> New Zealand's last stand > by Blue_bolt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This is our country > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 2025 It was a beautiful day in the South Pacific. The skies were clear, birds singing in their trees and the waves gently crashing against the rocky shore. Yet there was a very tense feeling in the city of Christchurch in the South island's Canterbury province as the ground had been shaking once again during it's night the whole country felt it but Christchurch had once again felt it the worst as always. But this wasn't the end of the bad news it had just come to everyone's knowledge that the horse-bitch Princess Celestia and her minions were on their way to the small islands to convert them. But she made a grave error she actually gave the country a message saying she was on her way to the country to "purify" them of their evil humanity. These were her words. "Attention Humans of the country of the New Zealand you have ruined a beautiful little set of islands that were cut off from the rest of the world and turned them into wastelands from where more of your kind could destroy. I have sent this ahead of time for you have at least given some try to fighting your evil humanity but it isn't enough we arrive in 3 days be ready." As you can expect this didn't go down well with the nation and when she did come boy would she be in for a rude awakening. ____________________________________________________________________ 2 Days later The whole country now was on edge for the coming attack on their nation but this did not mean they were gonna allow some horsey bitch to come and take there home. On the edge of Bank's Peninsular at Godley head stood a single man looking out to sea for the slightest hint of the pony's attacking force. In the North island the cities were now ready many of the men standing up for themselves and their families even after some of their own friends or family had taken to ponydom already and finally somewhere deep in the mountains of the vast Southern Alps of the mainland lies a secret long hidden away now found to be used against this new enemies. The man at the Bank's Peninsular still watching for his new enemy "Hmm this is so sad always thought she would be a cool person.. err pony to talk to but i guess not." He said glumly. For you see he was one of the people who was happy to support her when she was thought to be good. Then came the ugly truth and it broke his trust in her. Now he had taken up arms against her to help defend his nation. Suddenly he dodges right just a magical blast of energy hits the very spot he's standing in good thing he's well trained and got out of the way in time or he would've been a goner for sure and then he saw it a whole group of ponies on the way to his location. "This is gonna be so fun" He said sarcastically. Meanwhile in the North island the battles had been blazing for a few hours already as bullets buzzed through the air, bombs and explosions going off and people and ponies falling victim to death itself the cities of Auckland and Wellington the main targets fighting with such determination on a level not yet seen by the ponies of Equestria in fact just because of the two cities more ponies had to be called for from other countries. On her Ship off the coast among her own fleet Celestia was watching on with despair and shock as she watched her troops being fought back against a foe she thought would be much lesser then they were proving to be. She was shocked at how well they were doing. But more so was the thought of why they just would accept the way of ponydom. "What is with these Humans why are they so desperate to stay these evil polluting beings and not become harmonious ponies just not." She mused to herself as she watched this all go on before her. _________________________________________________________________ A few days later The worst had come to pass the Equestrian reinforcements had arrived to help and when they did the tide shifted greatly the North island's forces were overrun as was half of the South island's forces been forced back to the mountains where the secret was to be used if needed. This is where a man named only as the Armored Eagle is in a hidden mountain base under the surface of these mountains.He was waiting for the evil that was Princess Celestia to arrive in the mountainous area of his base and his 4000 men and women that made up the last of New Zealand's united forces to protect the mines below them. It was here many years ago that the last stand of New Zealand was made on this land, with these men and women this was the day that showed the world Celestia could be beaten. At three minutes past two in the afternoon an army of over 80000 Earthponies, 20000 Pegasi, 12000 Unicorns and 2 Alicorns bringing the total to 400002 came through the beautiful Lewis pass up to a small plateau where the found an army made up of those already beaten in the days prior to this had all rallied back around to form an army of just under 22000 men and women as they were now ready to face them down at all costs. Then Celestia flanked by Twilight Sparkle and the royal guard stepped forward to speak to them. "Humans of New Zealand's South Island. I'am Princess Celestia and this is my student Princess Twilight Sparkle" she motions to her student who holds her head high to these humans as she now steps forward. "Humans you have fought bravely and valiantly and it is to be respected and written down into history but now is to lay down your arms and accept that your fates" She said this as her trusted friend head of her own royal guard Rainbow Dash flew down next to her. "What she says is true you really have given us a real show of power and determination but you must admit now's a good'a time as any to give you who you are to us now and become one with ponies" Rd said with respect in her voice. A few of the humans had been considering it when Twilight had spoken but now Rainbow Dash had said the very words that made them fight last time and fight now they were ready for another round with these things that look but act nothing like ponies. In less the a second a large chorus of gunshots resounded throughout the former glacial valleys of the area as the humans shot first to give them a head start on them. With one volley alone the casulties were massive on the ponies side even with some shields going up to save a few of the quicker ponies and the princess's protecting them and rd. This was all that was needed to spark the battle that would give New Zealand it's name. The Earthponies and Pegasi charged as Unicorns used their magic like cannons and artillery and with that the two forces made contact with each other the Unicorns doing damage from a distance, Pegasi joined by Rainbow Dash fighting from the air and the Earthponies fighting hand to hand with many humans. The battle raged on and on the humans never giving an inch to these barbarians as many humans fell they took just as many ponies if not more. Soon the battle was wearing down as the numbers on the humans continued to drop as more and more unicorns joined in the melee even Twilight herself had joined the fray as she and Rainbow dash fought on for victory was now in sight. After a grueling two hours of fighting the human army was low in number and near defeat a mere 2110 remained of the army by this time Celestia had stepped in and showed but a fraction of her awesome power. "Give up this foolish fight you mortal humans you must give in for the sake of your families!" she pleaded in her royal canterlot voice. "What families can we even return too you took them all away" one women retorted. "Yeah all we know and love is gone why would ever join such a fucked up race" a man yelled. "We would rather burn in hell then join a stuck up, prissy, no good cunt like yourself" screamed another lady. "Why must you fight so much what is there to be gained from this!?"Yelled a desperate Twilight. "For our people, land and our freedom!!!" all the humans chanted as one they fearlessly charged back into the enemy ranks ready to die fighting. "So be it then" Celestia said to herself. Upon a sudden a loud horn sounded off over a small hill concealing whatever it was that made the noise and then all of a sudden a large force of over 4500 men and women rode to the top of the hill and when they were there they came to a stop behind a man clad in black armor on a black horse. Armored Eagle himself. AE surveyed the battle below him and grunted before riding off along the front lines of his cavalry army. "men and women of the mines i salute you for you valor and bravery this day against an ungodly foe that seeks to take our very lands and lives we will not bend to these ponies we are unbent!!" He shouts "Unbent" his army shouts back. "We are Unbowed!!" Eagle chants even louder. "Unbowed!!!" the force chants back louder still. "WE. ARE. UNBROKEN!!" Armored Eagle louder then all the other times put together. "UNBROKEN!!!!!" The whole army broke into a cheer and roar as they ready themselves to charge. "UNBENT, UNBOWED, UNBROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" all of them yell as one "Charge them" Eagle yells as more horns blow as his host strides forward at a quick trot quickly developing into a gallop towards the ponies. All the power of this New Zealand's final army charged towards the ponies at full tilt some breaking off towards the isolated unicorns who hung back and the rest moving off towards the ponies main force and what was left of the humans. The Group of Unicorns that had been left behind tuned to fire at the incoming 300 or so horsemen but in the end there just wasn't enough to stop the relentless forces of the men on horseback as the ponies were cut down. The rest of the army charged into the remaining ponies of the main army as they did they lost much more the rest did comparably but in the first impact roughly 2000 ponies were cut down by lance, spear and sword. The closer courtiers combat of this battle had shifted to the humans as the cavalry made their way through the ponies. All of a sudden Eagle's horse takes a spear and goes down throwing him into the mud now he had to slog through it on foot. Some dumb high born knight of a stallion comes running at him thinking he could end this fight with a single swing of the sword but in less then a second Eagle slashed him across the face with a katana taking off his bottom jaw and staggering him as he then falls down dead this trend continues as more and more shitty ponies run at this legend cutting and stabbing his way through and then he came upon a worthy foe. Rainbow Dash. "So you're the big kahuna i take it well then best we make this quick then heh" Rd mused and not a second later she launched an attack moving at rapid speeds towards him and swings a punch at him to which is dodged to right as eagle swung a blade at her to which she moves around as she does she knocked him back with a large gust of powerful air to the face and upper chest. It doesn't take him long to recover and come flying back at her at full pace catching her left wing taking it's tip off and she gets in a kick into his gut. After a good minute of fighting neither side appears to be gaining the upper hand as the two armies keep at it. Soon rainbow dash has had both her wings cut into forcing her to the ground and eagle has many wounds that are almost deadly in of themselves. "You must be tired fool can't even keep up with a little pegasus how sad" she taunted yet eagle said nothing before he burst off the line with frightening speed towards her just as he drew close she drew a blade and drove it into his upper chest just as he slashed her across the chest. It took but a glance from Twilight to see what had happened Rainbow had got in a good fatal stab on this monster's chest but she could also see a large gash had opened up on Dash's midsection which was starting to spill a large amount of blood as Twilight watched on in horror she saw Rainbow's eyes close as she fell to the ground just a second later so did her killer both dead in each others attacks. The fight raged on for many more minutes as the ponies got the upper hand again and beat back this new army but not without the help from a pissed off Twilight and in the confusion of the battle a single boy of the age of 15 had managed to sneak into the left over bodies that had past into the great unknown that comes after he had managed to see the body of the great legend and as he saw this he wept for him. 'Oh why must we lose so much to a being who doesn't understand what have we done to to bring this down upon us all" he let a few more tears go as he saw the swords of the fallen Eagle of Armor and took them in his hands praying over them and the sole of his hero. "I will avenge my friends my family all of them this act of horror that is happening around the world i shall not i will not allow this to continue i will be back to see you all fall" he stood up and ran out of the area. After the battle won and the ponies rallied to the Princess's side once more the memory of so many lost to the humans of this land was soul crushing and disheartening and some of the ponies even starting to see that this mission was foolish and dangerous to the ponies if humans could fight like this was it worth it. Was it really worth all this. So this was the day the last country in the world to be found by man was lost to those who had no right to it and with New Zealand under their control and influence the barrier could once again expand to take up this new land and all seemed to be right with the land. But to the ponies they were unaware of the certain secrets of the mountains hold not just in the south but in other places one such secret is the legendary Mines of Moria hidden deep beneath the mountains of the southern alps containing and hiding over 1250 people withing it's hidden depths. And on the shores of the western sea sat a boat ready to set sail for Australia with a single person. It was the boy from the battle the took up the sword from Eagle as he looked at it then back up at the sky with a determined look on his face "i shall return and when i do they best be ready for a fucking battle" he pushed the boat off and set off from his home and remembers the day. New Zealand did not bow