> Keys to the Kingdom > by Scott Curl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cram Session > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle nervously toyed with her mane as she walked down the long hallway towards the throne room in Canterlot. She was always a little apprehensive about meeting the princesses, but today was going to be different. Twilight kept telling herself that everything would be alright. She had studied. She had prepared. It was what she had been training for ever since she was old enough. Her racing pulse, her tense nerves, and the butterflies in her stomach the size of griffons begged to differ. The guards along the hallway turned their eyes up to the twelve-foot-tall unicorn as she passed by them. Twilight’s throbbing member always got where she was walking a few steps ahead of her. Nothing new to Twilight; it had been years since she had gone for long without an erection. Her hefty balls gently rubbed against her thighs as she walked, still feeling full despite Twilight’s best efforts at stress relief earlier that morning. Her near-infinite capacity as a hyper meant it would take far more to drain them than a simple rub of her cock. She’d convinced herself that it worked right up until the first moment she walked into the castle. The last two guards stood at attention as Twilight approached the throne room, stopping in front of the massive double doors. She put her hand to her collarbone, inhaled, then slowly exhaled. Just like Cadance had always taught her to calm down. Then Twilight did it again. And again. And again. It wasn’t helping. “Milady Sparkle…” said the guard to Twilight’s left. “If you’re nervous about your test, I’m sure the princesses can afford a little more time.” “Nervous?” said Twilight, instinctively grabbing the base of her thick meat, causing her tip to flare. “Who’s nervous? Why would I be nervous? I mean, it’s only the biggest exam of my life! The princesses have only been training me for it personally! It’s only to gain the title of Princess of the Sexual Equestrian Kingdom State! It’s only with Celestia and Luna, the two most beautiful and most powerful ponies in the entire world! Why would I be nervous?!” Tower Shield was too well-trained to let her laughter escape. She was just about to comment when loud hoofsteps began trotting around the corner. “You should be nervous, Sparkle. You have some very rough competition.” Twilight rolled her eyes as Sunset Shimmer came into view. Similar to Twilight, Sunset towered over the average pony at twelve feet tall, her own thick cock throbbing as small shots of her cum leaked down her shaft in an unending flow. Her titanic breasts jiggled pleasantly as she came to a stop, a testament to how soft they were. “And good morning to you too, Sunset…” Twilight said, her barbs hardly hidden as her hands rested on her own hips. “Oh, changed your tone all of a sudden? Well, fine. It doesn’t matter whether you’re nervous or not, actually. I’m going to be the one crowned Princess today. Though I will admit that you’ll make a fine royal cock sock once I win. That booty of yours has always been a perfect fit…” Sunset gently patted her meat, giving it a few tender, loving rubs, the flow of her cum delicately increasing. Twilight’s tail swayed gently across her massive purple ass. She knew that Sunset was going to push her advantage in the tits department, but Luna always had an eye for huge butts, which Twilight still outclassed Sunset in. “And I thought you would have paid more attention to those big tits of yours,” said Twilight, staring intently at a particularly blank spot on the far wall. “Yet here you are, so eager to start that you’ve already got yourself in orgasm.” “My tits are magnificent, Sparkle. Certainly more than the bee stings you call boobs. But I’ve finally become the total package that Celestia wants,” said Sunset, wearing her usual confident smile. “I’ve been cumming the last twenty-four hours straight to prepare for her.” Twilight’s arms crossed over her hefty bosom, turning her attention more towards her rival. “First of all, my final project last year involved cumming for two weeks straight, you’ll recall. Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm for your achievement. And second, if you’re gushing before we even walk in the door, what makes you think you’ll maintain control once the exam actually starts?” “See, that right there’s why you’re going to lose, Sparkle. No imagination. I maintained my flow despite all my preparation for the exam! If I can concentrate this much when I study, just imagine how dangerous I’m going to be on the test!” Twilight scoffed, but the barbs still found their mark. The butterflies in Twilight's stomach stirred again. A tense moment of silence was broken by Tower Shield, trying to be professional. “Good morning, Lady Shimmer.” Sunset turned her attention towards the guard with a sneer. “Did you not hear me just a second ago? I’m going to become Princess today! So start calling me ‘Princess Sunset Shimmer,’ as of right now. I’d like to get used to the idea.” “But, my lady, as powerful a hyper as you are, you’re not a princess yet. I’m sure you’ll be a fine ruler one day, but-” Tower Shield was cut off by a sudden blast of cum to the face, Sunset’s cock gushing a wave of her potent seed over the guard. “Sunset!” Twilight shouted. Her horn glowed, trying to cast a spell to stop Sunset, but the flow had already gone back down. Too late; Tower Shield’s moans were already growing, dropping her spear and tugging on her armor. She threw off her helmet and tugged at her breastplate with increasing lustful fury, grunting in sudden intense passion. “What?” said Sunset incredulously, her cock back to only lightly gushing. “She wasn’t showing respect to her superiors! And besides, she’s lucky that all I’m doing is turning her into a helpless bimbo!” “I think you misunderstand how a hyper is supposed to use their powers…” said Twilight with an annoyed grunt, looking down at the guard. Tower Shield’s armor was even affected by Sunset’s cum, going from clanking and firm to starting to jiggle and bounce with her breasts. A good thing, too, as Tower’s tits were growing rapidly. Her ass swelled out behind her, her grunting giving way to shouts of pleasure as her nethers began to gush on their own. Tower’s fingers dove into her pussy, the flow of honey across the carpet more than doubling. “UNNH! Fuck me! Somepony, please, fuck me! FUCK ME!” screamed Tower Shield as Twilight looked over the intensely horny guard. It was unfortunate, but that was the power of a hyper. Her purple cock throbbed as she watched Tower Shield beg for somepony in intense lust, Twilight just taking a step away and pretending to not see her. Sunset, meanwhile, looked very pleased with herself. “Ha. You’re lecturing me about turning ponies into helpless sluts? That’s a laugh, Sparkle. Tell me, is Moondancer still working to overcome those daily ‘cravings’ she has thanks to you?” Twilight tried not to think about what she’d done before learning how to control her power, calming herself down. She and Sunset had ridden each other’s cocks many times before, and Twilight had never turned so mindless as Tower Shield was right now. Or as slutty as Moondancer had become the first time she’d gotten even a taste of Twilight’s seed. Seeing as how hiding her nerves was useless now, Twilight inhaled sharply through her nose and stood at attention in front of the door. “It’s going to take a lot more than that to break me, Sunset,” said Twilight. “I’ve been studying just as hard as you. And once I become Princess, you’ll be using your powers for good, instead of turning everyone who badmouths you into a slut.” Sunset smirked, seeing the nervousness trickle into Twilight’s words. “Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little head, Sparkle. It won’t just be on the ponies who badmouth me.” Before Twilight could counter with something else, the doors began to creak open on their own. Slowly, the passageway revealed a small entry to the throne room, just large enough for one of them to fit through at a time. Sunset wasted no time in taking the lead, walking forward and giving her ass a shake at Twilight. “Hope you’re ready to lose!” said Sunset, her cocky smirk growing into a confident smile as she strolled into the throne room, dripping more loads of her cum onto the carpet. Twilight gulped. She clutched a gentle hold of her own cock, then slowly strode in behind Sunset. Just as Twilight walked through the doors, they slowly slid to a close, leaving only the helplessly horny form of Tower Shield behind. Soft cries of “please” and “need it” permeated the otherwise quiet hallway as the guard kept helplessly cumming. Even having seen the throne room countless times, Twilight was still impressed by its lavish beauty. The red silk and velvet pillows strewn across the room added a pleasant color to the already incredible bodies of the princesses. Celestia and Luna laid across couches at the far end of the throne room, the soft scent of vanilla permeating the air around them. Even jewels strewn about the curtains seemed oddly appropriate for such perfection. Sitting up slowly on her throne, Celestia’s shimmering mane waved in a persistent flow. Her body wasn’t laced with any clothing, but the gold that adorned her ears, wrists, fingers, and the crown upon her head said more than enough. Her sister Luna laid next to her, covered in much the same, except in silver. Small necklaces hung around each of their necks, holding a symbol of the sun and the moon that rested on their collarbones, just above each beautiful pair of breasts. “There you are, Sunset,” came Celestia’s smooth, sultry voice as the unicorn approached the two sisters. “Eager to start your exams, I see?” Sunset puffed up her ample chest, her soft breasts jiggling before the sun goddess. “Eager to get crowned princess!” Twilight walked in behind Sunset, stopping to her right, standing more submissively, partially drawn into herself. The butterflies in her stomach violently fluttered as Luna began to sit up on her padded throne. Even the way the moon princess sat up was so utterly beautiful that Twilight’s eyes were transfixed. “And there is the lovely Twilight Sparkle, as tantalizing as ever,” said Luna, standing up from her throne. At sixteen feet tall, she and her sister towered over everypony else in their kingdom, even their faithful and beloved students. Luna’s breasts softly bounced with an enticing sway as she walked closer to Twilight. The little ways that Luna moved her hips, flexed her legs, even puffed out her chest just oozed sexuality. Everything about her body language told volumes about how confident, powerful, and sexy this mare was. Even Sunset was staring at Luna as she walked towards Twilight, who was feeling her lust rapidly build for her princess. And all Luna was doing was walking! Twilight couldn’t take it. Her cock throbbed for a moment before she gently began to cum. Sunset’s smirk returned. “Well, now who’s lacking self-control, Sparkle?” “Shut up, Sunset… “ Twilight said with a wince. She maintained her composure by taking in a slow breath through her nose, even as she allowed her cock to keep cumming. There was no point in stopping it now, especially not with Luna getting close. Luna leaned down towards both students, rubbing their shafts with her soft delicate hands. Twilight and Sunset both gently moaned as Luna rubbed, their flows briefly increasing with their seed pouring across Luna’s hands, and soon enough, her chest. Luna smirked as she saw Twilight and Sunset keep both their eyes open, their hungry eyes staring at her coated breasts. A few more delicate rubs were all Luna gave the two huge cocks, slowly stepping backwards. Luna’s horn glowed as her perfect body was clean of their cum in an instant. “I would say these two are suitably prepared for the examination, Tia,” said Luna, even though she kept her eyes closer to Twilight. Sunset was about to make another snide comment when she felt another soft hand grab her butt from behind. Then came a small grunt from Twilight, who got much the same from Princess Celestia. “I don’t know, Lulu. They do seem to be rather easily distracted…” The gentle kneading and caressing of Celestia’s soft hands was enough to make both unicorns stifle further low moans. Their cocks each throbbed, growing a few inches, their flows increasing from a steady drip to a small stream in a constant leak. Luna chuckled to herself as she slid back onto the velvet throne. Celestia walked between the two horny students, standing at the head of her sister’s throne, her hand instinctively running through Luna’s starry mane. Twilight and Sunset managed to open one eye apiece, managing to keep their focus despite themselves. Just as they’d been trained to do. “Now then, my sweet girls,” said Celestia, “It’s time we get to the meat of this exam.” The obvious innuendo made Sunset’s eyes almost roll out of her head. “You’ve spent countless hours with your fellow students, your peers, and your friends, mastering your sexual power, and becoming two of the most beautiful students to ever grace these halls,” Celestia continued, a soft blush coming to Twilight’s face from her praise. “I’ve seen you two flood hallways, grow past your limits, milk each other for days, and turn the most celibate of ponies into the most mindless of sluts.” Celestia’s lips curled into a smirk. “And with that in mind… There is only one real test you two have left to overcome.” A hard spurt was enough to send Twilight’s mind out of focus for a moment, leaving Sunset to speak up. “And what’s that? What could I… er, we possibly do that hasn’t already been done? We’re the most powerful hypers in all of Canterlot!” Celestia took a few steps towards Sunset. Luna turned back around from her throne, walking slowly towards Twilight. As the princesses approached, their balls visibly swelled and the immense cocks that rested beneath stood at attention. Twilight’s eyes opened as she saw the princesses walking. Luna was the first to speak up. “Not quite the most powerful, Sunset Shimmer.” The two genius-level students deciphered the meaning quickly. In an instant, the confidence that had been written all across Sunset’s face vanished. Sunset had clasped the base of her cock with both hands, another gush staining the throne before her. Twilight’s eyes grew wide, almost choking on her air. Her thick purple cock jerked as she kept her eyes on Luna, who sensually strode behind her. “P-Princess Luna,” said Twilight, staying perfectly still, only her eyes watching Luna’s movements. “You can’t mean…” Twilight was cut off by a sudden spank. Luna’s large blue hands clasped around her marshmallow soft booty. To their left, Celestia had grabbed Sunset by her huge pillowy tits, lifting her up to her level. Sunset winced, looking up at the huge alicorn, feeling Celestia’s own huge breasts pushing into her back. “Lost your nerve?” said Luna, her thick member growing even faster than Twilight’s. “If you can’t handle the absolute best in the Sexual Equestrian Kingdom State, then you won’t be fit to be a princess.” Another grab to the plump ass of Twilight barely even registered as Twilight grew more nervous at the prospect of this coming exam. Celestia and Luna’s dicks had been plunged into many a being across the millennia of their rule. Neither of the Two Sisters could even begin to recite the names of all the ponies that they’d plunged, pounded, and inflated with the size of their immense loads. Twilight could name ten random ancient, mythical figures of Equestria off the top of her head, and smart money that the Sisters had carnal knowledge of all ten of them. Which is why Twilight’s body tensed with all her might the instant she felt the top of Luna’s cock touch against her ass. Already, Twilight was wondering how impossibly she was going to be stretched. Sunset had stretched her plenty of times, but nothing like what she’d read of Luna doing. Even as it grew, Twilight could feel the raw power behind Luna’s cock. Even the steady flow Twilight was already leaking was going to be a drop in the bucket compared to her loads. Sunset wasn’t far behind. She was putting on as brave a face as she could, but Celestia’s dick was already in prime position for Sunset’s dripping wet pussy. She saw the golden glow of Celestia’s horn over her shoulder, the strong soft hands of the princess kneading into Sunset’s ample chest. She could already feel her breasts beginning to grow under Celestia’s spell, though she didn’t dare resist. The goddesses grinned as they leered over their students. It was Celestia who spoke before the exam truly began. “Now, faithful students, you both have earned a very rare privilege: witnessing the full power of the Two Sisters!” The powerful cock of Celestia pushed its way into Sunset’s folds as her tits began rapidly growing under the spell of the sun goddess. Twilight’s plump purple ass gave way as Luna’s dick pounded its way in, a ferocious heat surging through Twilight’s body. In an instant, the two students began to scream with lust. Sunset’s flow of cum went from a steady drip to a firehose, spraying the thrones in front of her in a thick white. Twilight’s cock surged in size as she felt Luna pump into her magnificent ass, gushing cum so hard that she would swear she’d hit Cloudsdale. Her seed rained down on the stained glass windows behind the throne, somehow avoiding shattering them with the cannonball-like force behind her orgasm. Celestia’s magic poured through Sunset’s body, who watched as her breasts swelled, bigger and bigger, larger than her head and still increasing. As she poured her cum from her massive cock, Sunset’s senses finally returned. This was a test, and there was no way in Tartarus that Twilight Sparkle was going to be a better hyper than her! She turned her cock towards Celestia’s throne, favoring it over Luna’s as she coated the velvet couch in her spunk. Celestia chuckled to herself, releasing Sunset’s breasts from her spell. They bounced and jiggled in an endless dance across her chest, big enough to titfuck herself. That brought Celestia back to the third year of Advanced Hyper Studies where Sunset had done just that, swallowing so much of her own load that her stomach swelled… A brief but blissful nostalgic thought. And one that gave Celestia an idea, her horn sparking again as her hands kneaded into the massive mounds, letting her own royal scepter grow further inside of her student. “My word, Sunset. You certainly are devoted to your studies, aren’t you? Even for the advanced classes, your power is incredible…” Sunset grinned, her eyes partially opening as she heard Celestia’s praise. It was more than enough to set Sunset’s focus back on the right path, even as Celestia’s cock began to stretch out Sunset. For all of the worry she’d had when she heard of Celestia’s full power, Sunset was keeping herself relatively under control. “N-Nngh… Of course, Princess! It’s nothing for me! In fact, through the rest of this exam, I’ll show you I’m way more devoted than- anh! Aaah! AAH! AAAAAAH~!” A second cock suddenly jutted from Sunset’s hips, growing rapidly to match the size of her first, surrounded by Celestia’s magic. Her new cock began cumming instantly, her pussy clamping down on Celestia’s meat with a vice grip. What brief levels of confidence and control Sunset had were blasted away by Celestia’s show of dominance, with Sunset just trying to not give into her maddening lust. Twilight’s eyes widened as she saw what Sunset was going through. Her gaze was interrupted when Luna turned Twilight’s head towards the throne, then slid her hands down the unicorn’s body to her hips. Twilight felt the distinctive sensual touch as Luna caressed around her hips. “Now, now, Twilight Sparkle. Keep your focus on your own exam,” said Luna, whispering into her ear while the massaging hands of the goddess caressed her. “Are you concerned that Sunset Shimmer’s cocks will overpower your own?” Twilight gulped, glancing over again. It was impossible not to compare. And it didn’t look good for her. Twilight’s dick had only just grown past the tip of her horn, whereas both of Sunset’s cocks were at least an arms-length longer. And, naturally, twice the cocks meant twice the cum. Sunset and Twilight were gushing so heavily that the floor of the throne room was starting to be coated in a thin layer of seed, yet Twilight’s own flow was still less than half of Sunset’s. “Nnngh… y-you’re right. I have to… I have to focus…!” Twilight’s hands gripped as low as she could on her huge cock, grabbing and jerking herself suddenly. The shaft began growing again, swelling in size as she pulled it towards her chest. Then, in a display that many who might have seen her thought insane, began to push backwards. Luna was hardly one to protest as Twilight slid further down her cock, pushing that ass that she’d used so well further and further down the immense shaft. Twilight’s legs wobbled beneath her, fighting down for every inch of the shaft. Her pussy was leaking with her intense heat as she grunted, sweat rolling down her forehead, her cum flow pouring onto the floor like cream. Her teacher wasn’t far behind. Twilight felt Luna’s cock flare deep inside of her, a leaked few gallons of pre-cum pouring into Twilight, her belly suddenly, albeit slightly, swollen from the size of Luna’s momentary lapse in control. Luna’s fat balls grew as well, sliding across her legs as the princess grabbed Twilight’s hips, helping her down another few inches. “Ooh! Twilight Sparkle! You’ve taken your studies to heart after all!” shouted Luna, the scent of her sweet musk managing to reach Twilight’s nose, in spite of the layer of cum flowing over the floor. Luna’s horn glowed with a bright blue aura as she suddenly latched her hands onto Twilight’s dick from behind. “Then you will surely appreciate quality over quantity!” The magic flowed into Twilight’s cock from Luna’s soft hands, accelerating its growth explosively. It was Twilight’s turn to scream in lustful bliss as her shaft rapidly reached the size of Sunset’s pricks, and growing further still. Her cumming increased just as much, a steady flow of cream becoming a deluge of thick seed. Her balls swelled until they reached the floor, her own loads coating around the titanic sack, her heat building within despite her massive release. It was all Twilight could do to keep herself from completely losing herself to this lust and plowing anyone in front of her until it subsided, whenever in the next decade that might have been. Sunset’s tits bobbed and bounced as both of her immense cocks poured over everything in the throne room, the wall behind the throne covered in her sticky paste. Both of them weren’t at their breaking points yet, but each of them knew that their near-infinite levels of seed would find a way to be properly drained before the exam was over. Then, a rather ominous sound filled the ears of Twilight and Sunset. Over all of the lustful screams to the heavens, the twitching marehoods, the unending rivers of cum and the wet sloshing of their mixed flows across the floor, they both heard it. It shouldn’t have been so scary. And yet it was. They both heard it. They saw it on each other clear as day. They both saw the dread in the other’s eyes. They saw the sweat pouring down the other’s pretty face. Celestia’s soft chuckling echoed through the room. Luna’s smirk betrayed her own amusement. “Enjoying yourselves, girls?” said Celestia, her voice oozing with succulent malice. “I hope you’re not too worn out. That was the easy part of the test.” Twilight’s stomach dropped. “T-The easy part?!” she shouted. Sunset’s throat clamped close, refusing to open to let her speak. She thought she had seen the limits of Celestia’s power. Sunset had cum more in a few minutes than the average pony did in an entire lifetime. And that was the easy part? A firm white hand grabbed each of Sunset’s two cocks with blinding speed. The grip was so suddenly intense that her flow came to a near instant stop. Even Twilight, whose cock had grown larger than her own body, felt her valves close the moment Luna held onto her shaft. “My cum!” shouted Sunset. “B-But that’s… That’s impossible!" “Hardly, Sunset Shimmer,” said Luna as Sunset and Twilight were lurched forward. Celestia and Luna picked them up off the ground, driving them further down their cocks with their divine strength. Both students’ cocks swelled at their bases, still refusing to unleash the torrential loads contained within. The horns of the two sisters began to glow. Celestia slowly licked her lips. “Now for the hard part.” > Graduation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia started off slow with Sunset Shimmer. A few thrusts of an inch or two inside of Sunset’s wet pussy while keeping her hands clamped on the twin cocks were enough to cause Sunset’s balls to start swelling into further hugeness. All the while, a small smirk stayed etched across Celestia’s beautiful face. It had been ages since anypony besides her sister had felt her full power. “Nngh! P-Princess! UNH! Princess!” shouted Sunset. Even though the floor and thrones were already covered in cum, Sunset felt Celestia’s grip holding back her flow. She desperately bucked both of her cocks, hoping, praying, pleading that Celestia would let even a drop of it through. Sunset’s balls swelled, fast. That near-infinite seed had to go somewhere. Luna took a different approach, gripping onto Twilight’s hips and plowing that plump marshmallow ass with her immense strength. A bit more every time, Luna’s powerful cock drove its way into Twilight without mercy. Every thrust made Luna’s dick swell just a bit more. Every thrust of that cock was more powerful than the last. Every pump made her own cock surge higher than the last. Twilight was sweating profusely, just trying to hold on. A daunting task with Luna holding her off of the ground, titanic house-sized cock and all. Twilight’s heavy nuts were still on the floor. She was sure they were the biggest they’d ever been. Maybe except for that one time when Sunset had pranked her with the cum-doubling spell... In a few moments, it wasn’t going to matter. Twilight felt Luna’s own cum almost bubbling just underneath the surface of her cock, ready to be fired out like a shot from a cannon. “Ooh, Twilight Sparkle!” said Luna with another spank and a fierce grab of a handful of purple booty. “You feel so deep! A truly wonderful hyper, indeed! But… We see you still trailing far behind Sunset Shimmer where your tits are concerned.” Twilight pried an eye open to look at her rival, plunged on Celestia. Sunset was starting to slip through the cracks, grabbing one of her cocks in her hands, rubbing and twisting with a ferocity that Sunset had only shown a few times before. Her cocks had both grown well past her head, but nothing compared to the titan bobbing and pulsing in front of Twilight. Celestia’s cock was pumping with speed beyond most mortals. She was lifting Sunset from the cum-covered floor with her godly strength, pumping at such an angle to make Sunset’s balls swell towards the thrones. Throughout it all, Celestia retained the pleasant, confident smirk on her face, which only further unnerved Twilight. Just as Celestia leaned in to whisper something to Sunset, Twilight’s attentions were forced back to Luna by another seismic slam into her tight ass. Twilight’s mind became so suddenly fogged with lust and adrenaline, she hardly registered it as her body violently respond with a thrust of her own. Her cock surged in size so hard that the tip slammed against the high ceiling. “UNNH! G-GH! C-Can’t… Can’t stop iiiit!” Twilight shouted. The pressure built up fast. Twilight could still feel her cock trying to grow against the ceiling, sending shivers through her much smaller frame down below. The only thing preventing Twilight from bursting through was what little sense of self-control she had left. Even in the years upon years she’d studied the finer points of hyperdom, Twilight’s dick had never been this big. The entire room rumbled as the involuntary thrust of her hips pushed the towering cock upward, though any one of her thrusts might break through. She thrashed as much as she could on Luna’s dick, still stretching her out more and more. Luna’s free hand gently squeezed one of Twilight’s tits, leaning over her neck and licking across her cheek. “Do not fret, my young apprentice. We will see to it that your tits are spoken of with reverence…” “NNNGH! AAAANH~!” shouted Sunset in a lewd plea. “Please! PLEASE let me cum, Princess! My goddess! My MISTRESS!” she pleaded again as the holy monolith of Celestia pounded her with a power and speed greater than anyone ever had before. Between her and Twilight, the incredible growth of their sacks was threatening to fill up the throne room. Celestia grinned, a momentary shiver giving away her real feelings. Even as she forcefully, exquisitely rammed Sunset’s pussy like a jackhammer, she was a picture of grace and elegance. “Oh, my dear sweet student, Sunset… your release will be legendary.” Celestia kept a tight grip on both of Sunset’s throbbing members, leaning in to whisper again. “You will release only when you promise me that you will drain those heavy balls. Even if that means washing away Canterlot in a tidal wave. You will only release when you can prove to me that you are a hyper of the highest caliber. You will take what is yours, and hold nothing back. Nothing. Do you understand?” “Yeeeeeeees!” cried Sunset, unable to do anything but scream. “I’ll make every last mare and colt ride my cocks! I’ll flood the whole fucking world for you! I swear I will I swear upon the sun and the moon and the huge perfect tits of my goddess oh goddess sweet mistress just please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME CUUUUUM!” Celestia only kept smirking, glancing over at Luna. Both of Twilight’s eyes were closed, audible cracks in the wood echoing across the throne room like fireworks as her towering cock kept trying to break through it. Any second, Twilight knew she was going to lose this fight. Luna’s massive meat just felt too good to contain it. All of a sudden, a spurt of several gallons of cum gushed inside Twilight. The sudden jolt should have made her belly balloon in size, but she felt a heavy weight on her chest instead. She audibly gasped in between her cries of lust, feeling her tits swell as Luna came. The few synapses in Twilight’s brain that weren’t screaming at her to plow through the roof knew there was no such thing as “too big” for the most accomplished of hypers. But between her monolithic cock, her intensely swelling balls, and now her tits growing at Luna’s will, she was beginning to understand what it really meant. “But first!” cried Luna, one last intense grip at the base of Twilight’s cock making it break through the support beams. “Show them all the power of a princess! Show them why you deserve to be called a GOD!” At once, Celestia and Luna let go. Twilight and Sunset’s screams echoed to the heavens. A flood instantly blasted from Sunset’s twin cannons. It broke through the throne room’s doors, a massive wave surging through with the force of a tsunami. The helpless Tower Shield and her fellow guardponies were swept away as the halls were filled with Sunset’s cum in mere moments. Even at the lower floors, the scent of Sunset was so intense that ponies grunted and tore their clothes off. It wouldn’t be long before the wave after wave after wave of cum cascaded down to them. Those on the higher floors fared no better. As Twilight’s monstrous cock added another tower to the castle, her cum shot into the sky and rained back down across the grounds. Foot after foot, yard after yard of Twilight’s dick kept growing out of the hole in the roof, crashing through with each thrust. The guards and guests outside were splattered, their surprise quickly giving way to unbridled lust as Twilight’s potent seed flooded their senses. The throne room itself was once again flooded as Sunset and Twilight’s cum coated everything. The earth-shaking rumbles of their balls trying to desperately empty shook the floor. Sunset wasn’t controlling herself, as her mistress wanted. The force of her twin dicks blasting out her sticky cum forced her back against Celestia, who was all too happy to plunge deep inside of Sunset’s overtaxed pussy. Twilight’s single titan of a cock was spraying so intensely that the castle was already getting coated. “Aaaanh! NNNGH! F-FUUUUCK!” cried Sunset, thrashing her body on Celestia’s divine dick. “That’s it, my faithful student! Don’t let up for an instant!” said Celestia, letting her passions finally break through as she plowed Sunset’s tight pussy mercilessly. As she pounded, the holy balls of the sun goddess finally graced Sunset with their blessing. Celestia’s seed finally began to flow inside of Sunset, the pure unbridled heat of it all making Sunset sweat even harder. She was turning into a filthy, sticky mess, and she loved it. Luna drew back her cock, grabbing onto Twilight’s ass again with that firm grip before plowing inside of the purple booty one more time. Twilight could feel another spurt of Luna’s cum. Then another. Then another. Then another. Luna was moaning openly, her horn sparking with her magic as the balls of the goddess finally let loose. Despite cumming infinitely harder than the princess, Twilight’s tits swelled into further hugeness, pressing against the titanic cock in front of her and swelling rapidly. Somewhere, deep in the back of Twilight’s mind, she wondered how she might escape. This pleasure was rocking her down to her very core. Her tits were still growing bigger from Luna’s magic, and they showed no signs of stopping. Those titanic boobs were pushing against her monstrous cock so hard that, any moment, they’d slide around her shaft and she’d be titfucking herself. But then... why fight it at all, she thought? Maybe… Maybe Twilight didn’t have to escape it. Sweet Celestia’s tits, it all felt so good. Like she could just pass out and let her consciousness drift away as Luna’s toy. She’d never stop spraying. And that blessing of a cock could coat all of Equus in cum. Every pony, dragon and griffin would be mindless in their passions. All of them would be bowing to Twilight. Bowing to Luna. They’d all be so horny that the entire planet could be one giant orgy nonstop. It could all be glorious… All she had to do was let go… A small voice in Twilight’s mind suddenly shouted. “No! NO! This isn’t me! I don’t turn ponies into sluts! I want to be a princess who loves her subjects, not controls them! Nngh, but it’s so hard to think… I can’t stop cumming! Got to… got to… fight it!” Luna’s cock wasn’t making things any easier for Twilight. And with Luna’s centuries of experience, there was no doubt that she’d only stop cumming when she wanted to. Twilight was still swelling, still watching that titanic cock of her own spray across the castle. Sunset’s twin marehoods weren’t far behind, the throne room’s floor hidden beneath a river of whiteness as the cum flowed from the castle into the streets of Canterlot. Gritting her teeth against the pleasure, the small voice in Twilight’s head fought against the raging torrent of lust that was flooding her mind. Her horn began to glow softly at first, but soon, it began lighting up the room. Twilight’s monstrous cock shuddered as she tried to cast a shrinking spell on herself in an attempt to stem the tide. But, no matter how much of her power she pumped in, her cock just wouldn’t stop. A soft chuckle came from behind Twilight as Luna gave her ass a prompt spank. “Oh sweetest Twilight Sparkle, you’re going to have to be a little more creative than that.” Twilight felt Luna’s cumflow increase, even more of the divine seed pumping into her as punishment. “AAAAH! YES YES YES YES YEEEES P-PRINCEEEEEESS~!” Twilight screamed again, her horn violently sparking with magic. Across the room, Sunset appeared to be showing some signs of struggle as well, sweat pouring down her pretty face as she clenched her pussy, trying to slow Celestia down. Her hefty nuts were still nowhere close to empty. Sunset had realized that cumming nonstop like this could mean weeks before she emptied, and that was if Celestia allowed it. Sunset couldn’t have that. Nopony bested her. Not even her princess. It was Sunset’s horn that glowed next, Celestia’s balls feeling a distinct tingle as Sunset’s magic enveloped them. The princess smirked, licking Sunset’s neck with a slow drag. “And just what do you think you’re doing?” Twilght, in her haze, wondered the same thing. Coating the balls of an alicorn in magic? What was Sunset planning? Was she trying to prevent Celestia from cumming? Such a thing would be impossible, given the difference in their power… Suddenly, the idea struck Twilight like a thunderbolt. That was it! Power! She and Sunset were at the top of their class, and even they paled in comparison to their princesses. Twilight needed power to stop herself from cumming into complete submission. And Twilight had her source. Sunset had her source. That was what they needed. They’d told them right from the start. The full power of the Two Sisters. The idea was completely insane. If Twilight couldn’t pull it off, she knew that she would only be sending herself into lustful madness even faster. If Twilight slipped, even for a moment, she really would be nothing but a royal cocksock. It was risky. But it was the only way. Twilight’s magic violently jolted from her horn, enveloping Luna’s cock in a pale purple aura. Luna chuckled, just about to comment before she felt a distinct pull on her balls. The flow of cum into her student suddenly increased, causing Luna to suddenly slam forward, dropping Twilight and grabbing onto her hips. “NGH! Twilight Sparkle, what is this meaning of THIIIIIS?!” It was Luna’s turn to shout as her gushing spiked. Her loads were more than twice as big as a moment ago, a constant stream of divine spunk pouring into Twilight. The princess had expected her student to try and stop her endless orgasm; instead, she was increasing it. That brief moment of surprise had let Twilight’s magic overtake Luna’s mastery of her cock. Across the throne room, Sunset had begun casting and recasting an instant orgasm spell on Celestia. As much magic as she poured into her spell, it still wasn’t working. Celestia was just too strong, and too experienced. Sunset must have overestimated her own talents. Celestia’s hands kneaded into Sunset’s breasts. “Oh, Sunset. I know you want to pleasure your mistress, but you’re just not strong enough. Maybe if you’d only- NNGH!” Celestia’s pussy suddenly clenched as she felt her honey run down her legs. Sunset’s spell had simply changed direction. In the ensuing moment, Sunset took advantage to clench down as tight as she could on Celestia, who was cumming harder than ever. The horns of Twilight and Sunset glowed ever brighter. The divine cum pumping into them in literal waves was still forcing them to dig deep just to stay in control, as their own marehoods were still gushing uncontrollably. Now was the real test. Drawing from that divine power source for their magic. Twilight was the first to strike. Her horn filled the room with an eldritch purple light, drawing on the power from Luna’s cum to make herself resist. She could already feel the oceans of cum bubbling inside of her sack start to subside, her cock’s intense growth finally coming to a stop, most of the roof of the throne room now gone from her sheer size. The sprays of cum into Canterlot were still endlessly flowing as the two students gushed. Only the select few pegasi guards who had made it into the air were spared the instantaneous change into a horny mob scene in the castle. Tower Shield, in particular, had been swept out to the castle gardens by Sunset’s first wave, grabbing a random stallion and plunging herself onto his cock with a furious need. He didn’t seem to mind, the way he had pinned her to the grass and pounded her tight pussy with his own maddened lust clouding his thoughts. Inside the throne room, Celestia and Luna’s brief lapse in control was turning into a struggle. As much as the two of them were gushing, Sunset and Twilight weren’t getting any bigger. In fact, Luna saw, to her amazement, that Twilight’s bust and cock were actually getting smaller. Twilight’s horn was not only glowing as bright as a flare, but her eyes had begun to glow with the same light. Her huge purple ass grabbed onto Luna’s cock and pulled, and pulled, and pulled until Luna found herself buried as deep as she’d ever been in anypony. Luna grabbed onto Twilight’s ass with her alicorn might and pulled back, but she could hardly budge her cock. All the while, her gushing was getting more intense, fueling Twilight’s power. “T-Twi! Light! UNH! Sparkle! Y-You! UNNNNH! More! MORE!” Luna shouted, her royal voice echoing across the castle grounds. Sunset’s face had regained the confident smirk she was accustomed to wearing as she heard Celestia’s passioned cries. Her fervent cries and grunts through gritted teeth made Sunset knew just how close she was coming to overpowering this goddess. The ethereal light that had spread over Twilight’s horn began to envelope the rest of her body. Twilight’s sexy frame shone with a brilliant light as Luna’s cock was driven to cumming harder than she’d cum in the past century. Luna screamed with passion as she felt herself gushing what must have been lakes of cum at a time, yet she couldn’t so much as tug herself an inch away from Twilight. “Aaah! I-I can’t stop her! UNGH!” Sunset’s body began to glow from within, a white light spreading from her stomach towards the rest of her powerful frame as both of her cocks came down to the tip of her horn. Pulses of power pumped through her frame as she greedily fed on the holy power of Celestia, and every pulse felt like another orgasm was rocking through Celestia’s dick. Then, they all saw it. Twilight and Sunset, clear as day, were growing. Twilight grew in a slow and steady wave, her horn getting longer. Sunset’s body grew in pulses, inches at a time. Their voices echoed like a heavenly choir. What anyone could see of their bodies was beautiful beyond mere words. Their light grew brighter and brighter, glowing hotter than the sun. It felt incredible. This was beyond any mere orgasm. This was beyond the sensations of sharing such a miraculous release with their beloved teachers. This transcended everything they’d done in their studies as hypers. It was a sensation that pierced straight into their souls. It was unlike anything in heaven and earth. Their cries of pleasure couldn’t do it justice. There were no other words. It was divine. Celestia and Luna, through their sweating and helplessly intense release, looked up to see Sunset and Twilight’s bodies transform. Giant wings fanned out from each of their backs, the tips of their horns sparkling like diamonds. The light began to fade, and their eyes adjusted as it slowly dimmed. Twilight and Sunset had each grown to a perfect sixteen feet tall. Twilight’s mountainous purple ass was jiggling harder than ever, her tits swollen to Sunset’s level of beauty. Her cock had throbbed up to the tip of her horn, and her balls were nearly to her knees. Sunset retained both of her cocks, the tool that Celestia added still gushing its loads while her tits bounced from their softness. Her clenched pussy was still milking Celestia for all it was worth, but she could feel the clouding fog in her mind rapidly lifting away. Twilight turned to inspect her fellow student. Sunset turned to gloat to her rival. Their eyes laid upon the other. When they did, they went from half-lidded glances to wide-eyed stares. A moment of heavy silence hung in the air. “Sunset!” said Twilight, the first to speak up among the four. “You’ve got wings!?” “I’ve got wings!?” Sunset snapped back. “How in Tartarus did you get wings?!” Twilight looked behind her. A soft flap of her light feathery wings said all they needed to say. Her plan, crazy as it was, had worked better than she could have ever anticipated. “We’re… alicorns?” It was a soft grab from below that finally drew their attentions away. The flow of Twilight’s cum that had coated the entire castle had come to a stop. The rush of Sunset’s cum that had flooded the hallways had come to a stop. Below them both, the proud smiles of Celestia and Luna shone brightly. “Congratulations, girls,” said Celestia, panting and coated in a thick layer of sweat. “The exam is over.” Eight hours later, most of the guardsponies and castle staff had been cured of their rampant need by the magic of the princesses. And repairing a few destroyed roofs and doors was even easier, most of the mages’ court lending their horns for a speedy repair. As massive as it was, the titanic flood was being cleaned up quite quickly, even if those assigned to the clean-up did suffer a few ‘relapses.’ Twilight watched out the window overlooking the gardens from the guest bedroom. She fluttered her new wings, trying to get a sense of this shift in weight. Being four feet taller and growing several cup sizes wasn’t doing her many favors, but she’d dealt with massive shifts in weight before. At least she could find a way to control the size of her cock. Appealing as the thought sounded, having a cock that was big enough to block her vision just didn’t seem worth the trouble. Behind Twilight, Sunset Shimmer stood with her hands on her hips, impatiently drumming her fingers, staring at the bedroom’s double doors. Both of her cocks were still hard, but she’d managed to stop cumming for the moment. It had to be harder than it looked. Two cocks meant twice the stimulation, Twilight had reasoned. Still, there was a tension in the room as the two newly-ascended alicorns waited. Twilight turned from the window and slowly walked towards Sunset, awkwardly stopping a few feet behind her. “Um… so, Sunset! Are you thinking about keeping that second cock?” Sunset rolled her eyes as she turned to face Twilight. “Of course I’m going to keep it, Sparkle. It’s a graduation present from Celestia herself! Once Celestia and Luna walk in and tell me that I’m the one they’ve chosen, my first royal act will be having my portrait painted with them on display!” Twilight felt the butterflies in her stomach flare up again. “How do you know that you’re the one they’re going to pick? I ascended, too!” she said while fanning out her wings, almost losing her balance. “Because you copied my idea!” Sunset would have stormed at Twilight, if not for fear of falling over. She resorted to pointing at herself. “I was the one who thought to use the divine power in Celestia’s cum before you tried it with Luna!” “But you were also submitting to Celestia’s domination,” Twilight fired back. “I was focusing on finding a way to cope with Luna’s cum the entire time while you were ready to call her your mistress! And besides, you turned a guard into a slut for no reason before we started! I’m the one who should be Princess!” Sunset was just about to shout at Twilight again when a creak of the doors cut her off. Both of the girls stood awkwardly at attention as Celestia and Luna walked in, slowly closing the doors behind them. It was hard not to start gushing again as Twilight saw Luna’s sexy sway, but she managed to restrain herself. Barely. Celestia was wearing a smile on her face. The only thing she usually wore. “Sunset Shimmer? Twilight Sparkle?” They stood up straight, both of them having to lean forward again when they almost toppled over backwards from the weight of their wings. “You’ll be glad to know that the clean-up is almost finished,” Celestia continued. “You shouldn’t have to worry about any long-term damages to the castle or the ponies inside of it.” Another long moment of silence hung in the air. Twilight was too scared to talk, worried her voice would crack from her nerves, and then there’d be no hope for her. Luna chuckled to herself. “But that is not what you want to hear us say. You want to know who we have chosen to become Princess of the Sexual Equestrian Kingdom State.” Twilight bobbed her head once. Sunset nodded quickly. “We had come to a decision while we were recovering from your exam,” said Celestia as the two princesses stepped forward. Celestia stood in front of Sunset, and Luna in front of Twilight, both of them clearing their throats. Twilight thought how odd it was that she was seeing the princesses eye-to-eye now, but the thought vanished in an instant as her heartbeat quickened. “Sunset Shimmer? Twilight Sparkle? You both performed admirably during the exam today,” said Luna. “You both had your flaws, to be certain, but you overall did exactly what you had to do. It was the ultimate test of your abilities as a hyper, and you both managed to pass in your own unique ways.” “However,” said Celestia, running a hand down Sunset’s arm, “your performances forced us to think long and hard about who we would want on the throne. You both have different mindsets, different skillsets, and different accomplishments from your time in your studies. And after some debate between the two of us, there was really only one decision we could make.” Twilight swore she was sweating harder now than during the exam. She could feel her heart ready to beat straight out of her chest. Luna clasped a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “We have decided… that you will both ascend to becoming Princesses of Equestria!” Sunset and Twilight almost collapsed. “Both of us!?” said Sunset. “But, but I thought you only wanted one princess! Why did you change your minds?” “Why?” said Celestia. “Because, in the millennia we’ve been ruling this world, there has been no one capable of doing what the two of you have done. Anyone else who has tried to best us, even try and contain us, has failed. And our own students managed to match us! Such a talent coming along once in our reign was thought to be rare enough. But twice at the same time? We simply couldn’t let such fine students like you go to waste!” “And aside from that,” said Luna, holding onto Twilight’s shoulders, “you two will see the world from the top of the mountain! As alicorns and princesses, you will be immortal! You will learn how to become rulers of the day and of the night, not just as students, but as the hand-chosen successors to the crown!” Twilight’s jaw hung open. Sunset tried to speak, but couldn’t do more than uselessly stammer. Celestia and Luna gave each of their soft butts a playful swat. It didn’t register. “Now then,” said Celestia, pulling away, “it’s been a trying day. Use this room and get some well-deserved rest. We will see you both in the morning… Princess Twilight Sparkle. Princess Sunset Shimmer.” The two sisters turned and left the room, the doors creaking to a close. Outside, the clanking of metal armor told them that guards had taken position in front of the doors. Twilight and Sunset both stared at the closed door for what felt like hours. Slowly, they turned towards one another, mouths still agape. Twilight’s brain was the first to wake up. They’d done it. Both of them. They were princesses. They would rule alongside their teachers as the most powerful and wise hypers in the kingdom. Forever. As much as Twilight wanted to jump and scream in pure joy, she’d also realized that meant she’d have to spend an eternity with Sunset Shimmer. “Well, fuck.” > Honor Student > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sighed. Another predictable sun setting had to be proceeded by another walk down the hallway to the throne room. Mundane as ever. She tugged on the silver chain around her neck, the starry charm resting just above her pillow-soft breasts. Some days, she missed Luna’s “extended breaks.” Twilight kept her cock at a respectable eighteen inches in length, acceptable for a sixteen-foot tall alicorn. Even though it took the most minuscule of effort, she still felt the urge to let it grow as her massive purple ass swayed and jiggled behind her. Her voluptuous tits bounced with each step, dark purple nipples still hardened. She felt the eyes of the guards watch her as she walked. She could picture what must be going through their heads as clear as day. The guards appropriately saluted as she approached the throne room. “Hail and good evening, Princess Twilight!” said the guard to Twilight’s right as her horn glowed, opening the door. “Good evening, Justice Heart,” said Twilight with a little smile. The smile quickly faded as she heard a sudden shout of passion come from inside the throne room. There was Princess Sunset Shimmer, both of her cocks stuffed firmly into one of her many servants. The light blue coat gave her away as one of Sunset’s newest pets, Ocean Wave. While Sunset was never bothered by anyone who saw her with her harem, her face coiled into a smirk when she saw Twilight walk in. “There you are, Sparkle,” said Sunset as her hand rubbed down Ocean Wave’s back. “You just can’t keep yourself away from me, can you?” The golden crown on Sunset’s head slid back as she looked up from her servant. Twilight resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she stepped into the throne room, the guards closing the doors behind her. “Well, I do have to get my relief somehow. You’re still one of the only ponies capable of handling me, Sunset.” “Oh, how terrible it must be having the biggest cock in all of Equus,” said Sunset with an eye roll of her own. “How terrible it must be to be able even to make Princess Sunset Shimmer stretch on you!” Both of Sunset’s dicks spurt into Ocean Wave, gallons of godly seed spurting in an instant. “UNNNH! M-Mistress!” shouted Ocean Wave, her belly and breasts bloating from Sunset’s massive loads. Twilight did her best to ignore the cries of Ocean Wave as she strode up to her throne, taking a slow seat on the soft cotton cushions. “It’ll only be terrible when you’re too busy plowing your sluts for the four-hundred-year anniversary of our ascension next week.” “Has it already been four hundred years?” said Sunset with a smirk. “Time passes so quickly when you’re immortal.” She stretched her arms over her head and stood up from her throne, taking the helpless Ocean Wave with her. The servant screamed as she felt herself slide down further on the massive twin members of her glorious princess. “But it’ll pass a lot quicker once I lower the sun.” “Must you take this so lightly?” said Twilight as she brought a red-laced pillow to the throne with her magic. “Celestia and Luna won’t be back for another two weeks from their trip, and they’re expecting us to keep Equestria running smoothly! This isn’t an excuse to pound your servants all day!” Twilight’s words fell on deaf ears. Sunset faced the window, giving Twilight a nice view of her plump perfect ass, complete with the smooth and elegant curves. In all of the centuries, as many times as Twilight got frustrated with Sunset, she would never have said that Sunset wasn’t one of the sexiest mares in all of Equestria. She hadn’t earned her place as a princess for nothing. But, neither had Twilight. Instantly, her mind flooded with thoughts of plowing Sunset down onto her cock, and letting it grow to its full size. Ever since her ascension, Twilight had never truly grown as big as she had that one day. But she knew she could again. She knew she could be bigger. The thought was already making Twilight’s dick start swelling. Sunset’s horn glowed softly, the sun setting down behind the mountains. She glanced over her shoulder, catching Twilight staring with that massive cock starting to grow. With a grin, Sunset shook her ass, the plump softness jiggling. “Like what you see, Sparkle?” Twilight didn’t even flinch. “Of course I like that booty. I bet you’re still sore from your three hundredth birthday party, the way I plowed it. Even you aren’t used to taking cocks that big.” The grin on Sunset’s face went wider. “Well, well! Where’s this coming from all of a sudden? You finally remember that you’re a hyper? Because you can feel free to join us real princesses any time.” Twilight scowled as she slid her body down onto the soft throne. “I am a real princess. I just choose to define myself by something other than the size of my harem.” “Suit yourself, Sparkle. But I know what you’re really like. You can’t tell me you don’t have the urge to fuck every last one of your servants all at once.” Sunset’s cocks throbbed as she walked towards the throne. Twilight’s cock gently pulsed as Sunset approached. “Sunset, how many times do I have to tell you? Of course I love sex, but I…” She was cut off by a fingertip gracing over her lips. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to unleash your real power on some unsuspecting pony,” said Sunset as she slid her other hand over Twilight’s chest. For all of her bragging, Sunset could back it up, which irritated Twilight more than anything. Her cock throbbed again, growing quickly, touching against the bottom of her tits from the grace of Sunset’s soft touch. “I’ve seen you get as big as a tower in this castle,” Sunset whispered, closing in on Twilight from behind her throne as her hand went to massage the ever-growing dick of the young night princess. “Don’t you remember graduation? Now that was a real display, wasn’t it?” Twilight wanted to resist, but she just couldn’t. That day was still fresh in her mind, even centuries later. A tingle went up her spine as she thought of how amazing it felt to be impaled on Luna the way she was. “I know you want to,” said Sunset, her voice gradually growing stronger. “I know you’d love to! You’re still walking these halls in nothing but jewelry, letting everypony see how fucking hot you are without an ounce of shame! You’ve got a harem of servants at your beck and call, willing to do the most perverted things you can think of with a smile on their face! So stop acting like you’re so above letting loose, and just do it!” The dark grin on Sunset’s face spread from ear to ear. Her cocks started gushing in a steady flow, plumping up Ocean Wave against the throne. Sunset’s soft hands grasped and rub at Twilight’s titanic cock as it outgrew the rest of her frame, still pulsing with power. As enormous as Twilight was getting, she was resisting. Her teeth were grit as she clutched onto the throne, refusing to let even a drop leak from her infinite stores of cum. She grabbed Sunset and suddenly pulled her down into a kiss to stop herself from screaming. Sunset kissed Twilight in return, locking lips with her and rubbing her delicately soft hands across Twilight’s dick as it grew well past her head. Twilight fought to try and restrain herself, to no avail. Even fighting against the pleasure seemed impossible. The way Sunset’s tongue moved and danced with her own was enough to keep that royal scepter pumping bigger. And with Sunset’s thick cocks still pumping into Ocean Wave, no doubt she was horny enough to see it through to the end. Or, so Twilight thought. There was a sudden slide of Sunset’s delicate hands off of the thick shaft, and a slow parting of their lips as Sunset pulled away, smirking down from above. Twilight panted, staring through half-lidded eyes. That smirk said a hundred different things. None of them good. “I didn’t think you’d break that easy,” said Sunset. “Four hundred years, and that cock’s been buried in every prince and princess in Equus. If all it took to get you off was a kiss and a little foreplay, I would’ve added you to my harem ages ago.” Twilight grimaced at Sunset’s taunting. She’d have brushed it aside as she’d done countless times before if her cock was screaming at her to plow Sunset into submission with everything she had. That ass could take it. She could just slam that beast into that tight booty and make her scream until she had to raise the sun… Horny thoughts like that battled against the rational side in Twilight’s mind. And the horny side was rapidly gaining ground. “So I think I’ll just leave you to try and work that out tonight. Besides, poor little Ocean Wave needs a break from her mistress, or else she’ll pop.” Sunset turned, making a show of jiggling her perfectly huge boobs and the curved softness of her ass. Ocean Wave tried to scream out to her goddess, only to give out a muffled groan of unfiltered ecstasy. However full Sunset had pumped her, it was almost too full. Twilight, her cock still throbbing and eagerly presenting itself, had to watch as Sunset strolled for the doors of the throne room, Ocean Wave still bobbing helplessly on the twin cocks with every step. “Nnngh! If you think I’m going to cum, you’re wrong!” Twilight shouted at Sunset. “I’ll go the whole night without spilling a drop!” “I look forward to seeing you try, Sparkle!” Sunset called back as she opened the doors, stepping through with an even wider grin across her face. Her voice dropped down lower as the guards closed the doors to the throne room. “And I’m going to love watching you fail.” Spitfire’s pulse had stayed a few beats quicker ever since she saw the sun go down. She felt her breathing get heavier from the collar around her neck, making sure it was tight as she walked into the large bedroom. As her hoofsteps echoed across the tile floor, her large breasts bounced gently in full view of the torches that lit the room. Yet she felt not the slightest bit of shame. The collar was all her mistress had allowed her to ever wear. So it was all she needed to wear. The seven-foot-tall pegasus had been blessed with numerous gifts. Some of them she was born with, others she was blessed with by her saintly perfect mistress. Spitfire couldn’t remember the last time she got sick, or the last time she was in want of money. She was warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and every day brought the finest of meals to her belly. Her job was never in doubt, and she performed it every day to the best of her ability. No, Spitfire had only one want, one desire: to please the divine perfect pony who made it all possible. As the sun finally went down behind the mountains, Spitfire climbed a small set of stairs at the foot of the enormous bed. Her hands slid over the top covers, leaning forward slightly over the covers with her curvy yellow ass pushed out in full display. Her eyes closed, and her muscles tensed, becoming as still as a statue. She dared not move. Not now. Spitfire waited, and waited, for what felt like an eternity. Every small creak or step outside the bedroom doors made her heart almost jump into her throat, but she stayed perfectly still. Her eyes stayed closed, turning to the kinky, sexually charged desires her mistress was capable of coming up with on a whim. She remembered just last month, and how wet she’d become as she’d walked into the throne room. The foreign dignitaries had all stared at this tall pegasus, parading through the royal court with nothing but a collar on. The blushes came to everyone’s face when Spitfire announced that she was nothing but a cocksucking whore. A whore who didn’t deserve the saintly perfect mistress she had. The one true goddess of Equestria, the mare to whom all others were nothing but toys, the most beautiful- Spitfire’s thoughts came to a sudden stop when she heard the bedroom doors creak open. Her eyes snapped open, her hands instinctively balling into fists, grabbing a handful of the covers. Still, she didn’t move, keeping her ass presented. Sunset’s arms stretched over her head as she strolled into her bedroom. It would take Ocean Wave a few days to recover, but at least she’d be back on her hooves soon enough. Her horn glowed as the doors closed behind her, the twin cocks throbbing all the while, strolling past Spitfire for the nightstand to remove her crown and jewelry. As her mistress walked past her, Spitfire could smell the powerful musky scent of the alicorn begin to fill the air. She stifled a whimper, already getting more wet. Just the smell of this mare was powerful and sexy enough that Spitfire had long since stopped trying to control herself. Sunset lifted the covers to the bed and slowly slid beneath, the soft mattress and the silk sheets caressing every curve. Both of her shafts tented the sheets heavily, blocking Spitfire’s view of her. Less than half of Sunset’s size, Spitfire remained perfectly still. As she placed her head on her pillow, Sunset closed her eyes, listening for Spitfire’s reaction. It took a few minutes before she heard the soft, whimpering, needy breaths from the foot of her bed. Her trademark smirk gave way to a few chuckles. Sunset stayed laying down with her eyes closed as her hands slid behind her head. “What if I told you to stand there all night, pet? With your ass sticking out and your tits on display?” Spitfire inhaled sharply, her eyes sliding closed. “Nngh… I-I would do it, mistress! I would do it gladly! All night, until you brought light to the world again!” Sunset chuckled again. “Fortunately, I’ve got bigger plans than just listening to you cum all night.” Spitfire’s eyes went wide in an instant. She felt the heat suddenly shoot through her loins, her legs clutching together. It was no use. “M-Mistress-! NNGH! UNNNH~!” Spitfire suddenly slammed her crotch against the bed frame with a scream, echoing across the bedroom and into the hallway. Her wet pussy and her sweet honey stained the sheets, hands curling around the covers. For several long moments, she braced herself tight against the bed. Her clutched hands only slowly released the sheets as her eyes opened back up to Sunset. Glorious, perfect Sunset. Sunset’s eyes opened, rather puzzled. “Now why did you… Wait a moment. Oh, that’s funny, I could have sworn I removed that spell three days ago. It must’ve slipped my mind.” At the foot of the bed, Spitfire slowly nodded her head and panted, still standing in place with her ass presented. Her legs felt a little tight from bracing herself against that sudden release. Sunset sat up, the silk covers sliding free of her magnificent chest, giving Spitfire a full view. “Ah well. Like I said, I have more for you to do than just…” Spitfire’s hands clenched again, bracing herself. “Staining my bed sheets.” Spitfire sighed softly. Sunset pulled the covers away to expose herself before her pet, both of her cocks still on full display. Spitfire could only stare, entranced at the beauty of the twin dicks. “In the meantime, climb your ass up here and give my lower cock a good licking. Ocean Wave couldn’t pleasure me as much.” “Yes, Mistress!” With a flutter of her wings, Spitfire leaped onto the bed, landing on all fours. The pet crawled over towards the titanic balls of the princess, sliding up to her knees and gently sitting in front of the swollen orbs. The intense musk was making Spitfire wet again, biting her lower lip against the growing need for Sunset as she glanced at the lower cock’s tip. The tip of Sunset’s hugeness was even with Spitfire’s mouth, meaning Spitfire wasted no time in wrapping her hands around the shaft and squeezing. Spitfire shivered as her breasts slid against the huge alicorn cock, rubbing her soft tits against the shaft and leaning in close, kissing across the tip in delicate pecks. Her hands delicately caressed Sunset’s dick, her tongue touching down in slow drags to savor the taste. In all of the years that Spitfire had served her mistress, she never stopped loving the taste of her. She caressed and massaged the cock like she was making out with a longtime lover. Her heart was pumping faster, and her mind was already fogging up with where Sunset might take her tonight. For her part, Sunset was leaned backwards, hovering a pillow against the headboard and resting. Her cocks were always hard, so a nice stimulation was nothing new. Even so, it took only a few moments of Spitfire’s delicate licking before Sunset’s smirk gave way to a soft hum of approval. There was a reason that Spitfire had earned her place as the head of her harem. It was how she had been granted the right to personally serve Sunset in her private chamber at any time. Spitfire always knew just the right way to move her tongue, her hands, and the rest of that sexy little body of hers. “Enjoying yourself down there, pet?” Sunset said, reaching a hand up to toy with one of her own huge breasts. “Nnngh…” Spitfire’s body shivered, getting another tight clutch on Sunset’s bottom cock as she felt Sunset’s balls swell bigger. The heat of the infinite amounts of divine seed contained within was just delightful. “Yes, yes, yes, yes yes yes YES, mistress!” “Is that so?” said Sunset, giving her tit a nice squeeze before slowly rocking her hips up and down, the massive shaft rubbing up against Spitfire’s chest. Sunset felt the heat rising between Spitfire’s legs, and saw her grip weaken as her lust took hold. “Well then, prove it. Praise me.” Spitfire leaned into Sunset’s cock as her mind flooded with ways to praise this princess, this goddess, this divine mistress in front of her. She licked and sucked across everything her tongue could reach, peppering her praise with kisses. “You’re… You’re the most gorgeous, perfect, incredible pony that has ever lived! You’re the greatest mistress in the history of mistresses! Not a moment goes by I don’t wish you were filling me with your cocks and pumping all of that holy seed into me! The way you dominate me, the way you use me like your fucking plaything, y-you… Oh goddess, you make me so wet!” Spitfire thrust her hips against the base of Sunset’s cock, her huge breasts pushed tight against the alicorn cock. Spitfire didn’t know if it was the raw power of her mistress, a magic spell, or her own pure lust for Sunset that was making her this horny. She didn’t care. “UNHH! My mistress! I’m your toy! A filthy whore who only wants to serve the greatest pony who ever lived! NGH! Flood me! Pump me! Tell me to scream from the heavens how much of a SLUT I am! Parade me around like a trophy! I’ll do it all! I’ll do anything for you! Anything! Just please use me, Mistress!” “My, my,” said Sunset, licking her lips with a smirk, hands planted firmly behind her head and firmly gripping one of her huge tits. “Aren’t you into it? Why, any second now, you’re going to cum!” Spitfire didn’t have time to brace herself. Already too far gone from her pleading, Spitfire’s wet pussy suddenly leaked against Sunset’s massive cock, once again screaming as she convulsed in orgasm. It was all Spitfire could do to brace herself against the towering dick as she came, her honey dripping down to Sunset’s balls. Sunset began to sit up again as Spitfire inhaled sharply. “Tell me, pet. Has it just been me who makes you wet when you hear that word… or is it anyone that says it?” As Spitfire slowly began to calm herself, her hands released the massive cock, panting and sweating as she looked up to her mistress. “Nnngh… j-just you…” “Of course,” said Sunset, sitting up and leaning forward, looking down at Spitfire from on high. “I’d hate the idea of just anypony making you cum as hard as I do.” Spitfire’s eyes shot open again. She tried to grab onto Sunset’s lower cock as the heat between her legs suddenly spiked. It was already too late. Another scream echoed around the room as Spitfire fell back onto the soft bed, helplessly leaking her honey. Her hips thrust up and down in intense convulsion, slamming her ass against the silk sheets. Sunset’s trademark smirk etched its way onto her face, her hand stroking a fingertip across Spitfire’s breasts. “Pet… cum for me.” Spitfire’s heat only grew hotter. Her breasts bounced hard against the rubbing fingertip. She twitched and screamed in the purest of lusts for her glorious mistress. Her legs grew wetter by the moment as her honey poured forth. She couldn’t fight it. The spell was too strong. The pleasure was too great. “Pet, cum for me. Pet, cum for me. Pet, cum for me.” “AANH! M-MISTREEEESS~!” Spitfire screamed in helpless obedience. The slightest touch set her nerves on fire. The loving care of Sunset’s hand rubbing across her breasts was exquisite. The soft silk delicately danced over her huge ass. Her hips helplessly pounded into the air, her heated pussy gushing her honey all across the bed. Her hands gripped the sheets with impassioned strength. It felt so good. A blush spread across Spitfire’s face. She loved it. She loved this humiliation. She loved the kinky whims of the princess that made her know her place. It was all she could think of. By the Goddess, this felt so fucking good! Every nerve in Spitfire’s body was on fire with pleasure. She twitched and thrashed as she came relentlessly. It might never stop. All her mistress had to do was just say the word and she’d be a helpless mess. And she loved every humiliating degrading second of it. “Nnngh! I’m such a WHORE!” Spitfire shouted, the blush growing hotter across her face. “A filthy, dirty little slut for my gorgeous perfect mistress…!” she said as her voice began to wear down. The world around her only just started to come back into focus as Sunset’s fingers teased the pegasus tits. After what felt like hours, Spitfire’s cumming slowly stopped, leaving laying on top of Sunset’s bed in a messy, sweaty heap, panting and whimpering. It felt like she’d just flown a marathon, with her muscles tightly wound and her breathing hard and fast. Sunset’s smirk went ear to ear, pulling her hand away from Spitfire’s chest. As many times as she’d seen it over the centuries, watching her most faithful of servants scream out their praises never got old. And Spitfire was one of the most willing she’d ever had. “And that, pet, is why you are the leader of my harem,” said Sunset with an affectionate rub to Spitfire’s cheek. The servant grinned under her praise, weakly rubbing her pretty face against Sunset’s hand. As much fun as her evenings were, Spitfire was still a mortal. A night of using her as a cock sock now could probably break Spitfire in half. And Sunset wanted to get the most from her servants. Sunset gave both of her cocks a soft squeeze, gushing a few loads of cum over Spitfire’s face and chest to stain her with the holy seed. Spitfire whimpered again, the warmth seeming energizing her as she licked it from her fat yellow tits. She started with the occasional lick, but gradually worked her way up to swallowing mouthfuls of the powerful seed. “Now pet, clean yourself up and take a shower. I want you in top condition for my four hundredth ascension anniversary this next week. Oh… and leave your collar on. You’re not to take it off until my say-so.” “Nnngh, yes mistress… Gladly…” said Spitfire with a perverted smirk, staying splayed across the bed sheets, licking Sunset’s seed from her chest in large gulps. Sunset leaned back against her pillow and pulled the covers up to her collarbone, taking Spitfire with her, leaving her pressed up against the twin tents. “And while you’re out, send Forest Fawn into my room. I’d like to sleep with somepony stuffed on my cocks tonight.” “Anything, my mistress,” said Spitfire in a hoarse whisper as she gulped down a final mouthful. She slowly tried to stand, her legs and knees still burning from the intense releases. She braced herself against the towering cocks, finally managing to stand. After just a slight wobble, she walked towards the small steps on somewhat unsteady legs. “Pet!” Spitfire inhaled sharply, jolting to a stop as her hoof touched the first stair. “Make that cute ass bounce as you walk.” Spitfire grinned, swaying her hips side to side. She slowly took the steps off of Sunset’s bed, walking to the door to the servants’ quarters, all the while bouncing her big yellow booty with every slow step of her hooves. “Yes, Mistress… my gorgeous, gorgeous mistress…” Spitfire purred as she slowly walked through the servants’ door. With her head servant gone, Sunset closed her eyes and rested while waiting for Forest Fawn to arrive. Her cocks softly spurted more cum beneath her covers as she pictured Spitfire’s butt swaying side to side. Just occurred to me I never told her to stop bouncing that ass, thought Sunset. And I didn’t remove that orgasm spell either… Ah well. If she’s still swaying come the anniversary, I’ll reward her. Sunset’s cocks kept staining her sheets from beneath, a large wet puddle of cum forming on her bed as it dribbled down both of her huge dicks. Not that it was anything new to Sunset. When you have infinite cum, you stop caring about what you’re going to stain… Well, unless you’re Twilight Sparkle, Sunset thought with another grin. I wonder how she’s holding up. I haven’t heard any tidal waves rush down the halls yet… She must have lasted longer than I thought. Still… Sunset sighed contently as she let her cum flow increase, a small but steady stream spurting across the silk bed from each cock. The princess purred contently, dragging her tongue across her lips as she let the pleasure of cumming non-stop wash over her. No hyper can resist forever. > Teacher's Pet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity opened a large wooden closet with a smile on her face. Her trips to the castle these last few evenings had been like she’d pictured them when she’d first come to Canterlot; elegantly beautiful, lusciously vibrant, and spectacularly decadent. Perhaps with Celestia and Luna on vacation, the level of stress and worry had truly gone down for everypony. Although Rarity had her own stresses to consider. Thoughts of ballrooms and next week’s formal festivities had been stirring in her head for months. What would she wear? It wasn’t every day that a celebration like Twilight’s four-hundredth year of rule came along. “A nice purple and silver combination? No doubt it would send all the right messages if I matched it to Twilight’s coat! T’would be a lovely compliment, indeed.” Rarity took a step backwards, enough to catch her image in a full-length mirror. She held her arms over her head, her horn glowing a soft blue as her dress slid smoothly away from her curved form, sliding onto a hook in the closet. Her pert white breasts and supple rear end each received a few soft pats as Rarity examined herself head to hoof. “Although, ‘tis not everypony who looks this good naked,” Rarity chuckled as she adjusted her pendant tighter around her neck. The silver star charm at the front glowed a gentle purple as it was locked into place, her breasts swelling up a cup size before the glow faded. “All these years, it still hadn’t lost its magic. I should expect no less from the great Twilight Sparkle! Now, enough dawdling. The princess needs her spirits kept aloft, and I am just the pony for the job!” Rarity stepped from the servants’ quarters and strolled down the hallway towards the throne room wearing nothing but the high-class pendant around her neck. The sun had set moments ago, and Twilight’s nightly reign would need to start on a high note. And who better to start it than I? Rarity couldn’t help but run one of her hands from her waist to her breast, even giving it a soft tease with her fingertips. Even the well-trained guards, who saw all of those who served the princesses, gave her a few stares as she passed. Rarity had heard all their whispers. She let them do it. She worked hard to look as good as she did. The fact her pendant could only slightly enhance her beauty was proof enough. The creak of the throne room doors saw Princess Sunset Shimmer walk past, one of her own servants planted on both of her shafts. Rarity did her best to try and ignore the servant’s muffled grunts, bowing respectfully to the tall alicorn. “Your Majesty.” Sunset stopped when she saw Rarity, only to break into a chuckle a moment later. “Good luck tonight, little lady. Sparkle needs all the help she can get,” she said before arrogantly strolling past. Odd… thought Rarity. For one so brash as Princess Sunset, a response so indirect was a bit unusual. But Rarity had her meetings to attend, and thought no more on it. There was only one princess that took space in her heart. The throne room’s doors opened to Twilight sprawled across her throne, that gigantic cock of hers at full attention. It must have been at least the size of the rest of Twilight’s full sexy frame, throbbing in all its majesty and filling the room with a thick alicorn musk. To Rarity, the hyper princess being this aroused was a common sight. What was unusual was the distress written across Twilight’s face. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was sharp, struggling against herself. Rarity at first thought Twilight had been impatient and begun rubbing her royal scepter, until she saw Twilight’s hands gripped into the soft cushions. A slow inhale through her nose helped clear Rarity’s mind. The scent of Twilight’s musk helped; Rarity could already feel herself becoming wet with anticipation. The servant stood up straight as she approached the throne with her warmest smile. “Good evening, Mistress!” Twilight turned her head, opening her eyes to the beautiful unicorn. In an instant, her cock grew another few inches. Rarity’s gorgeous feminine frame had always been Twilight’s favorite. Any other night, she’d be overjoyed. Now, it was the last thing she needed to see. “Rarity!” said Twilight, her grip tightening on the sofa throne. “R-Right on time, as always!” “I am a mare who prides myself on many things, darling. One of them is my exceptional punctuality,” said Rarity as her hand graced Twilight’s huge shaft, feeling its heat and every little pulse. “And another is my grace around my princess..” “Nnngh!” Twilight’s hands instinctively gripped the base of her cock as Rarity touched it. A load of her cum just barely stayed contained, almost ready to shoot up to the ceiling. “R-Rarity! Stop!” Rarity’s brows raised, but she removed her hand as she was told. “Stop? But, whatever for?” A moment, and no answer. Twilight was still desperately trying to struggling with her cock, her grip fierce on what she could reach of its base. “My stars, whatever is the matter, darling?” Twilight felt a bead of sweat run down her face as she opened one eye at Rarity. “I-I swore to Sunset Shimmer that I wouldn’t spill a drop of cum tonight! If I… MMPH! If I release, I’ll n-never hear the end of it!” With Sunset, Twilight meant that completely literally. Rarity could only frown. Clearly, this is what Sunset Shimmer had meant by Twilight needing help. To think that such a brash boast could stop her from doing what she loved to do! It was unacceptable. At least it was before Rarity’s lips curled back up into a smile. A very different smile than the one before she’d walked into the throne room. Her narrowed eyes were framed in the shadow of her luscious purple mane. “So you will not… spill a drop?” Twilight managed to get both eyes open. Her cock was still rumbling with the urgent need to cum, only managing to prevent it from getting any bigger with all of her concentration. Rarity’s arms crossed over her chest, hiding her large white breasts from view. “Correct me if I am wrong Mistress, but you only swore not to spill your cum. In my years of service, I’ve pleasured you many times without letting any of that succulence slip away…” Even in her struggle, a light bulb went off in Twilight’s head. It might have been cheating, but Sunset was never one to play fair. And besides, Rarity’s horn was already glowing with magic. Whatever Rarity had in mind, Twilight was too focused to protest. As Rarity’s magic enveloped her body, the charm on her pendant began to glow brighter and brighter. In a slow wave, Rarity grew in size, her curves staying in perfectly balanced grace the entire time. The charm aided her in the effort, the size-shifting spell made effortless as Rarity got bigger. A soft jiggle of her breasts with every soft pulse of growth kept Twilight’s eyes going upwards. Rarity’s eyes, meanwhile, were fixated on the flared tip of Twilight’s royal scepter. A hungry look betrayed her calm, collected poise. “You’ll have to forgive me, darling… I passed on dinner this evening, and I’m simply famished,” said Rarity, continuing to grow as she got to her knees, approaching thirty feet in height. “And I know you can give me enough to fill me up!” Rarity’s large hands latched onto Twilight’s cock with a sudden intense grip. “AAANH! R-RARITY!” Twilight shouted, falling back onto her throne. She instantly lost control of herself, but luckily, Rarity’s huge grip stemmed the tide of cum. Twilight felt her balls start to swell from the backlog of cum that was building up. The moment Rarity so much as wavered, it would be over. “Hold on tight, darling!” Rarity’s growth stopped around fifty feet, kneeling just to fit within the throne room, her hands wrapped around the base of the titanic alicorn dick. Rarity’s large white breasts slid against the shaft, the softness and warmth flowing through every inch of the massive meat. It was enough to make Twilight scream even louder, her cock throbbing forth at least another foot in length. “I-I can’t… hold on… with you! UNH! You’re the BEST!” Rarity’s cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink. Her grip tightened and her tits bounced. Her soft lips slid across the flared tip. “Only the best for the beautiful princess of Equestria.” Rarity’s mouth plunged onto Twilight’s tip, locking her lips around it. She clasped her eyes shut. The gem on her pendant glowed again. Its magic hadn’t let her down yet. She could only hope it wouldn’t now. She let go. Given a release at long last, a massive torrent of cum burst from Twilight’s dick. The princess screamed in a primal passion as it all began its flow. What felt like thousands of gallons of the warm sticky alicorn seed rushed into Rarity’s mouth, the pendant’s magic sparing her from bloating in an instant. Rarity was prepared for this challenge. Her lips stayed locked hard around the shaft as it sprayed uncontrollably, not letting a single drop past them. All the while, Rarity’s massive tits, each as big as an entire pony, bounced and brushed over the divine shaft, only compounding the release. “UNH! Rarity!” Twilight bucked her hips with her godly strength, finding the sweet spot that let it all flow down Rarity’s throat. “YES! YES YES YEEEEES!” Somehow, Twilight came even harder, the titanic purple cock gushing with a mind of its own. Rarity’s soft lips did more than just spare Twilight humiliation; they were very well saving Canterlot from a torrential flood. The pendant around Rarity’s neck glowed bright, needing to spend more and more of its power just to maintain Rarity’s shape. Being fifty feet tall was one thing. Stemming the flow of a horny alicorn who was pumping hard enough to refill an ocean was quite another. And still, Rarity didn’t let up. Her hands grabbed her massive white mountains, pushing them around the titanic purple meat, stroking the shaft in a soft massage. Rarity felt every pulse from that cock. Much as it was unladylike to say aloud, she loved it. Rarity loved seeing her mistress grow so horny that she couldn’t contain herself. The taste was richer than the thickest whipped creams from a wedding cake. The pendant protested with a spark of magic, managing to hold on. Rarity could only keep drinking, too lost in bliss as Twilight’s balls emptied. Or at least, tried to empty. It was Twilight’s providence and her right to cum as much as she wanted, as long as she wanted, without limit. As much as Rarity had given Twilight, she could scarcely remember the last time Twilight had orgasmed this hard. Those thoughts soon faded in the thick mist that filled the room. The heavy scent of Twilight’s musk and sweat, combined with the smell of all that delicious cum, was clouding Rarity’s mind to anything but sucking cock. After a few minutes, the pendant gave out a loud hum that neither of them could ignore. It was nearing its limit. If Rarity didn’t pull off now… Rarity looked down to Twilight, who was locked onto the pendant, still cumming without mercy. That cock was deep in Rarity’s throat, testing her loyalty. Rarity could pull off now and save herself. Or she could stay, and prove herself. It wasn’t a hard decision. Rarity’s eyes sparked with a fierce determination, clasping her giant tits together around the relentless cock. I am a loyal servant. And I will serve my mistress. The pendant sparked its last few pitiful protests as its magic faded. “Oooh! Rarity! Unh! Y-You’re…!” Twilight could feel her orgasm approaching control, the broken dam from her balls starting to slow. But there was no saving Rarity now. It started off slow. Rarity’s flat belly curved outward into a cute bump as the cum flowed down into her stomach. But it wasn’t going to be that easy. As Twilight’s cum flowed, Rarity’s soft lips sucked in every last drop, the cute bump turning into a thick padded pillow. The perfect breasts and curvy ass of the beautiful unicorn started to swell shortly after as Rarity swallowed and gulped. Even kneeling, Rarity began to fill the room. The flow of cum refused to give her an ounce of relief, flooding her form and making those luscious curves into a bloated, cum-filled balloon as her stomach kept growing. Despite her beautiful body being swollen into hugeness, her expression just glowed with delight. Her mouth was curved into a smile, her face soaked with sweat. The room shook as Rarity’s huge cum-filled body pushed against its walls. The ceiling would be the next to go if Rarity kept growing. And there was no telling how much longer Twilight royal scepter could keep up with her. At last, through the murky haze of lust and sweat, Twilight wrestled control of her cock back. The divine infinite maelstrom had finally died down as her balls relented, shrunk back to their original size. The last few trickles of cum slicked their way onto Rarity’s tongue before, finally, her orgasm stopped. Twilight quickly pulled her cock from Rarity’s lips, careful to keep the last bits of her seed contained before shrinking its size down to a mere twenty inches. Even the sixteen-foot Twilight was dwarfed by the immense cum balloon that was Rarity, who gurgled and grunted her satisfaction. Not a drop spilled. A smile came to Twilight’s face. Rarity had never looked more beautiful. “Nnngh… oh, Rarity… my dear, sweet Rarity.” Twilight stood from her battered throne and rubbed Rarity’s soft swollen stomach, round and warm with an untold amount of seed. Rarity panted, whimpering with delight as her stomach was rubbed. “Anything… anything for you…” Twilight stepped back, glancing up past the round hill to Rarity’s face. “I know what I have to do now. And once I finish, I’ll come back to shrink you down and power up your pendant. Because tomorrow night…” She flew up to Rarity’s cute round face, holding her cheeks and planting a kiss. “Tomorrow night, you and I are really going to see how far I can go.” Rarity smiled back, peppering Twilight with a few small kisses. As much as she could reach, anyways. “Mmmh, Twilight, darling… That sounds delightful! But what are you…” Twilight put a finger to Rarity’s lips. “Remember: not a drop!” A little wink, and Twilight’s horn sparked with magic, teleporting her out of the room in a violet burst, leaving Rarity to herself. Rarity gently hugged as much of her belly as her arms could reach, straining against the walls, ceiling and floor. A content sigh escaped her lips as she bloated unicorn snuggled down into herself. “How fortunate I skipped dinner after all…” Out in the royal hallway, Twilight reappeared, standing tall and stretching her arms over her head. The silver crown and jewelry sparkled in the hallway torch light. “Oh! Princess Twilight!” said Justice Heart, standing at attention. “Your Highness, is something amiss?” Twilight turned, smirking down at the guardpony. “Not at all. In fact, I haven’t felt this good in a long time! And why shouldn't I, being one of the strongest hypers in Equestria?" Another little turn, and Twilight's massive prick stared Justice Heart right in the face. The guard braced herself, expecting to be hit with a burst of Twilight's seed. A few tense moments later, Justice Heart opened one eye, only to see her princess already walking away. "Now if you’ll please excuse me…” said Twilight, walking down the hall, the hyper princess bouncing her pillowy tits and swaying her large booty with every step. Justice Heart only momentarily fought the urge to stare. “M-My lady, where are you going?” Twilight’s smirk spread across her face. “To see Princess Sunset Shimmer.” > Higher Education > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stood in front of Sunset Shimmer’s bedroom with a fire burning in her heart. That short walk was enough to renew her vigor. Rarity’s selfless act of lust had given her a clarity she’d not felt in a long time. She was a hyper. One that had been blessed with the powers of godhood. A princess who needed to set an example for all of the citizens under her watchful eye every night. It may have been hard to accept before, but she knew what had to be done now. It was time to teach a certain sun-loving upstart her place. Twilight opened the doors herself, finding Sunset Shimmer with the covers of her bed kicked off to the side. The huge wet stains across the foot of the bed made it clear how long Sunset had been cumming. “Forest Fawn. About time,” said Sunset, turning her head. “I’d been waiting for…” If Sunset’s mood wasn’t already sour from waiting for her servant, it was now. “Sparkle,” said Sunset with a sneer. “If you haven’t come here to admit defeat, then I don’t have the time to deal with you.” Though Sunset subconsciously noted that Twilight seemed strangely in control for somepony who was seconds away from flooding the castle so soon before. Undaunted, Twilight strode in, the heavy doors closing behind her. “You’re going to make time for me, Sunset. I need to talk to you, and this can’t wait any longer.” Sunset’s brow raised. Her cocks stopped gushing, sitting up on her bed. “Well. This is new. Make it quick.” Twilight walked to Sunset’s bed, standing in front of her. Sunset subconsciously leaned backwards, knowing that Twilight could very well unleash her titanic cock at any moment. There would be nowhere for her to go. “Do you remember the day we became princesses?” said Twilight, leaning forward, her heavy breasts jiggling pleasantly. “What kind of question is that? Of course I do. How could I forget that day?” said Sunset, folding her arms across her chest. “Weren’t you just telling me about how important it is that we get our four hundredth anniversary of the ascension right?” “I did. Tell me… Right after Celestia and Luna walked out, what did you think?” Sunset was silent for a few moments. Her arms hugged her chest a bit tighter. “I thought that I was about to become the goddess I deserved to be. Why?” Twilight leaned forward again, her hands sliding down her own long, slender legs. Her eyes met Sunset’s. “Do you want to know what I thought? I was worried about spending eternity with you, since you seemed to hate my guts.” Sunset closed her eyes with a frustrated sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Sparkle, I swear if you’re looking for pity…” For that moment, Sunset had let her guard down. Twilight leaned in, her large purple  breasts brushing up against the soft yellow pair. Sunset’s eyes snapped open, clutching onto Twilight’s shoulders. “We’re going to spend eternity together, sister. I don’t want us to be enemies. I want to love you the way that I love Luna.” Twilight let the words hang in the air. Sunset’s eyes relaxed, her grip on Twilight’s shoulder’s tightening as she pulled Twilight down on top of her. The bed was large enough to easily accommodate them both. “Did you just call me ‘sister,’ Sparkle?” said Sunset, her voice dropping lower. “Is that what you want now? You want to be my sister?” Twilight leaned in and kissed Sunset, their breasts pushing together again. Sunset’s cocks quickly began to throb in response, with Twilight’s own growing quickly beneath her. Her hands slid to Sunset’s ass, giving a soft rub followed by a sudden hard squeeze. Sunset, in kind, grabbed the back of Twilight’s mane and pushed her into their kiss, locking their lips. “Mmh!” As Twilight’s thick meat kept growing, her tip poked into the bottom of Sunset’s huge tits, still growing as it slid past towards Sunset’s soft lips. The thick purple balls between their legs swelled as the stores of infinite cum caressed each other. Sunset gave a soft lick to the tip of Twilight’s massive meat as it slid against her mouth, but just as quickly grabbed it and jerked. “Because if you want to be my sister, you’re going to have to earn it.” Typical Sunset Shimmer, thought Twilight. Always wanting to be the one to pound her cocks into somepony else... Twilight turned over on her back, her soft purple ass bouncing as she slid down into position against Sunset’s twin dicks. Sunset grabbed the huge boobs from below, squishing them together like a pair of ripe melons. “Nnngh…” Sunset was definitely playing rough. Twilight winced, but maintained her focus, keeping her ass jiggling against both of Sunset’s cocks. If she could pull this off, Twilight would never have to hear any more of Sunset’s bragging for ages. She knew she’d be in for a ride with the way that Sunset’s throbbing dicks slid up closer, rubbing between Twilight’s asscheeks. “Mmph... You know, I think I’ve got a way to earn it that might interest you…” Sunset almost rolled her eyes at how transparent the attempt was. “Oh, do you? This I’ve got to hear.” “If I can… make you submit to me, then you and I are sisters. If not, I’ll suck both your cocks every night for a year. That sounds good… right?” said Twilight, giving her voice just that slight edge of uncertainty to draw Sunset in. If there was one way to make Sunset Shimmer do anything, it was feeding that ego. Sunset’s brow raised, before she grabbed tight onto one of Twilight’s shoulders. “Hah! Me, submit to you? Never! I’ll have earned those blowjobs in the blink of an eye! You’re on, Sparkle!” Twilight kept her face neutral, but she felt her heart beat a few ticks faster. This was it. No going back now. “To be honest… my servant Spitfire got me good and worked up before you came in here. I really need to work off some stress,” said Sunset with a sinister smirk. “Hope you’re ready for a real hyper, Sparkle!” More than you’ll ever know, thought Twilight. The soft silk bed almost bent from Sunset pushing her heavy butt down into the mattress, her hips coiled like a spring. In an instant, she fired upwards into Twilight, pushing fast into Twilight’s tight ass and wet pussy, her hands gripping onto the soft pillows of Twilight’s chest. “UNNH!” In an instant, Twilight’s hips recoiled up just as hard, sending the titanic cock towards the ceiling. She saw her cock continue to swell, feeling her enormous balls starting to grow along with them. She was still trying to hold back her orgasm, not willing to fire off just yet. Her hands curled in Sunset’s silk sheets, keeping a tight grip with the godly strength in her arms. Sunset kneaded one of Twilight’s fat tits, holding her shoulder with her free hand and dragging her tongue across her neck. Sunset’s horn glowed, the ceiling of Sunset’s room sliding a few hidden panels open from her spell. Her cocks pumped up from beneath in a steady rhythm, working her balls up into a steady pulse before she thought of flooding Twilight. The sheer weight of Twilight’s royal scepter didn’t slow Sunset down in the slightest. She’d pounded that purple pussy and that studious ass too many times to be slowed down anymore by something as trivial as a few metric tons of weight. “That’s it, Sparkle… grow for me, baby… grow…” whispered Sunset into Twilight’s ear, her fingertips working towards the ever-increasing base of Twilight’s massiveness. “I want that cock to get so huge that all of Equus can see it! I want every dragon in the mountains to cry at how tiny they are compared to you! I want you to get fucking enormous! Now grow!” “Unnnh! Sunseeeet!” Twilight gave out a guttural moan as Sunset’s whispers found their mark. In hundreds of years, Sunset had learned all kinds of little tricks to make Twilight more horny. And, much as Twilight hated to admit it from time to time, Sunset was very good at knowing exactly which buttons to push to get the desired result. Twilight’s cock rumbled into the night sky, the tip sliding through the hole in Sunset’s roof. Her growth began to finally slow, despite Sunset’s passions whipping Twilight into a frenzy. Twilight’s grip curled, every synapse in her mind at war with itself. The desire to knock Sunset down a few pegs was locking horns with the urge to just let loose and unveil how big she really was. Sunset, though, staged an ambush. “What do you think you’re doing, Sparkle? Trying to show me up, are you? Think you can win the bet that easy? Fine, then! I know what you need!” Sunset recoiled her hips, loading the heavy artillery. “I said, GROW!” Sunset pounded her cocks back into Twilight, both of them immediately gushing her infinite loads into her fellow princess. Gallons at a time burst from Sunset into the ever-hungry Twilight, both of the mighty alicorn dicks pulsing with Sunset’s power. The whole room slightly shook from the force of her endless orgasm, shaking the furniture and ratting the paintings on the walls. Were it anypony else, Sunset’s hapless victim would have been bloated beyond all hope in an instant. And the effect of that kind of power from a hyper this strong would have sent the average mind into a lustful frenzy that would be impossible to escape from. Sunset’s face curled into a smirk through her grunts of release, remember when she’d turned Court Order from a studious law enforcer into the castle’s biggest cumslut virtually overnight. Still the best present that Sunset had given herself for her two-hundredth birthday. Yet, here was Twilight, taking in all of it. Every last drop of that all-powerful seed that pumped into the night princess was drawn into her tight body. Sunset felt the squeeze of Twilight’s magnificent ass and her warm pussy clench down tight. So tight… A little too tight. Suddenly, that wonderful flow of alicorn juice that had been flowing live a river was less than a dripping faucet. Sunset struggled to push and pull, pound and grind her cocks, but there was no give. “MMF! NNGH! Sparkle! What’s gotten into you!?” Twilight leaned her head backwards. Sunset couldn’t see her face. “You have, Sunset,” said Twilight offhandedly. Sunset clasped her hands on Twilight’s tits. “Grrgh, Sparkle, if this is your idea of a joke…!” Twilight turned her head, showing off her smile and her sparkling eyes. “A joke? Hardly, Sunset. Why, I thought you could handle me, the way you were always going on and on about your cocks!” Twilight’s own royal scepter was still throbbing through the roof. There may have been strain in her body, but Twilight’s smile wasn’t cracking. “I don’t seem to recall you going a single day without talking about how incredible they are. Ever since…” Twilight let the silence hang in the air for a moment. Her head tilted backwards barely an inch. “Our final exam?” “Our final… Wait.” Sunset’s eyes slowly went wide. Her grip tightened on Twilight’s hips as she tried to tug herself free of those divine holes. But there was no give. Not an inch. “NGH! No! You wouldn’t dare!” Sunset felt Twilight’s body tense up. Her twin cocks were suddenly sucked deep into the fierce alicorn ass and tight pony pussy. A sense of dread washed over the young sun princess. Her cocks throbbed in anticipation. “Oh yes I would.” With a fierce clinch, Sunset could feel her infinite stores being pulled free, more gallons of cum flowing like a broken water main. The seed gushed deep within Twilight’s body, the gallons quickly absorbed for the power they contained. Twilight’s horn glowed fiercely, shining through the gap in the ceiling as her titanic cock pulsed with newfound strength, thick veins throbbing across the towering length. “Nnngh! D-Damn you! UNNNH!” Sunset screamed to the heavens as her balls refused to stop. It had been so long since their last proper release, where the princess could really unleash a torrent. And yet she knew that every moment she came, it would be making Twilight stronger. Yet, at the same time, every passing moment only fogged up Sunset’s mind more. Her eyes rolled back, falling back onto her bed and grabbing onto the sheets. As her mind faded, she tore between spitting curses at Twilight and screaming in ecstasy that echoed into the castle. As for Twilight, even her cock couldn’t contain such bliss forever. The pulses were getting too intense. She thanked the heavens that Rarity had been there when she had, or else there would have been no stopping her. The pulses gave way to a leak, dribbling Twilight’s seed down into Sunset’s room in thick ropes that slid across her hefty balls. Twilight’s moaning was drowned out by Sunset’s yelps and screams of pleasure. Her lips were curled in a smile. Watching Sunset at her mercy was a perverse delight, one she admitted she relished. The seed from Twilight’s tower began to flood the bedroom, coating the floor in a thin puddle that rapidly swelled into a pond. Even the overworked drain in the center of the floor couldn’t contain it all. Forest Fawn cracked the door open from the servant’s hall, already hearing loud shouts of pleasure. As Forest peeked through the doorway, her hooves were flooded instantly with seed. The unicorn gasped, opening the door further, only to be caught in a sudden wave of Twilight’s cum, washing her backwards through the hallway. “Guh! M-Mistress, I… nngh! UNNNH!” The intoxicating power of alicorn cum pierced through Forest. Her hand dove for her nethers, rubbing fiercely as the warm seed kept rushing down the hallway. Somehow, she didn’t seem to mind. Twilight’s hips slammed down. Sunset’s hands desperately gripped her huge purple tits. Oh, this was delightful. She felt like a real hyper now. She felt like a goddess. The room had been flooded with her seed. Even Sunset looked like she couldn’t take much more of this pleasure. “Satisfied yet, Sunset?” said Twilight. “I can go for a couple more centuries if you want to really test the limits of infinity!” Sunset’s tense muscled clamped down as hard as her divine strength would allow. “AAAANH! I-I give up! You win! UNH! YOU WIN!” With that plea of submission, Sunset’s cocks were finally allowed their respite. Twilight’s folds and her ass relented, the last few gallons of Sunset’s sensational release dribbling free until she was at last no longer cumming. The bedroom’s drain worked itself to drain the flood of seed that had pooled up to the edge of Sunset’s bed. Twilight collapsed on top of Sunset, panting with the thrill of victory. She’d done it. Sunset had actually submitted to her. She felt an even greater sense of pride than when she’d become an alicorn. “Unnh… f-fuck… h-haven’t cum like t-that in… decades…” Sunset said breathlessly, albeit with an odd twinge of pride to it. Twilight even noticed a hint of a smile on Sunset’s face, much to her surprise. “You… nngh… liked that?” asked Twilight apprehensively. “Are you joking?” said Sunset. “I’ve been waiting centuries for you to finally show a little backbone. All that teasing and taunting, and you finally went after my sexy self. Like a real hyper.” Twilight felt her cheeks flush. Sunset’s smirk went wider, pulling her cocks free of Twilight and rubbing them into her back. “Nngh… So I got what I wanted in the end.” Twilight slipped off of Sunset onto the bed, staring up at the night sky from the open ceiling. Her head slowly turned, her hand finding its way to Sunset’s shapely ass. “… Call it a draw?” Sunset turned, her own hands sliding down the gorgeous curves. “Only this one time, sister.” Twilight’s smirk matched Sunset’s. The new royal sisters slid up to each other and shared a passionate kiss, their eyes slowly closing. Luna’s horn glowed, the orb in her hand showing the two students kissing passionately. She felt an immense swelling of pride on her chest, her cheeks hurting from trying to contain her joy. Even the surface of the moon she stood on seemed brighter somehow as she turned towards Celestia. “I told you it was going to happen one day, Tia.” Celestia could only chuckle, watching Twilight and Sunset cuddle up, glancing up at Equus, trying to focus on Canterlot, far across the planet. “So you did. Twilight certainly has come a long way under you.” The orb faded in a puff of smoke from Luna’s hand. “I simply taught her the fundamentals of hyperdom, the way you did with Sunset. She learned the rest on her own. All I had to do was watch Twilight grow into a fine young mare.” “That reminds me. I’ve been meaning to ask: how long have you known that orb spell? The one that lets you watch other ponies that way?” Luna slowly turned away from Celestia. “Oh…” She took slow steps across the moon’s rocky service, the plump dark ass bouncing enticingly. “A while.” Celestia was quick to step behind her sister, delicately caressing her impressive rump. “Oh, you are just so delicious sometimes… You make me want to add another crater to this moon right now.” Luna’s hips swayed back into Celestia, the fine soft ass caressing into her crotch. “I thought you’d never ask.”