> The Consort of Friendship > by Red_Beard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sometimes a job is only perks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neal furrowed his brow as he eloquently guided the quill in his hand across the parchment in front of him. The room around him was black, save for the serene light emanating from the candles atop his large oak desk. It was late. So much was apparent by the amount of wax that had dripped down from the candles, but Neal was too engrossed in his work to notice or care about the passing time. He dipped his quill into the void of his inkwell and continued writing. After several more minutes of continuing his process, the back of his mind took note of the soft, purple glow and light clip-clop of hooves that had entered his space. Before long, Neal felt the familiar feeling of soft, warm hooves on his shoulders. "And I thought I worked too hard," commented the intruder. Neal sighed, finally setting down his quill for the first time in what he assumed was hours. He took his wrist into his hand and rolled it, working out the soreness. Leaning his head back, Neal felt his cheek glide against the heavenly softness of the cheek of the mare who had dared disturb his work. Neal released his hand and brought it up to her opposite cheek, gently gliding his fingers back and forth across it. "Eight years later and now the G.E.R. wants to know about the incident," Complained Neal. "I swear, griffons are the least predictable species on the planet." Twilight giggled. "Unless there are bits. It's always about bits with them." "Is that racist?" "Probably." Twilight slid her hooves from Neal's shoulders to his chest and began to rub up and down tenderly. Neal sighed once more, partly from the newfound pleasure and partly from the frustration he was facing. "I'm just hoping nothing comes out of it. If the bastards had gone and reported it all those years ago something probably would have, but thankfully they waited until now." "Hey," said Twilight. She tilted her head and gave the human a peck on his cheek. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure the worst they'll have you do is make a formal apology. You are under direct protection from the princesses after all. You've even got one watching your butt personally." Neal chuckled. "Funny, I'm always watching your butt." Twilight scoffed and punched him in the shoulder. Neal feigned being in pain which only caused the princess to roll her eyes. With a sudden purple flash, Neal felt a new weight on his lap, and a figure now blocked his vision. He looked into his lover's deep lavender eyes and sighed. He brought his hand to her cheek and ran his fingers up and into her mane. "I'm not finishing this report tonight, am I?" Twilight only giggled before leaning in and connecting the pair's lips. Both closed their eyes and closed the distance between their bodies. The process had began. What would start out as a gentle and loving kiss would soon turn into a passionate and intense oral battle, one that Neal had every intention of winning tonight. Yet again, Neal felt the wonderful sensation of Twilight's lips and her velvet fur against his own lips. A sensation he hadn't known for very long was now one he found himself craving consistently. Though every fiber of his being wished to attack her lips with his own, he held off, knowing the only way he would win was to last longer than her. Twilight knew what he was doing. She wanted him to ravish her right then and there, but she had other plans. Twilight, however, wasn't a pony to back down from such a challenge. Even though the fire inside her was burning white hot, she'd make him work for it. The couple's lips moved together delicately for what to each side felt like an eternity. In reality, in only took thirty seconds for one of them to cave. Twilight caved first. She dragged her tongue across his lips, begging him for permission to enter. Neal more than happily obliged, knowing he'd won the first round. Their tongues slid across each other, each of them enjoying the taste of the other. Twilight used her appendage to explore Neal's mouth, eventually running her tongue across his canines. She shivered. The feeling was addicting. After their first time together she knew she'd never be able to make love to another pony again. The thrill that came from her deep rooted instincts couldn't be beat. This, however, was her next mistake. Her tongue lingered for just a second too long and Neal immediately took advantage. He withdrew his own tongue and gently bit down on hers, making sure the edge of his teeth dug in firmly. He swiftly moved his hands down to her flanks and squeezed hard at the same moment. Twilight's eyes went wide and she let out a moan that was louder than she wanted it to be. As Neal kneaded her ass, Twilight began grinding her aching marehood against his lap while he nibbled on sucked on her sensitive tongue. She forced her eyes shut and tried to regain her focus. The game was now 2-0, and her loss was eminent. Neal smirked at his accomplishment. He noted the growing wet spot on his jeans. "Check," he thought to himself. He had become an expert in pushing her buttons, and more recently in keeping her from pushing his. Though generally he liked being the one being teased, there would be no mercy for the mare who interrupted his work. He knew not to give her an inch to come back with, and moved his teeth to her sensitive lips. Twilight's mind was racing. The stimulation was becoming too much. Between her humping and his ministrations, she knew it wouldn't be much longer until she came. She put all her effort into regaining control, but that was when he did something she never could've seen coming. Neal reached up with his right hand and firmly squeezed the base of her wing. "Checkmate," he thought. Twilight's back arched and her wings became erect at the new, pleasurable sensation. She could feel Neal's erection pressing against her sensitive clit, adding even more pleasure to the already brain melting experience. She had but a split second to contemplate what had just happened before her orgasm hit her like a truck. In all the time she'd had her wings, this was the first time anyone had pressed into them at their base. It sent a shock-wave through her that was not unlike being jolted with electricity, except the current flowed right into her nether regions. She threw her front legs around Neal's neck and buried her muzzle into his chest. She screamed from the intensity of the pleasure shooting through her, her hips thrusting rapidly into Neal's own crotch. Mare cum poured out of her pussy while she rode out the orgasm. After an eternity of bliss, she finally let herself go limp, releasing her strong grip of her partner and letting her wings fall to her sides. She was breathing heavily, trying desperately to suck up enough oxygen for her needing body. "Huff.. where did... huff... you learn... huff... that...," she managed through her panting. Neal ran his fingers through the princess' mane, smug in his victory. "Dashie," He replied. "I've known how to do it for a while. We do it just about every time we're together." "Why did you wait... huff... until now to do it?" Neal shrugged. "I guess the sadist in me wanted to wait until I could punish you with it." "You're definitely doing that every time from now on... huff... got it?" "Oh yeah. Without a doubt." Twilight let out a sigh, enjoying Neal tenderly stroking her mane. "Ok, I've caught my breath." She looked up at her lover with half-lidded eyes. "You ready for round two?" Twilight gasped as Neal leaned forward and dragged his tongue across her horn. "You know it baby." Twilight frowned. Angry. She was angry. She came in here with every intent on seducing her man. That's what she wanted tonight; to make Neal putty in her hooves, to make him squirm. Now that the her lust clouded mind had begun to clear, she realized that the exact opposite of what she wanted just took place. And to make things worse, he was smug. He had been with her enough times, he knew she liked being in control, and he must be so proud to have made her flustered. I'll have none of that, thought Twilight. He's mocking me. Someone needs to be put in his place. That was amazing. God I love this mare. Thought Neal. A wicked grin grew across Twilight's face, her horn flashed and the two disappeared from the study.