> The number Zer0 > by Grizzly Nation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Mysterious Threat part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, my name is Alex, well I used to be just a normal brony now I'm a badass sword-wielding robot, well I think I’m a robot I have a robotic voice, but I bleed,” I say, pondering who I am. “And I’m Zer0,” Zer0 says. “Well were both, Zer0,” I add. “But, I’m the original and we share my body.” Zer0 states. “Well...yes anyways let's start from the middle.” “Yes let's.” It was a normal night, well as normal as it can be sharing a body, we were in Zer0’s body by the way, if I didn't already mention that. I was sitting in a pub sipping on whiskey. An average night for me at least. How the hell did I get here? All I can remember is this bear then my thoughts go to, Noah my brother how he went missing and then, a bright light, but anything after that is clouded. Why the hell can't I remember? Why can't I remember the only reason how I got here? “You need to stop thinking about that Alex.” Zer0 says, taking on an astral form. “I know, but it's all I have in my past you know I can’t remember anything else.” I reply, taking another swig of whiskey. “True, but you need to look forward, if you don’t you can never move on.” "Would you stop it with your damn poems? I retort angrily, "I'm lucky that you stopped doing those haikus." then suddenly, a dark blue light burst in front of me to reveal a letter with a crescent moon on it, snatching it out of the air, I read it. Dear Zer0 and Alex, We require your assistance in Canterlot, there has been a threat made against Canterlot. We need your help to defend the wedding if there will be any threat. It is the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor. Please accept this request, your reward will be 500 bits if you come or 1000 bits if an actual threat happens. You will need to wear this necklace if you want to get into Canterlot. Sincerely, Luna Princess of the Night I look at the bottom of the letter to see a chain necklace with a diamond moon. I put it on then place ten bits on the table and leave the pub. “Alright, let's go,” I say looking around. Currently, I’m in Ponyville and Canterlot isn’t far. “You just want the bits, don’t you?” Zer0 asks, shaking his head. “Yep and you're walking.” “Fair enough.”  Zer0 says with a sigh, now gaining control. He Dashes through the town and to the train station. Getting there the train is leaving and it's heading for Canterlot. Running after the train he slowly gains on it. He leaps, latching on to the rail of the caboose of the train and then he climbs on to the top of the train, and then he lays down looking at the night sky. “Do you ever miss your world?” I ask, lazily gazing at the night sky. “No, it was a world of bloodshed and bandits, the only thing I devoted myself to,” he replied out loud. “Yeah, I guess that was a stupid question.” I say chuckling before Zer0 slowly drifts off to sleep. He wakes up by the loud whistle of the train.   “Hey, we're here we should get ourselves in Canterlot and it's my turn to use our body.” I say trying to nudge him awake, despite not being able to touch him. “Sure, I was bored anyways,” Zer0 says, before allowing me control. His body felt heavy and a little sore all over, probably from just waking up. I tried to wake myself up, shaking around to stay awake. I stretched out a little as well. “Alright, time to go,” I say, before jumping off the train and heading towards the gate. “Um, I don’t think that was there before.” Zer0 says, pointing to the giant pink dome around Canterlot. “What do you mean?” I say, noticing the pink shield covering all of Canterlot. "Oh, that...thing." “You are so oblivious.” Zer0 says shaking his head. "But, you love me for it," I say cheerily before Zer0 lets out a sigh. Getting to the gate, I see there’s a guard...guarding a narrow pass. “Halt! State your business.” the guard commands. I lift up the diamond moon to show him. “Oh, come right through, Zer0,” he says, opening the gate. “Thank you,” I say, walking past him. Walking through the gate, I notice guards marching everywhere with their spears. Different battalions marching in different directions. “Geez, when she was talking about a threat, she must have meant a big threat.” Zer0 says. “Yeah, I know,” I reply, before realizing something. "Wait, you see geez? Aw, that's so cute." by then he left. I look around and spot Shining Armor talking to a certain lavender unicorn. “How dare you not tell your own sister that you were not getting married,” she says in an annoyed tone. “I'm sorry, but with the threat against Canterlot I have to stay here and keep the shield up,” Shining says. “Hey Shiny guy!” I yell at him before he turns to look at me. “Oh hey, Zer0 long time no see,” he says. “Actually its Alex, anyways it has been a while,” I reply. “So, who’s wedding is it?” I ask. “It is my wedding,” Shining says. "Yeah, I knew that I just wanted to make sure." I lied. "Still the same as always, Alex," he says, laughing. “Oh, who’s the lucky mare?” “It is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” Twilight says, mocking her name. “Uh, who exactly is that?” I ask. “It is Twilight’s old foalsitter Cadence,” he says. “Oh her,” I say. “Wait, are you talking about the best foalsitter in all the history of foalsitters?” Twilight asks excitedly. “Yep, that's the one,” he replies. “YES!” she yells happily. “Okay let's not get carried away so calm down,” I say. Then she proceeds to prance around me and Shining chanting, you’re marrying Cadence until she notices Cadence standing in front of her. “Hope I'm not interrupting anything important,” Cadence says. “Cadence!” Twilight says, before doing a sunshine sunshine shakey butt dance. “Uh, what are you doing?” Cadence asks confused and disgusted. “Cadence, it's me Twilight,” Twilight says. “Uh huh,” Cadence says, walking past her next to Shining. "Sounds like someone's got attachment issues," I say smirking under my helmet. “I need to get back to work but Cadence will be checking in on all your friends,” Shining says, ignoring my last comment. “And, I will go see where Luna is, see yall later,” I say, walking off to the castle. I walk on the red carpeted stairs that lead into a hallway that leads to the throne room. When I make it there I see, Celestia sitting on her throne then she notices me. “Ah, Alex and Zer0, it's a pleasure to see you here,” Celestia says. “The pleasure is all mine Princess,” I reply bowing. “Oh don’t be too modest I’m sure you're only here because my sister had a new job for you any way she’s in her chambers,” she says. “As perceptive as ever well I take my leave, Farewell,” I say before, heading to Luna’s room. “Did you have to act like that?” Zer0 asks. “No, but I like talking like that around her,” I reply out loud. "Oh, admit it you love her," Zer0 says leaning in closer to me. “No Zer0, do not turn this into a romance chapter, lord knows the author can’t do romances,” I say. “HEY! Shut the fuck up.” a voice says coming from nowhere. “I think you hurt his feelings,” Zer0 says. “Okay, let's stop breaking the fourth wall,” I say. “Yes let's.” Zer0 agrees. Anyway, with that out the way, I continue through the halls, through twists and turns until I see a large double door with a crescent moon on it. Two thestral guards stand at the door standing as still as a statue. They open the door for me probably expecting me to see her. When the doors open she’s standing on the balcony looking out at the sky and the city. “Hey, what’s with all these princesses looking out of balconies?” I ask jokingly. “Oh, Alex I didn’t notice you come in, I am only being cautious,” she says. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here to worry about defense from this unknown threat.” “Yes, that is why I called you her,” she said. “So, where am I going to be stationed?” I ask. “Oh, right next to the bride, you are to trace behind to keep her safe,” she explains. “Okay well, where is she right now?” I ask. “She is checking on preparations, ever since her bridesmaids disappeared,” she says. “What do you mean mysteriously disappeared?” I ask, feeling a little creeped out. “They just disappeared,” she said. “We should start a search soon,” I reply. “We did, but couldn't find them at all,” she says. “Yeah well, nice talk imma go find, Cadence,” I say, before walking off. > A Not So Mysterious Threat part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I found Cadence she was throwing something away. When I looked into the trash there was a bag filled with mini apple fritters. Why would she throw these away, they’re so delicious. While I was following behind her she got annoyed enough to turn around and ask. “Why are you following me,” Cadence asks. “I was instructed to do so I can make sure nothing happens to you,” I replied. “Fine.” she says, walking away she tries her best to ignore me but she fails and gets irritated very quickly. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” she yells, before getting silent remembering the bridesmaids. “As I've already told you, I have to follow you around so no harm can come upon you. I explain, a little annoyed. “I can take care of myself I'm a princess, now please go.” she says, flicking her hoof in a way that said "shoo shoo." “Can’t so just bear with me and it will be like I wasn’t even here.” I state, after I say that she storms off. She tries several times to lose me like flying, teleporting, and running off. But, thanks to my incredible parkour skills and tracking I found her every time. “Are you just going to take credit for the things that I can do and say they’re your abilities?” Zer0 asks. “Maybe,” I reply. “You are lucky I can’t physically harm you.” “Hehe, no consequences.” I say in a sing song tone. “Fuck you.” Zer0 says annoyed. “Aw, you too buddy.” I reply playfully. “Whatever, I'm going to wander through your mind.” “Be careful of my lewd thoughts.” “You are so carefree like a bird with a fat worm in its mouth, not noticing an eagle soaring above...I hope I’m that eagle.” “Why are so serious, you need to lighten up.” I say out loud. “Who are you talking to?” Cadence asks looking creeped out. “Myself.” “Well, it's weird so stop.” “Sure, I finished anyway.” I say, after I said that we went over to where Rarity is to check on the dress. I looked around having it been awhile since i've been here. The road was made of concrete and there were houses everywhere. I mean everyone er pony was staring at me, some looked disgusted, but who cares it was a nice city. "Please, call me, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." I heard somepony say in a mocking tone when we got there. “Did I hear someone say my name?” Cadence asks, I notice Twilight is in there with Rarity. “Your highness! Let me just start by saying what an honor it is to play a role in such a momentous occasion.” Rarity says laughing nervously. “Uh-huh. Is my dress ready?” Cadence asks. “Yes, of course, Um, I've been working on it ever since I was given the assignment, and I think you'll be pleased with the results!” she says excited, pulling out a white dress with a garland and a blue gem necklace with golden stripes on the black and a blue fabric for the torso. Cadence looked at it judgingly before walking off and saying, “I was hoping for something with more beading and a longer train,” she says, walking over to the other dresses. “And those should be a different color,” she added. “I think they're lovely.” one of her bridesmaids says, with a white coat and a pink mane. “Me too.” says the one with a blue coat and dark blue and white mane. “I love them.” the green one says with a white and green mane. Cadence stares back at them menacingly and they look away from her gaze nervously. “Make them a different color.” she demands walking off. I quickly move to follow her when we're walking side by side I tell her. “Dick move you know that,” I tell her “Oh, leave me alone this is going to be my perfect day, so I am sorry if I am a bit demanding.” “A bit! No you were very rude it may be your day, but you don’t have to be an asshole, What about Shining it is his day but you don’t see him being an asshole.” “You wouldn’t understand, so...just...leave me alone!” she says, quickening her pace to the castle where the decorations are. When we got there it was fully finished there were streamers and confetti everywhere. The balloons were nicely placed by the windows. The hall of Canterlot looked a lot better than it used to. “So, these are the decorations,” I say, poking at the streamers. “Yep, there is also dancing and games.” The pink pony says. “Uh okay, who are you?” I ask. “Oh, that's right we haven’t met yet I’m Pinkie Pie what’s your name?” she asks. “My mercenary name is Zer0, but call me Alex.” “Well, it was nice meeting you Mr. number, but I have to get back to decorations.” she says running off. “Well, that was something what do you think of the decorations Cadence?” “They look good, if I was a foal.” she says to me. “So, they still look good and you should thank her for her effort,” I say, pushing her closer to Pinkie Pie. “Fine, thank you for your childish decorations.” “Hey, it’s my job so no problem.” Pinkie pie says. “Good now we're done for the day, so now I'll take you back to your room and I’ll be out of your hair er mane,” I say walking off ], before coming back. “Um, where is your room?” “I’ll show you.” she tells me smirking before walking down the red-carpeted hallways to her room. “Welp see you tomorrow on your wedding day,” I say walking off. “Oh wait there’s one more thing I need to tell you.” “What?” I ask, before her eyes turn green and a green dome slowly closing around me sinking me through the floors. I was pissed, I have been in this cavern for the rest of the day with no food. I couldn’t find my way out this place, because it is so fucking big, it's a maze. “Well, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.” Zer0 says mockingly. “And then this asshole shows up!” I say angrily. “So, what will you do now you're alone in this cavern with me.” “Fuck if I know, but if I get out of here I'm murdering Cadence,” I say, starting to walk again. I keep walking until I hear an explosion. I run to the source finding Twilight and Cadence doing the shakey butt dance. I run up to Cadence tackling her and getting ready to punch her in the face. “Wait! Stop! She’s the real Cadence!” Twilight yells, trying to pull me off. “Wait, so she’s the real Cadence correct?” “Yes.” Twilight replies. “Okay and that means there’s a fake one up there right now?” “Yes.” “Okay, I understand,” I say, getting ready to punch her again only to be stopped by a purple aura around my fist. “Let me go.” I demand. “Stop trying to hit Cadence.” “Fine,” I reply ,before she lets me go and I get off of her. “Sorry.” I apologise, pulling her up. “Apology accepted,” Cadence says. After she said that I punched her in the muzzle, she reels back in pain, constantly snorting. "What was that for?!" she asks. “Alright, we need to get out of here any ideas?” I say, changing the subject. “Uh, walk around randomly?” Twilight suggests. “That plan is so crazy it just might work.” I say smirking. “Yes, I know it's a crazy one but were out of options.” Twilight says, trying not to giggle. “Alright, let's stop we need to get out of here so I can save my husband and wedding, let's go” Cadence says. “Fine, you buzzkill you got any ideas?” “We could- “No, I am not going through a song to get out of here.” “Unless you got any better ideas,” Twilight says, as I try to think of a plan. “Fine, but I'm not singing,” I say, before blocking out the sound in my helmet by locking it in place a lot firmer. I watch them traveling through the cavern and Cadence doing these dances. Her mouth stopped moving at moments which was strange. We continued through the cave until we stumbled upon a minecart, Cadence tried to move it but to no avail, until Twilight put her in and pushed the minecart down. I quickly grab on to the end of the cart pushing me forward whizzing down the track. I saw a dead end and I nearly freaked out ,until I saw Cadence unfolded her wings. Knowing what she was going to do I grab onto Twilight and Cadence. Then I realized something I would be weighing them down. So when we ran out of track I threw them. I was rocketed forward when the minecart hit the wooden board. I looked down as I fell and saw spikes. Luckily I wasn’t going to impale myself. I slid down the spike but since everything is made of crystal, I slid very fast and I hit the ground hard causing it to crack and fall underneath me. When I hit the floor, I had the wind knocked out of me. “If I survive this I’m having kunai like Scorpion and I’m learning how to fight,” I say, before looking around seeing a tunnel. I get up and walk into the tunnel. It leads me into a large space where I see a lot of diamond dogs pulling purple crystals in carts. “Oh no it is the royal guard!” one of them yells before everyone drops their gems holding their hands in the air. “What are you guys doing here?” I ask them, trying to play along. “Weez was just minin down 'ere because we waz out of food and we found dis place.” one of them explains. “Who is the leader of this operation?” I ask, before a diamond dog bigger than the rest of them with a scar going across his white eye and a giant Warhammer on his back comes out. “What is going on, why has everyone stopped working?” he asks. “Ah, so you’re the leader.” “And you’re the reason they stopped working.” “That would be correct.” “I knew the royal guard would catch up with me sooner or later.” “You’re right about that.” “I will have to kill you.” “I would say the same, but you are already dead.” “Oh, cocky are ya what’s your name.” “I am Alex Anderson, but to you, I am Zer0 the ninja assassin and wrecker of your shit.” “I am Groc leader of the howling dogs and the kicker of your ass.” “Zer0, could you tag in for me?” I ask Zer0 causing him to come out of my brain in astral form. “Sure, this is the first time in a while I get some action,” Zer0 says going back into our body and pushing me out making me a transparent spectator. “Alright, Groc are you ready?” Zer0 asks, while his sword forms from blue cubes and particles called digitizing. “I am,” Groc says pulling out his war hammer. Groc charges first raising his Warhammer over his head to hit Zer0. Zer0 runs low past Groc while cutting his stomach as he’s running. He turns around and then sits down meditating. Groc sees this as a chance to kill Zer0 and runs up to him and hits him with the spike side of his hammer, but It goes right through disappearing a hologram of Zer0. Before Groc, can realize what happened, Zer0’s blade goes straight through his chest. He keeps the blade there letting him fall off of it. “Alright tag in,” Zer0 says out loud, before I push him out of our body making him transparent again. “So...anyone else?” I ask, looking at all of the diamond dogs. “I thought so, now there will be some changes here, first off I'm the new leader, second off I want to be shown the exit. So suit up and let's go.” I say before they scurry off grabbing weapons and personal belongings. “Alright is everyone ready?” I ask receiving several nods. “Okay then let's go,” I say looking around. “Uh does anyone know the way out?” I ask before a diamond dog wearing a brown tattered shirt walks up to me. “I know the way.” “Okay, what’s your name?” “My name is Drodo.” “The fuck kind of name is Drodo?” I ask myself. “Alright, Drodo where is this way out?” “There is a tunnel there that leads out of here.” he says pointing to a hole in the wall. “Alright, now let's go,” I say, running into the tunnel. It takes me into twists and turns, until I see a light leading to the outside. I run straight into the light. When I made it to the surface I had to cover my eyes to shield them from the light. When I can finally look, I see black swarms flying over the city and ponies cover in green goo. I hear screams all over the city. When the diamond dogs make it up they look in shock at the great city being sieged. > Definitly Not a Mysterious Threat part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A smile creeps up my face as I watch the changelings zoom in hordes around the castle. There are more slamming themselves into the ground in a line for some reason. I get out of my daze when a diamond dog shakes me. “Wa-What?” I ask. “We was calling yer name! we thought somedin’ happened,” one of them says. “Oh, sorry i’m just...fantasizing,” I say. “About da war?” “Yes.” “So, now what?” he asks. “I’m going in, so enjoy your new found freedom,” I say, running away into the city. “But wait, you can’t fight all of dem!” “Zer0, I’m going to need you on this one.” I say, ignoring the diamond dogs. “Alright, but let's hurry this along,” Zer0 says, going into an astral form and pushing me out of my– –Er– –Our body. Zer0 POV I run further into the city, seeing almost every building trashed. Literally every building had something destroyed like a window or even had a wall smashed in. When I see the castle I realize that there is no way that I can get in without being detected, unless I use my Decepti0n, that is when I go invisible and a hologram takes my place for a little while. A swarm of changelings notice me and veers my way. They plummet into the ground, crashing and exploding small craters around me. I can dodge them easy enough but it doesn't help that they are chasing me. They prove relentless as more swarms of them notice this and decide to join in. I decide to go into Decepti0n, commanding my hologram to run into the passing alley as I cloak, continuing in the same direction I was going. They take the bait, following it into the alley. When I decloak I know that they tried to fight the clone. I take a quick glance behind me and see the rest of the horde chasing me again and gaining. I look ahead and see the castle coming with the gate open. Green goop covers it with several ponies and guards trapped in it. “Looks like the royal guard failed,” I say, continuing my journey to the castle. I rush through gate and burst through the castle’s front doors. Inside I see that I’m in the throne room and there’s no one in here. I turn around and barricade the front door with its steel locking bar. Then I go past the throne and up the stairs behind them. There’s a “wedding” going down somewhere in the castle. So this must be it. I see everyone in their chairs cowering, Twilight and Cadenza trapped in a green gooey substance on their hooves. There’s a big green sack hanging from the ceiling with someone in it, but I can’t tell who. I see Shining Armor standing at the altar looking braindead. “What the hell is wrong with Shining?” Alex asks. I don’t answer, instead I point to the Queen looking out the window. “Shit, another one of those things. I thought we killed them all.” I use Decepti0n and had my clone stand out of sight while I got closer. Once close enough, I hear her...singing. Seems as if she’s celebrating her victory. I try to move as swiftly and silently as possible. I was almost in striking distance when I saw out the corner of my eye the real Cadence, somehow free, going over to Shining Armor. She cast a...heart that popped in his face like a bubble. His green eyes and dazed look vanished. The changeling noticed this and turned to face Cadence, looking straight through me. I instinctively jumped back as I decloaked. Taken off guard, she scowls with confusion, then fear rakes across her face. “The bane of Changelings!” she screams, backing up towards the window. Huh, someone still remembers me. “Zer0, quick, let me take over, I got an idea!” Alex says, pushing me out of my body. He looks at her before drawing my sword slowly. “Yes, it is me, Zer0, The Bane of Changelings.” he says in an overly dramatic voice before pointing at her. “And, it appears I have missed a queen.” he pointed my sword at her. “Allow me to fix that.” He then lunged at her. She reacted by quickly teleporting in a green flash, leaving nothing of herself but the green goo that adorned the room. He peers out the window, seeing the rest of the changelings retreating in response to their queen gone. Alex lets out a groan. “For a second there, I thought she was on to us.” “No, on to you, don’t put this on me,” I say. “Oh, come on we're a team. I thought you understood.” “Whatever,” I say, turning away from him crossing my arms. “You keep acting like an edgy teen.” “What was that?!” Twilight shrieked. “What is the Bane of Changelings?!” “You’ll find out when you’re older.” Alex tells her, patting her on the head. “You always say that,” she says pouting. I smirk at her little display. Alex notices my sudden change in emotion. “Aw, is someone getting friendly with the little pony?” Alex asks in a mocking tone. I groan. “You look like a crazy person talking to me like this.” Alex, processes what I say, then realizes that he looks like he’s talking to air. “Good point.” He turns around looking at the frightened nobles. “Alright! Let's not let some bug get in the way of this wedding!” (Alex POV) After I said that, the tension died down. Everyone decided to do the wedding instead of cleaning up first. All in all it was a pretty good wedding. Ponies were happy and it had a beautiful message hidden in it. Despite all the suffering and pain their love still prevailed. Kinda reminds me of how Zer0 and I started out. As I am waving off Shining to his honeymoon, a dark guard in purple armor with a crescent moon at the front and with bat wings trots up to me. “Princess Luna, wishes to speak to you in her highness's personal quarters.” Princess Luna’s Quarters There I stand at the giant black door adorned with a giant crescent moon. Had it been the first time i’ve seen it I would have been in amazement. The two guards that stand on either side open the double doors. The doors reveals Luna on her bed reading a brown book. “Ah, Alex, you finally came,” she says, dropping the book on her bed. “I have called you here to give you your payment.” “So that’s why I was called.” “But first, I wish for you to hear me out.” Luna says getting closer. “Okay, what do you want to talk about?” “I want you to join the Lunar Guard.” A long silence enveloped the room. “No, Luna,” I say. “Why do you always refuse!” Luna suddenly shouts, startling her guards. “Luna, we’ve already been through this.” “Alex, you know i’m doing this because I care about you,” she says, tears threatening to well up. “I feel scared everytime you go out and do these dangerous missions.” “Luna, it’s my choice to do what I do!” I say, spiking in anger. “So, just back off!” She stares at me, tears fully flowing. I look around the room trying to avoid her gaze, My sight reaches her dark dresser and on top of it is a tan bag of bits. I walk past her and grab the pouch. I open the glass doors to her expansive balcony. Climbing on the railing I look down, spotting my landing point. But before I depart, I turn back to Luna and give a small two finger salute before leaning back to fall.