Mortal Kombat, Equestria's Champion

by Lunastar2099

First published

The son of Reptile finds himself in a new realm

Razar the son of Reptile has been sent to the realm of Equestria, six months after Shinnok's defeat he finds himself in a world of anthropomorphic ponies, his only concern is surviving and avoiding the forces of Earthrealm and Outworld , but little does Razor know, this new realm is not as innocent as it looks, he needs to prepare for whats in store for him.

Note: I don't own My little pony or Mortal Kombat. Razar and the OC's in the story is all I own. also adding dark, sad, and tragedy into the mix.

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My name is Razar, but I was once known as Leon Wilson, let me start from the beginning so you can understand what am about to explain. First off I'm not human...well not entirely, you see one part of me is human and the other part is Zaterrian and for those of you who don't know what a Zaterrian is, they're basically humanoid raptor like creatures.

I used to be a normal kid, I had a great family even though it was just me and my dad Rick,a middle aged white man. Rick wasn't my real father but I didn't know it at first, but that didn't matter he took care of me as if I was his real son.

I didn't have many friends growing up, I was an outcast, at the time I looked like a normal human all except my eyes, they were lime green with black slits kinda like a snake and because of my eyes I would always wear sunglasses. Every time some asshole would call me a freak, a fight would always break out between me and the punk.

When the guy fighting couldn't win against me, his lackeys would gang up on me. The bullying and the taunts continued up until 8th grade, the bullies were all ganging up on me again, that was when I meet two girls who came to my aid, the're names where Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs two older girls from my towns high-school sophomores to be exact, I watched as the two of them effortlessly beat the thugs without breaking a sweat.

After that I became friends with both of them. Cassie was sarcastic and pretty annoying, but her heart was in the right place, Jacqui was really nice and showed concern for me after the beating I received, we would hang out occasionally and I eventually asked them where they learned to fight like that, then they told me something really surprising, Cassie's dad was the famous movie star and martial artist Johnny Cage and her mother Sonya Blade was a member of special forces.

She and Jacqui were both training under Cassie's mom and dad, it was no wonder they were good at fighting, they asked me if I wanted to learn how to fight properly they could take me to meet Cassie's parents, I was excited to meet such important people and learn how to fight like a pro.

I still remember the first time I met Cassie's parents, Mr Cage was annoying and immature at the time, I now understood where Cassie got her personality from, Sonya on the other hand was very strict and drop dead terrifying when she wanted to be, and she was a brutal when me and her sparred.

Johnny and I got along better, I was actually a big fan of his. I watched some of his old movies from the 80's and really enjoyed them, he also like the sunglasses that I wore, he even jokingly stated that I could pass for his son as long as I had my sunglasses on.

One day I was sparing Jacqui and she ended up kicking me in the face and knocked off my sunglasses, she, Cassie and Cassie's parents we're all shocked, that was the first time seeing me without my sunglasses, I felt that they were going to start calling me a freak right there and tell me to get out, but Johnny just handed me my sunglasses back, I was confused Johnny and Sonya's reactions, it was not what I had expected, they seemed calm and collected, Cassie and Jacqui were a little scared, but they stayed calm, when I asked them why they weren't demanding that I leave, they said that they don't discriminate people.

I was surprised at their kind words, here were people who didn't judge me because of my eyes, Cassie even said that my eyes kinda looked cool, for the first time in my life I found friends.

Me,Cassie and Jacqui grew close Despite me being in middle school and they in high school, thanks to Cassie's parents and their training, all my bully problems were over, my life was going to get better...but I thought wrong. One year later, the night after my 14th birthday, my body went through a change and I'm not talking about puberty, my skin became rough and somewhat scaly like a lizard, my teeth began to grow sharper, my muscles expanded and the nails on my hands and feet become claws, after that I looked at myself in the mirror.

To my horror I looked like a human raptor hybrid, my skin didnt turn green but I didn't look like a normal human being anymore, my teeth were very sharp and my tounge was long and forked like a snake. I broke down crying, my eyes were one thing but now I had the appreance of a monster, I must have been crying loud because Rick came into my room to check on me.


Leon was sitting on his bed crying, covering his face with his hands, he looked like a human raptor hybrid from a bad syfy movie, he then heard Ricky knocking on his door.

"Hey Leon are you okay?" asked Rick outside the room, "don't come in dad please" begged Leon not wanting his father to see him like this, afraid that he will find him repulsive, but Rick entered anyone, he was about to turn on the lights, but Leon stopped him, "STOP" shouted Leon, as Rick froze in his tracks.

"Dad I need to ask you something, do you love me?" asked Leon with a bit of fear in his voice. Rick looked appalled at the question, "what kind of question is that?" asked Rick shocked to why his only child would ask such a thing.

Just answer the question" said Leon

"Of course I love you, you're my son" answered Rick who was really confused at his son's behavior. "When you turn on those lights,will you promise me not to freak out and call me a monster?" asked Leon.

Rick had just about enough of this, he wanted to know what was wrong with his son, as soon as he turned on the light he was shocked and horrified at Leon's appreance, he held his hands up "dad please help me I don't know what's wrong with me" said Leon desperately.

Rick was still trying to comprehend what was happening to his son, he came close to Leon and put his hands on his shoulders, "calm down Leon just calm down" said Rick attempting to calm his son.

"Calm down?!, dad look at me am hideous, I look like a fucking science experiment gone wrong!" shouted Leon, "I may not be a doctor Leon, but I think you have some sort of genetic disorder" said Rick.

"But what's everyone going to say about me, what's Cassie and Jacque gonna think of me now?" asked Leon still sobbing.

Listen Leon, skip school tomorrow and when I come home from work, I'll call a doctor to come over to the house to take a look at you alright" said Rick.

"Ok dad I will" said Leon, "and don't answer the door for anyone, stay in the house watch TV, play video games, but don't let anyone see you ok." Said Rick sternly, he was worried that people would ridicule and ostracized Leon for his new appreance.

(end of flashback)

[i]Dad was true to his word because that day he brought a doctor to the house to check me, and as expected the doctor was horrified, but he kept his composure, he gave me a check up took my blood (which was difficult to obtain as the needle couldn't easily pierce my scaly skin) he took my temperature.

The doc told dad that he would have to take me to the hospital and run a few tests on me to figure out what was wrong with me, I was hesitant to go out in public like this, but dad said that we'd find a way to get there.

The next day we went to the hospital, I was wearing a gray hoodie, black face mask to hide my mouth, my sunglasses to hide my eyes and gloves to hide my clawed hands. We found the same doctor and he was alone, to my relive, I didn't want anyone else to see me. The doc ran a few tests on me, give me X rays.

We spent nearly the whole day at the hospital trying to figure out what I had, but the doctor still wasn't getting any results, and just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, a damn nurse barged right into the room we were in to ask the doc a question, and the moment she saw me, the bitch screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her screams alerted everyone who was around us, patients, other doctors and nurses and pretty much ever staff member that was on our floor came to see what was wrong and pretty much saw me. They weren't just afraid, I could see hatred in their eyes, I can still remember everything they called me, monster, freak, abomination and the list goes on, Rick immediately got me out of there, but people took photos and no doubt those photos would get leaked to the public.

Two days passed since the events of the hospital and my image was plastered over the news, my life was going down the drain. I asked Rick why was this happening to me, he said that it was probably time to time me something that he should have told me a long time ago. He told me that I wasn't his real son, I was shocked, he then told me about his tragic past that he has been hiding for years.

He told me that he used to be married and that his wife who's name was Sophia was six months pregnant with his child. He explained that one day while they were on their way home after buying the groceries, a drunk driver crashed into them really hard. The crash had put Rick into a coma, when he awoke two weeks later, he was told that his wife Sophia and the baby were killed upon impact. Rick was devastated, the woman that he loved was gone, along with his unborn child.

He said that he was close to committing suicide, except one night right before he could take his life, there was a knock at his door, he went to open it, but no one was there to greet him, except a baby in a basket that had been sit on his porch. I now knew that the baby was me, it became clear to me that I was the reason that Rick didn't kill himself was because of me, I was touched that and very grateful to him for raising me.

The following night I awoke to the sound of yelling coming from outside of our house, looked out my window and down below into our front lawn and saw a large group of people, all who were carrying weapons like knifes, machetes and some were even holding shotguns and rifles.

It didn't take a genius to know what these people were here for, they were here for me. They were saying that they needed to kill the monster and to protect their kids from me. I was appalled that they would think I would kill children. Rick tried to calm the mob down, but they weren't listening. When Rick wouldn't move out of the way, the guy who was leading the mob he- he shot Rick with his rifle.

In that moment all the fear I had turned into pure rage, I jumped right out of the window shattering it. Before the mob could even react I was unleashing hell upon them, I didn't even realize that I was moving a lot faster and my strength was three times that of a normal human. My primal instincts were getting the better of me. The blood of Rick's killers colored the streets, I was able to unarm the men with guns and swiftly kill them.

I left the bastard who shot Rick dead alive and broken, he had both his legs and his right arm broken. The fucking bastard was begging me for mercy, he and this dead mob who came to kill me was begging for mercy, I reacted by slashing his throat open with my claws, but I didn't stop there, I began to mutilate his body in a fit of rage until it became unrecognizable. After I was finished I went over to Rick, he was still alive, but barley. I held his hand and began to weep, he was crying too, he told me that he loved before he finally died

Then I heard a child's scream, I looked at the direction of the scream and saw not only a little girl but the whole neighborhood looking at me with pure fear. I saw the carnage that I had caused, I looked around and to my horror, there was Cassie and Jacqui standing there with a look of fear and horror on their faces.

I walked over to them and tried to explain what had happened, but Cassie pulled out a Bowie knife and swiped at me, which left a scar on my chest Jacqui punched me in the face and knocked me down, they called me a monster, that stung soon the entire neighborhood began top chase after me . I fled, I ran and ran until I was deep in the woods away from civilization.

After I was alone in the woods, I realized that I could never show my face in public every again, Rick was dead, I had blood on my hands and Cassie and Jacqui now saw me as a monster. I sat on a log and began to weep, I would have to live the rest of my life like a savage animal in the wild, hunting animals, sleeping in caves and catching fishes in nearby rivers and lakes, that would be my new life now... or so I thought.

After surviving for a couple of weeks in the wilderness, I was approached by three individuals, two of them were wearing dark cloaks which covered their faces and get this, they were floating. The third one to my surprise was a raptor like humanoid like me, only difference was that his skin was green and looked more lizard like and he was wearing armor.


Leon was very cautious of these three individuals, the two in dark cloaks were floating and the other one was a humanoid like raptor just like him, before he could do anything the other raptor hybrid spoke to one of the cloaked figures.

"Is this him sorcerers?" asked the raptor in a hissing tone. "Yes this young one is your offspring" said the first sorcerer.

"Our locator spell would not have lead us to him if he wasn't" said the second sorcerer. Leon was confused, he had no idea what these guys were talking about. The raptor then walked towards Leon.

"After so many years I've finally found you Razar" said the raptor. Leon decided to speak up, "I think you have mistaken for someone else, my name is Leon not Razar" said Leon

"No boy your name is Razar, you are my son" said the raptor. Leon was surprised this creature just told him that he was his son, and if what he said is true, then that would explain his appearance.

"I am Reptile and I have come to take you with me back to Outworld" said Reptile, Leon was now confused, Outworld was that another world besides earth? He was still hesitant to go with them, Reptile saw that his child was hesitant. "Do you really wish to stay in Earthrealm among these pitiful humans, the same creatures who rejected you?" asked Reptile, "but if you come with me, you will be feared and respected, and you can have anything your heart desires." said Reptile offering Leon his hand.

Leon was overthinking about Reptile's offer, if he stayed on earth he would have to keep living in the wilderness, but this guy Reptile was offering him a better life, a life where he wouldn't be ostracized.

He stood up and shook Reptile's hand, "I'm interested take me to this 'Outworld' and help me become strong" said Leon with fire burning in his eyes. Reptile gave a satisfied grin revealing his sharp teeth. The shadow priest started chanting and a portal appeared, "from this day foward you will forsake your life here in Earthrealm and be known as Razar a proud member of the Zaterran race" said Reptile "Now come my son, you have much to learn."

Soon Leon now known as Razar followed his real father into his new life in Outworld.

(End of flashback)

After following Reptile through the portal I was in a big palace of some sort, in a throne room to be exact. The guy sitting on the throne was a man with bluish gray skin, milky white eyes and he was dressed like an Aztec warrior. Reptile told me that he was the emperor of Outworld Kotal Khan, Kotal asked Reptile who I was and why he had brought me.

Reptile told him that I was his son, and that he would be training me in the arts of ninjutsu. Kotal had a look of surprise on his face, he then turned to me and started walking towards me. He said that if I, an Earthrealmer wanted asylum in Outworld, then I would have to pledge my loyalty to him.

I had nothing to go back to in Earthrealm, Rick was gone, he was the only precious person I had back there, but since he was gone I decided to make a new life in Outworld. I got on one knee and pledged my loyalty to Kotal Kahn.

I spent ten years in Outworld, going through intensive training with my Zaterrian father. Reptile did not pull his punches during our sparing matches, he was brutal and merciless. Reptile gave me some weapons, a Kusarigama which is a scythe attached to a chain and a ninja sword.

In the first three years, I met the other Outworld Warriors, such as Ermac, who by the way scares the hell out of me, because his eyes glow bright green, he floats and the fact that he carries over 27,000 souls inside his own body.

Then there was Erron Black a gun-toting asshole, when he first mentioned his name, I realized who he really was. A while back in 5th grade I did a project on one of Texas most dangerous and deadliest outlaw, which so happens to be Erron Black, his disappearance was one of the biggest mysteries in American history.

The next one was bizarre, it was a giant creature wearing armor with a sack over his head and a single hole in it revealing its red eye. On the creatures back was a young girl wearing armored spikes, she was odd, when she saw me, she said, 'you new ally, you, Ferra and torr will kill enemies'. I didn't know what to think of this girl, I just hoped she didn't sic that thing on me.

I even meet Kotal Kahn's father Kotal K'etz he looked just like his son only slightly bigger. The last one was the most vile, her name was D'Vorah, she was a Kytinn, an insect like humunoid, just looking at her made me want to vomit. I made sure not to interact with her unless Emperor Kotal Kahn ordered me to do a recon mission with her. I always had a weird feeling about her, like she wasn't an ally.

When I wasn't training with Reptile, I was studying in the Outworld archives, learning all about Outworld. I found out that there was an emperor before Kotal, his name was Shao Kahn there were paintings of him, and he looked terrifying. Everything about him screamed warlord, I read how he merged many other realms with Outworld, such as a realm called Edenia, and from the sounds of it, it was one of the most beautiful realms ever, until Shao Kahn merged it with his.

I later found out how Shao Kahn was defeated by the Thunder God Raiden, when he tried to take Earthrealm years ago, another surprising detail the archives showed pictures of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade. I was beyond surprised, Cassie's parents had fought against Shao Kahn forces many years ago, I did not expect that.

I was broken out of my thoughts when a soldier came in to tell me urgent news, Mileena one of our dangerous criminals and Shao Kahn's heir was attacking the palace with her rebel army. I fought during that battle, and I came face to face with the crazy bitch herself. She was by far one of the deadliest opponents that I ever faced, she was fast and nimble and if it hadn't been for Reptile's training, she would have killed me.

I managed to drive her back by turning invisible, a little trick that Reptile showed me. After she and her army retreated, Kotal sent me, his father and a handful of troops after her. We marched towards our destination, but instead of Mileena, there was Rain the edenian prince, another wanted criminal and the Shokan prince Goro.

K'tez told me about Goro, he said that thanks to him and former Outworld General Reiko, he and his son were the last two Osh-Tekks existence. I could tell by the look on K'etz face that he wanted fight Goro by himself to avenge his people, so I respected his wishes.

As we prepared to fight, we were ambushed by Red dragon mercenaries and their leader Mavado, Kotal K'etz who was now in possession of Shao Kahn's war hammer battled Goro, while me and the troops fought the mercenaries. K'etz could have defeated Goro easily, if it wasn't for that bastard Rain covering the sun with rain clouds which weakend K'etz's abilities.

Almost all of our troops were slaughtered, I was still fighting Mavado, K'etz was getting beaten badly, I watched as Goro punched and slammed him around like a rag doll. I tried to help him, but that piece of shit Mavado wouldn't let me go anywhere.

Mavado managed to knock me on the ground and held me at gunpoint and forced me to watch as Goro killed K'etz by smashing his head with the hammer. The sight of that made me want to vomit my guts out. Mavado then gathered my remaining troops and had his mercenaries execute them all except me. Goro held me up by my neck, he only spared me so I can go to Kotal Kahn and tell him about his father's fate and he wanted to kill me in front of Reptile.

I made it back to the palace and delivered the news to Kotal. He didn't take it well, he was furious, he immediately gathered his best fighters and went after Goro. He confronted him and challenged him to Mortal Kombat, I along with the rest of our allies were hidden to ambush the red dragon mercenaries nearby. Rain then blocked the sun again with his powers to weaken Kotal's abilities, and despite the sun being blocked Kotal was still able to use his powers and badly burned that son of bitch.

Goro had the upper hand at first and it looked like Kotal would share the same fate as his father, that was until Goro began to mock Kotal about his father's death. Kotal went berserk and began beat Goro mercilessly. Then he took his blade and cut off all four of his arms. I was amazed at Kotal's strength, we all then sprang into action and ambushed Goro's group.

After eliminating the enemy troops, Goro now armless, was at the mercy of Kotal, Goro begged Kotal to kill him, but he refused. Kotal wanted Goro to feel humiliation of not being granted a warrior's death, with no other choice Goro went back to his home defeated.

A couple weeks later we had two surprising visitors, two people from Earthrealm to my surprise, it was Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade. I couldn't believe my eyes, I never thought that I would see them again. Luckily, they didn't recognize me for I was wearing my ninja gear (think of reptile's movie design) .

They came to Outworld looking for Cassie and Jacqui, she had been kidnapped by the black dragon clan, Kotal sent me, Reptile and D'Vorah to help Johnny and Sonya. We traveled to Shang Tsung's island where we found a badly wounded Erron Black and a dead Mavado, Black revealed that he and the black dragon mercenaries were attacked by the red dragon. He told us that it was Cassie and Jacqui who defeated him and killed Mavado.

While Johnny and Sonya decided to go find the girls, me Reptile and D'Vorah took Erron back to Outworld to treat his wounds. After we went back to Outworld, the city was under siege by a Shokan army led by Goro's father King Gorbak, who wanted revenge on Kotal Kahn for what he did to his son.

The battle was intense the streets were stained with blood of soldiers and civilians, I decided to help the civilians escape and find shelter, I rounded up as many people as possible.

After making sure they were safe I joined the battle, I fought alongside Reptile, helping him repel the shokan forces, most of our troops believed that we would not survive these battle, but fate smiled upon us. Kotal managed to kill Gorbak by crushing his head with his bare hands, it was ironic, Goro killed Kotal's father in a similar way, and now Kotal did it to Goro's father.

With the Shokan king dead and the prince crippled, the Shokan army's morale fell greatly and every single one of them retreated, which means that the rebels were severely weakened without the Shokan.

seven years have passed, I had turned twenty three and the civil war was still going on, Kotal had made a peace treaty with Earthrealm. Mileena who still leading her rebel army now had a powerful amulet at her disposal, but not just any amulet, it was the fallen elder god Shinnok's and thanks to that Mileena wiped out half our forces with it.

Then if it wasn't bad enough, while I was on patrol with Erron black, four Earthrealmers showed up in Outworld. They were Cassie, Jacqui, and two other guys whom I did not know, it took everything for me not to attack Cassie and Jacqui, I still hadn't forgiven them. The archer managed to convince Black to take them to Kotal Kahn as we were walking towards the palace, there was an execution going on.

A man was going beheaded for stealing bread, I was appalled that this man was going to be put to death for petty theft, and I wasn't the only one. The archer whose name was Kung Jin was disgusted as well, he did something very noble and stupid at the same time, he shot the executioner with and arrow and freed the man. Although I didn't say it out loud, I was grateful for what he did.

Soon a fight broke out between us, Erron fought the monk while I took the opportunity to fight Cassie, she was tougher than I remembered, but I managed to knock her ass to the floor, she was strong, but her cocky attitude was her biggest weakness. I began to punch her in a blind fury, I still remember when she called me a monster and turned her back on me that dreadful day.

Jacqui tackled me off her and then we both fought. I was able to beat Jacqui using close range combat. The archer who manger to beat Black confronted me. He defeated me using his shaolin training. At least I was able to bruise Cassie's ego before the archer beat me, that brought me great satisfaction. Kotal then arrived; we were told that there were refugees from Outworld going to Earthrealm to get away from the war.

Kotal said that he would pardon the Earthrealmer's transactions, if one of them could defeat him in a duel. Kung Jin was the one to accept the challenge, both fighters fought well, but in the end Kung Jin emerged victorious. Kotal was true to his word and spared Cassie's team.

Thanks to the information that Cassie had gotten from her mother, whom she had gotten from Kano, we now knew were Mileena and the rebels were hiding, the Kuantan jungle. Kotal sent me and D'Vorah to help Cassie retrieve the amulet and to capture Mileena. We made our way to the jungle there we battled Mileena, Rain and Tanya another Edenian, after defeating the three of them and retrieving the amulet, we took Mileena to Kotal Kahn.

Kotal ordered D'Vorah to kill execute Mileena and it was gruesome to watch, D'Vorah had her flesh eating parasites eat Mileena alive. If it had been up to me, I would have give her a swift death. I took Mileena's sais, seeing that she was dead, she would no longer have use for them.

After Mileena was executed, the rebellion was finally over. Kotal decided to keep the amulet in Outworld for safe keeping believing that Earthrealm was no longer capable of keeping it safe, he then kept Cassie and her team prisoner as leverage against the thunder god Raiden. I was skeptical at his idea, because I was afraid it would violate the Reiko accords, we have with Earthrealm.

One hour later, I was studying in the archives when I get word that Cassie and her team escape and that D'Vorah had betrayed us and took off with the amulet. I always had a feeling that there was something fishy about her, now my suspicions were proven true. Kotal gathered a large number of troops and made our way to Earthrealm, I was a bit nervous on going back to Earthrealm for the first time in seven years

When entered Earthrealm the skies were red, we were confronted by Cassie's team and a group of ninja's wearing blue, who were being led by a cryomancer. As we fought, I heard Kotal saying that he would appease to Shinnok by turning Cassie's team to him, so that Outworld could be spared from the fallen god's wrath.

I wasn't on board with Kotal's plan, I had a really bad feeling that Shinnok wasn't going to sparing any realm from the NetherRealm's fury. After Cassie's friends mange to escape thanks to ninja clan which was named the Lin Kuei, I managed to follow them to Raiden's Sky temple using my invisibility.

When I made it, I saw Jacqui and the other guy, who Jacqui called Takeda were fighting a strange group of people, they looked like they were possessed, I decided to help Jacqui and her friend. They were both surprised that an Outworlder would help them, as we fought together, I asked them who were these guys attacking us. Jacqui explained that they were the fallen warriors who fought against Shao Kahn when he invaded Earthrealm and were resurrected by the sorcerer named Quan Chi to serve as his revenant slaves.

I was then able to recognize a few of them like queen Sindel, princess Kitana, and the famous shaolin monk Liu Kang, I remember reading about them in the Outworld achieves. We managed to defeat them, the one called Takeda was still injured, so Jacqui stayed with him, while I entered temple, I saw the archer Kung Jin knocked out on the floor and Cassie fighting some sort of demon.

I jumped into the fight, Cassie was surprised to see me, but quickly shook it off. I asked her what the hell we were up against. She told me that this thing was actually Shinnok after he corrupted the Jensei.

Me and Cassie put aside our differences and battled the fallen elder god, and it that fight was the most dangerous fight I had every been in, I was almost killed. Shinnok broke my left arm and shattered ten of my ribs with a kick. Cassie then saved my ass and defeated Shinnok, I was in so much pain that I didnt even realize that my hood and face mask was destroyed, and Cassie got a good look at my face. She gasped and called me Leon, I quickly turned invisible as special forces soldiers arrived, I ran as fast and far as possible to get away despite my injuries.

I made it back to the forest where I arrived from Outworld, the forest was littered with the dead bodies of outworld troops and the ninja clan, Reptile appeared before me, and he was angry. He told me shocking news; Kotal Kahn as branded me a traitor for assisting the Earthrealm warriors and if I returned to Outworld I would be put to death. I was scared and angry, I was branded a traitor helping save both Earthrealm and Outworld from Shinnok and his Netherrealm forces.

Reptile was accompanied by one shadow priest, he had the priest heal my injuries, I felt a little bit better, but I was still feeling sore. Reptile then gave me a bag full of food and a couple of weapons, such Kunais and Shuriken, before he went back to Outworld, he told me his real name was Syzoth and that my mother was an Edenian named Xena, He told me that she was a fierce warrior that killed many of Shao Kahn's men when he invaded Edenia. She was forced to serve Shao Kahn and during her servitude she fell in love with Syzoth, which later conceived me. He told me that despite being Saurian my mother loved me with all her heart. I asked him why did she give me up, but not even he knew why.

He had the shadow priest open up a portal for me, which lead to the Colorado forest, a perfect place for me to hide, I stepped through the portal and as it closed, I swear that I saw Syzoth shed a tear before it closed, guess he did love me like his son after all. I was now trapped in Earthrealm, Cassie now knew that I was alive and probably has special forces hunting me down.

I was back to where I started, living in the wilderness, It was only one week of living there when a strange man with white hair tied in a long braided pony tail and white glowing eyes approached me. He introduced himself as Fujin the god of wind, he came to me with an offer, which was to send me to new realm where I could start a new life, away from Earthrealm and Outworld. He said that the name of the realm was Equest, he said that this realm was not known to Earthrealm or Outworld, so finding me would be near impossible. I agreed to go to Equest, because sooner or later I will be found by Outworld, they could find me the same way Syzoth found me seven years ago.

Fujin then teleported us to the new realm, we found ourselves in a forest, he said that I was free to live my life anyway I want, he wished me luck and vanished in a gust of wind. I decided to live in the forest away from civilization. I could finally live my life in peace.

Regular POV

It's been six months since Razar came to Equest, he's made himself a cabin in the woods which was named the everfree forest, it took a lot of hard work, but his home was complete. Right now he was catching some salmon in the nearby river, he had made himself a bow and a couple of arrows. He fired a couple of arrows and thanks to his keen eyesight he had caught 8 salmons. He then took his fish and retreated back into the forest.

Razar walked for a couple of minutes until he reached a hut like tree, "Zecora are you home?" called out Razar, then the door to the hut opened, and out walked out an anthropomorphic zebra.

"Ah welcome Razar, I see you brought the salmon, you could put them in my wagon" said Zecora. Razar then put four salmon into Zecora's wagon, four for him and four for her. Razar had met Zecora three weeks ago, he was attacked by a creature known as a Manticore, he fought back and managed to kill it, but was struck by it's poison stinger and almost died if it wasn't for Zecora, since then he helps her in anyway he can by collecting plants, berries and food for her and in exchange she gives him some medicine and elixirs and food from ponyville for his troubles.

"There you go Zecora four salmons just for you." said Razar. Zecora then handed him some medicine. "So how is ponyville treating you this days?" Razar asked. "You do not need to worry my dear friend for I have made up long ago with the ponies in the end." said Zecora

"That's good to hear, well I need to get going, if you ever need anything else just let me know okay" said Razar. "Well do" said Zecora. After gathering his supplies, he walked back to his home, Razar was grateful to Zecora for bringing him supplies from ponyville, she understood better than anybody that the ponies in this world were scared of the unknown, so doubts that the town will give him a warm welcome.

Finally he made it home he took some wood that he had stacked outside, he set the wood by the camp fire and started the fire and began to cook the salmon and the vegetables that Zecora brought him. After it was done he began to eat his food in peace. As he was eating he heard something in the bushes, he picked up his bow and aimed it towards the the source of the sound.

To his surprise and relieve it was just a dog with brown and white fur with a red collar, Razar put down his bow as the dog walked up to, more specifically his food. Razar could tell the dog was female when it got close to him. "What is girl, you hungry?" asked Razor, the just barked, Razar then gave her a piece of his salmon, which she devoured in a second.

Razar then checked her collar and saw that the dog had a name, "Winona, huh that's a nice name, wonder what you're doing all the way out here " said Razar. Just then it started to thunder, signifying that it was going to rain, he got the remainder of his food and headed inside.

Razar looked back and saw the the dog was following him, seeing as the dog had nowhere to go and considering how dangerous this forest was, Winona could get killed out, what can he say Razar had a soft spot for dogs.

"Come in girl, you can stay here for tonight" said Razar, Winona barked happily and entered the cabin, Tomorrow he'll go back to Zecora to see if she knows who this dog belongs to and with that he drifted of to sleep.

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Razar had awoken around what he believed to be five am, since the dawn was approaching, he went to go make some breakfast with the eggs that Zecora had brought him from Ponyville. When Razar had found out about Ponyville, he actually considered going there, but from what Zecora told him from past experience, the ponies weren't exactly welcoming of species they found scary, so he highly doubted that they would welcome a human/Zaterran hybrid, his appearance would frighten anyone.

His train of thought was broken by the dog he found last night Winona, she was already up and look like she needed to go to the bathroom. “Don’t even think about it mutt, you do that shit outside” said Razar as he opened the door and instantly the dog ran out to relieve herself. He then took a long stick and tied four water jugs to it, two on each end.

After Winona was finished she followed Razar to wherever he was going. They had arrived at a large waterfall, Razor removed his ninja clothing and began to shower under the falling water. Once he was finished he began to fill the jugs with water, he then tied the jugs to the stick and began to head back to the direction of his home.

While walking back Razar couldn’t help but wonder who Winona belongs to, maybe he should go to Zecora and ask her if she knows the owner…. nah besides she’s probably still sleeping, it’s still too early anyway, perhaps he could go train some more, Syzoth would not like it if he started slacking off.

Razar had been training for four hours, practicing his accuracy with his bow and his Kunai, training in using his chain scythe. After training for so long he decided to take a break, he picked up one of the water jugs and began to drink. As he was drinking he realized that winter would be here soon, he had noticed the leaves, they were orange, meaning that it was the fall. Once the last leaf fell winter would be upon him, he needed to stock up on food and supplies such as firewood if he was going to make it through the harsh winter

Razar’s thoughts was interrupted when he heard Winona growling, Razar looked in the direction where the dog’s attention was, and whatever it was it showed itself, it was four tall skinny overall disgusting humanoid creatures with gray skin pointed ears, sharp teeth and long tongues, the one in the middle who was wearing tattered robes spoke first.

“Well well well, look at what we just found, fresh meat.” said the clothed, who Razar assumed to be the boss, the other three laughed in response. “I like the scaly one, reptile meat is delicious” said one of the ghouls licking its lips,

Razar hissed threateningly, he read about ghouls from a book about the dangerous creatures of the everfree forest that Zecora had given him, they were disgusting creatures who hunted in packs and would eat their prey alive, sometimes the would dig up graves and eat the corpses. Razor theorized that these ghouls were looking for prey since winter is coming.

“I want the dog boss, I hear that dog meat is also good” said the another ghoul, “You hideous freaks leave now, I’m not in the mood to deal with any of you right now.” the leader just laughed, “Oh we love challenging prey, makes the meat taste even better.” said the demented creature. Soon all four of them charged, Razar was quick to pick up his bow and fire an arrow at one of the ghoul’s head, killing it instantly

As the other three got close they swiped at him with their claws, which Razar easily dodged. The leader ghoul went after Winona, who ran into the forest, Razor was going to give chase, but the other two blocked his path. He continued to dodge the ghoul’s attack, but he forgot about the second one who clawed him from behind.

Razar fell to the ground and hissed in pain, the ghoul grabbed him while he was down and threw him against the wall of his home. Razar ignored the pain and got back up, he charged the two ghouls with his sword drawn, the first ghoul swiped his claws, but Razar jumped over him and sliced it’s head clean off. Seeing another fellow ghoul dead, the remaining one, charged at Razar with blind fury. Razar quickly ducked under the swing of the ghoul, which ended up destroying a big rock in pieces.

Razar was surprised at the level of strength that the ghoul possessed, but he wasn’t frightened at all, the tarkatans back in Outworld were better fighters and these ghouls had no experience in fighting a skilled opponent. Razar slashed at the ghoul’s body with his sword, the ghoul just screeched in pain as it continued to land a hit on Razar.

Razar then slashed the legs causing it to go down, Razor took off his mask revealing his reptilian face and proceeded to spew acid on the ghoul. The ghoul screeched in agony as the acid burned away at it’s skin until all that was left was a bloody skeleton. Razor then quickly took off into the forest to pursue the last ghoul who went after Winona. As Razor was running, he sniffed the air and picked up Winona scent, he immediately headed in the direction, running as quick as he can.

After catching up, Razar saw Winona in the claws of the last ghoul, it was licking its lips and opening his mouth ready to eat her, Razar quickly tackled the ghoul to the ground, causing it to let go of Winona. Razar began to punch the ghoul in the face as much as he could, but the creature managed to push him off of him.

The Ghoul looked at Razar with an annoyed look, “You’re still alive? I thought you be food by now.” said the ghoul, “You’re friends are dead and you'll be joining them in the afterlife” said Razar. The two then charged at each other with the intent to kill, Razar punched the ghoul in the stomach, causing it to double over in pain, while he was down Razar kneed him in the face. Razar went for the kill, but the ghoul was quick to kick Razar in the face, stopping his attack. The ghoul then morphed into a giant bat, Razar read about this, ghouls can take the form of whatever they eat, this ghoul is a lot stronger than the ones he killed.

The bat ghoul flew high into the air and came down for what Razar assumed to an aerial attack, but the bat picked up a log from the ground effortlessly and rammed it straight into Razar. The combined weight of the log and the speed, broke at least four of Razar’s ribs, after taking the force of that attack Razar was struggling to breath, blood was dripping out of his mouth. Razar tried to get up, but he was tackled by the bat creature. Despite his injuries Razar continued to fight back, the bat attempted to grab Razor with its feet, he was quick to slash at the bat ghoul with his sword, if the thing managed to left him off into the air, it would be the end for him, as the ghoul would drop him and he would plummet to his death. Razar threw a couple of shuriken at the monster, the blades hit the target in the chest but the creature did not fall down, the bat ghoul removed the blades and the wounds healed immediately.

Razar cursed, another ability that ghouls possessed, able to heal from any injure, he would have to make sure that the wound was fatal. Razar fired a couple of arrows at the ghoul all aimed at its head, but the damn creature was to agile in the air.

Razar was about to fire another arrow only to realize that he had run out. “Aw shit” cursed Razar, the ghoul then took the opportunity to grab Razar and carry him off. Razar screeched in pain as the ghoul’s claws dug deep into his shoulders. The ghoul dropped Razar and was rolling down a hill, he managed to stop himself before he fell of the cliff at the end of the hill, he was about to get up, but the ghoul landed right on top of him.

“That was most thrilling fight I've ever been in scaly one, I don’t know what race you belong to, but your abilities are very interesting, I’ll enjoy making them my own as I feast on your meat” said the ghoul as he opened his mouth ready to eat Razar.

Thinking fast Razar spit acid into the ghoul’s face, the ghoul let go of him to cover his face as it burned. Razar took the chance to grab the ghoul and threw both him the creature off the cliff and into the trees below.

Meanwhile in the forest a purple dragon with green scales was walking with three fillies. “Applebloom what makes you so sure that Winona is here in the everfree forest?” asked Spike.

“We’ve searched all over ponyville looking for her Spike, where else could she be?” said Applebloom.

“I sure hope so because if she is not here then that means we went into the everfree for nothing” said Sweetie Belle frightened.

“Even if she is here, what makes you think that she hasn’t become food for the creatures that live here?” asked Scootaloo.

“SCOOTALOO” screamed Spike and Sweetie Belle, Applebloom looked horrified at the thought of her beloved family dog being eaten being eaten by some monster, their thoughts were interrupted by a rustle in the nearby bushes. Spike quickly jumped in front of the girls, ready to protect them.

To their relieve and to Applebloom’s joy, it was Winona. Applebloom ran to her dog and hugged her. “Oh Winona, I’ve missed you so much, please don’t run away ever again” said Applebloom. While Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were petting the dog happy to see her again, Spike noticed the wounds on the dog. “Hey girls look at those wounds she has” said Spike, the girls took a close look at Winona, and saw the claw marks on her.

“Oh my gosh we gotta get her to Fluttershy, she’ll know what to do” said Applebloom with a look of panic on her face. As the four friends got ready to leave, something fell right in front of them. It was a giant bat creature fighting what appeared to be a ninja in green and black clothing, the four friends and the dog quickly hid behind a tree and watched as the ninja and the bat fought.

Razar stabbed his sword straight through the bat’s chest, Razar knew that wouldn't kill it and he was reaching his limit, he needed to kill this son of a bitch fast, he quickly grabbed the ghoul’s head and using all his strength, he twisted the creature’s neck, hearing the sick but satisfying crack, the now dead ghoul went back to its original form. Razar was breathing hard, that fight took a lot out of him, the adrenaline that he had vanished and he was feeling the pain of the his broken ribs.

Razar began to head in the direction of Zecora hut, she had some healing potions that were basically miracles. his audience who who saw him kill the ghoul were pretty scared. “D-Did you guys see that?” asked Sweetie Belle was shaking from having to witness the ghoul’s neck getting snapped.

“That guy killed a ghoul” said Spike shocked, ghouls were tough to kill and whoever that guy was he killed it with his bare hands.

“What should we do” said Sweetie Belle scared.

“I say we go after it” said Scootaloo trying to act tough.

“Are you crazy Scootaloo, that thing took down a ghoul, what makes you think we can take it?” asked Applebloom

“It’s injured we can take it” said a confident Scootaloo.

“No” said Spike, the three fillies looked at Spike.

“Aw come on Spike we can totally take that wannabe ninja, we’ve been taking lesson from Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor.” said Scootaloo

“Look at the dead ghoul Scootaloo, killing a ghoul is not an easy task to accomplish, if that guy could pull this off, then he would have no problem taking us despite his injuries, and not to mention the fact that ghouls hunt in packs, there could be more of them out here. I think that what we should do is get Winona to Fluttershy so that she could patch her up” said Spike

Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were on board with Spike’s idea since they wanted to get out of the everfree forest and get medical help for Winona, so Scootaloo reluctantly agreed.

Razar had made it to Zecora’s hut, he knocked on her door and she answered, when she saw Razor she was nearly hysterical, “My goodness Razar what manner of creature attacked you?” she asked.

“Ghouls, I need help Zecora, a couple of my ribs are broken” said Razar, Zecora had him sit down while she mixed some potions for him. While she was making the potion, he felt like an idiot for underestimating his opponent, Syzoth would kick his ass if he ever found out.

Zecora had just finished making the potion and handed it to him. “Drink this it will heal your bones but it will make you very drowsy” said Zecora. Razar drank the liquid and almost instantly his ribs felt were fixed, but his eyelids got real heavy, he soon collapsed on Zecora’s bed.

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bodies of civilians and outworld military were scattered around the streets of the city, Mileena tarkatan’s forces have breached the city walls and have begun their assault of the city, killing members of of Kotal’s military and civilians. Razor was cutting his way through the tarkatan horde, intending to find Mileena and make her pay for the civillian casualties, but she was no where to be found among the carnage,

A tarkatan appeared behind Razar in a attempt to kill him, Razar was barely able to react as the tarkatan lunged at him. Blood suddenly sprayed from the tarkatan head as it fell over dead. Razar turned and saw it was Erron Black, “Don’t get distracted lizard boy, that’s a good way to end up dead” said Erron as he continued to open fire on the tarkatan horde.

Razar continued to defend the city as more hordes ambushed them. Razar heard the terrified screams of the civilians as they were being slaughtered, Razar leaped into action and began to lay waste to these revolting savages trying to safe as many innocent people as he could, he heard a scream above him and on one of the buildings there was a little girl with black ponytail and blue eyes, she was surrounded by tarkatans climbing to get her.

Razar leaped towards the building, killing any savage in his way. He picked up the child and held her dearly as he ran to find a safe place to put hide her. “Look out” said the girl, Razar looked up and saw a giant ball of fire coming straight towards them, Razar jumped out of the way just in time to avoid getting crushed. The enemy forces were catapulting large fire rocks into the city. The young girl was crying on Razar’s shoulder.

“What is your name? he asked her, “Ling my name is Ling” said the now named Ling.

“Don’t worry Ling I’ll find a safe place for you” said Razar as he continued to run, just then Razar felt a stabbing pain in his leg, he fell down and dropped Ling, he looked at his leg and saw an arrow. Razar took it out, as if it was a nuisance. Just then a group of tarkatan and red dragon clan members ambushed him.

“LING RUN” shouted Razar he fought off the ambush, Ling tried to run, but her path was blocked by the savage Tarkatan horde, “You look tasty little one” said the tarkatan soldier blocking Ling’s path.

“LING” shouted Razar, unfortunately he took his eyes of his opponent and was stabbed in the abdomen, Razar fell to the ground in pain bleeding badly, the tarkatan’s laughed at Razar’s pain. The tarkatan holding Ling by the neck who Razar assumed to be the leader, spoke.

“Does this little girl mean anything to you Saurian?” asked the leader with humor in his voice

“Please help me” said Ling crying.

“Let her go you bastard” said Razar despite the pain he was in, he tried to put up a brave front.

“Oh, so she does then,” said the Tarkatan grinning, “Then you can watch her die” he said as he raised his blade and impaled Ling in the stomach.

“LING” screamed Razar in pure despair, the other tarkatans just laughed at the cruelty of their leader. In that moment Razar pain and sadness disappeared and was replaced by nothing but pure malice rage, his pupils shrank.

With new found adrenaline he got and bit the nearest tarkatan in the neck and tore his jugular veins, the others who were once was laughing now had a look of horror on their faces as Razar started to viciously kill their fellow tarkatan.

One attempted to impale Razar with his blades, but Razar grabbed both off his arms and tore them right off. The tarkatan screamed in agony, but was later silenced when Razar decapitated him, Razar began his carnage on the tarkatans, cutting through them with the severed tarkatan arms.

The tarkatans attempted to kill Razar in any way they could think of, firing arrows at him, stabbing him, but it was futile, Razar was running on pure rage and adrenaline, he couldn’t feel any pain.

He sliced two of his enemies in half, he saw more approaching to his left, he throw one of the severed tarkatan arms like a lance struck two enemies in the head killing two birds with one stone. The next one he jammed the blade straight down the throat of an unlucky tarkatan.

Soon Razar was surrounded by red dragon mercenaries. They believed they could overwhelm the young Saurian with their numbers, but Razar didn’t back down, he tore through the mercenaries like wet paper, covering the ground in their blood and guts.

One mercenary stabbed Razar with his blade, but Razar barely felt the pain, he removed it and jammed it into his attacker’s head. Razar sensed danger above him and saw another mercenary coming down with his sword drawn, he dodged and rammed his claws into his chest and ripped the mercenary’s heart out.

By the time his adrenaline wore the ambush party layed dead at his feet. Razar was covered in head to toe with blood, of his and his enemies. he slowly walked towards Ling’s body, he knelt down, and looked at her.

The poor child was dead, her eyes were open, but they lacked life, blood stained her clothes, she had blood on her mouth, Razar closed her eyes and picked her up bridal style. Razar noticed that enemy forces were retreating, his allies were successful in defending the city.

Realizing that he was alone now, he broke down crying, holding the lifeless little Ling in his arms, hugging her closely, he failed to save her, and many other civilians. Kotal’s forces were rebuilding city after the attack and were burying the dead. Razar personally buried Ling himself, wrapping her up putting her in a casket. After burying her Razar prayed to the Elder Gods to watch over Ling in the afterlife.

Razar later woke up in Zecora’s hut. He remembered the ghouls that attacked him and left wounded with broken ribs, he also remembers the medicine that Zecora gave him to fix him up. He realized that his body wasn’t in any pain, meaning that the elixir worked, then Zecora walked into the room.

“Razar my friend am glad to see that you are awake” said Zecora with a look of relive on her face.

“How long was I out Zecora?” asked Razor.

“You have been unconscious for about three hours” said Zecora.

“Well thanks for helping me out again Zecora, I appreciate it” said Razar, as he headed out the door. “Please be more careful Razor, my elixir’s aren’t easy to make” said Zecora.

“I’ll watch myself more carefully from now on, promise” said Razar as he walked out the hut. On his way back to his home, Razar couldn’t stop thinking about Ling, the death of that little girl really hit him hard. After the battle Razar had developed PTSD, but he never let him hold him back, but sleep was hard to come by when Ling’s face would appear in his dreams reminding him how he failed.


Little did Razor know, somepony had been keeping tabs on his dreams for quite a while. Princess Luna, the princess of the night had seen Razor’s nightmares ever since he first arrived in the realm of equestria.

Luna was shocked to see a nightmare of this caliber on someone so young, who was this young man and why did the world in his dream look so familiar, there was so many questions that she wanted answers to, answers that wasn’t going to find by simply going through his dreams, she needed to speak to him face to face.

chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Fluttershy's cottage)

After witnessing the intense battle between the ninja and the ghoul in the Everfree Forest, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders hurried to Fluttershy’s cottage to seek help for Winona. With worry etched on their faces, they arrived and found Fluttershy tending to her animal friends inside the cozy surroundings of her home.

Fluttershy's eyes widened in concern as she saw the injured Winona being carried by the group. “Oh my, what happened to Winona?” she exclaimed as she rushed to their side to assess the wounds.

Applebloom nervously explained, “We found her with these claw marks, Fluttershy. We think she might have been attacked by a ghoul in the Everfree Forest.” said Applebloom as she was sure it was ghoul from the scratch marks on the dog's body

Fluttershy's gentle expression turned into a look of deep concern as she examined Winona, her nurturing nature kicking in as she began to treat the wounds with care.

Meanwhile, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders exchanged nervous glances, knowing that they had more troubling news to deliver. Sweetie Belle hesitantly spoke up, “Fluttershy, there's something else we need to tell you. We saw a terrifying fight in the forest – a ninja in green and black clothing, The ninja, he... he killed the ghoul with his bare hands.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in shock, her peaceful demeanor momentarily shattered by the revelation. “Oh my goodness, that sounds so dangerous. We must inform the others,” she said, her voice filled with concern for the safety of her friends and the forest.

Spike looked around at his friends before asking, “Fluttershy, do you have any idea who this ninja might be? Fluttershy gently patted Winona, lost in thought before replying, “I’m not sure, Spike. It’s all quite concerning. We must warn the others so they can be prepared.” Fluttershy’s voice held a tone of determination, showing her resolve to protect the forest and its inhabitants.

Quickly, Spike sent letters to Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Starlight Glimmer, urging them to meet at Fluttershy’s cottage as soon as possible. The group gathered, each expressing their thoughts on the alarming news they had just received.

Twilight Sparkle, always the inquisitive one, spoke up, “This ninja you mentioned, he must be quite skilled. Ghouls are dangerous creatures known for hunting in groups and their ability to shapeshift into anything they have eaten makes them formidable. The ghoul turning back to its original form after being killed is not uncommon for their kind.”

The group listened intently as Twilight continued, “It’s crucial to understand that ghouls are not to be taken lightly. Killing one with your bare hands is a difficult feat, so this ninja must be incredibly powerful and if he is the only other person living in the Everfree Forest besides Zecora, we must find out more about him and what his intentions are.”

As the group digested Twilight's explanation, the forest outside grew dim with the approaching dusk, casting a shadow over the mysteries that awaited them. The Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer prepared to face the unknown together, united in their determination to uncover the truth behind the ninja and the ghoul in the Everfree Forest.

Razar stood in the secluded part of the Everfree Forest, his green eyes focused and determined as he practiced his martial arts. His swift and precise movements echoed through the trees as he struck a solid oak tree with controlled force, his hands impacting against the rough bark with practiced precision causing his knuckles to bleed, but he ignored the pain.

As he continued his training, a wave of memories washed over him, taking him back to a tumultuous time in his past. The haunting images of the Outworld civil war flashed before his eyes, the chaos and bloodshed etched into his very soul.


Razar found himself on the battlefield, face to face with the treacherous Mileena, a twisted being who sought power through deception and manipulation. The two warriors circled each other, tension thick in the air as they prepared to engage in combat.

Mileena's voice hissed with cunning as she attempted to sway Razar to her side, offering him riches and a high position in her army. "Join me, Razar," she purred, her lips twisting into a devious smile. "Together with my army, we can rule Outworld and crush our enemies beneath our feet."

But Razar's resolve remained unshaken as he stared back at her with steely determination. "I will never serve a deranged being like you, Mileena," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "You terrorize your own people, betraying everything they stand for. I will not be a pawn in your twisted game."

Mileena's facade of charm crumbled, her eyes narrowing with fury as she lashed out with venomous words. "You are a fool, Razar," she spat, her words dripping with contempt. "Your father, Reptile, is nothing but a pathetic excuse for an assassin and Kotal a false Emperor. You would be better off serving the true heir of Outworld, the one destined to rule."

Razar's gaze hardened as he pushed back against her insults, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "You are no true daughter of Shao Kahn," he retorted, his words sharp and filled with disdain. "You are nothing but an abomination, a creation of Shang Tsung meant to replace Princess Kitana. You will never know the honor and power of a true ruler."

Mileena's eyes blazed with fiery rage as she heard Razar's defiance, her voice dripping with malice. "If you think Kotal Kahn is a better ruler, then you are blind to the truth," she sneered, her words sharp like a dagger. "Just like his predecessor Shao Kahn, Kotal is a tyrant who rules through fear and oppression. He may wear a different mask, but his iron fist is just as ruthless as his predecessor's."

Razar's expression remained firm and resolute, his eyes meeting Mileena's with unwavering determination. "Kotal Kahn's methods may be questionable, but he does not revel in the cruelty and malice that defined Shao Kahn's reign," he countered, his voice calm yet filled with conviction. "Unlike Shao Kahn, Kotal seeks to bring stability and unity to Outworld, even if his methods are harsh. There is still hope for a better future under his rule."

Mileena's gaze simmered with contempt as she scoffed at Razar's words, her voice laced with mockery. "You are deluded, Razar," she taunted. "Kotal Kahn may preach about unity and order, but his actions speak louder than his words. He is no different from the tyrants who came before him, and you are a fool for believing otherwise."

But Razar remained steadfast in his belief, his resolve unwavering as he stood his ground against Mileena's accusations. "I may not agree with all of Kotal Kahn's decisions, but I know that he is not driven by the same lust for power and destruction that consumed Shao Kahn," he stated firmly. "There is a difference between a leader who seeks to protect his people and one who seeks to conquer and subjugate them. Kotal Kahn may have flaws, but he is not the monster that Shao Kahn was."

As the tension between Mileena and Razar reached its breaking point, the treacherous Outworld princess could no longer contain her rage. With a malicious grin, she ripped off the veil obscuring her face, revealing the grotesque visage of her Tarkatan heritage. Her mouth twisted into a snarl, unveiling rows of sharp teeth and a long, forked tongue that hissed with fury.

Razar's own anger flared as he witnessed Mileena's true form, his own feral instincts coming to the forefront. With a guttural screech, he launched himself at her, his movements swift and precise as he aimed to strike her down.

The two warriors clashed with ferocious intensity, their blows echoing through the forest as they exchanged fierce strikes and relentless attacks. Mileena's agility and cunning were matched by Razar's raw power and speed, each of them landing hits on one another, drawing blood and leaving gashes on their bodies.

As they fought, the air crackled with animosity, their gazes locking in a deadly dance of combat. "You are a monster, Mileena," Razar growled between gritted teeth, his voice laced with venom. "I will not let you bring chaos and destruction to Outworld any longer."

Mileena's laughter rang out like a discordant melody as she parried Razar's blows, her eyes gleaming with malice. "And yet, you stand in my way, just like all the others who have dared to defy me," she taunted, her voice steeped in arrogance. "You may have noble intentions, Razar, but in the end, you will fall just like the rest."

But Razar refused to back down, his resolve unyielding as he continued to press the attack. With a fierce roar, he unleashed a series of devastating strikes, forcing Mileena onto the defensive. The clash of their weapons and the clash of their wills filled the air with tension, each of them fighting with all their might to emerge victorious.

As the battle raged on, the forest around them bore witness to the intense confrontation between two powerful warriors. Theirs was a battle of strength, skill, and determination, each refusing to relent in the face of their adversary's ferocity. With every strike and every parry, Razar and Mileena fought with everything they had, locked in a deadly dance of combat that would leave only one standing victorious.

Razar's eyes blazed with determination, his voice a growl filled with unwavering resolve. "If I am destined to fall in this war, then know this, Mileena," he snarled, his words cutting through the tension. "I will make sure you die first, and I will erase the last remnants of Shao Kahn's tyranny from this realm."

With a primal roar, Razar launched himself at Mileena once more, their weapons clashing with a deafening clang as they continued their brutal battle. The air hummed with fury and violence as they fought with unmatched intensity, each strike fueled by a deep-seated desire to emerge victorious.

The fight grew bloodier as they exchanged devastating blows, the sound of metal meeting flesh echoing through the forest. Mileena's sai daggers flashed like lightning as she ruthlessly stabbed them into the sides of Razar's stomachs, drawing crimson rivers of blood that stained the ground beneath them. But Razar refused to falter, his gritted teeth baring in a vicious snarl as he endured the pain and unleashed a savage counterattack.

In a moment of desperation, Razar seized upon an opportunity and sank his teeth into Mileena's shoulder with a ferocious bite, drawing a primal scream of agony from the Tarkatan princess. Blood mingled with their sweat as they continued to grapple and clash, the intensity of their fight reaching a fever pitch as they pushed themselves to their physical and mental limits.

Despite the searing pain and the relentless brutality of their confrontation, Razar and Mileena fought on with unyielding determination, their wills locked in a deadly contest of strength and skill. Each moment was a test of endurance and resolve, a testament to their unwavering commitment to prevail at any cost.

As the battle raged on, the living forest bore witness to the clash of two warriors consumed by their inner turmoil and their bitter rivalry it with the sentient trees acting like an audience waiting to see who will die first. Their fight was a symphony of violence and chaos, a brutal dance of combat that would only end with the fall of one and the victory of the other.

As the battle raged on between Razar and Mileena, their bodies were now covered in cuts and bruises, blood mixing with sweat as they continued to clash with deadly determination. Mileena, panting heavily, noticed a subtle shift in Razar's movements. He seemed to be getting faster and stronger, his strikes landing with even more precision and force than before.

Suddenly, realization dawned on Mileena's face. She had heard of the Zaterrian rage, a powerful ability possessed by Razar's species that was triggered by prolonged battles. In this state of rage, they would become faster, stronger, and more durable, making them nearly unstoppable in combat. Mileena's eyes widened in fear as she realized the grave danger she was in.

With a guttural roar, Razar unleashed the full extent of his Zaterrian rage, a surge of primal energy coursing through his veins. He moved with lightning speed, his movements fluid and unstoppable as he closed in on Mileena with relentless ferocity. The Tarkatan princess tried to defend herself, but Razar's onslaught was overwhelming.

Razar completely dominated the fight, his blows raining down on Mileena with brutal efficiency. He saw an opening and struck with lethal precision, knocking out several of Mileena's teeth with a single devastating blow. Mileena staggered back, blood dripping from her mouth as she struggled to regain her composure.

Despite her best efforts, Mileena was no match for Razar in his Zaterrian rage state. The Tarkatan princess fought with every ounce of strength she had left, but it was clear that Razar had the upper hand. With each strike, he pushed Mileena further towards defeat, his relentless assault leaving her battered and broken.

In a final, decisive move, Razar delivered a crushing blow that sent Mileena crashing to the ground, defeated and defenseless. The forest echoed with the sound of their battle, now silenced as Razar stood victorious over his fallen opponent, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the aftermath of their brutal confrontation. Mileena lay broken and bloodied, her body a testament to the ruthless power of the Zaterrian rage.

As Razar stood over Mileena, his blade poised to deliver the final blow and end her rebellion once and for all, he could see the fear and desperation in her eyes. Mileena, bloodied and broken, looked up at him with a pleading gaze, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"Razar, I beg of you, spare my life and I will offer you the throne as emperor. Let me be your queen, and together we can rule with strength and power. Spare me, and I will make it worth your while," Mileena pleaded, her tone filled with a mix of fear and desperation.

But Razar's expression remained impassive, his resolve unwavering. He shook his head, the determination in his eyes unwavering as he prepared to end Mileena's tyranny once and for all.

"I cannot be swayed by empty promises, Mileena. Your reign of terror ends here," Razar's voice was cold and resolute as he raised his blade, ready to strike the final blow.

However, just as he was about to deliver the fatal blow, Razar heard the unmistakable sounds of the Tarkatan horde drawing near. Realization dawned on him - he would not be able to defeat an entire horde on his own. Reluctantly, he knew he had no choice but to retreat, his mission incomplete.

Before he turned to leave, Razar leaned in close to Mileena, his voice low and menacing. "You may have escaped death today, but remember this - you won't be so fortunate next time we meet. Your reign of tyranny ends now, but your punishment is far from over."

With those parting words, Razar turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Mileena lying on the ground, defeated but not broken. The echo of their battle lingered in the air, a fierce reminder of the deadly encounter that had taken place. Mileena, battered and bloodied, knew that the next time she crossed paths with Razar, it would be a battle to the death.

(End of Flashback)

As Razar finished his intense training session, the memories of his battle with Mileena still fresh in his mind, he finally took a moment to catch his breath. Looking around, he was startled to see that the tree he had been practicing on was completely demolished, the wood splintered and broken from the force of his blows. His knuckles were bloodied, but the pain on his knuckles was nothing compared to the psychological trauma he had endured during the war.

As he stood in the clearing, the weight of his past battles weighing heavily on his shoulders, Razar looked up at the sky, a deep sense of despair washing over him. He wondered if any realm had a place for a broken soldier like him, a warrior scarred by the horrors of war and haunted by memories of the past.

Unbeknownst to him, Zecora, a wise and observant resident of the realm, had been watching from between the trees. She could see the look of a broken soul in Razar's eyes, the pain and turmoil evident in his every movement. Approaching him with a gentle but determined stride, she could sense the lingering shadows of his past weighing him down.

"Brave warrior, I see the burden you carry," Zecora spoke softly, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "But know this - even the strongest soldiers can be broken by the trials of war. You are not alone in your struggles, and there is always hope for healing and redemption."

Razar looked at Zecora, her words resonating deep within his troubled heart. In her presence, he felt a very small flicker of hope, a twinkle of light breaking through the darkness that had consumed him for so long. As he took a moment to breathe in the wisdom of her words, Razar wanted to believe the Zebra's words, but horrors he faced in Outworld were to great he wonders if there really is any hope for him.

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The Search for the Ninja

The Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike gathered in the heart of the Everfree Forest, their eyes scanning the dense foliage as they began their search for the mysterious ninja, no one knew his true identity or what his intentions were. The girls and Spike just wanted to have peaceful talk with him, violence was only a last resort if the ninja turned out to be hostile. Some of the ponies were interested in meeting the mysterious individual,

"Well, let's get this over with," Applejack said, squinting at the trees. "I don't like walkin' around in these woods without knowin' what's out here."

"I agree," Rarity chimed in. "It's not exactly safe to be wandering around without a plan, especially in such a frightening and dirty forest." she said in a scared tone

"Plan?" Pinkie Pie giggled. "We're not going to need a plan, we're going to make one up as we go! That's what ninjas do, right?" said the pink pony enthusiastically jumping around making noises and striking poses that she believes a ninja would

Starlight Glimmer rolled her eyes. "This is serious, Pinkie. We need to be prepared for anything." Spike snorted. "You think a little thing like a ninja is going to scare us? come on girls you've faced worst things than just some lone ninja"

"Still Spike we need to approach with caution, I don't want a repeat of what happened with Zecora" said Twilight reminding everyone on how poorly they all reacted with the kind zebra.

As they continued their search, they stumbled upon a series of pit traps set by Razar. The first one was almost too late for Applejack, who was just about to fall into it when her friends grabbed her by her checkered shirt the sharpen bamboo pointed right at her face.

"Whoa, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "You almost took a swim in that pit!"

Applejack blushed, embarrassed. "Thanks for catchin' me, guys! I guess I wasn't payin' attention."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Yeah, because ninjas are super great at trap-making. I mean, who needs friends when you have bamboo sticks and a bad attitude?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Hey, maybe the ninja doesn't like guests! Maybe he's trying to keep us out!"

Rarity shivered. "That's not very reassuring, Pinkie."

As they continued their search, they came across another pit trap. This time, it was Twilight Sparkle who almost fell in.

"Whoa, Twilight!" Spike yelped. "Hold on!"

Twilight Sparkle's eyes widened as she grasped the edge of the pit. "Wow, these traps are really well-made..."

Starlight Glimmer nodded. "I think we're getting close to finding our ninja friend."

As they approached the next pit trap, they noticed that it was much deeper than the others.

"Well, this one looks like a real challenge," Pinkie Pie said, eyeing the pit nervously.

Applejack grinned. "Don't worry, Pinkie! We'll just... um... jump over it?"

The group hesitated, before Rainbow Dash stepped forward.

"Hey, I've got an idea! Who's with me?"

The group watched as Rainbow Dash took off running towards the pit, flapping her wings to generate lift. She soared over the pit trap with ease, landing safely on the other side.

"Woo-hoo!" she exclaimed. "That was a blast!"

As they caught their breath after jumping the pit, Starlight Glimmer turned to the group. "Well, it looks like we're getting close to finding our ninja friend. Let's be prepared for anything."

The group nodded in agreement, ready for whatever lay ahead.

The Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike continued their search for the mysterious ninja, navigating through the dense foliage of the Everfree Forest. As they walked, they stumbled upon various traps set by Razar, each one designed to catch an unsuspecting pony.

Rainbow Dash then triggered a tripwire, causing two logs to swing down towards her, "RAINBOW LOOKOUT!!!" all her friends shouted, Rainbow barely avoided being crushed by the two logs, despite looking angry at yet another trap she was as white as a ghost.

"Seriously, ninja? how many traps do you have in this lousy forest."

Twilight Sparkle chuckled nervously. "Well, at least it's not a pit trap this time." They all gave her a 'really' look.

Just then, Rarity triggered an arrow trap, which flew towards her striking a tree and almost hit her in the face. Rarity nearly fainted from the shock.

Pinkie Pie chuckled nervously. "I think it's just trying to get our attention,"

Spike snorted. "Yeah, and I'm sure the ninja is just thrilled to see us stumbling around in his traps."

As they continued their search, they encountered more traps: a spinning log that almost caught Applejack's tail, a sticky substance that Pinkie Pie got stuck in, and a hidden pit filled with spikes that Twilight Sparkle almost fell into.

Starlight Glimmer observed the traps with interest. "You know, I think these traps are actually designed to keep out the really dangerous creatures that live in this forest. Not us ponies."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Really? You think so?"

Starlight nodded. "Yes, it's possible that the ninja is trying to protect himself from the predators that roam this forest. We're not the only ones who are interested in finding him, after all."

Applejack nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah You're probably right, Starlight. the everfree is filled with the most dangerous creatures, especially chimeras" she said remembering the creature that attacked her and her sister

Rainbow Dash though let out a frustrated sigh. "But still can we just get past these traps already? I'm starting to get tired of being ninja-bait!"

As the group of friends continued their search for the mysterious ninja, they thought they had finally reached the end of the traps. That was, until they stumbled upon a net trap that hung them all in a tree.

"Ah, no! Not again!" Applejack exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash let out a frustrated sigh. "You know what I'm not even surprised anymore" she deadpanned

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Well, I guess we're all caught up in this situation now!"

Spike, who was caught in the net along with his friends, looked up at the tree branches above. "I could just burn this net and get us free!"

Twilight Sparkle's voice cut him off. "No, Spike! Don't do that! We're really high up here, and the ones without wings could fall to their deaths!"

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in alarm. "Crap, you're right! We can't risk it and I doubt I'll be fast enough to catch all of us in time!"

Applejack's face turned red with anger. "I'm so sick of these dang traps! Can't we just have one minute without setting one off seriously that there ninja is really paranoid?"

Rarity looked around at her friends, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, at least we're all together... for better or for worse?"

Pinkie Pie chuckled. "And at least we're all stuck in this net together! That's what friends are for, right?"

The group fell silent, stuck in the net and waiting for the ninja to find them. They knew they had to be patient and hope and wait for the ninja come by and get them out of this predicament. Starlight was starting to panic a little they were so high up and she was a bit scared oh heights.

Razar sat across from Zecora in her cozy hut, sipping his green tea as he tried to calm his troubled mind. Zecora, sensing his unease, reached out and gently caressed his hand.

"Razar, my friend, what troubles you?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.

Razar hesitated, unsure of how to share his secrets with the wise witch. He feared she might not believe him, that she would think him mad or a storyteller spinning yarns.

"I... I'm not sure if I should tell you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Zecora's grip on his hand tightened. "You don't have to tell me anything you're not comfortable with. But I sense that something is weighing heavily on your mind. If you're willing to share, I'll listen first and then decide if I believe or not."

Razar took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He began to tell Zecora of the realms beyond their own, of the battles between good and evil, of the powerful sorcerers and warriors who fought for their worlds.

He spoke of Earthrealm, where mortals lived and died, and Outworld, where the evil emperor Shao Kahn once ruled with an iron fist. He told her of the current ruler, Kotal Kahn, who was said to be more just and fair. He also spoke of Cassie and her family and how they helped him grow strong in time in Earthrealm.

But it was the mention of the Netherrealm and its evil ruler, Shinnok, that truly shocked Zecora. Her eyes widened in horror as she listened to Razar's words.

"Oh, Razar," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I had heard stories of these realms when I was a child. My tribe's shaman would tell tales of Outworld and its fearsome ruler, Shao Kahn. He would speak of the darkness that lurked beyond our world, and how it threatened to consume everything."

Razar was surprised he wasn't expecting that the wise zebra would believe him at all "You believe my tales" he asked with some happiness swelling up inside him.

Zecora's grip on his hand tightened once more. "I do believe you, Razar. I believe you because I know that there are forces beyond our world that we cannot comprehend. And I know that you would not make such claims lightly."

Razar looked at Zecora, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her. He knew that he could trust her with his secrets, and that she would be there to support him in whatever trials lay ahead.

As they finished their tea, Razar felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that he was not alone in his struggles, and that he had found a true friend in Zecora. "But may I ask why you came to this realm, why not stay in Outworld?" asked Zecora.

"You see, my father, Syzoth, told me not to return to Outworld. He said that Kotal Kahn, the emperor, would not hesitate to execute me for treason." Razar replied, his eyes gazing out the window at the misty Everfree forest.

Zecora's expression turned thoughtful, her ears twitching slightly. "Ah, I see. And why did Kotal Kahn think that, exactly?"

Razar's jaw clenched, a hint of anger rising within him. "Because I helped Earthrealm defeating Shinnok who had been freed from his prison, Kotal Kahn saw it as a betrayal of our own realm's interests he wanted to appease to Shinnok by helping destroy Earthrealm in hopes in convicing him to spare Outworld, and he branded me a traitor. He believes that I chose to side with the enemy, but I knew that the fallen elder god wouldn't be sparing any realm from his wrath." Razar explained to the Zebra

Zecora's eyes narrowed, her voice taking on a hint of concern. " But did he not think of the consequences of letting Shinnok do as he pleased, how dangerous it was to be making it kind of deal with the devil. Razar's eyes flashed with anger, his voice low and bitter. "Ah, but Kotal Kahn was blinded by his own ambition, Zecora. He saw an opportunity to gain power and prestige by aligning himself with Shinnok, and he took it. He didn't care about the consequences, as long as he benefited from the deal. And that's what makes it so infuriating - he's willing to sacrifice the billions of lives of all the people in Earthrealm just to spare Outworld. I mean I know Earthrealm wasn't my home anymore, but it was at one time, I was raised there. When I returned to Outworld, my father told me that Kotal Kahn was furious with me. He said that if I went back to Outworld, I would be executed on sight."

Zecora's gaze lingered on Razar's face, her eyes searching for something deeper. "I see," she said finally. "Well, I'm glad you're here now, Razar. You're not alone in this struggle."

"Thank you Zecora, you have no idea how long I've been holding all that in." said Razar feeling like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

Zecora's eyes seemed to bore into Razar's soul, her voice filled with compassion. "Razar, I know you've been carrying a heavy burden for a long time. Do you ever think about Cassie, and her family, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade? Do you miss them?"

Razar's gaze faltered, his eyes clouding over with a mix of emotions. "Oh, dearly," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I miss them all dearly. But... I'm afraid of seeing them again."

Zecora's ears folded back in concern, her expression softening. "What's holding you back, Razar?"

Razar's shoulders slumped, his eyes roving the ground as if searching for an answer. "It's... complicated. You see, my biological father, Syzoth... he was an enemy of Earthrealm for years he participated in the Shao Kahn's invasion of earth, and as part-Zaterran, I'm... I'm afraid of being judged by them. Of them seeing me as a monster."

Zecora's ears perked up, her voice filled with understanding. "Razar, you are none of those things. You're a complex person with a rich history, and that's what makes you strong."

Razar's gaze snapped up, his eyes searching for reassurance. "But what if they see me as a reminder of my father's past actions what if they think I'm just like him?"

Zecora's expression turned resolute, her voice firming up. "Razar, from you have told me - this Cassandra Cage and her family are not like that. They're good people who care about others and if they care about you than your father's past actions or your appearance shouldn't matter to them" she said.

Razar's eyes drifted up, his gaze locking onto Zecora's with a mixture of hope and trepidation. "You're right, Zecora," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Cassie and her family have always been good to me, despite my... complicated past. And if they're willing to forgive me, then maybe you're right, maybe they won't care about my father's actions or my appearance.

Zecora's expression softened, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Razar, you're not asking them to forget the fact you are Zaterran, you're asking them to see you, the person you've become, not the person your father was, what he did has nothing do with you, you are not Syzoth, and if they're worth your time, they'll see beyond all that and love you for who you truly are. You deserve that, Razar."

Razar smiled, his first smile in the longest time, since he left Earthrealm. He believed that no realm had any place for someone as broken as him, but maybe just maybe he could make Equest his new home.

Zecora looked at Razar, who was still drinking his green tea."Razar, my dear friend, I've been watching you from afar in the six months that I have known you, and I think it's time for you to come out of your shell... or rather, out of the Everfree Forest."

Razar's gaze narrowed, his eyes fixed on Zecora. "What are you talking about, Zecora?"

"You're a powerful and skilled warrior, Razar," Zecora said, her voice gentle but persuasive. "But you're wasting your talents living in isolation. The ponies of Ponyville would welcome you with open arms.

"I don't think so, Zecora. They're probably just as afraid of me as everypony else." he said. Zecora's grin grew wider. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong. You see, when I first arrived in Ponyville, all the ponies were frightened of me at first. They thought I was a witch from the forest. But I didn't give up in trying to earn their trust, instead, I simply showed them that I wasn't a threat. I talked to them, and I let them get to know me."

Razar raised an eyebrow. "And how did that work out?"

Zecora chuckled. "Well, it didn't take long for them to realize that I wasn't going to hurt them. And once they saw that I wasn't a witch, they began to see me as just another pony... or rather, a zebra trying to make friends. And soon enough, they welcomed me into their community."

Razar's expression was skeptical. "You expect me to believe that just by talking to them and showing them you weren't a threat, they just accepted you?"

Zecora nodded. "That's exactly what happened. And I think it could happen for you too. Just imagine it: Razar the Zaterran warrior, living in harmony with the ponies of Ponyville. You could use your skills to help them, protect them from any threats, you've already proven yourself capable of such tasks, you defeated a group of ghouls.

Razar's gaze was thoughtful. "I suppose it's worth a try. But what if they don't accept me?"

Zecora's smile was reassuring. "Well, then we'll just have to try again. But I'm willing to bet that if you give them a chance, they'll surprise you with their kindness and acceptance."

Razar nodded slowly, his claws relaxing their grip on the ground. "Alright, Zecora. I'll give it a try." said Razar finishing his tea, "I must be on my way Zecora, I need to check to see if the fishing net I left in the river caught anything" Razar bid Zecora farewell, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. "And Thank you for the wisdom, Zecora. I'll keep your words in mind."

Zecora nodded, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "I have no doubt you will, Razar. May the road rise up to meet you, and may your journey be filled with wisdom and wonder."

Razar nodded, his expression turning thoughtful as he turned away from Zecora's cottage. He walked back to the river, his eyes scanning the surface for any sign of his fishing net. Ah, there it was, caught in a snag of overhanging branches. He pulled it out, his eyes widening as he saw the bounty it had brought in.

"Ah, Zecora was right about this spot," he muttered to himself, chuckling as he began to load the fish into his wagon.

As he walked back to his cabin, the sun dipping lower in the sky, Razar's mind wandered back to Zecora's words. He thought about how he had been so focused on observing the ponies from afar, studying their behavior without really interacting with them. He thought about how Zecora had encouraged him to take a more active role in their lives, to learn from them and build relationships with them.

Razar's brow furrowed in thought as he navigated the winding road. He had always believed that observing was a necessary step in understanding the world, but perhaps Zecora was right. Maybe it was time for him to take a more active role in Ponyville, to learn from the ponies themselves rather than just watching them from afar.

He smiled to himself as he turned onto the familiar path leading to his cabin. He felt a sense of excitement and trepidation building inside him. What would happen if he took Zecora's advice and started interacting with the ponies? Would they accept him? Would he be able to make a real difference in their lives?

Razar's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of fish moving in his wagon in the net. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Guess I'll have to worry about that later," he said aloud.

As he pulled up to his cabin, Razar felt a sense of calm wash over him. He had a lot to think about, but for now, he was content to simply enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Razar's wagon creaked to a stop in front of his cabin, and he hopped out to inspect the contents of his net. As he pulled out the fish, he noticed something peculiar - a group of ponies, plus a small dragon, suspended in mid-air within the net's trap. Razar's eyes narrowed as he approached the tangled mess.

"Ah, what in the world...?" he muttered, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

The ponies, who were struggling to free themselves, looked up at Razar with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. Twilight Sparkle, the purple pony was the first to speak up. "Uh, hi... ninja?"

The other ponies nodded in agreement, their faces flushed with embarrassment. Applejack, the pony with the cowboy hat, spoke up. "Yeah, sorry about this. We didn't mean to get caught in your... um... net trap thingy."

Razar's expression turned skeptical. "Who are you?" he asked, his tone cautious. He eyed the group warily, wondering if they were potential bandits looking to loot his cabin.

The ponies exchanged awkward glances. Rainbow Dash, the pony with the rainbow mane, spoke up. "We're... uh... just a bunch of friends from Ponyville. We were out on an adventure and got caught in your... ninja trap."

Razar's eyebrow rose. "Ponyville? you mean that town from outside of the everfree forest" He asked as he kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready for any sudden movements.

Twilight Sparkle nodded. "Yes we are all from there. We didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Razar's gaze lingered on the group before he nodded slowly. "Alright. I'll let you down. But maybe you can tell me what you're doing all the way out here?"

As he carefully lowered the net trap and helped the ponies down to the ground, Razar couldn't help but notice their awkwardness around him. They seemed to be trying to avoid eye contact, and their whispers were hushed and urgent.

Razar's curiosity was piqued. What kind of secrets were they hiding? were they looking for him and for Zecora. He watched them warily as they began to pick themselves up and the purple one approached him first "Let me introduce myself I'm Twilight Sparkle the princess of friendship.” She said extending her hand

chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Razar's eyes narrowed as Twilight and her friends approached him, their hoofsteps quiet on the forest floor. He had been waiting for them, expecting them to be the intruders who had been setting off his traps.

As Twilight reached out to shake his hand, Razar hesitated before taking her hand into a firm shake. "Nice to meet you, Princess Twilight," he said, his voice low and even as he didn't quite trust her.

Twilight's friends introduced themselves, each one taking a turn to greet Razar.

"Hi Razar, I'm Pinkie Pie," Pinkie said, bouncing up to him with a grin all excited

Razar nodded politely. "Nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie."

Next, Applejack shook his hand firmly. "I'm Applejack, nice to meet you too, Razar."

Razar's gaze met Applejack's. "Nice to meet you, Applejack."

Fluttershy flew over to nuzzle him gently. "H-hi Razar... I'm Fluttershy," she said softly.

Razar's eyes lit up at Fluttershy's gentle manner. "Hi Fluttershy, nice to meet you too."

Rarity offered him a polite smile. "Ah, Razar! I'm Rarity, nice to meet you as well."

Razar nodded in response. "Nice to meet you, Rarity."

Rainbow Dash then went next, "and am Rainbow Dash best flyer on Equestria and one of the best wonderbolts around" she boasted as she flexed her muscles, "and I am Starlight Glimmer, princess Twilight's student" said Starlight

Spike hovered around the edges, looking a bit nervous. "Uh, hi Razar... I'm Spike." Razar simply waved then his gaze fell on Twilight. "So, how did you know about me living in the Everfree Forest?"

Spike spoke up, his voice trembling slightly. "Uh, well... I was with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. We were looking for Applejack's dog Winona when we stumbled upon... when we saw you kill a ghoul."

Razar's expression turned surprised. "You mean you were watching me? And I didn't even notice?"

"Yeah, we were hiding behind some trees," Spike explained. "We didn't mean to sneak up on you or anything! you and the ghoul just landed in front of us and we hid as quick as we could."

Razar's eyes narrowed again. "And what about the dog, Winona? Did you find her?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, we did! She was okay, but she was really scared after getting separated from Applejack."

Razar's expression turned warm. "I'm glad I was able to take care of her and protect her from the ghouls," he said.

Applejack's face lit up with gratitude. "Wait you looked after Winona? Aw, thank you so much, Razar! We were worried sick about Winona! You're a true hero!"

Razar blushed slightly at the praise though none of the ponies could see it because of his mask. "It was no problem at all though those ghouls did give me a bit of trouble," he said.

"Razar, what happened to the ghouls are they still around?" Starlight asked a bit fearfully.

Razar's gaze soon turned scary. "I killed them all." he said without any hesitation

The group fell silent at this revelation. Ghouls were considered to be extremely dangerous creatures, even elite royal guards had trouble dealing with them.

Rarity spoke up finally. "Y-'You killed them" she stuttered scared at the fact that Razar admitted to killing a pack of ghouls

Razar's eyes flickered up to meet Rarity's gaze. "Because they were attacking me and were going to eat me and the dog," he repeated. "I didn't want to be their next meal and no way I was letting them eat Winona."

Twilight's friends exchanged looks of understanding. They had been right to be cautious around Razar, but it seemed that he wasn't entirely hostile after all.

Twilight and her friends had been talking with Razar for a while, but as the sun began to set, they couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The Everfree forest was notorious for its dangers, and they didn't want to be caught off guard.

"Razar, may we ask you something?" Twilight said, her voice cautious.

Razar looked at her, his expression unreadable. "What is it?"

"We're not comfortable talking out in the open like this," Twilight explained. "The Everfree forest isn't exactly safe, especially at night, and we don't want to take any chances if wild animals such as Timberwolves or worst a manticore shows up . Is there somewhere else we could talk?"

Razar hesitated, his gaze flicking between them. Finally, he nodded. "My cabin is just a few feet away," he said. "Follow me."

He pulled his wagon, which was filled with a net of fish, and led them to his cabin. The group followed him, their eyes taking in the rustic surroundings.

As they walked, Rarity spoke up. "Razar, why do you have so many fish in your wagon?"

Razar stopped in front of his cabin and turned to face them. "I'm stocking up for the coming winter," he said. "Fish are a good source of protein and will keep me going until spring."

Twilight's friends looked at each other in understanding. They had been planning to stock up on food for the winter as well.

"Thank you for showing us your cabin," Fluttershy said politely.

Razar nodded, his expression still guarded. "Come on in," he said.

He led them into the cabin, which was small but cozy. There was a fire crackling in the hearth, and the smell of fresh fish filled the air.

The group took seats around the fire, feeling a sense of relief wash over them. They had finally found a place where they could talk without worrying about being attacked.

"Wow nice place how did you find it" asked Rainbow curious as to why there would be an abandoned cabin in the Everfree forest. "I didn't find it, built it" Razar responded, surprising the t ponies and dragon.

"Really you built this here cabin?" asked Applejack impressed, Razar nodded "yeah took me six whole months."

As they settled in, Twilight spoke up. "So, Razar, can you tell us more about what you've been doing since you moved into the Everfree forest?"

Razar's eyes narrowed again. "What do you want to know?"

But Twilight just smiled. "We're interested in learning more about you," she said. "And maybe we can help each other out." Twilight said eager to learn about ninja who's been surviving in the Everfree

Razar leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he began to speak. "I've been hunting and surviving the best I can," he said, his voice low and even. "I don't have much to offer, but I've managed to make a life for myself here in the Everfree forest."

Applejack, ever the pragmatist, spoke up first. "That's impressive," she said. "What kind of skills have you developed to survive?"

Razar's expression didn't change, but his eyes seemed to gleam with a hint of pride. "I'm skilled with a bow and arrow, and I know how to hunt and track my prey. I've also learned how to navigate the forest and avoid danger."

Rainbow Dash, ever the thrill-seeker, was next. "Whoa, that's so cool! Have you ever had any close calls or encounters with other creatures?"

Razar's gaze flicked to her, his expression unreadable. "There have been a few close calls, but I've managed to get out of them alive. As for encounters...I've had a few run-ins with other creatures in the forest. But I've learned how to handle myself."

Rarity, ever the fashionista, couldn't help but notice Razar's ninja garb. "I love your outfit even if it a little dirty it does have some tack to it," she said, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Where did you get it? And can you tell me more about the design?"

Razar's expression didn't change, but his eyes seemed to flicker with amusement. "It was given to me, but I did make a few changes to it ," he said. "I found some old fabric and materials in the forest and added it to my suit."

Pinkie Pie, ever the curious one, bounced up and down in her seat. "Ooh, ooh! What's it like being a ninja? Do you have any secret ninja moves? can you clone yourself, do have special eyes that can trap people in an illusion that only you can control, and summon animals to help you fight"

Razar's expression remained stoic, but a little confused with the pink ponie's odd question "It's...interesting," he said. "I've learned how to use stealth and strategy to get out of tight spots. And as for secret moves...let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Starlight Glimmer, ever the scholar, asked a thoughtful question. "Razar, what do you think is the most important thing you've learned from living in the Everfree forest?"

Razar's gaze seemed to drift off into thought before he spoke again. "I think it's learning how to be resourceful and self-sufficient," he said. "The forest is unforgiving, but it's also taught me how to rely on myself and find strength within, living here you need to know where to look for food, the forest does have bounties of food such as fruits and some vegetables growing, you just need to know where to look."

As the conversation went on, Fluttershy grew more and more quiet, her eyes fixed on Razar and she noticed something she finally spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper. "Razar...why don't you have a tail?"

Razar's expression faltered for a moment before he regained his composure. "I...I don't have a tail because I'm not a pony," he said finally.

The group looked at each other in confusion, still convinced that Razar was a pony in disguise. But Razar just shrugged. "I'm not like anybody you've ever met," he said.

The group fell silent, unsure of what to say next. Spike then spoke up then what.. are you?

Razar's eyes glinted in the dim light of the cave as he spoke in a low, measured tone. "I'm going to show you something that will surprise you, and maybe even scare you a little bit. But trust me, it's worth it."

The ponies exchanged nervous glances, but Razar just chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. But I do need to warn you...what I'm about to show you is a bit unconventional."

With a slow, deliberate motion, Razar reached up and grasped the edge of his ninja mask. He pulled it off, revealing a face that was unlike any pony or dragon they had ever seen.

The ponies' eyes went wide as they took in Razar's reptilian features - his scaly skin, his pointed ears, and his sharp, toothy grin. They were startled, After all, Razar's eyes were slitted and they had assumed he was like Princess Luna's night guards

But Spike's eyes lit up with excitement. "Wow, you're a dragon!" he exclaimed, his voice full of wonder.

Razar's expression turned stern. "I'm not a dragon," he said firmly. "I'm a Zaterran. A race of raptor people."

The ponies looked at each other in confusion, unsure of what to make of this revelation. Twilight's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "What do you mean by 'raptor people'?" she asked.

Razar's face relaxed slightly as he spoke. "My species is descended from a long line of reptilian creatures. We're similar to dragons, but not quite the same. And we're actually somewhat...cousins to the dragon race."

Spike's eyes were still shining with excitement. "Really? Can you tell us more about your species?"

Razar nodded. "Of course. For one thing, my people don't fly like dragons do. We're more...ground-dwelling."

Twilight's curiosity was piqued. "That's interesting," she said. "And do you breathe fire?"

Razar's smile turned mischievous. "Oh no," he said. "We use acid instead."

The ponies exchanged uneasy glances as Razar demonstrated this by spitting acid at a nearby rock. The rock disintegrated before their eyes, leaving nothing but a pile of dust and rubble.

The ponies and Spike were a little uneased by this display, but Razar just chuckled. "Don't worry," he said. "It's not as scary as it sounds. And I promise I won't use it on you...unless absolutely necessary."

The group fell silent for a moment, unsure of what to say next. But Razar just laughed "I'm only kidding" he said, seeming to enjoy the reactions on the ponies faces.

"Anyway," he said, as he stood up and grabbed a nearby basket of blueberries, "Are any of you girls hungry, have some blueberries" he offered. The ponies seemingly forgetting about Razar's scary acid spitting were delighted at offer, they each grabbed a handful of blueberries.

Twilight's eyes lit up as she popped a handful of blueberries into her mouth. "Mmm, these are delicious!" she said, her voice muffled by the fruit.

Razar chuckled, pleased that the ponies were enjoying the snack. "I'm glad you like them," he said. "I picked them myself from in the forest, ironically the places with the most bountiful of foods are the most dangerous locations."

As they ate, Twilight turned to Razar with a curious expression. "So, where are you from?" she asked.

Razar's eyes narrowed slightly, and he hesitated before speaking. "I'm from a place called Klugetown," he said finally. "It's a desert city, not exactly the place to live."

The ponies looked at each other, intrigued. "What's it like?" Rarity asked, her voice full of curiosity.

Razar shrugged. "It's not exactly the type of place any decent folk would want to live in. The sand is always blowing, and the heat is unbearable.'s home, I suppose."

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "Why didn't you want to tell us that earlier?" she asked, her tone suspicious.

Razar's face turned guarded. "I didn't want to burden you with the details," he said vaguely. "It's not exactly...relevant to our current situation."

Spike's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "But why you leave?" he asked.

Razar sighed, his expression turning reluctant. "Let's just say I got into some trouble with the local mob boss," he said quietly.

The ponies exchanged uneasy glances. "What kind of trouble?" Applejack asked, her voice firm.

Razar hesitated before speaking. "I'd rather not go into details," he said finally. "Suffice it to say that I had to leave in a hurry. And I'm not ready to talk about it yet."

The ponies looked at each other, unsure of what to make of Razar's cryptic words. But Twilight's eyes were still fixed on him, her mind racing with questions.

"Maybe we can talk about it later?" she said softly.

Razar nodded, his expression grateful. "Yes, maybe later," he said. And for a moment, the only sound was the crunch of blueberries being eaten in silence.

As they finished their snack, Twilight's friends turned to Razar with excited faces. "We have a lot to tell you," Twilight said, a happy glint in her eye. "You see, we all met in Ponyville, and we've been on so many adventures together."

Razar's eyes widened as the ponies began to share their stories. They told him about the time they stopped the Changeling Queen Chrysalis from taking over the capital city of Equestria, and how Twilight's brother and his wife managed to repel her army with their love magic.

Applejack regaled him with tales of their apple farm, where they grew apples and how they worked together to overcome challenges like the weather and pests. Rarity shared her fashion sense and entrepreneurial spirit, explaining how she used her talents to create beautiful clothes and accessories.

Fluttershy told him about her love of animals and her special connection to the creatures of Equestria, from the ponies to the birds and beasts. Pinkie Pie bounced around, sharing her silly antics and joyful spirit, making Razar laugh with her stories.

Rainbow Dash told him about how fast she can fly and how she became a wonderbolt and how she can perform a sonic rainboom, she told him about her time at the academy it was rough at first, but now she can handle it.

And then, Twilight took over, telling him about how she became an alicorn princess through completing an ancient spell due to her understanding of friendship, she explained how she used her newfound powers to help those in need and maintain balance in the land.

As they shared their stories, Razar's eyes grew wide with amazement. He had never heard anything like it before. "You're all so brave and amazing but how did you all met Starlight?" he asked.

Twilight's friends couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of their first meeting with Starlight Glimmer. "Ah, yes," Applejack said, shaking her head. "Starlight was a bit of a troublemaker when we first met her."

Rarity nodded. "She was trying to take over a town by using her magic to make everyone do what she wanted and they she traveled through time and tried to change the future."

Fluttershy shuddered at the memory. "But Twilight was able to stop her and help her see the error of her ways."

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down. "And now she's one of our best friends! She's even helped us on many of our adventures."

Twilight smiled, feeling grateful for the bond they shared with Starlight. "Yes, we've had our ups and downs, but in the end, friendship always wins out." Starlight smiled and nodded, "and am forever grateful to Twilight for giving me a second chance, a chance that I didn't deserve."

As they finished their storytelling, Razar looked at the ponies with newfound respect. He had never imagined that he would find such a group of friends in this strange new land. But as he gazed into their eyes, he knew that he had found something special – a bond that could last a lifetime.

As the sun began to set, the ponies knew it was time to say their goodbyes to Razar. They gathered around him, each one sharing a warm hug or a pat on the back.

"Thank you for sharing your stories with us, Razar," Twilight said, her voice filled with gratitude. "If you ever decide you don't want to live in the everfree forest anymore you're welcome to stay with us anytime you need."

Rarity nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we'd love to have you visit Ponyville anytime you want. We can show you around and introduce you to our other friends."

Applejack added, "And if you ever decide to visit, Spike here can give you a tour of Ponyville."

Spike, who had been quietly observing the group's goodbyes, perked up at this. "Yeah, I'd be happy to show you around! I know all the best spots in Ponyville."

Twilight smiled. "And if you ever drop by, I'll give you a personal tour of my castle. You can see the library and learn more about Equestria.

Razar's eyes lit up at this offer. "Wow, that sounds amazing," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "I'll have to take you up on that someday."

The ponies nodded and hugged each other again, before saying their final goodbyes. As they walked away, Razar watched them go, feeling grateful for the new friendships he had formed.

"Thanks again, everyone," he called out after them. "I'll never forget this day."

Twilight turned back and smiled. "We'll never forget it either, Razar. Come visit us anytime."

And with that, the ponies disappeared into the distance, leaving Razar alone once more. But he didn't feel lonely anymore. He knew that he had found true friends in this strange new land, and that they would always be there for him whenever he needed them. Zecora was right just talking to these ponies was all it took.

With a newfound sense of purpose and belonging, Razar turned back to face the setting sun, his heart full of hope and his spirit soaring with excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.

(Meanwhile in Earthrealm)

The sun was setting over in Earthrealm, casting a warm orange glow over the Cage household. Cassie, Johnny, and Sonya sat in the living room, each lost in their own thoughts. Sonya's phone call with one of her soldiers had ended just moments before, and she looked frustrated.

"Still no sign of Leon," she said to herself, shaking her head.

Johnny Cage walked into the room, noticing his wife's distress. "Hey, how are you doing?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Sonya sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I'm not doing well, It's been six months and we've found nothing. Not even our informants in Outworld have seen him."

Johnny sat down beside her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I know it's tough, but we'll keep looking. We have to find him."

Cassie, who had been quietly sitting on the couch, spoke up. "Mom, Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Sonya turned to her daughter, her expression softening. "Of course, sweetie. What's on your mind?"

Cassie took a deep breath. "I've been working so hard to find Leon. I just...I miss him so much. I know we all do."

Sonya's eyes welled up with tears as she nodded. "Oh, Cassie, we all do. We miss him dearly. We were so shocked when he turned out to be...what he is."

Johnny nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was a lot to take in. But we have to find him and bring him home."

Sonya's eyes locked onto her daughter's. "Are you're taking this hard're the one who misses him the most."

Cassie nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah...because he was my closes more so than jacqui, and now he's gone, because I called him a monster, I didn't know that, that creature was Leon the whole time."

The three of them sat in silence for a moment, lost in their own thoughts. Sonya's mind wandered back to the events that led to Leon's disappearance. She remembered the day Rick Wilson was killed by his own neighbors, and how Leon had vanished shortly after.

And then it clicked into place - why the neighborhood had been littered with dismembered bodies. It was all too clear now: Leon must have gone on a rampage and killed everyone who had a hand in his father's murder.

The weight of this knowledge hung heavy in the air as they sat there, each of them struggling to come to terms with what had happened.

As the night wore on, they knew that their search for Leon would continue - but for now, they just sat there, holding onto the memories of their dear friend and loved one, and praying that one day they would find him again.