> Hot Coffee Quickies: Sunset & Flash > by Fabulosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > HCQ: Sunset & Flash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The school was still at Camp Everfree, though they where soon to return home - back to the way of modern things and back to their studies. They had been tasked of pitching tents in groups, within the forest - having to endure the trek of nature, before leaving until they returned next year. Sunset Shimmer had remembered what Flash Sentry said to her afew days ago, he mentioned something about them dating again. The thought echoed their her mind every few hours, she tried too ignore it or simply forget; but it was something that couldn't be done. The fiery haired beauty would sigh, deciding to sneak out of her tent during the late of night and head over toward the boys' side of tents. Upon reaching them, she remembered where Flash pitched his own tent and with that she'd carefully step around the scattered spikes and tangled rope - some of which were badly tied together. Once she found his zipped tent door, she'd unzip it slightly and then move down onto her fours, poking her upper half through the loose material; until she spotted him laying there. "Flash... psssst, Flash... are you awake?" Sunset would whisper. At least the bright sunlight and fresh air had been good for pretty much everyone, except those who were particularly fussy about their appearance or comfort (though no one would mention Rarity specifically), and it was a nice way to at least get away from the usual hallways and hustle around high school. And at least here was a place that Flash found himself unexpectedly useful and trying to forget the Twilight that had been 'his', so to speak. Things were a little weird around camp still, with a few unexplained or odd occurrences, but thankfully it seemed to be limited to Sunset and her little group of friends. Odd how everyone seemed to know those six (seven if you counted the 'other' Twilight) were so very unique, but even magically traumatic events seemed to be mostly forgotten after a week or two. But Flash was for the most part glad that he'd been able to do well out here in the wilderness, his tent being one of the sturdier and well-constructed ones. Most everyone else seemed to be out on a little hike or by the water, but an afternoon nap wasn't ever a bad thing after all this work. But privacy obviously was a bit of an issue since she could ease her way right into his tent without knocking. "Wha-huh?" His voice startled, and she'd find him rolling, sitting upright in a jolt and looking more than a little shocked. And despite the cool breeze out, he seemed to be sleeping in his boxers, bare from the waist up though the sleeping bag was wrapped a little more tightly around him. "Sunset? Oh... well, I guess I'm awake now. Uh... what's up?", brow quirked slightly at the unexpected entrance. The bacon-maned teenager would push herself furthermore into his tent, making sure to turn around and close up the loose material once she saw that Flash was sleeping in his boxers, thanks to the moonlight that was peering through behind her. Naturally there was a tinge of red upon her cheeks. Once the doors were fully zipped up, she looked around the insides of the tent. It was now completely dark, her eyes squinting and trying to find Flash's location. "I was just... trying to sleep and I uh, ow... w-where are you? I can't see..." Sunset grumbled in a low voice, searching throughout the tent floor. "I was just wanting to talk too you about, what you said." The teenager finished, before slipping and ending up falling into something soft. Something softer... than that of a sleeping bag. "...Uh." "Whoa, wait a sec.", he'd mutter, trying to keep quiet even though he knew most people were probably still out for the evening. He'd fumble to the side for the electric lantern close by that provided some illumination in lieu of any natural light, especially with the tent flap closed, but she was already moving in and knocking over one or two things in the darkness. "Hold on, let me get the light on-whoa!" Just as the lantern beamed to life, a soft glow that was plenty to let them both see, he'd see her stumbling forward awkwardly. And ever the gentleman, his arms darted out to keep her from hitting the ground too hard, though the momentum was enough to push him right down onto the sleeping bag. He'd blink in a bit of surprise, and trying to adjust to the new light, but his hand definitely had something soft and warm in it...a faintly familiar sensation as he squeezed, only to realise one of his hands had pushed up against her chest, his palm filled with one of those perky, soft breasts while the other was upon her shoulder. In turn she was pretty much laying atop him despite there being little clothing between them now, though at least she hadn't landed too hard. Nonetheless, her bared thigh would be slid right up and brushing along his loins, and a bright blush came to his features as well, even as he struggled for a response. "Oh, huh... well this is moving kinda quick, but we can still talk, right?", an abashed smirk worn as he eased her upright to let her get off, his hand unclasped from her bosom even though they'd been at least... familiar before. It was the moment that Sunset fell forward, her bosom coming into contact with his more-than-eager hand and she'd gasp lightly. The tint upon her face glowing ever so more, though as the light lit the tent from within; even if it were dim, they both could see atleast now. Even if it was faint. "Yeah, you bet." Sunset replied to his question. "I've been wanting to talk to you, since you mentioned dating to me afew days ago... listen... yeah... I think I would like that, I mean, everyone is moving on and I don't want to be that girl that tags along through pity, y'know?" Sunset would sigh gently again, sitting right infront of him and staring toward his half-shadowed face. The young teenager would even give him a kind, loving smile and a light-hearted chuckle as she followed up. "Heh, I mean... if you want of course. I know things didn't work out with Twilight and we had our differences, but... I wouldn't be opposed to dating again." The double-toned haired beauty would respond, her own hand slipping forward to rest upon his lap and slightly moving back and forth; it were as though she were trying to stir him, stir a response from the male. But then again, it could have just been Sunset being Sunset. He'd at least remember to breathe again once she was seated and off of him, easing himself upright into a cross-legged stance and trying not to feel too self-conscious at being caught in his underwear. Again, nothing she'd never seen before, but they'd been a little younger, a little more naive at that point... nice times while it'd lasted of course. But he was plenty happy to hear her answer at last, his features lighting up noticeably. "Well yeah.... I mean, sure! And it's not like that at all. I'm was a little bummed that things won't work out with Twilight... or y'know, the Princess one, but I'm pretty much over that now. And we did have a rough time before, didn't we?", chuckling softly, though one hand would reach out for hers to grasp lightly, smiling warmly. "But you've changed, for the better... so I'd be more than happy to start again." But then her other hand seemed to have another idea in mind, and he couldn't help but tense up lightly, a fresh rush of crimson coming to his cheeks. 'Unsightly' as it might've been, there was no denying how pleasant it felt having her hand lightly stirring upon his loins. "Oh, um... Sunset? Are you..?", eyes finding her own once more. They'd only ever gotten into some really heavy petting and make-out sessions in the past, again a younger and more innocent time, but this seemed more... intense already. "I mean, I'm not complaining..." he'd finish. Typically Sunset heard his reaction, and knowing full-well by his voice he was slightly nervous; but not obviously against the idea she had in mind. When his hand met her other, she'd grin alittle and laugh. Making sure to start pushing up against him at this point. Sunset wasn't wearing her usual jacket, instead her short black skirt and a white tee-shirt, also having worn a pair of sneakers. "Oh, I know you're not complaining Flash. I mean, you really were never one to actually complain, hehe." Sunset giggled, moving closer toward him - her own face just inches from his own. "I think we should make up for some lost time... what do you think, Flash?" Sunset would ask, making sure to bestow upon him her sexy, seductive look for added effect. Things were interesting now, weren't they? He'd known her for awhile now, but only in the past year had he realised that she was a girl from another world (and a pony supposedly), and though her demeanour towards others and herself had changed drastically, she still had plenty of sass and personality to go along with it. It was a wonder that she was still single, though part of it might've just been just how... intimidating the prospect of dating a magical gal could be. Not that she lost any points in charm for it, and Flash was starting to realise now that she probably hadn't come here just to talk and make up. A twinge of courage starting to rise now, though she'd also feel the soft flesh beneath his boxers starting to rise, stir as he pitched an entirely different sort of tent against her stroking hand. "That sounds...like a plan to me.", his face moving to close the distance, lightly planting a soft, curious kiss upon her lush lips. A familiar, but long-missed little sensation The feeling of that fabric under her fingers moving, twitching and beginning to rise - made her body shiver lightly. The double-maned teenager knew exactly what was going on down below, it was an interesting thing boys had and she loved that 'magic' about them. Infact it was something that made her curiosity even more igniting. When the pretty boy moved forward, closing the distance between them - she'd close her eyes and move slightly forward to meet his given kiss. Both sets of lips collided against each other and it was then, that they started to mesh and rub over one another; swapping drips of saliva, coating each others lips in each others oral liquids. Sunset's hand continued to lightly pet that same area, stroking with fingers and tickling him - to help provoke a stronger response from the body and hope that he'd take the reins of their little 'get together'. "Mmmmn-mmmmmm." Sunset moaned into those lips of his, sharing her eagerness to continue and want to sate her already growing curiosity. So much that she'd push alittle forcefully against him, as if threatening his personal space. Again, Flash had always been the gentleman when he could, which probably reflected well on his upbringing despite his usual attempts to go for the 'rebellious' look with the guitar playing skills and leather jacket. Doors were always held open, seats were pulled out, and girls generally always went first. Of course things were a little different here as their lips continued to mash upon one another with increasing intensity and eagerness, any sense of modesty or worry settling into the background as the warmth and softness of her body pressed closer, and it wouldn't be long before her fingers would be pleasantly wrapping around the girthy length of his manhood through the thin cloth of his boxers, though the blunt tip was starting to poke out over the top of the waistband by now. And if he had a sense of personal space, then she was being welcomed openly into it as his arms wrapped about her waist and back, pulling her forward as well so that her youthful frame would rest atop him. Hands sliding under the back and bottom of her shirt to stroke his fingers, palms over the bare soft skin of her waist, up along her back, pushing it higher up until she was pretty much bared from the mid-riff, stopping at her arms and breasts as they continued to mingle lovingly. Luckily for Sunset she was partly dressed before she came to visit Flash. Having went to bed with the other girls, she was dressed in her pyjamas - but decided to half change into outdoor clothing to come see him. She knew the trip wasn't far and she also knew that Flash wouldn't be likely to deny her advances, wearing as little clothing as possible. The young girl would feel that growing manhood within her palm, fingers caressing the girth of it and enjoying the soft, hot and yet firm feel of Flash's hard cock. A small purr escaped her lips as she felt his hands getting busy, heaving her forward so that she'd rest atop of him and feeling his hands caressing her soft, warm skin. "Mmmnnn... Flash." Sunset cooed and sat upright in his lap, straddling him at this point. Grabbing the helm of her shirt, she would pull it up and off of herself - revealing her soft, supple body to him in the dim, shadowing light. "I bet you missed the girls, huh?" Sunset teased, before she would reach down and take his hands - guiding them up to her bosom, letting each hand take a simple handful. Well this was a little different. No bra? He had imagined that was the case at first feel, but it wasn't until her shirt went up and off from her supple figure that his eyes widened. In their younger years, he'd cupped a handful of her pretty much everywhere, but he'd pretty much had gotten that far as second base went. And now she was bared from the waist up, those ample, yet perky mounds revealed in the lantern light and already he knew he was more excited to see this than any sort of smut he could find online. But he managed to compose himself enough to grin knowingly, hands being guided back to cup her bared breasts, palms and fingers squeezing, kneading gently into those pillow-soft mounds in return while she was stroking back at his cock through his boxers. "Well it's a hell of a re-introduction, that's for sure.", leaning back in for another deep kiss as his hands kept at their work, though he couldn't help but squirm, groan softly into the oral embrace as that rock-hard mast pulsed hotly within her grip, hips thrusting back shallowly. But he wouldn't remain utterly focused on her tits, much as most boys his age were often lost on that one detail, one hand removed to slide down her back, teasing over her spine and down her shoulder blades before finding the bottom of her skirt, flipping the black number up so as to grasp up into her pert, equally lovely lower cheek, also curious what she might've been wearing beneath. Their kiss deepened and she enjoyed the forceful eagerness that Flash was giving in return. Though the double-maned teenager groaned lightly, deeply on occasion as she felt his hands exploring her breasts - enjoying the silky, soft feel of such tender beauties. However as one hand drifted further and further south, raising her skirt up and moving it so that it'd rest around her waist; she would whimper lightly the moment that hand grasped one cheek of her backside. Sunset broke the kiss and shivered, biting down on her bottom lip as a single hand of her own - continued to stroke and rub his eager cock nice and firmly. "Aaaaaah, yeah. That's it... nice and hard, Flash." Sunset said as she giggled before continuing. "Lucky for you, i'm not wearing panties... so your next choice of vacation destinations, should be pretty easy to access." A shy, cheeky giggle escaped between her lips and a curious wink would follow. "What are you waiting for, sweetheart? If you take too long... someone might wake up and come wanting you and then you'll miss your chance!" Sunset spoke in a teasing manner, acting shocked toward the end of her words. "Well... if y'say so. But don't say I didn't warn you.", he'd joke back with a chuckle, though there was an anxious lick of his lips and his nerves were tense all over again. Was she really wanting to go all the way, here and now? Well she didn't feel like she might be magically-influenced, as if he could tell, and she certainly seemed as playful as ever... but perhaps where as once she'd been trying to keep him on a short leash for status sake, she was now just having as much fun as she wanted, and wanted to share that with him. Sounded plenty plausible enough, his fingers gliding down a little further... inhaling sharply in some surprise to find that she was indeed quite uncovered beneath the skirt, his fingertips tracing over her warm, lightly damp mound. "Just...tell me if it's too much, ok?", figuring it was worth letting her know that she was in good hands, even if he was suddenly lifting her up with surprising strength and eagerness from his lap, turning her around so that she'd be laying back upon the softness of the sleeping bag, giving him a moment to gaze upon her lovely figure. Blushing, smirking, her generous breasts rising and falling with her own excitement, while that little black skirt hid little beyond her long legs and sneaker-clad feet... and though this was his first time, he didn't hesitate much at all as her legs were parted around his waist, his boxers tugged down to let that thick, rock-hard organ spring freely before her very eyes. She hadn't been the only one who'd grown since they'd last had a bit of naughty fun after all. Soon that pulsing cock disappeared beneath the short length of her skirt, the heated hardness lightly stroking over her lower belly, then lengthwise atop her silken nether lips, sliding back and forth teasingly as his hands rose, one clutching at her hand while the other rested upon one of those silken-soft breasts to keep kneading, teasing her awhile longer. But not too long, as he felt himself already panting and trembling nervously, but soon that blunt cocktip found its way up against her glove-tight slit, his blue eyes meeting her teal pools. "H-here goes...", grunting softly, biting down as slowly, but surely he'd feel her silken sheath part, then surround his invading mast as inch by rock-hard inch sank into her little damp sex. Sunset heard everything he said, though she wasn't surprised by his sudden burst of confidence. This was something she often enjoyed about him; he just got right on down to it. It was now that she realised that his exploring fingers had found her unguarded treasure cove, having been given direction of course. However the pretty girl would shiver in response to those poking, exploring fingers. Sunset would simply nod her head toward him. "Okay, go for it Flash. Let's see wh-uh?!" Sunset was interrupted in her words, as she felt her own form being taken by him and placed upon her back upon the sleeping bag. Now she was staring right up toward him, smirking in response - as stated her breasts heaving up and down due to her own breathing, her excitement. "Heh, alright." She would simple state. Though Sunset would whimper lightly when she felt one hand upon her bosom yet again, causing her back to arch in response alone. A tingle spiralled down her form, the feeling of what was about to happen - entering her mind, repeating over and over. When he pushed that cock against her silken, damp nethers - she would tense up for a sudden moment and when he pushed inside; she would gasp out and release a quick, sudden squeak. A hand shot up and slapped right over her mouth, she wanted to seal her own lips to prevent very close neighbours from hearing of their little interaction. Sunset's eyes closed and she'd push her head back into the sleeping bag, her body shook and trembled and more lewd liquids, seeped from between her delicious lips - as they gobbed up that throbbing cock which was sliding in, inch-by-inch. Part of Flash wondered if she'd done this before, but there was something adorably sweet about her reactions now, unguarded and new. He wouldn't stop to ask for sure, and he'd enjoy this no matter if he was the first or not to share such pleasure with the fiery-haired beauty from another world. His teeth were bared in a soft hiss, grinding together until finally that throbbing pillar of flesh had plunged up to the hilt within her silken inner folds, his back arching slightly and grip upon her breast tightening, his fingers intertwining with her own in the other. "Aaaaah... it's so good... hot and tight...!", he'd finally exclaim as much to himself as her, though he couldn't hold his moans back much longer. Not silencing them, but at least muffling them as his lips were clasped onto the side of her neck, offering little licks and kisses upwards until her hand moved away to allow him another passionate oral embrace, hips slowly stirring, rocking against hers to let her get adjusted to the particularly snug fit they shared. Only after a few moments would he start to slide his hips back, before offering up a slow, but powerful thrust to plunge that thick manhood back into her glove-tight slit, grunting softly as he worked into her over and over again, her skirt flipping up soon to allow them both at least a little visual hint of their lewd juncture, though the sight of her legs widely spread with her skirt still on was a delicious view in itself. Fingertips upon her breast moving to trap the hard, sensitive bud between his fingertips to lightly tug and tease at as his head pulled aside, grunting and huffing by her ear, though he'd breath a few raunchy words still. "Mmmmrf... does it feel good? Almost feels like you don't want anyone to hear, ngh... hear us both fucking in here..." Another light grunt, gasp escaping between her lips as she felt Flash attaching himself to the side of her neck. Those licks and kisses, tickled her and she'd both shiver and giggle upon receiving them. The biggest shift in pleasure however, was when the gorgeous boy decided to thrust himself into her full hilt. It was then that Sunset realised she was at full capacity, that cock just buried nice and deep within her slickened walls. Her own pussy was just clenching upon him, milking him with such eager tightness. It seemed that at this moment, her own body wanted his very essence. Thus her sex continued its little milking game, draining him with each thrust he gave within her. Sunset removed her hand from her mouth, pressing her lips against his - both enduring another hot and passionate kiss. "Mmmnn!" When both lips broke away, she would pant and gasp for air - while rocking her hips toward his actions, she was just as eager as him. Two hot bodies, madly in love with each other. Though it took sometime and both had been driven apart for a period of time, but now they had come together once more and their love was now being made manifest through these delicious, natural actions. When Flash spoke into Sunset's ear, she couldn't help but laugh gently inbetween pants and reply with words of her own. "A-Aaaah... yes... it feels really good, Flash... but... I don't want anyone hearing us... because... uuuuuagh... because i'd like to come first atleast." Leaning into his neck now, she'd return the affection and latch on with a tight bite, suckling at this flesh; attempting to leave a love bite. "Heh, well... I'll just do my best, won't I?", and while the energy and enthusiasm was there, it was obvious that he still had plenty to learn. Those first few thrusts experimental, and a hint of awkwardness to them, but Flash was a quick learner as least as he settled into a steadier tempo, ramming that veiny fuckstick alittle harder, faster now into her snug little love canal, enough to have her unburdened breasts jiggling delightfully as her body was rocked by the heavier pumps, his heavy balls slapping softly against her slick nethers. Each zealous thrust left the blunt cocktip bumping up against her inner depths, though he certainly couldn't be sure just how deep he was hitting within her. A moment's concern crossing his features as he felt his cock twitching intensely within her, slowing him down for just a moment, but only a thin drip of pre leaked out into her plenty-slick nethers already, a sigh of relief uttered. Focusing his thoughts as he began to readily pump, ram that thick shaft into her needy sex, leaning back and straightening up enough so that he could grasp one of her ankles and lift it up, aside, finding it adorable that her socks and sneakers were still on as they rutted madly, plenty enjoying the view from here as well while she bounced and moaned over his sleeping bag. The young girl couldn't help but smirk at him, as she heard those words. Right now Flash was trying to be the confident, cocky little shit that he often tried to be - back when he was trying to first get her attention; before she turned good. With each powerful thrust he rutted into her, that beautiful and supple body shook and jiggled in response. "Uh! Uuuuuaah!" Sunset moaned out lightly, still trying her best to keep her voice down so that no-one could hear. It was difficult, and she thought Celestia's spells were hard. They had nothing on this right now; this was difficult incarnate. The poor bacon-maned girl would twist her head abit, shivering as he continued to ram home that plentiful loving he was dispensing upon her poor, teenage body. In and out, in and out and with each thrust her sex grabbed at his hard cock, milking him with each inward thrust - and attempting to gain that which it wanted; that cream that lay within. So far it was only pre, but the main delight would soon be obtained for sure. Sunset blinked in surprise however when she felt her leg, that ankle being grabbed and held upward - stretched toward the roof of the tent and due to this new position, she would feel a new threshold of pleasure. "MMMPH!" Sunset slapped a hand tightly upon her mouth again, feeling her sex, her lower body tremble and quiver against his ramming tool. Also her eyes tightened shut and she'd feel herself climaxing against his hot cock, squirting and emptying her lovely lady juices all over his dick - as she experienced a cunt-shattering orgasm right upon his lovely dick. "Mmmnnnnnnnnnrrh!" Sunset continued emitting those noises, as she flooded the spot between them until her little sexhole was spent and having rode out that orgasm. "Holy shit...!" Flash grunted between gritted teeth in a mixture of amazement and overwhelmed pleasure, undoubtedly feeling her silken inner folds starting to spasm, clench and milk at his invading cock like she'd never let go, though her body was tensed up and shuddering wildly in the face of his frenzied thrusts, though he'd keep that pulsing fuckstick buried up to the hilt within her wildly-clenching sex. "Nnngh, felt that one..." Though he tried his best to remain focused, it was too much to handle. Both the unrelenting tightness and heat, her juices gushing out messily over his balls pressed up to her mound, along with the way she writhed beneath him in abject pleasure. Part of him should've been smarter of course, but teens were teens, whether or not they might've been magical. He'd almost fall upon her once again, hands on either side of her splayed, flowing red and gold mane, her long legs and sneaker-clad feet spread lewdly around his waist as he really began to pummel that fat organ into her slick, spasming sex, his features scrunching up in focus and seeming agony. "Aaaah, Sunset... f-fuck... gonna... gonna cum...!" The wild bouncing of her supple body halting after one final, violent pump into her milking sex, keeping her riding that intense climax long as he could before his cock recoiled and twitched wildly within her, like a second heart beat, hot pulses accompanying each eruption of his virgin spunk flooding into her youthful womb, messily painting her inner folds milky-white as he fired off rope after rope of rich, thick cum into her without any thought for pulling out or protection. Hips pressed tight against her, rocking and circling to help get every drop into her, though as his groans gave way to contented, exasperated pants, he'd begin kissing softly, breathlessly against her plush lips once more as he eased himself back down to have her heaving breasts pressed at his well-toned chest, but not quite resting fully upon her as their sweat-damp frames intertwined once more. Sunset couldn't help but perk up when she heard his moans, his announcement of climax - that was on the brink of release. "F-Flash!" The double-maned girl would quickly call out in a panicked whisper. Though it was too late, the youthful gentlemen would tense up and release his wonderful load within her eager, awaiting fuckbox. It could be felt too. Every thrusting explosion, milking right out between her pink insides; those walls greedily milking him as he remained there. Her own orgasm using those quivering folds, quivering walls to help entice his climax that much more and it was working too. Rope after gooey rope was being injected into her youthful baby-milker and shiver deeply and bite down tightly upon her bottom lip. "Hnnnnnaaaa-aaaaaaaaaah...!" Naturally Sunset wouldn't move, she let him have his little orgasmic moment as he let her have her own and she'd feel him collapsing somewhat atop of her, both bodies pressed upon each other - panting and groaning followed as she stirred upon the same spot. "A-Aaaah... I can't believe you just... came inside me... now i'm most likely going to get pregnant... aaah..." Sunset whimpered. "I mean... aah... with the amount you just... flooded me with, it's no doubt..." Whimpering lightly and shivering once more - Sunset continued. "I mean... you just... invaded the babies room and everything... what a naughty father you are..." Sunset was teasing him with words now, waiting and watching for his reaction. They wouldn't remain in that little pose for too long though, and ever the polite one, Flash was able to at least grasp her by the shoulder and hip to gently pull her over with him as he rolled onto his back, allowing her lighter, svelte figure to come to rest on top of him as he panted and stared off into blankness for awhile, no doubt lost in the utter bliss that was a shared climax like that along with the fuzzy warmth of the afterglow. Gravity would also have its say now, as she'd probably feel some of his copious nut starting to drip and leak out from her freshly-fucked folds, whatever of his thick baby batter wasn't sloshing about hotly within her youthful womb, warm and pulsing within her belly. "Oof... oh, um...." Flash moaned only just realising perhaps there was something that she didn't want, though she'd seemed plenty eager enough when he'd been climaxing atop and within her. "S-sorry... it felt too good, and you didn't... .well." Flash sighed, screw the consequences, a faint smirk crossing his lips now, pressing a light peck on her cheek. "...well if that's what makes you a hot new momma, then it's plenty worth it. But maybe another try or two is in order, not sure I've knocked you up well enough.", a joking, but sharp slap given to her perky backside as well once his hands were upon her hips. When that slap was given upon her backside, she'd shiver and groan out in response. "Oh!" Smirking in return to his own, she would lean back and punch him lightly upon the shoulder. "Oh, yeah. Says you, the handsome new daddy to be." Folding her arms for a second and then leaning down, pressing her bosom back upon his toned chest. Peppering his chin, his lips and neck with feathery little kisses and when she was done, she'd smile at him and sigh in sheer content. "Yeah, I guess you could but-" Sunset paused the moment she heard a voice calling out in the distance. "Sunset? Sunset? Are you out here, are you okay? Where are you, I can't see you out here... Sunset?" It was Twilight. What was she doing out of her bed, and it seemed close to that of Flash's tent. "...Oh shit." Sunset chewed tightly upon her lip, staring down toward Flash. "I need to stay here tonight... if I go back now, she'll know we were fucking." He couldn't help but laugh as well, that punch being more amusing than anything, though his hands would run up along her back once more as she leaned down to share more loving, affectionate kisses with him. "Hey now, I think I'd be a good dad. Get a band together, go on a few tours, get a record deal, and we're set.", though he froze at the same time she did when a familiar voice rang out close by. Twilight? Oh wait, not that one...the other, more demure, naive one. While it'd been easy enough to mistake them for one another at first, the different personalities and hairstyles were enough to quickly make the difference, though for modesty's sake at least, mostly hers, he'd keep his voice at a low whisper as well. "Oh, well... I don't see why not, I've got the tent to myself.", though he couldn't help but joke a bit more. "And sure she doesn't want to know? It'd be... educational, right?" Having listened to what Flash said, she'd raise an eye and merely sit back upon him once more - delivering yet another punch to his shoulder. "She will find this sort of thing out... when she's ready. Though... i'm pretty sure she already knows about all that stuff, considering..." Sunset averted her eyes, having lost herself slightly in thought. Twilight's calling voice continued throughout the camp, though not loud enough to wake some campers - enough to be heard from those that were still awake. Right now she was close-by, perhaps she was out wondering where Sunset had gotten too, given the fact she was missing from her sleeping bag in that tent. "Ugh, it doesn't matter... she won't come looking in the boys part of the camp." A smile forming on her lips, knowing she was safe in this regard. "But, I need to leave before sunrise... I don't want the others knowing I was here during the night, I really don't want to answer that many questions." Sunset would release another hefty sigh, resting her head upon it's side on his chest as she merely nuzzled herself in for the remaining hours of the night. "Thanks, Flash... I'm glad we could talk." A small and cheeky smile upon her expression from having said that, taking this opportunity to rest now. Her newest and hardest mission yet, would be returning to her tent in the early hours of the morning... without being caught, though, that would be an adventure on it's own.