> The Golden Age > by The Quiet Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 0: THE SPEAKER'S VILLA, THE CITY, June 5, 2770. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SPEAKER’S VILLA, THE CITY June 5, 2770         “Would you care for a glass of wine?” Luna asked Sunset as she glanced at Tiberius, who took the hint and went off to go fetch his mistress a drink.         “Are you sure about that?” Sunset asked.  “I don’t think I’m old enough.”         “Sunset, for one, you’re not really a teenager – as I recall you should be about twenty-six in pony years?”  Sunset blushed, and Luna laughed.  “Plus, things are different from your time on Earth.  Things have changed to the point that humans who hit puberty are nearly considered adults once more.  They still have compulsory education until their twenties and the age of consent is still fifteen, but otherwise, you are an adult now – by today’s standards, girls are practically ones from first blood.” Sunset winced.  “Took me forever to get used to the menstrual cycle vice the estral one.” “Oh, trust me, I know the feeling.”  At that point, Tiberius returned, and a second later a glass of chablis appeared before Luna.  Before Sunset could even say anything, another glass appeared before her. “I hope you enjoy.  Chateau Moonlight Vineyards, 2269.”  Luna had a sad look come over her face.  “Of all the wines we made, this one was Alex’s favorite.” “Alex?” “My husband,” Luna replied.  “He passed away a long time ago.  Thankfully he did before the Taken Queen’s return.” Sunset looked at her aunt and the centuries of sorrow in her eyes.  “You didn’t mention him the last time you told me what happened,” she said. “I only told you what you needed to know, Little Light.  I think … well, maybe it would be best for me if I told the whole story this time around.” > I: FRIENDSHIP CASTLE, PONYVILLE, 19th Day of Vernaltide, 1021 ASI > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRIENDSHIP CASTLE, PONYVILLE 19th Day of Vernaltide 1021 Anno Sol Invictus (April 7, 2014 approximate) Celestia stared at the now-still mirror, with no indication that it had ever been anything but.  Just a few minutes ago, it had been a glowing, magical portal leading to another reality, one filled with strange beings and a mostly-magicless world … but a world that Celestia desperately wanted to be a part of right now. That other world contained her daughter, Sunset Shimmer.  The daughter who’d just told her during her visit earlier in the day that she’d found a place she could finally call home … and that home was not here.  Not in Equestria.  Sunset had chosen to remain in the land of humans – as a human herself. Celestia stood there, not knowing what to say.  She wanted to reach through the mirror, pull her daughter through and just hold her forever.  Sunset belong here, in Equestria, with her own kind, rather than in the other world with alien beings that looked like mutant minotaurs (Celestia had that thought confirmed for herself when Sunset and Twilight had assumed their human forms.) “Celestia?”  The solar unicorn turned around to see Twilight standing there, looking at her with a worried face. Celestia forced herself to turn away from the mirror.  Putting on her most realistic plastic smile, she turned to her former apprentice.  “I take it the Sirens have been settled in?” Twilight nodded.  “Mayor Mare is going to hire Adagio as her personal secretary.  Aria is interested in joining the Guard, so I endorsed her for the officer’s academy; she leaves tomorrow.  Sonata, well … Spike can’t maintain everything around here.” “That’s good to hear,” Celestia said as she bent down to nuzzle Twilight.  Part of her hated herself for the fact that as much as she adored Twilight, she wished she was showing affection to her daughter, instead. “You really miss her, don’t you?”  Celestia thought she heard a hint of sorrow in Twilight’s voice.  A flare of jealousy briefly rose in Celestia’s heart, but she tamped it down; Twilight and Sunset were friends–– aND SHE WILL always HAVE MORE ACCESS TO SUNSET THAN YOU –-and certainly there was nothing wrong with that.  “Is it that obvious?” the elder princess admitted. Twilight nodded briefly. “You’ve been standing there for hours,” Twilight told her.  “Luna left for Canterlot hours ago, and sunrise is in fifteen minutes. Celestia’s eyes widened in surprise.  Have I been here that long?  It only felt like she’d ushered her daughter off to the other world–– tHE WORLD THAT DOESN’T DESERVE HER –-and stood there only to see if her daughter would return.  Instead, she’d burned the entire night and filled her student with worry.  For her sake and everypony else’s, she had to let go.  She had to. nO!  sHE’S mine!  tHE HUMANS DON’T DESERVE HER!  sHE IS mine! “I must go, Twilight,” Celestia lied.  She could have stayed.  She knew she needed to.  But something was pulling at her heart, and it was something she didn’t want to deal with at the moment. For the first time in a long while, Celestia ran. > II: CANTERLOT PALACE, 13th Day of Latespring, 1023 ASI > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANTERLOT PALACE 13th Day of Latespring, 1023 ASI (June 4, 2016 approximate) Seated on the golden throne of Canterlot, Luna tried for the hundredth time to calm the populace; this press conference was the latest attempt.  Once again, something strange had been going on as of late, and more and more, Luna’s fears were not assuaged. It had become an issue since two years ago.  One day, Celestia had taken the step that she’d never done before, that she’d insisted was always unnecessary: she assumed the position as Queen of Equestria, a position that not been filled since the Discordian era and the death of Queen Platinum.  The populace had cheered at the time, and even if it meant somewhat of a demotion, Luna congratulated her sister; it was well overdue.         But then came the cancellation of the plans to spin the Crystal Empire off as its own nation.  Cadance had been shocked by that, as had been Shining; the reason given had been the discovery of a changeling living there.  Despite his pleas to the contrary, Queen Celestia found Thorax guilty of espionage.  Thorax begged for clemency and asylum, insisting that he was not like his sistren and that all he wanted was peace.  Despite that, Thorax was sentenced to death … but somehow disappeared the day before it was to be carried out.  Celestia took this as proof of his guilt and demanded that the whole of the Empire be searched.  The resulting chaos left many a crystal pony filled with resentment at their “beloved” queen, a sentiment that was echoed to a lesser degree by Cadance and Shining.         Then the Bearers had been running themselves ragged as of late.  Called from crisis to crisis by the Cutie Map located at Twilight’s castle, the six were constantly called to deal with problems around the realm, and sometimes even beyond.  At first they were typical issues in line with Twilight’s position as the Princess of Friendship.  But then came the second trip to Griffionstone and the bomber there, who had nearly killed them.  He ended up being taken down by a griffin named Gilda, who had a history with the Bearers, but it was the final report of what the griffin had said – “The Whirlwind is coming!  The Whirlwind is coming!” – before he committed suicide.  Since that day, Twilight never traveled without her Magical Guard.  The group, under the command of the earth mare captain Aria Blaze, were six hoof-picked mares that Shining pulled from the academy to serve with the Bearers.         Then came the steady disappearance of the nation’s nobility – although it wasn’t entirely true that all the nobles were unaccounted for; Blueblood had become despondent when he’d discovered that his best – some would argue only – friend, Duke Fancy Pants and his wife, Duchess Fleur Dis Lee, had been found murdered in their sleep.  Finally, after the disappearance of nearly all the nobility, one had been caught; a Baltimare count by the name of Hallowed Knight, who readily and happily agreed to the murders of Fancy and Fleur, though Blueblood didn’t think Hallowed had been guilty.  Luna presided over the court and sentence the prisoner to life in prison; sadly, it was later found that he’d committed suicide in his cell.  But it was what Hallowed had written on the cell walls – HE LIVES IN THE BLACK GARDEN – that still disturbed Luna to this day. And now this latest news.  Upon the death of King Palladius of Minos, the Bearers, accompanied by Twilight’s new protegee, a unicorn mare named Starlight Glimmer, served as Equestria’s delegation.  Spike opted to remain behind, with the Friendship Palace staff and the Magic Guard keeping an eye on him.  Luna sighed in relief, at least that worry was done at the moment. But the reason for the Bearers’ attendance was: it was a highly kept secret right now, one that threatened to get out soon: Celestia had been missing for a month now.  As her sister had done during Luna’s exile, the night alicorn had taken over the movement of the sun and the moon while attending to her duties as well.   Needless to say, things were not going well, even with Blueblood stepping in to handle the Night Court.  He’d changed much since his friend’s death a year ago, and it was a bittersweet change: he was more responsible now, but he’d become sullen, unhappy and filled with rage that Luna knew all too well. “Excuse me, Princess?” a voice spoke up. “My mind drifted briefly; my apologies,” she’d said to the reporter before her.  “Please, ask your question again.” “Absolutely, your highness,” the unicorn replied, holding pencil to notepad, ready for the Crown Princess’ answer.  “How much longer will Queen Celestia be taking a leave of absence?  There have been unconfirmed reports of her around the world.” “My sister should be back soon,” Luna said, lying through her teeth.  She’d had those reports investigated, and each time, they’d turned up fruitless.  She herself had tried to contact Celestia, magically, psychically, astrally, and just about every method save for carrier pigeon – and only not that last one, given that the palace had none trained – but with no answer.  “But please, give her space: she’s been through a lot these last few years, and we all want a rested and ready queen to lead our nation, do we not?” The reporter would have asked his next question had not alarm bells rang through the castle and the golden doors of the throne room were thrown open.  “Princess!” the guard bellowed; any sense of propriety was lost at that moment.  “We have an emergency!” As the reporters turned, interested in this newest information, Luna teleported the pony to her immediately.  “What is it?” she commanded. The guard answered, teleporting the lunar alicorn to the southwest balcony of the palace.  It was publicly accessible, and had a wide view of most of the valley below, so it was often populated.  Right now, it was crowded with ponies, many of them gasping in horror at what was going on.  From where they landed, Luna could see a great column of smoke rise into the sky.  Something had crashed at the foot of the mountain. She took to the air, and noticed that column wasn’t large due to vicinity – it was large due to size.  Below on the valley floor, a giant circle burned miles away.  Luna knew that circle all too well: she’d been there many a time, and even owned a small house there when she wanted to get away from it all. “GUARDS!  TO PONYVILLE, IMMEDIATELY!” she roared, taking off like a rocket. A few seconds later she landed on the outskirts, and what she saw sickened her: the town had been burned to the ground, with dead ponies – stallions, mares, even foals – as far as the eye could see.  In the distance was Twilight’s castle, shattered and heavily carbon-scored. The first wave of EUP Guards arrived, followed in close tandem by the Wonderbolts, the latter dressed in their blue-and-gold combat barding, something that was rarely seen in the skies of Equestria. “Search for survivors,” Luna told the guards.  She then turned to Spitfire and added, “Send your fastest flier to get to Princess Twilight and her retinue in Minos – I need her back immediately.”  The yellow pegasus said something to her second-in-command, Soarin’, then rocketed off as fast as she could. “I’m taking command now, Princess,” Soarin’ said.  “Your orders?”   “Patrol flight with a perimeter of two leagues around Ponyville, including the Everfree.  Nothing gets in or out without your ponies noticing.  Get your best combatants and send them to the Everfree Ruins.  There’s a chance that whoever did this is looking for a place to hide, and sadly, the Ruins are a good candidate.” “And what about you, Princess?” one of the lieutenants present asked. Luna was about to speak when a voice called out, “We have a survivor!”  A guardspony raced over, saluted everyone and said, “She’s seriously injured, though.”  He then turned around and pointed to a unicorn medic, carrying someone in a protective field. “She may not have long to live,” the medic informed Luna.  “If you’re going to ask her anything, now’s the time to do it.”  She moved the energy field over and made it translucent. Luna looked in, with some surprise.  It was Adagio Dazzle, one-time Siren.  She served as the assistant to Mayor Mare, and from Twilight’s comments, much happier now as a unicorn.  “Miss Dazzle, please, tell me what happened.” With whatever strength Adagio had, she reached up with hooves to grab Luna, leaving a smear of blood on the alicorn’s leg.  Luna noticed that one of Adagio’s legs had been so scorched, even if she lived it would have to be amputated.   “Stop her!” Adagio gasped through heat-seared lungs.  “You have to stop her bef––”  Adagio then let go and fell back, still. “Who?” Luna asked, though a fear began to gnaw at the back of her mind.  Heat damage, not hearing from somepony for weeks, unconfirmed reports of being seen in random places in the world.  Somepony using their strongest magic, traveling around the world to gather an army…. Luna, in a panic, raced towards Twilight’s castle.  As she raced down the main street, she noted more and more burnt, glass-fused craters filled with nuclear-burn shadows.  They were in the shapes of ponies, and many were various sizes.  As much as the macabre looks disturbed her, she pushed on.  Maybe it was something else.  There were enemies that used the same type of power as Celestia did: Lavan the Infernal, who was one of their first foes after beating Discord; Chahwnsk the Fiery, although not evil, was always unpredictable, and her methods weren’t always clear.  Even a relatively strong mage, like Sunblaze, would be able to do this sort of damage. Except you know they’re not to blame, the voice at the back of her mind said.  You’ve seen this all before – up close and personal, no less.  Luna’s heart began to break as a horrifying realization came to mind. She was all about confirmed as she reached the front doors of Twilight’s castle.  The doors had been melted down to slag, while the crystal of the front was blackened and cracked.  Around the doors, six dead mares lay, their armor melted around them.  Luna knew their names.  Sunny Flare.  Sour Sweet.  Indigo Zap.  Sugarcoat.  Lemon Zest.  And, mostly burned to a crisp but still standing her silent vigil even in death, was their captain, Aria Blaze.  Luna wanted to cry when she saw the brave captain, having fought to the last, if her bloodstained sword was any indicator. Luna continued on, rushing into her friend’s castle, seeing everything slagged or torched to a crisp in the castle’s domains.  She came across the remnants of the staff, many of their charred bodies looking as if they would run. “Uuuuuugh…”  Luna heard a barely-alive groan and she raced to the sound of the voice.  There, in the middle of the charnel house that used to be the Friendship Council Room, she saw the thrones of the seven, completely shattered.  The Cutie Map was bashed in two, and as if giving information as to who the perpetrator was, a massive amount of cutie marks flickered in black flames above the image of Twilight’s castle, so many of them that Luna couldn’t discern them all. She heard a step and the lunar unicorn wheeled around, magic at the ready, What she found was a pegasus, mane and feathers nearly burnt off, heavily bruised, barely able to stand and looking at Luna as if she were, well, her sister! “Princess!” she screamed, taking an instinctive step forward and collapsing.  Luna, however, moved quickly and caught the poor mare before impact.  As she approached, she noticed to her horror that it was Sonata Dusk, Twilight’s personal maid and the last of the former Sirens.   “Please!  You have to do something before they hurt Spike!  Please!” she begged, too injured to fully cry.  “I tried to protect him, but they….” Luna’s eyes got even more horrific at the mention of the young dragon and she immediately did a double teleport: Sonata to where the Guards had set up base while she directly went to Spike’s room… ...to find the room burnt and charred – and a puddle of green blood on the ground.  She immediately followed the trail of blood.  “NO!” Luna screamed in a panic.  “He’s just a child!” she pled as she raced up the stairs towards the top floor, where Twilight’s personal rooms were, as well as her research labs and library. The moment she arrived, Luna fell to her knees in shock.  There, in the room, burning with the intensity of the sun itself, was Starswirl’s Mirror, which Twilight used to both visit and communicate with Celestia’s daughter, Sunset Shimmer.  But now the mirror burned with a powerful magic that Luna was unfamiliar with.  She stepped closer to look at it, and a second later, she heard a horrible, heartwrenching scream. It took a few seconds to realize it was her own.   As she looked at what remained of Spike, she realized what had been done: the magic of dragons was within their blood, and what better way to cast a powerful spell than to use the very blood of the one dragon that was easier to capture than any of them?  Few creatures on Equus knew that, and only one pony aside from herself was aware of such use of black magic.   Her words from earlier came back to her mind, unbidden: Somepony using their strongest magic, traveling around the world to gather an army….  And now that she could put everything together, one and one had equaled two, and the answer was undeniable and staring her right in the face. After all, she had once been under the control of the Nightmare Force as well. And under its corruption had killed her best friend at the time.  Celestia had said she wasn’t to blame, but deep within, Luna could never forgive herself for turning on Merrie Meet. And now Celestia was under the Nightmare’s sway, and she’d committed worse atrocities. What will become of us? Luna wondered. A few seconds later, she could hear familiar voices waft up the stairs.  “Quick!  This way!”  Luna’s eyes widened as she realized whose voice that was. She turned to the door, racing for it.  “No, Twilight!  Don’t come closer!  For the love of the stars, please don’t come closer!” But Twilight took that order to be Luna in need and so she teleported her and her six companions into the room.  It only took a couple of steps for Twilight to realize what had happened. Luna would never forget that day.   Twilight was never the same again. > III: BADEN-WURTTEMBURG, GERMANY, May 6, 2024 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADEN-WURTTEMBURG, GERMANY May 6, 2024         “Talk,” Twilight snarled at the wild-eyed pony, “or I will kill you where you stand.”  The look in her eyes was equally wild, and Luna had to admit, on a surface view, it was hard to tell who was sane and who was lost nowadays.         “You can’t do that!” the madstallion giggled.  “Soon the Queen will come for you all.  Especially you, traitor.  Oh, you’ll know what she feels like when she gets her hooves on you.  She’s got a thing for ma––”  the words were interrupted by the sound of a sharp crack, followed by the stallion crashing against a far tree.  None present were sure if the sound was from the hit, the impact from the blow, or the stallion’s neck snapping.         “And that’s for them,” Applejack said, her eyes narrow with anger as Twilight was led away by a stone-faced Rainbow Dash.         “Orders, ma’am?”  Luna turned to the human standing next to her.  A soldier from the nation where this had all started, they’d been assigned to assist – or rather, babysit – the ponies that had come to render aid to humanity during what the ponies were calling the Second Equestrian Civil War.  However, Col. Hewitt soon learned that Princess Luna and her allies were on the up-and-up, and the ponies that had sided with her would do everything to protect humanity as much as they could.  As a result, the global media of Ground – No, it’s “Earth”, not “Ground”, I’ll have to remember that  – had dubbed Luna’s faction “The Truehearted”, or often just “True”.  One of Luna’s generals, during a television interview, had referred to Nightmare Star’s faction as “Those Fallen from Grace”, and as a result “The Fallen” had become their moniker. “Colonel, please cut down them down and give them the burial they deserve.  Ask Lt. Guiding Light to assist you – she’s one of my Selene priestesses and will perform the last rites.”  Luna looked around the expanse of the Black Forest.  “Then contact Prince Shining Armor and let him know what happened.  Do not let Empress Cadance know, under any circumstances – I will talk to her personally.  Lastly, please contact Prince Blueblood and ask him to meet me in London at his first opportunity.  I need to know how the warfront back home is proceeding.” Col. Hewitt saluted.  “Yes, ma’am.”  He then walked off, giving orders to his troops.  Luna looked at his retreating figure, then looked around at the dozens of trees here in Germany’s Black Forest.  Hopefully, just hopefully, looking at nature might dull the horrors just for a moment.  But she knew that wasn’t going to happen any more than the event that had started this all. Celestia had murdered her own daughter.  Luna could sense the dark intent and power from the moment she first stepped on Earth.  And now Sunset Shimmer, Luna’s niece, a mare she had never really had the chance to know, was dead.  Another member of her family destroyed because of Nightmare Star. Just like now. Luna forced herself to watch as the human soldiers gently cut down the bodies of Twilight Velvet and Night Light.  They’d wanted out of the war and had emigrated to Earth, taking Flurry Heart with them in order to protect her.  Now, if there was any indicator, two unicorns that Luna considered family were killed, and if the blood and small feathers were any indicator, there was nothing left of the filly left to bury. “Eight years old,” Luna whispered, forcing back the tears.  There would be time to mourn her great-niece later.  “She was only eight.  Why?”  Her sorrow turned to sudden rage, all of it directed at her fallen sister.  “You will pay for this, Celestia,” she growled.  “I will end you this time if it’s the last thing I ever do.”  Last time she’d uttered those words, it had been the white alicorn on the side of the angels, as the humans tended to say.  Now, it was her right to be there. “My queen?” a pony spoke behind her. Luna wheeled on him, rage in her eyes.  “Never call me that,” she hissed.  When the guardspony backed up in fright, Luna’s eyes softened as she realized what she’d done.  “I am a Princess and proud to be one.  Equestria needs no queens, especially not madmares.  My apologies, Corporal.  What is it you require?” “Lady Rarity wishes to speak you at once,” the guardspony answered.  “The Americans have set up a communications tent down that way, and Col. Hewitt and Oberstleutnant Haufmann will meet you there.” Luna nodded, remembering that the German military had sent troops to assist; this was, after all, their nation and after Celestia’s forces had destroyed Berlin, the government, now situated in Bonn, had authorized assistance – it was, after all, their nation.  “Thank you.  Please have Princess Twilight and Capt. Dash report to me immediately.”  The soldier saluted, and Luna went on the way. Luna silently made her way to the tent, giving a quick salute to the American and German colonels.  She looked on the screen, where Rarity was broadcasting from a research facility in Colorado, if Luna remembered correctly.  DARPA had once been located in San Jose, but with most of California in ruins due to Nightmare Star’s rampage, the US military’s top secret “skunkworks” – where did it get a nickname like that? – was in the most secure facility in the world, she was told.  Even Nightmare Star would have a hard time getting in. “Rarity, it’s good to see you,” Luna said as she took seat at the head of the table. “Hello, Luna, dear,” Rarity said with a smile.  She looked haggard and exhausted, and had clearly forgotten her military decorum, though knowing Rarity that was an intentional attempt to cheer her up.  “I think I finally succeeded with Project Engram.  If this works, we can leave equipment anywhere in the world and unlock it at a moment’s notice.” “Col. Rarity,” Hewitt began, “I understand you’re the best petrothurgist your people have?”  Luna stifled a much-needed giggle as she saw the man’s difficulty in realizing that Rarity held a colonel’s rank. Well, they are entitled to those ranks as the bearers, and in Rainbow’s case, her naval rank was outright earned.  Rainbow, as a naval captain, led the Corsairs, a team similar to their Wonderbolt predecessors, but clearly ready for a more combat footing. “Well, I’m not quite the best, Paul, dear,” Rarity began and Luna caught Rarity’s tone in the man’s name.  Was there something going on that she wasn’t privy to?  “But you know me well enough.  As it is, my team has been working on this project for the longest time, trying to fuse magic and technology, and I think we have a breakthrough.” Onscreen, the alabaster unicorn pointed to a gun.  Luna didn’t know human weapons well, but she recognized this one: it was a Khvostov 7G-02, the first modern weapon made by ponies, albeit through a partnership with the Russian weapons company Khvostov Concern.  She even knew the weapon’s designer, Applejack’s sister Applebloom.  The human version of the Khvostov was a counterpart to the pony version, the Khvostov 7G-01, and one could be easily turned into the other with some part switchouts.  Needless to say, for that reason it was becoming a gun on par with such famous ones as the M-16 and the AK-47 … neither of which Luna was familiar with. “Now then, here’s a Khvostov.  Normally, it would be difficult to carry around, but with the right touch of magic….”  Rarity’s horn glowed blue for a second, and with a flash, the rifle turned into a white crystal, about the size of a softball and easily hand-held. “There!  Not too big at all and should easily fit into saddlepacks or backpacks.  And if you don’t have the decoding spell, all it is, is just a glowing crystal.” Otl. Haufmann looked at the change on the screen as Rarity changed it from a white crystal back into a rifle and said in thick English, “Colonel, forgive me for stating the obvious, but humans don’t have magic.” “Oh, I know that, sir, and we’ve rectified that.  We will be providing a device to generate an additional signal that will equate to the magical signature and unlock the engram.  The engrams are designed to rotate the codes on a regular basis, so knowing the spell or having the decryption device will be absolutely vital.  I’m not entirely proud of having contributed to the prosecution of war, but I am proud that this will hopefully bring the bloodshed to an end faster.” “We can only hope, Rarity,” Luna replied.  “We can only hope.” > IV: NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, September 12, 2057 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK September 12, 2057         “Are you sure about this?” Twilight asked.         Luna nodded.  “Earth needs me more than Equus does.  Now that we’ve driven back Nightmare Star, humans need to rebuild the world that our people destroyed. As such, I am a sort of penance on behalf of ponies.  They need to see that there’s good in ponykind and in alicorns.”         “But you’re the regent of Eque––”         “No – you are the ruler of Equestria now,” Luna told her gently.  “My presence would be too painful for our ponies, and this is a chance to start anew.  Between you and Cadance, you can restore faith in ponykind – our allies back home have watched this and feared us, just as they have feared the Fallen here.  And you won’t be alone: Blueblood will be there to help you, as will your fellow Bearers and your apprentice….” Twilight rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, I never expected the Tree of Harmony to bless me with immortality, but definitely not them.  They’re still adjusting to it.” “Especially Rainbow, I surmise.  How is her husband doing?” Twilight laughed.  “Skyburner’s still coming to grips that Rainbow used to be married to his idol before he fell in battle; apparently Soarin’ inspired him to join the Equestrian Royal Air Force.  But equally a shock that his wife is the same age as his mother.  And don’t get me started about Rainbow’s arguments with Spitfire over cradlerobbing….”  Luna laughed, followed by Twilight, and for a moment, the two were at peace, the cares of four decades of war forgotten. “Well, I need to go,” Twilight said, hugging her friend. “Don’t be a stranger,” Luna insisted. “I promise not to.  Besides, don’t rulers have to make an annual speech before the UN anyway?” the younger alicorn said with a grin.  “Anyway, take care.” Luna stood before the portal – no longer a mirror, but instead made from human technology – for the longest time before a voice spoke behind her.  “Your highness?” Luna turned to see a young Japanese woman standing there.  “Now, Yuko,” Luna said playfully, “you know what I think of my old title.” “Apologies,” Yuko said as she smiled.  “Madame Secretary-General, may I have a moment of your time?” Luna, once the ruling princess of Equestria and now Secretary-General of the United Nations, nodded.  “You have my attention.” > V: LONG POND, PENNSYLVANIA, August 28, 2113 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG POND, PENNSYLVANIA August 28, 2113         “Excuse me?”  An earth pony, dressed in a fine suit, knocked on the farmhouse door.  “Is there anyone home?”         A young human woman answered the door.  “Can I help you?”         The pony reached into a coat pocket and produced a business card.  “My name is Solomon, and I’m here from the North American Union government.  I’m looking for Princess Luna.  Does she, ah, live here?”         “Yes, she does.  But she’s indisposed at the moment.  Perhaps another time?”         The stallion shook his head.  “I’m afraid not.  It took me several minutes to get here from the capital, and it’s of the utmost importance that I speak to the Princess immediately.”         “And I can’t dissuade you, sir?”         “Listen, Miss … I’m sorry, I never got your name.”         “St. Germain,” the woman said with hesitation.  “Tabitha … St. Germain.”         Solomon nodded.  “Well, Ms. St. Germain, her highness is a hero, I’m sure you know.  After all, she clearly hired you as an assistant, correct?  To billions of beings on Earth, she’s considered a legend, and among we ponies, she is our goddess – quite literally.  But I am here on behalf of the NAU, and it is imperative that I speak to Princess Luna.”         Tabitha sighed, opening the door.  “If I cannot dissuade you….  Please, come in.”         Solomon walked into the house, looking at the vintage circa late 2090s furniture, which looked like it was done in that rustic style that was so emblematic of the mid-20th century.  Aside from the information center, the food preparation center and a few other modern gadgets here and there, Solomon could have sworn he walked onto the set of a period drama holofilm.         “Would you care for something to drink, Mr. Solomon?”         The pony nodded as he looked around the room with a faint air of distaste.  “That would be wonderful, Ms. St. Germain.”  He then started to turn around … and his jaw dropped.         Princess Luna stood there, a plastiluminum container of Dr. Pepper in her magical field.  “I’m sorry – would you prefer a glass with ice?”         “P-P-P-Princess Luna!” Solomon gasped, bowing deeply.  “It’s … it’s an honor!”  He then looked around.  “But where is your lovely assistant?”         Luna grinned.  “That wasn’t an assistant.”  There was a flare of magic, and as the alicorn was replaced by a human woman, she added, “That was me.”         “But why?” Solomon asked.         “Because after two terms as the Secretary-General, I decided to retire.  I wanted my own life. And it’s far easier to live here as Tabitha than as Luna.  I’d be swamped as the legendary alicorn.  But as Tabitha, I’m just an artist that lives at home.  I even have the guy down the street that’s interested in me.”  She smiled softly.  “It’s nice to be wanted, and not for some royal decree.”         “I … see.”  He cleared his throat and announced, “Be that as it may, the NAU has been in talks with the EU, the Sino-Japanese Republic, the United States of Africa, and the Pan-Oceana Federation, and they are merging to form a global government.  A name was chosen to be the first president, Princess.”         “No,” Luna answered immediately.         “And why not?” Solomon asked.  “We did a planetary search to come up with the most qualified candidate, and your name came up time and time again.  Name one reason why you would not be a qualified ruler?  Hell, most ponies still consider you their goddess!”         “Most?”         Solomon nodded.  “My grandparents converted to Judaism, and if I may be honest, I’m pretty much atheist myself.  I realize you’re an immortal and maybe even powerful enough to be like a god, but an actual one?”  He shrugged.  “In any case, that’s not why I’m here.”         “Well, for one, I’m not a citizen,” Luna started.         “Sophistry.  Everyone residing in North America or who had relational ties to any of the seven nations that merged to become the NAU is a Union citizen,” Solomon answered.  “Furthermore, everyone on Earth will be citizens of the new EarthGov the moment the ink is dry.  You’ll have to give me a better answer than that.”         “Then what about the fact that I'd be leading 17 billion humans, ponies and other species?  This is their world, Solomon – we are just newcomers here.  It should be a human that leads this government, not me.”  She shook her head.  “No, I’m sorry: I will be there if the government needs me, but I will not – I cannot – lead it.”         “Why?  Because of Nightmare Star?”         “No – because there are many who know of the legends of Nightmare Moon,” Luna said sadly, “and I would do anything to spare them those fears.”                  As Solomon departed, Luna groaned; her groove was off now and her work would be ruined for the rest of the day. Oh well, I’ve been meaning to do some work on the shed where I keep the lawnmower bot.  She was about to go upstairs to change (she could have done it by magic, but she liked doing things manually) when someone knocked on the door.         She opened it once more and was much more pleased with her guest this time: short sandy hair, striking green eyes, and a rugged face that made her swoon.  He wore a plaid shirt and worn jeans and looked like a million credits in her eyes.         “Hi, Alex,” she said with a smile.  “C’mon in!  What brings you here?”         He grinned.  “Heya, Tab.  Was wondering what that bigwig government shuttle was doing here.  Someone you know?”         She shook her head.  “Not really.  Guy was looking for Princess Luna.  Obviously, she’s not here.”         “Why in God’s name would he be looking for someone like her in this remote middle of nowhere?”         “Tabitha” shrugged.  “If I remember correctly, Princess Luna’s investment company actually owns this place.  I just rent it.”  That was true enough; as Tabitha, Luna paid a monthly fee to her company, Lunar Investments Inc. for the upkeep of the house.  Under current tax laws, it was a way to allow her to anonymously donate money to the charities of her choice without them crowing about her involvement.  “But enough about that.  What brings you here?”         “Well .... I was thinking about going to Philly for the weekend.  See the ex-wife and kids, take in the sights, that sorta stuff.  But I hate driving alone, so I was wondering….”         Luna put her arms around the guy.  “Why, Mr. Holliday, are you asking me out on a date?”         He suddenly looked flustered; her forwardness suddenly caught him off-guard.  “Well….”         She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.  “We’ll see how that goes … and how anything else goes, okay?”         He chuckled.  “You know, Tab, we’ve known each other for a couple of years now, and I still can’t figure you out.”         She gave him a knowing grin.  “You’ll need a few millennia more before you do, Alex. Trust me on this.” > VI: HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND, February 9, 2194 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND February 9, 2194 A man in his forties approached Luna.  “Hi, Mom,” he said simply. Luna stood up and hugged her son. Right now, she was completely heartbroken and looked every bit of the ninety-four years she was supposed to be. It was, obviously a disguise, but Tabitha Holliday was 94 now and meant to be in middle age. For once, Luna wished she could be her alter-ego, as it meant she could someday be reunited with Alex… ...instead of being left behind as she inevitably would. “How is it?” he asked her. “It’s bad, Jason.  Even with the experimental treatments that my company developed that retard age, the doctor said the cancer’s too far gone.”  She laughed bitterly.  “All the money I sunk into magical potions to extend the human life, and I never thought to even try to cure something like cancer!  I’m such an idiot.” Jason pulled his mother’s face up so he looked right at her.  “When was the last time you ate?  Or slept?” “Two, maybe three weeks ago?” Luna commented. “Mom, go home,” Jason told her.  “Maria and the kids will be here in a few, and we can keep an eye on Dad.  Plus, you need to look your best when the rest of the family gets here.  Nicole will be here in a few hours, and you know the rest will be as well.” Luna was about to say something, when they heard footsteps.  Both turned to see a young woman, not much younger than her late teens, walking towards them.  She had strawberry-pink hair and beautiful blue eyes that accented her cute face.  “I got here as quickly as I could.” Jason gave the girl a smile.  “Hello, Aunt Fluttershy.”  He would have said more, save that Fluttershy went over and hugged both.  “It’s good to see you.  But I wasn’t expecting for you to get here from Equestria so soon.” Lady Fluttershy, Duchess of Ponyville, smiled.  “I was actually attending to business in Tokyo when I got the message.”  She tapped her element, currently around her neck as a golden necklace.  “My Element thought I wouldn’t want to deal with crowds, so it cast the amniomorphic spell on me.”  She reached into her purse and looked at the ID the spell had created.  “Right now I’m … um… Andrea Libman, college student at Yale, if I’m reading this right.” “I’m sure you are,” Jason said.  “Would you do me a favor and take Mom home?  She hasn’t rested in weeks, and no, I don’t think that’s a metaphor.” Fluttershy gave Luna a sly glance.  “Alicorn constitution?” “Shut up, Shy,” Luna moaned. “Time to get you home,” Fluttershy replied.  “I’ll see you later, Jason.  Give my love to your wife and kids.”  Not expecting an answer, a teenager dragged a middle aged woman practically against her will out of the hospital.  The fact that Luna wasn’t reacting wasn’t a good sign. Once they got to Fluttershy’s rental car, the pegasus-in-disguise plunked her phone into the slot and told the car where to drive them.  As the car drove off, Fluttershy reached over and hugged Luna.  “I know this isn’t easy, Luna, but I’m here for you.  We all are.” Luna let go of the spell she had overlaid on her, and a second later a twenty-something girl was holding one just slightly younger.  As she felt the tears start to burn on her cheeks, she said in a soft voice, “Why is this so hard?  Why do I have to lose him?” Fluttershy let go of her friend and wiped Luna’s cheeks.  “Remember that I was asking that same question a decade ago when my wife died.  I swore that after Airspeed died I’d never fall in love again and ten years to the date my husband died I met Sunflower and we had a life together.  And now I’m alone once more.”  Fluttershy chuckled at a bittersweet memory, then added, “Nowadays I just bury myself in my work as Governor of Ponyville Province and spend time at the Ponyville Zoo whenever I can.  I tell myself I’ll never fall in love again, but I know I will, because that’s how life is.” “When did you get so wise?” Luna said, tears still streaming down her cheeks, but a comforting smile on her face. “When you’re a coward and the stallion you love leaves you at the altar because he decides to be random, you learn to grow up really quick.  Between the war and Discord disappearing, well … I’m not the same filly I used to be.  But I suspect none of us are anymore.  Now, let’s find a place to eat.  Even if you can go for weeks without food, I’d still like a cheeseburger.” “You eat meat?” Luna asked, mildly surprised. “I do when I’m human, since humans need protein,” Fluttershy said without a trace of irony.  “I did tell you I’ve changed, after all.”  The two women sat in silence for a few minutes while Fluttershy looked for a decent restaurant.  After she did and punched in some commands, she asked, “So how are things, otherwise?” “Well, the winery that Alex and I own is doing well; my daughter runs it now and she’s got everyone else on the planet just about jealous at her vintery skills.  The company Alex founded has made some promising developments in AI and spaceflight technology.  As for Lunar Investments, we’ve just paid for a new research facility on the Moon, and we started funding the terraforming of Mars a few years ago.  With all the equipment and mages we’ve sent over there, we’re expecting to have a full atmosphere there by the end of the century.  Then after that, it’s cleaning up Venus and seeing what we can do about Mercury.” Fluttershy smiled.  “It sounds like you’ve been keeping busy in your retirement.  Does the Earth Government still pester you about joining?” “”Not as much anymore,” Luna admitted as the car pulled up in front of a restaurant.  “Once the capital got built in Geneva, the government got entrenched and people forgot that there’s an alicorn here on the planet.  And personally?  I’m perfectly okay with that.” > VII: FIRST LIGHT, MARE COGNITUM, THE MOON, September 23, 2194 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST LIGHT, MARE COGNITUM, THE MOON September 23, 2194 “That has got to be the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen,” a researcher commented.  He was looking out the transparent aluminum windows of First Light, the research facility built by Lunar Industries, and right now he was staring at the rock outcropping in the distance, where a midnight blue alicorn seemed to be screaming her lungs out in the near-vacuum that was the Moon’s atmosphere. “Hey, lay off her, okay?” another woman said.  “I just heard her husband died a couple of days ago, and if she needs to blow off some steam, she’s allowed, okay?  Besides, if it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have a job, since she had this station built.” The man shrugged.  “Hey, I don’t pay attention to the news, okay?  Some guy kicked the bucket after fucking a pony, that’s his business.  Some guys just are into that shi––” The sound of a slap suddenly rang through the air.  The man’s hand instinctively went to where his cheek stung, as he looked down in shock at another woman, practically half his age, dressed in a spacesuit.  She had long blonde hair and green eyes that made him wish he was a couple of decades younger.  And right now she was very, very mad at him. “Well, hello, Dr. Holliday,” the woman to her side said with a smirk.  Hearing the girl’s name floored the man.  This was Dr. Tracy Holliday, the Director of First Light and one of the youngest astrophysicists in the world.  Even at the age of twenty-five, she had Nobel and Night Light prizes for her work in the sciences. “Hi, Janet,” Dr. Holliday said to the other woman without so much as taking her eyes off the man in front of her.  She then focused her full attention on him and he suddenly wished she hadn’t.  “Insult my grandmother one more time, and you won’t have to worry about what happens when you piss off a national treasure like Princess Luna.” The man’s eyes widened.  “Wait – that’s Princess Luna?”  Then it hit him.  “Your grandmother?” “Yes.  She and my grandfather adopted Dad when they found out she couldn't have kids, even if she lived in a human form.  For the record, my grandfather just passed away a few days back and right now you want to make beastiality jokes about my grandmother?” “I … uh….” “Save it – I don’t want to hear your excuses.  But if I ever hear you insult anyone ever again, you won’t have to worry about what an immortal, all-powerful pony goddess can do to you.  I’ll just toss you out an airlock, got that?”  She looked at the tag on his suit and said, “I have my eye on you, Mr. Jameson Bray.  And that is not a good thing.”  Turning away from him she went over to pick up her spacesuit’s helmet on the way to the airlock. “You know, there are easier ways to commit suicide,” Janet told Bray. “Oh, shut it,” he snapped at her. Meanwhile, Tracy got onto one of the moon rovers and drove to the hill where Luna sat.  Once there, she activated the magical commlink that would make sure the alicorn would hear her.  “Hi, Grandma." "Hello, Tracy,” Luna replied, briefly favoring her granddaughter with a smile.  At the moment, she’d stopped screaming and was just content to lie there, looking at Earth.  “Jameson Bray is brash and crass, but he’s a brilliant man, one of the best in his field.  It’s why we hired him for this assignment.” “I'm sure there were people just as qualified,” Tracy insisted. “There were, but none of them speak Chinese and have a pilot's license,” Luna told her, “and with Aeronautics of China building a rail launcher for the Mars and Venus colonization efforts, we could use all the help we can get.” “If you say so,” was the reply.  “How are you holding up?” Despite her sorrow, a smile came to Luna’s muzzle.  “Despite being immortal and able to survive in a vacuum without a spacesuit?” “You know what I mean.” “I knew what you meant.”  Luna continued to Earthgaze for a few more minutes before she spoke again.  “You know, I was just thinking about the time I was trapped on my moon for a thousand years.  I was in the wrong back then, and my sister had no choice but to banish me.  My actions back then could have killed millions, and the war I started resulted in the deaths of thousands of ponies. “And now, the situation is reversed and the stakes are higher.  And Nightmare Star is far more of a butcher and monster than Nightmare Moon – than I – was ever capable of.  And while we drove her back once, I know my sister to be far more powerful and cunning than I ever was, and I wonder if it's only a matter of time before she escapes the black hole we threw her in. “I worry about a lot of things: that EarthGov isn't ready for her return.  That my children, their children and their children's children are in danger.  That the ponies that follow me as their princess and goddess aren't ready to see me fail.”  She then looked at Tracy again, and her eyes were wet with moisture, though the tears quickly faded away in the airless surroundings.  “But most of all, I'm afraid of living without your grandfather for another day.  I watched him age from a vibrant man into an old, infirm soul, and yet I still live.” Despite the bulk of the suit, Tracy hugged her grandmother.  “Everything will be fine, Grandma.  I just know it will – You're the world’s hero, after all.” A thought came to Luna.  “Tracy, take off your suit.”  When the girl looked at her oddly, the lunar alicorn smiled.  “Trust me, dear.”  As Tracy disengaged the suit’s safety locks, Luna threw a protective barrier around her. “Wow,” Tracy said, breathless as she realized she was the first person to actually experience raw space. Luna changed back to her human form and hugged her granddaughter.  “Welcome to my world,” she said as she began to cry. > VIII: BRAY ESTATE, PYRAMIDION, MARS, February 9, 2318 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAY ESTATE, PYRAMIDION, MARS February 9, 2318         Willow Bray set down an expensive teacup crafted by the finest artisans in Equestria, currently filled with an orange pekoe blend from Zebrica.  “And that's the biggest problem we've got with the SIVA project right now.  The intrinsic AI is so single-minded that it doesn't really deviate from its processes until it's given another order set.”  She handed a digitab over.  “Honestly, it's kinda worrisome on how little it considers other priorities, but we're hoping to have that fixed soon.  Last thing we want is a gray-goo scenario.”         Luna took the digitab and read its contents.  “Looks like it's the same problem my engineers were having last month when we were bringing the Venus Global AI online–”         “The Warmind?”         Luna frowned.  “I told your father I hate that term.  Jehanne does more than just control the planet’s defense satellite swarms.  She also controls the weather sats, the global transit network and a host of other functions, as does Charlemagne here and Rasputin back on Earth.”         “Rasputin is mainly being used for military and space transit,” Willow told her.  “Dad said you'd be pissed about it, but that EarthGov wouldn't care.”         “I have little involvement with Geneva nowadays, and frankly I prefer that, especially now that I live on Venus,” Luna drolled.  “Most of them are idiots, anyway.”         Seeing Luna’s irritation at the subject, Willow changed topics.  “So, how long will you be going to Equestria?”         “A couple of days at the most.  I don't want to steal the show from Queen Twilight, and besides, Equestria isn't my home anymore.  Why, are you asking if you can come with me?”         “No, but If you're going, you'll need a date, and––”         Luna sighed.  “Willow, we've been over this a dozen times.  Your father is a dear, dear friend, but I've known Clovis since your great-grandfather first brought him to my home on Venus.  It's hard to feel any attraction for a person you've known since he was six.”         “But Dad has loved you forever!”         “Yes, and you saw how your parents’ marriage fell apart as a result of that.”         The teenager then pouted.  “I was hoping that you would be my mom, Luna.”         Luna prepared to have yet another variation on a conversation she'd had with Willow entirely too often as of late.  “That's patently unfair to Rachel, young lady.”         “Oh, please – she left Dad when I was four, and I rarely see her except in trips to the Icarus facility on Mercury.  You, on the other hand, have been in my life since I was born!  If we wanted to argue about it, you're already my mother as is!  We just need to make it official.”         “I don't have time for a family any more.  Hell, I've even lost touch with my descendants a century back.  The Hollidays don't need the presence of an immortal adoptive alien ancestor, and really, neither do you.”         “But I'm only thirteen!”         “Yes, and when I was literally your age, I was fighting a war against unspeakable powers.  Times change.”  Luna sighed, facepalming.  “Willow, you are a brilliant young woman, probably the smartest I've ever known.  It was only natural that I'd take you on as my apprentice.  And it goes without saying that I love you dearly, and yes, in a way you are like a daughter to me.  But you are too young to know how the world works, especially when it comes to love.”         “But Luuuuuuunnnnna,” the girl whined, clearly breaking out the big guns.         “Whining is not going to work with me, young lady,” Luna insisted. ~*~         As two humans and an alicorn stepped through the portal connecting Pyramidion to Canterlot, Luna clicked her tongue.  “Your daughter is a master manipulator, you know that?”         Next to her, a man in his forties with perfectly groomed hair, a neatly–trimmed mustache, a perfectly tailored tuxedo and a winning smile said to her, “That's her mother's fault, obviously.”         “I don't recall Rachel being so devious,” Luna told him.         “I didn't mean Rachel,” Clovis Bray explained.  “I meant you.”  Before Luna could say more, Bray added, “Do you know what Rachel accused me of at the divorce proceedings?  She said I used her as a surrogate womb so you and I could have a child, since everyone knows human and ponies cannot have children together.”         “I … I didn't know that.”         “Then I'm sure you don't know that Rachel only saw Willow out of legal obligation?  Last time I talked to her, she said, ‘You should tell that pony wife of yours to do her job.  I didn't sign up to be a rent-a-vagina, and I sure as hell won't be your nanny.’”         “But I thought you sent her to see Rachel when she wasn't in school or with you?”         “Rachel hasn't seen Willow since she was seven – she outright said to Willow’s face that she wasn't her mother, and that she should go ‘suck on your blue mommy’s teats.’  After that, well, she didn't go there anymore.”         Luna, needless to say, was perplexed.  “Then where is she when she's not with you or me?”         With the classic ability that all children have when their parents forget they’re present, Willow answered, “Here in Equestria, of course!  Auntie Twilight gave me my own chambers here at the castle!”         “She did?  When?”         There was light laughter in the air.  “Good to see you can still be surprised, Luna.”  The trio looked forward to see a regal lavender alicorn the same height as Luna walking towards them.  She had a long, flowing mane of eggplant purple, with two strands of violet and fuchsia.  Next to her was a towering alicorn of rose, with a mane of fuchsia, violet and eggshell.         Luna knelt, with Willow curtseying and Bray bowing deeply.  “Queen Twilight, Empress Cadance,” Luna began.  “It is good to see you both––”         “Oh, shut up and give me a hug!” Twilight sang as she practically glomped Luna.  A split-second later Cadance joined in, and the crowd couldn't help but notice the embrace of the three alicorns and basked in their radiance.         “It's good to see you back, Auntie,” Cadance said with a wide smile.         “It's good to be back,” Luna admitted.  “You've grown in your power, both of you.”         “Being queen does that,” Twilight commented.  “But I'm surprised you're still the same.  You are the eldest of us.”         “Even after all this time, there's little magic on Earth, and the magical species that live there now have to make do.  Plus, I'm not in a governmental position, haven't been for ages and prefer it that way.  I'm a business magnate, an artist, and yes, a senior EarthGov adviser when needed, but the fact is that I'm used to not being needed anymore.”         “That's certainly not true.  We most definitely need you here for the wedding,” a new voice said.  “Else anything Twi and I do tomorrow would be scandalous for our images.”         Twilight leaned in and nuzzled the speaker.  “You would be thinking that.  We all know stallions are only interested in one thing.”         Blueblood laughed.  “Getting married to you so I can go from a minor prince to a prince consort?  Personally, I can get behind that plan.”         “So long as mine is the only behind you're interested in,” Twilight teased, kissing her betrothed.         Cadance playfully rolled her eyes.  “Get a hotel, you two.”         Luna watched the interactions between Twilight and Blueblood.  It had certainly been a long time coming, she mused.  Blueblood, like so many of them, had been granted immortality by the Elements to fight the past war.  And with that immortality had come maturity, and a benevolent nature that hasn't been there in the past.  Fancy Pants’ death had made him grow up, but the war and reconstruction had made him grow.  So much time had passed that the tales of the spoiled playcolt prince had become urban legend, and Blueblood had been content to leave it that way.         Thus, it was only inevitable that he'd want a mare that suited his new way of thinking.  And that's where Twilight came in; as the new queen of Equestria, she was far busier than she'd been in the old days, and with her apprentice Starlight Glimmer now Equestria’s senior diplomat, the young alicorn was overwhelmed.  It was natural that she would turn to Blueblood, as they grew up at the place together, though in separate social circles.           Twilight’s request for advice did not go unanswered, and Blueblood was all-too-happy to accommodate his fellow royal.  So, after a while, they met regularly to discuss the issues of the nation.  Meetings turned into working lunches.  Working lunches turned into social ones.  Those turned to dinners, which proceeded to dates, which moved on to love.  Neither was sure who was the one that confessed first.  But at this stage, it no longer mattered.         As greetings and introductions were said and old acquaintances were rekindled, Luna excused herself to practice her parts of the ceremony.  It had been a long time since she officiated a wedding, and this was the first time she'd ever married an alicorn – that was Celestia’s job.  And if there should have been one to usher the youngest alicorn into married life, it should have been Twilight’s mentor.  But Celestia was gone, and Luna was all that was left.         Damn you, Nightmare Star, the lunar alicorn silently seethed.  Damn you for ruining our lives and hurting those we love. ~*~         As Luna sat on the balcony of her bedroom, after having watched the happy couple head off towards their honeymoon on Earth, the lunar alicorn couldn't help but feel bittersweet about it all.  The young mare she knew once as a talented but mortal unicorn was now leaving for her own destiny, and she would return once again as queen of the realm.  Meanwhile, Luna had given up everything – not that she regretted it – and while she was hardly a commoner, it felt many days like the world had passed her by.         Because you let it, the voice in the back of Luna’s head replied.  Because you let your descendants go their own way and now all the Hollidays will ever remember of you is a half-mythical legend of their pony ancestor, no different than all the supposed sightings of humans before Sunset returned from the mirror.         Luna briefly slumped at her self-admonishment, but quickly stood straighter; she had an example to set, after all.  For the next two weeks, she would resume her duties as the Night Princess of Equestria and administer the nation in Twilight’s stead.  “Administering”, of course was a relative term; between parliament and the various ministries, the nation practically ran itself, with Twilight mostly only holding court when a minister advised her to accept a direct petition to the Crown.  All in all, it would be an easy working vacation.         Probably a lonely one, too.  Luna sighed; at least Twilight insisted that Luna’s personal chambers in the castle be upkept for times like this.  Right now she needed that familiarity, because if someone had pressed her, she would readily admit to feeling adrift.         “Auntie?”  Luna turned around to see Cadance approaching her.  “You look good tonight.  Being back in the saddle suits you.”         Luna looked up at Cadance.  “Thank you.  Now what can I do for Equestria’s staunchest ally, your imperial majesty?”         Cadance laughed.  “You make me sound more important than I am.  Honestly, the only reason Shining and I are here is because we got a babysitter for our sons.  Remember Thorax?”         Luna nodded; Celestia had never discovered where “the changeling spy” had gone, because both Cadance and Luna had smuggled him to safety in Trottingham, where he lived under the name of Crystal Hoof for the remainder of his life.  “Yes, I do.  Why?”         “After he passed, his adopted son and their family came to Imperial City to ‘repay the debt that could never be discharged.’  Since then, his family has served ours as our maids and butlers.  Anyway, his great-great-great-granddaughter is watching my sons at the moment.”  Cadance smiled and said, “It’s good for Shiny and I to get out of town and see the world – we need this connection of where we’re from, especially Equestria.”         “Well, be that as that may, I don’t think you came to see me gaze at the moon just to catch up on old times, did you?  Not that I mind, but I thought you were enjoying the ceremony.”         “And you’re not?”         Luna shook her head.  “It has not been so long that I don’t still crave Alex’s presence.  Over a century without him and I ache for his touch, Cadance.  I miss my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren.  It got to be so that I had to let the rest go their own way before I went mad with grief.  But that doesn’t take away the pain and emptiness.”         “I thought you were married before?” Cadance asked.         “No.  My sister was, but not me – I was never as bold as Celestia was.”  Luna gave a small smile.  “And now I have a suitor that is a friend but can never be a lover, and his child begs me to be her mother.”         “I know,” Cadance said.  “It’s why I’m here.”  The Alicorn of Love summoned a scroll into existence.  “Did you know that Clovis and Shining are old friends?  Both of them were discussing you and Willow – apparently Clovis got a little too much in his cups tonight and said something he shouldn’t have.”         “Par for the course, knowing him,” Luna sighed.  “Anyway, what was it, if you’re at liberty to discuss it?”         Cadance nodded.  “Clovis realizes he’s never going to win your heart.  But he also confessed something to Shining: that you need to take responsibility for being Willow’s mother.”         Luna facehoofed at the old rag of an excuse.  “Cadance, you don’t realize how many––”         “I wasn’t done yet.  Do you remember the time when Clovis took some genetic samples of yours?  Because he wanted to study how alicorn magic was so different from regular pony strains?”         “That was about fifteen years ago,” the lunar alicorn recalled.  “He told me it was for a research paper at his university.  Why’d he bring that up?  Unless….”  The realization suddenly hit Luna like a brick.  “He ... he didn’t, did he?”         Cadance nodded.  “Rachel found out when Willow was two; she discovered the research notes.  She put up with Willow’s presence until Clovis pushed his luck.”         Luna became livid as realization set in.  “That …  that….”  Her aura, enhanced by the power of her moon and the ground began to crumble under her feet.         Cadance cast a spell, instantly nullifying Luna’s magic.  “Auntie, don’t!”         Luna glared at Cadance.  “Don’t ever do that again,” she seethed.         “I will when you’re contemplating bodily harm!”  Luna made to protest, but Cadance interrupted.  “I saw that in your eyes!  And frankly we have enough problems with alicorns slipping the leash!  So please, calm down!”         “Calm down?  I was violated, Cadance!  By someone I thought was a friend!”         “No,” a new voice said.  Luna turned to see Bray standing there, a somewhat irritated Shining Armor behind him.  “No, I never meant it that way, Luna, believe me.”         The night alicorn glared at him with a gaze that could melt steel.  “So, what, because you thought you could get me to marry you by forcing a child on me?” Luna accused.         “No, because I wanted a child with the one woman that I knew I loved!” Bray replied.  “Look at me, Luna!  I’m a forty-year-old man with a teenager’s crush on the one woman – or mare – that has known me since I was a teenager!  Every woman I’ve ever slept with has your face on them, because I really can’t ever remember what they look like!  And Rachel?”  He scoffed.  “I married Rachel because she wasn’t you.  Stupid reason, I know, but it’s the truth.         “It was then that I found out I was shooting blanks.  I wanted children of my own, but Rachel was on the fence about it, and I sure as hell didn’t want her to know I couldn’t plant seeds in the field.  So … I asked Willa to do a favor for me.”         Luna’s nostrils flared in a huff of anger; Luna had always known Bray’s sister Willa was somewhat of a mad scientist at times, but this went beyond the pale.  “You mean she tailored a genetic chimera – a bioroid, a person with multiple parentage,” she stated angrily.  “How much of Willow is me and what’s the rest?  Rachel?  Willa?  Or do I even want to know?”         Bray rubbed the back of his head; it was a nervous tic humans had and something she’d picked up herself when in human form, Luna noted.  “She’s just you and me.  Willa found the chromosomes that would work with human ones.”  He reached into a pocket and pulled out a data relay spike.  “She’s 100% our daughter, I swear.  This is what we know about her.”         “So you used your wife….”         He nodded sadly.  “Yes, yes I did.  Look, Luna, I can’t apologize for what I did, but Willow needs her mother – her real mother.”         Luna changed to her human form, and summoned a digitab upon which she read Willow’s biological file.  “She can sense magic, but can’t use it.  Willa tweaked her brain, which is why she’s a genius for her age.  And none of this is natural.”  She looked like she wanted to throw Bray off the balcony and down the side of the mountain.  “You used your own daughter as a science experiment just to try to win me over.  Clovis, words cannot describe how furious I am right now and how restrained I am at the moment because Cadance is holding me back.”         “Luna,” Shining finally spoke.  “What are you going to do now?”         She looked at Bray, holding up a palm.  “Five things.”  She lowered a finger, asking him, “The first is this: are there others?”         He nodded.  “That brunette I told you I was dating?  I was going to slip Ana’s zygote––”         “Ana?”         “Willow’s genetic twin; ‘Ana’ is a code name for Another Natal Assembly, just something to call the zygote for now,” Bray said with an affable tone that disgusted everypony present, though he didn’t seem to realize this.  “I was going to have her, ahem, ‘deposited’ into Julie––”         “You’ll do no such thing.”  She looked at Bray.  “When we return to Earth, I will have Ana artificially inseminated into me.  If she is like Willow, this is my responsibility.”  She then lowered a second finger.  “I want any other genetic information you have on me destroyed.  That includes anything you gave Willa or Alton.”         “Alton’s not involved.”  Bray’s youngest sibling, Alton, had the soul of a poet, even if he was a regular doctor.  Luna always though him the “black sheep” of the family because he never inherited the Bray ruthlessness.  Needless to say, he was her favorite of the family.         Regardless, she stated, “I can’t trust that to be true, not coming from you.  Furthermore, Willa may have involved him without him being aware.  I want my genetic information completely scrubbed from Clovis Bray corporate servers, or else I will have the Equestrian Crown Investigative Service get involved.  Which comes to my third point.”  She lowered a third finger.  “I am a Princess of Equestria and I will not be used for a scandal against my homeland.  You will not mention this to anyone.  If for some reason word gets out that Willow or Ana are our children, then you will say that I wanted children and that you volunteered.  Nothing else will be stated, and I want Rachel not to say anything as well.  That’s ‘silenced’, not ‘murdered’.  If I have to talk to her myself, I will, but this is your mess to clean up.”         She lowered a fourth finger.  “Fourth, I want custody of the girls.  You can have visitation rights, but from now on they stay with me.  This is not negotiable.  If you want to push it, keep in mind that they are now princesses of Equestria and the Crown will fight to protect its own.”         “I guess I can live with that.  I love Willow, but I really don’t have as much time that I can spend with her as I’d like.  And that goes double for a baby, so it will be best that Ana stays with you.”  Bray sighed.  “What’s the final thing?”         Luna lowered the last finger, and it was then that he realized that she’d made a fist.  Moving forward, Luna punched him in the crotch, her blow as hard as a woman of her physical age should be, mainly because she held back her strength.  As Bray crumpled in pain at being hit in the family jewels, Luna moved over to his ear and hissed, “Don’t you ever come near me again, you sick bastard.  If I forgive you – if – it will be because of our daughters, not because of you.”  Luna then stood up and dusted off her dress.  “Now, as the acting regent of Equestria, you have thirty minutes to leave and never return.  I will send for Willow’s stuff, Ana’s zygote and anything else later.  Now get out of my castle.”  Luna walked away towards the other side of the balcony while Shining helped him up; the look on Shining’s face indicated that it was the last thing he wanted to do at the moment.         Luna and Cadance waited until both males left.  “Well, you handled that with all the grace and dignity of a nuclear explosion,” the alicorn joked in an attempt to cheer her aunt up.         Luna leaned against the railing again, heartbreak etched on her face.  “Cadance, I’m afraid – I don’t know what to do.  My children died ages ago and I miss my husband all the time.  And now I find out I have one child and one on the way, and they’re mine – genetically mine.”  The woman looked fragile.  “I don’t think I’m strong enough to face this.”         “I understand, believe me.  It took me decades to accept that Flurry Heart had been murdered by the aunt that had raised me, and that had been after she killed my nephew; I still mourn Spike – and I know Twilight’s never recovered from that, even now.  She tries not to show it, but Blue’s told me the number of nights she’s cried over the death of her son.  And I don’t need to tell you how much Night and Velvet’s deaths hurt as well; you were there for that. “As for me and Shiny, well, it took a long time and a lot of patience for both of us to deal with the pain and heartbreak.  And it took a monumental amount of bravery for us to decide to have Onyx Stone and Feldspar.  But I love my sons, and when they pass on – they didn’t inherit mine and Shiny’s immortality – I will be in the same position you are.         “But I can’t imagine not being there.  Every day I have my sons is a treasure and reminds me of all the happy times I had with Flurry Heart.  And you have that same chance too.  You raised Willow since she was a child – you’ve been her mother without you knowing you actually were.  And now you do know, Auntie.         “You were a wonderful mother to your first family.  And now you’ll be one all over again.  Don’t deny yourself this chance.”  Cadance moved a wing, pointing down towards a solitary figure sitting in the garden below.  ‘Don’t deny her.”         Luna nodded and headed for the stairs. ~*~         “Willow?”  Luna sat down next to the girl she loved like a daughter – the girl she’d just found out actually was her daughter – and saw she was crying.  “Are you okay?”         “Did you have to do that to Dad?” she asked, tears streaming down her eyes.  “He did it because he loves you!  And now he’s practically a pariah!  I know he screwed up, but was it so wrong that I wanted us to be a family?”         Luna reached over and hugged her.  “Sweetheart, sometimes people do things for the wrong reasons.  I nearly destroyed this land long ago because I thought ponies loved me less than my sister.  My sister nearly destroyed this world and ours because she thought humanity took her daughter away from her when all Sunset wanted was a life she’d grown accustomed to.  And your father took dangerous shortcuts to try to get the family he wanted.  You could serious health problems that no normal girl would have.”         “I know.  When you were working on Mercury two years ago, I came down with the flu.  Uncle Alton took care of me, but Aunt Willa secretly took a blood sample and found out it was a strain of feather flu.”  Willow chuckled.  “I don’t even have feathers, and I caught the feather flu.  Aunt Willa lied to Uncle Alton and said it was just SIVA exposure or something like that.”         “How long have you known?”         “Remember when you told me that secrets were meant to get out?  Well, Mom – I mean, Rachel, I guess I should call her that now….”         “You can call her whatever you want, Willow.  Whatever you’re comfortable with.”         “Anyway, I had an argument with her, and I’ve always been a little advanced for my age.  She showed me why, and then told Dad to come pick me up.  I’ve never seen her since, though she still writes me from time to time.  I know she loves me and I love her too, but … she’s not my mom.”         “She is, Willow.  She’s just … well, if I had to put a word for it, ‘stepmother’ would suffice.  And the fact that she still keeps in contact with you proves it.”         “I guess.”  Willow wiped her eyes and said, “What’s next?  I guess I can’t work on the SIVA project anymore in between school, since I’ll be living with you.”         Luna nodded.  “Well, right now, I’ve got a nation to run for the next two weeks.  Then I need to find a way to get a news release out without causing scandal and chaos.  Then we’ll have to see about your investiture—”         “Investiture?  As in, I’m a princess?”         “I don’t know; the laws have never taken this into account.  And there’s the fact that, well, your birth is illegal under both Equestrian and Earth law, so that will cause an obvious scandal once word gets out – your father and your aunt could be spending some time in jail.  But none of that will reflect on you, I promise.”  Luna smiled.  “Besides, I need to get a news release out soon enough anyway, because I’m going to be a little bit preggers.”         “Pregnant?  How?”         “Another zygote was cloned the same time you were, and your father saved it all this time.  I decided that since it’s part me as well, I’m going to bear it.  So you’re going to have a little sister.”         Willow squeed and hugged Luna fiercely.  “That’s great! Lu … I mean, uh….”         Luna laughed and kissed her daughter – truly her daughter now – on the forehead.  “Why don’t we start with ‘Mom’ and we’ll figure the rest out later?”         “Sure thing … Mom.”