> Dragon's Treasure > by Bahamut0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: More precious than any gem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ah. It's days like this that make getting up even more worth it.", Inferno thought out loud as he entered CHS. Not just because he got to see all his friends, but because he got to see Rarity. Red Eyes picked up on his good mood and decided to pay him a visit. "She's your treasure.", Red Eyes said with a smile. "I thought dragons from the monster realm didn't have huge hoards of gems and gold.", Inferno replied jokingly. "No. But we do have items that we hold close to our hearts. Ones that we would guard with our lives and risk everything to protect. Whether they're items that have a lot of sentimental value, or friends and family. They're our treasures. And we'll never let them go." "That's deep Red. And I guess it also sums up how I feel about Rarity.", Inferno said with a smile. Soon he noticed her and decided to speak to her. "Hey gorgeous." "Why if it isn't my handsome dragon.", Rarity said in a slightly flirty tone. "Here to walk me to class?" "It'd be my pleasure to escort you.", Inferno said with a bow. As they left, Rarity didn't know she was being watched. And the one watching her was none other than the guy who was voted as best looking in the school. His name was Adonis Marble. And he had his sights set on Rarity. "Soon my lovely maiden. You shall be mine." > Chapter 2: Blazing Heart, Burning Spirit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day was going at a fairly normal pace. And lunch period had soon arrived. Inferno waited by Rarity's class before she came out. "You certainly don't keep a lady waiting.", Rarity said with a smile. "Most girls would kill for a guy like you. It's sweet you go the extra mile like this." "What can I say? You're like your name. Girls like you are hard to find. Especially when their inner beauty matches their outer beauty." Rarity smiled as she kissed him on the cheek and they headed off to the cafeteria and sat with their friends. "So what do you like about me best Rarity?" "Well darling, I'd have to say it's your heart. It's like a blazing inferno. Full of passion and warmth for those you care about. And I could say the same about that fiery spirit of yours. Not to mention, that smoldering gaze of yours is quite lovely. Also you might not be the most refined guy out there, but you're the nicest one I know." "And here I thought you just liked me for my body.", Inferno said with a grin. "I'm no prince charming, but I am a handsome dragon. Want some dessert from the snack bar? My treat." "You know I am. Ice cream for me please." Inferno nodded as he went to get them dessert. Seeing Inferno leave, Adonis made his move. "May I sit here?", he asked with an air of charm about him. "Sorry darling. But that seat is taken." "But I insist. I merely wish to sit so that I may admire you." "That's certainly very flattering of you, but I must decline." "Is there a problem here Rarity?", Inferno asked as he returned. "This guy wasn't giving you any trouble was he?" "No Inferno. In fact he was just leaving." "My apologies. I'll be out of your hair now.", Adonis said as he left. 'Blast! I'll have to make my move when he's not around.' "I've got a bad feeling about that guy.", Inferno said with a glare. "You don't think I went a little over-protective do you?" "No Inferno. In fact, I like that you're willing to look out for me that much." Inferno just blushed at hearing this. Soon, the students went about the rest of their day as it drew to a close. > Chapter 3: Unwanted Attention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was at her locker putting away the books she didn't need when Adonis showed up. "Oh. I didn't expect to see you again." "I've been admiring you Rarity. And I am here to humbly ask for your hand." "That's quite sweet of you, but I'm afraid I'm spoken for." "By who? That mongrel who interrupted us earlier?" Adonis started to move his hand over to Rarity's body. "What could he give you that I couldn't?" "That's quite enough.", Rarity said as she pulled herself out of his attempted grip. "While your advances are flattering, I must decline. Inferno is my boyfriend. It wouldn't be right to do this to him." That tore it for Adonis. "You would choose one who uses such vile creatures as dragons over me?!", he shouted as he grabbed Rarity's arm. "Let me go!" "I should teach you a lesson!" "Hey!", Inferno shouted. "What do you want mongrel?" "Just wanted to offer you some punch for my harsh demeanor earlier.", Inferno said with a smile. "Why can't you be reasonable like him?", Adonis said as he released his grip on Rarity. "I graciously accept your offer." Inferno's expression instantly changed when Adonis let his guard down. "SHORYUKEN!", Inferno shouted as he executed a powerful uppercut that knocked him down to the floor! Inferno then went over to Rarity "You alright?" "I am now!", Rarity said nearly swooning in front of him. "Thanks for coming to my rescue." "It's what I do. Huh. Looks like ugly here isn't done yet." Inferno said as he noticed Adonis getting back up. "How about we settle this with a duel? Unless you're afraid of another beating." "Miserable cur!", Adonis hissed as he pulled out and activated his duel disk. "Her heart shall be mine!" Inferno: 8000 Adonis: 8000 "I'll take the first move! I summon Absolute Crusader in attack mode and end my turn." "I draw! Nice! I set a card and summon Black Stone of Legend and tribute it to special summon Red Eyes Black Dragon! Barbecue his Absolute Crusader! Inferno Fire Blast!" "I activate Crusader's effect! Since you special summoned a monster, I can tribute him to destroy it!" "I end my turn." "Now I draw. I summon Blade Knight and equip him with Lightning Blade! Attack him directly!" Inferno shielded himself as Blade Knight charged at him and slashed at his life points! "I'll set a card and end my turn." Inferno: 5600 Adonis: 8000 "You attack one Red Eyes, you get the whole flock! Since Black Stone is in my graveyard, I can return one level seven or lower Red Eyes monster to my deck and add Black Stone to my hand! Now I play Red Eyes Fusion! I'll send Red Eyes and Summoned Skull from my deck to the graveyard to fusion summon Archfiend Black Skull Dragon! Destroy Blade Knight! Archfiend Blaze!" Blade Knight was burned away in a sea of flames! "Now I activate his effect! If Archfiend attacks or is attacked, I can target one Red Eyes normal monster in my graveyard and inflict its attack points as damage and shuffle it back into my deck! I end my turn." Inferno: 5600 Adonis: 4800 "I set a monster in defense mode and end my turn." "My move then! I draw! Nice! I'll attack your monster!" "Fool! I activate my trap! Magic Cylinder! Now you'll take damage equal to your monster's attack points and his attack is halted!" Inferno was soon hit with a blast of flame from his own attack! "I end my turn." Inferno: 2400 Adonis: 4800 "I don't know what a maiden such as Rarity could see in a beast like you.", Adonis sneered. "I play Enemy Controller! I tribute my monster to take control of yours! Now I'll tribute him to summon Freed the Matchless General! Attack him directly! Steel Streak!" Inferno was struck with one swift slash of Freed's blade! "I'll end my turn." Inferno: 100 Adonis: 4800 "I draw! Time to end this! I summon Black Stone of Legend and tribute him to special summon Red Eyes from my deck! Now I activate Harmony Absolute! I tribute my Red Eyes on the field to bring out Red Eyes Absolute Dragon! Now that he's on the field, he gains 300 attack for each monster in my graveyard! There's five, so that brings him to 5500! Destroy Freed! Absolute Inferno Fire Blast!" Red Eyes released a powerful blast of rainbow colored flame that obliterated Freed the Matchless General! "I end my turn." Inferno: 100 Adonis: 1600 "I set a card face-down and end my turn.", Adonis said with a cocky sneer. 'This fool will end up giving me more life points thanks to my trap!' "I'm ending this! I'll use one of Red Eyes Absolute's other effects! I'll inflict his attack points as damage to you!" "No!" Adonis howled as a rain of fire crashed into the last of his life points! Inferno turned his eyes dragonic as he walked up to him. "If you even think of pulling stuff like this again, I'll make sure you wake up in the hospital. Understand ugly?" Adonis nodded out of fear and took of with his tail between his legs. "Good." , Inferno said with a satisfied smile as he ran off. Inferno then tended to Rarity. "You're quite the dashing rogue.", Rarity said with a smirk. "I'm a dragon and you're my treasure. I'll guard you with my life.", he said as he pulled her into an embrace and a kiss. "Kicking that punk around got me thirsty. Wanna hit up Sugar Cube Corner?" "Sounds perfect." > Chapter 4: Meet the parents > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ahh. This soda tastes even sweeter knowing I handed that creep's butt to him for trying to make a move on you.", Inferno said with a satisfied smile on his face. "My hero.", Rarity said. "You know I realize something." "What's that?" "I never got to introduce you to my family. I'm sure they'd love you!" "I've got nothing better to do. So why not?" "Wonderful!" With that, Rarity led Inferno to her house, and introduced him to her parents and her sister. "Sweetie Belle, Mom, Dad. It's my pleasure to introduce you to Inferno Flare. My boyfriend." "Hi!" "So you're the young man who's captured Rarity's heart.", her Mom said. "Looks like she hit the jackpot." "I did too when she became my girlfriend.", Inferno said with a smile. "You certainly seem like a nice enough young man.", her Dad said with an approving smile. "He is. In fact today, he beat an unwanted suitor in a duel.", Rarity said with a fond sigh. "Like in one of your romance novels sis?", Sweetie Belle quipped. Rarity blushed at hearing this. "Well, um, moving on!" Inferno let out a chuckle. "That was a good one! Rarity also tells me you like to sing. Though you might like to know I sang for her on our first date." "Cool! What song?" "I sang an english cover cover of an anime song." "Anyway, we were planning on meeting Inferno's parents next. We'll be back soon.", Rarity said as she and Inferno took their leave. "So how did you plan on getting us to your place?" Inferno smiled as he activated his dragon powers and sprouted his wings. "Hold on tight.", he said with a smirk. Rarity held on to him as he flew over to his house. "Home sweet home.", Inferno said as he unlocked the door and Rarity in with him. "I'm home!" Rarity took a moment to take in Inferno's house, and noticed what looked like a poster with a guy that looked like Inferno. "You didn't tell me you were in a band. You look like the lead singer of one of those older rock bands Rainbow Dash listens to." "That's not me. That's my dad.", Inferno replied. "Where do you think he got his singing voice.", Inferno's mom said. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Cinder Flare. Inferno's mom." "A pleasure to meet you too.", Rarity said politely. "I'm Rarity. Inferno's girlfriend." "Looks like you've found your dream girl.", Cinder said with a smile. "You kidding? She's my treasure. And I'd guard her with my life." "Your father said something like that when we started dating." "So why did Inferno's father quit music?" "So I could see my son grow up.", Inferno's dad said as he walked in. "Hope you're not disappointed that I'm home early." "Hey dad!" "So who's this young lady?" "My girlfriend. Rarity." "So you're the one who stole Inferno's heart. Name's Ash. Ash Blaze." "The pleasure is all mine.", Rarity said as she shook his hand. "Not many people would give up the life you had. From the looks of that poster, your band was pretty popular." "We were. But then again, I wasn't your typical party-animal rock star. My band and I usually managed to avoid trouble, but it found me when I heard Cinder playing. She was our lead guitarist, and we were pretty close. And one night, I asked her out. One thing led to another, and eventually we got married. It was no surprise that one day she wound up pregnant with Inferno. By then me and my bandmates had enough of the limelight, and we disbanded on pretty good terms. I found a steady job, and got to see my son grow up. He got his singing voice and hair color from me, but his skills with the guitar are solely from Cinder." "Wait. Those streaks of red aren't hair dye?" "Nope. I was born with hair like this. Dad said it was because we've got a bright inner-fire.", Inferno said. "Anyway, I better get you back home now." "It was lovely meeting you all.", Rarity called out as Inferno flew her home. "You know Rarity, I think I know why you like diamonds so much." "Oh? Why's that?" Inferno soon landed in front of her house. "Because you're perfect.", he said as he kissed her goodbye. "See you tomorrow my treasure.", Inferno said with a bow. "You too. My handsome dragon.", Rarity said with a curtsey. "You do realize how old school that was right?", Inferno said with a chuckle. "Yes. But you're the one who started it.", Rarity said with a smirk as she closed her door. "Well. Now my parents are probably going to have a lot of questions about my first date...", Inferno thought out loud as he went home. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another day for Rarity. Things seemed to go about as they normally would. Until she got a text from Inferno. It read:There's some place special I wanted to take you. No need to bring any money. It's on me. And there's also a present I want to give you. See you after school! 'I wonder what he has planned?', Rarity thought to herself as she read the text. 'Well, there's only one way to find out!' The rest of the day passed by slowly as Rarity anticipated what Inferno's surprise would be. She met up with him once school was out. "You ready?", Inferno asked with a smirk. "Always darling.", Rarity said with a smile. They walked to where Inferno had wanted to take her. When they arrived, Rarity's jaw nearly dropped! Inferno had taken her to a jewelry store! "Is this where you wanted to give me that present you were talking about?" "You'll just have to step inside and find out." Rarity was in awe of all the gorgeous jewelry on display! "Inferno, darling! You really didn't have to go this far just to make me happy!" "I didn't. None of this jewelry is your present." "Why's that?" "There's no gem in this world that's as beautiful as you are. Inside and out." Rarity nearly swooned at Inferno's words. "Any more talk like that, and I just might melt." "Keep in mind I said any gem in this world.", Inferno said as he reached into his pocket. "So Red Eyes was instrumental in helping me get this." Inferno pulled out a necklace with a brilliant, blazing ruby as the main focus. "It's a fire ruby. Red Eyes picked it out because it shows how bright my love for you burns. And how much you light up my life." Inferno wrapped his arms around her after he put the necklace on Rarity. "You're my treasure. And I figured I should get you something that shows just how precious you are to.." "Enough sweet talk.", Rarity said as she pulled him into a kiss. "You've already said more than enough.", she said with a smile as she pulled out of the kiss. "And now it's time for me to show you just how much you mean to me." Rarity led him outside. "Isn't this behavior un-lady like?", Inferno asked with a smirk. "Does it really matter?", Rarity said as she pulled him into a deep kiss. "Your name fits you quite well. You ignite my passion my handsome dragon." "And I love you above all else my treasure.", Inferno replied as he returned the kiss. Both of them were thinking the same thing at that moment. 'There's nothing in the world that'd make me give you up.'