Finding the Dazzlings

by DagiDazzle

First published

This is one shot story and that's it!

This is prequel to Friendship Games (or can be just a onse shot story) and tell's how Dazzlings will get into it. Because it would be stupid if they just jumped into story without any reasons or decent backstory. This has nothing to do with Second chance or Going camping.

So basically this story tell's how Rainbooms are trying to find Dazzlings.

The first and the last chapter

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It has been over two months since the battle of bands and no one hasn't heard or seen the Dazzlings anywhere. But honestly no one didn't care about what had happened to them, expect Sunset Shimmer.

She had felt bad for the Dazzlings, because they just ran away and that's it and besides Sunset herself got second chance. Now it seems to be like they will never have a second chance. It feels kinda wrong and that has bothered her since that night they defeated the Dazzlings.

One day Sunset decides to bring that night and the Dazzlings with it, and start a conversation about it. Because Sunset is not the type who just leaves the unsettled things to behind.

Sunset and her friends were at Pinkie's house and having a sleepover.

"Does anyone of you thought about the Dazzlings.?" Sunset asked.

Everyone turned to look Sunset.

"I mean they just ran off and that's it." Sunset said and stood up. "If you ask me, they should have a second chance. It's not right that I get forgiven and get friends and all that kind of stuff, but they just ran off and no one gives a crap."

"You're making a good point Sunset, but no one hasn't seen them since then." Applejack said.

"Also they could have been moved out of this city to another." Rainbow Dash said.

"That's true." Sunset said. "We should have tried to find them then when it only had been few days."

"Sunset, darling I know you feel bad for them and honestly to say, It doesn't feel right to me too." Rarity said and put her hands on Sunset's shoulders. "But we don't even know do they want see us or want a second chance."

"You're right, but I'm still going to try find them." Sunset said. "At least give it a try and I'll do it myself if I have to."

"Sunset, we are your friends. If you are doing something, we all are doing it." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, we will help you to find them, whatever the results will be." Applejack said.

Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded too.

"See Sunset, we are helping you and no matter what the results will be." Rarity said.

"Thank you, all of you. I wouldn't know what to do without you." Sunset said smiling.

"So, do we start tomorrow?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, tomorrow morning." Sunset replied.

"But do we eat breakfast first?" Pinkie asked.

"Of course we do, no need to worry about that." Sunset said.

It was already 23:00 pm and all of them decided to go sleep so that they can bothered to wake up early. But Sunset didn't still went to sleep.
She texted to Twilight what they were going to do tomorrow and asked if she want to come too.

"Hi Twilight. Remember the Dazzlings from the battle of the bands? It's been over two months since the Dazzlings ran away. No one hasn't seen them since then and also no one doesn't seem to care about them. Everyone has just totally forget them, but I do feel bad for them. Because now they have no chance to get second opportunity and like I got forgiven and got friends, they are all alone there without any friends. So I decided to do something and start looking for them. Our friends agreed too to try find them, so do you mind to come and help us to try find them? I hope you write back soon. Your friend Sunset Shimmer."

Then Sunset put her textbook on the table and went to her bed and started to sleep.

At the next morning, Sunset was first to wake up. When she stood up on her bed she took the textbook and checked if Twilight had answered.

Lucky for her Twilight had answered.

"Dear Sunset, I do remember the Dazzlings and it's so wonderful to see that you care about them after all what they did. I'm interested in helping you to try find them. I'll meet you at the statue whenever it's okay to you. Twilight Sparkle."

Sunset smiled and wrote back to Twilight.

"Dear Twilight, it's nice to see that you take this so well and want to help. We are eating breakfast first and then we will come to the statue, I'll write you more after breakfast. Sunset."

Then she put the textbook back on the table and went to downstairs. It was still early morning, but soon her friends woke up too because they had promised to wake up early. So they put the alarm clock to ring at 7:00 am.

"Morning to ya." Applejack said.

"Oh, good morning." Sunset said.

"Others are coming back there." Applejack said and went to sit on the kitchen.

"Heya, Sunset. Ready to start a day?" Pinkie greeted energetically.

"You seem to be perky today." Sunset said.

"Yup, gotta be when it is full day search operation. Gotta make good breakfast." Pinkie said and went to kitchen.

"Mind if I help?" Applejack asked at the kitchen.

"Help is always welcome." Pinkie said. "Here you make the waffels and I'll do the pancakes."

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity came too to downstairs.

"Morning everyone, What do we have for breakfast?" Rarity asked as she was still looking very tired.

"We have pancakeks, waffels and coffee coming up." Pinkie said at the kitchen.

"Yum, that sounds delicious." Rarity said.

"If I may ask, do we have a plan how to find the Dazzlings?" Fluttershy asked carefully.

"We don't have a clear plan yet." Sunset said. "But, Twilight is coming here too."

"Twilight, really?" Rarity asked. "That's good."

"Yeah, I texted her last night and she wanted to help us. I said to her that I'll write her afrer breakfast." Sunset said.

"It's always nice when Twilight come here to visit us, and by the way when is the breakfast?" Rarity asked.

"They just started like a few minures ago." Rainbow Dash said.

"Almost ready, just wait few more minutes." Pinkie said at the kitchen.

"But you just started it... how it do take few minutes anymore?" Rainbow Dash asked confused.

"It's the Pinkie's logic, don't question it." Applejack said at the kitchen.

"Yeah, of course. She is Pinkie." Rainbow Dash said.

"If it's Pinkie, everything is possible without any doubts." Sunset said.

"Okay, breakfast is done. Come and have a seat at anywhere you like." Pinkie said and show'd them how she had covered the table.

"Wow, it looks so nice." Sunset said.

"Most importantly, delicious." Pinkie said happily.

Everyone took their seat and started to eat the pancakes with honey and waffles with whipped cream.

"Mmmm, these pancakes tastes so great." Rainbow Dash said mouth full of food.

"Oh please Rainbow, Haven't you heard about good manners." Rarity said. "That looks so sickening."

"Hey, I can eat just like I want." Rainbow Dash said back to Rarity.

"Don't be so rigorous Rarity, we aren't at president's castle." Applejack said.

"I sure do wish we would." Rarity said.

Awkward silence fell down and no one didn't said anything after that, they just ate in silence. Until Pinkie broke it by telling a joke.

"Where do you know that Santa Claus is Swedish?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, where?" Sunset asked.

"He comes from chimney, all thou he could use door or window." Pinkie said and started to laugh hysterically.

"That is pretty fun joke." Rainbow Dash said giggling.

"I know, like why to use hardest way in and nowadays there isn't that many chimneys at houses." Pinkie said still laughing.

"Pinkie where you get these jokes?" Sunset asked laughing a little bit herself.

"Umm, the joke book for awkward silences." Pinkie said and took the book at her hair.

"Yeah right, because you're Pinkie." Sunset said.

Soon after everyone had eaten, they went to living room. Sunset walked to upstairs and took her textbook and started to text Twilight.

""Hi Twilight, we have eaten the breakfast now and we are coming soon to the portal, send me a message when your coming. Sunset.

Then she put the book in her bag and walked to downstairs.

"I send Twilight a message that we have eaten the breakfast now." Sunset asked.

"And?..." Rainbow Dash asked.

"What about you? Do you feel that you are ready to try find the Dazzlings?" Sunsdet answered to Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I do." Applejack said.

"Me too." Rarity said.

"I do too."Fluttershy said silent.

"Ooh me three me three!" Pinkie shouted and jumped on a ground.

"You do know you don't have to overreact like that Pinkie." Rarity said.

"But I'm always like this, I can't stop being Pinkie." Pinkie said.

"I guess not." Rarity said.

"Rainbow? What about you?" Sunset asked.

"Sure, I feel I'm ready." Rainbow Dash said.

"Okay, we are all in and..." Sunset gets interrupted by the vibrating in her back.

"It must be Twilight." Sunset said and took the book. She opened it and watched what Twilight had answered.

"Hi Sunset, I'm coming in a about ten minutes. It's okay if you aren't already there. I can wait. Twilight."

Sunset put the book in her bag and said to others. "Twilight is here about in ten minutes and she said it doesn't matter are we there before her."

"Well then, we don't have to rush. We can just walk peacefully." Rarity said.

"Better option than running." Applejack said.

"Totally agreed." Rarity said.

Everyone put their regular clothes on and it was warm and quiet August morning.
They leaved the house and start to walking to the statue.

It was 8:05 at morning and Twilight arrived to the statue, but noticed no one were there.

"They are probably still coming." Twilight said and sat on the school stairs.

Twilight waited about ten minutes and and were ready to write to Sunset, but then she saw others coming.
She stood up and picked up her bag.

"Hi Twilight!" Sunset said and hugged her.

"Hi to yourself too." Twilight said.

"I'm so glad you're here." Sunset said.

"It's always nice to visit here. Even thou it's always because some problem." Twilight said.

"Well this time it isn't any magical creature from Equestria trying to take over the world." Applejack said.

"Yeah, this time we are trying find former creatures who tried to take over the world." Pinkie said trying to sound it fun.

"Oh Pinkie, you're king of the jokes." Rainbow Dash said laughing a little bit.

"I don't get what's funny with that."Fluttershy said quiet.

"So what's the plan?" Twilight asked.

"We don't have it yet." Applejack said. "But we could split up and split the town to different sectors."

"That sounds good. Do you agree?" Sunset asked.

"Good plan and all, but where do we start looking for them?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh you're right. We don't have anything where to start and not even pictures of them." Sunset said disappointed.

"Hey, I know where we should start." Pinkie said.

"Well, where?" Twilight asked.

"At the alleys. I bet they are homeless, so we should start with the alleys and bridges." Pinkie explained.

"Pinkie, you're a genius." Sunset said.

"Yup that's my second name." Pinkie said proudly.

"Now we only would need some pictures of them." Sunset said.

"I know just a right place." Rarity said. "Photo Finish, if someone has pictures of Dazzlings it must be her."

"Yeah, she took pictuers at the battle of the bands almost whole time." Rainbow Dash said.

"Then we probably should visit at her first." Sunset said and started to walk.

Others came right behind her.

They arrived there after walking about sixteen minutes.
Sunset walked to the door and rang the door bell.

A moment later Photo Finish opened the door.

"Oh, hi Sunset and friends. Anything I can do for you?" She said.

"We have just a little favor to ask..." Sunset said, but she stopped for a moment.

"And that favor is?" Photo Finish asked.

"Do you have a picture of the Dazzlings?" Sunset said.

"Oh yes, I do. But where you need them?" Photo Finish asked.

We are trying to find the Dazzlings, because they deserve a second chance too." Twilight said behind Sunset.

"Oh I see, just wait a moment please." Photo Finish said and went to search picture of the Dazzlings.

She searched the for a moment until she found one picture. It was group picture of the Dazzlings. She took it and went back to door.

"Here, this is only picture I could find right now. I hope it's good enough." Photo Finish said as she gave picture to Sunset.

"This is fine. Thank you very much." Sunset said.

"You're welcome. I hope you find them." Photo Finish said.

"We too, and thanks for the picture." Twilight said.

"No problem." Photo Finish said and went back to inside and closed the door behind her.

"So, now you got the picture. What now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Now we take copies of this and then we split up." Sunset said.

After copying that picture they decided to split up in three groups. Twilight and Sunset, Fluttershy and Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie and Rarity. After splitting into different groups Sunset gave one picture to them. It's 11:30 am and now they decide where everyone will go.

"So, Pinkie, Rainbow and Rarity, you will take the North and West side of the town." Sunset said.

"We are into it." Rainbow Dash said and saluted.

"Fluttershy and Applejack, you will take the East side of the town." Sunset said showing them the map.

"We got this, Ain't that right Fluttershy?" Applejack said.

"Um.... yeah, we got this." Fluttershy said shyly.

"Okay, and me and Twilight will take South side of the town. Remember to search the slums and alleys first and we communicate with our phones, call if you find something." Sunset said conductively. "Is everything clear? If it is then let's start."

"One thing more." Pinkie said.

"Yes?" Sunset asked.

"What's the time when we stop?" Pinkie asked.

"It's 21:00 pm, if we haven't found them until it we will stop the searching's for this day." Sunset said.

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie said and went with the others.

As everyone were divided to their own ways, they started to look for Dazzlings.

Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were walking at the North side slums and alleys.

"How can we ever find them here." Rainbow Dash said. "Like here is thousands of alleys and so much slums."

"And no one doesn't even care these people here, it really kills yor positive mood." Pinkie said sad look on her face.

"Also it's messed up here, streets full of trash and lots of broken windows." Rarity said. "Someone need's to clean up."

"Rarity you do know they have no money." Rainbow Dash said.

"Doesn't city take care of these streets?" Pinkie asked.

"These are slums, city doesn't take care of anything here." Rainbow Dash said.

"This so depressing, why are we here again." Rarity said.

"Finding the Dazzlings." Pinkie said.

"Oh yeah, that's why, what if we don't find them?" Rarity said.

"We just hope others had luck." Rainbow Dash said.

They searched and searched and show the picture to passers-by, but no one of them hadn't seen the Dazzlings.

At the same time at the East side of the town Applejack and Fluttershy searched the Dazzlings.

Applejack sat on the bench and put hands on her face. "Damn, these alleys and streets look the same." Applejack blurted. "They can be at anywhere or even worse they are not here at all."

"Applejack, I'm sure we find them or someone else will."

"You're right Fluttershy, we shouldn't give up yet. We have just searched for half an hour." Applejack said. "But you gotta admit that these alleys look awful lot like same."

"You're right these all look like the same, but don't let it bother you." Fluttershy said and sat next to Applejack and put hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, we should probably continue searching, maybe we should ask some passers-by and show them the pictures." Applejack said and stood up on the bench.

"There's one coming right over there." Fluttershy said and pointed the passer-by.

Applejack walked to him and and asked about the Dazzlings. "Excuse me, have you seen these girls lately?" She asked and show the picture.

"No I haven't, I'm sorry." Passer-by said.

"it's okay." Applejack said. "Sorry i bothered you."

"He didn't knew didn't he?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nope, he didn't." Applejack said. "Let's go search that alley over there."

They went into the alley, but there were only homeless and drunken people.

"Or maybe we should go look another alley." Applejack said and walked back to the street.

At the South side of the town Sunset and Twilight were searching for Dazzlings. They had asked almost everyone they had seen, but no one of them didn't recognize or didn't knew them.

Sunset stopped and said. "Half an hour already and none of them hadn't seen them."

"Well, it has been over two months." Twilight said.

"Yeah, I should have guessed it wouldn't be so easy." Sunset said. Then her phone rang. It was Rainbow Dash.

"Hi Dash." Sunset answered.

"Sup Sunset, any luck?" Rainbow Dash asked at the phone.

"Nope, you?" Sunset answered.

"Nothing here ether, I'll call to Applejack if she would have some luck." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, okay hear you soon." Sunset said and closed the call.

"Well, what did Dash said? Did she and others have any luck?" Twilight asked.

"Nope, she is calling to Applejack to ask the same." Sunset said while putting the phone in her pocket.

Suddenly they heard fighting behind the corner. Sunset were ready to run there, but Twilight hold her and said. "We don't who there is fighting."

"I need to know, Dazzlings might be in trouble." Sunset said and started to run towards that corner.

As Sunset got behind the corner she saw Aria standing and some random guy lying against the wall. Aria's nose was bleeding because the fight.

"Aria?" Sunset asked.

"What!..." Aria said, but turned into stone as she saw Sunset standing right in front of her and she turned even more into stone when she noticed that Twilight were with Sunset.

"Aria, is everything alright?" Sunset asked.

After staring them eyes wide open Aria opened her mouth. "Wha.. Wha... What?.. How... in world you two are here?" Was all what she could say.

"We have been looking for you." Sunset said. "And I can't imagine we found you after an half an hour."

"Wait... So you have been looking for us?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, and all our friends." Twilight added.

"All of you? But why?" Aria asked confused. "We thought we were the last persons you want to see, even thou we thought the same way about you."

"We feel'd bad for you." Twilight said.

"You feel'd what? Would you say again?" Aria asked.

"We feel'd bad." Twilight said little more louder.

"Oh really, well you wouldn't have to." Aria said. "We are fine."

"What about that guy?" Sunset asked.

"He'll be okay, see you have to be tough when your living at the streets." Aria said.

"Where's your sisters?" Twilight asked.

"What kind of Interrogation is this?" Aria said and you could see that she was losing her temper.

"This ia nothing like that, we just want to know are they okay." Sunset said.

"It's none of your buisness." Aria said.

"Aria come on, we are trying to help you." Twilight said.

"Yeah first blasting us with your magic horse and broke our necklaces, then you offer help when you notice that was your biggest mistake." Aria ranted.

"What do you mean by mistake?" Sunset asked.

"Well... arhg you wouldn't underatand anyway." Aria said and started to walk away.

"Aria wait?" Sunset and Twilight yelled.

"What do you want?" Aria said.

"Can you please take us to your sisters? Please Aria." Sunset begged.

"You don't have to beg, but why you wanted to see my sisters." Aria said. "I think Adagio doesn't want to see you."

"I don't care, I just need to talk with her and Sonata." Sunset said.

"Well, I'ts your funerals." Aria said and show them a way.

"Sunset, are you sure about this?" Twilight whispered.

"I am, just send message to others." Sunset whispered back.

Twilight texted to others and asked them not to call, we will tell place where they are when we get there.

Aria lead them to Avenue street 16 and there to alley. They had built a little shelter there and used dustbin with fire place. Twilight send others the message to come Avenue street 16.

"Sup sisters, I brought some gusets with me." Aria said.

"Guests?" Adagio asked confused and turned to look, but went silent when she saw Twilight and Sunset standing there.

"Don't look at me, Sunset demanded me to lead them here." Aria said.

"Adagio, I know your super angry and probably wanna kill me right in this moment, but before you do that can I have a chat with you." Sunset said.

"Wait, hold on... kill you?" Adagio said. "I'm not gonna kill anyone."

"I thought you were mad." Sunset said.

"Yes I am mad, but it doesn't mean I have to kill you." Adagio said. "Who said you something like that?"

Sunset pointed Aria and said. "She..."

"Don't mind about Aria, she is what she is." Adagio said. "And you probably are princess Twilight?"

"Yeah, that's me." Twilight said. "Can I ask where Sonata is?"

"She is sleeping, living on a street is hard for her and she is almost tired." Adagio said.

"And she is so quiet." Aria said. "No more her hype life where she jumps on the walls."

"Aria." Adagio said and looked to Aria.

"Fine, I'll shut my mouth." Aria said and leaned next to wall.

"So Sunset where did you wanna talk?" Adagio asked. "Please sit."

"Well, we have been looking for you, and it's a miracle it took only a little more over half an hour." Sunset said as she sat next to Adagio. "You see, I couldn't get the idea of you being forgotten in my head. I didn't felt it was right to just forget you and your sisters and let it be."

"You actually feel bad for us?" Adagio asked. "We had plans to some day revenge..." Adagio got interrupted by Aria.

"Why are you telling them!" Aria said.

"Shut up. You will wake Sonata, and besides why not to be honest." Adagio said. "So after we lost our apartment we had to go to streets. We felt terrible anger and if you had found then, I can promise I would have beated shit out of you."

"Uhmm... but now you won't right?" Sunset asked nerveously.

"Yeah, I won't. That was then, now is now." Adagio said. "After spending weeks on the streets we just gave up on the revenge and started to just focus on our own lifes..." Adagio got interrupted again when rest of the mane six ran there.

"What the hell!?" Aria shouted.

"What are you all doing here?!" Adagio said.

"We started to come here right when Twilight send us a text message." Rainbow Dash said.

Sonata woke up because the loud sounds. "Dagi, is it morning already?" She asked very dizzy.

"Oh you woke up." Adagio said.

"Dagi why didn't you tell us we have guests." Sonata said.

"Because I didn't want wake you up, your so adorable while your sleeping." Adagio said.

"Awww... thank you Dagi." Sonata said and hugged her.

"So now you all are here, what do you want?" Adagio asked while hugging Sonata.

"In a nutshell, we want to be friends with you and give your a second chance, because you are only villains who hadn't got reformed." Pinkie said fast and non stopping.

"Wait... only ones?" Sunset said.

Applejack ran to close Pinkies mouth before it would be too late. Applejack put her hand on Pinkies mouth and sighed in relief.

"Don't question Pinkies logic." Applejack said.

"And I thought we were the weird once." Aria whispered to Adagio.

"So you wan't to give a second chance to us?" Adagio asked.

"Yep." Sunset said.

"Do we have to do something for it?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah only one thing." Twilight said.

"And that is?" All three of them asked.

"Apologize your acts at battle of the bands and show you can change." Twilight said.

"Apologize? Is that all?" Adagio asked.

"And show that you can leave your bad ways and change." Sunset added.

"If I may say, we have already left our bad ways behind..." Adagio said. "Sort of."

"And when did you did that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The day we got kicked out of our apartment." Adagio said.

"Ouhhh, I see." Rainbow Dash said.

"So... are you ready to apologize for your acts?" Sunset asked.

"Apologizing is not our thing, but if it really helps with our life, then I'm ready to do it." Adagio said.

"If she does it, I'll do it too." Sonata said.

"Well I don't want to be alone, so I'm in." Aria said.

"Can we trust their words Sunset?"" Rarity whispered.

"What else can we do? We just have to trust them, even thou it might be hard. " Sunset whispered back.

"So Twilight, it looks like we are getting three more friends." Sunset said.

"Yeah, I'll wish all good for them." Twilight said. "Dazzlings?"

"Yeah?" Three of them asked.

"You can do the apology now if you want, or later if you don't feel your ready." Twilight said.

"We can do it here, where no one is not watching." Adagio said.

"Okay we are ready to hear it." Rainbooms said.

"Oh Celestia, I can't believe I'm doing this." Aria said in her mind.

Dazzlings started their apologizing by bowed down and all three of them said at the same time.

"We are sorry about the things we did, like making whole school to fight each others, almost taking over the world and turning nice musical show case into a battle. We are terrible sorry, and we hope we can fix it and make things better. One more time, we are sorry."

Then they looked up to Rainbooms, and saw they were touched by their apology.

"Wow, was our apology that good?" Adagio said in her mind.

Rainbooms noticed that Dazzlings hadn't rose up.

"Um... you can stand now." Twilight said.

Dazzlings stood up and asked. "So... was that it?"

"Yeah, now you only have to change your ways." Sunset said.

"Peace of cake." Adagio said. "But, you said this will help our lives, I have just one question."

"And that is?" Sunset asked.

"Where will we live now on?" Adagio asked.

"You can live in my house, it has plenty of room." Sunset answered.

"Really, you just take us to live with you, like that. Without caring our state right now?" Aria asked.

"Yep, why not. That's what friends do." Sunset said.

"Well, Thank... you... I suppose to say." Adagio said and rubbed her hair. "I'm not used to thanks others, so it might take time."

"Good to hear you are already trying." Twilight said.

"This just feel's weird, everything went better than it could be." Sunset said in her mind.

"So Sunset, will you show us where you live?" Aria asked.

"Oh yeah, sure. Just follow us." Sunset said and she started to walk.

Soon Rainbooms and Dazzlings were walking together towards Sunset's house. This was the second chance to Dazzlings to fix their past mistake and learn magic of friendship.