Identity Crisis

by Vinyl_Wubs

First published

Sunny is a mare who by nature is curious, kind, bubbly, and playful. From an outsider's perspective she seems like the happiest mare on the planet. But in reality, she's very lonely. That is, until she meets Light.

Sunny is a mare who by nature is curious, kind, bubbly, and playful. From an outsider's perspective she seems like the happiest mare on the planet. But in reality, she's very lonely. That is, until she meets Light. Something about the stallion resonates with her, and it's not just because he's a cute pony who is a traveling solo dancer. There is a lot about this stallion that is shrouded in mystery. And she's determined to learn as much about him as she can.

Story written by Vinyl_Wubs and IMR1fley.

Cover art by juindalo

Chapter 1: True Colors

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// Chapter 1: True Colors// Story: Identity Crisis// by Vinyl_Wubs//------------------------------//

It's a beautiful day out, and the air around Ponyville is one of fun and awe. A travelling dancer, Flying Light, is performing in the square today. Ponies gather around to watch the spectacle in awe as the sun begins to set. The lights of the dance fly and create beautiful patterns around and on the stage. Magic bursts and lights add to the effect of the dancer in the center of the stage. His act goes on through the evening, bringing more and more ponies into the growing audience.

A small mare, only at about five feet tall, was at the front, beaming up at him. Her body was a pale white. So pale that many ponies might mistake her for being related to Celestia. The albino mare had a pretty, bright orange sundress that flowed down her body like water, along with her hair of the same color. It was decently long, with a bit of curl to it. The smoothness of her body was obvious by way the silky, wrinkleless outfit hugged her. The cleavage on display was generous for her size, each globe as large as a very ripe cantaloupe. But it was her eyes that popped. Those darn eyes...

As night began to fall, a brief intermission is given while preparations are made for the night time act. Nearly a half an hour later, when the small crescent moon was up, and there was no sign of the sun left, everypony had reconvened at the stage, anticipating the next act. The entire crowd is suddenly shocked as a large burst of flame flares from the center of the stage. When the flames dissipate, there stands Flying Light. The unicorn stands at just under 6', not including his horn. His coat is a deep faded purple, blending in, yet creating a pleasant contrast with the darkness around. He wears no shirt, but has a pair of pants that widen down to his hooves, almost looking like a dress if he were to close his legs. His body and arms are painted with a green substance that glows and stands out in the magic blacklights, highlighting his movements as well as his mane and tail. His mane is a vibrant red with green highlights, with a very extravagant shape tying down to a ponytail. His mane and tail flow and move elegantly along his body as he dances, swinging balls of fire around his body on strings held in his hand. The fire and paint compliment his dancing form beautifully as backup dancers weave around and with him in well rehearsed movements.

The act continues for a few hours, each stunt and dance flowing and growing from the other. Finally, the show ends. Light gives a bow and brings the backups again and shows his appreciation for them as well. The crowd cheers for all, as bits, roses, and gifts are thrown to the stage.

About an hour passed, the show had come to a close. Everypony had left. Well, mostly... the performers were still there, relaxing on stage, talking, one smoking a cigarette, and a janitor cleaning. And a mare, sitting in the front row. The same mare that Lux noticed at the beginning of the show. She was the only observer left, staying long after the show had passed. She sat calmly, her legs pressed together, hands folded neatly in her lap, and sitting up straight.

One of the backup dancers notices Light's brief distraction. Looking in the direction of the mare, he nudges Light.

"Hey man, looks like you've got a groupie! Go on, get that shit!"

Lux looks at the backup dancer, a stallion named Flint Coal.

"Flint, You know that I don't go for that."

The ash Pegasus gestures towards her discreetly. "Well then just talk to her, and tell her you're not interested in a quick fuck, and don't leave her hanging!"

Light sighs, silently agreeing with him. Taking a brief moment to compose himself before walking off, Light starts walking towards the Ivory white mare.

The mare smiled, giving a small wave.

He comes up to the mare, offering his hand.

"Good evening ma'am, anything I can help you with?"

"Oh! I just wanted to say that... I liked your dancing." Her head tilted down in a cute, shy fashion.

"Thanks! I enjoy doing it, and I've been doing it for a long time." He says with a large grin. "Would you like to meet the crew?" He asks gesturing to the stallions and occasional mare on the stage.

"No, just you."

"Ah, well then, Hello there, my name's Flying Light. What's yours?" He says, as he places his hand forward.

She held a hand out and allowed him to take it. "I'm Sunny Sky. It's nice to meet you."

He shakes it gently and says with a grin. "A pleasure Sunny Sky! Mind if I call you Sunny?" He says as he pulls her to her feet.

"Not at all. Are you leaving Ponyville after this?" Sunny asked, seeming almost anxious.

"I will be. This is a travelling show. We want to give as many people the experience that I hope you got tonight." He says with a chuckle.

"Oh..." Sunny seemed to shrink at his words.

Light notices her deflation and disappointment. "Hey now, don't worry too bad. We're still here for a couple days, at least, and you'll have plenty of time to watch more of our shows." He says in an energetic manner. "Don't worry, and don't be sad! We can show you some of our tricks and techniques, if you'd like to see more!"

Sunny's smile slowly returned. "Okay." She said shyly.

"Great!" He said, leading her to the stage. He helped her up, taking her to the center. Only two of the backup dancers remained, Flint Coal, a dark grey Pegasus, with a brighter, slightly shinier grey mane and tail. The second, a navy blue earth pony mare with a light blue mane.

"Hey guys, This is Sunny Sky, and she'd like to learn more about what we do!" He says when they both were near the center.

"Hi." Sunny uttered quietly with a slow wave.

The two dancers approach. Flint looks at Light, giving him a raised eyebrow and a grin. Light merely rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Flint eagerly meets the mare, greeting her with a light hearted grin. The mare gives a gentle smile and a small bow. Flint decides to take initiative.

"So," he says, clapping his hands together and rubbing them. "You want to learn about some of the stuff we do, right?"

"That sounds fun." Sunny nodded, still keeping her hands folded together down below.

Taking point, Light heads to one of the prop tables with sunny in hand. "Well, what would you like to learn? We have Poi, which are the balls on the strings that we spin around, we have staffs, and we have these large spheres with handles we do for added effect, but they aren't much alone." He says.

Sunny didn't respond. In fact, to the rest of the group it looks like she didn't even hear him. Her eyes were simply set on Light, staring with a smile.

Light then turns to her. "Or would you like to learn about some of the effects we use?

"Oh! Sorry, I was more interested in just talking. You know, maybe if you're not busy later today." Sunny averted her eyes, her smile growing while tilting her head away. She certainly knows how to look cute.

A look of disappointment crossed Light's face. "I'm sorry, but it's already nearly 10:00, and we'll likely be taking down all night. I wis-"

Flint Coal interjected. "Actually, if you want, we can finish up."

Brief confusion flashes across Light's face. "I couldn't ask that, it's my show, so I should-"

"Don't worry about it, it's almost done, and we can take the rest, no problem."

"Are you sure?"

Flint and the mare beside him both nod. Light gives them an appreciative look. "Thank you." Making his way back to Sunny, he asks; "So, did you have somewhere in mind?"

"Maybe we can go get some dinner? My treat." She suggested.

Light Thinks for a moment.

Do you have somewhere in mind?"

Sunny smiled. "Do you like hayburgers?"

Later, at the local Burger Queen, the two begin to enjoy their meal and each other's company as the strike up a conversation.

Sunny hadn't touched her food, merely taking the time to stare happily at him without a word.

Light continued to eat for a bit, noticing her untouched food.

"Are you feeling okay? You've barely touched your food..."

Sunny shook her head and picked up her burger. "Sorry. Just can't believe I'm here."

Tilting his head, he asks, "Oh? But you recommended this place, didn't you?"

"No no! I mean with you. I've never met you. I never even knew your name before today." Sunny started to laugh.

"Oh, well there's no need to be so surprised! I'm just an average laid back stallion. You don't need to get all excited about that." He says with a mild blush. "but hey, what about you? You know enough about me, what do you do?"

"Oh. I write for a living. I've written poems, news columns, done interviews... It wasn't till the last couple years that I really made money off an actual novel."

"Really? That's actually pretty cool! What novels have you done?"

"Umm... well there's my first one called SevenEves." She started.

Light almost choked on his food. "You mean You're Bright Skies? Wow, I can't believe it! I recently started reading SevenEves! I haven't been able to finish any of them while I've been traveling, but I've really enjoyed the stories and characters so far!"

Sunny blinked slowly. "Y-you read my book?" She couldn't help but smile, straightening up a bit more confidently.

Light nodded enthusiastically. "I haven't finished it yet, as I said, I've been too busy travelling; but I really have liked what I've seen so far!" He stops for a moment to take a few bites of his burger.

Even Sunny was interested in food now, practically inhaling the burger. The way she ate made Light stop, staring in awe at her.

Light stopped for a moment. "Hungry much?" He said, the irony of his meal, three times the size of hers and already mostly gone, went mostly unnoticed by him...

Sunny stopped, finishing chewing what was in her mouth. Once she swallowed, there was a gap in time before the next sound uttered. Unfortunately, it wasn't a pleasant sound. She belched loudly, stopping immediately after and covering her mouth.

Light could only stare for a moment, before a scrutinizing and judging look bore down on her...

Sunny was smiling, but the moment she saw that look, the mare started to shrink in her seat.

Light continues his staring, before a smirk crosses his lips. "I'd say that was a 4 out of 5. Good volume, not enough length." He said, his smirk becoming a shit-eating grin.

Sunny pouted, grabbing some fries and chucking them at him.

Light laughed at that, managing to clumsily catch a few of the fries thrown, and eating them.

Sunny kept the frown for a few more seconds before smiling again.

Chuckling a few more times before taking a few breaths, Light takes a few sips of his drink before continuing.

"So, anyway, I guess I should ask, what do you do on a day to day basis?"

"Oh. My father owns an apartment complex. He gives me a room for free." Sunny shrugged. "I don't really do much."

An impressed look crosses his face as he finishes the last of his food. Taking a moment to wipe the food from his mouth, he pulls out his wallet and calls for a waiter.

"Do you have a place to stay?"

"My stage has a sleeping compartment for the road, but the crew and I usually just take a room at a hotel for my stay."

Sunny beamed and leaned forward. "You can stay with me, free of charge. If you want, I mean..."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose though." He says.

"It's the least I could do." She shook her head.

"Well.... If you insist..." He says with a small hesitant smile.

Sunny stood up and pushed in her chair. It was strange to him how short she was in comparison. Him sitting down was as tall as her standing up. Yet, it never seemed to phase her. She was always smiling, always confident and standing tall.

Impressed with her self confidence, he follows her on her way to her house.

After they reached her home, Sunny opened the door and gave a quick smile back at him before leading him to the guest room. "Make yourself at home."

The night show, the dinner, and the walk to Sunny's house now taking their toll, Light was exhausted. Barely from sleeping standing up, he looks at Sunny with a glazed look in his eyes.

"So, where am I sleeping, the couch, or your room?" Light says, rubbing his eyes.

"No silly!" She giggled, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the room. He saw the large, queen sized bed with it's own night stand, TV, radio, and dresser. "Here's where you'll stay. You can sleep here until you leave. There's a key on the nightstand in case I'm not home and can't let you in." Sunny beamed up at him.

His mind addled from his sleep exhaustion, he briefly looks around and asks, "So I'm sleeping in your room with you?"

Light's tiredness conceals an amount of disappointment in his voice.

"Nope, my room is at the end of the hall."

Raising an eyebrow, Light feels his appraisal and respect for the mare raise a bit. Up until this point, it seemed the mare was just another mare merely interested in him for a night of "Fun," something that happened to him often, and something he was never comfortable with. He could see genuine interest in him from Sunny. Too tired to act on anything at the moment, he nodded at Sunny.

"Anything I should know?"

"Nope. Just get some sleep." Sunny put a hand on his arm and continued to beam up at him.

Light, with bleary eyes, just nods. "Thank you then." He gives her a quick hug in appreciation. Without much ceremony, Light falls face first on to the bed over the covers, almost instantly asleep. His show clothes still on and paint still on his bare torso, the unicorn is out cold within seconds. A light snoring sound fills the room.

Sunny grinned. "Goodnight."


Six hours later, the next morning:


Light wakes up with a start and an interrupted snore. Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, he takes note of the bed, as the previous night's events start to come back to him. He looks around and is surprised to see some action figures scattered about the shelves in the room. Getting out of bed, Light begins to wander the room, looking at the collections around him. He makes his way to the hallway, and startles himself when he ends up in the master bedroom, with Sunny asleep soundly on the bed. Her diminutive frame looks absolutely adorable in her bed.

The sight of Sunny's cute sleeping self is enough to Literally Give Light a heart attack. His heart flatlines and he falls (Silently) to the floor with a daisy in his hand. He suddenly pops back up to his feet, and quickly scoots off to look for a bathroom in order to wash the previous night's work off.

The purple pony manages to find the bath, and looks in the mirror to find that his mane had become a large black afro as well. He inaudibly mutters something about chaos and magic, locking the door and getting ready as he snaps his fingers.

The light pitter patter of footsteps was heard. "Morning." Sunny yawned through the door.

The only reply to be heard Is the running of the shower and a light humming from the guest bath.

Sunny smiled and walked to the kitchen and pulled out some pancake batter.

Light finishes his shower, whistling a jaunty tune as he gives his fingers a quick snap. The wet fur suddenly becomes dry, and extremely floofy. A sigh escapes him as he uses his magic to summon a brush from the aether. He manages to comb and brush his fur down.

The scent of pancakes and maple syrup quite literally formed a hand, motioning him to follow.

The smell hand thing caused Light to do a quick double-take while brushing his teeth, slightly off-put that a smell is trying to seduce him. However, when he actually catches a whiff of the pancakes, he hastily finishes his teeth and rinses his mouth.

Stepping outside, he spots Sunny in the kitchen with a platter of pancakes piling up. "Something smells nice...." He says with a wide eye look....

Sunny shot him a smile. "Take as many as you want!"

"OH, thank you very much!" He says enthusiastically as he begins to pile them on a nearby plate.

Sunny giggled. "Anything else I could get you?

"Orange and apple juice would be nice, if that's not too much of a bother." He said after swallowing. He was always hungry, and continued to shovel pancakes down his throat.

Sunny happily poured him a couple glasses. "Anything else?"

"No, that's fine as is." He says with a smile. He continues to eat with gusto.

She took a seat beside him and took only a single pancake.

After swallowing his next mouthful, Light turned to Sunny, mildly intrigued by her placement beside him as opposed to in front of him. Dismissing it, he thought for a moment.

"So... we don't have a large act today, although we have a few quick demos to play at the school playground during recess, and then later at the local park. You're welcome to come, if you'd like. After that, I'd be happy to spend some more time with you."

"That sounds fun!" Sunny beamed at the idea. She took a small bite of her pancake and chewed silently.

Light looked at his wrist for a moment before realizing he left his watch behind for the act, and had not changed since. A brief blush forms, though isn't quite visible.

"Oh, look at my wrist, what a time!" He says, deciding to play off a mild amusement.

Sunny snorted, nearly choking on her food as she laughed.

An enthusiastic and happy smile goes across his face. "Oh, good to know my stupid jokes land!" He said with a little chuckle. Light looks around for a brief moment. "Do you happen to have a clock nearby?"

Finally managing to swallow, Sunny nodded. "Yep! There should be one in your room."

"Ah, thank you."

Making his way to the room, he finds the clock next to a Power Ponies action figure.

7:00, not too late then.... He thinks.

Stepping back into the kitchen, Light sits back down.

"I noticed you seem to have a lot of comics and action figures. You like comics?"

"Reader and collector." Sunny nodded through a cheek full of pancake.

Light nodded and gave another look around.

"An impressive one at that! You wouldn't happen to have one of the Matter-Horn around I could buy off you, would you? I missed the window to buy them when they were being made, and She's the last I need for my Power Pony collection..." He asks with a blush.

"Oh I have three copies. You can just have one." Sunny closed her eyes and smiled.

"Oh, really? I mean, I wouldn't want to impose..."

"Nonsense. I only need one, what's the point in keeping three?" Sunny giggled, reassuring him.

A look of gratitude swam on to Light. "Thank you very much then." He said with a slight dip of his head. "So, who's your favorite Power Pony, anyway?" He asked, suddenly curious.

"Oo! Zapp definitely." Sunny raised a hand and flailed it around a bit.

"Many people seem to really like her. While I can see why, I've always found it interesting just how many it was. Matter-horn is mine." He said as a ponderous look crossed his face.

"She's so cool too! All those lasers! She can protect me anyday." Sunny tapped her feet on the floor excitedly.

Light couldn't hide a bemused smile. "I actually really like her quick wit and deductive thinking. Her ability to see the unseen, read between the lines, and then formulate a plan in even the most dire situations always inspired me."

Sunny stared at Lux, her smile growing. She slowly kicked her feet back and forth playfully. Her gaze was almost shy, but definitely cute.

A Thought reached Light. "If I'm not mistaken, there is a theater somewhere nearby showing the latest power ponies movie. If you'd be willing, I would very much enjoy watching it together!" He said, the thought becoming more and more excitable in his mind.

"Ooo! Can we go now?" Sunny hopped up and was nearly halfway to the door before she turned to look at him.

"Last I checked, it was 7 o'clock right now, in the next showing probably doesn't start until 10. That gives us both enough time to get ready." He gestured toward himself. "I'm still in my show clothes." Pointing out his bare chest, and baggy, almost dress like pants. "We could both meet up at about 9:30 just outside the theater before hand."

Sunny was absolutely radiating happiness. She ran up and hugged him. "Thank you. This is gonna be so much fun, I just know it!"

Surprised by the excited mare, Light could only smile and hug back. He enjoyed hugs. Hugs were nice. Another thought occurred to him. "After the movie, it will be time for my solo performance in the park, and later will be the recess show. Would you care to join me for either of those? Afterwards we could both go for lunch too."

Her answer was clear by the increased tightness of the hug. Sunny's legs gave out, putting her full weight on him with the hug (which honestly wasn't much). She nuzzled his belly lovingly. "You're so awesome."

Light merely rolled his eyes with a big smile on his face. He gave his hand a small dismissive wave as he said, "oh stahp it..." in a playfuly feminine manner, and a light blush formed on his face.

"I think... I..." Sunny's own face started heating up, her face pressing harder into Light's stomach.

Light paused for a moment, looking down at Sunny.

"Can I tell you something?" Sunny giggled lightly, waving a finger, motioning him to kneel down. As she stood up from the full-body hug she was giving him.

"Ummm... Sure?" he said as he knelt down. His head now at her chest level.

Biting her lip, Sunny finally gained the courage to talk. "I think I have a crush on you."

The implications he hit him a few moments afterwards. He put on a brave face as dread and thoughts of the future ran through his body.

"If only she knew the truth... She would never accept that. She would see why it could never work."

Light did his best to put on a brave and kind smile. He looked into her eyes, and said, "I'm flattered, really. I appreciate that very much, but I'm just not ready for any kind of a serious relationship like that at the moment, if that is what you are trying to get at." He saw a distressed look begin to form across her face. "However, I would very much enjoy being very good friends, and I hope that one day I might be ready."

Sunny smiled warmly at him and took a step closer. "I'll wait for you for as long as it takes. Take as long as you need." She whispered, gently kissing his cheek. "Seeya at the theater?"

Fighting back a pity filled sigh, he nodded, putting on his brave and happy face again. "See you then?"


Later, at the movie theater.


Light came out, the biggest grin on his face. It was the sudden burst of laughter that came from Sunny that sent him down the same road. As she came out beside him, the two couldn't hold back their giggles. "Oh my gosh, I never thought I'd feel bad for the Mane-Iac!" Sunny squealed.

"I admit it, but I never thought that karma would be both so satisfying, and yet so… Harsh. It was a lot of fun though!" he said as he took a drink from his soda.

Sunny leaned into Light and continued to walk with him.



"Fluttershy, do you know where Discord is? He said he was going to allow me to perform some tests on him about chaos magic. I can't seem to find him, though."

The demure butter yellow Pegasus could only shake her head. "I'm sorry Twilight, but I haven't seen him around since this morning. He woke up saying he felt weird buzzing, and went to go see what it wants. He described it is constantly having a fly in his ear... and then his ear turned into a fly." She said, a mild shiver going down her spine at the thought.

Twilight grimaced. "That little flake. You know he's only doing it to get out of working with me. Why must he always be such a pain?"

"Actually, he did seem legitimately disturbed by it. He had a scowl on his face all morning long."

The scholarly unicorn huffed. "That still doesn't excuse-" she was suddenly interrupted by a loud…


Suddenly, in the middle of Fluttershy's house, Discord suddenly materialized with a comically red nose, and a large handkerchief.

"Oh my, it seems some pony was talking about me behind my back." He sniffled. "That was not very friendly like of you, little Miss Princess."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "It is not uncommon for people to talk about others when they have missed appointments with them." She gave him a hard stare.

"Well, I'm sorry I couldn't come and play doctor with you," he was now garbed with a lab coat, stethoscope, and a mirror on a headband. "But something came up." Snapping his Talon, the stethoscope and coat disappeared. "If it is really such a big deal for you, then feel free to help me find whatever it is. It very well might be something you would like to study."

Twilight thought about it for moment, and then nodded. "OK then discord, it really is something that's bothering you that much, we'll go check it out. It better not be some trick of yours though!"


As the two approached the park, Light excused himself for a brief moment to change into a different set of performance clothes in a nearby latrine.

"I'll be waiting by the performance area!"

The unicorn eventually left the latrine, having set up the venue. Instead of balls of fire, or chemical light, these were weighted bags with sashes/ribbons sewn in.




Two ponies and a chimera walked from the movie theater.

"Discord, where are we going now? So far you've just let us across the town, through the neighborhoods, to a movie theater, and now it feels like we are just wandering aimlessly. What are you even feeling from this 'buzzing'?" Asked Twilight with a hint of frustration, a scroll of parchment and quill in her telekinetic grasp.

"As I told you and Fluttershy before, it feels like some kind of buzzing or tingling sense, although most of it seems to stick around my ears. It is rather annoying. From what I can tell at the moment, it feels like my magic is reacting to something nearby, but I have no idea what." He groaned in exasperation as they continued their search.


"Light. Liiiiight!" Sunny waved from in front of the stage, Light standing literally three feet in front of her, and a couple feet above.

Light saw her from on top of the stage, still dancing to the music. While this show was not as spectacular as the night show, it had a certain Grace in the clear sunlight. His moves could be more appreciated, and his footwork more easily seen.

She put her arms on the stage to rest her head upon, beaming up at Light as she watched almost in a trance.

A small crowd of not much more than around 20 ponies had formed around the dancer. Some had seen him the previous night, while others made a personal note to be sure to attend the one that would happen this upcoming night. All watched in awe and joy.




Discord, Twilight, and Fluttershy all reached the park. Music could be heard faintly in the distance. Discord place his paw/Talon over his ears.

Fluttershy noticed his discomfort. "What's wrong, are you alright? Is that music disturbing you?" She asked with worry.

"No, the music is ignorable. The buzzing it has just spiked. I have no idea what it is, and I can't see what's causing it anywhere!" He said with a frustrated growl.

Twilight looked around. "Is it possible that something is just hiding, and we can't see it? I just scanned for any changeling or polymorphic magic, but I couldn't detect anything. Maybe it's some kind of chaos surge from the Everfree forest?"

Discord looked thoughtful at that as a third arm appeared out of nowhere and scratched his chin while his other two still covered his ears. "That may not be such a bad idea… I might give it a try."

A fourth arm appeared and snapped its fingers. They waited, but nothing seemed to happen.

Twilight looked at discord. "Did you notice anything?"

Discord removed his paw/talent from his ears. He looked around, trying to find anything he could. "Not that I can see, but the buzzing seems to have stopped for now."

None of them had seemed to have noticed that the music had stopped as well.


Back at the stage


For Flying Light, The show was going quite well. The music equipment hadn’t failed, and he felt he was doing exceptionally well with his choreography. Suddenly, everything went to Tartarus.

To the crowd, the entire stage just suddenly erupted into a giant vibrant magenta flame.

Sunny screamed, stepping back with her hands quickly covering her mouth.

The flames died down, and standing where Flying Light once stood, now stood a mishmash of multiple creatures jam-packed into one. It stood on the cloven hooves of a bull with purple legs, had a long slithering stake tail with a diamond pattern on it's back and a rattle on the tip. It's torso was feathered in a deep brown gloss, with a large collar of white feathers popping out in each direction near the neck and at the base of it’s shoulders. It's arms were scaled with a shimmering red pattern, on it's back it had a pair of deep violet bat-like wings. While it had a pony's head, even then, it bore a poor resemblance to the unicorn that once stood at the center of the small stage. Instead of the faded deep purple, now was a simple lighter grey, and instead of a unicorn's horn there were two horns that curved inwards like a ram.

The only resemblance was the bright green eyes, which locked onto Sunny.

Sunny was stunned, only able to stare back at her once pony friend. Her brain was trying to comprehend what happened, and what happened to Light.

Suddenly, Sunny was surprised when the right eye of the creature started flickering between the green it had been, a crimson red, and barely, there was a flash of a bright blue or a light magenta. And as soon as it had begun, the creature turned around, and started running. With a snap of the dragon's claws, and a flap of the bat's wings, the creature suddenly disappeared in a flash of light.

"Light!" Sunny shouted suddenly. She was left in silence. Even the crowd was quiet.

There was no response, and no sign of the creature that had been there. It had vanished.

Sunny took a few steps back. "Somepony help!"

It was as if a floodgate were opened, and suddenly ponies were running in many directions, some reaching for the fire-department, some to find the guard, some tried to calm their crying children, and three mares had fainted in the middle of the streets.

Sunny did everything she could not to cry herself. She wandered like a lost child through the crowd looking for help.

The fireponies arrive, and the guard investigate the scene. They see no evidence of foul play, and are not able to find the performer. Several ponies are present as well, including a few of the elements of harmony.

Sunny's gaze met Princess Twilight's. She bolted up to the princess and grabbed the alicorn, shaking her back and forth. "Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight!" Sunny repeated.

It took Twilight a few seconds to reorient herself, while Discord had a chuckle at the exasperated Alicorn's problem. When she regained her bearings, she looked to the mare that had nearly assaulted her...

"Ummm... Yes? How can I help you?"

"You have to find my friend! He was on stage, then there was fire, then he turned into a... that !" Sunny pointed to Discord.

The present elements, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight all looked to the Draconequus.

Seeing the glares, he put two and two together. "I assure you, I'm not moonlighting as a belly dancer." He said, crossing his arms.

"You're not Light. He wasn't you . But he was what you are. And he... he ran away. He didn't want anypony to know." Sunny trailed off to a mumble, tears welling up in her eyes. "I just want to make sure he's okay..."

Discord in particular perked at that.

"Another draconequus?" He asked skeptically. "That shouldn't be. last I checked, there's only one around."

Twilight looked to Sunny. "I have to be honest, I'm with Discord on this. There's been absolutely no record of another Draconequus in the history of Equestria."

Discord piped in once more. "I don't even know how I was created, so there's no way we could have another one of me, even if he's not me."

Sunny's brows furrowed. "You don't know of any others. You don't even know how you were created. By that logic, there are no others... brilliant." She droned on. "Sounds like you were really thorough."

Twilight backpedaled. "We're not saying we don't believe he doesn't exist, but we are doubting his being a Draconequus. There are many sentient hybrid or chimerical creatures in Equestria. So I'll ask, and please don't take this as an attack, what makes you think he is a draconequus?"

"He had the body like Discord. Hooves, some dragon parts, a snake tail. Even had two horns on his head. He used magic like Discord. He just kinda... vanished at will." Sunny seemed to relax, looking down at the ground almost out of shame for snapping at them.

The group 'Hmm'ed at that. Twilight took the lead. "Why don't we sit down, and you can tell us exactly what happened," she said, leading Sunny to a nearby bench.

Sunny sat down and took a deep breath in. "I met Light yesterday. He and his group were performing. After they finished, I introduced myself. He was really nice, ya know... and really cute." Sunny bit her lip, twirling some of her bright orange hair with a finger.

Twilight took a quill and a scroll of parchment, and looked at Sunny with a consoling look. "We don't need to know everything about when you've been together. Just the details of this event in particular." She said with a gentle smile.

The other present elements of harmony couldn't help but stare at Twilight, seeing Celestia's influence starting to take shape.

Sunny smiled, looking shyly up at the princess. "Okay." She said in a voice reminiscent of their pink haired pegasus friend.

"OK. Start whenever you are ready," Twilight said, materializing a pair of glasses then placing them on her muscle.

"After we woke up, we had breakfast. We ate, then started planning out the day. We saw a movie, and then we came to the park. Light had a show planned, and that's what all these ponies were here to see. Then..." Sunny paused, her lips starting to quiver.

Twilight gently nudged forward. "Go on…"

Sunny closed her eyes tightly, tears starting to stream down her face. She brought her knees up to her chin and curled up. Whimpering her tears out.

Fluttershy stepped forward. She gently nuzzled the mare on the bench, stroking her fingers through her hair. "There there…. Keep going, and we may be able to find him."

Sunny sniffled, looking up at Fluttershy. The tiny mare cracked a smile, hugging Fluttershy and leaning into her. "T-then... the stage lit on fire. Like something happened, it wasn't normal fire. It was violet, and Light transformed. He didn't seem surprised by what he turned into, more like... that he didn't mean to. Like it was an accident. He looked down at me, and when we made eye-contact... That is when he looked scared."

Twilights ears twitched at that. Furiously scribbling things down on the parchment, she looked back to Sunny. "And what about when he left?"

"When he left, he turned around and took a long step, as if he was about to burst into a sprint. But like he was sprinting through some invisible doorway. He just kinda blinked, and vanished in the same kind of fire." Sunny continued. She looked over at Discord. "H-hey, Discord...?"

Discord looked to her, looking rather surprised. "Yes?"

Sunny leaned away from Fluttershy and continued to stare at him. "I know you don't really know me, but... I've always kinda looked up to you. And you really remind me of Light. You're both really silly." She said, still in her shy tone. But it did seem a little happier. She at least had the smallest hint of a smile.

"Oh… Well… I certainly appreciate that, but I don't see how that's relevant." He shrugged.

"Well, I just wanted to know if... if you could sit next to me." Sunny blushed lightly. "It'd make me feel a bit better... if that's okay with you, I mean."

Discord looked surprised. "Are you certain? You find me… Comforting?"

Good, and bad. "I've only known you for a few minutes, but I can tell you have a heart of gold."

Discord rolled his eyes and fall. "I wouldn't say that…" As he paused he began moving closer towards Sunny. "But if you insist…". He laid on the bench she was on, and somewhat wrapped himself around her back.

Sunny smiled in full this time, leaning back against Discord. "Thank you." She whispered.

Discord nodded in response.

Getting things back on topic, Twilight asked, "You said he blinked, and then went through a doorway in flames?" She continued writing on her parchment. "Could you elaborate on that some more?"

"Well, he just kinda disappeared. It's like he meant to do it, but kinda got into a running stance before he did."

Discord piped in, "was there any kind of trigger, or hand gesture? Anything he did to activate the magic itself?"

Twilight looked at Discord unexpectedly, curious as well.

"Well, he snapped his fingers... could that be it?" Sunny cocked her head curiously.

Looking away in thought, Discord put a talon to his chin. Noticing the look of consternation, Twilight looked at Discord and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Discord continued to look at the ground in thought. "Without a doubt, that's chaos magic. But I still can't believe it's a Draconequus. Either Celestia or I would have felt it had it happened recently, and there would have been some kind of a recoil on the world if there was. The only thing we know from when I was born, or created, or whatever, is that the everfree forest was made. Something on that kind of level would have happened..."

"How do you know something didn't happen?"

"Aside from the fact that there's not another draconequus lawn ornament in Celly's garden? I would have felt it even through my little 'hard time' done. Since there's not another harmony-free zone in the world, it's not likely." Discord said with a passive attitude.

Sunny frowned. "Well, what else do you need from me? Can't we start looking now?"

Thinking for a moment, Discord looked back to the stage. "Show us where everything happened..." with a snap of his fingers, the entire party materialized on the stage. "If you can, mimic what he did, and in which direction he went." He said.

Sunny looked down at the stage floor. She took a few steps, slowly positioning herself where Light once stood. She looked down where she had stood in front of the stage. Quickly doing a one-eighty, she lunged in the opposite direction, then stopped. "Like this..."

Discord and Twilight looked around in the dimming light, the temperature beginning to drop. Rainbow Dash flew up to look around for any signs of the missing pony, Applejack left to finish up some tasks on the farm, and Fluttershy stood close to Sunny, consoling her when needed.

Looking towards Sunny, Discord inquired, "how far did he get?"

"I'm standing where." Sunny looked down at her feet, then back at Discord.

Discord snaked around her, making odd gestures. Sniffing, looking, feeling, and doing that tongue thing that snakes do all around Sunny. He suddenly got a chill down his spine and a look of intrigue and surprise was made apparent on his face.

"What? did you find something?" Sunny asked, hope beginning to fill her eyes.

"I think I may have.... But it's... Confusing. While there's chaos magic here, it's some kind of wonderful bastardization of it. Like taking a sledgehammer to a beautiful ice sculpture, and still ending up with a water sculpture that still looks the same..." He drifted off into thought.

"What does that mean for me?" Sunny crossed her arms and pouted.

"Exactly," He responded with no further explination, "Sparke, come here, tell me what you can feel out..."

Twilight approached him, her horn alighting. The soft glow resonated the area for a moment before fizzing out with a few sparks from her horn. "Ow! Discord!"

"Now now, that wasn't my fault, nor did I intend that, I assure you. I would've made your horn an ice cream cone. Much more delicious."

Sunny gave a small smile, holding back a laugh.

"Anyway, I can feel a rift that was made here, but it's a crude one. I'll need your help to backtrace it, Sparkle-butt." He said, waving a talon at Twilight. She approached, her horn glowing when suddenly Discord grabbed it with his lion paw.

"*Discord!*" Both she and Fluttershy chastised the chaos avatar.

"Oh grow up. I'm using it as a conduit to try to find where he went, and put us there..."

"Do you think it'll work?"

A shrug was her only response, his concentration on the feelings of residual magic. "Twilight, can you combine a teleportation matrix with a tracing matrix?"

The purple alicorn shuffled her hooves. "I think I could, but could you-"

"Then do it. Don't worry about direction and power, I'll take care of that."

"Discord, please just-"

"Fire up the spell!"

Surprised, Twilight started the spell up again with a small meep!

"Everypony, get close!" Discord called, as he raised his talon.

Sunny and the others were quick to surround him. She looked up at Discord with equal parts hope, and equal parts desperation.

With a snap of his fingers, all ponies present suddenly felt like they were being hurled through the void and squeezed through a tube of toothpaste. A sudden jolt sent them into a tizzy, and they all met a rapid introduction with the ground from about five feet up, face first.

Sunny slowly rolled over onto her face, hands covering her face. "Mmpgh..."

Discord groggily got up. "I'm surprised that affected me as it did..." He said, taking a paw and placing it on his forehead.

Twilight was the second to recover. "I-Is everypony alright?" she said, shaking her head.

Sunny climbed to her feet, stumbling as she did. She finally moved her hands away, looking around at their destination.

After getting her bearings, Fluttershy looked at her surroundings, trying to identify their location. A few moments later, realization struck her as she looked at the deep darkening forest around.

"Where are we? Where's Light?" Sunny seemed to shrink at the realization of their new environment.

Fluttershy crept closer to her, comforting her. "It's alright, we're in the whitetail woods. One of the deeper sections of it, and far from ponyville, but it shouldn't be dangerous."

Sunny closed her eyes and leaned into the kind pegasus. "O-okay..."

Rainbow Dash flew up into the trees. "I say we split up, this guy's gotta be around here somewhere," looking down, she looks at Sunny. "Hey, what'd you say he looked like?"

"That's assuming a lot." Sunny chuckled.

Dash's train of thought did a full stop, and she gave Sunny a look of confusion. "Wuh?"

"If you find somepony that isn't one of us, it's probably him." Sunny droned.

She crossed her hooves with a small scowl. "hey, it still helps to know what you're looking for," she grumbled.

Sunny gave an almost cocky smile. "Just picture Discord's nephew."

Rainbow only grunted. "That's sure helpful..." she said with a sarcastic tone, and sped off.

Twilight shook her head. "Rainbow Dash is right though, we should split up." she said as she started walking off. "Be careful everypony!"


Sunny's mind was racing. She was scared, being alone in this forest, but the thought that Light was somewhere here comforted her. In fact, that thought was the only thing keeping her from breaking down and crying. The thought of him in pain, hurt, sad, it felt worse than any fear this place could instill. She cared about him, more than anypony she knew. There was something about him that made her feel safe. She had only known him for about a day, but she just needed to see him. That's all she wanted out of this, to know he was safe. That's all she cared about...

Meanwhile, in a small clearing nearby, a lone figure was making a bit of a raucous.

"Dammnit! Why. Why? Why! Why Then?! Everything was going fine, everything was in control, and everything was nice! Then I had a flare up in front of a crowd ON STAGE Of all the worst times it could have happened, that was it.

"I thought I had it all under control! Why would my magics clash so suddenly? It's been YEARS Since I've had such a catastrophic problem!" He punched a nearby tree, cracking the wood yet doing little damage to himself due to the dragon-scaled hands and arms he sported. "DAMN It, Dammit, dammit, Dammit! What the buck happened!?" he yelled, accentuating each swear with another punch.

Creeping forward slowly, Sunny listened and watched with apt attention. Stepping forward, the crack of a twig made her cringe. The sound went completely unnoticed, as the figure continued to rant in a self imposed exile.

Sunny's heart was pounding. She continued to walk forward. "L-light?" She mumbled.

The figure froze. Slowly turning around, he saw the unicorn behind him. He made eye contact and froze, unable to respond.

Swallowing dryly, she tiptoed her way forward nervously. "Light... are you okay?"

Choking on his words, the chimera-like creature could only stare for the most part. "S-sunny..."

It was at that moment, Rainbow Dash caught sight of the pair from above. "Hey Guys! I found Him!"

Light looked at Sunny with a combination of hurt and panic. "You brought the elements!?" he asked, on the verge of hyperventilating.

"I'm just a normal unicorn! They were the only ones I could think of to help find you." Sunny put a hand to her mouth, wide eyed as the panic spread to her.

His rational mind shutting down, Light turned around to make a break for it. As he was making his way, a sudden flash appeared by Sunny.

"Oh no you don't!" Discord yelled as he snapped his fingers. Light was momentarily distracted by the voice, but his distraction proved enough to be his undoing. He suddenly found himself buried in an immobilizing amount of cooked linguini.

Sunny gasped. She turned to Discord and started hitting him. "Stop it!"

Discord grunted with annoyance, the hit's doing little. "hey-Sto-, calm down! It's not hurting him, just keeping him there. It's pasta!"

Meanwhile, inside the gluten goodness, Light struggled as hard as he could to escape from his pasta prison.

Sunny immediately turned to Light, bolting over to him as quickly as her legs could carry. "Light! Light listen to me, please..."

Inside the pile, she could hear a panicked muffled voice. "NO! No! I'll leave you alone, I swear! I don't want to cause chaos, I don't want to overthrow Equestria! You won't ever have to see me again! Please! I just want to live my life!"

"Light, no one is going to hurt you. I'm here, I'm the only pony that matters." Sunny bit her lip, the panic in his voice making her heart clench.

Through his panic he heard nothing. His struggles were bearing some fruits, but he was still largely immobilized. At this point, all he could manage was a hand that had broken free of the linguine.

At that moment, the rest of the party managed to arrive. Twilight saw the mess of food with a hand sticking out of it and asked, "What's going on here?" Her voice had to be raised from the still hysterical screams from inside the pile.

She turned to Discord and shouted at him. "Put him in a less messy prison right now!"

Discord rolled his eyes. "There's no need to be so hostile about it, there isn't even any sauce. Simply boiled pasta. And don't worry, I have something to help restrain him when he breaks free," he said dismissively. He put his attention back to the struggling chimera again.

Twilight approached Sunny. "What's going on?"

"Light is having a mental breakdown and I don't know what to do!" Sunny's face started to scrunch up, tears welling in her eyes.

Fluttershy came up to Sunny, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, we'll take care of it."

Meanwhile, inside the pasta, Light's struggles continued to progress, as he now had both of his arms out, and was about to pull his head free. It was at that moment that Discord took what looked like purple sludge and smelled like chocolate and held it at the ready.

For the first time, Sunny genuinely broke down. Before Fluttershy could catch her, Sunny fell to her knees and started to sob.

Once his head emerged, Light looked almost feral. However, Discord dumped the contents of the cup of sludge directly onto Light's face. He slumped down, his eyes rolling into his head with a sigh.

"Well now, that should do it."

Leaning into Fluttershy, Sunny managed to ask. "You're n-not hurting him, are you?"

Dusting his hands off, Discord smiled. "No, quite the opposite, in fact." He pulled out a glass of a similar substance. "Chaos magic, given physical substance. Very relaxing, almost blissful. If he's not a pile of putty and peaceful perceptions when he wakes up in a few minutes, then he's got more wrong than just a panic attack."

Sunny sniffles, getting up onto her feet. She walked around in front of Light and sat down in front of him, not saying a single word to anypony else.

Twilight looked at Discord Curiously. "How long do you think it will be until he wakes up?"

Scratching his chin thoughtfully, he replied. "It depends on his affinity for chaos magic. If he's moderately powerful or 'in tune' with chaos magic, it could be a few hours. If his affiliation is more or less, it will be a matter of minutes." He sat down. "The best we can do is wait..."

"Can you guys leave for a bit... I want to be alone with him when he wakes up." Sunny suddenly spoke.

Twilight gave her a sad look. "I'm sorry, but that wouldn't be a good idea. However, I do think that we can give you some space, if you'd like that..."

"I just don't want him to see you and freak out. Just make sure you're out of sight at least. If you feel anything wrong at all, do what you have to."

A nod came from the purple princess. She then looked towards Discord. "And Discord?"

The draconequus turned with a "hmm?"

"Please get rid of the pasta..." She said in deadpan.

"Oh! Yes. Certainly wouldn't want that to go to waste," he said. A fork suddenly appeared in his talon, and a plate in his paw. With a single scoop, the haystacks worth of pasta was picked up and put on the plate. He motioned the plate towards the group. Care for some?"


A slightly muffled moan came from Light, stirring awake after just under an hour of waiting.

When Light regained some vestige of eyesight, he saw Sunny lying at his feet, fast asleep.

A calm feeling of satisfaction and confusion washed over Light. Unaware of where he really was, he decided it best to wake Sunny so they could leave. Giving a gentle shake, he laid a hand on her shoulder. At that moment, however, he noticed his dragon scaled arm, and the events of earlier came crashing on him once more. He could only sit there, in shock and frozen. In his stunned revelry, Sunny began waking up.

Sunny's eyes snapped open. She looked up at Light, staring wide eyed. Light could remember at the very least that she looked almost scared of him earlier. But now, all he saw was relief. She wrapped herself around him as tightly as possible.

Even more confusion ran through his mind. He felt his thoughts moving slowly. His only response could be "Sunny, I... wha-, but..." He stammered.

"You had me so worried, Light..."

His mind struggling to catch up with events, Light could only slump.

"Hmm, that fear response is actually a bad sign..." A voice came off to the side. Light looked in the direction of the sound and found Discord, Twilight and Fluttershy standing there. His pulse spiked and a visible frightened look crossed his face.

"Nothing is gonna happen. Nothing is gonna happen." Sunny repeated quietly to Light.

Light's breath instinctively started to slow, but he still looked frightened. Thoughts were slow, and responses felt sluggish.

Discord looked at Light all over, approaching him slowly. "Hmm, you must have some real issues if you are still so terrified after a heavy therapeutic dose of Chaos magic..." he continued to look him over.

Twilight approached with an unsure look. "You don't need to worry. We aren't going to do anything. Maybe just ask a few questions."

Light looked at Discord. "But... You're..." he looked at Twilight and Fluttershy. "And you're..."

"No one wants to hurt you. They're just curious, you have to believe me. If they wanted you gone, they wouldn't be trying to calm you down." Sunny spoke.

The dazed creature could do little, still beside himself with confusion.

Discord spoke up. "He's being very slow about it. After effects of the Chaos. He's probably going to be a little while with this."

"Light, can you talk? Look at me." Sunny cupped his cheeks and pulled his head to look at her.

His attention focused on her once more, she could feel him begin to calm down as a sense of familiarity washed over his addled mind. He seemed much more receptive to conversation, though still not quite up to any kind of deep discussion.

"Hi." Sunny smiled.

Light let out an acknowledging sigh, his eyes half closed in a passive, sleepy stare.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" The mare sat next to him, holding Light tightly.

Light gave a slow nod, airily responding, "...kindahhh, good... a lil... funny... but... why... why... " He said, unable to formulate the question forming on his mind as he motioned towards the other ponies present.

"They were the only ponies I could think of to help find you. When you disappeared, you scared me really bad."

His facial features showed a brief flash of sorrow and guilt, though a worried confusion was still prevalent. "But... Buh... Why'd they come? Wh-why..." He tried to make out, his brain catching up, though still worlds away.

"Because they're kind ponies. And they wanted to help me." Sunny combed her fingers through his hair. "Plus, they were pretty curious too. You are pretty awesome." She whispered with a giggle.

Not quite hearing the last bit, Twilight stepped up. "That, and you're an unknown to us. We don't know what you are, and we want to learn. Your Confusio-Thauma presence is something of a mystery, and we need to study its effects on Symbio-harmonia Thaumalogical energies."

Lux stared at the unicorn with nothing but confusion. "What do words?" He slurred out.

"Ignore her. She's weird." Sunny started laughing.

Twilight deadpanned with an aggravated sigh. "Discord," she said turning around, only to find the chaos Lord doing something with an apple and a banana. "… What are you doing?"

Startled from his personal inquisitions, Discord threw the fruits away, where they shattered like glass and exploded, leaving behind a fruit smoothie. "Nothing!" He said quickly, "absolutely nothing!"

Twilight stared at him skeptical me, though decided to drop it. "What is wrong with him?" She asked, pointing to the figure lying on the ground. "Should he still be like this after so long?"

"Actually, he should not be like this in the first place. He should be fully coherent, just completely blissful. Right now, he almost just seems drunk." He said, giving a thoughtful hum.

"You keep saying that, we get it. So what do we do?" Sunny snapped back.

"Oh, that is such a simple matter." He gave a dismissive wave with his lion paw.

Walking up to the impaired chimera, Discord pulled out one of those rubber chicken/ducks that makes a wailing sound after you squeeze it. All present stared at him with curiosity. Discord put the toy on Light's snout, leaving him to stare at it. While Light was distracted, Discord pulled out a cartoonishly large wooden mallet, lifted it over his head, and swung down and hit him on the head.

Sunny was completely unharmed, while Light's head and the chicken resting on it were both flat. As the rubber chicken reinflated itself, so did Lights head, cartoonish birds flying around his eyes, and the rubber chicken a’howling.

Sunny's brows were furrowed. She seemed unphased by anything Discord did at this point.

Light shook his head trying to clear the cobwebs. Groaning, he put a claw to his head. "Oww, what happened? Did I hit a tree?" he said, opening his eyes slightly. He looked to his surroundings, missing the others inside the clearing present, until he looks down to where his other claw rests on the ground right next to Sunny. He slowly raised his gaze, his eyes widening as he makes eye contact with Sunny. As he stares into her eyes, he is reminded of the course of events.

"S-Sunny..." He said, a wide mixture of emotions playing across his face.

The mare beamed at the sound of her name. The had been thinking of what to say when he finally came around, but all that came out of her mouth was, "Hi."

Light scrambled to an upright position, backing away just slightly. "Sunny, I.. I'm.." He stuttered, averting his eyes as he started to rub one arm with another. He looked down at himself sitting on the forest floor, his thoughts starting to spiral into a depressive state.

She quickly scurried up to him and cupped both his cheeks. "Light, don't. Don't you do that again. Just relax... please."

"But Sunny, Look at me! If anypony saw me, it'd be torches, pitchforks, and the royal guard! Tartarus, I'm surprised you didn't go straight for the elements of-!" Another memory surfaced, and Light jumped up. Whirling around, he once again saw the two ponies present.

Seeing his reaction Twilight quickly raised her hands. "Wait!" She said, "we don't want to hurt you! We came to help her"

"You've been living in the past for too long Light... Discord is reformed. But you were never him, you're you. You don't need to be afraid anymore." Sunny pleaded him to listen.

"Indeed," said Discord behind Light, startling him once again. "We don't know what you are, little chaos chimera. It'd be Oh so fun to get to know you," He said, curling around Lux, examining every part of him in a somewhat uncomfortable manner. A look of new worry crossed Light's face as he looked to Twilight and Fluttershy. Fluttershy gave an apologetic gaze and Twilight looked at Discord with a look of mild annoyance, though he gave no notice.

"Anyway," Twilight began, "your magical signature is unique, and we'd like to study it. It could mean a new revolution for Thaumatical discoveries."

Light's right eye flashed from green to a fuchsia color, giving a slight glow, as he looked at Sunny.

"Would that be okay with you, Light?" Sunny said as if asking permission. "I won't let them do anything you don't want them to." She said to him softly.

Light looked away in thought, his eye flashing again. This time, however, it flashed a scarlet red more than fuchsia, though that too made a few appearances. His face scrunched up in a tight grimace as he kneeled to the ground, pressing a claw to his temples.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" Sunny cringed slightly, moving a bit closer to comfort him.

Light waved a hand, attempting to look otherwise. "No, no, I'm-" he grunted once again, "I'm fine..."

"Talk to us then." Sunny still seemed worried. All she cared about was if he was okay.

Light shook his head forcefully, grunting a few more times before taking a few deep breaths. "I-it's nothing," he said, calming himself. "I'm fine," he stated again. Both of his eyes had now returned to their original green color.

Sunny took Light's hand and smiled. "Okay." She said. The tender grasp, aside her perfect smile and freckled dimples... Light hadn't realized until now how cute Sunny looked.

Light felt the tension melt away from his body. He felt a new kind of comfort when he was with Sunny, one he couldn't quite understand. They stared at each other for a few moments, until another thought crossed his mind.

Turning towards the other ponies present, he asked, "what kind of tests would you be performing?" His voice had an undertone of nervousness, though not the panic it was earlier. More like a cautious approach one would have when trying to learn something about someone new.

Twilight responded. "They would mostly be tests about how your magic interacts the world. Your magical signature is different from Discord's."

"It wouldn't be anything too… Invasive, would it?" He asked the nervousness still in his voice. Twilight shook her head, and a small burden seemed to be lifted from his shoulders.

He hesitated for a few brief moments, before sign and said "I – I think I can do that, that doesn't sound too bad..." He only sat there a little longer, thinking.




Light and Sunny were on the road back to Ponyville. The short mare was wrapped around his right arm, leaning into his body as they walked. Light was once again the pony he was before the incident before, hoping to avoid a confrontation.

"I'm glad to have you back, Light. Don't ever do that again." Sunny said softly to him, her grip around his arm tightening a bit more.

He looked away, a little guilt welling up in him. "... Lux". He said, almost inaudibly.

Sunny cocked her head back to look up at him. "Pardon?"

"... My real name is Lux Volans. I'm a Draconequus, like Discord. " he said, feeling ashamed.

"Oh! What a pretty name." Sunny complemented, paying his embarrassment no mind. She in no way wanted to make him feel any more uncomfortable, and she certainly knew how to be nice. Nothing seemed to surprise her, and she never really questioned anything he said either. She just sort of... believed him. And Lux noticed.

Noticing her belief, he felt a brief moment of worry/confusion. He was never very good with emotions, preferring to just interact with simple joy. Sunny, however, made him want to explore his other emotions. "You... You're not mad?" He asked.

"Why would I be mad? I'm happy as ever! I thought I lost you, now I have you back." She closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.

"But... I lied to you. I lied about who I am, what I am, even my name itself." He said, befuddled at the seeming lack of thought to that.

Sunny stopped, causing Lux to stumble to a halt. "Lux, please..." She cooed gently. Motioning him closer, Lux kneeled down to get eye-level with her. "You've had to hide you are for the longest time. Who you are, what you are, out of fear. You have nothing to apologize for, you kind... wonderful pony. I am just so happy that I could be the one to take that fear away. No pony will ever want to hurt you again..." She finished, leaning close and giving his cheek a kiss.

Lux looked away, deep in thought about the recent events. He stood up, took her hand, and they continued walking.

Sunny walked arm-in-arm with Lux, her head cocked to the side and resting on his arm as they continued on down the path.

Lux continued to walk in contemplative silence. The recent events were proving a lot for him to handle. At the same time, unknown to Sunny, multiple voices were thinking at once inside his mind. To Sunny, it looked like Lux was almost arguing with himself in his own mind.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" She asked.

"I-" his head and face twitched "Not right now. Maybe some time later..." He said as they reached Sunny's house.

Sunny walked him inside and locked the door. "Now turn back into your real self."

A surprised look crossed his face, which was replaced by a look of acceptance. He took a deep breath, as if about to plunge into an iced river. Snapping his fingers, a bright light and loud Pop engulfed the room, almost as if a flashbang had gone off where Lux stood. When it subsided, there stood Lux in all his Draconequus glory.

Sunny spent a full minute looking his form up and down. Suddenly, the biggest, happiest, beaming smile lit up her features.

Lux's eyes were closed, expecting perhaps the worst, though when screams of any kind weren't heard, he cracked an eye open. He found himself surprised not only by the smile, but by the intensity. Perhaps even a bit frightened, but for a different reason now...

"Promise me that whenever we're alone... you won't hide your beauty from me." Sunny approached, putting a hand on his chest.

He looked at Sunny in shock. "You mean-...But-" He gestured at himself. "I'm-..." He started his incoherent stuttering babble once again.

She shushed him with a hand to his mouth. "I already know, Lux. There's no reason to hide around me. Especially for a creature as beautiful, and unique as you. You don't have to hide anymore..."

Lux could only stare forward in bewilderment. He'd never had such affection and acceptance from what was almost a complete stranger, and it arose such emotions he'd never felt nor looked for. The emotional overload only left him able to stare forward.

Sunny took his hand and lead him to his room. "You just lay down. Are you hungry?"

Lux sat on the bed. "uh, yeah, I am just a bit hungry, but..." A thought came to mind, but he thought better than to mention it at the moment.

"What can I make ya?" Sunny sat beside him and tapped her feet on the floor.

Lux startled. That was what he was something that he was hoping she wouldn't ask that. "Uhhh, anything you make should be good. Just don't make too much..." he said with an almost panicked expression.

Sunny would normally try her hardest to keep him calm, but the reason of his panic made her smile grow. In fact, she was trying hard not to laugh. "Oh don't worry. I'll make a moderate amount" She choked as calmly as possible.

Lux nodded. "Okay, that's fine..."

Sunny stood up and left the room, finally giggling aloud as she left his sight.

When she left, he let out a large sigh. He leaned back on the bed as he mentally prepared himself for the multitude of conversations he knew would likely be unpleasant, if not painful. Closing his eyes, he laid down in wait.

Not long later, she returned. This time she was holding a small tray of sodas and set it on his nightstand.

Noticing her come in, he sat up and saw the sodas on the tray though he couldn't quite make them out. "What soda's that?" He asked with a hidden hope.

"Root beer. That okay?" Sunny beamed.

At that moment, it appeared as if Lux had stars in his eyes, each of them wide as dinner plates. He stared at the tray like a puppy would a treat. All Lux could do was nod rapidly.

Sunny giggled. She pet the top of his head. "I'll be right back with some food." She assured before heading back out the door.

He was unable to respond, aside from a small grunt of appreciation as he immediately dived into the root beer, downing can after can.

A mere five minutes passed before she returned. She sat down. Again, without a word.

To her surprise, she found Lux inside the room surrounded by empty root beer jugs. However, all other jugs were a more off brand, rather than the brand Sunny brought in. He completely missed her, too busy chugging a jug of root beer until she sat down. He very suddenly became aware of her presence, and could only stare at her with a deer in the headlights look. Unsure of what to do, he took one last large gulp.

Sunny sputtered out a quick giggle before speaking. "Spaghetti is on the stove."

Still with the jug in his mouth and in a prime chug position he nodded and gave another swallow. He lowered it and took a breath. Blushing profusely, he said, "sorry, but.... I really like root beer..."

"I can tell." She chuckled, raising a finger and booping his nose.

He blushed once again. He desperately looked for some way to divert attention from the current subject. "So! Uh.... Spaghetti!" He said frantically.

He was greeted with a cocked eyebrow and crossed arms. "Mmhm?" She nodded for him to continue.

"Yes... You're making it..." His eyes darted around, trying to avoid his embarrassing obsession.

"Lux. Tell me." Sunny droned, not even bothering to dance around as to what.

"Okay, so I Really Like root beer..." He said, his blush so red it almost looked like his coat had gone from a light grey to a beet red. He looked at her like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar...


"It... Might be a bit of an obsession of mine..." he said as he looked at the multitude of jugs, and even a few kegs strewn about the room.

"And with the power to pop anything into existence at will, I don't see how that's a problem." Sunny laughed.

"It's just a bit embarrassing, that's all..." he said, as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly,

Sunny just continued to laugh, her face turning a bit red as opposed to the pale white it normally was. "You silly thing!"

Unable to think of an intelligible response, he simply blew a raspberry.

Sunny leaned over and hugged him, catching Lux utterly off guard.

Now, Lux liked hugs. Cuddling was one of his favorite things to do, but he had never been hugged in his current true form, and was so surprised by it that he failed to respond for a time. As Sunny hugged him, he slowly started to raise one of his dragons arms, and started to return the hug.

"It's okay, Lux. I'll never judge you for something like that. I promise." She said softly to him as her body sank further into his.

A chuckle left Lux. "Oh, that's not what I was worried about, it's just a little embarrassing. I know that it's abnormal to like something like root beer {i]That much."

"If it makes you feel better..." Sunny hopped up and grinned back at him. "I like it too. It's all I have in my fridge." She gave him a wink and left the room once more.

"Don't tell me that!" He called as she left, "Else you won't have any left!" He chuckled as he leaned back once more to gather his thoughts, his mood now improved.

The smell of pasta hit him. He could smell the cooked noodles, awaiting his favorite part. Lux started smiling as it finally happened. The sauce. The smell of sauce being drizzled over freshly boiled noodles. It had him drooling already.

Lux stepped out of his room, ducking just slightly due to his larger height in his true form. Poking his head into the kitchen, he said, "It smells delicious. Is it ready yet?"

"Yep! Just take a seat and I'll have it ready shortly."

Lux made his way to the table, but became distressed at a notion that occurred to him as he tried to sit. His tail and larger wings proved to be uncomfortable, with both being much larger and the chair was not made to accommodate either. With a sheepish expression, he turned to Sunny. "Um... You have a cushion or something? The chair doesn't quite fit me now. I could change it, but I wouldn't want to impose that..."

"My home is your home. So make yourself at it!" Sunny waved him off without even so much as an assured glance. She was acting so casual about all of this, so much in fact that it weirded him out. Before he knew it, however, a bowl of spaghetti was in front of him. And she was sitting beside him.

An expression of impression appeared on Lux's face. He gave a quick snap of his fingers and the chair changed to fit his non-pony features. He saw the plate, and a small expression of guilt left him before he forced it down and started to eating. "It's delicious. I like the addition of the hayburger into the mix." He said between mouthfuls.

"I was thinking of making big meatballs, but I thought 'hey!'" She snapped her fingers as in a moment of clarity had washed over her. "Why not make bits of it? Have some in every bite!"

"Mhm." Said with his mouth full. After swallowing, he said, "My mother had similar thoughts. That said, it's good to have bits of all sizes in my opinion." He said, nearing completion of his plate.

"Oooh I'd love to meet her. Sounds like we both love to cook. I think we could both give each other some tips." Sunny giggled as she took a mouthful.

A heavy shadow covered the Draconequus's face. "I..." he hesitated, and finished the last of his plate silently.

"Hm?" She slurred through her food.

A sigh of acceptance escaped him. "I... Finish your food first, there are some things I need to tell you, and you shouldn't be eating when I do..." He said, dipping his head.

Sunny gives him a stern stare for only a few moments before nodding. It seemed she was more eager to hear about him rather than savor the food she made. The plate was empty and licked clean in a new record that would put even Lux to shame.

Mildly impressed for a moment on her speed, he braced himself for the conversation ahead. "*sigh* Let's get the most disturbing out of the way first..." He snapped his fingers and new contents found themselves on the plate. They looked like cooked hunks of meat, some with bones inside them of a ribcage. Unknown to Sunny, a spell was also placed on her stomach to help keep her current contents down. "You know what this is?"

Sunny could only blink as she stared, shaking her head.

"... It's meat. " he said almost inaudibly...


Taking a fork and a knife, he began cutting one of the larger chunks of meat with only a single bone. "Specifically, a cut from a cow and the ribs of a pig. I need to eat meat to stay alive. The various non-herbivore species my body is comprised of need it for nourishment," he said.

Sunny merely blinked for a few seconds. "So you were nervous about telling me... that you're not a vegetarian?" She smiled at her joke.

He nodded. "Though that's amongst the lower of my concerns..." He leaned back and took a deep breath. "You mentioned my mother..."

Sunny was leaning in. "If she's carnivorous too, I'm not going to judge."

"No... She's dead. She died about 200 years ago..." he said, letting that statement hang.

This was the first time that Sunny genuinely cringed. The mare sank back in her chair. "Oh... I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, I've grown to accept that." He looked at her. "You want a romantic relationship with me, don't you." He said, not a question, but an observation.

Sunny looked like she was hit in the head with a baseball bat. Her eyes were wide, and her usually pale pigment started to flush. "Oh! Um..." She looked away shyly.

"Do you realize what the news of my mother's death implies?"

Sunny blinked rapidly, her entire body entering a state of bewilderment. "Ummm..."

"I'm immortal, Sunny. I've been alive for somewhere over or around 250 years..."

"And that's 250 years I regret not being a part of." Sunny almost blurted.

Lux was shocked at her sudden response. It warmed his heart, yet he felt it sadden once more. "I-... Thank you for that... " a tear gleamed in his eye, "but do you realize what that means? I'm immortal Sunny."

"Of course I know that. I know that I won't live forever, and I can only imagine the pain of watching me grow old. But that's part of life, Lux. And I want to grow old beside you." Sunny seemed to shrink even more, starting to sadden herself.

He saw her sadden, and placed a claw on the bottom of her chin. Orange eyes met green in a moment of connection between two minds and spirits. As they shared this moment, Lux poured his very soul into this gaze, creating a bond of empathy between the two.

"Sunny, if you were to do this, if we were to be a couple together, You'd live this life together, but when you pass beyond the veil I couldn't follow. I would live this life forever without being able to see you, and you would pass to the next one knowing we could never meet again. Could you handle that? Would you be able to live and love knowing that eventuality?" He asked.

Sunny's eyes seemed to glisten with tears. "This life is all I can give to you. If it hurts you, then I won't..." She put a hand on his and finally smiled. "But you already know what I want."

The emotions through their brief connection rang crystal clear, and the longing Sunny had for Lux was undeniable. He felt his heart ache for a similar longing, and a flicker of hope sparked inside him.

"Then... If you understand what it means... I believe..." He struggled. This was something altogether new to him in the first place. He had never quite felt something like this. He had felt connections with other, possibly romantic, even, yet he had never experienced emotions in such strength and passion as he had from her. The Draconequus wanted it. He wanted to feel these for her as well. His own fear of the unknown path of this form of love proving to be a barrier, but one he was willing to and wanted to break.

"I believe I could do it. I've never done it before, as I became a Draconequus rather young, and a romantic relationship is something I've never really had. If you're willing, then... I'd be your special somepony...." He said, taking both her hands into his and lowering himself to her own level.

Sunny seemed to blush a bit more, followed by a giggle. "So you do like me?"

He nodded. a mild blush on his face as well. He smiled somewhat nervously. "I admit, I only think it's the kind of like that you have for me. I've....well..." He gave a sheepish smile "...I've never really had a special somepony like this..." A timid chuckle escaped him, hiding the fear he was experiencing. This wasn't a feral fear, it was the kind of fear or anxiety one may get on their first day at a new job.

Sunny beamed at that. Then she did something finally. Something that Lux probably was never expecting. She kissed his cheek.

Lux froze, too shocked to react. Due to his stupor, he failed to notice that a cartoonishly red hue overtook him from the tip of his tail and made its way to the very tips of his ears. He went as stiff as a board and fell over, bouncing on the floor and making the sound a wooden plank would make when hit.

Sunny burst into laughter and bounced happily. Her entire demeanor seemed to be back to her old self. "I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun."

The Draconequus only remained on the floor with an expression best described as ‘.EXE has stopped working.’

Sunny found he was as light as the object he was acting as, lifting him easily under her arm. She walked past the guest room, making his brain go into overdrive as she took him into her room.

He regained control of himself. 'Damn Chaos…' he thought to himself. As he got his control back, gravity reasserted itself on him as it should. He stepped out of her grip so he could walk and stopped. "Umm... What are you planning on?" He asked, a mild nervousness in his voice.

"Just lay down silly!" She nudged him toward her larger, queen sized bed. This was the first time he had really seen her room, and it was surprisingly plush.

He blushed in embarrassment and had a minor sigh of relief. He walked in with her and enjoyed the pleasant vibe he got from her room, nice and inviting.

Sunny climbed into the bed and scooted over, playfully kicking her feet into the air.

Lux himself joined her in the bed, though the tips his hooves and his tail slipped off of the edge. He scooted around, getting closer before looking at Sunny. The reality of the situation began to sink in. He had never been so close to someone in his current form. A mildly awkward shuffle appeared in his motions, as he was unsure of how to continue.

She rolled over, her arm flopping onto his belly and wrapping around him in a cuddle hug.

Taking his dragon arm, he scooted one under her, and the other over, holding her close. A warmth enveloped his body and soul, and he felt content holding her so. Leaning over to her ear, Lux whispered, "Thank you, Sunny..."

"After all this... I can finally just hug you. When I first saw you, there were a lot more things I was thinking about than just cuddling , In my bed..." Sunny giggled gently.

A deep blush ran rampant on Lux's face. "Thank you Sunny, but I don't think I'm ready for that just yet..." He said, holding her close. "You're a beautiful mare, Sunny, but this love is so new, we shouldn't rush it." He gave her a gentle kiss on her head.

"I wasn't suggesting. Just know, you probably drive dozens of mares crazy. Everytime you walk down the street." Sunny nuzzled his chest, relishing the warmth of his real body.

"Not tonight, Sunny, Soon, but not tonight." He said, "it's been a rough night, and we both need some rest." His bat wings closed over the two of them, wrapping them in a cocoon of warmth. "I love you, Sunny."

Sunny closed her eyes. Her smile became almost warmer. "You know... In all honesty. I didn't approach you because I was a fangirl, or because you were cute." Her voice softened, turning more genuine.

Lux laid his head over hers, being cautious with his horns. "I could tell, but why? Why were you so interested in me beforehand? And... Why were you so accepting of me like this?" His tail moved around, slithering about the bed here and there.

"Because despite being surrounded by friends and fans. You..." Sunny's voice dipped, falling to a more sympathetic, yet sorrowful tone. "I'd never seen a pony look so alone."

That comment struck like a sledgehammer. It was so painful, so shattering, so needed that he was stunned. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes. Lux held her closer, his arms tightening. "Sunny," his voice barely above a whisper, "Thank you, so much." The Draconequus's voice cracked.

Sunny stayed silent, merely breathing into his chest. The lack of response was confusing. It took almost too long to register that Sunny's breathing told him that she was asleep.

The realization came to him, and he merely held her close, and let sleep come to him as his tail coiled the two of them.

Chapter 2: Bonding

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The light shone through the bedroom window, rousing Lux from his sleep. A yawn that sounded like a mix between a gargle and a growl escaped his lips. He smacked his chops and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Lux set his hands down, surprised to feel something soft that didn't feel like a pillow.

He turned to find Sunny there in the bed asleep. Startled, the Draconequus jumped in the air and off the bed, tumbling in a mess of animal parts as he fell on the floor. He landed with a whump, his tail making a quick rattle, wings splaying out, and letting out a sound somewhat like a squeaky toy. Shaking his head, the memories of last night came back to him. Getting up once more, Lux looked back down, hoping he hadn't woken her up.

"Silly Luxie. That's a pillow, not a marshmallow." Sunny giggled in her sleep, cuddling into Lux's pillow as if it were him.

Seeing she was still asleep, Lux gently tried to crawl back into the bed, hoping he wouldn't wake her. As he crawled back into the bed, though, what she said brought something to his mind. He decided to snap his fingers, and two pillow sized marshmallows appeared. The Chaos chimera leaned back on one, and began eating the other. As he ate, one of his wings reached and curled around Sunny, bringing her closer to him.

"Heee..." Sunny mixed a giggle and a squee. She instinctively curled up against him.

The unicorn curling up to him created a growing warmth inside him. Lux found himself feeling... Content. That was the word for what he felt. After nearly centuries of paranoia and hiding himself from others, the Draconequus felt a load off his chest being able to find such a mare.

Sunny's eyes cracked open. She looked up at Lux. The moment their eyes locked, her entire face lit up. "Hi." She cooed.

He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. "Morning Sunny..." He said. "how you doing?" He asked as he wrapped her in one of his wings, making a soft, warm, leathery blanket around her.

"I'm doing great. They say it's healthy to go to sleep happy... and I've never been so happy." Sunny gently kissed his cheek.

Lux kissed her head below her horn, holding her close. He then laid his head on hers, his chin going across her mane. "Neither have I..." He whispered. In that moment, they did nothing but enjoy the warmth and closeness the two shared with each other.

"I don't think I've ever been so cozy in my own bed." Sunny giggled happily. Her toes wiggled around back and forth, a common thing he noticed when she was really happy.

Lux thought little of the quirk, until his own inner devils started to emerge. Sunny couldn't see the evil grin that crept on Lux's face. As they just lay there in each other's embrace, his tail started to slowly move, unnoticed to Sunny. Distracting her, Lux continued, "It was a very cozy night, wasn't it...."

"I had the best dream too. You were there" She continued on about her night.

Lux listened to Sunny talk about her dream, while his tail slowly made it's way into position, and when she was in the middle of her story, it struck. With a rapid rattling sound, the snake tail on the Draconequus started to tickle the unsuspecting mare's feet.

Sunny screamed, kicking and flailing every limb possible as he held her down. "LUX!"

The chimera pounced, placing himself on top of her and pinning her down. He started to give her a full-body tickle; his tail coiling her feet to keep them together as the rattle tip continued to tickle and tease, he used his arms to hold her close to prevent his claws from hurting her, his wings taking the job instead, crossing to her sides and sending her into a fit of giggles.

He chuckled triumphantly. "Ah-HA! I have you now! What will you do against such torment?" Lux said with a silly over-exaggerated 'villain's' voice.

"Stoooop! Pleeeease!!" Sunny wailed, tears starting to run down her face.

Throwing himself back in a dramatic fashion, Lux placed an arm across his brow.

"Oh no! I have been defeated! She has used the words of power that could defeat me!" He leaned himself back to the point of falling off of the bed. He made a dramatic display of clutching his heart, and made a few noises. "I have been slain," was the last thing he said, as he splayed his tongue from his mouth, the only movements left being the occasional twitch from his tail and a hoof.

Sunny did something completely unexpected. She socked him square across the jaw. Harder than he thought any mare could possible do.

Lux was knocked back to the floor, birds flying above his head(literally). He was laid entirely splayed out across the floor as the entire room seemed to instantly be transformed into a boxing ring aside from the bed now sitting in the middle. From a place unknown by Sunny, three more clones appeared. However, they each had minor changes.

One was dressed in a sports referee outfit, slamming on the ground and counting in a language that Sunny didn't know, though it sounded like Germane. It had a look in it's eye that seemed to be fascinated by the situation. Sunny also noticed that he had a fuchsia like color in one of his eyes.

A second was outside the ring behind Lux, wearing a sports hoodie and sweatpants. This one had a thick accent that continued to give the downed Draconequus motivational speeches and fighting advice. He also wore a very fuzzy hat atop his head. He held himself with confidence, and had a red eye in the same eye the other had an off color.

Looking to the last "Lux" in the room, she saw one with a bright blue eye. He had a helmet atop his head that had two straws coming from each side of his head leading to cups which held what Sunny could only assume was hard liquor by the smell. He only seemed to be cheering the fight on in a very drunken manner.

Sunny grinned as the ref held her arm up victoriously. "Don't ever do that again, or the next hit is going straight to your balls." She whispered to the referee version of him. "I don't care what magic you use to hide them, you'll feel pain."

The referee version's eyes widened and he grinned. Looking down towards the dazed original starting to put himself back together, he said in a heavy accent, "Oh-ho-ho-hooo~, Vell Lux, Zis von is quite feisty! Makes you zink tvice before crossing her!" he said with a chuckle.

The original seemed to wake up when the bell rung, and seeing the scene around him, he quickly snapped his fingers. The ring and the duplicates disappeared, and Lux rubbed his face with a sheepish smile. "Heheh.... Sorry about that...."

Sunny smiled and tackled him back onto the bed with a hug. "Good." She sighed happily.

Lux let out a heavy "oof" as she glomped him onto the mattress. He gave a small chuckle, hugging the unicorn close. At that moment, he was content to just hold her close and snuggle.

Noticing out of the corner of his eye, Lux saw the faintest glimmer of a few tears from her smiling face.

Seeing the tears, Lux became momentarily worried. "Sunny, is everything okay?" He asked cautiously.

Sunny nodded, only tightening her grip around him. "I'm just really happy."

A feeling of warmth spread through Lux's chest, and he took a deep breath. He released his breath with a heavy, happy sigh. The Draconequus set his chin down on the Unicorn's head, nuzzling her mane.

"Thank you, Sunny." He whispered gently.

Sunny giggles and kisses his chin. Then his cheek. Then his other cheek. The amount of love given with each barrage of kisses would make any changeling jealous.

Seeing a moment for himself, lux couldn't help but take the next step. He gently took Sunny's chin in his fingers, and pulled her lips to his. It was not an intense or lustful kiss, but a gentle one. He pressed his lips against her with a feeling of a love of his own, and poured forth a wave of passion and gratitude so strong he could not contain it.

Sunny squeaked quietly. She leaned into him, hugging Lux tightly as the two sank deeper into the kiss.

Lux held her close, letting his repressed and lost feelings flow and manifest themselves in this kiss. Sunny's lips slipped away from him and she started giggling. She practically tackled him onto his back and cuddled into Lux's chest.

A sound of air rapidly escaping made a " Hoof " sound leave Lux as he fell back. He regained his breath after a brief moment, and chuckled as well.

"Gosh Lux... I want to kiss you forever." Sunny wiggled around, rolling around playfully on top of him like a cat in a bathtub full of catnip.

Lux said in a cutesy voice, "forever!? But we have places we need to be!"he took a deep breath and held his chest at its peak. That fluffed out his plumage in a way that made it much softer. He continued to hold her like that, giving her more of his feathered chest to work with.

Sunny let out a cute squee. Her face mushed into his chest as hard as possible. Lux's mind reeled at the wet feeling on his chest. Looking down he saw her beaming, eyes closed. Even as tightly closed as they were, tears were pushing past her eyelids.

Seeing the tears, the Draconequus placed a hand on her head. "Sunny, are you OK?"

"I would give everything I have as long as it means you can hold me. I'm alone... I'm so afraid... You made life worth living again." Sunny's mouth quivered.

Lux could only stare in amazement. He lowered his head down to Sunny's ear, and said, "then if you'll have me, I'll never leave you."

Sunny dove up his body and started bombarding his face with kisses all over again.

A feeling of fullness and longing filled Lux, and he returned the kisses in full. He held her tenderly, and shared this beautifully intimate moment between the two of them.

Sunny sniffled, nuzzling her face into his cheek. "Oh you sweet, sweet creature." She cooed.

He nuzzled back, taking care to avoid hitting her with his horns. "I couldn't make it like this if it weren't for your kindness and open heartedness. I can't thank you enough."

Sunny's face started to burn a bit. The redness highlighting it was more noticeable by the second. "Hey, Lux..."

"Yes?" He asked, pulling his face away to look into her eyes.

"Have you ever had sex?"

Lux began to blush as well. "I-... uh... Well, yeah, though it was a really long time ago."

"I was wondering if... and I don't want to have sex, not right now at least, but I... I have a question." Sunny smiled shyly.

"Go ahead," he motioned.

"Could you and I take shower together?" Sunny actually giggled, looking up at Lux with the cutest, dimple and freckle filled smile he'd ever seen.

Taking a moment to think, Lux decided, "Sure. I don't see why not then. Although...." He looked at himself. "I'm not too sure we'd both fit...."

"Well with your powers can't you just shrink yourself a bit?"

"Well, I wasn't just talking about my height. The big one is how wide it is, if you know what I mean." He motioned to his wings. "These can take up a lot of space."

"I think that still applies to shrinking." Sunny started to laugh.

A thought occurred, and he decided to try it. With a snap of his fingers, his wings were suddenly roughly the size of an icebox. "that should do...." He said.

Sunny gave a squee and stood up, only to jump back on top of him eagerly.

Lux was in the middle of getting off the bed when she jumped on him. He stumbled and regained himself, chuckling at her excitability. He stood with her now in his arms. "So, where to?" he asked

Sunny guided him to the bathroom, her legs kicking up and down in his arms as she pointed. Walking into the bathroom, He was relieved to see the shower was rather decently sized. Lux set Sunny down, and opened the shower door, gesturing in with a 'ladies first' sort of motion.

Sunny giggled gently and turned around, facing away from the larger beast. Slowly, the mare gripped the hem of her shirt, pulling it from the bottom up. Lux watched more and more of the skin on her back appear, only seeming to be broken the the bra strap on her upper back.

Deciding to make a move, Lux asked, "would you like some help with that?"

Sunny glanced back, nodding at him.

He took his claws and began to work the bra undone, but to his despair, the sharp tips ended up tearing the clothing. "Oh shit! I'm sorry!"

Sunny blinked, looking down at the torn bra on the floor. She stared for a moment, but smile. The mare slowly turned around to face Lux, staring up at him with her usual shy smile. It was at that moment that Lux got a full view of her chest. Each breast was perky, and about the size of an average cantaloupe .

A part of the Draconequus just seemed to shut down as he stared at the ample bosom in front of him. A blush on his cheeks started to ripen.

Sunny let out a squeaky giggle before turning back around. She slipped her hands between her waist and the last of her clothes. Bending over, Sunny's pants descended down her legs. She also glanced back at him, giving him a wink along with the show she was putting on for him. Finally having bent all the way, Lux got an eyefull of her behind.

Lux shook his head, breaking out of the trance he was in. His blush deepened even further, and he stepped into the shower as well.

Sunny turned the shower on and made sure the water was just warm enough. Absolutely beaming, she stepped in and leaned against the draconequus.

Reaching his arms around Sunny's midsection, Lux wrapped his hands around her, reaching her stomach. He held her close to him as the water streamed down the two of them. Meanwhile, Lux reached his tail behind him, grabbing the bottle of soap that sat on the platform inside.

Sunny looked up at him and giggled. Her tongue whipped out and gave a quick tickle to his chin.

The lick was so unexpected that it send a shiver down his spine, and Lux suddenly went as stiff as a board. The shiver went down his tail as well, and made him drop the bottle of soap.

The mare let out a squeaky giggle, her orange aura lifting the bottle off the floor. "How about I wash you first?" She cooed gently.

Lux shook off the effect of the surprise lick and looked down. "Sure, but real quick," he gave a snap of his fingers and a bottle appeared in his hand. "Use this for any area with feathers. It has special oils that help keep them healthy." he said as he handed her the bottle.

"Ooo! So that's why you're so fluffy." Sunny beamed, pulling him into a hug and mushing her face into a bundle of his wet feathers.

The Draconequus gave a quick chuckle at the mare's silly antics.

Sunny's magic pushed him down to a sitting position. She stepped up behind him and took the opportunity to start with his feathers up and down his torso. She poured some of the oil onto his back and set the bottle down. She dug her hands around his back slowly.

He leaned back into her rubbing hands, the feeling of being washed and groomed like this was very relaxing for him. An interesting sound left him, similar to a purr, mixed with a kind of trill. His tail gave a kind of waving flick, similar to a cat. The slow wag made small little rattling flicks from the tip of his tail.

Sunny started to laugh. "Does that feel good boy?" She spoke as if to a puppy.

Lux turned his head back so that he was looking up at Sunny upside-down. With a look of fake resentment, and failing to hold back a smile, he gave her a small raspberry.

Sunny let out a sharp yelp that quickly devolved into laughter. She pulled his head up and hugged it, unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) squishing his head between her breasts.

His wings, small as they were at the moment, flared out, and Lux himself blushed extremely. He found himself nose-up, staring straight into her cleavage. Blushing beet red, his tail gave a rapid rattle.

"I love you so much." Sunny whispered. She craned her neck and tilted his head up slightly, lightly kissing the end of his nose.

Lux slipped out of her hands and turned around to face her. Kneeling down, his eyes were just below chin level. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her as well. "I love you too, Sunny."

"Hee!" Sunny squeaked happily. "I have a question. A couple really."

He shook some water from his long hair briefly. "Go ahead. Never hesitate to ask something." he said with a smile.

"How does it feel holding a naked mare in the shower?" Sunny grinned and stuck her tongue out.

"Oh, uh...." He began. "Actually, the last time I even held a naked mare like this, there weren't even showers." He gave a sheepish blush. "But it definitely feels nice." He said, smiling.

Sunny's smile grew further. She took a step back from him and put her arms down to her sides. She squished her thighs together and looked down at the shower floor. "One more question..."

He nodded. "Yeah?"

"How do I look?" Sunny smiled shyly. For the first time, Lux really took in her body in full. She was so pale, so smooth in every aspect. The glistening of her wet body and damp, matted orange hair only seemed to make her orange eyes shine brighter. She sparkled like her body was made of stars.

Lux looked at her and placed his hands on her hips. He gently traced them down her legs, before returning them back up through her chest. He started to take in every detail he saw from her, seeing her now in a whole new light.

"... Beautiful." Was all he could say.

Sunny let out a gentle whimper, blushing as orange as her hair. "Oh Lux..."

Slowly moving forward, he brought his lips closer to her. "I love you Sunny." He said, just above a whisper.

Sunny wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, not wanting to keep the gap between their lips any longer. Her body was slowly coating itself in the oil she had lathered on his back.

He held her close, rising to his hooves and lifting her with him. They stayed there, expressing their love for each other with this kiss. Lux wished this moment would last for an eternity, and it seemed like it was.

Sunny opened her mouth and her tongue dashed into his, lapping at Lux's tongue. Lux returned the motion, and began a wrestling match between the two tongues inside. Sunny clung to him with her arms and legs, wrapping all her limbs around his slender body. After a solid minute of kissing, they yanked their heads away and heaved for air.

Gasping and panting, Lux looked back at Sunny. "That was nice. I really liked that...." He said, leaning his forehead against hers.

Sunny combed her fingers through his hair and bit her lip. "You've seen me naked. Maybe you can return the favor?"

Blushing slightly, Lux rubbed the back of his head real quick. "Well... About that...." He said sheepishly.

"You can show me, Lux." Sunny cooed, cupping both his cheeks.

"Well, in order to show you... Well, there's not really enough room here... We'd have to step out." He said.

"Just make the shower bigger. As long as you turn it back after." Sunny giggled.

A nervous look reached lux's face. "Okay..." He hesitated and snapped his fingers. The shower now seemed to be big enough to fit a small bathroom. A relieved sigh left him. " Phew Glad to see that worked. So..." He looked down at his bare groin, and snapped his fingers once more.

Standing there in front of Sunny was a pair of cocks, each just over two feet long at full mast. Each one looked different.

The one on his left looked much like a stallion, with a blunt head, pulsing veins, and a medial ring easily visible near the middle. It had a red and orange marbling pattern along it.

The one on his right looked like a dragon's cock. She had seen Spike going through puberty for a time, and caught glimpse of the occasional boner he would get unintentionally as he tried to hide it. The one on Lux had a pointed tip, widening out as it went down. Along the bottom laid a row of ridges that looked both intimidating and exhilarating. It had a wicked curve going up, as opposed to the straight rod of the stallionhood. Most notably, however, was the large knot at the base, looking perfect for locking whoever would take it to them. It had a fade that went from a lighter lavender and went down to a deep midnight blue at the bottom. The whole cock had a metallic sheen to it, though it still looked fleshy and warm.

Underneath his proud testaments to malehood hung a pair of balls the size of watermelons. Both looked plump and full.

Lux stood there in the shower, waiting for Sunny to take the sight in.

"Ohhh!" Sunny's mouth dropped open. Lux could swear her eyes had turned into hearts.

Lux looked at Sunny with a mild shock. "You like it?" He asked, pleasantly surprised

Sunny put a hand to her mouth and started to giggle. "You could kill somepony with those clubs."

Blushing, he said, "They're not usually that big, actually. This is the kind of thing that happens when I get pent up..."

"Oh I see. Well, maybe I can help." Sunny's gaze and smile turned more seductive as she swayed her hips in her approach.

The twin spires gave an unintentional twitch. Lux blushed and said, "Are you sure you want to take that step right now?"

"Only if you're okay." Sunny never took her eyes off his, her approach not hindered in the slightest.

"I am," he said, "I just want to make sure you're ready..." Lux kept gazing into her beautiful eyes as she came closer.

Sunny wrapped her arms around his horse cock, hugging herself to it. "Maaaybe." She giggled.

The proud stallionhood twitched, his pulse easily felt along the large veins showing. Lux gave a small moan. "Is that the one you want?" He asked.

"Maybe stick to one for now?" She looked away almost embarrassed.

He nodded. "Which one do you want gone for now?" He asked.

"Maybe the dragon half?"

"Okay," he said with a tone of understanding. Snapping his fingers, the dragon's horde was gone, and there stood the pride of a stallion.

Sunny just stared down at the stallionhood for a few moments. Suddenly, she started to giggle like a schoolfilly.

Lux tilted his head, and one of his ears drooped in confusion. "What is it?" He asked.

"I can't believe this is happening." Sunny beams up at him. "I'm just happy you're my first."

A warm feeling spread across him. "Wow, thank you Sunny," he said gently.

Sunny brought her face to the head, nuzzling it and kissing the pulsing hole.

Gasping, the Draconequus tensed at the contact, and a drop of pre emerged from the tip. The mare squished both breasts around the tower of flesh, opening her mouth wide and sucking the tip inside. His tail twitched, and the warm orifice caused more pre to start leaking out, like a leaky faucet. Sunny let out a gentle moan, her cheeks imploding at the strength of her suckling.

The suction caused his head to flare a little bit. Not wanting to leave her hanging, his tail started to creep up to Sunny and started to stroke her thighs. Sunny's head fell back, his head coming out with an audible pop! She shivered, her legs squeezing his tail against her honeypot.

Letting out a small moan, Lux said, "Sorry about that... it has a mind of it's own sometimes..." The tail wiggled as it was smushed between her thighs, teasing her outer lips.

Sunny dove up his body and kissed him. She quite literally sat ontop of his cock, balancing on the wobbly, drooling pole. He held her close, his shaft hard enough to support her weight. He returned the kiss. This time, it wasn't a passionate kiss, or a gentle one. This was a lust filled, raunchy kiss. With her legs wrapped around him, she held onto his body and ground her slit against his flared tip. Every passing second she drooled more, and more.

He took a quick breath. "Would you like to be able to take it?" He asked the small mare.

Sunny nodded slowly. Her hands were caressing and rubbing all over his face. "All of it." She breathed.

He gave a nod of acknowledgement. Snapping his fingers once more, his claws started to glow with a kind of ethereal energy. He took his claw and placed it on her belly, and started stroking and rubbing it.

Sunny whimpered lightly, her mouth dropping open. "Lux..." Continuing to rub her belly, he started to make his way down, a warmth starting to grow inside her.

"Touch me more." She mumbled, running her hands around his chest slowly.

He took his other hand, and applied the same energy. Maneuvering his hands around her back, he took her flanks and started to grope and rub them as well. Lux could feel all her muscles tightening and grinding against him. Any part of hers that wasn't in contact merely rippled in waiting.

Finally, he started moving his hands to the front once more, he put his claws just above her dripping marehood, pulsing on the tip of his shaft in anticipation. Sunny pushed herself downward. Pressure started to build between her legs. Both her and Lux felt the two lips spreading apart.

Lux moaned as he felt her wrap around the tip. He started to trail his fingers around the exposed lips, the warmth engulfing them as well, and Sunny began to feel it a bit easier to take the massive cock she had just begun to take. The oil on his body had washed off at some point. The feathers he wore were now much softer, and she had her face buried directly in them. The mare started to moan quietly.

He took her hips in his hands once more, and began to slowly slide her down his shaft. He moaned and loved the feeling of her warm pussy starting to engulf his shaft. He throbbed inside her, pre beginning to pour gently inside her. The Draconequus kept his attention on her, looking for any sign of discomfort. In fact, he spotted quite the opposite. Sunny was a blissed out as he'd ever seen the mare. With every inch that entered her, the walls of her cunt twitched harder, and faster.

Her twitching made his shaft pulse, and globs of precum started to shoot out into her passage. His cock began to go deep enough that he could see a clear bulge beginning to distend inside her. He continued to pull her, just over a quarter of the way down his cock now. The only changes Lux could feel in Sunny were her walls getting tighter, and tighter, never seeming to want to loosen.

Grunting, he said, "Ooohhh, fuck, Sunny... You're so tight!" He said. He pulled her closer, settling her down, inch by inch down his huge cock.

"Ohh you wonderful, beautiful draconequus." Sunny breathed throatily.

"You amazing, sexy mare,'' he said back. He pulled her down further, now almost a foot inside. the medial ring lay there, right at the tips of her pulsing, drooling lips. He continued to pour more and more pre into her, starting to swell her belly as if she's just eaten a full meal.

"Push it all in. D-do it." Sunny begged, her breathing starting to get shaky.

Lux nodded, and lifted her a few inches off of his ring. He held her there for a moment before slamming her down all the way to the hilt. Sunny sputtered, her tongue flopping out of her mouth. She rolled her eyes around as pussy juices flooded constantly down his sack. The mare's legs dangled just above the shower floor, occasionally giving a twitch.

"Mmmm!, you okay Sunny?" he asked.

Sunny wheezed quietly, grinding herself around the impaled cock she was trapped on.

He decided to take that moment, with her belly bulging obscenely with his cock, to stroke the outline of his buried shaft. Spray after spray of pre kept coating inside Sunny's writhing pussy.

The mare clawed needily at his chest. The tightness around him suddenly ceased, her insides beginning to spasm rapidly. A second flood of juices spilled out onto the floor. Lux moaned loudly, his shaft being bathed in the marecum. He waited for a few seconds to let

Sunny catch her breath. "Would you like to keep going?" he asked.

"Oh gosh yes. yes!" Sunny gasped, her entire body quivering.

He grabbed her by her hips once more, and slowly began to lift her off of his shaft. Sunny let out a loud scream, grabbing at the air for something to hold before falling limp in his arms. He kept pulling her out, and he agonizingly popped his ring out. He kept pulling until all that was left was the head. She was reduced to a babbling mess, moaning and groaning unintelligible gibberish.

He groaned briefly. "Are you ready?" He asked. Without even waiting for a response, he slammed her down to his hilt once more, shooting another load of pre inside her.

Sunny let out another scream, grabbing his arms tightly and holding on for dear life. He pulled her off a bit faster this time, hesitating at his head once more. He slammed her down again, another wave of pre shooting from him, feeling like a firehose inside of Sunny. Her belly was beginning to swell even more. Sunny shuddered heavily. Her insides were tightening once again, each thrust only making it harder and harder to penetrate.

Lux continued to pull her up, and slam her down. His rhythm began to increase, Sunny's hair was matted down and her body was covered in sweat, glistening brightly with every torrent of juices her pussy released. The Draconequus moved forward until he had pushed Sunny against the wall, She was hanging there, suspended by his cock and the wall alone. He continued his rhythmic pounding, starting to increase in tempo as her belly continued to swell, looking like she was four months pregnant. His pre kept going, constantly filling her further.

Sunny had a goofy grin on her face, her entire body simply going limp and letting him use her like a cheap fuck toy. His thrusts started to get faster and harder, constantly pounding her now. The bulge his cock made in her was just as obscene as before, and her belly kept growing larger with every hilt. Time seemed to pass by as the kept going, thrusting, moaning, and twitching in a pool of their own juices in the shower.

"Fuck me Lux! Fill me full!" Sunny blurted out suddenly. The sudden vulgarity and screeching stunned him.

"As you wish!" He yelled, and he thrust into her one last time, his head flaring inside her as he came. His watermelon sized balls started to unload themselves into her, starting to swell her so large that her stomach started to balloon out.

Sunny gurgled out spit and slurred words. The boiling heat filling her was enough to send another orgasm rippling through her body. Her eyes rolled around in their sockets while pleasure racked the fried mare's brain.

He continued to pump more into her, making her stomach grow so large that he had to hold her for support now. He kept going and going, her pussy milking his cock for every bit it could take.

"So.. s-s- ah... so hot!" Sunny sputtered into a fit of gasps and screams.

The rush of Draconequus cum started to slow, and Sunny's cum swollen self settled at a point where she couldn't reach around her own stomach. Lux held her close, as the last spurts inside her came. He held her close, absolutely loving the feeling of her swollen, sloshing stomach against him.

"Haaahohh wow." Sunny mumbled dreamily.

Lux gave her a kiss. "Ahhh, That was great Sunny. Thank you..."

"Gosh... I had no idea it'd been that long." Sunny couldn't help but giggle at her swollen midsection.

"Hmhm... It's been a few centuries...." He said. He leaned his head against her bloated stomach. "Thank you so much Sunny..."

Sunny leaned into him and cooed at his embrace. "A first time I won't ever forget."

Lifting his head, he put a hand on her chin and leaned in. "I love you Sunny..."

Despite all that has happened, and all the sensual acts they have done to each other, it always made Sunny blush when he did that. And blush she did, her face burning hot crimson. "Ohh..." Sunny cooed happily. She wasn't the only one affected. The fact that his touch alone could stir these actions in Sunny made Lux's heart flutter.

Leaning forward more, Lux planted his lips on hers in a gentle kiss. While it felt a little awkward at first, leaning over her bloated belly, barely able to reach her own lips, he loved the feeling of her belly sloshing under him. He felt her heart beat, even through the bloated sack that was her midsection.

Sunny pushed him back gently. "Use a bit of your magic to drain me so I can snuggle you." She laughed.

"Ooooh what are you doing?" Sunny purred aloud. Her belly started to shrink slowly. Sunny closed her eyes and started to writhe slowly.

He started to rub her midsection around her sloshing belly. "Let's see what happens when I channel a bit of magic...." As the warmth started to envelop her, her stomach made a gurgling sound as her belly started to shrink once more.

Sunny's eyes rolled around their sockets as her perky breasts surged from their double D's to a perfectly round E. Then F... her hips were also rounding to more heartshaped flanks.

Lux started to rub all over her body, as the magic starts to affect her, he started to grope at her growing assets. "Wow, Sunny..." he said, staring in awe.

Sunny let out a scream. She grabbed his arms and started to shake. Lux was about to panic, had he not noticed the clear marecum pouring from her pussy lips.

He felt her spasming around his shaft, still in her. "Oh, wow Sunny, I didn't' know that felt that good for you..."

By the time her belly was back to it's flat self, a lot about her had changed. She was still her short self, but her breasts had doubled in size, now at G cups. Her rear had become much more fluffy and squeezable. While her belly, arms, and legs, actually... looked stronger. She had the lightest ripples of muscles.

In the time it took for the changes to finish, he had pulled out of her, his flared head having shrunk enough to be pulled out. When the changes finished, Lux could only gape at her. "Oh...." His cheeks blushed. "Woah," was all he could say.

Sunny's gaze was lustful, not hesitating for a moment before she snaked up against him and gave a long, tender kiss to Lux's neck. Lux set her down from her position sitting on the shower wall, and grabbed her plump derriere as he set her down. Lux felt her hands on his backside, and the grip was tight. The act definitely surprised him.

With a small startled yelp, Lux looked into her eyes. He then took a moment to look her whole body over once more. "Damn, Sunny, you got real sexy, real fast..." he said.

"You think you've been pent up... a virgin mare just had her first time. You have no idea." Sunny growled, biting down on Lux's ear.

As she bit, a few emotions flooded through Lux. Primarily, lust and fear. He felt a slight amount of intimidation at her new aggressive demeanor, but it was not one of terror. His lust surged through him, as he wondered what she might have in store for him.

"And I've been a cold fish for a few centuries now..." He said provocatively....

Sunny slammed him against the wall and shut out anymore words he might have had with a kiss. Her thighs clasped around his shaft tightly, grinding and squeezing.

Startled by her sudden lead, he started to blush once more. "Woah, straight for another round?" he asked .

"I want both. I'm gonna ride both your fucking monster cocks until you're nothing but a babbling fucktoy." Sunny whispered.

Lux was surprised by her forwardness, and a bit worried for her safety. However, when he saw the look in her eyes, he knew there was no arguing. Dropping his worry, he started to feel very turned on by her display. "As you wish..." He said sultrily. With a snap of his fingers, his two shafts made themselves known. Roughly the same size they were earlier, though a bit smaller now, the two being ground between her legs started to make them rise in anticipation again, beginning to lift her into the air with their combined strength.

Sunny gripped his head with both hands. "You are so sexy. So beautiful. You are the most amazing creature on this planet... and I'm lucky to live in your presence."

Holding her ass and pulling her close, he kissed her. "You are an amazing mare, Sunny, and I'm lucky that a mare as beautiful as you would ever take a creature like me..." He said, hugging her tightly, kissing her with a newfound passion.

The tightness of her arms and legs around him was that of a strong, passionate mare. She was clinging as tightly as she could. Their tongues intertwined in a breathless, seemingly endless smooch.

The feeling of her legs around his cocks was enough to bring them to full mast, easily holding her up to the point that her face was level with Lux's. He kissed her passionately, holding her close, while at the same time groping and grabbing her now grown assets.

Their faces were forced apart to gasp for air, the two left gazing at one another. "Wow." She giggled breathlessly.

Lux lowered his head down onto hers. A chuckle left his lips as well, and they stayed like that for a moment.

Sunny hugged Lux tightly, burying her face in his neck. She stayed there, then Lux felt water running down his arm. He knew at that moment they were tears.

"Sunny? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. He placed a hand on her back, rubbing up and down in a comforting manner...

Sunny just started to laugh, shaking her head as tears continued to run down her face. "I've just never been this happy before."

A Feeling of warmth coursed through Lux. Her words rung with a sense of belonging that he couldn't help but fill him with a sense of pride and joy. Tears started to well in his eyes as well.

"Neither have I, Thank you Sunny..." He took her chin and lifted it to look her in the eyes. They stayed like that, and after a few moments, "I love you Sunny..." He took her mouth, leaned in and gave her another kiss, just as passionate as the one before, but with an undertone of gentleness that sent it soaring to new heights.

Sunny ran her hands through his hair as tenderly as possible. Her legs wrapped around his waist and squeezed, pulling as much of her improved body against him as possible.

He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer and squeezing her against him. Her juices left a line of marecum down along the lengths of the twin spires she sat on. They curved around her, resting between her now grown ass cheeks, embraced by the warm soft flesh.

Sunny's hands slowly and sensually ran down the ram horns on Lux's head, sliding in a loop around his ear, ending at the tip of each horn.

Lux shook his head playfully. "Sorry hun, but I don't feel anything through those..." He took a claw and knocked against them. "Hard horns, made for ramming things." He said with a smile. He gave her another short playful kiss.

Sunny gave a squeaky giggle. "Aww, I know that. I just wanted to touch them. They make you look so cute!"

He gave another playful shake of his head, whipping his wet mane around as well. "But I thought you wanted to touch something else..." He said coyly.

"Ohh someone is eager." Sunny grinned. Though his words did something as he felt her pussy start to throb against his shafts.

"Hmmm, it looks like you are too," He said, his pulse throbbing through his cocks and vibrating straight onto her lips.

Sunny's orange magic lifted the two up and set Lux on his back, and her straddling his waist.

With both of his dicks standing tall, Lux lay down, keeping his gaze on Sunny. He nodded as his proudly standing spires gave a twitch.

Sunny bit her lip, standing up and turning ninety degrees to align his horizontally aligned shafts to both her holes.

Lux piped up briefly. "If you'd like, I can shift them a bit to make it a smoother ride..." He said as he saw her positioning herself.

Sunny gave a weak smile and nodded slowly.

"Which one do you want to go in which hole?" He asked gently

"I picked the stallion last time, I think mister dragon would like a turn in my V." Sunny gave a gentle giggle, giving his dragon lance a light pat.

With a nod, he snapped his fingers. His shafts now stood on top of one another, his dragon dick giving a wicked curve towards him, and his stallionhood standing straight in the air.

Sunny blushed and gave a shy smile. "Thank you." She said, positioning herself back to a straddle atop both cocks. "I've... Is it gonna hurt? I've never used anything in the other hole."

"It might at first, but You'll probably start to enjoy it." He said gently.

Sunny's eyes darted around momentarily as thoughts rang through her mind. Suddenly, she was beaming. Lux was going to ask what, when she stood up and took a step forward. Her rump and pussy were all-too visible to him, and they were getting closer, and closer. Until she was sitting on his face.

Lux was too confused for a moment to know what to do, the sudden shift of positions threw him off course. Through her thick thighs and ass, a muffled "Mmmph?" could be heard.

Sunny just started to giggle before leaning forward. Her mouth moved to his dragon cock and sucked the pointed tip into her mouth.

Getting the idea, Lux started to explore the dark cavern with his tongue, searching for an orifice it could enter. He grabbed her plump cheeks and started kneading then, his claws stroking over her cutie mark.

Sunny squealed pleasantly and shivered. Lux was thrown off guard, his eyes practically turning to hearts as his entire dragon shaft was deepthroated in one quick swallow.

With a muffled "MMMPH!" From under her glorious butt, a shot of precum burst from both his shafts, going down her throat and landing on her face. He redoubled his efforts, and his tongue suddenly found one of its targets.

The slithering tongue inside her pussy was nearly at her womb with it's quick speed. The mare let out a violent, choking scream around his cock. The pleasure her vibrating throat gave was that only a vibrating fleshlight could give.

His own moans started to vibrate within her as he took his snout and tried to bury himself inside her winking marehood. His tongue whipped around, exploring every crevice it could inside her. He lapped up her juices combined with his own from their previous encounter, and reveled in the sweet and salty taste of them.

A large wave of orange surrounded his stallionhood, seeping into it inside and out, massaging and grinding it around.

He continued to moan, using his tongue to continue pleasing her. Suddenly, a devious thought came to mind. Unknown by her, he used his magic to very suddenly give him a forked tongue, beginning his assault with a new added sensation inside her.

In a sudden flash of orange light, Lux noticed his tongue sticking straight up in the air with no pussy around it. Sunny had teleported, facing him, but now between his legs. She licked her lips and leaned down, burying her face in his sack.

Lifting his head up, Lux looked at Sunny confounded. "Sunny, wha-?"

Sunny moved up and sat all her weight on his weighty balls like they were a beanbag chair. She hugged both shafts tightly and beamed. "I'm gonna try a spell that I used on myself a lot. I think you'll like this." Sunny gave an almost sultry look as her horn started to spill a gentle light into both his urethras.

Nodding, he leaned back, anticipating what she had planned.

A pleasure unlike any other bathed both his cocks in a tingling, almost painful warmth. It felt like a million tiny lips kissing the inside and outside of each shaft. The sensations slowly started to spread further down into his testicles, then his prostate...

The shock shook Lux and he moaned in delight. "Oooh~ Sunny!"

Sunny closed her eyes to focus, grinding and bouncing herself upon the quaking bags of cum.

Lux grimaced in delight as his shafts stiffened, his balls twitched, and his stallionhood flared. "Sunny, I'm gonna-!"

"Cum for me Lux. Let it all out." Sunny purred, hugging the lengths between her breasts as tightly as possible.

With a scream, Lux bucked his hips in the air as dual ropes of cum shot into the air, pouring and spraying like a fountain. It started to coat the two of them, even overpowering the shower as it made a valiant effort to keep the two clean.

Sunny's cunt quaked at the sight. She took as much of the cum into her mouth and started to swallow mouthfuls at a time, eventually losing breath and simply allowing it to rain onto her.

His orgasm started to subside after a minute, and by the time he was done, both of them were plastered with his chaotic seed, and Sunny had swallowed all she could. His own shafts an d balls had shrunk once again, now at roughly three quarters the size they were when they started.

Glancing down, Lux saw the cum-coated mare in utter ecstasy as she lapped at bit of cum off her arms and face.

Lux couldn't help but wonder if it were possible to feel more aroused than he already was at the sight. "Wow, Sunny, you really like that, don't you..." He said

Sunny smeared the cum around her breasts, her head lolling to the side as she groped herself and squeezed each massive mellon. Not too long after, her left hand slid down to her pussy and ass, coating the interior of both holes with his gooey seed.

Chuckling, he sat up and leaned forward closer to her. "Enjoying yourself?" He asked, as he gave her a kiss, getting a taste for his own cum inside her mouth as he shared her own juices inside his.

"Mm!" Sunny squeaked, immediately relaxing at the feel of his lips. Raising her hips, both lubed holes prodded each tip, the stallion bit knocking on her back door, while the dragon was already spreading her mare lips.

His flare had shrunk down to it's normal size once more, and he was thankful for her sake. Even with his own magic making her more pliable, he knew that the first penetration would likely be somewhat uncomfortable. His sharp point of his dragon started to poke inside, a few of his ridges slipping in and rubbing inside her folds.

Sunny groaned and pushed all her weight down, now literally balancing on the blunted head of his meaty stallion cock.

Grabbing her hips, he looked into her eyes. "Are you ready?" He asked gently.

Sunny took a deep breath and nodded. Gripping her hips, he slowly started to pull her down. His blunt tip starting to penetrate her tight pucker, but had yet to enter.Sunny grabbed his arms and grunted, she held her eyes shut tightly.

"You okay Sunny?" He asked, concerned.

"Just go slow." Sunny gave a kind smile, cupping his cheek.

He nodded, and continued to pull her down, his head making more progress as it's widest part reached the entrance to her tight donut. He waited a moment, before continuing as with one more pull, his head popped into her.

A gasp escaped her mouth. Her lower lips tightened significantly around the dragon she was impaled on.

The slow descent on the dragon kept the ridges slipping in, massaging and prodding her walls gently. As Lux kept pulling, his head slipped in full. It started to taper down a bit, a small narrowing allowing her to grow more accustomed to the intrusion.

: "Hoooh Lux..." Sunny moaned his name and started to whimper.

He started to slowly move her down once more, bringing her further down his shaft as he went deeper into her. His dragon shaft pleasing her folds while his Stallion gently rammed inside her.

Sunny gasped at a rather tender area was discovered by the pulsing stallion. "I can feel both so... So big, ahh!"

He continued to pull her down until his medial ring pressed against the entrance. The dragon had started to curve outwards creating a distinct impression jutting out of her belly.

Sunny had her eyes closed again. The mare was shaking and starting to whimper.

He lifted her up slightly, rising her up a few inches. When she only had the heads left in both, he brought her down with just enough force to get the medial ring through inside her. The feeling of the dragon shaft moving out and in gave her a rippling sensation as the ridges passes her folds.

Sunny let out a squeak, starting to wheeze a bit. "H-hold on!"

Lux nodded and grunted. "Okay..." He said, just holding her there.

Sunny gave a dry swallow. "When they're both in, just... take a break." She smiled, kissing Lux's cheek.

"Alright," he said, releasing a calming sigh. He let her just sit there for a moment to get her bearings and become more used to the multiple intrusions.

"Put the rest in. I-I can take it." She cooed quietly.

He gave her another raise on his dual cocks, going once again until only the tips remained, and slammed her down until she was resting on the knot of the dragon.

Sunny squealed loudly. "That's not what I meant!" She snapped, her jaw starting to quiver.

Alarmed, he stopped. "Are you okay?" He asked

Sunny's eyes were shut tightly. "I just wante- wanted... you to put it all in. So I could get used to it. T-that was just reahhh... too fast."

Lux looked apologetic. "Sorry, though you still haven't taken the knot yet...."

"Ohh thanks for being a gentlecolt and caring about my safety." Sunny chuckled, flicking his nose playfully.

Having the good sense to look sheepish, he gave a small smile, letting her get her bearings.

Sunny cupped his cheeks, rubbing them sensually and lovingly. "Don't worry... I'm fine."

"Okay." he said. "Would you like me to keep going?" He asked.

Sunny nods and gives him another kiss, this time on his nose. "Just go slow... nothing crazy."

"Alright," He said. He let her back up slowly, then pulled her down just a little quicker. The medial ring popped in and out, and the ridges prodding her insides seemed to poke at every sensitive spot in her quivering pussy.

"Lux... Ohh gosh." Sunny breathed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging tight enough to almost choke him. He grunted at her tightness, though he bore it. Letting her sit there, he waited for her to get settled to his size a little more. Sunny once again peppered his face over and over with kisses. "I love you." She uttered between each peck.

Returning whatever kisses he could, Lux grabbed her sizable hips once more, pulling her up faster this time, and letting her down a little faster as well. Sunny was starting to sweat from her own heat. Each second the loving went on, Lux could feel the everincreasing heat from both her insides, and outside.

Her heat was intoxicating. Her rippling folds started to twitch frequently. Leaning in close, Lux asked, "Are you ready to go a bit harder?"

"Yes... I'm ready for you Lux. Take me." Sunny whispered in a manner that only a lover could. The tone sent shivers down his body.

With one last kiss, he leaned in and nodded. Settling himself on the shower floor, he spent some time just rubbing up and down her flanks. Finally, grabbing her plump cheeks, he pulled her up until his tips were all that remained. Firmly, he quickly pulled her down, not quite slamming just yet to ensure her comfort.

The mare didn't make a sound. Her mouth was open, twisted in utter bliss. Her eyes were rolling in a sea of pleasure, fluttering and unable to focus on any one thing for too long. The sight, and fact he was doing this, was almost too much for Lux.

Feeling himself nearing his own orgasm, he started pushing her in and out faster. His knot, almost 10 inches wide, kept bumping at her entrance as his flaring stallion started to widen inside her. Sunny's walls started to spasm as their temperature peaked, roughly trying their hardest to bring him deeper. The quaking was felt by his stallionhood though the wall seperating the two holes. Her orgasm was felt by ever inch of both shafts, even surging down into his puffy cum pouch.

The added quaking that was felt through her ass increased the sensation felt by his throbbing shaft. Her cunt wrapping around his own ridges made him throb and pulse inside her. Thrusting his hips up in time with his erratic slamming, he was nearing his own orgasm and refusing to come until she had taken his own knot.

"Are you ready Sunny?"

Lux was answered with a kiss. The taste of her tongue on his was still as magical as the first. He held the kiss, his thrusts still as hard, though much more shallow. Breaking off from the kiss, he said, "brace yourself," as he started to slam her down with all his might.

Sunny sputtered some incoherent babble mixed with a gasp. Her eyes fluttered again, arms and legs tightening around him as much as possible. With one final thrust, Lux slammed her down as he felt her lips pass over and around his knot as he locked inside her with a distinct Pop feeling. The mare squealed and started wailing, grinding herself back and forth and biting onto Lux's ear.

Feeling herself quiver on top of him as her spasming cunt kept tightening around him, His knot swelled inside her, firmly locking inside her as they were now stuck together. His stallion spire flared completely stretching her insides. A dual river of his seed flooded inside her as he came. He moaned in what almost sounded like a scream as he started to fill her once more.

The harmonized screams they let out only were joined by the sound of her gut exploding outward at the double dose of cream the mare was being stuffed with. Churning as he kept cumming and cumming, his balls kept deflating, now the sizes of cantaloupes. Her as her belly continued to swell, he held her close as the heat of his cum mixing with her own was a delightful sensation.

"Lux. Oh Lux why does it feel so good..." Sunny whimpered. Her insides tightened by the second, doing their best to keep as much of his spunk inside.

His knot kept any seed from flowing out as his stream started to slow after nearly a minute of pumping her once again bloated belly with his seed. Her tightened pucker was enough to keep most of his spunk inside, though some couldn't help but escape.

Sunny's head was anchored on Lux's left shoulder. All he could hear was her quiet panting. Her hands moved up to caress his cheeks, petting him sweetly.Lux pulled her close, rubbing her back and tracing around her sides. He stayed like that, embracing her as her belly sloshed between the two with her new double stuffing.

Sunny shook as a loud bubbling was heard. "Bllphgh!" She sputtered, a flood of white pouring from her mouth and down Lux's back.

Worried for a moment, he asked, "Are you okay?"

Sunny pulled her head back to look him in the eyes. She had his cum running down her mouth and chest. Slowly, her tongue slid out, licking up everything she could. Her eye-contact never left his. He could only stare with a dumbfounded look as both of his shafts gave an unintentional throb.

Sunny nuzzled his cheek before sliding back to his ear. "Such a naughty boy."

Pulling her close as he lay down on his back, resting his chin on her forehead, he chuckled as they both basked in the afterglow. "Heh, You're one to talk...."

"Ohh I know master. I'm such a naughty girl. You take such good care of pet." Sunny cooed playfully.

A huge flash of lust burst through him, as the words struck a chord in him that he didn't even know was there. His pulse quickened briefly.

Sunny brought her hands up to her face just under her chin. "Meow." She purred.

A chuckle escaped him. "Mmm... Good kitty." He took his claws and gently started to scratch behind her ears.

Sunny giggled and wiggled around at his scratching. Her face pushed against the hand, giving a teasing lick to his thumb. Suddenly, she gasped. Sunny's bloated form started to shrink. The muscles his last load had given expanded slowly. Her breasts blew up another size, stopping at F cups. Her plush rump became curvier and fluffier. If it was even possible, her skin even seemed to get smoother. Sunny's hands quickly rushed up to her mouth, holding it shut as her cheeks ballooned out. Cum poured from her nostrils and the mare's eyes rolled around blissfully. Her arms fell to her breasts and squeezed the new plus-sized mounds. Sunny's mouth fell open, and a flood of cum poured down to her chest. She slowly rubbed the cum around her body, which quickly absorbed the white love. Lux was stunned, to say the least.

"Wow...." Was all he could say as he stared at her, speechless and impressed at her shameless display. His shafts had started to shrink again, reaching well over a foot long each. They started to soften as well. Lux felt his knot start to allow some of his seed to slip through.

Strangely, one more thing had changed about her. She seemed... taller. By about a foot. And her horn was longer. "I love you." She purred, slowly licking his cheek, all the way up his ear.

Thrilled at not having to lean down to see her, he held her close now, as he kissed her once more. Sunny seemed in charge of this kiss. Her tongue dominated his, and her left hand was down caressing his sack playfully.

Deciding to multitask, Lux retaliated, his tongue fighting back in the newly declared war of the tongues. Taking his claws, he used one to grope and roll her beautiful, smooth, round, and cushioned derriere in his one hand. His second hand slithered between the two as he grabbed her massive mounds in her front.

Sunny pulled back and looked him in the eyes. Suddenly, she started to laugh. Lux couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion.

"Today is the first time I've had sex, and I already feel like a natural." She continued to giggle.

A giggle couldn't help but leave him as well. "Yeah, actually I kind of have that same feeling. I haven't had sex in this form before, though I've done it once or twice as a pony, I think..." His mind wandered off.

"Oooh really?" Sunny seemed almost shocked.

A mildly solemn look crossed his face. "Well, whenever I'd reveal myself, anyone I've gotten close would run off...."

Sunny had the goofiest smile on her face. "Oh Lux... you don't know how happy I am to know that." She looked as if she was about to cry again before pulling him in for a hug.

He hugged her tenderly, holding her close. "Thank you..." He said gently.

"Hey, I have a question." Sunny hummed.


"This all started because your magic got out of control. What happened?" Sunny flicked the shower off and stepped out onto the mat.

"Oh, well, that's a bit of a long story. We should clean up and get comfortable for that one... Maybe over lunch?" He motioned.

"Sure! Maybe it's just cuz you were so pent up for so long." Sunny turned her head to stick her tongue out at him.

Chuckling, he sat up, starting to stand and rinse off the remnants of their messy time. He made his way to the soaps once more. "I'll be in a bit longer. I still need to wash the other parts of my body."

"I'll be in the bedroom. Don't keep me waiting." Sunny leaned back and gave his cheek a kiss before leaving with a towel wrapped around herself.

"Okay." he said, as he conjured a few different bottles of soap. A few minutes later, he stepped out into the bedroom, as there were literally stars sparkling from him. "Damn chaos," he muttered.

Sunny was lying on her stomach, legs kicking back and forth. Her lovely form was facing the bathroom, giving Lux a beautiful view as he stepped into the room. The bossom between her crossed arms was quite hard to look away from. "Hello." She smiled.

"Hello~" He said, wiggling his eyebrows. He hopped onto the bed, his junk hidden once more, and Sunny's normal size returned. "Sooo.... Got any ideas for lunch?" He asked, scooting closet to her and putting a wing around her.

Sunny curls up against him and sighs. "I dunno. Up to you."

"Hmmmm..." He said, rubbing his chin. "You know any good smokehouses in the area?" He asked her.

Sunny beams and curls up in his lap like a little kitten. "Mmmaybe." She giggled.

Chuckling, Lux started to scratch behind her ears like he would a cat. "Any place you'd recommend?"

"Oooh maybe the Hayburger?" Sunny gasps and starts to shake Lux.

Taken by surprise at her eager shakes, he took a moment to shake the dizzying effect from his eyes. "Heh, sounds good." He said with a smile. "When should we go?"

"Well, I'm not near done cuddling." Sunny licked playfully at his nose and pushed Lux onto his back, plopping on top of him as if he was the bed.

With a small 'oof', he landed back on the bed. Chuckling, the Draconequus wrapped his arms and wings around her, wrapping her in a warm cocoon of fluff, flesh, and scales.

Sunny squealed at the embrace before falling to a gentle coo of pure love. She nuzzled his neck and smiled. "I love you so much." She purred.

"I love you too..." he said, trailing off. They sat there, enjoying the company of each other in their lovers embrace. Hours passed, though only seconds seemed to go by for the two.

"Why don't we go out on a date?" Sunny suddenly blurted.

Started by the sudden exclamation, Lux's tail rattled briefly. Shaking his head to wake up from the near trance like feeling of peace he had with her in his arms, he replied. "Sure, Hayburger's just down the town, right?"

"Yep yep! And you're going as you, not as Light." Sunny booped Lux's nose and giggled.

He scrunched his snout at the shnoz bop. As her words sunk in, the Draconequus stiffened as a worried look expressed itself on his face.

"The elements of harmony already know. If they didn't do anything, no one else can. Or will." Sunny cupped his cheek and smiled.

"I doubt the latter... you should know how ponies are. They tend to be flighty, frightened, and panicky...." He said with a worried tone.

"People accept Discord, even after all he did. You need to learn to accept yourself, Lux. You don't have to hide anymore. You certainly aren't Discord, and ponies treat him like the jokester he still is. Let ponies get to know you Lux. Don't pretend you're Discord, because you're Lux. My perfect Lux." Sunny cooed as warmly as she could, leaning up and kissing Lux's cheek.

“It's not just my comparison to Discord, it's the history this town in particular has with different species...." He said, as thoughts of a story involving the town's resident zebra came to mind.

"God you're such an idiot." Sunny said out of nowhere, stunning Lux. He could only rear back in response, a confused expression upon him. "How long have you lived in Ponyville?" Sunny questioned.

"I haven't, but I've visited about 20 times in the past few hundred years, three times within the past five...." He said, still stunned.

"Well don't compare Ponyville to the rest of the world. You won't find more understanding ponies. So just stop being your stubborn old paranoid self and give it a chance." Sunny ordered like a stern mother talking to her son. He mulled her words through his thoughts. A longing deep within him made itself known. After much consideration, he finally reached a decision...

"... Ok, if you're certain, then I'm willing to try..." he said hesitantly.

Sunny squealed happy, teleporting to her feet just to tackle Lux back onto the bed. He was pushed back with a loud 'Oof!' as the enthusiastic mare once again slammed him onto the bed, chuckling at her excitability.

Sunny didn't pepper him with kisses, or anything strange. She just rested her head on his chest. "Thank you." She whispered. Lux's face changed to the slightest bit of surprise. "You make me so happy... thank you."

His heart melted at her affection, and hugged her close. "And you've shown me more love than any other pony has..." he said, resting his chin on her head.

"I swear to you Lux, I will dedicate my short, pointless life, to making you comfortable in yours." Sunny's words struck a chord that Lux didn't even know he had. He'd never heard such meaningful, selfless words. Especially addressed to him. Her forwardness shocked him, and words failed him. All he could do was hold her close as a tear fell down his face.

"My life was complete the moment I met you. Everything after is just a bonus... I'd be honored to help you live with yourself." Sunny continued.

Holding her closely and tightly, Lux thought about just how lucky he must be. He buried his muzzle into her mane as more tears leaked from his eyes. With a barest whisper, he said faintly, "thank you... thank you so much..."

"Now..." Sunny cooed, pecking his chin with a kiss. "Let's go."

With a nod, he got up, holding her in his arms. When he reached the front door, he set her down. She took his hand in hers. Lux hesitated for a moment, his fear returning once again. Sunny placed both her hands on his and looked in his eyes. With a look of reassurance, the two stepped out, ready for the day ahead of them.

Chapter 3: A-Tisket, A-Tasket

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Sunny and Lux were at a quiet booth at the Hayburger. A lot of ponies were there, and the general buzz of chatter filled the air. Though, a lot of that chatter was about Lux. "Here's some menus." The mare waitress smiled at the two of us. Her eyes were drawn to Lux, staring up at him curiously.

He took one of the menus from her, smiling somewhat uneasily. He felt somewhat out of place and mildly nervous. However, more than anything, while he still felt a small bit like he didn't quite belong, it was overshadowed by the feeling of awkwardness he felt at looking down at someone even while sitting at a booth.

"Uh... Thanks..." He said, looking mildly uncomfortable.

Sunny motioned the mare in closer. "He's my coltfriend. He's the nicest creature ever to grace Equestria!" She beamed, happy to talk about Lux. The waitress shared the smile and giggled too. She elbowed Lux and eyed him up and down.

"If Sunny likes you, you're okay." She assured.

Lux relaxed a bit. "Thank you," He said. "She's been very kind to me..." The words softly left his lips as he looked back to Sunny.

The short, orange haired mare had her hands folded in her lap, sitting straight, and returning the gaze back at him. Her freckled face made that smile of hers that much cuter whenever her dimples showed.

After a moment, Lux caught himself and looked away, blushing. He looked to his menu to consider his order.

"Salad, thousand island." Sunny said with a nod. The waitress tapped away at her notepad with a pen, glancing over to Lux.

"I'll take two quarter-pound hayburger large meals please," He said, handing his menu to her.

The waitress nodded and jotted down the order. "Drinks?"

"Orange cream soda!" Sunny held her hand up and started kicking her feet playfully.

"Root beer for myself" Lux said with a look of obvious restraint.

Sunny's lips curled upward, trying to hold back laughter. Oblivious, the waitress nodded and walked off to the kitchen. Sunny disappeared under the table, reappearing on his side of the booth. She playfully kicked her feet above the floor from the seat that was just a bit taller than her legs could reach as to touch the floor with her feet. All the mare could do was stare up at him, that same old smile plastered on her face.

Lux took that as a que, and wrapped his arm and a wing around her, holding her closer. As he held her, though he had a calm look on his face, Sunny could hear his heart pounding inside his chest.

Sunny sighed pleasantly and pulled her legs up onto the seat, leaning her weight into him. "Still nervous?" She pondered aloud.

Surprised, he looked down. "What makes you say that?" He asked, trying to appear calm.

"If there's anything I've learned about you, it's your heart. I've memorized it to the beat." Sunny's words didn't ring with even the slightest hint of dishonesty or exaggeration.

Deflating a bit, the Draconequus gave a small sigh. "Is it that obvious?" he asked. This entire time, his eyes had been scanning the restaurant and the streets outside.

"Talk to me. I'm here to listen." Sunny curled into his lap and looked up at him like a therapist to her patient.

"It's... I'm just not quite used to being out like this..." He said, continuing to look around.

Sunny raised her arm and tilted his gaze back down to her. "Just look at me, Lux. You're the star of my world, and I need you to stay with me. It'll take ponies a bit to get used to another of your kind, but for now... look at me. I'm a vision of the future. The way I treat you is how Ponyville will adjust, only slower. For now... just keep your head out of the clouds. I love you Lux." She cooed softly.

Looking into her eyes, Lux kept his gaze at her for a little while, before closing his eyes and resting his head on hers. "I hope so..." he said longingly.

"We can go somewhere quiet if you want. Food is food, whether we're eating it at a table... or under the sunset." Sunny suggested.

"No, we should eat at least... " He insisted, turning to watch the kitchen door.

"That's what I just said. We're gonna eat, but we could get our food to go silly!" Sunny flicked the end of his nose. "Boop."

Lux scrunched his face, snorting a bit before letting out a tremendous sneeze that turned the walls all pink with plaid stripes, and the booth turned into a waterbed. Sunny let out a squeal that devolved into a fit of giggles. "Bless you!"

The Draconequus missed her response, focusing more on the stern and cross looks that were being given around the restaurant. "Heh... Sorry everypony..." He said, blushing while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

Sunny stood up on the seat enough to meet Lux eye-to-eye. "So, after we get our food... where's a good place to eat?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Ummm.... I really don't know any place around here..." he said, delving into thought.

"How about the park? I heard there's a beautiful view to watch the sun set in front of the pond." Sunny suggested, clinging to his head and letting her body dangle limply from it.

He chuckled at her antics, thinking on her suggestion. "Sounds okay then." He said as he held her up and closer to him.

Sunny cheered, wrapping her arms and legs around his body and cuddling as close as possible.

Leaning back, he wrapped both wings around her, content to just hold her close until their food arrived.

It was a short five minutes before they're order arrived. Sunny barely even glanced at the food before giving Lux a wink.

He gave a nod and motioned to the waitress.

"Excuse me, could we get these orders to go?" He asked.

"Absolutely, give me just a moment." the waitress responded, taking the food to the back once more.

"I love you." Sunny reinforced her words with a kiss to his cheek.

Lux hummed and held her close once more until the waitress arrived with four takeout boxes.

"Enjoy your meal!" She said with a smile.

Lux took the boxes, snapping his fingers on one hand, crossing them on the other hoping that his magical attempts would work. The walls all reverted to their original states, though the booth had gone from being a waterbed to a booth with water filled cushions.

"Sorry about that...." He said to the waitress, grabbing the boxes and trying to make a hasty retreat.

"Later suckers!" Sunny waved the rest of the customers off and clung to Lux with all her might.

As Lux left hurriedly carrying the both of them out of the diner as the waitress gave a cross look at Sunny.

When they arrived a small distance away, however, a nearby pony caught sight of him running with her wrapped around him. The pink mare with a lime green mane selling flowers caught sight of the two and screamed. Two other mares, one a pale yellow color with a dual red tone mane, and the other a light red with a blonde mane made dramatic motions, one of them screaming 'the horror,' and then all three promptly fainted.

Lux looked down at Sunny with a deadpan stare and a raised eyebrow.

Sunny gave a slow blink. She raised her hands and waved to the ponies. "Fret not ponies, I have tamed the mighty beast!" She shouted, petting the top of Lux's head. "Isn't he cuuuute?"

Lux's skeptical glare turned completely deadpan, and mildly exasperated. Some of the surrounding ponies gave a friendly chuckle, and others gave the three dramatic mares their own bored expressions at their antics.

"Seeee. They already love you!" Sunny had the biggest smile on her face and was trying not to burst out into a fit of her own laughter.

He rolled his eyes, smiling at Sunny's words. He stopped and looked around as a realization came to him.

"Ummm...." he said, continuing to scan the town. "Where are we going?" he asked looking down at her.

"Ponyville Park! There's a nice pond with a great view of the horizon." Sunny ushered him off toward their destination.

"Oh, okay." He said. He set the food down for a moment and grabbed her as she dangled from him. "Hold on for a second." As he set her down, he lowered himself as well, presenting his back to her. "Hop on, and we'll get there at least a little faster."

With a giddy squee, Sunny dove on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. She finished off mounting with a peck of her lips to his cheeks. Blushing, Lux grabbed the food once more, and took off. He started by gaining altitude. He rose higher and higher, peeking over all of the houses and buildings in Ponyville.

Sunny looked out into the distance. The mare was in awe as the two flew up. She looked like a filly who just entered a candy store for the first time. Sunny lowered her head and nuzzled his cheek, her eyes still stuck to the horizon.

The Draconequus glanced back, getting a glimpse of her expression and reaction. He smiled when he saw how enamored she was at the sight around them and the feeling of flying through the air. Lux felt happy and privileged to share this with someone he cared about. After a few moments, he caught sight of the park and started to make his way in that direction.

"I love you." Were the first words he heard from her.

Reaching his tail behind him, he gently stroked her back in a display of affection. "I love you too, Sunny." He said, keeping his eyes in front of him as he flew around the park a few times.

The tip of his tail tapped her shoulder, which she happily chewed on in a soft, playful manner.

He couldn't feel her gnawing on his rattlesnake's tip, as it had no feeling, as he landed down by the lake. "Is this the place?" He asked as he gently touched down.

"Perfect." Sunny whispered, mentioning not just the spot, but the journey here. She gave another kiss, this time to his lips.

He felt uncomfortable, but tried to return the kiss. He held her close as he transferred the food down to the ground with his tail.

Sunny released him and let out a squeak as she plopped onto the grass. Sitting there in a short daze, she finally smiled and looked up at Lux. "That was awesome!"

He gave a chuckle. "I'm glad you enjoyed it!"

Climbing back to her feet, Sunny wrapped herself around his arm and beaming up at the draconequus.

Lux set the supplies down before looking at Sunny. They stared at each other for a brief moment. Feeling the moment, he slowly moved forward towards her. He took an arm around her and gently lifted her slightly, and gave her a tender kiss.

Sunny's eyes fluttered closed. She gave a short, cute moan. Their lips pressing together seemd to last all day, but when they parted it had only been about a minute. Lux still had the power to make Sunny blush on occasion, and her giggling only made it that much more adorable.

He gave a quick chuckle, and looked around. The park was mostly empty, a few random ponies going about their business a distance away. They had landed right next to the lake on a grassy knoll, the smell of a fresh evening everywhere. The mare was scratching the back of her neck. Curious, he cocked his head. “You okay?”

Smiling, Sunny nodded. “Yeah, just an itch.”

Lux turned back to Sunny and asked, "Shall we get started?" as his stomach growled.

"Could you set the picnic up?" Sunny tilted her head down and turned her eyes to gaze up at him, asking with an feigned shy, innocent pose.

"Sure." He said.

He reached around his wrist and a picnic blanket appeared out of nowhere, as if he were pulling it from his sleeve. He then took the takeout boxes and opened them up, noticing they were a little cool, he snapped his fingers.

He wasn't expecting the confection oven to appear out of nowhere, but it seemed to work, so he went with it.

The Draconequus put the meals in the oven for a brief time, waiting for them to properly heat once more.

What happened next could be summed up by the word glomp. Sunny, with her arms wide, tackled Lux to the ground with a hug.

With a strained "WHOOF" Lux hit the ground, taken by surprise.

Looking down at her, Lux saw the mare curled up, smiling, eyes closed, snuggling on top of his larger body like a filly having the best dream of her life.

With a chuckle, he held her close to him, draping a wing over her like a blanket of it's own.

"You can eat if you want. I just want to stay like this." Sunny said in a soft tone so lovely and gentle it was like his ears were being caressed by a sea of liquid velvet.

"Okay, if you say so." He said gently back. The chimera reached over to the oven, taking a few of the items of food from it and beginning to eat. It continued for a while, Lux gently and quietly eating as they both watched the sun set over the lake.

Sunny was now using him as a recliner, lying on her back atop his front. Her head leaned into Lux's chest, and her legs were stretched out, shoes off, toes digging and playfully mingling with his hooves.

Lux was content with sitting there and watching the sun together. He reached to Sunny's food and lifted it towards her. "You going to eat?" He asked quietly.

Sunny lunged like a shark, taking a bite out of the sandwich. "Nom." She uttered, followed by a pleased moan signaling a mouth full of food.

Lux chuckled, still holding the food. He held the sandwich there as she ate from it, the two enjoying the last rays of sunlight as the sun set over the horizon.

Sunny slipped off of Lux and slowly climbed to her feet. Stepping a few feet away, she simply faced away from him. Lux’s curiosity couldn’t help but spark. He sat up, looking at her, and tilting his head in a mild confusion.

“Sunny? What’s going on? Something wrong?” He asked, unsure if something had happened, but decided to err on the safe side.

“I’d been thinking.” Sunny began to undo the straps to her sundress. “On the flight here.”

A small spark of uncertainty and lust lit up inside Lux. “Uhmmmmm…” He said, attempting to form words to the questions forming inside his mind. “Thinking about what?” He said, hesitantly.

The dress melted down her body like water, leaving only a pair of lacy, orange panties, and a bra of the same lush color. “If you think about it, you’re naked all the time. And that could make anypony feel left out.” Sunny purred. Though, for a moment, Lux got the sign that she wasn’t just trying to be sexy. She was also genuine in her intent. This brought a new perspective to Lux’s gaze. When he saw her figure in the sunset, it was like a dream. Her infinitely pale complexion stood out like clouds on a sunny day. He didn’t even notice when her bra and underwear were removed. But when she turned around, her expression glittered as the last remnants of day kissed the darkness of night. As the horizon swallowed the sun, he saw the hint of what beautiful redness that the sun’s glimmer gave the water’s horizon during the sunset, spreading that lovely crimson to Sunny’s blushing face.

“I… I hope this makes you feel a bit less out of place.” Sunny pressed her legs together and sank her head down, but only slightly. The eyes she pierced him with sparkled like morning dew on a spring day’s dawn.

Feeling the lack of a more lewd motive, Lux relaxed a bit, glad they likely weren't about to be arrested for public indecency. He gently scratched the back of his head, a slight blush on his face. “Wow… Um, you didn’t have to....” He said mildly.

Sunny once again crawled on top and nestled into his warm feathers. “Ohh you feel so nice when we’re together like this.” She cooed, nuzzling her face into his neck. He chuckled back, gently leaning the two back down together as he hugged her close, resting his chin on her head. He wrapped both wings around them as well, laying flat on the ground as the day faded to night.

Lux felt content, his heart fluttering as he enjoyed this tender(if not somewhat unusual) moment together.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy before.” Sunny almost sounded like she was going to start sobbing, but managed to hold back any waterworks. Her lover felt the tears trying to break. Recognizing the emotions, he held her up and closer to him.

The Draconequus pulled her up as they watched the last rays of the sun disappear over the horizon, and the stars began to make their presence known through the night sky. Unable to think of anything else to say, Lux could only just hold her close as he gently whispered into her ear.

“Neither have I…”

Both in sync, their lips met as the moonlight hit their bodies. Sunny’s hands cupped his cheeks, holding him still, yet with enough strength to suggest she was afraid to let go of him, as if he’d disappear forever. He leaned back, holding her as a reassurance, lost in the kiss that lit the fires inside the both of them.

Still kissing, he leaned back, now completely on his back as he kept the kiss, wings wrapping protectively around her. Sunny made him feel things he’d missed for centuries now. And the fact that she loved him in spite of his true form was enough that the very thought of that made his heart melt.

Pulling back, Sunny gasped loudly, taking in a deep breath after a kiss that was so long that she seemed to be the only one that noticed. Her face was red, and she was beginning to sweat. “Wooow.” Sunny sighed dreamily.

Lux himself was short of breath as well. He could only nod his head, a smile on his face and a warmth in his heart.

Sunny seemed to shrink in a shy manner. She let out a cute giggle and gazed up at him with that adorable expression she pulled off so wonderfully.

The two lay there, looking into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Leaning his head forward, he touched it to hers, whispering softly. “I love you, Sunny.” It was barely audible, but Sunny could still hear each word ringing in her ears like a bell.

Their foreheads were glued together, like two magnets with their eyes locked together. “Being out here, alone, with you… have I been okay?” Sunny asked quietly.

Mild confusion briefly popped up in his mind. “Okay? Okay with what?” He asked, admittedly thinking too hard, a flaw of his.

“Me. Sunny!” She exclaimed. Sunny bit her lip, rolling off Lux and standing up. She faced away, crossing her arms as she thought of how to phrase something.

“Oh!” Lux said, mentally berating himself. “Of course!” He said somewhat worriedly. He gently scratched the back of his head. “Sorry, I over think things…. I wasn’t sure if you were talking about something specific or not…” He said, blushing.

“I’ve never been with anypony before. Not one… I was always the odd mare out. I was short, could barely use magic, and was as close to a geek as it gets. I…” Sunny suddenly found it hard to speak clearly. Lux could hear the strain in her voice. Not only could he hear it, but Lux could feel the tears pouring down her face, even from as far as he was. “I was taught by everypony that nopony would ever love me…”

Lux slowly got up, walking to her as he gently began to wrap his arms around her, wanting nothing other than to console her. He pressed her head gently to his chest, (As high as she could reach) and rubbed her back tenderly. “It’s okay…. I love you… So they were wrong…” He gently pulled her from his chest and looked her in the eyes, “You’ve shown me more love and care than anypony, griffin, or other creature has in a way that no other could…” He bend down, reaching her level. “And that speaks more about you than anything any ponies could ever say…” He gently pressed his lips against hers, giving her a tender kiss that only lasted a moment before he resumed. “And nobody could make me feel the way you do…”

Sunny’s lips quivered. Her horn lit up it’s orange glow, surrounding Lux’s body. The warmth of her essence was a special kind of magic. “I hate you…” She said with a shaking smile, wiping away some of her own tears.

Her magic sent a certain tingle through his body, filling him with a warm and inviting sensation. He closed the distance between the two, pulling her into a full embrace. Lux laid his head over her shoulder, keeping himself knelt down low enough for her to do the same.

“I hate you because now I won’t ever love anypony as much. You’ve raised the bar too high.” Sunny clung to him, dangling her whole weight around his neck.

Lux stood up, holding her close and keeping her pressed against him. “I don’t think I could feel for another pony the way I feel about you…” he said, leaning into and whispering in her ear. “I love you Sunny…”

Sunny shivered at the tone of his voice. She quite literally purred and sank as much of herself into his feathers. “I never thought losing my virginity would be so magical. I’m glad it was with you…”

Lux’s eyes popped open, a look of surprise and comprehension on his face. Losing momentary control of his jaw, his mouth was left agape for a time as his brain tried to reboot. “Wait… You were a virgin? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He said, his heart starting to pick up speed for a bit as he put his head back to look at Sunny.

“Of course it hurt. But not for that long.” Sunny put a hand on his cheek and giggled. “First time always hurts, or so I’ve heard. Had to happen eventually. Don’t feel bad, sweetie.” She cooed, gently straightening some of his feathers. “It’s not like it wouldn’t have hurt, you’re a beast!” Sunny couldn’t help but giggle as she used her knee and gently nudged where his junk used to be.

Lux blushed fiercely, quickly looking around for any nearby ponies who might see the suggestive gesture. Noting the area was clear, he exhaled in relief silently.

“There’s nopony here. Just you…” Sunny traced her finger from between his legs, teasing the tip up his belly, then his neck, tracing it sensually around his ear. “And me.”

He chuckled in response to her teasing. “Ooh, somepony’s feeling a bit naughty, aren’t they…” He said with a sly gin.

Sunny innocently put a finger to her mouth. “Oh yes, I’ve been so naughty. Please master, don’t punish me.” She said in what was halfway between baby talk, and a playfully pleading manner.

The Draconequus chuckled. “Such a naughty girl, trying to do naughty things in public… I might have to punish you when we get back….” He said with a grin.

“At least let pet try to make it up to you right now.” Sunny crawled back until she was inches away from the soft spot between his legs. She lightly nuzzled the area, “Pet wuvs master.”

A gleam showed in his eye, as he smirked. “I suppose if kitty wants to try, she can….” He said. His grin took a malicious turn as he snapped his fingers. His dual-towering set suddenly reappeared in a flash, no longer the hulking two feet each they once were, though they were still just over a foot and a half long. The sudden reappearance made them bob as one of them slapped Sunny across the face, not enough to actually hurt, but enough to cause a mild sting from the surprise.

Sunny turned slightly pale, biting her lip and suddenly appearing a bit nervous. “Oh, um…” She mumbled.

Lux raised an eyebrow at that. “Well kitty? You wanted it…” he said, a harmless chuckle escaping him. “Don’t worry… if you’re as good with your mouth as you are with your other holes, Master knows that his kitty can do well….” he comforted her, giving a small gentle scratch behind her ears.

“I don’t know if I want to do this anymore.” Sunny uttered in a more genuine tone. She slipped away from him and looked away from the tall stud.

Breaking character, he sat up and said “If you don’t want to, you don’t need to.” He wrapped his tail around her and pulled her closer to him. “Don’t feel pressured to because of me….” He whispered as he gently gave her a quick kiss.

“I… I uh… there’s something I want to talk to you about. I just had kind of a… flashback.” Sunny started to scare Lux as she curled up beside him, hugging her knees to her chest.

Concern and worry filled Lux to the brim as he held her close, and gently looked at her… “Sunny? What’s wrong?”

“I think I already know a lot about you. But you know nothing about me, do you…” Sunny asked in a more monotonous tone.

The chimera could only look away in shame, the words registering. “... I suppose I don’t, do I…” He mumbled. “I’m sorry…”

“No no!” Sunny twisted around onto her knees and cupped his cheeks. “It’s my fault. There’s a lot growing up I wanted to forget. But I want you to know. So I have to be brave…”

Lux wanted to protest, to say that he should’ve taken initiative, but the look in her eyes convinced him otherwise. He could simply nod, and wait for her to continue.

“When I grew up, I was really alone. I had no friends, and no parents. The only pony that cared about me was my step-brother, who I was essentially raised with.” Sunny began her tale. Lux merely sat there, allowing her to continue. “He protected me. I loved him so much! In turn for the protection, I gave him all the love I had.” Sunny smiled, as if remembering a very fuzzy memory.

Lux gently rubbed her back. “...What happened…” He asked, gently.

The memory seemed to turn sour the more she remembered. “He was my first love. I originally planned to surprise him with a date night, much like ours. We were much younger. But we were still teens. Dumb, horny teens.”

He could feel her tensing. “You don’t need to continue if you don’t want to….” He said gently.

“We got our clothes off. We were going to do it. I was excited, scared, happy, nervous... “ Sunny listed off contradictory emotions, but seemed to mean both negative and positive equally as much.

He waited for her, deciding to help ease her through. “So, he was okay with that?”

“You could say that.” Sunny suddenly started to sob uncontrollably.

He pulled Sunny closer, putting her across his lap. He wrapped both wings around her protectively, trying to comfort her as best he could. “Sunny, are you okay? I’m okay if you want to stop the story. I don’t want you to be in pain…“

Sniffling and trying to pull herself to a calmer state, Sunny wiped some tears away. “It was supposed to be perfect. It was turning out just like our date. Today. With you. We got to the moment, our bodies were touching. I even brought a condom for him. And he used it. Halfway through, I started to get nervous. I chickened out. But…” She frowned, beginning to shake lightly.

A foreboding feeling started to wash through Lux as his brow darkened. “Did he do something?” He said with the same gentle tone, but a hint of restraint could be detected were it not for Sunny’s own distressed displacement in that moment.

“I… I chickened out. But he didn’t. He kept going!” Sunny’s voice cracked and fell apart into a series of whines and sobs.

Lux looked at her as she broke down. He held her to his chest, stroking her mane and rubbing her back as he held her close with both wings, almost cocooning her in a protective embrace. A shadow formed across his eyes, however, a look of grim determination and suppressed rage plastered over his expression.

“A-and and… and I knew it would have turned out the same wh-wh… whether or not I brought the condom.” Sunny’s nose was running, along with her eyes and mouth. Many different fluids of hers mixed, and she barely even realized.

Holding her head gently, he rubbed the back of her neck, pressing her into his crest, wiping her tears and other fluids off. Lux consoled her as best he could, nuzzling her gently as he let her release her pent up tension…

“I’ve tried so many times with so many ponies. But I always panic when the relationship gets too far. You… you’re the first ever… the first I’ve wanted to run ‘to’” Sunny hugged him tightly and sobbed into his chest.

The Draconequus waited a few moments for Sunny to cry, as he continued to rub her back and head. When her sobbing seemed to die down a little, Lux released her lightly, enough that she could look him in the eyes.

“Sunny, You are the first one to ever see me, for me… and you still loved me despite of that….” He said gently as he inched himself closer. “No matter what, should you ever need it, should you ever need me, I will be there, ready to take you in my arms, or to destroy those that would hurt you..” Now just centimeters apart, Lug gave a passionate whisper; “I love you Sunny….”

Never taking her eyes off his, Sunny sniffled and wiped her face off. “M-maybe not destroy. That’d be really mean.” She said quiet enough so that nopony else in the world could have heard, aside from Lux.

“Then I’d stop them with everything I have…” He said, with passion. “You are that precious to me….” He then pulled her into a kiss.

With one last blink to squeeze the tears from her eyes, she tightened her arms around him with a gentle whimper. When their lips slipped apart, Sunny began tearing up again. “I’m sorry… for all of this.”

“Don’t be.” He said. “It’s a part of you, and I want to know everything about you I can. And if there’s anything I can do to help ease your burdens, I’m more than willing to help bear them…” Compassion and love filled his voice as he spoke. Sunny stared up at him with no words to think of. After a minute of brainstorming, Sunny seemed to light up.

“Hey, Lux…” Sunny started, her expression practically asking for permission to continue. He nodded with a silent mumble, motioning for her to keep going. “I know we could have just teleported here, but I wanted it to be romantic. But now… I think I just want to go home.”

Nodding, he got up and started to take care of the supplies they brought with them. “Just teleport straight back?” He asked as he snapped his fingers. The blanket became a beaver, and waddled back to the river, while all the dishes and food suddenly became an arrangement of flowers and a tree sapling.

Sunny burst out into a fit of giggles, nodding quickly in response to his question. “Yep!”

“Okay.” Lux said, his tail wrapping around Sunny’s waist quickly, though gently. With a snap of his fingers, he got a quick running start and (to Sunny,) it felt as if she had punched through a wall, and then got flung through a slingshot. A quick feeling of weightlessness came over her, then she found the both of them landing on her bed in her room.

Sunny let out a quick scream that trailed off into hysterical laughter as she bounced with him, clinging tightly to the draconequus. “You’re so cool!” She continued to giggle uncontrollably. He blushed, a sheepish smile on his face as he tried to wave it off.

“So, you feeling better now?” He asked.

Sunny closed her eyes and nodded happily. She hopped up off the bed and motioned him to follow. The two of them made their way to the bathroom. “You wanna?” She asked, lightly scratching the back of her neck. The expression she had whenever they entertained the idea of sex was always adorable to him.

Lux smiled, and gave a small nod. “You thinking of just a shower, or something… more?” He said with a salacious grin.

“We’ll see.” Sunny teased, bumping his hips with hers. The mare sauntered over to the shower, bending over past the glass door to turn the water on. She gave a knowing shake of her hips for all parties involved.

Chuckling at the mare’s antics, Lux made his way into the shower as well, snapping his fingers to shrink his wings and expand the shower once more. While it was successful, this time, however, the shower room walls seemed to turn into a soft silicone, marbled with a myriad of colors. He stepped in, to find Sunny in there already with the water running.

Getting her hair wet, Sunny glanced back with half a grin. “Why don’t you start with my back.” She suggested, holding up a bar of soap and a shower sponge. The mare stuck her tongue out, dashing any hope of sex from his mind.

He gave a playful wince at the apparent trolling. He took the bar of soap in his claw, and started to rub it gently around, up, and down her back. After running her fur over with the soap bar-filled claw, the Draconequus took his opposite claw and would rub the soap out over the water. When he started to reach her neck, however, he noticed a small patch of what felt like rough skin. Tilting his head, Lux tried to part her fur and mane to attempt to identify the patch. “Sunny?.... Do you feel alright? Do you feel anything here?” He asked.

“Yeah it’s been itching all day.” Sunny shrugged. When he looked closer at the area, Lux noticed something that made his mind come to a halt. The fur he attempted to brush away fell off, as if it wasn’t attached. Underneath where her skin was, a patch of scales that most definitely wasn’t there earlier, or at least wasn’t supposed to be there. “What is it?” Sunny asked. She received no answer. Curiously, she looked back at him. Lux had vanished, leaving her staring at the wall where he would have been. “Lux?” The shower had reverted to it’s original form, just as it had been before her partner had stepped into the shower, who was now nowhere to be seen.


“Spike!” Twilight called from the desk near her bed. “That package you were waiting for arrived.”

A series of footsteps made Twilight’s ears perk up. She cracked a smile, lifting the package and turning around. Her smile slowly melted away, realizing she was staring at what she thought was Discord’s chest. Turning her gaze up slowly and making eye contact, she saw it was Lux.

“I need your help.”