Twilight's Key Party

by Cogneato Switch

First published

After the success of Pinkie Pie's Key Party, Twilight Sparkle decides to throws an adult-themed party of her own. The Mane Six pair off for a night of sexual adventure.

After the success of Pinkie Pie's Key Party, Twilight Sparkle decides to throws an adult-themed party of her own in the Castle of the Two Sisters.

The Mane Six pair off for a night of sexual adventure:
- Rainbow Dash combats jealousy while Pinkie Pie confesses her top-secret fetish
- Rarity and Applejack grapple for control
- Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy explore the wonders of erotic fiction and roleplay

Prelude - One Afternoon

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You are invited to attend a special key party at the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree forest. The party is at noon on the first day of Autumn. Come prepared for a good time!

This party is BYOB (Bring Your Own Bed) since the castle is not furnished.

Yours truly,
Twilight Sparkle


The newly crowned princess looked up at the Castle of the Two Sisters and shook with excitement. The last party like this had gone so well, she’d been thinking about it ever since. It wasn’t long until she decided to hold another one, but it took her nearly a year to get up the courage to send out the invitations; she had no idea how Pinkie Pie had done it. But now the day was finally here and she couldn’t wait to get started. There was much to do before the party started, so she trotted through the doors and got to work.


Applejack, sporting her usual ten gallon hat, started across the creaking bridge in front of the castle. She carried with her two green saddle bags and a sleeping mat across her back, like she usually did when she camped. Rainbow Dash glided next to her with her own bag, keeping pace.

“You sure you’re alright with this?” Applejack asked, “we don’t have to go.”

Rainbow Dash nodded her head. “Of course I am! Twilight’s been super excited about this party for months! There’s no way I’m gonna let her down.”

“But Twilight’s probably not gonna let us be partners again.” Applejack eyed her preferred partner. “And it’s not like we could ask either.”

“Yeah, I suppose not,” Rainbow shrugged, “but that’s why we made rules, right? No kissing, no licking, and no shlongs.”

“That’s no lickings others’ right? Others licking me is okay?”

“Yup. I just don’t want to think about where your tongue’s been when we kiss.”

Applejack nodded. “Eeyup. We’ll be just fine.”

The pair walked inside the main door. The familiar courtyard looked much better since they’d decided to clean it. Green grass stretched across the ground, centered between the six arches that lined the side walls. The back wall had two sets of staircases that lead to a ledge, behind which were the yellow and blue banners of the two sisters. The light of the afternoon sun made the courtyard look beautiful, and much less spooky than they had remembered it.

A smiling Twilight appeared on the balcony. “Hi girls!” she called out. “I’ll be right down!” She disappeared into a passageway off the back wall and reappeared shortly afterward in one of the lower halls. “I was just doing some last minute cleanup.”


A few minutes later, the main door opened again and Pinkie Pie bounced in with her saddle bags hanging on each side. On her back was a blue present wrapped in a yellow ribbon that seemed to float in the air with each of her bounces. Behind her was Fluttershy with her saddle bags.

The door began to close but was stopped by a white hoof. The door flew open as Rarity, hitched to a wagon, stepped in. In the wagon were several boxes and a rack of various clothes.

Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all stood agape at Rarity’s load.

“What?” she defended, “I couldn’t decide what to wear!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head while Applejack smacked her own head with her hoof. Twilight smiled, “whatever floats your boat, Rarity.”

Rarity walked in further and unhitched herself.

“So is this where we’re gonna do it?” Pinkie asked enthusiastically. She bounced around, looking at the bright stone walls. “This place looks great when it's clean!”

“But the Castle of the Two Sisters?” Applejack questioned. “Isn’t this place sacred or somethin’?”

“Oh, don’t be so silly, Applejack. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna lived here a long time, and they were once young mares too, just like us!”

“What, like a thousand years ago?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Well, yeah. And things were a lot different then too. They had feasts, music, and special entertainers. Did you know they had courtesans?”

Rarity and Applejack shifted uncomfortably but Fluttershy wore an expression of confusion. “What are courte-”

“So!” Rainbow Dash cut her off, anxious to get started. “How’s this gonna work? Which rooms are we using?”

“The three rooms will be the library, the reading room, and the organ room.”

“What?” yelped, Rarity aghast, “the Royal Sisters used to sleep here! Didn’t they have a bedroom back then?”

“Yes they did, but it’s up there.” Twilight pointed to a stone tower that was missing half of its wall and seemed to sway in the wind. “I don’t think it’s safe.”

“I guess the reading room would do.” Rarity huffed.

“The organ room, isn’t that in the basement?” Fluttershy asked, with growing fear, “beyond the Hall of Hooves, across from the eyeless paintings? Where everything is dark and shadowy?”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, you aren’t going down there alone,” Twilight soothed, “besides, you might not even get that room.” She looked up at the others. “So, are we ready to pick partners?”

They murmured words of agreement.

In a small puff of smoke, six cards appeared with an ornate golden design on the back. Levitating them with magic, she showed the faces: a pair of Princess Celestias, a pair of Princess Lunas, and a pair of Princess Cadences.

“We each draw a card, and whoever has the same card are partners.” She turned them over and began to shuffle them. “I’ve also picked out the rooms. Lunas go to the Organ Room, Celestias to the Library, and Cadences to the Reading Room.”

She fanned out the cards and the ponies looked at each other nervously. “So, who wants to go first?”

“Me me me!” Pinkie bounced over and drew a card with her hoof.

Rarity drew hers using magic, and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack each took theirs, leaving Twilight holding the last one.

They all held out their cards and turned them over, revealing the pairs.

“I’m with Rarity?” Applejack complained, dropping her Celestia card.

“I’m with Applejack?” Rarity whined.

“I’m with Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with annoyance.

“I’m with Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie squealed in excitement, holding up her Luna card.

Fluttershy grimaced, but was secretly happy that she didn’t have to go to the Organ Room.

Applejack turned to Twilight. “Can we redraw, or somethin’? I don’t think these pairs are gonna work out.”

“I agree!” Rarity declared, walking over and trying to give her card back. “We should draw them again until we get better pairs.”

“Maybe we could just trade!” Rainbow Dash grabbed Rarity’s card out of the air, letting hers fall to the ground. “That fixes the pairs right up!”

Twilight shook her head. “No, the point of a key party is to mix it up and try new things!” She used her magic to grab the dropped cards and offered them back to their owners. “Just give it a try for a little while and see how it goes.”

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. “Fine!” Rarity said, turning her nose up and snatching her card back. Applejack reluctantly took hers too.

Twilight Sparkle shook the remaining card. “You too, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash shot Applejack a pleading look, which was met with a helpless shrug. “Alright… I guess.” Rainbow took her card in defeat.

Pinkie Pie, ignoring Rainbow Dash’s hesitation, merrily hopped down the hall, the present still on her back, with her partner droopily flying behind.

“Come on, Fluttershy!” Twilight called, leading her partner up the stairs to the reading room.

Applejack eyed Rarity’s cart. “You gonna lug that all the way up to the Library?”

“Well I’m not very well going to leave it out here!” she insisted.

Applejack tucked her card into her bag. “Alright then, can I lend you a hoof?”

Rarity, with a little effort, levitated all of the boxes and clothing rack out of the wagon and carried them in the air around her. “No, thank you, I’ll do it myself,” she grunted, shaking under their weight.

“Fine by me.” Applejack shrugged and followed her up the stairs to the Library.

The Organ Room (Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash)

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Pinkie Pie hopped down the Hall of Hooves towards the organ room, the blue present bouncing precariously on her back. Rainbow Dash flew behind, clearly agitated.

“I can’t believe Twilight wouldn’t let us change partners!” the Pegasus complained. “Now I don’t get to be with Applejack!”

They entered into the dimly lit organ room. The organ sat at the back of the room, surrounded by two candelabras and two stone Pegasai, carved as if they were guarding it. A large red carpet trailed from the entrance to the stairs below the organ. The walls were decorated with hanging cloth banners and ornate archways.

Pinkie Pie grew excited at the sight of the organ and dashed over, dropping her bags and present on the floor. When she got closer, she saw a large yellow note taped over the keys, reading “please do not play the organ.” Pinkie frowned and trotted back to her bags.

“What are they even going to do together?” Rainbow Dash continued lamenting, dropping her bags on the ground, her voice echoing against the stone walls. “Rarity’s a frilly filly and Applejack’s a cow pony! One likes fashion and the other likes hard work! The only thing they have in common is that they’re both mares who live in Ponyville!”

Rainbow Dash started flying back and forth in the air, as if she were pacing. “I’d be so much better with Applejack! We could hoof-wrestle, or have a bucking contest, or if we’re stuck in the library, we could see who could carry the most books. But this? This is the worst!” She flung her arms emphatically, when Pinkie suddenly appeared in her flight path. “Waaah!” Rainbow exclaimed, coming to a stop mid air.

Pinkie Pie was floating at the same height as Rainbow Dash, her body tied to a dozen strings which were tied to a dozen balloons, which were holding her up. She frowned with concern, “I’m sure it’s not that bad, right?” she offered.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “It is that bad! What are they going to do? Play checkers?”

Pinkie made a silly face. “I’m sure they’ll find something to do! Rarity’s pretty creative.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said without confidence. She flew higher and started pacing again. “Rarity’s probably gonna dress up in one of those ridiculous outfits, and Applejack is totally going to reject her! There’s no way she’d think it was beautiful and start making out with her. It’s just not gonna happen!” Rainbow said, trying to convince herself.

Pinkie pulled another balloon from nowhere and blew it up, lifting her higher. She quickly tied it on to herself with a piece of string. “Yup! It’s not going to happen!” Pinkie agreed.

“But what if it does?” Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie Pie incredulously. “They’d be all over each other, kissing and stuff!” She couldn’t help but imagine Rarity and Applejack holding one another, tongue wrestling. “And if they kiss, they’ll grope! And if they grope, they’ll fondle! And if they fondle…” She imagined them on their backs, scissoring, Rarity using her Unicorn magic to manipulate toys to aid their pleasure. “They’ll have sex!” Rainbow Dash declared.

“This sounds really exciting!” Pinkie exclaimed, eyes wide with intrigue. “Then what happens?”

Rainbow Dash was taken aback. “After sex?” She shook her head. “Then Applejack won’t be mine anymore! She’ll be Rarity’s!” The pegasus swooped down to the ground and collapsed, sobbing into her hooves. “My life is ruined!”

“Wait, what?” Pinkie questioned, releasing the balloons that held her up. She fell to the ground with a squeak. “Why wouldn’t Applejack be yours anymore?”

“Because!” Rainbow Dash cried, looking up. “Every time we get together she’ll be thinking about her instead of me!”

Pinkie Pie frowned. “No! That’s totally wrong!” she yelped. “You’ve been with Applejack for one year, seven months, and ten days! She’s completely in love with you, and you’re in love with her!”

Rainbow Dash looked up, discreetly wiping tears away. “So?”

Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. “So, she’s still gonna be yours! She’ll always be yours! One night with another pony isn't going to take that away.” Her face turned into one of thoughtfulness. “Besides, Rarity already knows, right?”

It was true. The invitations to the party had helped Rainbow Dash convince Applejack that they should tell all their friends so there wouldn’t be any surprises. Pinkie Pie had known since the last party and since she was Rainbow Dash’s main confidant, she already knew the others would be told.

Fluttershy didn’t mind at all, and understood their need to be discreet, especially around the rest of the Apple family. Rarity wasn’t surprised and even claimed to have seen the signs of their relationship. Twilight Sparkle was the hardest to predict, but she welcomed their coming out to her, and suggested making rules for each other so nopony’s feelings got hurt during her party.

“Yeah, we told all of our friends. We even made rules: no kissing, no licking another’s … thing … and no strap ons.”

“Don't worry, Rainbow Dash! Applejack will definitely follow those rules. She’s really dependable! She's gonna follow the rules, and that means she'll be thinking about you the entire time!”

Rainbow Dash sat up and looked at Pinkie Pie. "You really think so?"

She shook her head. "I don't just think so; I know so!" she said confidently.

Rainbow Dash sniffed away the rest of her sadness, taking in Pinkie's words. They hadn’t been apart for more than an hour and Rainbow Dash couldn’t take her mind off Applejack. It was reasonable that she’d do the same for her. She remembered the times she’d spent with Applejack, like their secret date in the Everfree Forest where they dared each other to do things ranging from scary to sexy. Applejack was so scared she hid in a tree and Rainbow Dash flew in to calm her down, with gentle kisses and hugs.

"Yeah, you're right, Applejack is mine, no matter what. She would never break the rules." Rainbow Dash nodded, convinced. "And I'm okay with her thinking of me the whole time. I'm a totally awesome pony to think about!"

"Especially for Applejack!" Pinkie agreed.

Rainbow Dash smiled genuinely. "Thanks, Pinkie. That really helped."

"No problemo!"

"Um, could you not tell the others? I don't want our other friends to know how jealous I am."

"Okie dokie loki!"


Pinkie Pie pantomimed zipping her lips, locking them with a key, burying the key in a hole, building a house on top of the hole, and then moving into the house she built on top of the hole, but to Rainbow it looked like she was doing some kind of special Pinkie dance.

“I’ll take that as a yes?” Rainbow asked questioningly.

“I Pinkie promise!” Pinkie confirmed, putting a hoof in her eye.

The two mares stared at each other for a moment.

"You're really pretty." Pinkie Pie exclaimed suddenly.

“I'm what?" Rainbow blushed for a moment, caught off guard by the compliment. "You… you really think I’m pretty?” Rainbow asked with a hint of sarcasm.

“Pretty as a prism!”

Rainbow smiled, “you are a silly pony.”

“I try!” Pinkie Pie said, doing a cart wheel. When she was finished, she bounded back. “Wanna hear a secret?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Sure, what’s your secret?”

Pinkie Pie looked around the empty room to make sure no one else could hear. “I really like balloons.”

Rainbow began to laugh. “But Pinkie, everypony knows that! It’s your Cutie Mark!”

Pinkie Pie shook her head. She expected this response, but still grimaced. “No, I really really REALLY like balloons.”

Rainbow stopped laughing, trying to understand.

“And not just like,” Pinkie continued, “I like like balloons.”

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you have a balloon fetish?" Pinkie nodded fervently. "Oh my gosh, that's so ridiculous!" Rainbow Dash resumed her laughter.

"Promise you won't tell anyone!"' Pinkie demanded.

"I promise! I promise!" Rainbow Dash calmed. "How does that work, with the balloons? Do you rub them against your junk? Wouldn’t they pop?" Rainbow shuttered, thinking about a balloon popping between her thighs, the latex suddenly collapsing and slapping her skin.

“Well, I do do that, and sometimes they pop, but there’s lots of other things you can do with balloons!” Pinkie pulled an orange balloon from somewhere and stretched it between her hooves. She blew it up.

This one was long and thin, and typically used to make shapes. With a few twists, she turned it into a simple balloon pony. “You can make a lot of things with balloons!”

You can make a lot of things. I don’t think I’ve ever blown one up without popping it. They’re just so hard to tie off …”

“I’ll make you something!” Pinkie offered, taking out three more yellow balloons, two of which landed in her hair. “What do you like?”

“Um…” Rainbow Dash hesitated. It was weird thinking that this was Pinkie’s fetish, but then, Pinkie had made her tons of balloon presents, and it wasn’t weird before. “How about a pith helmet?”

“Okay!” Pinkie inflated and twisted the balloons, each motion making that characteristic rubbery balloon sound. Rainbow looked on in her usual awe as Pinkie made an oversized balloon pith helmet, just like Daring Do’s. Then she put it on Rainbow’s head and grinned.

Rainbow’s eyes moved from the helmet on her head to Pinkie Pie. “And… that turns you on?” she asked, still confused.

“Well, it doesn’t not turn me on,” Pinkie Pie responded, shrugging her shoulders. “But there’s more to balloons than balloon animals and balloon hats!” Pinkie began to jump around demonstrating all of the different ways balloons could be as she sang along.

Each has a color, like lime, or pink, or teal,
Each has a shimmer, that makes them look surreal,

They come in tubes, short, or long,
They are shaped, square, or oblong,

The way they float,
The way they bloat,
They all look good to me!

Rub them and our fur stands on end,
Twist them and we can make them bend,

The breaths they take,
The squeaks they make,
They sound like music to me!

Some are so big we fit inside,
Some are so small they fit inside,

Superb and round,
With fun abound,
They’re all so fun for me!

Pinkie Pie stood tall on her hind legs, forelegs outstretched with three pear-shaped balloons of red, pink, and yellow in each hoof.

Rainbow Dash stared incredulously, “I don’t know what to say,” she said, taking off her balloon hat.

The vulnerability of telling a close friend her fetish was beginning to take its toll. Pinkie Pie hadn’t told any of her friends about it before, and she was very worried how they might react. She so rarely let any pony see who she was behind her ever-smiling face, but Rainbow Dash had during a mental breakdown involving a bucket of turnips, a pile of rocks, a sack of flour, and a ball of lint attending an after birthday party for a certain alligator. Her continued loyalty to their friendship, despite seeing this, made her ideal to come out to, but Pinkie still feared the judgment.

Pinkie’s face turned to a sort of exasperated worry as she exclaimed, “say that you understand what it’s like to have a fetish that nopony else understands, and you’ll be my friend no matter what!!!”

“Woah, woah, woah!” Rainbow put up her hooves defensively. “I understand what it’s like to have a fetish…” she said instinctively, but stopped. It wasn’t true: she didn’t have a fetish. Her biggest secret was that she was into mares, but her friends already knew that, and it seemed tame next to Pinkie’s balloon fetish. She wanted to lie, for the sake of Pinkie’s self-esteem, but Applejack had been encouraging her to be more truthful, especially when she was pressured not to. “Actually, no, I don’t have any fetishes," she corrected herself, "but I promise I’ll be your friend, no matter what sort of weird, crazy fetishes you have.”

Pinkie Pie’s face turned thoughtful for a moment before it returned to its normal smile. “Works for me!” she declared. “Wanna see what it’s like to be inside a balloon?”

“I..inside?” Rainbow imagined being shrunk down to the size of a Breezie and then placed inside a balloon while a gigantic Pinkie Pie laughed over her. She shuttered. “I'm not sure. How does it work?”

Pinkie ran to her present and opened it, pulling out a very large, uninflated cream colored circular balloon. “It’s just a big balloon! And then you get inside it.”

Rainbow Dash sighed with relief that it didn't involve getting shrunk, but was still unsure about it.

Pinkie Pie pulled a wooden billow from the box, stuck it into the balloon, and started hopping on it.

As the balloon inflated, Rainbow Dash tried hard to put herself in Pinkie Pie’s mind. She listened woosh of air being forced inside and the simultaneous stretch of the material. She stared at the semi-transparent surface and the splash of light that it reflected. She smelled its powdery, rubbery scent. All of it did nothing for her, but she imagined this was hot stuff to Pinkie. “I don’t want to get inside it," she said carefully, "but I’ll watch you do it.”

“Okay!” Pinkie Pie nodded, happily bouncing on the billow. Her hair shook with each bound, smiling wide with happiness. Rainbow Dash felt giddy from Pinkie's infectious spirit. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but she knew Pinkie Pie was going to enjoy every moment of it.

Once the balloon was nearly four times her size, Pinkie Pie pulled it off the billow. It was now transparent and swayed with every move. She stuck her head into the opening, her pink hair poofing out like normal on the other side. Next her forelegs pushed through, letting a little air escape until the rubber collapsed on her waist, sealing her half way. Pushing the opening down her body, she stepped inside, taking care to keep her tail from getting caught. She clamped the hole shut with her hooves. "Tada!" she called, the balloon now only twice her size.

"Wow" Rainbow Dash remarked, looking at her friend in the bubble. It reminded her of a Daring Do novel where Ahuizotl captured Do in a small magical forcefield. She enjoyed that scene a lot, as she often wondered what she would do with an attractive mare trapped in a forcefield. "Can you breathe in there?"

"There's plenty of room to breathe!" Pinkie Pie explained, her voice distorted by the balloon. "But it gets hot really fast. I like to keep my head on the outside." She started jumping, moving the opening a few inches with each leap. When it was in the right place, she popped her head out and exhaled loudly. "Much better!"

"You're really enjoying yourself in there, aren't you?"

"Yes I am!"

“Now what do you do?”

“Now I bounce around like a ball!” Pinkie pushed into the ground with all four legs at once, springing herself and the balloon forward. “It's so much fun to bounce!" she said as she hopped around Rainbow Dash. The balloon jiggled each time she landed, slowly deflating.

"I guess so," Rainbow Dash said uncertainly. Then a mischievous look flashed across her face, and when Pinkie Pie bounced in front of her, she took off, her forelegs out, hoping to send Pinkie Pie flying across the room like she was a giant beach ball. When she connected, the balloon deformed, expanding in all other directions, and then rebounded, throwing her backward. "Aaah!" She cried out.

“Silly Rainbow!” Pinkie laughed, continuing to bounce around her. “You can’t just hit a pony in a balloon!” She jumped again, but this one didn’t carry her as far. “Uh-oh!”

The balloon had deflated so much that it stretched tightly over Pinkie Pie, restricting her leg movement. It continued to compress around her, forcing her into a kneeling position. Her fur was pressed against the edge of the balloon, and her matted mess of a tail was held to her back by the translucent stretched material. Rainbow Dash stood over her and chuckled.

“Hey, not funny!” Pinkie Pie pouted playfully, as the balloon forced her to tuck her legs under her.

“Pinkie, you don’t have to bow before me!” Rainbow Dash chided.

“I’m not bowing before you! I’m trapped in a balloon!” Pinkie Pie struggled to move, managing to inch worm a few times before falling over on to her side.

Rainbow laughed some more. “Do… do you need help?” she asked earnestly.

“I’m fine!” Pinkie insisted. “I just need to wiggle my way out.” She began to kick against the balloon, which inched down her neck.

Though she hated to admit it, Rainbow Dash was having a lot of fun watching her friend struggle. She liked how the tight balloon accented her pink body, showing off each curve on her legs. She grinned as Pinkie Pie wiggled onto her back, giving a nice view of her smooth round bottom, dipping slightly with the outline of her marehood. Best of all were Pinkie Pie's grunts of pleasure and frustration coupled with her look of bliss. Rainbow Dash smiled coyly before darting towards Pinkie Pie again, this time rubbing her with her hooves, tickling her.

“He-hey!” Pinkie Pie laughed, shaking from the sensation. She instinctively kicked harder, though it didn't slow her tickler.

Rainbow Dash was relentless, and expanded her range to include some of Pinkie's more intimate regions. She brushed up against her thighs and rubbed her rump. Though she was use to the more muscular body of Applejack, she approved of Pinkie Pie's well-toned legs, no doubt a by-product of her weekly dance parties.

Rainbow Dash was very turned on, and Pinkie Pie was clearly ready for more. She held her breath as she took it to the next level. Her movements slowed to gentle caresses, and laughter morphed into moans of pleasure. The Pegasus pushed Pinkie’s hind legs up and forward, giving her access to her covered marehood. She then roughly ground her hoof into the pink pony’s pussy, which was now moistened with her excitement.

Pinkie’s mouth fell open and her cheeks turned red. Her eyes lost focus and her body fought against the balloon for more. Between the feeling of the latex against her fur, coming out as a balloon fetishist to her friend, and the marvelous sensation in her nethers, she felt exceptionally vulnerable and yet also fulfilled.

Lost in the moment, Pinkie stretched out her leg and pressed against the balloon, when suddenly the stretched material gave way with a loud snap. Rainbow Dash recoiled in surprise as the rubber whipped by her hoof, revealing a bed of soft pink fur beneath.

"I guess that happens sometimes?" Rainbow Dash asked awkwardly.

"Sometimes," Pinkie replied evenly, peeling the broken balloon off over her head, “but it’s just a balloon.” She shifted onto her back and spread her legs, her forelegs slack at the wrists. "You don't have to stop," she cooed.

Rainbow Dash suddenly felt like she was somehow cheating on Applejack, like not having the balloon between them was against the rules. But it wasn’t, she reminded herself. She hadn’t kissed, licked, or used a dildo, and she didn’t want to either. She took a deep breath and let it out, trying to relax.

She looked Pinkie Pie up and down, taking in all the beauty the silly little pony had to offer. Pinkie was practically steaming from the hot air that was trapped inside the balloon, her sexual scent permeating the room. With her legs wide and body in such a willing, wanting position, and the look of desire on her face, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but give in to lust. She wanted to make her squirm with pleasure.

She stepped forward, straddling Pinkie’s right leg, and shoved her hoof against Pinkie’s crotch, grunting as she did. Pinkie Pie, reacted accordingly, arching her back and thrusting into her. Rainbow Dash rubbed her hard, directly on her clit. The intensity shot through Pinkie, causing her to tense her body and grit her teeth as she moaned softly. Rainbow Dash grinned at the reaction.

Then Rainbow Dash pressed her own sex into Pinkie’s leg, leaning forward for a better position. She began to rock back and forth, giving herself a pleasant thrill while grinding her hoof against her partner.

Pinkie Pie was in heaven. Her high-speed mind, normally crowded with all sorts of random thoughts, were all focused squarely on the colorful Rainbow Dash above her, and the sensation she was being given. Her body welcomed the overwhelming sensation, and she shook from the intense pleasure. Closing her eyes, she lay back and let Rainbow do whatever she pleased.

Rainbow Dash continued thrusting, pushing into the ground for more force. As her excitement grew, her wings began to flutter, making her lighter, and giving herself better control of her own enjoyment. She watched as Pinkie Pie lost control and gave into the feeling.

“Yes!” Pinkie cried softly, as she flailed her forearms. She tried to get them back under control by biting the edge of her hoof, her eyes tightly shut. “Yea!” she gasped again. Her muscles tensed; she was ready to explode with just a little more.

Rainbow Dash was certainly enjoying herself, but there was no way she was going to catch up to Pinkie Pie. So she kept it up, thrusting and rubbing, enjoying it immensely, as Pinkie Pie went from yelps to a long muted squeal. Eventually Pinkie let it all go, and she came with a scream that echoed off the stone walls.

Pinkie Pie panted heavily with her tongue hanging out. Rainbow Dash slowed her hoof down enough for Pinkie Pie to catch her breath, but didn't stop, focusing instead on her own pleasure. Leg-riding wasn't an ideal position, but she didn't want to change just yet. The firm pressure against her lips and the warm friction of movement were thoroughly enjoyable. Plus, each time she flicked her wrist, Pinkie Pie would shudder beneath her.

At last Rainbow Dash's pleasure peaked. She sighed happily, feeling her inner walls squeeze. It wasn't a full climax, but still a wonderful feeling that dampened Pinkie's fur. She slumped back, releasing her partner.

They both relaxed quietly, listening to each other's pants resonate in the vast room. Slowly, Pinkie Pie sat up and looked at the cerulean Pegasus. "That was really REALLY fun!" she smiled, her energy rising as her words became faster. "I never knew balloon sex would be so amazing! I mean, I always thought it would be amazing, well, technically it's always been amazing, but that was just with myself before. But really, balloon sex with you was absolutely amazing!!!" Pinkie Pie was now standing and, realizing this, she quickly sat down. “How was it for you?"

"It was great," Rainbow Dash nodded. "I'm really glad you enjoyed yourself."

Pinkie Pie recognized the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. She tightened her lips and pondered for a moment. Then suddenly her face popped into a look of concern. "Oh my gosh, you didn't cum!"

"No, it's fine! It's really fine!" Rainbow Dash held up a hoof. "Seeing you like that was lots of fun, and I got some good stuff too!"

"No no no, you have to cum! What's the point the story if you don't cum?"

"What's the point of the wha-aa?!" Pinkie Pie pounced, throwing Rainbow Dash onto her back. In a flash, her head was between Rainbow's legs, her mouth caressing the athlete's wet yet unsated pussy.

"You don't have to do that!" Rainbow Dash cried, pushing lightly on Pinkie's head. "I'm... I'm... fine..." her voice trailed off as Pinkie's tongue entered into her, the soft delightful experience overpowerIng her mind. Her mouth hung open as her breaths shortened once again.

Pinkie Pie bobbed up and down, giving equal attention to all parts of Rainbow Dash's lady bits. She pushed rhythmically, her nose tapping against the clitoris and her lips outlining the labia. Her tongue, which was rather long by pony standards, stroked between the folds, tasting the happy mare's salty flavor. Rainbow Dash let out a loud moan and a splash of wetness squirted out, landing on Pinkie Pie's face and dribbled down her chin. She could tell that her actions were thoroughly appreciated.

The pleasure seemed to flow from Pinkie Pie and radiate through Rainbow Dash’s body, making her skin tingle. She spasmed a dozen times more before she felt the big one on the horizon. Her legs bent rigidly as she readied herself, Pinkie Pie doggedly licking all the while. “Oh boy, here it comes!” Rainbow Dash cried, burying her hooves into Pinkie’s hair.

Rainbow Dash howled as she came, for real this time. She squeezed Pinkie’s head between her thighs and pushed it tight against herself with her hooves so she wouldn’t escape. Pinkie sped up her tongue, nearly overwhelming Rainbow with pleasure, though she bared through it.

Rainbow Dash’s grip on Pinkie loosened and the pink pony withdrew, both breathing heavily. Rainbow’s mouth was agape with exhaustive afterglow, while Pinkie grinned happily, a line of off-white cum on her face. She looked down at it and, with her long tongue, licked it up like it was leftover icing from a cupcake.

“Now how was it for you?” Pinkie Pie asked, nearly bouncing with glee.

“Great!” Rainbow Dash said earnestly. “I mean, really great Pinkie. That was exactly what I needed.” She rolled onto her side and clumsily stood up, only to find her back legs were so shaky she had to sit. “Yeah, that was pretty amazing.”

“Super-rific!” Pinkie cheered. “Ready for bed?”

Rainbow Dash blinked and exhaustion hit her like the Friendship Express. “Bed sounds really good…” she said lazily. Pinkie zipped to their bags and back several times, putting out Rainbow Dash’s purple sleeping bag with her own pink one next to it, each furnished with their respective pillows.

Rainbow Dash flopped down onto her bed. She contemplated finding her ear plugs for a better night’s sleep, but decided it wasn’t worth the trouble of getting up. She rolled over and saw Pinkie Pie already lying down and tucked into her bag.

“Thanks, Pinkie, for everything.”

“Thank you! And you’re welcome! You know, they should have a phrase for that. Like, Thank-you’re-welcome!”

Rainbow nodded and smiled. “Yeah, you’re right, Pinkie. Good night!”

“Good night!”

The Library (Applejack and Rarity)

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Rarity trotted into the library, floating her bags, with Applejack right behind her.

Rarity looked for a place to put her bags. The floor was dusty, and most of the tables were broken. Even the shelves looked like the Golden Oak Library on reshelving day. “I thought we did a better job of cleaning this place” she complained, manipulating a pink rug from her bags.

“Well, I remember Twilight making us clean up all the other rooms and leave the library for her.” Applejack scooted a pile of books to the side. “I guess she got carried away reading instead.”

Rarity placed her bags on her rug and started arranging them. “I truly wish we had gotten the reading room. It’s so much tidier than this place.”

“It’s right over there,” Applejack pointed at the false bookshelves that hid the door. “We can ask Twilight and Fluttershy if they want to switch.”

“There’s no need for that,” Rarity opened her chest and pulled out a roll of cloth. “I planned for the dirt and made sure everything was wrapped.” She set up a purple and yellow tri-fold privacy screen.

“What in tarnation is all that? You brought a wagon full of boxes; what do you need it all for?”

“I needed it because I didn’t know who I’d be paired with.” Rarity replied with a hint of annoyance. “Twilight likes dressing up, so I brought a few outfits for her if we got paired up. Fluttershy likes soft things so I brought a fur suit for her. I know Rainbow Dash is fond of the Wonderbolts so I thought she might like one of Spitfire’s flight suits, and I brought a number of ‘toys’ for Pinkie Pie since she likes them so much.”

“And what did you bring for me?” Applejack frowned.

"Well, I did like the dress you picked for 'Apple Jewel'..." Rarity said, holding up the outfit. Only a few weeks ago, Rarity had gone off the deep end trying to be more country like Applejack. At its peak, she spoke with a southern drawl and wallowed in mud. Applejack took up the moniker Apple Jewel and acted like Rarity to remind her of who she really was, including getting her hair curled and wearing one of Rarity’s fancy dresses.

"Right..." Applejack said delicately, "that was Twilight's idea. I can't say I liked the dress all that much. No good for the field, ya know?" Realizing what she said, she added, “but it did help out in the end, didn’t it?”

Rarity sighed, “I suppose it did. This dress is too classy for you anyway. It’s not meant for someone so messy.”

“I’m not messy,” Applejack protested, “it’s just the side effect of a hard day’s work!"

“It’s more than a hard day’s work that makes you dirty. Don’t you and Rainbow Dash always get it on at that farm of yours?”

“Well, it’s the most secluded-”

“And every time I go there, I always come back with dirt on my hooves.”

“That’s because you come to see me, and I’m usually working the fields.”

“Exactly! You’re always so dirty out on that farm. Au naturel, I suppose. And if that’s the way you like your fun times, then far be it from me to try to change you.”

Applejack’s lips tightened as she wanted to protest, but decided to change the subject instead. "How about you? What do you do it when you get down with other ponies? I never did hear what you and Fluttershy did.”

“Me?” Rarity asked like she was being accused, “what I do is a secret. A proper mare doesn’t kiss and tell.”

“Oh come on, Rarity, we’re partnered up for the night. Say, why don’t you tell me what you’d wear! Ya’ll got a whole line just for something like this! Don’t you have one of those frilly see-thru jam-jams in there?” she snorted, trying to stifle a giggle.

Rarity stared at her icily. “They’re called negligee, and I have several.” She opened a box and levitated a sheer white long-sleeved nightshirt with feathered cuffs, and a black sheer chemise with a red ribbon trim. “But I don’t think this is a lingerie sort of night.”

“But ain't that how you do it?” Applejack teased. “A sexy outfit, sprawled across a bed with a come-hither look?”

Rarity glowered at her for a moment, putting down the clothes. “Even if I did, there isn’t a bed around.” She raised her head high and turned up her nose. “Besides I only do that with stallions.”

Applejack smiled playfully. “You mean like Trenderhoof?”

Rarity grimaced and ground her teeth, remembering how that obsession ended. “Yes,” she said coldly, “Stallions like Trenderhoof.” She eyed Applejack. “What do you do when you want to get things started?”

“Oh that’s easy! I just say ‘let’s do it’ and Dashie’s like ‘ok’. Then we do it. Really not much to it.”

“What?" Rarity cried in dismay, "what about the build up? The suspense! The romance! The foreplay! Don’t you do anything like that?”

“Well sure, we do that stuff sometimes.” Applejack scrunched her face, thinking back to their secret date in the Everfree Forest where they dared each other to do things ranging from scary to sexy. Applejack climbed a tree to be closer to Rainbow Dash and definitely not to flee from a ginormous crocodile. Rainbow Dash flew in to calm her down, and they stayed there for several hours. “...we, uh, definitely do foreplay sometimes, when the moment’s right. But I guess we just let things develop naturally.” She shrugged.

Rarity curbed her jealousy again. She longed for a partner like Applejack had. Somepony she could be around, have random bouts of foreplay with, in the bedroom, of course. Somepony who understood her designs, a strong, hunk of a stallion who would worship her. She shook that fantasy out of her head and deadpanned at the cow pony of Sweet Apple Acres.

“So ya’ll wear that neg-lee-jay for them stallions, what do you wear for us mares?”

“Oh!” Rarity sounded like she was thrown off guard. “Well, I did bring an outfit, because I had an idea of what I might do with a mare, but I’m not sure if it’s really your cup of tea.”

“Well, if it’s one of those froofy lacy things…”

“It’s not.”

Applejack looked inquisitive, unsure what kind of outfit Rarity had in mind. But then, the seamstress had so many outfits, it could be anything. “Then what is it?”

“It’s kind of a specialty outfit. It’s the one I brought to the party in Manehatten.”

“Manehatten?” Applejack asked with surprise. “But we didn’t attend any parties there!”

“Um, well,” Rarity said nervously, “it was earlier, when I got those Hinny of the Hills tickets the first time...”

"Wait, I thought ya'll got those tickets by giving costume designs to the costume designer!"

"I did! He was so inspired by the outfit he wanted to use its design at his next fetish show."

"A fetish show?"

Rarity winced, realizing she said too much. However, she'd come this far, and at her core she trusted Applejack. She sighed defeatedly. "Yes, a fetish show, like at a BDSM party."

Applejack stared at her judgmentally, unsure how to react. Rarity managed a weak smile. Applejack nodded. “I didn’t think you’d be into that sort of thing, but it’s fine with me if that’s what you like.”

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. “Whew, I’m glad you understand. I was worried you’d think it was weird.”

Applejack shrugged. “I understand the appeal. I’ve read 50 Shades of Hay.”

“Ha, that series?” Rarity scoffed. “Those books scarcely cover all that of kink has to offer.” Applejack frowned, but Rarity continued. “The Story of Oats was far better, in my opinion. But then, I am a pony who enjoys fully immersive experiences.” Rarity grinned. “Would you like to see the outfit?

“Sure,” Applejack said cavalierly, throwing her hoofs up. “Show me what you wore to the fetish show.”

“Gladly!” Rarity stepped behind the privacy screen, pulling one of the rolls of cloth with her. Shuffling noises, zipping zippers, and the tightening of a lace-up outfit could be heard. When she was finished, she stepped out for Applejack to see.

Applejack pursed her lips. Before her was Rarity, with four shiny black boots that came up to her thighs, and a black lace-up cincher around her waist. Over her rump was an immodest sheer black skirt that seemed to highlight her cutie mark.

"That outfit is, uh, really somethin'" Applejack said hesitantly. "I'm really glad that fashion stallion liked it so much."

"Thank you, Applejack! The boots and corset are made from a soft corfam that is sturdy, but not stiff, and lined with a breathable stretch fabric to keep the wearer cool."

"Doesn't that get in the way of your BDSM? I mean, I always thought naked was the best way to do that sort of thing."

"Half the fun is dressing up! I'd think you of all ponies would appreciate accessorizing," Rarity said, pointing to Applejack's ten gallon hat.

"This old thing?" Applejack looked up at her favorite hat. "It keeps the sun out of my eyes, it's practical."

Rarity shook her head. "If it were just practical, you'd take it off when you were inside."

"It's a style I happen to like!" she said defensively.

"No need to get testy," Rarity smirked, "I just meant that there are probably lots of things about BDSM that you'd like. For example, do you ever tie up Rainbow Dash?"

Applejack cracked a smile. "Well sure, I especially like getting her wings so she doesn't go flying off."

"And I'll bet you like it rough too, pressed up against rocks and trees when you're doing it?"

"Well, it comes with the territory. It's not like we can ever do it in a bed. Hey, you don't do those things, do you? I can't imagine you getting your hooves dirty when you're doing the deed."

"Good heavens no!" Rarity agreed. "But there's a lot of BDSM things that you already like. Now, would you be interested in being topped by a proper domineightrix?"

"You mean you?" Applejack asked incredulously, looking that the white pony in the black skirt.

"Yes, me!" Rarity laughed. "That's how I play with mares! Are you interested?"

Applejack contemplated being tied down and scratched up. It wouldn't be a bad use of the night with Rarity; she could imagine far worse.

"I'm not going to injure you, just give you a little intense sensation," Rarity reassured, "and you can stop me anytime. All you need to say is 'red'."

Applejack nodded, having heard of the color-based safewords from books: "green" means go, "yellow" means slow down, and "red" means stop. "Sure, let's do it!" she agreed.

"Oh, and one last thing," Rarity said seriously. "Is there anything I shouldn't do? Like anything that is special between you and Rainbow Dash? I want to respect your relationship."

"Oh, yeah! No kissing on the lips, no putting my tongue in your, err, thing, and no strap-ons or dildos."

Rarity smiled again. "I can work with that!" She trotted to her many bags and started rooting around in one. "Now turn around and bend over!" She ordered.

"If you're such a hotshot domineightrix, why don't you make me?" Applejack said defiantly with a cheeky grin.

"Oh I will," Rarity assured, revealing a black riding crop from her bag.

Applejack watched dumbfounded as the crop floated through the air until it was behind her, where it came down on her rump with a smack.

"Hey! That hurt!" she complained playfully, stepping forward.

"Then turn around," Rarity cooed suggestively.

Applejack smirked and looked her in the eye. "No," she said firmly.

Rarity brought the crop down again, subtlety hitting a different place, but Applejack kept staring at her. She had to admit, the shiny knee high boots did give Rarity a look of power. Even if it didn’t turn her on, she could appreciate the effect it had in her role.

Rarity gave a sinister smile and narrowed her eyes as she hit her harder. The sound of strike echoed off the stone walls, and stung for a moment before fading. As it did, she brought the crop down again, causing another ripple of pain that faded quickly. Again and again, each time a bit faster, and Applejack’s rump turned from orange to red as the sensation become overwhelming. Applejack's face hardened into a sneer. She didn't like standing still when she was getting hurt.

"If you keep doing that, I'm going to fight back," warned Applejack calmly.

"That sounds like fun," Rarity teased, hitting her one more time.

Suddenly, Applejack charged forward aiming to headbutt her. Rarity sidestepped her and gave her a spank with her hoof. Angrily, Applejack stopped and bucked, narrowly missing her opponent's arm.

Rarity hoofspringed backwards, landing near her things as Applejack turned around. Both ponies looked ready to charge, Rarity tilting her horn at Applejack, and Applejack digging her hoof into the ground, snorting through her nose.

She didn't want to hurt the Unicorn; this was just play fighting, but she wanted to let her know she wouldn't submit easily. She broke into a run, when suddenly a pink scarf, floppy yellow hat, and a quad of shoes levitated at her. She flinched as the shoes bounced off her crest, and she jumped over the scarf, but the hat embedded itself into her face, temporarily blinding her. She crashed into a bookshelf before she could shake it off.

She looked back at her. "No fair! I'm fighting with hooves and you... your fighting is magic!"

"Of course it is! How else would a Unicorn fight?" Rarity said matter-of-factly, as she raised the same pink scarf and hat, but also a blanket, a dress, and the crop.

Now prepared for the onslaught of paraphernalia, Applejack charged again, this time like she was in one of her rodeo competitions. She jumped the scarf, ducked the hat, dodged the blanket, bucked the dress, and endured the crop, reaching Rarity at a full gallop. The Unicorn yelped as Applejack spun on her front hooves and kicked with her hindlegs. Rarity’s corset absorbed the painful strike, but the force still sent Rarity flying into the air, right towards piles of folded clothes: a suitable place for a landing, in Applejack’s mind.

Rarity flailed, and upon seeing her trajectory towards her outfits, she screamed and magically slid the clothes out of the way, letting herself crash onto the stone floor. She stood up, her face slightly marred with dirt.

“Why’d you move the clothes?” Applejack inquired. “It would have made for a softer landing!”

“And risk tearing my outfits?” Rarity retorted, wiping the grime from her face. “You know me better than that!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “I really should,” she admitted.

Rarity confirmed her outfit was still intact and looked up. “Now hold still!” she said authoritatively.

“Make me!”

This time Rarity charged at Applejack, who in turn charged at her too. Applejack saw her horn glow, and knew she could buck Rarity again, but opted to let her friend win instead. She lowered her head into a blind headbutt, and suddenly felt her legs pull out from under her, bringing her chin to the ground. Looking back, she saw her orange legs were bound up with purple and teal scarves.

“Ha!” Rarity cried triumphantly. “Gotcha!”

“Do what you want with me!” Applejack feigned, being ponynapped, though followed up politely, “but please stop hittin’ me.”

Rarity nodded, taking the hint. “Alright, but are you going to do what I tell you now?” she asked sternly.

Applejack sighed. “Yes, I will.”

“Even if I make you put on one of my ‘froofy lacy dresses’?”

The cowpony bit her lip. Rarity’s clothes were always so itchy and tight. Even her custom-made bridesmaid dress she wore a few years ago was uncomfortable. She could scarcely understand how Rarity could exist in such outfits, let alone fight in one as she just did. “Well I guess it depends,” she said, “what’re you gonna have me wear?”

Rarity brought her fabric-covered hoof to her chin as she thought of an outfit that Applejack wouldn’t reject. Suddenly she remembered one that she happened to bring for this eventuality. She grinned excitedly and mischievously.

“I have the perfect outfit for you!” she declared, and pranced over to her boxes, leaving Applejack tied up. She rummaged around her boxes until she stood up gleefully, magically holding up the outfit: a light brown jacket with side and sleeve fringes and matching pants without a seat.

Applejack looked up from her prone position. “Are those ass-less chaps?” she questioned.

“They’re chaps! They’re always ass-less!” Rarity tilted her chin at Applejack. “Well, will you wear them?”

“It’s fine. Certainly beats being on the ground!”

The scarves were removed and Applejack stood up. The outfit flew over and she cooperatively stepped into it. The jacket fit nicely and had a warm familiar scent to them, which reminded her of a fresh cowboy hat. Though it was tight in the forelegs, it stretched a little, giving her the sensation of a hug. The chaps were the same, however, they seemed especially tight around her applebucking thighs, and the fringe was gauche, even to Applejack. She felt strange wearing such a performance outfit in such an intimate circumstance.

Rarity stepped to her side and inspected the fit, like she usually did whenever she watched Applejack try on clothes. The fashionista adjusted her cowboy hat, pulled the jacket tight over her shoulders, and she tugged at the chaps. As she did, Rarity’s hoof lovingly glided over her in a way that it wouldn’t have if this were a normal fitting. Then she touched her again, this time in petting motion, which sent shivers of excitement down Applejack’s spine. The Earth Pony went to say something but barely got a word out when Rarity’s hoof suddenly got very close to her most sensitive region, making her jump. “Well, I… !” she stammered, finding herself strangely aroused.

“Very nice!” Rarity nodded with approval, stepping back. “You look absolutely marvelous!”

Applejack smirked. “I’m glad you think so,” she said half-heartedly.

“No, really, look!” Rarity slid a full-length mirror out from behind the privacy screen and held it up to Applejack, so she could see her whole body.

Applejack was already feeling self conscious, being at a key party on the hallowed ground of the Castle of the Two Sisters, and she felt silly wearing one of Rarity’s ridiculous outfits, even if it was just for fun, but when she actually saw herself, her legs strewn with fringe that matched her hat, and her tail that sprouted up from her rear, framed perfectly by the chaps, she was downright embarrassed.

“I, uh…” Applejack hesitated, her cheeks flushed red, “uh….”

Rarity saw that Applejack was nearly paralyzed from her feelings, and reveled in it. “I’m glad you like it too!” she chirped. She wondered if she could make her feel even more uncomfortable, when an idea came to her. It was bold, brash, and rather unlike her, but if it had the effect she hoped, Applejack would be utterly stunned, and she did enjoy being stunning.

She lowered her eyelids, revealing her light blue eye-shadow, and swaggered behind the mirror. “Darling, you look more than beautiful,” she complimented, “you look ravishing!” She came around to her front, levitating a smooth phallic vibrator that matched her hair. Applejack opened her mouth to make a comment when suddenly Rarity dropped and rolled onto her back. She splayed her hindlegs, which pushed the sheer skirt aside, and the vibrator found its way into her spread and moistened pussy, giving Applejack quite the view.

Applejack stared with mouth agape as Rarity reached her black hoof down and started fondling herself in little circles, making a quiet clopping sound. “Oh Applejack!” Rarity yelled dramatically, throwing her head back, “you’re so incredibly sexy!”

In fact, while Rarity did find Applejack’s outfit to be tremendous, and clopping in front of her was fun, she enjoyed most the mixture of embarrassment, sexiness, and awkwardness that she was forcing onto Applejack.

Applejack stared at Rarity in her compromising position, listening to her exaggerated moans of pleasure over the quiet buzz of the vibrator. Her mind was spinning, not knowing what to do. She analyzed the situation and fully realized how strange, unusual, and sexual it was, which sent another wave of self-consciousness over her. She tried to dodge it by focusing on what she was seeing, which was Rarity’s presentation of pleasure. She instinctively turned away only to see herself in the ridiculous fringed outfit. She retreated into logic, where she recognized that it was her appearance that was causing Rarity to be so taken with her, which flew in the face of how she thought of her own sexuality. With nowhere else to turn, the last of her mental defenses crumbled and she fell to the floor, her hooves covering her face in embarrassment.

Applejack heard shuffling and silence after the vibrator turned off. “Oh Applejack!” Rarity sing-songed. She uncovered her face only to find Rarity’s black boot inches from her face. She looked up at the domineightrix smiling happily over her. “Will you be a dear and roll over?”

She obeyed without thinking, her thoughts only capable of understanding the words spoken to her. Now on her back, the ceiling suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world as she tried to ignore everything that was going on.

Applejack sensed Rarity circle around her and kneel by her nethers. She had an inkling what the Unicorn would do as she felt hooves on the exposed parts of her thigh and crotch. A gentle massage with lubrication relaxed the pony and calmed her mind, allowing her to think again. She smiled, not quite knowing how she let herself get into this position, but not minding it one bit.

Rarity bit her lip in anticipation of her next act as she removed her right foreleg boot and greased the outside of her hoof with a large bottle of water-based lubricant. When it was ready, she slowly moved it towards Applejack’s now excited hole.

Applejack’s eyes went wide and her pupils shrunk as she felt something part her lips and enter inside. Her first thought was that it was a dildo, which was against the rules, but when she looked down, she saw Rarity with the tip of her hoof inside her. Recognizing what was happening, she relaxed as she focused on the sensation of her body as her partner wiggled and twisted her hoof.

Then Rarity rocked her hoof almost imperceptibly back and forth, but the subtle movements were magnified inside of Applejack, who gasped at the intensity. “I, uh, er, always wanted to try this…” Applejack sputtered.

“I know.” Rarity said calmly. “Rainbow Dash told me all about it.”

“She did?” Applejack questioned.

Rarity nodded. A few weeks ago, Rainbow Dash went on a morning-after bragging rant that included a vivid description of the vaginal hoofing they had tried night before. The Pegasus explained that her hooves were too big from all of her athletic training, but Rarity thought that she might have gone too fast because Rainbow Dash wasn’t good at doing anything slow.

“I thought you just needed the right pony for the job,” Rarity said, pushing her hoof a bit deeper, sending a wave of excitement through her. “You need to relax, darling!”

Rarity took her other forehoof and started caressing the soft underside of her friend, coaxing her to calm down. “Breath deeply, and just let it happen,” she advised.

Applejack did so with slow heavy gasps of breath. Rarity casually applied more lubricant as she continued her action. “Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy the way you move?” she asked, watching her squirm. “It’s ever so delightful!”

Surreptitiously, Rarity magically brought her purple vibrator over and placed it inside herself, moving it back and forth in the same rhythm she was doing to Applejack. The penetration was welcome company for her arousal, and served as a pleasant massage and a reminder for how her friend was feeling.

“I might add,” she continued over Applejack’s panting, “your smell is simply divine! Rainbow Dash is awfully lucky to have a partner like you.”

Applejack began to speak but cut herself off when Rarity pushed even deeper, causing her to groan with pleasure. “I wonder if it tastes as good as it smells?” she mused. Rarity lowered her muzzle to Applejack’s pleasure button, which was now covered in a mixture of sexual fluids.

Rarity flicked her tongue at it, getting a taste. “Mmm!” she moaned, and licked again, slower this time, paying careful attention to Applejack’s reaction. Inside, she felt her squeeze around her hoof, which elicited a grunt from the size queen. “Mmm,” Rarity said again, “who knew Apple juices would be so sweet?”

She then brought her lips to her sensitive nub and rubbed it with her tongue, all while continuing the slow back and forth motions with her hoof and the vibrator. Applejack yelped at the pleasure coupled with feeling of fullness inside. She involuntarily hugged Rarity’s hoof as it began to move slightly faster. She started thrusting her hips into Rarity’s face, and grunting for more. Rarity remained patient, however, slowly teasing the pleasure from Applejack, who threw her head back in frustration, causing her hat to fall to the ground.

And then she felt the culmination of all the sensation build up within her, like a great flood of pleasure ready to burst forth through the dam in her lady tunnel. She began to sweat and shake as it continued to fill her up until at last it spilled forth onto Rarity’s hoof, which was still calmly moving back and forth. “Oh my bucking... Oh!” she cried, her body starting the orgasm but seemingly without an end in sight. Each spasm was met with the huge fullness of Rarity’s hoof inside. She clenched her jaw and elicited a high pitched squeal as she came down from her interminable high.

Rarity pulled her head back and slowed her hoof to a stop, but sped up her own penetration, reaching down with her free hoof to touch herself. She roughly shoved the vibrator into herself and switched it on for more pleasure that rippled through her. The sensation caused her hoof to twitch inside Applejack, which cause her to jump, as if they were one big pony feeling the waves of pleasure between them. Soon, Rarity’s pleasure came to a peak as she squirted around her vibrator and screamed so loudly as to echo off the stone shelves.

As stillness filled the room, their panting became apparent. Rarity sat up, and looked at Applejack, knowing the deed was finished. “Ready?” she asked plainly, carefully keeping her hoof still. Applejack nodded, and Rarity inched her hoof back, which was just as intense as putting it in. Applejack held her breath until it was out, when she gave a big sigh and collapsed backwards, the strangeness of the world finally fading. Rarity brought a towel over and wiped them both clean before crawling up beside her.

“So how was that?” she asked smugly.

“That was good,” the cow pony said breathlessly, mouth still open. “I… I enjoyed it a lot.”

“Wonderful!” Rarity grabbed her orange friend and hugged her delightfully. Applejack managed to return the gesture. When their embrace finished, Applejack looked back at her with clear eyes and smiled.

“Thank you, Rarity, that was more fun than I expected,” she said honestly, grabbing her hat and putting it back on. “I think, though, that I’m ready to get to bed. It’s late and I’m tired.”

“Yes, me too.” Rarity agreed. “Let’s clean up”

They slowly stood up on wobbly legs and began cleaning up the mess of toys and clothes. Applejack took off the jacket and chaps and folded them crudely before handing them to Rarity. When Applejack turned away, Rarity unfolded them, shook them out, and refolded them before putting them away.

Applejack got her bag and laid out her bedroll and sleeping bag. She was still adjusting its placement when she heard a hissing behind her. She looked up to see Rarity’s tent-in-a-box inflate to full size in the middle of the library. Applejack still couldn’t believe that Rarity brought something so big to their camp out, let alone to a party, but she shrugged it off.

Rarity disappeared inside and reappeared a moment later in a white sheer sleeping dress. “I, uh, don’t suppose you want to sleep in here with me?” Rarity offered hesitantly. “There’s room for two.”

Applejack looked up at the miniature castle and knew it could hold far more than two. She looked down at her trusty bedroll and back at the tent. “Naw, I think I’m good.” She said with a smile.

“Alright, suit yourself!” she said. “Good night, Applejack!”

“Good night, Rarity.”

They both got into their respective beds and fell fast asleep.

The Reading Room (Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle)

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Twilight Sparkle picked up her bags from a closet off the main hallway before continuing to the reading room. She skipped up the stairs to the back entrance while Fluttershy flew evenly behind, lightly weighed down by her saddlebags.

“This is going to be so much fun!” Twilight cheered. “I’ve read dozens of books about recreational sex, ranging from old novels to the latest theories. I can’t wait to try them out with you!”

Fluttershy closed her mouth tightly as Twilight threw open the wooden door to the reading room. The small tower room’s octagonal walls were decorated with sun and moon motifs, which were holdovers from the Two Sisters who originally designed it. The outermost walls had two arched stained glass windows of bright gold and deep azure, representing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna respectively. A large wooden bookcase stood inset on one wall next to sitting pillows, and opposite of it was a faux fireplace inlet which was a secret door that led to the castle library. A fainting couch occupied another inlet. Finally in the center was an empty golden book pedestal.

The ponies entered and Twilight shut the door behind them and placed her bags neatly at the foot of the couch.

“Are you really sure it’s okay to be here?” Fluttershy asked, putting her bags down near the shelves. “I know things were different when they were here a thousand years ago, but I thought this was Princess Celestia’s private reading room.”

“It sure was!” Twilight said excitedly. “Unlike the other rooms, this one is completely concealed from the rest of the castle. This was the room the Princess would come for her private time! And now we get to play here! Isn’t that exciting?”

“But, wouldn’t she have, um, used her bedroom for that?” Fluttershy questioned. After all, that’s where she went for her ‘private time’.

Twilight shook her head. “When Princess Celestia lived here, that fainting couch was used exclusively to treat mare hysteria.” She grinned mischievously, “and everypony knows how that was treated!”

“Yes,” Fluttershy nodded, mirroring Twilight’s enthusiasm, but then stopped and shook her head instead. “Actually no, I don’t know anything about mare hysteria, or how it was treated.”

Twilight’s smile faded slightly, but suddenly her face lit up. She plopped Fluttershy down onto the reading pillows and created a magical floating green board to give a lecture on mare hysteria, complete with accompanying animations.

A bright green Earth Pony appeared on the screen, watching a group of other ponies in emotional distress. “Over a thousand years ago, Hippocampa of Hors observed that mares sometimes exhibited symptoms ranging from fainting to nervous anxiety, and coined the term mare hysteria. Based on her research, mare hysteria was alleviated by the stimulation of mating with a stallion.” The board showed an example of a Unicorn stallion mounting a Unicorn mare, thrusting back and forth until both ponies smiled.

“For mares that didn’t find relief that way, new methods were found to synthesize the stimulation, such as the insertion of a phallus or manual stimulation with a hoof.” The board showed animations of a cylindrical phallus entering the back of a Unicorn and another Unicorn on their back with another pony’s hoof reaching onto their crotch.

“These were considered medical procedures, and were performed with the aid of a physician, and often done in private rooms in the home of the mare. To better facilitate the treatment, special fainting couches were used to maximize treatment efficacy and comfort.” The board cleared and a distressed Unicorn mare and professional Earth Pony were shown greeting each other and then walking to a fainting couch, where the Unicorn laid on her back on the couch and the Earth Pony stimulated her with their hoof until she smiled.

“Mare hysteria, and thus fainting couches, are now antiquated because physicians are no longer required to perform the procedures, which is done by what we now call masturbating or more colloquially, clopping.” A distressed Unicorn mare appeared on the screen again, but simply rolled over and stimulated herself with her own hoof until she smiled.

The board vanished as Twilight Sparkle finished her lecture. “So you see?” she yelled, waving her forelegs, “this is where Princess Celestia came to have her mare hysteria treatments!”

Fluttershy stood still in thought as she processed Twilight’s lecture. “Okay, I guess that makes sense,” she hesitated, imagining the ruler of Equestria perched on the couch getting her treatment from the royal physician. “But what about Princess Luna? Did she have her own private room and fainting couch?”

Twilight frowned. “Well, there are a few other secluded rooms in the basement, but Princess Luna was trapped on the moon for a thousand years, and fainting couches were only invented a few hundred years ago, so… no.”


“But I’m sure she was well taken care of when she returned!” Twilight declared.

Fluttershy nodded in agreement and silence filled the room. Twilight Sparkle suddenly became nervous. At the last party, Pinkie Pie made the first move, but knowing how shy Fluttershy was, she knew she needed to make the first move if the party was going to be successful. She took a deep breath and started asking questions in hopes to get things in the mood.

“So, what’s your favorite sexual activity?” Twilight asked shamelessly, her violet eyes shining.

“Um, I…” Fluttershy stammered, "I like touching myself when I'm at home in my bed and nopony else is around." She saw Twilight frown. "It's more peaceful then," she explained.

"Do you use any sort of toys? There's a vibrator called the Jackalope that's popular."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh no, I'd never use a vibrator! It might scare the animals."

"Wait," Twilight interjected, confused. "I thought you said you did it when nopony else..." she stopped herself when she realized "nopony else" didn't technically exclude her animal friends. She then wondered if they actively helped with her private times. "How exactly do you do it?" she asked.

"I just lay on my back and use my hoof, like you showed on your board" Fluttershy said with subdued excitement. "Sometimes I lay on my front to add a bit of excitement. It depends on what mood I'm in."

Twilight bit her lip. Her favorite part of the last party was learning new techniques and trying them out, but Fluttershy’s responses weren’t inspiring or alluding to anything new. She opted for a different approach. “Alright, and do you prefer mares or stallions?”

“Well, I…” Fluttershy’s face contorted as she thought of what to say. "Hmm..."

"I really like stallions," Twilight continued, looking a little colt-crazy. "I love their thick bodies, square jaws, and hairy fetlocks. And the way they smell; that strong, masculine musk. And of course, the way you can tell when he likes what he sees." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"I'm not sure if I'm into stallions," Fluttershy said with uncertainty.

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with being into mares," Twilight back pedaled. "While I'm not specifically attracted to them, I can certainly appreciate their appeal."

“I don’t think I’m into mares either,” Fluttershy said timidly.

“What?” her friend exclaimed. “You don't like mares or stallions?”

"Well, I guess I'm more attracted to what's on the inside. It doesn't matter to me what gender they are, as long as they're kind and gentle and have a good heart, so I don't really have a preference."

Twilight now felt superficial, after she had gone on about stallions. She knew logically that there was nothing wrong with having a preference, but she somehow felt like she wasn't being fair to mares.

Fluttershy could tell her comment made Twilight distraught. She didn't mean to make her feel that way, so she thought of a way to make it up to her. The kind Pegasus stepped forward and nuzzled her head against the princess' neck. "I think you have a good heart, Twilight."

The alicorn got butterflies in her stomach from Fluttershy's touching compliment and unexpected caress. She smiled and then giggled. "I think you have a good heart too, Fluttershy."

The two stood cuddling for a moment longer before Fluttershy stepped back. "So what's your favorite sexual activity?" she asked kindly.

"Well, I like reading and pretending that I'm the protagonist in the story."

"That sounds like fun!" Fluttershy said enthusiastically. "I've read several romance novels where I did the same thing."


"Oh yes! Like I pretend to get with Mister Parsley from Prides and Pegasus! Or sometimes I pretend to be Rain Air from Rain Air."

Twilight's grin turned to an embarrassed grimace before she spoke. "Well, I certainly do like the classics, but I find, um, "modern writing" to be more compelling for my fantasies."

"Like what?"

"Well, I enjoy short stories about intimate relationships between mares and stallions, typically by independent authors."

Fluttershy scrunched her lips in thought. "Are you talking about clop fiction?" She asked.

Twilight's cheeks turned red with embarrassment. "Yes," she admitted sheepishly.

"Oh, I've heard of clop fiction, but I've never read any," Fluttershy pouted slightly and looked at the ground. "I don't know where to find any."

"There are magazines," Twilight offered, "they're usually in the back of the news stands. Some, like Frolicking Fillies, are all pictures, but ones like Mare Magazine publish mostly stories. Those are my favorites."

This piqued Fluttershy's interest. "I didn't think to check the news stands. I'd like to know more about the stories they publish, if you're okay with telling me."

"Well, there are stories of all kinds, but they usually follow a theme. Like there's stories about doing it for the first time, or fetishes, or inter-tribal relations, like a Unicorn getting with a Pegasus. My personal favorite is a subgenre called "Stud in the Mud", which features a high status female with a low status male."

"Stud in the Mud?" Fluttershy questioned. "But how could a pony have lower status than another? Are there princesses?"

"There doesn't need to be. They are usually situational, like the stallion gets hurt in the mountains, and the mare has to help, or the stallion is a student and is having trouble learning about the magic of love."

Twilight bit her lips. "Of course, there is natural crossover into the celebrity genre, featuring prominent names like Sapphire Shores, or any of the princesses. Princess Cadence is a common one, with her talent to make ponies fall in love, but I've seen Princess Celestia and Princess Luna too." She hesitated, "and..."

Fluttershy's eyes opened wide. "And Princess Twilight Sparkle?" She guessed.

The princess closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes, I found it today before the party. I didn't get a chance to read it though. Can you believe there are clopfics out there about me?"

Fluttershy shook her head. She had no idea why anypony would make a clopfic about her friend. But there didn't seem to be any harm in it. " you know what the story was about?"

"I skimmed it," Twilight said, trotting over to her bags. The latest copy of Mares Gone Wild appeared with a glow, and flipped to the page. "I think it's about some stallion guard who falls for me." She read a few sentences. "Really hard."

Fluttershy chuckled. The thought of a stallion guard trying to woo Princess Twilight was ridiculous, but it also sounded fun. "Would you like to read it to me?" She asked, abruptly. She then looked at the ground. "I mean, you like reading stories where you pretend you're the main character, and this story seems perfect. Maybe I can pretend to be the stallion?" Fluttershy looked up to see Twilight looking back at her, mouth agape with surprise. "Oh, maybe it's a bad idea..."

"No, that's a great idea!" Twilight said with encouragement. "But I'm not sure if you'll like it. It's much more explicit than Rain Air."

"I like explicit," Fluttershy said, "I think it's better when I know exactly what's going on."

"Alright then!" Twilight smiled, walked to the corner and laid on a pillow, tucking her legs up under her, with the magazine suspended in the air in front of her.

Fluttershy curled up and leaned her head on Twilight's shoulder so she could read along.

"One Guard's Tale, by Anne Drew"

"That's an odd name," Fluttershy commented. "Anne Drew?"

Twilight shrugged. "It's just a pen name. Most clopfic writers pick names that sound nice, but don't really have a meaning."

"That’s so strange!" Fluttershy said in awe.

Twilight began to read aloud. "I never thought it would happen to an ordinary pony like me. My legs were shaking when I knocked on the door of the Golden Oak Library in Ponyville. Though I was in the best shape of my life, I was concerned about the princess’ reaction to my physical appearance. My blue coat and yellow mane was atypical of guards, and I could neither fly nor use magic as I am an Earth Pony.

Princess Twilight Sparkle answered the door and looked me over. Her purple and pink mane glistened in the sun, and her lavender coat shined as much as the crown upon her head. She greeted me warmly and told me where to stand. I noticed I was the only guard on duty; she explained she prefered only one guard at a time.

I was just getting settled when I remembered I had a library book due today. I asked if I could return it the next day, and she said “I can give you an extension, but it’s going to cost you.”"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "It doesn’t cost anything to get an extension! Plus, I don't even have guards!" She sighed. "I guess it's as good of a McGuffin as any."

"When I asked how much it would cost, the princess turned sharply away, brushing my face with her soft, luxurious tail. "I'm sure you can do something to make up for your mistake." She lifted her tail and gave me the one-eyed wink."

"Um," Fluttershy began, "what is a one-eyed wink? Aren't all winks with one eye?"

Twilight shook her head. "It's slang for the contractions of the clitorus and labia. It’s something we do when we get sexually aroused."

"Oh... OH!" Fluttershy suddenly understood the euphemism for clitoral winking, unintentionally causing herself to wink. "This is explicit!"

Twilight smiled wryly and continued. "I soon learned exactly what sort of “payment” the princess wanted. She started asking me questions. “What’s your name?” “Where are you from?” “What was the name of the book?”

Then she giggled and asked the question that all stallions fear. “Do you think I’m attractive?” I froze, knowing already why she asked that question.

In military school, other students made fun of my over-sized member. “Two Tailed Terry” they’d call me. I’d done my best to hide myself in my armor, but the uniform isn’t made to hide in. To make matters worse, the answer to the question was an overwhelming “yes!” Though she was only a few years my senior, I was taken by her mastery of magic and ease of managing the responsibilities of the nation. Perhaps it was Alicorn magic, or maybe it was during her estrus cycle, or maybe a combination of things, but it was very obvious how attractive I thought she was.

Twilight smiled, imagining the pony guard standing before her. “I always thought it was funny how a stallion’s package was all out there. It does make it easier to know when he’s interested though.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. She hated the idea of anypony knowing when she was aroused, but as a Pegasus, her wings tended to extend when she was in the mood. Fortunately, she could usually cover it by flying, but it was harder when there wasn’t an excuse to leave the ground. She casually stretched her wing over Twilight’s back and listened to more.

Princess Twilight Sparkle laughed at my embarrassment and explained she gets that a lot. As the youngest princess, she gets a lot of attention from the college stallions, but it’s never bothered her: she takes it in stride, and believes everypony is equal; very befitting of a princess.

Then she asked the big question. “Can I take care of that for you?” I was confused at first. I thought she meant the book, but she explained. “I know how distracting it is to guard the most beautiful Princess in Equestria.”

“I would never say that!” Twilight objected. “Besides, Princess Cadence is far more attractive!”

“No, you wouldn’t say anything like that,” Fluttershy concurred, but she did agree that Twilight Sparkle was the most attractive of the Princesses.

My mind was racing. Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Twilight Sparkle had asked me, a lowly guard, if she could take care of my stallion needs. When I asked what she meant, she assured me it was a purely professional offer with no strings attached. She preferred her guard to be at full attention during his shift.

Of course I said yes! Who wouldn’t accept an offer like that? I nearly screamed in agreement, but Princess Twilight Sparkle calmly told me to put my front hooves on the wall. Then she walked over and took my pulsing erect cock into her mouth. It was so amazing, I had to bite my hoof to keep my cool. I looked down at the Alicorn and watched her horn bob up and down in time to the pleasure I felt. I almost lost it then and there, but then she stopped.

Fluttershy shifted with excitement. She hadn’t heard a story like this ever before, and it moved her in ways she wasn’t expecting. She felt her nethers moisten with delicious anticipation.

Twilight Sparkle could sense her friend’s arousal, which, in turn, aroused her. She shifted closer, extending her own wing over the yellow Pegasus’s neck, and caressed her gently as she read on.

“Mmm…” she moaned. “I know exactly what position I’d like you to fill.” The princess threw me backward, but caught me with her magic and laid me down on some pillows. I stared in stunned silence as she stood over me, eyeing my stallionhood. “Are you ready to give me your “payment?”” she asked.

I gulped. I’d been with other mares before, but never with a princess. I was worried about living up to her expectations, but, as it turned out, I was worried over nothing.

I nodded, and she came down on me, her royal pussy taking over my world. I thought I would blow my load, but she moved, slowly, enjoying every inch of my cock. She threw her mane back in pleasure, yet her cute bangs seemed to stay perfectly in place. She moved faster and faster, and each time I thought I would explode, she’d back off, like she knew, and wanted more.

I don’t know how long she rode me like that. It felt like forever, but it couldn’t have been more than an hour. Eventually, she gave in to her own desire and pressed on when I was right at the edge.

I flew passed the point of no return, doing my best to keep up with her. Luckily my stamina lasted long enough to get her where she wanted to go, and we came together like two elements of harmony.

Twilight laughed. “Did he just compare an orgasm to the Elements of Harmony?”

Fluttershy laughed too. “I think he did.”

It was amazing and I felt a calm come over me. Princess Twilight Sparkle dismounted and told me to stand guard at the door while she cleaned up. I felt renewed and gladly took my post.

She didn’t mention a word of it until the end of my shift when she called me over to speak in private. “Don’t forget to return your book,” she reminded me. “I’ll accept your payment again even after it’s returned.” I nearly skipped out of there when she called out to me. “Oh, and if you ever need help “concentrating,” any of my other friends would be glad to help you out,” she said with a wink.

I love my job!

“Well that was a fun little story!” Twilight said, closing the magazine. “He clearly researched me, but I don’t think he got my voice at all. He probably hasn’t even met me!”

“I agree. You would never do that with a pony you never met before, especially not a guard.”

“Exactly! I’d only do that with my best friends!” Twilight smiled slyly down at Fluttershy, whose big eyes shimmered back. “So, do you want to pretend to be the guard while I accept “payment” from you?”

Fluttershy's heart was already racing from the story, and she anxiously anticipated the offer. At the last party, she'd done some new things with Rarity in the name of friendship, and she hoped to do so again with her new partner tonight. “Yes, I would like that!” she said.

Twilight Sparkle stood up tall and did her best to be royal. "Well, my loyal subject Fluttershy," the Alicorn announced extravagantly. "I'm happy that you have been charged with protecting me."

Fluttershy jumped to her feet and bowed low like she used to for Princess Celestia, back before she knew her better. "Oh thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" she said playfully, getting into character. "I hope you don't mind that I have an overdue library book."

"An overdue library book? Unacceptable! You must make payment at once!" Though she felt silly, she did her best to look stern.

Fluttershy smiled softly. "Oh, it's okay," she said calmly, "I'll make it up to you. Maybe there's something I can do for you?"

Twilight tightened her lips like she was weighing her decision, but in fact she had no idea what to do. All the activities in the story were stallion-oriented and neither of them were equipped to play like that.

But then Twilight remembered she had brought something just for this. "Very well," she said to Fluttershy's offer. "Let me just get something from my bag."

She took two steps toward it while pulling out her toy. It was a violet harness that held a lavender dildo. She had been inspired by Pinkie Pie at the last party, and so found one that matched her coat. This one was shaped to fit inside her so she could feel what was happening all the way to the tip.

With a splash of lube, she stepped into the harness and inserted the smaller end into her already aroused pussy. It felt good going in, and even better when she tightened the straps.

She looked up to see a wide-eyed Fluttershy smiling behind pursed lips. She wiggled excitedly, waiting for Twilight Sparkle's command.

Twilight reared back onto her hind legs, flapping her wings to balance. "I don't think I need to tell you what to do," she said, trying to sound severe, and pointing to her crotch, which was now at head level.

Fluttershy took the hint and pounced on the cock like Angel Bunny on a carrot, but then moved it up and down with her hoof, grinding it into the princess.

The feeling of penetration coursed through the Alicorn. The physical sensation was limited, but her enjoyment came from the powerful emotions of having her friend bow before her like this.

"Use your mouth," Twilight commanded.

"Okay," Fluttershy said, readjusting to a sitting position. She loved sharing this fantasy with her friend. She'd thoroughly enjoyed her last taste of a mare, and she was thrilled to get another.

She bowed her head forward over Twilight's member, taking it into her mouth. Her tongue sensed the artificial texture, but she overrode the sensation with the thought that it was actually an extension of Twilight. Her nose filled with the supple scent of marehood as her partner's excitement turned into wetness. She surreptitiously moved her hoof to between her own legs and started touching herself in a most familiar way.

"Down!" Twilight ordered, imitating the story, and pushed Fluttershy further into her crotch. She enjoyed watching Fluttershy's head move up and down on her shaft, her movements filling her with pleasure.

Fluttershy let out a moan, imagining the pleasure she was giving to the cock. With each move, she pressed the back of her throat against the head of the cock, but she was still only halfway down the shaft. She decided to try to give her more. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she pushed down further than before. Twilight’s member pushed past her uvula right into to her esophagus. Her eyes closed tight and she squeezed out tears as she ignored her gag reflex.

Twilight Sparkle saw the effort on Fluttershy’s contorted face. “Oh wow!” she complimented, clearly impressed.

Fluttershy managed about three deep strokes before her reflex caught up to her. She quickly pulled away and turned to the side to cough a few times, discretely wiping her eyes with her wrists.

Twilight bit her lip, wondering if Fluttershy had pushed herself too hard, but then Fluttershy looked up at her with enthusiastic sapphire eyes. Reassured, she recomposed herself. “Very good!” the Alicorn said with a smile. “Now lie on your back with your legs spread.”

The direct order embarrassed the yellow Pegasus, causing her cheeks to blush pink. “Okay,” she replied, lying on her back with her wings spread against the floor. She laid her tail out to one side and spread her legs wide, showing off her succulent marehood. “I’m ready for you, Princess” she said warmly, almost teasingly.

Twilight grinned as she stepped forward, magically lifting her partner’s rump and adjusting her strap-on so the two met. She then pushed into her, penetrating her friend deeply.

“Oh…” Fluttershy moaned, “that feels so good…” Her body tensed, then relaxed with the marvelous sensation of Twilight’s phallus inside her. She let her head fall to one side and she closed her eyes, letting the feeling overcome her.

Twilight smiled. Seeing her friend like this was amazing. Her rosy hair laid softly on the stone floor, her breath was hot and heavy, and her limp body seemed to beg for more. She could feel how safe Fluttershy felt in this moment, allowing herself to be vulnerable, trusting Twilight to take care of her.

The artificially endowed Twilight decided to start things off slowly, sliding in and out gently and watching her partner react with deep breaths. Her slack jaw hung open as let out another moan of satisfaction. Her mind was elsewhere, fully enjoying the sensation that seemed to engulf her body.

Twilight Sparkle didn’t want to disrupt her friend’s passionate state, and kept moving in and out slowly, herself feeling the movement of every inch. This felt right. Two friends bonding over a most intimate interaction. It was playful and fun, and yet endearing and lovely. Something beautiful.

And then Twilight felt the yearning for more. More movement, more touch. She started to gyrate more vigorously, and watched as Fluttershy tightened her eyes. She moved faster, bracing herself with her front legs for better leverage. She experimented with leaning back, finding it better for her own penetration. She explored by leaning forward and stopped when she found the position where the harness rubbed her in just the right spot. She thrusted harder and faster and deeper.

Fluttershy’s eyes opened and she sat up, pushing the far-reaching dildo even further inside, but also pressing her own nub up against Twilight. She squeaked as she arrived suddenly at her climax, involuntarily shooting her love nectar out onto her partner. The feeling of her spasms shot through her, sending waves of relaxing pleasure down to the tips of her hooves.

Meanwhile, the Princess of Friendship ground into her partner, reaching the opportunity to drive the harness deeper into herself. Her crotch fought against the dildo, but the straps held fast, much to her delight.

She looked down at Fluttershy. She was glistening, her jaw slack with heavy breaths, and was looking back at her hopefully with cute aquamarine eyes. Twilight blushed and shut her eyes to avoid Fluttershy's stare, concentrating more on their movement.

The pleasure was fast and light, even a little frustrating, but it was enough for Twilight Sparkle. She thrusted harder and harder until at last she felt the feeling of ecstasy build up inside. "Aah!" she yelped, as her body began to release the tension.

She instinctively used her magic to fondle herself, marking the fulfillment of the act with several spastic gasps followed by a relaxing sigh.

Twilight stood limply for a moment, anchored by her crotch. She opened one eye to see the beautiful Pegasus smiling pleasantly back, resting on her elbows.

Twilight realized how ridiculous she looked and blushed, casting her eyes downward.

"That was wonderful," Fluttershy said reassuringly, lying back down onto the pillow. "Thank you!"

Twilight perked up. "You're welcome! I'm glad it wasn't weird."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Nope, not weird at all."

Towering over her friend, she had a creeping sense of insecurity, having just done the act in the middle of Celestia’s reading room. She spoke before she it could manifest.

"So, ready for bed?" she asked, tired from her workout. Slowly, she removed the dildo, and Fluttershy shuttered.

“Um, we could sleep, if you wanted to, but…” the shy pony bit her lip, as she watched the Alicorn take off the harness "...could we cuddle first?"

Twilight mentally slapped herself. She had completely forgotten about aftercare, which is an essential part of casual play. “Of course!” she said, steering herself towards that end. She tossed the harness aside and manipulated their beds from their bags, placing them side-by-side:perfect for two ponies to sleep in.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said timidly, stepping onto the mattresses and lying down on her side. Twilight then laid opposite her and a bit higher, such that when Fluttershy shifted forward, her head rested between Twilight’s forelegs. She curled her hooves into a tight embrace.

Twilight smiled and gently smoothed Fluttershy’s frazzled pink mane. Their excitement dissipated as they rested their minds and bodies together in sweet harmony.

“I really enjoyed that,” cooed Fluttershy, nuzzling her cheek into Twilight more. “I’m still glowing.”

Twilight smiled and held Fluttershy close. “I’m so glad you had fun. We should do this again.”

“Yes we should.” Fluttershy agreed. She wondered who she would be partnered with next, and what that would be like. Her mind wandered to thinking of other possible guests. Spike was still a baby dragon, so he was inappropriate to invite, but there was one other that came to mind.

“Maybe next time we could invite Discord?”

Twilight shuddered and looked aghast before she could stop herself. “Um, well…” she stammered, regaining her composure, “I don’t think our friends are close enough to Discord to invite him to such an intimate party…”

“Oh, I guess not…” Fluttershy frowned, clearly disheartened.

“But… you could probably do something with just him, if you wanted,” Twilight suggested, trying to sound encouraging. “I mean, he’s the lord of chaos, so he’s gotta be open-minded, right?”

“That makes sense,” Fluttershy said as she contemplated her feelings for him. She had grown close to him, and was curious about the what his mind-control and shapeshifting abilities could do for her. “I’ll talk to him about it in my next letter.”

Twilight’s eye twitched thinking about the two of them together, but Fluttershy didn’t notice as she rolled to her other side, cuddling Twilight with her back.

The two ponies continued to talk late into the night about everything from parties to Stallions to pets. Eventually, they drifted off to sleep, still holding each other.