> High School Sophmores Book 1: pour l’amour > by Appledashery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Wake Up Call part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rainbow Dash time to go to school!" a cheery voice from downstairs. Rainbow on the other hand was not as cheerful as her mother so she said "What if I don't want to?" "Do you want me to come up there?!" Her mother yelled in fury, she saw the Rainbow blur and muttered "Good choice Rainbow." Rainbow looked in the mirror and brushed her teeth today there was a big test in English, which if she had to be honest would be at the very bottom. She glanced up at her clock and went to her closet okay so Rainbow really didn't care what she wore that morning...or any morning...ever. Rarity would often fuss about what she wears so Dash could never hear the end of it. She smiled there is only one person who can annoy Rarity even more then her own sister, Applejack. When she finally got out of her mental state she chose to wear her usual attire. She rushed down the stairs and found her mother standing and waiting very patiently for her... almost to patiently. "Fluttershy was asking me if you wanted to ride to school with her today," Ms. Firefly was waiting for her daughters reply. "Yeah, sure, whatever." Rainbow muttered. "Wonderful!" Her mother clapped her hands, then she caught sight of her daughters hand. "Dash, why are you bringing your guitar to school?" "Well first of all we have band practice and a concert tonight, then after that we're coming here for a sleepover." Rainbow looked at her mother "Like we discussed last night." "Oh, right, yes dear." She then kissed her daughter on the cheek and Rainbow gaged "Have a good day at school and good luck on your test!" "Yeah thanks mom!" Rainbow then said closing the door. *** "Hey 'shy!" Rainbow called. "Hi Rainbow!" Fluttershy said "Are you getting in?" "Yeah and..." Rainbow trailed off, she looked at her neck and then her eyes widened. "Are you Ok Rainbow?" Fluttershy gave her a questioning look. "Yeah, I just forgot my necklace in the house." She opened the car door. When she ran into the house her mom gave her a puzzled, but proceeded to get the bread from the pantry and Rainbow said... "Hi mom." She rushed upstairs and saw her necklace sitting on her bed glowing. "Hmmm, that's weird I'll have to ask Sunset about that one." She thought. "Bye mom!" she was running faster then before, thanks to her necklace. "10 seconds flat, sorta" She got into the car on the passengers side. "Lets get to school then." Fluttershy said as they drove off. *** "Thanks for the ride Fluttershy," Rainbow look at the ground "I could tell that mom didn't want to drive me...Today...or ever." Before Fluttershy could respond two pink hands found their way around her and Rainbow wrapping the two confused girls up in an enormous embrace. "Hey Girls!" Pinkie was smiling and hugging. "Hey...Pinks!" Rainbow was dramatically gasping for air "Pinkie...need...air...NOW!" "Oh sorry!" Pinkie said, quickly letting the two girls go. Rainbow heard a giggle from behind Pinkie Pie. "You wanna add something?" Dash questioned, quirking an eyebrow. "Good morning Rainbow and Fluttershy!" Said the sweet voice of Sunset Shimmer. "Good morning Sunset!" Fluttershy said, happily. "Yeah, Yeah morning demon." Rainbow smirked. "Wow Dash, Ah expected a warmer welcome." Said the country voice of Applejack. "Really?" Rainbow asked, her smirk growing larger at the minute. "No!" Applejack rolled her eyes. "Good morning darlings," said the cheerful voice of Rarity. "Wait," Rainbow said "Were is Twilight?" "Good question Ah haven't seen her all week!" AJ stated. "Twilight's going to be here by lunch, so there's nothing wrong." Sunset assured. "Is Twilight okay though?" everyone looked at Fluttershy "If you don't mind me asking." "She said that she would tell us at lunch." Sunset answered, "but I can't speak for her." "Well that's hardly reassuring, darling," Rarity pouted. "I bet it has something ta do with magic and all that..." AJ paused looking for the right word. "Jazz?" "Jive?" "Crap?" Everyone looked at Rainbow. "No I was thinking more like hooey... since it's appropriate...and you know what never mind!" AJ chuckled nervously. "Why would you say that?" Sunset asked. "Mind answering your own question." AJ raised an eyebrow. "Well I guess--" Sunset was cut off by the PA system. PC- Hello students and happy Friday! I regret to inform you that the bell is not working today because someone forgot to turn off the bell last night so it rang every 45 minuets. That means that today I am going to have to call out orders every 45 minutes. Have a good day. "Oh crap," Rainbow shouted to her friends "now we have to listen to her annoying voice all day!" "Oh, you guys do remember about the party tomorrow night, right?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Oh Applejack are you still going to help me," Rarity asked "with the 'thing' tomorrow?" she whispered that part into her ear. "Yeah," Applejack replied looking slightly annoyed. "Wonderful!" Rarity screamed. "What 'thing' are we talking about, AJ?" Rainbow asked, playfully punching her in the arm. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" AJ shouted. "Fine, but I'm getting you out on truth or dare tonight!" Rainbow shouted back. PC- Next class starts in 5 minutes. "OH SHUT UP CELESTIA," Rainbow Dash yells. "Is there a problem, Miss Dash?" Principal Celestia asks from behind. "YEAH YOU WERE BORN!!!!!" Rainbow yells. The whole hallway stops and oo's. "I have a feeling that that wasn't Applejack." "Where'd ya get that idea," Applejack smirks. Rainbow turns around only to face Principle Celestia and to say she was mad was the biggest mistake you have ever made, She. Was. PISSED. "Miss Dash I would like to have a word with you in my office," Celestia's face was as stone as a stone can be. Rainbow turned around to ask her friends for help, but soon she realized there were no friends or people in the in hallway for that matter. "Fine," Rainbow sighed, she didn't want to admit defeat, what she wanted to was run. She was sure that she could, but no she had to do the right thing. "Follow me," Celestia's voice pierced into rainbows head and then she realized she should've mentioned earlier that she had a horrible headache. And that today would be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. *** (Rainbows P.O.V.) As I was walking I kept glancing up and every step I took only brought me closer to torcher. The hallways seem cave in behind me, but that wasn't even the thing that threw me off the most it was the fact that my friends just left me with a pissed Principal Celestia. Sheesh she's like a ninja or something. Anyway, at least it wasn't Vice Principal Luna she can't take a joke. I should know 'cause I did that 'thing' last week and... now I realize that even though this is just in my head this is not what my rant should be about. It should be about the fact that Applejack and Rarity are keeping a secret from me, but I am so on to her. Ouch my head hurts so much and this time it's not because of Tia's constant blabbering. By now I know what she says by heart like right now the fact that she is about she is about to let me go just watch... "Do you understand, Miss Rainbow Dash?" Celestia asks. "Yes, Principal Celestia," I say, trying my best to not sound annoyed and succeeding. "And you'll never do this again?" Celestia asks, again. "No, ma'am." I say. "Good you are free to go." I wouldn't hold your breath Tia, with her last words I ran out of the door and into the hallway and boy how good hallway air smelled. Well not really, but her office was so dark and stuffy how does she... The last thing I saw was a boy with a pipe hit me on the neck as I crashed to the ground, but just incase I tried to remember his features: Blonde hair, coconut orange skin, was wearing a blue shirt and jeans, and a black and purple staff, maybe... ZZZ > Wake Up Call part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Rainbows P.O.V.) I was awoken by... Pinkie Pie? And my head was throbbing so much I wailed out in pain, which unfortunately caught the attention of the school nurse, Nurse Red heart and my friends. "Oh, Rainbow darling," Rarity is wiping her eyes ever so delicately. "Your okay," Pinkie was saying while the rest of the girls were sighing in relief. "Yeah, but what happened?" I guess my friends were kinda confused because they all gave each other this look and then Applejack said... "We were hoping you could answer that question." "What I think Applejack means is try to tell us what happened." Rarity was obviously trying to find a softer way to restate AJ's question. "But try not to make it too boring, ok Dashie," Pinkie said "'cause I brought popcorn!" Of course I was slightly annoyed by Pinkies antics and the slightly disturbing sight of her pulling popcorn from her bu... skirt, but by now I'm used to it. Plus if I hadn't excepted the fact that Pinkie is... special I would be a horrible friend, especially after all these years. "Well, I was walking out of Principal Celestia's office and was venting on how horrible and stuffy her office was when this guy...no he was about our age and I guess goes to our school... or maybe he snuck in..." My friends could probably tell that I was almost just as confused as they were. "Oh, sneaky he is obviously very sneaky!" Pinkie shouted. "Ok," Sunset said taking note for some strange reason "please proceed." "Well, he or it was wearing a mask? Nope, was it a... never mind, but he had something covering his face or her face... now that I think about it it might make more sense if it was a girl." I was probably confusing my friends more then I was confusing myself. "Ya lost me." AJ said in her own way. "Well you didn't lose me!" I could tell Pinkie was about to give some long winded explanation, so I shut up "she obviously thinks it would make more sense if it was a girl because we have only fought girl villains, therefore only have girl enemies, even though 3 out of 4 turned out to be good after all... no offence Sunny!" Then she did the smile that I see in my nightmares like the 'we are such happy flowers we will sing for hours I think I'm bearably cute watch me solo on this flute' smile. "None taken and wow!" Sunset's mouth was still hanging agape at Pinkies description. "But that would mean it had to be the dazzling's or the sirens right?" Fluttershy asked. "Not exactly," AJ said coming back in touch with the 'her' side of her, "the sirens could've had some kinda an ally either in this world or Equestria and they just so happened ta know the portal was re-opened and just so happened to sneak past Princess Twilight and the portal always opens ta this high school so they took a very educated guess and just so happened to know that Rainbow Dash would be a threat, because of what Princess Twilight said about the fact that the 'other' us are the elements of harmony or what-not and just happened to know that everyone from that world has a counterpart in this world. And just happened to know whatever evil plan they have even if there was no communication between realms, except for Sunsets journal ... or just whoever hit you has their own evil plan." After doing a Pinkie Style summery she had to gasp for air and I did to 'cause I have never Ever heard Applejack do a long winded summery. And I guess none of the other girls, other then a totally not shocked Pinkie Pie had there mouths agape as well. "Well duh!" Pinkie smiled. "Wow," Fluttershy commented. "Now it makes sense, but do you really think they came from Equestria?" Sunset was speculating more then she needed to. Applejack blushed, "it's a possibility." I went back to my story... "Anyway they were a coconut orange color, had medium light hair, were wearing jeans, but the most ironic thing is that they had this black and purple staff it was so out of sight. So maybe I didn't get hit with a pole maybe it hit me with that staff!" I was slightly exited that everything was coming into view. "Yeah, but we still have a question maybe not for just you, but for us who is he/she?" **** To Be Continued > Try To Keep Up... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls were on their way to Principle Celestia office and just had to hope that she wouldn't become super suspicious that they need to snoop around in personal files. So they decided not to ask her, instead they decided to come up with a very well thought out plan... sorta. "Ok, so girls remember the plan," Sunset started "Applejack, you and Pinkie Pie are on distracting duty." "Um, why the hell are you putting the honest one in charge of distracting duty, won't she just tell the truth if Celestia or Luna asks what's really going on?" Rainbow asked. "Ah'm honest, not a pushover." Applejack rolled her eyes she was used to these kinds of insults from Rainbow Dash. "Plus if you and Pinkie start to get in trouble and have to lie then they will believe their most honest student and Pinkie just always has something up her sleeve," Sunset chuckled "Now Rainbow, you and I will sneak past Principle Celestia while she is distracted and look through the files." "That could take hours!" Rainbow complained. "Do you want to get knocked out again?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "No," Rainbow's head shot up "wait I just realized something, you girls never told me what happened while I was out!" "Really darling," Rarity said shaking her head, not impressed "we are hatching a secret plan that could get us into..." She paused, "And what would happen if we got caught and it would be... THE WORST. POSSIBLE.THING!" All of the mane 6 (Sunset instead of Twilight) stopped and stared. "Wait so what are you and Fluttershy gonna do?" Rainbow questioned. "I was just getting to that before I got interrupted," Sunset looked around to see If there were going to be any more interruptions "Ok, so Rarity you and Flut..." Sunset cut herself of. "Were is Fluttershy?" "Ah haven't seen her since last period." AJ commented. "And haven't seen her since just now!" Pinkie bounced up and down, pointing at the shy pink haired girl. "Damn Fluttershy, what took you so long?" Rainbow asked. "In the bathroom?" Sunset commented. "Shit Fluttershy, you picked a shitty day to have your period." Yes, Rainbow did say that...very loudly. Everyone in the hallway stopped and stared at them. "WHAT YOU KNOW ALL YOU GIRLS DO IT TOO," Rainbow started "AND BOYS YOU KNOW YOU HAVE YOUR PROBLEMS TOO!!" Everyone walked a little faster than usual that day. " Anyway now that that's taken care of, Sunny continue," Rainbow said, but Sunset was still frozen in shock. She turned to her friends; Fluttershy and Rarity were blushing, Applejack was trying to wake up Sunset (she fainted b.t.w.), and Pinkie was laughing so hard that she couldn't breath or talk for that matter. "Am I going to have to do this myself!" Rainbow turned and noticed none of her friends had moved, except for Applejack, but she only moved because she gave up on Sunset and moved onto her next friend in need, Fluttershy. "Never mind," Rainbow sighed and went to go help Applejack put her friends back into consciousness. *** (15 minutes later) "Ok so now that we are all settled Sunset can continue," Applejack stated. "Right, so Fluttershy, you and Rarity will go and try to track the..." Sunset paused looking for the right word, "nucince and text me or Rainbow if you find anything... And I mean absolutely anything!" "But darling, during school hours?" A frown appeared on Rarity's face. "Well if he was here earlier so maybe he'll still be here now... Oh and before I forget," Sunset pulled out 7 beautiful pouches customized to fit each girls persona, "We might not want to use any magic around him or her because who knows what could happen?" "Well," Pinkie started "'it' could track is down and when we're not looking stab us with that pole thing he has and threaten us to tell him all of our secrets and abilities!" Pinkie smiled. "I didn't scare you to much, did I? "Honestly, ah don't know anymore." Applejack shrugged her shoulders and Rainbow chuckled. "So girls any questions?" Sunny asked cheerfully. "Just one," all of the girls looked at each other and said in unison "Are you crazy!?" "So no questions?" Sunset whimpered. "Totally, I have one," Rainbow cleared her voice and screamed "WHEN DID SNEAKING PAST PRINCIPAL CELESTIA BECOME BAD IDEA!!!?" "So still no questions?" Sunset smirked and Rainbow looked about ready to blow up. "What are you death?" Rainbow asked in a calmer voice this time. "Ah don't know 'bout her, but I sure am," said an unfortunate Applejack who had been standing right next Rainbow when she screamed. Rainbow chuckled, nervously "sorry AJ." Rainbow didn't need a verbal response because AJ just shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I said I was sorry, your lucky you got that out of m--" Rainbow's sentence was saved by the bell. "Ah have math with Ms. Harshwhinny, what do y'all have next?" Applejack asked. "Science," Sunset said "Ancient History!" Pinkie said. "English," Fluttershy whispered. "Math," Rainbow gagged. "Health!" Rarity cried. "Ooh Ms. Chrysalis is the worst health teacher isn't she?" Sunset asked. "Yes, I wish we could have new teacher." Rarity wined. "No matter what teacher we have it would still be health, no matter what." Rainbow grunted. "Yeah, your right Rainbow.." Sunset was cut off. "Well those are two words ya do not hear in tha same phrase." Applejack remarked sarcasticllly, this time it was Rainbows turn to roll her eyes at AJ's comment. "But just in case keep an eye out and..." She paused "be careful." She said as the girls went their separate ways. *** (Twilight's P.O.V.) I hope the girls take the news well I know that I'm not... Her anymore, but things keep popping up and always has my name on it. As we we're driving past Sugercube Corner I noticed a car and a strange looking guy talking to another strange woman/man. I hope the girls feel comfortable and not super confused about my research. Now all I have to is get to CHS by lunch should be easy, right? I looked out of the window and saw traffic for miles, what have I gotten myself into?! CRAP sorry I never curse only in my head, no Twilight stop talking to yourself... It's creepy. > ...With The Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (At lunch) "Hey girls!" Pinkie said as she bounced over to their normal lunch table. "Hey Pinks, what's up?" Rainbow asked, coolly. Pinkie giggled "I was going through Rarity explaining the birth processes." "And ah thought Rainbow said some weird things today," Applejack stated, shaking her head. "Wait, what?" Rainbow face dropped to a frown "I have Health after this!" "Me too," Applejack put a hand over her mouth. "Don't ask, just something she learned in health!" Pinkie snickered. "Oh, hey Fluttershy!" Rainbow shouted, trying to break up the strange conversation. "Hi Rainbow," Fluttershy smiled, sitting by Rainbow Dash. "Hello darlings!" Rarity squealed, sitting beside Applejack and squeezing her very hard. "What's the occasion," AJ managed to say between breaths. "Guess who I just talked too!" Rarity squealed even louder this time. "Your boyfriend," Rainbow said biting her lip to stop laughing. "You know as well as anyone that I do not have one," Rarity frowned, but went back to her Pinkie Pie excitement level "I just talked to, Caramel." "OK, and..." Applejack said motioning her to go on. "He said you and him have plans on Sunday!" Rarity shouted in a very unladylike stance. "Yeah, for guitar lessons," Applejack said "We do that every single week, plus they're barely lessons anyway more like a time to sing songs and play guitar..." Applejack stopped and noticed the frown on Rarity's face "Aw, did ah wuin wittle Warity's fantasies!" "Yes, as a matter of fact you did," Rarity pouted and Applejack laughed. "Well we all know AJ would probably be the last one in our group to get a boyfriend," Pinkie started "it's just not her thing or Rainbow's you just don't know with those two." "We're just not interested in that kind of thing," Rainbow shrugged her shoulders and looked at AJ who nodded her head in agreement. "Oh," Pinkie awed "your interested in girls then." Applejack and Rainbow shook their heads so fast, that Pinkie fell off of her chair laughing. "Sorry," Pinkie gasped through laughing "I just... I couldn't help myself." Just then... "SURPRISE!" The girls turned around and... "TWILIGHT!" The all shouted as they embraced their friend. "We have a huge problem!" "...Then he just came up and hit me, like who does that!" "...Then I had to decide between the chocolate icing or the strawberry icing!" "...Oh, what a travesty we're in darling, a travesty!" "...We're so glad you're here!" "As, you can see everyone is having major issues." (Guess the order... Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and the one to break it up Applejack) "Yes, I can see that," Twilight sighed "Ok girls one at a time!" "Well-" Rainbow started, but was cut off by Pinkie. "Allow me," Pinkie cleared her throat and took in a deep breath, "This morning Rainbow was walking out of the Principal's office when this guy with a staff walked up and hit her on her head, Fluttershy was walking down from the water fountain and found Rainbow unconscious in front of the Principal's office and screamed so the dead probably heard her. Anyway, we all ran out of our classrooms, well technically we walked out in an orderly fashion and ran ounce we got away from the door. So we picked her up and by we I mean AJ and I, but that doesn't matter Rainbow described him and then we went through some theories about what he or she was doing here and discussed that it could have been a boy or girl, and also discussed that they could be from Equestria or something!" "Ok, so that was a... um... unique story," Twilight started "but I need to talk to you about our powers right now." "What about them?" Sunset asked. "Well there's more too it then strength and speed," Twilight said. "Like what do you mean Professor Egghead?" Rainbow asked tired of Twilight's beating around the bush. "Let me explain individually, starting with..." Twilight looked around "Sunset Shimmer, your power is being able to see the past, right? Well, with my research it shows that you can not only see the past, but can also see the present, and future. Your profession is mind manipulation." "Okay," Sunset said nodding her head knowingly. "I'm just gonna sit here and pretend that I understand every Professor Egghead is saying," Rainbow leaned back in her chair and waited for the next explanation. "Applejack you are basically Mother Nature in human form." Twilight started "Let me explain you have the power to manipulate life to an unnatural or natural stance, which is basically strength in the earth." "What?" Applejack asked. "The natural process, things are born, grow and then eventually die, right?" Twilight asked. "Right." "But things are only born when it is time, right?" Twilight motioned for an answer. "Right, again." "Well you're not necessarily in charge of the birth, the growth, or the death, but you can manipulate the birth to become whatever date before or after it's due and the item or mean of life would still come out as if it were suppose to come out that day. For growth if the item has your magic somewhere in it then it can grow forever or until you want it to die. You are also in charge of things like ghosts and spirits and can see through any illusion. Your profession is life manipulation." "So it's like when ya have an apple that has not yet sprouted on the tree ah can make it come alive which is birth, but then the tree has my magic in it forever until ah decide that it is time for it to die and then it withers and the roots can repurpose. Ah am also able to see ghosts and spirits also known as the dead." AJ concluded. "Yep pretty much," Twilight nodded. "Um, Professor Egghead we only have 5 more minutes of lunch so wrap it up for now," Rainbow pointed at the clock. "Oh, I'll tell you girls my powers," Twilight said, giddily "I don't only do levitation I can also do other kinds of Equestrian magic! Sunset said she would write a note to Twilight and ask her if she has any spell books I can borrow." Just then the bell rang. "We can meet in the library for the first half of free period and then practice for the concert the second half." Pinkie said. "Sounds good ta me." Applejack said. "Me too, darling." Rarity agreed. "Yeah sure whatever." Rainbow agreed as well. "Ok," Sunset and Fluttershy said in unison. "Perfect see you during free period!" Twilight waved as they raced out of the cafeteria. *** (At the library) "Good to see you girls here," Twilight beamed. "Well it's not like we had anything better to do then homework, so meh," Rainbow said "Plus I really want to know what my power is." "Then how about we start with your power," Twilight offered. "Sweet!" "Ssssh!" Cheerlie whispered. "Sorry!" Rainbow whisper shouted. Her friends shook their heads in disapprovement. "What being quiet is not my forte," Rainbow whispered. "Anyway, before we start," Twilight smirked "How was Health?" "Get to the magic stuff Professor Egghead we'll be listening," Rainbow leaned back in her chair. "Well Rainbow, you have the power of light and sound. That means, well, you know how light travels faster then sound! Yes, I hope you do that was rhetorical. Anyway, you and Applejacks powers are similar, but instead of you being in charge of life forces you would be able to manipulate light and sound to your advantage! By the way, your profession would be manipulator of light and sound." "Meh," Rainbow tried to hide the excitement in her eyes, but her friends could tell that she was excited. "Lets get onto the next person shall we?" Twilight looked around at her friends "Pinkie would you like to go next?" "Would I!" Pinkie whisper shouted "I would love to!" "Pinkie, you will have a strong connection to emotions with things like hope and sadness you know all of the emotions inside of our heads. You also have to be very careful like Sunset you have a power that has something to do with the mind and there might be some people who don't want you looking into their emotions. Your profession would be manipulator of emotions." "But wha..." Pinkie was cut of by Twilight soon finding her hand over her lips. "And no, exploding sprinkles have nothing to do with emotions." Twilight shook her head and muttered something like 'I can't believe I forgot that'. "Aw, bummer," Pinkie pouted. "Ok, so I'm going to pretend that I did NOT hear that and move onto," Twilight looked directly at Rarity "Rarity do you want to go?" "Why yes darling, if I didn't I wouldn't be here," Rarity nodded her head slowly. "Rarity, you have an eye for detail correct?" Twilight raised and eyebrow. "Of course." "Well your element has a lot to do with creativity and inner beauty, you can help with things like self doubt, love, and even hate. Your profession a lot like mine is something deeper and something you cannot see you are the manipulation of creativity." "That sounds important," Rarity commented. "It is," Twilight smiled "Fluttershy last but not least, your power kind of speaks for itself. So, your profession is animal manipulation." "Ok," Fluttershy nodded respectfully. "Come on, if we get out now we can have enough time to practice!" Rainbow shouted, quickly covering her mouth. "Remember AJ he's out there somewhere you cannot let him hurt your friends again. You were put on this earth to do 4 things live, protect your friends and family, fight until death, and... die as long as he dies with me," Applejack whispered to herself as she caught up with the rest of her friends. > The Sleepover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That concert was epic!" Rainbow said to her friends as the walked out of the building, "We totally rocked it." "Oh Dashie, I didn't know your mom was gonna pick us up," Pinkie squealed. While the other girls were walking in the front Applejack was wavering behind. Fluttershy noticed this and waited for her friend to catch up to her. "Applejack are you ok," Fluttershy was obviously worried. "Because you seem a bit distant." "Huh," AJ's head shot up "oh, I'm fine just thinking about this... Never mind it's not important." "Oh, Ok." Fluttershy said. After they caught up to the group they found Rainbows moms car. "Hi Rainbow, how was your day at school today?" Firefly asked. "Um, it was..." Rainbow was climbing into the car with her friends in the back trying to decide whether she should lie or tell the truth. Applejack was in a very close proximity, but she still decided to lie. "It was uneventful and boring." "How about the rest of you girl's day?" Firefly asked the others. "It was ok... ma'am," Fluttershy whispered. "That's great I'll let you girls talk back there I'll be on the phone, but don't worry I have an earpiece!" "She is way too cheerful," Rainbow sighed "I've had a long day and I'd rather talk to my dad, or my friends 24/7 then hear her voice for two minutes!" Applejack who was sitting right next to Rainbow just sighed and gained a distant look in her eyes. Rainbow could tell she was either thinking about something or remembering something from her wacky childhood, but since she had known her for a long time she could tell it was the second one. *** (Applejack's memory) "Your pa has lost the sparkle in his eyes my little Jackie," Her mother said softly braiding her daughters hair. "But granny said you could never lose a spark?" Jackie said. "Your grandmother says a lot of things, but she's right you can never fully lose a sparkle," her mother was a kind woman and by far AJ's favorite person in the world. "Then how did he lose his sparkle in his eyes?" AJ winced when her mother hit a knot. "He stopped believing," her mothers answer was vague. "Believing in what ma?" She was getting tired of asking so many questions. "In magic... In you." *** "Well girls we're here," Firefly announced, snapping Applejack out of her memory. Rainbow was still looking at her with a worried expression which didn't happen very often. "Yeah thanks mom," Rainbow said as she exited the car/truck. "Come on girls, follow me." "Wow darling such a big house!" Rarity complimented "It's just... so beau... words cannot express!" "Come on lets go to my room," Rainbow said as they made there way up the stairs. Once the girls all got situated in Rainbows room, Rarity looked at Pinkie who was beaming with joy. "I trust you brought some games to play, darling." "You betcha!" Pinkie pulled out her computer and pulled up would you rather. "It's really cool that we can just do it like this and not have to come up with questions on our own! Plus it's a team effort game we can all play together!" "I'll read the first question," Rainbow cleared her throat, "Would you rather... have a superpower or the love of your life of your life." "Well, we already have super powers so we have to choose love of your life!" Pinkie said. "True, ok fine," She choose love of your life and said "Rarity your turn." "Would you rather... party all night or sleep all day?" Rarity read. "Sleep all day," Rainbow said "because then no school." "Ok," Rarity clicked Sleep all day. "AJ, your turn," Rainbow announced. "Would you rather...be stuck on a deserted island or be lost in a huge unknown forest?" AJ read. "Probably the forest since it will still be connected to Canterlot or something," Rarity said. "Sure," AJ clicked lost in a huge unknown forest, and gave the computer to Fluttershy "your turn." "Um, WOULD YOU RATHER live forever but have all the ones you love die or live a year with all the people you love?" Fluttershy asked. "Live a year with all the people you love," AJ answered "Ah've already seen enough death in my life." "Would Carmel be one of the people you love," Rarity asked. "Nope," AJ shook her head and Rarity huffed. "Oh, Ok," Fluttershy clicked live a year with the people you love, and passed the computer to Sunset. "Ok, WOULD YOU RATHER have everything you have taken from you but stay alive or will you give your life to keep everything you have?" Sunset asked. "I would choose give your life to keep everything you have," Fluttershy said. "Is it just me or do you think that question is kinda, contradictory?" Rainbow's friends nodded their heads and Sunset gace the computer to Twilight. "WOULD YOU RATHER save a deer from getting shot or let the hunter take it because he needs the deer to sell for income to feed his family?" Sunsets eyes widened and Fluttershy near passed out, and she would've if Applejack weren't right behind her. "Save the deer..." Sunset clicked that answer and shove the computer into the hands of Twilight Sparkle. "Lets see, WOULD YOU RATHER fight for the person you love/like but  who doesn't feel the same way about you or be with the person that actually has feelings for you and try to at least feel something for them too?" "Um, for the person I love/like." Sunset said and Twilight clicked the answer and gave the computer to Pinkie Pie. "WOULD YOU RATHER  save everyone you love at the cost that they forget who you are or not save them and have them not forgive you forever?" Pinkie looked at her friends "That's an emotional question." "Save everyone at the cost they forget who you are," AJ answered, and the thing was all of her friends believed that was exactly what she would do. "Now for a new game..." Rainbow started "TRUTH OR DARE!" "Uh Oh," Fluttershy said. They all knew exactly what they were getting into, but they didn't want to believe it. "Pinkie Pie style," Pinkie said "By the way Twilight that means sexual and just weird questions and the answers are always... um... strange." "Good to know," Twilight made a silent note to bleach her mind after this game. > Truth or dare... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OK, so to begin we have to sit in a circle," Pinkie said. Rainbow Dash was sitting by Sunset, Sunset by Twilight, Twilight by Applejack, Applejack by Rarity, Rarity by Fluttershy, and Fluttershy by Pinkie Pie. "Rainbow, Truth or dare?" Pinkie asked. "Dare, duh," Rinbow rolled her eyes "why would I say anything else." "Rainbow give a piece of clothing to the person on your left." Pinkie giggled, she loved her job. Rainbow took off her shirt and gave it to Pinkie Pie, leaving her in only a bra. "Who wears a bra underneath pj's?" Sunset asked. "A girl who knew Truth or Dare was going to be Pinkie style, that's who." Rainbow folded her arms. "Fair enough." "Anyway, Rarity Truth or Dare," Rainbow smirked. "I'm actually going to take a chance and choose dare," Rarity announced. "Rarity is choosing dare will she come out of this one alive?" Rainbow asked sarcastically "fine, I dare you to get on all fours and make Pinkie whip you on the butt." "I hate you," Rarity took off her shorts and underwear and got on all fours and Pinkie giggled and spanked her. "Pinkie where did you get that whip?" Applejack asked, frightened "And how long have you had that." "My secrets shall never be revealed," Pinkie did this really creepy face that made Applejack flinch slightly, but it was barely visible. "Ok, moving on I'm thinking that it's your turn, Rarity," Applejack blinked a few times. "Oh, yes Sunset truth or dare?" Rarity asked. "Dare," Sunset was determined. "I dare you to confess your most embarrassing secret." "Seriously!" Rainbow shouted "That is like the lamest dare ever!" "No, it's I have a very embarrassing secret," Sunset took a deep breath "Here we go... I used to have a huge crush on someone in this room." "Cool, now lets move on out of creepyvile and heads to truth or dare 'Kay sunny," Rainbow said moving over a bit. "Oh, Twilight truth or dare?" "Um..." "The trick is to choose truth if your unsure," Applejack whispered. "Truth," Twilight muttered mouthing 'thank you' to Applejack. "Who do you think is the oldest person in this room?" Sunset asked. "Applejack?" Twilight asked gaining only a shake of the head from the country girl. "Nope the order is Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, You, Applejack, Me, and Rainbow Dash," Pinkie listed. "Really," Twilight looked at the girls who nodded their heads, "I thought it would be Applejack since she seems like the most mature. "Whatever, just move on," Ranbow blushed, she hated when the girls pointed out the fact that she was the youngest in the group. "Um, Applejack truth or dare?" Twilight looked around trying to think of a question to ask. "Truth," Applejack answered. "Aw, c'mon AJ playing it the easy way this time, huh?" Rainbow teased. "Yes, this is Pinkie style and even if Twilight is new at this she has probably already caught on." "Who was your first crush?" Twilight was slightly uncomfortable by the question. "Nobody really," AJ shrugged her shoulders and Rarity looked like she was about to explode. "You mean 'he' doesn't count?!" Rarity was shocked. "Who?" Applejack stared off into space for a while "Oh! Him, no that was a cover up." "What do you mean a cover up?" Rarity was frazzled. "It's called 'what happens when your friends aren't who you think they are' from 'the expert of things not being as they seem himself.'" "I'm not following a word you're saying," Rainbow sighed. "Meh, all it did was end in a terrible fight there were a few words that were spoken that couldn't have been taken back. It's not like something really horrible happened it was just a terrible fight, nothing to it." AJ shrugged her shoulders. "Right, and then we had that conversation were you sat right up looked me in the eye and almost told me what happened, but said 'I can't do this' instead, and to make matters wore you just walked away." Rarity gave her that look. "Yep, that's the one," Applejack chuckled nervously, but was slightly embarrassed that Rarity had to mention that in front of all of their friends. "Aw," Pinkie said "what a sad story." "Anyway Fluttershy, Truth or dare?" *** The game continued for about another hour, until... "Rainbow you have a visitor!" Firefly called. "Yeah, I'll be right down, mom!" Rainbow looked at her friends "You girls are coming with me last time I had a visitor it turned out to be be our old neighbor Ms. Perish." "Cool I love meeting new people!" Pinkie bounced down the stairs and the other girls followed in her suit. Rainbow opened the door "Oh, hey Soarin. What are you doing here? At my house? At 10:00?" Rainbow asked nervously, blushing slightly. "Well I wanted to ask you something and my friends aka Fleetfoot and Spitfire said I should ask you to the face... Especially Fleetfoot," He looked at her directly in the eyes "Will you come to the dance with me tomorrow night?" He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Yeah, Sure, cool," Rainbow had to bite her lip in order to not freak out "I'll see you tomorrow." She closed the door as Soarin left. "Aw, true love," AJ rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Shut up country girl," Rainbow blushed. When they went back upstairs it was 11:00 and the girls decided to go to sleep. They all tucked themselves in and went to sleep, all except one. "It can hurt me as much as it wants to, but some things are better left broken." Applejack said as she drifted off into a deep sleep. > Even if the shoe fits... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about 7:00 in the morning when Applejack woke up from a horrible nightmare. She went downstairs and said good morning to Miss. Firefly and asked her if she could do some work down here so she wouldn't wake the other girls. Firefly being the mom she is said yes. "Dear, do you want something to eat, drink?" Firefly asked Applejack. "No thanks ah'm fine, but thanks," Applejack answered her question politely, but didn't look up from the computer. "So, Rainbow tells me that you're like the big sister of the group," Firefly started a very unusual conversation, but Applejack was more then obliged to answer. "Well then, she's right I would do anything for them." "I wish I had someone like that when I was growing up," Firefly sighed. "Well what do you mean?" Applejack was always the one to speak with adults like they were her age "uh, if you don't mind me asking." "Oh, of course I don't mind honey," Firefly started "Well when I was younger my mom passed away when I was only 10 years old, so I never really had a mother figure. You see, my father could not speak, but he was a decent man through and through." "Ah know how you feel, ah have a little sister who had to live her whole entire life so far knowing that she doesn't have a mother or father, and it hurts to know that ah was the one responsible for all of her suffering. Ever since they died, my big brother Big Macintosh always tried to assure me that it wasn't my fault." "I'm so sorry dear nobody your age should ever have to deal with that kind of heartbreak and responsibility." Firefly looked as if she was ready to cry. Applejack closed her laptop "Well ah'm going to go back upstairs and sneak back into my sleeping bag so when the girls wake up they won't even notice that ah left." *** (9:00 a.m.) All of the girls were finally and it was rush hour in the bathroom. Rarity was trying to brush her hair and Rainbow, Pinkie, Sunset and Twilight were trying to brush their teeth in the mirror that Rarity was trying to use. In the bedroom Applejack and Fluttershy were looking through their bags trying to figure out what they were going to wear that day. When they all finished Firefly offered to drive them home and they all agreed. Once they all got into the car, Fluttershy finally decided to try to talk to Applejack again. "Applejack?" "Yes," Applejack looked up at her. Fluttershy looked her strait in the eyes "Are you okay?" "Yes! ah'm fine," Applejack, "Anyway this looks like your stop, bye!" "Mhm," Fluttershy climbed to the front and quietly thanked Miss Firefly for driving her. Rarity scooted to the back and sat beside Applejack, "Darling, I am going to go home and grab my supplies, then I'm going to come over." Applejack nodded silently. "Darling, are you having second thoughts about helping me?" Rarity started to fake cry "because I completely understand, darling." Applejack was not impressed. "OH, Darling you'll have to forgive me this is my stop. See you in about an hour!" Rarity gave her a quick hug and went on her way. After a few more stops they finally arrived at Applejack's farm she smiled upon seeing her house and thanked Firefly, but before she could get all the way out Rainbow called to her. "Applejack!" "Yes, Sugarcube?" "I was wondering if you wanted to come with Soarin and I to Sugarcube Corners on Sunday." "Sure!" "Plus, if you could tell Carmel that would be great, him and Soarin are actually good friends." "Why not?" Applejack shrugged her shoulders "What time is it at?" "1:00!" "Great we'll be there!" "Oh, and one more thing!" "What's up?" "What will you and Rarity be doing?" "I'll give you a hint: rarity + closet = clothes. See you tonight!" *** "Granny, ah'm going for a walk!" Applejack said, as she stepped out of the door. "Ok, honey," Granny smiled "Jus' make sure' you back by time you designer friend comes." "Ok, Granny!" Applejack decided to take a walk into the city, since it was always pretty quite at this time of day. She was walking and enjoying the view when she heard something, no somebody's voice in her head. Applejack This distracted her and she bumped into somebody, prompting him to fall over and her too. "Oh, ah'm so sorry, let me help you," She got up and reached out her hand. "No, it's fine my name is Smoky Flames, what's yours?" "Jacqueline O. Apple, if you want to be formal, but Applejack will do." "Well, hello Applejack!" "Are you new in town?" Applejack asked. "Yes, I am." "What school do you go to?" "I just started school at Canterlot High," Smoky replied "Do you know where that is?" "Yep, ah go there as well!" "Wow, wait your Applejack. One of those girls who save their world and school with magic powers!" He seemed excited and Applejack just nodded politely. "And you're also in the band 'The Rainbooms.'" She shook her head once more. "Awesome!" He said. "Well, it was nice talking to you Smoky Flames, but I need to get going so I can meet my friend, bye I hope I see you tonight." "Wait!" He shouted after her he stopped and gave her his number "We can stay in touch outside of school!" "Ok, thanks, bye." Applejack! She felt subconscious about answering herself, but said... What? Good, I finally got your attention. Now little girl, I am Neighapolin, but you can call me Neigh for short. Anyway I heard that you are the element of life force and I am now your spirt guide. Oh, Twilight did say I could talk to spirits, but-- I can hear all of your thoughts and everything. So that means you are never safe from... SAYING BAD THINGS ABOUT ME! What if I say it out loud? Never safe! Dangit! What? I thought you weren't afraid of hurting other peoples feelings. I'm not especially not to people or in your case spirits who mean nothing to me! Ouch! But onto more serious topics I do hope we can be friends. Well, we may as well. I mean we'll be with each other 24/7 so we have to get use to each other, don't we? Yep! Oh and by the way you can't see me right? Right, am I suppose to? No, but when you take your necklace of you can see me. I'll be in the form of a man, but you will be the only one who can see me. By the time the conversation had died down and Applejack made it home Rarity's car was already I the front of the house. Granny Smith and Her were having a conversation. "And then I said-- Applejack your back finally I've been waiting for you!" Rarity yelled at her. "Sorry, I was a bit caught up." Applejack did feel a little bit guilty. "Well, thank you for agreeing to help me, darling. Considering that it's you this means a lot to me!" "Well, you are doing this for me so it's the least I can do," Applejack patted her on the shoulder. "Well, all of my stuff is already in your room Big Macintosh helped me. Anyway we start with what you wear tonight!" Poor Applejack, this is going to be a long day. > ...DON'T WEAR IT! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So darling, how long has it been since you've brushed your, hair?" Rarity questioned. "Ah brushed mah hair this morning," Applejack answered, annoyed. "What is that not good enough for you?" "Well it is and... never mind. So, I have a few dresses that I want you to try out," Rarity pulled out precisely 6 gowns for that night. "When did you make these?" "Well, I made them as soon as you said that you would help me help your wardrobe," Rarity chuckled. "Hahaha," Applejack fake laughed. "Well, it is true. Now onto these dresses!" First Applejack tried on a yellow dress symbolizing the energy of the sun and a black rose symbolizing death. The second dress was a sequin red that symbolizes the circle of life and a red rose in her hair to symbolize love and life. Third she tried on a green dress symbolizing nature, fertility, and life and a white lily. Rarity frowned upon seeing the next two dresses clash with Applejack's complexion. The next dress was burgundy which meant wealth, royalty, and status and a purple headband. In the end they decided on the yellow dress and the black rose. Wow! You actually look really nice. Thanks! "Now darling, I am going to do your hair in a simple braid then, if it's ok with you I can get dressed in my dress!" "Of course it is sugarcube." Now, while your friend does your hair, how about I tell you a bit about myself. Fine, shoot. So, I am from equestria and my mom and dad are also spirits there. I am the most unique of my herd because I am the only child who can survive in the human world. No offense, but your already dead. True, but I am only 16 years old. So I never died I was just born like this. If your confused just remember that in equestria almost anything can happen. "And finished," Rarity said "You look lovely darling." "Wow, nice work, but i've seen better," Applejack smirked "Now, um... I'm going to get dressed and you can do whatever you do in your free time." "Sure, I'll go down and see if the girls, plus Soarin are here and tell them that you're almost ready!" That's what you do in your free time? Shut up!! As Applejack walked down the stairs out into the crisp spring air something changed in her spirit, but she ignored it and walked down to the car in front of her. "Hey AJ we were just..." Rainbow stopped mid sentence, her mouth agape "Wow, AJ you. Look. So. DIFFERENT!" "Roses can be black?" Pinkie asked, but everyone was ignoring her question. "Rarity did it, and she is going to be down in a few minutes... or hours, who knows at this point?" Applejack got into the car and sat beside Rainbow Dash and Soarin. "Nobody!" Rainbow high fived Applejack. "Well you two seem to get along," Soarin stated. "Trust me you don't know the half of it," Sunset shook her head shamefully, but couldn't hold back a smile. "We're doing another performance tonight," Pinkie squealed "So are you Rainbooms ready to rock!" "Ready!" The girls (-Rarity) chorused. "What song are we doing anyway?" Rainbow asked suspiciously. "Hope Shines Eternal, Shine Like Rainbows, and Legend You Are Meant To Be!" Pinkie shouted. "Cool," Rainbow shrugged her shoulders. Rarity finally came down the stone stairs and steeped into the car. "Oh, Rarity we've been waiting for you," Rainbow said dramatically in her best Rarity impression "And you tell me to be punctual!" Soarin laughed. "Aww," Rarity cooed "Two little love birds!" "You sound just like my mom!" Rainbow vented. "I really need to set the rest of you girls up for blind dating, so you can actually have something to do in your free time," Rarity looked at Applejack. See! I knew it would catch on! Applejack rolled her eyes, but said nothing. "Aww, but you guys would make such a cute couple!" Pinkie gushed "Right Fluttershy?" "Well, you guys do look kinda cute together," Fluttershy blushed. "What?" Rainbow turned her head towards Applejack "You're on my side right AJ?!" "Right, but only because I don't care much for 'true love'" AJ shrugged her shoulders. "How could you possibly not care about true love?" Now it was Soarins turn to question the simple girl, but she just rolled her eyes and gave him a 'seriously dude' look. "She's just complicated like that," Rainbow stuck her tongue out at Applejack. I've known you for less than a day and I can already tell. "We're here!" Pinkie jumped out of my he car and walked into the gym "WHOSE READY TO PAR-TAY!" To say there were a few cheers is an understatement. *** Applejack, what is that? A cupcake, Sugarcube. Last time I thought you were the wise and smart one, but NOW I NEED AN UPGRADE! Not the cupcake, that guy! Applejack looked up only to notice a young man standing at the door. When he looked at her she quickly turned her head, but she took a quick look at his features. For some reason she seemed to recognize this stranger, and something was nagging in the back of her head telling her to go talk to him. "Jackie!" Pinkie shouted "Oh, there you are!" Applejack had tried time and time again to stop her energetic friend not to call her Applejack, but as you probably suspected it didn't work. "Ah'm right here, you don't need to shout." Applejack said, shaking her head. "It's time for the Rainbooms to start booming!" Pinkie giggled "See what I did there!" "Yes, as a matter of fact ah did," Applejack started "Ah'm comin'" "It's about time, cowgirl!" Rainbow looked at Applejack. "It's time girls," Soarin said "Knock 'em dead!" "Will do!" The girls shouted in sync, giggling shortly after. SHINE LIKE RAINBOWS [Applejack] Once upon a time You came into my world and made the stars align [Rarity] Now I can see the signs You pick me up when I get down so I can shine [The Rainbooms] Shine like rainbows Shine like rainbows Shine like rainbows Shine like rainbows [Rainbow Dash] Friends, you are in my life And you can count on me to be there by your side [Sunset Shimmer] And when the music comes alive We sing our songs to lift us up so we can shine [The Rainbooms] And the sound that we hear in our hearts Makes a crescendo And the light that ignites in the dark It makes us all glow And shine like rainbows We shine like rainbows Shine like rainbows We shine like rainbows Together we stand As the rain begins to fall And holdin' our heads up high As the sun shines through it all [The cast] And the sound that we hear in our hearts Makes a crescendo And the light that ignites in the dark It makes us all glow And shine like rainbows We shine like rainbows Shine like rainbows We shine like rainbows [The Rainbooms] We shine like rainbows There was a thunderous applause, but the Rainbooms were just getting started. LEGEND YOU ARE MEANT TO BE [Twilight Sparkle] I used to think that stories were just that Set in stone, concrete as a fact It didn't dawn on me That I could change history [Sunset Shimmer] Now I know I'm writing my own song Fight my way to the ending that I want I'll turn a tragedy [Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle] Into an epic fantasy [The Rainbooms] Hey, hey, hey You can be a hero (hero) too Oh-oh-oh Take my hand, I'm here for you Come away with me Be the legend you were meant to be You'll always be Everfree Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah To be the legend you were meant to be Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah To be the legend you were meant to be [Fluttershy] There was a time when fear would hold me down 'Cause I let it chain me to the ground [Rainbow Dash] Look at me now, I'm soaring high It's never boring in the sky [Applejack] When I know I've got friends on my side Whatever trials, I'll take them all in stride [Rarity] Together we will shine so bright A radiant brilliance in the night [The Rainbooms] Hey, hey, hey You can be a hero (hero) too Oh-oh-oh Take my hand, I'm here for you Come away with me Be the legend you were meant to be You'll always be Everfree Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah To be the legend you were meant to be Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah To be the legend you were meant to be! "And now Hope Shines Eternal!" Rainbow announced. Hope Shines Eternal [Sunset Shimmer] Somewhere's a book With chapters still blank [Main cast] Insi-i-ide [Rarity] It's the book of our lives And the story is ours [Main cast] To write [Sunset Shimmer] Ours to write [Applejack] Some pages fade While others are black [Main cast] And whi-i-ite [Fluttershy] And the story begins Again every time [Main cast] We try [Applejack] Every time we try [Main cast] And hope shines eternal And friends are all I need (Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie: All I need) And hope shines eternal (Twilight Sparkle: Shines eternal) And the future is always bri-i-i-ight When you're here with me [Twilight Sparkle] I've fought through the darkness And come out the [Main cast] Other si-i-ide [Rainbow Dash] For rain clouds will clear The way for the [Main cast] Sunny sky [Applejack] Way for the sunny sky-y-y [Pinkie Pie] I've been afraid And stayed through the longest [Main cast] Ni-i-ight [Twilight Sparkle] Through the longest ni-i-ight [Pinkie Pie] But morning still comes And with it, it brings [Main cast] A light [Rainbow Dash] Oh, it brings a li-i-ight [All] And hope shines eternal And friends are all I need (Sunset Shimmer: Friends are all I need) And hope shines eternal (Applejack: Shines eternal) And the future is always bri-i-i-ight The future is always bri-i-ight Yeah, the future is always bri-i-i-ight When you're here with me "Thank you CHS!" Rainbow yelled as the girls ran off of the stage. "We totally rocked it!" Pinkie giggled. "Girls we need to talk," Sunset stated, the girls all huddled around. *** (Young mysterious man's prospective) That girl I feel like I know her from somewhere, but if it's... no she left me a long time ago and she'll never come back. Whatever I can't let this girl get in the way of my plan. I could sense something magical about her, but I don't know what kind maybe she's the one I'm looking for. She felt as if there was something... off about her I could sense some magic from all kinds. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, maybe I'm forgetting something. That isn't very possible though, because nothing and I mean nothing escapes the mind of... NIGHT SHADOW! > A Conversation To Be Had > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Night Shadow's P.O.V.) I am able to slip out of the dance to go and tell boss about, this girl. As I walk in He looks at me with pure hatred and says... "Your late!" "I am sorry, sir," I bow respectfully ",but I think that you will like the news I have for you this fine night." "I don't want hear anything until I have the girl, she will be he payment for what her father did to me all those years ago!" "Of course, sir" I say "We have found the girl, but I sense something strange about her." "If you get me to her, there will be a lot stranger things happening to her," He pauses and looks at me "I can already tell that she will probably be very clever like her father, but we need something or more like someone close to her." "I didn't see much of it, sir" I blush. "I want you to follow her and those measly other girls," He looks at me and rubs his chin "He was suppose to choose me and he wouldn't want me to hurt his 'favorite' child" He laughs evilly "To bad I don't care, you are dismissed, but follow that girl?" "Yes sir," I scamper out of the room into the darkness of the night. *** "Girls we need to talk," Sunset said, seriously. "What are you breaking up with me!" Rainbow fake cried "I... I know it's me not you, but why, WHY!" "She would make a pretty decent Rarity," Applejack stated honestly. "Thank you, Applejack," Rainbow smirked, she knew just the way to mess with Applejack's pretty little head "You see I'm more then just a pretty face, like what you see." Rarity face palmed she knew where this was going and she didn't like it, but AJ didn't back down "Trust me I never went through the 'pretty face' stage with you." "You wound me really, you do," Rainbow smiled ",but I'll be nice and only tell this part of the story. It was the day of the big English test a little fourth grade Rainbow Dash was wandering around the halls of the CES (Canterlot Elementary School) she was a new girl and her buddy was a younger and much nicer..." "Hey!" "...Applejack. The strange girl looked into the magenta eyed girl's eyes and said 'you sure have come on a great day' I saw something in her eyes something that was nagging in the back of her mind, but being in fourth grade I shrugged it off. To this day I still don't know what that nagging feeling was, but that was our defining moment, the moment that defined our indefinite friendship through the ages!" "Was that suppose to embarrass me or what?" "Of course it was that was just a random way showing that even 'stone cold feeling' Applejack can have feelings too," Rainbow bowed. "Girls!" Sunset's voice rang in their ears, "we still need to find whoever this guy is and you are just laughing and talking like it's nothing!" "It's fine, Sunset he'll make his next move soon," Applejack comforted her friend. "You are most certainly correct Ms. Jacqueline Carnation Apple," A voice said from the shadows. "Ahh," Fluttershy hugged her nearest friend. "Who are you?" Applejack asked, her voice shaking with fear. "A- are you n-not Ms.- Ms. Jacqueline Apple," He asked unprofessionally. "Yes, ah am Jacqueline Apple, but where'd ya get Carnation from?" Her voice was still shaking and Rainbow looked at her in awe. "You're just gonna trust a talking dude that you can't see!" Rainbow just stared at her. "Trust me, I've trusted a lot of things that I can't see lately," AJ shook her head. I recognize that voice, ombre de nuit! "Who ta the what now?!" Applejack didn't mean to say that one aloud. "Who are you talking to?" Twilight asked. "Nobody in particular!" Applejack replied quickly. Night Shadow! Is he a threat? Only if is in pure- Oh no! "What do you mean 'Oh no!' there shouldn't be any 'Oh no's'" Applejack practically screamed. "Sorry, again!" He is a pretty good fighter. Come on, really? That's all! Take a look yourself! Applejack looked up and bumped into the same boy she saw at the party (which is btw. still going on). Oh no! (first fight scene in the story!) Night lunged at her and had barely missed her foot, which she had moved just in time. He growled and tried again, but this time a rainbow blur hit him first. He kicked Applejack in the gut and she winced and looked as if she was about to cry out in pain. "Boss was right, you are like your father weak and defenseless!" This ticked Applejack off of the deep end. Right now would be a good to learn how to use my powers. I could teach you! Thanks Neigh. I need you to focus... Focus! I don't have time to focus! Feel your connection to earth you shouldn't reach into the earth it should reach up to you! "Rainbow girl, you think you can just kick me and get away with it!?" He towered over her. Rainbow gulped "N- no." He picked her up and threw her at the wall near the door. "RAINBOW!" All her friends, but Applejack ran up to her. At that moment Night Shadow levetated the six friends out of the door. "Wait AJ!" Rainbow called, as the door closed behind them. "Now onto busine-" He was cut off when a shoe contacted his chest sending him into the wall. "You think you could just waltz into my school and hurt my friends!" Her eyes flashed red and she reached into the earth and very thick vines surrounded her "Well I think NOT!" He opened his hand then clasped it shut hundreds of flames bursted out around him "I guess we have to do this the hard way!" *** (Meanwhile) "We need to get back in there!" Rainbow shouted close to tears "There is no way she can take on that guy!" "Darling," Rarity put a soothing hand on Rainbow's shoulder "I know Applejack, she can handle herself." "Come on Ms. Attention To Detail!" Rainbow yelled into her ear, "even you should know that the whole 'tough girl' act is just a cover up! Didn't you see the point of my very insightful story!" "I think we have bigger problems then that!" Pinkie smiled and waved at the crowd that had gathered. "What happened!" The voice that belonged to Soarin asked. "You girls never came out of... wait were is Applejack?" Caramel asked. "I got it!" Sunset, who had been fidgeting with door called out. The girls ran over to the door only to arrive when the last blow was coming. Night Shadow was laying on the floor and Applejack was leaning against the wall hyperventilating. "APPLEJACK!" she looked up only to see the world disappearing around her. *** (A long time after the girls left) "I asked simply for you to follow them!" "I'll do better next time!" "There won't be a next time!"