Sunset, I Love You...And Your Feet

by Infinite Affection

First published

Dear Diary, Sunset has such amazing feet but ah dunno how ta tell her. Ah need ta tell her soon, otherwise ah might near embarrass maself if ah have a leak in front of them.

Applejack is a honest hard-working gal but even she can find it hard to open up about everything her dirty head can think of; especially to her new girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer. So far, the kinky apple farmer has been able to bottle it up and keep her secret hidden. But just how long before that want becomes a need?

Contains: Feet, feet and more feet. With big emphasis on feet. Plus a bit of shipping. And later masturbation.

Solely Crushing

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Dear Diary,

If ah said that the last few months have been a wild ride – it’d be an understatement. Ah still can’ believe that that same fiery sunset hair I adored had equal feelings for meh at the very start. She was very emotional about confessing it; course it didn’t help that ah kinda forced it out o’ her. Ah probably should thank Apple Bloom for that – even if she was just tryin’ to cover up for that Equestria thing that ah still can’ get ma head around.

From date to date, ah have grown to depend on Sunset as the sole person in ma life who ah trust utterly; regardless o’ how she used to be. Though ah have to admit, ah did rather like her badgirl attitude when she was a bitch ta everyone.:heart: Ah actually miss the old Sunset somewhat.

Yeah, ah said it. Ah had a crush on that people-hating demon before an’ ah don’ regret it one bit. Especially not now. This here’s goin’ ta sound really cheesy but, the moment Apple Bloom told me bout’ Sunset liking me, ah thought ah had died an’ gone ta heaven. Cliché, ah know. Ah just wonder how ah could describe it when ah heard it from Sunset fer the very first time. It was life-changing – ah had felt appreciated in a way that ah had never felt before.

And she is amazing. Ah love everythang bout’ her. Ah love her sunset streamed hair – Ah adore her new modest an’ optimistic personality (even though ah miss her bad streak slightly ^_^). What she wears, what she does an’ everythang else between. Ah really can’ believe ah have such a strong connection as this with Sunset.

What ah love about her most of all though, is her…


Ah still have trouble admitting that ta maself. Ah’m such a freak. :fluttercry: Ah don’ even wanna write it down. Ah’d like to shut the idea as far ta the back of ma mind as possible. But ah just can’t. Every time ah go out with Sunset, ma eyes just drift ta the bottom o' her skirt an' then down her legs to her shoes. Ah just can’ help maself. It drives me insane thinkin’ o' what nice feet she has under there. An' ah have seen them on many occasions, trust me.

O’ course it depends what kinda shoes she’s wearing. Her casual footwear are not that eye-drawing but that time we went to the beach, with both o’ us in flip-flops – Ah couldn’t stop staring at ‘em! Ah became so rattled by the temptation just ta get my hands all over ‘em while Sunset bathed in the sun. They’d just lay there, soaking in the sun’s rays, getting sweaty an’ occasionally her cute toes would wiggle an’ ah would shriek inside. :pinkiegasp:

Sometimes, Sunset catches on ta ma nerves. She asks if anything is wrong an’ ah assure her that everythang is ok. Ah don’ like lying and well ah’m not really doin’ it, or at least ah keep sayin’. Ah used ta find it so easy ta tell the truth ta ma friends but with Sunset, it’s like alien territory. Ah wanna be honest, but this just isn’t that kinda thing ah can go about lightly. What if she freaks out? Ah don’ think ah can handle that kind o’ rejection. Not from her. Not now.

Shucks, ah sometimes wonder why ah keep a diary. Ah didn’t used ta be so insecure about these things. Guess, Sunset’s done more damage ta me than she ever could as a raging she-demon. Ah’m seein’ her again tonight. We’re goin’ ta the movies and then onto fill our stomachs with a nice meal. We’ll probably go ta Sunset’s after. Perhaps ah’ll be able ta enjoy a night where Sunset’s ten-toed cuties won’t be a distraction. Hopefully…

“Two tickets to see The Lonely Unicorn, please!” Under a hushed tone, Sunset whispered to Applejack; “Not so alone anymore.”

Applejack chuckled in her normal country way. Sunset looked absolutely stunning as usual and tonight was set to be a great outing.

“Thanks! Come on, let’s go inside.”

Applejack followed her girlfriend into the cinema. Trailing behind her, she always managed to get a good look over her and admire her even better. Just don’t look too far down…

Sunset stopped at the food counter and turned to Applejack. “You want anything, AJ?”

“Some popcorn would be mighty nice.”

“Sweet or salty?”

“Summin’ that describes us.”

“We’ll go with salty then.”

“Sounds about right.” Applejack waited patiently for the food to come into Sunset’s fingers. Her eyes started to feel a little lazy and drifted down to…

Nope! Don’t wanna go there.

“Oh AJ by the way…”

Perfect, a distraction. “Hmm?”

“You’ll never guess what happened at the shoe store today.”

“Yesss?” The farm girl said rather nervously.

“I saw Principal Cinch totally get berated by one of her students. It was pretty funny to watch!”

Applejack smiled. “That does sound like it’d be entertainin’!”

“Yeah. And when I was done, I got these.”

Damm. Don’t be attractive! Applejack prayed with all her might before drifting her eyes slowly down to glimpse at Sunset’s new shoes.

“You like them?”

Like ‘em? Applejack could hardly take her eyes away from Sunset’s hip new high heel shoes. The soft skin of her absolutely radiant feet were in full display of Applejack currently. Her brow began to sweat as the teenager found herself getting anxious. She was really tempted to tell Sunset what she really thought about them; their beauty knew no bounds in Applejack’s mind.


Applejack was entranced by the display; she almost didn’t feel Sunset’s hand come onto her shoulder.

“Is everything alright, AJ?”

“Huh?” Applejack’s eyes shot up. “Oh…well ah’m maybe feeling just a tad gassy is all.”

“Are you sure? If you’re not feeling well, we could always come back another time.”

“No, ah’m fine. Ah don’ want ta ruin another chance ta be with ya again, Sunset.”

Sunset blushed. “Well, ok. Oh here’s the food!”


Even though ah managed ta evade Sunset’s suspicion radar in the cinema, ah knew that right there that the date would go south. The proof – not less than 15 minutes later we were in the screening room and Sunset had an itch in her high heels. Ma girlfriend opted ta take her heels off so that she could enjoy the movie better. Pity the same couldna be said for me. Ah spent more time looking down at the bottom of the stalls than looking at the screen; so much that ah dang near missed the end of the film! Talk ‘bout embarrassing.

“So how’d you like the film, Sunset?” questioned Applejack, in an attempt to save being asked the question herself.

“I liked it. The ending was predictable but it’s was still a happy one.”

“Yeah, ah agree.”

“Mhmm. So what made you think the ending would be predictable?”


Applejack wasn’t ready for a follow-up question like that. “Oh…well the title ah guess. Ah mean, a lonely unicorn would without a doubt try ta find his family or his friends.”

Sunset’s smile faded. “But the unicorn didn’t feel alone, he liked being alone. That’s why when he found company, he realised that time spent with others is more valuable than time spent with yourself. Didn’t you see that?”

“Hehe, ah guess not. Ah was too distracted by this other thang.” Ain’t that the truth…

“Oh well, perhaps you won’t be so distracted when we’re out at dinner. Speaking of which, you wanna go?”

“O course. Ah got a hankerin’ fer some grub.”

Some nice darn food; that’s what ah needed ta take the edge away. We ended up deciding on this home-tied Italian restaurant just a short walk from the cinema. The dishes didn’t look expensive; a good thang since either o’ us weren’t in any position ta break our banks. Shortly after we ordered, ah felt a light pressure on ma leg and realised from the feel an’ texture that it had ta be one of Sunset’s feet under the table. Ah started ta tense up.

Was she toying with me? Had she already found out an’ was now punishing me fer not telling her ‘bout it. Course that would be pretty hot if she was….

“Hey AJ, look who’s sitting at the table across from us.”

Applejack took a gander at the table in question. The most adorable couple were sitting not far away and judging by the peaked interest in their expressions, they too had spotted the other couple.

“Hey, Twilight. And Timber…hehe,” Sunset poked. “How are you?”

“Oh pretty good, thanks.” Twilight replied, a little red on her cheeks. “And I hope the same goes for you?”

“Yeah, we’re doin’ mighty fine.” Well, at least one o’ us is…

“So, are you two…? I mean, I guess I never really noticed it at camp or anything and perhaps that was for the best; wait! I didn’t mean that. I-”

“Timber, calm down.” His date said lovingly.

“Ahem…so are you two going out?”

“Yes, actually. We’ve been together for about three months now. Haven’t we, my little apple farmer?”

Applejack blushed. “Hehe…eeyup.” By romantic impulse, she clasped her hand over Sunset’s and gripped it with a mild vigour.

Ah coulda kissed her right there an’ then.

“Wow. I’m happy for you two.”

“Thanks, Timber. You know, since none of us have had their food yet why don’t we join our tables for a double date?”

“That sounds great!” Twilight agreed.

“Ah hear that!”

That couldn‘ave come at a better time. A dinner which coulda potentially been the most nerve-wracking thang ever, settled down with the addition o’ Twilight and Timber ta our table. We all had a crackin’ time catchin’ up that the time just flew an’ before we even knew it, our food had come. Ma dish was pretty scrumptious; ah cleaned ma plate in no time. It weren’t long after that we paid the bill an’ left the restaurant.

“Well, that certainly was a nice change of pace from our normal dates,” Sunset admitted to their double dates.

“Us too,” replied Timber. “We should really do it again sometime.”

“Ah think that sounds lovely.”

“Yeah…yawn…” Twilight let loose a gaping yawn. “Oh, excuse me. I guess I am quite tired.”

“Looks like the perfect excuse to go, then,” suggested Timber, placing a gentle hand on his date’s shoulder. “Good night, girls!”

“Good night, Timber! Night, Twi!”

“Y’all enjoy the rest o’ yar evening!”

The tuckered-out duo parted down the street as Sunset and Applejack began to make their own way home.

“So, my place?”

“Yar place.”

Yeah, Sunset’s place is JUST what ah needed ta relax. That was pretty bad sarcasm, right there. At the time, the idea of putting my feet up on the couch next to Sunset sounded like heaven. Until ah realised that it may involve Sunset putting her feet up as well. Ah don’ mean to be a cynic but that didn’t appeal ta me at all. It was just gonna get harder an’ harder ta keep it bottled inside me. At least it wouldn’t go badly went it did inevitably come out.

“Woo, what a night!”

“You said it!” Applejack agreed, closing the door to Sunset’s house behind her and placing her Stetson on the coat hanger. “Ah could really go fer some down time.”

“Same.” Sunset stretched her whole body out; her shirt and jacket went with it, revealing a small portion of the teen’s sexy torso. “Come on, let’s sit in the living room.”

“Wait, what about yar parents?”

“Oh they’re out on a date of their own. That’s why I made sure to slide our date in just right so that we…”

Sunset took a seat on the l-shaped brown leather sofa and patted the spot directly next to her – she wore a rather seductive smile. “Could have some time alone for a while.”

Applejack’s thoughts were filled with nothing but pure lust after hearing that subtle flirt from her girlfriend. “Well that was mighty thoughtful of ya. Ah sure wouldn’t want to waste this opportune time.”

The apple farmer walked over and plumped her booty down onto the couch. Very soon after, Sunset’s arm had nestled around her shoulder. As her head came round, Applejack was attacked full-on by her girlfriend’s delicious lips. She valiantly held her ground as Sunset attempted to force herself on her; a full make out session clearly her intent. Applejack chuckled in her head and in an act of revenge, pressed forwards onto her eager girlfriend. It took no time for Sunset to be completely overwhelmed by the strong muscles of Applejack and soon she was flat on her back with the tongue of her honest angel still modestly dancing with her own.

As their lips parted, Applejack bore a pretty big smirk on top as Sunset blushed a vigorous red below. “I guess that serves me right for being too frisky.”

“Eeyup!” stressed Applejack playfully. She kissed Sunset on the nose before getting up off the blushing Equestrian and back to her original sitting position. Realising that she still had yet to take off her country-style boots, she tugged her leg out of each to allow her feet some more room to breathe. She propped them up on the coffee table and stretched them out a bit.

“Wow, AJ. You don’t wear any socks?”

Applejack indeed had bare feet propped on the table. “Yeah, ah see no need if ma boots come all the way up ta just below ma knees. Big Mac or Apple Bloom don’ wear ‘em either. We just get on fine without ‘em.”

“Fair enough. I’ve never actually seen your feet out in the open like that. They look nice.”

Applejack pondered the compliment quizzically. “Uh, thanks ah guess.” Now ah’ll bet she’ll wanna take her shoes off. This’ll be interstin’…

Sunset made no attempt however to take off her shoes and instead simply shuffled closer to Applejack and cuddled with her on the couch; propping her own feet on the coffee table too. Of course, the apple farmer was reminded instantly that Sunset was wearing heels and her feet were almost fully visible without the need for taking off her shoes.

Just don’ look at them and you’ll be fine.

Easier said than done since any direction straight ahead of her would mean at least a toe or two of her girlfriend’s tempting feet penetrating her view. Looking at her own feet made her a little wet under the collar, so that wouldn’t work.

Ah got it! If ah close ma eyes, perhaps Sunset won’t notice.

And so, Applejack shut her eyes. She could almost certainly drift off like this, and on cue her head started to slide down so that it tucked in under Sunset’s neck. Naturally, Sunset picked up on that almost immediately.

“Looks like somebody’s a little tired after their night out with their girl. Anything I can do to ease all your tension? A back rub? A hair brush perhaps? Or even a foot massage?”

That last one struck a chord with Applejack. The idea of her hard-worked feet being treated by Sunset did sound mighty appealing; and more so if it meant she could keep her eyes from looking at her Sunset’s feet.

“Ah could go fer a foot massage, Sunset. That’d be much appreciated.” Applejack replied, not raising an eyelid.

Applejack felt the weight on the couch lift as Sunset broke off their cuddling. Her hands retreated to the back of her head and she spread her whole length out across the sofa and coffee table. Calmly she sighed and moaned softly as the tips of Sunset’s cold fingers gently touched her sensitive soles. She squirmed slightly as the gropes of Sunset’s palm tickled the soft delicate flesh of her heel. She was working it so well.

“That feel good, AJ?”

“Oh boy does it!” Applejack enthused, eyes still lazily closed.

“Your feet smell amazing by the way.”

Applejack shot one eye open. “They do?”

“Oh…” Applejack caught a shade of blush appear on Sunset’s face. “Well…I think they just have a nice aroma to them.”

Nice aroma? They’ve been in those boots since this mornin’ on the farm. Ah reckon their aroma is nothin’ but nice!

Applejack bat the thought away and went back to relaxing. The effort gone into the massage had not diminished in the slightest. In fact, it seemed to becoming more ambitious than ever. Though Applejack wasn’t exactly complaining, something about this sounded too good to be true. Eventually, the tender touches of Sunset on her toes came to a stop and Applejack heard the beginning of an anxious tone come out of her girlfriend.

“AJ…I…I wondered if I could try something. But I’m not sure if you’ll like this.”

Applejack opened her eyes, her lax trance broken. “Ya know ah trust ya enough by now that ah know ya won’t do anythang ta hurt me, sugarcube. So whatever ya wanna do, y’all go for it.”

Sunset sighed. “Ok…”

Applejack’s interest was piqued as to the mystery of Sunset’s intention. It slowly came into light as Sunset lowered her head towards the farm girl’s right foot…

And gave it a long moist lick up the curve of the sole.

Applejack recoiled and retracted her feet in response; her mind absolutely blown. Did that just happen? Well, something certainly caused the new panic on Sunset’s face.

“AJ! I’m so sorry. I knew you probably wouldn’t like it. I just wanted to try it!”

AJ was speechless. She continued to look at Sunset in bewilderment; her brain simply not registering what had just transpired.

“Are you alright, AJ?”

“Ah can’ believe it…”


Applejack’s reply had her outstretch her feet back in range of Sunset again. She nodded downwards to indicate Sunset to continue – her girlfriend understood the gesture.

Giving the right sole another lick, Sunset waited to see if Applejack would take the foot back again. When it stayed, she went on to lick the other sole; gliding her tongue across the smooth edges of the skin. Applejack observed the confounding display her girlfriend was putting on. She was too enthralled by it to even get any pleasure out of it. She simply gawked in amazement as Sunset moved onto sucking her toes; coating them all in a thick layer of saliva.

“I have to admit, this is kinda strange,” voiced Sunset, temporarily stopping her sucking of Applejack’s surprisingly tasty toes. “I’m not sure why I find your feet attractive.”

“Ah’m not sure ah’m even awake right now.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset queried.

Well, here goes. “Ah…ah think yar feet are attractive too.”

“Really?” Sunset was dumbfounded. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Ah’ve been meanin’ ta tell ya all this ever since we started dating but ah was scared o’ what ya might think. Ah know that sounds weird comin’ from me, but even ah can find it hard ta be honest all the time! Anyway, ah just can’ believe you have a thang for feet too! Ah thought this woulda been much harder fer me to say but ah honestly feel so much more relaxed knowing we share it in common.”

Sunset chuckled. “To be fair, Applejack, I’ve only just realised that I have a thing for them. How long have you had a foot fetish?”

Applejack hesitated before answering that question. “Since freshmen year at CHS, ah went ta one o’ Pinkie Pie’s sleepovers an’ had maself an experience ah’ll never forget.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that. “Oh yeah?” And with that, she got to her feet and walked over towards the couch – positioning herself at the far end. Then taking off her heels, she stretched her legs across the length of the couch and dangled her pretty little bare feet in front of Applejack’s now watering mouth.

“You’d best hang on. Because I think we can make this experience even better.”

A Meeting of Two Soles

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Ah had ta be dreamin’...

There was no way in hell ah could believe ah was finally getting what ah wanted with no strings attached. Yet Sunset’s sweat glistening bare soles were staring at me, taunting me with their cute curves an’ everything else ah had only ever fingered maself over. The temptation was so high now ah could feel ma cheeks burnin’. Ah knew that Sunset was ok with it but ah couldn’t help but feel nervous ‘bout the ordeal.

Applejack remained still as if frozen in ice. Sunset raised an eyebrow at her blushing girlfriend.

“What’s the problem? Isn’t this what you want?” Sunset asked.

The timid apple farmer didn’t respond. All her thoughts dwelled on the feet in front of her but she made no motion towards them. She was locked in a perpetual state of blush as she gawped at Sunset’s mouth-watering feet. It didn’t however stop her from noticing her girlfriend’s forming smirk.

“Perhaps you just need a push in the right direction…”

Applejack blinked and within the passing second, the pair of feet assaulted her face; covering her nose and mouth completely in Sunset’s velvety soft soles. Applejack tensed up, the reality of the situation was finally starting to kick in. All of the farmer’s breathing now incorporated the aroma of Sunset’s amazing feet. Applejack helped herself to a large whiff of her girlfriend’s sweaty feet.


They were deliciously musky; she had clearly done a lot of walking today. Applejack couldn’t process her cryogenic condition any loner and slacked down the side of the couch. Holding her girlfriend’s feet in place, Applejack began taking longer and effortful sniffs of the mature fragrance. She shuddered with every breath in of Sunset’s feet odour.

“Gosh, you really like the smell of my feet?”


Applejack’s hand gently slid down the fabric of her country shirt until she felt it touch the leather of her belt. She split her attention between inhaling the addictive narcotic and undoing the sleek material locking her away from her pleasure zone. Pulling the dastardly thing out from her skirt, her first impulse was to throw it away to the side so she could focus on enjoying herself. But a kinkier idea dawned on her and instead brought the belt up to her face; still partaking in the dirty stench of Sunset’s worked soles.

Wrapping the belt from the back of her head and around Sunset’s feet, Applejack tied it tight in a knot to pave the way for optimum foot worshipping potential. It also meant she had an extra hand free.

“Damm, AJ.” Sunset’s face with awash with crimson. “You love my feet that much? I…I…I LOVE THIS!” She exclaimed.

Applejack responded excitedly to her partner’s enthusiasm, even though her moans and grunts were distorted by the power of Sunset’s feet. She felt them crush her nose ever so slightly more than they were already doing. Their smell still got through to the horny apple farmer however and this only fuelled her hand’s journey back down to her skirt. It slid down at the pressure of her hand; exposing her apple-coated panties. Slipping her hand in, she extended a finger and began to slowly massage her flaps.


Applejack squeaked at the newfound level of pleasure. She had nothing but desire for those dazzling feet that were drowning her in their dominance. Sunset’s cute toes poked her in the eyes as they flexed their strength. The blushing apple farmer began to leave pockets of wet drippy saliva on them; kissing them with equal affection, give or take a much hornier snog on one or two.

The smooching swelled across both feet until Applejack was ultimately caressing all exposed points. From the sole to the heel, she splattered her mouth all over it, moaning all the while. All she wanted was the feet. Nothing less. Nothing more. Well apart from Sunset who she momentarily recalled upon accidentally looking her way. The little kinkster however was ponderous of Sunset’s smirk.

“Heh, I bet you like that you dirty slut, AJ. You want nothing but my feet in your face cuz that’s just how worthless you are.”

Applejack’s eyes widened with awe, her hand motion stopping dead for a few moments.

“Did I say to stop enjoying my feet? Get back to it, bitch.” Sunset commanded, her face with arrogance.

Ol' Sunset’s back…...Fuck yeah!

Applejack’s masturbating hands came back with an ignited passion. The return of bitchy Sunset turned Applejack on so much; regardless of how surprised she was of how far into her weird kink her girlfriend was journeying. She tensed up once again and closed her eyes – she was in absolute bliss. This time, her finger entered her pleasure hole and she moaned loudly through the sumptuous soles.

“Good girl. You’re not doing a very good job though. How about giving your mistress’ feet a clean? Prove that you are a loyal slave and give me the cleanest feet at CHS!”

Applejack did as she was bid. She was Sunset’s tool after all and nothing more could convince her otherwise in the extreme submissive state she was in. Unsheathing her tongue, the feet lover engulfed her mistress’ smelly toes in a thick coating of saliva and revelled in the faint flavour of feet sweat she could taste. It only made her hornier and soon she was on a manic driven licking spree. Her tongue went in and out the canyons between Sunset’s toes; hoovering up the tiny specs of dirt, dust and everything else that were also attracted to those inviting slits.

“You better wipe my nails too, bitch.”

Applejack grunted approvingly, her tongue still drinking in the zesty tang of her mistress’ feet. Soon though, she found herself being hoisted away from them and could feel the burning pain as her blond streams of hair were being ripped from her skull. Sunset’s hand had them encased she later discovered and Sunset herself was furious.

“What was that?” she said rather calmly.

“Yeah, Sunset.” Applejack answered.

You don’t get to call me that, bitch!” She tugged harder on AJ’s hair – it didn’t seem to bother her.

“Care to rephrase that?”

Applejack found the extra stretching of her head difficult to speak words with. “Yeah…”

“Yes, what?!”

“Yeah, mistress.”

Sunset smiled and gently released her bitch’s strained locks. “That’s better. Now get going on my toes!”

The bitch didn’t speak and hastily resumed worshipping her mistress. Unfastening the belt, she took advantage of the extra space to move up the length of the left foot and swallow her mistress’ gargantuan toe. Taking in as much as her mouth would allow her, the bitch smothered her moist tongue all over the soft, tickly contours of the back of the big toe. She switched sides and danced it over the glossy nail as instructed.

“Perhaps you can take instruction.”

Having completed her work on the first, the bitch set about working on the other four. She stopped briefly to enjoy the sweet aroma of her sex wafting up from where her well-lubricated finger was twisting inside her with the upmost ease.

“Mhmm…you smell nice…” uttered her mistress.

Focusing back on the four beautifully defined toes, she gulped them all in one mouthful. It was four times the flavour and four times the fun. The bitch grunted as if stifling a scream. She opened her eyes instinctively to look at her mistress.

Ah saw on her face, a heartfelt smile that woke what little fragment of my un-horny self remained. For that little second, ah got ta see what this really meant fer me. An acceptance. Sunset had gone above an’ beyond fer me an’ ah couldn’t shake the love ah had fer her right there. Ah love her. Ah love her feet. Ah love that she lets me worship them. And ah also LOVE her bitchy attitude too!

What ah loved the most though, was the fact we were doin’ it together. Sharin’ ar fetishes, ar kinks, layin’ everythang on the table with nothin’ held back, had led to a better deal for both of us. An’ ah couldn’t be happier.

Sunset caught Applejack’s gaze and grinned fiendishly.

“You’re so close aren’t you, bitch?!”

The bitch was really close. So close to letting her sweet little juices explode onto the couch and drip down to the floor. Dreaming about it made the bitch shudder with glee and she redoubled her efforts as she suckled on her mistress’ pretty toes.

“But should I let you cum?”

Applejack spat out the foot in her mouth. “WHAT? Please, Sun- I mean, mistress!” She emphasised. She appeared as though she was melting with all the sweat dripping down from her chaotic hair and down her sticky shirt.

“Well….I guess I could let you...” Her mistress winked at her. “Just this once…”

The bitch nodded and quickly consumed as much feet as she could. Closing her eyes, she envisioned the feet in front of her. She was determined to take her mistress up on it before she could change her mind. Another minute of fucking her feet and the bitch would be satisfied.

Such beautiful feet….


Oh fuck, Sunset! Ah love ya…


Just one more lick oughta…


Applejack threw her eyes open and grunted softly as if half asleep. “Hrrrh?”

“Applejack! I’m sorry but you’re gonna have to hold it! My parents are coming in; I just heard the door open!” Sunset’s tone was hushed but apprehensive. She looked absolutely panic-stricken.

The horny apple farmer became wide awake. Her ultimate pleasure session was about to become an extremely awkward mess. Mustering her strength, Applejack put all her bodily concentration into halting the stream of juices that were about to pour out of her crying vagina. On top of that, she multitasked in getting her skirt back up and positioning herself casually on the couch once more.

Sunset ran up to greet her intruding parents but had second thoughts and rushed back to Applejack’s side again. She gave her a worried look and Applejack, now fully clothed again, gave her a quick smile back despite the sweat running down her face.

As the shadows crept around the entryway to the living room, the two of them put on as exaggerated poses as possible.

“Good evening, Sunset; Applejack. I hope we didn’t disturb you.”

“Don’t worry about it, mom. I actually didn’t expect you back so early.” Sunset admitted, the littlest of embarrassment fighting through her attempts at a calm interaction.

“Apologies, sweetie.” Her father came up behind her mother, a folded coat over his right arm. “Your mother was feeling tired so we cut the date short tonight. But don’t let us get in the way of your emm…stuff. Come on, darling.”

“Lovely to see you again, Applejack.” Sunset’s mother stated with a broad smile before turning to leave.

“Always…a pleasure…” Applejack said through grit teeth, regardless of her efforts to conceal her strain.

Luckily, they paid it no heed and were on their way out. Once they were in the hallway, Applejack thought she heard them say ‘What’s that smell?’ earning a final blush of embarrassment. She turned back to Sunset and they both took a syncopated heavy sigh.

“Oh, Sunset?”

The question from her mother made Sunset on edge again. “Yeah?” she shouted in reply.

“I noticed your fancy message book shimmering with light after you left to see Applejack. I suspect Princess Twilight has sent you a message. Thought you’d like to know.”

Sunset gave a sigh of relief. “That’s great, mom. Thanks.” She faced her girlfriend once more and gave the horny wreck an appreciative smile.

“They know ‘bout the book?” queried Applejack.

“Yeah, they know a lot about Equestria – probably more so than you.” Sunset replied. Applejack nodded in comprehension. “But hey, I’m really grateful that you were able to keep your cool.” She brought her left arm around Applejack. “I bet it wasn’t easy.”

“Hehe, it just became a whole lot harder when y’all put yar arm around me.”

Sunset chuckled and retracted her arm. “Sorry.”

“No, leave it there. Ah like a lil’ teasin’ from ya.” Applejack protested.

Sunset grinned affectionately and resumed her cuddling. “Well, I’m glad. And I certainly like the way you have with feet.”

Applejack blushed and cursed under her breath. “Not helpin’!”

“I thought you said you liked ‘a lil’ teasin’?”


“Don’t worry, AJ. I’ll keep it on the low. Besides, next time I’ll take a turn.”

Applejack smiled. “Well, that’d be purty sweet. Wooh, ah can’ hardly believe it. Ah have a girlfriend who likes feet like ah do.”

“Well, maybe not exactly like you do. I have some other kinks...You saw one of them while you were taking care of my feet.”

“Bitch…” Sunset said slyly. Applejack raised her eyebrow coyly at her dominant girlfriend. She proceeded to grant a kiss to Sunset’s cheek and tuck her head in the shoulder gap.

“So was that better than that time at Pinkie’s?”

“Much better. It was heavenly. An’ what’s more, y’all were with me.” Applejack kissed her girlfriend on the lips and sighed dreamily. “Ah love ya, Sunset.”

“I love you too, AJ.”

An’ that about sums up how that date went. T’was perfect. Ah already felt closer ta her than ever before. And ah don’ have any regrets.

Bye for now,
AJ :heart: :heart:

Was it better than Pinkie’s though? Huh, perhaps ah should revisit that…