The Execution of Starlight Glimmer

by Downunda Thunda

First published

Executions in Equestria are rare... But they have happened before.

This is a bit of a short story that I came up with one night in my insomniatic sleep-deprived state.. so don't read too much into it. I just wanted to write something that had a bit of a darker theme to it. So yeah... Also, reader beware, as the title suggests, this story does deal with death and execution.

Chapter 1

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I walk through the halls of the dungeon in my castle. Stone walls on either side, with more cells than I could ever possibly fill in Ponyville. I was flanked on either side by Canterlot guards who were sent here because of the prisoner whom was being held. She had proven that she was capable of powerful, mind-altering magic. And I had been ordered by my mentor, Princess Celestia, to end her life.

Executions in Equestria are rare, as for the most part, it’s a peaceful nation. There hasn’t been a recorded execution since before Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon by Princess Celestia. Our crime rate is usually fairly low, with some notable exceptions. This pony, however, was something else entirely. She had created a village with forced equality. The denizens of this town underwent brainwashing, as well as a magic procedure which removes their cutie marks, and removes the capability for them to perform their special talents. We’re still trying to determine if there are any permanent effects on the ponies she had held captive.

But, for the moment, these were thoughts that were irrelevant, as Starlight Glimmer, the leader of this, for want of a better word, cult, is about to see the sun for the last time. We get to her cell, one of the guards approacing the door, and banging on it, to ensure she was awake, before unlocking it. Quickly, they move in and cuff her hooves, so that she couldn’t try to escape.

“Starlight Glimmer” I say, mustering as much authority as I can into my voice. “By the power vested in me as Princess of Friendship, as authorized by Princess Celestia of Equestria, for the crimes you have committed against pony-kind, and peace and harmony, you are due to be executed on the rising of the sun, on this day, the winter solstice. Do you have any final requests?”

Starlight’s head hangs, a couple tears fall from her eyes. I almost have sympathy for her, before I remember how she would be feeling if the roles were reversed. I had no doubt in my mind that she would relish in the murdering of ponies. I have no idea if she had ever committed such atrocities, nor did I want to know. As was expected, she remained silent. “Very well. Let us move on then.” I say, before leading her out of her cell. I have her walk behind me, with the two guards close to her sides to ensure she didn’t try anything.

As we left the dungeon, and ascended into the courtyard of the castle, where a guillotine had been constructed, I heard whispering behind me. I angle my ears to try to hear what she was saying, and it sounded like a prayer. “Prayers won’t help you now.” I say softly, but firmly. I couldn’t let her know that I felt sorry for her.

We climbed the stairs onto the raised platform, and placed her forelegs and head into the stocks below the weighted blade, as I take up the executioner’s position at the end of the release rope. Just as I was about to pull it, Starlight finally spoke up.

“I’m sorry.” She cried. “I’m sorry for all the pain and anguish I caused. I promise I can change. Please don’t kill me! I don’t want to die!” Hearing her plead for her life made me hesitate, but it wasn’t for long. I saw the sun begin to creep up over the horizon, and I knew I had to do what had to be done.

“I’m sorry.” I say. Letting a hint of emotion into my voice. “But you brought this upon yourself.” In that moment, both she and I shed a tear simultaneously, as I pulled the release. The split-second it would have taken for the blade to hit the bottom of the track felt like an eternity. I watched as it descended, before finally severing her head from her shoulders. Her body remained in place for a second, before it finally went limp, and fell to the floor.

And then I awoke. Looked around in and saw I was in my bedroom, in the castle. I was breathing hard, and covered in a cold sweat. I calmed myself down, and mentally said that it was just a dream. However, I had to make sure. It felt so real. I glance down at the courtyard from my bedroom window, and saw nothing. There was no towering guillotine. Nothing. I let out a sigh of relief, as I head downstairs for breakfast.

“Good morning!” I was greeted with a happy voice. I look over and see Starlight standing there. Finally fully confirming that it was indeed a dream. “Wow, you look pale… Are you okay?” She asked me.

I shake my head, trying to clear the last residual memories of that dream from my mind… without success. “Fine.” I reply. “I just had a bit of a bad dream, is all.

“Oh, do you want to talk about it?” She asked me, tilting her head slightly to one side.

“No… I’ll be fine. I just need something to eat, is all.” I say slightly disturbed by the dream still vividly playing in my mind. Could I actually do that to a pony who has since become my student and friend? I couldn’t believe I was capable of doing that. But then I remember what she was like when I first met her. How messed up the town was. If Celestia told me she needed to die… would I have doubted her? Would I have carried out the order, if asked? Could I still do it?

These were all questions that I would need to spend a long, long time thinking about. And I had to make sure I knew the answers before I came to anypony about that dream. I finally arrive at the kitchen, where Spike had already been busy preparing breakfast. Which was good, as I was starved. That dream was exhausting.