The Reluctant Dragon...Lord That Is

by Lunasservant1985

First published

You've been a dragon emperor for a while now, and your life has taken an interesting turn, the least of which is your wife.

You married Princess Ember and ascended to the emperor of the Dragon empire, so why does it feel like you've got more than you bargained for in your new lot in life?

Is it the way you're wife Ember seems to be getting moody? A little possessive? Even snappish at mares and female dragons who even look at you? She's also getting sick more often, and even for a dragon, it's odd to say the least to see her mood swinging on a dime.

Your Idea Of A Good Time

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The air is like a dank swamp mixed with the dry stuffiness of an airless pit. You and your better half Empress Ember have come here to collect a little bounty. The place you've come to was once a rock quarry in an age long past, then when the sands of time came to collect its dues the quarry somehow became a forest surrounded on all sides by rock cliffs.

In its prime the forest was quite beautiful. Trees reached to the top edges of the quarry, you could see the tops from far away and presume that they where shrubs. Now the whole place had deteriorated into a dank and dreary swamp, its inhabitans not the most pleaseant of company.

They called themselves trogs. Trolls with the slimy green and white skin of swamp frogs, they stood as tall as a human, with red eyes that glowed in the dank darkness of their home. And those claws, razor sharp talons that grew as long as lawn mower blades and just as sharp and fast.

At first the Equestrian society for rare creatures wanted to have the Trogs preserved as a protected species, that mind set changed after a few of them who tried to reason with them got ripped to bloody shreads by them. That's when you and your wife Empress Ember the Dragon Lord came in.

'Let's take the bounty she said'. You think to yourself as you grip your cutlass in one hand, and a parrying dagger in the other. You're lightly armored (light on your feet.) in a leather curiass, with leather gloves, and boots. A guilded royal pony gaurd's helmet protecting your head. 'we could use the gold, and the do I let her talk me into these things?'

You watch as Ember clutches a spear at the large muscular cheiftian of the tribe, calls himself Toadstool, why is anyone's guess. "So frog face not gonna take me up on my idea to let you live?" she says applying just enough pressure to draw blood from the slick white skin of his throat, red eyes locking with red eyes poised for the kill. She was talking about the helm on his head. A bronze helm with hawk feathers and beads, not exactly top dollar craftsmenship but it was one of the items the ones who issued the bounty said could prove you offed the target.

"You could have just handed the crown you got over." Ember says to him as he struggles against her desperate to get up. "I guess now I'll have to take your head back as well....oh screech." She says using her special name for you. The one you had aquired after you married her...yes that happened.

"Yes my precious sapphire?" You say back to her, sure life as the dragon lord's husband took some getting used to but the endevours of slaying pests like toadstool aside, it was pretty sweet. When she wasn't poised to strike and deliver a killing blow. Ember was quite the catch.

"Be a peach and help me finish this job will you Screech?" she says moving her spear across the frog like beast's chest, you gulp softly and ready your cutlass, (a trophy from when you and Ember forced Girdy the grffin pirate queen of the Saddle Arabian sea to surrender) over the snapping razor sharp teeth of Toadstool's maw, before bringing the blade over to his throat. You hated this part of the job, sure Trogs are little more than viscious monsters, but you doub't you'll ever get used to this.

"Ember? Do we really have to?" You ask as she only stares daggers at you, the look in her eyes seemed to say that its to late, and this should'nt be any different than slaying any other monster in Equestria. You give a forlorne sigh and do the deep, the Trog's head rolling away just a bit before Ember snatched it in her claws and dropped into a leather sack.

"Finally, come on lets check the cave it was guarding for any loot." she says as she uses her flames to light a lantern and cast some light into the cave entrance. The cave itself isn't very big, but it has a stone sleeping slab cared from the rock in the corner, a pit for a fire, and to both your and Ember's delight a treasure chest.

"Huh looks like we get a little bonus to go along with our bounty eh Emmy?" You say as Ember lights the fire as she kneels down by the little chest as her claw reaches into the lock, it takes only a few twists and a puff of fire and she gets the lock off.

"Score Ember says as she holds some pilfered gold bits and a few gold necklaces and jewels, her eyes glowing in delight as she tries on a gold and sapphire slated style necklace. You mean while are busy using a few sponges and vinegar to scour the trog blood from your cutlass and Ember's spear.

"You know I think we shouldn't have done what we did...I really wish you wouldn't be so...Ember are you listening to me?" You say but your in for a little surprise. You turn to see Ember's armor has been discared down to her black panties she wore under her greaves. Which were also left to the wayside.

Ember lays on the stone slab on her side, with one hand sexily rubbing her hip. Her tail swishing around playfully.

"What do you think? This gold look good on me?" She says as your eyes are drawn to her chest. Those perky dark blue nubs of her nipples poking hard and firm as they were shrouded by the thin rectangular bits of gold and gem. She added to the seductive nature by licking her snout with her tounge. "Grrrr come on Emporer Screech, I'd say you've earned a little reward."

You can't help but wonder just what's gotten into her. She's been quick to getting the bed rocking a lot latley, almost as if there's something she's been meaning to tell you but you shrug it off as you stand beside her. You place your hands upon her breasts sofftly, getting a good feel for how firm and supple they feel.

"Oh Screech yes mhhh you love playing with with these lovley breasts of mine don't you?" She asks you as you start to knead and caress the smooth pebbled texture of her bosom.

"Yeah." Is all you can dreamily say as you lean down to her snout. She locks eyes with you as she starts to wrap her long tounge around yours and start a little wrestling with them. Her dragoness tounge is long flat and has a slight dryness to it as she starts prodding around in your mouth with it as your hands squeeze on her breasts hard.

Her hisses become low guttural growls as you feel her claws snapping the straps holding your leather armor on. The one piece tunic falls away leaving you standing beside her in your boots and gloves, your mast at full and poking Ember in the scaly side.

"Mhhh leave the gloves on my Dragon Lord." She says as you climb up onto the late Toadstool's sleeping slab and straddle the blue dragon tempress body giving your own lustful growl. You have something of a bit of dragon in you, thanks to the power rings you've worn on your fingers since te day you married Ember.

Your blood seems to boil as you feel the pulse surging and coursing through every major vessel. Your member stands errect rubbing teasingly in between the tender flesh of her labia. Her inner walls getting wet as you brush the strip of fabric of her panties aside to really get a feel for it. Your growls sound almost as beastly as a real dragon's as Ember's wings pop open at her sides.

"Oh Ember my love, you always feels like velvet when I pound away at your pussy." You whisper softly into her ear as you grab her horns like handlebars as you start to rock your hips and piston your cock into her tight vaginal depths hard. She flails her tounge out at you and growls herself as her inner muscles tighen up and squeeze, ungulating and rippling softly around your cock.

"Oh yes, mhhh I know. Just shut up and fuck me Empeorer Screech." She says as her claws start run across your shoulders, you're quite sure she draws some blood but you're too horny and caught up in the lustful haze to care. She rocks her body in synch with every powerful, thrust. You swear if it wasn't solid stone, the ''bed" would be rocking hard.

"Ember I...I'm gonna cum!" you warn her aa you swear you let out a roar, but you chalk it up to one of her's as your shaft squirts its warm loads of man batter into her fiery warm womb. drained more than any creature hunt you pul out of her, both of you breahing heavily.

"Mhhh you seem to get more and more like a drake every time...screech." She says with a teasing little flick of her tounge. You only chuckle as you get your clothes back on and pack up the gear, you look over at Ember and she seems to blush and smile as...she runs a hand over her stomach and gives her stomach a kiss?

"Screech? There's something I have to tell you."

Big Changes

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Ember sits cruled up in a little ball gently running a claw over her stomach, the words could barley register with you. "You're...pregnant? With an egg or a child?" You say not that you're unhappy to hear it, rather you're just not sure how this is even possible.

"Oh it's definetly an egg...but what's in it is...inconclusive." Ember says rubbing her stomach as she gently growls. "But my little prince will be my hatchling no matter what." She says looking over at you with a little half lidded gaze and a smile before climbing beside you on the bed mhhh truly you are the emperor of a strong one Screech." Before you can correct her and sya for the millionth time your name isn't screech. you feel her long tounge licking your cheek softly and thaat low almost crocodilian like hissing from her nose, You sigh and place a hand on her navel, sure enough the scales curve gently and you feel a warmth that must be her inner dragon fire keeping it warm.

"How do you know it's a boy?" You ask her as she gently nuzzles your neck and chest with more low rumbling growls. Growls which taper off into gentle hums.

"Just a feeling, dragons are kinda like the oposite to ponies. a good chunk of our hatchlings are males and a female dragon is something of an oddity, the runt of the litter so to speak." You chuckle and softly give her head a little rub as you hold her close, her scales feels smooth, slightly pebbled in texture and cool to the touch.

"I love you." You say before planting a tender kiss on those cool blue lips, despite her cold blood you can feel the flame in her rise and warm every one of her smooth pebbly scales as her tail coils around your waist like a belt. When you pull apart to break the kiss Ember gives you a look she hasn't before. "What's wrong?" you say, but to your shock your voice comes out almost a full on hiss and a lot more rasoy like your throats lined with sandpaper and broken glass. Ember pulls a mirror out of her bag.

"See for yourself, I don't know why but..I think it suits you." She says a pair of slit like eyes cold like blue steel stare back at you a pair of fangs just barley protruding past your upper lips, and opening your mouth you see a forked tounge snake out and flick, seeing it makes Ember moan and lick her lips with a hiss. "You're handsome."

"You call this handsome? Look at me you say in shock at what you've become. "I look like some kinda snake man."

"And what a man, i think soon you'll be just as scally as pipsqueak and then, mhhh you'll be quite the hunk." She says as she starts to lick your cheek with her tounge. "Mhh but i think that smooth apendage you have will be...mhhh good enough for now. She says as her claw rubs the crotch of your leather armor her scales go red with flushed cheekiness as she adds..."mhh i think you're already getting bigger in more ways than one."

You stand in front of your mirror in just your underwear, afriad you'll start tearing your skin off like in the movie Poltergiest. but aside your face you look more or less human. Your nose holds up only you notice you cant smell out of it so good almost like you've got a bad cold. That is until you open your mouth and stick out your tounge, suddenly the smells of the bleach and air freshner hits your nose full on. As does another smell, like blur floral and with a hint of musk and and..."Mhh hello my dragon lord, shedding are you? or just freshing up for your Empress? Ember says hugging you from behind. As he long tounge licks the back of your neck and gently bites on your shoulder, the effect of her bite makes you light headed a bit, like if you just chugged a bottle of whiskey in one gulp.

"Aren't you? Too far along for us to fool around?" You ask the dizzy spell passing as fast as it hit, faster than it usually takes. As sapphire blue claws reach for the waist band of your drawers and reach into them getting a good feel for the heavy package nestled in them,

"Not at all, and junior will be laid in a few weeks but it doesn't matter...I want you. My hormones are going crazy, the vibe scepter I stole from the merpony queen we signed a peace treaty with this afternoon..broke." She whispers into
your ear, your acute hearing picking it up better than ever, "come on, i need the real thing my fire." She says puffing a bit of blue flame into a candle holder on the wall as her tail flips the lightswitch off. Another puff of blue dragon fire, this time it forms the shape of a heart with an arrow through it made from smoke.

"I...I..yes... grrrrr need you so badly I." You growl as you practically tear your underwear off and turn around facing her, you plant your lips on hers and kiss her harder than you ever have, both of your tounges wrestle and lock together in a fight for dominance. A match you win as your tounge holds her's down aas it explores the back of her snout and teases her tonsils as it probes farther then it ever did before. Your hands grip the back of her shoulders as do her own on yours, in your lust addled state you're sure she's drawing blood but your bestial instinct has made you too aroused to even care. You pull away from her and let her breathe as you gaze into those eyes of hers and say, "My mate." As your lift her into your strong arms and carry her out the bathroom and back to the bed. You thrown her onto the matress of the queen sized canopy bed but that only seems to arouse her more, she lets out more hisses and moans as her claws tug on the hem of her panties the only clothes she's wearing with a baby tee top.

"Mhh I knew there was a dragon deep within you Screech...but now it's time for that dragon to get deep into me." She says as you get into bed with her, your run your tounge over her neck both licking it and the letting the reptilan esq senses take in the scent that she gives. It makes the pole of muscle twitch begging to be crammed into the dripping wet love tunnel between her slender but powerful legs. Your hands grab the tee top and you are only momentarily stunned to see your nails have turned black and long almost like...claws? They shred her top to ribbons and let her breasts tumble free, they're a lot bigger than before and sensitve to the grip you get as you give them a good squeeze.

"Huurhhh,," You growl as your tounge snakes out and circles around her left nipple and you even give the little nub a nibble with the sharper teeth you've gained too. Ember gives out more loud moans of bliss as you lock your hands with her claws and line thr throbbing mass of man meat up ready to take the plunge. "Ready?" Is all your hiss through your teeth, she only nods tilting her head back letting you bite on her neck just enough to hold her as you impale her pussy with your hard dick. She lets a bit of a roar out as you enter her not stopping unill your can feel your sack touching the underside of her taint.

"Ahhhh fuuckk mhhh sooo mhh yesssss!" She cries out loudly as you build up a rythm and pound away at her again and again. The warmth of her inner passage is so good, almost a little too hot as her inner flame must be as roaring as she is. You hold her tight and close to you as her tail coils around you, The stong pull holds you both ina lover's embrace unlike any other. You speed up and rock your hips taking her harder and faster a her moans of bliss and roars as you make her climax. Her pussy letting out a torrent of fluids squirting on your hips as you can feel the pressure bulidng getting close.

"Can't hold" You manage to say as the both of you lock eyes.

"Give it to me, I want it so much." You teeth clamp on your lower lip you can taste your bloo in your mouth as you release so much cum into her, you wonder if it's going deep enough to get on the egg...but the thought is brushed aside as you collapse on the bed with her beside you. She curls up into a ball again, her tail thumping softly as she dozes off into sleep as do you. "Mhhhmm You're amazing my dragon love." She says to you sleepily, you don't have the heart to remind her you're only human.

You stir only a little in your sleep as your back bone can be outlined against your skin poking just under the skin, and in other place the skin bulges out like bits of broken bone are poking through and trying to tear out, but it's not bone.