Why Pegasi Shouldn't Have Sex with Sentient Clouds

by Evergreen Falls

First published

Fluttershy has sex with a sentient cloud.

Fluttershy has sex with a sentient cloud... A talking, rainbow-colored cloud.

That cloud is cirrus-ly up to no good

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As Fluttershy was feeding her chickens one sunny morning, she noticed a shadow slowly drifting across the chicken coup. It puzzled the mare as she remembered reading that the Pegasi Weather Patrol guaranteed clear skies for the next few days. She frowned at the sole cloud looming directly over her head. Should I try to move that cloud? It’s blocking the sun from my chickens.

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment as she recalled her fear of heights. No Fluttershy—you’re not going to let it deter you from doing the right thing. Moving the cloud would be an act of kindness, a virtue the mare had a deep appreciation for.

She tried to talk herself out of it, and thus was surprised to feel her hooves leave the safety of the ground. A pang of fear jolted through her body as she saw the chicken coup getting smaller in the distance as she floated upwards. Just don’t look down, she reassured herself. She instinctively looked straight up at the cloud to avoid her fear of heights. She had a look of fear and determination on her face as she approached the cloud.

She landed on the single cloud in the sky that must have been missed by Rainbow Dash on her weather patrol that morning. Her heart raced as she realized how high off the ground she was. But then she felt the soft, reassuring pressure of the cloud beneath her. The fear eventually subsided after remembering that she had wings to catch herself if she ever fell. Furthermore, the fact that she could stand on the cloud set her mind at ease.

She rested on the cloud for a moment to catch her breath and to take in the scenery. Sitting on the cloud made her feel nostalgic of her younger years in her hometown of Cloudsdale. While reminiscing about both good and bad days gone by, she blushed as she remembered the naughty things she once used those clouds for. As she never had a special somepony, she had sexual urges that could only be satisfied by ripping off a tuft of cloud to bring home as a dildo. She had to roll it into the proper shape first, and then quickly finish her business before the heat of her body caused the cloud to disintegrate. Over time, she learned that sticking the cloud dildos in the freezer prior to masturbation would make them last longer. Eventually her obsession with cloud dildos convinced her to purchase a small freezer that she kept hidden under her bed as it would have been foolish to use the kitchen freezer as somepony would eventually question the phallic-shaped clouds.

Fluttershy was able to masturbate guilt-free as she never had to worry about any pony finding her dildos as she could simply toss them out the window and let the breeze carry them away. However, there have been occasions where the dildos were so saturated with vaginal secretions that they fell down to the ground in a wet sloppy mess. Luckily, they melted into a seemingly innocent puddle. However, ponies on the ground occasionally looked at the puddles in confusion whenever rain had not been on the forecast.

Sitting on the cloud, Fluttershy thought to herself how long it had been since she last used a cloud dildo. It has been years since the mare felt loved by an inanimate phallic-shaped conglomeration of water vapor. She instantly longed for it again and got to work building another dildo. While doing so, a small section of red in the cloud caught her eye. Do clouds ever bleed? Her curiosity overcame her as she touched the red thing in the cloud. Surprised by the lack of wetness, she concluded that it wasn’t blood. Of course it is not blood. How could I be so naïve?

Uncertain of the object, Fluttershy tugged at the tuft of red and—

“OWWWW!!!” The cloud screamed.

Scared and a little confused, the mare let out a squeak.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Mr. Cloud. You see, I just landed here and wanted to take a piece of you home to play with my…my… Oh, I’m sorry. So Sorry.” Am I seriously talking to a cloud right now? And why would I admit that I was going to…

A gruff voice hidden somewhere within the cloud retorted “So, you think its okay to just steal a piece of me to do only Celestia knows what with?”

“Well, now that you put it that way,” Fluttershy confessed. “But hold on a second, you’re a cloud. You’re not supposed to talk.”

“Regardless, how would you like it if I decided to take a piece of you? Huh? And then masturbate with it. Cuz that’s what you wanted to do with me!”

Fluttershy blushed out of embarrassment and anger at being spoken to in such a manner. She couldn’t say a word, as a lump had formed in her throat.

The irritated cloud continued “How would you like it if I stole your tail and then masturbated till I fell down as rainfall?”

“Well, no, I don’t think I would like-”

“Of course you wouldn’t. That would hurt, right?” replied the cloud in a mocking tone. “Oh, look at me; I’m a cute innocent Pegasus who likes taking things without asking.”

“I’m s-sorry…” Fluttershy stammered in defeat. She began to regret her intentions, despite the surrealism of the situation. How often does a cloud yell at somepony? Was this really happening?

“So do I get to take a piece of you? Gimme a piece of that pink tail, it would go nicely as a scarf.”

A tug came at Fluttershy’s tail.

“Ooohh! Stop it, you, you… Thing! You’re not even supposed to talk, you’re a cloud!” said the frightened mare. She then smacked the mysterious red patch of cloud with her dildo.

“I-I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy whimpered.

The cloud had no words to respond with. Maybe Fluttershy had knocked him out. Can clouds get knocked out? Fluttershy felt bad for doing something so drastic, but the thought that she was strong enough to knock out a cloud surprisingly turned her on. It really got her juices flowing. Sticking out her tongue in mockery of the irate cloud, Fluttershy proceeded to tickle her marehood. The adrenaline of knocking out the bully and the endorphins released from the sensation of the dildo touching her slit caused her to let out a moan of pleasure.

Fluttershy eventually let it go inside of her. She had forgotten how awesome clopping was that she felt sorry for giving it up all those years ago. Her pleasure was cut short by a movement in the cloud under her. Startled, she hovered over the cloud, fearing that it would retaliate for the smack. Just to be safe, she held the dildo in defense, ready to strike again if necessary.

Instead, the red patch of cloud moved again. Slowly, the red patch drifted upwards, and eventually, Fluttershy saw some orange too, followed by some yellow. It was Rainbow Dash’s mane!

“Oh, uh, hi, Dashie…” Fluttershy stammered in embarassment. “What are you doing here?”

“I was taking a nap until somepony yanked on my mane and then knocked me out with something hard.”

“Oh, yeah… Sorry about that…” Fluttershy whispered while hiding her toy behind her back.

Rainbow Dash saw the blush and guilt on her friend’s face and accusingly asked “Well, well, well… What do you have there, Flutters?”

Fluttershy blushed even darker as her secret had been discovered. “Oh…N-nothing,” said the yellow Pegasus. She quickly dropped the toy behind her to dispose of the evidence that she had been clopping. She then held out her empty hooves in front of her. A few seconds later, a splat was heard as the dildo fell onto the roof of the chicken coop.

Rainbow Dash was able to put it all together. She winked suggestively after figuring out what all this funny business meant. “I know what you’re up to,” she said in a sexual tone. “You came up to this cloud to make another cloud dildo again, like you did when we lived in Cloudsdale, right?”

“Well…No, I…”

“And then you saw something in the cloud and decided to pull it. And then you hit it when it started talking.”

“I didn’t know it was you, Dashie.”

“I knew it was you all along!” Rainbow giggled. “I just wanted to see how far I could get before you figured out it was me!”

Fluttershy reddened upon hearing that her friend knew all along. That promiscuous mare. That-that…Fillyhooer!

“W-well I didn’t know it was y-you,” stammered the butter yellow Pegasus. Fluttershy hid her face in her hooves out of embarrassment.
“I overheard what sounded like you playing with yourself while I was regaining consciousness. And now you expect me to act like nothing ever happened, right?”

“Oh, that would be nice.”

Rainbow Dash then grabbed a tuft of cloud and shaped it into a very long dildo the same way one might make a snake with clay. “Well, that’s not gonna be easy” she said in a seductive tone. “But I might let it slide if we do it together. Here. Now.

Fluttershy blushed even darker and said “Oh, no. That’s ok.” And she started to fly away, but didn’t get far as Rainbow Dash held on to her tail in her mouth. Fluttershy landed face first into the cloud with an audible poof. She turned back to Rainbow with a look of defeat on her face. Fluttershy knew that it was the only way to prevent Rainbow from telling anypony of the whole ordeal.

“Oh, Ok” Fluttershy said reluctantly. Why am I letting her do this to me? On the other hoof, I am a little excited to do it with her.

Fluttershy laid on her back on the cloud while Rainbow began kissing her friend’s neck. Oh scratch that—I’m more than a little excited for this. Her already moist slit agreed with said sentiment. Yes, she was definitely excited—she could feel her heart throbbing in her neck.

A surprisingly loud moan of pleasure escaped Fluttershy’s mouth, which surprised Rainbow as she never imagined her friend to be capable of making a sound louder than a mouse.

Rainbow’s kisses moved down Fluttershy’s neck and onto her cutie mark.

“Ooohhh!” exclaimed the butter yellow Pegasus at the new sensation. She never imagined it to be so pleasurable.

Fluttershy returned no kisses, as she was on her side, in an awkward position. She wanted to return at least some kisses, but it felt nice to let her body be explored by her friend. Instead, she just lay there, frozen in time, entranced by the sweet ecstasy of the newfound sensation.

“Y-ya now…umm,” Fluttershy tried to sound sexy, but just sounded awkward. “My other butterfly is available for…umm… exploration.”

Rainbow caught on to what the phrase other butterfly meant, and swiftly brought her muzzle over to Fluttershy’s glistening slit. Rainbow then let out a few steamy breaths onto her friend.

Fluttershy braced herself for the impending pleasure and let out an exhaustive moan. Rainbow stayed there for a few moments, letting the tension build before her eyes.

I can’t wait any longer, thought Fluttershy. I need my release.

Rainbow started to taste Fluttershy’s sweet juices as the Pegasus started humping and bucking like a bull in a rodeo. Seeing her friend in such anticipation excited Rainbow, and caused her own juices to flow. Rainbow then seductively slid one end of the dildo inside of herself and the other into Fluttershy. Together they rid the double-headed cloud dildo with moans escaping their mouths that could have easily been heard from all over Ponyville. The moans became progressively louder as their clits began to slap together. Rainbow worried that somepony down below might have heard the scream of pleasure Fluttershy let out. The thought quickly escaped her mind as she just wanted to enjoy the sexual encounter.

Neither of the ponies could hold their excitement much longer as they felt a strong connection that they never felt before. They were friends since they were fillies, but this was something more—something different. They began to feel a connection stronger than friendship: a sort of harmony in which they could hump each other guilt-free. It felt as if they were one now, connected at their marehoods, and their bliss exploded with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns as they climaxed simultaneously. Their orgasm was so intense that their juices squirted against one another with such intensity that it knocked them both off the cloud. They hadn’t realized that they were plummeting towards the earth as the intensity of their orgasm caused them both to faint.


The two limp bodies fell down the ground at an astonishing speed. Luckily, they landed onto an enormous pile of soft pillows expertly placed directly beneath the cloud. Somepony with a caring heart must have overheard the two mares’ sexual encounter and suspected a fall from the cloud to be inevitable. Thank Celestia those pillows caught their fall from grace.

A tense moment passed as the crowd of concerned ponies waited for a sign of life. Eventually, the pillows started moving ever so slightly.
“Oh thank Celestia!” somepony in the crowd exclaimed. “They are regaining their senses after that horrendous fall.”

The ponies in question stumbled to their hooves, still dazed from their first sexual encounter. Their sleepy eyes were still adjusting to the light, and they accidentally bumped their heads together. They both opened their eyes to see all of Ponyville circled around them with looks of shock and relief on their faces.

“AUGGGHHHH!!!” Fluttershy and Rainbow screamed in embarrassment. They quickly buried themselves in the pillows to avoid the stares of the other ponies.

“AJ and I were passing by,” Twilight said in an uncomfortable voice. “And we heard something peculiar coming from a certain cloud.”

“We didn’t want to… uhh… disturb you two, sugarcubes,” Applejack commented. “But we just wanted to make sure that you’d be safe.”

“And good heavens we did!” exclaimed Rarity. “I got right to work on sewing as many pillows as I possibly could in such short notice.”

Pinkie Pie butted into the conversation: “And you know how good I am at throwing parties in such short notice? Well, it turned out that I was even faster at convincing everypony in Ponyville to grab their pillows quickly and pile them under that noisy cloud!”

Two heads tentatively came out from under the pillows to face their friends. They beamed at them in appreciation for their time and humble acceptance.

“Thanks guys,” Rainbow blushed. “Thanks for not umm…interrupting us. And thank you especially for catching us with all these pillows.”
“I hope nopony else heard us…” Fluttershy squeaked.
“WE ALL HEARD YOU!!!” the citizens of Ponyville shouted in unison.


“Dear Princess Celestia,” Rainbow wrote on a scroll. She winked at Fluttershy, who cutely winked back. “Today I learned a valuable lesson in friendship.”

“We both learned why Pegasi should not have sex on clouds,” giggled Fluttershy.

Rainbow rolled up the scroll and handed it to Spike, who promptly sent it in a cloud of green fire to Princess Celestia.

A scroll landed in front of Princess Celestia, who eagerly opened it up. It had been a while since she received a scroll from Twilight Sparkle.

Her muzzle scrunched in confusion upon noticing that the letter was not from her star pupil, but from somepony else. She read the letter and instantly spat out her tea in shock.

Her sister, covered in tea, angrily looked at her and thought to herself Oh horsefeathers! What is it now?!
Luna then read the letter and the two royal sisters burst out in laughter.