> Rubbed the Wrong Way > by Wandering Pigeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rubbed the W̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ Right Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack’s eyes cracked open slowly, only to be greeted by the harsh morning sunlight that flooded her bedroom. She groaned and rolled over, not appreciating the rude awakening. The comforter draped around her body lived up to it’s name. Warm and soft, it was so enticing to stay wrapped up in it for the whole day. But, after a few seconds of denial, Applejack embraced the inevitability of waking up. If she wanted to, she could’ve slept in. Today would be one of the few days of the year that Granny Smith wasn’t around to yell at her to get a move on. Granny, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac were visiting Aunt and Uncle Orange in Manehattan for the weekend and only Applejack had politely declined to go. Part of it was they needed somepony to stay and work on the farm, but the other half of it was simply Applejack avoiding her relatives. She’d gotten enough of the Oranges as a filly and although it made her feel a little bad to avoid family, she wasn’t exactly eager to spend a weekend with them. Forcing herself to rise from her bed, Applejack readily wiped her eyes and greeted the morning sun properly. “Whelp, time ta get started.” She grabbed her hat off the nightstand and started making her way downstairs. For most ponies, the day would start with a shower, but Applejack was about to spend hours working in the field. She was bound to get hot and sweaty almost immediately, and previous experience taught her that a shower would be a pointless endeavor until after her work was done. So instead, she started her day off with breakfast. Stepping into the quiet kitchen, Applejack jumped straight into making her specialty: flapjacks. They were a regular in the Apple household, and over time she’d perfected her method of making them faster than anypony else she knew. Flipping four frying pans down on the stove, Applejack pour some pancake batter into each and started humming softly to herself as sizzling sounds picked up in front of her. As she kept watch over the pancakes, Applejack glanced over at refrigerator. Granny Smith, in all her worried over-preparedness, had made a list of things that had to be done each day on the farm. Most of it Applejack knew by heart, but she reminded herself that she had to check the list anyway just to be on the safe side. Letting the pancakes cook on their own for a moment, she trotted over to the fridge. The double underlined ‘Saturday’ stuck out to her and her eyes glanced just below it to see all the daily chores to be done. Nothing looked particularly out of the ordinary until about halfway down. “Clear the entire west field?” Applejack gulped. Now that was a tall order. She might have to work all day non-stop to finish that up. That meant no breaks for friends, lunch, or even just using the bathroom. She sighed. “Well that’s jus’ great.” Her eyes glanced down the list, noting a few other relatively insignificant chores, as well as a note that told her Fluttershy would be stopping by to give Winnona her annual check-up. Nothing else as massive an undertaking as clearing a whole field, which gave Applejack a brief consolation. Opening the fridge, she took out a jar of apple juice for breakfast and set it on the kitchen table. She returned to the pancakes, but her mind was elsewhere now. How am Ah supposed ta git that done? She pondered. Sure, skipping lunch and regular breaks wasn’t a problem, she’d done that plenty of times before. The problem was not being able to use the bathroom. If she recalled correctly, she needed to use the bathroom at least twice a day while in the fields, maybe even more. Since she would be all the way out in the west fields it would be a ten minute walk back to the house, plus another ten minute walk back out to the field. That wasn’t even including the time she took to do her business. All in all, it could add up really fast. Anywhere from forty-five minutes to over an hour even. That was easily several rows worth of trees that she wouldn’t be able to get to before dark.Normally when she had help that wasn’t a problem, but this weekend was a different story to say the least. Stuck wondering about her situation, Applejack almost didn’t notice that the flapjacks were done. Flipping off the stove before it burned her breakfast, Applejack loaded the flapjacks into a stack, loaded them up on a plate and turned to the table. “Alright,” she said instinctively. “Who’s ready fer breakfast?” Silence greeted her. “Oh… right.” She smiled sheepishly, realizing she’d been making breakfast on autopilot. Looking back to her stack of flapjacks, Applejack pressed her lips together. “Huh… no use lettin’ all these go ta waste Ah suppose.” She set the plate down, rationalizing that a big breakfast was warranted, given how she’d be skipping lunch today anyway. Better to have a full stomach for what was about to come. Applejack pushed her plate away, nothing up a puddle of syrup and a few wayward crumbs remaining. It clinked against the now empty pitcher of apple juice, causing it to wobble slightly. Her stomach bulged from fullness and she groaned. She hadn’t expected to get this sore just from eating. Blinking sluggishly, Applejack ran her tongue along her teeth and felt the sticky, sugary coating left behind by the syrup. Despite the fact that she didn’t want to move at all, she knew she had to brush her teeth. With a reluctant groan, she pushed away from the table, dropped the dishes in the sink for future washing, and made her way upstairs. As she did, the thought about how she was going to handle not going to the bathroom came back to her. It was still a conundrum; she knew she wouldn’t make it twelve straight hours without at least one bathroom break, but she wasn’t sure how she could fit it in. Maybe she could bring a shovel and dig a hole to use when the time came? Nah, too time consuming. She wasn’t the best at wielding a shovel with her hooves; that could ultimately take longer than just walking back to the house. Bring a bucket along? Also no. She didn’t want to have to lug around a bucket of waste all day and then clean it out after she was finished. For one, she knew she would not be in the mood after the work load she was facing. Clearing the last step and turning to the bathroom, Applejack knew she was running out of time to come up with a solution. During the time she spent brushing her teeth, she kept trying to run through better options. Unfortunately out of everything she could think of the bucket was her best option. When she finally set her tooth brush down, Applejack was forced to admit she was stumped. At this point it was looking like bucket or hold it. She sighed. “Great.” Pushing the bathroom door open, Applejack looked up and saw that the door to Big Mac’s room was slightly ajar. Inside, resting on the nightstand, was a bright plastic package. Applejack’s eyes widened. “Of course!” She honestly couldn’t believe she’d forgotten. Big Mac had been struggling with taking to many bathroom breaks lately and had invested in some adult diapers last month to continue working at a decent pace. Applejack had, admittedly, poked fun at him for it early on, but she was starting to see some logic in his choice now. Faced with very few other options in her current situation, the idea that her brother wouldn’t mind if she borrowed a diaper was starting to take ground in her mind. Pushing his door open all the way, Applejack found herself walking up to the pack of diapers. It was already torn open, with one or two of its contents plucked away from previous days. Despite that there were still a couple of plain white slabs of padding visible. Reservation piped up from the back of her mind, but was ultimately out-logicked. It was certainly humiliating to put on a diaper, but it wasn’t like anypony was around to see her. And on top of that, she really needed to get to work soon. Not to mention that as gross as it was to think about using one, she knew the bucket idea wasn’t much different. “Alright then,” she said with a sigh. “Ah guess Ah’m doin’ this. If Big Mac complains then Ah can jus’ buy ‘im a new pack later.” Reaching into the wrapping, Applejack felt her hoof sink into the plastic outer layer of the diaper. Even though she barely touched it, it was so soft that her hoof began sinking in, eliciting a tiny crinkle sound. She felt a blush rise under her cheeks, but beat it back with another sigh. She grabbed the diaper and yanked it all the way out in one swift stroke. It was then that she noticed just how big it was. Granted, it was meant for Big Mac, and therefore it made sense that it would be a size or two larger than what she needed. But even with that in mind, Applejack could help but feel her jaw drop. It was the size of her head! She turned the diaper over, seeing pink tabs come into view as she continued to marvel at the size. Her hoof squeezed the diaper, sinking into the poof a good bit. That alone probably accounted for half of the size now that she was thinking about it. “Geeze…” Applejack muttered. Maybe the bucket ain’t so bad… Oh consarnit. Mare up and put on the darn diaper already. Dropping to the floor, Applejack spread out the diaper and lifted her legs. When Applebloom was a filly she’d gotten plenty of experience changing diapers, so she had some inkling of how to handle it. However, the fact that she’d never put a diaper on herself before was still made this a challenge. How Big Mac did it daily she had no idea. Positioning the diaper just right, she slowly slid it under her legs. Lowering her rear, Applejack shivered as her bottom touched the plush interior of the diaper. Shifting, she reached down and pushed her tail through the hole at the back of the diaper and finished getting it through by tugging the other end. Biting the inside of her cheek, Applejack powered through the feeling of embarrassment and folded the edges around her waist. She pulled them as tight as she could, knowing the big diaper would be loose on her otherwise. Once she was satisfied with how snug it felt, she made sure it would stay with the tapes. Patting them down, Applejack sat up and tried to push her hind legs together. ...Nope. The mountain of poof between her legs stretched down almost to her fetlocks. It spread her gait so wide that closing her legs was not an option. She shifted, starting to stand, and blushed as the fluffy diaper bombarded her marehood with soft rubs. “I-- …Okay.” Applejack blushed as she froze in her half-standing position. The way the diaper caressed her privates… it as a little hard to ignore. Biting her tongue, she finished standing despite the feeling it gave her nether region. Once up, the diaper was still hugging her down there, but it was better now that she was just standing. Her legs were still spread apart though. Not uncomfortably so, but noticeably so. Applejack had a feeling she would be noticing it all day too. But no time to dwell on that; she’d dawdled enough. With her diaper securely on now, it was time to get to work. She moved to walk out only to waddle forward. Blinking, Applejack groaned. “Really?” Her diaper spread her legs too far apart. Maybe if Ah squeeze mah legs togeth-- NOPE! Not happening.  Applejack quickly parted her legs, and stiffened them. The flood of fluff against her marehood lessened and she let out a defeated sigh. “Ah guess I’m waddling today.” “Guh!” Applejack dropped the last bucket down in front of the last tree needing one. She looked up to admire her handiwork, seeing brown containers sprawled out across the field as they patiently waited to be filled with apples. “Finally.” It had been slow going to get a bucket to every tree. Her waddle really cut into that. But it would save time in the long run, which was the important thing. Looking up at the last tree to receive a bucket, Applejack smiled. It was about to become the first to be bucked, after all. Turning, she positioned herself just right, like she had a thousand times before. The only difference now was the spread legs, but there was little she could do about that without having… issues. Digging her forelegs into the ground, she kicked up her hind legs and prepared for a kick. But it never connected. Instead, the sensation of her diaper riding up against her most sensitive areas hit her so hard that she felt flat on her face. “Oof!” Applejack groaned into the grass. Her tail hit her hat as her diapered rear said hello to the sky. It found the ground a second later as Applejack pushed herself upright, orange face turning red. “Well that was… something.” She coughed. Her marehood quivered, even as the padding pulled away and she readjusted her stance. These diapers sure are… distractin’. How does Big Mac put up with this? Getting back on her feet, Applejack pondered how she was going to handle bucking the tree now. Ignoring what the diaper was doing would be ideal, but that just didn’t seem possible. It was so potent when it touched her; almost like she couldn’t think of anything while it was happening. It literally made her stupid. Guess’ll I’ll just try to power through it. Applejack returned to her traditional bucking stance. Pushing down a slight ache in her bladder, she focused her efforts on actually making contact with the tree. This time when her legs left the ground she was expecting the diaper to fondle her marehood. She just still wasn’t used to the feeling. The snug way the padding brushed against her was so sudden that she jerked to a stop mid kick. Placing more weight on her forelegs she was able to avoid falling forward again, so she fell back. Crotch spread. Into the tree. “EEEeeEEEEH!” Applejack couldn’t contain the squeal as her diaper pressed against the bark of the tree, and in turn the interior fluffiness flooded her marehood. She struggled and squirmed to right herself, but that only served to cause her diaper to rub against her private parts. They heated up from sheer excitement, making it impossible to deny what was happening when Applejack finally pulled back. She waddled away from the tree thanks to the momentum from that. Grabbing her hat from her head she used it to fan herself to counteract the heat sizzling from her face. She breathed heavily, and tried her best to let the feelings of involuntary pleasure die. When the tingling in her marehood finally, mercifully, faded, and her battle with the blush ended, Applejack let her hat rest back on her head. “...Well then…” she said. “That sure was… something…” She rubbed the back of her neck. “Landsakes.” Taking a minute to get her bearings, Applejack tried to approach the problem rationally. Clearly her diaper wasn’t going to make this easy. After mulling it over for a little while longer, Applejack got an idea in her head that was about as good as any. Getting back into her bucking pose, she took a long breath and paused. Lifting only one leg this time, Applejack shivered as a gentle, but manageable, swath of padding found the edges of her marehood. Pulling back as her leg tensed, she felt her marehood tingle as the padding swelled over it. Lashing out with furious, one legged kick, she felt the tree rumble and a bundle of apples fell from it’s branches and into the waiting buckets. “There.” Applejack smiled with relief as she saw mini-mountain of apples that now filled the buckets.. “Just… a couple hundred more ta go.” Her smile dropped. It was going to be a long day. Five hours into working, Applejack was really feeling the discomfort. It wasn’t just from her diaper, though the constant teasing of her marehood that came with nearly any movement was driving her up a wall. It was hard to admit, but she honestly longed to tear into the padding and relieve the unfathomable feelings it gave her. The only thing stopping her at the moment was shame. But aside from the tantalizing urge to masturbate, Applejack’s discomfort had another origin. Her bowels and bladder. “Stupid big breakfast,” Applejack mumbled. Maybe eating that entire stack of flapjacks had been a poor choice. Especially considering how thirsty they had made her too. She’d downed a practically full pitcher of apple juice, leading to her achy bladder feeling the most desperate and most pressing of the urges.  She clenched everywhere before giving a powerful kick to the tree behind her. The diaper rubbed against her, forcing her to shiver in a pitiful measure to counter the pleasure she felt. Apples bombarded the waiting bucket and Applejack sighed in relief as another row finished. She waddled over to the next one, panting as her diaper rubbed against her. Though it wasn’t the first time that day, Applejack pondered just why this diaper was giving her so much of an issue. Was it simply because it was soft and poofy? She’d never really tried pressing something like that against her marehood before. Then again, what did she press against her marehood outside of her own hoof? And that was infrequent enough as is. Maybe that’s why? Just, desperation. She paused for a moment. Maybe if Aj jus’ gave in to this… it might not be a problem for the rest of the day… Her hoof unconsciously drifted toward the crotch of her diaper for a moment, but stopped short. Applejack shook her head. “No… no…” Without even thinking about it, she turned to the tree and forgot all about her new method. Too focus on her distracting thoughts, old habits snuck back into her routine. Both hindlegs found themselves in the air, and a bunch of floofy padding found Applejack’s marehood… again. “OoooOOOOoooHHHH!” She moaned as she stumbled forward. All the teasing of the last several, miserable hours was taking its toll. Her desperation was at an all time high. Barely making it to all fours again, Applejack held her breath, shut her eyes, and tried to relax. Hissssss Her eyes popped back open upon the realization that she wasn’t trying to contain her bladder anymore. Urine rushed free as it leapt from her bladder to her waiting diaper. The thirsty padding soaked up the warm pee just as fast as it hit. Shame hit Applejack when she realized she was involuntarily wetting her diaper, but as the ache in her bladder lessened into relief she could help but sigh. It felt too good to stop now. She stood, eyes closed, mouth open and tongue hanging out. She panted heavily as the warm, soggy padding poked at her marehood, somehow feeling even better than before. Wiggling her diapered butt, Applejack spread some of the yet-to-be-absorbed piss around, coating her inner thighs with damp padding. When her potty break finally ended, it felt like an hour had passed. Applejack was still panting, shifted her legs side to side as she tried to relieve the pressure in her bowels while also not-- ...Screw it. This much had already happened, Applejack figured she might as well go all the way. Besides, hopefully this would finally make her diapers unenjoyable. Hiking up her tail, Applejack raised her butt skyward and lowered her head. She grunted, pushing on her bowels with all of her might. They took more convincing than her bladder, but finally got the memo to evacuate. Mush raced out of her rump and Applejack grunted and groaned. No going back now. The poop hit her diaper, causing it to crinkle as it engorged. Applejack kept pushing as her mudslide continued. The steaming hot mess was heavy enough to make her diaper sag a little. And then a lot. And then a whole lot. Applejack moaned as the stench of her poop hit her nostrils. It was putrid, or at least it would’ve been if she wasn’t so aroused. Yeah, no more dancing around it. Ah’m horny. As her bowels finally ran out of ammunition, Applejack felt one last breath escape her. Her backside was so heavy now. Glancing through her legs at her diapers, Applejack could see the front bulging with her pee, stained yellow. She could see the rear dip well below what it was supposed to, stained brown. Breathing through her nose, Applejack wiggled her butt again, letting her filthy, humiliating mess slosh and squish against her thighs. “Oh Celestia!” she murmured. Suddenly, she was looking passed her diaper. And at the tree. Remembering earlier, Applejack’s foggy mind suddenly latched onto an idea. Slowly, she backed up. Slowly… inching… her diaper… against… Applejack’s eyes widened as the seat of her diaper met the trunk of the tree. Screw going slowly! She slammed her butt against the tree, the warm mess within smooshing and squishing, and her diaper crinkled noisily. “Unf!” Applejack bit her lip. “Yes~” Pulling back, she rubbed her diaper against the tree. Back and forth. Back and forth. “Ugh… Urghh… Huh huh huh…” She closed her eyes, giving into the total ecstasy of grinding her dirty diapered butt against the apple tree. It was so wrong. It was so gross. And it felt so right. “Ruh! Ri-- Right there!” she groaned, pressing deeper into her diaper. The mess spread, coating her backside. Her marehood burned with passion and desire, taking the rubbing head on. Crinkle Crinkle Squish. Crinkle Crinkle Squish. “Oof! Uoof! Unf!” Her eyes were half-lidded. No, closed again. Now squeezed shut. She was rubbing harder, faster, more depraved. Her climax was nearing, and it was shaping up to be oh so satisfying. Crinkle Crinkle Squish. Crinkle Crinkle Squish. “There! Yes. YES! SWEET CELESTIA YES~~” Applejack cried out. The leaves of the tree she was grinding against rustled as her violent humping only picked up. This was it! Her orgasm was-- “Eep!” Squish Applejack jutted to a stop, eyes shooting open at the high-pitched chirp of surprise. She zeroed in on the interloper immediately, and boy was it not pretty. Fluttershy was standing before her, wings spread, eyes wide, face redder than Applejack’s. What’s she doing-- Oh right, Winona's check up! Don’t tell me she came out here looking fer me… Applejack gulped. This wasn’t good. Not good at all. Maybe if I explain… well… maybe if I lie… no… Even with the haze of arousal, and a libido screaming for her to finish the job, Applejack’s mind still raced with a way to salvage the situation. If it could be salvaged that is. Fluttershy was still frozen in wide-eyed shock. There was no way of knowing how long she’d been there or what she’d seen, but clearly it was enough. Though she couldn’t fix anything by talking, Applejack figured breaking this tenuous silence was better than staring awkwardly at her. She lifted her rear away from the tree. “Fluttersh--” Her orgasm hit. Applejack shuddered as waves of pleasure tore through her body. The dense fog of horniness covered her mind again, not even held at bay by the sight of Fluttershy. She shivered-- no, shook as her climax took hold. Her marehood rippled at the intensity of it all, and refused to settle down, tingling even as the brunt of everything faded. And, of course, she wailed. “OOOOoooooooOOOOOOooooOOOOoUUUUooooOOOUUOOH!” It was a sound Applejack didn’t even know she was capable of making, but now both she and Fluttershy knew it was possible. She slumped when it ended, chin resting on the ground. Her dirty diaper stuck around in the air, not that it needed to make its presence known anymore. Applejack blinked, then looked up at Fluttershy. Everything from her ears to her neck was bright red. Her eyes fluttered at the realization of what she just witnessed, and then shrank. She whipped around, wings maneuvering to cover to eyes despite how unnecessary it was now, and she bolted. “I’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorry!” As Fluttershy’s tiny voice disappeared, so did she. It took less than ten seconds for her to completely clear out of the orchard, and possibly Equestria at that. Applejack watched her become a tiny yellow speck on the horizon, a whirlwind of emotions taking over: shame, embarrassment, fear, surprise, and disgust to name a few. And yet, despite all of them, despite have just beaten off against a tree in a filthy diaper, despite possibly ruining her friendship with Fluttershy, despite all of it, some sick part of Applejack couldn’t help but feel like it was all worth it. ...Too bad she still had half an orchard to clear before she could change her diaper and do it all again.