> Thefloof loses it. > by 27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thefloof woke up as the morning sun entered his room. “Zzzz” I said…..Thefloof woke up as the morning sun entered his room. “Zzzz” AS THE MORNING SUN ENTERED HIS ROOM! “I’m up I’m up sheesh. Wait...who are you?” I am the narrator I tell the readers what you are doing. “Ok then? I really need to stop drinking before bed.” May I continue? “Yeah go ahead.” Thank you. (clears throat) Thefloof got up from his bed the sun stil… “Sorry to interrupt but I live in the basement no sun light.” Fine may I continue? “Yes sorry.” Good. Thefloof got up from his bed as water from the damp basement hit his muzzle. “Um my basement is nice” Stop interrupting me or I will read you as a mare. “My mouth is sealed” Thefloof then went into the kitchen to make some breakfast happy for the day that was ahead of him. Little did he know disaster would hit. “Wait am I going die” No now shush. He turned on the stove for today was pancakes. Nice fluffy pancakes with maple syrup. The burner heated up to the desired temperature. And Thefloof poured on the pancake batter. A minute later he flipped them. Very soon after, he had a nice plate of pancakes. He put a slice of butter on them and poured on the syrup. He then carried the plate to the table. He sat down He stuck the fork into the pile of fluffyness and brought up the first bite putting it in his mouth but something was wrong. The bite he had taken was still gooey. “OH BLOODY TARTARUS!” He spoke in anger but finished the pancakes none the less. After he washed the dishes from his failed attempt at breakfast he went back to his room. “Ok breakfast was not that bad it could've been better but that does not matter nothing will ruin this day.” He said with a sense of optimism. He sat at his desk and turned on the computer. The centerpiece of his planned out day. “Woo I will do some streaming maybe some art ooo and make that blog video. Oh wifi is off I should turn that on hehe.” he said switching it on. The first thing he did was went on ponytube to watch some videos of sheep or something. As he clicked the first video and it started to load the wifi shut off. “CELESTIA DA…...it’s fine ill just wait for it to come back on.” And it did just long enough for him to watch one video. “Hehe that was pretty funny. Now time for some art streaming.” Thefloof opened up his art program to draw an awesome pic. He also set up his stream so other ponies could watch it. “What should I draw today? Maybe a dragon kissing tia. Hehe guess I’ll just draw something random and find out. Now let’s turn on that stream.” The WiFi shuts off yet again. “AHHHHHHH BLOODY….YOU PIECE OF…..I AM GOING TO SMASH YOU!” He nearly punched the screen but stopped short. “No I can’t, I do not have the money to buy a new screen. Just calm down it will come back on. Hopefully soon.” The internet came back on….twenty minutes later. “Well at least it is back on. Now I can stream.” It died once again and Thefloof ran out of the room screaming. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” He came back after an hour and laid down in his bed. “I will just take a short nap then maybe all will be better.” He fell fast asleep. Later waking up. The clock reading nine pm. “WAIT NINE PM? I MEANT TO SLEEP FOR AN HOUR NOT SEVEN. Ok at least I can still make the blog vid before I call it a night. Hehe at least I don’t need internet to record it.” Thefloof turned on the camera and pointed it at himself. “Ok so on Monday I fought a griffin in a daring battle of rock paper scissors…..I lost...stupid hooves. On Tuesday I.” He continued this for the next hour. “All done now just to upload it to ponytube. Click click and click now just have to wait…..FOUR HOURS? Sigh i’ll just go to bed it will be done in the morning.” Thefloof laid back in his bed and fell asleep. “Zzzzzzz” The morning sun once again woke him up. “Zzzzz basement no sun light zzzz” Fine…..He woke up to a very loud alarm clock. BEEP BEEP BEEP “Ok I get it I’m up sheesh. OH MY VIDEO! Let’s see if it uploaded……..VIDEO COULD NOT UPLOAD...NETWORK ERROR? AHHHHHHHHHH!” A passing mail mare gets hit by a flying computer “AND STAY OUT!” That was uncalled for. “Shush I need to write a letter to the princess.” Dear princess sunbutt I have tried all of yesterday to use the internet but could not, so I would like to ask you to please BURN WHOEVER INVENTED THIS STUPID WIFI TO ASHES! Thank you Your subject Thefloof Better? “Yep all better.” Well I guess that’s the end of the story then. The End A stallion walked down a long dark hall way making his way to the sub level basement. He opened the door and what was shown would make any mare or stallion go mad. Thousands of Twilight Sparkles all with horns glowing except a few dozen. “Well these are dead.” the stallion replacing them. He then left and headed home. This has been a paid advertisement from TwiFi The only Wifi service because no others exist. Don’t go looking. Remember if it’s not TwiFi its nothing. Also remember WE OWN YOU. Thank you and have a nice day. “That was a weird commercial.” Tia spoke changing the channel. “Hey luna what do you want to watch?” “Ponytube?” Luna replied. “Sure let me just turn on the computer.” Three hours later. “AHHHHHH PIECE OF HORSE APPLES WIFI!” They both screamed before tossing the computer out the highest window. This has also been a paid advertisement from TwiFi It may suck but you have no other choice. The End…..For real this time.