You Always Were The Favourite

by KillerChainsaw

First published

It was never about me, nopony ever cared for me, really it was just about you, and you alone sister.

Celestia, Celestia, Celestia, that's all I ever hear, that's all they ever talk about. 'Princess Celestia is so amazing', 'Princess Celestia is so caring and kind', 'Princess Celestia is the best ruler we could ever ask for'. Why don't I ever hear things like that about me? What even am I to them all? Do they even know I exist? I bet not.

Written in first person, from Luna's point of view.
Set a little while before Nightmare moon took over.

Luna is sick. Sick of hearing all about her elder sister all the time, sick of not being given the same treatment as her, sick of being ignored for all she has done, and sick of living in Princess Celestia's shadow. Looking back on her life one night after rising the moon and stars, wondering why all the ponies choose to sleep through her wonderous night, instead of appreciating it and basking in it, just like they all do with the day. Princess Luna is tired of being shunned like this all the time by the ones that are meant to worship her. But really she guesses she should have expected it, after all it's always been the same, ever since she was a little filly. In truth it was never meant to be about her, but maybe one day it just might be.

Someday All This Shall Change.

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Here we go again, with this same old routine that never seems to get any better really. Every night I go through the same thing, once the sun goes down, I raise the moon high in the sky, watching as day turns to night, and making sure every little twinkling star is sparkling bright for all to see. But nopony sticks around to see the true beauty of it all, locking themselves away in their warm houses, choosing to hide away and avoid the night, deciding to sleep through this wonderous sight, and instead wait until that blinding sun is shinning once again.

It doesn't matter how glamorous and marveling I make it, nopony seems to care, nopony seems to even notice, and nothing ever changes. Why? Why do they only bask in the glow that is the sun, can't they do the same for the moon? What's so different about it really anyway?

Yes I realize that the night may not be as bright and clear as the day, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be treated the same way. the night is beautiful, its cool winds sweeping through the air, its peaceful and calming atmosphere, its gracefully quietness to which, not a single sound can be heard that could ruin this glorious dreamland. Maybe that's why all the ponies seem to sleep through it, maybe it is just too pure for them to bask in and enjoy like they do with the least that's what I'm hoping for.

I sigh deeply as I sit out on my balcony, looking out on the slient, sleeping streets of Canterlot, glancing to all those houses shrouded in darkness as I can not see a single light from the windows, while all the curtains stay closed, knowing they shall only open again if the sun shines through them, when all the ponies will awake and my sister shall take over.

My sister...yes she too is treated just like her bright and shiny day, loved and admired by all, while here I am treated as the same as my majestic night, forgotten, underappreciated, and clearly unnoticed for all the wonder I bring to them all. And yet do they care, or show any gratitude? Of course not, not one little bit.

Celestia, Celestia, Celestia, that's all I ever hear, that's all they ever talk about. 'Princess Celestia is so amazing', 'Princess Celestia is so caring and kind', 'Princess Celestia is the best ruler we could ever ask for'. Why don't I ever hear things like that about me? What even am I to them all? Do they even know I exist? I bet not. I think to myself, choosing to gaze up at my breathtaking night sky instead, always amazed at how the black and blue colours mix together, while the dazzling stars cover it, and are all accompanied by the dim glimmer of the moon.

But really maybe I should have expected this, after all this is how it's always been for me, ever since I was a young filly I knew Celestia was always going to become a much loved leader of this land one day. Our Mother and Father always used to favour her over me, they would spend all their time with her, choosing to only be with me when I begged them to be. That's how things always used to be, she's the great ruler of Equestria, while I'm just her younger sister. And that's all I'll ever be right?

Forever living in her shadow until the end of time? That's how this is all meant to play out right? For me to sit back and watch, while my sister is up there basking in all her gorly, and happily loving all the attention she gets, when I still get none what-so-ever.

Then again as I sit here thinking that, could it be that maybe one day it could all change? I'm not stronger than Celestia so I wouldn't be able to overthrow her, but perhaps I could learn to become strong. And I wouldn't have to worry about feeling much remorse for my so called sister, after all she bearly ever paid any attention to me, it was always just about her duties, and never about me.

Never about me...That's how it's always been, it was never about me, nopony ever cared for me, really it was just about you, and you alone sister. But maybe one day I can make it so that it's not like this anymore. Instead of being all about you all the time, just maybe it could be about me for a change.

I sigh again deeply, turning away from the city, while walking back into my bedroom, and cuddling up on my bed, feeling a slight ache grow inside myself, while I wished that a change like that could actually maybe happen one day, and maybe then these nights wouldn't continue to be so lonely.

Every night I sit alone here, waiting for morning to rise, the same as all the poines do. Waiting until I have to lower my beautiful moon and stars, in order to make way for the bright and blinding sun. Could I really change all this? Could I be hopeful and see a future where I am the one they adore, and my sister is the one that has to suffer in silence? It doesn't seem all that likely, but maybe...just maybe I could make it happen.

I could overthrow Celestia, 'the great Princess of the sun'. And I could be the ruler they would all admire instead. If I were in her place I would make my wonderous night last for all eternity, so that they could all finally see just how breathtaking it really is, and maybe then they would finally understand and think twice when they see such a beautiful sight going unnoticed, just like it always has done for years now.

Would it be so wrong to imagine a world like that? To think that they could treat me the same as they do my sister? And even if they could, would it make any difference? Would it even matter to me? Would they understand all the pain I have gone through, having nopony there to save me from myself? Would I be happy? Could I finally be happy for once in my life?

Yes, I could change all of this, I could change this whole world, having all who inhabit it to bow to my will. I could finally be appreciated for all that I have done for this land, while my sister could finally see what it's like to be known as just 'the sister', and treated just like I have been for all these years.

To be honest, it might prove more meaningfull to just get rid of her altogether, that way I would never have to deal with her, and it's not like I value her life in any sort of way, after all she never cared about me and my problems, or worries, so why should I worry about her's. They mean nothing to me, she means nothing to me.

No, she never did mean anything to me, this is the way she's always been, I don't remember a time when she was actually nice and kind to me, when she actually took the time to notice me and actually try and be there for me. She's never been like that, and she never will be, always the same Celestia, she wouldn't ever change. So it would be better to just get it over with and do away with her first, before I decide to do anything else. Then once I gain control, this world and every little pony will be mine to rule over.

However as I look out to the night sky again, and can feel the cool air blowing through my long mane, calling me to come and gaze upon the darked, quiet city once again, I realize that that day surely does seem out of reach, and I imagine I would have to spend more endless, lonely nights by myself, until that day finally does come.

That day that seems so far away, where I will finally be able to live in happiness. No more spending all these nights by myself, wishing I could have at least one pony to talk to, no more wishing for a different life, and no more waiting around for morning to come.

'Oh yes what a life that would if only I could make such a dream become reality, now that would be all I could have ever asked for,' I thought to myself with a small smile, stepping off my warm bed, and walking back out onto the balcony again. Breathing in the cool air, while I look up to my star speckled night sky again. Knowing that there was nothing in this world that could ever match up with its true beauty.

'Someday they'll see it, someday when the sun shall rise no more, and the moon shall stay up there where it truely belongs. Someday they will all finally see what I see,'