> Stephen Georg and the Unreal Vlogs > by Dark Wind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A Good Time in Minnesota > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another normal day in Ponyville for the resident librarian-turned Princess, Twilight Sparkle. Mind you, ever since she moved in, it was getting more and more difficult to discern what one could call a 'normal' day in this small town. Hitting the books in her huge library, she was looking for an ancient spell she found mentioned in one of her more archaic books. After doing some translating of the old pony tongue, Twilight found that the name of the spell was 'Unwind'. Its effect was said to undue many of time's effects on nature. Twilight, despite being a relatively eccentric spellcaster and alicorn, was focused on using Unwind for more mundane purposes. She wanted to increase the availability of this spell once she had the proper matrix, and wanted it to be used for archaeological purposes, to give vitality to ancient pony structures and so the world could learn of their past achievements by simply experiencing them. In the middle of her deep, euphoric, fantasies, she is snapped from her trance by the sound of a step near her. She turns to her side, spotting a young green and purple dragon. "Ughh, Spike, you're not shirking your duties off that easily. Now, since you're here, I want you to help me find a spell matrix. Search through the oldest archives I have. If you can's find anything there, I suggest you ask Princess Celestia for some assistance. As Princess of Friendship, I need to start actually DOING something in Ponyville that could give rise to progress. What I have in mind could revolutionize archaeology, and reshape history books! So start looking!!” Spike rolled his eyes, sighing in annoyance, and walked over to some bookshelves, beginning the long process of skimming through books in order to find the research material Twilight needed. "Alright, already. Geez, Twilight! There was no need to give me a lecture about it. Sheesh. I swear, you can be overbearing, sometimes. Still, you take care of me, so I'll forgive you. Although...I 'might' be coaxed into working a bit faster if I have a sapphire or two...?~" Groaning, she rolls her eyes, sighing in resignation. “Alright. I'll see if I can get Rarity to part from a few. I'll visit her later. Now, if you could, please, just start looking!” She proceeds to absorb herself back into her research, a distinct twinkle in her eyes. Meanwhile, on another world, in a cold, frozen wasteland known as Minnesota, a man drives down to Minneapolis, a large metropolitan city. His two passengers are a man and a woman, both of them practically falling asleep in their seats. The man keeps on driving back to his house and when he arrives, he wakes them both up. “Uhh? Hey...Kyle, how long were we out?” The man asks, his face bleary-eyed. His companion jolts awake as well, rubbing her eyes to push away the lethargy which had previously infected both of them. “Are we there yet...?” She asks, wearily. The driver just nods and gets out of the car, and the two passengers do the same. They approach a house and knock on the door. A woman enters, grinning widely. “Mallory! I'm so happy to see you!! Thanks for coming all this way! Stephen! Thank you for coming as well! Was it a nice plane ride over? Lets go inside, we can talk more about this.” The man named Stephen smiles a bit, but its a tired smile. “Yeah. And after we talk, I'm gonna be taking a long nap.” Stephen walks inside after initial introductions, carrying his luggage along with him. After a moment, Kyle and Karley point out where exactly he and Mal were going to be bunking for the night, and he sets his luggage down. For the moment, he lies down as well, taking a load off after the long journey here. Though he meant to unpack right away, soon enough, he finds himself drifting off to sleep, his exhaustion having finally caught up with him. Twilight and Spike had meanwhile commenced their search for the correct spell matrix. With Twilight flashing back and forth between her old library in Canterlot and her own castle library, occasionally making Spike jump, as she occasionally tended to teleport right in front of him. They hadn't any luck so far, but they were still searching feverishly. Spike kept on looking for 30 minutes before he decided to take a break. As he sat down on a nearby couch, he felt a firmness to the cushion that wasn't normal. He looked under the cushion to discover a book, with purple cover and black binding. He shuffled through its pages, and he spots the spell in question. He tears it out of the book, and he carries it over to Twilight. She looks at the page, and her eyes bug out. “SPIKE! Did you tear this out of the book?!” Spike winces as he gets railed on by Twilight, and he meekly nods. Twilight's face just glows red, and she towers over him menacingly. Spike sheepishly just hands her the page, and whispers a quiet “Sorry.” And he backs away slowly, Twilight's glare on him the entire time. Soon, however her eyes focus on the page and she studies it closely. “So...this is the spell, huh? With this spell, I'll create a revolution. I can give this power to people like museum curators and archaeologists and maybe even LIBRARIANS!! This will be perfect!” She reads the spell and prepares it, a bright glow surrounding her horn. As she concentrates, her horn glows brighter, and soon, much to Spike's alarm, the room begins shaking, and various books start falling off the shelves from the sheer magical force of the spell. “Twilight, snap out of it! Something's happening! Is...is this normal?!” Twi quickly came to her senses and looked around. Her magic was out of her control now, and she couldn't stop the spell she began. “Spike...? This is bad. I can't stop! This spell...this spell wasn't supposed to go like this! We have a serious problem here!” Her magic quickly came to a crescendo and a bright blast engulfed the room. Stephen was tired after a few rounds of Goldeneye with Kyle, and he decided to take a nap for a few hours. After a while, he awoke to find Karley making supper. Groaning, he rubbed his eyes sleepily and sat up properly. “Unnhh...what time is it...?” Mal, sitting nearby, blinked and said, “It's close to 6, actually. You've been out for about 5 hours.” Stephen sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Well...it's nice to have gotten some sleep, at the very least. I think-” Stephen was stopped in mid-sentence by an eerie distortion in the air, almost like a cold day with heat radiating outside. “What the piss is that? There aren't any windows open, right?” As Stephen finished his sentence, a violet purple suddenly appeared, pulling Stephen and his laptop inside, and closing shut behind them. “OH PI-” He shouted as he was pulled in. Twilight was knocked against the wall rom the blast, half of her castle library in shambles from that blast. When she finally regained her composure and recovered, she saw a strange creature lying where the apex of the blast was. It was thin, tan, pale, and had a mane of hair on top of what appeared to be his head. It was also wearing a strange piece of clothing which said 'Stephenvlog' on it. The creature wasn't moving at all, lying on its stomach. Nezt to it lie a rectangular box and an even larger rectangular box. Opening its eyes and sitting up suddenly, the creature looked around in utter confusion, simply saying, “Aww....piss.” > Chapter 1: Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- White. White was the only thing Mallory could see. A boring color, really. Though, in painting, it had its uses. When her eyes finally adjusted, she found she was in a small cottage. Able to see out the windows, she could tell that she was on the outskirts of both a small town, and a rather large forest. Sitting up, she stretched her arms and she yawns a bit. “I don't remember taking a nap...and where am I?” She stands up and looks around the cottage. She can see a bunch of critters. Smiling, she walks on over to a squirrel, but it skitters away. “Aww. I wanted to be friends!” She says in an upbeat voice. Soon after she spoke, Mal spotted a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. “Oh my...what are you doing out of bed? I found you outside, and brought you in to rest. Are you alright?” She says, her voice coming across as concerned. “My name's Fluttershy. I care for many animals in the forest. I thought you were a unque and exotic animal that might have gotten lost...” Mal laughs a bit, shifting uneasily, not saying too much. Fluttershy, noticing this display, smiles. “I know how that is. Why, I'm known for being shy. Maybe...a squirrel might help? Or a bunny!” She says, holding up Angel, before he jumps off and kicks her hoof away, looking at her grouchily. “Alright. Maybe not a bunny...” Mal leans over, reaching her hand out hesitantly. “What is that?” Fluttershy looked at her hand. “That thing there...” Fluttershy pointed at Mal's hand with her hoof. “It's my hand. Haven't you ever seen a hand before?” Mal asked, confused. Fluttershy blinked innocently. “Well, I've never seen a creature as unique as you before. What are you, anyway?” “I'm a human. I'm a sort of bipedal creature. I walk on two legs instead of four.” Fluttershy blinks again. “My, so, how did you get here?” Black. Everything was black. With a sense of fuzziness, slowly, Stephen awoke, hearing some nearby voices. He can make out purple on all three of the speakers. Rubbing his eyes, he corrects his visions, and spots three ponies. What's more jarring, is that he can actually comprehend what they're saying. This quickly snaps him out of his post-sleep stupor. Occupied at the moment, both of them appeared to be deeply absorbed in an intense talk. Stephen stands up and stretches, before walking over to them. As he makes his way across the wood floor, it creaks slightly, startling both of them. Looking up at him, the purple unicorn seemed aghast at such a large figure standing over her, and the small...dragon...? He seemed shocked as well. “Wow. Now..if only I could be that tall.” He says, simply. Twilight, looking upward, smiles and greets him. “Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm guessing you might be wondering why you're here, and I can-” Stephen interrupts the talking pony, completely taken aback. “Whoa! You're a talking horse?!” He exclaims, surprised. Standing suddenly, he sits back down suddenly, blood rushing to his head, and he hits his head against the ceiling. “Piss! Oww! Why is the ceiling so short? I mean, I know I'm tall, but come on!!” Twilight holds a hoof to her mouth, silently chuckling a bit. “I don't think this house is accommodated to somepony of your size and stature.” Stephen gives her a deadpan stare. “Yeah. I can see that.” Stephen looks around. “Ok. Is there a couch I can use in here? Somewhere to sit?” Twilight points over to a small couch sitting in the main part of the library. Stephen walks over to it and sits. “Alright. My first question; how did I get here? And can I return whence I came?” Stephen looks at the purple pony inquisitively, eager for an answer. “About that...it's my fault. You see, I had just discovered a spell for repair-work. The spell itself was called 'Unwind'. I was going to test it, but the spell was written in older Equestrian than I can read. I'm sorry. I have no idea if and when you can return to your world. For the time being, however, if you stayed here in our world, I would use the authority I have as the Princess of Friendship to ensure that you have nice accommodations.” Spike speaks up, looking over at Twilight. “Yeah. Leave it to Twilight to do something so crazy, it would bring in inter-dimensional creatures. Hah!” Twilight glares over at him. “Hey! Said I was sorry. Isn't that good enough?!” Stephen gives a half-hearted smile, shrugging. “Well, truth be told, I probably needed some time off, anyway. Now, maybe I can get that stress off my shoulders.” Twilight tilts her head. “Stress? Ohh?? Tell me, Mr...?” She blinks her eyes. “I'm sorry. What's your name again?” He sighs. “My name's Stephen. Stephen Georg. And your name is Twilight?” She nods, and points a hoof at Spike. “And this foalish dragon is Spike,” She says through gritted teeth. He nods, rubbing his chin. “Well, nice to meet you both. Uhh...Where can a guy get something to eat?” His stomach grumbles incessantly. Twilight instantly pipes up. “Well...there's Sugar Cube Corner, if you want some sweetmeats. Other than that? Uhh...hmm. Come to think of it, we don't have much in the way of regular food. There's always the market, if you wanted to buy some fresh stock of food.” Stephen blinks, “Fresh? You ponies grow your own food?” Twilight grins. “Well, yes! I mean, we aren't exactly a large community. We're a close-knit community! If you want to relieve that stress, by the way, I think Aloe and Lotus might be able to help over at the local spa!” Stephen raises an eyebrow at this comment. “Let me get this straight. You have a spa here in town, even though it's not a really large town? How does it stay open?” Twilight clops her hooves together as she responds. “Ponies from all over use this spa. This spa is famous for its luxury. I think the strangest patron I've heard of is a sea serpent. However, I've never seen him actually use it.” Stephen gawks at Twilight. “A sea serpent?! What the piss?! I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, because we have this little guy here!” He gestures to Spike. “Hey! I resent that remark!!” Stephen shakes his head. “Sorry. I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this. Hoo...I guess I should try the spa after all. After I get something to eat, of course.” Twilight gestures toward the door. “Alright, then. I think I'll show you the way, then. You're going to get lots of stares, I'm sure, but you aren't the first unique creature that Ponyville has seen. Now, let's begin this little adven-” Before she could finish her sentence, there's a knock at the door. “Umm...Twilight? I have something you might want to see...” The voice was barely audible, and Stephen strained his ears to hear it, but Twilight flew over to the door and opened it. Standing there, in the entrance, was a yellow pegasus, and another bipedal creature. Twilight felt her jaw drop, and Stephen got up, running over to the door, and hugging the other creature. “Mal! You're here, too?! This is great!!!” Twilight massaged her forehead with her hoof, and Fluttershy just looked back and forth between Stephen and Mallory. “Umm...I think things just got more complicated.” Spike, walking up to the door, looks up at the two of them, then to Twilight, and finally to Fluttershy. “Yeah. That sounds about right.” He says, dryly.