> Harvest Time Discovery > by WishyWish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Trotting Through the Trees > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crunch of brittle leaves as they were ground into fields of brown grass underhoof was becoming monotonous. Despite its tedium, the sound was a hallmark of mid-autumn in Equestria. This particular afternoon was ruled by a warm, stiff breeze – kissed in all the right places by a brisk chill sufficient to make a hot mug of apple cider sound that much more soothing. A smattering of heavy clouds, pregnant with the promise of snowfall, hung low in the sky where they had been arranged by toiling pegasi; scant enough was their cover to allow a mottling of harvest sun to peek through. Shining Armor paused at the threshold of the Whitetail Woods. Before him stood an army of staunch, thick trees and wizened branches that were the match of any retinue under his command. But these soldiers would not bend for him, and the bed of fall colors they watched over could be hiding any secret from thorny brambles to an errant snake. For a time he stood in silence, appreciating a few burgundy, marigold, and sun-blasted amber leaves as they embarked on an adventure from their perches above to the carpet below. “Why here...?” He asked the rustling breeze. On the heels of the thought, he turned his attention to the loosely tied scarf about his neck. It was a clumsily-knit gift from his beloved little sister that he had cherished since the day she made it for him back in school. He lit his horn, and from its folds he extracted a scrap of paper with pencil scribblings so faint that he had to hold the paper up to the light just to re-examine its secrets. The handwriting was unmistakable, but the fact that he could tell it had been written by ‘hand’ at all more than gave away the author. Confirming the note’s contents, he tucked it away and continued into the canopy of nature until it enveloped him. “We’re here for the harvest festival,” Shining Armor muttered aloud, “They’re having cider tastings tonight...can’t we do the nature walk thing tomorrow or something...?” As though afraid of being overheard, Shining Armor fibbed to the forest about his intentions. Certainly he had brought his family to his sister’s abode for a taste of the sweetest apple cider this side of Mount Everfree. It was an annual tradition, and he was grateful for the freedom from his fatherly duties that a doting aunt afforded. But in recent years, he had begun an unexpected journey down the rabbit hole with a friend he considered close enough to be a brother. Now, it was as much for that friend as for Twilight Sparkle that Shining Armor cherished this time. Shining huffed out an annoyed breath. They were free to do whatever they wanted to do today, and more importantly, they were free to do it together. Why spend it picking through nature trails? “OW!” Hissing out a curse, Shining yanked his hind leg from its latest grounding. With it came a sudden shock of pain up his leg so intense that he lost his balance and tripped over a tangle of roots. Blessedly coming down on a soft shrub, he caught his breath and felt behind him to test the firmness of the tree at his back before putting weight on it. Satisfied, he used the leverage to lift the offending hoof for inspection. “...son of a nag...” There, lodged in the firm keratin of his hoof, was the stiletto-thin blade of a thorn. Shining rolled his eyes and sighed. “Butterhooves…it’s like I’m walking to two legs today or something, yeesh...” With a thought, the unicorn brought a glow back to his horn and ensorcelled the offending object, giving it a firm yank. His reward was a shock of pain, and for his trouble the thorn did little but bounce around playfully in its new home, refusing to give back the stolen real estate. Shining Armor furrowed his brow in concentration and stuck his tongue absently out of the side of his mouth. “…a wiseplant, huh…” He yanked harder, wincing against the burning complaint from the nerves in his fetlocks. “...tch...come on outta there already...” “What’cha doing?” Succumbing instantly to guard training, Shining Armor responded to the unexpected voice by leaping up to meet it, planting all four of his hooves firmly on the ground and rooting himself to the spot. He was both the rock and the hard place...until the electric pain sizzling from his leg brought a tear to his eye. True to his discipline, he tensed up and kept his body in place, glancing about for the intruder. “You okay?” The voice offered. Recognizing the voice finally, Shining gave up on his investigation and closed his eyes tightly, his mouth a hard, pursed line. “...thorn,” He explained simply. “In your hoof?” The voice queried. “Does it hurt?” “What do you think?” Shining stammered as his shoulders began to quiver. “L-little help here please...?” “Sure thing!” With a rustling of leaves, Spike burst forth from the brush at a merry trot. Shining paused and mentally chastised himself for expecting to see the diminutive creature he was once so used to. Every day Spike was burgeoning into a fine specimen of his species, and even Shining armor had to incline his head to look the young-adult dragon in the eye. Soon enough, Shining suspected he would have to get used to looking up at Spike for the rest of both their lives. What the guard captain hadn’t expected was the curious trench coat Spike had on that masked most of his form. He supposed the odd garment could be chalked up to brisk weather, but the transitional season was still warm enough for a long coat to seem out of place. Growing up hadn’t dulled Spike’s enthusiasm for life one iota - he was soon pulling up Shining’s hoof himself, turning it over to inspect it like a horse groom from a more mundane reality. “Owch,” Spike commented. “Look at that thorn in your hoof.” Shining stood there helplessly, craning his neck to peer at the dragon crouched beside him. “Yeah I figured that part out. It’s in there kinda far for my magic--” “--but not for my claws!” Spike announced as he wrapped his talons around the thorn. He looked up at his patient. “Ready?” “Is it gonna hurt, Doc?” Shining asked sardonically. “Yep!” Shining snerked and rolled his eyes again, steeling himself. “Let ‘er rip!” Rip Spike did, with enough force to send him tumbling end over end on his rump. Shining bit his lip to stifle the feral whinny of pain that burst out of his lungs. Leaning against a tree to keep himself afloat, he first saw to his own condition, and then that of his nurse. At the sight of the latter, he did a double-take. “Uh...Spike?” He trotted over, limping slightly from the shock. “Thanks for that, but...um...why...?” Spike, who was upside down against a tree of his own, bicycled his legs in the air and felt for a bump on his noggin. “Why what?” He replied without looking up, until it occurred to him that there was a certain chill passing up his thighs that hadn’t been there before. Glancing up, he came upon the cause. His coat was obeying the laws of gravity, completely exposing him from the belted waist down. “Ohhh, that,” Spike grinned. Without righting himself he looked to his equine companion. “Whattaya think?” Shining Armor’s befuddlement was clear on his muzzle. “I think you’re wearing a diaper. With a teddy bear on it.” “I-it’s not a teddy bear!” Spike snapped. Planting his claws on the grass he made use of his draconic musculature to vault himself back to his feet, the cushioned garment disappearing again under his coat. “It’s totally an ursa major! They’re ferocious and manly!” Shining Armor raised a brow, cocking his lip back in a smirk. “You’re wearing a diaper with a teddy bear on it.” He looked up. “You’re gonna tell me why you called me into the woods with you wearing an overcoat and a diaper, right?” “Oh ho,” Spike grinned. He closed the distance to his companion and unabashedly laid his palm on Shining’s mane, fondling the scarf at the base of his neck. “For us time, of course.” “Nopony’s gonna wonder where we are until the cider tasting later,” Shining replied, making no move to discourage the gentle petting. “What’s wrong with your room in the palace?” “I wanna show you something,” Spike’s grin never faltered. “I know you’ve got that whole ‘Princess of Love’ wife thing going so she isn’t bothered by the stuff we do, but this is something...special. Just for us.” Shining felt a grin lift his lips as well, and he pressed his neck encouragingly into the petting. Spike was quite correct – if anything, Cadance encouraged the sharing of ‘love’ between close acquaintances. And Spike was far beyond that. “You know I’m all for that. But it doesn’t explain the diaper.” “Ohh yes it does,” Spike oozed. He continued his invasion of Shining Armor’s space bubble until his khaki coat was brushing the stallion’s flank, and his talons were getting tangled in the jungle of cerulean wisps in Shining’s mane. “That’s the whole reason we’re even more…‘private’ today.” Shining Armor wasn’t able to hold back the shiver that rippled under the dragon’s touch. “To...wear diapers...?” “Not to wear them,” Spike cooed, “To experience them.” He drew up to Shining’s ear and traced the perimeter of it with his dexterous, forked tongue. “You trust me, right?” “…nnh...” Shining shuddered, his thoughts turning to past experiences with that tongue – one that most ponies would be afraid would devour them. “...you know I do...” Spike pressed his claw to the base of Shining’s Skull and gently raked him down to his collarbone. “And you want this, right? ‘Better than any hoof’, you said.” Shining took a deep breath and held it, letting it out only when the claw upon his back finished its mission. “...any day of the week,” He agreed. “...you don’t even have any idea...” Spike traced his fingertips down Shining’s flank and over his cutie mark. Encouraged by the draconic possessiveness that was just starting to take root in his young-adult psyche, he reached down and squeezed the dangling orbs between Shining’s hind legs before suddenly pulling away. “Uh-uh,” Spike touched Shining’s cheek and turned his face so they were eye to eye. “You’re the one that doesn’t even have any idea.” Shining opened his mouth to continue the dialog, but Spike’s snaking tongue shot out of his mouth and wrapped around its blunt equine mate, squeezing it like a constrictor before a meal. Retreating far enough to trace the contours of the stallion’s lips, Spike wordlessly undid the slack knot in Shining’s scarf, leaving it to hang loose around his neck. The stallion shifted his weight automatically as the dragon grabbed a hoof and slipped it under his trench coat, far enough for Shining to feel the scaly plates of Spike’s broadening chest. “Y-you’re not the...baby you used to be, are you...” Shining Armor chuckled lightly. Spike’s smile remained warm, but the crease in his brow bore the kind of cunning that a handlebar mustache would have complimented well. “We’re alone,” Spike observed as he worked his belt free. “And we’re way past being shy these days.” Shining nodded. The moment Spike had sufficiently loosened his coat, Shining reared up and placed his hooves on the dragon’s shoulders, shoving the coat the rest of the way off as he buried his lips into the scaly maw before him. “Mmmm...” Two husky voices uttered in unison as each snout tilted slightly to accommodate, pouring out several months of repressed desire for the other in a rough kiss. When they finally came up for air, Spike licked his way back up to Shining’s ear, circling its perimeter with his tongue before applying a tantalizing bite to the thin membrane of flesh with his reptilian fangs. “I know what else you love about me,” Spike whispered, “You love a tongue that can slither over every part of you and wrap you up like a cozy hug.” “...uh-huh...” Shining quaked and flicked his compromised ear invitingly at its invader. “Nopony kisses like a dragon...” Spike moved Shining’s hoof down to the fluffy softness between his otherwise scaly legs. He left it there for a moment, allowing the exploring stallion to create a cacophony of crinkling noises that were music to Spike’s ears. Soon he brushed the hoof away and placed his claw firmly on Shining’s chest. “Lay back,” Spike encouraged. “And I’ll show you jussst what I’m talking about.” Shining Armor, who had been annoyed by the concealing nature of the bed of leaves below, found himself suddenly grateful to them for their softness. He sprawled on his back, allowing gravity to splay his hind legs apart and present his masculine secrets to his partner. “You know,” Spike cooed, tracing circle patterns in Shining’s chest fluff with a finger as he hovered over him, “I always thought ponies looked awfully...helpless, lying on their backs.” In an instant, dragon was atop of pony like predator with prey. Without ever breaking his lock on Shining’s eyes, Spike reached down and brushed his fingertips lightly over the slowly tightening, fleshy ebon spire between Shining’s legs. The organ pushed against Spike’s palm, begging him to wrap it up tightly in his grasp. “...ponies have no idea...” Shining repeated, a deep sigh escaping him as he searched Spike’s eyes. “When I’m with you, I pity pretty much every stallion in Equestria.” “You talk too much,” Spike grinned. He planted his claws on the soft earth to either side of Shining’s head, and slowly lowered his body atop the quadrupedal one, using his weight to mash the soft face of the teddy bear ursa into Shining’s blossoming penis. Shining instinctively wrapped his hind legs around Spike’s midsection, but his eyes popped open wide when the dragon began to grind his hips. “...wh-wha...?” “Mm?” Spike painted faux-innocence into his words, thoroughly enjoying the satisfying twitch of the stallion below him, “What’s the matter? What’cha thinking about?” “...s-so soft...” “Mmhm,” Spike agreed, “But you know, not everything down there is soft--” With that, he ground his tapered draconic erection into the rounded pony one below him, rubbing the two together with a pad of downy fluff between them. “Hear that?” Spike made a show of putting a claw to his ear, as if he intended to catch the crinkling noises like butterflies in a net. “Now that’s the sound of true bliss. Soft, supportive, and secure. You’ve really never even thought about slipping one on in private before?” Shining made an effort to reply, but he was too busy wondering if the blanket of cloudy joy enfolding his girth was what it felt like for a pegasus stallion to hump a cloud. Finally he found words. “F-flurry grew out of diapers years ago...th-they’d have been way too small anyway, heh...” “I grew out of diapers a long time ago too,” Spike commented casually, giving Shining’s stallionhood no respite as he ground the padding in further, “But you don’t see that stopping me.” Shining gave up trying to form words. Spike answered each of the stallion’s humping motions with a grind of his own. He said nothing; quietly allowing the crinkle-noises to sink into Shining’s mind and associate themselves with feelings of security and pleasure. Shining’s head rolled back, his mane pooling about him. His breath curled from his lolling tongue in short bursts until he resembled a panting dog. Spike couldn’t resist bringing a claw up to ruffle Shining’s mane between his flattened ears. “You know,” The tone of Spike’s voice dipped low, “Nopony gets a change until they make a mess...” Spike spun around atop the prone stallion until his padding was mashing against Shining’s chin. Before the young dragon stood his quarry - a tall, proud, dark thickness that was already oozing a slip of clear fluid from its blunted flare. He watched the trail of lubrication as it slid down, and then coiled his tongue to wrap around it; lapping it up as it passed beyond the bulge of Shining’s medial ring. “Mmm,” Spike commented, “Haven’t tasted that in a while. And you--” He reached out and placed one talon atop the nether-head before him, toying with it, “You’re acting like you haven’t paid any attention to yourself in weeks.” “T-too busy,” Shining explained weakly. Spike wiggled his hips, pushing more of the boundless softness into Shining’s face until the stallion quieted, and began to nuzzle the offering with his cheek. “That won’t do,” Spike said bemusedly. “Guess we’re gonna have to make a mess.” Spike lapped at the rigid veins before him, racing along them with the fork in his tongue until he scaled the peak to its precipice. He planted a playful kiss there, twirling around the hole that pulsed and fed him another dollop of clear lubrication. “...ngh...” Shining whined. “Want more?” Spike sang without looking back, flicking all over the twitching foreskin before him. “...uh huh...” Spike slowly ground the diaper secured around his waist into Shining’s muzzle again, momentarily filling the stallion’s nostrils with its scent. The dragon waited until his ‘prey’ had gone back to nuzzling and reveling in the padding, before capturing the stallion’s flared head in a series of slick squeezes from his long, coiling tongue. “...o-oh...” Enjoying the muffled whinnies from below, Spike enveloped the desperately throbbing girth before him. With the dexterity of his draconic palette he easily claimed his prize, rewarding himself with a deep whiff of stallion perspiration when his snout pressed into the yielding softness of Shining’s fuzzy testicles. From there he let his prehensile tongue do the work - like a siren calling to a hapless sailor, it slowly wrapped the jerking organ up in slick, slippery bonds. Spike was everywhere all at once - his embrace sliding up and down the length of Shining’s taut, dark flesh. As if caught in the pull of magic, Shining Armor’s hips lifted and squirmed, trying to press farther and farther into the warm cave where he had found respite from his everyday life. Spike placed his claws on Shining’s hips and pushed him gently back down. “Nuh-uh,” Spike muttered against his self-imposed pacification. He knew exactly what the other male was trying to do. The instinct to breed was already alive inside the stallion, rising after so little coaxing, and he was trying to push deeply into the warm, wet hole all around him, to seed it as effectively as possible. The rising spasms of the penis in Spike’s maw were as much a guarantee. He waited, suckling deeply, allowing smacking noises to mingle with the delicate crinkle between his legs. Touching every place he himself liked to be touched, he waited until the pulsing and the whining hit a crescendo... ...and then abruptly pulled away, slipping up and off his pony-pillow to sit on his knees and watch. Gritting his teeth helplessly, the squirming stallion kicked and bucked as he shot blast after blast of sticky semen into the blustery afternoon. It ran down the slopes of his erection like Vesuvius in full eruption, only to pool and collect amidst the nooks of his coat in standing puddles. Spike took up a dollop of the spilled seed and made a show of suckling it from the tip of his talon. “Mmm...” Bliss evident on his face, Shining Armor stared dumbly at the canopy of falling leaves and took a moment to calm his breath. He could already feel the incubated heat of his seed cooling over his form, accentuating the chill of the breeze over the messy spots his climax left behind. “...w-whew...hahh...” He breathed, “I n-needed that, thanks...Cadey’s been busy lately and, you know, foals and responsibilities and all...” Shining Armor began to search for a way out of the prone position on his back, but Spike laid a staying claw on his tummy, eliciting a pause and a confused look. Spike, his proud grin never failing him, touched a finger to the sensitive flesh under Shining’s flare and began to stroke it. “Noooo you don’t,” The dragon cooed. “Don’t even try to tell me you came so fast just because you’ve been busy lately. You’re married to the Princess of Love. She’d never allow her own husband to go without. And that means,” He kept his flicking constant until he felt a new little twitch, “Something else made you burst like that. Something you’re not admitting to.” Shining felt the heat rising on his cheeks. With a flustered smile he looked away. “W-well I just, you know...haven’t been with you in a while, and...dragon tongue and claws and all that...” “Nope,” Spike insisted, “It’s not that either!” He took to petting Shining’s stomach and chest in long strokes, “Somepony made a mess, and needs a changing. He got a little taste of it before and now he’s reeeeally curious about a diaper of his very own. He just doesn’t know how to ask for one.” Spike grinned smugly, “Right?” Mortified by the perfect accuracy in Spike’s guess, Shining closed his eyes and let out a sigh in time with another twitch from his restless stallionhood. He nodded tersely. Spike patted him on the cheek and smiled like a mother hen. “You just lay riiiight here...” Spike fled. There was a rustling, and from the corner of his vision Shining Armor noticed the dragon pulling a cute, frilly diaper bag, of all things, from somewhere under the brush. It was pink and white; the symbol stitched to it resembling the ursa-teddy bear Spike still proudly displayed on his rump. Bewildered, Shining bent his forelegs at his chest and kept still, watching as his companion drew forth a fresh diaper, some wet wipes, and a bottle of foalpowder. Spike then slipped his claw under Shining’s bottom and used the strength age had infused into his muscles to lift the stallion’s entire lower torso. Satisfied that he had made the act look sufficiently effortless, he daintily slid the diaper into place and lowered his charge atop it. “There now,” Spike appreciated his handiwork, “Nice and soft on your bottom?” Shining didn’t reply. He merely wiggled his hips and let out a short whinny. Chuckling, Spike pulled several of the wipes free from their dispenser and began to clean the sticky seed from Shining’s coat, though the stallion stiffened once or twice at the sensation of the damp towels. “Shhh, you’re okay...almost done...” Spike sprinkled a generous amount of lavender-scented foalpowder over Shining’s tight, fuzzy balls, massaging it into him with circular gropes and caresses of each fleshy orb. “...o-ohh...” Shining Armor let out a moan, the tickling of talons still something he could never completely get used to. He grinned idiotically at the sky as he felt a gentle, yet firm cage close over his genitals, locking them away in a palace of softness that all of Cloudsdale couldn’t hope to match. His muscles slack, it was a simple matter for Spike to roll the padded-up stallion onto his side and slip behind him for spooning cuddles. “There,” Spike said as he reached around to run his claw over Shining’s furry tummy again, pulling him close. “Now we’re ferocious ursa diaper buddies!” He blinked, “You’re still breathing really hard, you know.” Shining spoke through his panting, his erection overloaded with pleasurable sensations from which he couldn’t escape. “N-never thought this c-could be so...nnghahh...” “Uh-huh,” Spike nipped Shining’s ear and reached down to fiddle with his own diaper. Shining heard a tearing sound, and soon after felt the familiar hardness of his partner there between the cleft of his rump. He squirmed. “Something feels…off,” He muttered. “N-not you, I mean--” “Oh,” Spike casually interrupted, “that’s because I didn’t put your diaper on right.” “Wh-what...? Why...?” Spike was there at Shining’s shoulder. He snaked his tongue around to fiddle with the stallion’s cheek. “‘cause you’re hard again, and seeing you wear a diaper like me just makes me all…nnf. I didn’t pull your tail through the hole. Bet’cha can guess why.” Shining felt an errant splatter of lubricant on his rump, followed by squishing noises. Shortly thereafter a slick, hard presence was prodding expectantly under his tail. “O-oh, riiiight…” Shining Armor nuzzled the back of his head into whatever part of his partner he could make contact with. He angled his hips and flicked his ears – there were two sources of crinkling noises to listen to now. Spike threaded himself through the hole in the stallion’s diaper and tasted his flicking ear, whispering into it. “Ready...?” “...y-yeah...” Well wetted and nicely tapered, Spike’s erection slipped into his partner’s warm home, its ridges cozily anchoring him in place. He wrapped his arms around Shining Armor and began to thrust, forcing a slow roll from his hips rather than giving in right away to the bestial lust inside. Shining rolled back, instinctually familiar with the dragon’s touch, and the two of them shared a sigh of gratifying sexual relief. “...ngh...i-it’s like you belong back there,” Shining observed. “…hahh...” “I do, eh heh,” Spike chuckled weakly. “…h-hey…l-listen...” The two of them bit back their cries, turning their attention to the grinding noises the diapers made around their union. Shining’s hoof found his renewed erection and began to pet it under its luxurious prison. Spike pressed his snout into Shining’s mane and neck, peppering him with butterfly kisses. “...nghh...c-can’t...” Shining mewled like a kitten, “...g-gonna...again...” Spike’s intensity had already increased. As he rammed his penis home, claiming his horde, he muttered back through labored breathing of his own. “...s’s-ok...m-make a mess in your diaper...th-then we’ll change you again...a-and cuddle till the c-cider tast...tasttahh...!” Spike bucked like a pony and pulled his snout away to emit a cascading rumble that vibrated his entire body. Seconds later he hilted and bit his lip as he began to pour ropes of his gooey, fertile dragon seed deep into his stallion’s bottom. Shining Armor, his thoughts short-circuited by the overload of sensations, released in time with his partner, painting the inside of his diaper and his freshly-cleaned coat with another warm, wet pool of semen. Overhead, falling leaves spun in trails from their summertime perches. Occasionally one of them would find brief respite somewhere on the intertwined, writing bodies of pony and dragon. The pair continued their lovemaking until both were empty of seed, and then held one another close to fade in and out of a delicious afternoon nap. Dragon still buried inside of stallion, they playfully rubbed up against each other just to add a crinkle noise to the sounds of nature, until a deep kiss turned their thoughts towards the next promised clean up and change.