> The Story of Jennifer SweetPlum > by EsignStudios > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know my life is not important. There are many more important ponies to talk to. But can you at least listen to me for a few minutes. I need to let it out. My life. My curse. My family. My destiny. I got a big dark side. And I want to kill it out of me, but I can’t. My name is Jennifer SweetPlum . I’m a curse, and this is my story so far. I remember my mom and dad, only how they look. Not what they did. Not what they sound like. Just their looks. They were both soldiers. My brother, sister, and I were scared if they never came back. They always came back, promising a gift from each trip. It would always be a toy, a piece of jewelry, or maybe a rare artifact. It was pretty cool. It was around the time they came home the last time when I saw them the last time. It was summer. Everyone was happy. Everyone wanted to hug mom and dad. But… I would have never guessed that explosion that was behind the couch. All of us were blown away from Dad. After the dust was clear, all I could see is splatter. The blood was crawling to my hoofs. I wanted to scream, but I knew someone was here. So I grabbed my sister, whispered to my brother, and we flew away from the disaster. That was the last I saw my home. After a year, we started to move to different areas to be safe. All of the places we live either was not affordable, or we couldn’t trust the neighbors. My sister would cry every night. My brother would comfort me. He was older than me, and I knew he was feeling worse than me. The thing was, I knew exactly what he was feeling. He was scared of losing Mandy and me. He was upset at himself. I heard in his head, he wanted it to end. I told him that our lives will be better soon. That’s when I got my cutie mark. It was a yin yang smile. I have to power to read emotions. Ponyville was our next stop. It looked nice. Nothing really bad. It was a small village. It seemed perfect for us. But we still need a roof under us. Then there was an explosion of confetti. My sister started to scream. She was about three years young than me, and she had a phobia of surprise, ever since that curse day. Then confetti and string was all over then this pink pony started singing to us. “WECOMLE NEW FRIENDS. TO THE WONDERFUL TOWN OF PPOOOOONNNYYYYVIIILLLE!!!!” All of us were paralyzed. We couldn’t move anything in our bodies. What relieved me was it wasn’t something that hurt us. Then the pink pony started to talk. “SOoooooooooooo IM Pinkie Pie. Im the party of all parties. And I would like to introduce to you the entire place!” “Umm. No thanks. We just need a place to stay.” “OoooH. I know a friend who can get you covered” “As long as we can be protected, we’ll enjoy the stay” “I’ll go get Twilight! Stay here!” Then Pinkie pie just ran off like fast dust. I wasn’t willing to trust the cotton scent pony. She’s okay, but what about this Twilight. I don’t know. But in a way when I saw her, I read.. excitement. She was always hyper. Too hyper. “So are we gonna have to deal will the cotton freak?” JasonBeat whispered in my broken ear. “Don’t worry bro. I think this will be our home to stay.” Then a sudden gush of wind just passed us. It was so powerful it changed all of our manes. My ears started to ring. And I had a feeling that all of this was gonna be intresting. > Ch.1 Wubs heard next door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There's a place. That I know. It's not pretty there and few have ever gone. If I show it to you now. Will it make you runa-" I was interrupted by a load bass noise. The music was more in the bass than anything. I could hear a little of voice, but it just sounded like a machine being murdered. Disturbing. I went downstairs to ask my roommate, Twilight Sparkle, where the noise was coming from. She was a unicorn. Professional in magic I guess. She was into science. When we got to her home, we were on survival mode when we saw that purple green dragon walk in. He was small, but small can turn dangerous. ANYTIME. Anyway, i was asking where the noise was coming from. The music was so loud Twilight couldn't here me. I yelled with all my might, "WHERE IN CELESTIA IS THAT CURSING BASS NOISE COMING FROM?!" I had to yell that right when the song ended. I thought I made Twilight deaf, but I just made her pass out. What a great way to be to a guest who is nice enough to let you live in their house. I decided to just find out what the noise was, then I found a unicorn in a DJ station set up playing music that I never thought it existed. I fly right to her and see that she was blasting it so loud all you can hear is "WUB WUB WUB WUB" It was so annoying. I tapped her in the shoulder and ask if she turn down the music. She didn't hear me. Then I see that my sister, Jackie SweetPear, was dancing to the music that I still couldn't figure out. In all of the times I tell her to be social, she has to be social when I'm ticked off Then the white unicorn stops the music and grabs a microphone. "ALRIGHT ALL YA PONIES OUT HERE. This is the morning jam wiht DJPON-3! I'm gonna be turning the mic to you now cause it's KARAOKE TIME!!!" The crowd started to cheer so loud I honestly forgot why I was out here. They the unicorn turns to me and asks, " You wanna be first to show your voice out here." I was scared. I knew a couple of songs I would sing to myself when the radio is on. But if i have to be singing in front of a town, I'll pass out and never wake up I didn't say anything for a few seconds. They I responded,"...Um... Not really...I'm.. not to good...." "Oh come on!" the white unicorn shouted, " I bet you sing beautiful!" "Well.." I thought for a moment. I guessed that I just sing one song and never show my face in town ever again. "OK. Do you have anything sung by Kelly Hooves." "Yea. The entire collection" "Dark side?" "Sure. Here's the mic" She throws me the mic. I wanted to run away. But... I just couldn't move my feet. The music starts...Oh Celestia.