said so!” Wildfire snorted out her laugh, clutching her sides at Airmail’s extreme reaction. “Yeah, especially her!” Airmail pointed an accusatory hoof at the laughing ball of feathers that was Tempest. Suddenly the cloudlet didn’t seem so attractive a rest point anymore. “I'm rested, let's fly.” Flapping her own wings, Wildfire took off. “Oh, alrighty babes.” “So,” Tempest asked once they were all back in the air and once more headed on their way towards Trottingham, “You wrote a new poem for Airy?” “It’s top secret,” Airmail replied quickly before Wildfire had a chance, “You'll have to buy the book!” “I did,” Wildfire giggled, “Well, I thought one up for her, anyway.” “If you think one up for me, don't tell it to Airy.” Tempest said with a smile, “We can swap them later.” While Airmail let out a loud raspberry at them both, Wildfire smiled. “Oh, I'm sure I can think of a poem about a cool sexy pegasus and an awesome bath…” she carried on smiling, the beginnings of just such a poem running through her head. As they flew, a thought occurred to Airmail. Not something that was ‘bothering’ her as such, more something she was curious about. “Stormy, on the flight you had, was Dusky really that good?” “Yes, it was just amazing!” Tempest let out a very fillyish squee and her blue eyes went a little faraway. “I could literally see the air bending around us, focussed on Dusky’s forehooves.” “What was the speed like?” Wildfire asked, as curious as her fiancé. “I bet it was weird, seeing the scenery moving by you so fast.” Tempest thought about that for a moment, trying to articulate and put into words her remarkable experience. “Actually, from that altitude it wasn't moving all that fast, until you realize just how high up you are. If anything, it was the silence that was the weirdest thing.” Wildfire nodded. She’d learnt the principles of supersonic flight from Flight School and University. “Oh yuppers, ‘cos of the speed of sound thing and you can’t hear anything!” She beamed, proud to be able to show off the fact that she did in fact know something. “There wasn’t as much wind as I thought there would be either.” Tempest continued, gently caressing Wildfire’s right flank. “There was sort of a ‘shield’ that extended out in front of us from the compressed air wave.” “Oh!” Wildfire exclaimed. She knew about this too! “You mean kind of like a bow wave from a ship with a bulbous prow, it lessens the friction of the water so that the ship can sail quicker!” Pleasantly surprised, Airmail turned to face her diminutive lover, “Wily, I didn't know you knew so much about ships, my love.” Wildfire smiled dreamily, “Oh, Airy I love ships, especially those old style ocean steam liners that sailed the Luna Ocean and the Celestia Sea, like the Maretania.” Airmail grinned, “I'm really glad I took you whale watching, then.” “So am I,” Wildfire smiled a very, very wide smile at the memory of Ocean’s fishing boat and the pod of Caneighdian wales back in Vanhoover just the other day. “I really didn't know what to expect for my first boat trip, and I'm super glad you were there with me.” “With us three together, you can always expect fun.” Tempest commented as they flew along, the afternoon drawing on now. After a few minutes of flying in silence, Airmail spoke up. She deemed it was about that time that they tell their marefriend and herd-mate about what they had discussed in her absence. Stormy, Wily and I had a rather serous talk during our flight together.” “Yuppers, Stormy we did.” Wildfire agreed, her heart starting to beat faster now. She wasn’t at all sure as to how Tempest would react to their news. “I was seriously serious.” “Okay,” Tempest snorted, “I'm not playing twenty questions so what did the two of you talk about?” “We were talking,” Wildfire started then she paused, taking a deep breath before she carried on. “Pretty mentioned an engagement and, I kinda misunderstood what she meant and I, well I um…” she squeaked, “I asked her to marry me!” Tempest had to do a double take at that. “Woah, okay…now, now that is serious.” She took a few moments to properly digest that little nugget from her little nugget. “So Airy, I take it you are agreeable to that?” Airmail looked from Tempest to Wildfire. She could practically hear and feel the little mare’s rapid heartbeat when Tempest asked that. “Yes I am.” She replied after a moment, “We never brought it up, even after Mapper and Serenity got married.” “Are you alright, Stormy?” Tempest smiled at her obviously nervous little lover. “Of course I am, my love. I'm fine. It is a bit of a surprise. I never thought this old maid would get married.” “A lot has changed over the years.” Airmail started, “Remember when I cautioned Mapper and she said to Tartarus with what others may say. Turns out she was right.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire commented with a very happy relieved little smile that Airmail had basically confirmed that she was now her fiancé. “I have to agree there, life is short, almost as short as me and now I'm living it I don't want to waste a second.” “Well, I'm happy for the two of you,” Tempest asserted, though there was a hint of ‘something’ in her voice. “And, even if you are the Alpha, Airy, I think you should bring this up with Mapper and Serenity.” “I will, once we have moved back in together again.” Airmail promised Tempest and herself, for that matter, although the azure blue mare did immediately catch the ‘something’ in her herd-mate’s voice. “Are you sure you're okay, Stormy?” She asked tentatively. “Yeah,” Wildfire started again, “Are you alright Honey?” The use of ‘yeah’, as opposed to her far more common ‘yuppers’ gave Tempest cause for pause. It let her know just how seriously her lover was taking this subject, and she was grateful for that. “I love you both, I love the whole mini herd. This really doesn't change anything other than legal standing should something happen.” She answered after she considered her answer. “That much is true,” Airmail put in kindly, “but it is still a really, really big step to be taking.” “Yuppers, Pretty's right,” Wildfire said, perhaps a little too quietly, “and I really don't want to upset anything.” Tempest actually laughed out loud at that. “Did you think I might get jealous?” Wildfire blushed a very, very deep red. “Um…maybe, yes.” Tempest thought on that for just a moment. While it was a foreseeable worry, it was ultimately baseless. “Jealous, no, unhappy, only if you want to take Airy from the herd and start a life with just the two of you.” She answered honestly from her heart. Her heart which skipped a little beat when she saw Wildfire take a breath to answer her. “Never, Stormy,” Wildfire answered quickly and shook her head for emphasis, “never ever!” “See, no problem.” Tempest smiled heartily, though her large sigh of relief was very noticeable, regardless. “Besides, you'll still need me. Can't piss on Airy, after all.” The fact that Airmail let out a very loud ‘eeeew!’ only made Tempest giggle harder. Wildfire too let out a little giggle, “now that's a very good point Honey, she won't feed me the alfalfa, either.” Now that did surprise Airmail, just a little. “You really are looking forward to that, are you?” “Well,” Wildfire wouldn’t say she was looking forward to it per se, but it was what Tempest was into, and they had spoken about it at length before today. “I'm willing to give it a try just once,” she said, to which Airmail giggled, “I'm really glad nothing much is gonna change though, really.” “I might have to modify the insurance policy…” Tempest giggled in such a way as to imply it wasn’t necessarily a joke. “I meant between us,” Wildfire explained somewhat needlessly, thinking that Tempest didn’t get what she’d said. Airmail shook her head with a wry smile, “Love, that was a joke.” She caressed Wildfire’s left flank, although she herself suddenly wasn’t sure. “It was a joke, right Stormy?” “Me,” Tempest placed her right forehoof on her chest, her best poker face plastered on her muzzle. “Joke about finances or fiancés? Maybe…” Wildfire blushed bright red. She’d gone and done it again. “Ugh…one day I will see the jokes coming and not fly straight into them, won’t I?” “But we need a second straight mare in the herd!” Tempest protested that statement with a smile. Wildfire looked over in Tempest’s general direction. She was very puzzled as to why her herd-mate would say they need a straight mare in their same-sex mini herd. “Um…do we?” She asked innocently. Airmail simply giggled while Tempest facehooved at what Wildfire had asked. Oblivious Wildfire was cute Wildfire though, so it was adorable. “You do know what she means by 'straight', right?” “Yes...maybe, well okay no, not really.” Wildfire flustered as she tried very hard to work out just what Tempest might’ve meant. “Is it something else I've gone and flown into?” She asked, her head hanging dejectedly down a little. Tempest sniffed, “It isn't as funny if you explain it.” Airmail shot her herd-mate a glowering look, one that Tempest usually shot her. “Stormy?” She asked warningly. “Fine,” Tempest sighed and rolled her blue eyes. “The straight mare is the 'serious' one in the comedy routine. That’s what I meant, Wily.” “Oooh…oh I see.” “Stormy thinks she is funny.” Airmail said as she flew closer to Wildfire’s left side and gently rubbed her cheek with her wing tip, “and she usually is.” “Yuppers, she is Airy,” Wildfire agreed, “and she cooks better than us too!” “That is why we get to keep her.” “Fine,” Tempest snorted, “but Wily is still the maid.” “Can we keep her for the triple fried egg sandwiches?” Wildfire asked, a very wide grin all over her yellow muzzle. Tempest couldn’t help but laugh at that. “You see, when in doubt you go with the gut.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire laughed as they flew along, the now mid-afternoon sun beating on their backs, “and those sandwiches you made were super yummy!” Her laugh became a giggle as she thought on what Tempest had just said. “I suppose I can be the maid, after all I do have the dress and the practice!” “Maid, dancer, singer, poetry reader, and official hoof washer.” Airmail giggled as she reeled off Wildfire’s best qualities. “Really Airy,” Tempest said, very genuinely impressed with her herd-mate for her easing up on the whole ‘hoof phobia thing’, “You have come a long ways.” Airmail was about to answer that with a sly quip when she noticed Wildfire wobble between herself and Tempest. Straight away, her ears were up and she moved in a couple of feet closer, just in case. “How you doing, Wily?” She asked in a voice so full of concern she got Tempest’s attention too. “Me?” Wildfire asked as she straightened up and flew level once more. “I’m not bad, those bursts of eighty five and the upside downyness are starting to catch up with me though I think,” she gasped, breathing heavy. “We’re still about thirty miles out,” Tempest said gently, all serious now she was aware that Wildfire was beginning to struggle, “we can slow to fifty.” Wildfire panted, “Th-Thanks Stormy…” she slowed her pace down to fifty miles per hour, “I ah, phew…I think I know how D feels…” “Good,” the Mother Hen in Tempest showing herself once more, “How are you doing, Airy?” Sweat was all over Airmail’s brow, and her own breathing was beginning to become laboured. “F-Fifty is good for me too.” “Nice and steady, that's us.” Wildfire smiled through her heavy breathing, her heart beating hard. “Given time I think you should be up to my speed and better, Wily.” Airmail playfully rolled her brown eyes to the heavens. “Yes, just what we need in the house, another speed demon. Stormy, remind me to purchase a new re-enforced refrigerator.” “Ah, ah you see, no.” Wildfire corrected her new fiancé. “No, see, you specifically asked me for dates that don't result in a dented fridge. Besides, Fireflight's gonna be the one buzzing all around the house, not me!” “Ah yes,” Airmail laughed, “There’s nothing like the pitter patter of little hooves.” “I do so look forward to that day…” Tempest commented before a thought occurred to her, given that Wildfire and her Airy were struggling in flight. She did want to get to Trottingham before dinner later, but they had the time for a rest break. “Give Dusky a call to see where they are. There is a little town about four miles ahead of us.” “Alrighty, Honey.” Smiling, Wildfire reached a forehoof into her saddlebag and fished for her cell phone. Retrieving it she quickly swiped through its menus and called up her best friend. Dusky answered on the second ring. “What’s up Wily?” The royal pegasus asked. “Where are you guys hiding?” “A little town, not far from you,” Dusky answered after a few moments in which she was finding out just where they were. “Master wanted a break on something more substantial than a cloud so we landed. We’re straight ahead at the diner called Hoofprint Hayburger.” “Cool,” Tempest interjected as the call was on speaker, she was familiar with the tiny little town ahead. “We are about five minutes out from you.” “Do you want anything ordering while you're on the phone?” Dusky asked, following a little nudge from Brush Stroke sat next to her. “Anything with tomato sauce on it!” Tempest called immediately from Wildfire’s right side. “Something cheesy!” Airmail requested. “Miss Airmail, you can’t eat one of Miss Wily's jokes.” “Ha. Ha Dusky,” Wildfire raspberried the speaker of her phone while her best friend and her herd-mates erupted in good natured laughter. “I’ll have a hayburger and fries please, D.” With her friend still laughing, the little blind mare hung up and put her phone away in her saddlebag, as a moment later they were descending to land in a tiny south eastern town that was barely big enough to qualify as a town at all. Indeed, Wildfire had never even heard of Hoofprint let alone know anything about the place. But, here she was five minutes later landing on an unknown sidewalk and entering the Hayburger joint. As soon as they were inside, Airmail wasted no time at all in giving her fiancé a deep tongue probing kiss. Dusky saw the kiss, the rather deep and passionate kiss and she nudged Brush Stroke who turned from his mare and both looked, with the mid blue earth pony artist showing his appreciation with a very loud very long whistle. Surprised at first, Wildfire soon began to return the kiss in kind until Airmail pulled away for breath. “My Wily tastes good all the time, with or without jokes.” “Wowsers!” Wildfire exclaimed, her wings very hard and erect at her sides, “When we get hitched I want at least two of those every day!” Dusky smiled from their table where a small plate of cheesy fries, fries with tomato sauce and a quarter pound hayburger awaited their three friends. “Dinner and a show indeed, Miss Airmail. Airmail beamed as she led the way and let Wildfire sit first. “Love, I don't think Dusky heard you.” Puzzled and intrigued, Dusky looked up from her cup of earl grey. “Heard what?” “Pretty and I are getting married!” Wildfire replied as she took her seating pad between Tempest and Airmail. Dusky blinked once, then she blinked a second time. “Really?” “Really!” Airmail sniffed her cheesy fries. “Really.” “Really.” Tempest affirmed, though her reply was muffled by the fries she was already chewing on. A split second later and Dusky let out a very girly squee and, leaning over the table, hugged Wildfire as tight as she could while Brush Stroke bumped hooves with the azure blue mare. “Well done Airy!” “We still need to do some planning, well, a lot of planning, but I'm sure you'll both get an invite.” Airmail beamed as she returned the artist’s hoof bump. “Yuppers,” Wildfire giggled when her best friend released the hug, “I'm sure we can stretch to inviting you both, D!” A very sudden thought occurred to Airmail then, a beautiful lovely idea that seemed just perfect in its simplicity. “Do you remember Coffee Bean?” Wildfire’s ears perked up at that. Of course the little blind mare remembered the old zebra Priestess both from the Open Mic night and the Saturday shopping trip the day afterwards in Manehatten. “She's Caffy's aunt, and a very cool zebra.” “I recall her a little,” Dusky agreed with a nod of her head as she sipped her tea, “Though I know we left early that Friday night.” “As long as Wily agrees,” Airmail continued, “she is my choice to precede over the ceremony.” Wildfire thought that was a very good idea indeed. She liked Coffee Bean a lot, and she couldn’t think of anypony or any zebra, better to do it. “Of course Airy, I'd love her to do it.” Airmail took a few minutes to not so delicately shovel three hoof-fulls of cheesy fries into her mouth before she turned to Tempest over Wildfire’s back. “How are we doing for time, Stormy?” Tempest checked the wall clock in the diner and saw it was coming up to three thirty in the p.m. “We are still ahead of schedule, so it's all good.” Wildfire was so surprised to hear that she almost spat her burger. “What, even with all my stops?” Straightaway, Tempest leant down and kissed Wildfire’s cheek before she could get too downhearted. “I planned ahead for yours and Airy's stops.” She said with a smile and a lick of her marefriend’s left ear. Immediately, Wildfire brightened up. “Oh, that's alright then!” Happily, she went back to attacking her hayburger with the same verve that Airmail was demolishing her fries. “Have you got any plans for the honeymoon?” Dusky asked, her ears perked up and her pink eyes bright and sparkling. Swallowing her mouthful of fries with a bit of a struggle, Airmail laughed at that. “Let’s get to the wedding first, I think.” “Like Pretty said,” Wildfire giggled, “we haven't planned much yet, D.” “Well if you should get stuck for ideas there's a log cabin lodge the other side of the white tail woods on the west coast you're more than welcome to use,” Dusky offered, thinking of the royal retreat that was hidden away from the rest of the world on the shores of White Tail Lake. “Maybe,” Airmail said considerately, “There’s a lot of places on the east coast too, and in Manehatten itself.” Wildfire admittedly felt a little lost. It had all happened so very fast. “I haven't begun to think of any of this, I'm still buzzing because Pretty said yes!” “Okay,” Tempest said loudly as she checked her schedule, “our next planned stop is two hundred and a bit miles away, at a pokey little coast town called Trottingham!” “How are you, Dusky?” Brush Stroke asked, his voice full of concern for his mare. Dusky offered her Master a loving nuzzle of reassurance. “I'm refreshed, enough to carry on, and we aren’t all that far away from our destination now.” “Yes,” Tempest gave Dusky a nod of approval, “Wily, Airy are you up for a flight of that distance?” “Sure,” Airmail nodded as she flexed her wings, which was just an excuse for a hug with her new fiancé, “this old mare still has a few miles left in her.” “Yuppers!” Wildfire exclaimed in her feathery hug, “that shouldn't be a problem Honey, and less of the 'old' please, Pretty.” “Unlike somepony's mum, I'm joking.” Airmail smiled, finishing off her little plate of cheesy fries with a smack of her lips. “But, I'll do less joking for you, love.” “Oh you don't have to change anything for me,” Wildfire grinned as she ate the last of her hayburger. “I just thought you were putting yourself down, and I can’t have that, can I?” “Me?” Airmail snickered, getting up from the table and leading the way to the door, “I'm the second most awesomest mare in all of Equestria!” “It is getting deep now.” Tempest rolled her blue eyes as they all left the small town diner, “Let's fly!” “Are you riding with me again, Sir?” Dusky asked his lover, giving him a respectful bow of her head as she did so. Brush Stroke tapped his hoof to his chin in a show of faux consideration, after a moment of making his mare wait and nuzzle his hoof, said; “Yes, I think I'll mount you again, sweet Dusky.” With a very deep blush all over her midnight blue fur, Dusky waited for Brush Stroke to get on her back and she took off into the warm mid-afternoon sunshine. Alongside her best friend, Wildfire giggled at Dusky and as she too took off, to Airmail, she said; “You're the funnest most awesomest mare in Equestria, Pretty.” “Thank you Stealth Pony.” Airmail replied to her fiancé as they flew up to a thousand feet of altitude and they continued on their way to Trottingham at a steady and very manageable fifty five miles per hour. As they flew along in relative peaceful comfortable quiet, what little conversation there was soon turned to Dusky and Wildfire’s fateful trip to Manehatten eleven days ago now. Soon it became Dusky’s turn to speak up and fill in some blanks. “While I was in Manehatten on my duties opening the hospital wing I found Caffeinated's coffee shop and I soon got talking to him and he invited me and Vocal Chord to his BDSM party. As you all know, Vocal couldn't make it because of the gig he was playing, so I took Wily from the home instead.” Wildfire giggled at the recounting of their story. “I'm very glad you didn't want to go on your own, D.” She commented after a moment’s pause. On Dusky’s back, Brush Stroke kissed his lover’s ear. “So am I Wily, so am I.” Airmail paused just a little longer and gently caressed the blind mare’s flank with her wing tip. “I'm totally happy about it.” Tempest joined in with Wildfire’s giggles. “I'm happy too, Dusky.” “Given what's happened since then,” Dusky said as she turned her head and gave her stallion a loving kiss, “I'm real happy about it.” Wildfire giggled, “You know, if we told ponies the story they wouldn't believe us, right?” Tempest looked ahead into the very far distance and the smudge on the horizon that suddenly came into view made her smile. That smudge was her old home, Trottingham, at this distance it was smaller than a bit coin. “You should hire a screenplay writer and make it into a soap opera.” She suggested with a smile. Dusky sniggered at that comment. “Well, I was going to suggest you write it out and publish it alongside your poems,” the midnight blue pegasus grinned, “You could call it ‘Releasing the Flame’.” Wildfire laughed out loud at that, “Yuppers, right guys, the past eleven days would read like the plot of a cheesy romance novel, who'd want to read that?” “All depends on where you put the book,” Airmail commented with a giggle. “Pretty, you're awful...” Wildfire laughed, “But, I suppose I could write it out, eventually when I'm done writing my poems for Professor Twilight to publish.” “The Memoirs of Empress Wildfire!” Tempest declared, coming up with a title for her book that she deemed better than the one that Dusky had invented. “Empress, not Queen, Miss Tempest?” Dusky asked with a raised eyebrow. “There can only be one queen, Dusky,” Airmail laughed as she flew alongside Wildfire and slightly in front of Dusky in the loose diamond formation, “and Wily can't be taking your title.” Brush Stroke chuckled at that and cuddled his mare, a thought occurring to him. “So Dusky, what were you doing in Manehatten? I mean, I know you were opening the new wing of the Manehatten General Hospital, I mean after that. You hung around the city and got to know Caffeinated and was invited to the adult party, but this Vocal you were with was busy that night?” “That’s right Sir,” Dusky answered straightaway. “As a favour, my mom had sorted him and his band out a warm up gig in Canterlot, and, as the gig in question was a huge success and they were booked on a multi-stadium nationwide tour, he broke up with me the next day.” “That's when I caught you moping around in the North Park?” Brush Stroke asked with an affectionate nuzzle, even the other three mares went quiet at this point, as they were all very curious too as to what had happened when the two stallion’s had met that Friday afternoon. “Yup,” Dusky replied, “that's when I met you, my love.” “I just can't see Dusky being all mopey,” Tempest teased, throwing the mid blue earth pony stallion a very knowing wink over her shoulder. “Oh, she was at first.” Brush Stroke answered the violet weather pony, wholly ignoring the very heated blush on his mare’s face. “She sat right in front of a landscape work I was half way through.” Airmail couldn’t resist joining in with the teasing. “Did you add her and turn it from a landscape to a portrait?” Brush Stroke nodded, distracted for just a moment by the tiny smudge in the distance that was Trottingham getting gradually bigger and bigger. “I was about to, after we'd spoken for a little while, but 'somepony',” he coughed and pointed at Tempest, “decided to make it rain.” Tempest shrugged innocently as if she had nothing to do with what had happened that Friday afternoon. “The perfect rain to force two lovers inside, together, with hot steamy action.” If Dusky’s blush was receding, now she coloured up afresh in a very bright blush indeed. “It was certainly that, Stormy.” Brush Stroke smiled, again ignoring his mare’s blush. “It just meant I could paint her in the privacy of my apartment, instead.” “Did you manage to apply any paint to canvas?” Airmail asked, entirely unsympathetic to Dusky’s renewed blush. “Eventually I did,” the earth pony artist conceded, “At least after spending a good few hours setting the scene.” “Very smooth Oils, very smooth indeed.” Tempest snickered, both at Brush Stroke’s technique and at Dusky’s embarrassment. “So, how long was it before you knew just who you’d captured in your Manehatten love den?” Brush Stroke paused for just a moment while he thought about that. Certainly at first, his mare hadn’t been exactly ‘upfront’ with who she was. “Well, at first she downplayed herself quite a bit, but the bit finally dropped at the Open Mic Night when Princess Luna and Lady Octavia appeared.” Airmail was impressed. Then again, that sounded just like something the royal pegasus would do, and she wasn’t all that surprised if she was honest. “Well played, Dusky!” Dusky giggled and returned the hoof bump to Airmail when the azure blue mare flew closer. “I couldn't not own up to it when both your parents arrive and demand to know who the stallion with you is, could I?” “I must say Wily,” Brush Stroke said, for once diverting attention away from his mare, “Your poems that night were very good indeed.” Now, it was Wildfire’s turn to blush, and blush she did, a very bright red. “Thanks Oils!” “I might be able to talk her into autographing one of her books, should you buy one, of course.” Airmail interjected with the tone of an agent touting for sales. Brush Stroke nodded seriously, “most certainly I will, Airy!” Wildfire however was more concerned that her best friend’s stallion liked one of her poems. “Oils, which one did you like from that night?” “The 'wildfire' one in particular I thought was good,” Brush Stroke replied, then he gave a nod over to Airmail. “I'd certainly appreciate an autographed copy if you could twist the authors hoof?” “I will,” Airmail promised, “Once I make sure they are scrubbed very clean.” “I have a feeling my hooves are going to be very squeaky clean from now on,” Wildfire giggled then she paused when she heard her cell phone beep loudly in her saddlebag. Reaching back with her forehoof she retrieved her phone and swiped her way through the menus to her texts. “Oooh It’s Air Raid! She says they've been driving seven hours straight and they're halfway there to Manehatten!” Tempest now was very interested indeed. “Text her back and ask how many tickets she’s got so far?” Giggling, Wildfire quickly typed out her question and sent it, only to get a reply barely a few minutes later. “She’s only got one so far, she said she got flashed by a speed camera on the freeway doing...oh my, she was doing one hundred and fifty! Apparently, Darkie was rather 'upset' with her.” “I'm sure she was,” Airmail deadpanned as seriously as she could, “That car of hers should be able to go a lot faster than that…” Straightaway, Wildfire sent her old ex-marefriend a text requesting details. Again, she got a reply in short order. “It can love, up to one hundred and ninety five, but there were a few cars in the way so she had to slow down.” “I wish her well on her journey.” Tempest offered, getting a nod of approval from Airmail. It wasn’t just the journey to Manehatten she wished her well on, but the personal journey once she got there. Tempest knew from the brief time she had spent in Air Raid’s company that the lime green racer had a long way to go before she forgave herself. “I'll tell her we all do…” she trailed off to silence as she sent the text message, and true to form she got a reply almost straightaway. “She says they've stopped for a break at a Hayburger joint on the way. Even Raid won't use a phone and drive,” she giggled for a moment, “she also says congratulations on the wedding, and good luck to us both.” For what felt like the millionth time in the past few hours Tempest rolled her eyes. “You should hire a sky writer in case there’s somepony who doesn't know.” Thankfully, the distant smudge that was Trottingham was by now much closer. “I haven't told everypony!” Wildfire protested, “Well...not yet, anyway…” “I stand by my comment, then.” Tempest giggled, very much looking forward to that relaxing bath with Wildfire in her parents’ house. > Chapter 10 - We Are Each Other > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time the five ponies flew through the outskirts of Trottingham, it was coming up to late afternoon, almost early evening. Tempest checked her watch and she smiled when she saw it was only six thirty in the p.m. They had made good time, indeed, her parents weren’t expecting them for another hour and a half. As the sun began to slowly descend from the sky, the violet weather mare called over to Dusky and her passenger. “Oils, are you going straight to your place or do you want to stop and say hi at mine?” Brush Stroke didn’t answer her right away. Firstly he pulled his cell phone from his bag hung over his mare’s barrel and held up a hoof for a moment as he scrolled through the local news on the internet. His face fell considerably when he saw there had been a false changeling sighting. Even though it had been proven to be fake, he knew his dad Starbright would be in one of his ‘moods’. He didn’t want to be anywhere near that. “Oh…” he said breezily, “I'm sure we can stop off at yours for a little while, Stormy.” Dusky at once caught the reticence in her lover’s voice but she decided right now wasn’t the moment to bring it up. She did however shelve it in her ‘deal with it later’ drawer. “I'd like that, Sir.” “Okay,” Tempest replied with a satisfied grin, pointing with her forehoof towards a very large skyscraper of a building in the middle distance fifty miles away. “We’ll need to go to City Hall first and find the unicorn on duty then. Unless you want to experiment with free falling and Dusky catching you, that is.” “Well,” Brush Stroke laughed, hugging his mare tightly, “I did say to Wily that I'd let Dusky give me a ride…” Over at the City Hall, they soon found the unicorn on duty there whose job it was to cast the cloud walking spell on visitors to the Cloud District. Fifty bits was the cost and the spell would last for four hours, several at a push with no exuberance on the part of the pony receiving the spell. “This should be fun!” The artist replied with a hearty smile as he paid the bits. He would’ve paid two hundred and fifty for longer just to make sure, had the option been there. As they took off from the patch of sidewalk outside the Trottingham City Hall, Airmail snickered, “Oils, I don't think I've heard an earth pony describe the feeling the same way twice.” Brush Stroke held on to Dusky’s back with his forelegs around his mare’s neck and his hind legs gripping her barrel. “You understand, I say ‘fun’ with the hidden context of sheath tightening bottom clenching fear, Airy.” “I've heard others say that,” Tempest called back over her shoulder with a laugh in her voice, “but once you set hoof on a cloud, you'll be hooked.” It was a thankfully short flight, only twenty minutes, from the centre of Trottingham to the Cloud District floating roughly ten thousand feet above it where Tempest’s parents lived. With a population of some nine thousand pegasi, it housed more or less eighty five per cent of the south eastern city’s pegasus pony population. When Tempest, Airmail, Wildfire and Dusky landed on a residential cloud street – as directed by Tempest – the mid blue earth pony slowly and very gingerly dismounted from his mare’s back. Very tentatively indeed he poked the cloud surface with his hind hoof and exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding when he found it to be as solid as the ground. “O-Okay...this is odd, really, very odd.” Straightaway Dusky was there to offer an affectionate nuzzle to her Master’s cheek. “Sir, you'll get used to it.” “So,” Tempest asked, barely keeping her wide smile in check, “what does it feel like?” Experimentally, Brush Stroke jumped up and landed on the cloud with all four hooves, and once more he found it as solid as the ground he usually walked upon. “It…it feels rather like…” he paused for a moment to fully assess what it felt like. “It feels rather like walking on firm candy floss.” “Now,” Airmail giggled as they walked along the cloud sidewalk with the late afternoon sunlight at her back, the shadows lengthening as the afternoon turned to evening. “That certainly is a new one. You walk on candy floss often?” At that, Brush Stroke coloured up in what was a rare blush. “I ah, I like my hooves stroked, and Dusky likes to use various things…” “One time, the other day, we experimented with different foods,” Dusky interjected quickly as they turned off the street they were on and moved on to a smaller avenue of well-kept upmarket detached cloudominiums. “And candy floss won?” Wildfire asked over her shoulder from her position second in the line following Tempest’s black tail. Still blushing furiously, Brush Stroke nodded. “It feels really nice,” he said quietly. Airmail rolled her brown eyes playfully as they made their way along the avenue. “Now Wily is going to want to check that out.” She gently caressed her diminutive fiancé’s flank with her right wing tip. “Don't you make a mess in the house, young lady!” Tempest giggled and before Wildfire could come back with a pithy retort, she stopped outside of a very palatial looking three storey cloudominium. “My folks live here so let’s go on in.” With that, she led the way up the wide path with flower beds that contained some very tasty and sweet smelling flowers to the front door and she opened it without knocking. Almost immediately a pale lavender pegasus stallion about Tempest's age with a very unruly royal blue mane appeared in the entrance hall to greet her with a tight hug. “Welcome home Tempest.” He smiled and nuzzled his sister before he went on to hug Airmail next. “Good to see you again Airy.” Lastly the stallion gave the little blind mare a hug as well. If he didn’t know any better from his sister’s messages he’d have thought they’d found a teenager somewhere and brought her along. “You must be Wildfire. I'm Storm.” After that greeting, he looked at the two stallions with a grin. “So, Tempest, you finally find somepony to play mare while you play stallion?” He asked, lifting a hoof to hoof bump Dusky. Straightaway Dusky returned the hoof bump that Storm had offered her. It really didn’t surprise her that much that he’d seen through her dress and make up to see the stallion underneath, what with having Tempest for a sister. “Hi, I'm Dusky, pleased to meet you,” the royal pegasus then indicated her Master stood by her side. “My partner, Brush Stroke.” Maintaining the dominant persona, the mid blue earth pony gave a very polite little nod. “Charmed, Storm, please call me Oils.” “Ma!” Storm called out loudly, “Tempest is here with guests!” So fast they all thought she had teleported, an elderly looking sky blue pegasus mare with a greying mane entered the entrance hall from the living room with a pleasant smile all over her wrinkled face. Old as she was, she was determined that none would escape her hugs. “Hello to you all, I'm Mist.” While Wildfire, Dusky and Brush Stroke all greeted the old mare with hugs, Wildfire was slightly more exuberant. “You all made better time than you told me, Tempest. Come on in.” Inside the very spacious living room was an older slate grey stallion with a shockingly unruly black – at one point it was black, now it was shot through with silver / grey – mane sat in a comfortable rocking chair watching the sport on the wide screen television. “Hi dad!” Tempest got her hug in first while her dad turned off what he had been watching. He didn’t really care for the Fillydelphia cage fighting. The same minotaur always won. “Everypony, this is Lightning.” “Hey Lightning!” Wildfire squeaked happily and gave the elderly stallion a very tight hug indeed, while true to form Dusky and Brush Stroke offered a slightly more restrained greeting. “Welcome!” Lightning beamed, looking half his age when he smiled and returned Wildfire’s exuberant hug. “I'm glad all of you could be here this evening.” He then looked around and counted up the heads of his visitors. “Is everypony spending the night?” “Ah,” Dusky spoke up when Brush Stroke gave him an apprehensive look, “we aren't, Sir. My partner and I, I mean. The cloudwalking spell wears off in four hours.” “Yes,” Mist giggled behind her hoof, “That would be bad, I wasn't sure if it was an enchanted item or spell.” With a shove of his hooves, Lightning pushed himself out of his comfy chair. “We have wine, beer, hot tea, and hot coffee, plus water, for drinks.” He offered as he remembered, with a meaningful glare from Mist, his manners. Wildfire raised her forehoof, almost like she was in school. “Ooh, could I have a beer please?” She asked while Dusky – who didn’t drink alcohol anymore following her ‘illness’ requested a tea with two sugars, and Brush Stroke asked for a glass of wine. Lightning nodded to each request and turned to his wide. “I’ll need a bit of help, love.” “So, how was your trip?” Storm asked, flopping up on to the wide cloud couch while Lightning and Mist left the living room for the kitchen to fill the orders. They knew by heart what Airmail and Tempest preferred to drink. “It was fine, thank you.” Dusky answered with a bright little giggle. “We had fun, didn't we, Stormy?” “We did Dusky,” Tempest smiled a very genuine and thankful smile for the treat she had been given on the way here. “It gave me a chance to rest my wings.” “I thought it was a little exhausting,” Wildfire voiced her opinion. “I've not flown this much, like, ever. But, the exercise was great fun though!” “I'm just glad we're here, Storm.” Airmail said with a fluff of her tired and aching wings. “I’m sure I've done more flying today than I usually do in a month.” Storm simply chuckled at that. “You should try to get away from the desk, Airy.” “To be honest it felt rather strange, flying I mean.” Brush Stroke commented, immediately getting a long loving nuzzle from his mare, “It was quite pleasant once I got used to it.” He failed to mention that ‘getting used to it’ had taken almost the entire flight here, and how he was now blocking out the fact that he was ten thousand feet up. On a cloud. “Did they swap out carrying you, Oils?” Storm enquired, interested as to their trip. “Oh yes,” the artist replied to the pale lavender stallion, “My Dusky carried me mostly, then Wily and Airy took turns when Dusky and Stormy flew off to play.” “I'm impressed, though.” Storm commented, and he was. “Flying with a passenger takes a lot of a pony.” He then turned to the diminutive yellow mare. “So, Wily is it? How did you fall in with the likes of Tempest?” “There’s a bit of a story behind it,” Wildfire replied while Tempest rolled her blue eyes loudly at her brother. “But the long and the short of it is that Dusky brought me to Manehatten eleven days ago, the Thursday, I met Airy first at Caffeinated’s coffee shop and she introduced me to Stormy...it’s kinda gone from there.” Just then, Mist and Lightning returned to the living room from the adjacent kitchen, each with a tray of drinks balanced on their backs for them and their guests. “Are you part of her herd?” Mist asked as she passed Wildfire her beer. “Yuppers,” Wildfire replied, taking her beer in her left wing. “I get voted in proper soon, this Thursday coming I think.” “And, when will Mapper and Serenity be visiting again?” Lightning asked his daughter, for the old stallion was quite fond of the unicorn couple. Tempest took her own drink, a very Irish coffee and spared herself a moment to sip and savour it before she answered. “Serenity had to work and Mapper likes to watch her work.” Airmail, who likewise had a similarly Irish coffee giggled at that. Wildfire too had a little giggle as she sipped her beer. After the long, long flight the ice cold beer – a local Trottingham make – was just what the doctor ordered. “Serenity is fun to listen to,” she commented, almost thinking out loud. Mist smiled, “I hope you all like Tempest's favourite, I’ve made us all lasagne. With zucchini and three cheeses.” Airmail sniffed a very loud sniff. “I always knew mom loved you best, Stormy.” She was suddenly uncomfortable, more so at her own statement than Mist’s. Here she was, a mare of forty eight, all of a sudden a fiancé to a pony literally half her age when Tempest was younger, her family nearer and…oh, a whole raft of other reasons she was unexpectedly insecure. “Oooh yuppers, I'll eat that!” Wildfire squeaked happily, almost bouncing in anticipation of the meal to come. She was of course entirely ignorant of her fiancé’s worries. Dusky giggled, “You'll eat anything, Miss Wily.” Except celery, of course, but there was no need to bring up the ‘demon food’. “Lasagne sounds lovely,” Brush Stroke agreed with Wildfire. Especially after a day of take out fast food from various establishments between here and Ponyville. “I thank you, Ma’am.” “Dusky,” Storm said after the pale lavender stallion had taken a swallow of his own beer, he was rather openly admiring the look of the midnight blue stallion in his fetching red dress. Very openly admiring. “You do look very nice in that dress, is this your usual way of dressing?” Blushing rather heavily at being ‘caught out’, as it were, but at the same time thankful that nopony had as yet called him on being a royal, Dusky nodded. “Thank you, do you really think so? It's been my usual manner of dress since being with Oils. He prefers it.” “Best ten days ever, I might add.” Brush Stroke caught the fanciful look his mare was getting and stepped slightly closer to her, as if he was marking his territory. Usually he’d be pleased, but this Storm was a good looking stallion and he was taking no chances. Storm smiled, “I've seen my sis pass herself off as a stallion often enough, and she fools many a pony. If I didn't know what to look for you could have fooled me.” Dusky nodded at that, pausing in the delicate sipping of her tea to reply. “I've seen Stormy as a stallion too the other day, I must agree with you Storm, she's really very good.” “I learned from you, bro.” Tempest giggled modestly at her brother. Strom rubbed his forehoof along the back of his mane and tried to look anywhere other than at Dusky’s shapely legs. “Ah, thanks, I guess…” he said with a snicker. “Oh?” Wildfire spoke up as she drank a little of her beer. “That sounds like a story, right there.” Storm shook his head. Brush Stroke’s quiet proximity to his mare spoke loud volumes. “The ah, the only story is a lot of my friends thought I had two sisters and a brother, that’s all.” “Aww…” now Wildfire sounded very disappointed. “Storm, you could have invented anything for us then, and included a big nasty dragon to make it really interesting!” “Um, uh…ah…” Storm blushed, busily thinking of anything other than the well-dressed pegasus ‘mare’ stood in the living room. The absolute last thing he wanted to do was emerge, he was sure if he did he’d die right there on the spot. “Um…” he thought for a frantic second to come up with something, anything. “She would impersonate Prince Blueblood...” Storm trailed off and Tempest interrupted her brother with a snorted laugh, especially when she caught sight of the outraged look on Dusky’s face. “Wrong name to drop, there bro!” Poor Storm couldn’t help but look as confused as he felt. “Um, what, wrong name?” For just a moment, Dusky quite forgot his place in his temper. “Why in the wide world of Equestria would you impersonate him?” He punctuated the question with a stomp of his hoof that caused a dent in the cloud floor that he quickly repaired when Brush Stroke lightly slapped his ass. “He's a total arsehead!” Airmail snickered, more at Brush Stroke’s light slap of his mare’s hind quarters than Dusky’s outburst, she too couldn’t resist a little tease. “You should have said Prince Dusk, Storm, since he is a pegasus.” “Because Tempest would make a very bad dragon?” Storm asked, the blush on his pale lavender cheeks subsiding somewhat. “Yeah, I didn't think of that Airy, I was put on the spot.” Dusky however wasn’t listening, so irate was he suddenly that his wings her stiffly erect. “B-But Stormy, of all ponies, why Blueblood? Everypony hates him!” Tempest began laughing and, try as she might, the violet weather pony couldn’t stop herself. So hard was she laughing she clutched at her sides and rolled on the floor of the cloudominium. Mist and Lightning merely looked on, both as confused as their son was by their guest’s sudden temper and their daughter’s mirth. At an utter loss, Storm looked from pony to pony in the living room. “I ah, I made that up by the way,” he said finally. Wildfire let out a delighted little giggle. “It was a good effort though, Storm,” she snickered as she finished off her beer, “and you managed to get Dusky all outraged, so bonus points for that.” Strom couldn’t help but blush at that, though he did smile at Wildfire. “Blueblood was the first stallion name that came to mind from Canterlot.” Finishing her own drink, Airmail set her empty coffee mug down on the coffee table. “Just so you know Strom, both Wildfire and Dusky are from Canterlot.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled and in her very best accent said, “Canterlot born and bred, right Dusky?” Dusky nodded, “for all our sins.” With their drinks all finished, Mist led them all through to the adjacent dining room, which proved to be just as spacious as the living room they had just departed, Storm ‘accidentally’ found himself following Dusky’s swaying flank. “I’m sorry to rile you up,” he started, still completely oblivious to the midnight blue pegasus’s actual identity as he was far more interested in the hips beneath the red dress and the very cute ponytail. “I take it Prince Dusk isn't an arse, then?” Taking her seating pad at the dining table on Wildfire’s right side, Tempest snickered, “You know how nobility is.” “Yeah,” Airmail smiled over at Dusky as she too sat at the dining table taking up her usual position on Wildfire’s left side while Storm, the ‘Princess’ and Brush Stroke sat opposite them. “I'm sure he has his moments…” Wildfire interrupted her fiancé when she broke out in almost uncontrollable fits of giggles, joined by Brush Stroke who laughed out loud until he caught his mare’s nonplussed look. Dusky simply coughed delicately behind her hoof, her retort silenced when Mist bought out the lasagne and began serving it up to her guests. “I'm sure he does too, Airy.” Airmail and Tempest both shared a ‘look’ with each other over Wildfire’s back and decided that discretion was now the better part of valour and busied themselves with eating the steaming hot zucchini lasagne. Wildfire, having giggled herself out for the moment, tried very hard to compose herself. “I’m sorry Dusk, but you are funny when you get wound up.” Mist gave everypony seated around her dining table a look that said she wouldn’t take anymore teasing. Thankfully, everypony recognised the look and got to eating their meal. After a few moments thought, she turned to her daughter. “Tempest,” the elderly pegasus started, “will you be seeing your sister on the way back to Manehatten?” “That is the plan,” Tempest replied after she swallowed the large mouthful she had been working on with a bit of a struggle, “we'll stop off and see Airy's other sister too.” “She is going to foal any day now.” Airmail said, a dreamy tone to her voice as she thought about her cerulean blue sister, her large belly and her swollen milky teats. It was quite an effort for her not to take Wildfire’s head off with an epic wingboner at the thought. “Foal?” Wildfire asked, momentarily forgetting her lasagne as her ears perked up, “That's so cool!” Airmail smiled and rested her forehoof on her fiancé’s own. “One of the reasons Raindrop wasn't in Vanhoover the other day.” “How is Windy doing?” Tempest asked, thinking about her younger sister after a few moments of eating. Storm rolled his green eyes and gave a frustrated snort in his sister’s direction. “You know full well she doesn't like that nickname.” “That’s why I use it.” Now it was Lightning’s turn to roll his eyes, giving his daughter the kind of fatherly look that made Tempest shrink a teeny bit on her seating pad. “She is doing well,” the old stallion replied, pleased that his ‘dad look’ still worked. “Business is good. They has a ground based office now.” To Dusky and Brush Stroke’s slightly puzzled questioning look, Tempest explained, “My sister is a paediatrician, and her husband is a surgeon.” That certainly explained about her sister and husband, however Brush Stroke was still somewhat confused about one thing. “And…she doesn't like to be called ‘Windy’?” Mist smiled as she swallowed a mouthful of her lasagne, “Her name is Wind,” she explained simply. “When Tempest was little,” the old mare continued, a little part of her was pleased to see Tempest grimace, “she would dance around the house singing 'Windy has Stormy eyes'. It was a taunt that combined both of her siblings.” Tempest still had the grimace on her face. “I was a pretty rotten little foal,” she admitted. While she didn’t hide from what she’d done in her past, she didn’t always welcome being reminded of it. Wildfire immediately picked up on the subtle change in Tempest’s voice, her ears flicked in her violet herd-mate and she felt for her forehoof with her own. “Maybe,” she said as she squeezed her hoof, “but you're super awesome now though.” Storm sniggered, almost to the point of choking on his zucchini and cheese. “At least after somepony shot some sense into you.” Wildfire giggled and removed her hoof, returning once more to her meal. “I remember Honey telling me that story, it was an…interesting way, to meet somepony.” “Honey?” Mist asked curiously, wondering who the blind mare was referring to. “Yuppers, ‘cos she's sweet, and Airy's my Pretty!” Wildfire replied to the old pegasus as if that explained everything in eight words just like that. Tempest couldn’t help but snicker at the confused look that still adorned her mother’s face. “I think my mom would like to know who Honey is, love.” “Oh...” Wildfire blushed, “Oh I’m sorry, Ms. Mist, you see, Tempest is Honey.” The blush was still there when she continued, “just my silly pet names, that’s all.” “Oh, okay,” Mist said warmly, “Now that makes sense.” “How are you enjoying your promotion, Storm?” Tempest asked her brother, quickly rescuing her diminutive yellow lover from the table’s attention. “It's okay,” Storm replied quickly, grinning as his posting amongst the Trottingham weather ponies now put him on a par with his sister. “But I don't get to do much flying anymore. Still, Commandant of the Cloud factory pays well, so that’s decent compensation.” “Well enough for you to find a filly?” Tempest asked with a snicker. Storm took a long hard sideways look at Dusky. “Nothing pays that well.” He commented with a laugh. “Hey, Oils,” Tempest spoke up once the very, very fine home cooked meal had been eaten and nopony had anything left on their plates, “Do you and Dusky want to get together tomorrow?” She asked, beginning to think ahead to what they could do the Tuesday. “We are leaving for Baltimare very early Wednesday morning.” “Of course Stormy,” Brush Stroke answered, speaking for both himself and his mare while Mist and Lightning busied themselves clearing away the dinner dishes. He had volunteered Dusky to help, but they wouldn’t hear of it. “We'd love to see you tomorrow.” “Great,” Tempest smiled, giving her brother a nod of thanks as he brought out refills for all their drinks. Wildfire in particular loving her second beer. “Just let us know when and where.” Brush Stroke thought about it for just a moment, mulling the question over a sip of his wine. “We can meet up at my dad, Dandelion's shop if you'd like, then we can go from there as the mood takes us?” “That sounds wonderful.” Tempest commented with a nod of approval from Airmail who was working on her steaming Irish coffee. “I'll have to admit you have a different perspective of Trottingham than I do.” “Oh?” Brush Stroke smiled, “a ground level perspective, you mean?” Tempest giggled at that. “You got it in one, Oils.” The mid blue earth pony artist let out a snigger as he took another sip of his wine. “It just means I enjoy the parks more, there's one not far from my dad's shop with a beautiful lake, and trees, and it has a prime view of Trottingham Castle.” Tempest had to really rein herself in then, when her new friend mentioned ‘prime views’. It would’ve been so very easy to say something snarky, but even at his age, her dad still possessed a keen hoof and he knew how to use it. “We have a lovely park just down the street,” she replied instead, “It should be very nice in the moonlight. You should stop there on your way out, Dusky.” “Oh, we will…” Dusky replied, almost purring as she made her best and sexiest bedroom eyes at her dominant stallion. “You think Oils will fit on the cloud slide?” Airmail asked playfully as she sipped her Irish coffee that tasted distinctly more ‘Irish’ than coffee. “Ahem, yes, yes we will...” looking into quite frankly the sexiest, hottest look his mare had possibly ever given him, Brush Stroke found it rather hard to concentrate. At least on what was being said around him. One part of him was straining at the bit as it were to pay a lot of attention. It only became apparent to him that Airmail had spoken to him when he caught the azure blue mare looking at him, expecting a response. “I ah…I beg your pardon, did you say a, a cloud slide?” Airmail raised a very sardonic eyebrow at that. “Eighty percent of the construction material in the Cloud District is cloud,” she said in a tone that basically screamed ‘Duh, that was obvious!’ “Oh…oooh, on the park you mean,” realisation of his error brought a very, very bright red blush to his face. “I ah, I thought you meant a slide to get from here to the ground…” he trailed off to a very embarrassed silence when Airmail, Tempest and Storm all snickered – not in a nasty way – at his faux pas. “That would be quite the tourist attraction for sure,” Lightning laughed good naturedly, coming to his guest’s rescue. “A ten thousand foot high slide.” “Hey!” Wildfire exclaimed suddenly, “I'd so have a go on that baby!” Seeing her Master’s embarrassed blush, Dusky affectionately nuzzled Brush Stroke’s cheek. The artist’s blush however, continued unabated. “Don't worry about it Sir, please, I think your blush is cute, and it does sound like fun.” Just then, Mist, who had been busy in the kitchen with the dishes and preparing the dessert, re-entered the dining room with said dessert on her back. With a somewhat – justified – smile, the elderly pegasus mare set the tray bearing the chocolate brownie with chocolate fudge icing plus generous scoops of dark chocolate ice cream as well as hot fudge poured on top and lots and lots of chocolate sprinkles for good measure. Also known as 'Death by Chocolate'. “Chocolate soup is served, everypony!” Mist declared proudly as she set a bowl containing a generous portion in front of each guest. “Caution though, it contains chocolate, and a lot of it.” With her finely tuned ‘Wilysense’ tingling like never before when she smelled the copious amount of chocolate placed in front of her, Wildfire almost bounced she was so happy. “Ms. Mist, there's no need to caution against chocolate!” “It is nut free, too.” Mist smiled as she made sure everypony had a very unhealthy portion. Brush Stroke nodded his appreciation of the dessert and, waiting until all the others present had begun eating before he tapped Dusky’s forehoof and allowed her to start as well. “I thank you for this, Ma’am.” The artist smiled, eagerly taking a spoon to his mountain of chocolate before him. Wildfire got herself some of the chocolate soup, her yellow wings fluttering with unbridled joy. “Oh damn this is gorgeous!” She squeaked happily. The taste of chocolate anytime she wanted it was still something of a new experience for her, and she was determined to savour this awesome treat. “Airy, you need to have some of this!” Tempest gave a little affected sniff of sadness. “This is dessert because mom loves Airy the best.” She moaned, complete with her forehoof to her head, making Storm roll his eyes and Airmail giggle. Throwing away all sense of decorum, Wildfire abandoned her spoon and lowered her muzzle to her bowl and with her tongue she took a large mouthful of the chocolate, getting some on her muzzle in the process. “Well,” she said through a full mouth, “I think this is properly nice!” Storm, Mist and Lightning all gave the little blind mare familial adoring looks as she ate with the same messy gusto as Airmail beside her. “Wily,” the pale lavender stallion started, “Tempest said you moved to Manehatten just a couple of weeks ago. What were you doing before that?” Just having scooped up some more of the dessert she had dubbed in her mind ‘Wily’s Heaven’, Wildfire was caught unprepared by the question. “Um, wh-what?” She started shaking a little, “I um, I was in Canterlot, in a care home.” “A care home?” Mist asked, sharing a look with her husband as they paused with their desserts, “Is that like the blind community near Tempest's place over on Stallion Island?” Seeing her fiancé shiver, Airmail hung her right wing protectively over her back. Wildfire, for once, wasn’t all that comforted by this. “I um, I don't know what that's like…” she hung her head a little, rather put off her chocolate as she huddled close to Airmail’s flank. “My place...it um, it wasn't very nice.” “The home was abusive to its clients.” Tempest explained simply to her mother, father and brother as they each gave her looks that screamed for her to elaborate. It was Airmail however who picked up the tale. “They hid it from the state, and the ones that put them there were being paid off.” Lightning at last found his voice, the elderly pegasus doing nothing to hide the outrage when he spoke. “How could they let that happen?” Dusky looked up from her dessert and over at Wildfire, a slight tear in her pink eyes. The memory was still a very raw one, like an exposed nerve. The fact that her best friend in the whole world had been in Canterlot the whole time – virtually under her nose – and she hadn’t known. That her best friend had been so abused under her nose and she hadn’t known…it hurt, and there was no atonement she could ever do that would make amends. “We...nopony let it happen Lightning, the wardens of the care home hid their abuse well.” “They gave us stories we had to stick to when they used us for fetching tasks in Canterlot.” Wildfire said in a similar voice to the deadened tone she had used back at Bluesky and Rye’s farm in Vanhoover. Brush Stroke simply hugged his mare tightly. “Any failure lead to not being fed, or worse.” “Airy,” Storm spoke up tentatively, “didn’t you report on a scandal like that in Manehatten not that long ago?” “Yeah,” Airmail replied, her wing still held tight around her diminutive lover’s back, “about three years ago now.” “How did you get out, Wildfire?” Lightning asked gently. Wildfire felt the wing that was holding her and she brightened up a little. The memory of that perfect Thursday outshone everything else like a shining beacon in her darkness. “Dusky bought me to Manehatten with him on a trip while he was attending some duties.” She sighed a little, she knew how lucky she had been. “He was supposed to bring his coltfriend at the time but he was busy. While we were at this coffee shop Dusky liked I met Airy, and Stormy later on.” “Dusky,” Mist turned her attention to the midnight blue pegasus, “Did you know what was going on when you got her out?” Dusk shook his head, for a brief moment he put aside his submissive feminine aspect as he answered. “No, Ma’am, I'm deeply ashamed to say I had no idea whatever until we were at Caffy's ranch. The first I knew about it was Tempest here thundering up the stairs with a face like thunder yelling for me and demanding to know what I was going to do about it.” Storm nodded quietly. “My sister can be very passionate.” Lighting had that hard no-nonsense ‘parent look’ about him when he turned to the effeminate stallion. “You got the authorities involved then, Dusky?” Still very much the stallion, at least for the moment, Dusk nodded and smiled somewhat grimly at the elderly stallion. “You could say that, yes Lightning. As long as I live, I'll never forget that afternoon. As soon as I found out what had happened I did everything in my power to put a stop to it.” Very proud of the pony that was all at once his mare, his lover and his Sub, Brush Stroke gave Dusky a passionate kiss at the dinner table. “You did so well, my love.” Wildfire nodded and continued in the same brightened tone. “I've been living with Pretty and Honey in Manehatten for eleven days now.” “Must have been a whirlwind romance then,” Mist commented, “to be planning a wedding so soon.” At that, Wildfire finally managed a shaky giggle, though she was still firmly figuratively and literally under Airmail's wing. “A whirlwind would be gentle, Ms. Mist. My hooves haven't been still in eleven days.” She huddled a little closer to her fiancé. “Sometimes I think it's still a dream.” Picking his spoon back up and taking an overdue mouthful of his chocolate dessert, Lightning swallowed and smiled. “Well, if this is a dream, I'm pretty happy with it. I think you’ve fell in with some good mares, Wily.” “Yuppers!” Wildfire exclaimed, “They're brilliant. Some nights I do worry that I'll wake up in my box back at the care home…” suddenly she realised just what she had said and in a fresh panic she slapped her left forehoof over her mouth and shrunk even further into Airmail's side, becoming almost one pony. “I’m sorry!” “I hope justice has been done.” Dusky nodded solemnly. “I can guarantee that it has, Mist.” At her lover’s left side, Airmail gave her a loving cuddle and Tempest moved in close to her other side for an equally tight cuddle. “I ah, I shouldn't have said that…” the blind mare squeaked, “I'm so sorry.” Lightning shook his head sadly. “Wily, I'm not sure what you said, but it did sound bad. I'm glad to know that justice was done Dusky.” Wildfire hung her head down to the table. “The box was just one of the things they used to punish me...they had tried everything else, and they soon realised I was claustrophobic, like all pegasi, and it was bad. Very bad.” Again, Dusky nodded, another tear rolling down his cheek. “Not a moment too soon either, Lightning.” “They were lucky I didn't take care of it.” Airmail stated definitely in a hard tone that clearly stated she would, and could, have done just that. Dusky nodded to Airmail. He knew how the azure blue mare felt on this subject, because he felt the same. “It was taken care of, and Wily, you don't ever have to worry, ever again. I promise you that.” “So you say D,” Wildfire muttered. “It don't stop me panicking though, does it?” Frustrated slightly, Dusky realised he wasn’t going to get anywhere with this. Not when Wildfire was determined to be in this mood. He knew distraction was the only way around it. Thankfully, as he fished for a distraction, one was given to him when he saw Airmail mouth the word ‘wedding’ silently. Grinning, the royal pegasus quickly resumed his ‘mare’ persona, a switch he badly needed. “Besides, Miss Wily, I want to hear more about this wedding of yours, anyway.” Airmail smiled a wide smile, pleased that Dusky was at least quick on the uptake. “So, Dusky, how pregnant should she be when I take her to the altar?” That certainly got Mist’s attention. “Pregnant?” She asked excitedly, the grandmother in her already itching to knit foal clothes on an industrial scale. Tempest rolled her blue eyes, a move which earned her a reproachful look from the old mare. “Mom is always wanting more grandfoals,” she smiled at her mother. Dusky shared Airmail’s wide smile, pleased that the distraction had worked. “Oh, I'd say she needs to be very pregnant indeed.” Wildfire pouted playfully from between her two marefriends. “Do you want me fat in my dress?” “No, not fat,” Dusky shook her head, “I meant ‘blooming’, Miss Wily.” Airmail, who was in the process of shovelling more of her dessert into her muzzle, paused for a moment and gave her friend a wink. “Even Dusky is wise enough to not use the F word.” “I'd never call you that Wily,” Dusky giggled as Airmail and Tempest both carefully withdrew their cuddles from their diminutive lover. “At least not with your two mares either side of you, anyway.” Brush Stroke grinned and patted his mare’s forehoof. “That’s very wise of you, my love.” “I want to at least be able to walk straight when we leave to meet your dads, Sir.” Dusky replied with a grin as ‘she’ – for the Prince was now firmly back as a mare – ate a little more of her dessert. She was pleased her high metabolism meant that it wouldn’t stay on her hips. “Say about eight months or so, Airy?” Airmail grinned as she ate. “Well, I think Wily and I will work that out, she may want Fireflight to be a flower foal.” “Ooooh!” Wildfire let out a loud and very girly squee. “That'd be so sweet!” “Might even have three flower foals if you play it right.” Airmail said with a smile and gave her lover a long hard chocolate flavoured kiss. “I'd like that, Pretty,” Wildfire returned the kiss as passionately as she could. “I'd like that a lot.” “And a colt too,” Brush Stroke added, “That is if we're invited?” Airmail cocked her head like she was seriously giving it thought. “A wing clasp bearer would be good to have.” “I think not inviting the two of you would be a mistake of ‘royal’ proportions.” Tempest couldn’t help herself. It was just too good an opportunity to miss. And, she wasn’t going to miss. Storm chuckled as he finished off his dessert. “Sounds like I'll have time to shop for a gift then.” “Aaw…” Wildfire gave a playful little whine as she too finished off her very chocolatey dessert. She was definitely going to call this ‘Wily’s Heaven’ in future, it was decided. “You mean we aren't eloping tonight to somewhere faraway and incredibly romantic?” Now Tempest raised a questioning sardonic eyebrow. “You mean there is a place more romantic than my parents’ house?” She asked, her giggle hidden by the playful raspberry she received from Airmail. Wildfire raised up her hoof. “Um, I can think of one.” At that, Mist let out a bright laugh and lovingly nuzzled her husband, getting a little chocolate dessert on her muzzle. “You see love, there is only one place more romantic than our house!” She giggled as Lightning dutifully licked her cheek clean. Wildfire didn’t need to think about her answer. She knew full well where the most romantic place in all of Equestria was. For her, there was only one place it could possibly be. The place where she and Airmail had bonded over a picnic. The place where Tempest had met her with breakfast. “The lake by our house...sorry, Honey.” Tempest considered that for a moment. “The lake is a bit public, though.” “I know,” Wildfire nodded, “but it's my favourite place and you both know why.” “It is a beautiful place and we can do some midnight swims.” Airmail agreed, for she too recalled the picnic they’d shared just as well as Wildfire did. Just for that, Wildfire decreed that her fiancé had earned herself a kiss, and she duly delivered said kiss straightaway, both lovers tongue washing each other’s muzzles before she broke away for breath. “I ah, I don't know many places yet, but that's my favouritest so far.” With that, the dinner and the dessert was over. Once more, Mist and Lightning busied themselves clearing away the dessert dishes. Brush Stroke, who had been listening intently to the exchange between Wildfire and the others. Doing so, he thought he knew where the lake was that the blind mare was talking about. “Wildfire, would that be the large swimming lake over on Stallion Island?” “Yes,” Tempest agreed with a nod of her head, “Silver Lake near the north end of the island.” “Aha!” The mid blue earth pony artist exclaimed joyously, “Then I have the perfect gift in my old apartment in Manehatten! I painted that lake just a few months ago.” “Was it still frozen over?” Airmail asked, her interest piqued. She was also rather keen to get her hooves on a landscape painted by one of the generation’s best landscape artists. “It was, with snow absolutely everywhere.” Brush Stroke agreed. That last Winter Wrap-Up had been quite the experience, and the customer who had commissioned the winter landscape scene hadn’t paid, so he’d kept the piece in his studio. “It was quite the perfect winter scene.” “Have you been to La Colt Park for the Mid-Winter Festival, Oils?” Tempest asked curiously. Brush Stroke nodded. “I have, and it was a fantastic time.” Of course, part of what had made that so fantastic was the rather smoking hot stallion he had met and slept with that night, but he thought it best not to divulge that little snippet. “Dusky, you'll have to come with me next time!” Tempest sniffed and smiled a wry smile. Again, she just couldn’t resist. “Oh, I doubt that Dusky would be at all interested in Luna's Night…” “I've seen mo-Luna's night enough times, Tempest.” Dusky commented with a definite blush that showed even on her midnight blue fur. Tempest trailed off to silence, given the ‘look’ that Airmail shot her, although the look was undermined somewhat by the giggle that escaped her lips. “Is the Summer Solstice a big event here in Trottingham?” “Yes,” Mist answered as she came back into the dining room from the kitchen having set the dishwasher going. “It is a big event. Four years ago Princess Celestia came to celebrate it with us.” Suddenly curious, especially given that she’d never seen one outside of Canterlot, Wildfire asked, “What are they like, these events?” “Here it is a big faire.” Tempest affirmed. Airmail nodded and joined in. “It’s the same for Stallion Island. You can listen to Mapper in her natural environment.” “They do sound cool,” Wildfire enthused as they moved back from the dining room through to the living room. “It sounds like the funfair we went to years ago, Dusky.” The little blind mare smiled then, a lovely thought entering her head for a moment. “Besides, it’ll be nice to listen to Mistress at her work.” Lightning perked his ears up at that as the old stallion sat back down in his comfy chair. “Mapper have you roped into that game, Wily?” He asked kindly. “Oh yes, I asked to be her Pet, and she accepted me,” Wildfire said with a definite shudder. That day, although well behind her now, was still fresh in her memory for the good as well as the bad reasons. “Eventually.” “Don't you let my old dad fool you, Wily.” Tempest nuzzled her little marefriend’s cheek. “Both of them had a lot of fun when Mapper last paid a visit.” Wildfire nodded at that and returned the nuzzle as affectionately as she could in the cloudominium’s living room. “Pretty and Honey play it with me too, we've had lots of fun together these past few days.” Storm once more took up his place on the cloud couch where he could quietly and safely observe Dusky’s hindquarters. “You still having those meet ups with the zebra and the herd?” He asked with an interested grin, his imagination beginning to imagine Dusky at the party. “Twice a month.” Airmail confirmed. “This Thursday is gaming night, bro.” Tempest commented as she took her seating pad on Wildfire’s right. Dusky, who was about to say something, paused when Brush Stroke leant in close to her and whispered in the midnight blue pegasus's ear. Five seconds later and a very wide sexy smile spread over her muzzle. “That’s a good idea my love…” she purred, kissing her Master’s lips. When she pulled away she turned to Mist and Lightning. “Um, if you don't mind, we're going to go to the park near here that Stormy mentioned earlier at dinner.” “Quality time.” Brush Stroke elaborated as Dusky bit her lip. “Have fun you two!” Tempest called, politely seeing her two friends to her parents’ front door. “What time would you like to meet up tomorrow at your dad’s flower shop?” “Would about eleven-ish in the morning be alright?” Brush Stroke answered quickly, pausing at the open door to address his gracious hosts. “Thank you Sir, Ma’am, for having us this evening.” Next to his lover, Dusky gave the elderly couple a bow of gratitude. “Thank you indeed for the lovely dinner Mr. Lightning, Ms. Mist. We had a great evening with you all.” To her best friend, she giggled playfully. “Have fun tonight, Miss Wily.” “This pony is tired.” Airmail gave a long and very exaggerated yawn once Dusky and Brush Stroke had taken their leave for their romantic moonlight adventures. It was a yawn so deep that even Wildfire could tell how tired she was. “It was a long and fast flight here.” All exaggeration aside, the azure blue mare genuinely was exhausted, and she did fancy a little ‘quality time’ of her own with her fiancé. Yawning herself, Wildfire flexed her yellow wings. It was only when Airmail had said to the room that she was tired did she too feel it, like a contagious yawn spreading. “Ugh, this little pegasus's wings are gonna drop off I think, it has been a long, eventful long flight.” “I'm going to go tuck these two in.” Tempest announced as she stood up and stretched her legs. “Up for a game of Bridge when I get back?” Lighting nodded eagerly. “Sure thing. The usual? Colts versus the fillies?” The old stallion asked with a knowing grin, after all, it had been a while since he’d lost to the fillies. Also sniffing some quality alone time of their own, Wildfire stood up and giggled, “Aww, thanks Mommy Tempy!” “No problem, my little foal.” Flicking her black tail under Wildfire’s nose, Tempest took the lead, although Airmail of course knew where she was going. It was only a short little walk from the living room up to the first floor’s common sleeping room which was a communal bedroom large enough to comfortably hold eight ponies. Quietly, as she was listening, sniffing and feeling her way around, getting the feel of the place constructed almost entirely from cloud. For a pegasus raised entirely on the ground in Canterlot, it felt…different. Not odd as such, just different. “It’s just like old times, me following your tail, Honey.” Wildfire giggled, even that felt strange to say, old times, seeing as the old times in question were only eleven days ago. “True,” Tempest giggled as she opened the door to the large rear bedroom and entered ahead of her marefriends. “But I haven't had to pee on it for several days.” Entering the bedroom, still feeling her way tentatively around, Wildfire giggled. “Oh that was fun, tongue-cleaning your sexy tail.” “Yes it was, now try not to keep Airy awake.” Tempest smiled, leading her blind lover to the spacious bed and resting her hoof upon the side of it. “You know how the olden ponies need their rest.” Nonplussed, Airmail stuck out her tongue. “Ha, ha, har de har, har.” Wildfire sniggered as she hopped up onto the cloud bed. At least now she was at the same height as the much taller violet pony. “No Mommy Tempy,” she squeaked, “I'll make sure we get to sleep.” Giving both of her lovers a long hard kiss and a nuzzle apiece, Tempest made sure to get an extra nuzzle in with the blind mare now she was her height for a change. “Don't wait up, you two. We'll be along in a couple of hours after we win.” Returning the kiss as hard as she could, given that she was really tired, Wildfire said; “Go kick flank in your game, Honey.” “I've watched them play.” Airmail snickered, making sure to get a last nuzzle in with Tempest before the violet weather pony departed the communal bedroom to start her game. “Mapper doesn't much care for the game, but Serenity does and I've partnered with her before.” “I’ve never played bridge,” Wildfire commented, shifting a little as she felt the cloud bed move with Airmail’s weight landed on it next to her. “I used to be alright at poker though.” Airmail giggled and affectionately nipped her lover’s ear. “Now that is more Mapper’s game. I also enjoy poker. Serving in the military does teach one a few things.” “I am, or I was, pretty decent at five card draw,” Wildfire started, “and I guess I learnt how to bluff in the care home.” She smiled at that, and when she felt her fiancé lower herself to the bed, she did likewise, laying her head against the older mare’s shoulder. Airmail hung her wing and her foreleg over Wildfire’s smaller shoulders. “I'm sure everypony had a hard time reading your eyes.” Wildfire couldn’t help but grin at that. “Oh I dunno, you seem to read me pretty well, Pretty.” “Not really,” Airmail admitted, “I'm a good guesser, but it will take time to become familiar with you. Still, I want to learn more about you every day.” She purred in her left ear, adding a delicate little kiss for good measure. Lifting her head up from Airmail’s shoulder, Wildfire kissed her lips. “You know when I'm crying, you know when Wildflower's had enough and is about to say 'Peaches'.” She punctuated her sentence with a second, this time longer, kiss. Airmail smiled, somewhat sadly. Deep down, she was still worried this was a fly-by-night thing. She was well aware of her advancing forty eight years, and how much younger and fitter than her Tempest was. “Wily, be my blanket tonight.” She asked plainly, feeling so very vulnerable right then. “It would be my genuine pleasure,” Wildfire picked up on the subtle change in her lover’s voice. She sounded…raw, and she had a fair idea why. Peppering her azure blue muzzle with flowery little kisses until they both giggled, she continued; “Fiancé. Y'know, you aren't gonna be Fireflight's aunt now, right?” Airmail smiled in spite of her maudlin mood. Try as she might, she just couldn’t shake the worry that the little blind mare would realise her mistake and want to marry somepony else. Somepony younger. “I like to think of myself as nanny.” She said finally, though she thought she knew where Wildfire was going. “You don't want to be her mum with me?” “Now you're just being silly.” Airmail couldn’t help but smile though. It was the way she had asked the question that got to her. So simplistic, so honest and innocent, not a trace of ego or hubris. So…genuine. Airmail could tell she wasn’t playing games with her. “Wily, I want to be involved in every part of Fireflight's life, and with Hope's life too. Nanny is a very important and trusted position. I've already had plenty of practice, after all.” “I'm allowed to be silly.” Wildfire stated as she gave her hesitant lover a nuzzle. “Because I'm cute and sexy and I can get away with it.” She gave her a kiss straight to her lips. “You'll be the most awesomest nanny ever!” Airmail’s old and scared heart almost melted at that. “And I have faith that you will be as awesome a mother as your mother was.” “Do you think so?” Now there was doubt creeping into Wildfire’s voice. Her mother had some pretty big horseshoes to fill, parent-wise, in her opinion. She had practically deified Silverbolt in the twelve years since her death. “I hope so, what if I'm not though, what if I suck at it?” “You're being silly again.” Airmail said as she kissed her nose reassuringly. “You have the herd at your back, but you do have the most important ingredient to be a good mom.” When Wildfire huddled in close to her, with her ears slicked back, she continued, “You have love, my love, and that is what matters in the end.” Wildfire nodded at that, her ears going back up once more. “I have you, and the herd, and you…” she blushed slightly, “And I'm glad I have you, it’s like you're helping me wake up from everything that’s happened to me.” “That's good, as you are keeping me young.” Airmail smiled so much it could be heard in her voice. Her mind turned once more to the wedding, the wedding that she now believed more than ever was going to happen. “Is it okay if we both wear a dress for the wedding?” “That’s totally fine with me, babe.” Wildfire smiled as she kissed her fiancé, she absolutely wanted to feel her in a dress. “Do you want to wait till after Fireflight is able to walk,” Airmail asked, “or should be push forward with this?” “Oh, I don't know...what do you want?” Airmail wanted, right then and there, to hold her and squeeze her and love her and never, ever let go until the sun stopped rising in the sky. “Love, I want you to be happy, and I want the herd to be happy.” She settled on that for now. “I'm yours now, and I will remain yours after we are married.” Wildfire giggled like a love-struck little filly. “Please, say that last bit again.” “I'm yours, you're mine, we're the herds’.” Wildfire nestled as deep into her older lover as she could. “That sounds so cool, to think I'm gonna be married soon, and to somepony as awesomes as you…” she went silent as she buried her head against the azure blue chest. “I…I never thought I'd ever be this happy before I met you.” That made Airmail’s mind up. The sheer openness, the honesty, the baring of her soul, made her mind up. “Then, I'll take that as a sooner rather than later.” “I'd like that,” Wildfire whispered, “I’d like that a lot.” “We'll talk with the rest of the mini-herd and we’ll set a definite date when we get back to Manehatten.” Airmail said, peppering each word with a delicate flowery kiss all the way up Wildfire’s neck to the tip of her ear. “By sooner though, I do mean sooner. You do plan on spending time with Tinkerer and Belle after the gaming night, I hope.” “Yuppers, I do.” Wildfire answered straightaway. “See, now that I'm able, I really want this filly.” She paused for a second as a thought entered her head. “Pretty, you’ve been with Stormy for ages, you never thought of marrying her?” Surely, Tempest was a much better prospect than she was, not being disabled and all. Airmail once more kissed and this time she lovingly nipped the blind mare’s ear. “We talked about it after Mapper married Serenity. They did it for legal reasons because of Serenity's extraordinary bond to Mapper. For Stormy and I there was no compelling legal reason to marry. We are a herd and that is what really mattered.” “Sooo, what made you say yes to me?” Wildfire asked, flicking her ear, “I mean, I'm super glad you did.” “Because…there is no compelling legal reason for us to marry either.” Airmail licked and kissed the inside of her ear now, “There is a compelling emotional reason though.” She said, tentatively baring her innermost, “For me, and I hope there is for you, too.” The longing hopefulness was clear in Airmail’s voice. Wildfire didn’t need her eyes to see how much she had just bared of herself then, in that intimate, private moment. “Airmail, I love you.” She didn’t have to think about what she was saying. It was all there and straight from her heart. “Ever since the moment I first laid my hooves on you I've loved you. The moment you made me your Wildflower I've loved you.” She kissed her fiancé. “Airmail, you saved me, in every way possible you saved me, and I'm yours, wholly and totally and forever, yours.” “Good, one moment then.” Airmail said thickly, choking through a couple of tears as she got off of the bed. “Wait there.” Without further explanation, she rummaged in her saddle bag until she found the elusive thing she was looking for and returned to the bed. “Now, hold still.” She said with a commanding tone as she placed the two-tone blue and violet collar around her neck, blue side up. “You are mine, now and always mine.” Wildfire felt the weight of the collar around her neck, the security and the freedom of the collar, and she nodded. “I'm yours, and I couldn't be happier.” “Rest for now, my love.” Airmail very gently pulled her diminutive lover down until she was laid facing her on the pillows under the comforter. “Tomorrow is another day to see Stormy's hometown, and then we have more flying to do.” Wildfire allowed herself to be moved until she was laid down on her side. “Airy, can the collar stay on, please?” “Yes,” Airmail smiled, for her lover looked really good wearing it. “If Mapper should want to put your other collar on, I'll let her decide if it is above or below this one.” “I don't want to ever take it off.” Wildfire felt for and gently kissed her fiancé’s lips. “Mistress, can you do something for me, before we go sleep?” “Ask me, and I'll see if I can.” “Kiss my scars, please?” Wildfire asked with a blush colouring her cheeks. “Kiss them like you did in Caffy's shop that Thursday when we met, please?” Not for the first time, Airmail’s heart melted. She couldn’t help it, she was just that adorable. “You. Have. Beautiful. Eyes.” Airmail punctuated each word with a kiss to the acid scars that covered her empty eye sockets. Extremely touched, Wildfire sniffed, “Th-Thanks P-Pretty. When you did that the first time, that's when I knew I truly loved you.” Airmail bumped Wildfire’s nose with her own. “I'm really happy you fell for my cheesy lines that day. I'm happy you've forgiven me and I'm filled with nothing but joy to be your wife.” Wildfire blushed again. “I’m ah, I'm still sorry I yelled at you…” she whispered quietly. “Those things I accused you of were just horrid babe.” She kissed her lips lovingly, “Now then, I do believe I am to be your blanket, Mistress?” “Yes,” Airmail found all her worries had suddenly evaporated. She didn’t even know why she was ever worried about it in the first place. “Let your wing cover me and your breath soothe me.” Wildfire snuggled and laid in very close to her azure blue fiancé, her yellow wing draped protectively over her. “Good night my love. Good night and sweet dreams.” ~ ~ ~ The next morning – Tuesday - in the darkness of the communal bedroom, Storm woke up early for weather duty following Luna sent dreams that involved him, Dusky and copious amounts of whipped cream. Airmail was up early at five a.m. purely because she was Airmail and just couldn’t sleep in if her life depended on it. Mist also got up as she thought, rightly or not, perhaps, that it was the host’s job to serve the guests. Leaving Lightning and Tempest in the large bed, Wildfire also woke up as she was a naturally light sleeper. “Ugh…” she winced as she stretched, “good morning, Pretty.” Gently she rolled out of the bed onto the floor and flexed her wings. She decided this move was immediately a stupid thing to have done as white hot pain shot all the way from her flight muscles down to her wing tips. “D-Damn, I'm feeling that flight today…” Airmail was there straightaway to offer the type of nuzzle that fixed all of life’s problems before she led her little lover down the stairs. “Let's get some breakfast in our bellies and then we can trade wing rub downs in the bath.” “O-Oooh-Oow-Okay babe, I like the sound of that,” Wildfire grimaced as she reached the bottom of the stairs and forced her wings away to their resting positions at her sides. They didn’t go easily though and the pain was still there, almost familiar in its intensity. “Ugh...it feels like Lotus Stripes has jumped all over them!” “There is some deep rub wing oils in the lower bathroom,” Storm called out from the kitchen where he was helping Mist with the stove. “And, who is this Lotus Stripes?” He asked, naturally curious of the name. “He was the second in command Warden at my old place, the care home,” Wildfire replied, not shrinking from divulging the information. “A huge earth pony plothole.” Storm snickered at that, suddenly imagining Dusky’s plothole. Thankfully he was in the kitchen and his blush was hidden from everypony but his mother. “Hopefully he is locked away with the rest of them and some other plothole is jumping on him.” Wildfire sniggered at that. “Ha! That's my hope, Storm.” “Scrambled eggs with cheese good for you, Wily?” Mist called once the temperamental old stove was up to the right heat. Wildfire bounced happily at that. While not oatmeal, she couldn’t deny she loved her some scrambled eggs. Especially with cheese. Suddenly the flight here was all worth it. “Ooooh!” She bounced so hard she dented the floor in the living room. “Yuppers, please!” Airmail smiled as she shook out her own aching wings. “I'll cut up some fresh fruit to go with it.” “I got the hot sauce!” Storm added helpfully. “You can do the coffee, too.” Airmail ‘ordered’, gently swatting his pale lavender hindquarters with her summer green tail. “Sure,” Storm grinned as he set the hot sauce down on the kitchen counter and got started with the coffee maker machine that was almost as old as him. It was a family joke that at least it worked harder. “No problem, Airy.” Wildfire entered the kitchen, feeling a little like the proverbial third wing. “Hey, can I help with anything, or anything?” Airmail smiled at her little mare, very proud of just how easily she made her way around the new house environment she was in. “Wily, you want to help me with this fruit?” “Alrighty my lovely!” It was clear to everypony in the kitchen that the little blind mare was in a very good mood this morning. Airmail guided Wildfire to stand by her side and she passed her a cantaloupe and a honey dew melon. She could feel the trash can waiting to her right with her forehoof. Following the older mare’s instructions she took up a knife and cut them in half before scooping out the seeds and cutting the fruit into wedges. As she worked she hummed away to herself as she dumped the seeds in the bin. Airmail watched her work and tried to guess the song she was humming - it was either ‘Good as Gold’ or ‘Prettiest Eyes’ – as Mist was churning out plate after plate of cheesy scrambled eggs. “Oils said to meet up at eleven, later, so we have plenty of time to do a rub down in a very hot bath.” Wildfire snickered at that, once her fruit chopping task was completed. “That’s only ‘cos D won't be up till nine and she takes so long getting ready!” She giggled and did a happy little hoof dance in time with her humming as she cleaned the detritus from her chopping board into the trash can. “Well,” Airmail considered that for a moment as she too finished chopping up her chosen fruit. “Oils wants to be seen out and about with a pretty Dusky and not a Dusky with bed mane.” Quickly, Wildfire nodded. “That’s a good point babe, well made.” It was then, as Storm finished making the four mugs of coffee and Mist served up the plates of scrambled eggs with cheese onto the breakfast bar in the kitchen, that the pale lavender pegasus stallion noticed the blue and violet collar buckled around Wildfire’s neck. “I like your fashion accessory, Wily.” He said as they all took their seating pads. Wildfire sniffed her plate as she got comfortable, catching a hint of the sauce that Storm was currently applying to his breakfast. “Storm, can I get the hot sauce next, please?” Smiling, she then rubbed at her collar with her free forehoof. “This? My Pretty claimed me as hers last night, so cue me one loved up pegasus!” Storm snickered and passed the hot sauce to the waiting hoof. “I thought she claimed you the moment she laid eyes on you.” He commented then he set the very strong coffee on the bar too, one steaming mug for each pony. “Yuppers, that’s true,” Wildfire replied as she took the offered bottle in her hoof and liberally applied the hot sauce all over her cheesy scrambled eggs. “And I fell for her the moment my hooves touched her muzzle, but last night felt different...it just felt, right.” She took to munching on her eggs, choosing to dive in muzzle first like Airmail than use her fork. “Wowsers!” She exclaimed, whistling at the burning heat in the sauce. Storm chuckled as he too ate his hot sauce with eggs on the side. “Good thing the two of you are getting married then. You'll finally make an honest pony out of Airmail.” He commented, earning a raspberry for his trouble. Wildfire giggled, “Well, that might be a task beyond even me Storm, but I'll give it a try!” She laughed at that when Airmail delivered a well-placed lick up the inside of her ear. “I'm off to work.” Storm announced to the ponies around the breakfast bar ten minutes later when his plate of scrambled eggs had been consumed and his coffee drank. “I’ll see you all later.” Mist stood up as well a second later and after she set the dishes in the dish washer said after a nuzzle to Airmail and Wildfire; “I need to head on over to the office too. You two enjoy your bath.” Smiling, after stealing a heated hot sauce flavoured kiss from Wildfire she trotted out into the early morning chill with her son. Braving the inherent dangers of the hot sauce, Airmail gave her little mare a kiss. “When you’re ready, we can go take that bath.” Quickly, Wildfire returned the kiss and licked her lips. “Oh, I'm so ready, my love.” “Let me tidy up a bit then, first.” Airmail said before she quickly gathered up the remaining dirty dishes and put them away in the dishwasher. “Gaah!” Wildfire suddenly hung her tongue out as the after burn from the hot sauce kicked in and burnt her tongue. “Phew! Wowsers, that hot sauce was hot!” She panted with a giggle. Once all the dishes were cleaned away, the coffee mugs were cleaned and the kitchen worktops wiped down, Airmail did a ‘Tempest’ and flicked her summer green tail under Wildfire’s nose to lead her back up the stairs. This time they walked past the large communal bedroom to go to the equally expansive first floor bathroom. “Did putting the collar on you put you in your happy place?” Airmail asked as she turned on the hot water faucet. “Yuppers, but…but it’s more than that, babe…” Wildfire went quiet for a moment, just sat in the wide tub enjoying the gently sloshing hot water that steadily rose up around her. “Last night while you were sleeping, I um, I had a moment. Well, I had a nightmare, if I'm honest.” Airmail paused in her reaching for the muscle relaxing bath oils and turned to face the blind mare. “Oh? You didn't wake me, what was it?” Wildfire didn’t answer straight away. She was quiet, gathering her thoughts, breathing in the scents of juniper and wintergreen as Airmail added them to the hot steaming water. “The ah, the wardens, at the home, had just beat me and were breaking my wings and shutting me in the box…” again, she went quiet while Airmail waded over and held her close but she herself remained quiet, waiting for her to continue. “Then, something happened in my dream that never happened before. It was different. I was screaming for help, Amethyst was about to close the box when you, Tempest, Mapper and Serenity all came and got me out. You picked me up and held me while the others chased off the wardens. That's when I realised something.” Airmail wanted to speak, but she found herself unable, due to the hot salty tears in her eyes and the lump in her throat. Instead she nuzzled her fiancé. “I realised I'm not scared of them anymore.” Wildfire continued, “Amethyst Glory, Lotus Stripes, Amber Leaves, Jubilee, Hazel and Ruby. They can’t touch me anymore. They can’t hurt me anymore. Because I am free, and I have you.” There were no words. Just, no words to describe how proud Airmail was of Wildfire at that moment. To have the inner strength to change her nightmare on her own, after everything she had been through, remarkable. She was again reminded why she loved her, if a reminder was necessary. “That must be a huge weight off your shoulders, Wily.” Wildfire nodded and sat back in the tub, reclining backwards until the water reached up to her neck. “Aaaah!” She sighed as the oil laced water eased the knotted muscles. “It feels like waking up from a very long drawn out nightmare, Pretty.” She stroked her collar before wrapping her forehooves around her lover in the water next to her. “Want to know what else I realised last night, babe?” Airmail snuggled into her mare in the hot water. She too held a sigh as the water worked on her aching flight muscles. “You love me the mostest?” She asked with a smile. “Well duh!” She giggled and kissed Airmail’s wet nose. “I'm Wildfire. I'm also Wildflower.” She passionately kissed Airmail’s lips. “Not because I have to be, but because I want to be.” Again, Airmail didn’t have the words. “You are your own mare now.” She said, settling after a moment. “Playful and alive.” She was going to lay a full on kiss on her fiancé’s lips, but at the last second she instead kissed her scarred empty eye sockets. “And this will not hold you back.” “It took me a while to come to these realisations,” Wildfire said with a definite blush colouring her cheeks when her scars were kissed. “It hasn't been easy for any of us, I daresay, and I'm sure I have a long ways to go, but for now, nothing's holding me back.” She used her forehoof to lift Airmail’s head and kiss her. “Nothing is holding us back.” Airmail returned the kiss. “Now for that wing massage. I decree that older ponies go first.” She said with a bright little giggle. “You're right, Pretty, us.” Wildfire giggled, “And of course you can go first.” Smiling, Airmail glanced over her shoulder as she sat up and positioned herself so that her back was towards her lover. “The oils are on the shelf above you to your left. Use the centre one please on me. It is lavender scented. The other is rose and jasmine.” “Alrighty!” Sitting up in the bath, slowly so as not to slosh the water about too much, Wildfire reached a tentative hoof up and to the left, first touching the shelf and then counting the bottles out and selecting the middle one, which was slightly larger than the others. “Of course, you putting this collar on me made me happy too.” She then checked its smell to make sure it was lavender, and spread it gently over both of Airmail’s wing joints. “You like lavender, Pretty?” She asked as she used both hooves to massage the oil into her wings, paying extra attention to the bases near the barrel. Airmail giggled at that, mostly to cover the low moan that escaped her mouth, a moan that got deeper and a little lustier as her muscles were massaged. “Grandma’s should smell of lavender. It does smell nice and that feels soooo very good!” “Well, you've already got the blue rinse sorted.” Wildfire giggled as she massaged over Airmail’s knotted shoulder joints all the way out to the elbows and right to the fingers of her wings. “Pretty, can I keep the collar on all the time?” “AAaaaAH!” Airmail struggled to answer at first, the pleasure was so great it was hard to concentrate. “As long as I or Stormy can flip it when we like.” “Of course you can, my love.” Wildfire replied, her hooves now starting to rub the lavender oil into the feathers on her wings, starting with the primaries. “Nothing's changed with how much I love Stormy.” “We both know that,” Airmail affirmed, openly panting with pleasure when the massage reached her feathers. “Marriage will not change that, but strengthen it.” Behind her, Wildfire leant forward to playfully nip at Airmail’s ear. “I still love you mostest.” At that, she squeezed more of the lavender oil onto the soles of her forehooves and rubbed it sensuously into the muscles around the shoulder of her wings. After a couple of minutes of this, Wildfire scooped up some water in her hoof and allowed it to drip through her summer green mane, quickly followed by a lavender coated hoof, humming as she worked. “Hmmmm…” Airmail purred under the attention of her lover and her very talented hooves. “This is what relaxation is all about…” Wildfire just smiled as she continued to work her mane with her hoof, leaning forward as she did so to nip and lick down the back of Airmail’s neck, teasing the fur straight with her teeth and lips. “I oooh, I see I got the aaah, massage with the extra personal touch.” “I’m only too happy to make my Airy happy,” Wildfire giggled as she trailed sumptuous nips and luxurious kisses down both sides of Airmail’s neck. Airmail, for her part, was more than content to allow Wildfire to have her way with her until she was ready for her own massage. After several long, pleasure filled moments, she planted a kiss at the base of her tail. “Do me, Pretty?” “With pleasure.” Airmail purred as the pleasure from the massage lingered in her body. “Which scent do you want? I'm guessing the jasmine.” Wildfire smiled, picturing her jasmine scented lover coating her in the same scent. “I was gonna ask for jasmine.” “You are one spicy little mare.” Airmail smiled as she gently moved Wildfire into the desired massage receiving position and got the jasmine scented oil from the bathroom shelf. “You’ll let me know if I put too much pressure, won’t you?” “Alrighty, Pretty, I promise I will.” Airmail, like Wildfire, had done this many a time. With her sparkling clean forehooves coated in the jasmine oil, she started on her diminutive mare’s neck and worked her way very slowly indeed down to her wing muscles wrapping her barrel before moving on to the wings themselves. “Muuuuurr…” Wildfire purred happily, “hmmm I can stand a bit of this…” Airmail’s grin was tangible. “I hope so, as you will be getting, and giving, a lot of this in your near future.” “Oooh I hope that's a promise,” Wildfire moaned lustily as her sensitive muscles were massaged. “This is heaven!” Once she was finished with Wildfire’s wings, Airmail adjusted her position slightly and began to work on massaging her forelegs and then her hind legs. Wildfire let out a giggle as she got nearer to her hooves. “I think...oooh...I think your techniques aaaaah-are better than mine,” she panted. “Practice my love,” Airmail smiled, “Just practice.” “Oooh and it shows!” Wildfire moaned, melting happily in the relaxingly hot water. “So, when you aaah, said soon, for the wedding, how MmmMMmmm soon is soon?” “As soon as we have it planned.” Airmail replied, finishing her massage and turning her fiancé around to face her in the tub. “I need to check the calendar, but are you sure you’d like Coffee Bean to preside over it?” Wildfire nodded as she settled back into her reclining position. “I'd love her to, I reckon she's an excellent choice, Airy.” “Is there a day of the week you like or maybe a calendar date, or month or some holiday that’s special to you?” “Well,” Wildfire pondered that for a moment, allowing the hot soothing water to ease her thoughts. “We met each other on the twenty fifth of this month, and July is rugby world cup month, and it’s my birthday month…” she began to get very excited, “And the Manehatten Sharks are playing it at home this year!” “We are not getting married in a stadium.” Airmail deadpanned, making sure to emphasise the word ‘not’. Wildfire giggled, “Maybe in the changing rooms then?” Airmail sighed, though it was a good natured sigh. “I'd rather your attention was on me and not on some sweaty flank when we get married. You'll have time enough for sweaty flanks when we do the interviews. There is a full moon celebration at the Zebra Hall next month on the seventeenth of May and again on the fifteenth of June if you want a midnight wedding and a new moon celebration on the first of June for a noon wedding.” “No amount of sweaty flank could compare to you, sexy.” Wildfire giggled, “I do like the idea of a midnight wedding. That'd be cool.” “The seventeenth may be pushing it for this month, but, it can be done.” Airmail said, her ordered military mind already slotting plans into place. “Planning for the fifteenth of next month will be easy. When is your next heat?” She asked, thinking ahead for when Wildfire would be visiting Tinkerer. “The fifteenth of June sounds good to me...” Wildfire answered, “I usually go into heat around the middle of the month, the second week or so.” Airmail cocked her head and thought about that. “So, you going to spend some time with Tinkerer during your next heat then?” Wildfire nodded, a tiny teeny bit of nervousness creeping back in, despite the relaxing water. “It sh-should be ne-next month now, in a couple of weeks maybe, and yuppers, I was thinking about it.” Since Airmail had begun massaging Wildfire’s hind legs with her forehooves, she decided to give her lover a very, very intimate long slow lick straight between her legs. “Love, why are you so nervous?” “O-Oooh…HMMmmm...” Wildfire purred and automatically spread her hind legs apart for her fiancé. “Um, what if he doesn't like me?” She fretted, “What if I go and do something wrong? I don't have much experience with stallions, and the experience I do have isn’t very good…” Airmail silenced the fretting blind mare with another slow lick straight up between her hind legs. “Wily, I think you worry too much,” she said kindly. “You've met them both. Belle will be there with you to help and guide. You took that mounting at the house and on the train pretty well. I can be there also if you wish. We are herd, you can have all of us there if you like, and Tinkerer agrees.” At that, Wildfire visibly relaxed into the water, thanks in no small part to Airmail’s skilled tongue. “I'm oooh, I’m being silly, I know...I’m sorry babe. I'd like you there, if you don't mind.” Airmail giggled, her hooves massaging ever higher on her mare’s hind legs, now up to her thighs. “I'll only mind if you want Tinkerer to practice on me first.” Now Wildfire giggled a bright happy giggle, all the time spreading her hind legs apart. “No that’s ok, that'd be a bit too much above and beyond the call of duty I think.” Moving forward, Airmail kissed her way all the way up her fiancé’s front from her crotch to her lips. “I would though, if that is what you wanted. But, if I did I'd wear him out so much you may have to wait till your next heat!” She giggled and placed a second kiss on Wildfire’s lips. “I don’t doubt it, missy.” Wildfire kissed Airmail’s lips and playfully booped her nose. “I’ve waited years to have this filly, I'm not waiting anymore.” Airmail beamed a smile so wide it was almost wider than her face. “Now, that is the confident Wily I want to hear.” Another kiss was placed on her lover’s lips. “How are you feeling, as I'm feeling frisky.” “Oh?” Wildfire snickered up at the older mare on top of her. She’d never felt so much love for anypony in a very, very long time. “Who's this frisky, and why are you feeling her and not me?” “Frisky is my middle name and you don't know where my hoof is.” “Well miss frisky, I'm not going to say no, and I'd love to know where your hoof is.” Immediately, Airmail moved her right forehoof from between her own hind legs and rested it between Wildfire’s hind legs, on her pubic mound just above the entrance to her hot wet marehood. “Still trying to figure it out?” “Hmmm!” Wildfire arched her back as she felt the frog of Airmail’s hoof between her hind legs, applying just the right amount of pressure above her clitoral hood to get her going. “Aaah...Wildflower's getting the picture.” “My hooves are extra clean,” Airmail’s voice was extra husky, “should I play hide the hoof?” Wildfire let out a desperate little whimper, “Oh, yes please!” Slowly, agonisingly slowly, Airmail moved her hoof down over Wildfire’s entrance and with the tiniest amount of pressure she pushed the toe of her azure blue hoof in to her marehood, slowly twirling her leg some as the muscular walls spread apart to grant her access. “Yes please, what?” Wildfire shuddered happily. “Hmm, y-yes please Mistress!” She squeaked, realising the game had begun, and this was her willing place in the scene. “Please Mistress,” she begged, “Please keep doing what you're doing, please!” ‘Sweet Luna above, she is so cute when she begs like that, with my hoof in her like that…’ Airmail thought, the wide smile ever wider on her face. “Oh, I will Wildfire, but first, what is your safe word?” “Peaches, Mistress.” “Then relax and enjoy this moment.” Airmail commanded simply, moving her mouth to lick and tease her lover’s labia to help her open up further to allow her hoof entry as she gently pushed in past the toe. Totally relaxing in the hot steaming water, Wildfire lowered her forehooves to her spreading marehood and, taking hold of her labia she pulled herself wide open. “Oooh…hmmm Airy, that's beautiful!” Airmail continued to push, passing the sole and the frog of her hoof inside her open tunnel. “You're beautiful, my Wildflower, and let nopony tell you otherwise.” She purred sexily, at last slipping the bulbs of her heel in her. Even after all the times that she had hoofed her, Airmail was still amazed her hoof fit inside the tiny pony. “Oh!” Wildfire gasped as she felt the heel enter her sopping wetness. “Y-Yeees…n-no I aaaah, I won't…” as she began to slowly rock the hoof deeper inside her, Airmail continued to gently lick and nibble her way around the hard nubbin that was her clit and Wildfire bucked her hips upwards to meet the questing hoof. “Yeeees...deeper, please!” Airmail smirked. She also stopped what she was doing. “Say again, Wildflower?” “S-Sorry Mistress!” Wildfire whined when the pleasurable sensations stopped. She very quickly got the message. “P-Please...hmm...deeper, Mistress...” Airmail’s smirk deepened, as did the love she felt for the mare that was her lover, her fiancé and her Pet. She pushed her foreleg in up to her fetlock while her other hoof rubbed her rock hard nipples. “I will so enjoy these when they’re swollen and full of milk.” “NaaAAaa!” Wildfire moaned, “Th-They're all yours Mistress!” Harder now, she bucked her hips against the hoof that was going ever deeper inside her, spreading her, filling her. “Everything I am is yours!” “You are mine, my Wildflower,” Airmail said, sliding in deeper, “but the foal you bear will be ours, always ours and never mine.” “Y-Yeees Mistress...she'll be ours!” Wildfire cooed at the wonderfully full feeling of the delving hoof inside her and as Airmail moved deeper still she leant down and bit sharply at her right fireball cutie mark. “AAaaAAH! Yeees Mistress...I like that, a lot!” Smiling, Airmail pushed her foreleg all the way in to the first joint. “You are nice and tight love.” “Y-Yes Mistress,” Wildfire murred, she knew she wasn’t all that tight, she’d offered almost no resistance to the hoof that she was currently gushing her juices around into the water as it got deeper. Without warning, Airmail bit her cutie mark again, a little harder this time leaving teeth marks as her foreleg slid out to show her hoof and then pushed it back in with more force. “GaaAAAH! Mistress yes! More, more of that pleeease!” Wildfire felt herself get wetter as the pain of the bite dulled to an ache. “M-Mistress, bite my hoof!” Airmail found herself thinking about it, but in the end she decided not to do that. Instead, she slid in deeper and sat in the tub, taking Wildfire’s left hind hoof into her lap and, after a moment, dug the toe of her other forehoof deep into the soft centre. Immediately, Wildfire squealed with the pain in her hoof mixed with the sheer pleasure of being hoofed. “Thankyouthankyou Mistress!” She breathed deeply, “D-Do it again, please!” At a quicker pace now, Airmail moved her leg in and out of Wildfire’s hot dripping snatch while she slapped the bulbs of the yellow mare’s hoof with her tip of her toe tip. “AAAAooOOOOW!” Wildfire shrieked at the top of her lungs, the intense pain making her hotter and wetter. “Thank you Mistress!” She screamed, on the point of orgasm as Airmail moved faster and deeper, just short of bumping while she spanked her hoof bottom with her hoof. Wildfire, lost in a haze of pleasure and pain, gurgled something as she felt her climax building. “M-May I cum, Mistress?” Very gently, Airmail tapped Wildfire’s cervix with her hoof. “Frequent and often, my love.” As she finished the last word she spanked the frog of her hoof hard. That did it. Wildfire screamed and arched her back, squirting her cum around Airmail’s hoof into the bath water. “YEeeeEEEsss! Aaahhh! Th-Thank you M-Mistress!” Lost in her post orgasm state, she rolled her head back, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Tapping her cervical wall a few more times, Airmail leant forward and chomped her cutie mark so hard she almost broke the skin under her yellow fur. Wildfire’s hind legs twitched and her hips bucked and she leaked like a geyser as she came a second and a third time. “Mi-Mi-Mi...” she tried to speak but gave up. “Th-Thanks…” As she softly rubbed Wildfire’s reddened hind hoof, Airmail slowly and carefully withdrew her right hoof from her stretched open marehood, being careful to keep her cum covered hoof out of the water. “You know, I think I could use some hoof cleaning. You up for it, Wildflower?” Just as Wildfire was about to take the offered hoof in her open willing mouth, the bathroom door opened and in walked Tempest wearing a bed head mane and a smirk on her face. “So, this is what happens when I sleep in…” she said with a wink. She had of course been woken up along with Lightning by the orgasmic screams a few moments before. Panting heavily, Wildfire lifted her head, especially she was panting at Airmail gently rubbing her hoof. “Y-Yes Mistress,” she then turned her head towards the sound of the door opening, “h-hey Honey.” “Good morning Wily, oh wait, Wildflower.” Tempest corrected herself just in time at the last second. “The collar looks nice on you.” She commented appreciatively. “I think the collar will be a part of her as Wildfire and as Wildflower.” Airmail explained to her herd-mate, “But you have the right of it for now.” “Thanks Honey,” Wildfire gasped, just about recovered from the three climaxes she’d just had, “I was just about to worship some hooves,” she smiled as she flexed her slightly sore hind hoof. “You wanna play?” “I just came in to freshen up and check in on you two.” Tempest giggled, although she was interested and very tempted to take her up on the offer. “I'm for breakfast though, and dad is cooking.” With that, the violet weather pony busied herself using the toilet and the sink before leaving the bathroom. Once Tempest’s black tail had disappeared from the bathroom, Airmail held up her cum covered hoof and she lightly tapped Wildfire’s nose. “Oh, I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Mistress.” Taking her lover’s hoof in her own, she stuck out her tongue and, running it around the toe of her hoof, she tasted herself. “Hmmm,” she moaned, already starting to get wet again. While Wildfire got busy cleaning her hoof, Airmail relaxed in the bath water that was sadly not all that hot anymore. The azure blue mare’s other hoof was lightly running along the blind mare’s flank, making Wildfire tingle at the touch when it lingered over the bite marks as she ran her tongue around the inner wall of her hoof before kissing all over the sole. “Hmm, that is nice, my love.” “Hmhmm Mithress…” Wildfire slurred as she sucked on each bulb at her heel, rubbing her wet nose over the sensitive frog. “If Stormy is awake, it must be getting late.” Airmail forced herself – albeit reluctantly – to concentrate. “When you finish up, we will need to get out and get dried off.” “As you wish, Mistress.” Much quicker than she would normally, Wildfire finished her tongue bathing of Airmail’s hoof by running her tongue up the frog before delicately grazing her teeth gently down it. She did recognise too that the scene was over. “Did you like that, Airy?” Airmail nodded, “I love you and I love what we do together.” Although, a teeny mote of doubt bothered her a little. “I didn't hurt you, did I?” “You hurt me a little,” Wildfire answered quickly and honestly, “but it was a good hurt, just what I asked for.” “Okay,” Airmail couldn’t hide the relief prevalent in her voice. “I'm still learning as I go. I may need some lessons from Mapper.” Sitting up in the rapidly cooling water, Wildfire kissed Airmail’s lips. “And, you do wonderfully, babe.” She kissed her once more, “I loved it when you dug your hoof in the frog of mine, that was just exquisite.” “Thank you,” Airmail blushed a little, “biting it seemed a bit too extreme for me.” Now, Wildfire blushed a little too. “I've always wanted to do that, I had a dream once where I was chained to a desk and a teacher caned the soles and frogs of my forehooves.” “Well now, that we could do after we get home.” Airmail replied, smiling a wide smile at the spreading look of excitement on the little yellow mare’s face. “I'm sure Mapper has some items of use for just such a fantasy.” “Really?” Wildfire couldn’t believe it. Absolutely could not believe it. “You…you'd do that for me?” Without warning she lunged forward and kissed her fiancé hard. Very hard. “After the caning, the teacher strapped up my wings so I had to walk on my aching hooves,” she grinned at the memory. “It was awesomes!” “Awesomes.” Airmail stated, even going so far as to use Wildfire’s terminology, for emphasis, “is when all of us enjoy the play. Pain for the sake of pain isn't all that fun.” “Well no,” Wildfire giggled, “I don't think I'd like to go that far outside of a dream, and I don't want you doing it just to make me happy, I want you to have fun too.” “That's the spirit,” Airmail smiled, satisfied with her lover’s answer as she got out of the now very cold bath water and pulled the plug. “We can have fun together.” “Yuppers, we can!” Wildfire replied with a smile as she too got out of the bath and dripped water onto the cloud-stuff of the bathroom floor. “Airy, is there anything at all that you'd really, really like to do or try that you've always wanted to do?” Turning on the wall mounted dryer, Airmail thought about that one for a moment. “I like to dance, then you know that. I like to watch ponies. I also like to take risks.” “Risks like trying hoofing?” Wildfire suggested as she kissed her older fiancé in the blast of warm air from the dryer. “That was so cool of you by the way. I think I'd like to take risks with you.” “So,” Airmail grinned as the hot air hit her back squarely between her wings, “If I was to suggest sex in the Canterlot Royal Gardens, you'd be good with that?” Wildfire didn’t have to even consider her answer. “Yuppers! Yes indeed, actually, anywhere where we might get caught is a huge thrill, or doing something in public, say a scene like the parade we did at Caffy’s place that Thursday?” “I'll be sure to keep that in mind.” Airmail promised, and she would too. She had banked that one for later use. When the dryer had finished its work, she leant and kissed Wildfire’s lips. “Ready to face the day and visit the city, along with Dusky and Oils?” “Yuppers, ooh!” She exclaimed, bouncing a little as a rather sexy idea came to her mind. “I tell you what would be sexy cool? Remote control vibrators, me wearing them, you with the controls, us at a party!” “I'm ready for anything with you by my side,” Airmail said, leading the way out of the bathroom, though she did pause at the door when she heard that last from the little blind pony following her green tail. “I believe open mic night has just gotten a lot more fun!” > Chapter 11 - Trottingham > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Let's see if Stormy has had her coffee and maybe we can sneak a second breakfast,” Airmail suggested with a little smile on her face. She knew, as she led the way down the stairs from the bathroom through the living room to the cloudominium’s kitchen that the chances of actually getting a second breakfast were sadly remote. “Alrighty Pretty,” Wildfire replied, setting her hoof upon the stairs. It was still a little odd to think all this was made of cloud when it felt like every other set of stairs, bath, bed and so on that she’d ever been in. “Although, I hope it’s not just the royal gardens you want to do it in,” she giggled, “there are other places.” Airmail nodded at that. As it happened, she did have a list she was eager to work through. “The lake at home is high on the list.” “Your office,” Wildfire countered. Airmail laughed out loud, pausing half way across the living room. “The only risk there is Lavender and Omega dropping popcorn on my carpet while they watch.” “Ha!” Wildfire joined her fiancé in the fit of laughter. She could very much see Lavender doing just that, which was why she suggested it. “Okay then, Stormy's office.” “We may have to chase out a dust bunny or two.” Airmail snickered, recalling just how dusty from sheer lack of use her violet herd-mate’s office was. Wildfire cocked her head to one side, apparently deep in thought, in an attempt to think of a better more public place than Tempest’s office. Thankfully one such place came quickly to her mind. “Oh! Ooh I know!” She exclaimed, all excited, “How about a museum, or a library?” “The Met sounds like fun.” Airmail said, considering what her lover had just voiced aloud. “Instead of a bucket list,” Wildfire snickered, a very fun little thought occurring to her then, she laughed at her own upcoming joke. “We need a buck-it list!” In his kitchen, busily eating his breakfast with his daughter, Lightning looked up from his bowl of oatmeal and mixed fruit when he heard Wildfire’s voice coming from the doorway of the living room. “You need a bucket list for what?” He asked, reaching for a peach slice. “Oh, just public places we can do it in.” Wildfire announced like she was discussing the weather, “so far we have the lake at home and The Met.” She grinned, feeling for an empty seating pad – which took a good few minutes – and getting comfortable on it. “Okay…” Deciding that he’d heard enough of that, Lightning got up from the breakfast bar and walked over to the coffee maker that Storm had put to such good use earlier. After all, like Mist said, good hosts looked after the guests. Tempest smirked from her place at the bar. “It’s good to see both of you have put your minds to good use.” “Yuppers!” Wildfire exclaimed brightly, smiling all the wider when she smelled the coffee granules and heard the coffee machine being switched on. She smiled the smile of one about to receive fresh coffee. “Oh and Airy suggested the royal gardens!” “Good of you to share, Wily.” Tempest snickered with a roll of her blue eyes before delving back into her bowl of fruit. “You're totally welcome Honey.” Wildfire beamed when her steaming mug of very hot, very fresh black coffee with two sugars was placed in front of her on the bar top. “Did you sleep well last night?” “I slept very well, thank you.” Tempest replied, but only after she emptied the half-full mug of coffee she already had and then took a welcome sip of the fresh full one her dad set before her. “There’s just…something, about a comfortable cloud bed at altitude.” Wildfire nodded at that. “Yuppers, it was lush. Oh!” She started, her brain suddenly thinking of what she and Airmail had been talking about up in the bathroom. At least, when they had talked as opposed to getting frisky in the hot water. “We set a date for the wedding.” “Tomorrow?” Tempest quipped, earning herself a snigger from Lightning and a stuck out tongue from her herd-mate. “And I still need to get my mane done.” Taking a sip of her own hot coffee, Airmail giggled at her violet marefriend once she set the mug down on the breakfast bar between them. “We decided on next month. June the fifteenth, at midnight.” “You going to do it at the hall?” “Yeah, Tempest,” Airmail answered, now with a definite smile in her voice that was palpable when she spoke of her fiancé and her upcoming marriage, “with Coffee Bean overseeing.” Tempest digested that along with a mouthful of her summer fruit mix. “Caffy will certainly like that news.” Wildfire, about to reach for her coffee with her left forehoof, paused when she had a thought about her upcoming wedding to Airmail. “Pretty, Honey, when we meet Oils' dad in his shop should we check his flowers out, maybe we can book them for the wedding if we like them?” “Yes,” Tempest agreed, “Yes we should. I'm bringing some back for mom.” Wildfire took that long sip of her coffee, relishing the bitter taste of the hot black liquid as it made its way down her willing throat. “If we like them Pretty, then that’s another thing we can tick off.” Concentrating on her fruit, Tempest wasn’t wholly listening. She just caught the last two words. “Tick off?” She asked, wondering what Wildfire meant. “Yuppers,” Wildfire began to explain, “Y’know like one of Dusky's checklists, we've sorted the date, place, time and pony in charge now.” “Flowers for our wedding.” Airmail said, feeling the need to explain further. At least the doubts she had the night before regarding Wildfire’s sincerity had diminished somewhat. That said though, she was still a little wary. No matter how hard she tried though, it seemed too good to be true. “Manehatten from Trottingham is a good ways to import flowers, but I'm sure Oil's dad would like the thought.” “Hmm okay,” Wildfire had her head to one side, in thought. “It is a bit far, I suppose.” “We can but ask.” Wildfire smiled, turning her head in Airmail’s direction. This wasn’t hard, she was as ever at the little yellow mare’s left. “We can’t lose anything by asking, Pretty.” “Let's visit the park I sent Dusky and Oils to last night,” Tempest said after a few minutes of solid munching when her bowl was at last empty and her belly full, which was her favourite equation. Empty bowl or plate equals full belly. “Then we can fly down to the flower shop afterwards.” “That sounds like a plan, Honey.” Wildfire agreed, and while she drained the rest of her thoroughly delicious coffee the little blind mare had another thought. “Ooh, who won the bridge game last night?” Lightning snickered as the old stallion finished his own breakfast and coffee then took the dishes over to the dishwasher. “We played best of three. The mares took the second and third games for the win.” He gave a little good natured pout as he filled the dishwasher. “Of course, the colts did do a victory dance after winning the first game.” Tempest filled in as she helped her dad by clearing away all the rest of the dishes and starting the wiping down of the kitchen worktop surfaces. “Vengeance was sweet indeed.” “Aaah sweet vengeance!” Wildfire let out a giggle, a giggle that only got louder when Tempest wiped the wet cloth over her hooves. Still giggling, she recited a short little poem from her time at university. “One day you will find, That vengeance is mine. Every single time, That I cross your mind.” Airmail listened intently, just like she did to all of her lover’s poems. She was amazed every time she heard one how she could think of them on the spot and when she didn’t, Airmail was impressed how she could remember the words. “Wily, remind me to not make you vengeful.” Wildfire giggled at that. “You won’t Pretty, nor will any of the herd.” “I think you'll like the park,” Tempest snickered into Wildfire’s right ear once the breakfast clean-up was complete and the work surfaces were shining clean. “It has an adult section too so you don't get bored watching the foals,” she purred as sexily as she could. Wildfire chuckled and flicked her right ear. “Honey, that does sound cool, though I doubt I'd get bored.” At that, almost like she was accepting a challenge, Tempest leant in and nuzzled Wildfire's cheek, her muzzle right next to her ear. “It is a good place for lovers too…” Straightaway, Wildfire returned the nuzzle with a little nip of her own to Tempest’s ear, though the diminutive yellow pegasus had to stretch up onto the tips of the toes of her hooves to do so. “Although, it is amazing how fast you can get bored watching foals…” while she was up there, she kissed Tempest’s ear. Once everypony was ready, with toilet usage and their hooves cleaned, the three mares left Tempest’s parents’ house for the park. From where they were in the Cloud District, it was a short but nonetheless enjoyable flight, what with the warm late morning sunshine on their backs and the clean crisp smelling air around them. Once they landed, Tempest and Airmail made every haste leading Wildfire around, taking extra care to show her all of the playsets – Wildfire was again amazed that everything was made of cloud-stuff – she found that the foals and adults equipment were mixed together. “Want to swing, Wily?” Tempest asked when they were back at the entrance gate. “Yuppers!” From the brief tour, Wildfire knew they were stood by the swings. “I certainly do!” “Push me too!” Airmail squeaked and bounced like a filly a fraction of her age as she helped guide Wildfire’s hooves towards the seat of the swing, “Push me too!” Laughing out loud, Tempest got herself behind her marefriends and waited for both of them to get properly on the swings so could push them both at the same time. “Whoop!” Wildfire hopped up onto her chosen swing, which just happened to be a red one, and held on tight to the chains with her forehooves. “Momma I wanna go high!” Tempest rolled her blue eyes for the second time that day already. She had a feeling there’d be many eye rolls left in the day yet. “Yes darling,” she grinned as she hovered between Airmail and Wildfire’s swings, “I'll push you real high.” “Thanks!” Wildfire grinned a wide happy grin and squeaked like a little filly when Tempest gave her and her fiancé a hard push, setting them both in motion and momentarily leaving her tummy behind her. “Hey Honey,” Wildfire said as she caught up her tummy, “is there a bouncy castle here?” “No, there’s some jungle gyms,” Tempest answered as she gave her overgrown fillies another hard push, “Oh, and a rock climbing wall.” “I thought that silly,” Airmail commented at the height of her swing before going back down, “but it does help to build leg strength.” “Awww,” Wildfire made a little whine, “bouncy castles are just about the best thing ev…whooooo! Ever!” Tempest tried – though not very hard – and failed, to hide her snicker when her shove caused her little herd-mate to squeal in delight. She supposed it was the lack of visual clues as to when the next change in direction was going to come. “There is one in town so we'll make that a must see stop on the Trottingham tour.” “Seriously?” Wildfire didn’t want to dare to believe it. It had literally been years since she had been on or anywhere near a bouncy castle. “Um, can we, really?” “Oh,” Tempest teased, unaware of her marefriend’s love of bouncy castles. “Hmm…now I have to think about it.” “Wait,” Airmail snickered playfully as she was pushed higher on her next swing, “I'm not sure where the fire extinguisher is.” “Please, please pleeeease!” Wildfire begged as she was swung, so very excited to maybe perhaps once again going on a bouncy castle. Her mother had always taken her when they had been shopping together when she had been a filly and they were among her best memories of Silverbolt. “I swear I'll be good forever!” “Wily, don't say things you don't mean.” Tempest chided. She had a ‘thing’ about unkeepable promises. “I know that you'll be a naughty little pegasus one day to see if Airy or I notice.” “Wily is a fibber!” Airmail chanted on the upswing, “Wily is a fibber!” Again, this was met with a roll of the eyes from Tempest. “Somepony want a spanking?” She asked, adding a little slap to her marefriend’s ass as she pushed her. The squeak that Airmail let out from the unexpected little swat was utterly priceless. “No mamma!” Wildfire gave her fiancé a long loud raspberry as she swung, “na na-nah you got told off!” “Wah!” Airmail cried out in a very good imitation of a crying filly having a little tantrum. “Momma, Wily is picking on me!” “Am not!” Wildfire shot back with a snicker in her voice, fully getting into her role with the amount of fun she was having. “Airy's being a baby!” Tempest sighed inwardly and decided this was beyond an eye roll. She even went so far as to shake her head and tut out loud. “If you two keep arguing, I'll stop pushing.” She said warningly. Quickly, Wildfire stuck out her tongue in Airmail’s direction. “I'm behaving.” “Faster!” Airmail shouted, her voice absolutely full of glee and delight. “Higher!” Wildfire yelled as the swing began to dip lower. “I wanna go higher, Mommy!” For the next half an hour, Tempest had herself a lot of fun pushing the two of her herd-mates ever faster and higher in the warmth of the frankly beautiful high altitude sun until she decided it was time, albeit reluctantly, to move on with the day. “Who wants to go see some pretty flowers?” “I do!” Airmail squeaked first, “I do, I do!” Wildfire, momentarily torn between wanting to play and swing, but also wanting to go and meet Brush Stroke’s dad, made her mind up in a few seconds. Her mind made up, and not wanting to be outdone, she yelled out; “I do too!” Gradually, Tempest slowed both Airmail and Tempest down to a stop. “Very well then,” She said in her haughtiest tone, her nose up in the air to complete the effect, “come along, girls.” “We’re coming, Mommy Tempy!” Wildfire exclaimed with a very wide smile. A sniff of her nose and she instantly knew that Airmail was as ever at her left side. She walked beside her but the azure blue mare didn’t jostle her at all. Curiously, Wildfire turned her head in her fiancé’s direction. “You alright, Pretty?” “Of course I am, I’m going to see some flowers!” Airmail caressed her diminutive lover’s flank with the primary feathers of her right wingtip. “Having fun, little sis?” “Yuppers!” Wildfire grinned, her black tail instinctively rising upwards at the touch of Airmail’s primary feathers. “I'm having fun, the swings was cool, and it was so awesomes going up high!” At that, Airmail affectionately nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek. “I loves you.” Immediately, Wildfire returned the nuzzle to her much larger, older herd-mate. “Well as it happens, I love you missus, and it was fun being a little filly again, if only for a few moments.” Tempest cut in front of her two marefriends. “Your tracker up and running, Wily?” The violet weather pony asked as she eyed the flight headset that the diminutive yellow pegasus was wearing. “Yuppers,” Wildfire nodded, she checked the activation button on the bit in her mouth, the reassuring words in her ear. “It’s working just fine, why?” “Then let's fly and please, you two, do try to keep up.” With that, Tempest spread her wide powerful violet wings and took off into the clear blue noon day sky, her destination Dandelion’s flower shop in Trottingham’s uptown Market Row. She hadn’t been there for a fairly long while. “Alrighty, Momma!” Flapping her yellow wings and took off, the tracker in her headset reading Point One taking off in front of her, flying upwards but angling down towards the ground. Airmail beside her paused long enough to let Wildfire rise a few feet in the air before she too took off after her. “Trottingham is a lot like Ponyville,” Tempest commented to Wildfire over her shoulder as the glided in a close V formation down to the ground, “Although it’s about half again as large.” Gliding down quickly from ten thousand feet through three thousand down to seven, Wildfire tried to do that math in her head. Typically though for her, she couldn’t. “Um…so it’s like, um, three times bigger?” Airmail giggled. Not in a nasty way, but she giggled nonetheless. “One and a half times bigger, Wily, not three.” “Before the Librarian became a Princess,” Tempest explained as they rapidly descended towards the ground. “Trottingham was a lot bigger than Ponyville used to be.” Wildfire wasn’t really listening. She was still blushing a very bright red from her mistake with the math. She supposed she should know better by now. “Oh...um…right, yeah, one and a half times bigger, I um, I knew that.” As they descended lower and lower, losing altitude all the time, she knew full well her marefriends weren’t fooled. Tempest carried on gliding down and Wildfire, noting how close they were now to the ground, followed the glide path, her cheeks still burning red. When Tempest landed in front of the flower shop that was their destination, Wildfire breathed in and dropped the last feet or so, so that her hooves touched the ground at once. Wildfire detected the strong smell of flowers. “I’m guessing we're here,” she said, rather unnecessarily. “Yes we have,” Airmail said as she landed next to her fiancé, “And with a minute to spare, too.” Not wasting a moment, Tempest approached the weather-beaten cream coloured shop front, with its two wide glass windows showing off all the flowers that were on sale in the shop. Hoofing open the door, they were all greeted with the ringing of an old brass bell mounted above the door. Dandelion, a very harassed looking fifty two year old cream coated earth pony stallion with a pleated shoulder length mint green mane and a single red rose cutie mark, looked up from behind the very rustic wooden counter of his flower shop. Everything except the cash register and the computer system was rustic and old, with ancient looking wooden shelves all around that held hundreds of flowers. “Hello, hello!” He greeted the three mares with a practised but genuine smile. “Welcome to Dandelion's Flowers, how can I help you lovely mares today?” Tempest, who was straight to business, trotted over the creaking hardwood floorboards up to the counter. “Do you deliver to the Cloud District?” Dandelion, sniffing a sale as sure as he sniffed the many varieties of flowers that adorned his shelves, nodded; “I certainly do Ma'am, I have a pegasi assistant that handles those deliveries.” “Excellent,” Tempest said, looking around the shop and getting a good look of the wares on sale. Her blue eyes settled on the chrysanthemums and the stack of shelves marked ‘rarities’ next to it. “Your shop comes highly recommended. I'd like a dozen chrysanthemums arranged, plus I understand you have some exotic, yet tasty flowers for sale too?” Dandelion’s ears perked up, his light blue eyes twinkling. “Certainly,” he took his pencil in his mouth and scribbled some notes on a pad he kept on the counter. “When would you like them delivered? And yes Ma'am,” he waved his cream coloured hoof over to the right wall, to the rack full of the rare flowers. “My rarities are all there.” “They’re for Mist and Lighting,” Tempest said before giving the flower seller her parents’ address in the Cloud District. “I’d like a dozen assorted rarities to complement the chrysanthemums, please.” Now, Dandelion’s ears perked up as erect as a pegasi’s wingboner. “A dozen? Any particular variety? I have a mountain avens, which only grows in the Ghastly Gorge,” he pointed to a delicate purple flower, “this pasqueflower is only found in the Everfree Forest and this chequered flower here is fritillary and it has protected growing sites in Appleloosa.” Tempest looked over at the flowers, making her mind up. “What colour chrysanthemums do you have?” “I have; white, yellow, green, purple, red and orange currently in stock.” Dandelion answered quickly, not even having to look at the shelves to know what was there. “My boy's in the back sorting them out if you'd like to take a look?” Tempest did look, but she couldn’t decide on just one colour, they were all enticing. In the end she decided to leave it up to the very pleasant old pony. “I’ll trust in your judgment, but I think two of each colour and then complementary flowers to go with them in the arrangement. The key is they all have to be eatable. My mom just can't resist flowers.” “As you wish, Ma'am, they're all edible, of course.” Taking a few more notes on his pad, Dandelion turned and called through the curtain to the back where his large storeroom / warehouse / seedling nursery / break room was kept and where his son and his coltfriend were currently ‘working’ for him. “Oils!” He shouted, “Get two of each colour chrysanths in a basket arrangement!” Brush Stroke’s voice, familiar to the three mares stood in the shop front, came back with an equally loud shout. “Alright, you got it, dad!” While all this was going on with Tempest and Dandelion at the counter, Airmail led Wildfire around the shop, allowing her to sniff at all the pretty flowers. Tempest looked over her shoulder at the little blind mare as she sniffed and investigated every shelf she could reach. The violet weather pony turned back to the stallion behind the counter. “By the way, is Sir Bounce-A-Lot still in business on Fourth and Main?” “He is indeed, Ma'am,” Dandelion nodded with a smile as he worked his customer’s order at the cash register. His light blue eyes went wide, which he hid as quickly as he could. He was about to make as much money now as he had all week so far. “That’ll be seven hundred and fifty bits for the chrys's and another eight hundred bits for the rarities, please.” Tempest was impressed, very impressed. She made a mental note to tell her friends about this rustic flower shop, as well as come back for more. “My, that seems like a generous discount,” she smiled, pulling out her debit card from her saddlebag. “Well,” Dandelion smiled as he took the card from her and completed the transaction, “I haven't seen you in here before and all new customers get twenty five per cent off, because I say so. So, you like rare flowers, Ma'am?” He asked, passing the card back to its owner. Wandering around the shop, Wildfire had to stop in front of the rack that happened to hold the rare varieties. The sheer avalanche of smells and scents was just overwhelming, she didn’t know where to sniff next, every inhalation brought new exotic scents that she’d not encountered before. “What’s this?” She asked, pointing a wingtip to a flower, “I've never smelt anything like this!” “I do love flowers and I think making my mom guess what they are will be part of the fun.” Tempest replied, sparing Wildfire a smile as Airmail read out the flower names and described them to her. “I'm a former resident of Trottingham, I moved out almost twenty years ago to Manehatten. That is where I met the artist that recommend this establishment.” “Oh?” Dandelion asked before he put two and two together with a grin, “Oh I see, you must be Oils' friends, he and his coltfriend said you'd be dropping in today. Now, if you really love flowers, I simply must show you this one,” with that, he called through to the back a second time. “Dusky, your friends are here, bring me the catalogue!” A couple of seconds later Dusky, wearing a simple plain green dress along with her ever-present light blue collar and her charcoal grey mane tied up in its usual pony tail, bustled through to the shop front carrying the catalogue on her back. “Hey guys!” She greeted her friends as she dropped the heavy book on the worn wooden counter top. Airmail giggled and Tempest just smiled at the old cream stallion. “Oh well, I was hoping to string that out a bit longer. Greetings Dusky, you are looking rather lovely today.” “Thank you, Miss Tempest,” Dusky nodded with a smile. “As do all of you,” she giggled, “you even made Miss Wily presentable.” “Wildfire spent hours in the bath earlier,” Airmail giggled while Wildfire raspberried her best friend. “With me.” “Aaah I see,” Dusky giggled as she walked over and affectionately nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek. “The collar suits you by the way.” “Dusky!” Dandelion rolled his light blue eyes and forced himself to breathe through his nose. These young ponies… “Those chrys's need arranging...now shoo!” He chased the midnight blue pegasus back into his back room before turning back to Tempest who was struggling - and failing – to not snicker. “Now, this is what I wanted to show you,” he said, hoofing open the catalogue to a page that showed a bright red / orange rose. Curiously, Tempest looked at the picture and was immediately struck with awe at the sheer beauty of this very unusual flower. “That mixes passion with desire, correct?” Dandelion was very impressed with the younger pony in front of him. She did know her flowers, and the significance of colours. “It does indeed. It’s called a wildfire rose, and there's only a dozen of them in the whole of Equestria. There's an earth pony in Ponyville that breeds them.” “Well,” Tempest commented, “with your son moving to Ponyville, that should give you ready access…” she lowered her voice conspiratorially, “speaking of roses, do you have lavender ones?” “I have all varieties in stock except that one…” Dandelion gazed longingly at the open catalogue like he was looking at an adult magazine from MiAC. “I'm hoping Oils can set me up with the mare that breeds them.” Over by the flowers, Wildfire paused in her investigatory sniffing and perked her ears up. “Hey, did I hear a rose with my name on it?” Tempest sighed and shook her head. “I don't think you can get copyright infringement on that, Wildfire.” Still shaking her head, she borrowed Dandelion’s pencil in her mouth and wrote out her request for three lavender roses each with a ribbon bow – she added it was okay to use two ribbons each - one purple and blue bow, one purple and yellow bow and finally one blue and yellow bow. Quietly, she passed the note to Dandelion with a wink. With a smile, Dandelion took the order and, noting the ribbon colours and his new customer’s coats, his smile widened. A romantic at heart, he was touched by the gesture. “That’s not a problem Ma'am, you'd like these to take away with you?” “Yes please,” Tempest answered before turning back to her little lover when a thought occurred to her. Something she recalled her two herd-mates talking about while she had been busy with breakfast with her dad. “Wily, didn’t you have a question for Dandelion?” When the sounds of a little crash and a lot of giggling came from the back room, Dandelion winced and leant over the counter and asked, with a slightly desperate look in his eyes; “And, will you be taking those two ponies with you when you go?” “We really haven't made definite plans yet,” Airmail said, “but we do plan on getting together today at some point.” Tempest heard the crash, and the unmistakeable sounds of smashing flower pots meeting the floor, and felt very sorry for the old earth pony. “If they want to join us at Sir Bounce-A-Lot, they are more than welcome.” Dandelion shook his head and tried not to think about how much money had just been splatted all over his storeroom floor. It was bits he could sorely afford to lose. “I love my son to death, but I've had him and Dusky 'helping' me all morning. For the love of my profit margin and my sanity, please take them and this order will be free.” “Hmm?” Wildfire, her nose buried in a box of daffodils she had just found, stood up when she heard Tempest’s not-so-subtle reminder of her thing she wanted to ask. “Oh! Oh yuppers, Mr. Dandelion, me and Airy are getting married on the fifteenth of next month in Manehatten, is there any chance can you do the flowers for it?” “Consider them removed, at least till you close.” Airmail promised with a giggle. Trotting around the counter – with a noticeable limp due to the large ugly scar that ran the length of his thigh to halfway down his left hind leg, Dandelion breathed a sigh of relief as he carefully pulled a tray of roses from one of the shelves and, bringing back to the counter he started to assemble the order of lavender roses. “Ladies, you have my eternal thanks, and these roses. Now young lady,” he smiled, addressing Wildfire, “you asked about wedding flowers?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire approached the shop’s counter which, adorably, was taller than she was, “can you deliver them to Manehatten?” “Well…” Dandelion considered that for a moment, and, for a moment he was going to say no. However, the obvious hopeful look on the tiny blind mare’s face just made him want to hug her forever and a day. Plus, they were his son’s friends and his lover’s friends. That made them family, and you went extra for family. “It is slightly outside my usual delivery range but it’s doable, certainly.” To Airmail he asked, “Are there any flowers in particular you like?” “Roses of course,” Airmail snickered at the disparity in height of Wildfire and the shop counter. It truly was the most adorable thing. “A mix of pink, white and red. I think daffodils would be nice as well. It would be like Wily's mom is there with us. Then can we have a mix of yellow, purple, and blue orchids to balance things. What do you think of that, Tempest?” Tempest was stunned by that, but admittedly not entirely surprised. She’d known Airmail long enough to know that she’d have planned as much as she could by now. “I think somepony has been giving this a lot of thought.” “Y'know, that does sound pretty awesomes Airy!” Wildfire squeaked while Dandelion, again with his pencil in his mouth, furiously scribbled down a raft of notes on a clean sheet of his notepad. “Of course,” Airmail smiled, “input from the florist would be most welcomed.” Dandelion looked up from his notes once they were complete and he leafed through the catalogue that Dusky had left on the counter until he arrived at the wedding section and turned it around so that Airmail could see the packages that he did. “Of course, Miss Airy, Miss Wildfire.” He pointed to the packages displayed on the pages for Airmail’s benefit. “I do three tiers of package: Simple, which is a bridal bouquet, bridesmaid’s bouquets, buttonholes and corsages. Then there's Elegance which is the first package plus ceremony arrangement, pedestal arrangement and thank you bouquets, after that there's Opulence which is all the other packages plus cake flowers and a top table garland. The prices naturally go up with each package.” “Wily married me for my money!” Airmail threw up her forehoof to her forehead and sighed theatrically. “I knew it!” Tempest giggled as the azure blue mare continued, “It’s about time we put that army pension to good use.” Wildfire giggled at her fiancé’s antics. “So, Mr. Dandelion, what are the prices, please?” Dandelion, to his teeny amount of embarrassment, found he had to check the catalogue to be sure now. It had been a while since he had supplied flowers for a wedding. “The Simplicity package is three thousand seven hundred and fifty bits,” the cream florist paused, moving his hoof down the page so Airmail could see, “Elegance is a straight nine thousand bits and finally the Opulence package is fourteen thousand eight hundred and fifty bits.” Tempest turned her head sharply to Wildfire’s direction when the little blind mare whistled at the prices as they were being read out. “You spent more on your fancy flight suit, you know.” She said bluntly, feeling a little sorry for the nice old stallion’s faint blush. Airmail studied the sample pictures that were pointed out to her as each package was read out, “Is that with costs to send it to Manehatten?” Dandelion did a very quick sum in his head, estimating fuel costs and such like. He’d never done a job that far away before now. “Let’s see, transport and arranging the bouquets at the location will be one thousand five hundred bits extra, Ma’am.” He had to resist the urge to bounce on his hooves at the prospect of such a large order. Airmail smiled and shook her head. She couldn’t believe how cheap these admittedly beautiful flowers were. “I love small towns.” Tempest let out a bright little giggle, “You see, that is why I brought you here.” Wildfire had her head cocked to one side, deep in thought. She knew Tempest was right in that she had spent a ton of money on her flight gear and for that matter her home computer system without a second thought than these flowers cost. With that in mind, she made her decision. “Are you happy with that Opulence one, Pretty?” Airmail nuzzled Wildfire’s cheek and nodded her head so that her diminutive lover could feel it. She was pleased Wildfire had chosen that one, for she too wanted the best package on offer. “Dandelion, that package there would cost between twenty to twenty five thousand bits in Manehatten. Do it right, and I'll pay eighteen thousand bits for the whole deal. I'm only getting married once, Wily.” Dandelion was a little giddy. Almost lightheaded. “Ah…nineteen thousand and I'll get a wildfire rose for the little lady too.” Tempest couldn’t help but laugh out loud, though she meant no offence by it. “Now he haggles!” Airmail chuckled, her brown eyes alive with mirth. “Which one of us is the 'little lady'?” She asked playfully. “Ah now, you see, you're both fair ladies,” Dandelion covered himself just in time, “but Miss Wildfire here is the little one, I'm afraid.” In a sing-song voice, Airmail danced around the flower shop, singing; “I'm the big sis! I'm the big sis!” As a response, Tempest simply facehooved and tutted. “I take it that makes you the mother, Miss Tempest?” Dandelion asked between his chuckles. “Yes,” Tempest admitted, “Mother Hen.” “One of us has to be sensible,” Wildfire giggled, “And you do it so well, Honey.” Smiling, Dandelion busied himself with finishing the assembly of the three lavender roses and their ribbons that the violet weather pony had requested. “Here’s your order, Miss Tempest.” He passed the roses to Tempest, who placed them securely in her bag. To Airmail he asked, with slightly shaky hooves, “Do you want to go ahead and order the wedding flowers, Miss Airmail?” “Yes please,” the azure blue mare said definitely, “That’s one less item on the list. Wily, we'll use Caffy's caterer that he uses for the Open Mic night.” “Alrighty,” Wildfire agreed straightaway, for she really had no idea about any of that at all. “That sounds good to me, Pretty.” “Excellent!” Dandelion exclaimed happily. He’d just made more in this one day than the whole of the last month. Then again, he wasn’t working here because he needed the money. It was therapy. Much needed therapy. His flowers helped soothe many demons. “I've got all the details down, I just need a delivery address and your contact details, please.” Quickly, Airmail took up the florist’s pencil and scribbled down her details and the details of the zebra Hall in the Broncs. “Brilliant. Now, are you paying a ten per cent deposit or the full amount today, Miss?” Airmail nodded, “Will fifty per cent today and the rest on the first of next month be okay?” Dandelion had to fight the urge to leap over the counter and kiss the azure blue pegasus in front of him. Admittedly with his bad leg it would be a pretty slow leap. “That's totally fine!” “I can always do the other half, Airy?” Wildfire suggested, trying to be helpful. Airmail stepped in close next to her diminutive fiancé and draped her right wing over her back, hugging her tight and adding a very wet, very hot lick up the inside of her ear for good measure. “I’ve got the wedding my love, you can cover the honeymoon.” “That’s a deal, Pretty.” Wildfire’s legs went all wobbly in just the right places when her ear was licked like that, and it left her struggling to stand straight. “I um, I had a thought about that, actually.” “Good,” Airmail smiled, nipping the tip of Wildfire’s ear, “you're a big part of all of this after all.” “N-NaaAAAH st-stop that!” Wildfire squeaked, though there wasn’t much in the way of conviction in her voice. “I-I've always fancied a sea cruise, y'know on one of those big boats like we saw in the Vanhoover Maritime Museum the other day.” “That would be fun,” Airmail agreed, deciding for the time being to abandon her assault on the yellow ear before her. “I hear the food is great!” Wildfire let out a very, very girly squee that Airmail liked her suggestion. “Yay! I'll investigate one on my computer when we get home!” Smiling at the antics of her marefriends, Tempest sensed it was time they were going. The day was after all wearing on, and they had places to be, things to bounce on. “Dusky! Oils!” The violet mare raised her voice and shouted to the flower shop’s back room. It was also time to free Dandelion. It was the least they could do. “It’s time to go, dears!” Just then, as if on cue, there came an almighty crashing noise from the back storeroom that could only be a wooden shelf collapsing, ceramic smashing and soil hitting the floor. Dandelion winced like he’d been shot. “Please...keep them…” he put a cream forehoof up to his head. “Don't send them back, I beg you!” Brush Stroke smiled sheepishly as both he and Dusky emerged from the back through the separating curtain, ignoring the fact that there were flower petals in his yellow and red mane, as well as the broken plant stems falling from Dusky's dress. “We aren't that bad, dad.” He tried to protest, although a glare from his father quickly silenced said protest. “True, it could be far worse,” Airmail snickered, “they could be moving back home with you.” Tempest shook her head and stepped up to Dusky, casually flicking the remains of a poor unfortunate flower from her charcoal grey mane. “You two are our chaperones for the day.” Dandelion looked aghast. “Please don't joke about that, Miss Airmail, I’m not sure I could afford the insurance on my shop.” “Never fear, Sir!” Tempest declared, “The Power Ponies are here!” She even made a pose for good measure. “Stealth Pony, take the targets outside please. On Time, you have the six.” Wildfire turned to lead the way out of the flower shop, idly wondering why there was a very ‘peaty’ smell to her best friend all of a sudden. “C'mon D, Oils, this way,” she trotted to where she remembered the door was. Dandelion sighed a deep sigh of relief as he reached for his brush. “Thank you so much, Miss Tempest.” “You'll miss us, dad!” Brush Stroke called as he trotted out of his father’s flower shop after Wildfire. “I will once my storeroom is back in order!” Dandelion groused. “We'll try to have them home before the curfew.” Airmail snickered, holding the door open for Dusky. Mare’s first, after all. “Judging by that crash, the longer the better, Miss Airmail.” Dandelion tried to sound cranky, but deep down he knew he wasn’t really. “Have fun boys!” He called after his son and his coltfriend. “We'll keep them entertained.” Tempest promised before she too trotted out of the shop with her purchases secure in her bag. “Thank you, again.” Dandelion moved to see them all out of his shop, purely to assure himself that they had in fact removed his son from the premises. “Thank you for your bits. I hope your parents enjoy their flowers, Miss Tempest.” “Airy,” Dusky said to the azure blue pegasus once they were all walking along the sidewalk towards their next destination, hanging back a little so that they wouldn’t be overheard by the others, “may I walk with you for a moment?” Airmail perked up her ears straight away. The use of just her nickname instead of the submissive ‘mare’s’ usual honorific gave her cause for concern and told her the royal pegasus had something important to say to her. “Stormy,” she called up ahead to her marefriend, “Can you take Oils and Wily to Sir Bounce-A-Lot while Dusky and I do a bit of recon?” “Sure,” Tempest nodded, “but you'll have to deal with the hyperactive Wily when you catch us up.” As Brush Stroke, Tempest and Wildfire walked off ahead of them, Dusky’s whole attitude shifted, the ‘mare’ giving way to the stallion. “Thank you, Airmail.” Dusk’s tone was all seriousness, “how was Wily earlier? My Mom called me this morning, told me she'd had a nightmare last night.” “She did, and she told me about it.” Airmail replied, watching her fiancé’s black tail disappear up the street. Again she noted the tone of Dusk’s voice. She knew without having to ask who she was talking to. “Did Luna help her through it?” “No.” Dusk answered with a shake of his head. “No, that's what caught Mom's attention. She said she was watching Wily's dream, and she was about to intervene when apparently Wily altered her dream of her own accord. She conjured up you and rest of your herd herself.” Finally, when she couldn’t see her lover anymore because of the distance and the pedestrians on the sidewalk, Airmail turned to face her friend. “I'm very proud of that mare. She has broken Amethyst Glory's hold over her. Her dream was being beaten and then put in the box, only to have the herd show up and stop it and protect her.” Dusk Melody flinched visibly at the mention of the box. As claustrophobic as any pegasus, Dusk had been physically sick when he’d seen the actual box when they’d raided the care home. He didn’t need to think of it again. “My Mom didn't give me those details, confidentiality and all that, but she told me how she ended it herself.” Dusk shed a little tear for his best friend. “Mom's real proud of her for doing that.” “You know Wily and I are getting married,” Airmail decided on a change of subject. “We’ve set a date of June the fifteenth, next month. You and Oils will be invited, of course. Coffee Bean will officiate the wedding during the full moon meeting at The Hall in Manehatten.” “Thank you, Airy.” Dusk chuckled, “Mom and Mum would like to attend, I'm sure.” His tone once more became serious. “I know I don't have to do the whole 'don't hurt my friend' speech, but, please don't hurt her.” “I'll not disappoint her.” Airmail answered quickly, a grim serious smile on her face. “As for hurting her though, yeah, I'm going to do that just because I won't disappoint her.” Dusk laughed out loud at that, now walking with his friend to catch up with his lover and his friends. “I know what you mean, Airmail, and it’s good enough for me. I really hope you're both very, very happy.” ~ ~ ~ “Oils,” Airmail said loudly as she and Dusk – now firmly back in his preferred persona of the submissive mare – caught up Brush Stroke, Tempest and Wildfire half way down Main Street, “How did introducing His Royal highness, Son of Princess Luna, Dusk, Prince of the Realm, go with your sire?” She asked with a cheeky grin, a grin only made wider by Dusky’s eye-roll reaction to his official title. Brush Stroke laughed and nuzzled his mare, not missing a step. “Well, it could've gone a lot better, and at the same time a lot worse. Dad was outraged at first, he launched into a huge tirade and threw a lead crystal vase at him. My Dusky was amazing. Took it all in his stride.” Tempest raised an eyebrow at the mid blue earth pony artist. “Did he miss?” He must have, for there were no glass cuts on the midnight blue pegasus’s fur. “Yes,” Brush Stroke replied, “Though only just. Dusky didn't so much as flinch or raise his voice once.” “Good show, Dusk.” Airmail complimented her friend although, knowing what she knew of his special training with Luna as part of the secret and shadowy Night Watch, she supposed she shouldn’t have expected anything else. “Did you catch the vase?” “Yes I did,” Dusky replied quickly, falling into step just behind her dominant stallion. “Then, I gave it him back and told him to throw something less valuable next time. Starbright laughed at that, and I was in with him.” Tempest gave Dusky a hoof bump at that to show her appreciation of such a move. “Well played, Dusky.” Wildfire giggled as she felt the mid afternoon sun on her fur, “you do have your moments, D!” “Every now and again, yes I do.” Dusky agreed. Pausing on the busy sidewalk for a moment, Brush Stroke wrapped his forehooves around Dusky’s neck and pulled his mare into a very tight hug. “She’s my total hero. And to think I was so nervous about the meeting, too.” Airmail smiled at the couple that were obviously so very much in love. “Your other father seems to be a very organized pony. For a stallion,” she added with a giggle. “Dandelion?” Brush Stroke asked with a little snigger in his tone of voice, “he is when we aren't messing up his storeroom. I've seen his flowers though, I know your wedding will look beautiful, Airy. I also know you truly made his year when you asked him to provide those flowers for your ceremony. Thank you.” “I'm sure they will,” Airmail giggled as she casually inspected her hoof, “unless he should regain his two assistants...” Dusky looked absolutely outraged at being tarred with the artist’s brush. “I wasn't the pony who kept wanting to make out instead of arranging flowers, and who wanted to make out among the arrangements of flowers.” “You need to file that information away, Dusky.” Tempest laughed good-naturedly, giving the midnight blue pegasus a knowing wink, “It is obvious that flowers make your stallion 'frisky'.” Dusky giggled, “Miss Tempest, I already have.” Brush Stroke smiled as they all started once more to trot along Main Street towards their destination. They could’ve stayed there forever in that moment, but ponies were giving them evil stares for blocking off the sidewalk. “Well, flowers, his flank...anything he says and does…” Wildfire, in her usual position of following Tempest’s black tail, giggled. “It sounds like somepony has it bad.” Dusky arched her eyebrow at her best friend’s comment. “And you don't?” Airmail snickered at the interactions between the best friends. Walking behind Wildfire, her brown eyes zeroed in on the little yellow mare’s swaying hindquarters, eagerly catching a glimpse of her marehood as it was tantalisingly revealed with each swish of her tail. “Oh, I'm sure she is only attracted to my ass....ets.” “Amongst other things,” Wildfire said, her tail subconsciously swishing side to side for her lover’s benefit. Especially when she felt breath on her ass. “Though it’s mainly her ass.” “And here I thought she fit your hoof like a glove.” Tempest interjected, her blue eyes alive with mischief. “Stormy!” Airmail gasped, disbelieving that her marefriend had gone there. “Yuppers!” Wildfire giggled, swishing her tail just a teeny bit wider for her fiancé’s benefit, “there is that too.” Tempest snickered, very pleased with her little self that her teasing had apparently worked so very well. “Whaaaat?” She whined playfully, steering Wildfire around an old stallion tottering with his walking frame. Like Tempest, Dusky couldn’t resist a little teasing. “So, who hoofs who?” Brush Stroke gasped, as unbelieving as Airmail was. “Dusky!” He gave his submissive mare a not-so-gentle swat with his hoof on her pert shapely butt. “What?” Dusky asked with a smile, and a little wince at the stiff slap. He had deserved it, he knew that. “I was only asking.” “That is a good story for Gaming Night when we have a break.” Airmail stated, effectively ending that little conversation when she saw Wildfire’s ears slick back to her head and her shoulders droop. It was time for something else, as she didn’t want her sad. “I don't care if the herd hears the story, but it was an 'eye opener' for both Wily and myself.” Ahead of her, Wildfire dragged her hooves as she walked. “Ha, ha, yeah, especially for me, Pretty.” Walking slightly behind and to Brush Stroke’s side now, Dusky quickly and easily read the signs and body language of his best friend. “Please forgive me, I’m sorry I asked.” “Don't be,” Airmail said brightly, “I can't blame your curiosity. It is an interesting story to be told, and I think Wily is the one to tell it. I'd just rather it was in a different setting than this one now.” Namely in the middle of Trottingham Main Street with many bustling ponies who could potentially overhear whose no business it was. Wildfire was so stunned at that she stopped mid-step. So suddenly did she stop that Airmail almost walked into her ass. “Airy, you want me to tell everypony about that?” She paused, about to carry on when mercifully her cell phone beeped from her saddlebag. “Oh, thank Celestia...” she whispered before pulling out her phone and scanning through the text message with a hoof. “Oh! Raid and Darkie have arrived at Caffy's place!” Tempest barked out a laugh, “I'm sure the city of Manehatten thanks Air Raid for her contribution to the police fund.” Brush Stroke turned to Tempest, confusion on his mid blue muzzle. It was obviously an in-joke he didn’t know about. “What's this?” He asked curiously. “Oh it’s nothing,” Wildfire replied as she fired off a quick reply to her ex-marefriend and put her phone away in her bag before they all carried on towards the bouncy play place. “Air Raid just has a liberal view of speed limits, that’s all.” “Liberal as in they are optional.” Airmail put in with a smile. “Aaaand here we are!” Tempest declared to the group once they arrived at the spot on Fourth and Main. With the front façade of Sir Bounce-A-Lot looking like a twenty foot high stylised cartoon castle, complete with very bright garishly coloured characters bouncing all over, it was admittedly hard to miss. Tempest was surprised even Wildfire couldn’t see it, it was that in your face. In a good way, though. “We're here?” Wildfire bounced on her four hooves on the sidewalk outside the play place. Now they’d stopped she could hear the sounds of over-excited foals and smell the popcorn and fizzy drinks that emanated from the building in front of her. “Yay! We’re here!” Dusky, somewhat bemused at the blatant over-the-topness of it all, rolled her pink eyes. “Oh yes, Wily this is very you.” “Yuppers D!” Wildfire squealed in pure delight, all those memories of the times her mother had taken her to the bouncy castles in Canterlot flooding back in force like an inflatable tsunami, “It’s bouncy fun! Very 'me'. Honey, how did you know about this place since you lived in the cloud district?” Wildfire asked, suddenly very curious. “I was less old once.” Tempest answered sarcastically, which earned her a gale of laughter from Airmail as she entered, trotting into the bouncy play place, and was immediately assaulted by a wall of noise from the many, many foals and adults playing on the various inflatable toys. She could only imagine what it must feel like for Wildfire who, she noticed, had huddled close to Airmail upon following her in. “Oh good, it is still one admission for all the fun!” With that, she paid the stallion at the booth for the three of them. Dusky turned to her stallion. “Sir, do you want to go in?” “Yes,” Brush Stroke checked the time, “I believe we can spare an hour or so, come on, my darling mare.” Smiling, as it was difficult not to, the earth pony paid for the two of them and they followed after the three mares. As they walked deeper into what was labelled ‘the Fun Zone’, Airmail and Tempest both filled Wildfire in on what was here. The little blind mare was soon to learn that they had it all; three bouncy castles, two inflated slides, bouncy basketball, bounce boxing and even a bouncy bungee pull. “Airy,” Wildfire turned her head left and right, “Please point me to the bouncy castle, love.” Tempest held out her hoof and pulled her excited marefriend up at the saddlebag storage area, where they safely stowed their bags on their own individual cubby holes and, where they could get themselves each a set of special socks. “Here Wily,” Tempest passed her a set of blue and purple ones, “you’ll need to put on the padded hoof socks first.” “Oh…oh yeah, of course I do,” Wildfire giggled as she pulled each padded sock over her hooves. “I’m sorry I forgot.” “What do you want to do first?” Airmail asked Wildfire once they were all socked up and ready to play like the overgrown foals they were, “Care to challenge me to the bungee pull?” “You're on, Pretty!” Airmail led Wildfire to the back of the line for the bungee pull, which thankfully wasn’t very long, and in a matter of a few minutes it was their turn. The Sir-Bounce-A-Lot earth pony stallion who was watching the bungee gave them both a brief look over to make sure they were padded up before letting them on. “You get three goes and then the next pair is up.” “I'll go easy on you babe,” Wildfire smiled as she let the stallion point her to the pull. “You want the left or the right lane?” Airmail asked. “I’ll take the left, please.” Wildfire replied, and the stallion guided her down the inflatable lane where they put the collar on her attached to the bungee cord. “Go!” The stallion called out after a countdown from three, and the two pegasi galloped off up the centre of their respective lanes, each with a bean bag held in their mouths. Airmail, who had a lot of lower body strength, easily overtook her diminutive lover and placed the bean bag on the Velcro strip that ran down the middle of the lane. On the second run, Wildfire galloped off like a crazy pony, giggling like a filly around the bean bag in her mouth. Seeing her effort, Airmail 'slipped' and allowed her to win the second of the three runs. From the side lines, Tempest cheered both of her marefriends on all three runs. Coming up alongside the violet weather mare, Dusky and Brush Stroke both performed admirable cheering duty for them both too as Wildfire ran off again with the bag, laughing so hard she dropped it when she was pulled back by the cord tethered to her. “Hey Stormy,” Dusky giggled as she watched the two pegasi gallop along their lanes on their third and final run, “It looks like we have two overgrown fillies on our hooves.” Tempest nodded, the mother hen in her getting concerned when Wildfire was swiftly yanked backwards by the cord on her back, but breathed a relieved sigh when she laughed it off. “Airy believes that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.” “Airy shares outlooks with my Mom then.” Dusky smiled and noted the collar that Wildfire was wearing around her neck. “That’s nice work on the collar too, it suits her.” Brush Stroke also noted the collar. “I notice it’s both of your colours. That’s a nice touch.” “Wily actually bought it and gave it to us as a present.” Tempest replied, explaining the collar to her two friends. “She also got a pink one for Mapper to put on her.” “Aww!” Dusky let out a girly squee and even clapped her hooves in joy, “that's so sweet! Sounds like she knows what she wants.” As they both came trotting over, out of breath and sweaty from the bungee pull, Wildfire giggled to the much older pegasus, “C’mon, you must've won that third run Pretty.” She turned her head about and sniffed where Tempest was standing. “What shall we do now?” Tempest had the answer straightaway. “Bouncy castle!” Getting a nod from Airmail and a very loud whoop of delight from Wildfire, the violet pegasus led the way to the nearest and largest of the bouncy castles. The one she chose was as brightly coloured as the rest of the place, designed for early adult ponies it had multiple rooms with lots of passages and slides, walls to climb over and a very large ball pit in the middle. “Here is your helmet, Wily.” Airmail said, passing the diminutive mare a bright blue padded soft helmet, a safety precaution in case she ran into another pony while she was playing. “Thanks, Pretty!” Once the helmet was on and securely buckled, Wildfire was off like a little yellow and black rocket. She had an absolute ball as she began feeling her way round everything. While Airmail stayed near to her, bouncing about, Tempest moved off to explore the area. Eventually, after ten minutes of bouncy exploration, Wildfire fell face first into the unexpected ball pit, seeing as nopony warned her it was there. “Wahoo!” She exclaimed as she resurfaced. Cannonballing in beside her as if it were a swimming pool, Airmail started splashing many multi-coloured balls at her like she would in an actual pool. “Ball fight!” Wildfire squealed happily, splashing them back – not caring that most of them missed – and giggling like an idiot. “Are you sure you don't want to join them?” Brush Stroke asked as he and Dusky sat at a nearby table, close enough that they could see the fun being had but far enough away that they could converse at a normal volume. “No Sir,” Dusky smiled at his partner, “I'm fine sat at this table, with the drink that you'll get me in a moment.” While Brush Stroke did just that, and got drinks for himself and his mare, Tempest joined the two of her herd-mates in the ball pit in as equally a boisterous fashion as Airmail had, tossing balls at each of them as she landed. “Aha!” Wildfire exclaimed, “A fresh target!” Thumping her forehooves into the balls, she splashed them everywhere in all directions. Seeing the fun, a few other random ponies joined in the ball war, sending balls whizzing past all concerned. “So,” Brush Stroke started as he sat back down at the table, setting the coffees between himself and Dusky, “Do you want to go to the orphanage today?” Dusky nodded, taking her coffee in her hoof and wishing it was tea, but not saying anything about it. It wasn’t the end of Equestria. “Yes,” she nodded after taking a sip, “I'm really keen to adopt.” “Filly or colt?” “I'm not fussed, my love,” Dusky replied, a group of foals playing over in a shallow ball pit catching her eye. “Although a colt would be nice.” “I agree,” Brush Stroke nodded thoughtfully, as he too had seen the foals playing and he decided that he wanted some of that. “A colt would be different, besides everypony else we know is having fillies.” He took a sip of his hot coffee, “Do you have a preference on tribe?” “Absolutely none at all,” Dusky replied with a giggle, “Although, if we adopt a unicorn we'll complete the set between us.” Over in the ball pit of the largest bouncy castle, Wildfire scooped up several balls in her forehooves and, laughing like a giddy filly, she threw them all in the direction where she thought a pony was. A split second later she was rewarded with a squealed giggle as the soft plastic balls hit their target. “This is the best. Fun. Ever!” Airmail giggled, dusting herself off from the grievous impact of the multi coloured plastic balls. “No fair! She’s using Wily sense to hit me with the balls!” Wildfire snorted a laugh as balls hit her from multiple angles, diving under the balls and surfacing close to where Airmail was. “Wily sense only works if you're covered in chocolate…” she shuddered at that thought, “hmmm Airy chocolate...” Picking up a bright orange ball, Airmail bopped her lover’s nose with it. “I'm not taking a bath in chocolate!” She giggled playfully and kissed the bopped nose. “Well, chocolate milk, maybe.” “No fair using distraction tactics!” Wildfire laughed amidst the balls while Tempest threw balls at the others playing with them, picking off a few stragglers. “You wouldn't bath in chocolate for me? Even if I licked it off afterwards?” Airmail smiled, “We can talk about food play another time.” “Alrighty!” Wildfire laughed, launching up into the air and splashing a wave of balls about when she landed. After a further twenty minutes playing in the bouncy castle’s ball pit, Airmail and Tempest decided, through a series of ear flicks directed at one another, that they wanted to go and do some bouncy boxing. The violet pony waded over to Wildfire in the pit and nuzzled her cheek. “Have you ever boxed, Wily?” “Nopes,” Wildfire shook her head, after returning the affectionate nuzzle, “But I'll give it a good go!” “See Airy,” Tempest laughed, “Wily is into three way action.” “Well that I definitely like,” Wildfire replied, “But shouldn’t we box first?” Airmail chuckled at that. “See, Stormy, she is detail oriented too.” “Priorities, my lovelies.” A few more ear flicks between Tempest and Airmail and they were both very much in agreement. “Which would be escaping the castle.” Airmail smiled and, making her way to her little lover, said, “Secret agent Wily, we must use stealth to escape.” In a loud not-so-secret whisper she continued, “And maybe tie a ribbon on Stormy's tail, too.” Rolling her blue eyes, Tempest nonetheless had a grin on her face as she exited the ball pit and headed through one of the many inflatable passages that lead to the exit of the bouncy castle. Wildfire saluted solemnly, “Orders received, Ma'am. Stealthiness mode engaged!” Airmail then tapped her lover’s muzzle lightly with her green tail as she too left the ball pit. As stealthily as she could, Wildfire followed the direction of her tail, catching a faint scent and giggling like a filly. “Target acquired.” Airmail gave Wildfire a very, very passionate kiss once they had left the bouncy castle. The kiss left her with a length of ribbon in her mouth. “Target is three meters ahead putting on boxing gloves. I'll distracter her by putting on gloves.” Wildfire nodded. “Hmhmm!” In what she imagined in her head as pure invisibility, she tip-hoofed forward towards the ‘unsuspecting’ target. Trotting up to her marefriend who was stood by the blow up boxing ring, Airmail selected a pair of gloves for herself to wear. “Stormy,” she said loudly, “I hear that Wildfire is Canterlot's boxing champion.” “Really?” Wildfire sniggered, knowing that was the ‘signal’. Creeping forward until she picked up a faint waft of Tempest’s scent and a quick brush of her black tail wafted over her nose, she took the ribbon from her mouth and managed to successfully tie the ribbon around her dock. “Ta da!” “I've been ribboned!” Tempest exclaimed, fully playing along with the little game. Airmail snickered behind her gloved hoof. “You'll be an easy mark in the ring now, Stormy!” Beaming a very wide smile, Wildfire was genuinely pleased with her little self and her achievement. “And, no fridges were harmed this time!” Tempest giggled and admired her new tail adornment. “By Luna's left hind hoof, Wily, that is true!” While Airmail giggled like the overgrown filly she was, Wildfire reared up and made what she saw in her head to be a heroic Power Pony pose. “Stealth Pony!” “Well Stealth Pony,” Tempest said with a grin, “You’d better get your boxing hoof covers on and we'll see if you're still Canterlot’s champion.” “Alrighty, Honey!” Airmail and Tempest both – with a tiny degree of difficulty due to their own gloves covering their hooves - helped Wildfire put her gloves on. She found that each hoof covering was as big as her head and super soft. Once they were secured by the Velcro straps, she was led into the round circular bouncing area. “I got them to let all three of us in at the same time because I told them you were blind.” Airmail said a little hesitantly, “I hope you don’t mind, Wily.” “Wait…what, I'm blind?” Wildfire asked in a very faux panicky voice as she bounced softly on her hind legs, “Damn and nopony told me!” She giggled and gave her fiancé a long kiss. “Of course I don’t mind, babes.” “Okay,” Airmail breathed a sigh of relief, “I wasn't sure if it was a super-secret super power of the Stealth Pony.” “As long as nopony knows my secret identity then everything's fine,” Wildfire said in a very loud stage whisper as Airmail guided her into the centre of the ring first, while the floor was extra bouncy, making it hard to stay on her hind hooves. Wildfire snorted out a giggle as bounced about. “Woah…way better than being drunk.” A second later and Wildfire felt a pony that smelled a lot like Tempest bounce right next to her and bop her on the head. “Eye of the Storm strikes first!” She cheered. “Ah! I’m wounded!” Wildfire giggled, giving Tempest a bop back to the right where she thought she still was. When Wildfire missed completely and went face first into the bouncy ring, it quickly degraded from a boxing ‘fight’ into a bouncing free for all. Pushing herself up, Wildfire missed again and went down, laughing so hard that a tiny bit of wee came out. While she was getting up again, Wildfire heard Tempest and Airmail bouncing and going after each other a little bit to her right. Unsteadily on her hooves, the little blind mare threw a bop to the right, connecting with a pony’s thigh. “Gah!” Airmail cried, “I'm under friendly fire!” “Aha! I gotcha now!” Wildfire aimed another bop in the general direction of Airmail's shout and she felt a pony bounce in right next to her sending her flying with the sudden rebound. “Whoop!” She squealed happily as she landed on her back, winded slightly from the fall. The free for all continued for in this vein for a further fifteen minutes until a whistle sounded and the Sir-Bounce-A-Lot stallion that was supervising them finally called time to allow the others that were waiting a turn. “Aww,” Wildfire pouted playfully as she was led from the ring and the hoof covers removed, “That was the best fun ever!” “I see how you got your title,” Tempest giggled, removing her own gloves before helping Airmail with removing her own. “We can have another go later.” Airmail nuzzled her sweaty giggly fiancé and gave her a quick kiss. “Now, it’s time for the slide.” “A slide!?” Wildfire was instantly distracted by the prospect of a slide. “Wahoo!” Over at their table, Dusky and Brush Stroke, having finished their drinks had got themselves another round and finished that one too while they watched the three mares playing. “The mares seem to be having fun,” Brush Stroke commented with a smile on his face, “You know, if you want to check out the orphanage now, we can go…” “Alright love,” Dusky smiled, appreciating just how nervous her usually very confident stallion sounded. “I'll just go tell Tempest we're going.” “Going to join us on the slide, Dusky?” Airmail asked when she saw the midnight blue pegasus trot their way, skilfully dodging the few excited foals that ran across her path. “Hey Airy,” Dusky was intending to tell Tempest, but seeing as Airmail had spoken, the effeminate stallion answered her instead. “You having fun? Oils and I are going to go check out the orphanage. We shouldn't be too long though, maybe an hour or so, do you want to meet up after?” Tempest came over, grinning mischievously, “You promise to not go to the flower shop?” Dusky laughed brightly, “I'll even Pinkie promise we won't go to the flower shop.” “Okay,” Tempest snickered, “That’s good enough for me. Say a late lunch around three this afternoon?” She asked, “Alfalfa's is a nice place, I'm sure Oils knows it.” “Okay,” Dusky replied, “Three p.m. it is.” The royal pegasus grinned when she saw the dishevelled lump of yellow fur that was Wildfire. “Is the little filly having lots of fun?” “Yuppers!” Wildfire beamed, “And so are the big fillies!” She ran over to the large inflatable slide and, climbing up without waiting for any help, she slid down the forty foot drop, whooping in sheer delight at the lots of humps that caused her to get some air on the way down. It was real earth pony fun, but she kept her wings closed and experienced the same sensations. “Yahoooooo!” “That's my Wily.” When she turned and ran back up the steps to the top of the slide, she was accompanied by her marefriend and her fiancé, Dusky went back to where Brush Stroke was waiting by the table. “Stormy says to meet up at Alfalfa's for a late lunch at three.” “Oh I know the place,” Brush Stroke replied, nuzzling his mare before they headed out of the play area to the orphanage that was across town. After Dusky and Brush Stroke took their leave, Airmail, Tempest and Wildfire enjoyed a further two hours of almost non-stop bouncy fun. There were a couple of drinks breaks, which Tempest insisted on, but apart from that it was alternating between the bouncy castle, the bungee pull and the boxing. By the time they had completed the third round of boxing, Wildfire found she was way better at tracking her two herd-mates as they were all so sweaty they were lit up like scented Hearths Warming trees. “Who's ready for lunch?” Tempest asked as they left the ring for the third time. Almost on cue, Wildfire’s belly made a very audible rumble at Tempest’s question. “Me!” She squeaked with a hungry giggle, “I could eat you!” Tempest licked her lips at that, then she leant in and licked Wildfire’s ear. “Maybe I can be dessert later?” Airmail, a look of outrage on her sweaty face, closed in on Wildfire’s left and licked that ear before her fiancé could recover from the first lick. “Moving in on my wife before we're even married…” “Gaaaah…” Wildfire had to really fight her wobbly legs to remain upright. “M-Maybe you can both be dessert?” Airmail nodded at that, “Only if I'm hungry enough.” “Or…or I'll be dessert for the two of you lovely mares?” Wildfire asked as suggestively as she could manage. “I can't think on an empty stomach!” Airmail wailed dramatically, her hoof once more at her forehead. Wildfire snickered, “Stormy! We have a severe case of hungryitis. It might well be contagious. We should treat it with the only known cure. Food, lots, to be administered orally.” Tempest laughed at that, playing along. “Okay, then Alfalfas here we come!” ~ ~ ~ Alfalfas, as it turned out to Wildfire’s surprise and great interest, was a huge all you can eat salad bar joint situated at the far end of Main Street. After they had secured themselves a booth near the large window at the front, Airmail had led Wildfire up to the self-service counter to investigate what was on offer. Some deliberation later, and they were sat back at the booth with their chosen selections. Tempest had gone with a rainbow slaw with tahini dressing, Airmail had chosen a marinated cauliflower and sprout salad with tomato dressing while Wildfire had her brown rice and mixed vegetable salad with basil dressing in front of her. “So...Alfalfas…” Wildfire spoke up after trying to take a bite that encompassed a bit of everything at once and getting it all over her yellow muzzle, “That’s that stuff you like to feed ponies, right Honey?” She asked just as Dusky and Brush Stroke trotted through the door. Tempest snickered, leaning in to tongue wash her lover’s muzzle clean. “It’s a type of grass, and for some an ‘acquired’ taste.” Wildfire let out a little pleasured ‘hmm’ noise and returned the kiss before Tempest pulled away so they could both breathe. “You know me, Honey, I’ll try anything once.” It took but a moment for the newcomers to spot their friends situated in the booth by the window and once they did, Dusky came skipping over, apparently in a very good mood indeed. “Hey guys!” Tempest looked up from her rainbow slaw and in a split second she could tell two things by the royal pegasus’s most ‘un-royal’ greeting and his attitude in general. One, that the orphanage visit had gone well and two, that he was not currently in his ‘mare’ persona. A quick ear flick with Airmail confirmed this thought. “I hope this humble establishment will meet your Canterlot standards.” Wildfire, about to dive back into her brown rice, paused and put on her best Canterlot voice. “Yes well, one can slum it for a little while, can’t one?” Dusk and Brush Stroke both laughed at Wildfire’s very accurate noble accent as they sat down opposite the three mares. The mid blue earth pony stallion took the window seating pad. Tempest waited until they were both sat comfortably and looking for menus until she spoke up again. “It’s self-service. Go help yourselves to the bar, they have durian, Dusky.” “Oooh I’m definitely having a bit of that!” Without having to be told, Dusk Melody got up and, smoothing down his simple green dress, trotted over to the nearby salad bar. Selecting two trays, he walked along the packed counter before he made his choices. A creamy potato and snow pea salad for Brush Stroke and a glazed pear and goat’s cheese salad for himself, as well as a durian for them both to enjoy afterwards. Brush Stroke watched his lover with a little giggle, “he's so well trained, isn’t he?” Airmail nodded, chewing a mouthful of cauliflower. “Training is important in emergency situations.” “Like Airy needing ice cream.” Tempest snickered, even more so when her marefriend stuck out her tongue at her. Brush Stroke considered that seriously for a moment as he watched Dusk’s swaying dress-covered ass sway up and down the service counter. “Everypony needs ice cream, that would qualify as an emergency situation, Tempest.” With one tray on his back and his partner’s held in his mouth, Dusk returned to the table and slid the one in his mouth over to Brush Stroke. “Here you go, love.” “Thank you,” Brush Stroke gave his younger partner a kiss of thanks before investigating his plate, he noted the extremely smelly durian had a light green glow around it. He assumed, correctly, that this was to prevent its odour stinking up the place, however he suspected it would be nullified when he bit down. He wisely saved that for last. “So,” Dusk asked as he sat back down at the table after removing his own tray from his back, “how'd you two manage to crowbar Wily out of the bouncy place?” Tempest, who had just swallowed a mouthful of her rainbow slaw, answered before Airmail had a chance. “Nopony was able to talk over the noise of her grumbly tumbly.” She emphasised her point by pointing a hoof at Wildfire’s belly and making a very loud rumbling sound in her throat. “It wasn't that loud,” Wildfire pouted adorably. “Oooh…” Brush Stroke snickered as he helped himself to the complimentary bowl of assorted bread at the table, “is that what that rumbling was? I thought it was an earthquake.” Dusk sniggered at that, especially at the outraged look on his best friend’s face, which was particularly funny as she didn’t know who to be outraged at the most. Tempest or Brush Stroke. “Hey!” She settled for trying to ‘look’ at both of them before she burst out in giggles. “You're right Stormy,” Airmail said, looking over at the service counter, “they do have some weird stuff here. Some things I haven't seen since my military days.” “Like what, Pretty?” Wildfire asked curiously. “Well, for a start, this durian is from Chimera,” Airmail started, “And this bread here on the table is from Zerbrifica. And that…” she pointed over to a large bowl of very unusual snow white salad flowers, “I'm not sure what it is, but I saw it last in the Crystal Empire years ago.” Tempest took a look over and saw what her herd-mate was pointing at. “It's Ice Lotus,” she said definitely. “How do you know that?” Airmail asked. “There is a sign for everything,” Tempest pointed to the sign she was talking about while Airmail facehooved at having missed said sign. Wildfire cocked her head to one side, deep in thought. She’d not come across that particular flower before, but she might’ve at one of Amethyst’s parties, but she wasn’t exactly paying attention then. “I've never heard of it, I'll try it though, it sounds yummy Pretty.” Then she thought on what Airmail had said, about the military. “You were in the Crystal Empire? Were you serving?” “Training exercise,” Airmail corrected after she swallowed a mouthful of her salad, “And it wasn't the Empire then, it was still just a frozen wasteland.” Wildfire nuzzled up to her left, cosying into Airmail’s warm flank. “I bet you were awesomes in your sexy uniform…” “She was sexy in her awesome uniform,” Tempest put in helpfully, earning herself a giggle from the azure blue mare. Wildfire giggled, “Have you still got it?” “Why...” “Stormy...” Airmail said warningly as Tempest gave her a loud raspberry. As it happened, she did still have it, though it was a bit of a tighter fit now than it used to be when she had been younger. “Yeah, I have it, Stormy likes me to play dress up now and again.” “Can we play that too?” Wildfire asked with a bright red blush on her cheeks, “Cos that'd be fun…” “Yes love,” Airmail smiled, returning the affectionate nuzzle to her fiancé before helping herself to a hoof-full of the table bread. “But, you will have to be in you maid outfit for me to properly command you about.” “I'll have the choco chips!” Tempest said smartly. “Done!” Wildfire declared quickly, “I hope those chips behave this time!” Brush Stroke chuckled when he heard that. “You should see my Dusky when she wears her maid's dress, I could watch her all day long.” Dusk flicked his charcoal grey mane that was still tied up in the tight ponytail. “You have done, twice already.” Tempest reached for her coffee that had been sitting on the table untouched all this time. “Blindfold her next time and then you can have even more fun watching her try to clean up something.” Wildfire made another adorably cute little pout. “I still say that was unfair!” Brush Stroke however found the idea most intriguing. So much so he had to squeeze his hind legs together as he ate his salad. “Hmm, sounds interesting...” “Of course it was unfair,” Tempest rolled her blue eyes, “But I don't think you complained afterwards, now did you?” “Well no,” Wildfire’s pout immediately dissolved into a fit of giggles. “I really don't think I did, did I?” Brush Stroke chuckled, giving his lover a gentle nuzzle. “Thanks for the tip, Stormy.” “Fantasy fun.” Tempest snickered as she emptied her mug of coffee. Dusk smiled at that, “Fantasy fun is best fun, Tempest.” He took a moment to eat a couple of mouthfuls of his salad before turning to address his best friend. “So, Wily, how was the bouncy?” “It was amazing!” Wildfire answered with a very hyper little giggle, “It was almost the best fun ever!” “She sure could bounce, too.” Airmail smiled as she gave the diminutive yellow mare a loving kiss on her cheek. “It was so brilliant!” Wildfire exclaimed happily, the pure joy evident all over her heavily scarred face. “We had a ball pit splash war, and we boxed and everything!” Tempest gave Dusk and Brush Stroke a long hard look. “I think the two of you would have had fun too.” Brush Stroke laughed, a brilliantly teasing idea for a wind up coming to his mind. “Ah, Tempest, I’m afraid it was too risky without a questionnaire to weigh up the pros and cons of 'fun'.” While the others all laughed at that, Dusk raspberried his partner and made a very good imitation of a Wildfire pout. “Yeah,” Airmail said, still laughing from the artist’s dig, “Bouncies is a high risk endeavour after all.” “Ugh…” About to take a bite of his salad, Dusk dropped his fork and facehooved hard. “There isn't ever going be a thing where that damn questionnaire isn't bought up, is there?” Seeing his partner a little upset, Brush Stroke nuzzled him and kissed his midnight blue ear. “We had fun Tempest,” he giggled, “The Trottingham City Orphanage thought they were being inspected when we visited them earlier.” Tempest eyed both stallions very carefully. “I do hope you didn't keep up that pretence, boys.” “Oh no,” Dusk shook his head vehemently at that. “We made sure we put them straight right away, Tempest.” Satisfied, Tempest shrugged her shoulders, “I don't really have any experience with that side of Trottingham.” “No?” Brush Stroke asked. He had to admit he didn’t have much experience with the orphanage either, seeing as he was adopted by Starbright and Dandelion when he had been three years old twenty nine years ago now in two thousand and one. “It really is a very well kept place.” Dusk took a mouthful of his salad and chewed it thoughtfully, mindful of what he was about to say and his audience. “You do hear all these horror stories about orphanages and such like, but what impressed us most was that all the foals were really happy.” “My experience at the orphanage in Vanhoover wasn't bad,” Airmail commented as she took a sip off her coffee, “But I only spent two weeks there. I was introduced to Rye and Bluesky after a week. We did some play dates. Other than Rye being an earth pony and myself being an idiot, it went well.” Wildfire immediately picked up on the slight change in her older lover’s tone and she hugged her with her wing to cheer her up. “Well, you're my sexy idiot now!” She kissed up her cheek to her ear until she heard a giggle. “There were a few foals, fillies and colts, we saw but this one little colt really stood out for us.” Brush Stroke nodded at that. “He's a thoroughly adorable little white unicorn with a purple mane and hazel brown eyes.” Hearing that, Tempest was heaving with barely supressed mirth. She just couldn’t help herself. She had to. “So, an earth pony and pegasus walk into an orphanage…” Airmail too was struggling valiantly to keep a straight face. And failing, miserably. “They come out with a unicorn!” “I know Serenity plans on having a unicorn,” Tempest said when she finally stopped laughing. “My Wily is looking for a pegasus.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire nodded heartily at Airmail’s comment before she carried on, “I'm looking forward to teaching her flying lessons.” She giggled brightly before she went for her own black coffee, “what's his name?” “Ivory Wind.” Dusk answered his best friend, “he's two years old and he has this big adult sized dark brown fedora.” Brush Stroke smiled as he pictured little Ivory Wind in his mind’s eye. “He looks so cute, it is cute watching him trying to wear it, when it slides down over his head and all you can see are the tips of his white ears.” “And sixty years from now he will have the very same, but very worn, fedora.” Airmail commented before she emptied her mug of its caffeine loaded contents. “I've no doubt he will,” Brush Stroke nodded, confident in his friend’s assertion. “Apparently it’s all he was left with.” “He never lets it out of his sight, bless him.” Tempest perked her violet ears up, very interested, when Dusk said that. “Did you learn the history behind it?” She asked curiously before delving back into what was left of her rainbow slaw on her plate. Reluctantly, Dusk shook his head. “We asked the earth pony mare in charge, Miss Tenderheart, but all she knew is that Ivory Wind was left in the hat in a wicker basket outside the orphanage and they found him the next morning.” “It’s the typical 'left on the doorstep' story complete with a note asking the orphanage to care for their son.” Brush Stroke put in grimly, trying very hard and succeeding, to keep his raging emotions on the subject in check. Airmail chewed her mouthful of salad thoughtfully for a few moments, her head to one side. “Must be some sad story behind that.” “Maybe,” Brush Stroke said sadly, “All we know is, it was a pegasi stallion who dropped him off eighteen months ago when he was six months old.” Wildfire perked her ears up at that, suddenly catching on to what the mid-blue earth pony had said, and particularly the way he’d said it. “Um…how'd they know that, Oils?” “The orphanage staff saw it on the security camera outside when they reviewed the tapes the next morning,” Dusk explained, his tone as saddened as his stallion’s sat beside him at the table. Airmail placed her fork back on her now empty plate. Her ears were slicked back and her tone was terse. “I hope it wasn't some ass like I was. Pegasus family having a non-pegasus foal and deciding they aren’t interested.” Dusk Melody looked down, intently studying the table top. “Tenderheart, the owner, suspects it was just that Airy.” “Ivory…” Brush Stroke started, sounding even more saddened than he did before, in fact he sounded on the verge of tears right then. “Ivory wasn't…in the best of health, when they took him in, Airmail.” At that, Wildfire’s ears pricked right up, standing very erect. “You mean, he'd been neglected?” She asked, rare anger colouring her tone. Dusk turned to frown at his partner for saying something like that, especially in front of Wildfire, especially given her recent past history with abuse and neglect, but he couldn’t be angry with him, not when he had such a sorrowful look on his face. “No Wily, nothing like that…” he said no, but he nodded and mouthed a silent 'yes' to Airmail and Tempest. Tempest nodded solemnly, getting at once the Prince’s meaning. “It is hard to raise a non-pegasus up in the Cloud District.” “Yeah,” Airmail also nodded, wishing that there was more coffee in her mug. She needed a drink after hearing that little nugget. “I couldn't figure out why Bluesky gave up the clouds to live in the dirt. No offense, Oils. Love though will enable you to do many things.” “No offence taken, I assure you, Airmail.” Brush Stroke smiled before he whispered something in Dusk’s ear and the midnight blue pegasus got up and trotted over to the self-service coffee and tea machine for much needed refills. “I ah, I’m starting to see the appeal of clouds.” “That’s no excuse for not loving your foal!” Wildfire reared up and stomped her forehooves down on the table top, rattling the plates and cutlery in her sudden ire, “I'd love Fireflight no matter what she was! It’s not right!" “I agree,” Airmail said gently but firmly, running her right forehoof along Wildfire’s back between her wings in order to calm her irate fiancé down. “There is a right way to do things and just dropping off isn't the right thing.” Breathing heavily from her outburst, Wildfire sat back down between Airmail and Tempest. “I'm sorry guys, I’m just…touchy about that kind of thing.” “Having been through it,” Airmail said softly as she hugged her lover tight in her forelegs, “I'm touchy about it too.” Wildfire returned the hug straightaway. “It’s just, I'd give my left wing for a foal, any foal as long as it was mine, and when ponies have them and mistreat them it really pisses me off!” She exclaimed before blushing deeply, “Um...sorry, again.” Airmail decided the best thing to do was to silence her lover with a kiss. So she did. “We will ensure that never happens to Fireflight or to Hope, come what may.” “Thanks, Pretty.” “How many hopes to not only get a foal, but to relocate him to Ponyville?” Tempest asked. “Or did His Royal Highness grease the skids?” Airmail asked with a smirk when she saw Dusk was heading back their way fully laden down with a tray bearing five steaming hot drinks. Dusk smiled and took a few moments to properly set the tray down on the table and arrange it so that each pony had the drink for them before once more taking his seating pad. “We had a supervised hour and a half with Ivory earlier, Airy.” Brush Stroke took his milky coffee and blew away the steam before taking a sip. “Oh, and your supposition of a percussion instrument was entirely correct, Stormy.” “We're going to be spending the day with him tomorrow,” Dusk lifted up his earl grey tea and just sniffed it, savouring the beautiful aroma, “And no, I didn't once say 'do you know who I am?'.” Airmail snickered at that, almost choking on her creamy coffee. “Well, I wouldn't fault you to use your position to overcome any paper roadblocks in your way.” Dusk shook his head, “That’s a slippery slope Airy. No, we'll wait and do it properly.” “All good things and that.” Brush Stroke smiled, “Besides, the slower we go now, it gives Ivory more time to get used to us.” Airmail nodded, accepting that completely. She’d been there, she knew how that felt from the other side. “I had a week with Rye and Bluesky before I left with them. Then it took another year to actually accept them as my parents.” “You were seven when you were adopted though.” Tempest pointed out, rolling her blue eyes at having to yet again be the sensible one of the group. Then again somepony had to be. “Ivory is only two.” Wildfire wasn’t listening to that. She was sipping her hot black coffee with its two sugars trying to work out what the earth pony artist had meant just then. “Um, sorry, what instrument?” Airmail, happy once more now that Wildfire was happy and she had her coffee, giggled at that. “Well, when I mentioned percussion to Oils before on the way here he talked about a triangle.” Brush Stroke laughed, laughed so hard his coffee almost came out of his nose. “Now, a triangle would be my preference, but it seems little Ivory is a natural drummer.” Dusk Melody simply took a very delicate sip of his tea before he answered. “I'm looking into soundproofing our basement at home.” Tempest giggled at the memory of the flight here from Ponyville. “At least you are keeping artists alive in your family line.” Brush Stroke put his coffee down and raised his hoof. “I'd like to point out that we don’t have a basement…” “We will have a basement,” Dusk interrupted his lover, “And it will be soundproofed.” The fact that Dusk had added extra emphasis on both of the ‘wills’ was lost on nopony at the table. “Stormy, if it’s his talent,” Brush Stroke smiled as he took up his coffee once more, “Then who are we to deny him?” “Who knows,” Airmail snickered with a shrug of her shoulders, “Maybe the noise will save Ponyville from a monster attack?” “Yuppers!” Wildfire laughed, “You never know when the Parasprites might come back…” Tempest looked confused around the table. She’d never heard of whatever it was that Wildfire had just mentioned. She was pleased to some degree to see Brush Stroke equally confused. “Ah, what is a Parasprite?” Airmail giggled. She’d only ever seen a swarm of Parasprites once in her military career, while on assignment in Saddle Arabia. It had been absolutely devastating. “It’s a bug that’s always hungry and eats a million times its body weight.” “When you get one Parasprite you get a million,” Dusk explained for Tempest and Brush Stroke’s benefit. He’d seen them in Canterlot once or twice, “They eat and eat until they throw up – that’s how they reproduce - and then they carry on eating until there’s no food left.” Airmail nodded to Dusk as Tempest was dry heaving from the news of Parasprite reproduction. “What he said.” Dusk smiled, “The only way to get rid of them is music.” Just then, when Tempest was about to answer that with what she thought about Parasprites and how she was very glad she hadn’t as yet encountered one – or a million – Wildfire's phone beeped from her saddlebag. Quickly retrieving her cell phone, the little blind mare discovered it was a text message from Air Raid. Checking what it said, she groaned audibly and checked it a second time to make sure her braille app was working right. It was. “It’s Raid…Oh no…no, no!” Airmail snapped her head so sharply in Wildfire’s direction she almost gave herself whiplash. “Wily, what, what is it?” From her tone, she feared a car crash, or worse. “She's got sponsorship to enter the San Palomino Run next year!” Wildfire wailed, “she's insane!” “Oh,” the gears in Airmail’s mind turned over and over and she put two and two together. “Oh, that is the big annual cross country race, right?” She asked, exhausting her knowledge on the subject pretty quickly. If Tempest was confused over the Parasprites, she was really confused now. “Um, I thought Air Raid was a race driver, right?” “It’s just the most dangerous race in Equestria, Stormy,” Dusk explained, only knowing what the San Palomino Run was because Vocal Chord used to watch it when they were together. “She is Stormy,” Wildfire sighed, resting her cell phone on the table and reaching for her coffee, “she's always had this crazy assed dream to enter and win that race. She's gonna get herself killed!” Tempest, like Airmail, had no idea how dangerous this race was. She’d only just found out it existed at all. “How many died in last year's race?” “Ten,” Wildfire replied. She only knew that because Lotus Stripes liked to watch it. Brush Stroke had to admit, he once again shared Tempest’s confusion. “Ah, why enter at all if it’s so dangerous?” “Air Raid wants the 'bragging rights', whatever they are.” Wildfire snorted derisively. “She isn’t even doing it for the prize money!” “Hard to believe Equestria would allow such a dangerous race,” Tempest thought out loud. “Life is dangerous,” Airmail shrugged, “And I think you'd all have to have more faith in Air Raid.” Airmail smiled, finding it a teeny bit strange that here she was defending Air Raid and her driving skills. “I have faith in her driving ability, my love, I really do,” Wildfire gave an exasperated sigh and banged her forehead on the table top. “But after the Palomino Desert there's the Badlands and Celestia knows what’s in there and she's gonna get killed to death!” Seeing her fiancé getting upset again, Airmail again gave her a tight hug. “If she had to die, would that be the way she'd want to go, or to waste away in her old age reeking in a bed somewhere?” Tempest considered that for a moment. Of course, she knew her herd-mate was right, of course she was. Still, she could see Wildfire’s point of view too. She’d only just welcomed her ex-marefriend back into her life, after all. “We can always do aerial reconnaissance over the race, too.” “I'm sure between us we can keep an eye, or several, on her for you, Wily.” Dusk offered in an attempt to be helpful. “If you don’t mind me asking, who're the sponsors?” Brush Stroke asked curiously. From what he’d gathered from the text exchange on the journey here, Air Raid and Darkstar had only been in Manehatten for a few hours. He was impressed indeed to think she’d managed to secure sponsors in such a short timeframe. “Apparently it was Caffy, Mr. Baron and your paper, Airy.” Wildfire answered quickly without having to check back with her phone. Airmail smiled and shook her head. “That sounds like Thespian's hoof-work right there.” “Uh huh, you're right Pretty.” Wildfire nodded before she put her cell phone away in her bag. “She ended the message saying there's a race this coming Sunday that she's entering to show Thespian she's good for the sponsor money.” That did interest Tempest, at least a little bit. She’d heard all this talk about how good Air Raid was, she was interested in seeing for herself just how good she was. “Did she say what race?” “Four hundred and fifty Horsepower Open.” Wildfire replied quickly. “Sorry,” Tempest shook her head, “That means nothing to me.” Dusk and Brush Stroke both shared Tempest’s mystified look. “Same here, Wily.” They said almost together in unison. Wildfire sighed, dredging through her memory to the races she had watched all those years ago when she had been dating Air Raid and had taken an interest in her career. “It means any car can be driven in the race as long as its engine is less than four hundred and fifty brake horsepower.” Now Tempest was really interested, though really no more knowledgeable. “Where will she be driving this car?” Wildfire had to actually check her phone for that, as she hadn’t scrolled all the way down the first time. “She says it’s at the Manehatten Stadium, the race starts at two p.m. Sunday afternoon.” Tempest looked from pony to pony at the table. “I didn't even know Manehatten had a stadium.” She admitted, and she’d lived in the city years. “Don't look at me.” Airmail shrugged her shoulders and judged it was her turn to go and get the refills, which she did. “I cover politics, not sports.” “Well,” Brush Stroke said as he gratefully accepted the refilled milky coffee, “I've painted the stadium but I’ve never actually been in it.” When a sudden thought came to her, Wildfire fired of a text message to Air Raid, to which she got a quick reply. “Apparently, the race on Sunday is to let the other drivers know just who she is.” “How many comp tickets can she get?” Tempest asked. Reaching into her own bag, Airmail pulled out her tablet and scanned her way through a few screens as she navigated the internet. “Let me see if there are tickets left, Stormy.” “I'm interested in going,” Brush Stroke said into his lover’s ear as he kissed his way up it to the tip. “How about it, Dusky?” “Yes,” Dusk nodded after a moment’s thought, “It should be a good afternoon out, love.” Airmail snickered as she looked through her webpages. “And here I thought you two had a basement to build.” Dusk simply smiled at Airmail’s comment, though she couldn’t see it. “No, hunky work stallions have a basement to build. There’s a difference.” “Are there any tickets left, Airy?” Wildfire asked, taking a large sip off her sugary black coffee as her fiancé investigated the upcoming events at the stadium. “Yes,” Airmail said quickly, scanning her way down the screen to the available tickets. “There’s quite a few, actually.” “Then would you like a day at the races?” Wildfire asked, purring as sexily as she could manage. Dusk thought for a moment before turning to his older lover. “We could take Ivory, have a little family day out? Wily,” he said, turning back to his best friend when Brush Stroke nodded that he thought it was a good idea, “Did Raid say how Darkie was?” “No,” Wildfire shook her head at that. “Hang on, I'll ask…” taking up her cell phone, there followed much texting between Wildfire and Air Raid, punctuated by a couple of laughs and a brief pause when the little blind mare took a drink of her coffee. “Apparently, Darkie came on to Caffy so hard in the coffee shop that she offered to dance for him, and after being shown round their place she went for a nap as her meds made her drowsy.” Airmail giggled at that, picturing in her head the pretty slender white unicorn trying to seduce Caffeinated in his own shop. “I'm sure that made Thespy laugh.” Wildfire at last put her cell phone away in her bag and again reached for her coffee. “Seriously guys, you wait till you see her dance.” “Wily, I didn't mean that,” Dusk sighed heavily, “I meant how is she reacting to mom's course of dream therapy?” “Very well, she said,” Wildfire replied as she took another sip of her coffee. “Raid said she hasn't been as down since Sunday, and after she was healed her general outlook seems a lot brighter.” Tempest had a very mischievous thought then, based on what Wildfire had said about her friend coming on to Caffeinated. “Any takers on Darkie getting lucky?” “Yuppers! I'm in on that!” “I remember her dances,” Dusk smiled, very sure of the fact that Darkie would indeed get lucky. “I'm definitely in.” “She's that good?” Brush Stroke asked, not quite believing anypony could dance that well. “No,” Wildfire answered seriously before Dusk had a chance, “She’s better than good.” That made Brush Stroke’s mind up for him. “I'm in too!” “It was a sucker bet!” Tempest snorted out a loud laugh, “Okay. Does anypony say it won't be tonight? And the closest time wins the pot. Time must be on the quarter hour, so no sniping.” The violet weather pony paused for thought and, before Airmail could jump in, she said; “I'm going for seven forty five p.m. tonight.” “Curse you!” Airmail exclaimed as Tempest stuck out her tongue in triumph, “I'll take seven thirty p.m. tonight then.” Wildfire placed her bet. “I'll take eight p.m. tonight.” “Seven p.m. tonight,” Dusk made his choice. “In that case,” Brush Stroke said when all attention came to him, “I'll go for tomorrow night, seven thirty p.m., just to be contradictory.” “All bets duly noted.” Tempest announced as she input the notes in her phone for later reference. “Oils, if Caffy resists tonight you're a shoe in then. Everypony pony up one bit.” Reaching into the pocket of her saddlebag that held her purse of lose change, Wildfire got hold of a bit and pulled it out and laid it on the table. “If Caffy resists tonight then he's as blind as me.” Doing likewise as his friend, Dusk hoofed over two bits, one for himself and one for his partner. “I remember she gave me a wingboner once, although I thought she was a stallion at the time,” he added when he saw the questioning look on his stallion’s face. Airmail snickered as she too put her bit on the table. “As long as Darkie doesn't mind a threesome.” Dusk chuckled, “I can’t see her minding in the least.” “However did you think she was a stallion, love?” Brush Stroke asked curiously, wondering how in the world that worked. “Oh...” Wildfire blushed a little at that, not realising of course that Brush Stroke had no idea of events that had happened between her friends all those years ago. “It was a desire spell. We had a party at Dusk’s suite one time when Darkie danced and cast that spell. Everypony who saw her saw the pony they desired the most instead of Darkie.” Tempest imagined that for a moment, then she imagined a few other things. Then she imagined the possible scene in Caffeinated’s ranch later. “I bet Caffy would just love to do it with two Thespians at once.” Dusk chuckled, “I'm sure he would too, Darkie was very gifted at that spell.” “Do you remember D, Slingshot was the only pony amongst us who watched that dance and saw Darkie?” Dusk nodded seriously, “I remember, Wily.” “Really?” Airmail asked, catching Tempest’s attention with a couple of quick ear flicks, “Well that certainly explains a lot. What exactly did Slingshot do that night?” Wildfire didn’t answer right away. She cocked her head and took a few minutes to properly remember. It was after all a long time ago and a lot of stuff had happened since then. “Um, as I remember, he took her to one side after the dance was finished and they had a really heated discussion, though neither would tell any of us what they said.” Reaching over Wildfire’s back – as she was so small – Tempest laid her left forehoof on Airmail's right shoulder and slightly shook her head. Airmail got the message. “I guess he must not have liked being fooled by the spell.” Looking between Airmail and Tempest, Dusk and Brush Stroke both noticed that the two pegasi mares must surely have ear mites the way they were flicking at each other. Waving quietly to get Tempest’s attention, Dusk pointed a hoof to his ear and made an exaggerated shrug, mouthing 'what?' Wildfire too shrugged, “I dunno if he was fooled, Pretty, I do think that Darkie thought he was mocking her, like her spell didn't work on him or something like that.” Tempest looked over the table at Dusk and shook her head, raising her hoof to her lips to make sure the royal pegasus stayed silent. “I'm going for some more salad,” she announced loudly as she flapped her wings and hovered to the floor beside the table. “Back in a moment.” Waving her hoof for him to follow her to the self-service counter she trotted off. “I'll bring us back something nice,” Dusk promised his earth pony stallion as he gave his nose a quick kiss a he got up and trotted over to where Tempest was waiting for him. Fully aware of Wildfire’s keen hearing, Tempest made sure to keep her voice low so that only Dusk could hear what she was saying. “What if Slingshot really loved Darkstar?” She asked, quickly following up her opinion before the Prince could interrupt, “Darkstar loses half of her horn in the nasty attack. What if Air Raid just made up the excuse that Slingshot left the racing team because of her spending time with Darkstar? What if Slingshot reacted the same way Air Raid reacted to Wildfire being blinded? This is not good dinner conversation, Dusk.” “Yeah...” Dusk’s pink eyes went wide with understanding as it dawned upon him. “I get how that's all sorts of messed up. I can see it working too, and I can also see how Raid would cover it up.” He looked over at the table and at his best friend. “We need an emergency change of subject, Stormy.” Nodding solemnly, glad they were in agreement, Tempest scooped up a bowl of bread and returned to the table. “Wildfire,” she said loudly, “I got you some more of that Zebrifican breadfruit you liked.” “Oooh thanks!” Wildfire squeaked happily, instantly distracted from thoughts of Slingshot and Darkstar. “I do love this stuff!” “Oils,” Tempest followed up quickly as she set the bowl on the table and hovered back over to her seating pad by the window, “You're well-travelled, right? Do you speak any languages besides Equestrian?” Brush Stroke nodded to Tempest’s questions as Dusk sat back down with a bowl of poached pears for them all to share. “I can speak Prench a little, and I know a few phrases of Germaneic too.” “Better than me,” Tempest conceded, “I can speak some Caneighdian Prench. Airy though speaks Zebran.” Dusk, picking up a pear, made short work of it before he commented; “My Mom's been trying to teach me that. She keeps trying to feed me language dreams all the time.” Picking up a piece of the breadfruit, Airmail giggled impishly, “Maybe she wants you to talk to her the way Coffee Bean does…” “Airy!” Tempest exclaimed, thoroughly unprepared for that remark, “Bad pony. No biscuit for you.” “I agree,” Dusk laughed, “Bad pony, Airy!” Wildfire, who had just bitten off a chunk of the breadfruit she had picked up, promptly snorted and choked on said breadfruit. “A...” she coughed and eventually swallowed, “A-Airy!” Sat on the other side of the table nursing his coffee and a poached pear, Brush Stroke caught on to the distraction tactics being employed and did his best to follow suit. “Oh...career highlights!” He declared like it was a bonus round in a cheesy gameshow, “Stormy, what's yours?” Tempest gave her herd-mate a sly sideways glance over Wildfire’s back. “Easy. Being shot by Airy.” Airmail rolled her brown eyes. “He said Highlights, Stormy, not lowlights.” Tempest shrugged and helped herself to some breadfruit. “I got you out of the deal, didn’t I?” Recovering from her choking fit, Wildfire sniggered, “That’s still best story ever, next to D and the Questionnaire.” Now it was Dusk’s turn to roll his pink eyes, which he did to great effect, before he finished his pear and decided to try the breadfruit. “Was there any particular reason you shot her or was it just the thing to do at the time?” Airmail nodded to her friend, “She was being a complete, one hundred per cent, asshole.” She stated very bluntly and honestly. “I thought she was trying to kill me and missed.” Tempest commented thickly, her words slurred with her mouth full. “I don't miss at less than a thousand meters.” Airmail stated coldly. Tempest swallowed her mouthful of breadfruit before she commented again. “She shot one of my primary feathers clean in half.” “So!” Dusk commented after taking a long sip of his earl grey tea, “for future reference, we don’t be arseholes around Airy.” “Agreed, my love.” Brush Stroke snickered, picturing the scene as described in his head. “I suppose mine has to be getting my paintings displayed in the Manehatten City Hall.” Airmail simply smiled very sweetly and disarmingly at Dusk. “Well, it all depends on if you need a new one,” she said with a wink. From one assassin to another, Dusk smiled equally as sweetly and gave her a wink in return. “And have you ruin one of my dresses?” He asked, the smile evident in his tone, “Why, I think I'd rather play nice.” Airmail found she didn’t have to think about her answer at all now that it was clearly her turn, “My highlight is coming up on June the fifteenth.” “Aww!” Wildfire dropped the piece of breadfruit she’d just picked up and instead gave her fiancé a very big hug and an even bigger kiss straight to her lips. “I’m afraid mine is rather easy,” Dusk spoke up, “It has to be helping Mom officially shut down the care home Wily was in and arresting the staff.” Wildfire nodded to her best friend in all the world but she didn’t shrink away. “Thanks for that, D.” Airmail had her head to one side in thought, “I must admit I've never seen the wheels of bureaucracy move as fast as they did that day.” “Yes well,” Dusk commented, taking a longer draught of his tea, almost emptying it. “That was once instance where we abused our authority, ‘greased the skids’ as it were, to make sure we got the job done.” “And, they, the wardens, aren't ever gonna get free are they?” “No Wily.” Dusk stated firmly and definitely. “There’s no parole from their prison. I promise you that here and now.” Brush Stroke snorted derisively. “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Wildfire ate the chunk of breadfruit she had picked up and went in for another piece, chewing that slowly as she thought what her highlight was. “Let’s see…” she tapped her chin with her hoof, “My career highlight has to be the fire at Trixie's Place in Canterlot. That was fun. My personal highlight is marrying my Pretty.” Tempest snapped her head to Wildfire at that. “I thought saving those ponies lives in the four storey building would be hard to top.” “That was good, sure,” Wildfire nodded as she thought of Winter and her family in Canterlot and the day she had gotten her cutie mark, “But in terms of sheer scale Trixie's Place wins hooves down. Picture it, a three storey nightclub and the damn thing took three separate fire teams from three Districts and nine whole hours to put out!” Brush Stroke was very curious at that. “Ah, why did it take so long, please?” “Magical self-replicating fireworks!” Wildfire exclaimed as she explained, “We’d put them out only for them to re-ignite again and again over and over as if we hadn’t done a damn thing. We had to call in the Palace’s fire team eventually. It three a.m. by the time I was dismissed and I stumbled back home.” “That was the night Darkie left you a present on your bed, right?” Airmail asked, having been told the story a few days ago. “Yuppers, it was my nineteenth birthday.” Wildfire replied, “She left me Air Raid and Cyclone, all gagged and tied up with a pretty red ribbon. I was just about to enjoy myself when I got the call to move out and attend the fire.” Brush Stroke winced, “Oooh bad luck!” Wildfire just smiled. She could picture it as if it was yesterday. “They were up and waiting for me when I got back. Ugh…I was rank. I was burnt, soot blackened all over and singed in places I didn’t know I had places. I stunk of sweat and heaven knows what else. They met me at the door and bathed me. It was utter bliss…” Airmail giggled at that, even more so when she took into account what she had done with Wildfire that very morning. “You do like to be bathed, Wily.” Wildfire too let out a giggle. “Oh, I did that night, to be sure. I looked like Two-Face from the Batmare comics.” She paused and gently tapped her facial scars. “Guess what? I still do…” she was silenced very quickly when Airmail and Tempest both leaned in from either side of her and each passionately kissed her scar covered empty sockets. Wildfire blushed a bright red blush. “Guys...” “We were going to go back up to the Cloud District,” Tempest announced once the breadfruit was gone and the drinks were emptied for the third time, “Show off my old school to these mares and do some shopping at the same time.” “Yay!” Wildfire let out a very loud, very girly squee. “Shopping!” Dusk grinned and shook his head at that, “You three have fun then, I believe we're going to head back to Oils' place.” “Dusky and my dad are just starting to really get along,” Brush Stroke said with a snicker, as ‘get along’ might well be a bit of a stretch, but at least Starbright wasn’t throwing vases at him anymore. “As long as you don't go back to the flower shop!” Tempest waved her hoof warningly in the manner of a very strict school mistress at her two friends. “So, do you have room for three more for dinner?” “Pony Scouts honour!” Dusk declared as he held up his hoof, “no going back.” “I don't think dad could handle us going back,” Brush Stroke grinned, a grin that got wider at Tempest’s warning glare, “And yes, there's always room for more at dinner.” “What time should we be expected?” Airmail asked. “Sir! Seventeen hundred to eighteen hundred hours Sir! In the mess hall, Sir!” Brush Stroke barked out in a very close imitation to an army officer. “And please, don't mind a grumpy old stallion who thinks he's still in the army.” “See Stormy,” Airmail snickered, “There are still ponies that eat dinner at a reasonable hour.” “Ahem...yes, well,” Brush Stroke smiled, “is there anything in particular that you'd like to eat?” Dusk chuckled, he just couldn’t help himself. He considered it payback for all those digs about the Questionnaire. “Oh, Wily just loves her celery, don't you Wily?” Airmail gasped out, “And peach ice cream! Don’t forget the peach ice cream!” “Really?” Brush Stroke smiled, “we have plenty of those at home.” Dusk laughed out loud, more than happy to play along. “Oh yes, you love your peaches too, don't you Wily? Absolutely adores them!” Leaning over the table to the mid blue earth pony stallion, Tempest said in a very loud stage whisper, “As you may have guessed, those are her two least favourite foods.” Brush Stroke chuckled and replied with an equally loud whisper. “I had gathered, Stormy.” Even louder then, he continued, “So, that’s celery and peaches for Wily, what about you two?” “Anything with cheese.” Airmail stated quickly. Tempest put her order in too, “Pasta for me.” Wildfire let out a very, very adorable little whimper. “Um, you aren’t really gonna give me celery…are you?” Airmail decided enough was more than enough. Affectionately nuzzling her diminutive yellow lover to cheer her up, she stood up from the table and gave her a nudge. “C’mon you, let's go see Stormy's old hang outs and do some shopping. We’ll see you both later tonight.” > Chapter 12 - The Mare With the Prettiest Eyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking off from the sun-warmed sidewalk outside of Alfalfas and leaving Dusky and Brush Stroke behind, Tempest was at the head of their little V formation as she lead the way up through ten thousand feet back to the Cloud District. Bathed in the warm glow of the mid-afternoon sun, the huge cloud formed building that was Trottingham Sky University was an imposing sight indeed. “Here is my Alma Mata,” the violet weather mare announced with a degree of pride when they landed. Landing next to her marefriend, Wildfire was directed to a noticeboard in the grounds of the university just outside the main entrance that happened to have a relief picture of the building on it above a dedication plaque that she could feel. Feel she did, gently with both hooves. “Ooh,” she smiled when she’d built up a mental image of the university, “this is way cooler than my school!” Tempest had to agree that the cloud building was indeed ‘cool’. “I do have a degree in meteorology, you know.” She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t resist a little showing off. Beside her, always to Wildfire’s left, Airmail couldn’t resist teasing the younger Tempest. “And a Minor in being a Mother Hen, too.” As Tempest did the only reasonable thing in the circumstances – blowing Airmail a loud wet raspberry – Wildfire reflected very briefly that she had never gotten the chance to graduate from Canterlot City University. She had no idea where she’d be now if she had have done. “You’re my clever purple pegasus!” She smiled eventually, having decided not to dwell on it too much. That was then, this was now. Smiling, she felt for Tempest’s face and offered her a kiss. Wrapping the little yellow mare in her forelegs, Tempest took the kiss that was offered as well as another to spare while Airmail wolf-whistled from the side lines. Eventually they had to break for air, and Wildfire giggled, “That was the best thing I learnt in school!” Airmail snickered at her side and made sure to get her kiss in too. Just to not be left out, of course. “And here I was hoping you aced home economics so I wouldn't have to cook.” “Well,” Wildfire shrugged, “I didn't fail it, Pretty.” Or maybe she did, she didn’t honestly know. The only official qualifications to her name now were the ones she had gotten from High School. Maybe she had failed, what with the care home and what had happened. Did that make her a drop out? Again, Wildfire decided not to dwell on it. To her right, Tempest also snickered. “As long as you passed feather preening, you'll be good with Airy.” Wildfire couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Ah now, you see, you two taught me the finer points of that back at Caffy's place in the Mare’s Room, as I remember.” “Yes,” Tempest declared proudly, “I am a good teacher and Airy is a good demonstrator.” “As I recall you were both very good.” Wildfire commented with a bright little giggle, “And you were good teachers, too!” “Been sixteen years since I graduated here,” Tempest mused as she looked over the large imposing building with a critical, if slightly nostalgic, eye. “I see the campus has gotten bigger.” Wildfire, with her head cocked to one side, wasn’t really listening. Not be mean or rude, far from it. No, she was thinking about her mum, Silverbolt. A thought triggered by something Tempest had said a few moments before. “Y'know how you did meteorology, Honey? You and mum would've been best friends, I think.” Tempest smiled, honoured at being mentioned in the same breath as Silverbolt in that fashion. “Yeah, I could see us hanging out at clubs.” Wildfire grinned, once more casting her mind back to her mother. One of the hardest working goal oriented pony she had ever known. “She would've liked talking shop with you, and you would have known what each other was on about.” “Yeah,” Airmail said, a smile in her voice, “I know what you mean, Wily. It’s hard work when Stormy gets all this front and that front and only stops when my snores drone her out…” she had to pause then, as the violet hoof that playfully swatted the back of her head made her lose her train of thought amidst a gale of giggles. “Well my dad never tried to get it, Pretty,” Wildfire replied, “And mum lost me the minute she talked about calculating load densities of class seven clouds and estimating the power output of a class nine lightning bolt.” “Oh, I just have to say it!” Tempest said with an affected deep sniff. “Those are elementary calculus equations you know, my dear Wily.” “You might as well be talking Zebran for all the sense they make…” Wildfire muttered not quite under her breath, then she smiled when her mood flipped one eighty. “That’s why you're the clever one!” As Airmail shot her herd-mate a very knowing look straight over Wildfire’s back, Tempest giggled. “I’m not as clever as I think, right Airy?” Airmail nodded. “You got that right in one shot.” Wildfire giggled as she and Airmail were led around the university campus and shown what was what. “Well, you're smarter than me at any rate.” When they got to the gift shop after the library, a tour that took a good twenty five minutes, Wildfire was impressed. “Wow!” She gasped, “Your school’s way huge! Your library's massive!” Tempest nodded, that little pang of well-deserved pride coming back in full force. “TSU is second only to Cloudsdale in size.” “It certainly feels it, walking these halls.” Wildfire giggled, feeling the cloud construct beneath her hooves. “I spent most of my time in the university library when I was there reading Shakespony. It was the best way to avoid the bullies.” “Yeah,” Tempest’s good mood instantly dissolved into a pit of self-loathing when she heard that. She kicked at the floor as they walked along, leaving a divot in her wake. “Avoid ponies like me…” she muttered with her head down. She had been utterly wretched in her younger days. Had she been the musing type, she would have supposed that was why she sympathised so much with Air Raid right now. Wildfire however wasn’t having that at all. Feeling for the much larger pony to her right, she pulled her into a tight hug and as passionate a kiss as she could muster. “Hey!” She said in a scolding tone, “You're nothing like Blitzwing!” Instantly buoyed at that, Tempest pulled Airmail into their group hug. “Because I was a lucky mare and got shot by a very special pony.” “Maybe if somepony had shot Blitzwing he'd have been different too.” Wildfire said, not letting go of the hug for a second. “I cannot and will not believe you were ever as malicious as him, even if you were a bully.” Tempest decided not to argue. “I can go with that.” “So can I,” Airmail punctuated her statement with a kiss to Tempest’s strangely damp violet cheek. “Good filly.” Wildfire kissed Tempest’s other cheek, tasting the wet saltiness that was there on her fur. “That’s better. You aren’t putting yourself down. I won’t let you.” “Not every memory is a good memory, Wily.” Tempest said, a little sullenly as they began to make their way back outside, “That’s why I'm making new memories with you.” Wildfire had to agree with that, certainly. “No they aren't Stormy, that’s why these new memories are so precious to me…” Wildfire’s sentence was suddenly interrupted by a not-so-forced three way kiss. A hot three way kiss that would’ve gotten them sent to the vice principal’s office back in the day. “Besides, these are the best memories I've had for a long time, and that's partly your fault, Honey.” Airmail giggled when they reached the grounds and once more felt the sun on her face. “She is such an ebil pony, she is!” “Pretty,” Wildfire shook her head, misunderstanding quite what her fiancé had said, “I've known evil ponies, and she ain't one of them.” “Not evil,” Airmail corrected the blind mare with a gentle nip to her ear, “Ebil, there’s a big difference.” “That’s true,” Tempest snickered behind her hoof, “That’s why we are getting fishy cookies.” “Oh, sorry my bad,” Wildfire giggled. Ever since she had told her two herd-mates about her best friend’s pet hate on the ascent up to the Cloud District, she knew they’d be getting them at some point. “I just know Dusky's gonna love ‘em!” Tempest gave a teeny little shudder. “I sure as Tartarus didn't like them when I got them.” Airmail laughed, remembering that priceless prank she had played on her violet marefriend. “Didn't stop you from eating and sharing though, did it?” Tempest joined in the laughter now, “That was funny, and once I ate one, there was no going back until I could brush my teeth.” Wildfire just giggled, “I wish I could see his face when he eats one.” Airmail knew what to do here to prevent ‘sad Wily’. “I'll remember for you and when we do another shared dream we'll have Luna show you.” “Well!” Tempest declared loudly, “that completes the ten bit tour of TSU, now let’s go to the mall!” Airmail approved of the mall. She approved a lot. She decided to show this approval with a wing slap to Tempest over Wildfire’s back between them. “Do they still have the ice cream shop there?” Tempest shook her head and shrugged. “I don't know, but we can go and find out.” “Any excuse to shop, ladies!” Wildfire giggled happily, “As if we need an excuse, right? Besides, chocolate ice cream is always welcome!” Airmail couldn’t help herself. “You sure you don't want peach, my love?” “While it's not the crappiest thing I've ever eaten,” Wildfire shuddered hard. No, that dubious honour went squarely to the ‘food’ she had been forced to eat back at the care home. Forced, while Lotus Stripes stood laughing watching her force it down into her starving belly, “No babe I think I'll have chocolate, thank you.” “Then let us fly to the mall!” Tempest cried heroically as she spread her powerful violet wings and took off. Wildfire likewise launched herself into the air behind Tempest’s swishing black tail. “I'm with you, Honey.” “I'm with you both!” Airmail snickered and took off, flying alongside Wildfire’s left flank to keep said flank company. Thankfully, the mall wasn’t very far from the university and, after a short ten minute flight they were landing again. When they were all down, Airmail looked at the directory. “It’s still here, oh, they have a lingerie store that's new!” Tempest rolled her eyes at the excitement in the azure blue mare’s voice. “You just want something to match what Mapper is getting Wily,” she teased. “Lingerie's that lacy fancy Prench stuff, isn't it?” Wildfire asked, wanting to be sure of herself. “Yes,” Tempest replied with a nuzzle and a hoof strategically placed hoof under Wildfire’s right wing joint and caressed the sensitive spot. “Sexy to both the eye and the hoof.” “Aaah!” Wildfire’s legs went wobbly, “S-Something frilly and lacy I can feel for you both would be cool,” she managed to gasp out “See Stormy,” Airmail snickered and added her hoof to Wildfire’s left wing joint, giving that a gentle caress, “we need some hoofing good clothes for the night time snuggles!” “Gaaa!” Wildfire was amazed at how she managed to stay upright. She had no idea how she did it. At all. “W-We Mmmm d-do indeed,” she really had to fight her wingboner, “and I want to treat you both to something nice.” Airmail removed her hoof, having decided enough teasing was enough, and she didn’t want Wildfire leaving a snail trail behind her in the mall. “I want to let you,” she purred huskily into her fiancé’s ear. “Fine.” Tempest giggled as she – somewhat reluctantly - removed her hoof from Wildfire’s right wing joint. “Our first stop will be Everfree Lingerie.” “Yay!” Wildfire stole a very quick kiss from Tempest as they entered the Cloud District mall. As it was Wildfire’s very first time in such a building, she was learning many new things about pegasi constructs. Mainly, in the case of the mall, that there was no roof between stores which made getting around very easy. The blind mare quickly noticed this when they flew around. “Hey...there's no ceilings!” “Well,” Tempest spared a moment in the busy bustling and noisy mall to look up and see what she took for granted. “There is one over the stores for security, but not over the passage ways.” “It causes much less crowding that way,” Airmail interjected as they made their way smartly to their destination. “And here we are!” She announced cheerfully when they all landed in front of the fancy underwear shop and entered it in single file. “Welcome to Everfree's.” A pale grey middle aged pegasus mare with a shoulder length sky blue mane greeted them almost the very second they walked over the threshold of the shop. “I'm Garter, how can I help you today?” “My fiancé, Wildfire, would like to find something that feels nice on me.” Airmail started, not caring for the way the shop assistant wasn’t looking at the little yellow mare, but also she decided not to make a thing out of it. They wouldn’t be in here long enough to bother. Garter looked confused for two seconds until comprehension dawned upon her. “Feels...” she muttered before the pale grey mare at last looked at Wildfire with a blush. “Oh, of course.” Noting Airmail’s dangerous look, she instead smiled to the little blind pony. “Do you like soft or hard? Smooth or rough?” “Um…” Wildfire, who was of course oblivious to the interchange between Garter and Airmail, had a good think at that. Eventually she made her mind up. “I think very soft and smooth would be better for my lovely, and she has to enjoy wearing it too.” Tempest snickered, unable to stop herself. “No chainmail body armour for you, Airy.” Smiling, Garter came up alongside of Wildfire and very gently nudged her potential customer with her wing to get her to follow her deeper into the shop. “Please follow me and you can see what feels right to you, then.” As Wildfire sniffed and began to follow the shop assistant, she sniffed for a second time. The blind mare guessed that her perfume was a soft fresh washed linen scent. She breathed it in deeply as they wove through the maze of aisles. “Hmm, you smell of linen, Ms. Garter.” She turned her head to her left and to Airmail, “Is soft and smooth okay, my love?” “You're the one doing the touching,” Airmail reminded her with a gentle caress of her wing along her lover’s back, “But I get to choose the colour.” Tempest saw the warning signs at once and decided to head this cart off at the pass before it got rolling. “Airy, if you choose neon green again, you're definitely sleeping outside this time.” Wildfire giggled, wanting to tease her marefriend a little. “You can choose any colour you like Pretty.” She giggled a little harder, “I love neon green. Kinda like Air Raid with a light bulb up her ass.” Now Tempest laughed out loud at that particular mental image as it flashed through her mind like an old Acme cartoon. “I'm so going to bring a flashlight next time we see her and say it is all your fault, Wily.” Wildfire shrugged. “That’s fine with me, Honey.” Garter giggled as she led the three pegasi mares to the very, very sexy aisle of extra-Prench lingerie. “Okay,” she said brightly in her best sales assistant voice. “Here are four outfits that you can touch.” The middle aged pale grey mare showed off the array of silks, cashmeres, synthetic and one thousand thread count cotton outfits. “Silk.” Wildfire said presently after a long silent ten minutes where she felt every inch of the various offered outfits with her hooves. “Silk, please, just like my Airy's fur.” “Didn’t you mean brillo pad?” Tempest asked cheekily, earning herself a raspberry from Airmail for her trouble. “Now, now Honey,” Wildfire giggled, “you know that's her personality.” Airmail and Tempest both laughed at that, as did Wildfire herself. “And I love you for it, babes.” Garter simply smiled a professional smile, not wanting in the slightest to get that dangerous look on the blue mare’s face again. “I suggest you try it on to see if it still feels right. For this we have the colours of lavender, pink, burgundy, black, white, and bright yellow.” “Alrighty, it’s your choice of colour Pretty,” Wildfire smiled as she held her hoof on the silk garment. “It would be nice to test it out, get the feel for it.” “Yes, a test drive, and go for the burgundy.” Tempest suggested while she eyed up the selection of very flimsy but very erotic undergarments. Airmail nodded in agreement. “Burgundy is nice.” “Burgundy works for me, Pretty.” Wildfire agreed quickly before turning towards Tempest’s scent. “What colour do you want, Honey?” Tempest spotted the one she wanted right away. “Bright yellow, just like honey.” That worked for Wildfire too. “Honey, that’s awesomes! Burgundy and yellow…make some colour I’m sure…” Garter, ever the professional mare, coughed ever so slightly. “Ahem, would you like a dressing room?” Tempest shook her head ‘no’. “Here is fine.” Airmail also shook her head. “Same.” Wildfire smiled. “Make sure you pick something nice.” “Close your eyes, Wily,” Airmail giggled, enjoying the look of confusion on Garter’s face at her joke. “I don't want you to see us getting dressed till we are done.” Tempest let out a bright little giggle when Wildfire raspberried them both. “I'll even turn my back in case I get tempted to peek.” “You do that.” Tempest ordered somewhat bossily while Garter carefully removed the burgundy and yellow lingerie from the racks. “Can't be too careful with little Stealth Pony here.” Wildfire turned around and even placed her yellow wings out over her face. “You see? No peekage, as promised.” Almost as soon as she did that, the diminutive yellow pegasus heard the unmistakeable sounds of Airmail and Tempest dressing, with help here and there from Garter as and when it was necessary. Waiting patiently, Wildfire hummed her tune happily while her herd-mates got dressed. “Okay,” Airmail said loudly after a good few minutes when she and Tempest were both dressed. “You can look with your hoovsies now Wily.” “Yay!” Wildfire squeaked happily and, given permission at last, she turned and trotted over to Airmail and Tempest using her sense of smell, her left hoof held out for a careful feel. “Yes darling,” Airmail purred sensuously when her lover’s hoof ran up her silk-clad thigh to her wing joint. “Do run your hooves all over me…” Tempest giggled as Wildfire continued to gently caress her hoof over Airmail’s body. “Oh wow...it really is soft, my hoof’s just running off it!” “Think how easy it will be slide off of me when the time comes…” Airmail purred huskily into Wildfire’s left ear. “Oh, I’m waaay ahead of you, Pretty.” “Me next!” Tempest cried, bouncing like an excited overgrown filly that made Garter grin a very wide grin, and the sale hadn’t even been made yet. “I want to see if my yellow feels different than Airy’s burgundy.” “Alrighty,” Sniffing and feeling her way over to the right, she eventually found Tempest and felt her larger violet body with both of her forehooves. “Hmm…this does feel slightly different. It’s still super smooth though,” she had herself another good feel just to make sure. Not to grope her teats at all. No. “Although, it's only the second silk thing I've felt.” Airmail smiled a genuine loving smile as she watched Wildfire ‘exploring’ Tempest with her hooves. “I do believe she approves, Garter.” “I do!” Wildfire squeaked, “I do a lot approve!” “We'll take both, please.” Tempest said to the ecstatic sales assistant. Airmail gently ran her wingtip along Wildfire’s back to get her attention, which she did once the feathers reached ‘that’ spot between her back. “We should celebrate our purchase.” “Yes we should!” Tempest caught the very sultry look on her azure blue marefriend’s face and caught on immediately as she ran her own wing along the little yellow mare’s back. “Any suggestions, Wildfire?” “Oh! Um, ice cream would be a good start, I guess.” Wildfire smiled, very happy indeed with her soon-to-be purchases. “I'm really glad you like your things.” For her comment and her generosity, Wildfire received two very wet, very hot kisses that bought a flush to the blind mare’s cheeks as she was led back up to the counter and Garter proceeded to process the sale, which was quite easy seeing as her customers were wearing their purchases. “That will be one thousand two hundred bits, please.” “Alrighty, Ms. Garter,” Wildfire reached into her saddlebag and fished out her card before passing it over to the pale grey sales assistant. “I got this.” In short order, Garter rang up the sale and gave Wildfire back her card which she stowed in her bag. “Thank you for shopping at Everfree Lingerie today.” Wildfire beamed, “Thank you Ms. Garter,” she replied before Tempest gently turned her towards the open shop door. “You are welcome, my dear.” Garter was pleased for the sale, but the pale grey pegasus couldn’t deny she was pleased to see the back of the customers as they left. The yellow one had been pleasant enough, but eww those scars. Alone in the shop she shuddered so hard she shook her blue mane. “I’m sorry to disappoint you Wily,” Airmail said loudly once they had covered the relatively short distance in the mall to the ice cream shop. On the way she and Tempest had both received admiring whistles from passing stallions and mares alike. “But they don't seem to have peach ice cream at this place.” “Looks like the do have chocolate though,” Tempest followed up quickly when she noticed Wildfire’s face droop to the floor. “They have coffee!” Airmail whooped in delight. “I'm so having that as a malt.” Tempest perused the wall mounted menu for just a moment before she made up her mind as to what to have. “I'm going to do the banana split with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry I think!” “I'm not disappointed.” Wildfire sighed. Inwardly she knew there was one last thing preying on her mind. One last shameful hangover from the care home. Ever since Airmail agreed to marry her she just knew it would come to light, just as much as she knew she’d have to tell her fiancé. It didn’t do to keep secrets. “I guess I'll get chocolate and coffee, please.” “Good choice,” Airmail said, though she detected the dejected tone in her betrothed as quickly as Tempest did, though she shook her head, none the wiser. “You want a cone, cup or sundae?” “Sundae will be fine, thank you, Airy.” Tempest shared a very worried look with her herd-mate. They hadn’t heard Wildfire’s voice sound like this since the time she told them about the braille poems. The violet weather mare shot her head towards the nearest empty table. “Both of you sit down, I got this.” “Okay,” Airmail nodded her agreement to this plan. “There is an empty table over to your right, Wily.” “Alright thanks Honey.” Somewhat subdued, noticeably so, Wildfire moved to the right and felt around until she found and sat at the table. Airmail, a puzzled look on her face fighting with concern for dominance, sat next to her obviously troubled fiancé waited quietly for Tempest to return with the ice cream. “So, Pretty...” she made a very nervous giggle. “We're getting married and all and that’s great...and well, there's something I need to tell you, first.” Airmail knew there was a ‘something’. A very big something. Before Wildfire could continue though, she rested her forehoof on her own. “Wait a minute or two please.” After a couple of minutes more, Tempest came over with the ice creams on a tray and sat down opposite Airmail and Wildfire, sliding the sundae in front of the fretting blind pony. “Okay love,” Airmail started, “Tell me where the happy pony from the lingerie shop went to?” “She's on holiday for a moment.” Wildfire muttered miserably into the table top. “Look, there's something, it's a big thing. You'll hate me, but you deserve to know, before we get…” Airmail interrupted her before she could carry on much further in that vein. There was no way in a cold Tartarus she was having that. "Stop right there for a moment.” She said gently before leaning in and kissing her lips deeply. “Please love, never accuse me of hating you.” Leaning in over the table, Tempest also gave the little yellow mare a lingering kiss. “Nor me.” “Now that is out of the way please share your pain with us.” Airmail said kindly as a very curious Tempest sat back down on her seating pad. “Th-Thanks…” Wildfire sniffed a sad little sniff. The cat was well and truly out of the bag now, she had little choice but to continue. She’d come this far already. “Do you remember those braille poems I read to you days ago? Well, there was one missing from the end of the book.” Tempest looked up at Airmail and they both shared a series of ear flicks. “Wily, may I record this?” She asked once the ear flicks were concluded. Sniffing, which was universally recognised by all that knew her as a sobbing cry, Wildfire nodded. “Y-Yuppers, you can. See, there wasn't a poem but there was an entry…” she sniffed deeply, both in shame and embarrassment. “Before I start, I want you both to know I'm sorry. I-I…I had no choice…” Tempest silently got up from her side of the table and in a moment, Wildfire found herself sandwiched between the two older mares. The violet pony nuzzled Wildfire’s right cheek. “You know I had a choice yet I chose to be a bully.” Likewise, Airmail nuzzled Wildfire’s left cheek. “I had a choice and I chose to kill ponies. Sometimes you have do that which you don't want to do, but what you are forced to do.” “We cannot hold that against you.” Tempest said as tenderly as she could, delicately kissing Wildfire’s ear. Wildfire knew the moment was at hoof. No backing away now. “I-I didn't want to do it…” she sniffed a loud wet sniff. “I really didn't. Th-They starved us...I-I held out for almost eight days…” another long deep sniff, “I'm sorry…” Wildfire trailed to silence as she was nuzzled from each side, but neither mare moved to interrupt her. She hated herself right now. She could hear Lotus Stripes and his mocking, goading voice in her ear. She could practically smell the foul rancid food in the bowl. Her bowl. Her feed bowl. She could taste it on her tongue…it was as if she was back in her cell. “I-It was all there was to eat, I swear…” yet another sniff, and now a very tiny voice, “I-I a-ate m-meat, dog food. I ate d-dog f-food. It was disgusting…” Airmail looked at Tempest. Tempest looked at Airmail. Both mares were stunned into silence at their herd-mate’s revelation. Neither knew exactly what to say to comfort their sniffing lover. What followed was a flurry of ear flicks so fast and intense that they may as well have had mites. “Technically,” Airmail offered eventually, “fish is meat too.” “True,” Tempest’s hooves squeezed Wildfire’s own. “But neither of us has eaten dog food, have we?” “That’s true.” Airmail conceded that point as well made. Turning her attention back to her fiancé, “Wily, why are you ashamed of surviving? I've eaten a lot of griffon food, for all I know I may have eaten pony by accident. Their rations all taste exactly like crap.” Wildfire looked down at the table, barely sniffing her ice cream, though she was no longer crying. “Airy, it was sickening. I dunno why but...I just dunno...after a few times I even chose the meat over the box, I just remember Amethyst mocking me for it. She called me her obedient little doggy. It…didn't feel like surviving.” Airmail’s temper bristled under her skin. “I would so like to take Amethyst Glory out right now, but Luna has her locked away where I can't get to her. So, instead you'll just let me do this.” With that, the azure blue mare once more kissed her diminutive lover very passionately indeed, which was quickly followed by Tempest doing the same. “You know, for a meat eater, you still taste as sweet as when I first met you.” Wildfire made with a lot of sniffs at that. A serious amount of sniffs. “I…I was worried you wouldn't want to do that again.” Airmail smiled, “Well I'd rather not eat griffon rations again, if it is all the same to you.” Tempest snorted out a laugh as her herd-mate kissed her fiancé’s lips. “I like ponies to poop on me, so if you don't think that is disgusting, then who am I to judge a pony by what they have eaten under duress.” “Stormy,” Airmail rolled her brown eyes, though there was a smile in them. “It is disgusting, but I still poop on you anyways.” Wildfire gave a nervous little giggle. “I ah, I didn't know what to think. I wanted you both to know though, ‘cos I'm not scared of her anymore, and I didn't want to keep things from you both.” “Just, don't ever think I'll hate you.” Airmail had a little bit of pleading in the tone of her voice. “Please, Wily.” Wildfire blushed intently at that. “I um, I guess I should've known better than that, right?” “Yes you should have,” Tempest smiled lovingly at Wildfire and caressed her cheek with her hoof. “But now you do. You have a fine mare there.” “I do,” Airmail nuzzled Wildfire’s neck, “don't I.” Now it was Wildfire’s turn to smile when she felt the love in the nuzzle she was getting. “Yuppers I do, wait...” she paused, a little confused as she thought Tempest was talking to her. “Wait…you do?” Airmail laughed brightly. “I'm sure Stormy was talking to me, right? Maybe it was you, the result is the same.” “I’m sorry Pretty,” Wildfire grinned and, at last taking a mouthful of her ice cream kissed Airmail first then Tempest, swapping some with both ponies. “There's nothing else, I promise. I'm pretty sure I never used to be a stallion or anything.” Sensing the brief but all-to-intense drama was at an end, Tempest likewise took up her banana split and tongue-swapped it with her two mares. “So, you aren’t really part of Luna's underground zebra commando squad?” “Or one of the Celestia six assassins?” Airmail giggled so hard she could barely keep the ice cream in her mouth long enough to transfer it to Wildfire and Tempest. “Can you really see me as an assassin?” Wildfire laughed out loud before diving into her ice cream once more. “Besides, Luna doesn't have assassins, that’s just an old mare's tale to frighten foals to behave, everypony knows that. Nor am I a changeling, as far as I know.” Tempest giggled, “I said Luna has commandos.” “And I said Celestia has assassins.” Airmail clarified, her voice thick with her own ice cream. “Yuppers!” Wildfire declared with a laugh in her voice before once again sharing her chocolate ice cream with the other two older pegasi. “I'm secretly the chief commando in charge of all the assassins and Dusky is my second in charge of the assassin commandos!” “I always knew you were the master mind behind Dusky.” Airmail stated in a way that said that was that. Tempest decided to play along, now that the conversation and the mood had taken a distinct turn for the better. “Is it true that the Librarian is actually in charge of all of Equestria?” “Oh no Stormy, she answers to me too, you just can’t see my horn.” “Wow…” Tempest giggled before kiss-sharing the last remnants of her banana split with Wildfire and Airmail. “Now that is a high class illusion spell right there. Same with the eyes?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled as she swallowed the banana dessert. “It’s all me, really!” She barely finished that sentence before she burst out laughing. “Well, Super Duper Secret Agent Stealth Pony,” Airmail said as both she and Tempest hugged the little blind mare from both sides at once, “Has the happy humming mare from Everfree Lingerie returned from her holiday?” Wildfire nodded, especially when she felt the silk lingerie that was only just covering some of her herd-mate’s bodies. “Yuppers, she has, but now you know my secret I must kill you...with my kisses!” Wildfire snickered and blindly peppered her two mare’s faces with many little kisses. Airmail veritably basked in the rain of kisses. “Sweet death, I welcome you.” Tempest likewise closed her eyes and allowed the kissing terror to have her way. “Stay not your lips of terror.” Wildfire giggled as she ceased her kissing onslaught. “I have thought of a better use for these lips, if you'd both like to take a break on a cloud?” “I take it you mean away from the Cloud District on a nice high level cloud were you can ravish us?” Tempest purred sexily into Wildfire’s ear, getting an instant wingboner for her trouble. That, and a hasty frantic nod of her head, told her everything she needed to know. ~ ~ ~ “So Wily,” Airmail started when they took off from the take-off point outside the cloud mall’s entrance into the beautifully warm mid-afternoon sun, their destination a secluded cloud which at their height of around nine thousand feet or so would most likely be a cumulus. “Just what did you and Raid do on that cloud six years ago?” Flying along at Airmail’s right, with Tempest at the head, Wildfire had a think about that. A think, along with a blushing giggle. “Weeeell, first we admired the stars, then Raid misquoted the Tempest, as if you could, then we kissed, like a lot.” Wildfire paused, those very happy memories flooding back to her like a much needed balm. “Then, I kissed and licked her hooves. She peed while I was doing that, then I ate her out after I sucked the pee off her hoof. Then, we switched and she took my virginity by hoofing me.” Tempest, though she had heard this story before, was justly impressed at a mare being capable and willing of being hoofed on the first time. “Well that certainly does sound like fun to me.” Airmail, who had also heard it before, pondered it anew. She also pondered just how far she’d go with her. To the end of the line, of course. Still, she had limits. “I can play along with some of it, at least.” “I don't know if we can take your virginity again though,” Tempest burst out into a fit of giggles. “As first dates go, I guess it was eventful,” Wildfire giggled with Tempest and when she altered her course to the left, the little blind mare followed suit. “After I came I kinda blissed out, and Raid had to wait for me to come round again before she could get back down.” That certainly piqued Airmail’s interest, knowing what she knew now of Air Raid’s Scootaloo’s Syndrome. “Did you know then that she couldn't fly?” Wildfire shook her head. “No, she told me a few months later, after the funfair carnival. We were on the Ferris wheel and she told me then, she told me everything.” Just then, as a wonderfully delicious idea took hold, Airmail’s brown eyes went very big and wide. “Wily, can you carry me to the cloud?” She asked innocently, while Tempest did her best not to stall in mid-air with the force of her laughter. Wildfire giggled at that. “If I had eyes I'd roll 'em. Sure I will Dodo, but the next carnival there is, you're winning me an Octavia plushie, okay?” “Good luck with that.” Tempest snorted having managed to get her flight back to level after her laughing fit. “We can see if Caffy can win one off of Mapper.” Wildfire’s voice dropped a little as they flew so slowly that they may as well be hovering. “Raid thought it was such a foalish thing, but, she did it for me anyway.” Airmail made her way a little closer to Wildfire and gently caressed her flank with her wingtip. “You really need to see Thespy's plush collection sometime.” “I take its huge?” Wildfire asked with a giggle, “Oooh…you should've seen Raid after that when Blitzwing and his dogs had a hold of Dusk and me in the beer tent. She was properly awesomes!” Tempest flew back upon hearing that and gently nuzzled her cheek. “It’s nice to hear you speak so well of her, Wily.” “I’ve hated her for long enough Honey,” Wildfire replied quietly, seriously, her head to one side as she hovered in the air above the Cloud District. “I just can't hate her anymore. She made a mistake, that’s all. She was young…er than she is now, a different mare, I’m sure.” She grinned then, turning her head to Airmail’s direction. “You'd have been impressed Airy, she had Blitzwing pinned down with her hoof at his neck,” she laughed, “She knocked his stupid fedora clean off his head.” “Many of us have made mistakes.” Airmail said, understanding Air Raid a lot more now at least. “Let's find a fat cloud filled with water so we can shower after the fun. Don't want to show up to Oils's place smelling like mares in heat.” “You're on, Pretty.” Wildfire smiled, “besides I'm done hating. All hate does is get you a face full of acid.” Airmail hovered over to her fiancé and laid very tender loving kisses over her facial scars, not wincing in the slightest at the feel of the empty sockets underneath. “Hate can't live unless you feed it.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire nodded, “besides it sounds like Raid's beat herself up enough I think. So, you hopping on for that ride, Pretty?” Adjusting her hover just a little bit, Airmail landed neatly on the diminutive yellow mare’s back and held on with her hind legs around her barrel. “If you get tired, say so and I'll fly off.” Tempest looked around from their current position above the Cloud District, her weather mare mind reading the breeze and the cloud formations far off in the distance. “Should be some nice rain clouds off to the south.” “No worries at all, Pretty, just gimme a direction to the clouds and I'll be sound.” She giggled a little as she got accustomed to Airmail’s weight on her back. “At least you aren't as heavy as Raid.” Airmail sniffed. “I suppose I'll take that as a compliment.” “There are some nice looking ones about two miles to the south east,” Tempest announced as she gently nudged Wildfire around until she was facing the right direction, “But they are only around five thousand feet at the top.” She snickered at a couple of ear flicks from her herd-mate. “Race you!” “Oh!” Wildfire gasped when she felt Tempest buzz past her. “It. Is. On!” Confident of her facing, she flared her wings and flapped them as hard as she could, accelerating up to her top speed of seventy five with a joyous laugh. “Pretty,” she said after a few moments, “Are we winning?” “We are!” Airmail cried happily, “We are! Up a couple hundred feet and straight ahead, Wily.” “Yeeehaw!” Thrilled to bits to think that she was actually beating Tempest of all ponies in a straight race, Wildfire angled herself upwards and kept up her fast pace. Airmail leant forward on her back and whispered in her ear. “She is starting to catch up!” “Oh Tartarus!” Wildfire swore and, taking a deep breath, she opened her taps and just went for it, imagining the urgency of a fire to spur her onto a new top speed of eighty eight miles per hour. “That's it!” Airmail cheered for she saw the fat cumulus cloud that was the finish line fast approaching and knew they were almost out of time. “She is losing ground. Only half a mile to go!” “This Rookie's got it Pretty!” Flapping that little bit harder, she managed to go that bit faster. She was glad up here they didn’t need roads. “She is pushing herself now,” Airmail continued to supply commentary to Wildfire, “But I think we got her, just a couple hundred yards more.” Wildfire was straining at her absolute limit. “Oh, we so got this Pretty!” Airmail’s brown eyes were wide with excitement, even her, who hated going fast, was caught up in the impromptu race. “You are about to cross the edge...and…and across the line!” “Wohooo! Oh yeees! Oh yes!” Wildfire felt all four of her hooves connect with the cloud and she jumped up and down, thoroughly pleased with her little self and celebrating her achievement. “And the fire is out!” “You barely beat me,” Tempest pouted as she landed beside her lover. “But, then you cheated.” “We did not,” Airmail stuck out her tongue, “Your fault if you didn't set the rules.” “Um…” Wildfire was confused. More than that, she felt the elation of her win seep out of her. “How did I cheat?” Leaning in close to her fiancé’s ear, Airmail whispered, “Stormy flew tail first.” “Oh...” Wildfire scuffed the surface of the cloud miserably with her hoof. All that joy of winning had leeched out of her. “I did think it was weird I won.” Seeing her marefriend’s rather extreme reaction, Tempest immediately felt rubbish and offered her a tender nuzzle. “You won, my love. I just wanted to give me a handicap to see if I could fly that far backwards. I almost had you to then you put on a burst of speed.” Wildfire grinned at that, her mood buoyed straightaway. “Ah that was my secret weapon, you see. I pretended there was a fire that I really, really had to get to.” Airmail kisses Wildfire’s lips. “Clever mare.” If Wildfire was happier before, she positively beamed now. “You ah, you think so?” Tempest nodded, “Anything that motivates you is good, Wily.” Wildfire blushed a very, very intense red blush. “I imagined you two were trapped in the building.” Airmail nuzzled her lover’s cheek hard and trailed wet sloppy kisses all the way up her little neck. “Are you my prince that has saved me?” “Yuppers!” She happily returned the nuzzle and the kisses. “I got you out of there.” Tempest had heard more than enough. She was horny before. Now she was ready to pounce on her marefriend after hearing that. A very quick ear flick between herself and Airmail, a quick nod of the head, and both pegasi moved to either side of Wildfire and roll her onto her back on the cloud. “Shall we give her the full treatment, Stormy?” Airmail asked, that husky tone in her voice. Tempest nodded firmly. “The works, Airy.” “Hey…” Wildfire had just a moment to consider that, “wh-what?” A split second later and Wildfire felt Airmail’s lips pressed against her own. “No talking.” She said simply. Wildfire then felt, if Airmail had kissed her, Tempest begin to preen her left wing. “Hmhmm…” Wildfire murmured as she returned the kiss and Tempest began her preen at the secondary feathers with the idea of working her way slowly to the primaries. At her head, Airmail engaged Wildfire in a very intense tongue battle and while the blind mare let out a coo at Tempest's preening she attempted to fight back in the tongue battle though she relented little. When Tempest started on the first primary feather of the left wing, Airmail gave Wildfire’s nose a long wet lick and then she slowly moved down her little yellow body to delicately muzzle and nibble at her neck before working her way down to her shoulders with many little nips and kisses. “Hmmm…aaahhhhh Pre...” Continuing very slowly down to Wildfire’s chest, all the time nipping and licking while Tempest moaned into her quivering yellow feathers as she suckled on each one. “Oooh…” Wildfire squirmed under both of her herd-mate’s ministrations, getting very wet between her hind legs. “Ooooh that's...hmm I-I liiiike that!” On her sensuously slow trek down Wildfire’s body, Airmail paused to linger at her left teat once she was past her belly. At her back, Tempest was half way through the primaries on her left wing she timed a long lick as Airmail sucked on her nipple. Under the dual assault, Wildfire whimpered and her wet marehood began leaking as she writhed on the cloud. As Tempest finished her loving ministrations on Wildfire’s quiveringly hard left wing, the violet weather pony shimmied over and around her panting lover and immediately made a start on the secondary feathers of her right wing. Airmail, having suckled on her left nipple, paid similar attention to her right one before she moved lower still in order to taste her essence as it leaked from her puffy wet tunnel. “NAaaaAH!” Wildfire moaned from the sheer pleasure and reached a hoof down to play with Airmail's summer green mane. At Wildfire’s dripping wet marehood, Airmail continued to gently nip, lick, tongue and tease all around her labia which were swollen with arousal and need. No matter how hard she licked, no matter where she licked, she always stopped just short of bringing Wildfire to her climax. Working her way slowly through your secondary feathers, Tempest was in her own world as Wildfire began bucking her hips up into Airmail's face, the pleasure from her wings fighting with the pleasure from her hot nethers. “P-Pretty...aaahhh!” Tempest paused for a moment after the last secondary feather had been sucked and preened. Airmail got up from Wildfire’s sopping wet marehood. “What I like about real clouds is no sheet like our bed.” With that, she forced her left rear leg into the cloud by Wildfire’s black tail and her right leg was stretched across the blind mare’s trembling belly and heaving chest as she pressed their marehoods tight against one another. Instantly when contact was made, Airmail rubbed vigorously and let out a low moan as their clitorises touched. “Oooh P-Pretty,” Wildfire gasped out, her words thick with pleasure from the scissoring. She desperately rubbed herself back against Airmail's dripping wet marehood, she could smell her juices as clearly as anypony else could see, especially as Airmail was grinding for all she was worth, moaning as the space between them became slick with both mare’s juices. Finally Tempest finished the last primary feather on Wildfire’s wing with a low pleasured moan of her own. No sooner was she done than the violet mare slid her way up Wildfire’s body and positioned herself so that she was straddling the blind mare’s head facing the grunting Airmail. “If you would, please.” Tempest ordered gently. From underneath her, Wildfire’s whole world was the sweet musky scent of Tempest’s body heat mixed with the slick juices leaking from her aroused marehood. Grinning as she pictured just what it looked like in her mind, Wildfire leaned her head upwards just a touch and when her nose contacted warm wet pussy flesh she stuck out her tongue and began to lick in earnest. “AAaaAAAH!” Throwing her head back and screaming as her clitoris was licked, Tempest pushed her dripping snatch straight onto Wildfire’s face while Airmail added her hoof to aid her in the ferociously hard grinding she was giving her fiancé’s pussy. When her whole sensual world became Tempest’s marehood, her labia spread over her muzzle, Wildfire lapped and sucked for all she was worth. There was no pattern, no finesse, just fifteen minutes of hard haphazard lapping and nipping and especially sucking hard on her exposed hard clit, Tempest was shuddering violently. “Wily!” She screamed to the heavens, “I'm going to come!” “GAAAaaaAAAH!” Airmail screamed, her body shaking and convulsing as she too neared her orgasm. “M-Me too, come with me Wily!” Several nips and sucks later, as well as a couple of hard bucks of her hips straight into Airmail’s snatch had Wildfire similarly shaking. The diminutive blind mare thrust and licked one last time and in a crescendo of orgasmic pleasure all three climaxed at the same time, an almighty “AAaaaAAAAHH yeeEEeeeeEEESSSS!” resounding across the sky. Suddenly, while they all collapsed in a post-coital haze, the slate grey pegasus stallion's who had been watching the whole time finally spoke up. “If you three are finished I need to move this cloud for a scheduled rain over Trottingham.” Getting up after rolling off of Wildfire’s tongue, leaving her muzzle soaking wet with her cum, Tempest panted; “Let us dive inside for a quick shower first, please.” “Y-Yu-uppers...then we're done…” Wildfire breathed heavily as Airmail and Tempest both sunk into the cloud and dragged her in with them. Happily, Wildfire sunk into the cloud. She didn’t even care they had been watched, in fact now it turned her on all over again. “There is one last thing I need to do before we leave,” Tempest giggled after ten minutes of cloud moisture showering had cleaned her off. Airmail rolled her brown eyes and sighed as she too completed her cloud shower. “You always do this, it might rain on Oils you know.” Tempest just shrugged nonchalantly. “That just makes it funnier then.” Wildfire sniggered. She had a very good idea what the violet weather pony had in mind. “Honey, you're so naughty!” “A mare's gotta pee!” A split second later and Wildfire heard a definite sigh of relief as she released her golden yellow stream steaming into the cumulus surrounding them. As she released a little of her own stream, Wildfire giggled. “Teehee, that can join the rest of me in this cloud.” “By the way,” Airmail smiled, “the stallion was sitting on the cloud when we landed.” “At least he was kind enough to not jerk off on us.” Tempest put in, making all three of them giggle. “Let's leave out of the top so he knows we're done.” Both Airmail and Tempest rose up through the cloud, taking Wildfire with them on their ascent. “That was totally fun though!” Wildfire squeaked as she moved up through the cloud’s interior. “And I totally would've done it if I could've seen him!” Airmail giggled at that. “Darn right you would have!” “Thank you for letting us use the cloud!” Tempest called out to the patiently waiting stallion as she broke the upper surface. The stallion smiled, wishing the three mares would kindly go and do one as after ‘that’ performance he really needed some quality alone time on his cloud. “No problem, you made my job today a little less boring.” “Yuppers!” Wildfire giggled like a filly as they all took off and left the stallion alone to entertain himself on the cloud, “Thanks again!” “So,” Airmail asked as they flew away back towards the Cloud District, “was it close to being as good as the first time on a cloud?” “Nopes,” Wildfire shook her head for a definite ‘no’ as she once again followed Tempest’s tail in flight. “It was way better, ‘cos I was with you and Tempest.” “Awww,” Tempest smiled over her shoulder, “Doesn’t she say the nicest things?” Airmail checked her watch quickly. “We have about an hour or so before we need to get to Oils.” She announced loudly, “Let’s go back to your place real quick Stormy and dress up for the occasion.” “And I wouldn't be anywhere else for the world, Honey.” Wildfire smiled as she sped up to gently caress Tempest’s flank with her wingtip. “That’s a good idea Pretty!” “Mares!” Tempest shuddered as her flank was rubbed, “Back to the Cloud District!” Wildfire smiled and withdrew her wingtip so she could fly level. “You lead the way Honey, and I shall follow.” ~ ~ ~ “On time!” Airmail cried with no small degree of satisfaction in her voice when the three mares landed on the sidewalk outside of the address they had been given by Brush Stroke. They had all gotten changed in record time at Tempest’s parent’s house in the Cloud District and they looked suitably resplendent in the same evening dresses they had worn at the fancy posh restaurant back in Canterlot. Tempest snickered as she straightened out her suit and looked over the house. Typical of Trottingham houses it was an old red brick building with a slate tiled roof. Not so typical it was an expansive one storey affair. All the other houses in the street were two or even three storeys high. “We wouldn't want you to fail to live up to your call sign, Airy.” Wildfire smiled as she felt the cobblestoned street beneath her hooves, smiled as she smelled the tang of smog in the air mixed with the close by sea air from the Celestia Sea to the east. “Pretty, have you ever been late for anything?” “I have,” Airmail sniffed indifferently, though she had a smile on her face. “Thank you.” Tempest giggled at that, as did Wildfire too. “As long as it’s not for the wedding that's okay.” With the help of Tempest’s wing as a guide, the little blind mare stepped up to the weatherworn front door. “Shall I knock?” “Please, Wily.” Tempest said as she stood aside for her herd-mate. “Alrighty, Equestria’s premier hoof knocking service coming right up!” With that, Wildfire raised her left hoof and delivered her customary two sharp knocks on the old oak door. A few minutes later – during which time the three waiting pegasi could hear the sounds of a stallion grumbling on the other side of the door, as well as the sound of several locks being opened – and the door opened a fraction, held on a safety chain, to reveal the craggy wrinkled face of an old burgundy stallion with a white mane so closely cropped he appeared bald. Starbright looked them over cautiously. “Who in Tartarus are you three?” Recognising ‘army’ in the stallion’s bearing, Airmail stepped forward. Her experienced brown eyes saw at once trauma and loss in the sixty year old green eyes that stared back at her. “Colonel Airmail at your service.” She said confidently, assuredly. “I believe we were expected.” “Uh huh, Colonel is it?” Starbright narrowed his old eyes and peered at the azure blue pegasus in front of him. She matched Dusk’s description, but he knew from the war that didn’t mean a damned thing. “You have any proof that you are who you say you are?” As if on cue, Dusk Melody’s voice came from inside the old house. “Starbright!” The three waiting mares could tell just by the sound of their friend’s voice that he was definitely a ‘she’ for tonight. “They're expected, they aren't changelings!” Airmail simply smiled at the burgundy earth pony stallion’s craggy timeworn face. She had fought in the Changeling war. She understood wholeheartedly his mistrust, even all these years later after the event. “What sort of proof are you looking for?” “Seeing as you know 'em,” Starbright huffed and grumped as he moved out of the way, “You ask 'em something, Dusk.” Dusky appeared at the cracked open oak door a moment later, beautiful as ever in a plain simple cream dress now with ‘her’ mane in its ponytail, his stallion’s collar around her neck and matching cream earrings, “I’m sorry about this Airy.” Dusky shook her head, trying to think of something that only Airmail would know. “Ugh...ah, okay, what was the first thing you did to Wily in Caffy's shop when we met?” Airmail knew this game. Short of blood tests, it was a way to spot a Bug imposter. “I sat next to her at the window booth with Lavender on the other side and I started flirting since I knew she wasn't your marefriend.” Dusky nodded and grinned before addressing Tempest. “Tempest, what song did Wily sing at the Open Mic night?” While admittedly not as familiar with the procedure as Airmail, Tempest understood what was happening and respected it. Of course she answered as quickly as her partner had. “It was the one she hums all the time when she is happy. Prettiest Eyes. Because she is the mare with the prettiest eyes.” Satisfied, Dusky turned to her best friend, an unashamedly wide smile on her face when she asked; “And Wildfire, what is seven multiplied by six, please?” “Um…” Wildfire was stunned. She wasn’t expecting that. “Um, ah…” she tried to think. Dusky knew she sucked at math. Why ask her something she couldn’t answer? “Um...err...thirty something?” She had to guess because she just didn’t know. “Um, thirty four? Ish? I dunno, D, you know I don’t!” Dusky grinned. She knew the answer was forty two, seeing as it was the answer to life, the universe and everything – everypony knew that – and turned to the grumpy old army stallion. “It’s definitely them, Starbright.” Starbright rolled his green eyes and huffed, nudging Dusk aside with his wrinkled arthritic hoof. “Alright Princess, stand aside, I can let them in.” With the midnight blue pegasus out of the way, Starbright removed the chain and opened the door fully to his guests. Once he did so Airmail and Tempest saw that as he had no hind legs, his hindquarters were strapped into the metal frame of a wheelchair supported by two thick rubber tyre wheels. “Come on in, ladies.” “Nice rig.” Airmail gave the contraption a once over. Not as modern as some wheelchairs she had seen, she supposed it was like the pony it supported. Old and battered but still doing the job. “Thank you, Colonel.” Starbright led them through the short entrance hallway to the expansive living room and turned, snapping off a crisp salute. “Captain Starbright, at your service. Sorry about all that, you can't be too careful.” Straightaway, Airmail returned the salute, crisp and sharp as the one she had been given. “One can't.” She spared a moment to take in the living room. Soft soothing pastel greens and yellows decorated the walls. Dandelion’s doing, she assumed. “Of course, you may not care much for my unit, but I can live with that.” “Nonsense,” Starbright waved his guests to have a seat where they could fine one on the seating pads and couches that surrounded the hearth of the open coal fire and the old bulky TV and gramophone. “You're army. It doesn't matter what unit you served with.” “Dad!” Brush Stroke came up beside Dusky from the kitchen while Tempest casually steered Wildfire to an empty couch. “Have you been harassing visitors again? Sorry, he thinks the invasion's still going on.” Airmail didn’t go and sit down, not straightaway. Instead she held out a hoof to the old Captain. “Commander, Luna's Own Sniper Brigade.” She then turned to the mid blue earth pony artist, a serious look on her face. “One can't be too careful, Brush Stroke.” Without hesitation, Starbright took the offered hoof and shook it. He might not care for Luna, but he respected any pony who served. “I don't bear any love for the Princesses, especially that one, but I can respect your service.” He then showed off his cutie mark, a white representation of the serpent entwined Rod of Asclepius, the revolutionary inventor of modern Equine medicine. “I captained the Medical Corps.” Dusky giggled as Brush Stroke directed her to an empty seating pad. “At least we're on speaking terms though, right Captain?” “You were present for the Changeling invasion.” Airmail started carefully, wanting a familiar place to start conversation but not wanting any issues with PTSD she didn’t know about. “As was I. It was…an intense few days.” Starbright nodded to Dusky as she sat down next to his adopted son and he walked over to the pouffe that he liked to rest his forelegs on. Situated next to a strategically placed side table that held the TV remotes. “I was indeed Colonel, while her Aunt was busy getting her flank kicked by Chrysalis and his Mom was off heaven knows where me doing heaven knows what and my ponies were getting slaughtered as they patched up frontline injuries over on Heartbreak Ridge.” “Mom,” Dusky sighed quietly, “Mom was...busy.” Airmail caught sight of Dusky’s discomfort and felt a deep pang of sympathy for the young royal. “I can't speak of Luna's whereabouts or her actions during that battle for reasons that you'd understand,” she said eventually, diplomatically, “But I do wish to thank you for what you did. It was ponies like you that kept my fiancé's mother safe.” “Heh…” Starbright chuckled grumpily as he pointed to Dusky. “Same reason she can't tell me either, I suspect.” He shook his head sadly. “No need to thank me, we were just doing our jobs, until one of my team was replaced by a Changeling, that is.” The burgundy stallion then looked from Wildfire to Tempest curiously. “Fiancé, you say? Which one?” “Dad!” Brush Stroke wailed, a red tinge at his cheeks, “A bit ‘direct’, aren't we?” He rolled his green eyes and sighed, fishing for a way to try and get this ice a little broken. Happily he found one. A good one. “Ah! What would anypony like to drink? Dad has most things.” “Beer please.” Airmail requested, going for what she saw as a safe choice. Tempest nodded. “Same for me.” “Well Sir,” Airmail smiled, turning her attention to the old Captain, “My fiancé is the cute yellow mare with the prettiest eyes.” “Oh, same for me too Oils, please!” Wildfire requested, deciding a beer would be most excellent right now. “And Sir,” she said to Starbright, “she means me.” “C'mon love,” Brush Stroke nipped his lover’s ear in that way he knew she liked. “You can help. We'll see how dad's getting on with the dinner, too.” As Dusky swayed her hips on the way past him, Starbright gave the young pegasus a long hard appreciative look until they disappeared into the connecting hallway between the living room and dining room through to the kitchen adjacent to it. With a sigh he turned back to the three mares. Wildfire’s scars didn’t bother him in the least. He’d seen worse. “I see, Miss. Was it from birth or not?” Wildfire smiled. She decided she liked this new direct stallion. “Oh no, it was an accident at university.” Seeing Dusky and Brush Stroke make their way to get the drinks, Airmail shot Tempest a look and they exchanged a series of ear flicks between them. Quickly, the violet weather pony got the message and nodded. “Making busy! On my way to the kitchen.” A combat veteran, Starbright could of course understand the language of the ear flicks he’d just witnessed. He’d used the same system all those years ago. “Will your fiancé be staying with us,” he asked Airmail, or will she be alright getting to the kitchen as well?” “She is an independent mare, Sir, I'll let her decide that.” Airmail replied. As she did so she assumed that somewhere out of sight the kitchen door had been opened when a series of wonderfully delicious smells came their way. “You should be one to know that a disability doesn't slow one down in the pursuit of life.” She added a little snidely, nodding directly at the chair and harness supporting his rear end. “I'm only blind,” Wildfire bristled angrily at being spoken about like she wasn’t there, like Airmail was her carer. “I can hear just fine. Please talk to me, my name's Wildfire, call me Wily, and I'll be fine here with Airy, unless you're both talking state secrets.” Starbright chuckled at the little blind mare. She’d passed his little ‘test’ of sorts. “I like you Wily. Direct and to the point. I like that.” As she scooted over to nuzzle up to her lover, Airmail giggled into her left ear. “State secrets is why he understands, but may not like, what I cannot say. Then again, Starbright, if you were to read onto the same programs I was we wouldn't be having this conversation.” Again, Starbright chuckled, giving Airmail a nod of understanding. “So, you're engaged? I assumed when you said fiancé you meant the other one, ah…Tempest, was it?” “Yes, Tempest.” Airmail nodded and smiled pleasantly. “When two others in our little herd got married, neither Tempest nor I thought of doing the same. Then this silly little filly wandered into my life and spun it all out of control.” “Yuppers!” Wildfire exclaimed excitedly before nuzzling her snout into Airmail’s chest, “I'm many things, and I'm bestest at being silly.” “Hmm…” Starbright, in spite of his natural grumpiness, couldn’t resist a smile. “So I see. You’re not too hot at multiplying though?” When Wildfire stuck out her tongue at the old stallion he smiled wider and asked, “Are you still with the forces then, Colonel?” “I still have my hoof in the mix,” Airmail replied nonchalantly as she inspected her hoof, “But I retired after twenty five years of service. That was seven years ago. You get to a point where you tire of killing.” Starbright nodded with a grin. “I retired fifteen years ago, I got to a point where I was tired of patching up nineteen year old idealistic ponies. And, little Miss, what do you do?” He asked curiously. “I'm a firefighter in Manehatten.” Wildfire answered quickly with a great deal of pride in her voice. “Really?” Airmail narrowed her eyes at the old burgundy stallion. Professional respect and understanding was one thing, but she wasn’t about to have her fiancé accused of lying, no matter whom the accuser was. “I will take that remark as one of surprise and not one that would assume she is lying.” “Surprised.” Starbright replied, not flinching when he saw a glimpse of the sniper in Airmail’s eyes. “Please forgive me, but don't you need to see where you're going, to do that?” Once more, the kitchen door opened, revealing that wonderful, beautiful cooking smell to the whole house as Brush Stroke brought out a tray with the requested three beers and placed it on a low coffee table between his dad and his two friends. “I’ll assume you’re being as charming as ever, dad?” Airmail raised a very sardonic eyebrow at the artist that screamed at him to back off. “He is, thank you,” she replied as she helped herself to the nearest beer. “Military gear has some good uses in the civilian community, right Wily?” She commented to the old Captain’s question. “I'll leave you three to it then,” Brush Stroke smiled, getting the meaning of the eyebrow message loud and clear. Dad wants to know is veggie lasagne alright?” Wildfire nodded immediately. “It is as long as there's no celery,” she said with a giggle. “And, yuppers Airy, it is, you see Captain I got this flight suit and headset that helps me fly.” “I'll eat her celery,” Airmail swooned into Wildfire’s left side, her hoof brought up to her forehead as she laid dramatically across her lover’s back. “You know how it is. Have to fall on your sword for the ones you love.” “Right you are, Airy.” Brush Stroke sniggered as he turned and trotted off back to the kitchen. “So,” Starbright said as he reached for the beer situated closest to him on the coffee table. “How long have you two been together?” Wildfire sipped her own beer. “About twelve days now.” “As a comparison, I've been with my fellow herd-mates Mapper for twenty four years, Tempest for nineteen years, and Serenity for thirteen years.” “Your herd-mates?” Starbright asked just to clarify, “and you're getting married after just twelve days? I've been with my Dandelion now for thirty two years, and we adopted our little Brush a year later.” Airmail nodded as she swallowed a mouthful of beer. “They are the mares in my mini-herd. We are part of a larger herd of twenty two, soon to be twenty three.” She paused then, taking in just what the retired army pony had said. “You’ve been married for thirty two years?” “Yes indeed.” Starbright’s usual grumpiness was replaced for a moment by a look of pure love for his stallion. “I was twenty eight at the time and Dandelion was twenty.” Just then, as if on cue, Dandelion's voice called through from the kitchen. “Everypony! The dinner's done! To the dining room please ponies, and Starry. The table's already been set.” “Ha, ha Dandy, very funny.” Starbright groused to the disembodied voice that belonged to his beloved. “C'mon Airy, Wily, the dining room is this way.” Tutting and chuntering to himself under his breath, he led the way through the connecting hallway from the living room through to the dining room. As the three ponies made their way into the generously sized dining room decorated with peach coloured wallpaper at the top and white and black stripes at the bottom with a divider between, Dandelion and Brush Stroke each bought out trays of delicious smelling steaming hot food in their mouths and on their backs. Following close behind, Dusky came out carrying a tray with many beers upon it. When they all took their respective seating pads, Airmail nudged Wildfire who was at her right and said in a very loud whisper; “Careful Wily, I think the stallions are plying us with alcohol for some nefarious purposes.” Thankfully, as he giggled and raised a hoof up to his forehead, Brush Stroke had already set down the food on the table. “Oh no! Dad, our plan has been discovered!” “Nefarious?” Wildfire giggled, imagining the possibilities, “Now that certainly does sound interesting.” “Yeah, Wily we'll teach you math,” Dusky laughed, unable to stop herself. Besides, she saw it as a way to get back at her best friend for the Questionnaire. “In a minute we'll bring out Calculus!” As Dandelion served up the vegetable lasagne, making sure each pony got at least their own bodyweight in food, the cream earth pony sniggered and playfully swatted Dusky’s ear. “You leave her alone, you.” “I don't think she'll need calculus,” Tempest was so busy getting a lungful of the mouth-watering meal that she missed the significance of what Dusky had said. “But I think some algebra would be useful.” “Honey, he means Professor Calculus,” Wildfire corrected her marefriend at the table, a very noticeable grumpiness to her voice that even Starbright was proud of. “She was my math teacher and professional spiteful bit…mare,” Wildfire corrected herself at the last moment. “She was my most favourite of all my teachers.” Airmail rolled her brown eyes, her belly rather distracted by the lasagne set before her. “And I thought my name telegraphed my job.” She said with a snicker as Dandelion and Brush Stroke loaded the dinner plates further with accompanying vegetables and sauce. “Pretty, she's only a part time teacher,” Wildfire groused, she recalled quite clearly the time Calculus had ratted her and Air Raid to the Principal and got her marefriend at the time arrested and her suspended. “She’s a part time pain the flank and full time nasty cow...” Dandelion firmly placed his forehoof on the table. “That's quite enough language at the table, thank you, Wildfire.” Wildfire shrunk a little. “I’m sorry.” “Nice to see Wily's love for math to show so strongly.” Tempest snickered as she took her lead from Starbright and began shovelling in the lasagne. Dusky sniggered as she dug her fork delicately into the lasagne. “Yeah, 'love' is one way to describe it, Tempest.” Wildfire sniffed dismissively. “Calculus and I had an understanding. She hated me and I hated her.” Airmail shuddered and rolled her eyes. “You make Canterlot sound better by the minute.” Starbright chose to forego the cutlery and the aged burgundy earth pony stallion dove straight into his dinner muzzle first. “Pfft,” He said thickly with his mouth full, “Canterlot's nothing but a bunch of stuck up ponies patting themselves on their backs for being important when they have no right to.” “Ahem...” Brush Stroke recognised one of his father’s anti-Canterlot rants coming a mile away and decided to head it off before it could develop. “Dad, this lasagne is simply lovely!” “It is,” Tempest spoke up, grinning at her azure blue marefriend. “But Airy is more the expert on that.” Airmail shook her head, her mouth as full as Starbright’s was. “Too busy eating good food, no time for table talk.” “Thank you Brush,” Dandelion said as he ate a couple of forkfuls of his dinner, “And well done, son, for the change of subject.” The cream earth pony took a moment to stare very sharp, very pointy daggers at his husband. “When we're all done with this, there's chocolate cake and ice cream to follow.” “Besides Wily,” Dusky continued with the change of subject, “Uni wasn't all bad, you liked Velvet Quill, remember him?” “Yuppers,” Wildfire smiled as she reached her hooves out and felt for her bottle of beer. “He was the Literacy teacher, and he was the best!” “I'm a Trottingham native so just moving to Manehatten was quite the experience,” Tempest commented thoughtfully over a deep draught of her beer. Wildfire grinned now that the conversation seemed to be moving away from mean nasty teachers. “Moving to Manehatten was one of the best days ever!” Starbright, his wrinkled muzzle covered in lasagne, laughed at that. “You coming from Canterlot, I can certainly appreciate that sentiment.” Airmail, not normally given to dinner conversation, was however curious about something. “How have you found life in Ponyville, so far, Brush?” As he was busy eating his lasagne and accompanying vegetables, Brush Stroke didn’t answer straight away. He thought on it while he quickly chewed and swallowed. “It’s very quiet and laid back Airy, actually. It’s quite the opposite of Manehatten.” He smiled a very fond smile, “Nopony there has a rush in them.” “All I've heard of the place is the stories that the paper prints.” Tempest commented thoughtfully. “Aaah,” Dusky giggled at that, “You mean the constant monster attacks from the Everfree Forest, Tempest?” Brush Stroke almost dropped his fork at the mention of the word ‘monster’. “He, he...th-those are just stories...right?” He asked hopefully. He’d heard the stories about Ponyville, of course. Chimeras, Manticores, Cockatrice, Hydras, Quarry Eels, Timberwolves…he had assumed, or hoped, that they were just that. Stories. “Yes son,” Starbright harrumphed, “They're just stories...until the stories decide to invade and level half the place. But they’re just stories…” Airmail looked at Dandelion and saw the very dangerous look he was shooting the ex-army Captain. That made her decide not to laugh. “But the town is protected by the Arch Librarian, leader of the Celestia Six, you have nothing to worry about.” “You see?” Starbright relented, “Nothing to worry about, and now you have your own personal Princess to protect you, too.” Dusky grinned and took a deep swallow of her earl grey tea. “I swear I'll do my best, at least I can protect him from flying vases.” “And overdue library books, don’t forget those!” Tempest added helpfully. Dusky sighed and swooned dramatically into her dominant stallion’s flank. “Alas, nopony can flee Twi's wrath there.” “Starbright?” Wildfire asked just after she finished the last of her lasagne and licked her lips, “Did you really throw a vase at Dusky?” “I certainly did, young lady.” For what felt like the millionth time since coming home from his flower shop, Dandelion rolled his light blue eyes at his husband. “You don't have to look so proud about it, Starry.” He said reproachfully. “Well,” Tempest offered after a moment of consideration, “it was an easier introduction than mine with Airy was.” “It was love at first shot.” Airmail explained when she saw Starbright’s puzzled questioning look he was giving her. Dandelion’s cream coat went even paler at that, if such a thing was possible. “Oh my,” the effeminate florist raised a hoof to his chest, “I'm very glad you missed, then.” Wildfire smiled a very happy smile indeed as she thought about her first meeting with Airmail those twelve days ago back at Stripe’s Cup of Java. “I think it was love at first touch with Airy and me.” “With Dusky and I she just wouldn't move out of my view, she sat there looking all sad, I just had to go and talk to her.” “Oh,” Tempest snickered playfully once her plate was clean, “That wasn't some 'fat' comment by any chance, was it Brush?” “Not at all Tempest,” Brush Stroke gave his cute mare a very loving kiss, “Of course, the view was rather spoiled by the rain that afternoon anyway.” “That’s our Tempest,” Airmail laughed, “bringing lovers together under one umbrella for years!” “I'm not complaining…” Dusky smiled and turned just a little, taking her stallion in a tight hug and returning the very sensual kiss. Starbright looked away, a very definite grump all over his craggy face. “Alright Brush, put her down, the bedroom's upstairs for that nonsense.” “Starbright!” Dandelion exclaimed, rearing up once he finished his lasagne to lightly thump the dining table. “That is true,” Airmail smiled, “It saves from having to clean the table cloth at any rate.” Dandelion sniffed, not appreciating the way his husband was acting up, although he had an idea what was behind it. It had nothing to do with Luna and everything to do with his son and his lover. And their flirtatious behaviour. And the fact that Starbright hadn’t been ‘active’ like that with him for years, since the diagnosis. “If you're finished, Starry, you can go get the dessert while I clear these dishes away.” “Fine,” Starbright pulled back from the dining table and paused at the kitchen door while his ‘wife’ got busy stacking the dishes. “Fine. Who wants cake, who wants ice cream, who wants both?” As one, Airmail and Tempest answered in unison. “Both please!” Starbright grunted. “I take it everypony wants both?” “May as well dad, I know Dusky will.” “Very much both, please!” Wildfire squeaked happily at the prospect of both chocolate cake and ice cream as well. “Alright,” Starbright huffed as he hoofed open the door to the kitchen, “Brush, Princess, you can lend me a hoof.” “Nice to see Dusky fitting in so well here.” Tempest said seriously to Dandelion once the two young lovers had followed the old burgundy earth pony from the dining room. “I take it the rest of the day at the flower shop went well?” “Oh Celestia, yes Tempest!” The cream stallion smiled, “My assistant made the delivery to your parents’ house and I was able to start preliminary sketches on your designs you wanted, Airy.” “I look forward to seeing them,” Airmail commented genuinely interested and more than a little excited, “But do please remember it is fragrance, texture, and arrangement that is important for Wildfire to appreciate your work.” Dandelion slumped into his seating pad once he had stacked up all the dirty dishes. “That won't be a problem, I can prepare just the arrangement.” To Tempest the effeminate florist smiled, “I believe I have you to thank for my upcoming grand-colt, Tempest?” Airmail tutted. “She is such a busy body.” “Isn't my fault, it's Mapper’s!” Wildfire giggled as she drained the rest of her beer. “I thought she was a mother hen? Or maybe it's both?” “Well whatever,” Dandelion sighed, suddenly looking more harassed than usual. “I'm grateful for it, Brush needed the hoof up his tail-hole. Now I'll have a little colt I can spoil.” “I suggested it because Mapper talked Luna and Octavia into having another foal.” Tempest said in justification of her teeny interference. “I thought it would be nice to have a nephew for her to grow up with.” “Your herd knows Dusky's parents well, then?” Tempest nodded at that. “Luna likes to visit our Alphas, I think Caffeinated struck the right chord with her and Octavia.” “I must admit if there is to be a wedding, I'm not looking forward to Starry meeting his, sorry, her, family.” Dandelion corrected himself with a definite blush to his cream cheeks. He really couldn’t fault his son for enjoying himself like that. Once upon a time, Starbright had liked him to dress up too. “I think you worry too much.” Airmail shrugged, “Luna would rather a pony confront her than suck up to her. Maybe she will even tell him where she was, since I can't.” “I think everypony in the land would like to know that.” Dandelion smiled, rubbing his tired eyes. “So,” he started, pointing his hoof at Wildfire’s collar as curiosity finally got the better of him, “Airy, are you in charge at the moment? I only ask because Dusky wears Oils' colour on hi…her, collar.” “For the moment.” Airmail replied before nuzzling her fiancé’s cheek, “Till Tempest flips it over.” Wildfire smiled, “That's why it’s so much fun!” “Everypony to their own,” Dandelion smiled a little sadly, “We've seen it before with Oils and his previous colt-friends.” Right at that moment, just when Airmail had a very witty and pithy comment to throw into the conversation, Starbright hoofed open the kitchen door and trotted in with Dusky and Brush Stroke in tow behind him. On the burgundy stallion’s back was a tray with three deep bowls full of a generous slice of chocolate and as much vanilla ice cream as would fit in the bowl. Dusky and Brush Stroke each carried two bowls. Airmail opened and closed her mouth several times while Starbright set a bowl and a spoon in front of her and moved on to do the same with Wildfire and Tempest. “I didn't know if you can top that lasagne,” she said as she eyed the decadent triple layer chocolate cake with chocolate sauce and frosting with the same lust as she would her herd-mates, “But damn, you are trying.” “Thank you, Colonel.” Starbright actually smiled a rare smile at the compliment as he made his way over to where he’d been ‘sitting’ and Brush Stroke set him a bowl down in front of him. “Starry made the dessert earlier.” Dandelion’s face lit up in a smile when he saw the joyous look on his husband’s face. When Wildfire sniffed the unmistakeable scent of chocolate in front of her she wasted no time at all in digging in with her spoon. “Oh…oh wow…this, this really is properly awesomes!” Rather uncharacteristically, Tempest had her muzzle actually in the bowl. “You could open a shop on Times Square with this!” She slurred with her mouth full of cake and ice cream. Starbright felt like he could fly right then, but he settled for a beaming smile. “Dessert cooking is my hobby.” “When he left the forces, Starry offered to help out in the shop with me.” The burgundy earth pony chuckled at the memory of that. “It didn't last long, about three days until Dandy was begging me to leave him alone. We decided cooking at home was best.” Tempest made a sound that was somewhere between a giggle and a pleasured moan. “I'm sure if you did this each day, you could get away with anything in the flower shop.” Brush Stroke looked up from his already half-eaten bowl of dessert with a very cheeky grin on his mid blue face. “I believe it went something like 'if you mess up my shop up again I'm divorcing you' right, dad?” “I'm sure I never said that, Oils…” Dandelion sniffed as both Starbright and Brush Stroke burst out laughing. “I like my shop just so, as you know.” “Like how I like my office.” Tempest commented with her head still in the deep bowl. “Neat and orderly. Quite the opposite of Airmail.” Airmail had to fight the urge to laugh out loud at the ‘neat and orderly’ Tempest whose violet muzzle was more chocolate brown than violet. “I like organized chaos.” Dandelion nodded to Tempest. “Exactly.” “Well,” Wildfire spoke up now her bowl was empty and her belly was full of cake and ice cream. “I'd happily pay many, many bits to eat this. Airy, we so need this at the wedding!” “So you don't want the celery sticks in peach ice cream?” Airmail asked cheekily once her bowl was spotlessly cleaned out. “Only if I've been a very, very naughty pony…” whatever Wildfire was going to say after that was quickly forgotten as Airmail leant in to her and passionately and thoroughly cleaned her lover’s face with her tongue. “So that's a 'yes' then?” Dusky asked, making with the giggles when Wildfire broke away from Airmail and treated her best friend to a long wet raspberry. Likewise, Airmail and Tempest giggled, the latter leaning over Wildfire’s back so that Airmail could clean her muzzle as well. “There was that one time when Caffy brought over the peach ice cream.” Dusky nodded at the memory, clear in her head forever more. “That was the day we brought your book back, Wily.” Almost immediately Brush Stroke hugged his mare and gave her a kiss. “That...” Wildfire said very quietly, “That was a very good day, D.” Halfway through moving the last spoonful of dessert to his lips, Starbright paused, his ears perked up. “You're a writer, as well as a firefighter, Wildfire?” “Yes,” Tempest said before her little herd-mate could deny it, “And we'll be doing a book signing sometime next week back in Manehatten.” Wildfire blushed hard. “They're just silly poems that occur to me, and I write them down…” Airmail playfully swatted at her fiancé’s nose. “The silly one is you, for thinking they are silly.” “You’re quite right Colonel.” Starbright said kindly, his grumpiness seemingly evaporated. As it happened, he rather adored poetry. His therapist had used it extensively following the Changeling war to treat his PTSD. “Have you got your book with you, by any chance?” “I do,” Wildfire didn’t know whether to blush or to beam. Eventually she tried to do both. “There are a few of my most recent ones online if you'd like to take a look?” Quickly, Starbright finished the remnants of his desert. “I certainly would indeed, young lady.” “Don't you have all of them on your tablet right now?” Tempest reminded her diminutive lover. Now Wildfire really did blush, and she blushed hard. “That...is a very good point Honey. I'll ah…just get it for you out of my bag.” Seeing Wildfire blush so hard, both Dusky and Brush Stroke sniggered. Not a loud snigger, but loud enough to get Dandelion’s attention. The cream earth pony gave them a very severe look. “Just for that, you two get to clear up all the dishes.” Brush Stroke let out a dramatic sigh. “Alright dad…” he pouted and with Dusky’s help, managed between them to clear away the dishes to the kitchen. As Wildfire busied herself with fishing through her saddlebag to retrieve her tablet, Dandelion got up and trotted over to his older partner and, given his unusually cheery mood, chanced a kiss. A kiss that he was pleased to get returned to him double. “Starry, you can read it in the living room if we're all done, would you all like another beer?” Airmail shook her head as she stood up. “After dinner coffee would be nice, please.” “Yes,” Tempest agreed as she too stood up from her seating pad, with her belly considerably more rounded than when she had sat down. “That does sound good.” Dandelion smiled, “Coffee it is, Wildfire?” “Beer please, Dandelion.” “C'mon through then ladies,” Starbright smiled as Dandelion bustled his way into the kitchen to prepare coffee and boss around the two young lovers. “I'm curious as to these poems of yours, Wildfire.” Once they were all four of them back in the living room and sat in the same places they were in before dinner, Wildfire had just passed the ex-army pony her tablet when her cell phone beeped, alerting her to a text message. As Starbright started reading Wildfire's poems, she checked her message. “It's from Raid, Darkie's gone with Thespian to the theatre, and her and Caffy have been to Mistresses to check out the house…” “Mistress?” Starbright interrupted as he looked up from the tablet in his hooves, “I thought you two were, what with the collar and all,” “We are a herd Starbright.” Airmail explained, “Mapper also goes by the title of Mistress.” Starbright smiled. “Oh I wasn't judging, Brush goes in for all that too.” With that, he went back to reading a few more of the poems. Wildfire however was reading more of her message. “Raid says according to everypony she's met there she should forgive herself.” Airmail snorted. “Well duh!” An idea came to Wildfire then as she caressed her phone in her forehooves. “What do you think Airy, that poem I read to you at my mum's grave? That should do it?” “That was sweet.” “Gotcha,” Wildfire smiled as she scrolled through her cell phone’s menus. “I'll send her the link, then she can look it up.” With that, the little blind mare sent Air Raid the link to her poem, ‘My Past is Not Today’. “Hopefully she'll get the message and get past this.” “Wildfire,” Starbright spoke up suddenly from the poem he’d just read, the picture he’d just seen. “Was your mother called Silverbolt?” Putting her phone away in her bag, Wildfire nodded, wondering how on earth Starbright knew her mum. “Um...yuppers, why?” “I read her name and saw her picture here.” Starbright’s voice was a little awed, disbelieving. He checked again to make sure and nodded. “I wasn't sure at first but her cutie mark of five red lightning bolts says it's her alright. Wait here a moment…” Without any further explanation he trotted into another room connected to the living room. Tempest snickered into Wildfire’s right ear. “Looks like somepony's opinion of Canterlot isn't completely negative after all.” Wildfire flicked her ear at Tempest, utterly confused. “I don’t get it. What's mum got to do with it?” She asked as the sounds of Starbright rummaging and looking through closets and drawers came to their ears. “He is from Canterlot?” Airmail suggested with a shrug, “Are you from there too, Dandelion?” Dandelion smiled as he trotted into the living room with a tray carrying two coffees and three beers and he placed the tray on the low coffee table. “Oh no,” he replied, “I'm Trottingham born and bred. I was with Starry during the invasion, I visited him and he saved me from a group of Changelings.” “Arranging a Changeling invasion to secure a wedding is pretty extreme,” Airmail snickered. “Maybe,” Dandelion laughed. He could laugh about that horrid time now. “But it worked out pretty well.” “Aha!” Starbright’s victorious cheer could clearly be heard by those in the living room, and a few moments later the handicapped pony trotted back into the room, carrying a few very old, very battered scrapbooks in his mouth and he placed them with all due reverence in front of Airmail and Tempest who were as ever either side of Wildfire. “I'd trade my hind legs again for him too!” He said, giving his wife a tender kiss. “Look on page seven of that scrapbook.” Airmail, not knowing what they would find, cuddled Wildfire as Tempest cautiously flipped open the pages one by one. On page seven her blue eyes went very wide indeed when she saw what was there. In pride of place was a paper cut out – yellowed with age - of the Canterlot weather team helping the armed forces with lightning bolts fired from clouds they were carrying. “Oh, with names too!” “What?” Wildfire asked, “What is it, Honey?” It was Airmail however who answered her. “Wily, bring your hoof over here, but be gentle, it is old.” “Alrighty…” very carefully, the blind mare moved her hoof to where Airmail directed it. Straightaway she felt the old newspaper beneath the frog of her hoof. Airmail’s voice was thick with barely supressed emotion. “This is the Canterlot weather pegasi team helping out during the Changeling invasion.” Tempest studied the date on the page. “About four years before you were born.” Airmail continued. “Wily, this pegasus is named Silverbolt.” Wildfire didn’t know what to say or think at that. It was mad. Crazy. Her mum didn’t do that. Surely not. Her mum? “Wha...um…what? M-My mum helped fight the Changelings? Really? For real?” Starbright took his beer and took a very long swig. “For real. Colonel Airmail, you thanked me earlier for keeping your fiancé’s mother safe. The reality was she was keeping us safe, Silverbolt used the clouds to keep the skies clear while we retrieved fallen ponies on the frontlines.” He raised his beer in a salute. “At Heartbreak Ridge she stayed at her cloud while the others panicked and flew off.” Airmail studied the picture of Silverbolt captured in action on the thundercloud. Mentally she compared it to the one Wildfire had shown her before. She suddenly had a massive amount of fresh respect for the dead mare. “I can't begin to say how much this means to us, Captain.” Starbright smiled with pride as he remembered his old friend and saviour from Canterlot. “It's my sincere pleasure, Colonel.” Wildfire let out a loud and prolonged sniff. Her hoof never left the scrapbook page. “M-My…my…mu...mum did that?” “She did,” Starbright nodded. “Celestia herself awarded her the Equestria Cross for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. I made it my business to get to know that pegasus.” Airmail decided to test the waters. “Did you by chance know another named Cold Front?” Starbright didn’t answer. Not vocally at least. Instead he took the mouthful of beer and spat it on the hardwood floor in utter disgust. Dandelion was stunned. “Starbright!” The old burgundy stallion however was not cowed. He spat again. “A more cowardly pony I've never met in my whole life. If he was in my unit I'd have had him up for desertion.” Muttering dark evil curses not quite under his breath, Starbright walked over to a shelf in the corner of the living room that was full of his trophies and medals and, after a moment’s investigation, took down a plain black box roughly six inches square with a hinged lid. “This is yours, Miss.” He said with a tear in his eye as he passed it to Airmail. Airmail opened the case and very nearly cried. Looking back at her was the Equestria Cross dedicated to Silverbolt. She held in her hooves the highest award that it was possible for a civilian to attain. “Now…we cannot repay you for this. Cold Front is no more. He cut off a unicorn's horn.” Taking Wildfire’s hoof in her own, the azure blue mare moved it over the medal’s surface. “Wily, here is something your father didn't take away from you.” Wildfire couldn’t believe what she was feeling. “This...this is mum's medal? But...but…how is it here?” Starbright helped himself to another beer. “I kept in contact with your mum, I went to her funeral when she died. I mourned her loss. Eleven years ago I found this for sale on Ebay.” The old stallion let out a string of curses then that would’ve embarrassed a sailor until Dandelion calmed him down. “I promise you, there was no way under the sun and moon that anypony else was getting their hooves on this.” Wildfire’s sniffs became longer and louder. Airmail and Tempest both knew their lover was crying her soul out. “M-Mum or dad never mentioned anything about this, what she did...” she sniffed again, even louder now. “D-Dad…my dad...sold her medal?” Airmail and Tempest both wasted no time at all in wrapping Wildfire up in a feathery group hug. “Wildfire,” Starbright said gently, “your mother was a very brave pony, many of my friends survived that day because of her. It's my very great honour to return this to its rightful owner.” Tempest didn’t honestly know what to think. “I-I'm really happy I made it rain that day, if this is the result.” Sniffing for a good ten minutes in the depths of her herd-mate’s wings, eventually Wildfire recovered herself enough to move forward and she wrapped Starbright up in a signature Wildfire tackle hug just as Dusk and Brush Stroke re-entered the living room. Unaware, Wildfire showered Starbright’s face all over with countless kisses over and over again. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” “Restrained as ever, Wily.” Dusky snickered. “What have we missed?” Brush Stroke asked as he steered his mare over to the seating pad they were sat on before. It was Tempest who answered, seeing as Wildfire was still peppering the old pony’s craggy face with kisses of joy. “Starbright not only knew Silverbolt, but retrieved something that Cold Front tried to sell off.” The violet weather mare pointed a hoof to the box which Airmail held up to show them the Equestria Cross. Dusky was beyond amazed. “That’s the Equestria Cross…” he’d never actually seen one in person. “The highest award for bravery for civilians? There hasn't been one of these awarded for decades. I'm sorry Wily, you hug away.” Brush Stroke recognised the medal from the shelf. The one and only thing he had never ever been allowed to touch when he was younger. “But dad…isn't that the one you won off Ebay for...” “Ah!” Starbright gasped, pulling out the hug as he interrupted his son before he could say anymore. “Yes it is, and hush up, son. It doesn't matter what I paid for it, y’hear!?” “Tell me,” Wildfire squeaked, “I'll repay...” Ready and prepared to silence her fiancé, Airmail did just that with a hoof straight to her lips. “Hush you. It is priceless, and the only way you could ever repay the Captain would be with a lot more hugs each time we visit.” Wildfire nodded, Airmail’s hoof still at her lips for a few moments longer. “I-I'll give as many as I can, I promise.” Starbright smiled a smile that split his old lived in face. “You are all welcome. Always welcome in this house.” Dandelion nodded his agreement at that. “You most certainly are.” Smiling warmly at the unfolding scene, Starbright wanted to carry on enjoying Wildfire’s hugs but he felt the old pain flourishing in his chest and across his upper thighs. “Aaah…n-now if you'll fo-forgive me ladies, my old bones get tired quick.” He thought he successfully covered it – except from Dandelion. “Ngggh…I'll bid you a good night, oh and when you go, please take the scrapbooks with you.” Tempest thought she noticed the pain in the elderly stallion but she thought nothing of it as she was caught up in the moment. “We don't want to steal your memories for our own.” “Aaah…I insist Tempest.” He winced a little, “Those are all about the Weather Team’s invaluable aid. Please take them. Consider them an early wedding present from me.” Airmail sobbed a little, unable to keep it all in any longer. “Thank you, Captain. May your night be filled with sweet dreams.” “And yours, Colonel.” Starbright forced himself to salute without shaking. He badly needed his meds. From the look on Dandelion’s face, he knew it too. “Please, stay as long as you want, I'm sorry I need to go.” “Pegasi of a feather do flock together, don't they Airy?” Tempest asked while Airmail simply shrugged and resumed the hugging of her sniffing fiancé. Already on his hooves, Dandelion was at his husband’s side ready to offer him the support he knew he badly needed. “Ladies, I'll be back in a few, Starry needs…help, at night.” Starbright, in an attempt to save face, grumbled as they left the living room for the bedroom where his meds were kept. “I do not!” As they both left, Wildfire gave a sniff that was audible from deep in Airmail's embrace. Watching, unsure what to do, Dusky asked, “Wily, are you okay?” “Yu-Yuppers…” Wildfire sniffed before surfacing for air, “I just, I just need a minute, I’m sorry.” Holding on to her little lover very tightly, Airmail nodded. “And, a long talk with your mom on our next visit.” “Yuppers,” Wildfire nodded and smiled at last, “We will.” “Is there anything you'd like to do?” Brush Stroke asked as he cuddled his mare, “There's movies, music, or we can go out, if you need some air?” Tempest shook her head as she noticed the time ticking on. “We will head back to my place. We need to leave early for Baltimare.” “Alrighty Tempest,” Dusky smiled in his stallion’s embrace. “I'll get a hug before you go, though.” “Oh yes,” the artist smiled, “Hugsies!” “We're not in a hurry to go,” Airmail responded. “Oh I am sorry, Airy.” Dusky smiled, more at her own error than anything else. Airmail shook her head, “Nothing to be sorry about Dusky.” She then hugged Wildfire ever closer to her side, just as Tempest hugged her to her as well. “It is good to have the best company at times like this.” “It’s okay…” Wildfire sniffed deeply, her hooves caressing the medal she was holding like it was a piece of her mother she held. “I-I'm fine, really. Oils…your dad is an utter legend.” As he tightened his hug on his mare, Brush Stroke snickered. “He isn't bad for a grumpy old stallion, is he?” Tempest nodded. “From your lips to Celestia's ear.” “So, you're off to Baltimare next then?” Dusky asked curiously. “My eldest sister lives there.” Airmail said as she nodded by way of a reply. “After that it is on to Fillydelphia to see my sister, and then back home after that.” Tempest put in as well. Brush Stroke was impressed with their rather hectic schedule. He understood now what Wildfire had meant when she said it felt like her hooves hadn’t touched the ground. “So, you've pretty much toured the whole of Equestria in about a week?” Airmail nodded. “We can catch the rest on our honeymoon.” “Oh?” Dusky asked, her ears perked up, “What have you got planned for that?” Wildfire giggled, holding on to the medal like it was glued to her hooves. “I’m thinking of a cruise up around the north of Equestria by boat and then an airship ride back from Las Pegasus to Manehatten.” Brush Stroke whistled appreciatively. “You do it properly, don’t you?” “I'm sure Dusky will take you somewhere just as nice,” Tempest said with a mischievous grin and her blue eyes twinkling, “Maybe an Appleoosa rodeo?” Dusky pulled her stallion into a very deep, very loving kiss before pulling away with a saliva strand between them. “Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something for our honeymoon, my love…” Brush Stroke’s green eyes were very wide indeed, especially with how Dusky had left that hanging in the air. “A-Are you asking me?” Again Dusky gave him a kiss. “Maybe…” Tempest however was curious about the little colt they were planning to adopt, what with what Dandelion had said to her. “Are you going to get some more visits to the orphanage before heading back, or do you think you'll be able to take the colt with you?” Dusky considered that for a moment. “We're going to spend the day supervised with Ivory tomorrow, Wednesday, then hopefully again on Thursday.” “If all goes well, they may let us take him with us Thursday,” Brush Stroke interjected. At that, Airmail raised up her coffee cup in a toast. “Here's to all going well.” Tempest raised her coffee as well, touching Airmail’s cup. “Hear, hear.” Wildfire lifted up her beer bottle. “From me as well.” Dusky nodded, extremely touched by his close friend’s best wishes. “If it does, we can introduce you to him Thursday evening at Stripes' place.” “That will be sweet indeed.” Airmail smiled as she took a drink of her coffee. “There will be a lot of ponies there.” “I take it Raid and Darkie will be there too?” Dusky asked. Tempest nodded thoughtfully at that. “I think both of them are staying there till they get their own place.” Dusky considered that for a moment, a smile slowly spreading across her face. “It would be nice to catch up with them again.” Although he knew he and Air Raid hadn’t parted on the best of terms – given that she had punched him square across the face four years ago – but now he was hoping that could be forgotten. Wildfire smiled, “Honey invited Cyclone too.” Dusky giggled. “Now that should be fun then. Mom said she was going as well.” “I do hope so.” Airmail snickered, “Coffee Bean would be terribly disappointed if she didn't attend.” Airmail yawned a teeny little yawn as she noted the time ticking over to ten p.m. “I’m sorry to call it a night, but we do need to make an early start of it in the morning.” She said reluctantly, “Anything else you'd like to do tonight, Wily?” “Nopes,” Wildfire shook her head, “only to get my flank paddled back at Stormy’s place.” “Good plan,” Dusky sniggered. Airmail considered that, and she liked what she was thinking of and where it was going. “But should I do it on Friday, or wait till Sunday so she can't sit down on the first day of work?” “You practice tonight,” Brush Stroke offered helpfully, “Then you practice Friday and do it again on Sunday. I find Dusky's flanks to be very accommodating to a decent paddling.” “Yuppers...that sounds like a plan,” Wildfire couldn’t help but moan, “And I've been a naughty filly, or at least I will be.” Tempest caressed her diminutive lover’s hind quarters. “I'm sure all that flying exercise makes them nice and firm.” At that, Brush Stroke gave his mare’s generous firm flank a hard squeeze that no doubt left a mark under her dress. “You have no idea.” “Ohhhhhhh,” Airmail squeezed Wildfire’s flank in turn. “I think we may Oils, we just may.” Wildfire giggled, “I'm not squeezing her flank.” “Well, fine,” Tempest laughed, “But you did hear how solid it was, right?” Wildfire snickered, “I have your flanks to squeeze if I want to squeeze something sexy.” “Are you sure?” Brush Stroke smiled as he again squeezed his Dusky’s ass hard, eliciting a low pleasured moan from the midnight blue pegasus, especially as he was straining hard against the lock around his sheath. “You’re all welcome to a squeeze.” Airmail shook her head, though a smile was on her face. “Having watched and listened to Caffy caning that ass, I'd say it is firm.” “It was Mapper, who caned that ass, Airy,” Tempest corrected her herd-mate. “You got confused with what Caffy did afterwards.” Airmail blushed. “Oh, yeah.” Brush Stroke gave Dusky’s tight ass under the cream dress a light spank, earning himself another moan from the locked up pony. “She told me all about that.” “That was rather intense,” Wildfire smiled, easily recalling that fateful Thursday night as well as Airmail, Tempest and Dusky dd. “I remember listening to that, D.” Dusky smiled lovingly up at her stallion, his crotch aching under the tight lock he wore. “Mapper was very good with the cane.” “As good as me?” Brush Stroke asked as he landed another spank on his mare’s flank. “Aaah…” Dusky moaned into a kiss to her stallion’s mouth. “About equal…” Wildfire shivered. “That whole night was so intense, listening to all the others being punished and awaiting my turn.” “Yours was the harshest punishment.” Airmail whispered lovingly into her fiancé’s left ear as she and Tempest hugged her tight to them. Curious now, Brush Stroke asked, “What happened?” “Nothing,” Wildfire answered quickly. “Nothing at all?” “Nopes,” Wildfire shook her head and shivered at the memory. “I was suspended and just left there. It was...terrifying like I can't describe.” “That is how Mapper works,” Airmail explained for the mid blue earth pony’s benefit. She understood he didn’t really know Mapper. “Hearing you say your safe word really gets her off.” Brush Stroke nodded. As a Dom himself he understood the power that entailed, but still. “I get that Airy, but what's so bad about just being suspended?” Dusky kissed her dominant stallion’s lips to get his attention. “Love, not now...” Wildfire however interrupted her best friend. “It's okay D, he can ask.” In her left ear, Airmail whispered her support. “You do got this, Wily.” Turning her head to the left, Wildfire kissed Airmail’s cheek and took a deep breath. The presence of her mother’s medal in her hooves helped to steady her. “Well, the care home I was in, back in Canterlot.” She started quietly but confidently, “You know they abused me, right?” Brush Stroke nodded, listening intently. “Right.” Wildfire continued. Her newest friend deserved to know, given that he was with her best friend. “See, one of their favourite things to do to me was shut me in a box barely big enough to fit me. Sometimes for fun, they'd break my wings if I wouldn't let a stallion rape me, and then they'd shut me in the box, maybe for a week at a time. I'm claustrophobic. All pegasi are claustrophobic. I screamed myself mute sometimes, I’d almost go insane before they let me out. So, being suspended simulated the sensation of being in the box.” “Wh-Why would Mapper go that far?” Brush Stroke asked with tears in his green eyes, “It seems harsh.” It was Airmail who answered that question. She was well aware just why, after all, Luna had told her and Tempest in no uncertain terms. “Wily was proud to not be broken, to not use her safe word. She was proud of the pain she could take. Luna said that if Wily wouldn’t use it then she would go back into state care. Luna didn't count on Mapper.” “It was all a test,” Wildfire said as she picked up the story. “One that I passed, thankfully. Now I'm here, with my herd-mates,” she nodded over to Dusky and Brush Stroke in their general direction. “I’m with my friends, and I’m with my fiancé. Amethyst Glory has no hold over me anymore, I've been released, I'm free.” She kissed Airmail and Tempest lovingly. “I'm living.” “And loving.” Airmail put in as Tempest giggled, “When she isn't hoofing.” Wildfire giggled, “Pretty, you're awful.” “Do you want a hoof carrying the scrapbooks back?” Dusky asked. “Can we borrow a large saddlebag?” Airmail asked when she judged the size of the books. “We’ll return it to you on Thursday.” “Thank you,” Tempest said when Brush Stroke trotted off and quickly returned with an extra-large saddlebag draped across his back. “I hope to see three of you on Thursday.” Brush Stroke smiled, “You will, Tempest, I'm sure.” Dusky smiled as she nuzzled up to her stallion and sincerely wished the lock was removed about now. However she did her best to hide her discomfort. “Will auntie Wily be giving out pony rides?” Wildfire nodded. “Damn right I will, and I'll give your little colt one, too.” Airmail and Tempest both laughed at that. “Wily is a Power Pony after all,” Airmail snickered. Dusky grinned at that. “You sure are.” Wildfire made her heroic pose. “Stealth Pony, that's me!” “Well, Stealth Pony, here's your books.” The midnight blue pegasus smiled as she helpfully loaded the old scrapbooks in the large saddlebag. “Thank you again, Dusky.” Tempest gave her friend a genuinely caring nuzzle. “See you all soon.” Wildfire felt her way to Brush Stroke and hugged the earth pony artist as tight as she could. “Thank your dad again for me Oils, please.” Airmail and Tempest both hugged Brush Stroke and Dusky tight. “Will Dandelion be coming back before we go?” Tempest asked, hoping to hug him too. “Did I just hear a sweet mare utter my name?” Dandelion asked as he made his way back into the living room from the bedroom now that his husband was at last asleep. “My word summoning power is still working I see.” Tempest grinned and launched herself across the room to tackle hug the fifty two year old cream earth pony. “Thank you for all your hospitality.” Airmail made sure to follow that up with a two hard hugs of her own. “Share the second with the Captain.” “I certainly will.” Dandelion gathered up the three mares in a crushing earth pony group hug. “Starry still fights the war, you know, in his head. You all made my husband a very happy pony tonight. He hasn't settled this quickly in a long time.” Airmail kissed the cream stallion’s cheek. “Do look us up on your next Manehatten vacation.” “Count on it.” Dandelion smiled, “And if you don’t see us before, we'll be at the wedding.” “I hope so,” Airmail replied, “Just your flowers will not quite be the same as you being there. Oh, bring the Captain's desert, and him too.” Dandelion whispered in Airmail’s ear, “He was rather hoping to get an invite.” “Formal invites will be sent out Monday of next week which should be enough time for a wedding on the fifteenth of next month.” Airmail smiled warmly. “Just so you know, I do expect Luna to be there.” Dandelion smiled. He knew his husband. Grumpy as he might be, he loved Silverbolt like a sister. There was nowhere in Equestria he’d rather be than at the wedding. “Airy, I really can't see that being an issue. He has at least a grudging respect for the royals.” “Okies,” Airmail giggled, “I’d hate to sic his future son-in-law on him.” “Please don't,” Dandelion giggled, “he might not catch the next vase.” Dusky gave her best friend a last hug. “You three fly carefully now.” Wildfire snickered. “Yes mom, I will.” “Do you have everything?” Dandelion asked. Tempest checked all their bags and made sure everything, including the scrapbooks and the medal, were in their bags. “Yes, thank you.” “Then fly safely,” Dandelion said as he escorted them out through the small hallway to the chilly night outside. “All of you.” “Mother Hen to Stealth Pony and On Time,” Tempest said loudly once they were all in position on the cobbled sidewalk. “Ready to start manoeuvres to the Cloud District?” Wildfire giggled as she spread her wings and gave them a test flap. “Stealth Pony ready, Mother Hen.” “Goodnight all.” Airmail turned to wave at the three stallions in the door way. “I have the rear, you take point, Mother Hen.” “Copy that!” With a last wave, Tempest launched herself up into the starry night sky. “Thanks, again!” Wildfire flapped her yellow wings and took off. With Airmail behind her and Tempest in front, Wildfire smiled as she ascended upwards through the sky. As she flew, she reflected. As she reflected, she smiled. She was Wildfire. She was a flame burning brightly. She wasn’t just free, she was released. Her flame was renewed.