Trixie Learns About Peanut Butter Crackers

by cliff1999

First published

Trixie recives a package that leaves her asking a question. Peanut butter? What's peanut butter?

Trixe is sleeping when she is QUITE RUDELY awakened by a delivery pony. :pinkiesick: Trixie is very grumpy when woken before 3:00 in the afternoon. But this package contains a cure for her grumpiness that she didn't even know existed.

This is my first story on this site. Critiques are welcome, but please, be gentle.

Trixie Was Unaware One Could Make Dairy Products From Peanuts

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Trixie Was Unaware One Could Make Dairy Products From Peanuts

Knock Knock Knock. “Ms. Lulamoon?” Knock Knock Knock. “Are you awake?” Knock Knock Knock. “Um… One package for a Ms. Lulamoon.” Knock Knock Knock. “Is this the right trailer in the middle of nowhere?” Knock Knock…

Trixie slammed the door to her trailer open. Glaring at the mare in front of her, Trixie hissed “Whatever you are selling, Trixie wants no...”

She was cut off by the pony outside her home. ”Oh good! It IS the right trailer in the middle of nowhere! And you’re awake too! I was worried that I might have woken you up!”

Trixie picked the slate grey earth pony up by the throat with her magic. “What. Do. You. Want. Give Trixie one good reason she shouldn’t turn you to dust.”

The mailmare struggled to get to her saddlebags and pulled out a clipboard with a pen dangling on a string. ”Fignatur pweeve.” She mumbled around the unwieldy object. Still glaring, Trixie took the pen in her magic and signed the delivery slip, then broke the clip off of the pen just for spite. The mail pony, now free of Trixie’s magic pulled a large cardboard box off of here cart. Then with the clipboard still in her mouth she trotted off. “Haff eh nife deh!” All she heard behind her with the slamming of the trailer door.

Trixie looked at her reflection in the mirror and noticed the bags under her eyes. She sighed as she rubbed her forehead with her hoof. “Stupid postal service. Either days late or WAY too early.” She glanced at her clock. “Seriously! It’s only 12:00! Noon is way too early…” Trixie frowned as she looked at the package in front of her. She hadn’t been expecting any packages. She didn’t recognize the return address either. “Delectable Delicacies Snack Co.? Trixie’s never heard of them.” Opening the package, she found dozens of small, paper parcels and a letter. Pulling it out she began to read.

Dear Ms. Lulamoon. My name is Cinnamon Crisp. Recently, I had the great pleasure of viewing one of your shows in Manehattan. And then again, while on vacation with my family in Fillydelphia. Both time I was amazed by your stage presence and showmareship. I was also surprised by how small your audience was. I have a proposition that may prove beneficial to both of us. My company just released a new type of cracker sandwich. However, sales have been disappointingly low. I would like to hire you to endorse our product in a MASSIVE magic show sponsored by DDSCo. You endorse the new Peanut Butter Crunch© Cracker sandwiches and get a huge amount of publicity, and we get a boost in sales. But I wouldn’t have you blindly endorse our product so I have sent samples of each flavour of our Peanut Butter Crunch© Cracker Sandwiches for you to try. If you agree to my proposition, please send a reply letter, addressed to me, to 4135 Comestible Ave. Manehattan by next week.

Cinnamon Crisp


Delectable Delicacies Snack Co.

Trixie blinked. “Trixie was unaware one could make butter out of nuts.” Pulling out one of the paper parcels from the box, she noticed a stamp on it. Peanut Butter Chocolate. Carefully unwrapping the paper, Trixie revealed four little cracker sandwiches. Prying one apart, she saw a small circular patty with two swirling shades of brown. Putting the sandwich back together, she took a tentative bite. Her face lit up with delight, and Trixie shoved all four of the delicious treats in her mouth at once. She chewed and swallowed what she could. “Dehissus! Trikhee enhoiz hiss tath!” Trixies face quickly shifted from bliss to panic. “My tung! Iks shtuk! Trikhee iv…” the peanut butter suddenly released its hold on the roof of her mouth. Carefully, Trixie swallowed the rest of the peanut butter. “These are… very sticky.” Trixie rubbed her tongue on her teeth. “And dry. Perhaps Trixie should only eat on at a time.”

Looking into the box, Trixie saw another flavour beneath the chocolate ones. Concentrating, Trixie pulled out all the packages with her magic and sorted them by flavour. She found she had five chocolate, six apple, six original, six berry blast, three rhubarb, and three … Pinecone!?

“Who in their right mind would… eat…” Trixie stopped speaking as she realized that she had unconsciously unwrapped the pinecone flavoured peanut butter crackers and floated on up to her mouth. “Trixie supposes… It wouldn’t hurt to try just one.” Trixie takes a careful bite, only to be blown away by the flavour. The patty inside was unbelievably smooth and creamy, with crunchy bits within it. The crunchy parts themselves were equal parts spicy and nutty, but the treat’s flavor was sweet over all. Trixie forced herself to slow down and savour the snack. But when she took her next bite, the texture was different! Gone was the crunchy goodness of the pinecone, replaced with a sweet, chewy substance. Opening the eyes she hadn’t realized she had closed, Trixie saw she had eaten all three packages of the pinecone crackers and moved on to the apple ones. Taking the open package of apple peanut butter crackers with her, Trixie moved over to her small desk and pulled out some writing supplies. Trixie popped another cracker in her mouth as she began to Write.

“Dear Mr. Crisp…”



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Trixie looked out at the hundreds of ponies sitting in the theater. Yes, she had truly come a long way. Trixie smiled as she chewed the peanut butter cracker in her mouth. Pinecone. Still her favorite after all these years... She swallowed with the aid of a glass of milk. Who would have thought. Her big break came from that promotion performance. Low thumping music began and a lavender mist started to fill the stage. Lighting her horn, Trixie amplified her voice. "Now, what you have all been waiting for! The GREAT! The POWERFUL! TRRRIXIE!"