Heroes from Middle Earth

by Tbillz

First published

A group of 12 friends dress up as characters from Lord of the Rings and end up in an Equestria controlled by caribou and now must help take Equestria back and defeat Diann.

Okay first thing is that me and my friends dressed up as LOTR characters for a convention met a guy dressed as Gandalf, and strangely enough looked like him, bought some stuff from him and then we ended up in Equestria (ruled by a douche of a king Diann, king of the caribou and enslaver of all the females in Equestria) and lead a group made up of us and a few others called, ironically the Middle Earth Marauders.

First fall of Equestria story

The reason why winona is a main character is because in this Equestria she is a anthro wolf/dog hybrid. And Angel is a anthro bunny.


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A/N: Watch this for some of the finishers later in the story.

Fierce fighting is heard in a open grassy area as a large group of 70 Caribou and brainwashed stallions fight against a group of 12 beings and two beasts. Some of the beings were short carrying battleaxes and wearing armor, while others were tall and of different races.

One of the beings clashes with a Caribou, only for the caribou to lose his head.

"Cease all attacks by King Diann himself and we'll let this slide if you join us!" yells the leader of the Caribou but he soon had an arrow lodged into both his brain and throat.

As soon as the Caribou hit the ground the remaining Caribou and stallions stared at the corpse until one of the beings appeared in the middle of the group and cast some sort of foreign magic on all of them leaving an glowing blue handprint on the right side of their faces and glowing blue eyes.

Suddenly the world around one being fades away as well as the other beings and the caribou.

(POV: Eric)

I woke up from the same dream I had ever since Comic Con arrived and caused me to get grouchy some times. So to cheer me up I decided to go with my friends dressed up as characters from the LOTR films and the Shadow of Mordor game. I decided to to play some music while dressing up as Aragorn, when I was about finished a familiar song my grandma sang to me when we visited her in Moscow when I was 6 years-old(That's right I'm part Russian-Deal With It!) started to play on my phone.


"Eric you ready?" My best friend, Nick, who is also part Russian and part German said as he walked in dressed up as Legolas.

"All set except for the sword though." I said as we walked out of the hotel room I was in.

"Maybe we'll find one there?" Nick said as we meet up with the others.

There was Mike(Gimli), Benji(Talion), Josh(Torvin), Henry(Celebrimbor), Jack(Uruk Hai General), Jake(Uruk Hai Soldier), Jeff(Mordor Orc), Tyler(Mordor Orc), Rick(Witch King), and Aaron(Nazgûl).

"What took you guys so long?" Rick said as we got on the bus that will take us to the building Comic Con is at.

"We would've been here sooner if some little kid didn't push all the floors when he got off on the 9th floor." I said as the bus began moving.

The bus ride to Comic Con was quite a short trip and all we did when we arrived was see the cast of the LOTR films. Mike screamed, like a girl who just found something she liked, when he saw the actor who played as Gimli. After that we went to buy some souvenirs from some stands but one of the stands stood out like a sore thumb. It looked like the wagon that was at the end of the last LOTR film. The guy there looked like Gandalf the Grey and wouldn't you know it he was selling the exact sword Aragorn used, as well as other weapons and armor.

"Excuse me sir but how much is the sword?" I asked as we approached him.

"The sword costs about $25 dollars." He said as he held it in front of us.

"And how much for those Eleven swords?" Nick asked.

"Same as the sword." He said as me and Nick bought the swords.

"Is that Mordor Orc Helmets?" Jeff said as he looked at the vast collection of stuff.

"Why yes, and they cost the same as the swords." The guy said.

"Okay then here's $50 for the helmets." Tyler said as he handed the money to the guy.

"Hey is that Gimli's axe?!?" Mike said as he noticed the guy putting it on a display set.

"Yes and it's-" He said before Mike gave him 25 dollars.

Soon the rest of the guys bought some stuff from him which lead to him earning $325 dollars.

"Well thank you for the money. Now you will be Equestria's only hope." He said which caused us to be confused.

"Um wha-" was all I said before everything went dark.

(POV: Spike)

It's been seven months since the Caribou took over Equestria and enslaved all of the females. Me and Blueblood were in Canterlot when they took over the city. Blueblood may have had been rude and selfish long before the fall but he was reformed by none other than Fluttershy herself and acted kindly to those who weren't in the nobility after he was reformed. Now we wander the Everfree in hopes of finding a place to call home until we come up with a plan to retake Equestria.

"Spike how much longer until we reach the ruins?" Blueblood said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"About another hour or so if my memory serves me right." I said as we continued walking in ancient armor we took from the vault hidden in the throne room before we were caught by the Caribou.

"You think Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna are under that king's spell to make mares broken?" he said causing both of us to drop that topic completely.

Suddenly we heard something behind us only to find a fist meeting my face.

(POV: Eric)

I woke up with a massive headache and I soon remembered what happened before everything went black.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" was all I said as I noticed I was in some kind of castle ruins at night.

I soon covered my mouth when my voice sounded different. "The hell?" I said to confirm it was true, I sounded like Aragorn.

I soon looked down at myself to see that my costume became the real outfit Aragorn wore in the movie, as well as the sword.

"Ugh my head." said someone behind me.

I turned around with my sword drawn to see none other than Legolas, Gimli, Talion, Celebrimbor, Torvin, the Witch King, a Nazgûl, two Uruk Hai, and two Mordor Orcs as well as two Fell Beasts who apparently were sleeping.

"N-Nick??" I said gaining Legolas's attention.

"Eric?!?!?" He said full of shock until he did the same thing I did when I woke up and soon the others did as well.

"Holy Shite! I'm Gimli!!!"

"I'm Talion!"


"This. Is. The. Coolest.Thing. Ever!!!!!"


"Enough!!!!!!" I yelled only to wake up the Fell Beasts who looked at all of us except Rick and Aaron with anger.

"Well fuck me." I said waiting for me to meet my end but it never came so I opened my eyes to see Rick and Aaron calming the Fell Beasts down like they're horses.

"It's okay calm down." Rick said as his Fell Beast calmed down and went back to sleep.

Soon Aaron did the same thing and his Fell Beast went back to sleep.

How? In the Hell? Did you do that?!? Mike said as we distanced ourselves from the beasts.

"I....Have no idea." Both of them said making us facepalm.

All of a sudden we hear our phones turn on, causing all of us to look for where they're at. And find them we did but only to see that we have no service and strangely enough only had wi-fi.

"Okay what the fuck?" Nick said as he played some songs that were from a game he played a while back.



"Let me guess Wolfenstein?" I said causing him to nod.

"Well if this was going to happen I think we all should've dressed as characters from Wolfenstein: New Order instead." Nick said causing all of us to look at him angry.

"You are stubborn sometimes you know that." Benji said.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jeff said as we all went into deep thought.

"How 'bout we have Rick and Aaron scout around on their Fell Beasts to see where we are?" I said gaining all support on the idea.

"Then it's settled." I said as Rick and Aaron got on their Fell Beasts and flew off into the night.

(POV: Spike)
I woke up to the sound of a vehicle moving to see that I'm in a prisoner transport on-route to Ponyville.

"What happened?" I said.

"Spike?" a familiar voice said.

I looked to my left to see Winona chained up.

"Winona?" I said.

"Well look who the cat dragged in." said another familiar voice.

I looked to my right to see Angel, bruised and battered, sitting upright with some blood on his clothes.

"Angel?? What happened to you dude??" I said worryingly.

"Damn Caribou found me and Winona in the outskirts of the Everfree. You?"

"I guess me and Blueblood were ambushed by the same group that caught you guys.......Say where's Blueblood anyway?"

"He's over there out cold still." Angel said gesturing Blueblood lying on his side knocked out.

"Quit your talking you traitors and slut!" said the guard, a non-brainwashed stallion, at the back of the vehicle.

It was then we heard something screech.


"The hell was that?" said the driver, a Caribou, before some kind of creature grabbed him in it's mouth when the transport was still moving.

"Holy shit!" was all I said before the transport flipped over on the side causing us to fall out of it.

When I regain consciousness the guard was running away before he suffered the same fate as the driver.

"Are you alright kid?" said a voice that was erie which gave me goosebumps.

I looked behind me and saw a strange creature approach me, it wore torn robes, strange armor under the robes, and a menacing helmet. I couldn't see its face and was giving off a frighting aura.

"W-who are you? What are you?" I said as Winona, Angel, and Blueblood got up and noticed me and walked over to me until they saw the creature.

"I am the Witch King of the Nazgûls and this is my Fell Beast, Riker." It said while also gesturing to the creature next to him.

"May I ask what a Nazgûl is?" Blueblood said as he got his chains off.

"We are spirits that hunt those who are considered enemies to us." he said.

Soon the other Nazgûl appeared behind us on his own Fell Beast.

"We must leave there's a search party on the way!" It said as it then took off on it's ride.

"Can we come with you? The Caribou will most likely kill us if we're caught." Angel said as he picked up the drivers sword and putted on the driver's armor.

"Get on." Witch King said to us and we immediately got on his Fell Beast.

(POV: Aragorn)

We were setting up a camp in the castle ruins to which we all remembered were we are, Equestria a place in a little kids show, and the ponies here were anthro like and the same for probably every creature that's sentient. And we decided to go by our characters names cause why not.

"What's taking Rick and Aaron so long?" Gimli said as he stoked the fire.

"I don't know but at least me and Celebrimbor have been training a bit. And man are we good or what!" Legolas said as he got his bow out and pulled an arrow out of his quiver and pulled it back on his bow. He then released the arrow at an spider 7 feet away and killed it.

"Humph show off." Bash(Jake) said as he was sharping his Uruk sword.

"Hey look there's Aaron!" Torvin said as the sound of a Fell Beast was heard.

The Fell Beast soon landed at the entrance of the ruins with Aaron getting off of it.

"What took you so long Aaron and where's Witch King?" I said as I approached Aaron.

"We found what looked to be an prisoner transport carrying some citizens and we killed the diver and guard." he said as he grabbed the body of what looked to be a two-legged pony and tossed it to his Fell Beast. "Here you go Butch."

"Wait you named it??" Talion said.

"Yep and here comes Witch King right now." Aaron said.

"Well looks like we're gonna have to do some explaining to our guests." I said as we approached Witch King's Fell Beast.

End of Prologue.

Chapter: 1

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(POV: 3rd)
Location: Canterlot.

A young Caribou runs through the great halls of Canterlot castle, passing the Caribou elite guards and some of the former Royal Guard. "Shit, shit, shit!" He said while passing some nobles getting a blowjob by their slaves. He soon came to a big pair of double doors and opened them.

"Father I have urgent news!" He said.

There on the throne was Diann getting a blowjob by Celestia, who wore a red collar nude, while Luna, wearing the same kind of color while also being nude, was sitting next to her sister. "What is it Titianus?" Diann said as he got up from the throne.

"Father a prisoner transport was attacked by unknown creatures, killing both the guard and the driver. However we didn't find the guard's body which means he might be alive. Also, the search party that was sent immediately after their signal beacon on the transport stopped was attacked by one of the creatures but what's intriguing is that there was something riding it." Titianus said as his father took all of the info in.

"And why is it so urgent?" Diann said.

"Because the transport was carrying Prince Blueblood and Prince Spike along with some friends of theirs." Titianus said which then got Diann's attention.

"WWWWWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!??????" Diann yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Titianus get General Servius and tell him to search the area around where the transport was lost and have him kill anything that gets in his way to capture them!" Diann said at Titianus, who followed his father's orders.

(POV: Aragorn)

We began to approach Witch King's Fell beast, we see what looks like a stallion with a horn, a big two-legged lizard, a two-legged wolf, and a two-legged rabbit with armor on it talking to Witch King.

"So let me get this straight there's four princesses that rule Equestria?" He said.

"Well they used to rule Equestria until that tyrant Diann took over Canterlot." The Lizard said with venom in his voice.

"Hey Witch King who're our guests?" I said scaring both him and our visitors.

"Jesus Christ man you scared me!" He shouted, "And this is Spike, Blueblood, Winona, and Angel." He said gesturing to each of them.

"Say what are you exactly?" Said Angel while also looking at my outfit.

"Well I'm a human and the names Aragorn." I said.

"Hey we should get inside the ruins before something makes us it's dinner." I said as I start to head back to the camp with Witch King, Spike, Winona, Blueblood, Angel, and Witch King's Fell Beast.

"Hey Witch King what's your Fell Beasts name?" I said.

"Riker, why?" He said curiously.

"Cause Aaron named his Butch." I said causing him to laugh.

"Say mind calling me Rick instead of Witch King constantly?" He said.

"Sure thing man." I said as we approached the camp.

"Hey guys come over here!" Celebrimbor said as we went to see want was going on.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Legolas and Talion are dueling each other in hand to hand." he said as Talion was thrown into him.

"Ouch that's got to hurt." Winona said.

"So you're the ones Witch King and Aaron saved?" Slasher(Jack) said.

"Yes and may we ask what the rest of you are?" Blueblood said as he sat down near the fire.

"Well me and Celebrimbor are known as Elves, Talion is a human like Aragorn, Gimli and Torvin are Dwarves, Bash and Slasher are Uruk Hai, and Jeff and Tyler are Mordor Orcs." Legolas said.

"Wait you're Elves, and Dwarves, and Orcs??" Spike said gesturing to Legolas, Celebrimbor, Gimli, Torvin, Jeff and Tyler.

"You know what we are?" Gimli said.

"Well you're more like myths." Angel said as he grabbed a phone, yes that's right, out of his pocket and started to play a game.

"And may I ask what Mordor is?? And What are Uruk Hai?" Winona said as she decided to sit down next to Blueblood.

"Mordor is a barren wasteland that we come from and Uruk Hai or Uruks as some call them are cousins of the Orcs." Jeff said.

"Well I think we should get some sleep and get to know each other more in the morning." I said as I sat against a wall and drifted off to sleep.

(POV: Luna)
Location: Dreamscape.

Ever since the Fall of Equestria, me and Celestia pretend to be broken in order to plot against Diann. But unfortunately Twilight believed we were truly broken and soon was under Diann's spell to make mares he or his sons have be broken and wear red collars. She now is the slave of Titianus, Diann's eldest son, in Ponyville Castle. I walk pass many doors of ponies and Caribou dreams, until I notice twelve doors that were the same except one. The one that was different was all white while the handle was blue. I decided to see who was dreaming, only to hear strange music in a strange language until I saw what was in front of me.
(Play this while reading or don't it's you're choice.)


What was in front of me was a jungle that I don't recognize at all. It was giving off an welcoming aura and I felt calm about it.

I soon followed the sound of the music and I found out that I'm on a hill, as I reached the edge of a cliff. I then saw what looked like a village with ponies, dragons, and other creatures going about but what really got my interest was behind the village, it was a huge castle with a town within it.

"Um excuse me but who are you?" said somepony behind me, which made me jump while everything turned into a field of grass and flowers.

I turn around to see a human, since I may have been visiting the human world, in strange clothing and armor, "Um hello my name is Princess Luna." I said.

"Names Aragorn, leader of the.....Hm what should our group be called?" he said while going into deep thought.

"May I ask what that was when I arrived here?" I said snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh that was nothing you need to worry about." he said as he went back to thinking.

"I got it we're the Middle---" was all he said before I was sent out of his dream to tell it was morning.

(POV: Aragorn)

I woke up to see it was already daylight and everyone was already up. I saw that everyone was chatting and learning from one another which made me smile a bit to see they're getting along.

I start to get up and walk towards them, "Hey guys." I said as I sit next to Winona, and many of you may be asking why? Well I may or may not have feelings for her........Oh Fuck Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hey Aragorn you want some breakfast?" Winona said handing me some jerky that somehow came with us.

"Sure. Oh and guys I decided what we should be called!" I said as I ate some of the jerky.

"Pray tell oh great leader." Jeff said sarcastically.

"We're the Middle Earth Marauders." I said as I unsheathed my sword and raised it up high.

"Wow just wow." was all Angel said.

"You know I would be lying if I said I didn't like it but I Love It!" Talion said as the others were agreeing with him.

"Hey will it be alright if we tag along with you guys?" Spike said.

"Sure the more the merrier." Gimli said.

(POV: General Servius)
Location: Site of the flipped over transport.

I was sent by Prince Titianus to search the area when I could be at the former Wonderbolts Academy fucking the former captain of the Wonderbolts and the Element of Loyalty. I started to approach the flipped over transport to see that there was blood where the driver was and I then went over to where there was a sheet covering a Caribou's body or should I say half of a Caribou's body.

"General Servius what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be leading the searching party?" said my second in command Thunderstreak, a former Royal Guardsman, as he was with some radio operators.

"I rather stay here and coordinate the search party than end up possibly getting ambushed." I said.

"Sir the search party found some kind of castle ruins with smoke comming from it!" shouted the radioman.

"It must be where they're hiding have the search party wait for me to arrive." I said as I sent out to the search party's position.

(POV: Aragorn)


"You mind telling me why you like that song so much??" I said as Legolas played the song the seventh time now.

"Cause it's catchy." He said as Rick's and Aaron's Fell Beasts started to sniff the air and growl.

"I think we might have unwanted visitors." Tyler said as he got his Orc Spear and Shield ready.

And as soon as Tyler said that a magic-like laser bolt hit his shield and dented it.

"You just HAD to say it didn't you!!!" Slasher said as he readied his shield and sword.

Soon at least 15 Caribou and one Stallion showed up at the entrance dressed in, get this, Nazi Waffen SS uniforms but had Wolfenstien: New Order weapons! I mean WTF kind of Equestria are we in??!!??

"What The Fuck!!!" Jeff said as we stood there ready to fight to the last man against magic firing guns.

"Surrender the Princes and you may live." said the supposed leader since he was wearing a SS generals uniform.

"How 'bout no." I said as I started running towards him with the others doing the same, except Legolas and Celebrimbor since they just got their bows ready and fired 3 arrows constantly at the Caribou.

When we began charging at the Caribou, they began firing at us only to mostly miss us cause of how we kept dodging them. Most of them were about to draw their swords but it was too late. I clashed with the Caribou General armed with a cutlass and both of our swords met with sparks flying as we both sparred. The Caribou tried to do a vertical slash but I blocked it then the Caribou pulls out a pistol as he holds his cutlass in his left had. He soon fires a shot of magic in my leg and I fall to the ground in extreme pain in my leg.

"You think you can win in a gunfight? You are terribly mistaken!" he says as he aims the gun at my head only for an arrow to hit his left leg.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" was all the Caribou said before Celebrimbor appears and slashes his right hand and cuts it off with with his Eleven sword.

"Did you think that you could win in a fight against Elves?" I said while picking up the pistol and aiming at him.

"Go on kill me cause you'll get nothing from me!" He said while holding his right arm.

"Yeah no." I said as I knocked him out with the butt of the pistol, which if you look at it, it kinda looks like a Luger.

I get ready to fight some more, only to see all the Caribou dead with most of them having arrows in their throats or heads.

"Jesus you guys went a little overkill with the bows." I said while looking at Legolas and Celebrimbor who both picked up a Marksman Rifle with what looks to be a silencer on it.

"Guys put those down until we all decided what to do with these guns." I said as I notice Spike constantly beating the dead Stallion in the face.

"Alright kid that enough!" I said as I pull him off the dead Stallion.

"Not until I make sure he's dead!" Spike said only for me to punch him in the face.

"What The Fuck Aragorn?!?!" Angel said as I picked Spike up and walked back to the campsite.

End of Chapter 1.

Chapter: 2

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(POV: Luna)
Location: Dreamscape

I began to head to the Aragorn's dream to ask him to help retake Equestria from Diann's control and when I went in his dream I see snow everywhere and buildings around me which reminds me of Marescow. I soon here some strange music in a different language and follow it.

I soon see Aragorn with other humans in strange clothing, dancing and drinking some kind of drink.





"Hey Aragorn!" I said over the music.

Aragorn soon walked over to me, "Hello Princess what'd you want?" he said as he drank a bottle of what looked like water.

"Well one, Me and my sister want to know if you would help us retake Equestria, and two, what are you drinking water?" I said as he handed me a bottle.

"Well it's actually a kind of beer, it's called Vodka. And sure we'll help." He said as he drank the last bit of Vodka, which for some reason to me tastes like apples.

"So what place do we liberate first?" He said as everything soon turned into a war room.

"The first place to liberate is Ponyville and rescue any of the Elements of Harmony." I said as I summoned a up to date map of Equestria.

"You are also tasked with killing Diann's eldest son, Titianus, and await orders from there." I said as I show him what Titianus looks like.

"Got it and do you know anything about Spike and Blueblood being princes?" He said causing me to look at him immediately.

"How do you know my NEPHEWS??!!??" I said as I grabbed him by the collar of his outfit.

"We kinda saved them from a prisoner transp----WAIT YOUR NEPHEWS?????!!??" He said when he realized I said 'Nephews'.

But like last time we didn't get to finish our conversation and I was kicked out of his mind, again.

(POV: Aragorn)

When I woke up I went to the room where we stashed all of the Caribou weapons and took an AR 46 from the pile with 4 magazines for it, and the pistol I got from that Caribou General(Who has a lot of bandages on his right arm where his hand was cut off at) as well as my sword, in case I need it, and headed out before everyone else woke up.

I was walking through the forest trying to find the sign for Ponyville when I heard the sound of a vehicle coming from behind me. I immediately hid behind some bushes to see an APC from Wolfenstein starting to stop and had four caribou in Wolfenstein clothing setting up a perimeter.

"What's wrong?" said one of the Caribou, which had the rank of Captain on his shoulder.

"We're having problems with the APC." said someone inside the APC.

I soon notice that the Caribou guarding the APC have no horns at all so I decided to kill them and see why. And again you'll all be asking why? BECAUSE I CAN!!!!

So I aim the rifle at the Caribou and open fire on them, full auto.

"Conta----" was all the Caribou Captain said before he and another Caribou were riddled with magic bullet-like laser bolts.

The remaining Caribou decided to just run away but soon stepped on some mines that I did not know were there. Well there's another thing on my list to do and that is find any mines on the road and disarm them.

I soon got on the top of the APC and shot both the gunner and the driver with my pistol. I then went to where the Captain and Caribou soldier are, took off both their helmets and gas masks and saw that they were just teenagers in their early teens! I'm mean what is this the Hitler youth? Or should I say the Diann Youth!! And because karma is a bitch there was a patch on both of their right shoulders saying Diann Youth.

And then I decided to see what the problem with the APC was and wouldn't you know it, they don't know how to use a gear shift!!!!!! Ha, what a bunch of idiots! And I'm the only human here who knows how to use the gear shift in which I decide to follow the road and saw the sign saying "Welcome to Ponyville" but the thing that made my blood boil is that there was a young Caribou kid hanging by his neck next the the sign with a sign, which was strapped to his chest, saying "I refuse to fuck slaves cause it's wrong." and so I cut the rope and his body fell the the ground.

I then got out of the APC and started to bury the kid. When I was done paying my respects, I got back into the drivers seat and drove until I came upon a small hill so I got back out of the APC and what I saw when I reached the top of the hill was that Ponyville was completely changed, banners of the Caribou were hung on every building, mares were completely naked and walking on all fours, Caribou executing pony, griffin, and young Caribou everywhere, and finally Ponyville Castle was changed into the castle from the Man in the High Castle Amazon series.
(Imagine this made of crystal)

"Jesus Christ they sure think they can do whatever they want." I said as I began to head back to the APC but when I was about to enter the drivers hatch I heard the sound of a gun cocking behind my head.

"Turn around." said a masculine voice behind me.

When I turned around I saw a red stallion with a double barrel shotgun from Wolfenstein and was wearing Bj Blazkowicz's trench coat and cargo pants.

"Easy there I'm just reconing the town." I said in which he lowered the gun.

"Ah don't remember having a Human in the resistance." He said as he was looking at my outfit.

"That's because I'm not part of the resistance but the Leader of the Middle Earth Marauders." I said causing him to look at me in awe.

"You're the leader of the group who supposedly killed General Servius!?!?" He said as he took a step back.

"He's not dead but is our prisoner." I said.

"Well the names Big Mac, leader of the Males Division of the Resistance." He said as he held his hand out for a handshake which I happily returned.

"Well Big Mac how 'bout we head to my groups campsite so that we can exchange info away from prying eyes." I said as he got the idea.

"Sure and I call the gunners seat." He said as he climbed onto the turret of the APC.

As we were about to get off the road we saw armored cars, transport trucks, and cars pass us. As well as a helicopter gunship flying over us without even stopping.

"What the hell was that? A resupply convoy?" I said as Mac turned the turret and aimed it at the gunship.

"What The Hell dude!?!? Are you trying to get us caught!!!???!!??" I yelled as I grabbed his arm that was on the turret's trigger.

"Stay Out Of This!!!!" Mac said as he punched me in the face.

I then decided to grab my AR 46 and hit the back of Mac's head with the stock, knocking him out in the process. Huh, this is the second time now that I had to knock someone out, hope it's not going to be a daily thing.

(POV: Spike)

I was in the only still standing tower of the castle of the Two Sisters. I was using some binoculars I got as a gift from Pinkie Pie before the Fall, when I saw an Caribou APC approach the castle courtyard. I grabbed the AR 60 with the rocket launcher and aimed at the APC. But that's where I saw Big Mac pop out of the turret hatch and jumped off while the person driving it continued on driving it into the ruins.

"What the hell???" was all I said before I disabled my spell hiding my wings, yes that's right I have wings and know magic, and glided down to Big Mac.

"Mac!!!!" I yelled as I landed in front of the APC.

"Spike!" Mac said as he jumped down and we both gave each other a brotherly hug.

"So how you been?" he said as we entered the ruins to see Aragorn exiting the APC.

"Better when me, Winona, Angel, and Blueblood were rescued by Aragorn and the others." I said gaining Mac attention when I mentioned Winona.

"Where's Winona????" He said as he grabbed my shoulders and began shaking me.

End of Chapter: 2

Chapter: 2a(Memorial, not related to the story)

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(POV: Aragorn)

"Hey Spike what date is it?" I asked.

"September 11th, 2016. Why?" Spike said causing me and the guys to pick up bagpipes out of nowhere.

We were about to play when every sentient creature appeared in front of us, "This is a tribute to the First Responders of 9/11." I said as a large jumbotron appeared behind us and as we played pictures of 9/11 were shown.


Hello everyone Tb here, and I would like everyone to give a moment of silence to the 2,977 people who lost their lives on 9/11 as well as the brave 411 First Responders who lost their lives and to the passengers of Flight 93 who fought to regain control of the plane.


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