> Daring Do and the Temple of Whores > by Michael Hudson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Outskirts of Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring Do wanted to punch somepony. One pony in particular, but when said pony was the ruler of Equestria, and the one you worked for, you usually tried not to punch them. So, today, somepony would have to do. In fact, her desire was so strong that she’d be happy if Ahuizotl showed up just so she could give the prick one of her best shots. Of course, just like anytime she wanted him, or anyone else to show up, there was no trace of them. “Just fucking perfect, isn’t it?” Daring slumped forward, still sitting on a log and now resting her chin on her hands. Her mind tried saying she’d been on worse missions, and… yeah, she had been. All of those had been these sorts of missions too though. “At least Celestia recoups me for those, since I won’t publish porn.” It wasn’t a great condolence though, not as she looked at the stupid name of the temple again. “You have got to be fucking kidding me. The Temple of Whores. What a perfect name for a perfect mission. Daring had almost refused it even when it was offered to her. Sure, she considered herself a pretty wild mare, willing to do just about anything, whether it be sexual or normal. But she also liked letting it be a surprise for her, or of her own choice. These things usually included at least one set of tentacle monsters, which were possibly the only thing in Equestria worse than snakes. It was only a slight possibility though, because, come on, they’re snakes. Then again, there were the… funner ones. Daring bit into her lip as one of her fingers slid along the crotch of her tight cargo shorts, pressing against the thin underwear that protected her nethers. She wasn’t about to masturbate in the wild of course, that would be stupid, but she could enjoy her memories, at least a bit, Her other hand cupped her large, perky breast, forcing a small moan out of her as she crossed her legs. Yeah, there definitely were funner sex dungeons, like Countess Eclipse. It was one of the only times in Daring’s life where she had been able to fully enjoy being forced against a wall, helpless, and completely naked. How her ass ever recovered was a mystery to her. Oh, but what about the ones that didn’t have sex in them? Daring let her finger slide into her shorts, teasing her black, silk underwear at the prospect of more teasing as she thought of her enemies. She was by no means an unattractive mare. In fact, Rainbow Dash had gone out of her way to know that after their trip together. Unfortunately, she couldn’t tell her fan what she wanted. To put behind a cell and called a cunt as she forced down some idiot’s cock. Or, better yet, for her to be wings bound up and tied to her hands as her cunt was played with. Now if only Ahuizotl could compliment that giant hand of his that he uses when I'm like that with an actual cock, instead the peashooter he has. She could see her breath in the fog now, unaware of the fact that all pretenses were gone. She slumped against the tree she was in front of, her palm pressing against her snatch, coating it in her juices. She could see a myriad of guards grabbing at her, forcing her shirt up as she reach under, and grabbed at her bare breast. It wasn’t enough though, and a figure, a few dozen miles away, and deep within the stones that Daring Do would soon travel through, smiled to himself. The gray stallion was all too happy to see the mare already like this. Of course, when one ran the temple of whores, you always liked seeing the ones your temple should house. He stepped away from it, his long, oily black hair barely moving as he stepped across the stones. “So, Celestia’s sent one to stop my ritual. To protect all of Equestria from my designs. I wonder if she remembers what awaits her champion though? I doubt it. Only a fool would send a whore to a place so corrupting.” The villain glanced back at the orb, smiling from ear to ear as Daring went completely hog wild on herself. She had to be used to toys, or else her fingers should have done the trick. Instead, they merely stirred up the moistened folds, spreading her arousal across the plants. So desperate, so lustful, so… perfect. “Mmm, if I did not know you better, princess, I would think you had sent me my first worshipper. Shame you aren’t that fun. I won’t be as cruel to this mare and her pure self though as you would.” A bolt of lightning ran through Daring, sending her pleasure over the edge, and she arced her back in response. Between her fingers, a mess of juices flowed from her, soaking her thighs and the ground as she moaned in ecstasy. As the shakes continued though, Daring’s mind calmed, and she realized what she’d done. She took in a deep breath before standing to her feet. She switched her thinking then. The temple had just proven its corrupting force, goading her into those thoughts. She would not let that happen again though. It was a nice thought of course, but the quiver in her nethers, all too ready for more, said otherwise. Just as it always did. Daring wasn’t confessing her love for what happened during these missions to her journal now though, and had other things to consider as she looked upon the town that rested at the foot of the temple. She bit into her lip as she examined it, and came up with three options before heading into the temple tomorrow. Inventory: Double D’s, Rope, Hook, Knife, camping gear, a change of clothes, basic lock picking tools, underwear, and uninjured wings. A)Stay at the inn, where she can rest in some comfort. B) Relax at the spa before heading in. She’ll be able to properly ready herself for the journey ahead, and it was the temple, not the town that was the danger. C) Camp out in the woods, where it will be the safest. > The Spa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring hummed to herself as she walked into the changing rooms, and the entity watching her smiled. While everypony always assumed the town to be safe, it was his domain as well, host to many servants that served his cause. Yes, this was all too good in order to prepare her for his purposes, sexual or otherwise. Daring, for her part, was willing to let her worries subside, allowing the aura on the town to help her relax. She rarely got oppurtunities like this during her mission, or, for that matter, when she was at home. Now she was in a nice spa, with admittedly odd rules. See, the changing rooms weren’t just for certain parts of the place. They were for everywhere, and you were to be undressed at all times. Not that it was an issue for her. If she still worried about showing a bit of skin, she would have had to hung up her adventuring badge long ago. Though, in those cases, they were with enemies, ponies she knew she didn’t care for. Here though, the ponies could be nice, attractive, and… She shut her eyes as a small hint of a tear came to the edge of one, and the thirty five years of life on her shoulders weighed her down. Celestia had offered to help her with all of this, to recoup her for the years of service, or give her servants to keep her company in her home, but she had turned them away. She was an adventurer, and enjoyed the work, so she wouldn’t ask for the time to be taken away, or to discomfort others. That didn’t mean that she always liked it though. She slipped off her jacket, the white shirt beneath pressed tight against her skin, and showing off the white bra beneath. Even with them though, the heat had gotten to her, and she found herself slowly peeling the fabric from her slightly defined abdomen. In the soft light, they glistened, along with the specks of sweat that had gathered in between her large breasts. These drops of perspiration fell to the ground as her bra came off, and her bosom bounced and jostled in response. Daring kept her hands far away afterwards, keeping her eyes glued on the large mounds. They hadn’t shrunken, which was always good, but… A sigh escaped her lips as her finger sunk into the bottom of her breasts, pushing them back to the same perky spot they used to be. And now everypony would be able to see them, and her age. A small whimper escaped her, before the door ahead of her opened up, and a red unicorn walked in. Daring scowled as the mare’s own, young, perky body was still perfectly intact, her own huge tits pointing straight at Daring, as if to say hi. The only thing the mare had with her, beside the aggravating amount of youth, was a pouch with three bottles. “Miss Do, as a part of the royal adventurer’s guild, we wanted to give you a tonic that may help you on your adventures. Completely on the house.” Daring blinked for a moment, before remembering about the badge on her blouse. So few ponies acknowledged the royal branch of service she was in, especially all the way out here in the boonies, but Celestia had said that she was going to try to get more news out about them. In fact, her own books had been a part of the initiative, but with only one truly active member still, the traction had been slow. Still, she did smile at the gesture, and glanced to the tonics. “What are they for?” The mare nodded, before showing off the red, white, and green bottles, and describing them respectively. “The first is for muscle growth, encouraging expansion and fortification, so as to make you stronger. The second is meant to be as nutritious as mother’s milk, ridding the body of impurities, and granting it the ability to fight off disease better. As for the last one, it’s a purely beauty inspired product, but we guaranty that it will take years off your life, and re-invigorate you with a new energy.” “So, which do you desire?” Daring hesitated for a moment. It would be unkind of her to say no to the offer, and this could just be a marketing ploy. However, it could also be something more sinister… She shut her eyes with a sigh, reflecting on how she was even paranoid about a simple spa gift now. A truly sad state of affairs if you asked her. Inventory: Double D’s, Rope, Hook, Knife, camping gear, a change of clothes, basic lock picking tools, underwear, and uninjured wings. A) Red B) White C) Green D) Refuse > The Green Bottle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Green Bottle Daring Do smiled at the nice mare as she reached into the bag and slowly pulled out the green bottle. On the front it showed a beautiful, not to mention naked, mare on it, posing as she glowed. She rolled her eyes, having seen plenty of products like this, and having used far too many on herself in the past. At least, more than she was proud to admit. She popped it open, her eyes watering as a strong, pungent smell erupted from the contents. The mare merely chimed in that it was merely a case of ‘the worse it smells, the better it works’, not that Daring believed her. Still, she was already committed to accepting the small piece of hospitality and tipped it up. It tasted rancid, like rotten eggs mixed with spinach and mushrooms. Worse than that was the texture though, as it trudged down her throat. While it had glistened in the bottle, Daring wondered if this was actually a liquid as she forced the thick sludge down her throat. Overall, she was never going to take it again, even if it turned back time. The mare in the room licked her lips, knowing that Daring wasn’t far off. Sure, it didn’t restore the years, but the body didn’t know that, and she watched as Daring’s large chest rose, and then stayed. Her nipples were rock hard and perky, just like the attendant’s. Still, she had other work to do, and bowed to Daring. The adventurer waved her away, holding her head as it felt like a drill was piercing through it. She bet it was due to the rotten nature of the vial, but the town’s ‘god’ had designed it like this for a reason. The sharp pain made sure the mare didn’t immediately notice other effects of the vial. Daring, still feeling the aftershocks of the bottle, stepped out into the main area. Around her, ponies of all genders, ages, and types stood around, discussing, playing, and, for some, fondling each other. She blinked at the sight, before a slight blush came to her cheeks, and her loins felt like they were already being prodded. Of course, being given the libido and sensitivity of her teenage self would do things like that. Glancing around again, she could see some of the stallions taking note of her. Their hands glided to swollen, large cocks, much better than the ones Daring was used to. As their hands glided along the thick members, she felt a bit of drool pool in her mouth, ready to coat the delicious looking sausages. She forced herself to turn away, putting a hand on the wall as her other one squeezed against her now very firm, perky breast. She ran a hand over her face, unaware of the lack of wrinkles, or scars on it. She was as fresh faces as she had began. The hand on her breast gave it another, loving squeeze, forcing a moan out of her as her nethers wettened themselves. She wanted something more than her own hand, and her mind screamed at her for it. She gripped her head, breathing in deeply. She was here to stop whores, not act like a whore herself, and she wasn’t going to do it out here. She was here to relax, and that’s what she was going to do. Inventory: Perky Double D’s, Youthful Appearance, Rope, Hook, Knife, camping gear, a change of clothes, basic lock picking tools, underwear, and uninjured wings. A)Steam Room B)Mud Bath > The Steam Room > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring was almost wet by the time she got into the Steam Room. The room was almost as warm as her nethers were at this point, but she would be able to relax soon. She just had to stay calm. Scanning the room, she saw that it would be hard to do that, as the other mare in the room was without a towel, a little thick in the middle, but with boobs much thicker than her stomach. Even at the size that Daring’s breasts were, hers were still bigger, and the adventurer could just imagine the milk that could come out of the total milf. Even worse for Daring, as her teenage hormones kicked in and the all too wonderful part of her teenage life came flooding back to her mind, the mare had her legs spread wide open. The mare’s pussy was completely shaved, and the sweat running around it only made Daring wonder what she would taste like even more. She could even do it before the mare noticed. However, she did notice her. On the other hoof, instead of actually pulling her head up, closing her legs, or anything like that, she put one hand to her nethers. Four of her fingers outlined the edges of her beautiful, pink folds, while the thumb ticked at her clit, letting Daring see a bit of liquid form at the pair of lips. “I can tell when a mare likes what they see, and we’re here to relax. What do you say, sugar?” There were so many reasons to say no, and a lot of pent up frustration screaming yes. Daring normally would have fought, looked a bit more, but as the blood in her boiled, demanding she do this, a black cloak came over her shoulders, just for a moment. The adventurer shot over, putting her face into the other mare’s crotch as if it was the only source of water in a desert. Her tongue quickly got to work, diving in deep and feeling the older mare’s folds squeeze back on her tongue. It was euphoria to her, and a well deserved treat she thought. She always had to work so hard after all, so why shouldn’t she enjoy herself. Unfortunately, the steam and her own heat began making it all become a bit of a blur. She remembered this part well. She got to show the older mare that she wasn’t just some kid, mixing her tongue with fingers when she could, and happily eating at the milf’s ass when she was offered. It had been sweet, and a wholly new experience honestly for Daring. She’d done a lot, but a rimjob was not one of them. Not the mare had minded the inexperience there. No, she was more than happy with the nimble fingers that could get anywhere they wanted. Daring could even remember the combination for this mare’s cunt. Forward for squeal, left for moan, right was a slight rest, and a little down, right, and then diagonally away from herself made the mare cum like a madhorse. Not that Daring had or the mare had been done then. She remembered being a little disappointed at not getting return service immediately, what with her having been leaking quite a bit by then, but she was ready for some breast milk. Oh, and what milk it was. It was addicting, making everything feel just… amazing. Which helped for when a stallion came in and surprised Daring. No wind up, no warning, nothing. He just grabbed her tight ass about half a second before he shoved half of his cock into her ass. It had the effect she wanted though, as she had become a gibbering mess, squeezing the milf’s tits onto her head as she came. The stallion had been perfect too though. His cock was a nice, meaty twelve inches, longer than any of the cocks she’d had in the past two years, and a delightful way to end her dry spell. Its owner was a bit of a stud too, never giving her a chance to breathe. He just came at her ass hard and fast, forcing her to begin screaming as he continued to put more of that glorious saber into her. And the cum this colt had. Oh, it was just like the milk, which she vaguely remembered drinking more of, but couldn’t remember when exactly. Not that it mattered with the cock she got to suck. He was nice enough to wash it with one of the mares’ towels… she thought, but it didn’t matter. It was delicious no matter what, and Daring hadn’t been given a choice as to how much she wanted of that taste, not that she would have asked for less. No, he just facefucked her, which was probably part of why her throat felt raw now. But it was worth it. All twelve inches inside of her, pouring precum down her throat to replace the geyser that was between her legs had been like sickly sweet caramel, before his cum came down like nectar. Oh, yes, the gallons and gallons of cum he gave her. Not just in her mouth, but her ass, pussy… She for a moment saw what had happened in the end to her. She was suspended in air, her belly a little bloated while her eyes were gray and rolling back. Anypony could see the cock in her throat as she was laid back, using it as part of what kept her up, all while the stallion used her throat as a sleeve. It hadn’t just been her throat though. No, by then she could see ten stallions around her, all with their cocks out, all having had the immense pleasure of dumping their cum deep within her. Her three holes had been filled for so long, as every part of her was pushed together, their thrusts coming in in unison, almost as if clockwork. And she had loved it. Every last drop of cum, being showered in it, being treated like the whore all mares should be… Wait, something was wrong with that last line. Something… And it was gone. She remembered fucking the milf and one other stallion, and how much she had needed, not noticing now the burning need that was still between her legs, a need that was all too happy to be there, and not going anywhere soon. But she was lucid now, and she had a job to do. It was admittedly embarrassing for her to have passed out, but at least, from what she saw in front of her, she had been given a gift to make up for it somewhat. It was one of the bottles she hadn’t taken, and it said it was a gift from the two patrons she had so thoroughly pleasured, and a thanks for being willing to accept local customs, a line that made her mind muddled and forced her to focus on the bottle. But what bottle was it? A) Red? B) White? Inventory: Perky E’s, Youthful Appearance, Rope, Hook, Knife, camping gear, a change of clothes, basic lock picking tools, underwear, and uninjured wings. Status Effects: Slut 40% > White Bottle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring Do picked up the white bottle, quickly taking off the cork that was in it and downing the liquid. It was an almost automatic response, without thought, but the cool, creamy milk within the bottle helped clear her mind. She didn’t notice what else it did as her shirt was stretched as far as it would go, her now braless chest poking its nipples through the tortured cloth. They were slightly larger than the average mare’s now, and her chest was at the point where she would begin rivaling most of the chestiest mares in Equestria. And oh, how they felt good as Daring absentmindedly squeezed one. It was far more sensitive than it ever had before, with an inner heat inside her bosom begging for them to be touched, a desire only suppressed by Daring’s surprisingly strong will, despite all that had happened before now. It was just a passing thought because of the town, nothing more. She walked out of the spa with a sway in her hips. She felt good now that her mind was clear. No, she didn’t just feel good. She felt better than she had in years. Her stress was low, her libido satisfied, or so she told herself, and she considered this all a good omen for her mission. A good few of the stallions watched her as she moved through the streets, having mastered how to do it on the sly. They took in her strong legs, her heavy chest, and they began to stiffen. It wasn’t often they got visitors anymore, but they could tell when a mare was going to become a fresh pussy for them, a thought that they all appreciated. Not that they would get her now. No, they would wait to be commanded to jump on the beauty by their lord. However, they knew better than to just ignore her. Some let their lord know how much they desired the new whore to stay by quickly rushing into alleys and beginning to furiously jackoff to the thought of the whore’s mouth wide open around their enhanced shafts. While others kept an eye on her so that if their lord told them to act, they could. Then they would rip those shorts right off of her and fill her with the best cocks in Equestria. Daring didn’t notice any of this, her libido dulling her senses as she travelled through the streets, taking in the fact that the sun was beginning to get low and that she should find a place to stay for the night. There weren’t a lot of options in the town, but enough to make her pause. Bed and Breakfast Inn and Tavern Regular Hotel Inventory: Perky E’s, Youthful Appearance, Rope, Hook, Knife, camping gear, a change of clothes, basic lock picking tools, underwear, and uninjured wings. Status Effects: Slut 50%, Breast Sensitivity increased by 30%, Easy Lactation