The Lunar Puppet

by Luna Bruce

First published

Many years before Five Nights at Twilight's, My OC (Emilymena) gets invited to Twilight Sparkle's tenth birthday party.

Warning: This fanfic contains spoilers for Five Nights at Twilight's!!!

Opium4TmassS gave me the idea for this story. :raritystarry:

Many years before Five Nights at Twilight's, My OC (Emilymena) gets invited to Twilight Sparkle's tenth birthday party by the princess of the sun and moon herself: Princess Celestia.

P.S This is canon to the backstory of Five Nights at Twilight's.

The Party Part: 1

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"Thank you for coming, Emilymena." Princess Celestia said to the young filly as she opened the bakery's doors to let her in.

"You're w-welcome, p-princess." Emilymena replied, trying not to let her emotions get the better of her as she met the princess of the sun and moon herself, Princess Celestia.

She was filled with overbearing excitement. She had received an invitation to Twilight Sparkle's tenth birthday party at Twilight Sparkle's Royal Canterlot Bakery just mere days ago by Princess Celestia herself, and her parents, filled with eagerness to bring their foal to meet the princess's personal protégé and the princess herself, accepted the invite and there she was, walking into the Dining Area which was right in front of the front doors to the establishment.

"Happy birthday, Twilight." Princess Celestia said as she walked towards the table of which Filly Twilight and the others were sitting at.

"Thank you for taking me here! This is the best birthday ever!" The purple unicorn said as she jumped around the room with excitement.

"Ah agree. Thank ya kindly for inviting me to ya student's birthday party, your highness." An orange and yellow earth pony filly said, bowing to the princess while saying "your highness".

"Your welcome, AppleJack and Twilight." Princess Celestia replied with a smile.

"Hi! What's your name?" Twilight Sparkle asked after noticing the fifth foal in the room of which she hadn't recognized.

Princess Celestia made it so nopony could interrupt their party so no one should have been there except for them. "Oh! Um..hi. My name is Emilymena." The small yellow and green filly replied, not hiding the fact that the birthday foal had frightened her.

Twilight took notice of the young filly's light blue eyes and long, and curly, dark green tail and curly dark green mane. Her tail was much more longer than any other pony's tail she'd seen.

"Why is your tail so long?" Twilight asked curiously. "Um...I don't know. I was born that way I guess." Emilymena replied.

"Hello everypony and welcome to Twilight Sparkle's Royal Canterlot Bakery! I am your host: Twilight Sparkle!" The foals were taken off guard by the animatronics on stage suddenly turning on.

"And ah am AppleJack! Let's eat some apples!" "And this is DJ Pon3!" Twilight Sparkle said, introducing a white unicorn animatronic with purple glasses.

"Yeah! And I've got my Bass Canon to play some songs for you to enjoy!"

Emilymena noticed that three of four of the foals looked almost exactly like the robots, but younger...and they didn't even notice yet!

"Speaking of songs, I think we should play one for our little audience here!" The Twilight animatronic said before putting it's microphone near it's muzzle and the DJ Pon3 animatronic putting it's Bass Canon on and starting to put on a song.

"One!" DJ Pon3 said.

"Two!" Twilight Sparkle said.

"Three!" AppleJack said.

Then the three of them started to sing a song.

"A True True Friend helps a friend in need

A friend will be there to help them see

To see the light that shines from a true true friend"

After a minute or so of the song Emilymena stopped paying attention to the resemblance of the animatronics and three of the foals and instead, enjoyed the animatronic's singing.

Paying so much attention to the main stage however, had made her unaware that Princess Celestia had left them alone in the Dining Area with only themselves and the robots.

"Alright kids, stallions and mares! The show is over for now. BUT you can go over to Daring's Hut and watch Daring Do preform if you'd like!" The Twilight animatronic said, lowering her mic while the music abruptly stopped.

Just as it said that, the foals went around the corner to a small hut-like house with a sign saying: "Daring's Hut" on it.

But before Emilymena could take a single step to follow the others, someone tapped her on her right shoulder.

When she turned around, she saw Princess Celestia standing right in front of her with a smile that creeped her out a bit. "Um...hi p-princess." Emilymena said, intimidated. After a few seconds, Emilymena broke the silence. "Um..oh, will you look at the time, I'd best be going! Bye!" With that, Emilymena galloped towards a filly who was a bit behind everypony else.

After she caught up to the foal she smiled and spoke to her. "Hi! I'm Emilymena! What your name!?" Due to the gap between them, the small Pegasus filly had to stop to hear her.

"What did you say?" The orange Pegasus asked. "I said name is Emilymena. What's your name?" Emilymena replied, caughting her breath. The small pegasus in front of her had an orange coat and magenta eyes. Her cutie mark was a compass.

"My name is Daring Do." Daring Do replied.

"Don't you think it's weird that the animatronic that we're going to has the same name as you?" Emilymena asked, walking along side Daring Do.

"Honestly, I sort of rubbed it off as a coincidence. Like how there are three animatronics here that look and have two that have the same names as Twilight, and AppleJack. Heck, even vinyl scratch's nick name at school is DJ Pon3!" Daring Do replied.

"Wait! How do you know Vinyl's nick name?" Emilymena asked, shock and confusion in her eyes.

"We go to the same school." Daring Do replied.

Once Daring Do said that they had made it to Daring's Hut.

"Welcome to Daring's Hut, Kids! My name is Daring Do and I'm here to read you stories about my adventures while saving our majestic land of Equestria!" The animatronic Daring Do said.

To Be Continued...

The Party Part: 2 (Last Part)

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"What school do you go to?" Emilymena asked the filly Daring Do.

"Ponyville Elementary. You?" Emilymena pondered over that question for a few seconds. "I never really went to school. I live on a Rock Farm so I just get home schooled."

Emilymena replied. "What's a Rock Farm?" Daring Do asked. "Well, it's a boring place where you put rocks on different fields and sell them to ponies across Equestria to get bits." Emilymena replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe.

"Now, where's the lucky birthday foal that gets to help me read the first story?" With that question, Twilight put up her hoof to get the animatronic's attention. "Me! Me! It's me!" Twilight said, jumping up and down.

"Happy birthday then! Come on inside with your friends and we'll get this party started!" The Daring Do animatronic said, leading the foals inside the hut-like house inside the building.

"Now, what's your name birthday girl?" The animatronic asked Twilight. "My name is Twilight Sparkle!" Twilight replied. "That's a pretty name, Twilight." "Thanks, Daring!" The Daring Do animatronic walked towards one of the many bookshelves that littered the walls and got one of the books.

Emilymena sat through the first story which was Daring Do and the sapphire stone. After the story she remembered that her parents were going to pick her up at 12 in the afternoon.

Emilymena sneaked outside of the hut to ask one of the employees what time it was but couldn't find anyone. "Greetings little filly! What art thou doing out of Daring's Hut?" A regal sounding voice said behind her.

When she looked behind her she saw an animatronic. But not any she had ever seen. It was a pony with a blue coat and a short light blue mane and tail. It was also an Alicorn. It's eyes were black as if someone or something had torn it's eyes out.

"I have to leave at 12. What time is it?" Emilymena asked shakily. She then noticed that the animatronic had a black tiara and a black necklace with a a crescent moon in the center of the necklace.

"The time is not important right now. I have something to tell you." The animatronic said, motioning for the filly to follow it. Emilymena hesitantly followed.

The animatronic took Emilymena outside the building. "Why are we out here?" Emilymena asked, but the animatronic continued to walk behind the building where no one was in sight.

"You didn't answer my question! WHY ARE WE HERE!?" Emilymena asked the animatronic, rage in her voice and eyes while spreading her Pegasus wings.

"Have you ever heard about The Mare In The Moon?" The animatronic asked calmly.

"Yes, but why are you asking me this?" Emilymena asked. "Well, ever since my sister Luna was banished, I had to rule Equestria alone." The animatronic said. "Huh? Who's Luna?" Emilymena asked the animatronic.

"She turned into Nightmare Moon and I had to banish her." The animatronic said. "Wait-then that means you and "Luna" were the sisters from the story!" The animatronic nodded.

"But what does this have to do with anything?" Emilymena asked, confusion in her eyes. "Because, since I had to rule ALONE I had no one to keep me company. That was until opened a location before this in Ponyville. I was fed up with being alone so I did something that I'm going to do to you to a young colt."

The animatronic lost it's regal demeanor and started to let out insane giggles between each word which frightened Emilymena.

"W-what are you going to do to me then?" Emilymena asked shakily.

"I can't just let you leave me here alone! That's why I'm going to keep you here forever!" The animatronic broke out an insane laugh as it stuck it's blue horn into Emilymena's left eye and popped out the bloody eyeball in one swift motion.

Blood immediately started to pour out of the open wound as she screamed. Emilymena started to sob openly with her remaining eye.

The blood coming out of her left eye socket was starting to take the shape of tears going down her cheek as she sobbed. Through her blurry vision, she noticed that the animatronic's cutie mark was a pair of marionette strings.

The animatronic then stuck it's horn into her right eye socket and pulled that bloody eyeball out as well.

The last thing that she saw was the animatronic's blurry cutie mark as she had been looking right at it. She then couldn't see anything but darkness, but she could feel herself starting to loose consciousness from the blood loss.

But before she could, she felt something sharp stab her right in the center of her chest. She then collapsed on the hard ground as her mind was trying to comprehend what was happening.

She then heard hoofsteps walking away from her. After a few seconds the last thing she thought of before her final breath was the animatronic's cutie mark.

"You'll pay for this..." was Emilymena's last words before she perished to her own obliviousness.

She didn't even get her cutie mark yet...

To Be Continued...

Give Gifts...Give Life

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Emilymena woke up on a cold, tiled floor. She was lying down as if she was sleeping.

She tried to remember what happened as she tried to move. She couldn't. She could only move her eyes.

She blinked a few times to clear her vision as she saw a white regal Alicorn walk calmly towards the opened door right in front of her.

Wait! Isn't that Princess Celestia?! Emilymena thought.

She then noticed a golden aura emitting from her horn and the same colored aura around her as well.

She must be making it so I can't move. Why though? She thought.

Just then what happened just a while ago clicked. She then remembered everything. Including her gruesome death.

Wait. So she ruled alone like the Princess and controls both sun and moon-maybe it WAS her! But why would she hurt anyone? Emilymena thought.

After the princess left the room, she could move again as the door shut behind her. She stood up and noticed that she was much taller then before. She then saw four dead corpses lying on the ground near her and three old arcade cabinets and a massive mirror right next to the arcade machines.

She then walked to the mirror to see herself and she looked like the animatronic that killed her.

The only differences were that there were dark purple tear streaks that went down her cheeks and stopped at the sides of her muzzle and inside her black eyes were tiny white dots that replaced her pupils.

She touched her right cheek with disbelief and the tears felt like they were purposely painted on her new blue, metal body.

Emilymena looked at her flank and the cutie mark that she vividly remembered was visible there.

Emilymena looked at the corpses of Twilight Sparkle, Vinyl Scratch, AppleJack, and Daring Do. Her new friends were murdered just like her. She wouldn't let them suffer with the memories of death. She had to help them. But how? Emilymena thought.

She then glanced at the mirror and saw a bit blood in the back of her hollowed out throat. With a closer look, she saw her dead corpse inside the suit of which she unknowingly possessed. I know how to help them. Emilymena thought as she levitated all four of the animatronic suits into the room that she was in and took the Twilight head off the robot and placed it on her dead friend: Twilight Sparkle.

"Give Gifts..." Emilymena said to herself even though she was sure her friend's spirits were watching her.

She then put the heads on each of her other dead friends.

After she finished putting each suit on each corpse, she was sure she saw her friend's spirits posses each suit that their bodies were in. "Give Life." Emilymena whispered to herself.

"She will I am from now on...The Lunar Puppet."

The End (Until Five Nights at Twilight's)