> Moonday Night Justice > by DrZed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intro Chapter 0: The groundwork > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Monday Night Justice, Night Court just got interesting. --------------- Canterlot Palace is many things, Home to our beloved Princesses, Celestia and Luna, The center of government, the seat of Parliament. The home base of Equestria's finest, the Royal Guard. It's a glorious monument to ponykind that has lasted for hundreds of years, seemingly unchanging. There's a saying, "Every road leads to Canterlot", and it is very true, The Bit stops here. Since the return of Princess Luna, Canterlot has been undergoing numerous and varied changes, The return of the Crystal Empire and our alliance with them, after freeing them from the despot that ruled over them, The alliance of Equestria with the Dragon nation, The addition of a Saddle Arabian Embassy, Even the crowning of a new Princess... And the famed birth of another in The Crystal Empire. I am going to focus on a recent addition to the array of dignitaries, A Human ambassador, Cedric Zander, who has been shaking things up for the nobles and common pony alike. His origins are mysterious, his behavior is precocious, his ideas are innovative. While conducting my interview of him, He was working in his personal laboratory in the Castle of Friendship, Princess Twilight Sparkle's domain, in the heart of Ponyville. "I've hung out with Tia and Lulu during court, and to be honest, I found myself wondering how they were able to put up with all of the [EXPLETIVE DELETED], Every time some idiot, rich, nobility, influential or not, marched into the courtroom, head high and all they had to argue was stupid [EXPLETIVE DELETED] like property line disputes, tax laws and other [EXPLETIVE DELETED], I could see it was wearing on both of the Big Girls." His informal tone about our beloved Princesses was refreshing if not a little shocking. "A change was long overdue." "I am a problem solver, and I spent a good while considering what could be done. This is what is what I came up with." Cedric says with a grin, unlocking a room labeled"Boffers", then leading me inside. This arsenal was as big as a 4 bedroom cottage, One section at the end was fenced off, apparently a manufacturing and repair area from the machines set against the walls and tools I saw organized on pegboards. It was disconcerting to see two top of the line commercial sewing machines along the wall along with woodcutting tools, enchanting circles, cloth bolts, rolls of rubber foam and adhesives, but, considering the contents of the rest of the space it was not surprising. As I looked around I was in awe. I saw racks of swords, spears, maces, halberds, throwing blades, and shields, Swords of all styles took up one wall. Even a brace of bows and crossbows with rubber ball tipped ammunition. There were weapons here that I didn't even have names for. Enough equipment to outfit an army of ponies. The strangest part was that each and every weapon, both simple and elegant, was crafted from cloth, 'foam rubber' and light but sturdy wooden poles. The weapons are enchanted to leave glowing marks where they contact, which disappear when the spell is reset . He attributes much of the construction of the weapons to Rarity Belle, and her team of Fashionistas, as well as owner of boutiques in Ponyville, Canterlot and Manehattan. When asked for her opinion, she said: "While weapons and armor are about as far from my usual fare as one could imagine, I was given creative control over much of the designs and the ornamentation, I had to call all my girls in on this one, new patterns and sewing styles had to be created. It was a wonderfully creative experience, expanding my product lines and giving me inspiration for new ones!" The reason for all this is a sport from Cedric's world, called Dagorhir, where humans would gather, equipped with these foam weapons to engage in gladiator style battles. After his experiences with day and night court, he has expanded the idea, assisting Princess Luna with taking over Monday night courts, adding referees, judges, a guest panel and... arena seating. During the rest of the week the Princesses still face the arbitrative tasks of the day and night court, however, they have a new option. Welcome to Moonday Night Justice! Where creatures of all races battle out their disputes in glorious padded armed combat. The inaugural event occurs this Moonday night, of course, in the Canterlot Sports Arena. Entry fee is donations to Princess Luna's new "Children of the Night" Trust for orphaned foals and families in need. Food, foal's toys and clothing will be accepted. In my brief interview with Princess Celestia, She had this to say: "Cedric is a breath of fresh air in the castle, and his ideas are very innovative. This event is actually a sort of litmus test to see if we should try some of his other suggestions. I have enjoyed spectating upon his practices with the sport, and believe it will be a welcome change of pace." Princess Luna, in her interview states: "I am really looking forward to presiding over Moonday night justice, along with Celestia." A wicked grin crosses her elegant features, "Back in the old days the results of combat like this was... much more permanent. Now Ponies can battle it out safely and everypony can have a lot of fun watching. I look forward to the first event." Will this become a mainstream event? Maybe. I look forward to finding out. Article written by: Explicit Dispatch If you would like to read my article about him and the magical musical number that had him and a race inclusive entourage of ponies including Princess Twilight Sparkle, Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash, Duchess Apple Jack, of the Apple Clan holdings in Ponyville, and Rarity Belle, parading about Canterlot Commons last month, magically giving out free three piece suits, it is titled "Suit Alors!" Copies are available at every library.