> The snake house > by THEJamiboi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The snake house > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The heavy lashing of rain poured down on the forest tree tops, the droplets of water running down to drip down each leaf until hitting the grass floor below, soaking it and turning it to slushy grass covered mud. Under the heavy, dark downpour, a single mare wandered through the storm, her hooves dirty and sore, she was tired, lost and very cold. Her blue fur was water logged and her red and pink highlighted mane weighed almost completely down against her body. Holly Vera reached up and brushed back her mane so her light pink coloured eyes could be seen, she glanced around and groaned softly. Holly loved nature and being surrounded by it, she even ran a flower business back in Manehatten that was popular enough she had a second home, a beach shack, down in Filly Delphia, but this was beyond her limit for gathering fresh wild produce… Who could even STAND the rain!? Holly, unfortunately, miss placed a hoof on what looked like solid ground and as she put weight on it, slipped sideways and roll downward, drenching herself in water and mud before stopping, now down a hill and off track from where she was originally heading! And the hill curled away so now she couldn’t backtrack!? Great, how could this get worse? And as if answered by the fates, a tree above let go of its load of water right on Holly’s head “Well… At least I’m a little less muddy!” She grumbled as she scooped herself up off the floor and glanced around “Light!?” Sure enough, up ahead were several light sources, like little candles in a dark church. Holly took several steps forward, yes it was definitely a building! In her eagerness Holly almost slipped and fell over as she began to sprint towards the building, kicking up loose grass and mud, slipping and sliding. As Holly got closer she could see the building. It looked like an old fashion longhouse from older times, made of tree logs with a wooden roof, it looked relatively new though and was well maintained and it stood over the trees it was so tall! A sign hung over the door, it showed a small picture of a house with a snake weaving through its doors windows and its head sticking out the chimney, steam rolling up beside it as it wore a little towel cloth on its head. Underneath the picture was a name ‘the snake house’ what an odd name, but it looked like a hotel or something! At least it was public! Holly charged in without even reading the little sign braced in the window. Within the building was a small lobby, leading to the left was a form of bar, with a warm crackling fire somewhere inside, several table were set out but only a few had chairs around them and others had large spaces as if they didn’t have enough, or somepony liked to have a lot more space, perhaps? Holly looked around the lobby, it was empty and she was dripping mud, she didn’t want to be rude so she stayed put on the welcome mat. “Hello? Anypony… Anypony about?” There was the sound of a lot of movement, or something big moving, and then several heads appeared through the wooden railing of the bar. Holly took a step back and looked at the four ponies in wonder. “A customer?” One of them asked hopefully sitting up so the other three were harder for Holly to see properly. “Well I er… Just needed someplace to clean off and warm up please… Or at least directions.” Holly kicked her hoof on the welcome mat nervously then heard an odd sound, like something swishing, or sliding on the carpet. Holly looked up and almost left right then, almost but the lashing of rain held her firm, or maybe that was fear. The first ‘pony’, a mare, approached Holly, she was a bright green, slightly blue, colour with a nice long purple mane that was tied back and hooped down below the neck. The mare smiled, purple slitted eyes hopeful, her fangs showing. Yes, fangs, for this was no normal mare, nor were the other three, they approached quickly, long serpentine tails flowing brightly and cleanly in the light of the lobby from their waists, lamias, Holly had read the papers about them coming to Equestria but... The lamias tails matched their furs with the bellies like their manes and they circled close to Holly, the leader touching the side of her. “Ah! You’re freezing!” She said “Move, come on! To the fire, Thamar!” The only stallion lamia, a jet black furred and a bright pink coloured mane tied in a small ponytail, looked over at the green lamia mare. “Yes Jade?” He asked. “Get this poor mare some towels from behind the counter, quickly!” Thamar rushed over, grabbed a pair of large fluffy towels and threw the first one at Holly as the smallest lamia, blue fur and a yellow short mane, began to clean Holly’s legs and hooves for her with another. “This really isn’t necessary I can do it myself.” Holly said as her coat, which was now brown from mud, was pulled off. “Nonsense! Keep going Seashell! We can’t have you getting a cold or walking around with heavy mud all over!” Jade said “Petals,” The last mare, bright green with a red mane that seemed to go everywhere but downward, nodded as she slid and climbed over the counter, grabbing a long ring of keys. “I don’t know about staying the night…” Holly said desperately. “It’s okay.” Thamar said softly. “We don’t mean any harm, if that’s what you fear.” Jade continued as Holly was finally permitted to move towards the bar, it was simple, with a red carpet and wooden walls and supports, a stocked and ready bar shone from perfect cleanliness and lack of use “We just… Don’t get many visitors.” Jade said with a smile as she helped Holly sit down, switching out her blanket. “We don’t get any…” Seashell said glumly. “Seashell…” Jade said and Holly looked at the young lamia. The little lamia stared at Holly before breaking eye contact and spoke very softly “I like it here I don’t want to leave again… I can climb trees and the town isn’t even that far! If… If we could just show we’re okay ponies would stay here!” Seashell said. “What’s wrong?” Holly asked as she scooted a little closer to the fire, maybe five minutes to dry up wouldn’t hurt. The other three lamias turned to look at Jade and she sighed “See, have you heard about the new lamia laws?” Jade asked and Holly nodded, it was decreed by Celestia that lamias would be admitted citizenship and full right of movement through its territory “Good, well see whilst the officials have given us the ability to move freely, we still have to provide for ourselves, get work and such…” Jade turned to the fire and dragged her coils close, Holly noticing the other three almost forming a semi-circle like formation around her “Because ponies are afraid of our appearance, so… For businesses like ours which are entirely lamia run it’s hard…” Jade sighed “It’s impossible to make any business… Nopony visits,” Jade gestured to the bar “You are literally the first pony to stay longer than two minutes and not scream.” Jade said sadly and Holly felt a tiny twinge of guilt. “But I don’t need to trouble you with any of that, our problems are our own and we’ll figure something out in time, Petals make a drink for our guest please.” Jade ordered. “Oh I um…” Holly rolled her hooves “I guess just one… Would be okay.” Holly said focusing on the fire, missing the grin on Petals’ lips “Can I have my purse, it’s under my jacket.” Holly said. Seashell stood up and nodded, she must be the greeter, she was the friendliest looking of the group “So what do you all do?” Holly said trying for some conversation as Petals worked a bunch of sweet smelling drinks into a large glass, spinning them down along her tail expertly into a shaker. Once again Jade spoke up “Well I run the spa, mostly, Thamar jumps in when I have paperwork, ironically still a little bit even with no business, at least the bills are tiny out here, due to the isolation it’s rather cheap. Thamar’s main job is to tend to the rooms, the restaurant as a waiter and take breakfast up in the morning … He handles those things. Petals is our chef and bartender,” Petals waved as she grabbed a spirit from the large selection and poured a shot in, as Holly turned back to Jade Petals slipped a violet coloured leaf in that dissolved in the drink, changing the liquid from orange to pink “She handles food, and Seashell is our greeter, she takes the bags up and handles any calls…” Jade’s tone was clue enough to the lack of them “And well… That’s our team.” Seashell returned with Holly’s purse as they finished talking. “Have you done any advertisement?” Holly asked fishing out a bag of bits as Petals slid over with the glass on a tray, hoofing the drink to Holly and switching for seven bits, probably their first sale, so sad. “Yes, a fair bit.” Jade admitted “Still some running down in Manehatten,” Jade rose a hoof dismissively in a random direction back the opposite way Holly had been heading, so she was turned around “So far nothing, well… Except you… Though you’re lost really, you didn’t come here purposely.” Jade said. Holly rolled the drink in her hooves as the strings of her heart were being pulled, the rain outside also seemed to favour the four lamias, she took a small sip before making her decision as if it was natural “Soooo… How much is a room exactly…?” Holly asked. Jade blinked glancing at Holly’s drink a bit suspiciously as if noticing it for the first time and then smiled “Right erm, sorry. Twenty bits a night.” She said “We also do breakfast for five bits and a spa and lunch deal for twenty-five bit so you can relax before eating, the massage can be booked between ten and one and you can stay and eat until three, it’s a self-service buffet!” Jade said, sounding very cheerful to be able to pitch that to somepony. “Well… If the storm is still going tomorrow morning, I’ll have the spa thing… If it still goes on into the afternoon…?” Holly asked, storms out in the Manehatten area could last a fair few days, since the weather teams was generally beaten back often by officials, when they finally got one going they made little effort to clear it, petty revenge. “Well, the nature walk is out, there’s the pool and tanning rooms, we also have a small cinema…” Jade mumbled, apparently she hadn’t thought this far with the afternoon activates. “You have a cinema?” Holly asked. Jade nodded but Thamar finally cut in “Yes we had a spare room, it was mostly my idea to make it into a cinema, we currently have a small selection, only thirty movies but I’m sure they’ll be something. I could also maybe teach you some cooking tricks if you get bored and it’s still raining.” Thamar looked rather eager. Holly gave a small nod “Sure if I get bored I’ll look you up.” Holly said though in truth she would much rather watch the boring movies than be close to Thamar, the way his tail swished and clenched against the carpet, like he wanted to squeeze something. They did look a little soft though- Did she really just think that? Jade push Thamar back and he gave a little, almost puppy like, pout “Sorry, but yes we have a cinema, some reading material and the gym has a few things running, it’s ten bits for a session in any individual one.” Jade said happily. “I’ll think about it, but I’ll take the room and breakfast tomorrow.” Holly said, she didn’t know what the lamias would cook up but she was sure it would beat being hungry as she headed home. “Would you like anything now, complimentary?” Thamar offered and Jade made no objections. “Erm sure… I’ll…” Thamar cut Holly off. “No I’ll bring it up to your room in fifteen!” And he was sliding off with a big grin on his face… Whistling! “Seashell would you get this mare a room?” Seashell nodded and slid off back to the lobby and around the back. “I’m um… Holly Vera.” Holly said waving slightly. “Thank you Holly, I’ll take your name down in the rooms.” Jade said with a hint of professionalism and Holly smiled as Seashell returned with a key and a number. Holly took the room ‘thirty’ key, had she chosen a random one? Maybe, but it didn’t matter “Thank you.” Holly said. “Do you want me to take you to your room?” Jade offered politely. “No I can manage.” Holly said as Seashell returned her coat as well. “Okay, just through those doors down the hallway and it’ll be on the third floor.” Jade said and Holly nodded in thanks and set off. As the door swung closed silence fell in the bar beside the crackling of the fire, the two other mare lamias looking at their boss as she stared at the door ahead “Petals,” Jade said without so much as moving as the firelight danced over the left side of her body sinisterly. “Yeah sis.” She said dropping her professionalism a little. “You drugged her drink didn’t you.” It wasn’t a question it was a statement and Petals nodded shamefully at her sister. “We need the customers and… She’s popular…” Jade raised an eyebrow and Petals brought out a magazine with Holly on the front, promising a detailed article about the perfect bouquets for the perfect weddings, it looked like the main focus. Jade took hold of the magazine and glanced over it “If she finds out…” Jade said. “If we didn’t and she just left in the morning… Would we… No,” Petals hit the floor with a hoof “We WOULDN’T be able to keep this place! This is our home and we might have to make a hard decision to keep it… Besides, she won’t know and she’ll like it anyway, you know that… All ponies do.” Petals said a little softer. Jade sighed staring out the window “Just this once… We need to make ponies look our way… I’m sorry Holly, but we need you to like us.” Jade said as if talking to the now absent pony “Petals go make the meal for Holly I want it to be the best… And use plenty of the dripleaf as seasoning.” Petals nodded as she smiled, her sister won over. Holly turned left down some stairs from the bar and then found another set of stairs up, following them up led to rooms ten through to nineteen, twenty to twenty-nine and then the third floor with the thirties. Holly’s room was the first on the left and she unlocked the simple wooden door and stepped inside, closing the door. Holly hooked the coat on the back of the door and flicked on a light. It was a single bulb that lit the room well, showing a double bed, a table with two chairs either side, a wardrobe with some clean white robes, a nightstand and bedside light, and the bathroom was stocked with everything, toothbrush and other cleaning utensils were provided within. That was good since Holly lacked her own currently. Holly sat down at the table, the only window in the room was beside it, letting in the dull light from the dark rain outside. Holly understood why Seashell had chosen this room, it was just tipping over the treetops and Holly could see Manehatten in the distance, the bright lights of the city winking at her like a light show, a night time sun she could admire, but in tranquil peace, they were too far to hear the bustle of the city, which boomed even at midnight! Holly smiled as she lifted the glass of the drink which she only just noticed she still had up to her lips, she hadn’t paid attention to the taste before, but now she did she found it slid down smoothly, it didn’t burn like alcohol normally did and it wasn’t overly sweet like the cocktails in the city, this had a flood of tastes that perfectly set her tongue ablaze yet kept it cool to enjoy it, Holly hardly slowed to savour it as her tongue and throat tingled and sang for the drink. It never crossed her mind it could be dangerous for her. Holly blinked as she realised after a few moments there was no more of the drink swirling around in her mouth and down her throat… But it had tasted amazing! So smooth, sweet yet not raw sugar sweet, a perfect amount… As if the drink itself knew what she liked. Holly licked her lips, attempting to get any she missed and then set the drink down and trotted into the bathroom, everything seemed a lot nicer now, she had a bedroom, a warm bed and she would be dry and warm! And the service was nice, she was the only one here so she’d be easily pampered! Holly’s ears perked up as she heard a series of knocks from the door followed by Thamar’s cheerful “Room service!” call. Holly stood up and walked over opening it for him and stepping back “Shall I set it on the table by the window?” He asked holding a long tray with both hooves. Holly gave a happy nod “Yes please.” As she walked over and sat down as Thamar set the food down A plate of food was kept warm by a steel food cover, with a thin trail of steam rolling out a tiny top to stop it getting watered up and turning the food soggy. A napkin sat at the bottom right with a joint knife, fork and a side knife, and there was a pair of cute little bread rolls that looked fresh and warm too! With some butter and an odd dressing like batter that was an odd bright pinkish red colour. “What’s that?” Holly asked pointing to the batter as she took off the food cover. The food was a nicely made hay burger, with a layer of melted cheese and a small salad that wove like bushes around the burger, with the tomatoes acting like little flowers, as if it was a rose bush, there was also a line of fries, regular not hay, which was a nice variety, there was also a boiled egg, which wasn’t an uncommon thing for some ponies to eat. When Holly looked inside the burger was also dotted with similar bits of pink like the bread batter. “It’s a sort of herb we grow from our homeland, we call it dripleaf, and it has several varieties, and they worked differently based on the pattern of the leaf itself though they are all pink. We use them for a lot of things, food as spices or toppings, drinks as a sweetener, and we even crush them down for some of the massage oils.” Thamar said as Holly tried a little on a piece of cut bread. It tasted amazing! She could tell it was the same thing from the drink, and Holly just managed to restrain herself from gulping it down, mainly to save her appearance a little, and also so she would choke. But the tingling warmth, the batter melted well with the butter and warm bread, soothing her tongue and tasting wonderful, simple yet wonderful. Holly felt her mind solely focus on the bread for a few seconds before returning to reality she noticed Thamar watching her with glee. “You like it?” He asked holding the tray to his chest as his tail tip wagged like a little dog’s. Holly nodded eagerly “Yes,” She said after gulping the bread and paste down “It’s wonderful, a great selling point, feels and tastes so good whatever you mix it in with!” Holly said her focus back on the paste, then returning, she must be tired she had suddenly dropped to an almost singular track mind “Um anything else Thamar?” Holly asked. “Oh, right I um…” Thamar began to roll the tray in his hooves “Am I okay to coil you… Just a little?” Thamar asked nervously and a little suddenly. Holly shifted in her seat holding onto the piece of bread with both hooves as the words processed “I dunno Thamar…” She said softly. “Well you ordered the massage right?” Thamar questioned and Holly nodded “So Jade is going to coil you up fully for it… Think… Think of this as adjusting to it.” Thamar was tempted to tell her to have a bit more of the bread to eat, but that would raise alarms instantly, what reason would he have to suggest that right now? No, and besides she… She’d let him coil a hoof surely. Holly looked sideways as her eyes darted nervously, slowly she put down the warm bread and held out a slightly shaky hoof toward Thamar “Ju… Just one coil.” She pleaded and Thamar nodded. Thamar raised a little segment of his tail, slowly so as not to spook Holly and moved it towards her hoof, as it came within touching distance Holly recoiled and Thamar stopped, letting Holly make the first move. Holly looked up at Thamar, into his eager and hopeful eyes and gulped, looking back down as she leaned her hoof forward. Holly’s frog brushed against the cool coils and she recoiled again, before reaching out and finally holding her hoof there, Thamar curling the raised coil down and around Holly’s hoof, sneakily doing a loop and an extra half loop under Holly as he squeezed her, ever so softly. Holly could feel the brute force of muscle, as if it was almost entirely made up of strength itself, it felt nice, firm, strong it would protect Holly. When Thamar relaxed, Holly felt the outer lay mould as the fat slipped around her hoof, the grip loosened to a gentler grip, it was equally as nice as the first grip, it felt so soft and squishy and the smooth texture was pleasant, and the faint muscle under the fat layer that Thamar hadn’t yet relaxed was comforting. “Oh… Okay, not… Not as bad as I thought…” Holly admitted. Thamar smiled happily “See? It’s fine.” He said. Thamar continued to hold Holly’s hoof for just under a minute before she tried to pull away and Thamar let go without a fuss “I’ll leave you to eat now, please, sleep well.” He said politely standing up and sliding out, touching the now warm coil happily before closing the door. Holly smiled looking at her own hoof before she began to slowly eat, her mind was split in two, one focusing on how delicious and how good the food tasted, and the other lingering on the phantom sensation of a smooth muscly tube wrapped around her hoof. “I guess I will get that massage then…” Holly mumbled to herself quietly. After Holly had finished her meal and set the tray outside her room, she had a nice shower, cleaned her teeth and then curled up into the massive bed, it was so plushy and soft, Holly was sure such a thing would feel TOO soft, but she was wrong, it was like sinking into something, and Holly instinctively wrapped the covers closely around her body, drifting easily into sleep. Holly awoke the following morning to find she’d rolled over in her sleep so she could hardly move, and she was almost sunk to the very base of the bed, it felt wonderful, so soft and comfy, she could just drift back to sleep, but she planned to leave today… Right… Yeah she needed to get home from the lamias, they freaked her out… Or did they… They didn’t seem so bad, maybe when she got down to breakfast Holly would remember how she felt about the lamias here. Holly managed to wriggle free and loosely made up the bed, she was in a hotel she didn’t need to make it herself really, which was nice. Holly grabbed her coat and purse and trotted briskly out of the room and downstairs. Once she was in the bar area, she turned right and found one of the many tables. Thamar smiled from the side and slid over with a premade tray of cutlery and laid the table Holly chose for her, setting a food and drink menu down on her left and right respectively “I’ll return in a few minutes to take your order.” Thamar said happily. Holly looked over at the bar where Thamar twirled a tray, Jade and Petals were absent, Petals likely in the kitchen waiting for Holly’s order, and Seashell was sat at the desk looking a little bored and sad. Holly turned her attention down to the list of food. Huh, it even served meat for griffons or the few odd ponies out there. Holly ignored this list and skipped down to a simple breakfast, a selection of apples slices in a honey sauce, with fried hay with sliced tomatoes and daisies. And to drink… Orange juice seemed okay… Would it have dripleaf? Holly didn’t understand why but that seemed important to her, so it wouldn’t feel as lacklustre in comparison to her last drink. Holly held up her hoof and Thamar slid over smiling “Yes?” He asked cheerfully. “I’m ready to order,” Thamar pulled out a pen and pad nodding to Holly to go “Okay, the apple slices selection with the honey caramel sauce, fried hay with the tomatoes and daisies, and to drink orange juice.” Thamar nodded thanked her then turned “And Thamar,” Thamar looked back a little away from Holly’s table. “Yes, anything else?” He asked. Holly twirled her hooves “Does the… Does the orange have dripleaf in it?” She asked and Thamar shook his head “Could I have a little to add myself?” “Okay, a little dripleaf, sure.” He said scribbling it down “Anything else?” Holly shook her head smiling as Thamar slid off to the kitchen. Thamar returned several minutes later with the plate of food, setting it down neatly in front of Holly, before setting her drink with a little bit of what looked like chopped up light purple leaf. Holly glanced at Thamar as he slid over to the bar to talk to Petals and Holly picked up a small piece of the leaf with her hoof. It looked innocent enough… She placed it on the end of her tongue and her eyes widened… Wow if the food contained dripleaf it must have been masked because raw dripleaf made her feel so good! Her tongue near enough melted from the sensations, it tasted of nothing really, so it must use what she was drinking to make it taste better as a sort of mask, but alone it just made her mouth feel like jelly. After a moment of hovering in blissful mouth numbness, Holly swallowed and it was like a brain freeze. The dripleaf raced right to her brain and Holly’s vision sway making everything blur into colours, it was oddly beautiful… Holly just stared ahead for a few seconds before blinking and looked down, the little plate of dripleaf was stacked high she could eat it all at once, if that tiny spec had done that… As Holly reached forward she stopped, the spying Thamar and Petals internally groaning as their prize flipped off the hook again. Holly leaned back, was it a smart idea to have so much at once? It was rather strong… Maybe… Holly picked up her knife and fork and had some of the fried hay and tomatoes… Nothing, not even a whisper… Maybe she was expected to add it to everything, the drink too… Well the food was still delicious, strong flavours, it didn’t need the dripleaf she could eat it without it… Holly dipped her hoof and picked up the little saucer, sprinkling the herb along her food, the apples slices, the fried hay, and some into her drink, it didn’t look like much… Holly glanced at Thamar… Maybe a little more… “She want you.” Petals said to Thamar at the bar. “What?” The stallion snake asked blushing “Not that kind of want, she has her hoof up you doofus!” Thamar gave a soft ‘oh’ and slid over to Holly. “Yes, anything the matter?” Thamar felt the beat in his neck racing, he hadn’t seen Holly add the dripleaf and didn’t dare glance at it right now, keeping his eyes on Holly’s as he worried they’d been figured out or Holly didn’t like it. However, Thamar was pleasantly surprised “Can I have more dripleaf please?” She asked softly holding up the empty saucer to him. Thamar smiled and nodded “Of course, one moment Holly.” He said taking the saucer, Holly’s hoof twitched as hers touched Thamar and he looked a little sad as he turned, was she still scared? Holly watched Thamar go then stared at her hoof, it had an odd spasm when she touched Thamar, it had been perfectly normal, an accident, and she wouldn’t have even noticed otherwise but when she touched him, every hair rose on her leg and there was an odd sensation in her head… A familiar voice whispered to her… Holly couldn’t figure out what it said, instead she shook her head to send the odd thought spiralling away, it wasn’t pleasant so it must be bad, best not to dwell on it and eat her dripleaf seasoned food before it got cold! Holly happily picked up a piece of apple and munched on it, feeling the smoothness of dripleaf creep in and draw attention to how the apple juice flooded out of the fruit, the nice crunch it had from a fresh apple, the way her mind tingled from the after effects of the dripleaf… So good! Holly threw down piece after piece of apple, loving every bit of it, when the dripleaf fell off one apple, she lapped it up with another piece, sticking it in the sweet tasty caramel, meaning some were stronger than others, making Holly shift in her seat. When Holly had finished her apples Thamar returned with a little bowl and the original saucer, the saucer had more diced up dripleaf and the bowl… “I thought you might like to try dripleaf on its own.” Thamar said softly “But you can just leave it if you don’t want it. Also, Holly, anything else I can get you? Petals is going to clear up the kitchen now.” Holly shook her head at Thamar’s question and he gave a little nod and smile and returned to Petals quickly to leave Holly to eat. Holly turned her attention to the new dripleaf, her hoof was oddly steady, despite her feeling like it should be quivering as she picked up the chopped up dripleaf and added it to the remaining fried hay and her drink. Holly stared at the half a dozen or so full sized leaves as she grabbed her drink. They were a purple, pinkish colour, violet really, and had odd swirling squiggles of darker, slightly black purple, lines within them weaving all around. It looked so innocent, other than the colour it was almost normal and unremarkable… But Holly knew, she knew as she took a long gulp of her drink, downing the whole thing at once… She knew how it felt, and that had been a tiny piece these were full sized leaves… But Holly’s addled mind, as her drink swirled around in her mind, could find no ill in the idea at all… It seemed like such a good thing to do… So good… So right… Holly ate a little more of her fried hay before deciding she didn’t want anymore, pushing it away she turned to the little bowl of dripleaves. She picked one up inspecting it as the final lingering tingles in her mind and brain dissipated from her food… Would it be like before just longer, or stronger… Or different due to the strength… How could she tell? “I could stop thinking and eat it already, and just feel it.” Holly thought, yes… That sounded right. Holly chose one of the leaves at random, picking it up and holding it in front of herself, she glanced at Thamar and Petals guiltily, they didn’t seem to be watching her that she could see, Thamar had his back to her… Holly gulped and put the little leaf into her mouth. OH SWEET CELESTIA THAT FEELS WONDERFUL! Holly slumped back in her seat as her mouth fell slack, the leaf resting on her tongue, the numbing sensation spreading like fire, Holly breath heavily through her nose, her whole jaw was tingling with the numb pleasure, she could feel it tickling and tingling through her body itself, ensnaring it’s hold tightly around her mouth and spreading further. Holly sighed and the leaf fluttered, almost falling out and with speed Holly thought she’d lost, she slammed her jaw down to catch it and gulped. There was a moment between the numbness in Holly’s head tracing down to her throat then her stomach, before it rushed to her brain. The room, bar, Thamar and Petals exploded into blurred meshes of colour. Holly twitched and shivered in her seat, her mind raced yet the thoughts were no more than mush like white sound that filtered pleasure as if it was on a speeding highway zipping around her head. Holly’s back leg’s quivered, her thighs rubbing together as her body couldn’t handle all of it, Holly registered herself falling sideway as the colours of the walls and wood around her shifted and swirled in her vision. Holly closed her eyes, it was a little too much at once and then she moaned softly as she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Holly finally opened her eyes and looked up at a slightly concerned yet happy Thamar “Are you okay?” Holly looked up, it felt like every muscle was now so worn out, like she’d worked them for hours, they felt sore. “Everything hurts…” Holly mumbled as she blinked slowly and looked at the bowl, there was still more… Holly began to reach over but a coil whipped around her hoof and pulled it back. Holly stared at the long, strong, squishy tube around her then at Petals “I think you’ve had enough for now, there will be more during you massage.” Petals said as she turned to Jade who had appeared. “Can’t I have a little more…?” Holly pleaded, a sliver of her now recovered mind noting that all but the bowl of dripleaf was gone, they’d had time to clear all but the dripleaf… Why? Had they been told not to let her have any when Jade turned up? That was cruel Miss… Miss what…? Holly didn’t know Jade’s last name… But she knew what she had to call her just then… It was there… If she could have more dripleaf she’d know… Jade slid over in front of Holly, pushing the dripleaf to a grumpy Petals to take away “Miss Holly you have been laying there for half an hour,” Wow… It felt like just a few seconds of heaven… Or did it feel longer…? She couldn’t recall properly “Breakfast it over and done, and you have clearly exhausted yourself with more dripleaf than you can handle,” Jade gave a stern glance at Petals and Thamar who quivered and shrank, all Holly noted was that Jade was concerned… So caring “Shall I help you to the spa for your massage?” Jade asked after a short pause, holding out a coil like a stallion would a hoof. Holly nodded and reached out trying to grip the coil, instead her hoof just rested on it and slipped, almost falling if Jade didn’t curl her tail upward to catch it “My you have had too much, what did you eat?” Jade asked. “Just one leaf…” Holly said. “Raw?” Holly nodded “You’re not meant to eat it raw, it’s too powerful, it has to be masked by food or drink… I can’t believe you let her do that!” Thamar shrivelled, he was at fault. “I just thought…” He mumbled. “N…No please Jade… It felt so good, I don’t mind… It felt… Wonderful…” Holly gave a distant smile “I’d like more…” She said absentmindedly. Jade sighed “Well it is your choice I suppose… Am I alright to carry you, you are clearly too tired.” Holly nodded. “Yes thank you Jade.” Just Jade… Something was missing, but what, Holly couldn’t figure it out, she needed to be able to think… Or the dripleaf could tell her…! Jade had more, she would take her to some… Jade slowly wrapped a coil around Holly’s body, under her front hooves, lifting her up as easily as a little foal. Jade set Holly’s hooves down on the ground so she could walk somewhat as Holly, with the aid of Jade, followed beside her through the building. Holly hardly noticed the change from wood to bright sky blue tiles, the rain was still going on outside, but it began to slow and ease up, she’d be leaving… After her massage of course “Did I pay…?” Holly mumbled out loud as Jade helped her into a soft plump armchair as Jade set to work in the room she’d taken Holly into. “No and it’s just the massage you need to pay for, not more dripleaf food. But let us worry about that later, after your massage,” Jade grabbed a small menu, like a food menu but this one showed a list of services “Please choose whilst I get the ointments and table ready.” Jade slid over to the side of the room, Holly finally looking around. It was well lit by several long lights fitted into the ceiling, the room was made up of blue tiles and a nice grassy carpet, as if you were stood on a hill looking out, the door was even depicted as a tree, which was nice, the storeroom Jade was digging through likewise was a tree. There was no sun, or were they the lights above? Holly looked down at the menu, it involved several spa selections, each with cute little pictures! A standard treatment, hooves along the back, spine, limbs and neck. It had a picture of a pony happily laying on a table like the one Jade had rolled out and was unfolding, a lamia with her hooves on their back, tail kept away. Beginners tail massage, feel the pleasant sensation of strong coils sliding over your body in a comforting moderation, great for those wanting to overcome fear of snakes or who are nervous about a lamia massage. The lamia’s tail was instead on another ponies back, laid out across their back with the motions of it moving, the pony had her mouth open in bliss, looked nicer than standard in comparison. Near full body wrap, feel coils slide and slip into every recess of your body, working you into a melted putty of relaxation and bliss, includes a few minutes of beginner’s tail massage to work you in. Good for those who have experienced the first tail massage, are adventures, experiencing muscle strain or pain, or those who like the feel of snake scales and muscles. We also offer medical service massages, please provide doctors note for discount and specific treatment. The picture pony was only visible from their head, the rest was in a tight cocoon, resting on a pillow like coil, eyes close with an open mouth smile as the coils had little wiggles to signify movement Coil encasement, the world doesn’t need to bother you now, let it be closed out with the help of our spa worker as they encase you from all around by their strong comforting coils! Great for forgetting about the world and a stronger sensation than the near full body wrap, also allowed for more a concentrated massage, helping more with tension and bones. The picture was a love heart in a speech bubble pointing toward the cocoon. Specials, please ask for the daily special. The picture was a lamia holding a white box with a black question mark whilst smiling. Weekly special, it had a little stuck on piece of paper, web spin, be twirled around and feel the comfort and tranquillity of somepony else holding your weight above the ground. At the bottom was a list of extras and alternative ointments, a few of the extras included hot towels, an eye mask and the ointment list was normal, except the bottom two. Ointment, forest scented ointment with mixed in dripleaf and the odd extra was called hypnosis, feel bliss with an empty mind... What was that? “Jade?” Holly looked over slowly, Jade was laying down a line of blue gel pads over the top of the metal plate, which also had been given a thick woollen blanket to keep the cold metal separated from Holly for when she would lay down on it. “Yes, have you decided?” Jade asked as she slid over. Holly looked down at the selection “I don’t know… I… I want to try the near full body wrap but… I dunno if I want to be coiled as well… I know I want the dripleaf ointment, but what’s the hypnosis under extras?” Holly asked. Holly noticed Jade’s smile turn up a little higher “Hypnosis is a type of magic, or gift, we lamias possess, it can be used to relax a pony, stop them from thinking about their worries or fears… Tell you what, why don’t you lay down and I’ll start with the beginner’s tail massage and when you’re comfy and oiled up with dripleaf we can move up to the near full body wrap if you’re up to it and I’ll start the hypnosis if you want to try it.” Jade suggested. “How does… What does it feel like…?” Holly asked. Jade smiled “It makes dripleaf look bland in comparison.” Holly quivered where she sat, she saw no reason for Jade to lie about this, and if it were true… How good would it feel…? Holly gave a nod “That sounds good.” She said softly and Jade gave a cheerful nod. “Okay, take my hoof,” Holly moved forward with Jade and she helped guide her onto the table, laying down on her belly. Holly felt the liquid like gel pads sink around her, forming a perfect shape of her body, Jade had her lay her hooves either side of her head and lay her head down in a gap for her head to be comfy during the massage, though the gel didn’t restrict movement at all. Holly sighed closing her eyes as she slowly sank into the pads before stopping as they braced and shifted to her weight. Holly lifted her head for a second and opened one eye to watch Jade, who slid back over to the cupboard and grabbed a bottle with purple highlight around the rim, purple like dripleaf… The bottle looked rather small. Jade noticed Holly watching and they locked eyes and Holly blushed as Jade sighed and shook her head, grabbing a second bottle and closing the door. Still an improvement over one Holly reasoned. Jade gripped the bottle with her tail and turned Holly’s head back down into the table gap, before taking the bottle in her hooves, Jade chose two coil sections and looped them around into a neat circular spiral, belly scales down, like coil massage pads. Jade turned her coil massage pads belly scales up and clipped the bottle off, noting Holly’s sharp intake of breath as Jade began to pour a small amount around each pad, before rubbing it around, coating it. The dripleaf ointment was like a slightly runny gel, slipping but sticking to Jade’s coils, and she smiled at the eagerly waiting Holly. Jade wiped her hooves on a towel and turned the coil pads back around, holding them over Holly as Jade placed one hoof on top of each pad, before lowering them down onto the shoulder blades of Holly’s back. Holly let out a resounding moan as the dripleaf made contact with her skin, feeling it numb to everything but the sensation of the warm gel lapping onto her body and Jade’s strong meaty coils pressing into her. Jade put pressure on her coils with her hooves and rolled them in slow circles, they remained in a circle but moulded and bent to roll down the sides of Holly’s body, climbing up and coating her neck, Holly’s jaw slacking at the front pleasantly, before Jade began to descend down Holly’s back. As Jade reached Holly’s cute little rump she lifted her pads up momentarily and skipped down to her upper thighs, Holly groaned, she could feel the space between her back and her legs as the gel didn’t grace all of her back with its numbing sensitivity! Holly managed to turn her head as Jade worked her right leg slowly down to her hoof. “J…Jaahhhaaddeee…” Holly’s jaw hardly responded to her commands as the drug seeped slowly into her body, it wasn’t as intense as the raw dripleaf, nor as strong as the food, it was a constant unending bliss that never left Holly. Jade looked up, pausing and lifting the pads up as she finished Holly’s back right leg “Yes something wrong?” Jade asked. “You… You missed a bit…” Holly said sadly, blushing as she couldn’t say where she’d missed. Jade remained silent working from Holly’s back left hoof, up her leg, to her thigh and tickling just as it connected to her body, the leg Jade was touching twitched upward and Jade looked up at the glazed eyes of Holly “It might not be a good idea Holly, do you know what it’ll do?” She asked. Holly shook her head, or more accurately it twitched slightly, her body so relaxed, the heavy thick coils of Jade having worked so much of her tension out of her body that hardly anything was operating “N-no…” She managed, just talking felt like a tremendous effort, but she needed this. Jade slid up and leaned her head before Holly’s, the cute helpless pony turned her eyes up to look at her, mouth agape slightly as Jade rubbed Holly’s nape “It could make everything around it ‘sensitive’ too.” Jade whispered. Holly blushed and looked back “I… Doooohhhhnnn’t care… P-please don’t leave it like that, it feels strange to not haaaaahhhhvvveee,” Holly bit her lip eyes rolling up “Please! Coat my butt!” Holly said as her face flushed, but she didn’t care. Jade smiled and leaned her mouth against Holly’s ear “Well I can’t say no to your cute face, we’ll just call this an ‘under the table’ service.” Jade said standing up. “Thank… yoooohhhhhhh…” Holly moaned as Jade turned her head back down into the recess in the table. Jade slid over to the back of the table and lifted the coil pads up, placing one on each of Holly’s ass cheeks, the moan Holly made was delightful and Jade pressed her coils into the squishy rear of her customer, rolling them around, even dipping the edge down in between. Jade’s tongue darted out and she grinned leaning back. Jade could see Holly’s back legs twitching from impulsive movements as her back lips began to drool. Jade smirked as Holly moaned “Your pussy is winking at me, I think it likes how my coils slip the dripleaf over your body…” Jade cooed and Holly moaned. Jade lifted her hooves off the coil pads, but let them press in of their own accord. Jade slid towards Holly and smiled at her as the mare managed to lift her head out of the space enough to see. Jade lifted Holly’s head up a little and slipped a coil under to hold her head up so she could see Jade without her putting in any effort. “Jade…” Holly’s voice was broken up and so very quiet, helpless as her back was being pampered now, her itchy middle unattended. Jade smiled knowingly “Oh, I suppose I could help with this,” Her long thick tongue rolled out slowly, curling up as if fishing for tastes in the air “But I would like to do it with the next treatment… And the hypnosis, I promise it will be fun. I will even put dripleaf ALL over my coils for you.” Holly moaned and nodded and Jade giggled, her mind was mush and what little thoughts still raced were clouded by lust and need for satisfaction. Jade grabbed the two bottles and lifted her thickest coils up, she didn’t clip them open, instead she rolled the tops of and began to pour the mixture all over, rubbing it in all around. A tiny part of Holly’s mind registered dripleaf did not affect lamias, but was soon replace for the need to have those thick green coils, coated with that beautiful purple liquid, the same colour as her belly scales, all around her! Holly moaned, a line of mare cum leaking onto the pads under her belly. Jade smiled lifting the small coil pads away, Jade slid to the base of Jade’s body and lifted her limp lead heavy legs up as her coated coils curled around, forming a neat loop, a start of a tube. With her legs up, Jade used the oil to easily slip her coils around Holly, the soft belly scales, like squishy fat pressing in, moulded to Holly’s body and she gave a long low moan that was meant to be a scream as Holly felt the untouched bottom half of her begin to get coated with the dripleaf. Jade kept the slow steady climb of her coils going and Holly began to twitch as the dripleaf reached her thighs, trying to get lower as her vagina winked over and over, a small puddle had formed in the gel as a result. “Somepony is very eager,” Jade said sneakily looping her hoof down between Holly’s legs, it was still covered in the dripleaf she’d rubbed over her coils so when it touched Holly’s pussy, it got coated in a second layer of liquid instantly as drew a shrill moan. Jade grinned rubbing the dripleaf in, up and down, up and down. Holly’s body spasmed as the coils kept climbing, higher and higher, her hips able to twitch up and down as she grinded to the best of her ability against Jade. It was so good, the outside of her pussy was tingling as pleasure from the dripleaf burnt down deeper like roots in soil, tickling her naughtily, making her pussy drool like her mouth. Then the hoof with the dripleaf was gone, Holly could feel the tingling, sweet sensitive numbness dripleaf brought, but with nothing to rub up against it was just like she was getting hornier and hornier with no aid to sate it. “JaaahhhhAAADEEE!” Holly screamed for real, her voice returned as the coils gripped her butt and front, coating all around the sensitive area. Holly was panting as the coils graced her belly, lifting her off the pads, Jade grabbed Holly’s front legs and turned them down to the sides of her body, letting them become encased beside the rest of her. Holly shuffled around a little, coating her front legs and hooves in dripleaf, panting as the coils finally reached her chest. The top coils shifted upward, leaving Holly’s waist area deprived and clear of coils as the rest tightened under her neck. “Nnnnooooohhhh…” Holly pleaded meekly as Jade tightened her grip, Holly feeling every muscle coo under her flesh from the shifting mass of strong coils. Holly felt the weight of her body lift off her and Jade rolled her to face the ceiling slowly, the lamia leaned over the helpless pony’s head “Enjoying yourself?” Jade asked and Holly managed a little nod “Good now, before I begin the next part you need to have begun the induction, I must warn you this isn’t pony hypnosis you won’t have a choice if you get hypnotised or not, so are you ready?” Jade asked. Holly nodded eagerly and desperately “Y-Yeahhhsshhh… Please, fuck me as you fuck my mind!” She begged. Jade laughed softly “Sounds good, broken by lust I like it.” Jade said quietly as she held Holly’s head still facing her. Holly stared up at Jade dreamily, the warm tingling and itch was bothering her immensely and for some reason Jade’s hooves smelt a lot sweeter now, her body was jittering but this just served to rub more of the dripleaf into her, which made her more sensitive, which relaxed her, which made her move less and less as she grew weaker. A spiralling loop downward that Holly was loving. Holly was wrenched from this train of thought as Jade’s black slitted pupil began to grow, as if stretching and pushing the rest of her eye away. Holly, despite the numbness her body was gloriously experiencing, found it easy to focus on this strange wonder as Jade’s eyes were now empty pools of black. Holly had no idea where Jade was looking, if she was focusing on her or if she could even see now! Holly wanted to ask if she was okay, or if this was it with the hypnosis, Holly felt nothing other than a vague fascination with Jade’s colourless eyes, then Holly finally got to see what is was she had been waiting for. And everything Jade promised held true. From the very centre of Jade’s eyes Holly noticed a tiny pinprick of colour appear in each pupil, it was green- no wait… it was blue… No green and blue they were different? As Jade made this realisation the colours shot out and Holly felt like her mind had just been slapped as Jade’s empty pupils shifted to the new colour, then again and again. Holly blinked noticing the colours didn’t just fire out rapidly, her sluggish and unfocused mind had just portrayed that to her. On better inspection Holly noticed a thin black border, or outline, around the colours as they rushed forward, rings that was it. Holly watch a new ring replace Jade’s old eyes colour, filling her eyes with the entire colour before a new ring appeared. “Do you like this?” Jade asked softly and Holly found her voice impossible loud yet it was not uncomfortable or painful… It was simply in her mind itself… There… Keeping her company… “Yes.” What more was there to say? That was all Holly needed to say, Jade wanted to know if she likes this display, her hypnosis, and she did, end of story! “Well it gets better.” Jade proclaimed and Holly twitched a hoof, her current version of a shiver. After a moment Holly could now see a ring beginning just before the ring had fully changed Jade’s eye colour, in each eye, the rings began to catch up so it ran along Jade’s eyes at a steady distance and pace. Holly began to notice they followed no pattern or anything and she could find a new exciting wonder in each new ring. But Jade kept going, the rings got faster until there was space and a new ring joined the pair, the trio soon grew in number again to four, then five. As Holly watched her whole being slumped, the colours seemed to wash through her body, melting her nerves and just making her so heavy as if she hadn’t slept in days yet she felt, so long as she watched the rings, she could stay awake forever… Holly hardly noticed the edges of her vision twisting and blurring into the rings. Jade smiled as her eyes set to a steady pace, six rings whizzing by, not too fast but fast enough Holly couldn’t see all the colours and thus she would divert some thought to trying to figure out what they were, then missing the current rings and scolding herself for being so rude to miss Jade’s display. Holly had all but forgotten everything but Jade’s eyes but when she shifted her coils Holly’s senses were again assault by the, now inferior by far, sensation of dripleaf and the much grander feeling of Jade’s coils squeezing her body to jelly. “Now how does everything feel?” Jade asked, Holly could not see but Jade could, Holly’s eyes were a slightly slower, and less ring filled, copy of Jade’s own current eyes. Lazy rings pulsed through Holly’s eyes, her own original pink eyes were gone, replaced by the much more beautiful rings of hypnosis. “I feel… So good, so lightheaded yet focused… So tired and yet awake, so long as I… Watch… Good… Really good… Dripleaf… Hardly there…?” Holly asked and Jade grabbed a bottle of dripleaf that she hadn’t emptied. Holly, barely, managed to tear her eyes away from Jade’s, it almost hurt, not physically but to lose such a display made her feel hollow immediately, but still she watched as Jade poured the dripleaf right onto her bare chest, a coil having lifted up for her to see. Jade rolled the dripleaf around and all Holly felt was a faint sensation, like a pleasant distant pins and needles. Like the dripleaf had lost all its power, but Holly knew it was good, the hypnosis was just so much better her mind knew it needed to focus on it. Jade’s coils dropped back down over Holly’s chest, sealing her back in. “Back on me now.” Jade said and Holly’s gaze snapped up quickly on command. On command? Yes… Command, order… Whatever wording she used it was what Jade had done to Holly, give her an order, and fulfilling it had made her feel… Good…? Yes… Yes, obeying was nice, pleasant… Right… “Such a good obedient girl, I bet your back lips are begging for my touch now.” At Jade’s words the tingling itch between Holly’s leg, which had taken not a back seat but had left the room entirely, now came slamming back in as if launched at her. Holly closed her hooves, as much as she could when pinned in her coily cocoon, and moaned “Y-yes…” Holly admitted lustfully. Jade reached down and felt a sticky liquid greet her hoof, wow Jade herself was impressed at how much Holly was drooling, was she this good? She must be, Holly was pretty much in heat for her. Jade smiled, this felt great! Holly was helpless, defenceless and all she cared for was making Jade happy and having sex! She probably wasn’t even a lesbian but she had shifted so much for Jade. There was something just so hot about all this… Exciting for Jade too… Taking a pony and breaking them piece by piece without them knowing, what a… Thrill. “Well, better not deprive her any longer, I have had her holding for a cruelly long amount of time.” Jade thought… Well maybe just a little more teasing, to make sure Holly had truly stepped out of her mind and Jade’s hypnosis had stepped in. Jade lifted up her tail tip to her mouth and suckled on it, running her thick, long forked tongue around it suggestively to Holly who gasped and panted, her focus split between Jade’s eyes and the display. Jade held her tail tip close to Holly’s mouth and Jade helped guide Holly’s iron weight head up and the helpless mare gladly accepted it into her mouth. “I’m doing it… I’m making out with Jade’s tail… Whilst it’s covered in her saliva! I’m coating it so it will slip through my own vagina’s walls to fuck me and it’s so good!” Holly thought drunkenly. Jade pulled her tail back as Holly ran her small pony tongue in circles around it, a trail leading from Holly to the prize she’d been gorging her tongue on. Jade had it wiggle as if waving goodbye, then it slithered tenderly and slowly through the air, hanging over the exposed part of Holly, a drip of warm saliva fell down and landed on Holly’s waiting pussy and she gave a yip. Had she had ANY lucidity to her she would have been embarrassed or ashamed right now, instead this just got her more desperate. “Do you want it?” Jade asked and Holly nodded fit to knock her head off. “Yes Jade I want it!” Holly begged. “Are you sure?” Jade asked. “Yes, I want it! I need it!” Holly cried. “You don’t seem to be addressing me so you must not want it that bad…” Jade teased. It clicked so easily for Holly, she knew what Jade desired, she had to comply. SHE was being selfish, really, she had known since she’d started taking dripleaf what she had to call her “YES! MISTRESS I WANT IT, YES PLEASE! I WANT IT SO BAD MISTRESS GIVE IT TO ME!” Holly screamed and in the bar Thamar stood up straight from the fire and looked towards the spa, before sharing a glance with Petals as Seashell wondered what was happening. Meanwhile Jade grinned and her tail tip finally slithered down between the coils and out of Holly’s sight, if she could have even looked away from Mistress’ eyes now! However, Holly didn’t need her eyes, in fact that made it better, her imagination, and Jade’s eyes, were so much sexier. Holly felt the tail tip of her Mistress pat the very top of her waist, above her vagina as it snaked left and right downward before poking the top, then hooking and tugging it upward and letting it snap back down to Holly’s bark of pleasure. The tail tip rubbed and wiggled over the entrance of Holly’s sex and she could feel her warm saliva and Jade’s mixed together with her own fluids. “Who do you belong to?” Jade asked Holly. “You, Mistress Jade.” Holly breathed heavily, each gasp sharp as every nerve craved to rush forward as Jade’s tail tip rubbed patterns over her entrance but Holly’s body was so relaxed it was immobile now, any movement broke down from the waiting coils around them, waiting to massage the strength and movement from them. Holly was fully reliant on Jade now for pleasure… For anything! “And what will you do for me?” Jade asked. And the deal was set “Anything! Anything Mistress! Anything you ask!” Holly proclaimed. “Oh well, I suppose we can discuss what I want whilst I satisfy you, my sweet little customer.” Jade said softly as her tail tip pulled against the side of Holly, stretching out her pussy lips and revealing her bright pink fleshy insides a little. Jade finally ceased teasing and plunged her tail tip in, about five inches inside Holly, Holly gave a disgruntled moan as the tail tip simple settled down as Holly’s walls closed in around the immobile prize. “Are you not happy, Holly? Not happy for what your Mistress has given you?” Jade asked softly. “I am!” Holly said “I just… Thought you’d move…” Holly blushed but never broke her gaze, she was unable to. “Well… Do you think you can handle it whilst we discuss your payment for this service?” Jade asked in a sultry tone. Holly nodded “I can, Mistress… And what do you mean, I have bits…” Holly asked. Jade chuckled and made her tail tip wiggle left and right in time with her laugh, Holly’s eyes widened and she let out a long moan before breaking into pants, Jade began to roll her tail tip deeper in and then back out, always stopping before too much of her tail slipped out of Holly. She soon set a steady tempo of one long slow thrust that lasted two seconds, it was teasing, kept Holly sensitive but she would never climax from that… Well not on its own. “I think you can agree my sweet little Holly that paying with just bits is hardly enough. Yes, I still wish to be paid and you shall of course, right?” Holly gave a nod and got a sudden jerk from Jade’s tail, a moan erupting from Holly “Good girl, but I think a side payment is in order, you are rather famous in your hometown correct? You could perhaps nudge for an article to be written about your time here… Though do remember to be discreet about what happened here… Can you do that? For your Mistress.” Jade cooed. She couldn’t refuse… It would be criminal for her to refuse! Jade was doing such a wonderful job and service for her… It was all perfect her, everything… Jade, Thamar, Petals and Seashell, the food, drinks, rooms, the dripleaf and spa… Was perfect… But they needed business and if it made Jade, her Mistress, happy she would do it. “I… I can do that!” Holly panted, drooling and biting her lip to focus her slurred speech “I can bring ponies here… An article… And my own quote… It’d… It’d be so popular…!” Holly promise. “Good girl, very good girl!” Jade began to set her tail pumping faster, in and out of Holly, Jade had to realign her tail to make the thrusting easier, her coils shifting downward to make room for the faster entry and exit of the damp brain mushed mare “I’m so happy you agreed, and I’m sure every word will be the truth… How nice the service was,” Jade made her thrusting tail twist like a drill “How kind the lamia workers were, so safe and sweet… Tame even… Like you are now.” Jade said in a quiet voice as she made her tail tip hook into a large U shape at the end to push Holly from the inside, her belly shifting a little from the stretching… She felt a tingling build up making her waist contract. “J-Jade…” Holly said in a low moan. Jade knew what the tone meant but pressed on harder instead “How good the food was, the tasty drinks… Their ‘special’ herb that’s so good you just have to experience it, it’s indescribably good!” Jade’s tail was thrusting and wriggling madly now within Holly, jerking her body within the now contracting coils, making Holly gasp for breath excitedly “And how wonderful… How very, very wonderful the spa treatments were… Such bliss… And pleasure… All your stress and worries just… Exploded out of your body…” Holly was panting eyes rolling a little but rolling back down when they drifted too far from Jade’s gaze, giving Holly an odd mind broken gaze. “Y…Yes! So good… All of it…” Holly said, words were difficult enough to form around the hypnosis but were now near impossible with all this! Jade smiled “You need room to store all these wonderful memories so, Holly…” Holly groaned to indicate she was listening “Cum out your mind through your sexy cunt for Mistress!” Jade ordered. Holly felt a sharp tingle in her brain then suddenly every nerve inside her marehood burnt at once as fire spread out of her vagina, coating Jade with her thoughts, her will, her worries and fears… All of it left her body as her head flopped back into the soft folds of fat. Holly gave a few heavy sighs before her open mouth smile slowly closed to a simple, blissful empty minded smile… Her eyes stared straight up as Holly’s breathing slowly ran ahead, settling gradually. Holly had stepped out completely. Jade glanced down at the long trail of liquid running out of Holly onto her tail and down into the cocoon under her, dripping between her thick coils. It was very warm and sticky and Jade rubbed a bit more out before slowly extracting her tail which was drenched in Holly’s essence. “Holly can you hear me?” Jade asked softly, there was a twinge of concern she’d perhaps hit Holly a little too hard mentally. “Yes.” Her voice was dull, monotone… Jade had never heard such a deeply entrance pony… It was sexy! At least, to Jade it was. “Good… Excellent, do you remember what I told you?” Jade asked. “To cum out my mind?” Holly asked as Jade slid into view and Holly slowly turned to stare at her. “Before that, though that is good.” Jade praised and Holly smiled at pleasing her Mistress, that’s all that brought emotion to her. “I… Have to get a wonderful article written about you…?” Holly’s tone just barely indicated it was a question. “Yes, good girl you remember! And what does it need to have written in it?” Jade asked. “How wonderful… Everything is here…” Holly stated and Jade grinned. “You are such a good slave, a wonderful customer. I think you are ready to go, it has stopped raining, we’ll clean you up and sort the bill… And tell you what Holly…” Holly made a soft ‘hmm’ like a sleepy coo really “For every new customer we get from your article I’ll give you a free minute in the spa.” Holly quivered and tried to sit up, her body giving a little jitter and leaking a line of mare cum then she gave up “Easy now I know that will make you eager but we must fix you first, come follow me…” Holly didn’t really follow Jade since she hoisted her up and carried her overhead. Holly paid little heed of mind to the next few minutes as Jade smoothly bathed her with hot water and a sponge, dipping her tail into the water and rubbing it all over Holly… Now… That was how to take a bath. Jade actually made a mental note for that, judging from Holly’s closed eyed smile as she washed her it must have felt wonderful. This served a few purposes, cleaning Holly of the dripleaf which would have impaired her out of trance, and cleaning her of the sexy mess she’d made. It also helped ease her naturally to lucidity in the right way so she would have trouble finding anything wrong with the previous service, if she ever did. Jade smiled as she finally convinced Holly to stand on her own four hooves and walk slowly beside her, Holly’s eyes had slowed in their beat, but were still apparent. As Holly made her way into the lobby Jade called Seashell over to retrieve Holly’s purse and coat, helping her put it on and fishing the bits out for her. Thamar slid up with Petals to inspect Holly. “Shouldn’t we let her rest, Jade?” Thamar asked and Holly glanced at his coils, she knew where she wanted to rest. Jade however, cupped Holly’s chin and turned her gaze upward, away from Thamar’s tail to Jade’s face, and Holly felt strength through her core “No, she has to get home… She has an article proposition for her home town, don’t you Holly?” Holly gave a small nod “Good girl,” Holly quivered, ‘good girl’ echoing in her mind “We shall see you soon I hope, let us know when the article it out.” Jade said as Holly stepped out of the hotel at last and made her way slowly home, knowing the way without asking for it. A small parchment yellow coloured stallion with a grey mane looked down at an article proposition… It was about a lamia run hotel, he might have dismissed it if not for the pony writing… And the sweet bunch of expensive and anonymous flowers from a ‘loving friend’ sent to his crush that had easily been traced to him… “Alright Holly, let’s see what the fuss is,” He muttered clicking his intercom “Rolls, I have a good lead on a new story, I need a team for it… They’re going to a place called ‘the snake house’.”