> A Drunkenly Unexpected Encounter > by Oldtakufanboy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Drunkenly Unexpected Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Damn it," I shouted, as I threw my pink slip on the coffee table and sat down on my leather chair, "I lost my fuckin' job over 'loss of enthusiasm'?! Damn ponies..." I take my glasses off and rub my temples to take the itch out of my eyes. As I place my glasses on, I look over to the coffee table and noticed a magazine under the pink slip. I reached over and pulled up the magazine; it was for Appleloosa. It then hit me; I remember hearing about a saloon over there that is said to be the full of joy, music, dancing, and chatting. I flipped over to a page where they show that late at night, they have dancing mares on stage who are quite friendly to their customers. The mares themselves look beautiful and they seem friendly enough like any other pony in Equestria. "I guess I should go there tonight," I said, as I place the magazine back on the coffee table, "first, I must see the train schedule." I stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter, where I have a small bowl of papers for random things, including a schedule for the train. I look through the papers until found it after flipping the sixth piece of paper out of the way. I looked towards the Appleloosa schedule where there appears to be a schedule at six, which is in about forty-five minutes. Perfect; a place where I could drink my problems away. I know I shouldn't drink a lot, but doing it after losing job seems right. I go to the fridge and pop open a bottle of Colt-a-Cola and took a sip. "This ought to be fun," I said before taking another sip, "I'll get going in about fifteen minutes. That gives me some time to relax and read more of Queen of The Demonweb Pits." It's a book I had before I arrived here in Equestria. You see, it all started four years ago; I was at home reading the novel in my night clothes until I somehow came to Equestria. I was freighted as much as every pony was, until Celestia and Luna came to my aid. They were nice enough to allow me to stay and enjoy society. I met many ponies, went to different places and saw magical things. As amazing as Equestria is, I still missed home though. My parents, my niece, my sisters and brothers; they'll miss me as much as I miss them. If only there was some way I could let them know that I'm okay and that I'm doing fine, expect for at the moment. It was nearly time for the bus to leave, as I hopped on and got myself settled on a comfortable seat near the window. Across from me is a stallion, behind him was a mare with her kids, and a few more people who want to go to Appaloosa. I straightened out my jacket and placed my backpack on my side. I unzipped my backpack and pulled out my novel and continued reading. Before I could get to the next paragraph, bells rang, meaning that the train is about to get a move on. There was then a loud hiss, as the train began to move forward. The chattering started, as ponies talked to one another happily about their day or something unrelated. I went back to my reading, until a young pony came up to me. He didn't seem to be interested in me, but was starting the cover of my book. The pony was small, had brown hair and tail, light goldish-gray fur, small wings on his back, wore shorts, had a black T-shirt with a hoof print in the middle and brown eyes. I didn't know what the kid wanted, but I had to ask. "Uh... hi," I replied. "Hey mista," said the young colt, "what're ya readin'?" "Oh this," I said, as I pointed to the book. The boy nodded with a smile. "You know; you shouldn't be talking to strangers. Did your parents tell you that?" "Not if ya intwoduce youself," said the young colt. "Well, my name is Danny. And yours?" Before the young colt could give his name, a loud female voice called out to him. "Pound Cake?! Where are you?!" shouted the female voice from further down from behind me. "Gotta go," said the young colt, "hope to see ya 'round mista." "I as well," I said, as we waved each other goodbye. Nice kids; better than the kids back on Earth who trash talk to their parents and other bullshit. I looked over out the window and see the sun setting down in the distance, as Luna's stars began shining high in the almost dark skies. Looking at the sunset reminds me of this hill I used to go to back in elementary school, where I could watch the sun setting down in the distance into the ocean, thinking that the sun was being swallowed up. I chuckle just from thinking about it. I then open my book and went back to my reading, as the train made another toot. I arrive at Appleloosa an hour later, as the train comes to a complete stop. Every pony grabbed their things, including myself. I place my book away in my backpack of other things and headed down the aisle towards the exit. As I go through the door, a breeze comes to my face as a welcome to my arrival. It was dark, but the moon was shining brightly in the night sky. Some ponies were out and about, including over at the saloon which is about a mile away. I place my backpack over my shoulders and walked over to the Inn, which was close by. I entered the Inn, as it gives off an old timey feel. I walk up to the counter, which had a young mare in control at the moment. She wore small glasses, had hillbilly blonde hair, a few freckles on her face, wore a light green suit and pants, blue eyes, dark pink fur, and was chewing on a toothpick. "Excuse me," I said, as I came up to her. "'Ello Sir," said the mare in a southern accent with a friendly tone, "here to rent a room?" "Yep," I replied. "How many nights?" "One will be enough." "That'll be tweny bits, please." I pull out my small sack of bits and handed her twenty pieces. She takes them and puts them in her register. "Okay," said the mare, as she hands me my keys, "you'll be in room 19. Have a good night, Sir." "You too," I say, as I walked away. She waves to me, until I was out of her sight. I walk down the hall, but couldn't find my room. I walked upstairs and walked around the second floor until I spot it up ahead. I walk past five doors and came to my room. I take the keys and unlock the door. It was dark; I couldn't make anything out until I turned on the lights. In my room was one large bed, lights on both sides, a chair near the window, and a bathroom with a shower close to the door. The walls were striped with the colors of yellow and white. The room was descent, but it was perfect for one night. I walked in and got myself comfortable. I lay back on my bed and give out a relaxed exhale. "This night feels perfect," I said, as I leaned up and give out a stretch, "and a perfect night to drink away my problems." I throw my backpack onto the chair and headed out the door. I locked the door and made my way down stairs towards the exit. "Goin' out," asked the mare from before, as I turn towards her. "Yes I am," I replied. "Are ya planin' on goin' to the saloon?" "I am. I heard about it in a magazine and it sounds like fun." "Well then, enjoy yer night." I smile and wave to the mare before heading out the cold night. I place my key in my pocket and zipped up my jacket. As I walked into the saloon, there was full of noise as stallions laughed their asses off, some playing card games, some dancing on the dance floor, mares flirting with stallions, stallions drinking alcohol, some chugging for entertainment, and many other things going on that you would see in any other saloon. "Reminds me of home," I thought to myself, as I made my way to the bar, "sort of." I sat down on one of the bar chairs, as a bartender comes up to me. It was a mare with light blue fur, two pink pigtails, green eyes, and having many freckles on her face. Her bartender clothing was white and her bow was pink. "Howdy partner," said the mare, "new 'round 'ere?" "I'm from Ponyville," I explained, "came here for some fun and possibly interactions." "You sir, picked a good place," said the mare, as she cleans up a mug, "what will it be?" "Cider please." "Comin' right up," said the mare, as she walked away to make my drink. I looked around the saloon again and continue seeing every pony having a good time, as they dance, play, interact, and possibly getting some love. I notice a drunk stallion trying to hit on this mare, as he tries to be as sly as possible. He fails by falling onto the floor, making every pony around him laugh. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of it too. "I can get used to this place," I thought to myself, as my beverage slides towards me. "There ya go, Sir," said the mare from afar. "Thank you," I said with a wave. She waves back before pouring beer into a mug. I went back to look around the place until I feel a nudge on my left. I turn to my left and see a stallion wearing a cowboy hat, gray pants, leather boots, a jean shirt and an ear ring. "Howdy Sir," said the stallion. "Howdy," I replied back. "What brings ya here?" "I come here because I lost my job and I want to drink away my problems." "Ya know, that's not a very good idea." "It's my life and it's what I want to do," I said before taking a gulp of my cider, "I also came here to interact and enjoy the pretty mares that will be out at some point." "Oh them? They'll be out soon, partner. Is this yer first time 'ere?" "It is." "Then yer gonna love the mare they'll have tonight." "Oh? Who's that?" "Her name is Cherry Jubilee. She's the prettiest mare around' 'ere and all the stallions love 'er." "Anything else I should know?" "Nothin' else. She's just a cute thing when ya see 'er." "Nice to meet you Sir," I said, as I shake hands with him, "name's Danny. From Ponyville." "So yer out of town," asked the stallion, as we break the shake, "an' I guess this is yer first time comin' to Appleloosa?" "It is. This is my first time coming here." "Really," said the stallion, as he stood up from his chair lifting up his mug, "hey everypony!" The place went silent, as everypony stared at our direction. "Give a warmhearted welcome to Danny," said the stallion, as he places a hand on my shoulder, "he's new 'ere and would like a nice welcome." Everypony smiled, clapped, whooped, held up their drinks, and cheered for me; making me feel accepted. The place went back to normal, as the stallion beside me sat back down and took a chug of his drink. "How about ya chug yers," asked the stallion, as he looked at my drink. I looked to my drink, back to the stallion and gave him a smirk. "I accept," I said, as I adjusted my glass. I grab my cider and began to chug it. "Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" said the stallion, until some other stallions joined in on watching me. I drank all of it and let out a loud belch, making the stallions cheer for my victory. I joined in until there was a loud clang coming from the stage with red curtains. On stage was an old stallion with gray hair and tail, wrinkles under his eyes, green eyes, holding a cane in his right, and was wearing slacks and a white shirt. "Alrighty folks," said the old stallion, "now is time fer the good stuff. You fellers are in fer a lucky night, because tonight's performance will be done by... Cherry Jubilee." Every pony, including myself clapped and cheered, as the old stallion gets off the stage. The place went dark, as a stage light shined on the red curtain. Every pony murmured, as we waited for her to come out. The stallion beside me nudges me to be prepare what's about to happen. Suddenly, the curtains shifted as a leg comes out wearing red stockings and black shoes, making the stallions hoot and whistle with excitement. The curtains were then pushed aside as she came out: My jaw dropped, along with my glasses shifting a little downward. The mare walks forward, as she takes the cherry stem with the cherry and throws it to the audience. Stallions reached, as one caught the cherry and places it in his pocket, making the stallions around him jealous. The mare on the other hand, walks off the stage and walks past the tables with a sexy smile. She stops at one stallion and blows him a kiss, making him faint and fall to the floor. She went around the tables and she then spots me, making me jump a little. She walks up to me, as she sways her hips back and forth. She was now close to me, as she reaches into her hair and pulls out a cherry. She takes the cherry and slowly brings it up to my mouth, making me place the cherry between my teeth. She then reaches for the mug of the stallion close to me, which was halfway done and takes a sip from it. She places it back from where she got it and looks back at me. She brings her face close to mine and opens her mouth. MY face felt very warm, the closer she gets. She takes her teeth and bites down half of the cherry, making the stallions gasp and even hoot. She pulls away from my face and licks her lips. She gives me a wink before walking away towards the other end of the bar, making me feel frozen in place; I never experienced anything like that until now. She then makes her way back to the stage and blows everypony a kiss and a wink before disappearing behind the curtains. Everypony including myself, clapped, hooted, whistled with amazement. "Wow partner," said the stallion beside me, "you must be the luckiest... human?" "Yes human," I corrected. "To deserve somethin' like that. I'm jealous." "It felt good," I said, as I grew out a smile, "I think I'll have another." "Hey bartender," said the stallion, as he slams down his fist, "a cold one for my buddy 'ere." The bartender takes an empty mug and fills it up. She passes it over, as I gripped it between my hands. "This one will be on me," said the stallion before taking another sip of his almost finished drink. "Thanks buddy," I said, as the two of us cheered before taking another sip. An hour has passed and I'm on my fourth drink and feeling a bit tipsy. The stallion I was with left half an hour ago and was a nice guy. Unlike before, there are now about ten ponies around the place, making it look almost empty. "This place is amazin'," I said to myself with a belch, "excuse me." I take another sip until somepony sits on my left and places three bits on the counter. "Filler up, please," said the feminine voice, as the bartender walks up. "What will it be?" asked the bartender. "Martini with a cherry please." "Comin' right up," said the bartender, as she walks away to make a drink. I look over to my left and my eyes lit up; it was Cherry Jubilee. "Holy Shiza," I thought to myself, "Cherry Jubilee? Sittin' with me? This night is the best." Cherry Jubilee looks over to me, making me flinch. She smiles and pats my head, as though I were a dog or a cat. "Yer quite the cutie pie," said Cherry Jubilee, as she removes her hand from my head, "what brings ya 'ere?" "W-w-well, I'm here because I want to get drunk," I explained, "I got fired from my job because they say I wasn't too enthusiastic. God, I hate myself. So I heard about this place and decided to get drunk." "That's not a good idea, hun," said Cherry, as the bartender brings her the martini. "That's what every pony says, but I don' care. I want to wash away my problems." "Drinkin' does not make yer life any better," said Cherry, as she takes a sip of her martini. "It sucks to be the only human 'ere," I said before taking another gulp of my drink, "there aren't any women, but mares, mares, and more mares. If only there were a woman out 'ere in Equestria." "Are ya also depressed?" "... I guess, Miss Jubilee. No women, no other humans, just ponies, ponies, ponies. It sucks being the only man 'ere. Back at home, I wanted to be a married man, have a wife, maybe even have children... on second thought, maybe not children. Just a wife is good enough." I take another gulp and place my drink down. "Perhaps I could help," asked Cherry, as she takes another sip of her martini. "Like how? How can a pretty- I mean a lady like you... help me?" She gives me that sexy smile like earlier before and takes the cherry from her martini and places it in my mouth. "I want to show ya that mares aren't so bad either." My face felt warm, as she brings her face closer to mine and gives me a kiss. I can't believe it; I kissed a mare mouth to mouth. Her tongue wiggles around my mouth, as she takes the cherry back and pulls her head away from mine. She swallows the cherry and licks her lips. "What do you say?" she asks with a giggle. I was speechless; my first kiss would be from a pretty mare such as her. "I... uh... you seem... like a sweet lady." "A sweet lady? How so?" "W-well... I know we just met and all, but you are really pretty. Yer husband is a lucky man." "Husband? Darlin', I'm single." "You are?" "I wouldn't have kissed ya if I were." "Hehehe," I chuckled awkwardly, as I take another sip of my drink until it was empty, "yer right." Suddenly, my vision was feeling kinda strange and I began to feel the urge to sleep, but I wanted to stay awake a little longer. "Darlin'," said Cherry, as she places a hand on my shoulder, "let's take ya to where yer stayin' for the night." "But I need ta pay," I said with a small belch, "excuse me." "I'll put it on my tab, sweetie," said Cherry, as she got my arm around her. "Where are you two goin'," asked the bartender. "Put it on my tab," said Cherry, as she and I made our way slowly to the door. We walked out of the saloon and walked across to the Inn. I look up at Cherry, as the moon shined behind her, making me blush by how beautiful she looked. "You look pretty behind the moon," I said with a hiccup. "Yer so sweet," said Cherry with a blush. "Roses are red, violets are blue, Cherry, there is no other mare prettier than you." She stopped and looked down at me, as I give out another hiccup. "Yer quite the romantic when yer drunk, ya know that?" "I am," I asked, as we continued our trek to my room at the Inn. I was placed down on the bed, as Cherry sits by my side. "Now that you're back in yer room," said Cherry, as she flips her hair back and forth, "what do ya want ta do?" I look up at her, then at her bosom. "I would love... to make love to a pretty mare... such as yerself." The mare gives me a sultry smile, as she sticks her leg out and takes off her shoe. She then grabs the end of her stockings by the thigh and pulls them off. I continue to watch, as she does the same with the other leg. "Say darlin'," said Cherry, as she points to her back, "could you be a dear and pull down the zipper back there?" I leaned up and pulled down the zipper, freeing her from her corset. She pulls it off of herself, as she tosses it aside, showing me her perky breasts that were as I could guess D sized. My mind was full of wonder as to that I am the first person to have sex with an anthropomorphic mare. The furries would be jealous about this. All that was left on her was her headband, which looked good on her, and panties with berries on it. She lies down on my side and gives my left ear a lick. "How 'bout ya pull down my panties, sexy man," she said, as she pulls up and down on the sides of her panties. I get up with a gulp, as Cherry lies on the bed stretching her legs. I adjusted my glasses before reaching down to the sides of her panties. As I gripped onto the sides, I slowly pull it down and began to feel the heat coming off of her. My heart raced, as I saw her pussy, making her fur a tiny bit wet. I continue to slide down the panties until they were off of her and threw them aside. She exhales, as she stretches her arms out, making her breasts squeeze together. Just from looking at her, I could feel my pants getting tighter and tighter. She looks back at me then looks down towards the bump between my legs. "Hard now?" she asks. "I feel like it," I said, as I pulled down my shirt to cover it, "that was inappropriate of me." She giggles, as she crawls over to me. "Don' worry darlin'," said Cherry, as she places her hands on my own, "tonight, I wanna make this night worth it." I uncover my now throbbing member, begging Cherry to pull it out. She takes a hand and slowly slides the zipper down and unbuttons the button for my pants, as they fall to the floor. All that was needed to be pulled down was my boxers. She looks back up to me, then back to my covered up member, breathing onto it to give me a chill down my spine. She takes her hands and quickly slides my boxers off, till my member bumps her in the muzzle. Her eyes lit up from the sight of it, but she then changes her expression to a sultry look. "Looks like somepony's gonna 'ave a great night," said Cherry with a giggle, "now let me do wha' I like with it." She places a soft hand on my shaft, sending me goosebumps of excitement all over my body for about five seconds. She gives it a few strokes and gives the head light kisses. She then slowly sticks her tongue out and gives it a flick, making give out a drunken light moan. My head began to feel a bit tipsy, as my vision was going a bit blurry. I look back down at her, as she gives me a smile while stroking my member. " 'ow ya feelin'," she asked. "Feelin' tipsy, but you are really good," I replied, as I scratch the top of my head. "Why thank ya," said Cherry, as she strokes quicker, "for that, I'll make ya feel even better." She opens her mouth and slowly slides my cock into her mouth, making my head lean back and give out a satisfied moan. She slowly bobs up and down, making her way down my length. I could hear her moan between each bob, as I could feel her tongue swirling around as though she were licking a lollipop. My God, this felt amazing; amazing than what I imagined. I never knew that getting a blowjob would feel this good. She starts to pick up the pace, as she now begins to make schlopping noises and moans. "My G-God," I said, as I place my hands on her head, "m-more! D-deepthroat it." I pushed her head further down my length, making her nearly gag and repeating it a few more times. I look down at her and could notice her makeup getting a bit smeared by tears. I switched from being rough to soft, allowing her to breathe. She continued down the length, despite on me being rough on her. I then began to feel it; the buildup of cum. "Oh G-God," I moaned, "I'm about t-to c-c-cum!" She pulls her mouth say from my saliva dripping member, as she gives me a handjob to let the cum come out. I let out a loud moan, as my seed squirts onto her face, muzzle and mouth. I panted, as she licks off the cum from her mouth, her lips, and from her fingers. "That felt good," said Cherry, as she looks up to me, "I never knew ya were the rough ones, eh?" "S-sorry, Cherry," I apologized, "I'm usually never rough." "Tha's okay, hun," she said, as I sat down at the end of the bed. I let out a sigh and fling my boxers aside to my left. I then felt Cherry's soft breasts against my back, as she wraps her arms around my neck. I look back at her, as she brings her muzzle to my lips, allowing me to give her a kiss. Her tongue slips into my mouth, as she feels the crevices within. My tongue fights back, claiming its territory. Her tongue accepts, as I too began to venture within her moist mouth. We then break the kiss, as a strand of saliva breaks off. "Yer quite a good kisser," she compliments. "I can say the same to you too," I replied. She smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Now hun," she said, as she lies back against the pillows and spreads her legs out, " 'ow 'bout ya pleasure me?" She takes her fingers and gives them a lick, before taking her wet fingers down to her dripping lower lips and giving them a rub. She gives out little squeaks, as she rubs her clitoris. "Okay," I said with a blank expression. "Get over 'ere," said Cherry, as I slap my face to bring me back to reality. I crawled over towards her dripping pussy and give it a little lick, making her moan. I then sticked my tongue around her clitoris and lolling around it to make her cum quicker. "S-so good," she moans, "I'm close." I loll quicker, as she wraps her legs around my head and pushes my head closer to her pussy. I look up at her, as a trickle of saliva runs down the corner of her mouth and onto her right tit. "I'm c-cumming hun," she shouts, as her juices squirt directly onto my face. I pull my head away and shake my head side to side to fling it off. My face, including my glasses now covered in pussy juice. I look down at her, as she panted and places her hands on her breasts. "That (hah) felt (hah) good, hun (hah)," panted Cherry. "It's not over yet, Missy," I said, as I toss my glasses to my left onto the left night stand. I crawl back to her and grab my member. I bring it closer to her pussy and rub it against the clit. "Still up fer more?" asks Cherry. "I can't end it like that," I said, as I stop my rubbing, "I want this to be a night to remember, cutie." She blushes and waves her hand. "Ya charmer," she says, "okay then, give it ta me." "As you like," I said, as I slowly insert my cock inside, making her give out a moan. I push in slowly, then slowly out. I continued this motion, as she reaches her hands out to me. I lean closer down to her, as she wraps her arms around me in a somewhat loving embrace. "G-good b-boy," she said, before I thrusted again. I began to pick up the pace, as the both of us gave out moans of pleasure; making us feel good. I lean my head down to her and kisses her hard, as she does the same by licks her tongue around my mouth. "Yer quite the romantic, aren' ya?" she asks before giving out a moan. "I (hah) guess (hah)," I said between pants. I thrusted as quickly as I could, making her quiver with pleasure, as she wraps her arms tighter around my neck. "F-fuck," she moans, "I-I'm about t-t-to c-c-cum!" "I as- ahhhhhhh!!!" I shouted, as our fluids mix with one another. I collapsed to her right, as the both of us panted hard. I look over to her, as she did the same. "Th-thank (hah) you (hah) for makin' (hah) this night (hah) g-good," I said, as my vision began getting blurry by the second. "Anytime (hah) h-hun," said Cherry, as she scoots closer to me and places a soft hand on my sweaty chest, "good night, hun." "G-good night (hah) sexy," I said, as I drifted off to sleep. The light from the covered up curtains shined upon my face, as I give out a groan. I lean up and give out a stretch. "Good morning to me," I said, as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I then began to feel pain around my head, as I take my hand on my forehead. "Ugh," I groaned, "I guess I had too many last night. I feel like shit." I then heard a little female groan on my left, making me slowly turn towards the source. Under the bed sheets, was a rather attractive mare with rose color hair and red lips. I was so surprised that my eyes lit up and my mind felt a bit blank. "What happened last night," I asked myself, "I hope I didn't fuck things up. How did this mare get in my room? Did I invite her? Wait... did we?" I began to feel nervous; what if I took advantage of her? If I did, I will never forgive myself. I went under the covers to hide my lower half and shook her she to side gently. "Excuse me? Miss?" The mare opens her eyes and looks over to me tiredly. "Mm?" she says, as she slowly leans up, making me see her naked breasts. "Oh God, I really hope I didn't do anything too crazy," I thought to myself. "Good mornin'," said the tired mare, as she stretches her arms, "why ya wake me up?" "S-s-sorry, Miss, but I was wondering if I did anything crazy to you last night? If I took advantage of you I apologize. I had a drink too many and I wondered if-" I was cut off, as she takes a finger and places it gently on my lips. "Ya did nothin' bad, hun," said the mare, as she takes her finger away from my lips, "ya made me feel good las' night though." "We had sex?" "Indeed." I felt somewhat better, but I'm surprised that I made love to this mare who I can't recall her name. "May I ask your name?" I asked. "It's Cherry Jubilee, hun," replied the mare. Cherry Jubilee? I feel like I heard that name somewhere from last night. It must've been from that stallion if I recall. "Sorry if I made you come to my place. I drank too much." "Like I said hun, it's okay. You didn't do anything bad, but you were quite the charmer." "I was?" I said, as I reached for my glasses and place them on my face. "Ya said I was beautiful and ya made me feel like a mare than eye candy to the crowd." "I sound quite friendly when drunk," I thought to myself. "Las' night, ya made love to me. You were jus' fabulous." "Can we start over? I'd like to hang out with you when sober and I'd like to get to know you." "Sure hun. I'd like that." "Nice to meet you, Cherry," I said, as I stick my hand out to her, "my name is Danny." "Nice to meet ya, Danny," she said, as she shakes my hand, "the name's Cherry Jubilee, but ya can call me Cherry if ya like." And that was the night of how I met the prettiest mare during my time in Equestria. I can't wait to learn more about her and possibly drink with her if she likes to.