> Viva Las Chrysalis > by Aureane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Dime a Dozen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight is sitting down on the concrete edge of a water fountain, sipping up an icy-cold chocolate shake, when something taps her on the shoulder. She ignores this, teleporting herself to the other end of the fountain, only to be tapped once again. What the? She teleports to the other side of town. Tap! Canterlot? Tap! The Crystal Empire? Tap! The Dragon’s Lair?! Phew... Tap. Fff- Twilight teleports back to the fountain. She places her shake down and turns her head with a snarl, teeth gritting together. “Starlight...” “Who's that?” Twilight’s eyes widen. Whoever just said that was way younger than her apprentice. She turns around, and before she can react, her perpetrator gives her a warm hug, muzzle pressed right into her chest; after settling in, the filly looks up at her with two fluffy ears poked out, horn sticking into the air. “Turquoise hair, verdant fur, gray eyes... do I know you?” “Of course not, silly,” the filly's hug tightening, “I’m Dime, and... your fur is really soft.” Her eyes are half-closed as she stares at Twilight with a faint, innocent blush rising across her young muzzle. Twilight's teeth clenches onto her lower lip, the reflections in her eyes trembling from Dime's curious stare down, to the point where the alicorn has to turn her head and cover her blush with a hoof. "W-- well, Dime--" her voice softens out- "fillies don't usually greet me like this. But, now that I think about it: were you the one poking me? With that kind of magic level, you're more than qualified to be my apprentice." Dime appears just behind Twilight's horn. "Appren-- what?" "Uh... student?" Twilight gazes upward, and she sees that Dime is drinking her chocolate shake. "Hey!" "What? I don't want it to melt." She hops off of Twilight's head, and into her forehooves. "Besides... you had another straw waiting on the fountain." After hearing that, Twilight looks off to the distance, towards nopony in particular. "Starlight..." She mutters, her ears dropping at the thought of her. Dime sips away, her curious, gray eyes wondering out of sheer awe. "What about them?" Twilight flinches. "Oh-- it's nothing. It's just that she isn't my apprentice anymore. She'd always forget to grab herself a straw whenever we went out for shakes." She sighs and, after taking a sip, continues. "I just miss the old conversations we used to have when we would blabber on about incantations, conspiracies, philosophies, strategies... I mean, we still talk, but not like we would when I was teaching her. We've grown pretty distant, and now, she's usually with Trixie, Discord, or Thorax at the hive." She peeks over to see that Dime is looking at her with an expression of 'I got that, but say it again, just in case.' "Right... you aren't from around here. I just miss Starlight, is all." "I miss somepony, too," Dime says, her ears perking down as she stares at the cement floor. She lets go of Twilight to bask in the silence, and they sit like that for a good while until Twilight works up the heart to say something. "Who?" Twilight ponders. Dime pokes out an eye towards Twilight, and giggles, her ears perking up. "I don't know! I was just acting all grown up, like you. I don't actually have anypony to miss, because I don't know anypony." Twilight sets the shake down, and she really has to take a moment to process what the filly's just said. "If you don't know anypony, then... how did you get to Ponyville?" "I took the train, silly!" Dime points to the station, straight across from where the two of them are sitting. Yet, that answer alone doesn't sate Twilight's appetite for logic. "Well, where did you get the money for the fare? Where are you from? How did you know to come here?" The tension on Dime's face grows. "Why did you choose to poke me? Does this prove that fate exists? Are you another alternate version of a future me?! Did Cadance send you??" "Stop!" Dime cries out, tears shaping the outline of her eyes, her voice flattening out into the sound of despair. "I don't know why I'm here, okay? Besides, you looked lonely, so that's why I decided to poke you." She looks away, curling up into a ball and trying to hide. "I don't even know your name." "Dime," Twilight responds in a heartfelt tone, "...T-twilight. My name's Twilight," but Dime doesn't budge. Instead, her abdomen twitches as small whimpers make their way out of her. Twilight sits there for a good while, placing the shake to the side, not knowing what to do or say until Dime gathers her voice; she hauls herself over to Twilight's lap and lays there. "I-- I didn't like my home, Twilight, so- I ran away." Dime hides her face on Twilight's chest, giving the princess no other options but to hold the sobbing filly. "Where was your home?" Twilight asks as she rubs Dime's back. "Las..." The poor filly can barely word out. "Las..." Twilight parrots. "Las Pegasus." Twilight can hardly believe her ears. She ran away from the biggest city, only to arrive at a small town like this? She had to know more. "Why did you run away?" "I saw a... m-monster..." Dime looks up at Twilight, her eyes trembling. "A monster? What did it look like?" Twilight continues. "It was tall... blue hair... green eyes..." Twilight raises a hoof. "Was its horn about this long?" Dime nods. "Chrysalis," is all Twilight can whisper. > I: Rise of the Changelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Dime stop just in front of a meticulous building that is full of various ponies, some who are cosplaying as changelings, ranging between the largest of stallions and the smallest of fillies. The building's title reads EREDOR, spread out across a huge, horizontal sign. "There she is!" Dime points, hiding behind Twilight. Realistic action! Awesome graphics! GRAND RELEASE! Twilight throws a hoof upon her face as she moves up to the propaganda. Chrysalis looks tall, alright... for a poster. She dressed the two of them into sunglasses, trench coats, and unicorn fedoras for nothing. "Rise of the Changelings. You brought me all the way here... for an arcade game?" Dime shies away at the sight of Twilight's disappointed look. "But, I saw her, I swear! Her horn was this long!" She holds up her hooves out in front of her horn. Twilight frowns. "I mean, she could be here, but that's just a normal pony dressed like her. Look, they didn't even get the horn right." She taps at the poster, groaning at the sight of the normal horn. "Even if she is here, we won't ever be able to find her. We'll look inside, but keep an eye out; changelings are dangerous. One wrong move, and they can nab you!" Twilight holds a hoof out, imitating a changeling's sharp fangs and exaggerated, slithering hiss. Dime ducks for cover, giving Twilight a good chuckle; she picks her up and tosses her onto her back, trotting inside. The games seem normal enough: pinball tables, shooting galleries, air hockey tables, basketball hoops, flying simulators, action shooters, punching testers, hoof wrestling, guitars, drums, classic joysticks, wheel spinners, dance machines, and several ponies cashing in their tickets for prizes. The game that Twilight is looking for has a whole lot of ponies gathered around, no matter if they are cosplaying or not. It's a shooter game with a handle that allows for aiming with a single hoof, and for the other, a button that is pressed to fire. Two ponies are sitting on the seats, firing laser beams at changelings and scoring points whenever they hit their target. The game uses a life bar system for either player, with changelings flying at the screen in their best attempt at a direct bite. Dime peeps out from behind Twilight's neck, examining the game, and upon a closer inspection, she grins. "That looks pretty fun!" Twilight looks around. At the front of the prize counter is a content, poorly dressed colt who is wearing a changeling trucker cap, fake wings, a night blue spinal plate, and a sharp, black tail that doesn't do any good to hide their bright red mane from underneath the costume. They press a button on their shoulder, speaking into the microphone attached to their cap in a polite, well-practiced voice. "Remember, the first two to score the highest on Rise of the Changelings gets to see the queen herself! Play nice, play smart... see the queen today." The 'queen herself'? Twilight wonders. She walks up to the announcer at the counter, approaching the pale pony. When he sees her, he holds up a smile. "Welcome to Eredor. Looks to me like you're dressed for the wrong event." Twilight looks at herself, noticing that there's no more weight on her back- she peeks over towards the changeling game, and Dime is watching the two ponies firing away. "Right... uh, whoops," Twilight winces as she looks back to the worker, "we're from another event down the road. Some kind of detective party. The little one was yawning, so I decided we'd sneak out and come here." "Well, I could always interest you in some changeling costumes, if you'd like. Players have been going crazy for them." He places two costumes onto the counter, each fit for Twilight and Dime. Twilight weighs her options. If they're going to fit in, they need to look the part. "How much?" "12 bits for both." "Deal." Twilight hovers the costumes onto her back, and the stallion starts placing the currency into a cash register. "So- is this whole "see the queen" business for today only?" Four bits are in the register. "Nah. It's been going on for a few months now. I don't quite understand it, but everypony seems to be into it, so hey, I'm not complaining. It's been bringing customers, and it lights up the atmosphere a little." Three more bits in. "So- this 'queen', she's not like, the real queen? The one that nearly destroyed all of Equestria?" The employee looks at her as if she's suddenly lost it, and he lets loose with a small chuckle. "Watch it, detective. Anymore questions and I'll lose my job. But I will tell you- once you're into those costumes, you'll fit in nicely around here. I won't tell the other detectives that you switched up your evening a little." When all of the bits are in the register, two fillies approach the counter with a hefty amount of tickets. "Mister! Mister! We'd like to exchange these." The second filly tosses a hoof in the air. "Yeah, for one of those slinky-thingies! Oh, and that spaceship that goes SPHEW! SPHEW! BOOM!" "Alright- alright. Let's get you some prizes then, eh?" He looks at Twilight, "enjoy your stay here, detective. Games cost a bit per play." He then turns his attention to the enthusiastic pair. Twilight turns around, musing to herself as Dime cheers the gamers on. "Well. If Chrysalis isn't actually here, then I suppose we could have some fun. I do have a few questions for the 'queen', myself..." "Go! Hit them! Get them! BEAT THOSE CHANGELINGS! Ah! Over there!" Dime is screaming, hopping about, the most distinct voice in the crowd as she watches the screen: the left has the smallest tick of life remnant, and the right is doing their best to aid them, their health just a little above half. The game has simple, crudely textured three-dimensional graphics, as well as addictive mechanics: hit changelings with the beams to gather up points, head shots earn triple points, and shooting the "special power" drops allows both players to fire continuous, widened laser beams for a brief amount of time, earning quadruple points for each changeling hit. To reload, the player's cross hair must touch the edge of the screen to refill their mana pool, allowing them to shoot another seven round clip of beams. There are several different areas: Manehattan, the Everfree Forest, Rainbow Falls, Hollow Shades, Apple Loosa, and Vanhouver. Areas that earn double points: Canterlot, The Crystal Empire, Galloping Gorge, Neighagra Falls, San Palomino Desert, and the Badlands, as well as the single area that rewards quintuple points: The Changeling Hive itself. No doubt that everypony is playing the stage, even though no one has managed to last ten seconds on a single play through within that area. The changelings shoot venomous poison, which can be incinerated by the beams, or they may choose to fly towards the player and bite, kick or scratch their side of the screen. The current high score: 153,948 on a Badlands playthrough. Twilight grins. A shooter game... this will be easy. > II: Snicks and Hoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, remember: fedora over the baseball cap, trench coat over the changeling outfit, and sunglasses over all of it." "This sounds ridiculous, Twilight. Why not just wear the sunglasses and ditch the detective look?" "We have to blend in. The more camouflage, the better." The two of them walk out of their stalls, looking into the mirror. Then, they look at each other. Dime holds up a pretty puzzled look. "So, what are we supposed to be?" "Changelings that are dressed as detectives." Dime awes at herself in the mirror, and she grins. "Sweet!" She bounces around the restroom. "Hoof! I want to be Hoof!" "What?" Twilight turns, her head bobbing up and down to Dime's motion. Dime stops in front of her, tilting her head. "Well, if we're going to be changeling detectives, we at least need new names, right?" "Now that you mention it," Twilight rests a hoof on her chin, "Snicks. I'll be Snicks." "Snicks? Sounds weird." "Exactly. It will throw the other ponies off." "Okay! Snicks and Hoof. Are we ready?" "One second-" Twilight tosses Dime a pouch. "Okay, now we're ready." Detective Snicks and Hoof make their way out of the restroom, only to see that more and more ponies are gathering around the game, crowding about and struggling to see who gets the next turn. A mare shoves a stallion out of the way, pressing them into the other tense bystanders. "Move it, bud! I have to see the queen." "No way. I was here first!" The stallion shoves back. "Yeah, like you would ever score higher than me!" "Says you!" The crowd, anger gathering, takes their words to the next level as the lot of them are lost in a sea of triggered minds. Behind them, Twilight and Dime are at the machine, wondering at the gameplay, studying it to see what makes it so good. The graphics don't seem too interesting from a closer view, but Dime is already tapping at the button and testing it hoofs-on. "Wee!" She excites, even though she's missing a lot. GAME OVER. The cloud of smoke clears up, and a stallion points. "Hey, that-- uh-" he doesn't know how to describe it- "that changeling foal dressed like a detective made me lose!" "Yeah, what are we even fighting for? Let's get 'em!" Seeing the chaotically organized, enraged mob, Twilight places Dime onto her back, taking a quick check: restroom is a dead end, and the exit is blocked off- she decides to make a run for the manager's room. Even though it's locked, Twilight blasts it open in the midst of her galloping, she hops on in and creates another door that has three locks on it. Twilight and Dime hear bangs on the new structure, up until the mob quits trying. "Whatever... let's get back to the game." "Yeah, they ain't worth our time." Twilight lets out a sigh. But as soon as she looks up, Dime lists out the details. "bug antennae... sharp wings... long horn..." she gets behind the alicorn, her body shivering from the darkened silhouette of the villain alone. "Hello, detectives," a firm, dramatic voice begins. "C-- ch-chr- chrys-" Dime can't even pronounce her name. "The door was unlocked the whole time- well- until you locked it." A panther's chuckle reverberates throughout the room. Twilight looks around; concept art is on the walls of the vicinity, as well as several schematics. "Have a seat." The room is dark, and just a few trots down, Twilight and Dime sit in front of the unidentified figure before them. They lean forward, and to no doubt- it's... Chrysalis? She has shorter hair now, a friendly posture, and her hooves are pressed together on one end of the desk. She is even wearing a name tag with her evil name on it. Dime is now too curious to shriek anymore- instead, she lets her questions do the talking, standing up on her chair and pressing her forehooves onto the desk. "No way! Chrysalis? You-- you look so much--" Twilight quiets her down by covering her muzzle. "Pleased to meet you. I'm detective Snicks, and this is detective Hoof. Do excuse her- it's her first time. Uh... we really like your arcade!" Though that sounds more of like a question. Rather than respond, Chrysalis bursts out laughing. She then kicks back, claps, and the whole room lights up, revealing trophies, bookshelves, and a simple window. She opens up her desk, peels a wrapper, and takes a bite out of a chocolate bar. "I know it's you, Twilight." "Oh, do you? I mean, we're from down the road, across the street... detective party, you know, so we thought we'd mess around a little..." Though, seeing that Dime has already jumped into Chrysalis's arms, and they are seriously cuddling in front of her, she has the most confused look on her face ever possible. "Okay... what's going on here?" Twilight removes her fedora, sunglasses, and her changeling cap, her mane falling prey to some fresh air. "I sent Dime to find you." Chrysalis smiles as she pokes at Dime's muzzle with a playful hoof. At that point, Twilight could just walk out of there and be done with life. But something tells her to heed her words. "Why? I-I don't understand. Aren't you supposed to be plotting some evil plan that will take over Equestria?" "We'll get to that... but for now, sit back and relax, 'Detective Snicks'," Chrysalis mocks. "I'll tell you everything you need to know because I need your help." Twilight checks around, making sure there's no visible traps anywhere, some kind of slime nest, or oozing substance; she checks under the chair. Nope, all clear. She eyes the villain, her skeptical firewall still unscathed. "Alright... let's hear it." > III: Paralight Digmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dime lies still within the queen's forehooves, the old villain gazing down with sympathy as she gives the filly's sky blue mane a ruffle. She lets out with a soothing sigh as her thin pupils meet up with her former rival, making do with a signature, sharp smirk, fangs just screaming changeling all up in Twilight's face. "Tell me; did you find Dime amusing?" Twilight's eyes stray away to a nearby trophy; she'll never get used to those horrendous, soul-piercing spheres. "I'll admit, her magic level is pretty impressive." "Ah, that's where you're wrong." Chrysalis can't help but laugh pretentiously, drawing the alicorn's attention right back to her. "I didn't forget, Twilight. The day it was taken away from me! I came this close to total domination until Thorax and his pesky, pink friend showed up." "Hey! She's my friend, too!" Twilight points out. "Is she?" Chrysalis makes out with a hiss. "Dime, if you would be so kind..." "Definitely!" Dime's head rises, her horn channeling a wave of energy into the air. At first, the horizontal line flattens out, its form aligning between the two enemies, one sly, and the other tense; then, the equalizer begins its playback. ~- Starlight... / What about them? - - It's just that she isn't my apprentice anymore - - I mean, we still talk, but not like we would when I was still teaching her - - We've grown pretty distant, and now -~ Dime flicks her head and ends the timeline. Twilight's mouth is agape, and she's barely able to say anything. "N-- nu- no way- how... you, a filly? An audio lapse..." Chrysalis simply rewards herself with a single snicker, her eyes squinting at the dumbfounded princess. "You see, at the moment... Dime is Starlight." Twilight, at this point, is too frozen to even think up an objection. Instead, she's more intrigued to learn. "S-- so... you teleporting back there and poking me, no matter where I went--" Dime cuts her off, listing the spells at the top of her head, bouncing her hoof during each one. "Mn... global tracing, reflex boosting, memory reading, audio lapsing, interest scanning, age shifting, and... cutie blending, all at once. Your friend has learned a lot within a short amount of time." Twilight knows about all of those, except for the last one. "Cutie blending? As in, hiding a cutie mark? What for?" Dime looks up at Chrysalis, to whom replies with a nod. The filly hops onto the desk, and after a flash of her horn, a unique type of cutie mark appears. It is an ethereal key with a ghostly flame working about it; chains work their way around its perimeter as they crawl to no end around the object. The key itself is a pasty green, much like the swirls on Starlight's cutie mark, and the chains are an astral violet, no different than the star. The flame glows white as the entire mark remains in motion. "It's... moving?!" Is all the alicorn can blurt out. Her face is so close that Dime could knock her out right then and there. "That's right. And, age shifting, as you heard..." Before Twilight's eyes, Dime's hooves extend, and her entire body increases in proportion- up until she's about the same age as the princess. "Are you alright, dear? This is my original self. I sound better than Rarity, don't you think?" Her voice shifts- "Or maybe I could be a Pinkie Pie. Nah, too bright! Maybe-" after a 'Pinkie laugh'- "I'll just be me. Ick, voice warping does take its fair toll if you use it too much. You can call me Paradigm." Her voice holds a high level of authority as she makes out with her words. She sits up on the desk, her cutie mark fading back into a blank, and she taps Twilight's muzzle with a hoof. "Eh, Chrysalis, I think we've lost her." "Give her some time. It's a lot to take in at once." Chrysalis leans back in her office chair, entertaining herself at the lost look on Twilight's face. "I'm... fine," Twilight's right eye twitches as she moves along with her ambiguous context. "She was like, Tap! Tap! On my shoulder here, and I was all thinking, what the? And then phew, but then tap! Does that make sense? Oh no, but it moves. And it turns out, it's not just Chrysalis. I was like, 'dime, be my student' but no, she belongs to Chrysalis. Paradigm. Paradigm? Chrysalis and Paradigm. Okay." Twilight takes a deep breath to calm herself down, her pupils slowly reclining into their original size. She looks up at the verdant pony. "So... why did you bring me here?" Twilight asks. "To give you a chance to join us," Paradigm states, tossing a bit up into the air, flipping it over every now and then. "Well, you already know my answer." "Do we?" The rogue snaps, "It seems to me as if you're all alone, Twilight." "I'm not. And I swear, whatever you two are planning, my friends and I will--" Before she can finish, Paradigm unleashes a visionary field. It reveals a point of view through the eyes of somepony opening the door to Twilight's castle. "Remember; I'm directly linked to Starlight." Paradigm catches the bit in her hoof, focusing on the field. "This is happening right now. Observe." Twilight has no choice but to obey. "Twilight," Starlight calls. "Twilight?" No response. "Guess she's out doing something." "Yes I am," the princess mutters to herself, though she knows that her friend can't hear her. Starlight heads over to the friendship map- after looking around one more time, sound emanates from her horn as the map inverts colors, fading into a pitch black. After a successful conversion, three marks light up onto the board in various areas: one in the Badlands, the other in the Dragon's Lair, and the last in the South Luna ocean. A final mark is at Neighagra Falls, but instead of a light, it has a red X. "One down, three to go," Starlight chimes. She takes out the ancient statue, a crimson glow outlining its shell; a pegasus. Paradigm cuts off the transmission. "Any questions?" "Yes, actually. What, exactly, is Starlight trying to achieve?" Chrysalis intervenes. "She wants to become an alicorn." Twilight looks at her missing enemy like she's gone nuts. "For what?" "Why- to enslave Equestria, of course." "The equal signs? I thought that was over and done with." "You underestimate your previous apprentice," Paradigm states. "No. I know for sure that she's changed." "Really, now? Then, I don't suppose I just happened to record this after linking with Starlight's mark." The rogue brings up another audio lapse: ~- If only I just had more power - - Maybe it's really better for us to all be equal - - Twilight doesn't know what I'm capable of - - Thorax, Trixie, Discord - - I'm sorry -~ "Impossible. Impossible!" Twilight cries. "Let me talk to her. I need to talk to her." Chrysalis grins, her sharp fangs almost smiling themselves. "Very well. Dime!" "Yes, Chrysalis!" The pony is back to her young self, and she rests on top of her ally's lap as the bit clinks onto the desk. When Chrysalis nods to her, Twilight hops up from the chair. "This has to be a big misunderstanding. I'll sort this out." She turns to leave, but before she knows it, she nearly bumps into Starlight- though she leaps back just in time. Dime had relocated her in the blink of an eye. "Twilight?!" Starlight blurts. "I- I mean. Twilight! Long time no talk... but I really wasn't expecting you to appear out of nowhere." "Yeah... it's been a long day," Twilight claims. "Listen, Starlight- do you have a moment?" "Well, if you think about it, I do now... what's on your mind?" "Oh, I'll tell you... but I'm starved. Being dressed as a changeling that's also a detective while almost being mauled by an angry mob is quite the heart attack. It doesn't help that the filly I thought was a filly wasn't actually one." Starlight scratches her head, only just now noticing the changeling costume and trench coat. "Okay... you definitely have quite the story to tell. What say we go to Hayburger? My treat." "That works for me... thanks." As she paces aside Starlight to their destination, Twilight can't help but think to herself. Oh, it's more than a story... > IV: Eye, to Eye, to Eye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dime drops the 'cuddly filly' act and hops out of the manager's arms, extending her physical boundary to that of a full-grown mare while she rewards herself with a chuckle, letting out with her full-on thief's accent, a touch of Rarity, mixed with a bit of Rainbow Dash... swirl in a bit of Maud Pie too. "Ah, geez. I know these ponies are funny, but I never would'a guessed they'd be this funny. Ain't that right, Lis?" Her gray orbs bat over to her company. Chrysalis rolls her eyes. "They might seem worthless, but watch it. They appear to have destiny on their side." She lifts a hoof, brushing off her serpentine tongue from the use of that word alone. Paradigm slumps back into a chair opposite her acquaintance from the sudden hint of despair. "Aw, come on. So they got lucky more'n a few times, s'all," Paradigm wagers, "now, we've flipped the coin in our favor. Don't know 'bout you, but I could use a bag of popcorn. Gah, my sudden urge for it, maybe's got something to do with this cutie-cloning mumbo jumbo." Chrysalis holds up a grin. "No doubt... we've done our part for now. What say we cut this 'Eredor' act?" "Couldn't 'ave worded it any better. Nab yourself a disguise and we'll call it a day. An'ere, I'll throw on my faithful fellow for you." Chrysalis nods and shifts into a generic mare: orange hide, light brown hair, green eyes, and a cutie mark with the symbol of a rubber duck. Meanwhile, Paradigm equips an explorer's hat, similar to Daring Do's, except it's curved to cover her left eye, a strap working under her chin to prevent it from dismantling. After an illuminated flick of her horn, what was once an arcade is now a dusty, old and abandoned junkpile. A large amount of unfortunate souls who had walked into Eredor for a grand opening gaze about them, even the workers, seeing nothing but dusty old cobwebs and boarded windows, the only light source being the main entrance. The crowd looks around in disbelief as the two masterminds sneak out the door. "Oh, they'll be feelin' that for a couple o'days. Big shot news I'm talkin'. Say, Lis, why not have ourselves a bit of fun?" "Enlighten me." The disguised queen can't stop her evil smile. "What I'm saying is, we get ourselves a theater and watch what Twilight 'n' her gal's up to." "Did I ever mention how dastardly you are, Para?" "Don't flatter me. After all, it's you who came up with the grand plan. I'm jus' the one with the tools." When the two villains reach the theater, Paradigm simply teleports them inside, past the long lines and the ticket validator. As they walk off to a room, the thief picks up their favorites, rendering them invisible as she levitates them one by one. A large bag of popcorn, two large drinks filled with Sunkiss and Mountain Moon, and a pack of Disc-vines to go. Paradigm scans the theater. "Looks to me like nopony's watchin' The Time Before Land. Ick, ocean creatures. Room fifty-three on the third floor." She cancels the object's invisibility as they hop into an elevator. Cheesy music pursues. ~~Don't say I didn't warn you-- hmm mnn ah- I'm sure I never told you-- ba da dum Thaaat you'll always-- be-- here, no maaatter where-- you-- are bu-du-daaa laaa, ah ahh hum, ah-- ah-- um-- lum.~~ The door opens, but it's only the second floor. Paradigm sighs. "Enough of this, the food's gettin' cold." She looks over to Chrysalis, who is... actually singing to the music. "You kept my heart beside you-- don't say I don't like you~ la la lum. Don't say I didn't warn you--" Poof! "Hey! That one was catchy." "We didn't come 'ere for that. Besides... the real fun begins now." Paradigm locks all exits in the room with a magical barrier, preventing anyone from intruding on their top secret projection. She loads a visual lapse into the digital reel, displaying a large, full-screen experience through Starlight's eyes. "What's wrong, Twilight? I thought you were starved, but you haven't taken a single bite from your food. In fact, you seem... sad. It's not because of me, is it?" The two villains munch up their popcorn with high anticipation. Chrysalis leans over to Paradigm. "I have to give it to Starlight. That's one tasty heart she has." "Ten pieces of popcorn says that Twilight makes up an excuse." "Twenty that she doesn't." "You're on." Twilight brings herself forward, moving a hoof to signal Starlight to listen closely. "Look, don't think any less of me for asking this but, what would you do if you were an alicorn?" Paradigm shrugs at Chrysalis. "Two-in-one, not bad. I'll give you ten, you bet more, anyway. But I tell you, I can feel this fellow burnin' up. Caught on the spot right there. How's 'bout we cool her down?" "Hm... make it rain." "Certainly." Starlight doesn't know how to respond to Twilight. "An... an alicorn? Well... uh, I would think it's the same as being a unicorn. I mean-- you mean. A princess? As in princess Starlight?" A hoof through Starlight's point of view points to herself. Twilight nods. "Well, it's not like I was-" CRACK! BOOM! SHURRRR. A heavy rainstorm kicks in, flashes in the sky, and thunder shaking up Ponyville after the lightning. Starlight has to yell for Twilight to hear her. "Like you were?!" "We'll save it for later! Let's get ourselves to my castle. Come on!" The two take off as Chrysalis and Paradigm cackle off. Chrysalis smirks. "Let's get a closer look. Things are about to get interesting." Paradigm smiles. "Can't argue with that. Plus, it's no fun watching these poor sobs run through a rainstorm." In a blink, they're off, the exits unlocked, all traces of their snacks and beverages gone. > V: Recess for Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two mischievous giggles work their way about as the combined villains hear some hoofsteps gaining in volume. "Okay... wait here," Paradigm whispers. RUMBLE! KABLAM! Sssshhhh... tap. tap. tap. Creeeeaaak. Creeaak. Click. Starlight shuts the door, both her and Twilight holding two unamused frowns, as well as soaking wet manes. "Since when does a ginormous thunderstorm appear out of nowhere, especially in the middle of a clear sky?!" Starlight questions with a shiver, her mouth evolving from misfortune to irritation as she directs her anger to Twilight. Before the alicorn can respond, somepony throws two heated towels onto their faces. "Well, aren't you two quite the sight?" Twilight recognizes that voice. When she dries herself off, she peeks from behind the towel. The same green fur and short blue cut, that charming white smile, except this time, her adventurous hat covers a single eye. "Paradigm," Twilight calls out. "You refer to me like I'm doing something wrong, 'dear'," Paradigm paces the room, her Rarity impression nearly spot on, with the exception of her sneaky little accent. She plays around with a pouch, adding bouncing properties to it so that she can paddle it on the floor with her horn's magic. When Starlight finishes drying herself off, tail included, she looks forward, quirking her lips at the sight of the treacherous mare. "Paradigm... nope, never heard of you. Let me guess; you want to take over Equestria and gain the power of the elements of harmony." Paradigm places a hoof on her chest. "Please. Why would I want a bunch of brummagem stones that can only shoot a rainbow when six ponies are together?" She turns her attention to the alicorn. "It's a bit... cliche, don't you think?" "You know, for once... I didn't think anyone would actually agree," Starlight remarks, joining the rogue's direct stare at Magic. Twilight looks about- both Starlight and Paradigm expecting an answer. She looks so confused, the odds having turned against her like this. "W-well... it's what Celestia--" "Celestia this, Celestia that," Starlight mocks. "It's been a thousand years, for equine kind's sake! She's probably had eight or nine other princesses already. Even more!" Paradigm raises a hoof. "Now now... no need to be lashing at your friend. Say..." She opens up the pouch, tosses the shell away, and up reveals a pegasus statue. "You're looking for this, aren't you, Starlight?" She teleports them to the friendship map, Twilight in her original seat, and Starlight in Spike's seat. Starlight looks down at the altered, darkened map, the three lights and the x in the same exact places. "No way," she mutters. "Only I have access to this part of the map. How did you find this?" Paradigm leans her flank onto the table as she crosses her forelegs. "Tell 'er, Twi; will ya?" Twilight mutters. "She is you." "What?" Starlight leans in as Paradigm turns the statue this way and that, yawning to herself. "She is you. She has your cutie mark, your power, your knowledge... add all of that to her own skills." "Why is she here?" "No clue..." "So, she doesn't want to take over Equestria?" "Not that I know of. But, listen... she's working with you know who." "Who?" "You know... long horn, bug features..." Paradigm chomps on a Disc-vine as the two go along. "Are you two going to whisper on all day? Because otherwise, I'll just be taking this statue with me." Starlight stares the rogue straight in the eye. "Where is she?" "Where is who?" Paradigm turns and places a hoof on her chin, batting the statue in the air. "Chrysalis." "I don't know. But, have you thought of ever asking yourself: what if I am her?" Paradigm shapeshifts into Chrysalis, the same long hair and horn evident from when she was defeated by Thorax and the gang. Starlight's, even Twilight's eyes widen as they see the true villain before them. "Pretty nifty, eh? Looks like your little group isn't around to see you fall this time." When Chrysalis releases her classic, evil laugh, the two protagonists ready themselves to fight. Meanwhile, the actual Paradigm and short-haired Chrysalis are leaning back on a massive cruise liner somewhere, awaiting their destination to retrieve the second statue. Paradigm is in her 'Dime' form, laid across the fallen queen's belly, tapping at her hind legs while she holds up a visual lapse of the imposter fighting around. "How long do you think this clone will last, Chrysalis?" She asks. Chrysalis's short hair almost seems to bounce around under the sunlight, adapting to the ship's rocking as it sails through the ocean. "Quite a while," she responds with a toothy smile as she lifts her sunglasses up. She signals the captain to stop, rising from the beach chair, and the captain's eyebrow nearly tangles up as to what exactly he's stopping to. With a closer look through an eyeglass, it's not an island, nor is it a random piece of land formation out in the middle of nowhere... it's... a hatch. A small piece of land with a hatch. The captain shrugs, and before they know it, Chrysalis and Dime are left to the hatch. "Celestia wasn't always the best in her hiding spots, was she?" Dime asks. Chrysalis smirks, opening it up with her horn, and the two hop in. ~ "So you aren't actually me!" Starlight yells as she ducks under a laser beam. No matter what you do, we'll be able to stop you." "Stop me? How? With Destiny?! Haha! Your friends have already been taken care of." The clone laughs insanely as she blabbers more useless things about taking over Equestria and stuff like that. Twilight's heart breaks. "No way. How?!" ~ "Wee! This is fun!" Pinkie grabs onto the rail. "HELLO OCEAN!" Then she turns to look at the others. "Aw, no echo." "I have to admit, getting a free tour around Equestria is pretty flattering. Who did you say was responsible for this again, Rainbow?" Rarity sips away at a glass of lemonade, ice cubes steady as her pink-outlined sunglasses shift to her. "Dunno. I would think it's Twilight, though. Or, no- maybe Spitfire? Oh well. Gives me some good time to catch up on this." She holds up Daring Do and Things She Didn't Quite Yet Do. "Oh, well. I suppose I can make with a book, myself. Applejack, Fluttershy, how are you two doing over there?" The final two of the five are too busy hanging on to the rails, trying to get over their seasickness. "It's okay, Fluttershy, deep breaths, deep breaths." "I'm tr-trying," Fluttershy makes out through her gasps. "Oh dear... I'll go over and help them." She turns to Rainbow, who pretty much has the book to her face, and Pinkie, who is still trying to make the ocean echo back at her. After a sigh, Rarity looks to Spike, who isn't really doing anything, except for staring at her gorgeous body. "Spike, why don't you help Fluttershy and Applejack calm down?" Spike shakes himself back to reality, the hearts above his head disappearing. "Oh. Sure thing, Rare!" He gets up, and as he does so, Rarity pulls out her copy of Nine-hundred Ninety-nine Fashion Tips, but behind the cover, she's actually reading Tactical Warfare and the Art of Global Defense. "Yup, this is the life," Rarity says as she takes another sip of the lemonade. Meanwhile, Pinkie is still at the other end of the ship, screaming out to nowhere in particular. "OCEAN!! OCEAN! HELLO?" "You said it," Rainbow reclines back in her chair and tosses a hoof behind her head. "Look at the dolphins, Shy. Look at the dolphins..."