> In the Heat of Business > by Sky_Swirl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Trouble in Fillydelphia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The heat was beginning to get to Sky. She felt herself jolted back to cruel reality yet again as the train hit another bump. There was no escaping this feeling that was now all-encompassing. Teeth gritted as she pressed her two hooves against herself, trying not to make her efforts to suppress the pangs in her loins apparent. Come on, you’re a professional, act like it! She snapped at herself. Indeed she was, as denoted by the weighty briefcase she carried with her, the Co and Co. engraved against the side signifying her position in one of Equestria’s most prominent firms. She prided herself in upholding the company’s good reputation, and upon her emerald coat always wore an azure bowtie—it complimented her similarly-colored mane rather well—as a sign of her constant commitment. Business at the surface appeared to be chaotic, but in the end it was always the same. Work work work. Rush rush rush. No time for rest, no time for hesitation, and certainly no time for heat. Yet time was the one thing Sky needed the most. A large deal needed closing in Fillydelphia, and she intended to see it through despite her current condition. Asking for time off was out of the question; at least a dozen others were vying for her job, and judging by their credentials, her employment was hanging by a thread. This deal would decide her future. *TWEET* And there was the station. Sky hurriedly picked herself up and fled the train car before the flood of passengers become congested. No doubt the taxis were lined up, already filling with new arrivals, and damned if she missed every single one again; no way she was flying with luggage this heavy. But luck was on her side as she spotted an empty carriage and climbed into it. “Where ya going miss?” Sky was asked, as she settled into the cushy seat and dropped her briefcase. “22nd and Sou-aaahhhh…” She started to answer as she turned her head, freezing at the sight of the stallion in front of her. Oh why did he have to look so gruffly-handsome? Those rigid facial features coupled with his tight pair of- “Miss?” He asked again, snapping Sky back to reality. Her face reddened as she realized where she was staring, not that the stallion seemed to mind. “Yes, yes I’m sorry…22nd and South, please.” She looked away, embarrassed, and tried to focus on the now moving scenery; a small bump was felt when the taxi merged with traffic, its driver’s hooves melding amongst the dozens of others on the road. Don’t look don’t look don-. She looked. GAAAAAH! She had seen ponies gallop from behind before, and never paid it any attention. But that was a different time, a different mindset, and her seat felt oddly comforting as some of its form-fitting fabric peaked ever so gently into her marehood. She felt her hoof drag itself onto her crotch, and absentmindedly began to grind it into the seat as her eyes were fixated on that wonderful-looking flank. A tiny little wet sound came from underneath her as she received the stimulation her plot so desperately craved, push by push. Sweet Celestia this feels so wonderfully… WRONG! Sky forced her mind out of the gutter as she recoiled in disgust, tearing her eyes away from the show to focus on the forbidden fluids upon her hoof. Pleasuring yourself, and in public no less! What would Boss say? You’re lucky nopony saw you or your job would have been kaput right then and there! Her conscience’s chastising was liberating to say the least. She had ridden her heat out before, but this…this was a different level of ferocity. “We’re here Ma’am!” Shouted the gruff stallion, the carriage skidding to a sudden stop. Had the hustle and bustle of the street been a bit quieter, he might have heard the faintest hint of a squish as Sky got out of her seat to pay the fare. But he didn’t. By the time he noticed the stain Sky had accidentally left behind, she was long gone, blushing fiercely and hoping she wasn’t being angrily chased down. The giant doors to Stirrup Enterprises opened; the sound of oak grinding against stone reverberated through the mostly-empty foyer. Its furnishings were rather minimalistic: a few seats were scattered about, with an accompanying throw rug here and there. A single desk was located in the center before an imposing set of stairs, with an obviously overworked mare—her lavender-like colors clashed with the brown surroundings—scrambling behind it, and it was some time before she had noticed Sky had sat down on a hardwood chair. She quickly straightened her shortly-cut mane as best she could upon seeing Sky’s engraved briefcase. “Oh, y-you’re here…welcome, I’m Iris. You’re here to a see the boss aren’t you?” Sky nodded. “Yes, okay just a moment…” The unicorn began to rifle through her many giant piles of folders and files, looking for, well, something. Sky cuddled into the chair as she waited, trying to clear her mind of the rugged stallion. No matter what she tried, his flank was cemented in her mind. “Ah, got it!” Iris announced, calling over Sky to the desk. “Here’s your pass. Upstairs and first door on the right.” She nudged the card over to Sky’s grasp, looking past her and over to the chair she had been in. “O-oh my…um…” She held her mouth slightly agape as Sky followed her gaze with dread. “AH! Ohnononono please I’m so sorry Iris! I didn’t-! I just-! I’m…I’m in…” She felt tears welling up in her eyes. Soiling a street-level carriage with her…liquid was one thing, but in a prestigious building this? Inexcusable! You can’t even keep your basal desires in check, Boss should fire you right now! She turned away quickly and covered her eyes, only to have a consoling hoof push against hers. “No, it’s okay, really. Seat’s treated, it’ll come right out.” She reached behind the desk and handed out a cute, fluffy white towel. “Here, it’s uh, well, better than nothing right? Stay strong.” Sky looked into the mare’s eyes, and saw the faintest hint of repressed pain in them. Whatever had happened, she definitely had experienced her own problems with heat in the past. Maybe that’s why she was stuck in such an entry-level position… “T-thanks…*sniff*” Sky mustered out a smile, one that was warmly returned by the mare. She had just about started to bawl before being consoled, but now she felt as fine as ever. She straightened her little bowtie and took a deep breath, clearing her mind of any and all forbidden thoughts. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all. It was. “So, a partnership with Co and Co, huh?” The large leather chair spun around to reveal a commanding figure of a stallion. He leaned forward, his hooves placed firmly on his gigantic desk, bigger than Iris's even. Sky felt herself shrink into her seat, which was already far too small, as she smelled the residue of smoke coming off his breath. “Now what could a little filly like yourself want with us grown-ups here at S and E?” He let out a small grin, and surprised Sky by being so blatantly patronizing. Undeterred, she let her professionalism do its work. “Your company has shown remarkable growth amidst your competitors, and I represent my firm in offering you a generous opportunity for investment. Now if you would look at these graphs which I-“ “Sure.” What? Did he just? “Congrats missy, you did your job. I’ll send word to your firm to deliver the paperwork.” He leaned back into his seat and clapped his hooves together, giving Sky some room to breathe. “That was- ah…thank you.” That was too easy! She thought to herself ecstatically. I finally caught a break! “Gladly. Oh, but there is something I’ll need you to do.” He left his last words in the air for a small while, creating a pause that gained Sky’s full attention. “Yes, sir?” His face flashed a grin for half a second. “Leave that rag you’re sitting on where it is when you leave.” His face was startlingly-serious, and his demand took a moment to register in Sky’s mind. You…you pig! She almost yelled aloud. Her reportedly-inflexible contact—one that she had spent weeks, if not months, putting together the perfect presentation for—had accepted not because of her skill, but because she had provided him a sexual favor. Letting him keep your heat towel? Why don’t you just let him rut you in the office right now? You slut! Sky was very nearly to tears when she choked back the lump in her throat and tried to respond as calmly as she could. “Oh…k-kay…I’ll just be…leaving now…” She rose up from the chair, the resulting squish now painfully-audible in the isolated office room. She avoided making eye contact and picked up her briefcase to carry out, hearing a hushed chuckle as she left. She practically fell down the stairs as she hurried out of the building almost blind with tears, alerting Iris at the front desk. “That was quick, how did it g-“ “*Sniff* Why don’t you ask him yourself!?” Sky snapped out as she threw down her briefcase to pull the doors open. “Miss! Aren’t you going to take your br-“ Iris’s voice was drowned out by the slamming of the doors as Sky fled. She mixed into the dense crowd of ponies rushing aside the road, not sure where she intended to go. She hobbled blindly about, bumping into numerous ponies, each one eager to push back with twice the force. Whore! Slut! Town bicycle! Her thoughts were dominated by self-deflating opinions as each pony pushed her aside as if she were worth nothing. It began to rain, thunder started to rumble, and her eyes were still full of tears. *WHAM* A huge stallion bashed her aside, hard. Sky spiraled across the ground and into a shallow puddle with a crash. Nopony payed her any attention, too preoccupied with finding somewhere to escape the dreary weather. She propped herself up with her two hooves and let out a weak cough as she looked upwards. A plain black on brown sign hung above her; it showed no words, only the picture of a bottle with three X’s. Her conscience was screaming out No! This isn’t the place for a mare like you, you’re better than this! But it was silenced by the numerous devaluing voices that all jeered in tandem You’re garbage, lying in a filthy puddle! You belong here, let yourself get fucked! It was the only voice she would listen to now in her depression, and the total loss of focus meant her heat would continue to fog her mind again. She walked into the bar, shivering from the wetness of the puddle and rain. All eyes turned on her, the mare brave enough, or stupid enough, to walk into such an establishment. Dark was the only word that could describe the room, a few tables rested under a single crystal bulb, each littered with various shifty-looking individuals. A few groups of stallions here, a gang of Diamond Dogs there, and there was no telling how many others sat just outside of the light. Unaware of the stares she was receiving, or rather just uncaring, she sat down right in front of the bartender, slumping onto the counter as her breath became less shrill. “This ain’t the place for you, y'oughta leave.” The bartender coldly stated amidst the rowdy crowd, though Sky couldn’t tell if it was out of concern or discrimination. “No, I belong here, I just…*sniff* I just want to forget about everything for a bit, you know?” She received a sigh in response, and noticed a large mug floating towards her with a sandy aura. “This is our brew, take it or leave it, just don’t stay too long.” “Thanks, I just need a minute…” She wiped some lingering tears out of her eyes and took a sip, feeling the strangely warm brew quell her shivering. She closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the earthy taste. Unfortunately for Sky, it had also loosened her inhibitions; a sizable portion of the clientele had noticed the wetness that was growing underneath the poor pegasus. A large group behind her roared out and clanged their glasses together as one of them stood up. This particular stallion was the most far-gone, and was certainly showing it as he scooched his way over to Sky and put a hoof on her leg, making Sky stiffen up ever so slightly in surprise. “So you uh *hic* wanna do it?” He asked bluntly, causing the whole table to erupt in laughter. Sky’s dull senses left her unaware of the obvious thread that was rising as the feelings in her loins began to make themselves known. “Oh, well…um…” Sky responded with a half-uncertain on her face, when normally she would be running out of the room screaming. “Come on now, your body ain’t lying.” Sky felt a sturdy hoof cup itself around her dripping rump, the suddenness of the action giving her one last moment of clarity. Her wings instinctively outstretched as she lashed out at the stallion’s face. “Why you little swi-! *gasp* Aaaahhhhggg…” Her hoof wasn’t an inch away from making contact before the hoof pressing against her began to violate, catering to her deeply-repressed needs. She could only lean against the counter and let out a heated breath as her eyes drooped, trying and utterly failing not to press against the force. I don’t w-…I don’t wa-… She tried to formulate an objection, but the stimulation left her mind clouded by lust. I…want this. I need this… She became lax as her body gave itself to the stallion, and slowly started to slide out of the seat until… *CRASH* If anyone wasn’t looking before, they were now as Sky had fallen onto the ground, plot now thoroughly exposed. Sky felt no pain, only the split-second pleasure of her rear impacting the floor. A sound unlike anything she had heard before rang through the room as a horde of drunkards was roused out of their seats. Listen to them, all eager to have your body! You’re going to be somepony’s toy for the day! Just above all the yelling, a shouting match could be heard between the stallion and the bartender. “What on Tartarus do you think you’re doing!?” “N-nothing! She just fell out and-!” “This is out of control, I’m getting the guard!” Sky heard none of this, however, being chiefly concerned with the fact she was in full-blown heat, the stallion’s touch coaxing her into such a position. She had given up trying to maintain her professionalism, all her mind craved now was to be satisfied, and her conscience would not be coming to her aid this time. Pony after pony grabbed at her or fought amongst themselves, until Sky felt herself being dragged out from under the crowd and picked up. She breathed a quivering sigh as she anticipated what was to come, her screaming insides would finally be met by…who exactly? Sky looked up to see which handsome stallion would be having his way with her. As it turned out, he wasn’t a stallion at all. “We’re going to have some fun, me and you.” A voice whispered softly as a Diamond Dog slowly appeared in her view as her head looked upward. Sky turned away reflexively, she had never spoken to a Diamond Dog before, much less been carried by one so…lovingly. But the uncertainty slowly turned into thoughts of opportunity, as she sensed herself beginning to drip yet again, no doubt being eagerly felt by the dog, even as rain fell upon the two. “S-so uh…” Sky started, with a heavy tone of anxiousness. “How l-long until we-“ “Nearly there. Heheh, I know you’re an impatient little tramp.” He showed a toothy grin, his tongue barely visible as it slicked the back of his incisors. Sky’s lips perked at being taken for such a lowly pony, it excited her in this state of mind. She thought of what that tongue of his could do, rather than what isolated area she was being taken to. “And, that tongue of yours?” “It touches just the right place, in just the right way…” His tongue flicked out, leaving behind a barely-visible sparkle of saliva. Sky was taken by this, and her body had already given itself to him, rubbing against his grey, coarse fur. Her eagerness nearly sent the dog into a fit of laughter. She heard a door open and looked out into the room she was taken into, which was little more than a one-pony, er, dog apartment. A small bed was tucked into the corner, with a large window worryingly-close to it. Underneath she spotted a compact black box, and could guess what was inside of it based on the rope sticking out. “Y-you aren’t going to tie me up and-“ “Tell me, how do you feel about some…publicity?” His eyes centered on the large window overlooking the road, sending a small jolt to Sky’s head. “O-oh…no, I couldn’t…” She began to blush, her momentary relapse of reason slipping away as quickly as it came. The dog briefly showed a hint of annoyance, but soon replaced it with an expression of lust. “Fine then, why don’t you get up on there.” He pointed to the plush-looking bed, which Sky slowly trotted towards, giddy with anticipation. Of course, she didn’t notice the dog was eyeing her wet, leaking plot as her hips and tail gently swayed with each step, sticking up in the air for only a moment as the hopped on the bed and curled up. “Um, I’m not exactly sure how I should…” Her face became redder as the dog rolled his eyes and took out the black box, which gave Sky a twang of nervousness. “Oh no, I don’t think I should-“ But her objections were hushed when a paw was placed upon her mouth, the other brandishing a sturdy-looking rope. The motion was almost instantaneous: the dog had pressed Sky down upon the small bed belly up—the mattress molded around her figure—and wrapped a length of rope around her hind legs. She could only sit there and wait for what was to come, which in this case was her legs being lifted up and back. The tension forced her to spread apart as the end of the rope was tightly fastened to each bedpost. She tried pulling against the force, only to be met with restricting pressure. Try as she might, she could only partially cover her awaiting marehood with her free hooves. Her wings began to stretch themselves out on the bed in an attempt to move; a paw ran across the length of one, sending a shiver down Sky’s spine and making them slink back behind her. “Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of everything…heheh.” The dog wasted no time in rendering her front hooves equally-useless by pulling on them rather forcefully and binding them together behind her head, and Sky offered no struggle, as she was beginning to understand that any movement on her part would be met with only more squeezing. Take it like the dirty mare you are! She began to feel herself get wet at the reality of not being able to move, which piqued her impatience. “Could you hurryu-eeeeep!” Sky squealed out as the dog lept onto the bed, his paw lightly smacking against her spread flank. “How does it feel?” The dog whispered into Sky’s ear, her senses parking at what they could grasp. “Being so helpless against a brute like me?” Sky felt his beefy claws grip each side of her flank, spreading it open to the world. The dog wasted no time in using his tongue; within moments, Sky’s asshole was being massaged and lubricated to ridiculous levels as the dog’s moist tongue began to drool from the erotic actions. She moaned as her inhibitions began to leave in droves, her mind concerned only with receiving relief and stimulation. The tip of his tongue danced around the edge of her tight hole gingerly, each rotation growing more and more passionate—the occasional pass brought upon a quick thrust into the hole itself, only to pull back just as quick and deny the feeling of penetration. This only succeeded in making Sky that much more desperate. “F-fu…” Sky began, causing the dog to stop his rimjob. Am I really going to-. “Yes?” He asked, knowing exactly what Sky so desperately was about to beg for. “F-uuck me…already…” She begged in between strained pants of arousal, causing the dog to chuckle to himself. The sound of shuffling only lasted a moment, before Sky felt a prick against her hole. She looked over, and saw his fully-erect genitalia against her own; she had never seen anything so inappropriate, and from so close too. “Nnng…” She moaned as she tried to contain her outbursts. The dog’s tongue work proved well, as he was able to slide in quite easily into her anal cavity with a single push. The penetration sent waves of sensation deep into Sky, who shuddered in ecstasy aside a sudden, deep bark from her dominator. The feeling, however, only lasted a moment before the dog quickly pulled out. Sky found herself unwillingly thrusting her hips forward, searching for the member that had disappeared. “I want you to mean it.” He was holding her relief hostage. “P-pl...f-uuh…” “What was that?” He showed another grin as he leaned in closer to Sky. “PLEASE FUCK ME ALREADY!” Sky heard herself say. Never in a million years did she think such words would be said by her, and yet here she was. I really am a slut, giving myself away like this... “Shhhhh…” The dog whispered into her ear suddenly, and her body instantly relaxed at the calming tone of his voice, which was now much more audibly-aroused. He wasted no time in getting back on top of her, placing his claws firmly on her shoulders and tearing off her bowtie—she could hardly care about that old thing anymore. Sky wasn't expecting such a sudden intrusion as he thrust into her again, this time into somewhere much more sensitive. “NNNYAAAGH!” She leered out, unable to control her groans of relief as her marehood was intruded upon. The thick girth surprised her with its solid texture and apparent weight, though nothing compared to the passionate force behind each and every thrust, gradually growing faster, harder, deeper. A sudden drip of blood from inside her startled the dog for a second. “I’m your first then? Heheh, you’re going to learn so much.” He returned to his rhythm, toned muscles delivering a hearty blow to her raised thighs with each motion, as Sky tried and failed again to move her hooves, attempting to hide her heavy blush. Feeling her struggle against the restraints must have awoken something within the beast, for Sky felt something suddenly well up inside her. “Now we couldn’t stop even if we wanted to…” He erotically-whispered, making Sky pull against her restraints yet again for only a moment, reassuring her of her helplessness. The knot ensured that she would be violated in only the deepest of places, which satisfied her almost insatiable craving for release like no other. “Gah!” Sky gasped at the sudden increase of sensation, her mouth opening in surprise. The dog saw this, and went in for the kill, drawing his muzzle close and embracing Sky in a kiss, which she could hardly resist. She welcomed the new opening as the dog’s tongue shot out, almost making Sky gag at just how far it could go down her throat. His lungs contracted, creating a suction that gingerly pulled against her mouth. Sky’s body took her mind by surprise, instantly following up with her own slight suckle as their tongues danced together in unison to the music of rhythmic breathing, indiscriminately exchanging slobber and saliva more and more with each cycle. The exchange of fluids from the mouth could not compare to the vaginal fluids now flowing out of Sky’s loins as the dog thrust deeper than Sky had thought she could possibly hold. The thrusts soon grew exponentially more intense, but Sky’s mind could not process the pain, only the mind-numbing pleasure of procreating. The dog’s roars melded with the the shrieks of thunder, though Sky could only focus on her own thrusting, trying to match the intensity of the dog’s. He buried his face into Sky’s chest and let out a hardly-muffled howl as warm liquid sputtered out heavily from within her, the feeling sending her body into convulsions that could not be completed because of the ropes, now thoroughly-soaked with body fluids of unknown origin. She felt something click inside her as a weight began to expel itself from her body. Huh, so this is what an orgasm feels li-AAAAAHHH! She felt herself tighten and loosen against the member that was busy coating her insides with spurts of thick cum as her own juices, which had been leaking out all day, finally were released in a single, glorious display. She felt her insides squeeze themselves empty all about the bed, coating her back and wings with her own strong-smelling mixture. She struggled to avoid the rising pool, but her binds forced her to utterly fail as she winced, feeling it soak into feather and coat alike. The dog’s heavy breathing gave way to an exhausted laugh, which seemed to echo through the air, still filled with the constant pattering of raindrops. The dog lovingly slid out from Sky and set it upon her face. She obediently took his member into her mouth as she cleaned off her own body fluids from it, her tongue pressing against the underside of the shaft, massaging each little crevice; every lick sent a painfully-rich taste into her tongue. She took in mouthfuls of it in between heavy breaths from her exertions. Oh Celestia, there’s so much… With a hearty swallow, she had finished off the last of the liquids, leading the dog to jump down from the bed. “That wasn’t half-bad…heh heh.” The dog praised. Sky, whose mind was now much cleared, but still reveling in the afterglow of the interaction, turned her head pleadingly towards the dog. “Yes, that was quite *whew* something…now could you help me out here?” She began to struggle against her restraints again, the inhibiting heat and adrenaline wearing away. She could feel her conscience returning to her, trying to comprehend what had happened. What did you-. What did you just do!? “Help you? Why should I? If anything you haven’t helped me enough!” The dog suggested as his words became colder, filling Sky with dread. She began to struggle heavily against the now-chafing bindings as tears welled up in her eyes. “Please, I was *sniff* just in h-heat and now I-I’m not and *sniff* and…and…” She couldn’t find the words, nor control the floodgates. “WAAAHAHHAH!” Sky began to bawl, writhing against her bindings which still did not give way. She felt dirty, inside and out. He violated you, he took advantage of you, you were used! “AHHHG!” The dog twisted away from Sky’s shrieking, clutching his ears. “Shadup shadup shadup!” She didn’t hear any of it; as far as she knew, he’d keep her tied down and have his way with her many times over. “WAAAAAAAH!” “AHHHHHHHG!” *SPLASH* Sky felt the all too familiar feeling of puddle water rush over her, but this time it was much more welcome, cleaning out some of the semen and mare juice that had condensed on her. She looked up through her tears to see the Diamond Dog standing above her, still muffling his pointed ears despite the thunder drowning out most of Sky’s wailing. “Take your dumb ugly ribbon!” He shouted as he threw Sky’s bowtie aside her, the fabric soaking up the dirty water. “You ponies are all too loud, AUGH!” Storming back into the building, he left Sky alone on the streets, with her front hooves still stuck behind her head; they still impeded her wings, which could hardly give a good flap. Her hind legs were useless without her front legs, and the most she could do was crawl out of the wetness and under a small awning. She tried to hide her face from the road and passersby as she tried in vain to get free; that damned dog could tie a knot all right. “Ew, pervert!” One mare spat as her companion held an umbrella above her elegant body. “Some ponies, can’t they just keep it inside?” A stallion commented as he sped past, his unkempt mane soaked from the downpour. “Please! I need help!” Sky pleaded at another stallion that wandered by, who simply scoffed at her and walked off in the other direction. “Think before playing your deviant tie-up games next time. Let this be a lesson to you!” He sneered, walking away from the mare that genuinely needed aid. And yet nopony would provide it. Please…please…please… “Sky?” A familiar voice came from behind her as she opened her eyes, feeling warm tears caress her cheek. “I-Iris…?” Sky gaped in disbelief as she saw the lavender mare standing above her, alongside a sharp object that suddenly swooped at her. “Eeep!” Sky squealed out as he recoiled in fear, only to notice a liberating feeling as her hooves were yanked by gravity down to the ground. She stumbled for a moment, limbs still numb, and rose up to meet the gaze of her savior, as well as eye the knife floating aside her. “Oh, this? Never leave home without it, ever since...well, let’s just say you got off easy, ha…” She trailed off. “How did you find…wha-…” Sky was utterly confused. “Well you left your briefcase back in the office, with some signed papers in there, so I figured I’d take it along in case I found you. Imagine my surprise when I hear the same shriek you made earlier echo across the street…” "O-oh...was I that loud?" "Very." Iris looked away and spotted Sky’s bowtie, still lying unceremoniously in the puddle. “Oh dear.” The bowtie gained a violet aura and twisted itself to drain the water inside before floating it over to Sky’s neck, where it belonged. “Th-thanks…” Sky thanked and looked away, embarrassed from being in such a helpless position just moments prior. “You said I got off easy?” She was eager to change the subject. “Ha! If you really wanna know, you should come with me, I live not too far from here.” Any offer that got Sky out of the rain and somewhere warm was fine by her. “No way! And then?” Sky gasped at Iris’s story. She thought she had it bad, but this was just…wow. At least Iris could laugh about it now, like Sky would be able to about today…much, much later anyway. “Well there were three of them, so it’s not like it was easy for me to…” Iris continued to tell her own experience with a particularly bad heat as Sky cuddled into the couch, fresh after receiving a generous bath. The fireplace crackled and spread a warm aura through the room, though it was starting to get a little hot. Yep, Iris definitely put too many logs on the fire; Sky was starting to sweat now. The heat was beginning to get to Sky.