Paralysis Petal

by Toothsome

First published

Roseluck is taken advantage of after being struck by a paralysis spell

A secret admirer sneaks into the home of Roseluck and has sex with her. She is unable to do anything due to the paralysis spell he has placed on her body.

Contains: Non-consent Rape/ Paralysis

The Secret Admirer

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Roseluck was just closing up shop for the night, business went great as it always did on Hearts and Hooves day; she'd sold nearly all her stock, only a few daisies and daffodils left. She never usually stayed open this late, but a lot of ponies were having dates and getting that last minute gift. It had finally slowed down, and Rose felt now was as good a time as any to pack it in.

She'd been up since dawn; preparing flowers and bouquets for her customers, and she could really use the rest.

Although she loved this time of year, with all the beautiful flowers and lovely couples, she often found herself feeling lonesome. It had been sometime since she'd had a special somepony of her own, and while she had had coltfriends in the past, she hadn't found the right one yet.

Sighing she decided to leave this thought for another day and just head home.

The lanterns were lit and Princess Luna's moon shone brightly in the starry sky. Candlelight glows emanated from the windows of diners and homes, along with some less than PG sounds as well. Rose quickened her pace past these windows, her path through the Ponyville park was even interrupted by these noises. Roseluck found it baffling that some ponies didn't find it indecent, or embarrassing to be having sex in such public places. But that was their lives she supposed, all she could do was quicken her pace and try to ignore the continuing cries and moans of "Oh yes! Mm come on faster! Ohhh~".

Finally she reached her front door. And all it took was ignoring 5 different couples having vigorous sex with their windows open, or hiding in the bushes. But it's okay, because now she was home and could finally relax...

As Roseluck opened her door, she hadn't expected to find rose petals lining the floor like a carpet. She carefully looked around, her door had been locked, but she didn't think this many rose petals fell on her floor by themselves. Cautiously she crept inside, as she grabbed an umbrella in her mouth from the stand, a part of her hoped that she had done this while fretting about Hearts and Hooves Day; busy with her flowers that she hadn't noticed how many petals fell on the floor. But if that were the case, there would be more than just rose petals on the floor, and they wouldn't be all leading to her bedroom.

As she drew closer, she could see light coming from her room; candle light. Perhaps it was just Lily or Daisy playing a joke on her? Or this burglar was using rose petals as their calling card. An Ex trying to rekindle their love? All she could do was guess as her bedroom door drew closer.

She paused at the door handle. Should she really be doing this? What if there was a murderer behind this door! She'd be falling into his trap. She should go find an officer, that's what she should have done when she first entered her home. Instead she thought she'd check it out, by herself. Idiot!

Quietly taking a step back, the floorboard gave a deafening creeeeeeekk... Her heart jumped into her throat as she stood stock still.

A deep red glow encompassed the handle of her bedroom door, the magic flowed slowly, hypnotically, like water in slowmotion. All she could do was watch as the handle dipped down and the door swung open. Within, she could see nopony, but for her floor and bed covered in a river of rose petals. Candles glowed around the room on top of her dresser and bedside table.

Rose's heart was beating rapidly, this had too many danger signs to it, and she never should have come this far to begin with. She took a step back and quickly turned around, rushing towards the front door. She only got a few steps before slamming into something hard.

Staring up, the silhouette of a Stallion stood over her, the faint glow of light from her room only revealing that he was a Unicorn. In a rush, she swung the umbrella clutched in her jaw at the stranger, but it was pulled from her teeth by magic before she could strike.

"Leaving so soon?" His deep seductive voice queried.

"I-I.." Terror gripping Rose too tightly to speak.

"I was hoping you'd stay longer. I wanted to give you your surprise." The mystery Stallion started to walk towards her as he spoke, Rose scurried backwards and into her bedroom.

"Sur-S-Surprise?" She breathed. Now that they were standing in the candlelight of her room, she could see the Stallion that stood over her. He was a regular customer of hers; dark grey coat, blonde hair, and, if she was being honest; the most alluring ruby eyes. Comet Dust with his shooting star like cutiemark would often buy roses to tuck into the collar of his tie. He wore one now, but it was a black bowtie. A red rose he had bought that day slipped into the white collar. He had seemed like an okay stallion before this, perhaps a bit too pervy. On multiple occasions she had caught him looking at her rump, and often he would forget what personal space was. He had asked her out this morning, she didn't think much of it, she often had ponies asking her out this time of year, they were never looking for a longer relationship of course, just someone to spend the holiday with. She made it a rule not to date on Hearts and Hooves day. She wasn't looking for a fling. Even after explaining this, he asked if she would consider dating him, but she turned him down. It wasn't that she was picky, she just never liked the way he looked at her, something about it was unsettling...

Though she never expected this.

Suddenly he was inches away, his breath warm on her face as he drew closer to her retreating form.

"I admire you Rose. I've watched you for a while now and everything about you makes me weak. Won't you consider sharing tonight with me?" Roseluck had ran out of floor to backup on and had her rump backed against her wardrobe.

"L-Listen, I'm sure you're a nice guy. But I'm not looking for a relationship right now." Her eyes flickered to the door, wondering if she could make it in time. A red glow surrounded the door and it closed, a click resounding around the room as it was locked.

"Are you sure I can't make you... reconsider?" He leaned down, their faces inches away; his hot breath beating down on her equally hot and flushed face. She turned her head, staring at the floor as she tried to hide her reddening face.

"n-No.. Please... just.. Just g-!!!" Before she could get the last word out, he brought his lips closer and closed them around her own. Her cream coat blushed the deepest red and she tried to pull her head back but he only came closer. He had her back up against the wardrobe as he leaned his muscled chest into her, his tongue dancing in her mouth.

For the fleetest of seconds, she lost herself to the moment; his kiss burning her body from the inside out. Her heart leaping into her throat. Her tongue reaching into his own mouth. The taste lingering on her lips.

Her eyes fluttered open and the moment ended like a crack in glass. The sight of the large stallion standing over her shocked her out of what she was doing and she pushed against him. Quickly she shuffled sideways and broke out of the kiss, putting her bed between the two of them. He looked at her confused and took a step towards her.

"What's wrong? I thought we were having fun?"

"No." Roseluck breathed, her eyes like fishglobes as she stood shaking. "No I don't want to do this."

"Sure seemed like you did a moment ago."

"No! That.. That was wrong. You're wrong. You shouldn't be here! You broke into my house!"

"I just wanted to do something special, to show you how much I love you. Can't you feel it?" He put his front hooves on the bed, leaning closer to her. "There's chemistry between us Rose."


"Don't deny it!"

"Get out! Now!" Roseluck rushed to the door and attempted to open it, but the door remained closed; locked.

A shadow loomed over Roseluck, casting her in darkness.

"I know you love me Rose." She turned slowly, and looked up at him. Something different was in his eyes. Something cruel. "And I'm going to prove it to you."

Suddenly he grabbed the back of her mane in his teeth and dragged her towards the bed. Rose screamed and pulled against him, she tried to buck out at him, but he took each blow like they were nothing. He climbed backwards onto the bed covers and practically picked her up by her mane; dragging her onto the bed with him.

He pushed her down and climbed on top; his stomach touching her back as his crotch moved extremely close to the base of her tail. In a rush Roseluck rolled over and pushed against his chest with her hooves.

"PLEASE!! STOP! Don't do this!" She cried; tears rolling down her face. Her body filled with adrenaline, but her legs too physically weak to stop them from bending under his weight.

"Arg, stop.. fighting.. this!" He huffed as she tried to hit his face. "Just... STOP MOVING!!!" His horn flared and a bright red light surrounded Roseluck's body.

When the light faded, her hooves fell limply from his body and splayed out on the bed. Her eyes went wide and her breathing quickened as she realized what he'd done.

"Wha.. why.. I CAN'T MOVE MY LEGS!!"

"Sorry about that, you were being difficult." Comet towered over her, his muscled form even more intimidating, the candle fire dancing in the corner of his eyes.

"Un..." She gulped, "Undo this. Now."

"But I haven't proven my point to you yet."

"Your.. What point?!!" Her voice rising in her fear and anger. A smile gleamed across his face as he brought his head down closer, lowering slowly towards her face. He was right next to her ear, his breath blew gently and tickled her fur. His mouth opened and he whispered;

"That you love me."

"WH-!!!!" His lips once again pressed against hers as he embraced them with a kiss. Her muffled shriek dying as it murmured down his throat. She could do nothing to fight him, nothing to stop him. She couldn't even turn her head away, none of her muscles listened to her despite her desperate attempts to move them.

She was helpless.

Moments in Candlelight

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Roseluck rested motionless on her bed, the blood red satin sheets brushed up around her, delicate rose petals scattered around her body and her fiery mane spread out on cotton cloud pillows. A shadow hid her creamy white chocolate coat from view, golden locks of hair resting above ruby gemstone eyes.

Their kiss lasted an eternity, all the passion and heat of the sun passed between those lips, and to break it now, even to breathe, would be a sin. Comet kissed her deeply, their faces molding to each other's, as Rose's heart thumped in her chest. His lips moved down her face and caressed her neck, nibbling at the base of her mane. Roseluck lied there taking in deep breaths, her cheeks and ears turning bright crimson. Between her huffs of heat, she whispered;


"Hmm?" He moved from kissing her neck to her chest.

"please.. st-stop this... you.. don't have.. to do this... we... we could start over?.. t-talk?" She pleaded. Comet stopped caressing her chest fur and looked up at her. A smooth smile on his face. His body laid down on top of her, making it difficult to breathe as her breath hitched.

"I know you're afraid." He whispered, bringing his face closer once more. "Afraid to..." He paused, his smile growing wider. His lips brushed against her ear as he said the next word. It was in such a hush, she almost didn't hear it, "Commit."

Roseluck breathed deeply for air she didn't realise she'd been holding as Comet moved further down her bed out of view.

"But I can help you. I can show you what you need.." She felt her legs being spread apart. Warm air brushed her nethers as he whispered; "It's better this way"

"No no no nOOOHHhhh!!" Rose bit her lip to stop the moan from escaping, but couldn't help the heat she felt as he dug his tongue into her vagina, his nose pushing deeper as his breath warmed her dripping folds. She wanted to move, to push him away, to stop this before it went too far, before she started to enjoy it. But all attempts to move her limbs, or get away from him were thwarted by his spell. She was paralyzed. She felt his hooves slide up her thighs, clutching her cutiemarks, rubbing the fur and drawing closer to her loins. His jaw dug deeper, forcing as much of his tongue inside and lapping at the edges. She felt electric, heat and pleasure like static coursing through her body. He licked up the length of her opening and smacked his lips together smiling. She couldn't stop the moan from leaving her, and the self hate she was feeling. Nothing was right, she shouldn't be enjoying this, it was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. She didn't want to admit it but a apart of her was loving the helplessness she felt. She wanted him to keep going, to force this, to have his way with her. But the rest of her mind was struck in fear that this was real. Not a game. He could harm her, seriously hurt her. Or worse.

She didn't know what to think, and was being overwhelmed by her thoughts and feelings. She could taste blood as she bit her lip to keep it from moaning, and tightened her eyes as red hot tears fell from her face. Her moan choked in her throat as she wept, Comet's ears flicked towards the noise.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up. Roseluck didn't open her eyes but heard him walk closer to her side. He climbed up on the bed beside her and lied down. His hoof touched her chin and held it up towards him.

"What's wrong Petal?" Rose sniffed as she opened her eyes and glanced up at him. His damp face gleamed down at her with a warm smile. "Tell me what's wrong, aren't you enjoying yourself?" Rose took a deep shuddering breath and replied.

"Please stop this."

"But we're about to get to the good part."

"No, please. I don't... I don't lik..." She looked away from him and said, "I don't like this."

"Mmmhm.." He said knowingly. He picked up her chin more and gazed into her eyes, "Say that again while you're looking at me this time."

Roseluck's emerald eyes glanced into ruby ones, her lips trembling as she opened them.

"I... I..." The words stuck in her throat as her heart thumped in her ears. "I..."

An eternity passed as he waited, he never seemed to blink though; constantly watching her, his eyes shining in the dark. Finally she closed her mouth and looked away, tears falling.

"Shhh shhh, it's okay." He cooed. brushing away her tears and gently kissing her forehead. "The important thing is that you admitted it." He locked with her lips again and she found herself almost gagging at the taste and realization of where his mouth had just been. He continued on kissing her.

A string of drool connected their mouths as he pulled away, a large grin covered his as he licked his lips.

"I could do this for hours." He spoke dreamily. "You're so perfect~." He rolled over on top of her and laid his entire weight on her.

"Oof! I can't... I can't... bre..."

"Who needs air when we have each other? Who needs the sun when we have this night? Who needs anything, but you..." He kissed her again, deeply, pushing her head into the pillows. "I love you, my little rose petal~"

Roseluck could feel 'something' pushing into her that caused tingles to rip through her body. She gasped in shock and said;

"What-what are you doing?! I-I don't want to do this. I-I'm not ready!"

"Oh Petal, if I waited for when you were 'ready', I'd be older than Celestia. It's either I do this now, or you die a virgin."

"How..." She whispered, eyes wide.

"I know an unplucked rose when I see one. Now, are you ready?"

"No! You.. you don't even have protection!"

"I have to stake my claim in this garden somehow, before some other stallion does." He pushes closer, his tip digging between her dripping folds. "Besides," He breathed on her face, "it's better this way." He grunts as he pushes deeper, his dick already hard and large, as it fights it's way into her untouched centre. A shriek gasped from Rose as pain shot through her abdomen, her sides being stretched apart.

"STOP!" She screamed.

"The pain will pass." He stated, forcing more inside. Her flesh was being torn apart, she felt like it was being ripped in two, it was bleeding onto the bed and he wasn't stopping.

"STOP STOP STOP!!!" She screamed in pain, no matter the heat and static she was feeling, the pain was was like knives stabbing through her, and he wouldn't stop.

"Rose! Stop screaming! There's nothing wrong!"

"STOP! I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS!!!" He pulled out and she saw the blood dripping off of it. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?!" He grabbed her head in both his hooves and pressed his face against hers.

"ROSE! There's nothing wrong! This is normal!"






"Rose I have to do this! You'll never do it on your own!"


"NO!" Suddenly Rose was encompassed by his red magic and flipped over onto her stomach, he held her rump in the air and pushed her tail out of the way. He lent over her, his body shrouding her as he brought his hips closer. His dick hardened so large, veins were popping out. Without care, he dug it into her cunt and thrust.

Rose screamed into a pillow, muffling her cries. She whined and screeched into that pillow, her breath coming out in huffs; just barely able to breathe in fresh air. Hot salty tears fell freely as her body was rocked by her hunches. Comet Dust groaned in ecstasy, his cock squeezed thin by her channel. Sloppy smacks echoed each time his hips bumped her cheeks. His hooves clutched her rump and squeezed her plush butt. Heat and pressure built as he thumped down on her faster and harder. Rose was struggling to still scream, her head was spinning and felt light headed. The shocks through her body from each massive thrust were the only thing keeping her conscious. Everything was hot, with sweat clutching at her coat all over, while cum dripped down her legs. His huge dick stretched her insides, feeling like it was choking her from a second throat. Her organs and heart being pushed out through her mouth. He pile-drove down into her, her face shoved into her pillows and into the wall. Near impossible to take a breath as it was rammed out of her. Her eyes were seeing stars the longer he plunged into her depths. Suddenly everything was becoming hotter, her cunt was squeezing his dick, she felt hot liquid burst into her channel and suddenly she was on fire. Her body exploded as cum shot through her and collided with his. She shrieked into the pillow as this heat burned her loins and load after load of his sperm continued to shoot through her. She could hear it all slopping into a puddle on her blankets as her bliss slowly subsided.

Her cheeks were flustered bright red, as she puffed in air, gaping in her ecstasy. She gasped as his shaft pulled out of her with a "pop", and her rear fell into the puddle on her bed. Comet was puffing with her, his hair stuck to his sweat covered face. He slumped down on the bed next to her and rolled her over so they could see each other. Rose gasped at the air her lungs so sorely needed, too tired to speak. Comet could only manage a smile between his huffs.

He reached a hoof up and brushed the mane out of her face, holding her cheek as he stared lovingly. Her face was flushed pink with shining green eyes staring back. He leaned closer and kissed her gently, caressing her lips with the flavour of their love.

Roseluck's eyes closed. Her breathing slowed, and when Comet pulled away, she was out like a light. He smiled sweetly, staying like that for a few moments just to watch her.

Slowly he got up from the bed and grabbed something set down next to the candles on her desk. He brought it over to her and slipped a gold band around her hoof. It was just like the rings used for proposals, and this one had "My Love. My Life. My Rose Petal" engraved on it, with a golden rose ornament on top. Nuzzling her nose with his, he whispered;

"I love you. And now, with my foal inside you, we can be together forever." A soft moan was her reply. He kissed her on the forehead, before lifting her up gently in his magic. He pulled the blanket covers out from under her and over her body, tucking them close to her chin. He walked around to the other side and climbed in next to her. After magically extinguishing all the candles, he pulled her body up next to his, rubbing her stomach and his future child. He hugged her close with his hooves as he inhaled the scent of her hair deeply.

"Mine forever." He whispered, before nodding off himself.