> Pen Pals: Size Doesn't Matter > by microdrago > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Problem With Comunication > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***A bit of information to start this off*** The pony world, is full of all kinds of animals, ranging from all kinds and sizes. Humans had appeared in Equestria a long time ago, only to be dropped with the realization that the majority, that is about 90% of their population from earth, had appeared in a pony infested land. The drawback, was that although Equestria as a whole is a very adaptable to animals and monsters alike, the introduction of billons of sentient life to the ecosystem would have been catastrophic. So naturally, the planet readjusted the human race to fit on the planet, drastically reducing the height of every single human to about a Fourth of an inch tall. Mere ants in height, hell even some ants are bigger than them. This reduced size had some payoffs though, as magic was introduced to the human race. As a naturally adaptive race, they grew accustomed to magic as a whole, growing more agile, and more dexterous for ones with such small stature. Although this did little to help the problem they had. Pony kind saw them as simple bugs, more or less a new species of annoying pest. Since they were so small, humans could never be heard by normal means. And any attempt at conversing with them was met with the same fate. The underside of a hoof. We find ourselves now, looking in on the lives and mishaps of a chance meeting, that would change the world as they all knew it. ***Back to the real world*** "Ooh, he has written back already!" A happy Princess Luna said giddily. She looked to her sister who was watching her with an amused smile. "So your pen-pal is doing well?" Princess Celestia asked her sister. Her response was a beaming smile, and a light blush. "Yes! When I sent out a pulse of magic a year ago, I sent a magic pen that would transfer all that was written with it to my head. I can then respond in kind. Over the year we have gotten quite close, he has even asked if we can meet!" Luna said with her smile like a little school-filly. "Ah, I was wondering when I would be able to meet the pony that single hoofedly changed your speech when even I couldn't." Celestia said with a laugh. Luna's face contorted in focus, as she replied to her pen-pals last message. Quickly, another came, telling her the answer she wanted. "It seems that he is close, he lives in Canterlot." Luna replied happily. "And yes, he did help, but to be fair.. You weren't a big help." Luna deadpanned as she started for the door. She turned to her sister. "I will bring him by, only after he has gotten over the fact that I'm royalty." She said while sticking her tongue out. Celestia sighed. "You haven't told him yet?" She replied solemnly. A quick nod was all she got as a response as Luna opened the door. *SPLAT* "Ugh, another one? I hate those things!" Luna grumbled as she wiped off her hoof, a red streak appearing on the white marble floor. "Anyway, I'm off to have a date!" She laughed lightly as she closed the door with her magic. Celestia let out a withered sigh, as she lit her horn up, and in a flash of gold magic, the remains of yet another human evaporated. ----In the Park: Human POV---- Well, this was it. I was hiding under a bench, away from all the monstrous ponies. I was a bit afraid, but I sucked it up. I pulled out my pen and the paper I had kept on my person at all times. I wrote a quick message to Luna. "I'm at the bench, are you on your way?" I put the paper away, and let the pen sit in my hand as I twirled it around. I didn't remember where I had gotten it, but it was definitely magic. Anything I wrote with it disappeared after a few seconds, then after a few seconds a shock would usually run from the pen to my head through my arm. Where I would hear Luna's voice in my head. She sounded beautiful, let me tell you. At first I thought it was a joke, but after she explained why it happened.. Which was her telling me over and over that it was just magic, I just let it go, and continued writing to her. Surprisingly, we hit it off rather well. We both prefer the night, which is weird for a human, as nighttime usually means death to us. My love of the stars came out one night, and well, she found it amazing. From there it was all about how our days went, and what we liked. My day description was usually quick. I write to her, get food, go home, and collect as much stuff as I can on my travels. She found this interesting. She told me her days consist of talking to her sister, writing to me, and some form of court duty she has. I felt the answer to my question ring through my head. "Yes, I'm here now, where are you? I don't see you." A loud thumping caught my attention. The sound of hooves approaching was all I could hear. Really? A pony wants to use the bench, now?! No one ever uses this bench, I would know, it's my stakeout spot. The stomping stopped, as I reached into my pocket to get my paper, as I did, the pony started to tap a hoof. The sudden trembling caused me to drop my pen. In my blind panic, I chased it down. It rolled, and rolled, as it stopped near a blue wall. I picked it up and went to write my response. The ground shook as she spoke loudly, in a huff. "Where is he?" Her agitation, got me to move away as fast as possible. I hadn't even noticed that I was that close to her! I ran to the right back to the bench only for the hoof to tap once again, sending me sprawling onto the ground. I was a bit dizzy from the fall, but I tried standing. A shadow loomed over me, as I looked up. My face dropped, as I paled at the Blue hoof hovering over me. " Ugh, another one?!" The voice from earlier called out, in anger. I jumped. Lurching my body to the right with as much force as I could. I rolled to a crouch as I'd done before, and started sprinting. "I'm so tired of these things!" The voice said, as it seemed to be following me. My adrenaline rushed, as I dove to the left, avoiding another bare miss, as the wall of hoof landed behind me. I jumped back up and dove under the bench, hiding in some foliage near the leg. A huff of hot air told me the giant pony gave up. Breathing heavy, trying to slow my now jittery body, I pulled out the paper again. I answered her last message. "Sorry about that wait, I almost died. Are you still around?" I asked, hopefully Luna didn't get caught up in this giant mares rampage. I looked around, and didn't see anybody else around me, I was really dreading today already.. And I hadn't even started my rounds for food yet! A rumbling caught my attention, as I felt the pony from before turn around in confusion, and in an concerned voice, called out. "Almost died? Surly he jests. I see no monster nearby." The giants worry dripped into anger. A few seconds later the buzz flew up my arm again. "If you didn't want to meet, you could have just said so!" I was confused. She sounded angry. Does she not know how dangerous being out here is for the both of us?! I quickly wrote back. "If you had just picked a better spot, then this pony wouldn't have almost killed me! Being out in the open is bad, remember?" I was now getting agitated. If this woman freaks out anymore, then I might just go home. I mean really, I may like her, and this may have been what was supposed to be a first date but- I was interrupted from my inner monologue by the pony in front of me. She was fidgeting, and mumbling to herself. Thanks to my small size, I could hear her quite clearly. "Pony? Killing?! ..No.. It can't be.. But it would be the only reason.." This pony was nuts! The ground shook violently. The pony had just laid down on the ground in front of the bench. Ah shit, was she still trying to kill me? "N-Nero? If your down there.. Come out. I wont hurt you." The pony spoke, in a softer voice than what she spoke in earlier. ...What T-That can't be right. She cant be a pony! But it all makes sense now! The pony came here looking for somebody, I couldn't find the person I was here to meet. She's been reacting to my messages.. I looked out at the giant mare, and noted her eyes were confused, yet scared. They were also darting around as if looking for something. Oh, right! I gently, and cautiously made my way out of the brush I was hiding in. Her eyes honed in on my diminutive form, and the concern on her face dropped a little, a small, thankful smile appeared on her face. I made my way out towards her face, my heart beating like a jackhammer. My every instinct honed from years of running from ponies were telling me to run. A breath escaped her mouth as she sighed, the gust enough to send me skidding back a few feet. She seemed to notice that, and made an effort to stop it from happening again. She gently placed a hoof next to me, and looked to me expectantly. When I made no move towards it, she blinked, and whispered as gently as she could, as to not blow me around again. It's alright, I promise, no harm will come to you." Her voice was soft, and silky.. I liked it. I suddenly realized that I hadn't moved at all. I put on my brave face, not that she could see it, but I did it anyway! I jumped onto her hoof! ..And proceeded to sink into her almost quarter inch tall fur. It felt nice, soft, and generally pleasant. She was so warm too! As a human, we had adjusted to being cold due to our size, our core temperature dropping slightly, so we didn't freeze. Luna gently lifted me up to her eyes, as she squinted to see me. I raised my arms and waved around to get her attention. She smiled, as she looked me over as much as she could. "So your a pony?" I wrote, trying to make light of new developments. I looked at her face, as she looked at me. It went through so many stages I couldn't keep track of all the emotions I saw. She simply nodded after a moment. She brought me down, and away from her face, So I could see more of her than just eyes and the occasional facial feature. "And you are a human?" Her silky whisper rolled over me, and for the first time I felt comfortable in a ponies presence. I took out the paper, and with a devious smile, I etched out my answer and my next question. "Yes I am. Since you didn't kill me, how about that date? You still up for it?" Luna got my message, and another flurry of emotions crossed her face, until it settled on the same face I just had. Oh? I feel like we're getting back to where we were before we met. Saying how you feel is one thing, but when you joke around, you know your comfortable with the person your hanging out with. "Are you sure you can handle me, human?" She said, her voice both loud yet gentle, blowing me over gently from the vibrations. I laughed as I pulled myself up, and looked up at Luna's smirking face. Sure, starting out this may be a bit hard to adjust. But the idea that a human can speak to a pony without getting stepped on was amazing to me. Let alone if its Luna. She seems to have gotten over the fact that I'm human rather quick. Yeah, I'm willing to try this, we have so much in common! Well, aside from the obvious facts. The only way this could end badly is if I die. What are the chances of that happening with Luna around? It sure will be funny to see other ponies react to Luna taking a human out to lunch. "After you M'lady." Luna's chuckle jostled me around as she started to move, she constantly kept an eye on me. Her Sapphire eyes full of wonder, and questions. Looks like this will be a fun date after all. > Dating can be Hard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Third Person--- Nero stood on top of Luna's hoof, as she proceeded to walk around the park. Her steps were a bit off, as she was only using Three legs. You can put me on your muzzle if you like. Make it easier on yourself to walk. Nero's written word were projected to Luna's mind, as she glanced at the small human sitting in her fur. A smile tugged at her lips, as she brought her hoof up to her eyes. "You want to ride on my face? Aren't you being a bit forward?" She asked with a small chuckle. She waited for a few seconds. Well, I just want you to be comfortable. Sorry for being worried about how other ponies would react to seeing you on Three legs. She could almost feel the sarcasm in Nero's words. But before she could counter, she realized he was right. She looked around and noted a few ponies around her with worried looks on their faces. She blushed lightly, as she turned her gaze back to her date. "Hurry up." She whispered softly, as she moved her hoof upwards to her muzzle. After tilting her hoof a bit, she brought it back, and noted the lack of a speck on her hoof. She turned her gaze to her muzzle, yet couldn't see him. It was then when she got another message from him. A little softer next time please? You just dropped me the equivalent of a Three story drop. If it wasn't for your fur, I'd probably be hurt. Nero's words shocked her. She had only let her hoof stay about Two inches away from her fur. She would have to watch that in the future. He was small, and everything is different when your small. "Sorry, I'll have to get used to you being around. I wasn't exactly expecting you to be a human." She said, while walking into a diner. Yeah, well.. I wasn't exactly thinking a giant pony was the one who was responding to my, apparently, magic pen. "Indeed." Luna nodded gently, "I wasn't expecting my creation to go to a human. I made it with one goal. It was to find somepony for me to talk to." She stopped in front of a Pegasus mare. "Table for One please." Luna spoke out with authority. The mare in front of her almost dropped the couple menus she was carrying. As she quickly led Luna to a table. "H-here you are your Majesty." The mare said quietly, as she pushed Luna a menu. Luna sat down at the table, and sighed as she got comfy. So, your the Princess Luna huh? Nero's words called out in her head, and she winced, her ears sliding backwards. She gently placed her hoof next to her muzzle. Before she could say anything, she watched the small human start to make way for her hoof. I feel like I should be freaking out a bit, but I think I've freaked out enough for today. Luna waited a little bit, until she was sure that Nero was safe on her hoof, until she moved her hoof to the table. -----First Person: Nero----- I stood on the Blue hoof of Luna, shaking slightly as she moved it down to the table sitting in front of her. She seemed to be more careful with how long she waited before moving. I stepped from her hoof, and made sure to take an extra couple steps away so she would spot me. As she moved her hoof, I grumbled out my writings. "I just thought of something. If we had just introduced ourselves properly, then we would have figured this out ages ago." I wrote, as I looked up at the pony goddess before me. She may be a pony, but god damn it, at this size she was something else. As you figured, things the size of us humans have our perception altered. It makes it as though small actions are slightly longer than you would think. I watched her long eyelashes blink in what I saw as a slight slow motion. Her eyes focused downwards, directly at me. She seemed to think about something, before she gently giggled, hoof held up to her mouth to stop her from laughing too hard. She calmed down, and leaned over slightly. "You are correct. But as you said once, 'what's done is done'. We cannot change the past, but we can enjoy the future." She smiled. Her voice, although loud, was still incredibly soft. I found myself smiling up at a pony for the first time since I got here. "Well then, lets enjoy shall we? You order, and I'll grab what I can handle from your plate." I wrote out. I watched her nod before flagging down a waiter. "Yes, Princess. What can I get for you today?" The Green Earth pony mare stepped up to take her order. I flinched, I really wasn't used to being in the open. I was careful, even though I knew Luna wouldn't do anything to hurt me, It said nothing for the mare taking her order. "I would like to get a small stack of Pancakes, and a glass of milk." I could almost see the drool coming from Luna's mouth, she must love Pancakes. I chuckled lightly, and went to write out something about it, until my paper flew from my hand. I chased after it until it flipped into the air, higher than I could reach. I was about to scream out, until I was surrounded in shadow. My natural instincts took over, and I ran as fast as I could to the edge of the shadow. Diving off my feet, I landed just shy of it, I rolled quickly. A loud slamming noise was heard behind me, nearly deafening me. I even slid forward due to the sheer force behind it. Ugh, stupid bugs.. I heard the mare overhead mumble, as she lifted her order booklet back into the air, readying for another strike. She was stopped however, by a Dark Blue hoof grabbing her own. "That 'bug'" Luna started, looking back down at me, gently placing a hoof near me. "Is a human. And my date" She smiled at me. God Damnit all.. If it wasn't for the fact that we already knew each other, I'm positive I would have fun away by now. I'm in far too much danger for my liking. I looked over, and noted the mare looking at Luna with.. Oh that's funny. She thinks she's crazy! Her eyes dropped to me, and she was biting her bottom lip. I looked around for my paper to write on, and sighed a bit. It was gone, and I only had one with me today. I shrugged, and ripped off a sleeve from my shirt, leaving my arm bare. I brought my arm up, and began scratching out my response. I winced, as the sharp pen dug in a bit here and there, but nothing to bad. "She clearly doesn't believe you, so how about we change that?" I asked her. I watched the ink fade away as it did on the paper, and I sighed in relief. I didn't want to lick that stuff off every time. I looked over to Luna and saw that she had a thoughtful look on her face. I now believe that that's the face she makes when she gets my messages. She looked down at me, and moved her hoof to side of the table, relatively far away. "Good idea, climb onto my hoof." Luna's voice was back to its soft tone, as she waited for me to move.. God Damnit Luna, do you know how big this table is? ..Gonna be thirsty after all this. -----Third Person----- Luna looked down at the small speck that was Nero, and waited for him to start moving to the edge of the table where she held her hoof. "Excuse me, Princess. But it's just as human. They aren't smart enough to-" She was interrupted by Luna's smile. She turned her attention to the table and her mouth went slack. She watched the human make a bee-line for Luna's hoof. "-By Celestia's sun.." She muttered. Luna's eyebrow rose at the comment, but she said nothing. She watched Nero walk onto her hoof, and she gently elevated it to her face. She smiled and whispered as softly as possible. "That's one pony down." Her soft breath washed over him. Ha, yeah. Lets hope I don't have to almost die for every One of them. I don't think I can handle too much more. Nero's writing came to her once again. She could tell that he was being funny, but it struck her a different way. She looked to the mare, who was still staring in disbelief. She had an idea, as she gently placed Nero back on the table, this time much closer to her. She wrapped her leg around him, so nothing else would happen to her date. "So as you can see, humans are quite intelligent. The only problem they have is being so small. So if you don't mind, could you do me.. No, could you do Nero here a favor? Can you please start spreading what you now know to other ponies?" Luna asked the mare. Said mare jumped, zoning back into the conversation. "Oh, yes! I'll tell Everypony I can!" She looked at the ground, as she turned around. Probably making sure she wouldn't step on any more humans. She stopped, and turned back around suddenly. She leaned over the table and into Luna's personal space, as she peered down behind her leg that rested on the table. "I'm so sorry little one, I hope you forgive me." She said, her ears drooping down, and her eyes getting big. Holy crap, get it away before I die of diabetes! Luna looked down at Nero, eyes wide with wonder, before she barked out a laugh. She gently used her other hoof to push the mare away. "He kindly asked you to go away, before you gave him diabetes." She stifled another laugh, as she watched the mare look confused. Her confusion turned to a smile, as she looked back down to the human, and winked. She turned around and began carefully trotting back to the kitchen. She stopped at almost every table and worker she came across to give a brief explanation. Each one looked over to Luna, watching her talk downwards to the table. "So, how is it that you think the giant creatures that almost kill you on a daily basis.. Are cute?" Luna asked Nero, after making sure nopony was close enough to catch the conversation. Me? Well yeah, almost dying is always a scare.. But you get used to it, and after a while, when you live alone like I do, you find hobbies. Luna's eyes widened, and then she put on a cheeky smile. "Now I understand what you meant. Your hobby of 'Pony Watching' now makes much more sense, and doesn't make you sound like a creepy stalker." She said. She eyes the human closely, before speaking again. "However, that doesn't quite explain my question." Right, right. After watching ponies for so long, I began to actually see the difference between male and female.. Aside from the obvious. Mares have a more slender build, and even walk around more daintily than Stallions. Long story short.. I guess after living alone for almost a year, I've become.. Attracted? Nero's word finished with a confused feel. Almost like he wasn't sure about his own words. Luna's eyes widened once more, before a sly grin appeared on her face. She slid down the chair a bit, moving her hoof with her other one and propped her head over him as she looked down at him "So you find me attractive then?" She asked, in a silky voice. The silence was only drowned out by the small conversations around the Two. The silence was starting to bother Luna, maybe she had said that too fast? Of Course I do! Then again, I already knew I liked you from our writings. His cockiness returned full bloom, as Luna smiled. A faint blush on her cheeks, hopefully hidden behind her fur. She thought about something, before she leaned back, her horn lighting up in a Blue glow. In the air before her, a magnifying glass appeared. She grabbed it with a hoof and leaned back over to where her human resided. "You've been ogling me this whole time, I deserve to know what you look like." Her voice soft as silk. She looked down at him, and noted the basic human anatomy. Two legs, Two arms, a head with a small tuft of hair for a mane. Something caught her eye more than anything. "Oh, you even wear clothes?! That's absolutely adorable!" She cooed as she looked him over. Her eye drifting over his form the best she could, drinking in his appearance. When she had a nice long look, she sat back up, and let the magnifying glass sit on the table. Yeah yeah, I made myself clothes. What's the big deal? "Well first thing, if you little humans had been wearing clothes when we first discovered you, then none of this would have happened." She said nonchalant. She dropped her face down to his level after that, "And second? I find you very cute, the clothes definitely add a layer on to that cuteness." She winked. Just then the waitress came back and looked at the two happily. "I talked to my manager, and she agrees that we should all watch out for humans now. I brought your food!" She said, gently sitting the plate and milk down. She also set a smaller plate down next to it. "I thought you could use a smaller plate to eat, since you did say that this was a date." She winked at Luna before trotting away. Luna looked at the Pancakes hungrily, and quickly used her magic to both separate a small piece and grab Nero. She carefully place both onto the plate, and with a second thought, she gently placed a small droplet of milk next to the piece of food. "You be careful over there, I don't want to have to fish you out of milk of all things." She scolded the human, as she watched him slide up to the milk first. She then dived into her own food, promptly ignoring Nero's reply of being a good swimmer. Throughout the time it took to eat, Luna had quite a few ponies work up the courage to come over and look at her 'date'. They all left murmuring to themselves, after watching the small human go from food to drink quickly, without scurrying away like an insect. After about Ten minutes, Luna finished her plate. She looked over to her eating partner, and noted that the human wasn't on the plate, but rather sitting on the table. Oh your done? Yeah you gave me way too much. Thanks though. You want? Nero's instant response meant he was waiting for her. She blushed slightly, then smiled. "Oh? Thank you." She replied, and grabbed the small plate with her hoof. She brought it up to her face, and licked the remaining contents off it. With a slight smack of her lips, she washed it down with a small sip of water that she had ordered after she finished the milk. Hey, can I get some of that water? I fell into the syrup and I'm all sticky. Nero's words made Luna chuckle. She reached for the water, but stopped short. A sly smile appeared on her face, as she grabbed her glass. She then proceeded to lean forward and gently lick the table where her date stood. He stuck to her tongue like a small crumb. -----First Person: Nero------ Luna's tongue loomed over me, as her breath washed over me again. She smelled of both flowers and syrup, an odd combination, but a good one. I let her lap me up like a treat, smiling as I figured she was finally back to being the jokester that I had been writing to all this year. I waited, as her tongue went into her muzzle, followed by a small trickle of water. The water pooled around me, making a small pool for me to swim in, as she closed her mouth. I washed up rather quickly, and proceeded to stand on her tongue. I felt it with my hand a bit, feeling the bumps that made up her taste buds. I felt the ground shake, as she hummed to herself, the low noise oddly comforting. "So does this count as a fist kiss? Or did we just skip to Second Base?" I wrote down. I waited for all of Three seconds, before her tongue lurched slightly, and she gently let her tongue out of her muzzle again. Her Blue magic, that felt like jello by the way, covered me and made me float up to her eyes. I heard her swallow the water in her mouth, as she licked her lips. "If you thought that was a kiss, then you never had one." Her eyes lidded slightly, as her voice rolled gently over me. Suddenly I was brought down, and my eyes bugged out a bit at the sight. She had her lips gently puckered. Wow, I was kidding, but.. I can deal with this. I was floated over to her lips, and she pushed them gently into my body. Her lips were soft as velvet, yet slightly wet. The sensation was amazing, especially when she started to move them gently. The subtle movements in her lips were like a full body massage. I was in heaven right now, so I barely noticed that she had moved me away, and had asked me something. It was only when she laughed lightly to herself that I snapped out of my daze. "I assume by your silence that you enjoyed my affection?" Her laugh coupled with the flutter her eyelashes did.. Well, if I could talk I'd be stuttering. I brought my arm up to write on. "Yeah! That was amazing. I wasn't expecting it though.." I watched as Luna stood up and left some bits on the table. As she started walking, she gently placed me on her nose. Probably so she could look at me better. "This was a date, remember? A kiss is a sign that a mare wants to continue dating the stallion." Her words rung through my head. She wanted more dates? She like me? Huh, I think I've seen just about everything then. "Well, when's our next date going to be then?" I wrote out. I chuckled as I heard her gasp slightly. Her steps seemed to be a little lighter from that moment on. "Well, first things first. I have to introduce you to my sister." I could tell she was smiling, as she made her way towards the castle. -----Canterlot Castle----- We, or should I say, Luna entered through the door to the throne room. Her sister was sitting there, reading a book with a cup of tea. Upon seeing her sister, Celestia stood up and walked over to her sister. "Ah, Lulu, welcome back!" She exclaimed, smiling to Luna. I chuckled at the nickname. "Where is the young colt?" Celestia giggled as she looked around behind Luna. After a second, she seemed to stare at Luna in confusion. "Well you see sister, it's a bit-" Luna started, but was interrupted. "Hold on Lulu." I was confused, until I felt something slam into me. *BAM* I was sent flying off Luna's nose, careening to the ground. "You had a bug on your nose." Celestia gently lifted a hoof into the air, aimed at me. I could barely focus, as the tumble to the ground had conked me on the head a bit. "No sister!" Luna's voice shook my world. Oh, wait, it was her pushing Celestia away from me. My vision came back just in time for me to focus on the ground. I looked around, and saw Four blue hooves surrounding me. I looked up, and sighed in relief as Luna stood over me. I was a bit surprised that she knew exactly where to step. I went to write out my next statement.. My pen was gone. Shit! I looked around furiously. That pen was the only way I could talk to Luna! I looked around, and found it rolling right over to Luna's back leg. I ran at it, even as it bounced off her hoof, and stopped. Jeeze is this place on a hill or something? I was only a few feet away from it, when the worst thing happened. Luna shifted. Her back leg twitched a bit, But that was enough fro the pen to slide underneath it. *Crunch* I heard it break apart like brittle lead.. Welp.. This whole thing just got a lot more awkward. I looked up at Luna as she scolded her sister.. Hoping she figures this out before she kills me. > Survial Can Be Harder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Third Person--- Luna looked at her sister with a scowl. Celestia looked on in confusion, as her sister gently backed up and looked at the ground. Her confusion doubled when a worried and frightened look flashed onto her face. "What's wrong Lulu?" She watched as Luna gently laid down and stared at the ground. "He's not responding." Luna muttered aloud. "He's either unconscious or he lost the Pen in the fall." Celestia's eyes widened slightly. "Pen? Your Magic Pen?" Celestia asked, even more confused than she was a second ago. "Nero, if your awake then move towards me." Luna's gaze was transfixed on a small speck on the ground. Celestia squinted and saw it to be the same bug she had swatted off her sisters muzzle not Two minutes ago. "Luna, I know you hate bugs but even you know that they aren't smart enough to-" She was cut off as Luna smiled. She was amazed at the smile, as it was so full of warmth, almost like when she had gotten back from the Moon. This smile was aimed at the slowly moving speck on the ground. "Oh thank Faust!" Luna gasped out, sending the tiny speck skidding away. She giggled lightly as she reached for the speck. Celestia watched in awe as the small bug crawled onto her hoof without any verbal communication. "Lulu, what's.. What's going on?" Celestia asked softly. Her voice seemed to grab Luna from whatever though processes that were going through her mind. As Luna gently shook her head and looked to her sister. "Dearest sister, this-" She gently lifted her hoof up to Celestia's face. "-Is Nero. A human." Celestia blinked owlishly, as she mouthed the word 'Human' out. Her eyes slowly focused on the small speck of a human on her sisters hoof, as Luna continued speaking. "He is the creature that my 'Friend Spell' found for me, and has been talking to me using the Magic Pen I sent to him." Luna finished her quick explanation as she withdrew her hoof to make sure her little human was okay. She smiled when she felt a small tickle on her hoof where he stood. "Wait a second." Celestia said, sitting down with a thud on the ground. "The one who taught you how to speak normal Equestrian, was a human?" Luna nodded. Celestia sighed and rubbed her muzzle with a hoof as she processed it all. A few minutes passed, until a small flash of Blue brought her out of her internal debating. "What about now?" A few seconds passed in silence as Celestia watched Luna interact with the human.. Nero. Even though Luna was agitated that whatever spell she had tried didn't work, Celestia had never seen her sister so happy. Celestia smiled at the thought. "You Two are adorable together." Celestia watched as Luna blushed and sputtered like a school filly with a crush. "I.. Well you.. We-" Luna tried to respond. A sudden tickle on her hoof brought her eyes back to Nero, and her mind back on the task at hand. "Right, thank you. We need to get you a way to talk." Luna smiled. Another flash of Blue as her horn lit up. "Anything yet?" She asked, eyes full of hope. After a few more seconds of silence Luna's ears dropped down. "I know of a short range Telepathy spell. The spell only needs to be cast once, but the range is terrible. I only know of it from my early years as a Princess, when I needed to ask my advisor questions inside important meetings. I'll cast it on the three of us, so we can all talk relatively normal." With a quick flash of Golden Yellow light, they sat there, waiting for something. "Can you hear me" It was echoed, but the voice of a stallion went through their heads. ---First Person: Nero--- "Can you hear me?" I asked both aloud and in my head, just to be sure. My response was a happy gasp from Luna who quickly hopped up onto her remaining three legs and did a silent cheer. Celestia's was more.. Vocal. "Sweet Faust it talks.." She pulled none of her voice back, in fact she almost yelled it. I had to put my hands to my ears as it was really loud. "Careful! Humans are small. Incredibly small, so anything we think is normal is quite different for them. Like how our voices are much louder than you think." Luna explained. "Or small gaps that are Three story drops." I added jokingly. Luna, not one to think fast when overwhelmed like this, nodded with a smile. "Yes, small gaps can be-" I watched as Luna stopped talking quickly, as her face puckered up slightly, in both anger and embarrassment. Before she could yell at me, I continued. "Don't worry, were both still learning. It will be a long journey, but I think this can work between us." I say confidently. Luna's sour face fell away to the smile she had moments before. I was moved up, as she gently laid a kiss on me again. It was a quick peck this time, just a simple show that she agreed with me. "What?! Your going to continue dating?" Celestia said loudly. Her voice shook me to my core, as I covered my ears again. I barely heard Luna's reply, but I'm glad I did. "Why wouldn't I?" She asked quickly, not an ounce of hesitation in her voice. "Luna, He's a human. You Hate humans. You told me so this morning!" Celestia rationalized. I couldn't help but chuckle, as the hoof I was sitting on was drawn closer to Luna's chest. I had no idea if she was doing in on purpose, or if it was a subconscious gesture. That was before I knew they were intelligent. Before I knew what he was. She seemed resolute about something. "When I made that pen and sent it away, no matter what animal or creature got ahold of that pen, I vowed to talk to and treat then like any other pony." My world shook again, as Luna lifted her hoof up to her face again. She looked down on me with those big Sapphire eyes of hers, and I could see what she meant. "She's right, no matter the size difference, or the communication problems, or the fact that we're different species. I don't care about any of that, all I care about is that Luna is Luna." I said, gently rubbing her hoof. I wasn't sure if she felt it, or if she just liked my words, as the hoof closed in on her face again. I was quickly brought back up to her lips. This kiss was longer. I could enjoy it more. The soft velvet feeling of her lips. The lingering moisture soaked in them, as well as the smell of mint mixed with maple syrup. This time, I tried reciprocating. I hugged as much of her lip as I could, and moved as much as possible while still maintaining my own kiss. I heard a soft cough come from Celestia. Luna whimpered slightly as we parted, looking down lovingly at me on her hoof. She raised me up and gently rolled me off her hoof, back onto her muzzle. I found myself back in my trance again, still enjoying the feeling of the kiss. It wasn't until Celestia's voice shot through my head again, did I snap out of it. "As noble as that sounded, It's only words. I've heard quite the few stallions proclaim the same to me before. And all of them wanted only one thing." Oh, I could Feel the glare I was getting from Celestia. Bellow me, I could almost feel Luna starting to growl. "Use a lie detection spell." I said quickly, instantly feeling Luna calm down from her anger. Instead I felt an uneasiness radiate from her. I hardened a gaze towards Celestia, if only to make myself feel better. "If you doubt my conviction to a simple relationship, then use it!" My voice and thoughts had a bit of an edge to them. I saw Celestia visibly flinch at my words, while Luna was quick to answer me. "Using a lie detection spell on something of your size would most likely fry your brain from Magic Overload." Luna's soft voice lulled my anger a bit. I did a bit of quick thinking and came up with an alternative. "Then why not use an Area of Effect version. If you dilute the spell to permeate the room then-" I was interrupted. "-Then the spell wouldn't need to focus on just you, allowing us to disperse the majority of the magic. Amazing.. Your species doesn't use magic, yet your knowledge on it's mechanics is astounding." Celestia's eyes were wide as she stared at me. "Oh, well.." I couldn't help but blush at the praise. "It's just basic Equivalent Exchange. You have a set amount of energy to do any given task. Use less energy to do more at once rather than forcing more energy to get a better result. Energy Conservation also plays a key factor in the equation" I shrugged. Silence permeated the room, as I glanced back at Luna. Her eyes were crossed to look at me, as they were glimmering in awe. "Those were the exact words Starswirl used in his first book explaining magic." Luna said, her voice happy. As I focused on her eyes a flash of Golden light passed around the room, and I felt a distinct pressure on my mind. "We can talk about your new Coltfriend's likeness to Starswirl later, now onto the task at hand." Celestia muttered aloud. "Who's Starswirl?" I asked, genuinely curious. "Nopony-" Celestia was rudely interrupted by a bright flash of Red coursing through the room. "Oh good, it works." Celestia deadpanned. I couldn't help my laughter, it echoed in my head and was soon reciprocated by Luna, as she chuckled. "Thats fine, we can discuss him or her later. Go ahead then." I notioned for Celestia to make her question so we could get passed this. "Right then. Nero, are you, or will you ever use my sister for political gains or gains of the sexual kind." She asked as she glared at me. Silence followed as she waited for me. "I really can't believe you asked me that." I muttered under my breath, although it was clearly heard by the siblings as Luna tensed up, probably assuming the worst.. "I reiterate, I will not, nor will I ever use Luna as a stepping stone for my own betterment. As for sexual, well, I'll try waiting for the wedding. But I won't ever say 'No' to Luna, especially about that kind of stuff." I said as straight faced as possible. My mouth only curling into a smile near the end. We waited a full minute in silence as Celestia waited desperately for the answer she was waiting for. As such, I just knew what she was going to say next. "I don't think the spell registers him-" "I think Luna is ugly." I stated simply, as deadpan as I could. I was met with an instant red flashing across the room. I smirked as Celestia sighed in what I could only describe as 'resignation'. Luna herself sighed as well, which got me to quirk an eyebrow. "Did you not believe me Luna?" I asked, trying to sound as sad as possible. Her response was instant. "No!" She perked up immediately, and gently shook her head. "I was happy that you meant what you said, that's all!" She said back desperately, her ears flattened down as she crossed her eyes to look at me. She even had had small tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. I glared at her, as hard as I could. "Whoever the hell taught you the 'diabetes' look, is a dead pony. I already have a heard enough time being around you adorable ponies as it is, I don't need you to make it worse!" I grumble. Again, it was picked up by both occupants in the room. Drawing different responses from either. Luna giggled like a little filly, she even raised her hoof to her mouth to quell her shaking. Celestia on the other hand, had her ears folded back herself, her own eyes bigger than they were just a few moments ago. "I swear to God-" I call out, only to get interrupted. "Even after all that I've said to you, and accused you of.. You still think of me as 'adorable'? " Celestia said, slowly stepping closer to me. I felt an underlying problem here, I almost feel like I said something wrong. Did she not want to be adorable? Or did she not think herself capable of being anything but a Princess? "Jeeze, calm down mare! Yes, your just like your sister. Now please, for the love of all that is manly, don't cry in front of me.. You'll make me cry as well." I tell her as softly as I could. Her eyes blinked a few times, even though I could see a lot of different emotions flash across them. They settled with a warm look in them, as she smiled down at me, being right next to Luna now. She looked to Luna and smirked. Luna seemed to catch on, as she backed away a few feet rather quickly, while also tucking her muzzle away from her slightly. "No Tia! He's mine!" Luna growled out at her sister, as she made for the door. "Come now Lulu! The first creature to not refer to me as a 'Goddess' or 'The Princess' and you won't even give it a second thought?!" Celestia called out as Luna opened the door. "No! I will not share him, even if it is you!" Luna cried out as she opened the door and almost jumped through the doorway to close it behind her. Celestia sat in the room, her eyes glazed over as the flashing Red in the room dyed down. Her mouth curled into a lecherous smile. Deactivating the Lie detection spell, she started thinking about how to get the small human away from her sister. Her hind legs rubbing together at the thought of having him all to herself. ----Third Person---- "So, uh. What was that about?" Nero's voice rang through Luna's head as she trotted down the corridor. "Nothing, it's just my sister not getting everything I have." Luna spat out. She felt a sudden tickle on her snout as Nero spoke out. "Please, don't get angry. I have no idea what went down in there, but I want you to know that I am as faithful as they can get. You have no reason to worry about me moving on to your older sister." Nero's words were full of emotion, that alone made Luna stop trotting and smile. "I know that, from our little lie detector test." She smirked lightly. "And you can be sure, that I won't trade you in for another human. Your mine!" She winked slyly to him as she gently prodded him with a hoof. Just as the two were going to continue towards their next destination, a voice called out. "Auntie Luna!" Luna turned around just in time to receive a very sudden hug. He nose was pressed against her niece, Princess Cadence. She smiled, as she hugged back. "Good to see you Cadence! I haven't seen you in what feels like ages! What are you doing here?" Luna asked, letting the slightly smaller Alicorn drop to the ground after the hug. Cadence flipped her hair that had been laying in front of her face, and smiled. "I've been doing all kinds of errands today. Since Shiny is out of the Empire for a week, I found myself doing all his half of leading the Crystal Empire. I have a new respect for my husband, as I've only done half of what he does on a daily basis, and I'm exhausted!" Cadence sent out a huff as she took a deep breath. "I came by to drop some letters of transfer at Auntie Celestia's desk." Cadence took a step back, and glanced at the clock on the wall near them. "Oh dear! I'm going to be late at this rate.. I have to go, It was nice seeing you Auntie!" Cadence waved with a hoof as she disappeared in a Pink flash of light. "Ok.. bye?" Luna said, confused at Cadence's sudden appearance and disappearance. She just chuckled though, chalking it up to her covering for the work of Two ponies. "That, was my niece. Mi Amor Cadenza, but she prefers everypony to just call her 'Cadence'." Luna said, her smile bright as she walked down the hall a bit, before stopping. She waited a few more seconds, before her smile faded, and a look of terror fell upon her face. "Nero?" She asked quietly. Not getting an answer, she looked to her muzzle to spot her little human, only to see just her Blue fur. "Nero!?" She called out, turning around and looking to the ground. In a flash of Blue she held a Magnifying glass up to her eye and got onto her knees slowly. "It's okay sweetie, I'll find you!" Luna sounded desperate as she called down the hallway to her sister. "Tia! Help!" ----First Person: Nero---- I opened my eyes slowly, my head was pounding. My memory was a bit fuzzy, and I had no idea where the hell I was. My eyes focused, and all I could see was 'Pink'. In a rush, my memories came back, as my last vision before being conked out was the quickly approaching mane of the Pink Alicorn. My world was bouncing and jostling around as I kept a firm hold on some of the Pink mane I was stuck in. It was a bit hard to hold onto, almost like it was slick with grease. I grumbled a bit as the shaking stopped, forcing me to glance upwards at my 'capturer's current location. All I could make out were walls of Crystal.. "Ah fuck, I'm in the Crystal Empire? How the hell do I get back now?" I muttered to myself. I sat down, to think. I could hear bits and pieces of the conversation between the Pink Alicorn and a guard. "Has the bedroom been cleared yet?" My Pink captor asked. "Yes Princess Cadence, we scrubbed the walls, ceiling, and roof. Everything in between has been sterilized." The guard replied. A sudden quake toppled me over from my thinking. "Oh thank Faust. I hate bugs!" The disgust that carried in her voice was definitely setting alarms off in my head. If I was caught out in the open with this mare, then my life was forfeit. I needed to stay as inconspicuous as possible if I wanted to live though this. "I'll be taking a nap then, wake me in an hour, please." Cadence asked her guard, fatigue dripping from her tone. The guard didn't answer, but merely nodded as Cadence trotted into her room and shut the door. As soon as the door shut, she all but leapt up into the air. She landed with a soft thud on her bed. I was sent careening off of her, at least I thought so. As I was sent flying off of her, only to land a few feet down her body and promptly crash landed in her chest fur. My head spun from the sudden movements and the multiple bounces I've taken in the past Ten minutes. I shook my head gently to rid it of the cobwebs. A sudden shaking sent me tumbling to the ground again. "God Damnit mare, will you sit still?!" I growled out. Cadence was lying on her back as she squirmed on her newly made bed to get the old comfortable feel back into it. She stopped with a content sigh as she gently closed her eyes. Standing up for what felt like the tenth time in under a minute, I looked around, figuring out where I was and where I needed to be. I knew that I was in the Crystal Empire, on Princess Cadence. I also knew that as a princess, she was bound to come in contact with Luna again, thus bringing them back into Telepathic range. I needed to stay alive until then, through whatever means necessary. Of course, there is the very possible chance the Luna has realized something is wrong, and is making plans to figure out where I've gone, assuming she feels the same for me as I do her. It wont take long for her to figure out something is wrong, but what may take some time, is her inexperience in looking for something like me. "She did try quite a few magic spells on me, I'm sure being close to her all day and those failed spells couldn't have just vanished. Her magic could act like a Beacon, but-" ----Third Person: Canterlot---- "-But my magic will fade out in time, so you have to try and find any source of my magic that isn't in this room." Luna talked to her selected guards. The guards we all Thestrals and were ready to go. "Now, your target is small, as my new Coltfriend is a Human." She paused as one of her guards stifled a laugh. She narrowed her eyes, and fixed a hard glare at her guard. "Do you find my troubles amusing Nightingale?" Luna asked, her voice full of venom. Nightshade went rigid, as she felt Luna's icy gaze fixed on her. "N-no Princess! I was just surprised at your claim, aren't Human's nothing but insects? Dumb bugs?" Nightingale gulped slightly as Luna bristled at her words. However, before she could take it back, another voice cut her off. "Maybe, maybe not. Humans as a whole could be no smarter than normal bugs. We won't know until you find him. The little human that she brought home, when given the chance to talk to us, proved his intelligence by holding a conversation with us." Celestia stated, as she walked into the room, a few golden hooflets floating in her magic. "He even made a comments about magic in this world. From what I could gleam from what little I could get from him, he could very well be the next Starswirl the Bearded. He denies his intelligence, but you can see through it in an instant." Celestia said as she hoofed out the hooflets to the guards. There were a total of Eight of them. Each guard was in shock at the Princesses words, more so was Nightingale. Her eyes were wide and she was staring at Luna. Luna chuckled lightly, as she turned to her sister. "You think very highly of him dear sister. You were skeptical as well at first." Luna glared playfully at her sister. "Whoever finds him first will understand fully well in no time." Celestia answered quickly, as she passed out small Blue balls to each of the guards. "These are Enchanted with an modified Telepathy spell. Its similar to the one I used on him before, only by throwing the ball in the room, it will expand his Telepathy farther, and give him a modicum of control over who he speaks to. It's still in the test stages, so you'll need to watch him carefully for side effects." Celestia told them. Each guard nodded once as they clasped their new hooflets onto their forehooves. Pocketing the small Blue balls as they made to the balcony. Luna stepped out in front of them, as she looked them over. "There are Eight of you, so from left to right you will take a Cardinal direction starting with North and fly in that direction. The hooflets are honed to sense my magic, however small. And will only alert you if there is some of it nearby." Luna's earls splayed back, and her guards looked at her in shock. "Please.. Please find my little Nero. I'm begging you.." Luna asked softly. Her voice soft as she sounded close to tears. Celestia laid a wing over her sister's shoulder and looked over to the guards. "You have Twelve hours before the magic residue on him fades." She told them. The guards all looked to each other, then back to Celestia and nodded. They all jumped up off the balcony as they flew upwards into the sky above the castle. A few of them started chuckling to themselves. "Some mission huh?" One of the guards asked Nightingale. She nodded, a small smile forming on her muzzle. "I believe this is all a test. A human? How smart can a small bug actually be?" She giggled, as they all flew away from each other, her direction was looking a bit.. Chilly. Her only solace was that she could visit the Crystal Empire for warmth. ----First Person: Nero---- I was lost. I had no idea which way was which in this Pink forest of Death! Grumbling, I sat down on the slowly rising ground. The rising was caused by Cadence breathing of course, I just had no idea where I was any more. Its funny, how you can walk in a straight line, yet always find yourself walking a circle. With no landmarks to help with, I was blind. Looking up I found myself sighing at the craziness of the day. All I wanted was a date, now I had to survive with a pony as my ride, without getting her attention. In general? Easy enough, Just have to avoid walking in the open, or anything that might cause her discomfort. I glanced up again, my vision focusing on the slight movement of the top of the fur. I must be close to her head, just have to follow the breathing and bunker down near the front of her head. The front gave easier cover yet allotted for quick exits in emergencies.. I stopped, my eyes blinking owlishly, as I held my head lightly. Since when was I so.. Tactical? I'll admit I was never the smartest kid on the block, but I wasn't an idiot. But this? This was insane! It happened earlier when I was with Luna. All that talk about Energy conversion came from nothing, but I knew I was right. Maybe its a side affect of humans being in contact with the ambient magical energies in the air, I've seen other humans run faster than others, and even someone who could jump OVER a pony. Perhaps the mutations a different depending on instinct, or even so much as genetics. I would have to think about it more when my life wasn't in danger of a pony snuffing me out thinking I was just an itch. "Aah!" The ground I stood on shook and rumbled as Cadence stretched awake, making a small yawn as well. She smacked her lips a little as she gently rubbed her eye. She gingerly rose from the bed, and looked to the clock. "..Two hours huh? I'll give that guard a raise for having the balls to let me sleep in." Cadence said cheerily, as she trotted into the bathroom. *Splat!* A sour look flashed on her face, as she stopped in front of the mirror. I made my way over to the side of her head, and used a hair to lean down a bit to see. My vision went downwards, as she looked to the ground. I witnessed something I never liked seeing. The remnants of a human was on the pure white marble floor. All that remained was the red splotch, but what got my attention the most, was what I saw around it. There, on the ground, was a small group of humans. Probably a hunting party, looking for food. Why they where in the damn bathroom, I would never get to ask them, as Cadence huffed angrily as she quickly lifted her hoof again. She quickly dropped it on the fleeing group of Ten, and crushed all but Two of them. Her hoof flattened outwards a bit pushing the survivors away slightly as her sole went flush to the cold floor. With a sliding motion, she swiped her hoof to the side, over the two remaining humans, leaving a set of Eleven small Red streaks on the floor. I made my way backwards, towards what I could now see as her face. I made my way into her mane again, and I instantly saw the shiny film on each hair. This mare was sweating up a storm from all her running around, and I needed to not be a loose pebble when she went to take a shower. Acting quickly, I found a few shorter hairs. By few, I mean I found about Six of them. I tied each one individually around my waist. I then made sure to have a few hairs within grasp of my hands on each side, should the need arise. "I hate humans!" Cadence called out, as she flicked on the shower cloud. Regrettably, I had gotten used to the sight of even my closest friends dying. That's why I worked and lived alone.. No need to watch your family get crushed. And even though I did live alone, I still knew what us humans did to work together. Where there is a group of hunters, there are groups of carriers and fighters, named such for obvious reasons. They cant be far away, hell, they might have been crushed on the way in the bathroom for all I know. My thoughts were stopped as a rush of water fell over me. I felt one of my hair tethers snap, but the others held firm, as I was forced forwards and backwards as she wet her hair. I chose the front for another reason. People, and ponies, tend to avoid the front of their hair to avoid getting soap in there eyes, especially if you've got a lot of hair. I felt her move around a lot, and it got my brain thinking again, which was bad. I kind of needed to be alert.. But why was she moving so damn much? She was an Alicorn! She had magic! My only conclusion is that she wasn't born an Alicorn, and was rather made into one after birth. She was either a Pegasus or an Earthpony, hence the reluctance to use magic, as she wasn't born with it. I'm assuming, by her continued attention to her wings, that she was a Pegasus. I was suddenly pressed down by something soft, thank god it was just her towel.. Wait.. How long was I thinking?? I really need to watch that, I'd rather not have that as my death certificate 'Death by Over-Thinking' "~Aah, there we go~" Cadence called out in a sing song voice, as she walked out of the bathroom. I felt her stop suddenly, and went to ask myself why, when I saw it. I almost face paled at the stupidity. The two groups I had mentioned beforehand were both on Cadence's bed, having climbed up using her un-made bed sheets. However, Cadence made no motion for them, in fact, she just side stepped and collected a brush from her nightstand. Knowing what was coming next, I knew that my position was going to go bad very soon. I quickly untied myself, and grabbed at one of the longer hairs. I quickly wrapped it around my hand, and hopped off her scalp, just as she made her way to the mirror. I now had a front row seat to something I had only seen once before. Cadence sat down onto her bed. I watched in my own horrified slow motion as her plot crashed down on the bed, flattening most of the group. Surprisingly, out of the group of Thirty strong, about Seven survived. I could see them laying in between her legs. The air pressure of her sitting down must have propelled them down. They had a chance to live, all they had to do was get up and jump- Cadence shimmied forward to the edge of the bed. Steamrolling her crotch over the rest of the group, my own ears faintly heard them 'popping' one by one, as my still slow motion vision focused on the humans getting pummeled by the tons of Pink flash and fur that bel0nged to this adorable pony. I hung there, the images playing in my head as Cadence brushed her mane for the next Fifteen minutes. I really didn't want to do anything else, I was tired, and just plain spent on the roller coaster of today. And wouldn't you know it? I forgot something really important. Never take your eyes off of a pony. "Eew!" Was all I heard before getting bashed by a flying Pink hoof, sending me tumbling through the air and onto the ground. ----Third Person---- "Eew!" Cadence shrieked out, as she jumped up our of bed and swatted at the bug dangling from her hair. "There's one in my hair?! Get out!" Her hoof smacked it and sent it floating down to the ground. In a righteous anger only known by those who hate bugs, she jumped forward, hoof raised up and aimed right at the small insect. A dark Black hoof stopped her own, as a feminine voice called out to her. "I'm going to have to ask you to not kill this one." Her voice was dull, and monotone like all guards. Cadence glanced at the dark Grey armor the Thestral was wearing, and saw her Aunt's Lunar cutie mark adorning it. "Auntie Luna sent you? Why?" Cadence's attention now fully on the female Thestral in her room, and not on the insect that was in her hair. She watched as the Thestral roughly prodded the bug on the ground with a hoof, as she spoke to her without even looking down at it. "I'm here on orders from Princess Luna, to retrieve One 'Nero the Human.' I find my time being wasted on bugs nowadays instead of guarding the Princess from harm." The Thestral glanced down at the small human as she rolled it around the floor, putting a bit more pressure on it, any more and she was sure it would 'pop' like any other human. "But why would Auntie send you out here looking for a.. Human of all things? There just stupid bugs!" Cadence said, getting aggitated again. She watched as the Thestral seemed to remember something, as she backed off a bit, leaving the human alone. "Right, I was supposed to use this." She showed Cadence the Blue ball. "It's a Telepathy Enchant or something." She explained, as she threw it on the ground. A pulse of Golden magic erupted around the room, and was gone before it could be questioned any further. "Telepathy? For what?" Cadence asked, her eyebrow raised. "Apparently this human is smart, and Celestia made it so we would hear him." The Thestral rolled her eyes a bit. Cadence joined her in the action. "Right, the Human can talk.. And I'm not Pink!" Cadence growled sarcastically. "Sorry to say, but your definitely Pink, But I can definitely talk." A stallions voice echoed in both of there heads, causing the Two mares to look down in shock. "You can.." The Thestral started. "..Talk" Cadence finished, her own mentality causing her to plop her rump on the ground. "Yes, I feel like this will be a common reaction from every one I talk to wont it?" The voice sounded almost a bit sarcastic. "Don't worry! I won't tell Luna or Tia that you almost killed me.." He petered off near the end. The Thestral's eyes widened as she realized what she had done to him earlier. "Oh Faust.. I played with him like a toy! I'm so sorry!" She dove to the ground, her eyes pleading with the small human. "My name is Nightingale, a Thestral in Luna's Night Guard. You have no idea how sorry I am!" Nightingale said, her voice getting shaky. If word got around that she had almost killed Luna's new Coltfriend, she would be fired for sure! "And how do you know my Aunt?" Cadence asked quickly. A moment of silence had Nightingale a little nervous, until he spoke out again. "Sorry about that, this headache came out of nowhere. Also I'm dating her." He said casually, like it was common knowledge. Before Cadence could react, he spoke up again. "Nightingale, right?" He asked. "Yes?" She replied, nervous about what he would ask. "The magic was Golden, so the spell Augmentation must have been done by Celestia. Did she happen to tell you to watch out for side-effects?" He asked, his voice sounded strained. Nightingale's heart dropped as her eyes widened. "Yes, are you feeling ill?" "No, I'm about to pass out. Can you tell Celestia that she.. The pause was concerning, as she stood up. "..That she forgot to compensate for Magical Overlap ..I hate Magic.. His voice died out, and she could almost tell that he had passed out even though he couldn't be seen easily. "I have to fly!" Nightingale quickly grabbed the small human as gently as she could, and made for the open window. "Wait!" Cadence grabbed her attention. She sighed, and looked to the small human, and then back to Nightingale. "Auntie sent you out here to find him, so he must be important to her. I can teleport you. Come on!" Nightingale didn't waste time, and grabbed onto her outstretched hoof. In a flash of Pink, they were standing in front of Luna and Celestia. "Cadence? Nightingale? What are you doing here?" Celestia called out to them. "Sorry princess, no time to explain. I found him, used the spell and he passed out!" Her words made Luna jump out of her seat and snag the small human from her guards hoof. "What happened?!" She asked, glaring at the guard. "Before he passed out he said something about 'Celestia not compensating for Magical Overlap?' I belive he said." Cadence said, eyes squinted in focus to remember correctly. "Ponyfeathers!" Celestia said, as she jumped up herself. "Sister! Language!" Luna said, her eyes snapping to her sister. "Sorry Luna, no time!" Celestia's horn lit up and small wisps of Golden magic flew from the small human. Celestia focused for a bit, until she breathed out a sigh of relief. "Is he okay Tia?" Luna's voice was shaky. "Yes, he should be fine. But that was a good catch, I would have never thought of Magical Overlap." Celestia turned to Cadence and Nightingale. "You said, that he told you to say that?" Her voice was filled amusement and awe. Cadence glanced at the human in her Aunties hoof as she gently nuzzled him. The pure happiness in her eyes made her smile, in fact, she could clearly feel that invisible line linking the Two of them. It was new, and fairly fragile, but it was a pure 'First Love' soul connector. As the Alicorn of 'Love' she could feel these things. "Yes, that human sure is special." Cadence said, as she sat down. She wanted to learn as much as she could from this meeting. Now all she needed was the little human- Nero to wake up. She could wait.