> A Glimmering Night > by Gamer Script > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Glimmering Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You look at yourself in your bedroom mirror, your hair washed, combed, brushed and styled to your liking, your clothes extra fancy. This is the night you make your move. This is the night that you surprise her and take your relationship to the next level. You assure yourself that everything will be just fine. You've been dating for a couple years now, met all her friends, she's met all your friends, she's even met your parents and was able to make it through a very awkward family game night and your embarrassing baby pictures. You can feel the hard pumps and thumps of your heart as if it's attempting a jailbreak from your chest. You feel like you want to faint, but at the same time like you want to dance for joy. Nervouscited, you think Pinkie called it. With your mind an absolute mess, you walk back and forth in your apartment living room and just barely stopping yourself from tripping over your own two feet when you hear a light knocking at the door, catching yourself before your face could have a sudden visit to the ground. You quickly walk towards the door and open it, seeing... Her. Her beautiful lavender eyes, her purple and baby blue mane flowing in the breeze, wearing it down fully instead of having it in her usual hairstyle. Her cute, pink coat covered by a dress of black velvet with pink and purple lining, obviously made by her friend Rarity, of whom you had purchased your suit from as well. She gazed up at you and smiled, a small blush creeping onto her face as she did, "Well look at you... You clean up quite nicely, you know that?" She said with a giggle as you nod, the feeling of a bashful smile and a nervous blush traversing your own face. She giggled and turned, "Shall we go then?" She said as if instructing you. You nod and quickly move out the door with her stepping to the side so that she didn't trip you somehow, closing and locking it before walking down the flight of stairs with the beautiful pink mare at your side. You could just barely make it down a few steps before the tugging on your coat sleeve pulled you down to her level, coming face to face with Starlight with what seemed like an expectant look on her face, your own turning quizzical for a moment before it clicked in your mind and you smile. She herself grins when you lean in and kiss her lips sweetly, her placing a hoof to your cheek. She loved sharing these kisses with you and you adored giving them to her. Her plush, soft lips pressed against your own. There was no lust, no hidden desire because with the two of you everything was out in the open and you couldn't care less who saw you. After a minute or so of leaning on the steps, you were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat in front of you. You stopped and the two of you looked over at a moderately aged human couple who looked at the two of you with smiles on their faces, "Oh no please, don't let us get in the way." The female said giggling while the male simply smiled. You knew these two, they lived in the apartment above you and were more or less a couple of the only people and/or ponies that were in your building that didn't mind your relationship with Starlight, as much as they'd mess with you about it. Starlight blinked and smiled, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Donovan! It's so nice to see the two of you out and about." She said smiling kindly. You wondered for a moment why or how Starlight knew the couple which was then answered almost as soon as the thought came into your mind, "I do hope that medicine helped your arthritis some." You pause for a moment and then the memory bolts into your mind like Rainbow Dash into your balcony window: She works at a pharmacy part time. Mr. Donovan laughed lightly and wound his arm, "Yep! Haven't felt it all day and then some! Whatever you used in that remedy sure as shootin' works!" he said with a wide smile which she quickly returned. "I'm so happy to hear that! Now, do remember to take it twice a day with meals and avoid alcohol. Mrs. Donnovan has definitely told me how much you enjoy an afternoon drink." she said with an arched, knowing brow. He chuckled and sighed, "Alright alright, I'll keep my drinking a little lower. Now why don't ya'll get ta' gettin'?" he said before turning to you, "And make sure you treat her to a nice dinner alright? None'a that take-out chinese like you usually have." You groan and look at him, "I always do. This isn't our first date..." He laughed heartily at your annoyance, "I know, I know. I'm just messin' with ya is all. Now get goin' and have a good time." he said as he and his wife walked up the stairs to their apartment. You sigh and blush, hating when he said things like that before turning to look to Starlight, only to be met with a disapproving look, "Uh... Did I do something?" "You've been eating more Chinese take-out?" she said with an arched brow. You gulp, knowing how much she dislikes when you eat unhealthy foods. She sighed and grabbed your arm with her magic dragging you down the stairs, "We're having real food tonight. No more of that unhealthy trash." she said as you struggle to keep your footing down the stairs. After getting down the stairs the two of you go up the street from your apartment having decided not to take your car since it was always bothersome for her to fit in the seats properly and, for that matter, didn't like the feeling of your car's seats in the first place. Of course you had to date a brilliant, magically talented health nut. As you walk, you look down at the light pink pony at your side and see her somewhat bothered face, deciding to ask what's wrong. Giving a sigh, she looks up at you, "I don't mean to be pushy, really I don't. But you know how I feel about that take out stuff you eat. Do you know how much sodium and MSGs are in that stuff?" she said with a genuine worry in her eyes you'd seen before. You sigh and nod, "I know Star, I know... I promise , I'll go to the store tomorrow and pick up some healthy foods so I don't order out as much, okay?" you say, deciding to give into her once again, as you usually do. At that declaration, she gives you a bright smile and nuzzles your hand, "Thank you, that's all I wanted to hear." she said sweetly as she looked up to you with those beautiful, bright, lavender eyes that you fell in love with. Not being much of a patient person, you pick her up and cradle her in your arms, giving her a sweet, passionate kiss which she quickly and willingly reciprocates. Continuing your walk down the street, you can't help but smile down at the pony in your arms and remember back on how the two of you had begun to date. How adorable she looked walking around the pharmacy and bossing her co-workers, both pony and human alike, getting them into working order at a stomp of her hooves. That day, you were picking up another prescription for your allergies, sniffling softly as you came up to the counter. This having been the 5th time this month you'd seen her, she only became more and more worried looking as the days went on, and it was quite noticeable between you both. Being a stickler for rules, it was surprising for her to sneak out of her shift to help you at home. She even took the next few days off just to keep you well. Even though at the end of the week or so you ended up getting her sick as well and had to nurse her back to health yourself. During that time though, the two of you had been bonding over your likes and interests. Like how you both have an extreme love of aerodynamics, mainly kites. You told her about how your parents and you would often make kites together and how much fun you'd have flying them in the nearby park, which was the spark that made your first date happen: A session of flying kites in said park on a bright sunny afternoon until the sun set. From then on, the two of you could barely go a day without hearing the other's voice for at least a few seconds, causing you to either meet up after your respective shifts or simply almost be on the phone whenever you got the chance. Soon you were dragged out of your thoughts of the past by her nipping at your ear gently, "I think we're here." she said giggling lightly as you look up to see what she's talking about, seeing that you were now standing in front of a well-renowned restaurant, and one of the few that didn't look down on Pony/human relationships. Seeing this you look down to her and smile, letting her down on her own four hooves as you both walk in, you opening and holding the door for her to cheerfully gallop through. Once the two of you were inside, a waiter pony with a small mustache asks your name, of which you give him and he happily leads the two of you to your table where you pull the chair for Starlight to climb up into before pushing her in. Walking around to your own side you're then greeted by a human waitress who takes your drink orders of which you both order water, knowing well that Starlight would probably do it for you anyway. Being caught off guard by your step ahead of her, she looks at you with surprise in which you simply wink and grin as you look at the menu which makes her blush a soft red against her light pink coat as she too looks down to the menu before her. After the two of you decide on your respective meals and order said food, it's simply the two of you gazing into one another's eyes. The thoughts of what you'd do once you were done here buzzing through your head as you try as hard as you can to come up with something for this magnificent mare before you. It had to be perfect, not just some boring date where nothing interesting or fun happens, she's too good for something so small. Maybe a night at the club? No, she'd never go for something like that. Maybe bowling at the new place down the street? No, that wouldn't work. Knowing how strong her magic is from stories from her friends she might end up making your lane explode. Maybe a walk through the park? No, that's too plain and boring. Plus you're pretty sure a friend of yours said that most couples go there that time of night and it might get weird or awkward. You groan softly wracking your brain over what you should do for your night to be something special before a hoof is placed upon your hand on the table, bringing you back to reality as she looks up at you with a slightly troubled look on her face, "Um... Are you alright? You look really troubled about something and that's not like you." She said worriedly. You wanted to tell her that it was nothing but the both of you knew that you'd be lying if you did, she didn't need magic to know that to be the truth. You sigh and tell her that you want to make the night special. That you couldn't think of anything extraordinary for your date. At this news she looked at you sternly before laughing. You look upon her with bewilderment at this and ask her what's so funny as she wipes away a tear, "Th-That's what you were worried about? Seriously?" She said as her laughter began to lessen to a soft chuckling, "(Y/N), you don't have to do anything special for me just because I'm your marefriend. To be totally honest, even though we've been dating for a little while... I still don't really get the whole concept in the first place other than caring for one another and all that. And don't get me wrong, I do love you. I love you more than possibly anything or anyone I've ever had in my life before." she said placing a sweet hoof on your cheek. Hearing this makes you blush a deep red as you then ask if that includes Trixie, knowing that it was a bit of a running joke between her and her friends that the two were dating at one point. She blushes and gently nudges you, "Yes, more than Trixie... Jerk." she says playfully with a giggle as you both begin to laugh softly. She sighs and looks down at the table, placing her hooves downside up as you place your hands upon them, "I love you more than anything (Y/N)... More than Equestria, more than the world... More than Trixie loves herself." She joked, the both of you softly laughing. She then blushed and looked up at you and leaned up as the both of you close your eyes and share another sweet kiss, this one prolonging itself by a little longer than necessary until the sound of someone clearing their throat by your side came. The two of you quickly separate seeing an earth pony waitress and a male waiter bringing both your drinks and food, but in the earth pony's maw was a bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne within. The two of you look at the pony in confusion as Starlight speaks up, "We didn't order that..." "Oh, I know. It was sent over by that pink pony over by the bar." the waiter said as the mare placed it upon the table. In confusion, the two of you turn towards the bar to see Pinkie Pie waving before downing a hard apple cider, more than likely her umpteenth one, and rushing out. You look upon one another and sigh softly as Starlight turned back to the two, "Thank you very much, I suppose we'll keep it." she said as she pulled the champagne out. The mare nodded as the waiter placed down a couple of glasses and the two left you to your own devices. You decide to open the champagne for her as you pour a glass for her and then one for yourself before raising it, proclaiming a toast to her beauty making her a bit flustered as she giggled and rose her glass as well, "And to your charm." she said with a grin as you too became a red mess, making her giggle as you clinked the glasses together and took a swig of the bubbly beverage and continued on with your dinner. Later on, after a few more drinks and some desserts, the two of you leave the establishment with a tip waiting on the table and with a bit of a buzz in your heads. You're not too far gone to be called drunk but you're definitely not sober, which made you thank everything good that you decided against driving tonight. Even though you weren't too bad off, you could see that Starlight was barely able to walk anywhere near a straight line, bobbing from right to left every now and again. Giving a light chuckle, you pick up the unicorn who tries to protest but simply goes limp, melting into your warm embrace. You sigh and continue on down the road towards your apartment, knowing that you were nowhere near sober enough to make it across town to her place. Walking into your place after a few close calls on the stairs leading up, you kick the door closed behind you and place Starlight on your couch gently beforew giving a sigh as you take off your jacket and placing it in a nearby closet. Finally you unbutton your shirt and untie the cloth snake from around your neck, letting it dangle lamely over your shoulders. Being released from its hold is like a breath of fresh air and it couldn't have come sooner in your opinion. Looking over to Starlight, you notice that she seems more... Beautiful, than usual. As if she's a princess under a curse, awaiting her true love's kiss... And she did say she loved you more than anything earlier so you must be the prince. You slowly edge towards her and pull her into your lap, placing a hand upon her cheek as she gives soft breaths, looking dazedly at you before you kiss her lips deeply once more. No one to bother you, no one to stop you. Just you and this beautiful, amazing marefriend that you had all to yourself. You could do anything... Anything at all. This thought glides around in your head for a while as the kiss becomes more passionate, Starlight wrapping her forelegs around your neck as you glide your hands a bit further down her body and towards her soft, lovely haunches, gripping her cutie marks between your hands as she gives a light moan into your mouth. Your tongues lamely flailing around between your connected lips, both of you giving airy, lustful moans into one another as her magic begins to undo the remaining buttons of your shirt until your bare chest is in full view. You softly shudder from he feeling of her soft, warm fur against your skin, a feeling of something wet against your lap as you both separate from the kiss, looking down as you see that there's a bit of a wet spot on your slacks that you're quite sure didn't come from you. Just then, the realization comes at you like a freight train as you look at Starlight who's blushing madly and avoiding eye contact with you out of embarrassment. You blush a bit as well but pull her closer, into another deep, loving kiss which she returns with a more lustful reaction as you squeeze her haunches tight between your fingers, gaining a sweet, savory moan from her lips that only drives you to go further as you begin to feel your loins set ablaze with passionate lust for her. Feeling your rising member against her own groin, she gasps and grows a drunk, playful grin on her face as she pushes back against your hands till you release her as she haphazardly climbs down from your lap and stares in awe of the tent you're pitching, her excitement only making her wetter as you can tell from the light dripping down her hind leg. She looks up at you with an even wider grin than before, her horn glowing to life before the sound of your pants zipper being pulled down comes to your buzzing ears. You're still about as gone as she is but you know exactly what she's doing and you are in no way going to chance stopping her. Soon your slacks are upon the floor with only your boxers remaining on your person after you'd decided to toss aside your shirt and tie as you watch her trail her hoof up your length, her face pressed against it to feel it's pulsating warmth against her cheek, only making you harder from the sight which makes her give a drunken giggle in response. She then trails her wet, soft tongue up your cock and repeats this a few times as if she were licking a Popsicle before wrapping her maw around the head, peering up at you with her big, beautiful lavender eyes before taking a deep breath and sliding down your shaft. Her mouth filling with your erection before coming back up a bit and doing so again, bobbing her head while leaving a sloppy trail of saliva behind with every nod. You can't fully believe that the mare you love more than anyone in the world is currently sucking you off, but currently you're in such a dazed pleasure that you can't, don't and won't question it whatsoever as you moan out in a pleasurable ecstasy. Laying your head back, you place a hand upon her cheek as her bobbing begins to grow quicker, her tongue gliding up and down the bottom of your shaft until she suddenly stops and pushes her lips against the base of your hard cock, making you gasp in surprise as you look down seeing her tongue hanging out a bit and lapping at your sack as she gags. You quickly move your hand away from her cheek to let her go, but her magic envelops it and pulls it onto her head, making you pull her in deeper till her muzzle is completely pressed into you, the feeling of her tight, wet throat around your shaft only making you more turned on, a powerful surge coming to your loins. Before you fully know what's hit you, you're already blowing your load into her mouth and down her throat, and it is definitely not small. You hear and see her visibly fighting to swallow it all as a small bit dribbles from her nose, but she soon allows you to pull away your hand as she slides her mouth away and coughs a little, here eyes a bit teary and some of your essence still evident on her muzzle as she smiles up at you. The sight of her mouth stained with a combination of drool and cum made something in your mind click as your half-mast quickly becomes full once again which quickly draws her attention as she gasps and looks up at you, "Haven't had enough~? Neither have I~" she said as she turned around and wrapped her tail around your cock, it's movement revealing her sopping wet plot as she pulls as if leading you to get up like a dog on a leash. Once you finally stand, she leads you into your bedroom and onto the bed where she lays her head down and sticks her beautiful pink ass up, her tail dragging you to her overflowing slit as she slides her provocatively up and down your shaft, "Please, ravage me... Do me as hard as you want, make me yours!" she pleaded looking back at you with lust-filled, needing eyes, "Please (Y/N)... Please make love to me..." she whispered softly. Watching her plead so helplessly for you only made you harder as well as her soft plot against your dick as you take her haunches in hand and begin to grind against her, making her moan and bite her hoof, panting as you pull away and push into her folds, making her body tense as she begins to stutter and gasp, biting her bottom lip. As you push in you feel your member being stopped by what could only be a wall of some sort. It's only then your eyes open wide with surprise and you realize what's going on... She's a virgin. It made sense considering that, from what her friends and she herself had told you most of Equestria was mares with a third of the population being stallions but it still made you pause in shock. You gulp and ask if it's okay if you continue to which she looks up at you and nods gently, "P-Please... Do it... I want you to be my first... My only..." she whimpered out. With her confirmation, you take hold of her tail and give a sigh as you stroke it gently before pulling back and thrusting in, the wall breaking as she squeals out in a way that could've very well been agonizing pain, unbearable pleasure or an amalgamation of the two. Regardless, you quickly hug her close, holding her to your chest as she hysterically pants and shudders, the trickling of what could only be the after effects of a broken hymen gliding gently down your member as she begins to pant lightly. Looking up at you, she begins taking shaky breaths, "I-I knew it would hurt but... W-Wow..." She sniffled and gave a small chuckle as she kisses your lips. "G-Go ahead... The pain should go away soon..." She whispers sweetly into your ear as she lays back down, allowing you to pull back and glide in again, repeating the process and slowly picking up speed as her soft grunts began to turn into moans, sprawling out a bit as she lays her head upon your pillow with her tongue hanging from her gaping maw, your thrusts growing in strength. While you continue, her moans and cute little squeaks become like music to your ears as you pick her up and pull out, placing her on her back before spreading her glossy pink folds apart to look at it dreamily. There's a small bit of blood but nothing that's uncommon from what you learned in health classes. You look down at her and slide your hands up her body, wrapping your arms around her as you pull her close and whisper "I love you" into her ear, which makes her smile and tear up as she leans her head on your shoulder, "I love you too... Now..." She grows her devious grin once again, "Ride your pony~" she whispers into your ear as you smile lustfully and push into her once again making her moan as she wraps her forelegs around your neck and bounces on you, the two of you staring into one another's eyes as you crash into one another's lips with a great force, making you fall back as she bounces her plush, soft ass against your throbbing cock. Her juices dripping down your shaft as you ravage her ravenously to both your delights. Your combined panting and pleasured moans fill the air as you continue, the air becoming hot and your bodies becoming matted with sweat. You soon pick her up once again and press her against a wall, hooking her hindlegs in your arms as you thrust harder into her, making her pant and squeal in pleasure, her eyes rolling back with her mouth once again agape as you moan and begin to feel the rising urge from earlier once again. You begin to pull out but her tail pushes you back in as she looks up at you, "Inside me... Cum inside me..." She moaned out. You open your mouth to retort before she kisses you deeply, wrapping her hindlegs around your waist as you continue to thrust into he. You can feel the oncoming burst of cum building up until you can no longer hold it back. You soon feel it all come flooding out at once, her body tensing up as her stomach began to visibly distend as you fill her. After the wave finally finishes, you slowly pull out of her inch by inch as a small puddle of cum begins to form underneath you both, but a good portion stays within her as you stumble backwards with her and collapse onto your bed, both of you panting tiredly from the extensive amount of time you'd been fucking. You struggle to raise your arm to look at your watch and see it's about three o' clock in the morning. You've been at it for three straight hours with no breaks, pauses or even stops. You groan, your body finally giving out as you let your consciousness begin to slip away. The last words you hear before falling asleep are, "I love you so much... Thank you for making this the most glimmering night of my life..."