> Diplomatic Service > by Cocknie Thug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hard to Swallow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Cadance shuddered. The human world felt wrong. It made sense that this world would feel unnerving - life-bearing worlds without magic weren't supposed to exist, and when the portal to the human's planet had been discovered, Equestria's scientists were shocked that the atmosphere itself wasn't lethal to ponies. Magic supposedly abhorred a vacuum, after all, so any pony entering a 'magic-free zone' should have been sucked dry in an instant, a lifeless husk. But this place didn't work that way. It wasn't as if magic was missing from the atmosphere - the concept itself seemed not to exist. This planet didn't have a magical gradient any more than a Satsuma had a vocal range. It was simply null. She paced the bare room. There was a single bed with a white sheet and no covers, a light fixture in the ceiling, and a door. Nothing else. She had tried kicking at the door, but the lack of ambient magic left her limbs weak, as if recovering from feather flu. Her spells fizzled, her telekinesis could barely brush her mane out of her eyes, and she couldn't fly in this atmosphere even if there wasn't a ceiling in the way. It was nothing to worry about, she knew. A simple mistake - she'd been walking through one of the human governmental buildings between meetings with the human ambassador and a meeting with a group of human academics, she'd made a wrong turn into this room, and the door had automatically locked behind her. In half an hour, every pony in the city would be searching for her, and the humans would probably find this room even before then. She'd made a similar mistake before, though she hadn't ended up anywhere as... oddly Spartan as this. Her stomach rumbled, and she giggled. A moment ago she had been worried. Now, she just felt hungry. As usual, she'd skipped breakfast this morning. She wondered if it would be acceptable to bring a bag of fresh hay to the next meeting. The door handle clicked. Her head whipped round as a human entered the room. "Hello," she chirped, "I'm afraid I took a wrong turn, I hope I didn't--" She stopped. Something was very wrong. The human wasn't dressed like the others - most wore formal suits, but this one only wore a tight, white t-shirt, a pair of athletic shorts, and no footwear whatsoever. She looked up - and she had to look up, this human truly towered over her and six and a half feet, more than double her height on all-fours - and saw that his face was wrong, and then realized it wasn't his face at all but a cheap rubber mask resembling a human face. Her eyes travelled down, and saw something hard, thick and long straining against the leg of his shorts, and she wasn't sure if she hoped it wasn't a weapon, or hoped it was. None of this was normal for a government installation. None of this was normal for humans. He reached back, and the door clicked shut behind him. Cadance cleared her throat, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead. "Human, I am Princess Cadance, a diplomatic envoy from the nation of Equestria. Your government has--" The human wasn't looking at her, or paying her any attention at all. He was stripping off his clothes. Cadance simply blinked, confused. Ponies, generally speaking, wore clothes for events and weather conditions, and when these things finished or changed, they removed the clothes. Humans wore clothes everywhere, apart from, apparently, to bathe and sleep. His t-shirt fell to the floor, and he displayed a powerlifter's set of chest and arm muscles. As he shucked off his shorts, Cadance tried to catch her train of thought. "I-- I simply made a wrong turn and I'm trying to return to my entourage," she said, firmly and confidently. "If I have offended you in some -- oh." She swallowed. The human was utterly nude, and his crotch drew Cadance's gaze. His thick cock jutted outwards, as long as a pony's shaft but even thicker, with a wrinkled foreskin almost covering the red, plum-sized tip. A dozen veins bulged out prominently, one of them visibly throbbing. At the base was a tangled bush of dark, greasy pubic hair, and below hung a pair of bristly, egg-sized balls. His genitals, his entire body even, glistened with a sheen of sweat and oil. The tang of his musk reached her nostrils, and her blood became ice. "Human," her own voice was distant, as if underwater, "you must--" He was on her. She screamed as he grabbed her mane, yanking thick locks of her plush, curly hair between his freakishly-strong, sausage-like fingers. Her hooves scrabbled against the carpet but gained no traction, and the few blows she landed on his legs bounced straight off. She couldn't move her head an inch. It was as if he was a statue, carved into place around her, impossible to bend and too massive to shatter. Her whole scalp burned in pain as he tightened his grip. She could feel hairs at the edges pulling out at the roots. Her world spun as he slapped her. Her ears rung, her vision tilted to-and-fro, and a shock of pain rippled through her teeth and jaw. She knew, somehow, that it was a light touch by this human's standards. She felt tears dripping off her chin, and only then did she realize that she'd stopped screaming. The only sounds she made were shaky breaths and whimpers. The human pulled her face forward, pressing his terrifyingly-thick shaft against her cheek. The heat flowed through as if she'd placed her face on a hot water bottle. She felt nauseous, and didn't know if it was the fear, the slap, or the stink -- there was something off about human musk, something cheesy and slightly rotten, a carnivore's stink. She also noticed the hardness. It had no give whatsoever. It felt as if someone had slipped a thin layer of leather over a warm steel cylinder. He pulled her back and pointed his cock forward, her eyes crossing as she focused on the tip. His grip tightened again, this time to make her cry out in pain. The moment her mouth opened, he slipped the tip inside. Cadance whimpered as the salty, sour, slightly-fishy cock filled her mouth. He was forcing her to give him a blowjob. She gave blowjobs to her husband. Shining loved her blowjobs, and she loved giving them. She'd slowly, caringly, luxuriously coax him to cum, filling her mouth with enough sperm to start a baby-boom. They were wet and sloppy, the result of years of practice and loving communication between the two lovers. She didn't know if she could give that kind of blowjob to someone else. But the human, evidently, wasn't looking for one. Because right then, he started to thrust. Cadance sputtered miserably as the human battered her mouth with his hard cock. The stiffness and force alone made it painful, like having a wooden cooking spoon jabbed against the roof of her mouth over and over, but the deliberate triggering of her gag reflex as he bashed her tonsils combined with his harsh grip combined to make the experience downright torturous. One of the beast's hands gripped her mane tight enough to all but rip it out, and the other took a wide grip on the base of her skull, pulling her forward as each of his meaty fingers squeezed down like he was trying to crush her head. She could practically feel the bruises forming on her scalp as she was manhandled so. With a panicked cough she spewed forward a thick layer of spit and mucous from her lips, coating the shaft further and dripping down her chin. She hadn't eaten since last night, but still wanted to vomit. Every time she thought she could steel herself and repress the feelings of pain and nausea long enough to escape, the man thrust even harder. His hips flicked forward with the same quickness and intensity of a boxer on a speed-bag. He might as well have been punching her, as each thrust rattled her head in a way that made her vision spin, and his cock was surely bruising everything it hit. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he continued to pummel her. Her eyes went wide. The man had stopped thrusting. Now, he pushed. "Glek..." She went deathly-still as the human's thick, foreskin-covered glans pushed past her tonsils and sunk an inch into her throat. Then a second inch. A fourth. Halfway. A tear dripped off her chin and dropped to the floor. All the way in. The human's cock was buried in her throat. She felt her larynx convulse over the length, desperately trying to swallow the blockage. Her nose was buried in the human's greasy, stinking pubic hair, pressed in so deep that she could feel his pubic bone pressing into her. Her tongue writhed uselessly, and drool dripped out from her lips onto the beast's balls. Her head swam from lack of air, and the human shifted his grip. He started thrusting. Cadance's eyes flew open and her struggles kicked into overdrive, lashing her legs out to no effect as the cock thrust in and out of her face, pulling out three inches before slamming all the way back in. A fresh wave of tears flooded her eyes as his pubic bone hit her nose hard enough to bruise it, and the next snort sent a drip of blood trickling down from her nostrils before running onto the shaft. She tasted copper as the human kept fucking, her lungs burning from lack of air as each bump against her nose felt like a spike being driven slowly into her face. The human pushed in one last time, hunching over her and crushing her in to tight that she felt a crunching sensation in the cartilage of her nose, and then pulled out completely. She stared at the dripping shaft for a moment, her head still in his grip, and threw up. It was barely a mouthful, spit, bile, and this morning's orange juice, splashing directly onto the plum-sized head. It twitched. She could only groan weakly as the human dragged her to the bed, threw her on her back, and let her head hang back just over the edge... Her breath caught in her throat as the human bellied up to her, his thick cock swinging gently in front of his hips, still dripping with slop from where she'd thrown up on it. He gripped her throat with one hand, not hard enough to choke her, but firm enough that she knew he could crush her windpipe in a second if he so wished, and lined up the tip of his knob with her mouth. Cadance clamped her lips shut. "Mmhn-nnhm!" She shook her head emphatically, refusing him entrance, still hoping beyond hope that this was all some absurd miscommunication, and that this creature could be convinced to stop. The human merely reached down with his free hand and pinched her nose shut. Her lungs started burning from lack of air after a few seconds, and though she tried to thrash her wings and legs, the weakness in her limbs stopped her from doing anything but flailing ineffectually. She opened her mouth just enough to suck in air through her teeth, but that was enough for the human to jam a thumb between her lips, pry her jaw open, and force his cock inside after opening up enough space. Her stomach turned as she tasted her own bile mixed with human musk. The human's free hand dug deep into her mane, pulling apart the pristine royal coiffure, turning it into a whorish bird's nest, a mere handlebar for his games. This time, he didn't try to wear her down with sharp, battering thrusts. Instead, he pushed forward inexorably. Her eyes went wide as the bulbous head slipped past her tonsils, and her whole throat stung with the sharp, splitting ache that came from trying not to cry and failing. As inch after inch of his length slid inside, she felt the strange and painful sensation of his hand squeezing her throat from the outside as his veiny, bulging cock squeezed it from the outside. His balls, hot and sweaty, came to rest on her nose. She thought he would stop pushing now and start thrusting, but he rammed his hips forward and sunk another inch-and-a-half inside. Cadance winced as his pubic bone rammed her lips into her teeth. Her nostrils were utterly smothered by his musky balls, and all she could see was his flexing, hairy ass-crack. A bead of sweat ran down his balls, dripped onto her cheek, and ran down her face until it stung in her eye. She was utterly trapped, a pleasure toy for this strange man, and she couldn't even whimper in protest. Mercifully, he withdrew, pulling all the way out until only the tip remained in her mouth. Cadance took half a dozen desperate, wailing breaths through her nose, all tainted by the overpowering stink of his unwashed balls, and she blinked away tears in her eyes. She considered trying to bite down, but a gentle squeeze on her throat warned against in. She could only sob as he pushed back in. He fucked her throat as if it was a pussy, with long, satisfying strokes, occasionally pushing in deep enough to really rub his balls into her nose, savouring the heat, the wetness, and the tightness. Drool ran down her face and the pain of having her throat stretched increased tenfold between the roughness, the friction, and the lack of air, Every time his balls left her face they remained connected by a bridge of thick saliva, slapping against her. He stretched her mouth so wide that she couldn't even use her tongue to please him. She was just a hole. He came, grunting as he blew his load down her throat. Her oesophagus convulsed, trying to expel the vile substance and half-succeeding. His thrusts never stopped and for every drop of jizz she swallowed, another spilled back into her mouth, salty, vile, and overwhelmingly bitter. It stuck to her lips and gums like glue. He seemed inexhaustible, even after her mouth had been filled and cum had shot from her nostrils and thick rivulets of white goo ran down her face he was still cumming. She felt like she was drowning in it. It took several moments after he pulled out to realise he'd done so. She was just trying to choke down the vile mess, snort it out of her nostrils, and blink it out of her eyes. She had been well and truly used. She didn't notice the group of humans that had walked in until they had surrounded her. They were all naked and masked like her rapist, but they carried bags, cameras, and other equipment. One of them knelt on the bed next to her, grabbed her by the mane, and lifted her head up like a trophy, her body following limply. She blinked at the stream of camera flashes as two of the humans took photos from every angle. In her periphery, two of the humans were assembling something, but she couldn't make out what it was. "Let her see." One of the cameramen held up a mirror, and Cadance saw her reflection. Her mane was wild and frizzy, locks of purple, lilac, and blonde blurred together in an indistinct mess, matted with spit where her drool had ran down into it, bunched up on top of the scalp where one of the humans continued to grip it with his sausage-like digits. A sheen of sweat glistened over her whole face, though it wasn't clear where the sweat ended and her slobber started. Both eyes were bloodshot, the left particularly so where a few drops of cum had stung it. Her gaze was unfocused and her mascara ran down her cheeks in spindly lines. A small but intense bruise bloomed on the tip of her nose where it had been rammed repeatedly into the man's pubic bone, and her bottom lip was split, cracked and bleeding from the same treatment after she'd been flipped over. All of that formed the backdrop for a truly depraved amount of cum. It had flowed over her face not in rivulets but a full-fledged river delta, thick, sticky, and foul. It clung to her fur, dripped off her eyelashes, and stuck to her lips. Every time she drew breath she caught another whiff of it, turning her stomach once again. "Good job, people. Wrap her up, she's ready to join the other four." The words barely registered as four humans hauled her up. They dragged her into a casket-shaped frame, just big enough for her body, with her head sticking out of the end. They closed off all six sides of the frame with sheets of hard plastic, two slotting either side of her neck with a hole in the middle and a water-tight seal applied to shut the inside off completely. One of the humans wheeled an ominously-large canister next to the box, fitted a hose from the canister to a small hole in the plastic sheeting, and pulled a lever. Cadance felt the disconcerting sensation of her box filling up with a thick, cool gel, until she was utterly immersed from the neck down. Once it had finished pumping, the hose was withdrawn, and a thin electronic control panel was placed over it. The human who installed it tapped a few buttons, and the whole box whirred with power. Cadance's eyes shot open. This was magic. Powerful magic. A stasis and healing spell. As long as she was fed, watered and not otherwise injured, the magic-infused gel would take care of all her bodily functions for the duration of the spell, even breathing. She had to-- Hands pulled her mouth open, and something was forced inside. A soft plastic shape molded over her back molars, top and bottom. The springy plastic pushed her mouth open as wide as it would go. She tried to close her mouth. With great effort, she could bring her top and bottom teeth within an inch of touching, but no further. This gag would stop her biting down, but still allow her to wrap her lips around anything. As the blindfold slipped over her eyes, she dimly realised that she'd lost her final chance to talk her way out of this mess. They placed her box on some kind of trolley, wheeling her down an interminable length of corridors and hallways before unlocking a door. She heard a set of familiar yet horrifying sounds - gagging, slurping, and whining - and the familiar reek of human musk. Her box was lifted from the trolley, and after some careful adjustments, slid into a slot. Alien hands removed her blindfold. Cadance looked up. Her head was upside-down. Her box had been slotted into a hole in the wall, like refrigeration units in a morgue, with her head dangling out one end. She looked to the left, and saw three ponies in a similar predicament, each of their heads poking out of the wall in an identical fashion. Her two aunts and her sister-in-law. She blanched as she saw what was happening to them. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight Sparkle each had a human in front of them, each driving a thick cock deep into their throats, mashing sweaty balls against royal noses. Their faces dripped with spit and cum. Each had a blue plastic bucket directly below their heads, collecting any slop that dripped off. Cadance tried to look away, but a human grabbed her mane and twisted her head. They wanted her to see the fate that had befallen her. She felt black ice grow inside her as she watched the rape of her fellow Princesses. Another human walked up to Celestia and pushed his cock in alongside the first human, stretching her cheeks as they double-fucked her mouth. The one raping Luna pulled out with a roar, pried her right eyelid open with his fingers, and came directly on her pupil. Another human replaced him the moment he walked away, slamming a fresh set of balls against her nostrils. Twilight's rapist finished in her mouth, the purple princess's throat bobbing and gulping as she swallowed the sticky slime, and he remained there after his orgasm had been sucked dry. Then, he sighed. Cadance's breath caught in her throat as clear yellow liquid burbled out from Twilight Sparkle's lips, ran down her face, and splished into the bucket below. The man had just used her sister-in-law as his personal urinal. Her mind went blank, and then a horrible thought struck her. ...she's ready to join the other four... There were only three ponies in this room. She heard the click of the door opening, and the human wrenched her head around to look. Cadance saw the cart as it rolled through the door, and cried out in anguish. Her worst nightmare had been realized. The cart was a flat wooden platform on four trolley wheels. Two metal poles rose up from the left and right side of the platform. These poles were connected by a third metal pole with a metal hoop in the middle, perpendicular to the floor. The hoop was just wide enough for a mare's neck to fit through, and just high enough that a filly could stand on her hindlegs on the platform with her head sticking out through the hoop. As it happened, a teenaged mare was stood on the platform, with her neck in the loop. A pink-coated with a purple mane, soft, downy wings, and a dainty horn. A glass fishbowl surrounded her head, open at the top, and given a watertight seal around her neck. Two plastic breathing tubes led out of her nose, and ran up and out of the bowl. Princess Cadance shook her head in cold disbelief as Flurry Heart was wheeled into the room. Her daughter locked eyes with her. She spoke, but it was muffled through the glass. Cadance didn't need to be an expert lip-reader to know she'd said "...mom?" Flurry Heart's gaze shifted, and Cadance followed it. Three humans approached the teenager, each holding a blue bucket. A blue bucket which had been under a Princess's head mere moments ago. The young mare shook her head as the men began to pour. Spit, cum, and piss flooded the fishbowl. Cadance wailed as her daughter's head disappeared beneath the tide of opaque, yellow-tinted gunk. With the breathing tubes in her nose, she knew she would stay there until she chose to drink her way out. The men replaced the buckets, and one knelt down next to the submerged mare, and began to finger her pussy. Cadance was in such shock she didn't even notice the human approach her. She could only sob as the hot, musky knob pushed into her mouth. The man thrust forward, burying his prick in her princessly throat. He reached down to rub his balls into her face, and Princess Cadance began her new life.