> Overdue Apologies and Sprinkled Rose Petals > by InTheStands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Exposition Dump > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This chapter serves the purpose of providing the back story. Feel free to go straight to the next chapter. I just thought this one would clear up why Rarity and Blueblood are bumping uglies. Furthermore...MLP is property of Hasbro, with characters property of Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership to anything but this story. Prince Blueblood groaned. Every single thing about the Grand Galloping Gala tonight had been a complete disaster. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, his white coat and golden mane and tail marred by spots and stains of baked goods. The third washing, and he could still find icing and cake in areas he was certain were clean. He was about to step into the bathroom once more when a loud knocking came from the closed door. "Prince Blueblood?" The guard outside called out. "You have a visitor to see you." Blueblood huffed. "Tell them to wait. I'm not even remotely presentable to-" "Blueblood," The stern female voice announced. "Let me in. Now." The prince stammered slightly before running to the door and opening it. Two ponies stood outside. One was the usual guardspony. The other was Princess Celestia. And she did not look happy. "Auntie," Blueblood grinned sheepishly. "Hello. Please, come in." The white alicorn with an everflowing tail and mane stepped inside the spacious room before allowing the door to close behind her. She stared down at her nephew, the spots of cake making him look like a young foal. She looked at him for another moment before saying, in a rather blunt tone, "I am disappointed, Blueblood." "Disappointed, Auntie?" The prince asked. "How so?" Celestia began to elaborate. "There is a reason ponies look up to us, my nephew. They respect us because we respect them. We do not allow our status to get in the way of formality when it comes to such events as the Gala." She shook her head slightly. "But it seems you've forgotten that." "What do you mean?" Blueblood furrowed his brow at his aunt's accusation. "I mean I have been having my guards report to me as you went about at the Gala with your guest," Celestia elaborated. "And what I've been hearing was the most blatant acts of selfishness I've had the displeasure of knowing about." Blueblood froze. He KNEW he saw some of the stallions at the gala before. Now he realized they simply swapped their traditional armor for tuxedos. Celestia walked to the mirror, looking at her reflection and his, before speaking again. "Having a mare open a door for a stallion? Having her use one of her articles of clothing to let you cross a puddle? Having her purchase food which you promptly spat out in front of the vendor?" Blueblood began to tremble slightly. "Auntie, please, you must understand, the Gala...it was complete mayhem! I only-" "That does not excuse you from abandoning your chivalry whatsoever," Celestia interrupted him, spinning around to face him. "Do you know exactly who was following you around tonight, Blueblood? Who you used as a pony shield before she finally had enough of you?" Blueblood shook his head. "What would you say...if I told you that that poor mare happened to be one of the Elements of Harmony?" The prince wondered why his jaw hadn't hit the floor. He had heard his other aunt, Luna, had been saved by the Element-bearers, but to actually have them at the gala? And to anger one of them? "R...really?" He asked. "The Element of Generosity, to be exact. An element you, my nephew, are sorely lacking." Blueblood stammered again. "Auntie..." Celestia glared at him, silencing him again. "If you're speaking to make another excuse, stop. I was hesitant to invite you at all. But your mother insisted. She told me it would be good letting you out with common ponies instead of servants and guards who waited on you forehoof and backhoof. And what happens? My nephew, who can have responsibility thrust upon him at any time, demonstrates every selfish trait we've worked to avoid!" Blueblood looked up at his aunt before sighing and bowing his head. "What...what should I do?" Celestia expected this question, and provided an answer. "The first thing we shall do is to send you to Ponyville and apologize. Secondly...we are to re-educate you in proper etiquette, from the ground up. Is this understood?" Her nephew nodded in response. Staring at him for a moment, she sighed. "Blueblood...understand, I care for you a great deal. But it is possible that your selfishness could lead to harm at the hooves of somepony you may anger or disrespect. As much of a problem your attitudes may be, that is something you don't deserve." She placed a hoof on his shoulder, causing him to look up at her. Slowly, she smiled down at him. "You must show respect in order to earn it, Blueblood. You can change. But only if you want to." The next day, Blueblood was given a round-trip ticket and was put on the train to Ponyville. He was also given directions as to where the Carousel Boutique would be found, along with an order not to put on any sort of dressing; He arrived with no bowties, no tuxedo fronts, just his white coat and the compass cutie mark on either of his flanks. Within an hour upon reaching the village, he managed to locate the boutique. He approached the building, sighed, and knocked. A moment later...she appeared. She opened the door with a smile that instantly faded the moment she laid eyes on him. "...You?!" She reeled back. "What in Equestria are YOU doing here?" Blueblood inhaled through his nose before speaking. "I've come to apologize for what happened last night at the Gala. I was showing none of the proper attributes of being a member of the royal family. None to the other guests...and especially none to you. I'm here to ask of another chance with you. To fix what I've broken." She listened to his apology before turning her nose up. "You're only saying that because someone made you. No doubt Princess Celestia. How a charmless buffoon like yourself is related to her in any way, I will never know!" He stopped the door just as it was about to be slammed in his face. "Rarity...please," He begged. She stopped pushing on the door. That was the first time since meeting him that he called her by name. She opened the door to look at him once more. "Why are you really here?" She asked him. Blueblood took in a breath of air before speaking again. "As I've stated before, I'm here to ask of a second chance from you. But also to tell you I'll be going away. I don't know for how long. All I know is that I've agreed with my aunt that my manners are in need of a drastic retouching." He paused, Rarity looking at him intently. "I only ask that you wait for me. That we see what comes about once they deem me worthy of passing. Would you wait and see?" Rarity glared at him for a moment until closing her eyes. "I'll give you ONE opportunity. Ruin that, and you are never to appear on my doorstep again, unless you want Opalescence using your face for a scratching post. Is that understood?" Blueblood, eyes widening upon the thought of such pain, nodded feverishly. "Good. Until next time. Provided there IS a next time." This time he let the door close all the way. Sighing, he made sure he still had his ticket, and began his trek back to the train station. He had more than enough packing to do. §§§ "A prince?!" "Yes Sweetie Belle, a prince." Rarity continued to finish up her sewing as her little sister, Sweetie Belle, stood behind her. Sweetie having heard Rarity talk with her friends about a stallion she was waiting for, finally had enough of being kept in the dark. She asked Rarity who she was waiting for, a question which was promptly answered. The younger pony's head began to reel. "Okay...how do you know a prince?" "I met him at the Grand Galloping Gala almost a month ago," Rarity explained. "And I feel I should mention that he was the most uncouth stallion I've ever known." "So why are you waiting for him if he's so bad?" "He asked for a second chance just before he was sent off to improve his manners. And now I have no clue as to when he'll be back." She stopped sewing. "I'm not even sure if there's going to be an improvement." Sweetie grew even more confused. "I'm...not really getting any of this. If he's still a jerk, why are you giving him a second chance?" Rarity sighed and turned to her sister. "If he was able to realize his mistakes, it certainly is worth a try. Besides, with all of the second chances I've been given, it's nice to give one of my own." No sooner did she finish this sentence than the sound of something knocking on wood echoed through the boutique. "I'll get it!" Sweetie Belle called out as she bounded out from the room towards the front door. Rarity listened as Sweetie Belle greeted the visitor. "Hello? Whoa...hey, are you...uh-huh. Okay, I'll get her. RARITY!!" Wincing as her sister shouted, Rarity followed her usual route to the front door. She calmly chastised her sister as she approached. "Sweetie Belle, what have I told you about shouting so many..." She stopped her correcting as she saw what Sweetie opened the door to. Or more exaclty WHO she opened the door to. Prince Blueblood stood proudly, still sporting no formal wear whatsoever. He was using his magic to hold a bouquet of flowers. Noticing the stares of the two unicorns, he cleared his throat. "I beg your pardon, but do you mind if I come in?" "Hm? Oh, no, of course not!" Rarity shook herself out of her light surprise of seeing him so soon again. She and her sister let the prince in, where he floated the bouquet over to Rarity. "For you," He smiled. Rarity lifted the flowers with her magic, looking at the collection. Every single one was fresh down to the smallest petal. He took notice of her inspection. "No expense was spared. I made sure each one was as clean as could be before arriving here." Rarity nodded. "Sweetie, be a dear and find a vase for these." Sweetie Belle walked away from the front door and towards the kitchen, leaving her sister and Blueblood alone for the time being. "And how was your schooling? Your re-education, as it were?" Blueblood shook his head lightly. "It opened my eyes. Auntie had me writing to her about my progress. Much like her student Twilight, now that I've thought about it. But that's in the past. I've come here to discuss the future." Rarity's eyes widened. "So soon?! But it's only been a few minutes! Don't we need more time before making that decision?!" "...What?" Blueblood grew confused, then realized what he just told her. "Oh, no! No, no." He laughed at his mistake. "My apologies. I meant 'future' as in 'this evening'. I've made reservations at a restaurant in Ponyville. Aside from the bouquet, I'm here to ask if tonight is a good time for you. Keep in mind I don't have to pay until we arrive." Sweetie returned with the vase as Rarity thought about Blueblood's offer. "I don't have any more orders to fill. And I just need to finish the stitchings on what I'm working on." She turned to her sister. "And then there's the matter of leaving YOU alone." "What's that supposed to mean?" Sweetie scoffed as she gently laid down the vase. "I can take care of myself just fine!" "You can take care of yourself, yes," Rarity agreed. "But the boutique - and especially Opal - is another story. I'll see if we can arrange a sleepover with your friends for the night." The younger unicorn beamed in delight before nodding her approval and leaving to prepare just in case. Rarity turned back to Blueblood. "As long as everything here is accounted for...I suppose eating out tonight wouldn't hurt." Blueblood smiled slightly. "I understand. You'll let me know if anything arises, yes? I'll be staying at this address." He floated a small piece of paper over to Rarity, who agreed to let him know of any trouble. They said their goodbyes, and the door to the boutique was closed. §§§ As the two of them soon found out, they finished their dinner anticipating the next time they could see each other again. Rarity was impressed by Blueblood's improvement in his behavior, while the prince found himself enjoying her talking about her work and various other aspects of her life - including how they found that she was the one who would bear the Element of Generosity. Her ability to sacrifice something as personal as her tail to a sea serpent was nothing if not admirable. As the days moved into weeks, and weeks moved into months, they were seeing each other more and more. Naturally, it didn't take long for the papers - both respectable and tabloids - to begin making assumptions. Though the claims were constantly denied, they both realized they were going to have to come clean eventually. They found their chance while Rarity was staying in Canterlot, coming across a gentlecolt Blueblood knew all too well: Fancy Pants. He wasn't quite sure how she pulled it off, but they managed to give the papers as many photo opportunities as possible, from art gatherings to the launching of a new airship. Finally, they decided to end the speculation once and for all. Blueblood, unfortunately, found himself late to the Canterlot Garden Party. And upon arriving, it clearly wasn't anything like the previous ones. Hoping to the powers that be that this wasn't another Gala-level makeover, he managed to find Rarity with her friends, her mood being much brighter than it was for the past few days. Then and there, the two made the announcement that most of the ponies (excluding her friends, of course) weren't expecting to be made: The two unicorns, a prince and a dressmaker, were a couple. For them, it was a tremendous load off of both of their shoulders. They were together, and those who were against it honestly didn't matter to either of them. For Rarity, one of her wildest dreams were coming true. For Blueblood, it meant Aunt Celestia's confrontation was proven to be a success; He was one step closer to becoming the prince Equestria expected him to be. Now he just hoped he could continue to be the stallion Rarity wants him to be. ...Still here? Hm. Well, that's the back story. The next chapter has what I'm sure you really came for. But thanks for reading this, anyway! > The Story Proper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night had fallen just a few hours ago in Ponyville. Those with day jobs returned to their homes, while the few ponies working night shifts went off to their places of work. And others were still working, striving to complete the job they started in the morning. Such was the case at Ponyville's premiere fashion shop, the Carousel Boutique. Inside, a white-coated unicorn mare brushed back her purple mane before fixing her glasses and continuing to attach the bits and pieces of her latest commission. She would consider herself lucky to get this done tonight before she grew too tired. Also so she could spend time with her rekindled flame upstairs. But little did she know that the very object of her desire peered through the slightly-cracked-open door to see her, estimating how long it would take before she was finished. Smirking to himself, he quickly, and silently, ascended the stairs to the second floor before returning to her bedroom and closing the door. Looking around at the dimly-lit room, he exhaled through his nose and walked to the nightstand. There he saw the framed picture of three ponies: The seamstress downstairs, Rarity; Her sister, Sweetie Belle; And himself. Prince Blueblood. He couldn't help but think back to the series of events that came to this. After the disaster that was the Grand Galloping Gala, he hid himself away in his room, cleaning every ounce of cake out of his coat. That was when he recieved visitation from no one else but his aunt, Princess Celestia. Blueblood was defenseless against the barrage of chastisement Celestia rained down on him. Then he fully realized his error when he was told his unfortunate guest was the Element of Generosity. First he was to apologize. Then he was to be reeducated in proper treatment of a mare and other ponies in general. He smiled as he remembered returning to Rarity, carrying a bouquet of flowers and an invitation to dinner. It would be the first of many nights out together, building up until their official announcement of their being a couple. His smile faded. Yes, they made each other happy, but he simply felt he could make her happier. He had a nagging feeling in his chest and mind that he didn't do enough to make up for his treatment of her at the Gala. Looking away from the picture, he again gazed around the room, a perfect balance of lighting and darkness. He looked to the floor, admiring the patterns he laid out. Finally, his eyes laid on the four-poster bed. Usually it was Rarity's bed. Tonight, with luck, it would be THEIR bed. Smirking again, he walked to the bed and laid on it. Positioning himself as he waited for the sound of hoofsteps, he used his magic to reach for the finishing touch of his plan. Downstairs, Rarity leaned back, sighed, and removed her glasses. She was done. Smiling at her finished work, she fitted the dress over one of the mannequins before letting out a small yawn. She put away her glasses, her fabrics, her tape measure, all before turning off the lights and heading for her bedroom. That was when she stopped and noticed the rose petals littering the floor of the hallway. Lifting her head, she noticed the trail of petals ascending the stairs. Her curiosity was now piqued. She wasted no time in following the trail up the stairs. But now she saw something else that baffled her even more: The petals led to her bedroom, and the door was closed. Now she was starting to realize she hadn't seen Blueblood since putting the final pieces of the dress together - and that took an hour. Sighing and shaking her head, she gathered she was allowed into her own bedroom. She turned the knob and opened the door, stepping inside. She was not expecting anything she saw after that. The trail of rose petals continued into the room, the lights having been dimmed to allow a strange balance of light and darkness. The trail finally ended at the bed, where she saw what blew everything else out of the water: Prince Blueblood, rose on his chest, and wearing nothing else, striking a pose that was blatantly seductive. "Ah, Rarity," Blueblood smiled as he watched her come in. "I see you've followed my trail. Care to recieve your reward?" Rarity simply stared at the prince, his eyes fixed on her and his mouth fixed into a grin. Then, with no attempt to hold back, she threw her head back and laughed. Instantly, Blueblood's smile faded, and he propped himself up with his forelegs. "What?" No answer; She now placed a hoof to her face, still giggling at...something. Blueblood grew annoyed. "What?!" At this point, Rarity caught her breath, breathed deeply, and sighed, shaking her head. "You could have come to me if you were so bored, you had to read almost every romance novel in my collection." "Excuse me?" Blueblood began to take offense. "I...I worked hard on this!" "That's not what I'm saying," Rarity defended herself. "I'm simply pointing out that one doesn't have to resort to tired clichés to make for an intimate...wait, where are you going?" She had just now started to notice Blueblood, nose in the air, getting off of the bed and walking to the door. He threw the rose onto the bed. "If you're simply going to criticize everything I've done, then I frankly see no reason in staying here. Good night, Rarity." She stammered. Quickly, she stopped him before he opened the door to the room. Though he had stopped, he still kept his head high, his mouth in a sort of pout, and his eyes closed. Rarity gathered the words spinning in her mind. "Blueblood, please! I'm sorry, truly! It's just...I've had to have read those books thirty times, at the very least! And you know how I am with details! I fuss over the smallest things!" She now started to feel tears forming. "Don't leave me just because I focus so much on..." She then felt his chest shaking. Looking at his face, she saw he was trying to keep himself from laughing. Too late. He fell over on his back, clutching himself as he laughed. Rarity was dumbfounded until he sighed and looked at her. "You're right. I was completely bored out of my mind some days. I noticed your novels on the nightstand, giving them a once-over. I only did this because I thought it was what you liked. What you expected." Whatever rage Rarity had rising within her was now gradually dissipating. "Blueblood, how many of those novels had a prince as the romancer? How many contained a humble dressmaker who lives on the second floor of her boutique? How many even so much as mention the Elements of Harmony?" He stood back up as she spoke. "Yes, I love reading them. But that's just it. They're stories. Made up." There was a pause as Blueblood looked to the ground uncomfortably. Rairty spoke again. "Whatever you did...why are you doing it?" The prince sighed. "I...was looking forward to making tonight special. You know...THAT kind of special." The dressmaker felt her face grow hot. "My goodness. Well, um...hm. Very well. NOW all of this makes sense." She paused. "This WASN'T a joke. You truly want to..." "Yes." "Oh my...I suppose I should have seen this coming." "Please understand, the last thing I would do is pressure you into something as important as...physical intimacy." "I understand that," Rarity said, "I DON'T understand why you didn't simply ask me instead of sprinkling rose petals all over half of the boutique." She looked at him before saying, "Most likely, I would have said yes." Blueblood's eyes widened. "You would have?" She smiled. "We've known each other long enough. We both know our perks, our flaws. And to be honest..." she looked around the room. "I do enjoy the atmosphere you've created." She furrowed her brow. "Not quite an award-winning piece of dialogue, though. 'Follow my trail and recieve your reward'?" The prince scoffed. "It's not my fault they toss all mental capacity aside once they start...their embraces." That was when they found themselves nearly touching each other. Rarity leaned towards Blueblood. "Would you like to start your own...embraces, my prince?" She found her answer a moment later, in the form of his lips contacting hers. They broke away soon afterwards, allowing Blueblood to direct the two of them back to the bed. Suddenly, she jumped onto the mattress, taking him with her and bringing them into a position where he stood over her. They kissed again, this time with much more passion than before. Their tongues intertwined as their mouths moved every which way over each other. Breaking the kiss for the second time, Blueblood moved his mouth over to where Rarity's neck met her shoulder. She shuddered slightly as she felt his lips kissing her in such a way. She placed her hooves on his chest, struggling to keep them there as he lowered himself, planting kiss after kiss down the length of her body. She let herself moan in delight as he placed his mouth onto one of her nipples, his hoof lightly rubbing the one across from it. After keeping this up for what felt like forever, he continued kissing his way down her body. A few minutes later, he reached his destination. The prince looked up at her, smiling warmly. "You don't mind, do you?" Rarity smiled back at him. "Only if you don't finish what you start." Heeding this advice, Blueblood lowered his head over her nether regions, put out his tongue, and lapped away. Rarity gasped until her mouth was wide open. She let out another long moan as she lowered her head into the pillow, allowing him to continue unabated. After a moment or two, she placed a hoof on the back of his head, stroking it gently as he continued his work and she continued moaning in bliss. She let out a soft cry as he licked a particularly sensitive spot. Thankfully, he heard her, and touched the spot again and again, reveling in the noises she began to make. "Yes!" She breathlessly called out. "Yes! YES!" Quickly, though, she could feel the pleasure rising from within. Her moaning grew into screaming as she gripped the bedsheets with her hooves and wrapped her back legs around Blueblood's head. Seconds later, her well of pleasure ran over. She shrieked out into the air of the bedroom and pulled at the bedsheets, bucking her hips into Blueblood's face. Her screaming shrinking down into satisfied moans and mumbling, she took a moment to catch her breath. She turned her head to see Blueblood looking back at her with a smile. "I'd say that qualifies as 'finishing what I started', don't you?" The prince asked her. She responded simply by kissing him a third time, this one fueled by even more passion. They took the time to brush their forelegs up and down each others' bodies, one grinding into the other as the kiss grew deeper. She broke the kiss, feeling something down below. She peered down between the two of them...and saw her prize. Blueblood grew slightly uncomfortable in the interest she was showing for his lower half. "I'll admit...I may not be quite as well-endowed as other males." "Size doesn't really matter to me, darling," She looked back up at him. "It can actually hurt if it was big enough. Did you know that?" Blueblood shook his head. Rarity pulled him closer to her, allowing his organ to be pressed against her belly. "Besides, you could have the biggest one in the world - and it wouldn't matter one little bit if you couldn't use it properly." She flashed him a smile before she turned over, laying on her stomach. "Now show me how well you can use it." Blueblood's eyes widened. "But...but what about..." "Impregnation?" Rarity asked. "I'm on birth control. Perhaps you've seen the pills while you were snooping in my room for those novels?" She saw him grow bashful. "I thought so. There's no need to worry, darling. Everything has been prepared for." She stretched, sighing contentedly as she allowed her back to curve. "Especially this," She smiled back at him. "I'm ready for you." He steadily stood upon the bed, moving until he stood over Rarity. Being even more careful, he brought his lower half down, assuming a near-sitting position. Taking a deep breath, he watched as he gently slid himself into her. This act alone elicited a small moan from Rarity. Gaining a bit more confidence, Blueblood began to slowly move his hips back and forth. He was now coming to the realization that he was taking delight in pleasuring her. His slow in-and-out pattern was soon broken as Rarity stopped moaning in time for her to say, "Faster." "Are you sure?" the prince asked. Though he could only see her back and her mane, he was certain she was sporting a look of ecstasy. "I'm absolutely positive, darling." She made a noise between a moan and a giggle as she felt him speed up slightly. The momentum his lower half was gaining gave him no choice but to lower himself onto Rarity's back. Moaning along with her, he found this position was perfect for wrapping his forelegs around her chest. He stopped his thrusting every now and again to kiss either her lips or her ears. "Faster...!" Rarity ordered. He couldn't help but smile and obey her wishes. He started to breathe heavily through his nose as he quickened his pistonlike movements. Rarity vocalized even louder now, allowing herself to be jolted forward and backward in time with his thrusting. Then all of a sudden, the sound of moaning was replaced by the sound of a surprised squeal. Blueblood, grinning in mischief, rolled over to his side, taking Rarity with him. Holding part of her up with his hooves, he continued his assault on her lower regions. "OH! You...RUFFIAN!!" Rarity shrieked out. Blueblood knew she only saved the term 'ruffian' for those she despised. But the bliss in her voice, coupled by the hard nuzzle she gave him, proved tonight was an exception. He continued to kiss her neck, while she continued to wordlessly shout into the air of the room. It was erotic bliss for the both of them. Unfortunately, all good things (even the mind-numbingly pleasing things) must come to an end. Blueblood suddenly began moaning louder than he was moaning before. "Rarity...it...I'm almost done..." "Then finish!" Rarity responded, rubbing his cheek with her hoof. "I want to feel you inside me as you - WHOAH!" She felt him move out from behind her, letting her fall onto her back. As she tried to clear her head to piece together what had happened, she saw Blueblood standing over her. He wasted no time in locking lips with her again before sending his lower half into her and starting up his feverish pace over again. Rarity instantly forgot her confusion and focused on the pleasure once more, letting her body move in conjunction with his powerful thrusting. Within a few seconds, the two began to cry out in unison. Finally, in one, quick thrust, the end had come. Blueblood bared his teeth and let out a yell as he felt his lower regions convulse. Rarity, in turn, screamed in bliss as she felt warmth all over the lower half of her body. The sheer ecstasy that ran through their bodies seemed to make time stand still as he felt himself drain into her. Breathing heavily, he allowed himself to fall sideways, avoiding landing on Rarity. He instead fell flat on his back next to her, closing his eyes seconds before Rarity decided to crawl on top of him and catch him in another kiss. While the previous ones were fueled solely by lust, this one had more affection behind it. They broke away to look into each others' eyes. "Blueblood...darling..." She whispered as she placed her head on his chest. "That was...I can't even begin to describe what that was." The prince simply smiled down at her and rubbed her back. "The feeling is shared, my dear Rarity." "And to think," She started again, "Months ago, we would have been the last possible ponies sharing a bed together. Now here we are, unable to imagine what it would be like if one didn't have the other." She nuzzled her head into his chest, reveling in the warmth that came over her as he pulled the blankets over the two of them. As she used her magic to turn off the lights, she muttered one final sentence to him before letting herself fall asleep: "I love you, Blueblood." The prince simply rubbed his jaw on her head, making sure she heard him say, "And I you, Rarity," before the two of them drifted into unconsciousness. Blueblood's eyes instantly popped open. He could see the daylight illuminating the bedroom. He could also feel the distinct lack of a platinum-coated unicorn mare resting on his frontside. Muttering in confusion as he started to truly awake, he turned over to see if she moved off of him in the night. He widened his eyes, darted to a sitting position, and held a foreleg to his chest as he shouted out in shock. "Hi, Blueblood!" The young unicorn filly smiled. "Rarity's downstairs waiting for you. She made breakfast! I wanted to make it, but she insisted." Blueblood sputtered. "What? Why are...? You...?" He finally shook his head. "Sh-shouldn't you be in school, young mare?" Sweetie Belle grew confused. "School? On a Saturday?" Blueblood, realizing his follied question, sighed, putting a hoof to his forehead. "Tell Rarity I'll be right down. And PLEASE...for your safety and the safety of others, do NOT stand so close to a sleeping pony ever again." The filly left the room, her task complete. Blueblood groaned as she shut the door. Sweetie was an absolute dear, but too easily would she let her want of helping get the better of her. Realizing they'll just keep coming to him if he stayed in bed, he walked out, stretched, and left the room. Entering the kitchen, he glanced over to the table. Sweetie Belle was seated, the morning meal splayed out before him. His focus, however, was on the mare standing over the stove. He surprised Rarity as he wrapped his forelegs around her from behind. A split second later, though, her apprehension disappeared, allowing Blueblood to kiss her on the cheek. "Good morning, darling," She said to him. He smirked. "Yes, it is, dear." "Uh...hello?" They heard Sweetie ask. "You...aren't gonna...do anything, are you?" "She has a point," Rarity walked to the table as Blueblood let go of her. "There's a time and place for everything. Morning, at the breakfast table, certainly isn't my idea of the optimal time for intimacy." Blueblood silently agreed, taking his seat as Rarity took his. Throughout the meal, part of him concentrated on Sweetie Belle's plans for herself and her friends for today. The other part of him looked back in time, starting to forget how he'd carried on without knowing somepony like Rarity. THE END