> The Everfree Vines > by Sky_Swirl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Crash Landing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t much like Rainbow Dash to fall out of the sky like that. Granted, she hadn’t exactly practiced her buccaneer blaze much lately, and damned if it wasn’t hard to drop out of a vertical 720 just so. Whatever the case might be, she found herself plummeting towards the Everfree Forest—not the best place to be flying above in hindsight, but its vast open airspace couldn’t be denied. She tried to pull up before ramming the tree line, but her wings, strong as they were, couldn’t support her weight as she fell at near-blinding speed; thankfully the leaves absorbed the impact. Well, most of it. *Crack* “Gaah!” Dash yelped out in pain shortly after landing on the cold, dark ground. She felt a burning pressure beneath her, which sprung up as she rolled onto her belly and onto her hooves, shaking, but intact. The same couldn’t be said about the mess of feathers aside her. “Oh Celestia no no no n-AHHHG!” She screamed, pain causing tears to well up in her eyes as she prodded a broken wing that was trying pitifully to curl up in a resting position. Peering up, she saw the hole she made in the trees letting a small portion of moonlight stream through, a testament to her being so painfully close to freedom. Dash whimpered, wiped her eyes, and set out towards where she thought Ponyville would be. It always sucked bigtime whenever she hurt a wing—flying was her passion, and the next Daring Do sequel was being delayed, again—being stuck in the woods hardly made the situation any better. She hadn’t taken two steps before she felt a tug against her hind leg, causing her to wobble. She let out a frustrated grunt and pulled hard against the force, hearing a tiny *snap* as she felt something give. She looked back to see a portion of a vine coiled around her hoof, while the rest of it slinked back in the ground. “Huh, weird.” Dash commented. She had seen plenty of strange creatures in her time, but never something like that. Thankfully it was only something small, not some large plant like- yep, spoke too soon. “WAAAHG-mph!” She started to scream out as a much larger vine shot out of the ground in front, coiled around her head, and invaded her mouth. Get off! She wanted to bellow, but could only let loose a severely muffled cry. She tried biting down, but the vine’s thickness, propping her mouth open wide and gaping, made doing so futile. Saliva was felt against her lips, and it slowly began to slip down her face; she turned red at the fact that she couldn’t even stop herself from drooling. Her front hooves braced and pushed back against the vine’s pull, but she felt her limbs buckle as the vine yanked her to the ground. The tip of the vine pressed down, squishing her tongue and making her almost gag. Dash’s only option left was to pitifully bat against the vine’s shaft with her flailing hooves—the downward pull was just too strong. Incidentally, it did nothing but make it wriggle with more intensity; she actually felt slightly intrigued by the movements despite the situation, and she hated herself for it. Maybe… she thought to herself as she managed to swirl her tongue to and fro. Whatever she was doing, it seemed to be working as she felt the vine’s grip loosen. The tip shuddered in apparent…arousal? The feeling worked its way down to the vine’s base, disappearing in the overgrown grass and taking its strength with it. Finally! I’m gonna get out of h- Several other vines emerged from the growth ridden ground and sprung over her in an arc, hooking her down. She felt a particularly strong appendage coil around her midsection, eliciting a *crack* from her bad wing. Any hope for movement now was clearly gone. Damn…gotta stop getting ahead of myself here… “Urp!” Dash managed to squeak out as the mass within her mouth was suddenly reinvigorated and thrust itself further in, no doubt creating a visible bulge in her throat. She felt an overwhelming urge to retch, but the plant-like bondage gave no quarter. She was so preoccupied with her denied efforts that she did not notice several other tips pressing themselves against her more…private…areas until they had already wedged themselves inside. “NNNNGGH!” She pitifully moaned as she felt the appendages tear into her, their trespassing coldly received by her body. The walls of her lonely marehood reflexively clenched as a tip speared its way deeper in, as did her tight flank, which had similar failure in keeping out the invader. No, please no! She tried desperately to pull away from the intruding force, getting as far as wriggling her rump uncooperatively, much to the displeasure of the vines. *Shink* It took a second for Dash to register that the vines had stiffened their sinewy surfaces into small spines. Another thrust from each vine brought along searing pain. Each bristle caught against her inner flesh before painfully pulling away, aggravating her insides with a burning sensation. Her whole flank felt like it was on fire, as did her throat, which felt like it had swallowed a hot pepper. Tears welled up in her eyes once again he she convulsed her body, trying to relieve herself of the pain. She only succeeded in grinding her crotch against the cold dirt, further impaling herself on those damned spikes. N-not like this! My first can’t…won’t…be l-like this… Sobbing against the impaling force in her mouth, her tears cascaded down her cheeks, mixing with the uncontrollable pool of drool in the mud. It-it’s over, I c-can’t...no more…hurt… Dash had given up resisting, she just wanted the agony to stop. She defeatedly started to suckle the vine in her mouth, dampening the already drenched spikes. As well, she pushed against the intruding forces behind her, rather than away from. Slowly but surely, she began to feel less of a burn, and instead felt…cold. The vines had retracted their bristles, and were secreting some sort of slimy sap. The substance was almost ice cold, and yet it felt inviting, comforting. Goosebumps formed as she shivered from the sudden chill that had crept up on her, but the sap did not stop there. *Squick squick* An audible squishing sound came from behind Dash, its source inside her. The sap worked spectacularly as lube also, and it was then that she realized all this time she had no lubrication. W-was it always supposed to feel this…this… She wouldn’t say it, she couldn’t. She might have complied with the plant’s wishes, but she would never give her mind in to the pleasure. Somehow sensing her stubbornness, the trio of vines each hilted themselves, at least as much as her lean frame could hold, for now. Her throat spasmed in a slithery feeling as the first vine slinked downward, hardly leaving room for her to breathe. She felt as though she had to swallow, but obviously couldn’t. The helplessness of the situation excited her against her will, making her turn red again. The second vine wormed its way through her large intestine, making her appear extraordinarily pudgy from the outside; she was almost ashamed that her biggest qualm was how fat the vines were making her look, and wanted to squirm amidst the unsettling feeling. The all-encompassing sense of fullness continued with the last vine, as it rammed against the entrance to her cervix. Dash tried to scream out—she had never felt the touch of anything so deep inside of her. The vine stopped thrusting, and instead began to playfully prod against the door. She half-begged it to stop, and half-begged it to keep going further, deeper. She found herself arguing this, and realized the reality of her situation. Struggling was pointless, so why bother fighting it? It really is supposed to f-feel this…g-goo- Her inner folds gave way as her cervix was completely violated. GOOD! S-SO GOOD! She seemed liberated as her mind gave in to the relentless assault. Her womb was radiating heat, in spite of the chilling sap. Satisfied, the vine began to thrust in its new, already wet location, making her feel a burn similar to the spikes, but this was much more enjoyable. Her mind felt dazed amidst the passionate warmth, without which she might’ve been shivering. The air around Dash’s head began to mist; the sound of her erratic breathing was the only thing audible in the silence of the forest, save for the rapid sloshing in her rump. She felt her cheeks flaring with red, and the realization only made her blush worse. In sync with her gasping, she pushed against each of the vines as best she could. She didn’t know how much further they would be able to go. She didn’t care. The fleshy walls around each of the vines began to enclose, releasing some sort of bestial reaction within them. From her view, Dash could see the base of each invading vine swell. Blinded by nonconsensual lust, she watched intently as the thickness slowly moved upwards toward the tips. Her jaw stretched, her ponut gaped, and her lips widened as the mass moved past each entrance, surprising Dash at just how much thickness she could handle. The loads reached their destinations simultaneously, exploding hot, creamy sap in Rainbow Dash’s now wholly unvirgin body. Immediately the cold, sensual lubricant was counteracted, and the only thing she could comprehend now was fullness, heat, and pressure. Her uterus was filled to capacity, tingling in the foreign substance as more and more sap tried to push ever onward. She felt verily full as the thickness also made its way up her digestive tract; she had no idea just how much exercise would be required to burn off all the sap she was being pumped full of. Her situation only got fuller as the sap dripped down her throat, which she hurriedly drank in lieu of suffocating. Every single drop of warmth provoked a gleeful response in her body, and it took its toll as she was finally pushed over the edge. “Nn…nff-f…nnnNNNFFNFFFFNNNNF!” Dash screamed ecstatically out through the lactating vine, feeling her marehood convulse uncontrollably. Her mind raced with pleasure in spite of her ailing body. She could hear, and feel, herself squirting into the endless mass of sap that unendingly warmed her body. Sensing a huge pressure build up inside, she emboldened her incessant grinding into the dirt. One hard push was all it took to spray a generous amount of sap onto the ground below from her uterus, despite the vine’s blockage. With the pressure gone, she could feel an almost annoying pull coming from within her, as if the vine was sucking. I-is it…drinking my…? Whatever the case might have been, the vines were beginning to release their grip on Dash, and with it, their grip on her mind. She felt clarity rushing back, as well as a strange loneliness after each vine retreated from her spent body with a *pop*. A coughing fit immediately followed her mouth being emptied. She started to extend her scrunched-up limbs as she stood, only to be stopped and thrown back down; the thick vine coiled around her wings refused to let go. A minute passed before she started to struggle intensely, her euphoric afterglow quickly replaced with abject panic. “P-please! What more do you want from me!?” Her motions were slow and sluggish with all the sap still deeply planted inside of her, and the viscosity made expelling even a drip of it extremely taxing on her muscles. Suddenly, the wind was knocked out of her as the vine began to drag her down into the grass, squishing her against the ground. Just when it seemed she was going to burst under the pressure, dozens of vines emerged from the grass and together tore a fissure open underneath her flailing body. She looked down in horror, suspended only by the single vine painfully squeezing her wing, at an eldritch mass of vines writhing in the depths below her, all lashing out towards the cyan figure suddenly within reach. “N-NO! NONONON-!” Yet another vine invaded her mouth, forcing Dash to relive her helplessnes. “NNNNNNMH!” She tried to yell out, crying what little tears hadn’t already soaked into the cold soil she was now being enveloped in. She involuntarily gagged as the intolerable taste of plant matter combined with her already loaded stomach. The ground shook again as she looked up to see more vines gripping the earth and pulling it together once more. A sliver of moonlight caught her eye, but was cruelly extinguished, along with all visibility, when the fissure slammed shut. Now within the enemy’s domain, Dash was beset upon by what seemed like hundreds of ravenous vines, each eager to explore her body and exploit its fluids. She found it harder and harder to breathe with each passing second, while being sealed in the hole allowed the extraordinarily strong scent of dirt and grass to freely assail her nose. The touch of vines was prevalent everywhere she could feel, and each individual tip was secreting its own special mixture of cold liquid, shadowing the uncanny touch of death rather than a sensual delight. Despite her condition, the vines still tried unendingly to bring her to climax repeatedly, eager to feed. They rubbed and massaged every inch of her sore body, explored and prodded every nook of her used insides; their touch was proven masterful as they vigorously rubbed her in places she didn’t know she had feeling in, and although she decried any pleasure, her body betrayed her when it began to drip in anticipation. Each vine took notice as an innumerable amount moved to invade her already crowded marehood for the chance to receive any amount of her discharges. The squirming of the vines melded with an enclosed echo to create a truly maddening melody that she could nigh escape from. Dash began to get lightheaded as the multiple forced orgasms were wreaking havoc on her body—her rump had endured so much defilement and convulsions that it hurt just trying to move it. Bile welled up in her throat and her limbs ached for any kind of movement, but there was no release, only vines, stupid vines, just…so many vines! They were going to stop sometime, they had to! And when they did, would they…? “NNNNNHNNHNNN!” Dash managed to sob out from within the jungle of vines; she felt something deeply unnerving, and had she been able to see, something unnaturally horrifying. Every vine now possessed its own growing thickness, which was now emerging from each base and worming its way closer to its respective tip, all of which were lodged inside some orifice of her body. She tried to escape, to break free, anything to avoid what was sickeningly inevitable. Nothing worked, and the loads pressed ever onward. As they parted her openings, she could almost hear herself stretching beyond belief to accommodate the girth. Her mouth and rump suddenly felt twice as full the moment before the release, when everything went deathly silent. *PPPSSSSSHHHHHHHHRRR* Just as if a hose was turned on, a river of sap flooded every inch, inside and out, of Rainbow Dash’s fatigued body. The liquid quickly ran out of room inside, giving her an extreme feeling of fullness that, sadly or otherwise, she would never forget. The sap began to flow out of her orifices in glops, yet the vines remained inside, as if to torment her with the long-past uncomfortable feeling of pressure. The sap began to collect in the hole she was trapped in, and started to slowly climb up. Her back was already drenched in the sap and was quickly approaching her neck, and yet the vines refused any attempt to avoid the flow. She would have started to hyperventilate had it not been for the vine within her mouth pumping her so fully that she couldn’t even get a breath out. When the last vine had finally stopped releasing its unholy product, the wriggling group, as quickly as it appeared, vanished into the pool of sap and soil. Dash quickly coughed up a large amount of the foul-tasting substance, adding to the already substantial pool. It didn’t help that she was so bloated, the sheer force of her body trying to revert to its normal self was spraying out what felt like gallons of warmth. It was already up to her mouth, even though she was standing as high as she could, her mane dirtying itself against the soil above. It was as if she was trapped in the world’s most messed up hot tub. Her legs were aching, her head and flank were long since spent, but they worked furiously regardless. When at last she managed to break through, her distended stomach made a growling noise, releasing just enough sap to fill the hole entirely. She couldn’t avoid being completely covered in the stuff before managing to climb out. Her coat became absolutely soaked in the stickiness, and even Rarity wouldn’t be able to remove all traces of sap from her mane. That accursed smell would stick with her, without a doubt, no matter how many baths she took. Sprawled out amongst the leaves and fallen branches, Rainbow Dash wiped the sap from her eyes and stared up at the shadowy canopy of the forest, Luna’s moon no longer in sight or able to grant her comfort. Instead, she curled up pitifully in an attempt to garner some comfort after her ordeals; even the cold ground was preferable to that nightmarish pit. She cradled her injured wing, feeling nothing but a dull tinge of pain coming from it. Sobbing, she began to drift off to sleep, before being roused by a familiar voice. “Rainbow Dash! Are you okay? It looks as though something has caused you great dismay.” That teeth-gritting rhyming…it was Zecora, of course. Dash turned to look at the Zebra with wide, pleading eyes, feeling a tear of happiness roll down her cheek. “You ran into the monstrous vines I see. A pleasurable experience, that could not be.” “Y-KAFF! Y-ye-HAAACK!” Dash tried to speak, but was only able to cough up a large amount of sap, though hardly any compared to the amount settled inside of her. She tilted her head down, timidly looking up at Zecora with embarrassed eyes and a blush, but was surprised to be returned with a warm, comforting smile. “Do not fear, do not yelp. I am merely here to help.” She reached out with a hoof, one that Dash eagerly accepted, especially since it was difficult for her to move even with assistance. Her abdomen jiggled as she rose, her plot still slowly expelling the foreign substance involuntarily. Once again she hid her face in shame, only to have it turned back in Zecora’s direction by a hoof’s tender touch. “Do not feel embarrassed, for I do not care. I will take you to my hut, and help you there.” Dash stared into Zecora’s eyes for a moment, feeling herself blush again. Zecora simply smiled and began walking, keeping a slower pace so Dash could keep up. “Th-thanks…” Dash squeaked out, wearing a blush twice as bad as before. She peered back at the opening, noticing the copious amount of fluids soaked in the ground, and preferring not to know how much of it was her own. She was about to look forward when a tiny vine caught her attention as it sprouted out of the damp dirt, angling its tip as if to…peer in her direction? Dash put on a wary face and quickened her pace, which Zecora matched with ease. She swore she would never go back to that clearing ever again. Helplessly held down in a totally-not-exciting manner. Feeling the uncaring, anything-but-alluring thickness of the vines. Being so forcibly filled to the brim with that disgusting, warm, not-the-slightest-bit-comfortable sap. Such an experience scarred her, and to think of going back for even a minute would be completely insane. Right?