> Warlord's Birthday Surprise > by Prince Nightfire Grace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early in the morning of a very special day for a certain Pegasus named Warlord, his husband Nightfire, an Alicorn who was the older brother of the two sisters Celestia and Luna who ruled over Equestria wakes up in the early morning hours of this day and wakes to find that he was hugging his husband’s back close to his chest and belly. “Sorry sweetie, I know you love early morning cuddles but todays going to be quite the day for you,” He says softly, his breath washing over Warlord’s closest ear before he releases his husband from their hug and slips off their bed and stretches himself out slowly, feeling his wings and back pop before letting out a satisfied sigh. “Today you’re going to enjoy what I’ve planned out for you. At least I hope so,” Nightfire says in a soft voice, not wanting to stir his beloved from his sleep. As Nightfire stretches he hears his husband coo and curl into a tight ball under their sheets, shivering from the absence of his husband’s warm body. “Love?” The Pegasus asks in his sleep, his dream maybe being of them staying together in a particular spot in Equestria that they both found comforting and relaxing or maybe just them cuddling in bed all day. How was Nightfire supposed to know!? “Sorry sweetie, I know what you would like to do today, but I think it’s time I called in a favor from an old friend,” Nightfire says softly as he looks over his husband’s sleeping form before quietly walking toward their writing desk and sits in the chair as his horn flares to life and a single piece of paper, a quill and an ink well float out and set themselves as Nightfire wanted them, the well to the left of the paper so he wouldn’t knock it over onto the note. “Your Highness,” Nightfire begins, the tip of the quill pressing down on the paper and the gentle strokes of it against the paper almost like sweet music to the elder Alicorn. “I request the help of your daughter’s best friend for a present for my husband today. It’s his birthday and I want him to experience something new that only your kind can help me with. If she agrees to help me then please send word and I can meet her and bring her to Equestria for the day for his surprise. Signed, Prince Nightfire of Equestria.” After making a few needed adjustments he folds up the letter and sends it with a flare of magic and smiles as he gets up from the chair. “Well to start the birthday stallion’s day right maybe I should make his favorite breakfast. It’s been so long since I treated him like the Prince he is so breakfast in bed is in order, well at least making it for him,” He says with a smile on his lips as he walks slowly and quietly past his sleeping husband, who hadn’t stirred at all during his writing or even with the flash of light and magic so early in the morning. “He’s such a heavy sleeper, it’s adorable.” While Nightfire sneaks downstairs of their home Warlord coos in his sleep and nuzzles into the pillow his head was resting on and breathes deeply one last time as the sun slowly begins to rise and shines into the window that was opposite the room from their bed, shining directly onto Warlord’s eyelids. The sleepy Pegasus rolls over and pulls the sheets over his shoulder and hides his head behind the thin sheets as if they’d be enough protection. “Five more minutes…” ***A few minutes later downstairs*** As Nightfire works diligently to make Warlord’s special breakfast, a letter appears in front of his face in a small flash of blue light. “Yes!” Nightfire says as he unfolds the letter and reads it slowly, his eyes skimming each and every word before grinning widely. “Warlord you’re in for such a surprise today,” He says and then adds a few finishing touches to his husband’s breakfast, light seasoning and then buttering the toast that he loved and puts the plates and the two glasses of liquid on the tray and sets them on the kitchen table with a smile, then turns and flies up the steps toward their bedroom again. As he pushes the door of their room open he sees the sun shining through the window and then pulls the blinds shut. “Just to help you stay asleep love,” He says as he watches Warlord relax and spread out on the bed with a happy sigh. Nightfire looks down at his husband with a smile and then walks out of the room, down the stairs and outside into the early morning light then stretches out his wings to their full length with a sigh of relief. “Now to meet them and bring her here,” He says as he flies up into the air and then uses his magic to vanish in a flash of light. The light from his teleportation, as well as the sound makes the Pegasus resting inside their home stir from his sleep and slowly open his eyes. “Hmm… what a wonderful dream. Love you wou-“ He began and then turns his head to Nightfire’s side of the bed and sees that it was empty. “Up so early? Wonder what he’s up to,” He says and then lies in bed a moment longer before kicking off the sheets and rolls off the bed before a delicious smell slides up his nose. “Toast? Hay bacon? He didn’t…” Warlord says as he looks around the room and upon seeing nothing turns toward the door and down to the kitchen and then and sees a tray with his favorite breakfast resting on a few plates as well as a note resting between his two drinks. “Spoiling me? You tease,” Warlord says as he sits in the chair and eyes the main course of his breakfast, a set of fluffy pancakes, swimming in maple syrup with butter on top and the second plate with a bowl of fruit and another smaller plate had a few pieces of hay bacon and sausages. “He knows me so well!” As Warlord eats his breakfast, he sets the letter aside meaning to read it once his breakfast was finished. As he takes the first bite of the first piece of hay bacon, he moans happily. The taste of the hay bacon on his tongue making him quiver. “Oh. My. Celestia! Nightfire you’re an excellent cook!” ***Inside the forest to the north-west of Ponyville*** “So this is where you’re going to lead your husband for his surprise?” The shadowed female asks with a smile on her lips. “I’ll lead him here saying that his first gift and when I give the command I’ll need you to strike. Simple enough of a plan right?” Nightfire asks with a smile and then gives his helper a grin. “As long as he’s ok with me borrowing you next month for my heat then this is fine by me.” “Deal, besides he’ll understand the importance of what I’d need to do.” “Hurry back Nightfire… I’m growing anxious for this.” “Trust me the last thing I want to do is a keep a lady waiting but I also have to remember that this is Warlord’s birthday gift from me,” Nightfire says with a smile and then winks at her before he vanishes in a flash of light leaving his helper alone. ***Back in Ponyville*** “Hey love!” Nightfire says as he pops back into their kitchen that Warlord was still in, eating his birthday breakfast. “Oh sweet Ce- Don’t do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Warlord says as he jumps in his chair, turning to see Nightfire in the middle of their kitchen. “Sorry sweetie, didn’t mean to scare you,” Nightfire apologizes sincerely. “But I had to take care of your birthday present that I organized for you.” “Birthday surprise? What did you think up love?” He asks and wipes his muzzle of the food that had gotten on his face during his breakfast. “You’ll see sweetie, I want it to be a surprise,” Nightfire says as he gives his Pegasus a wink and uses his magic to lift one of the empty plates of food to the sink and fills the sink with hot water from the water faucet. “Oh you’re being such a tease!” Warlord says as he gets up from his seat and stands beside his husband. “Did you expect anything else from me?” Nightfire asks as he stacks the plates and then turns his head and winks at him. “Ready to go?” “You really seem eager for me to see my surprise love. Why is that?” Warlord asks as he looks up into his husband’s eyes. “You’ll see sweetie. I guarantee that you’ll love it, trust me,” Nightfire says then winks as his horn begins to glow. “This’ll get us there faster.” Before Warlord could reply, Nightfire presses a hoof against his husband’s side gently and they both vanish from their home and into the forest where his plan was to begin. “Why are we here love?” “This is where I have your present. But we have to do a little walking,” He says and then turns and begins to lead his husband through the forest, paying close attention to the forest around them before stopping at a small clearing that was where he had told his friend to wait. “Well here we are love.” Warlord looks around and steps toward one of the trees. “I don’t see anything here love. What’s here for me?” “Look up there love,” Nightfire says as he points up at the canopy, a gap in it just large enough for the light of the sun to shine through and light up the clearing they were standing in. “While you were asleep I decided to make you a sculpture of clouds.” “Really love?” Warlord asks as he looks up at the sky with a smile on his lips. As Warlord looks up at the canopy, he notices that there wasn’t even a single cloud in the sky. “Love? I don’t see anything at all.” “Just keep looking love. You’ll see it really soon,” Nightfire smiles and then spreads his right wing and gives it a little wave, enough to give his signal. “Lo-Love? Do you see those colors?” Warlord asks as he squints as a small rainbow of ringed colors spin in the canopy above him. “Th-They feel…” “Love I don’t see anything,” Nightfire says as he looks down with a smile on his face and then chuckles. “Th-Those colors the-there,” Warlord says and lifts a hoof, pointing at the spot where the colors where before they moved, moving along a branch and then down the main trunk of the tree and then stops at the base of the large oak tree. “I know what they are sweetie. And they are a part of your birthday present from me,” Nightfire says and looks down a little so that he wasn’t looking directly into the hypnotic colors. “Wh-Whaaat?” Warlord asks softly, his voice becoming slurred and his body swaying slowly. “I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine from the Lamia Kingdom.” The Lamia slithers forward slowly and her body is revealed by the light of the sun. Her ice blue scales of her back glistening in the light while her light green scales slide against the ground beneath her. “My name is Flower Scent and your husband here…” She says waving a hoof at him so that he wouldn’t look up into her hypnotic eyes and fall under her spell. “Is the one who brought me here for your special surprise. I do hope that you’ll enjoy it,” She says, her voice like honey to Warlord’s ears while the colors continue drawing in Warlord attention. “You’ll love this sweetie,” Nightfire says and nuzzles his cheek and closes his eyes. “Before I met you, I spent a little time in their kingdom and I loved it. They really know how to make you squirm and moan with desire.” Warlord’s front legs tremble a little from his husband’s words and then leans a little forward as his eyes begin reflecting with the colors that her eyes were spinning with. “Re-Really?” “Truly. I spent some times with him myself and he is quite the stallion when it comes to sex. Even the princess spent some time with him and she told me he was quite the slut,” She giggles and then holds a hoof to her muzzle. “Now let’s see how far I can push you.” “Before you do, let me go and prepare something special at home for him after we’re all done here. I know you’ll want two strong stallions to cuddle with you after getting your fill from the husband of a prince,” Nightfire says with pride in his voice. “Meaning he and I will be alone while I play with him?” She asks and slides the tip of her tail in front of herself and then slides it along the ground and wraps it around Warlord’s back right hind leg. “Yes you will be. At least for a few hours,” Nightfire says and fans his wing in front of his own face and opens his eyes, nearly blinded from the light. “Think you can keep yourself safe?” “Trust me, you’d be surprise what we can do,” She says and briefly looks over at Nightfire’s wing, weakening the hypnotic spell over Warlord before turning back to the hypnotized Pegasus and strengthens her spell. “Don’t I know what you could do?” Nightfire asks with a giggle. “I remember you left a hypnotic trigger or two in my head along with your friend.” “What can I say?” Flower giggles as she slides more of her tail around Warlord’s hind leg, trapping it in a cocoon of her strong coils. “The Princess and I wanted the chance to have more fun with you while you remained with us during the negotiations with the Queen.” “I remember, you two made me cum so many times and I vaguely remember massaging your tails while one of you had your tail in my tailhole,” Nightfire says with a smirk before his horn begins to glow. “Not gonna tell who it was, but you looked so cute, your cock was leaking and dripping all over our scales.” Nightfire blushes, the faint memory of being hypnotized by her and the Princess, coiled and made to cum so many times then massaged their tails. “Just be safe with him. He is my husband after all.” “Don’t you worry your pretty little head Nightfire, he’ll be safe with me. Won’t you Warlord?” Flower asks the Pegasus who now had a large grin on his face and uses a hoof to lift his chin as he nods slowly. “I’ll leave my husband to your loving coils sexy,” Nightfire says with a bow before vanishing in a flash of light, leaving Flower and Warlord alone in the clearing that was over shrouded by the thin canopy of the trees branches. “Looks like now I’s just you and me cutie,” Flower says with a smile and then leans down and then flicks her tongue out and tickles his lips with the forks of her tongue. “First things first though,” She says and then leans back, sitting on a few of her larger coils and then slides the tip of her tail back down his leg. “Legs together for me.” Warlord breathes deeply and then slowly obeys, lifting his left hind leg and sets it down right beside his other leg, a large smile on his face as his will was slowly pushed further and further down inside his mind. “Good boy, now I can do this,” She says as her tail tip wraps around both of his hind legs slowly, sliding up his legs as she flexes her muscles, the strength of them almost massaging his legs as they tremble a little, growing weaker as they climb and stop just short of his flank. “I’m going to stand you up on your back legs ok? I’m not going to let you fall, just need you in a better position so I can coil you to my liking.” Warlord nods slowly as he keeps his gaze locked on the hypnotic spirals in her eyes, not even feeling the presence of the coils around his hind legs as he is slowly lifted into the position she needed him in. “Th-Thank you…” “Don’t thank me yet cutie… the fun hasn’t even began yet,” She says with a grin on her lips as the tip of her tail climbs higher on Warlord body, sliding along his fur in cool ripples of muscle as she lifts herself high above him and his own gaze followed so that he could continue watching the colors. “That’s right… just keep looking. I know how wonderful he colors must be,” She comments and then licks her lips slowly with her forked tongue. Warlord’s eyes remain focused on her eyes while her coils ascend further on his body, pinning his wings and forelegs to his body while his crotch remained uncovered. “F-Forest…” “What is it you cutie?” She asks as the tip of her tail reaches his neck and wraps around it loosely, the tip tickling his chin gently before more of her thicker coils slide around his rear legs and the tip of her tail slides through his mane and curls into a circle between his ears and rests comfortably there. “Wh-When di-did…” Warlord begins to ask, his voice was soft and his words were slurred but she was able to understand what he wanted to ask. “Your husband came to the Lamia Kingdom shortly after he sent the Queen a letter, requesting the assistance of one of the Princesses friends. And I just happen to be her best friend,” Flower says and then leans in and presses her lips to his and gives the coils wrapped around his body a gentle and wave like squeeze from his hooves all the way up to his neck. Making sure the coil around his neck was very snug, but not so tight that it was suffocating him. “Better?” Warlord nods as best as he can, the coil wrapped around his head helping him nods to her question as his cock throbs gently. “Good… now let’s get a taste of you,” She says as she leans forward and slides the tip of her forked tongue against the head of his cock, tasting some pre cum that had leaked from his cock. “You taste really good… and I didn’t even notice you leaking. I always love how you stallions taste, especially when you’re so deep in my hypnotic spell that you only feel pleasure. I am under the assumption that our hypnotic abilities sweeten your cum, make it a lot more tasty for us.” Warlord shivers in her warm coils as her tongue toys with his cock and licks up his pre cum with each little passing over his head. His eyes struggling to remain open but twitch close from the pleasure she was giving him. She pulls her tongue slowly from the head of his cock and then looks up at him and licks her lips teasingly. “You taste better than I’d ever imagined.” The coiled green Pegasus shivers softly as his eyes look into hers, drooping slightly as his hypnotized face contorts into a happy smile. “I think you’ll love this even more, but I find that some ponies have a slightly different taste to them,” She says softly and then opens her muzzle and sucks down his cock, not even gagging as his cock pushes down into her throat. The coiled Pegasus moans softly and his grin widens as she slowly bobs her head on his hard cock while her coils slowly massage his body. The lamia moans happily as she sucks on his cock, tasting his warm pre slide down her throat before pulling back and kisses his lips softly. “Enjoy that? Of course you do but I think you want to finish don’t you?” The coils that are gently wrapped around Warlord’s neck and head move slowly so his response was ‘yes’ and then the coil tightens a little more forcing him to gulp loudly for breath. “Now let’s see you cum for me,” She says as she takes his cock between her two hooves and begins stroking him off quickly while her hypnosis keeps him in blissful euphoria. Finally he lets out a loud moan of pleasure and experiences the best orgasm that he could ever have in his life; the hypnosis, her strong coils and the constant rubbing from her hooves. His cum covering her face forcing her to close her left eye and chuckle warmly as it drips from her face and onto her scales. Ever so carefully she relaxes the coil around his neck so he could gasp for breath as he comes down from the incredible orgasmic high that she had brought him to. He simply smiles at her happily while he pants heavily as his eyes lose a few of the hypnotic rings that had brought him much bliss. Flower smiles and then uses her forked tongue to slowly lick up the cum on her lips and scoops up the cum that was all over her face with a hoof as she giggles. “Wow… you came a lot and from the taste… you haven’t cum in a while, maybe a month or two.” He nods gently against her coils and shuffles his wings against the tight and strong muscles against his back. “Th-Than-Thank you…” “You’re quite welcome and you have your husband to thank for requesting my assistance,” She says with a smile and leans forward to kiss his lips and share his own cum between themselves in a messy tongue filled kiss while she locks her eyes with his again and lets more of the hypnotic colors fill his eyes. The coiled Pegasi’s breathing grows faster for a moment before slowing back down at the sight of the colors. Slowly Flower breaks the kiss and gives his lips a gentle lick. “Now unfortunately we must be… ‘wrapping’ things up,” She says then holds a hoof to her lips to stifle a chuckle at the situation and bad pun. “I believe that your sweet husband has everything ready for part two of your present,” She says and the colors in her eyes slow and then vanish and the rings in his stop shortly after. “Wh-What hap-happened?” Warlord asks softly as he struggles a little against her coils. “Did w-we?” “Yes and no,” She replies and looks down at his still firm cock. “I gave you a nice blowjob and added my own touch for you. Did you have fun?” She asks as she slowly starts unwrapping the Pegasus from her coils, making sure he was able to feel the strength that she had in them before letting him back onto all fours again. “Feeling ok?” Warlord sways a little on his hooves as he tries to stand still and falls over, landing on one of the larger sections of her larger coils. “For what I felt… yeah. It felt really good.” “Good to hear,” She says with a smile as she lifts her coil that he was lying on and looks into his eyes with a smile. “Later you both get to play with me after something special he had planned for you,” She replies softly and then leans in and licks your nose with her forked tongue. “Really?” Warlord asks with a raised eyebrow and shivers softly as the tip of her forked tongue slides along his nose. “You could say he really has something for you other than what he needed my help for,” She says and then wraps the tip of her tail around his neck like a collar. “Let’s get you back on your hooves and talk while we wait for your husband to come back,” She says and then lowers her coil back down to the ground so he could slide off it and stand on his hooves again. “Thank you… what’s your name again?” Warlord asks with a blush on his cheeks as he looks up at her. “Think it would be nice if you knew my name, would’ve been better if you’d have known it before I gave you your blowjob. My name is Flower Scent,” She says and offers him a hoof to shake. Warlord lofts his hoof and presses it against her own and smiles at her. “I think it was fun anyway.” “Can I ask, is there anything you’d want to happen the next time?” Flower asks with a smile as she settles back onto one of her larger coils and looks down at him. “You know… I really don’t know, maybe have a chance at fucking your pussy?” He asks with a small smile and an almost eager look on his face. “You might just get lucky when we’re back in your home,” She says with a smirk and then leans in and allows a few rings briefly fill her eyes and wash over him. Warlord blinks his eyes as the colors briefly make his mind cloud over and then force him to shake his head. “Have to admit, those colors are pretty… and very… addicting.” “Your husband said that about them. Glad to see that spouses can think alike,” Flower says as a flash of blue light fills the small meadow then vanishes revealing Nightfire who had his mane pulled back into a ponytail and had a little sweat dripping from his forehead. “So how did everypony get along?” Nightfire asks as he walks up to Warlord and drapes a wing over Warlord’s back and gives his cheek a gentle kiss. “Good?” “Everything went well Nightfire,” Flower says with a smile as she winks at him. “We had lots of fun and can’t wait to see what you have planned for later.” “Don’t worry, you’re both going to have a blast with what I set up back home,” He says and looks over at his husband and pulls him closer with his large wing. “Ready?” Warlord nods and kisses his husband’s cheek softly. “Ready as ever love.” Nightfire smiles and then as his horn begins glowing, the glow surrounding them all and in a flash they vanish from the meadow, leaving it in silence as before. ***Back Home*** As they appear back in their home Flower Scent and Warlord look around the town hall that Nightfire had decorated with many birthday banners, balloons and other party items several ponies that were hidden around the room jump out from behind their hiding places and shout at the top of their lungs ‘Surprise!’ “Wow love… you did all of this for me?” Warlord asks as he looks up at his husband and smiles happily. “I had this planed for a few days, talked with Pinkie Pie and she helped me set it all up,” He says and then releases his husband from his large wing. “Now everypony here’s the birthday stallion!” Nightfire says and pushes his husband forward with a hoof on his flank and smiles happily. As Warlord looks around at the ponies in the room, Pinkie Pie appears from seemingly out of nowhere and stands beside him with a big smile on her face. “How are you liking your birthday party Warlord?” “Well… I wasn’t expecting anything like this at all. But I’m glad you and my husband did this for me,” Warlord says and then gives her a smile. Pinkie smiles and reaches down toward the ground and pulls out a small personal sized cake and a single candle burring at the top of it. “This is just a sample of something I made for you.” “Wow… thank you Pinkie,” Warlord says and blows out the candle and the ponies inside cheer as a large curtain is pulled up to reveal a large cake, the same color of his fur, mane and tail. “Wow… you really don’t kid around!” He says as she bounces up toward the cake with a knife in her muzzle and in a blur of motion cuts up the cake and has many of the pieces already on the plates that were on a table nearby. “How the…” “Don’t even try… I’ve tried myself and it’ll only drive you nuts,” Princess Twilight says with a smile as she puts a hoof on his shoulder and then sets a party hat on his head. “Happy birthday, and I hope you have a fun time. Nightfire really wanted to put the whole crew together to make this work for you.” “Thank you Twilight… I can’t believe that he put this all together for me,” He says and offers her a smile. “Don’t worry about it, I’m glad that we all could lend a helping hoof to make this day special for you.” “I can imagine that since Pinkie helped with this she didn’t pull any punches huh?” “Nope,” Twilight says with a smile and then perks her ears up as Pinkie holds a plate of cake for her and another for Warlord. “Well let’s not let the day go to waste!” She says as everypony begins partying, celebrating Warlord’s birthday. ***Hours later*** “Wow love… I can’t believe you and Pinkie did all that for me,” Warlord says as Flower, Nightfire and he walk/slither back to their home, a little tired from the party and full from the cake and other party foods. “I didn’t think that you ponies could party like that,” Flower says as she chuckles happily. “When it comes to Pinkie Pie and her parties they are always top notch. She was requested to do the after party for Princess Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding,” Nightfire says with a smile. “That’s interesting,” Flower says with a smile as they reach the front door of Nightfire’s and Warlord’s home. “So may I come in?” “Well of course, besides I think you’d love to coil two strong and warm stallions in those nice and strong coils,” Nightfire says with a smile and looks down her long and muscular body. “I think I’d love that a lot,” She says as she smiles down at them and winks at Warlord who blushes. “Well come on in then,” Warlord says as he pushes open the door and steps to the side and waves a hoof as Nightfire does the same on the other side of the door, opposite Warlord. “After you.” “Ladies first.” “Such gentlestallions,” She says with a smile as she slithers into the house and once her full tail was inside and then Nightfire allowed his husband to enter first. “Shall we retire to our bedroom? It’ll be a better place for tonight’s ‘activities,’” Nightfire says as he closes the door behind himself and locks it behind himself. “Yes we shall,” Warlord says and looks at Flower Scent and starts walking up the steps toward their bedroom, leading her to it and opens the door for her. “Ladies first.” Flower Scent smiles and then slithers into the room with Nightfire right behind her and then Warlord enters behind the two. “So what works best for you Flower?” Warlord asks and walks around to face her and his husband. “You two just wait right there and let me do my work,” She says with a smile and flicks her tongue out and tastes the air. “Alright, do your think sexy,” Nightfire says as he and Warlord stand side by side and look up at her face. She simply smiles and then closes her eyes then slowly opens her eyes, her orbs filling slowly with the kaleidoscope of colors and the two stallions before her feel their breath slow a little as the colors draw them in quickly. “I fo-forgot how bea-beautiful they were…” Nightfire says softly and feels his wings begin drooping, his muscles relaxing with each passing second of looking into her eyes. “Y-You’re tell-telling me…” Warlord says softly and sighs happily as he stares back into her eyes, his own beginning to slowly reflect to rainbow of colors. “You both look so cute staring up at me like that,” She says as she leans down and stares into their eyes happily, flicking her tongue out to tickle Nightfire’s nose. “I re-remember wh-what you said ab-about me before…” Nightfire says with a dreamy tone and his eyes reflect the colors on her eyes. “Now I only have one thing to ask you two,” She begins and then slithers her tail around and wraps the tip around Warlord’s neck and then around Nightfire’s. “Who wants to be coiled first?”