No More Room In Hell

by SomeRandomGuy1027

First published

A zombie virus spreads like wildfire in Equestria, Twilight and Discord casted a spell that would cure the virus. Instead they summoned a whole company of Marines as well as Apache gunship support. What could go wrong?

What happens to be a normal day in Equestria turns into a bloody nightmare as an unknown virus ravages through towns and cities, turning innocent Ponies to flesh eating abominations. Twilight, with some help from Discord cast a prototype spell ment to cure the virus. But.... they summon a company of US Marines armed to the teeth as well as some gunships. What else could go wrong?

Chapter 1

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It was a cold Monday morning during December, the cool breeze blew through Washington D.C. The sun and its rays were blocked out from the accumulation of grey clouds. What seemed like a normal snowy day in Washington was interrupted by cries of the undead as they crave for human flesh. Several kilometers South of the White House, a swarm of UH-60L Blackhawks carrying a whole company of US Marines, flew over the rotting city while being escorted by AH-64 Apache helicopters. They were en-route to protect the ongoing evacuation.

The commanding officer of this company was no other than Major Adam Jenkins. Adam Jenkins was a proud US Marine, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan for God knows how many years. He has endured the toughest of situations, but nothing like this. No matter how hard you trained, nothing can prepare you for a global zombie infestation. His second in command was Captain Joseph Urbani. Joseph met Jenkins during training, ever since then they brothers. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Major! We're fifteen mikes out of the LZ." Notified the pilot.

"Washington Command this is Major Jenkins, 5th Marines, Bravo Company, callsign "Archangel", requesting permission to enter restricted air space, over?" Hailed Jenkins.

"Archangel", permission granted, proceed to evacuation point Charlie and provide assistance, over?"

"Understood, "Archangel" out."

"Lock and load people! Its time to send these undead fuckers back to hell!" Hollered Captain Urbani over the comms.

As if in unison, Marines began to load their weapons, from simple pistols to shoulder fired rocket launchers. Jenkins himself began to go over his gear. He began my loading his M4 Carbine with a ACOG sight and a M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun System. Next was his M9 Beretta, a simple standard issue sidearm courtesy of the US Army. He also had three M67 fragmentation grenades, two M18 smoke grenades, a combat knife, and some extra magazines.

"Archangel"this is Whiskey 1-1 of the 160th SOAR, callsign "Rogue", entering restricted air space near your position, how copy? Over."

"Whiskey 1-1, good copy." Jenkins replied. "Your here to evacuate the civilians too?"

"Yes sir. We got four MH-47 Chinooks ready for pick up."

"Copy that, maintain course heading North bearing zero-three-zero, ETA to LZ is T-minus thirteen mikes."

"Roger Wilco, Whiskey 1-1 out."

As the cluster of helicopters flew towards their objective, the weather seemed to worsen. The wind began to pick up causing each heli to vibrate, snowfall began to worsen. From small, floating, individual snowflakes to pebbled sized snow, traveling at speeds that could fill up a tennis court in mere seconds. According to weather charts, today was just another cloudy day, not a blizzard. Shit just keeps better and better doesn't it?

"Archangel! This is Bravo 2 Actual, we need immediate assistance! Over!" Screamed the comms while gunshots and explosions could be heard in the background.

"Copy Bravo 2 Actual, ETA twelve mikes." Jenkins replied.

"We don't have FUCKING TWELVE MINUTES! We got multiple-- scratch that, we got a fuck ton of Zeeks outside our perimeter! If you don't get here now, we will be nothing but A PILE OF FUCKING CHEWED UP FLESH!!"

"Overlord this is "Archangel", are there any other QRF units in the vicinity?"

"Negative, all other units have been deployed. You're all thats left." Replied Overlord.

"What about CAS? Or artillery units?"

"All available aircraft are RTB for R&R. All available artillery units are either overrun or are out of shells." Sighed Overlord. "Like I said, you and your men are the only ones left."

"Bravo Actual to all units, Broken Arrow! I say again Broken Arrow!"

"This is Alpha 1 Actual, we are pulling back! I repeat we are pulling back, the left flank has fallen!"

"Badger 1 to all units, we are out of shells! We cannot respond to any more fire missions at this time! We are pulling back to BP Ginger."

"This is Washington Command to all units in the vicinity! Olympus has fallen! I say again Olympus has fallen! All remaining troops are to GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" A bloody scream ran through the comms catching everyones attention. The sound of gunfire could be heard, soldiers barking orders as they open fire on the endless stream of the undead and the occasional of tearing flesh could be heard. Then all of a sudden silence could be heard. Then nothing but static echoed through the radio.

All the Marines on board just sat there, dumbstruck. One could only imagine what could be going on inside their heads.

"It's official, Washington, the Capital of the US has fallen.... Its over." Spoke a young Private.

Jenkins just sat there, trying to accept the fact that Washington, one of the most protected cities in the world has fallen to the undead. There was nothing else to do. No.... They were still here, they could still do something, something meaningful.

"No." Spoke Jenkins as he broke the silence. All the Marines in the bird turned their heads and stared at him. Like a lion stalking its prey just before the kill.


"I said no." Jenkins stood up and looked at his men in the eye. Each one bore sorrow, hopelessness, fear. "This shit ain't over."

"But sir, you heard the chatter.... Washington has fallen."

"Who the fuck cares? Just because command said to 'GTFO' doesn't mean we should turn tail and run. We have a job to do, and that job it to extract civilians as well as ANY remaining military personal regardless of the consequences." Jenkins paused for a moment, his men bore expressions of worry and confusion. "There are men, women and children, fucking children out there that need our help. So are just gonna sit here with our dicks out whining like a bitch? Or are we gonna show these fuckers what for? Oorah?"


"What the fuck was that!? OORAH?"


As the company makes it's way to the frontline, or whats left of it. Another civilization in an alternate dimension is facing a similar problem.

Ponyville, Equestria
Same time frame as Washington

Today was ment to be another cold Monday morning, a morning were many Equestrains would be going to work, foals would be going to school and everypony would go about their business. But today was different. The dead, many which were former townsfolk, wandered aimlessly in search of something, anything to fill their cravings. Nopony knows what or how this bloody incident started, but one thing was certain... The apocalypse had just begun and it seemed that nothing could stop it. Trapped and surrounded in the town square now converted to a CCP (Casualty Collection Point) were the Element's, Spike, the CMC and several other civilians struggle to keep the dead from barging into the building. An evacuation of Ponyville was under way and the Royal Guard managed to secure the train station for an evacuation, everything seemed to be going well until a horde that was six times the size of the entire population of Ponyville arrived. The Guard, now short on manpower and weapons were making a last stand at the station, a message was sent to the princesses in Canterlot for reinforcements, but it would take a miracle for them to arrive on time.

"You still with me Twilight?" Spike question Twilight who had created a shield around the building.

"Ya I'm still here Spike. But I don't know if I could hold on any longer." Replied the young alicorn, almost drained of magic. The dead were were barraging her shield with their blooded heads and hands causing her to flinch in pain.

"Where's Discord when ya need him?!" Exclaimed Applejack.

"You called?" Discord replied while forming out of thin air. "Oh by the way, in order to deal with a zombie you have to hit it in the head."

Rainbow Dash facepalmed. "Ugh! Why didn't I think of that?"

"What d-do you mean?" Spoke Fluttershy in between sobs.

"He means." Twilight stated in pain. "In order to survive this ordeal... Lethal force is required."

"So in other words... We have to kill them?" Rarity gasped. "Thats absurd!"

"I know! So only Discord and I will perform such a task."

"You know I can't do that. Right?" Stated Discord.

"Well you're gonna have to!" Retorted Twilight. "Because I can't hold out any more!"

The shield began to flicker and cracks began to grow faster than being mended. If Discord didn't do anything now, there won't be anything left of them.

"Alright fine, theres no need to be so fussy about it." Discord snapped his fingers and a strobe light and a radio appeared out of thin air. "Hopefully Bravo 2 Actual won't mind me borrowing this."

"Who the hay is Bravo 2 Actual?" Questioned Applejack.

"I'll tell you later." replied Discord as he began to focus his magic in his palm. Twilight on the other hand was preparing a shockwave spell that would scatter the surrounding infected so it could buy them some time to get out of the town square.

"Now Discord!" The Shield finally gives way.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Yelled Discord as he shot a boost spell straight into Twilight's back.

Now reenergized with magic, Twilight didn't hesitate as she created a ball of magic in her palms and smashed it straight into the ground. A blinding florescent light shot out the town square in all directions.

As the group regained their eyesight, Twilight, now exhausted from her overuse of magic collapsed into a heap on the floor.

"Twilight!" The girls yelped as they rushed to her aid.

"Is it over? Are they gone?" Questioned Sweetie Belle.

Her question was answered in the form of a moan followed by another and another. "Well that answers that question."

The infected shook off the blinding effects of the spell and began to harass the windows and the entrance with their bloody limbs. All hope seemed lost, Discord on the other hand just smiled. He adjusted the frequency on the radio and pressed the button on the side.

"Hello? Can anyBODY hear me? We need immediate assistance! We are surrounded by the infected in the town hall. Please Help!"

"What are you going about Discord? What in tarnation is that thing" Muttered Applejack while pointing at the radio. "Not to mention how are you so calm about this?"

"You'll find out soon enough my friend." The group rolled her eyes at his statement. Little did they know, approximately five minutes away, South West of Ponyville was a fleet of metal birds that they summoned... And, they heard their call.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell was that?" Shouted the Black Hawk pilot. "Where are we?"

"I don't know sir, the GPS is FUBAR." Replied the co-pilot. "Not to mention that Comms are too."

"Whats going on?" Inquired Jenkins.

"Don't know sir. Everything seemed fine beforehand."

"Alright, maintain course and get us bellow the cloud cover. All Platoons report in."

"1st Platoon ready and waiting."

"2nd Platoon awaiting orders."

"3rd Platoon standing by."

"4th Platoon locked and loaded."

"All platoons are reporting in sir." Reported Urbani.

"All units be advised, we have lost contact with Command and are flying blindly. GPS and Comms are down so we're gonna have to do this the hard way." Ordered Jenkins. "Maintain current heading and await further order--."

"Hello? Can anyBODY hear me? We need immediate assistance! We are surrounded by the infected in the town hall. Please Help!" Came a male voice over the radio.

Everybody perked up as their ears were suddenly assaulted by the new voice. "This is Major Jenkins, 5th Marines, Bravo Company, callsign Archangel Identify yourself."

"My name is... Dis-DAVID!! Yes David, my friends and I are trapped in the town hall. We need help!" Replied the man.

"Alright just stay calm sir, we'll be there soon, just hold out a little longer." Replied Jenkins in a soothing tone. "We'll be arriving South West of your position. Archangel out.

"Major! We're bellow the clouds now." Informed the pilot. "I got eyes on... A... Settlement. Sir I don't think we're in D.C. Anymore."

"Ya think!?" Replied the co-pilot.

"Do you have eyes on the town hall?"

"Yes sir and there is a lot of infected."

"Sir! There's and evacuation attempt at the train station." Interjected the co-pilot. "They're not fairing well. Not well at all."

"Vulture 1-1, 1-2 clear the infected around the town hall. Vulture 1-3, 4, 5 ,6 provide air cover for the evacuation." Began the Major. "Whiskey 1-1, 2, 3, 4 land behind the civilians and get the onboard. 1st, 2nd and 3rd platoon will fast rope down behind the defensive line, 4th platoon will do flybys in the birds in the mean time. Understood?"


And with that, the fleet broke off into their separate groups and began to rain hell upon the infected.

"Alright we're in range, light em up!" Barked Vulture 1-1's pilot.

"EAT LEAD MOTHER FUCKERS!" Screamed the gunner as he pulled the trigger and the 30mm chain gun began spewing out lead into the horde like there was no tomorrow.

"This is the end... Never really thought we'll go out this way." Mumbled Rainbow.

"This was bound to happen eventually, it was only a matter of time." Came a random civilian.

"It's been nice know'n y'all." Spoke Applejack as she tipped her hat. "Guess I'll see you folks on the other sid--."

Applejack was cut off by the sound of distant thumping, not one of somepony hitting wood, but one of a rope being swung in the air at an astonishing rate. Not only did it catch the group's attention, it appeared to be coming closer, and closer. All of a sudden, the sound of thunder, explosions and whizzing could be heard. Everypony jumped at the sudden sounds of explosions and thunder, limbs and body parts were flying everywhere as infected blood splattered across the streets as well as the windows.

"Oh my Luna! What was that!" Shrieked Rarity.

"Look!" Pointed Sweetie Belle. "Its coming back around!" Looking up, the group spot not one, but two massive birds strafing the surrounding area. A series of flashed erupted from the nose of the bird leaving nothing but destruction in it's path. Pillars off fire were spewed out of a cylindrical piping just under it's wing. These pillars smashed themselves into the horde causing an explosion and rain blood and body parts.

"By the goddesses, what kind of bird could be capable of this?" Questioned a sickened Applejack.

"I don't think its a bird." Replied a now conscious Twilight.

"Over there! There more of those birds." Applebloom points toward the train station. These 'birds' however were different, these ones seemed just as large but they were carrying somepony or something. The birds began to hover above the train station before dropping ropes down it's sides. One by one these bipedal creates began to repel down from the bird, each one wore some sort of camouflage as wells as some kind of khaki body armor. They all wielded a black object in their hands, some differed in size as well as attachments. More of the same birds approached and began to repeat the same process. In total, there were at least 3 platoons worth of camouflaged, bipedal, masked creatures that stood at the height of a stallion if not taller.

"What are those things?" Questioned Twilight.

"They appear to be... Humans." Contemplated Discord.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"Yes, they are Humans, and judging by their uniform they are US Marines." Everypony began to stare at Discord in disbelief. "Is there something wrong?"

"GO GO GO!" Shouted Urbani as Marines began to repel down the Heli. "Create a perimeter and await further instructions!" Marines began to break off and head to their positions. Guards that were left to spare immediately took defensive positions in front of the civilians, many whom were scared shitless.

"Woah woah woah! Easy there mate!" Spoke a Marine Sergeant as several guards rushed him.

"Drop your weapons! Now!" ordered a guard.

"Not gonna happen smart ass!" Retorted a Marine.

"Why you undisciplined rasca-."

"ENOUGH!" Bellowed an authoritative voice.

"But sir-."

"That. Is. Enough Sergeant." A tall, bulky Earth pony stepped forward. His golden armor that shined brightly in the sun was covered in blood. His sword laid at his side, fresh blood slowly trickled down the blade and dripped onto the floor. He bore an expression of neutrality, his green eyes reflected ones of a veteran, a proper soldier. "Identify yourselves."

"I am Captain Urbani, 5th Marines, 2nd in command of Bravo company. And you are?"

"Captain Scorch of the Royal guard. Apologies about earlier, we're just on edge."

"It's quite alright Captain." Broke in Jenkins. "I'm Major Jenkins, active commander of Bravo company."

"Pleased to meet you Major." Replied Scorch. "As much as I would like to continue this conversation, we have civilians to evacuate as well as rescue Princess Twilight. Can you offer any assistance?"

"You have my full support. I'll deploy two of my platoons to your line, a third will protect the train station as well as the Chinooks.

"The what?" Questioned the battle hardened Captain.

"Those guys." Pointed Jenkins as the Chinooks landed near the station. "Load the civilians on those birds, we'll get then somewhere safe."

"Much appreciated Major."

Jenkins placed his hand on Scorch's shoulder. "Hey, it's the least I can do. Now come on, we got a job to do."


"SIR YES SIR!" Squads of Marines began to take position just behind the guards. Civilians looked in awe as the newcomers jogged passed them.

"Tell your men to fall back." Scorch nodded.

"EVERYPONY FALL BACK! FALL BACK NOW!" As the guards turned around and began to run, they saw the line of Marines behind them and froze. "What are you waiting for?! RUN!" The guards finally broke their frozen state and ran to the Marines.

"Fire in bursts, go for the head. Fire on my signal!" Ordered Urbani. The last of the guards passed through the line, the dead soon followed. Step by step they came closer, and closer. The Marines began to grow worried.

"Sir..." Came a Marine Lieutenant.

"A little closer..."




"LIGHT IT UP!" Marines began to fire relentlessly into the horde, rounds bore holes into the infected, some tore off arms, legs, even heads. The guards behind cover their ears as the shots erupted into the day. "Use you 40 Mike Mikes!" Grenadiers began to lob HE grenades out of their M203 or M320 Grenade Launchers. Everypony looked in horror as the infected were being cut down like flies. Explosions from the Marines and the Apache helicopters sent nothing but bits of infected and dirt in all directions. Within minutes the infected lines were decimated, there was a clear shot to the Town hall. Major Jenkins looked at Urbani and nodded. "Vulture 1-3, 1-4 give 1st platoon an entrance."

"Rolling in." Replied the pilot. Two gunships flew over head, pounding the infected in a line that reached the square."

"1st Platoon on me! Move out!" Motioned Jenkins.

"OORAH!" Jenkins began to lead the platoon through open path towards the town hall. Hopefully the survivors are still alive. Hopefully.

"That was awesome! Scaring, but awesome!" Blurted Dash.

"More like disturbing." Replied Rarity. They were soon interrupted but the infected breaking through their barricade. Last of the planks came down and a sea of infected poured in. The grouped huddled together in the centre, each one muttering their goodbyes.

"MOVE IN! GO GO GO!" Everypony's ears perked up at the new voice. Then the sound of miniature explosions erupted throughout the room as bright flashes blinded their eyes. Then it ceased, everything went quiet, the group lifted their heads only to see bodies of infected spread around the floor as well as the bipedal creatures...In ...Digital camouflage. They stood there with smoking weapons, their eyes scanned the room as well as the bodies. The same voice rose up. "Clear?!"



"ROOM CLEAR!" The creatures began to eject a slightly bent rectangle out of their weapons and placed a duplicate in the empty slot. One figure walked up towards them, took off it's helmet and gas mask before clearing it's throat. "Who here is David?"

"Who here is David?" Jenkins asked but nobody replied. "Anyone?"

"That would be me." Attention was diverted to 'David'. He had the torso of a slender dragon body, his head held two types of horns. A fang protruded from his mouth and had oddly shaped yellow and red eyes. He lifted a... Lions paw? And waved while his... Claw laid at his side. "Yes I'm David but I prefer Discord."

Everybody stood there in silence, not sure what to do next. The silence was interrupted by the distant gunfire and the strafing gunships.

"We got your call, seems like we just got here on time." Spoke Jenkins as he fixed on his headgear. "Times wasting, we have to move. Now." Everybody nodded and began to stack up at the door. "Whatever you do stay in the middle of us, you fall behind you will be left behind. We cannot go back for anybody else."

Everybody nodded. "Alright, all units this is "Archangel", package retrieved, falling back to the line so watch your fire."

"Copy "Archangel", we'll cover you."

"Understood. Ready? 3...2...1... GO! 1ST PLATOON FALL BACK! DIAMOND FORMATION!" 1st platoon surrounded the group and began to dash across the open street. Each Marine fired at the closest infected, giving enough room for the group to move through while conserving ammo in each mag.

As they got closer and closer to line, more infected got in their way. Jenkins was firing away into the oncoming undead, then the audible click of an empty mag came. Without hesitation, Jenkins switched positions to the M26 and fire slug after slug into in mindless heads of the dead. Buckshot tore through flesh and bone some managed to go through multiple bodies. The platoon eventually made it to the safety of the line. 1st platoon began to reload their weapons and resumed the onslaught. "How's evac going?" Panted Jenkins as he reloaded his rifle.

"Not well, the civilians are scared." Replied Scorch worriedly.

"How so?"

"One would be you guys, two those metal birds and not to mention your weapons."

"Tell them to get aboard, if that doesn't work then shove them in!" Ordered Jenkins. "We don't have time whiny butt hurt civilians!"

"I'll see what I can do Major." Scorch returned to the station and ordered his men to shove civies into the Chinooks, literally. There was another problem, there weren't enough Chinooks to evac all the civilians. Thankfully Pegasi guards with large chariots arrived as well as a steam train. The remaining civilians were evacuated via chariots or train, with them out the picture the company can begin to pull out. 3rd Platoon pulled out first and then 2nd and 1st followed suit.

"We're aboard! Lift off now!" Shouted Jenkins over the Black Hawk's M240B's gunfire.

"Copy that!" Replied the pilot as he increased power. "Alright we're clear, orders sir?"

Jenkins was quiet for a moment, a moment that felt like a eternity. "Sir should we follow them?"

"hmm, I doubt these guys or horses have an airfield that can hold the birds but they're our only lead." Doubted Urbani. "It's your call sir."

"Sir! They're lifting off!"

"Well we have no other options, so we follow them." Sighs Jenkins.

The company regroups and maintains a safe distance from the chariots ahead as they returned to the Equestrian's Capital with the survivors. The steam train below can be seen accelerating out of Ponyville station. The only thing the company can do now hope, hope for a way back home.

Chapter 2

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It was late morning in the city of Canterlot. The sun was nearing its peak in the cold, blue sky. Its rays shown over the kingdom as it tried to warm up the surrounding air. Princess Celestia felt its warm touch fall against her, as she gazed out in the direction of Ponyville.

She hung her head low and expelled a sorrowful sigh. The celestial princess wasn't her cheerful self. She had just been dealing with reports after reports for the past several days. Each report was over the same thing. Every. Single. Time.

"Something must be done about this your highness. These... Undead monstrosities are reeking havoc over businesses and trade routes in the Southern areas of Equestria. If this keeps up our economy will fall and the country will fall into chaos." Whined the Head of Economy.

"Your highness, riots have increased in Manehatten and Fillydelphia. Baltimare is under martial law and several quarantine zones in Dodge City have been overrun. I have sent a company reinforcements to Dodge City as well as Baltimare. Our main fighting force is down to quarter strength and our reserves are spread thin. We simply don't have enough troops to both combat the infected as well as maintain order in our cities. I'm afraid we have to resort to conscription to replenish our losses." Reported Iron Shield, the Minister of Defense.

Infected, zombies, undead. Call them what you want but it all went back to them.

Ever since the first outbreak, it has been the main topic of discussion for the past couple weeks. What seemed like a simple virus now turned into a fully blown undead epidemic. She had called for help from the Griffins, the Yaks, the Caribou, from all surrounding countries and each one refused to send troops or any aid. It seems that Equestria is alone in this conflict.

For now at least...

Several kilometers away from Canterlot Bravo Company were resting aboard their birds. Most Marines were checking their weapons, making sure they were operating at peak efficiency. Medics were tending the wounded, wrapping cuts, scrapes and other bloody messes in several layers of gauze before securing it with medical tape. Major Jenkins and Captain Urbani on the other hand were... Introducing themselves to the local populous, Princess Twilight and her friends to be more precise.

"I believe we haven't introduced ourselves properly." Began Jenkins.

"I believe so." Replied Twilight while extending her hand. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. And these are my friends, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Discord."

"... I'm Major Jenkins, active CO of Bravo Company, 5th Marines, callsign "Archangel"." Smiled Jenkins while he shook her hand. "This is my second in command, Captain Urbani. I'm pleased to meet you all."

"Hey! You left us out!" Came a young southern voice.

Everybody's attention was diverted to the source. Three young fillies were sitting on the floor pouting. One had a snow white coat of fur, had different shades of purple in her mane and tail while having a horn on her head. Another had light yellow fur and red hair, the one on the right had an orange coat for fur and purple hair. She however had wings attached to her back.

"I'm sorry girls. Major, I would like you to meet Applebloom, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo."

"Hello there!" Spoke Jenkins as he extended his hand. The three shrunk backwards and looked away from the figure in a mask. "its alright kid, I don't bite."

"Um... Hi?" Whispered Applebloom as she slowly shook his hand. The other two followed suit.

The group sat there in silence for a couple minutes, each minutes seemed like forever. The silence was broken as Twilight cleared her throat. "W-well first off I would like to thank you and your troops for assisting in the evacuation. If it weren't for you we would't have made it out of their alive."

"Its not a problem ma'am, we're just doing our job."Thanked Jenkins.

"Just out of curiosities sake, what are you?" Asked the princess.

"Well your highness, we are humans." Replied Jenkins as he took off his head gear, Urbani followed soon after. "Homo Sapiens if you want to get scientific."

"Did you say h-humans?"

"Yes I did ma'am. Is there are problem?"

"N-no! Of course not! Its just that your kind were just a myth, an ancient tale written in books and texts created thousand of years ago!"

Jenkins and Urbani looked at each other, worry crossed their faces. "We used to exist on this planet?" Questioned Urbani.

"According to the sources I read I would assume so." Clarified Twilight. "This day has been full of surprises hasn't it?"

"It sure has been ma'am." Concluded Jenkins. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you? Let alone where are we?"

"We're ponies and you're currently in Equestria."

"Equestria huh? Guess we're not on Earth anymore are we?" Joked Jenkins.

"Afraid so sir." Replied Urbani with a slight chuckle.

"And I take that you are the ruler of this land?"

"Actually no, i'm one of four Princesses. There is Princess Celestia, Princess of the sun, Princess Luna, Princess of the moon and Princess Cadence, the Princess of love." Cleared up Twilight.

"Major! We're coming up on a large structure, ETA ten mikes." Notified the pilot.

"What large structure?" Replied Jenkins.

"Appears to be a castle sir."

"Bloody hell its massive..." Trailed the co-pilot. "What is that place?"

"That is Canterlot, home of the two Royal sisters."

"Sir we have a problem..."

"What is it?"

"How are we gonna land?"

Celestia sighed as the last noble on the morning appointment list left the throne room. She slid down in her seat in defeat, dealing with snobbish nobles is one thing, but dealing with zombies at the same time? Thats a one way ticket to Tartarus. The throne door opened with a slight creek, the two guards positioned at the entrance snapped at attention as Princess Luna walked by greeting the soldiers. Her slippers echoed through the spacious room.

"Hello dear sister." Began Luna. "Are you alright? You seem exhausted."

"Hello Luna." Groaned Celestia. "I'm alright... I think."

"Day court seems to be going well." Commented Luna.

"Luna I can't tell if your being sarcastic or plain stupid." Muttered Celestia. "Perhaps both."

Luna gave out a slight giggle. "You know me to well sister."

"Any progress in the labs?"

"Afraid not, the scientists have hit another dead end. Nothing is working"

"If this keeps up..." Mumbled Celestia. "It would be the end for all of us."

"Don't think like that sister!" Gasped Luna. "Surely we'll have a breakthrough, its just a matter of time."

"If only that were true." Luna rolled her eyes.

"Any word from Princess Twilight?"

"Nothing, I just hope she-" Celestia was suddenly cut off as the throne doors were slammed open. A pegasus guard stumbled into the throne room sweating and gasping for air. He collapsed onto the cold marble floor, the two guards were stunned at first came to the aid of the exhausted pegasus. One of them called for a medic. "Guard, what is wrong?" Questioned Celestia.

"I-its- its outside!" Coughed the guard. Celestia and Luna exchanged worried looks.

"What is outsid-" Spoke Luna but was cut off as there was a distant whupping.

"L-large metal birds, b-black in color, coming form P-ponyville." Celestia and Luna shot up as the guard mentioned the town. Soon a light brown mist swirled in front of Celestia, and with a pop appeared a rolled up letter. She opened the letter and read.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am most glad to inform that the evacuation of Ponyville as a success, though not all townsfolk made it out alive. We are currently on our way to Canterlot, it would be best if you could set some medical crew right away, some pony's injuries are very severe and require surgery. Oh and one more thing, don't be afraid of the large metal birds outside... I've received some help from a fellow neighboring country. So don't be alarmed if they seem a little... Hostile!

Yours truly,
Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"What is it sister?" Questioned Luna.

"... Its Twilight." Replied Celestia. "Guard! I want medical teams ready at the gardens!"

"At once your Highness!" Replied a guard as he exited the throne room in a flash.

"Is she alright?"

"She is... But she has company."

"Circle around one more time." Ordered Jenkins as he observed the commotion bellow them. "Perhaps she didn't get the message or something."

"Copy. Circling round, standby." Replied the pilot. With a slight jerk of the joystick the Black Hawk turned right at a step angle circling one of the towers. "Sir! I got eyes on what seems to be several medical teams in the gardens. Should we land?"

"Affirmative." Instructed Jenkins. "bring us down in front of them."

"Yes sir. This is Vortex 1-1 going in for landing." Announced the pilot

"Copy Vortex 1-1, Vulture 1-2 and 1-3 will provide overwatch." Replied Vulture 1-1.

"Five seconds. Flaring for landing." The Black Hawk slowed down it's decent as the ground seemed to rise towards them. Nearby vegetation began to rustle madly as the helicopter got closer to the ground. The ponies nearby covered their faces in an attempt to protect them from the overwhelming wind. "Touch down in three... Two... One... Down."

"Go Go Go! Secure the perimeter!" Barked Captain Urbani. Two fire teams of Marines jumped out and began to secure the site. Nearby guardsponies responded by surrounding the helicopter at spear point. "Hold Fire! Do not engage unless fired upon!"

"H-halt! Drop your weapons!" Ordered one of the guards.

"We'll drop ours when you drop yours!" Retorted a Marine.

"We'll never submit to some outsider!"

"Unless you want a belly full of hot lead I suggest you comply!" Shot back another Marine as he leveled his rifle with the closest guard. Several guards shuddered at the sudden threat.


Everybody froze at the sudden usage of the Royal Canterlot voice. Jenkins, Urbani and pretty much anyone within seventy five meters or so were holding their ears in pain. Twilight on the other hand was panting, her fists were still clenched by her sides.

"U-uh Twilight?" Whispered Fluttershy as the flicked her ears. "Are you alright?"

"Yes... I'm...Fine." Wheezed Twilight.

"Ughhhh, my bloody ears hurt like hell..." Muttered Jenkins. "Urbani, you good brother?"

"M-mop... Mop... Mop mop..." Stuttered Urbani. He fell on all fours clearly still disoriented. He eventually rose back up but stumbled a bit "Feels like the first time a got flash banged. Not. Fucking. Pretty."

Silence soon filled the air, apart from the roar of the Black Hawk's engine and the occasional flyby of the other helicopters. It was eventually broken as Jenkins stepped forward and cleared this throat. "How about we worry about introductions later and get the wounded civvies? Sound good?"

"You dare make a suggestion in front of us guards!?" Scoffed a guard. "I suggest you keep it to yourself, ape."

"Alright alright, I see. How about I talk to your leader?" Replied Jenkins calmly.

"Did you hear what I just said monkey!? Keep them to yourselves-." A sudden burst of light and magic appeared in front of the guards. Like as if someone tossed a flashbang, but minus the 'bang'.

"Princess Celestia!" Said all the girls in unison. They and the guards bowed, the Marines however just stood there. Some rubbing their eyes, and others were blinking frantically. The one they call Celestia had a white coat of fur, a mane that had three shades of color that swayed majestically in the air, maybe from the propellers of the Black Hawk? She also had a horn and a pair of wings, and was tall, possibly 6'5, just an inch taller than Jenkins and Urbani.

"You may all rise, my little ponies." She said in a motherly tone. Twilight spoke up.

"Did you receive my letter?" She questioned. Celestia nodded.

"Yes I did, and I'm anxious to meet them." Celestia said. She looked behind the Elements and saw them standing patiently. Celestia began to walk slowly towards them but was cut off from several guards.

"Princess please forgive my intrusion, but we simply can't just trust them on the spot!" Protested a guard. "we don't know what they are capable of."

"I understand your concerns Sergeant. But there is no time for debate, as we speak there are wounded ponies in dire need of medical attention." Replied Celestia. "Just treat the wounded, I'll deal with the details." The Sergeant was hesitant at first but complied.

"As you wish, your highness." He bowed and signaled the others to stand down.

Celestia began to walk towards the Marines. Every Marine steadied their weapons at the Princess and the guards, watching their every move. The air grew more and more tense as Celestia stepped closer to the masked figures. She stopped just a few feet short of what she assumed would be the commanding officer and cleared her throat. "Are you the commanding officer here?"

Both figures looked at her with wide eyes. Then the figure on the left pointed to the figure on the right causing him to facepalm. He removed his helmet and clipped it onto his belt while he placed his gas mask into a pouch. The figure then extended out his hand for a handshake. "Major Jenkins 5th Marines, Bravo Company. Pleased to meet you ma'am."

"Pleased to meet you too Major." Smiled Celestia and returned the gesture. Her eyes then fell on the left figure. "And you are?"

"Captain Urbani ma'am. Second in command of Bravo Company." Came Urbani as he shook hands with the Princess. "As much as we would like to continue introductions, we got civvies to treat."

"Off course Captain, but where exactly are you dropping them off?" Questioned Celestia.

"Right here ma'am. Do you have medics?" Replied Urbani. "Some require immediate medical care."

"They're just waiting at the door." Gestured Celestia. Urbani and Jenkins looked over at the medical teams. Several ponies in white uniforms stood there with stretchers and medical equipment. some of them had fear cover their faces as they obsered the newcomers.

"Very good, we'll get our men to setup LZ's." Spoke Jenkins. "Marines! Mark potential LZ's with red flares! Get me Whiskey 1-1 on the line!" Marines holstered their rifles and began to spread out while igniting narrow cylindrical tubes and tossing them onto large patches of grass. A Marines handed over a Radio to the Major. "Whiskey 1-1 this is "Archangel" how copy? Over."

"I hear you loud and clear "Archangel". Send traffic." Replied Whiskey 1-1.

"Whiskey 1-1 we are marking LZ's with red flares. Approach from the South East and advise caution, its pretty tight."

"Copy "Archangel". Approaching from the South East. ETA 1 minute." In the distance several Chinooks began to swing around and begin their final approach. Their propellers whisked up lose dirt and leaves as well as blowing branches and bushes in odd directions. "Two hundred AGL, flaring for landing."

Each Chinook bounced and slid forward a few feet before coming to a full stop. Several ponies were started as the wheels made first contact on the ground. Slowly the rear doors began to lower, exposing the contents of the Chinook. Each Chinook was filled with multi colored ponies that ranged in height, age, gender(no shit) and severity of injuries. Crew Chiefs stepped out and began guide the civvies safely away from the helicopter. Marines then directed them towards the medics which began to treat them.

Within minutes the entire garden was in utter chaos, doctors, nurses and medics were bouncing back and forth between patients. The sound of crying children and screams of immense pain filled the air. Guards from different corners of the castle converged onto the gardens to investigate the commotion and soon grew sickened at the sight, some even threw up. Black Hawks began to land and the dismounting Marines joined in the chaos.

Celestia, the Main six, CMC and Discord watched from the distance as hell broke loose in the Gardens. Apache helicopters flew overhead as they patrolled the area with their fingers on triggers. Celestia sighed. "This is even worse than I thought." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Dear sister what is with all... This... Commotion?" Spoke a shocked Luna. "Who are the ones in greenish brown cubed clothing?"

"I'm not sure sister, but we'll figure out soon enough."

Hours later the chaos and confusion began to cease, though the smell of death still lingered around. The castle infirmary was overfilling with the injured. Hallways were filled with ponies, each bore expressions of sorrow, fear, pain or... Whatever, you get the jest. The Princesses were accompanied by the Main six, Spike, CMC, good ole Discord, Captain Scorch and Bravo company's commanders. They walked down the hall examining the endless lines of civilians. None of which bowed or even acknowledged their precise.

The group were then intercepted by a doctor. He was a unicorn with had a brown mane, caramel fur, blue eyes and stood about 5'11. His surgical apron was coated with crimson blood. He took a breath before speaking up. "Y-your highness!"

"Doctor Cross! What is with the sudden rush?" Spoke Celestia in her motherly voice. "Is there something wrong?" Doctor Cross took several more deep breaths before straitening his posture.

"There is no problem your highness." Panted Cross. "I just wanted to deliver the report." He handed a clipboard that had a full page of writing.

"Thank you doctor." Smiled Celestia. "Have all the townsponies been checked for bites?"

"More than three quarters have been checked. None seem to house any bites." Replied Cross. "We're just finishing up with the last few-"

An ear piercing scream filled the air as the sound of falling equipment echoed through the hall. Everybody perked up at the sudden commotion. "He's infected!"

"Get him off of me!!"

"Somepony get the guards!"

Jenkins and Urbani were the first to respond. Their heavy footsteps echoed through hall, ponies that were standing in the hall stuck their backs to the wall. As they turned the corner they suddenly stopped in their tracks. A blue stallion that was covered in blood was snarling as it tried to aim for it's prey's neck. Everybody around it was backing away, none seemed intent on saving the unfortunate soul. Blood from it's mouth began to spray across the targets face. The nurse tried her best to push him off but to no avail. Urbani, acting off of instinct, ran towards the infected and slammed his M4 buttstock straight into it's side. It flew off the nurse and landed several feet away. Ponies backed away to avoid the oncoming infected projectile. The zombie stubbled onto it's feet as it locked onto Urbani, It snarled showing it's bloody teeth. Urbani steadied himself and got into a defensive stance. The zombie began to jog towards Urbani, flailing it's arms and snapping its jaws. Urbani pulled back his right fist and-.


The zombie recoiled at the sudden hit of a bullet. The sudden gunshot caught everyone off guard, they looked towards the figure behind them. Jenkins stood there, wielding his pistol in his right hand. The zombie regained it's composure, but before it could take a step forward it was hit by another bullet.


The bullet impacted it's left shoulder. Jenkins began to walk forward, increasing his pace every time he fired a shot. Soon enough Jenkins was within arm distance with the zombie. It went for a lunge but Jenkins stepped left, narrowly missing it's reach. Jenkins then connected his right foot with it's knee, an audible crack sounded as the boot shattered the bone. With the zombie in a crippled state, Jenkins grabbed its head and slammed it against the wall, cracking the wall and leaving a red mark. The zombie let out a croak, Jenkins once more slammed it against the wall before letting it crumble to the floor. The zombie, now sprawled on the floor seemed dead. Everyone except Urbani sighed in relief, the two Marine officers knew this trick too well. Playing dead, Jenkins raised his right foot and smashed it into the floor. As expected, the zombie's head exploded. Blood, bone and brain matter painted the walls and floor. Everybody grew sick at the site, some even threw up.

Both princesses had their mouths agape at the scene. Rarity and Applejack covered their sister's eyes from the sight. All eyes were now on Jenkins. He lifted up his foot and began to shake off some brain matter. As he lifted his head up he realized he was the center of attention. Urbani couldn't help but chuckle. Jenkins gave a questionable look before asking.


Chapter 3

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In the throne room 2 hours later...

"I can't believe you killed him so brutally!" Blurted Rarity while massaging her temples.

"I can't believe we're still talking about this." Muttered Jenkins. "He was infected, I had no choice!"

"Y-you could not have... S-smashed his head in..." Whispered Fluttershy. "He was already dead."

Jenkins held his hands behind his head as he paced in circles. This head throbbed in pain thanks to the complaints of every single pony. All who were standing before the thrones, except for Princess Celestia and Luna.

It's complete bullshit, sure I could have just shot the fucker. But might as well save a bullet... Right? Stepping on zombie heads was a common thing, now at least. Whats wrong with that? Thought Jenkins.

"You guys don't get it do you?" Questioned Jenkins. Everybody turned their attention to the Major. "How zombies function? How to successfully combat them?"

"Are you saying that our tactics are ineffective, Major?" Growled Luna. "That infected stallion was already dead before you crushed his face

"I'm not saying your tactics were absolute shit." Retorted Jenkins. "All I'm saying is that you lack knowledge against the infected. In order for a zombie to be "dead" you have to destroy the brain. By any means necessary."

"But you bashed that guy's head in against the wall. Isn't that enough?" Questioned Rainbow Dash.

"I'm not sure if this implies with your zombies. But, the virus infects the brain stem and begins to shut down major organ thereby killing you rather slowly. The process may take several minutes to a day."

Everybody's attention including the guards were glued to Jenkins. Twilight was busy scribbling notes down, so was Luna.

"After successfully killing you the virus begins to reactivate your brain." Continued Jenkins. "It only activates your movement, your hunger and some other things but. It doesn't bring back what make you human, or ponies in this case. All your memories, thoughts and all that stuff is long gone. They only focus on infecting and feeding."

"T-that sounds... Terrible." Commented Fluttershy.

"Once your bit, you're as good as dead."

"Surely they react to pain, don't they?" Questioned Twilight. Jenkins shook his head no.

"No, the virus shuts down the pain function. No matter how much lead you pump into them , no matter how you hit them they will still remain active." Jenkins leaned against a pillar and crossed his arms. "Only destroying the brain will stop them. Like how I did with the guy earlier."

"But crushing his head is just overkill." Injected Rainbow.

"Zombies may look and act stupid but they can be smart." Noted Jenkins. "They can play dead and once you close enough they jump you and bite you. They also form hordes, and those could number in the hundreds. Even with our weapons we can't stop them."

Everybody in the room went quiet. Absorbing all the information that they heard. "We really don't know what we are dealing with, are we?" Whispered Celestia. "Major, I know this is too much to ask for but. Will you help us in our endeavor?"

Jenkins just stood their, baffled by Celestia's request. "Ma'am were only a company strong. And your asking me to get my Marines to fight off thousands of infected? I'm sorry, but thats impossible."

"Major we both face a common enemy, lets work together so peace could be restored to Equestria." Celestia stood up and approached the Major. "Please, no other nation can offer support."

"Even if we were to help you. Our weapons would be rendered useless when they run out of ammo." Replied Jenkins. "Our helicopters will run out of fuel and remain grounded. We can only last a couple of hours of non-stop combat before we run out of supplies and resort to hand-to-hand combat."

"Major, hand me one of your "ammo" things." Jenkins complied and threw one of his M4 mags. Celestia caught it with her magic and inspected it.

"Sir, what do you think she's gonna do with it?" Whispered Urbani. "Is she gonna duplicate it or something?"

Celestia's horn began to grow brighter as the aura surrounding the mag began to grow brighter too. After small audible pop and the aura slowly disappearing, both officers found themselves with their mouths wide open. There, standing in mid-air were two M4 mags.

"How... what?" Stuttered Urbani.

"Simple duplication spell." Answered Celestia before handing back both mags to Jenkins. "don't you have magic in your world?"

"Magic in our world are only illusions and simple cards tricks. But nothing of this magnitude." Replied Jenkins. "Well that solves our ammo problem."

"So will you help us?" Jenkins and Urbani looked at each other. Both unsure how to reply, they began to talk amongst themselves. After several minutes of deciding they faced Celestia.

"We will help you." Celestia and the others could't help but smile. "But under one condition." Then their faces went neutral. "Send us back to our world once its over."

"... There might be a small problem with that." Jenkins and Urbani's face went pale.

"I'm sorry but what?"

"Creating those kinds of spells are very difficult. Not even us Alicorns are able to cast one."

"Surely there is a way to send us back?"

"Even if we were to cast one, the probability of sending you back to your world is below fifty percent." Jenkins slumped against the pillar, shocked of what he was told. Urbani on the other hand was furious.

"Then how were you able to pull us from our world to your world?" Questioned Urbani.

"The spell I casted with some help from Discord was a prototype cure spell. It was intended to wipe out the virus from within in the host, but somehow it turned out to he a mass teleportation spell." Answered Twilight.

"This is just perfect." Joked Jenkins. "Trapped in a world with pastel colored ponies, zombies and other unthinkable things. Great, wonderful, fan-fucking-tastic. Just... FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC, THANK YOU GOD!!"

Everybody flinched at the sudden surge of volume. "Sorry... Just give me a minute." Jenkins exited the throne room and turned down a random hallway. Urbani followed suit afterwards.

"Are they going to be alright Celestia?" Asked Twilight.

"Let them be, they just need time." Replied Celestia.

"This is bullshit." Muttered Jenkins as he walked down the hall. "On mission to rescue civvies, gets teleported to another world, rescues some ponies and expected to help them with their problem. Fucking BS."

"Major! Stop, this isn't you." Shouted Urbani as he caught up with Jenkins. "I know how you feel, I feel the same way too. But from what I learnt is that don't ever let your feelings interfere with work." Jenkins stopped in his tracks. Urbani was right, having personal feelings mixed with your job can lead to poor judgments.

"But this isn't fair." Muttered Jenkins. "What will the men say? When they hear that we have no chance of getting back home? And even if we do get back home, how much would have changed?"

"I know bro, I know." Assured Urbani as he placed his arm on Jenkins shoulder. "We'll think of something, somehow." Jenkins couldn't help but smile. "Either way, I'm with you till the end of the line."

"I'm glad to have a brother like you, Joseph." Jenkins and Urbani bumped heads. "Really, I am."

"Same here bro. Same here." The two embraced each other, only to be interrupted but thundering footsteps. Well, more like hoovesteps. A light grey pegasus stallion in golden armor stopped before them. "Whats the problem?"

"T-the Princess requests your precise in the throne room, sir." Stammered the Pegasus. "Immediately sir."

"Very well, lead on." Replied Jenkins. And the three sped back towards the throne room.

"I thought everypony was checked before boarding the train?" Question Luna. "Isn't that so Captain?"

"My thoughts exact your highness." Replied Captain Scorch. "It is possible an infected individual boarded the train secretly."

The throne room doors were swung open as the grey pegasus guard and the two humans returned. "I brought them as you requested your highness." Spoke the guard.

"Thank you guard, you are dismissed." Replied Luna. The guard nodded and exited the room, shutting the doors behind him.

"What seems to be the problem Ma'am?" Began Jenkins. Luna looked towards her sister, unable to form words. "Ma'am?"

"We... had lost contact with the train leaving Ponyville." Began Celestia. "This was their last transmission." Celestia's horn glowed as she levitated a green gem the size of a quarter. "This may be disturbing for some of you." She them pressed play and the gem began to glow.

"This is Sergeant Storm to anypony receiving this! The train heading to Canterlot is carrying infected!" Began a male voice. "I repeat! The train heading to Canterlot is carrying infected! Tram cars four to eight are filled with them, we're barely holding them back. Please send help!"

"They're breaking through!" Shouted another voice. The audible moans and groans of the infected began to get louder and louder. "Get the civilians to the front of the train!"

"Shit... We got a runner!" Came a third voice, this one sounding female. "Eveypony back!" Then a loud bang rang out as what could have been the door fell down. Screams and crying could be heard but were soon tuned out as it was overwhelmed by the moans of the dead.

"Please... Send help. AGH!!" Gasped the first voice before being cut off by the sound of tearing flesh. Then the audio ended.

Everybody remained quiet as the gem finally lost its glow. Fluttershy began to cry knowing that ponies were being killed, eaten as they stood there. Applejack took off her hat and looked at the ground, Pinkie Pie's mane slightly deflated and began to fiddle with her fingers. Rarity held her sister in her arms while supporting the same expression as the others, sorrow.

The silence was eventually broken as Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Well!? What are we waiting for? We need to help them!" She began to leave for the door before being cut off by Twilight. "What are you doing?"

"Rainbow, I understand you want to help them." Replied Twilight. "But your just one pony, how much progress will you make?"

"More progress than just standing here." Shot back Rainbow. "If nopony is going to help them, then I will." Rainbow looked back at the others. "So who's with me?"

"Count me in." Answered Applejack. She stepped forward with her arms crossed. "Big Mac and Granny are on that train, a'h ain't waitin any longer."

"Same here." Spoke Scorch. "It is our duty as guards to protect Equestria and her citizens. And we will gladly lay down our lives to do so."

One by one everybody agreed to save the ponies on the train, all but Jenkins and Urbani. "Major, will you help us?" Asked Celestia. The two humans looked at each other, both deep in thought. Jenkins gave out a grunt before speaking up.

"Count us in Ma'am." Answered Jenkins. "Lets show these undead fuckers how we operate."

"Oorah sir, oo-fucking-rah." Commented Urbani. "I'll get the men ready."

"Thank you Major. You don't know how grateful we are." Thanked Celestia. "How can we ever repay you?"

"There is no need for repayment Ma'am. We're just doing our job."

And with that the group set out for the gardens.

10 minutes later.... Canterlot Gardens.

After the two hours of chaos has ended, the Marines began to set up camp. Most of them were either resting, cleaning weapons, eating chow or just observing their location. None of them spoke to the ponies, apart from the medics. Both parties eyed each other cautiously as they spoke amongst themselves.

"God, I'm so fucking tired." Spoke a Young Marine Private. "Dealing with zombies is one thing, but dealing with a first contact situation. Not my thing." He laid on the snowy ground, arms behind his head, getting some much needed rest.

"You and me both man." Another Private spoke up. "This wasn't in our job description. I signed up to fight for freedom, not zombies or talking to pastel horses." He placed a dirty rag down and began to piece back his M16A4.

"Will you two shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep here." Groaned a Corporal. "You've been saying the same shit for the last five minutes."
He tilted his helmet over his eyes to shield it from the sunlight and shifted in this prone position. "Just get over it."

"Come on Corporal, the thought had to come up somehow." Said the first Private as he nudged the Corporal. Only to be met with a solid punch in the shoulder. "Ow!"

"Shut your mouth." Replied the Corporal in a low voice. "And yes, I have thought about it. But it doesn't matter now, leave it to the CO to get us out of here." The Private rubbed his left shoulder and sighed. He looked this his right and saw both Major Jenkins and Captain Urbani alongside several other ponies. Some had horns, wings, or both.

"Speaking of CO's." Motioned the Private. "Theres the Major."

"Who are the tall blue and white ones?" Gestured the second Private.

"Maybe the leaders?" Replied the first. "Man they have an impressive rack and assets."

"Yeah." Agreed the rest of the squad in unison.

"Alright, cut the chatter boys." Came the Staff Sergeant. "Keep your dicks in your pants and your thoughts to yourselves. Lets make a good impression."

"Aye Staff Sergeant." Jenkins spoke something to Urbani and knotted. He stepped forward and took a breath in.

"COMPANY! FORM UP!" Bellowed the Captain. All Marines lifted their heads up at Urbani's voice.

"You hear him Marines! MOVE IT!" Ordered First Sergeant Butterfield. The Marines complied and grabbed their gear as they rushed into formation. "All platoons are reporting in sir!"

"Very good First Sergeant." Captain Urbani shifted his attention to all the others. "Alright listen up and listen good! I understand the amount of shit going on through your minds. But I don't give a flying fuck about that, why? Cus good old Major Jenkins here is gonna fix it."

"Thank you for the introduction Captain." Commented Jenkins. "Marines! I would like to introduce the two current rulers of this nation." Jenkins gestured toward Luna and Celestia. "Meet Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." The Marines shifted their attention to the two Alicorns. "Ma'am."

"Thank you Major." Celestia stepped forward. "Firstly I would like to thank you all for your involvement in the evacuation of Ponyville. But I will require your services again." Murmurs flowed amongst the crowd. One Marine objected.

"Why should we help you?" The Marine stepped forward, arms crossed. "Whats in it for us?"

"Yeah... What do we get out of this?" Spoke another Marine. "A trip back home?" Soon enough other Marines began to speak their minds. Celestia tried to calm them down but to no avail. Several of her guards formed a defensive line in front of her, spears and swords drawn. Marines returned the gesture by cocking their rifles and pistols and taking them off safety. Both parties began to throw insults and threats at one another.

"Oh for fuck sake." Moaned Jenkins. He pulled out his M9 and fired a single shot into the air. Both sides immediately ceased their bickering and stared at the young Major. He then holstered his pistol and walked in between both sides. "Marines! Stand down." Each Marine began to lower their weapons, some were reluctant. At the same time Celestia's troops lowered theirs. "Gentlemen, I don't give a fuck about what you think right now. But as we speak, there are civilians dying and transforming into the dead. It is our duty, our responsibility, to fight and protect those who cannot themselves. This world isn't as different as ours, we face a common enemy. If we are united, we stand. Divided, and we shall fall." Every Marine lowered their head and remained silent. Jenkins took this as his queue to continue. "Make no mistake. We may be just soldiers, we may be just Marines, we may not be able to make a difference in this world and ours. But we can sure as hell try.... So who will stand with me?"

Everyone in the gardens remained quiet, only the audible sound of nearby animals and the occasional flyby of a gunship could be heard. Urbani then broke the silence. "Count me in boss." He stood beside Jenkins. "Someones got to kill these guys." Jenkins smiled and nodded.

"Ah fuck it." Blurted First Sergeant Butterfield. "Not getting younger anytime soon." He walked up and stood on the left hand side of Jenkins. Marines began to whisper amongst themselves. Then one by one each Marine stepped forward.

"We're with you sir." Spoke a group of Marines.

"Can't let you have all the fun now can we sir?" Joked a Marine.

"Bring it on!" Shouted another. Soon enough, every single Marine in the company stood in front of Jenkins. Each one bearing a grin and a lust for blood.

"We're with you all the way sir." Spoke Butterfield. "Regardless of the consequences."

Jenkins couldn't help but chuckle. "Well then... Lets bring the pain."

Chapter 4

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Canterlot streets...

Canterlot... was just Canterlot. Filled with rich ass ponies that were CEOs of companies ranging from mining, trade, clothing, etc. Models, celebrities, basically the one percent. However it wasn't in its former glory for the past couple of weeks. More guards were patrolling the streets, supply lines were being cut, though some supplies were able to get through. All thanks to the infection. That was the main topic among the nobles, until 2 hours ago where black metallic birds flew over the city causing panic. Many nobles worried, scared, or out plain irritated. They approached the castle gates, eager for answers. For the past two hours nobles and news crew gathered outside the gates only to be blocked by several guards.

When the gates finally opened, they expected Princess Celestia or Luna to lighten their spirits with some good news. But instead, they were met with a horde of bipedal creatures in digital camouflage wielding black contraptions ranging in size. Each one ran in the general direction of the train station.

Noble screamed as they scampered away from the stampede. One of them turned around and spoke out loud with a male voice. "COME ON YOU APES! WANNA LIVE FOREVER!". News crews began to take pictures and drop notes in their notepads. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the others soon followed behind the horde but were stopped by the panicked stricken nobles.

Jenkins looked at Celestia with a smug grin. "Have fun Princess!" He commented before giving a two fingered salute and rushing off to regroup with the others. Celestia scowled at the comment, she tried to retaliate but was drowned out by the swarm of questions.

15 minutes later... Canterlot station...

"Set up the SAW here!" Shouted a Marine as he pointed behind a couple crates. The SAW gunner complied and began to position his MG's bipod in a fixed position.

"Created a Barrier with those luggages! Use whatever cover you can find!" Exclaimed another.

"Got a spare 40 Mike- Mike?" Asked a Marine Grenadier as he patted down his rig.

"Yea bro, here!" Answered a fellow Grenadier as he tossed 2 HE rounds. "Make it count!"

The Marines flooded the station and began to set up defensive positions along the end of the pavement. They hid behind crates, luggages, benches, anything that could provide decent cover. 1st platoon took the left platform, 2nd platoon took the right, 3rd split into two and set up a second line of defense behind the others. 4th platoon was stationed by the entrance of the station, denying anyone access to it. Jenkins observed as his Marines set up shop. The sound of bolts being racked back and the simple click of the fire selector were audible. Within 3 minutes of arriving at the station each Marine has set up a firing position.

The Princesses and the others soon arrived at the station. They were surprised to see all the Marines lined up in different combat stances. Some were crouching, some were prone and some were standing. But they all had their weapons locked and loaded, facing down the railroad. "Major, how does the defense go?" Questioned Celestia. "Are your troops in position?"

"Yes Ma'am, we're just putting up the final touches." Replied Jenkins. "First Sergeant Butterfield! Get snipers with Marine escort into those two buildings!" Jenkins gestured to two 3- story apartment buildings.

"Yes Sir!" Answered Butterfield. "You three, go with sniper team one!" The three selected Marines complied. "And you three, go with sniper team two! Move it!" The other three nodded in compliance too. Sniper team one approached their building's entrance, onlookers backed away a good distance from them. They stacked up on the entrance, prepared to breach.

"Breacher up!" Shouted Team one's leader. The breacher walked up towards the double doors, raised his right foot, and thrusted it forward. Both doors slammed open and the Marines stormed inside. The inhabitants screamed at the sudden commotion. At the same time, Sniper team 2 breached their building.

"Right side clear!" Shouted one Marine.

"Left side clear!" Shouted another.

"Lobby clear! Get to the third floor! Move!" Ordered Team one's leader. The squad began to scale the flight of stairs, every now and then a Marine would check their six, making sure they weren't gonna get flanked. A young colt, aged probably six or seven, peaked out his front door to check out the commotion. As he peaked out the door he came face to face with one of the Marines. The colt froze in place, unaware of what to do.

As the group passed by, the Marine sniper took notice of the colt's state. "Stay inside kid, it's gonna get noisy soon." Insisted the sniper, who was wielding and M9 with a laser attachment. The kid nodded and slowly backed into his homestead and closed the door behind him. Only to peak out again. The group reached the final door down the hall and prepared to breach. The squad leader tried to open the door, but only to be met with the rattling of a locked door. The breacher holstered his rifle and racked his Remington 870 shotgun, he aimed it at the door knob and fired once. The slug round tore through the door, absolutely demolishing the knob and sending wooden splinters flying in all directions. He then kicked down the door and then stormed the flat.

"Secure this area!" Commanded the squad leader as he gestured towards the bedrooms. "Snipers! set up by those windows!" The housed members of this room were gathered by the kitchen. The husband was ushering his wife and two kids behind him, he was a male unicorn with a light blue coat and brown hair. His wife, was a unicorn with a light pink coat and had curly white hair. Their two kids, both female unicorns were identical. Both consisted of violet hair, a white coat and blue eyes. All of them had fear cover their faces.

The father had a kitchen knife in his magical grasp. "S-stay back! I-I'm warning you!" He stuttered out. The three Marines, expect for the snipers drew their weapons on them. The squad leader lowered his rifle and raised both hands.

"Easy there man, just calm down." Spoke the Squad leader in a soothing tone. "we're not gonna hurt you. Just put the knife down and lets talk about this. Alright?" The Father showed no signs of backing down.

"Boss, just say the word and I'll drop him." Injected a Marine Private.

"Hold our fire!" He approached the unicorn stallion at a slow pace. "Easy buddy, theres no need for anymore violence." Step by step he grew closer and closer the the frightened stallion. He soon got within a foot on the floating knife. His right hand slowly grasped around the handle and held it tightly. The stallion struggled to keep possession but soon failed and the aura dissipated. The Marine then tossed the knife aside. "Sorry about barging into your home. Everything will be explained later, but for now. Stay down." The stallion and his family complied.

"Team 1 Team 2, this is "Archangel". Are you in position?" Crackled the radio.

"Archangel." This is Team 1. We are in position, over." Replied the squad leader.

"Archangel. " This is Team 2. In position and awaiting orders." Came Team 2's leader.

"Very good, hold current positions till advised otherwise. "Archangel" out."

"Very good, hold current positions till advised otherwise. "Archangel" out." Ordered Jenkins. "Ma'am, when does the train arrive?"

"Approximately 20 minutes." Replied Celestia. "We have some time."

"Appears that way." Jenkins lifted his radio to his mouth and spoke again. "Vulture 1-1, Vulture 1-2. This is "Archangel" how copy?"

"This is Vulture 1-1, solid copy sir." Replied Vulture 1-1.

"This is Vulture 1-2, ready for tasking sir." Answered Vulture 1-2.

"Vulture 1-1, 1-2. Your mission is to track the infected train and report it's current status. Usage of any weapons are currently off limits."

"Copy Archangel, we'll get it done. Vulture 1-1 out." The two Apache gunships flew overhead, gusts of wind began whisking up pieces of loose trash and other debris and scattering them in all directions. They became less audible as they flew further and further away from the capital.

As the birds flew over, the local populous were scared out of their wits. Some even screamed. Some nobles tried to get through 4th Platoon's defensive line to reach the Princesses. Only to be pushed back, or even punched back. Nobles began to insult and threaten the Marines, hoping they would chicken out and let them pass. Hell, even a noble, a male Pegasus in a black suit with a crimson red tie tried to push the Marines back. But received a blow to the head from a buttstock of a rifle. This action enraged the nobles even more.

Jenkins adjusted his focus towards the entrance/exit of the station. "Ma'am, you might want to deal with them." Suggested Jenkins. "They are currently interfering in a military operation. If they don't calm the fuck down, they will be removed with force." Celestia gave the Major a shocked look. She stood silent for a couple of seconds but before she could reply, she was cut off by Jenkins. "First Sergeant Butterfield!"

Butterfield ran up towards Jenkins and stood at attention. "You called for me sir?"

"Do me a favor." Butterfield gave his CO a questionable look. "Put them in their place." Jenkins gestured to the fussy nobles. Butterfield smirked.

"With pleasure sir." He delivered a crisp salute and walked towards the exit, cracking his knuckles.

5 minutes later...

"ETA to target, 30 seconds." Spoke Vulture 1-1 over the comms. Both gunships thundered above the railway leading out of Canterlot. Their eyes set on puffs of smoke floating in the air. "Got eyes on target."

"Copy, we'll follow you in." Replied Vulture 1-2 as he tailed Vulture 1-1. As both birds approached the train they were disgusted by the sight before them. As they flew alongside the speeding train, it's windows were covered in crimson red. One window had a bloody hand print. At the front 2 train cars remained of whats left of the survivors. The last of the guards were pushing the infected back with their shields and stabbing them with swords and spears. With each stab, bash and slash. Infected blood sprayed over them, coloring their golden armor in a red coat. The infected were pushing against each other, flaring their arm through open spots on the shields hoping to grab onto someone. They snarled and snapped as they kept pushing forward. As more and more infected joined in, the guards began to lose more ground. One guard saw the Apache gunships flying alongside them, he opened the window and began to wave at them. Other survivors realized this and began to follow his example.

"Jesus Christ." Breathed Vulture 1-1's pilot. "Archangel, this is Vulture 1-1. We've got eyes on the train."

"Copy Vulture 1-1, what do you see?" Replied Archangel.

"Infected are in all cabins apart from 1 and 2. The remaining survivors and guards will be overrun."

"Damn... Keep me posted-"

"Sir! With all due respect, we simply can't leave them like this!" Blurted Vulture 1-2's pilot. "They'll be killed!"

"We can't do anything! Its obvious that you cannot use missiles, and your 30 mike-mike has a large spray area. Not to mention the fragmentation!" Exclaimed Jenkins. "You'll hit the survivors!"

"... FUCK!.." Swore Vulture 1-2. "Copy that sir, we'll maintain surveillance. Vulture 1-2 out."

"Archangel" out."

Both gunships remained quiet, conflicted on what to do. The guard and survivors stopped calling out for them, all of them clearly out of breath. The gunships began to back away, showing no intent on getting involved. Some survivors pleaded for help, but their cries were drowned out the the thunderous roar of the Apaches. The survivors were on their own... For now.

Jenkins stood there massaging his temples while trying to figure out a solution. Urbani crossed the tracks and approached Jenkins. Both bore looks of frustration. Celestia, Luna, the Main 6 and the others waited patiently behind the Marine officers. The sound of footsteps approached behind them. "Excuse me ladies." Pardoned Butterfield as he slid through the group. "Sir!"

"Yes First Sergeant?" Replied Jenkins. As the Officers turned around, they were surprised to see Butterfield with a red handprint on his cheek.

"Civilians have been put in their place sir." Reported Butterfield. His arms were around his back, clearly hiding something. "Everything alright sir?" Jenkins and Urbani looked at each other, unsure on how to proceed. Butterfield gave a questionable look.

"First Sergeant, can I see you hands?" Questioned Urbani.

"Um.. Why is that sir?" Answered Butterfield.

"Hands. Now. "Ordered Jenkins. Butterfield complied. His khaki gloves were stained with blood, and it seemed pretty fresh too. Urbani faced palmed. Jenkins however sighed in frustration. "You did not just do what I think you did."

"... May have sir."


"He pushed me! I pushed him back!"

"That doesn't explain the bloody gloves!"

"He slapped me!"


"So? I punched his face in."

"How many times?"


"Really? Once?"

"... Ok maybe a dozen times."

"...Ugh." Jenkins looked behind him and saw the girls giving him questionable looks. " Just get him a medic alright? We'll talk about this later."

"Yes sir." First Sergeant Butterfield saluted and walked away.

"Get the men ready, the train will be here in less than 7 mikes."

"Yes sir!" Replied Urbani.

"Ma'am, you and the others might want to get to a safe distance." Gestured Jenkins.

"Why is that Major?" Questioned Celestia.

"Are you a fan of violence?"

"No, I am not."


5 minutes later...

"Stand fast Marines!" Exclaimed Jenkins. "Fire on my command!" Marines began to double check their weapons and aimed down the tracks. The audible sound of approaching gunships was drawing nearer and nearer. Soon the train was in sight, Vulture 1-1 and 1-2 began to circle behind the lines of Marines.

The train began to slow down, the screeching of its brakes against the tracks echoed throughout the station as it stopped just before the platforms. Then there was a moment of silence. Marines raised their rifles at the doors, ready to unleash a fury of lead into their foe. The doors then swung open. Survivors began to poor out, they ran towards the Marines, obstructing their view of the infected close behind them.

One by one as the infected exited the train, they began to slowly make their way to the platform. Blood dripped from their open wounds and mouths as they limped by. All but one of the survivors were clear of the kill zone, it was a mint green unicorn mare. Blood stained her white T-shirt and turquoise pants. She was struggling to walk, her right leg had a visible gash, blood slid down her leg soaking her fur with a crimson red mark. She reached her arms out towards Jenkins. She then collapsed onto the floor, she lifted her head and spoke. "H-help me... Please."

Jenkins frowned and raised his rifle. "Marines! OPEN FIRE!!" With those three words 1st and 2nd platoon began to unleash hell on the infected. Their 5.56mm rounds tore through the infected lines, blood and flesh we sprayed over the platform. Limbs were shot off, head exploded and sent brain matter flying everywhere. Celestia, Luna, Discord and the others watched in horror as the infected were cut down by the Marines.

The mare had her hands over her ears and was curled up in a ball, Jenkins began to navigate his way through the corpses firing his rifle in semiautomatic. He then grabbed the unicorn by the collar and began to drag her back towards the defensive line. She struggled at first but soon passed out due to exhaustion. "Cover the Major!" Shouted a Marine Lieutenant. Even when the Marines began to pump out more lead, more and more infected poured out the train.

"Vulture 1-1, Vulture 1-2!" Shouted Jenkins over the Radio. "Hit the train!"

"Copy that sir! Engaging targets!" Replied Vulture 1-1. The Apaches's 30mm cannon fixed itself onto the train cars. And with one pull of the trigger it left a sound forever burned into everyone's mind.


Round after round was sent into the train demolishing the insides. Infected still on board exploded into a bloody mess as the sheer force of the round tore through their bodies. Not to mention the fragmentation of their HEDP and HEI rounds. Within seconds after firing the roof of several train cars collapsed, crushing any of the infected inside. The Marines finished off the remaining infected outside the train.

Minutes passed as the shooting stopped, nothing but torn, bleeding bodies lay before them. Jenkins ejected his empty mag and slid a fresh one in before racking the bolt back. He looked behind him and saw all the ponies lay on the ground covering their ears. Jenkins walked up towards Celestia, his boots crunching bullet casings. Celestia poked her head up, only to see Jenkins bloody boots.

"I-is it over?" Questioned Celestia in a shaky voice.

"Yes Ma'am." Replied Jenkins. "Might wanna call the clean up crew."

"That was very... exhilarating Major." Commented Luna, while cleaning herself up.

Jenkins chuckled. "All in a days work Ma'am." Jenkins and several other Marines began helping up the others. Before they could view the scene before them, they were immediately lead out of the station. Jenkins walked back towards the mint green mare. "Medic, how is she?"

"She's stable for now sir." Answered the medic. "Apart from her gash, she doesn't have any visible cuts, bruises or bit marks. She's clean sir."

"Very good, check on the-" Jenkins was cut off as the green mare began to stir. She then opened her eyes slightly. "Hey there." She then went wide eyed and began to thrash around, both the medic and Jenkins restrained her. "Woah! Easy there Ma'am, just calm down alright." She shot a glare at Jenkins, her breathing was heavy and here eyes were bloodshot red. She then began to stabilize her breathing and leaned against Jenkins.

"W-where am I?" Questioned the unicorn in a soft voice. "What happened?"

"You're currently at Canterlot station." Answered Jenkins. "You're safe now don't worry. Whats your name?"

"Lyra, Lyra Heartstings."

"Alright Lyra, we're US Marines and we're here to help." Smiled Jenkins

"Wheres Bon-Bon?" Asked Lyra as she began to panic. "Bon-Bon!"

"Easy there Ma'am, who is Bon-Bon?" Lyra began to struggle against his grip. "Who is Bon-Bon?"

"She's my friend, we were both on the train during the evacuation."

"I'm sure she's alright-"

"Major!" Shouted a Marine Sergeant. "We still have infected!"

"How Many Sergeant?"

"One sir. However it's behaving erratically."

"What do you mean?" Jenkins began to stare down the Sergeant. The Sergeant gulped and continued.

"Most if not all infected are slow, however this one is more active." Jenkins raised his eyebrow. "Just take a look sir." Jenkins stood up and made his way towards the defensive line. Each Marine had their weapons trained on it, waiting for the order to blast it into bits. The Sergeant was correct, it was behaving erratically. It seemed more aware of its surroundings, it twitched at the sudden sound of noise. Before Jenkins gave the order to engage he was cut off by Lyra.


"Bon-Bon its me! Its Lyra!" Sobbed Lyra as she fought against the medic's grip. "Bon-Bon... Please snap out of it."

Bon-Bon, or rather whats left of her, adjusted her attention to Lyra. She took a step forward but crumpled towards the floor. "BON-BON!" Lyra elbowed the medic in the face causing him to lose his grip on her. Lyra sprinted towards Bon-Bon but was tackled by two other Marines. The commotion caught the attention of Bon-Bon. "Get off me!" Shouted Lyra. "Bon-Bon don't worry, I'm coming!"

Bon-Bon slowly got back up, blood dripped from her mouth and bite mark. Steady walks turned into jogs, But before anyone could get a shot off Bon-Bon broke into a sprint. Jenkins and several other Marines raised their rifles and began to fire. Round after round whizzed passed Bon-Bon, as soon as she was within a couple meters off of Jenkins, she pounced.


A bullet ripped through the air and impacted Bon-Bon mid jump. With the sudden hit, she fell back first onto the platform. She got back up and resumed her sprint but only to have her left leg shot clean off.


Jenkins looked behind him to see who shot the two rounds. None of the Marines even had their rifle raised after the first. Jenkins soon caught sight of sniper team one. He gave a two fingered salute. Lyra continued to struggle against the Marines grip, but to no avail. Lyra proceeded to cry even more. Only her sobbing and the roar of the gunships could be heard.

Bon-Bon struggled to get up, with every attempt she would always fall back down face first and let out a groan. Urbani walked up to Jenkins.
"Sir, you know what you have to do. "

"I know." Jenkins slowly walked up towards Bon- Bon, each step seemed to echo through his mind. Jenkins unholstered his pistol, switched off the safety and chambered a bullet. He slowly raised his arm up and aimed at Bon-Bon, Jenkins looked back at Lyra. Tears soaked her fur as she watched in vain, unable to do anything. Jenkins sighed and looked back at Bon-Bon. Her cloudy eyes bore into his, she clawed at Jenkins feet only to fall short a few inches.

"Please... Forgive me." Murmured Jenkins before pulling the trigger.

Chapter 5

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
North of Canada-US border
4 days after Bravo Company's disappearance...

Vancouver wasn’t faring well as the US, let alone the entire world. Vancouver YVR Airport and Boundary Bay Airport was filled with Canadian and American Citizens awaiting their turn to be evacuated North. Quarantine zones and checkpoints were overrun by rioters, undead or a mix of both. Canadian and American forces are in in full retreat as they blow up bridges and flood tunnels in an attempt to stall the undead advance. Any military or civilian personal left within Surrey, Delta or Langley will be left behind.

The 39th Service Battalion of the Canadian Armed Forces posted at Richmond began setting up defensive posts along the Fraser River, as well as planting explosive charges in the George Massey Tunnel. Along side them was The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, they too participated in setting up defensives.

In New Westminister, The Royal Westminister Regiment and The Rocky Mountain Rangers began their defensive operations at Annacis Island and Pattullo Bridge. A second defensive line was being built more deeper into New Westminister. At the Same time, The 39th Combat Engineer Regiment from Northern Vancouver was moving South to provide order and stability in the region. To support them, The 15th Field Artillery Regiment and The British Columbia Regiment (Armored Recon) were posted in Southern Vancouver.

As reinforcements, 1st Battalion of the 2nd Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group and A and B Squadron of Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Armored) of the 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade group are currently being flown into Vancouver from Edmonton and Ontario.

One thing was for certain, Canada, isn’t going down without a fight.

Vancouver, YVR Airport

Leopard 2 tanks and LAV III Infantry Fighting Vehicles drove off the ramps of their transport planes. Their tracks and wheels shook the Earth as they drove by in a single column. Onlookers stared in awe as they drove passed the terminals towards the temporary command post.

The reinforcements stopped outside a hanger, infantry began to disembark form the LAVs and form up for their briefing. Around them was chaos, flight crews were prepping CF-18 fighters for their next gun run. They loaded MK 83 bombs and CRV7 rockets to the wings and fuselage. Personal from the intelligence company were running around passing newly updated intel to their superiors.

Lieutenant Colonel Liam Murphy, Callsign "Black Rhino". The active commander of 1st Battalion, hopped off his LAV III checked over his gear. His second in command, Major William Huang joined him soon after. Their men exited their LAVs and began to line up into their companies. The LAV crewmen stayed inside their vehicles. "Glad to have my feet back on the ground sir." Spoke William. "Always hated flying."

"Don't you always?" Replied Liam. "Lets get this briefing over with."

"Lieutenant Colonel Murphy!" Shouted a voice. Both officers shifted their attention to the newcomer. It was Lieutenant Colonel Frank Brown Callsign "Gun Runner". Commander of the Lord Strathcona’s Horse. Beside him was his second in command, Major Ethan Robinson. The both of them walked towards Liam and William.

"Ah! Frank, how are you?" Questioned Liam.

"I'm doing fine Liam, nice of you to ask." Answered Frank. He looked down to check his watch, it read 13:59pm. "Hmm the advisor should be here by now to take us to the briefing."

"Lieutenant Colonel Murphy!" Called a male voice. A Corporal from the intelligence company company came running out the hanger. He stopped just short of Liam and began to catch his breath. "Apologies if I'm late sir, please follow me for the briefing."

"Very well Corporal, lead on."

As the officers followed the Corporal deeper into the hanger the more busy it got. Desks with piles of papers detailing latest reports on the frontline, marker boards with maps that showed recent troop movements. There were even several televisions broadcasting the latest news about the battle. In other words, it was all out hell. They then came to a stop in front of a marker board. "Wait here sir, the Lieutenant General will be here shortly." Requested the Corporal. Everyone nodded.

Before the Corporal left the officers alone a loud booming voice echoed throughout the hanger. "ATTENTION ON DECK!"

At that moment, everyone dropped what they were doing and stood at attention. Their eyes and bodies facing the new powerful voice. Over by one of the side entrances entered Canadian Lieutenant General Gibson and American Lieutenant General Miller. Following behind them were other senior officers and their escort.

"At ease! Carry on." Exclaimed Gibson. Everyone resumed what they were doing. The two Lieutenant Generals approached Liam and the others. Everybody stood at attention and gave a crisp salute. Both Lieutenant Generals returned the gesture.

"Gentlemen it is good to see you here safe and sound." Began Gibson. "But we can converse later, right now we need to focus on the situation at hand." Everyone around him nodded in agreement. He then walked up to the marker board. It was covered with a map, couple images and pieces of papers detailing their mission. "We have received orders from the highest authority, from the Prime Minister and the President themselves." Nearly everyone except for the two high ranking officers went wide eyed. Whatever this operation is, It. Is. Big.

"Sir?" Questioned Frank. "What exactly are we doing?"

"This is a US-Canadian joint operation." Stepped in Miller. "Code named: Red Paladin. Your primary objective is to escort Doctor Linda Croft while she conducts research and experiments near the frontline."

"With all due respect sir. Why do you require a full battalion of Mechanized Infantry and two squadrons of tanks to escort a simple doctor?" Breathed Frank. "Surely a squad from Joint Task Force 2 could get the job done."

"All members from JTF2 are escorting the Prime Minister and other members of importance." Continued Miller.

"What about the the troops on the frontline? They won't last long without reinforcements." Argued Liam. "And the civilians, they won't make it to the evacuation zones without support."

"Gentlemen I understand your frustration, but Doctor Croft's research might be able to develop a vaccine, or a cure. This is a opportunity we cannot miss, that is why we are sending you on an escort mission. You're secondary objective will be covering the evacuating civilians."

"But sir!" Exclaimed Liam.

"Those are your orders men. The future of the human race depends on it. If we fail, then humanity is at a lost." Ordered Miller. "Any questions?"

Everyone was silent at first, the entire human race depended on their success. Major William then spoke up. "Will there be any support sir?"

"I have A-10s on standby to provide CAS, all other assets are either destroyed or focused on other areas of the frontline." Advised Miller. "Anything else?"

"Where is this 'Doctor' sir?" Questioned Frank. Before Gibson and Miller could answer, someone behind them cleared their throat. As they looked behind them their Jaws hit the floor.

"I suppose you boys are looking for me?" Questioned Linda. Linda Croft was a 5'7 brunette around her thirties. She wore a black long sleeve blouse that hugged her upper body. Her slim legs had matching dark blue jeans and attached to it were black military grade knee pads. She wore black combat boots and one of them had a combat knife attached to it. Her right leg had a pistol holster that held a HK USP 45 with a compensator and flashlight attachment. Her left leg held extra mags and a couple flares. Her belt held a first aid kit, a pouch containing needles for blood sampling, a map, a compass and a canteen. A stethoscope hung around her neck, her hair was tied up into a ponytail and her rectangular glasses were placed on the tip of her nose. Which she gladly fixed with her khaki gloved hands. In other words, she was one heck of a beauty for a doctor.

"Well that answers your question." Chuckled Liam, only to receive cold glare from Frank.

"Gentlemen, you know your orders. Protect Doctor Croft at any cost, failure is not an option. Dismissed." Everyone stood up and proceeded to exit the hanger. Operation Red Paladin was a go.

Vancouver, BC
Highway 99, heading South
25 minutes into Operation Red Paladin

LAV IIIs, Leopard 2A4s and 2A6s thundered down Highway 99. Several buildings around them were bombed out and on fire, bodies of dead civilians laid about across the highway. Some bodies bore bullet holes, others bore stab wounds or heavy bruising from blunt force trama. No matter where you looked, there will always be a sight of death.

On the left side of the highway, hundreds of cars were jammed packed. Honking horns and road rage were somehow audible over the roar of the passing tanks and APCs. The police tried their best to conduct traffic but with every passing moment the situation worsened. Riots and civil unrest hampered the ongoing evacuation plan, even worse, civilians are using military grade weapons from overrun checkpoints to conduct some of these actions. Resulting in police and military casualties.

"Black Rhino" this is Command, what is your ETA to target? Over." Crackled the radio.

"Command this is "Black Rhino". ETA to target is 10 minutes, good chance of being delayed due to ongoing rioting. Over." Replied Liam.

"Copy "Black Rhino". Be advised, there is an ongoing riot just 450 meters ahead of you, local law enforcement are doing their best to clear the area. Standby." There was a brief moment of silence before he continued. "Local law enforcement are reporting multiple shots fired from civilians with military weapons. They are requesting immediate assistance."

"Copy that Command, we are on our way. "Black Rhino" out." Liam switched the frequency. "All units, there have been a slight change of plans. Operation Red Paladin is still a go, but they have just given us orders to settle down a riot. Usage of firearms have been authorized."

"Sir! we are approaching the riot now." Notified the LAV driver. Liam poked his head out of the hatch, bullets whizzed over his head as he tried to get a better view through the smoke of a nearby fire. Suddenly the LAV came to a stop, this caused Liam to jerk forward and expose this upper body.

"Jesus Christ! Are you trying to get me killed!?"

"Sorry sir! But there is an officer blocking the road!" Liam squinted his eyes through the smoke. He saw a police officer running towards them waving his arms. He them approached the LAV and began to climb onto it.

"Sergeant Phelps, Vancouver Police Department. Am I glad to see you guys." Panted the officer.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liam Murphy, Commander of 1st Battalion, 2nd CMBG. Whats the situation?" Asked Liam.

"Not well, not well at all. At least 30 maybe even 40 civilians packing some serious heat further up this road." Answered Phelps. "Multiple officers down but we're still holding strong." Liam cursed under his breath, he surveyed the area in front of him with his binoculars. What Liam saw matched the officer's description all to well. Officers and SWAT members were pinned down behind their vehicles by armed civilians. One officer with a C8 Carbine perked his head only to take a rifle round straight into his face. Small chunks and brain matter flew across the road as the officer slumped to the floor.

"Black Rhino" this is "Gun Runner". Whats the hold up? Over" Chimed the radio. "Black Rhino" Do you read? Over."

"Gun Runner" this is "Black Rhino", I read you. Rioting has blocked our route, Command has ordered us to intervene. Usage of weapons have been authorized." Replied Liam. "Requesting direct fire support. Over."

"Copy "Black Rhino", 2 Leopard 2A4s are on route, Callsign Foxtrot 1-1 and 1-2. "Gun Runner" out."

"This is Foxtrot 1-1, awaiting new orders." A Leopard 2A4 drove to a halt on Liam's left.

"Foxtrot 1-2 ready for tasking." Another Leopard 2A4 came to a stop on his right.

"Foxtrot 1-1 and 1-2, your mission is to provide direct fire support for local law enforcement. Sergeant Phelps will provide details." Liam nodded to Phelps. "Hop onto Foxtrot 1-1, they'll help you out."

"Thank you sir! I don't know--."


A round struck into Phelps's left shoulder, causing him to stumble. But before he could regain his footing, another 2 rounds struck him.

Plk! Tink!

The second round hit Phelps in the right shoulder and damaging a major artery. Blood gushed out his wound and partially sprayed over Liam. The third and final round hit Phelps straight on his head, it penetrated his riot helmet causing it to fly off covered in blood and brain matter. His lifeless body fell off the LAV and fell to the ground with a splat.

"Jesus Christ! Phelps!" Shouted Liam as he saw the officer fall to the ground. "Phelps is down! Foxtrot 1-1, 1-2 advance and eliminate hostile targets."

"Copy that, advancing." Answered Foxtrot 1-1. Both Leopard tanks began to advance into firing positions. Liam sunk into his seat and closed the hatch. It was going to get loud.

Both Leopard tanks stopped just short of the police officers. They were hiding behind their torn up police cruisers, Foxtrot 1-1's Commander opened his hatch and got the attention of one officer.

"Hey! Got a megaphone?" Shouted 1-1's Commander.

The cop replied. "Yeah! Here." He threw the megaphone up to the tank Commander. "Give em hell!"

1-1's Commander turned on the megaphone and increased to full volume. "Hello there!" Everyone on both ends stopped shooting. "This is the Canadian Armed Forces, please throw down your weapons and raise your hands above your heads."

There was a moment of silence before another voice piped up. "Go to hell ya bloody moose fucker! This is our town now!" A figure stood on top of a wrecked car waving his fist in the air while wielding an assault rifle.

The tank Commander sighed. "This is your last warning, drop your weapons and surrender! There is no need for more bloodshed."

"Oh shut up you syrup loving bastards! Can't you see we're doing the world a favor? Killing off the weak, and making room for the fittest! The world is sick, and we are her doctors."

The Commander chuckled. "Yeah... We'll see about that." The figure lifted his rifle and fired a shot at the tank Commander. The round scored a direct hit on the megaphone, instantly destroying it. "Well it seems like they wanna fight. Great." The Commander threw the megaphone away and secured the hatch above him. Bullets began to ricochet off the Leopard's turret and hull. "Loader, load HEAT. Gunner, adjust 20 degrees left, target hostiles behind that black SUV. Driver, advance 25 meters and hold.

"Round up!" Shouted the loader as the cannon breach was secured.

"Targets acquired!" Came the gunner as he fixed his sights on the SUV.

The tank then came to a sudden halt. "In position sir!"

Before the Commander gave the order to fire, the gunner spotted a figure beside the SUV. "What is that... OH SHIT! RPG!"
A rocket soared through the air and impacted directly into a police cruiser. The cruiser exploded in flames and was launched into the air. Shrapnel from the explosion flew in all directions killing and injuring nearby officers. The airborne cruiser crashed into the Earth crushing several officers, their blood was sprayed all over their fellow colleagues.

"Christ! That was not a RPG!" Shouted the driver. "Must have been a Javelin or something!" A news chopper flew overhead capturing the action, it's searchlight shined brightly onto the rioters effectively blinding them. A second figure appeared with another rocket launcher and tracked the helicopter. He then fired, the rocket sped its way up to the helicopter. The pilot immediately reacted by banking left, the rocket narrowly missed the main body but detonated on the tail. The helicopter began to spin out of control while trailing thick smoke from the damaged tail. The pilot tried desperately to regain control but to no avail. The helicopter then collided into a nearby office building causing a massive fireball, shrapnel from the fireball flew over the highway embedding themselves into the officers. A flaming helicopter blade that was a few meters long flew across the highway cutting a police officer in half.

"Gunner, FIRE!" Shouted the Commander.

"On the way!" The gunner slammed onto the trigger.


The 120mm smooth bore cannon fired, the HEAT round flew through the air at incredible speeds before landing directly into the SUV.


The HEAT round detonated on impact and sent burning shrapnel and flames into its forward trajectory incinerating the rioters who were unfortunately behind it. The shear force of the explosion launched the SUV a couple feet on its side. Foxtrot 1-2 fired their cannon and it had the same effect on their target. Then there was silence, apart from the screams of the wounded and the burning flames.

The remaining officers got out of their cover thinking the shootout was over, oh how they were wrong. A barrage of oncoming bullets tore through the exposed officers. Limbs were torn off and blood was sprayed all over the road as officers fell to the floor lifeless. A commandeered Humvee drove out of the smoke firing on the move. It's M2 Browning pounded the tanks but only left scratches.

"Gunner, hit that fucker with the coax." The gunner complied and began to unload 7.62 rounds from the coaxial C6 into the Humvee. Now under fire, the Humvee swerved to the right and smashed into a car. Foxtrot 1-2 fired their cannon and scored a direct hit, the Humvee exploded into flames as the fuel was ignited.

"Black Rhino" this is Foxtrot 1-2, area secure, all hostiles eliminated." Reported Foxtrot 1-2.

"Copy Foxtrot 1-2, regroup with the convoy and move out. "Black Rhino" out. Replied Liam over the radio. Both Leopard tanks began to move back into position. Once they were back in position the convoy moved out. This was gonna be a long day.

Canterlot, Equestria
Several days after the train station incident.

Ever since the incident at the train station, the Marines were on the front page of every newspaper and magazine. Jenkins himself was reading the newspaper. Its cover showed First Sergeant Butterfield punching a grey unicorn stallion in the face. Another newspaper showed Jenkins dragging Lyra back to the others while firing his M4 with one hand.

Jenkins sat in a foldable chair with his legs crossed over on the table. He was in his MARPAT Battle Dress Uniform, he sipped on a cup of coffee. Captain Urbani then entered the command tent. "Hey there Jenkins, what you reading there?" Questioned Urbani as he filled a cup of coffee.

"Oh hey Urbani. Just reading an article about us." Replied Jenkins.

"Really? What's it say?"

"Read it yourself." Jenkins threw the newspaper over the table and gently came to a halt. Urbani picked it up and began to read the title out loud.

"Alien Invasion!?' Seriously? What the fuck." Commented Urbani.

"Just read it."

"Fine." Urbani began to read out loud. "Citizens of Canterlot were sent into disarray as giant metal birds flew through the air at high speeds. These metal birds blew high winds from their feathers which caused a mess across several streets. The panic stricken citizens ran to the castle for answers, only to be blocked by the massive gates and surrounding guards." Urbani paused to catch his breath and continued. "Hours later the gates finally opened but before they could step a hoof into the complex, they were met with a stampede of masked camouflaged individuals."

Urbani tried to continue but gave up soon after. "Ah fuck this, just tell me in your own words, what did they say?"

"So you want the simplified version?" Joked Jenkins.

"Fuck you. Just tell me."

"Well after the 'stampede', they began to follow us. They saw us positioning inside the train station and some tried to get in. Thanks to Butterfield and his usage of force they stayed out. Once the train arrived and the gunfire erupted they thought we were executing survivors. Thankfully Princess Celestia soon after cleared up the situation."

"Alright, so what do they think of us now?"

"Well... Most of them are scared of us, some hate our guts, and a few like us."

"Doesn't sound that bad."

"What doesn't sound so bad?" Jumped in Celestia. Jenkins and Urbani scrambled to their feet and stood at attention. "At ease." Jenkins and Urbani relaxed their posture.

"Hello Princess, how are you?" Smiled Urbani.

'I'm doing fine Captain, thank you for asking." Replied Celestia. Urbani nodded.

"So what can we do for you Ma'am?" Questioned Jenkins.

"I understand that the public doesn't fully understand let alone appreciate your presence in Canterlot." Began Celestia. "Many are fearful of you and your men, mostly likely from your actions at the train station."

"Well, what do you propose we don Ma'am? Captain Urbani and I are blank on ideas."

"There will be a banquet held tomorrow and I have invited you two to come along to clarify you intentions."

"A banquet you say? Haven't been to one for a long time."

"Hopefully this one wouldn't be as different as the ones you experienced." Celestia held out two tickets. "These are you're tickets for entry. See you two tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow Ma'am." Celestia then teleported out the tent. "This is gonna be so much fun!"

"I sense sarcasm in that comment." Joked Urbani.

"I was being sarcastic you fucking idiot!" Retorted Jenkins before punching Urbani in the arm.

"Alright alright! I get it, Jesus!" Laughed Urbani. "If we're going to a banquet should't we get some suits?"

"Dude. Fuck that, we don't have time to get a suit. Just wear all our gear, show them we mean business."

"Fine by me, always hated suits anyway."

"Tell me about it."

Canterlot outskirts

The sun shined over the forest that lay between Ponyville and Canterlot, the wind blew through the trees gently. All seemed at peace, from up above at least. Down bellow where the sunlight was blocked out from the branches and leaves, was the undead horde from Ponyville, though slightly smaller in size thanks to the Marines. Their cries for flesh echoed through the forest, it has taken days for them to have traveled this far, one more should get them to the gates of Canterlot. One more till they will have their feast.

Chapter 6

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Highway 99, several kilometers North of Canada-US Border
1 hour into Operation Red Paladin

The convoy came to a halt outside a heavily guarded hospital which was occupied by a mix of Canadian and American troops. All around it were HESCO Bastion fortifications stacked in 3 units and each unit was 4 feet tall, and on top of the HESCO Bastion was barbed wire. At the front, back, and corners of the hospital were MG towers that had search lights attached to them. Along the wall were infantrymen armed to the teeth, snipers were posted on the roofs of the hospital wings. The hospital was an all out fortress.

MedEvac helicopters were taking off and landing at the helipads, taking severely wounded soldiers and civilians to other medical facilities North. The convoy entered through the front gate and began to fill up the car park. Dr. Croft's mobile laboratory was parked just by the one of the side entrances. She exited the mobile lab with a metal suitcase, she was then approached by Frank, Liam, William, and Ethan.

"Hello doctor, I trust you had a pleasant ride?" Questioned Frank.

"Well, if your version of pleasant was engaging 30 to 40 armed civilians with small arms and direct fire support. Then yes, I had a pleasant ride." Answered Linda. Everyone within earshot distance made a sour face. Who would have thought a hot doctor would be so spicy?

Before Frank could reply, the side entrance opened up. A doctor in a bloody medical gown walked towards them, beside him was an American Army officer followed by an escort. The bloodied doctor lowered his mask and offered his hand. "You must be Dr. Croft?"

"Yes, yes I am." Replied Linda as she shook his hand. "Were you briefed about our arrival?"

"Yes Ma'am, please follow me." Gestured the doctor. "This is Colonel Barkley of the 3rd US Infantry Regiment."

The tall man beside then tipped his helmet. "Pleased to meet you all, though I wish it was under better circumstances." Smiled Barkley. The group rounded the corner and were stunned by the scene before them. Before them was complete chaos, doctors and nurses were running around treating patients left and right. Blood was on the floor and on the wall, more and more patients were wheeled in, both military and civilian. They're injures ranged from blunt force trauma to full on amputations. A nurse jumped right in front them catching their attention. "Doctor! We need you right now!" Exclaimed the nurse.

The doctor sighed. "I'm sorry, but duty calls." The doctor adjusted his mask and followed the nurse.

"I wish I could accompany you to the infected ward, but I have to maintain my command over my regiment." Spoke Barkley.

"Its alright sir, your men need you." Assured Liam. "Though, can you tell us where the infected ward is?"

"Block C, tell the guards I sent you."

"Thank you sir, and good luck." Barkley nodded and jogged back to the side entrance.

"Alright, lets head to Block C." Stated Liam. "William, Ethan. Head back to the men, we'll help the doc out." William and Ethan nodded and the group went their separate ways.

Canterlot, Equestria
Canterlot gardens, temporary US Marine Corps command post.

Jenkins and Urbani were standing around a table. On top of the table was a blueprint of the Castle, areas of importance were circled and highlighted. Jenkins caressed his chin while deep in thought, his mind was busy going over every bit of detail. But his state of thought was interrupted when the sound of footsteps entered the tent.

4 Marine Lieutenants entered and stood at attention and gave a salute. Jenkins and Urbani returned the gesture. "At ease gentlemen." Spoke Jenkins. The Lieutenants relaxed their posture. "Gentlemen I have called you here today to discuss tomorrow's event. As you can see here, Urbani and I have placed your platoons in different sections of the castle."

"2nd platoon will stand guard at the front gate and the entrance, have MG teams behind cover at the stairs. You and the guard will check if the civvies have their invitation tickets." Began Urbani. "3rd platoon, you guys would patrol the areas around the castle. 4th platoon, you will protect the gardens, we cannot allow anyone into that area. Anyone that tries to enter will be prosecuted. 1st platoon, you guys will be protecting the great hall and the princesses. Snipers will be posted at different towers covering each sector. Is that clear?"

"Sir yes sir!" Replied the Lieutenants.

"Any questions?" Nobody made a sound. "Very well, brief your men on the mission and have them in position 3 hours before the banquet begins. Dismissed." The 4 Lieutenants saluted and exited the tent. As the Lieutenants left, First Sergeant Butterfield entered. "Hello First Sergeant, how can we help you?"

"Hello sirs." Began Butterfield as he gave a salute. Urbani and Jenkins returned the gesture. "Thought I might pop in for a sec. You two have lunch yet?" Before the two could answer their stomach gave an audible growl. "I'll take that as a no. Come on, we better get our grub before the guards have their lunch break."

"Couldn't agree more." Chuckled Jenkins. And the three made their way to the mess hall.

After walking for about 6 minutes the trio entered the mess hall, it was beginning to fill up with guards. Some were lining up and the others were eating and chatting about the latest events. As Jenkins, Urbani, and Butterfield entered the mess hall several ponies turned their attention to the humans.

The trio ignored the attention they were getting and made their way to the line up. The guards around them began to whisper to one another, obviously about the humans. Jenkins, Urbani, and Butterfield picked up a tray and waited in line. As it got to their turn Jenkins grabbed a plate of mashed potatoes with gravy, steamed vegetables and an apple. Urbani and Butterfield got the same thing expect a different choice of fruit. They made their way to an empty table by a window and began to eat in silence, but the silence was short lived as they were approached by a familiar pony Captain.

"Hello there Major!" Waved Scorch as he sat down beside Jenkins. "Fancy seeing you three around here."

"Hello Scorch." Replied Jenkins. "We don't come round here at this time, but we got caught up in a briefing."

"What briefing?" Questioned Scorch. "You guys doing an operation or something?"

"You know how there is a banquet being held tomorrow?" Scorch nodded. "Yeah, it was about that. Here, take this file, it details the location and roles my men will be doing during this banquet." Jenkins handed Scorch a folder. He began to go through the contents examining each and every detail the papers had.

"Interesting, very interesting." Commented Scorch. "What about your metal birds? Will they have a role?"

"The gunships?" Spoke Jenkins before taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes. "Most likely they will be patrolling the outskirts of Canterlot."

"Right, well thanks for the info. I'll catch you three later." Waved Scorch as he got up from his seat and made his way to the exit.

Jenkins, Urbani, and Butterfield waved back. "He's a cool guy." Commented Urbani as he took a sip of water. The trio resumed to eat their meals. Once they finished they took their trays and placed into a tub. As they made their way to the exit, a group of guards were huddled around a small table in the corner. As they got closer it became visible that the guards were huddling around a television, and it seemed like a rather old model. Like the ones back in the 1970s. The television seemed to be broadcasting a talk show.

"So these humans just came out of nowhere and began to kill the undead?" Spoke the hostess on the TV.

"Yes, they rappelled out of these huge metal birds and began to form a line behind the defending guards." Came a female voice. "Their faces were masked and they were carrying some black contraption that varied in size."

"What was your initial thought about these humans?"

"When I first saw them I thought that they were invading us!" Jenkins chuckled at the remark. "I didn't know what to do. My heart was racing and I honestly thought I was going to die that day!"

"Interesting, very interesting. Lets take a look on what happened on that day." The television then portrayed the events that happened several days ago.

"Seems like these humans played an important role in this evacuation." Began the hostess. "Stay tuned if you would like to know more about these newcomers. We'll be back right after this break." The television then cut to a commercial break.

"Well that was, interesting." Began Urbani. "You think they would interview us?"

"Us? If they had the balls to, yes." Replied Jenkins. "But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't, I mean, do you really want to talk to a blood thirsty Marine who is slightly pissed off at the fact that they have no way back home?" Urbani nodded in agreement.

"Hold up." Spoke Butterfield. "I know that reporter. Well, not personally, but I do recognize him."

"News Flash?" Questioned Jenkins. "How so?"

"He's the SOB I beat the living shit out off." Several guards around Butterfield backed off as they remembered what occurred at Canterlot station.

"You mean the guy who you plain out assaulted and made no attempt to deescalate the situation?"

"Assaulted is too much of a strong word, I'll go for forcefully subdued." Stated Butterfield."If he would have stopped being a complete bitch and did what I told him to. Which was to stay back and calm the fuck down, he wouldn't have gotten a broken nose."

"Your a real piece of work, you know that right?" Butterfield chuckled.

"I come as they go sir."

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Several kilometers away North of Canada-US Border
1 hour and 5 minutes into Operation Red Paladin

Linda, Frank and Liam walked down the hall towards the infected ward, the entire hospital was in turmoil. Injured civilians lay around on stretchers or on the floor with various injuries. Hospital staff and corpsmen were rushing everywhere helping anyone they could while dealing with the horde of newcomers. Linda fought back the urge to help, seeing so many helpless people pained her. Frank caught onto her discomfort.

"Is everything alright Ma'am?" Asked Frank as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"U-um yes, I'm fine." Replied Linda. Both Frank and Liam weren't convinced.

"With respect Ma'am, your not fine." Worried Liam. He grabbed her arm to get her attention. "Tell us whats wrong, please."

Linda sighed. "Look around you, all these people have lost nearly everything. Their homes, their loved ones, everything that they worked for is... Gone. And it pains me knowing that I can help them, but to some extent."

Liam and Frank looked at each other, both unsure on how to proceed. "Linda, look at me." Began Frank. "Linda please look at me." Linda looked up at Frank, a single tear fell from her eyes. "I know how you feel, I've been there before." Frank sighed before continuing. "When my men and I were deployed I saw something exactly likes this. I wanted to help, I wanted to do everything I could to help. But I couldn't do much, it wasn't just because ROE restricted my ability to help. It was because I had to do what was best for my men. It pained me to know that I could have done something, something that could've helped."

Linda stared at the floor with her arms crossed. "But there was something I could do." Linda stared up at Frank. "Hope, we gave them hope. That one day, this will be all over. That one day, they would return to their normal lives. But hope can only go so far, our true enemy wasn't the enemy insurgents. It was time. Time rots everything, even hope. As the days passed our involvement became less and less popular, both at home and abroad. That eventually led us to pull out." Linda's gaze fell back to the floor. Frank lifted her chin up. "I know this is painful, and it's true. We can help them to some extent. But you still can give them hope. And you can give that hope by your research, by developing a vaccine or a cure. You can still show them the light in this time of darkness. And that all begins right here." Frank lightly tapped her forehead. "That hope begins in there." Linda couldn't help but smile. "Com'on, we have work to do." Liam and Linda nodded before following Frank down the hallway.

The trio came across a double door that was labeled 'Infected Ward'. In front of it were five US soldiers in their full combat gear. As they approached the door, one of the soldiers raised his hand. "This is a restricted area, please leave immediately." asserted the soldier. The other soldiers behind him readied their rifles.

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Murphy, 1st Battalion of the 2nd Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group." Began Liam. "This is Lieutenant Colonel Brown, and Doctor Linda Croft. Colonel Barkley sent us." The soldier looked back at his Sergeant, which gave him a nod.

"My apologies sir, you may proceed." Spoke the soldier before stepping out the way. The Sergeant signaled the others to lower their weapons. They complied. Just as Liam reached for the door, gunfire erupted from the other side. Followed by frantic shouting and a blood curdling scream. Everybody pointed their rifles at the door.

"Sergeant! Lock this area down, make sure no one gets in or out!" Shouted Liam.

"Yes sir!" Replied the Sergeant.

"Doc, you stay here." Insisted Liam as he readied his C8 Carbine. "Its too dangerous for you."

"I can hold my own Colonel." Replied Linda as she unholstered her pistol. "I've been through difficult situations. After all, I need some blood samples. "

Liam sighed. "Alright fine. But if things go South, you are out of here. Am I clear?"

"As crystal as I can be." Smiled Linda.

"Well then, lets roll." Smirked Liam before kicking the doors wide open.

Several minutes later...

The trio walked down the hallway with fingers on triggers, their eyes scanned every detail down the hall. Blood was splattered across the floor and the walls, some of it seemed fresh. Bodies lay across the floor, every one of them lay in different stages of mutilation. The sound of distant gunfire and flickering of lights were the only audible sounds. But the trio pushed forward.

"Hey doc." Began Frank. "Aren't you meant to be collecting blood samples?"

"Well, yes." Replied Linda. "But I rather prefer a recently infected person for blood sampling."

"Oh, I see-"


Frank was suddenly cut off from a burst of gunfire. A lone US soldier was firing his M4 Carbine wildly into several infected. The soldier was covered in blood and fear was plastered on his face. Then an audible click was heard, his rifle ran dry. He struggled to eject the empty magazine, as every second past the infected came closer and closer. He threw down his Carbine in frustration and reached for his sidearm. But he was to late, the group of infected got him and began to tear through his flesh. Ripping pieces off on his arms, leg, and neck. Blood sprayed out of his open wounds as he screamed for help. Liam, Frank, and Linda raised their weapons and opened fire. Their bullets ripped through the infected spraying their blood over the walls and floor.

As the last infected individual fell, Liam and Frank pushed forward securing the hallway intersection. Linda holstered her pistol and approached the wounded soldier. He lay in the middle of the intersection in a puddle of his own blood, he struggled to get up but splashed back into the puddle. Linda began to analyse his wounds, blood still seeped from his wounds adding to the puddle.

"Frank, give me a hand." Ordered Linda. Frank nodded and slung his Carbine and began to drag the soldier towards a wall. His blood painted the floor with a crimson red.

As the soldier lay against the wall, Linda pulled some gauze from her first aid kit and reached for his neck wound. The soldier's right arm suddenly shot up, intercepting her arm. Frank instinctively swung his Carbine in a ready position and aimed at the soldier's head.

"D-don't bother." Croaked the soldier. "I'll infected..." He released his grasp on Linda's arm and coughed up some blood. Linda reluctantly complied.

Franks lowered his Carbine. "Whats your name son?" Asked Frank.

"P-Private James Wyatt. Sir." Coughed James. "2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment."

"Can you tell me what happened James?" Questioned Frank.

"It was the civvies sir.*Cough*." James paused and breathed deeply. "They wanted to see their friends and family, we refused and turned them away. They came back with guns, we don't know how they managed to sneak them in.*Cough*." James grunted in pain as he adjusted his position. "They found where we kept the ones that turned, they let them loose and caused everything to go to shit."

Frank nodded as he processed the new information. "Alright, Doctor Croft is going to take a sample of your blood and give you some morphine to ease the pain." James nodded.

Linda pulled a needle out of one of her pouches and gently stabbed the tip into James's veins. She began to retract the plunger and blood slowly filled up the barrel. Once she was done, she pulled out the needle and secured it back into the pouch. She then pulled out a syrette and took the plastic cover off exposing the metal tip. Linda looked at James.

"You know what happens next, right?" Asked Linda with a weak smile.

James smiled as he took of his helmet. "Don't worry, I won't take it personal. After all, I always wondered what death would be like."

'Your not the only one." Chuckled Frank as he chambered a bullet in his Carbine.

Linda jabbed the syrette into James's leg, moments later his entire body relaxed as the morphine took over. Frank raised his Carbine straight at James's head, his finger slowly wrapped around the trigger and with a slight tug he fired a round. The bullet went straight through his head and impacted into the wall. Fresh blood and brain matter covered the wall. Linda raised hear right hand slowly and closed James's lifeless eyes. A moment of silence passed, only the distant sounds of distant gunfire, screams, and flickering lights were audible. However the moment of silence was short lived as Liam's radio came to life.

"Colonel Murphy do you copy?" Radioed William. "Sir, are you there?"

"I'm here Major." Replied Liam.

"Thank God, thought we lost you sir. What the hell is going on?"

"Containment breach in Block C. Civvies started shooting up the place, infected are loose."

"Shall I send some men to assist sir?"

"Negative, have the men assist the 3rd. They're gonna need all the help they can get."

"Roger that sir. Out." As Liam's radio went dead Linda picked up James's rifle and began to load another magazine into the mag well. Once the magazine was secured in place she racked the charging handle and chambered a round. Frank and Liam looked at her with concern.

"You know how to use that doc?" Began Frank as he approached her.

Linda chucked before smiling at Frank. "Course I know how to use it." Frank gave her a questionable look. "I'm American. Plus, a close friend of mine is in the Marines. He taught me a thing or two." Frank and Liam gave a look of understanding. Before any of them could continue, a burst of gunfire erupted down one of the hallways catching their attention.

"Must be survivors." Commented Liam. "C'mon, they won't was long without support." Frank and Linda nodded before forming up on Liam. "Ready?"

"Hoorah brother." Commented Frank as he checked over his carbine.

"Yep." Replied Linda. "At least I hope so."

"Alright, lets move." Thus the trio made their way into the fray.