> Balls to the Small > by MassDriver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter Number Balls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey there, Mrs. Cake," you say, as you push open the door to Sugarcube Corner, "Celestia's really giving it to us, isn't she? Couple more days of this, I think we're going to have to hold a town meeting and figure out what we did to make her angry." Mrs. Cake chuckles. "There's rain scheduled for tomorrow," she says. "That'll cool things off. Can I get you anything?" You look over the colorful array of baked goods as you run your parched tongue over the roof of your mouth. "No, thanks," you say, "I'm just here to see Pinkie." "She's upstairs in her room," says Mrs. Cake. "Days like this send most of our customers to the ice cream shop, so I let her off work a little early." "Thanks!" you say, heading towards the stairs. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are pleasantly drama-free landlords. There's a little parental protectiveness in their attitudes towards Pinkie Pie, and they subtly evaluated you when the two of you started dating. But since having their own kids - and since Pinkie Pie became famous for saving Equestria - they cooled off a little. And speaking of cooling off, maybe you should have at least asked for an ice water down there. It's brutally hot; apparently a bureaucratic foul-up three towns over resulted in a cloud shortage, and they've been scrambling to get rain to every place that needs it. Ponyville is next on the list, thank Celestia. Well, maybe not "thank Celestia," since her sun is the reason you broke into a profuse sweat during the quarter-mile walk from your house to Sugarcube Corner. You wipe your brow with your shirt and knock on Pinkie's door. "Come in!" she says in a cheerful singsong. She's expecting you, but she'd be happy to see just about anyone. She's Pinkie Pie. You push the door open, and she stands from her bed. She's ready for you - which is to say, she's naked except for a pair of black panties. Her perky pink tits bounce at she stands, and she crosses the floor as you kick the door shut behind you. She embraces you and plants a soft kiss on your lips, squishing her tits into your chest. Pinkie is squishy all over, from her round face to her bubble butt, but her tits are so soft that you swear they must be made of marshmallow. As you kiss, you slip a hand between her legs and grasp her junk. Her cock slips from your grip as it grows hard, but her balls, big and firm like prize plums, stay in your grip. Pinkie's balls. All day long, you couldn't stop thinking about them. Their shape and weight in your hands is so familiar, and so satisfying. "Ooh!" she says as she ends the kiss, squirming as you cradle her nuts in your hand. "Someone's excited to play with Pinkie's party marbles!" She wiggles her hips. "I'm excited too..." You pull down Pinkie's panties, freeing her cock and letting her balls bounce free. The smell of her musk had been subtle before, but now it assaults you, making you lightheaded. "It's been such a hot day..." Pinkie's lips are pursed, and she lowers her head in mock embarrassment. "I got so sweaty... down there..." Her mouth curls into a grin as she steps backward and sits herself down on the bed. You kneel in front of her and press your nose against the skin of her ballsack. Her musk is strong, rich and sweet, like a spiced cake. You grasp each of her fat nuts, one in each hand, and sink your nose as deep as you can into the smooth, hairless skin of her sack. You fill your lungs with long, deep inhalations of her scent. "You like the way my balls smell today, huh?" she asks. "Mm-hmm," you answer. Your tongue darts out of your mouth and runs across the skin of her scrotum, licking up her scent. With your front teeth, you nibble gently at the skin, drawing tiny squeaks from Pinkie. You adjust your grip on her balls, which seem to be getting bigger under your fingers. But Pinkie's balls aren't getting bigger, of course. You're just shrinking. There doesn't seem to be any reason why the smell of Pinkie's balls does this to you. But the first time it happened, neither of you had a problem with it. It was exactly what both of you had wanted. You wanted a giant girlfriend with giant balls, and she wanted a tiny boyfriend who would worship her nuts. Of course, it did come as a relief when it wore off a half hour later, and you went back to normal size. Moments ago, Pinkie's balls fit comfortably in your hands - but now you can barely palm them. You feel your clothes growing looser as you shrink - your pants slip to the ground, and your shirt hangs awkwardly on your torso. "Ooh, you're getting tiny," says Pinkie, "And my balls must look so big to you..." You continue to dwindle in size. Your fingers can't stretch around her testicles anymore, and the skin of her nutsack is big and wide enough that you can bury your face in it, breathing longer and deeper. Your underwear falls to the floor, and you wiggle your body through the neckhole of your t-shirt, leaving yourself completely naked, every inch of your totally exposed to Pinkie's massive, musky nuts. You're shrinking faster than normal today, no doubt due to the intensity of Pinkie's scent. Before long, you're standing on tiptoes to press your nose into the bottom of her sack, and you're caressing the underside of her nuts with outstretched hands. Pinkie reaches down, picks up your tiny form with gentle hands, and sets you beside her on the cheery, brightly colored covers of her bed. She scoots back and sits cross-legged on the bed, and you, maybe a foot tall at this point, climb over her leg and throw your body onto her ballsack, forcefully rubbing it with as much of your body as you can, getting its scent on every inch of you. You stare up at her towering cock, and you watch a bead of precum emerge from its tip and catch the light from the window. You smack your lips, still thirsty, and Pinkie's huge, beautiful body grants your desire. More precum flows, dripping down the length of her shaft. Her cock is taller than you at this point, every ridge and vein enormous to your eyes, and you embrace it as the rivulet of precum flows down to you. It hits you full in the face, and you fill your mouth with Pinkie's sweet flavor. She stands, and you tumble off her scrotum and onto the covers. You wipe the precum from your face and look up. She looms over you, grinning. Bigger than a princess. Bigger than a castle. What could she be, besides a goddess? She squats, descending slowly, and you position yourself directly under her ballsack. The warm, smooth skin settles over you, blocking out all light, all sound. There's nothing in the world now but the warmth and the feel of her skin, and the fragrance of her gigantic nuts. Your goddess has blessed you, taking you to a heaven where there is nothing but her. But you can't stay here forever. You have to service your goddess. Your purpose is to pleasure her nuts and bring her body to glorious orgasm. You wriggle out from under her balls, you body just a few inches tall now. With some difficulty, you clamber to the top of her ballsack and go to work, rubbing circles into her skin with your arms and legs, nibbling at her, using every ounce of strength in your tiny body to excite Pinkie's enormous balls. "Oooooh!" moans Pinkie. She's not touching herself one bit, relying entirely on her little boyfriend to bring her to orgasm. "Ooh, you love my balls, don't you? You love my big fat balls..." Her cock twitches, and her left leg kicks involuntarily, as orgasm builds. You don't let up, fiercely working your hands over the fragrant landscape of her scrotum, not ready to quit until Pinkie bursts. And she does. With a violent twitch, her cock spits the first gout of cum, and you lift your hands from her skin. You flip your body over, lying face-up between her nuts, and wait for her seed to rain down on you. The first load hits you dead-on, splattering into you with such force that it's almost painful. Her cum is thick and heavy, and it coats you in sweet, wonderful white. You open your mouth and drink up as much as your can, but your belly fills quickly. You stand, completely glazed in Pinkie's frosting, and you embrace her cock again. As her climax fades, the last trickles of cum cascade down her shaft, coating your body completely. Panting, Pinkie picks up your tiny, sticky body and brings you to her mouth for a kiss. Her lips cover your head entirely, and then she slips your head into her mouth, sucking the cum off your body like a lollipop. Pinkie raises you to the level of her eyes. "You were so good, sweetie," she says, with a dreamy smile. "Ooh! I'm going to hang out with the girls in a little bit. Do you want to... come along?" she waggles her eyebrows invitingly. "Absolutely," you say, and her smile grows. She walks over to where she dropped her panties and slips them back on. She pulls open the elastic band in the front, gives you another quick kiss, and deposits you gently in the front of her undies. You tumble down the fabric, landing underneath her balls, and the elastic snaps shut. The black fabric presses you against Pinkie's massive, fragrant nuts. You're back in heaven, and you praise the body of your goddess with gentle movements of your tiny form. Pinkie squirms, giggling, as she gets dressed.