> Trapped. > by Thunder.S.Strike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Shelter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was on the day of the great storm. Ponys all across ponyville were Galloping for cover. Most managed to get to there houses, Thay locked the doors and barred thare windows. However, A small group were cut off from ponyville, They were trapped on the side of the mountains. WInds were high, And everypony could feel there Mouths start to freeze. The 7 of them Took shelter in the cave. The three Fillys looked terrified as a tremendous roar filled the atmospherar and bolts of lightning set trees ablaze! Whist tha're older sisters tryed to comfort them, Two of the mare's decided to survay the cave system. The small orange filly acoompanying the group rushed after them. She was about as tall as youre knee, Was blank on her flank, But you'd never seen as pony move as quick as her. She asked, nervously, like a frightened filly would, "C..can I come with you?" to wich, the eldest mare just smiled and nodded. The three of them continued to trot om into the darkness of the cave, Taking one of the candles with them. The eldest pony had a Childish pink bow, which she wore with pride. She had Glaring blue eyes, And some white freckles that really stood out against her red fur. On one side, these were swept away by her mane. Her main well kept, and was Lavender in colour. Against this lavender colour, was a bright pink patch. and her hoove's were also bright pink. Dr. lavender sunshine: "So kid, Whats you're name?" Asked the older mare. "Sc..s.. scootaloo, Madm." She said with a nervous look on her face, not supprising concidering shadows were dancing on the walls around her. "Well, Scootaroo, My name is Dr. Sunshine." Said the older pony, In a stern, but compationate tone. "And I'm Thunder Strike", Said the younger pony, In a arrogent, and foolhardy voice. Thunder Strike was a alicorn, who was born In chippingdale, She lived thare for a number years, Until going to the canterlot university. She was brash and foolhardy, but she ment well. She was turquoise in colour, With teal eyes. Her main consisted of two seperate coloured streeks, One a turquoise, the other a light gray. "Look out!" A shout echoed through the cave, then a thunderous crash. The three rushed back to see a very large bolder, blocking the enterance way. Afterwords, A long quiate and errie silence followed, whare only the sound of dripping water could be heared throughout the cave. "Well, It's no good waiting around here" said the white unicorn, trying to comfort the young-ones. "Why don't yall take a look around, see if thare's a way out?" Enquired the orange earth pony in a concerned manner, "We'll take care of the fillys. "But applejack I wanna go with them!" Protested young scootaloo. "Yeah me too" Stated A small, yellow earth pony in a saddened protest. "I know!" Shouted the young white unicorn! "Cute Mark Crusaders Cave explorers!" They all shouted, syncronised with one another. "You mind if we tag along, pardner?" Asked the orange pony. "Please?" Asked the crusaders, with a sweet smile on there faces. The doctor rolled her eyes, and said "Any help would be appreciated..." Well then, what are we waiting for, lets go!" Shouted thunder strike, who was already galloping deeper into the cave. The others began to trot after her, In silence, just the sound of hooves echoing around the cave. There was much tension in the cave. Everpony was quiet, all you could hear was 7 sets of hooves over the floor. To break the ice, Applejack asked "So parrtner, where you from?" "Canterlot" Said the doc. Immediately after, The two unicorns faces lit up. They started to ask all sorts of questions about What the city was like, Did you ever meet the princesses. But the older pony asked politely "What is it like, growing up in the most desirable city of all of equestria?" Lavender was silent, With a expression of anger on her face. This quickly snapped back to her normal face and asked "Do you really want to know?" The two unicorns nodded, smiling. To which the doc said "Horrible" an expression of shock appeared on both the unicorns faces. "But let me explain, In canterlot, they don't get involved, there's no respect for one another, no common courtesy. That's why I hate canterlot, Thats why I left!" The orange mare on he right burst out laughing. "Whats so funny?" "Look at her!" Lavender glimpsed over to her left, to see a look of shock horror on the unicorn's face. She too let out a little giggle, but quickly started to move on. ******************************************** Next week we'll release the next chapter give us your comments we'll read em all BTW if this goes well were thinking of making multiple fics like a series hope you guys enjoy byeeee. > An ur.. ur... ursa RUNNN!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- while the other ponies were walking through the cave chatting thunder had already ran ahead and was waiting impatiently. when the ponies had stopped talking they met with thunder, thunder was completely still and the other ponies were confused lavender spoke "uhh... thunder what are you doi.." she was cut off by thunder's hoof in her face. lavender was mumbling with a hoof in her face when thunder said quietly "quiet" then the other ponies saw that right in front of them was a sleeping ursa minor. after a few minutes thunder spoke again quietly "now ponies lets just back up nice an.." she was interupted by a stone that had moved, thunder looked back and said angrily "who was that" no pony came forward "i said be quiet. now lets go slowly backwards, easy, easy" then suddenly a lavender sneezed a big sneeze which echoed through the whole cave.Thunder put her hoof to her face, then turned around and again angrily said "i said BE QUIET". right then all the ponies were cowering behind applejack, suddenly every pony said in a cowardly voice "lo.. lo.. look behind you. she slowly turned to see the ursa minor which had awakened, and with a yelp lavender shouted "RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNN" the ponie ran into different groups. scootaloo, thunder and applejack went one way sweetie bell, applebloom, lavender and rarity went the other. then the cave went with a crashing and it was completely dark. **** "where are we" a scared filli's voice said then suddenly the room eluminated the room the light was coming from thunders horn. "were in a cave scootaloo. but dont worry im here" then they heard a cry for help "anypony help me"thunder ran to the source of the noise "it's applejack scootaloo" said concerned "stand next to me scootaloo be prepared for this" "arrghh" thunder said in an powerful voice. the light suddenly went off and thunder could feel the young filly grab her leg and with a gigle said "dont worry", appljack was lifted from the rocks then the light came back. "thank ya kindly thunder" applejack said laying next to them "are you ok?" to which applejack replied "yes but i think another minute i woulda broken leg" "well" said thunder "we better hurry and get outa here" the other two nodded and followed thunder. *** the room was completely dark the ponies could hear the ursa minor banging trying to get the ponies then a whiny voice cryed out "HELP HELP IT'S GOT ME" sweetie bell iluminated the room and lavender ran straight to rarity "uhh rarity.." but instead of letting lavender finish she burst out "are you going to help or leave me oh help HELP" then applbloom burst out laughing lavender tried to talk ocassionaly "rar.." "this is not a laughing matter little one it got me" until lavender shouted "RARITY" "it's just a spider" rarity replied in a snoody voice "i.. i knew that i.. was acting.. yes acting of course" "that right" lavender replied shaking her head at the other ponies while they giggled. "anyway" said lavender "we best be looking for a way out because if i know thunder she'll be doing a smart or stupid thing mostly smart in a situation like this but im not sure" "lets go then" sweetie bell said rushing down the cave with applebloom with lavender and rarity following closely behind. *** in the next few chapter's the characters will be known better so tune in over the next couple of days for the newer chapters PS. if this goes well me and daniel will make more with these characters + we have friends who have made stories and they (who are also side characters) will appear in the series in things go well im nervous anyway stay tuned > It's coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Sepperation Sweetie bell was still illuminating the room, But all the ponys were getting tired, especialy Sweetie bell. The ponies decided to rest for a while. Lavender lit a small candle and placed it in the center of the room. The cave was now tranquil and the ursa minor was no whare in sight. Everypony gathered together in the middle of the room, All in the candle light. Thay were silent, Listening for any sighn of the beast coming back. But thare was scilence, all through the cave, even the sound of dripping water had now stopped. The scilence were unnerving, You could see it in thare eyes. So to try and break the Ice, Lavender said "I hope the others are ok." No pony replyed, Thay just lay thare, in scilence ______________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, In another aria of the cave, The three ponys were walking down a tunnle, trying to get back to the rest of the group. Scooterloo and Thunder in front, Applejack limping behind them. "Are you sure You're ok to walk on that?" Said scooterloo. "Yeah, i'm fine, now comon ya'll, let's keep movin'" No, I think you should rest on that, it's clear it's painfull." Replyed Thunder "If yall insist" Replyed applejack, In a slightly patrenised voice. "This looks as good a place as any to set down." The ponys checked down the tunnle one last time, to check for thare friends. They then proceeded to lay down and sleep. All but one. Scootaloo was restless. She wanted to know what hapened to the others. She snuck off into the dark abyss that lied infront of her. ______________________________________________________________________________ Lavender, Applebloom, Rarity and sweetybelle All woke up to the earspliting sound of rocks falling from the cealing. The ursa minor was mad. Verry mad. Everypony in the cavern grabbed what little supplys they had, And cantered into the unforgiving depths of the cave. Rarity was now iluminating the path thay would take. The cave network was a maze of twists and turns, Confusion at every junction. The walls were barly big enough to fit three ponys side by side. The roof was only about 5 feet abouve the floor, meening the taller ponys had to hunker down to get through. And whare they stopped, was not Idial. A sheer, allmost verticle 20ft. drop staired them in the face, and the ursa minor was gaining ground, Destroying all thr harsh rocks in it's way. The ponys had no choice, but to jump. Thay did... > Mad Thunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Scootaloo was trotting as normal not being able to find the other ponies she stopped for a quick break, as she stopped she saw an eluminating light at the end of the hall, she quickly jumped up and ran to the end of the hall.she saw that the glimmer was "twilight what are you doing here" "well im helping a friend find jewels isn't that right lari" lariette's head poped up "yeah... but why are you here scootaloo its dangerous down here" said lariette in a concerned voice "well..." ---------------------------------------------------------- thunder and AJ were sleeping when AJ heard Scootaloo running towards them "uhh AJ why are you holding thunder"AJ jumped up "ohh that was on accident there sugarcube. urm were ya been" "well first i found lari and twi after running down this tunnel here" lari's voice could be heard "well scoot went this way so onwards" lariette & twilight came into the little cave they were in and dropped the gems making a large THUDD immediatly waking up Thunder "who? what? when? where? why?" "dont worry there its just lari and twi" the ponies decided they would go to the opposite tunnel and look for the others. ------------------------------------------------------------ "OWW my leg i think i broke my leg" rarity dashed over to Lavender to see her weeping in pain "oh dear... what should i do to help lavender"rarity said semi-worried "use you horn to fix it" lavender said quite sternly "as much as i would like to im afraid my magic cannot help" lavender just shouted "OW this is great turns out the doctor is injured and nobody knows any medical procedures" "actually ah do. sweetiebell bring that light over here" sweetiebell popped over and put the light close. after about 10 minutes and thanks to rarity always bringing supplies they managed to help the leg but just before sweetie bell turned away she passed lavender her heart locket. "did you look inside" she said with a concerned face sweetiebell shook her head sideways "oh fwoo anyway thanks for finding it" sweetiebell turned and walked over to applebloom "so did ya really not have a looky inside" said applebloom interested "keep this secret but i did have a peek" applebloom put hoof over her mouth "then why'd ya lie" "she seemed like she didn't want anyone to know" sweetiebell said with a quite normal expression. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder was leading the way "so... you think that there... ok" "i'm sure there ok thunder just give us time we'll find them" the ponies could hear a faint noise "wait stop moving stop talking" now it was clearer but still was faint "HELLO CAN ANYBODY HEAR US" said thunder putting her head to the floor "IF YOU CAN HEAR US GO FORWARD TO THE TUNNEL EXIT WE'LL MEET THERE" said lariette. the ponies ran forward to tunnel exitand looked down "ponies" lavender heard a familiar voice and looked up "there over here" "quick" said twi "use our magic to levitate them" thunder and twi both used there powers to levitate one at a time "ok now just lavender" thunder and twi were levitating her up softly until the cave shook and lavender fell again "its back"everypony ran except thunder she was determined to save her friend "just leave" lavender said with a tear flowing down her face as she turned away "NO" lavender began to levitate "IM SICK OFF THIS STUPID CAVE NOW I WANT TO GO HOME" lavender came to the top where thunder was, thunder flew down and saw the ursa coming, it approached "I'M NOT IN THE... MOOOOOOOODDDDDD" and with a powerful clash the ursa fell on its back, thunder flew back to were the other ponies were, shattered she fell to the floor breathing heavily.