

First published

Spike sees Fancy Pants with Rarity and gets revenge.

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Discord, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon go to Canterlot for the Grand Galloping Gala. Spike wanted to ask Rarity to Dance with him, but, sees Fancy Pants with her, he was heartbroken. So he decides to work for this devilish gryphon named Javier Black and get revenge.

This is a Spike X Undertale crossover story.

Chapter 1

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The sun was shining bright, and the birds were chirping high in the sky. Until a purple alicorn zoomed by. Twilight Sparkle and her friends were taking a trip to Canterlot for the biggest party of the year, the Grand Galloping Gala. Spike was riding Twilight on her back happy and excited. He felt so alive, he was willing to tell Rarity to his special somepony.

"Keep it up, Twilight! We're almost there!", Spike said.

Twilight was getting tired of Spike telling her to hurry up. "I know that, Spike. Be patient, will you?", she said. Twilight found a place to land on and Spike bounced off Twilight's back.

"Hooray, we're here! The gala must go on.", Spike said.

Twilight sighed for a second. Spike turned around to see the worried look on Twilight's face. "Hey, what's the matter, Twilight?", he asked. Twilight opened her eyes wide and responded to Spike.

"Nothing, Spike, everything's fine. It's just that, ...what if the gala turns out bad, just like the last time?", Twilight said.

Spike smiled and knew her compassions about the gala turning bad. "Aww, there's no need to be worried.", he said. "This time Fluttershy invited Discord to be with her at the gala. And every time when your at the gala, your always with Celestia."

"I do, don't I?", Twilight said. "This might be the third time that will turn bad."

After a short conversation between Twilight and Spike, they heard voices from behind them. "Hey!", one of them said. It was their friends, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, Applejack, Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and the CMC's friends, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Fluttershy's old friend Discord.

Twilight was delighted to see them. "Girls! You're here!", she said. She ran up to them and hugged them. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you all."

Applejack smiled and chuckled. "We're all happy to see you too, Sugar cube.", she said.

Rainbow Dash spoke with joy. "You look twenty-percent cooler than ever!", she said.

Pinkie Pie jumped for joy. "Who's ready for the gala?!", she said.

Spike was glad to see the others too, well, it was Rarity what made him glad the most. "How are you doing, Rarity?", he asked.

Rarity looked and saw the little purple dragon in front her. "I'm doing fine Spikey-boo.", she said. "Thanks for asking."

Twilight saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with the CMC. "What are these fillies doing here?", she asked.

"Well, long story short." Diamond Tiara said. "Me and my friend thought that we should go with them, I do owe them one after ...well, all those years of how I treated them."

Twilight smiled at her straight in the eye. "Well, at least you saw them get their cutie marks.", she said.

"Yep, they sure did.", the pink little pony said. "Well, that first time when we met her cousin, she didn't actually have her cutie mark."

Silver Spoon smirked at her friend "Yeah, we were merely fooled by her.", she said.

Apple Bloom listened to what Diamond Tiara was saying and started thinking about her cousin, Babs Seed, with a worried look on her face. Applejack looked and saw how worried her little sister is. "Apple Bloom, what's the matter?", she asked.

Apple Bloom looked at her big sister. "I've been thinking about my cousin, Babs.", she said. "What Diamond Tiara said about us getting our cutie marks, what if Babs never gets here. I messaged her and she promised me she would come here for the gala."

Applejack lifted her little sister's chin. "There's no need to be worried, little sis.", she said. "I got a contact from her mother and she said Babs got her cutie mark!"

The little filly gasped in excitement, she started jumping happily. "Yay, my cousin's got her mark!", she yelled joyfully.

Pinkie Pie jumped for joy again. "I bet there's going to be cake and cider!", she said.

Starlight looked at Pinkie Pie and smirked. "Ha. I guess that explains why you're so hyped up all the time. You eat a lot of sugar, don't you?"

Pinkie Pie grabbed the pink unicorn's face with both of her hooves and yelled with more excitement. "You bet I am.", she said. "I Love SUGAR!"

Twilight spoke. "Ok, enough with the excitement, lets get in the castle and start *gulps* decorating, shall we?"

Fluttershy looked at Twilight's face. "Is Twilight ok?", she asked. "She sounds really nervous."

Discord lowered his head next to Fluttershy's head. "Don't worry about her, Darling.", he said. "I'm sure she knows best. Well... not always. Don't you remember the last time. The smooze, watermelon splattered, a sock puppet dimension--?"

Fluttershy cut him off before he can say more. "Yeah, I remember.", she said. "I just hope nothing bad happens to ruin her night."

As the group of ponies and the two non-pony creatures went into the castle, it was half decorated. Shining Armor and the three alicorn princesses, Cadence, Luna, and Celestia were already decorating the ball room. Twilight was shocked. "Brother!", she yelled. "I thought you were going to wait for us and then start decorating."

The blue-mane unicorn turned in a to see her sister glaring at him. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, Twily.", he said. "We had to get started. We didn't have time to wait."

Celestia flew to Twilight and her brother. "Now that you're here, Twilight, you and your friends should start helping us.", she said.

Twilight smiled and nodded. "Yes, Princess, we shall get started.", she said. "Right, girls?" Then the rest of Twilight's friends nodded.

Spike thought now that the others are helping decorating the ball room, he can try to do something to ask Rarity to dance with him at the gala. He rushed down to the Canterlot garden and picked a couple flowers for Rarity. As he was about to get back to the ball room, he heard his friends calling for Rarity.

"Hey, Rarity, we found Fancy Pants for you." Pinkie Pie said.

Rarity was so pleased to see Fancy Pants. "Oh my, Fancy Pants.", she said. "Thank you girls."

Spike screeched and gasped, then he hid behind a wall. He heard the conversation between Rarity and Fancy Pants. The handsome white unicorn spoke to Rarity. "Will you, Rarity, marry me?", he asked.

Rarity started tearing up with joy. She screamed with Happiness. "OH YES!!", she said with happiness. "Yes, Fancy Pants, I love to!"

Fancy Pants smiled and chuckled. "Then it's settled.", he said.

Spike opened his eyes wide with fright. Then he hid behind the wall again, he's eyes started tearing up and then he ran off heartbroken.

Fluttershy opened her eyes wide, she had a idea. "Hey, Twilight, there's something nice.", she said. "I'm going to make fruit punch for the gala."

Twilight smiled wisely and excited. "Fluttershy, that's a really great idea.", she said. "Does anypony have any ideas for snacks?"

Applejack said, "I'll be in charge of the food and cider."

Rainbow Dash started to drool, cider was her favorite drink. "Yes.", she said. "Make sure you fill it with love." Applejack gave a stern glare at Rainbow Dash and rolled her eyes.

"Hey BBBBFF, where's your child?", she asked.

Shining Armor looked at Twilight and spoke to her. "Flurry Heart?", he asked back. "She won't be coming to the gala, she needs her sleep. Also she hates loud noises."

Apple Bloom was concerned about the punch. "Can I taste the punch before the gala starts?"

Applejack looked at her sister and raised her eyebrow. "Sure, Sugar cube. But only one cup, no more drinking it before the gala starts."

No pony heard a voice from Spike. Starlight looked around the room to find him. "Has anypony seen Spike?", she asked.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other. "Beats us.", they both said.

Twilight widened her eyes, she looked around the room to see if Spike's anywhere. "Wait!", she said. "Where IS Spike? Spike! Spike, where are you?!" She started to panic.

"I thought you brought that little dragon with you." Cadence said. "You girls never go anywhere else without Spike."

"We did.", Twilight said. "He- he was just here a second ago! If he's nowhere to be found, THE GALA WILL START WITHOUT HIM!"

"Twilight calm down.", Shining Armor said calming her sister down. "We'll find him. Just don't worry about him."

"He's right." Luna said. "We'll find him right before the gala starts."

Chapter 2

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There were a lot of ponies at the gala. Rainbow Dash was teasing Twilight about one of the castle guards, Flash Sentry. "Hey, Twilight, who's your +1?", she asked. "Is it Flash Sentry?"

Twilight started to get upset. "Rainbow, will you please leave me alone.", she commanded. "I'm still worried about Spike. This is the biggest night of the year and he's not here."

"Twilight, I understand.", Rainbow Dash said. "But, you got to stop worrying about him, it's not like he went back to the castle himself."


"Twilight, calm down.", Rainbow Dash said. "Starlight told you she would go out there and look for him."

Twilight remembered what Starlight said earlier about getting out the castle and go looking for Spike when they were decorating the gala. "You're right, Rainbow.", Twilight said calmly. "I'm sorry, it's just really frustrating looking for somepony that's missing a big night."

Fluttershy walked up to Twilight and asked her. "Hey, Twilight, have you seen Discord anywhere?", she asked. "He told me to meet him at a table, and I kept thinking which table he's supposed to be at?"

"Yeah, that table over there.", she said. "He told me to let you know that he's over there."

Fluttershy saw Discord at the table reading a newspaper. "Thank you, Twi.", she said. "Did he tell you he's going to be reading a newspaper when he told you that?"

"No.", Twilight said looking at Discord with the newspaper. "I don't think so."

She went up to him and got close to him. "What are you reading, Sugar bun?", she asked.

Discord turned to the beautiful yellow mare and became suprised. "Oh, uh, Fluttershy.", he said. "I-I didn't see you there."

On the newspaper, Fluttershy saw a raging black gryphon. She looked at it creeped out and afraid. "Uh, who is that?", she asked.

Discord looked at her, confused. "Who?", he asked.

Fluttershy pointed at the newspaper. "Him, that raging gryphon the paper.", she said.

Discord looked at the picture and told Fluttershy the story about that creature on the paper. "That is Javier Black.", he said. "He's the most dangerous gryphons in all of Equestria. He can rip your skin open and eat your soul."

Fluttershy watched in a horrifying look. "Wow, he can really do that?", she said. Fluttershy has a fear of being eaten alive. One time a long time ago, she went up a mountain and got close to a giant dragon, but, she did stand up to it and she's not afraid of it.

Discord laughed telling Fluttershy it was only a joke. "Haha, no.", he said. "He's not going to get you, if he does, I'll hold you away from him."

Fluttershy sighed with relief. The two friends saw a flash of magic, it was Starlight Glimmer. Fluttershy ran up to Starlight. "Did you find him?", she asked.

"Spike was nowhere to be seen.", Starlight said. "I looked at the garden and the school where Twilight used to go to as a filly."

Twilight was scared and worried. "We have to find him, we are at the gala and he's not here yet.", she said. "What made go out there by himself? Is it me?"

She frowned and looked at the ground. Starlight lifted her chin up and Twilight looked at her in the eye. "Look at me, Twilight.", she said. "There will be a way to find your friend, I promise." Twilight closed her eyes and nodded.

Then they saw their friends, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Celestia, Pinkie Pie, and Fancy Pants standing there and watching them. "Why were you all standing there?", Starlight said. "Me and Twilight are just having a conversation."

"We heard you all talking about Spike.", Celestia said. "Luna is out looking for him."

"Why did you tell her to go look for him?", Pinkie Pie asked. "I'm a fourth-wall breaker, I should go looking for him."

"She's a moon god.", Celestia said. "She could go high in the sky."

"Where's Cadence and Shining Armor?", Twilight asked. "They were with you and Luna earlier."

"They're with the five little fillies.", Applejack said. "They're really young, they need chaperones."

Meanwhile with the CMC, Scootaloo wasn't getting comfortable with Cadence and Shining Armor being around. "Why did Applejack send them to watch us?", she asked.

"Because, we're young." Sweetie Belle said. "We need co-chaperones with us if our sisters are doing something important."

"I don't care.", Scootaloo said. "I'd feel much better if my sister, Rainbow Dash was around."

Then, all of a sudden, a voice appeared. "Ha. bet you'll be comfortable if I'm around.", the voice said. It was Babs Seed.

"BABS!!", Apple Bloom said running up to her cousin and hugging her. "Thank god you came."

"I've got a surprise for you.", Babs said. "Check it."

Babs has got her cutie mark. Apple Bloom widen her eyes and dropped her jaw. "Wow, I can't believe you got your mark.", she said. "But, what is it?"

"It's a shield with seeds on it." Babs said.

Apple Bloom was confused. "Really, how?", Apple Bloom asked. "Me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle clapped our hooves and we got our marks."

"We have a connection.", Babs said. "That's how." Then, she saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Hey, what are they doing here?!", she said. She started running to them.

Apple Bloom stopped her. "No no, it's okay.", she said. "She's friends with us now."

"That's right.", Diamond Tiara said. "My mom called these girls 'Blank Flanks' and then I stood up to her for them."

"Isn't that what you used to call us?", Sweetie Belle asked. "Don't get me wrong, it was a past thing."

"Oh almost forgot.", Babs said. "Check this out girls." Babs flipped the back part of her dress and showed her mark. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon beamed.

"Wow, pretty impressive.", Silver Spoon said.

"But, what is it?", Scootaloo said. "I know it's a shield, but, I can't tell what's on it."

"Not a big deal, it's a couple seeds." Diamond Tiara looked at it with a grin. "I got to tell you, I'm impressed.", she said.

"Thanks, I guess.", Babs said. "Oh, I was just about to hit the dance floor until I found you. Would you like to dance."

Apple Bloom smiled. "I would love to dance." Babs took her hoof and dragged her to the dance floor.

"This... is... happening!", Sweetie Belle said with joy.

The two apple cousins walked on the dance floor and started dancing. "Did you see my sister before you came here?", Apple Bloom asked.

"What?!", Babs said. "I can't hear you."

"I repeat: Did you see my sister before you came here?", Apple Bloom asked again.

"Yeah, she greeted me here before I came to see you.", Babs said. Then she saw Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon dancing. "Those four are awesome together."

Then Apple Bloom felt a sharp pain in her belly, she remembered she drank the punch. But, what was in it? "Oh my...", she said. She ran through her cousin and to a door where it leads to large hallway.

"Hey, where you going?", Babs asked. "Your sister will be wondering where you are."

"I got to use it.", Apple Bloom said with panic. Her stomach started to rumble harder and harder.

"Use what?", Babs asked. "The bathroom!", Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon walked to Babs "Did she say she needs to use the bathroom?", Scootaloo said.

"Yeah.", Babs said. "Wonder why."

Then they saw Shining Armor and Cadence in front of them. "Didn't I saw never wonder off without your co-chaperones?", Shining Armor asked. He looked around for Apple Bloom and never saw her. "Uh,... girls, where's your friend."

"In the bathroom.", Sweetie Belle said. "But, she didn't say why."

Twilight, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Fancy Pants, Celestia and Discord found them and ran to them. "Where's Apple Bloom?", Applejack asked.

"These girls said she went to the bathroom.", Cadence said.

"Why?", Applejack asked. "Is she sick, needs to pee?"

"We don't know.", Diamond Tiara said. "She didn't say why. And where's Luna?"

"She's still out there looking for Spike.", Celestia said. "And what's taking her so long?"

"We were just getting ready to dance and serve punch later.", Rainbow Dash said. "I feel like I should really use the beat." Rainbow Dash is always feeling like she needs to dance whenever she's at a party.

"Would you like to dance, my dear?", Discord asked.

Fluttershy smiled and took Discord's claw. "I would love to."

"Would you like to dance, Darling?", Fancy Pants asked.

Rarity blinked her eyes a few times and took the handsome stallion's hoof. "I'd love to, Darling."

The group of ponies started dancing. But, Twilight is dancing slowly, she's still worried about Spike.

In the bathroom, Apple Bloom was barfing in the toilet for 3 minutes. She waked out of the bathroom and moaned to herself. "What was in that punch?", she asked herself. She drank punch a million times in her life, she never knew it could make ponies sick after drinking. Before she walked back into the ball room, she heard groaning coming from a room at the end of the hall. She walked over there and looked in the room and saw a light-brown pony with a white mane, glasses and no hind hooves. It was Mayor Mare. Apple Bloom gasped. "Mayor!" She went over to the poor mare's body.

The mayor coughed. "Are you... Applejack's... sister?", she moaned.

Apple Bloom nodded and looked at the other end of the her body, where her hind hooves were cut off. "What happened to your hooves, girl?", she asked with panic.

The poor mayor moaned again. "My blood... is in... the punch."

Apple Bloom gasped with fright. "Ooooh! No wonder.", she said. Then she backed away from the weak mare in terror and thought that if Babs drank the punch, then she would get sick too. Her heart started to beat and her hooves started to shake. Then she ran down the hall way and into the ball room then sees Babs getting her drink of fruit punch with Mayor Mare's blood in it. Babs's mouth was wide and her eyes sparkled.

Apple Bloom's pupil on her eyes shrunk as her cousin was about to take a sip out the bloody punch. "DON'T DRINK THAT!!", she screamed.

Babs stops and turns around and sees her cousin staring at her. Everypony looked at Apple Bloom.

"Gee wiz, little sis.", Applejack said. "Are you ok?" Everypony was confused with Apple Bloom.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Maybe she's imaging her being chased by a zompony.", she said.

Twilight glared at Rainbow. "Everypony knows that zomponies don't exist, Rainbow.", she said.

Apple Bloom's body started to shake with anger, then she shouted. "You're drinking blood punch!"

Everypony was surprised. Pinkie Pie was confused. "What? Are you Serious?", she said. "What do you take us for, vampires?"

Discord moved to a side of Pinkie. "Oh, Pinkie Pie.", he said. "Don't fall for it, there's always something with this cutie pie. I mean, she could use some manners."

Apple Bloom started to get upset. "MAYOR MARE AT THE OTHER END OF THE HALLWAY WITH HER FREAKING HOOVES CUT OFF!!", she yelled. "Your drinking her blood! And it's in that punch!"

Applejack gasped and made a glare with anger. "APPLE BLOOM, HOW DARE YOU!", she yelled. "My friend put a lot of effort into this punch! YOU ARE INSULTING HER!"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, Apple Bloom.", she said. "What's going on with you?"

Apple Bloom started to get madder and madder. "If you go to the end of the hall, YOU'LL SEE A MARE WITH BOTH OF HER HOOVES HACKED OFF!", she yelled for the last time.

Then, everypony heard a noise coming from the door. Everypony stopped talking. Then they saw Mayor Mare crawling into the ball room. Everypony gasped and Twilight dropped her punch. "Oh... my...", she said with fright. Then Twilight screamed with fright and they ran to her. "MAYOR MARE! What happened to you? Speak to me!"

The mayor coughed and woke up and spoke in a weak voice. "Twilight, you have to help me.", she said. "My hooves are cut off."

Twilight looked at the other end of the weak pony's body. "But, when did this happened?", she asked. "And where's Spike? We looked for him everywhere."

Mayor Mare remembered what happened. She knew she had to do it. But, Twilight wouldn't like it. "I saw Spike at the Canterlot garden, crying. He told me he saw Fancy Pants proposing to Rarity." She looked at Rarity. "Rarity, Spike loves you. He told me he always had. He's been looking forward to ask you to dance here at the gala."

Rarity opened her eyes wide and remembered her days with Spike like he helped her find gems at the rock farm and all those times when Spike visited her boutique, that was why Spike is always being with her. Then she realized how much Spike loved her and all those times she told him what do, like when she told him to move her suit cases when she visited Manehatten. "Spike... loves me?", she asked herself. She felt terrible. "How could I've been so cruel? What have I done to my little Spikey-wikey?"

Fancy Pants looked at Rarity. Then Rarity looked at Fancy Pants. "Oh, Fancy Pants, I-I could explain.", she said. "I was looking forward to marrying you, I didn't know he--"

But, Fancy Pants put his hoof on her mouth to stop her. "It's ok. There's no need to explain.", he said. "I heard the whole story."

Rarity started tearing up and looked at her necklace that Fancy Pants gave her. "But, what about our marriage?", she asked.

Fancy Pants understood what Rarity was asking him. "If your planning on marrying that little dragon of yours, it's fine.", he said. "I won't be upset."

Rarity smiled and gave Fancy Pants back the necklace. "Thank you, Fancy.", she said. Fancy Pants walked away.

Babs remembered the first question that Twilight asked. "WAIT!", she said. "When did it happen?"

Mayor Mare groaned and spoke again. "It happened this afternoon. A gryphon named Javier Black captured us in separate bags. Then the monster un-bagged me and grabbed an axe and chopped my hind hooves off. And that's why I was at the end of the hall. He scraped my blood out, snuck in the kitchen where Fluttershy was and mixed it with the punch. I don't know what happened to Spike, but, I'm sure he's tied up right now."

Silver Spoon's body was shaky. "That is one of the most disturbing stories I've ever heard.", she said. "I would not want that happening to me."

The ponies turned to Apple Bloom. Applejack held her hat on her chest. "Little sister, we're really sorry we didn't believe you.", she said.

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah, we're really sorry.", she said. "If you could've warned us, we would've ended like you."

Twilight gasped, her heart fell to the pits of her stomach. "Oh no, what if he does something bad to Spike like cut his stomach open, takes his heart out and fries it.", she panicked.

"What if that meanie feeds him gummy worms until he gets a belly ache.", Pinkie Pie said. "Oh wait, he hates gummy worms."

Sweetie Belle scratched her head. "Uh, who is Javier Black?", she asked.

Discord took a deep breath. "I know that creature, he's the most dangerous gryphon in the world.", he said. "I read about him in the newspaper."

Twilight became more scared than ever. "We have to save him!", she said. "He's the sweetest friend I ever had."

Just then, the pony gang heard thunder crash from outside of the castle, it was a giant storm cloud. It was storming over Ponyville. Twilight had a bad feeling about what's going to happen. "It's spreading all over Ponyville.", she said.

Starlight felt Twilight's compassion. "We have to go back to Ponyville.", she said. "I know how to bring us back there. Shining Armor go grab some guards, Celestia, make sure the rest of the ponies are safe."

"I'm not doing this without my sister.", she said. "We keep ponies safe together."

"Forget about your sister.", Starlight said. "Just try to focus on keeping everypony safe, I'm sure your sister is fine." She pointed a hoof at the six little fillies. "You six come with us."

"Um, Starlight, are you sure.", Applejack asked. "I don't want these fillies to get hurt."

Starlight looked at Applejack and raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure Fluttershy and Discord will keep them safe.", she said.

Shining Armor appeared with a group of guards. "I'm back.", he said. "Are you all ready?"

Starlight looked at the group of guards and nodded. "Excellent!", she said. "Now everypony get close to me." Starlight lit her horn.

But, she was interrupted by Cadence. "WAIT!", she yelled.

Shining turned around and saw his wife running to her husband. "Cadence, what's going on?", she asked.

Cadence hugged him with tears in her eyes. "Flurry Heart is gone.", she said.

Shining Armor gasped. "WHAT!", he gasped.

Cadence wiped a tear from her face. "I checked her room and she wasn't in her crib.", she said.

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Nice warn, but, we have a village to save.", she said. "But, you can come with us if you want. If your daughter is over there where the storm is." She lit her horn once again, then they flashed away. The Mane 7 have a village to save.

Chapter 3

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The mane 7 got back to the village. They were holding each other while they teleporting. Then they let go. Rainbow Dash had a rough time while teleporting. "How come we haven't done that earlier?", she asked. "That was even quicker than flying."

Starlight gave a stern look at Rainbow. "My magic's more useful than flying.", she said.

Rainbow glared. "Then don't take the train next time.", she said. "Celestia's lucky she gets to fly and not teleport."

"Actually, I can teleport because I have a horn." Celestia said appearing out of nowhere.

"Of course you can teleport.", Rainbow Dash said with a groan. "Why did I forget that?"

Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, would you stop talking and focus.", she said as she scowled at the rainbow pegasus. "Spike's got to be here."

The gang looked up, they were really close to the storm. A flying creature flew out of the cloud and landed on it's feet. It was Javier Black. "Well, sorry I had to interrupt a party of yours.", the black gryphon said with a grumble.

Twilight growled. "WHERE'S MY FRIEND YOU BLACK-FEATHERED BASTARD!", she yelled.

And where's my sister?", Celestia asked with a angry glare.

"Drop the alicorn, guys.", Javier Black commanded.

Two pegasus ponies wearing black suits and masks flew over holding poor weak Luna in their hooves and dropped her. Luna has a scratched wing and all of her hooves were weakened. Her white alicorn sister gasped. "Luna?", she whispered.

"...I'm... sorry, sister.", the poor dark blue alicorn sister said in a weak voice. "He broke me."

The two young pegasi landed on the ground and removed their masks, it was Orion and Aurora, Scootaloo's friends from flight school. Scootaloo recognized their faces, she got their attention. "Guys!", she said. "It's me, your friend, Scootaloo. Your my friends in flight school."

The two pegasus ponies looked at the orange pegasus. They both gave her a glare to her. "We don't deal with other pegasus ponies.", Orion said.

"Especially orange pegasus ponies like you.", Aurora said as she insulted the Scootaloo. The amber orange pegasus started to tear up and faced the ground.


Javier stepped forward and grabbed a stool that has a bagged prisoner. He pulled the bag off the prisoner's head for an unexpected reveal. It was Flurry Heart. Cadence gasped. "MY BABY!"

The black gryphon squawked at the princess. "Back away and let me do my business, bitch!"

Then a voice appeared from behind them. "Leave your business to me.", the voice said. A small dragon wearing a black suit and mask was walking from behind the devilish gryphon and the two glaring pegasus ponies. He paused and took off the mask to reveal his face. His head was purple and his ears and spikes were green, it was Spike. Twilight and the others looked at him in horror as they watch him walk over to the baby holding a knife.

"You maybe be the only baby in the world.", he said pointing the knife at the hostage baby. "But, once I kill you, THERE WILL BE NO WAY FOR YOUR FAMILY TO BRING YOU BACK!" He laughed as the thunder started to crash once more. He was about to take a stab at the child, but, Twilight shouted to stop him.

"HOW COULD YOU?!!", she said. Thunder stopped crashing. The dragon turned around as he dropped the knife to see the teary-eyed alicorn.




More flashes of lightning started crashing once more. Twilight couldn't handle it at all, her mind broke. Discord pulled Fluttershy closer to him, and Shining Armor pulled Cadence closer to him. Spike's brain caught on fire with anger and pointed a claw at the pony gang with more rage. "SINCE YOU DID SOMETHING TERRIBLE INFRONT OF ME, I'LL DO SOMETHING TERRIBLE THAT WILL BE INFRONT OF YOU!", he yelled as he snapped his fingers and dragged Shining Armor across the grass. He lifted him 8 feet high in the air.

"These guards are with you, AND YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE TO KILL ME!" He scrunched his fist starting to bend Shining Armor's body backwards. Shining Armor's spine and torso started to rip and break. He screamed in pain as both halves of his body broke apart.

Javier made a pit of fire and Spike threw both parts of Shining Armor's body in the fire pit watching it burn in flames. Cadence grabbed her baby with her magic and held her child in her arms, crying as they both watched the blue-mane white unicorn burn in the flame hole.

Javier Black cackled. "Yes, my apprentice.", he said. "Kill them!"

Spike turned to Pinkie Pie and darted a claw at her. He lifted her in the air. Spike rubbed his fingertips together causing Pinkie Pie's belly to expand. Pinkie started giggling. "Hey! That tickles.", she said. Her belly grew bigger and bigger and then it exploded. Guts splattered everywhere.

Rainbow Dash gasped. "PINKIE PIE!" Rainbow loved Pinkie so much, she remembered all those times they spent together.

Apple Bloom had an idea to stop him. "I have an idea.", she said.

Diamond Tiara was too afraid to let her friend stand in front of that murderous dragon. "Apple Bloom, what are you doing?", she asked. "Are you crazy?"

Apple Bloom looked at Diamond Tiara thinking it will be her last time if she dies. "Diamond Tiara, shh.", she said hushing the little pink pony. "It will be alright. Trust me."

Diamond Tiara nodded and backed away from Apple Bloom. She was proud of her friend. "Good luck, Cutie Mark Crusader leader.", she said with tears in her eyes.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath and stepped in front of Spike. Spike was willing to take the chance against Apple Bloom. "Come on, sweetheart.", he said. "Give me your best shot."

Apple Bloom squinted her eyes and took off her dress off, and made Spike see that her belly was covered in rainbow feathers. Apple Bloom spoke to him. "Spike, I don't know why you're doing this.", she said. "But, even if this is our last time seeing each other. I'll always knew that you were the sweetest dragon ever. But, I bet I can hug so you snap back into your real self so you won't destroy me now." Apple Bloom walked towards Spike.

Spike stepped back. Then he grew a sharp nail and stabbed her in the stomach. Tears rolled down Apple Bloom's cheeks, then she was gone.

Applejack's eyes started to tear up as she watched her little sister's corpse fall. "Apple Bloom,... you were sensitive in the inside.", she said as a tear fell off her face.

Then, Spike turned to Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Babs, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon. He shook his fists, they both lit on fire.

Scootaloo ran to him. "WAIT! STOP!", she yelled. "Spike, you don't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you, why do you want to hurt me? It's me, sweet little Scootaloo. I know how you feel about not telling Rarity how you feel. Well, sure you killed two of my friends and split Shining Armor and burned him in flames; well, I wasn't comfortable with him anyways. But, it's okay, we can all forget any of this happen. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Spike's fist lit out. "I'm afraid not, Scootaloo.", he said. Then, he grabbed her by the neck.

Rainbow Dash screamed. "NOOO!", she screamed.

Spike leaned closer to Scootaloo's face. "Look in my eyes.", he said. "I want to see you die." Scootaloo's eyes started to tear up as her neck was being squeezed by the devilish purple dragon.

Then, a voice appeared. "Get the hell away from my friends!", the voice said. It was Pipsqueak.

Diamond Tiara gasped. "PIPSQUEAK, GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!", she yelled.

Spike let go of Scootaloo's neck and faced Pipsqueak. "Let's see who's messing with your friends, brat.", he said. He snapped his fingers and sharp spikes raised from the ground where Pipsqueak, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were standing.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash gasped. "SWEETIE BELLE!", Rarity screamed.

"SCOOTALOO!", Rainbow screamed.

Diamond Tiara yelled with tears in her eyes. "PIPSQUEAK!", she yelled. "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

Silver Spoon grabbed her friend before she can run to Pipsqueak's corpse. "Hey, let him go, girl.", she said to comfort her friend. "Nothing we can do."

Diamond Tiara wiped a tear from her face. "I owed everything to these ponies who are killed right now... after everything I did to them.", she said as buried her face into her best friend's shoulder.

Silver patted her friend on the back. "I know, Diamond. I know.", she said. "I owed everything to them after what I did to."

Fluttershy watched as their dead bodies rot through the spikes. Spike noticed the look on Fluttershy's face and darted a claw straight at her. Fluttershy was being lifted in the air. Her wings were being ripped off her sides, she screamed with pain and tears rolled down her face. "OWWWWWWWWWWWW", she screamed.

Discord gasped. "FLUTTERSHY!!!"

Babs grew madder about her cousin getting killed. "YOU KILL MY COUSIN, I'LL KILL YOU!", she said with anger. She prepared herself to strike at Spike.

Spike took a deep breath and breathed up a huge fire ball all over Babs. Diamond Tiara run up to her and held her in her arms. "All the fried up spots and fire balls are literally and seriously so strong.", Babs said as she passes out.

Then, Spike noticed the sad look on Rainbow Dash's face. "Oh, you want to join your dead sister in hell, huh?", he asked with a devilish look on his face. "I'll take you there!" He grew a sharp nail and brought Rainbow Dash over to him with his powers, he stabbed the blue poor pegasus in the belly. He dropped her, then laughed with more darkness.


Rarity ran over to him and took him down to the ground. Her hooves were keeping his arms stuck to the wet green grass. "Spike, STOP IT!", she yelled. "Don't you realize what the hell you are doing? Your murdering all your friends."

Spike looked at Rarity in the eyes, then he glared once more. "I HAVE NO FRIENDS!", he yelled as he kicked the white unicorn off him and stood back his feet. His fists lit on fire once more. "YOU PLANNED SOMETHING WITH FANCY PANTS AND I DIDN'T LIKE IT AT ALL! IT'S LIKE YOU DIDN'T CARE FOR ME! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME!"

Rarity knew that the proposal between her and Fancy Pants was a mistake. She got back on her hooves trying to calm Spike down. "I know you saw Fancy Pants ask me to marry him.", she said. "But, I'm not part of that plan anymore! Mayor Mare told us the whole story about why you love me so much. But, look at what you're doing right now, you killed almost all of your friends and you're wrecking Ponyville. You have to stop this now."

Spike's eyes started to tear up. "I thought we would be together.", he said sadly. "BUT, MY CHANCES TURNED OUT BAD AND IT TORE US BOTH APART!" The fire on his fists lit brighter and brighter.

"Spike, please.", Rarity screamed as she stepped towards Spike one step. "I trying to help you."

"LIAR!", Spike yelled as he prepared to strike Rarity down. "YOU"RE TRYING TO FILL MY HEAD WITH LIES!"

Rarity closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Spikey-wikey.", she said with bravery. "You left me no choice but to do this to you." Her horn lit up and her magic grabbed Spike. She lifted him 8 feet in the air and saw a glow of darkness on a necklace that Spike was wearing on his neck.

"That's it.", she said as she figured it out. "It's the necklace, it's causing him to become evil." She yanked it off his neck and a spirit of darkness raised from Spike's head. Then she puts him down.

Spike opened his eyes and looked around. "What's happening?", he asked. Then he turned around and sees Javier Black in front of him. Spike gasped. "JAVIER BLACK!"

Javier recognized the look on Spike's face that he's got his actual head back. "So, your unicorn friend got your memory back.", he said with a glare. "BUT, THERE'S NO WAY YOU'LL GET THESE PEGASUS PONIES' MEMORIES BACK!"

Spike looked at the necklace and scrunched his fist where his necklace was. His eyes gave a glare with bravery to Javier. "So you captured me and used me to kill my own friends.", he said. "Looks like it's time or some ultimate payback." He sprinted towards Aurora and Orion. He yanked all the necklaces that they were wearing and the darkness spirits raised out of their heads.

They both turned to each other "What just happened?", they both asked. They turned to see Spike in front of them.

Spike showed them the necklaces. "Javier Black's been controlling us with these!", he said. "He used us!"

They saw the necklaces in Spike's hand. Orion took a look at the darkness glow on the necklaces. His face turned red and faced Javier Black with anger. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!", he yelled with rage. He grabbed a crystal ball from his black suit and grabbed Javier Black by the face. He held the crystal at the back of Javier's head being prepared to suck him in. The ball glowed, but, it wasn't working. It wasn't strong enough to pull him in.

Orion started to get frustrated. "It's not strong enough.", he said. "It doesn't have enough power to suck him in!"

An idea came to Spike's head. "I have an idea!", he said. "Rarity come over here."

Rarity ran up to Spike. "What is it, Spike?", she asked.

Spike got closer to Rarity. Then he kissed her on the mouth. Rarity kissed him back. Then they both glowed raised in the air, the glow exploded across everypony.

It helped the crystal ball suck Javier Black in and it brought the murdered ponies back to life. Shining Armor's split-in-half body was raised from the fire and attached back together, Pinkie Pie's guts were being brought into her stomach, it healed Apple Bloom's torso, it got rid of the burned spots on Babs, the spikes disappeared from the CMC and Pipsqueak, it healed Luna's wing and hooves, Fluttershy's wings brought back to her sides, and it healed Rainbow Dash's belly. They all woke up and saw the glow. Then it faded away and Rarity and Spike were back on the ground. Everypony came from Canterlot and cheered.

Twilight was proud of Spike. "Spike, you actually did it.", he said. "That glow fixed everything. But, how did you know that creature?"

Spike thought for a moment, then he remembered. "Oh, I read all about him in the newspaper.", he said. "I found it in front of the castle before we left."

Twilight was surprised. She didn't remember getting "Cool, I guess that explains WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY LIKE THAT, SPIKE?!", she yelled accusing the younger purple dragon. "THE GALA WAS GOING ON AND YOU MISSED ON ALL OF THE FUN! WHY WOULD YOU RUN AWAY LIKE THAT!"

Spike looked at the ground, he felt terrible. "Earlier, I saw Fancy Pants propose to Rarity.", he said with an ashamed look. "I wanted to ask her to dance and thought we would be together. But, were not."

Rarity looked at Spike and tilted her head. "You know, Spike, when Mayor Mare was injured, she told us everything when she saw you at the garden this afternoon.", she said. "Fancy Pants told me if I wanted to marry you, then he's fine with it."

Spike smiled. Then he looked all over the place. He completely damaged everything in Ponyville. He felt ashamed than ever. "I'm so sorry I tortured you guys.", he said. "I guess I didn't know I was being controlled by a devil creature like Javier Black."

Fluttershy cut him off before he can say another word. "Oh, Spike. We all forgive you, we always do.", she said sweetly. "And I'm pretty sure Javier Black got a good taste of his own medicine. Besides, we would never hate you, we still love you."

Spike looked at Fluttershy and they smiled. "Thank you, Fluttershy.", he said.

Rarity stepped closer to Spike and hugged her little dragon sweetheart. The crowd was amazed. "Awwwwwww.", everypony said.

And that made Spike really happy. "Everypony Hug!", he said cheerfully. Everypony started hugging each other like Apple Bloom and Babs, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara, Applejack, Twilight, and Starlight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Discord, Shining Armor and Cadence, and even Aurora and Orion.

"A hug is something special for someone you really love.", Spike said with more cheer.

Then he looked at Apple Bloom. "Also, Apple Bloom can you explain to us what was with those rainbow feathers on your stomach?", he asked.

Apple Bloom gave a confused look, she looked at her torso. "Oh... these?", she said. "I was only showing you them to tame you. Also, I needed some to protect my belly from itching. My dress has an itchy part that drives me crazy." Apple Bloom stopped and her face turned red, she looked at Rarity. "No offence.", she said with embarrassment.

Rarity shrugged. "None taken."

Orion took a look at his suit. "At least this suit doesn't itch.", he said. "But, I am sweating in it."

"You know, guys.", Discord said. "Spike did learn a valuable lesson where he can't just destroy a town like this one."

A mare yelled from the crowd with a groan. "Well, Duh!"

Discord glared at the mare from the crowd. "Hey, WOULD YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?!", he yelled.

"YOU SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU BIG BUTT!", the mare from the crowd yelled back.

"Yeah, I GOT YOU A BIG BUTT RIGHT HERE!", Discord yelled back the second time.

"Discord!", Fluttershy said warning her big grey-furry friend. "Just ignore that."

Rainbow Dash kept thinking about Javier Black. "You know, I kind of felt bad about Javier Black.", she said.

Everypony looked at Rainbow Dash. Rarity was a bit surprised. "Are you cracked?", she asked. "You want him back? But, what about his chaotic feeling?"

Rainbow had to think for a moment. "Well, that too.", she said. "But, his devilish gryphon look is pretty amusing. Heheheh. I'm just being honest."

Orion looked at his crystal ball. "Well, I don't know how to get him back.", he said.

Spike looked at the ball and thought for a moment. "Hold on, let me see that.", he said as he demonstrated how to release somepony from the ball. "If you press your thumb on the top of the ball, a spark might fly out."

Spike pressed his thumb on the ball. "Here goes nothing.", he said. A spark came out of the crystal ball and landed on the ground.

Javier Black appeared and spoke in a squeaky voice. "I am Javier Black. HERE ME... squeak? What the hell?" He looked up and saw the ponies staring down to the ground straight at him. He has shrunken.

"I"LL GET MY REVENGE!!", the shrunken gryphon said as he runs off in the distance.


Everypony continued laughing, louder and happy.

Bonus Chapter

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Spike was in the dressing room combing his spikes. He looked closely in the mirror making sure there's no missed spots he needed to fix. Then he saw Rarity from behind him in the mirror. Spike looked behind him and winked at Rarity.

Rarity smiled. "Come on, Spikey-wikey.", she said. "You're missing all the fun at the gala."

Spike gave Rarity a smolder. "Ha. What am I going to with you?", he asked. "I've already spent time with a million times."

Rarity chuckled. "I have no idea.", she said. "But, the next year, we might get married. Don't wait too long for our dance."

Rarity left the room and Spike looked in the mirror again. He looked in his suit and took a look at a necklace that Rarity gave him. When he put it back in his suit, he looked at the clock. "Oh my gosh.", he said. "It's almost twelve o'clock. I need to get down there." He jumped off his seat and rushed out of the room. Spike the dragon had a party to get to.