> Dash To Hell > by ppg1998 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A Normal Day For A Demon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a dark and stormy night. Deep within the crime ridden city of Manehattan a single earth pony stallion was in a alleyway running for his life. He wasn't slowing down for what was chasing him, and he was absolutely terrified. He had been running for hours. He was tired and breathing heavily as he ran. He was also close to shitting himself. Even though he was running for a good long while, he still thinks he hasn't lost the thing chasing him. While running he then reached a dead end of the alleyway. He tried to swear, but he was too out of breath to say anything. He turned around to see the allyway was empty. He thought he got away, but he wasn't going to take any chances. He then saw a dumpster and without thinking he jumped inside and closed the lid tight. The stallion in the dumpster was rather older looking, he was in his mid 40’s wearing a simple red colored shirt, blue jeans, thick glasses, and brown business shoes. He had a average build for his age and his fur was dark blue with a grey mane. He was almost hyperventilating at this point until he heard footsteps outside in which he held his breath. The footsteps were slow, loud, and somehow intimidating. The sound of the shoes sounded like boots as they walked to the sound of them reaching the end of the alleyway. Then the sound of boots walking started to turn around but stopped when it came next to the dumpster. The stallion slowed his breathing to the point you could just barely here if you listened closely, he also quietly shit himself. The sound of boots stepping then sounded they were walking away until it was dead silent. He then sighed in relief. “Oh thank Celestia. I thought I was a goner.” He then opened the lid to be meet with a hand grabbing his neck. “You are.” He was then pulled out of the dumpster and thrown on the ground. He landed on his back and then a black leather boot was pressed on his chest and pinned him to the ground. The pony that just caught him was a Pegasus mare with large bat wings, razor sharp teeth, and red dragon eyes with white part of her eyes being black instead. She has a navy blue colored fur and messy red and black striped mane. Her cutie mark was a dark grey closed with red and black lightning bolt coming from it. She wears black t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it, red cargo pants, black leather boots, and finally a blood red colored Rolex watch on her left wrist. She looked at the stallion with a slightly annoyed expression. She then spoke in a raspy voice. “Hey there, the name is Shadow Dash and that was pretty fucking pathetic. You could have at least gotten a car or something to make this more interesting. Or even get a weapon. And to top it all off you crapped your pants. This is just sad.” Dash couldn't help, but groan. She then sighed and looked at the stallion in the eyes. “Anyway” Dash then clears her throat and speaks in a demonic voice. “Mortal Earth Pony ’Blue Page’. Your contract is expired. It's time to pay up your debt. Any final pleas?” Dash then coughed a bit. “Sorry, that always makes my throat feel weird. It's a stupid demon things, but it needs to be done for this to work.” Blue Page looked a little confused, but quickly ignored it and then he quickly got down and begged very pathetically. “Please. Have mercy on me, Shadow dash, was it? Anyway, I've got a wife and daughter. Please, I only made the contract so I could get rid of my cancer so I could watch my daughter grow up. Please can't spend a little mo-” Dash then slapped Blue, hard to shut up. “Shut up and take it like a stallion. Do you have any idea how many times I've heard that same speech. Look, it's nothing personal, but this is what you get for making a deal with a demon. Believe me, I don't like doing the actual killing part of the job.” Blue Page looked confused. “What do you mean?” “The only reason we do this to limit over population. It's the same reason normal animal hunters hunt deer. It's just natural selection and the circle of life. Plus it's not like we're killing the entire population. We're just try to keep it in check. I'm just doing my job.” Dash then reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out a .44 magnum revolver and points it at Blue’s head. He shivers in fright hoping something will save his life, but it never came. Rainbow then speaks in her demonic voice. ”It's nothing personal. It's just business.” She pulls the trigger and puts a bullet in his brain. His body goes limp and blood drips from his skull as his corpse lays there dead on the ground. The mare then takes her boot off of the body and reaches into her her over coat pocket and pulls out a small grey crystal. She then says speaks in a ancient dead language known as Latin. “Sed tempus pretium pretium.” (1) After those words were spoken a small blue glowing mystical ball better known as a soul came from the corpse and went inside the crystal making it the turn the same color as the soul. ‘I’ll never understand why we need speak this language for the spells to work, but whatever.’ She then hears a police since coming closer to her location but is unfazed by it. She then presses a button on her Rolex and then a clip board materialized in front of her and catches it before it falls. The board is filled with names crossed out in blood. The mare then took her finger and dipped it in the pool of blood around the corpse and used it to cross out the last name at the bottom of the list. She then presses the button on watch to make the clipboard disappear. ‘Well, that’s my quota for today. Time to get these souls to where they belong, and to get me some money.’ Dash heard the the cops getting closer and she still was unfazed by it. She then spoke in Latin. “nemo mortalium videre“ (2) Her body glowed dark purple for a few seconds and she started walking toward the police. They ran right past her as if she wasn't there. Rainbow then smirked as she put her hands behind her head as she walked. “Hehe. Works everytime. That can't see or hear me, but it sure is fun to mess with them.” Dash then sees another cop running down the street. Dash decides to have a little fun and puts her foot out and trips the cop resulting in face plant on the concert. Dash couldn't help, but laugh at the prank. After she had her fun she then walked far enough away for the crime scene to be unseen. The spell wore off and she was visible again. Dash then quickly put on pair of red sunglasses similar to a DJ friend of her’s. Now to others she just looked like a normal bat pony. Dash then flapped her wings and took off at high speeds. Dash kept flying until she reached a little over the height of the clouds. ‘Even six years as a demon, flying is still the best feeling in the world. I'm pretty sure I would go nuts if I wasn't allowed to fly again.’ Dash always loved flying after a hard day’s work and there was nothing she didn't love about it, but she knows she can't do it for long. She has to get these souls back to their proper homes. Well that and getting paid. She then looked down onto the city of Manehattan. Despite its inhabitants the city always looked amazing from the sky. ‘You know for a bunch supernatural creatures they sure know how to pick a great place for most them all to hang out.’ Dash then dove down into the city. She then flew overhead until she reached the slums of the city. Not many mortals are in this part of town and the ones that are, usually aren't the kinda people you want hang around with. She kept flying until she saw what she was looking for. To mortal it looked like a old abandoned broken down bar one story high with a fifties style to it that hasn't been in use for a long time and looks like home for a gang of sorts, but to supernatural being like dash. In actuality it's a extremely popular club for creatures like her. In her eyes the building was red, kinda fancy, but in a exciting way and it looked a lot cleaner. On the outside at least. From the windows you could see multiple flashing lights. This was her kinda club and was regular for this place. It's called the ‘Sin’. In case you couldn't tell it's run by demons, but that doesn't mean other supernatural beings aren't allowed in. Dash flew right up to the big metal door in the front. She then gave a loud bang on the door. Then the door opened to a big brown furred and red maned werepony stallion with tons of fur. He stood a foot higher than rainbow who was average for a woman in her 30’s. The stallion also had razor sharp claws instead of fingers, very muscular and razor sharp teeth. He wore a red shirt and blue jeans and brown boots. He looked at Dash with smile, but still looking intimidate. Dash then took of her glasses and put them in her pocket and spoke not scared at all by the huge werepony in front of her. “Sup you old mutt. How have you been Brown Claw?” Brown Claw then spoke. “Fine. Can't really complain. Well, until you got here.” Dash then look annoyed. “Hey!” Brown Claw chuckled. “I'm kidding, mostly. Anyway why are you here?” “I'm here to meet my soul dealers. So if you don't mind moving just a bit.” Dash to tried to walk around Brown Claw, but he stepped in her way. “No way Dash, last time you said that, the entire bar got into a fight.” Dash the frowned. “Oh come on. Look I'm sorry about the bar fight. That only happened one time.” Brown claw didn't looked convinced. “Six times.” Dash then looked a little embarrassed and put a hand behind her head. “Hehe. Yea ok more than once, but those other times was just for having a fun night out. This is different please? Come on. It only take a few minutes I promise.” Brown claw couldn't help, but sigh and then he moved out of the way and Dash smiled instantly. “Thanks you old mutt, you won't regret it.” Dash then went inside and as soon as she was out of war shot Brown Claw spoke. “Somehow I know I will later.” As soon as dash walked in she saw creatures of all kinds. From what she can see there are vamponies, wereponies, demons, angels, slime ponies, succubuses, and changelings. It was kinda busy, not that she minded. There were several creatures dancing while others just stood around and talked. The music was loud and sounded like the pop you hear on the radio all the time. Dash looked around until she saw one of the creatures she was looking for. At the far right end of the bar she saw a angel earth pony mare. She had a jet black mane and grey fur. She was also wearing a white tux and high heels along with her own Rolex watch. Dash smirked as she walked behind her. “What's up Octavia. How's my favorite angel friend?” Octavia was very calm and spoke with a slight annoyance in her voice. “Your late.” Octavia then took a shot of her drink. Dash still standing behind her crossed her arms, but still smiling. “Good to see you too Octavia.” Dash reached in jacket pocket and pulled out a small bag. She handed it to Octavia. She looked inside to find twenty blue crystals. Octavia smiled. “Well, at least you got what I needed and more. So thanks, Dash.” Octavia then reached into her own pocket and pulled out a stack of money worth about two grand. Each soul is about a hundred bucks. We do use the same money mortals do, but they have secret inscription on them that only supernatural creatures can see. Dash took her money and pressed a button on her own Rolex watch and the money seemed to vanish. ‘That’s another two grand for the week.’ Dash then spoke. “Thanks Octavia, oh hey I got a bit of time till my other dealer shows up.” Dash sits down on the bar next to Octavia and orders some vodka. “How about you tell me how you became a angel? I've known you for years as my innocent soul dealer and you still haven't told me.” Octavia had her frown back. “No.” “Oh come on. It's not going to kill yea to tell me.” “I am already dead and I keep telling you I don't want to talk about it.” “Come at least give me something?” “Just like last time I told you a angel took pity on me. That's all I'm going to say. Ever.” Octavia took another shot of her drink. “Alright, fine, I'll take what can get.” Dash took a shot of her own drink. Dash then waited patiently for her other dealer to show up. Dash then reached into her pocket to pull out her phone. Dash played a quick game of angry bird while she waited. She also checked the time to be 11:15 PM. Octavia was still sitting next to her and then spoke. “You know it's bad luck for a innocent soul dealer to meet the guilty soul dealer right?” “Yea, but something is telling me this will be an exception.” Octavia looked confused. “What makes you say-” She was interrupted by the music stopping and changing to some with a very loud bass and the volume was turned up way louder. The entire building was practically vibrating from the beat dropping as Octavia was covering her ears. Soon everyone in the club was dancing besides dash, Octavia, the bartender and Brown Claw. In the middle of the room a demon unicorn mare with white fur and blue messy mane. Her horn was red and curved simpler to sombra’s horn. She also wore black T-shirt that says “party for life” on it written in what looked like blood, torn up black jeans, some athlete shoes that glow in the dark, matching red headphone over her ears, and her special custom made sunglasses she never takes off. The mare was bobbing her head down and matching with the beats. Dash just smiled as the party mare was dancing. “Vinyl’s entrances never get old.” Octavia just groan. “Please, don't tell me that's your guilty soul dealer.” “Was it that obvious?” Octavia then facepalmed. Dash chuckled as Vinyl came over to Dash and Octavia. Vinyl and then gave Dash a high five. “Hey Vinyl, gals you could make it. How have you been.” Vinyl simply bobbed her head up and down to the beat. “Great. Oh hey this is my friend Octavia. She's also my innocent dealer.” Vinyl Smiled and held out her hand. Octavia was hesitant, but shook it anyway. “Well, pleasure to meet you vinyl. I'm assuming you were a DJ in your old life.” Vinyl stopped bobbing her head and slightly nodded her head while still smiling. Octavia looked a little confused to why vinyl wasn't speaking. Until dash interrupted. “Oh right, I forgot to mention that Vinyl is mute. She can't talk.” Octavia then looked a little shocked to hear that. “Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I can imagine that must make it hard to communicate?” Vinyl shook her head left and right. Octavia then looked confused. Octavia was about to continue talking until Dash interrupted. “Hate to break up the chat, but first we need to get this out of the way.” Dash the reached in her pocket and gave a bag to Vinyl. Vinyls looked inside to find twenty red glowing crystals. Vinyl Smiled and gave Dash a stack of cash to her. Dash used her watch again to make the two grand disappear as well. “Thanks vinyl, well I'll get out of you two hair. I need to get home anyway. Have a fun night you two.” Dash was on her way out, but before she left Dash saw Vinyl ordering a drink for her and Octavia and it looked like they were going to have a fun night. ‘You two owe me BIG time.’ Dash then put her sunglasses back on and walked out of the bar and waved to Brown Claw and she took off. Dash then flew down to the bad part of town. Right in the slums. She landed right in the middle of it. She then started to walk the rest of the way home. She needs to use her legs sometimes. While walking dash stopped when she passed a alleyway. Dash saw a white Pegasus mare that was being cornered by a rather large grey earth stallion that was being a general creep. He was holding the mare in place against the wall. “Just let it happen baby. It will make it all the more easier.” “Leave me alone! Someone help!” “No one is going to help a slut like you.” The stallion was then forcing herself onto the mare intending to rape her. The more Dash just watch the more she wanted to help and get that bastard, but something was keeping her from doing that. Something deep inside. Dash hears a familiar voice in her head. ‘Just walk away, pretend you never saw it. It will make things so much easier. Just let it go.’ Dash almost left, but the more she watched the more pissed off she got even it wasn't showing. Soon the stallion was starting to rip the mare’s clothes off. Then Dash finally had it. Reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her gun and shot at the stallion until the clip was empty. Every shot hit the target. Soon the body of the raping stallion fell over and laid limp on the ground. The mare that was nearly raped them turned to look Dash. Dash then blew hit the smoke in her gun’s bears and put it back in jacket pocket. The mare in the alley then spoke. “Thank you.” Dash simply nodded and walked away when the mare walked out of the alleyway to try and we dash again, instead it looked like dash disappeared. Which she did with that spell from earlier. ‘Damn. Stupid demon urges. Well, no harm really done. Well except for the obvious.’ Dash couldn't help, chuckle at her own joke. As dash kept walking the spell wore off eventually and she stopped at a small abandoned apartment building and went to the 13th floor and went to room F66. She reach in her pants pocket and pulled out a red glowing key. As soon as she put the key near the keyhole it instantly shaped to fit perfectly in the keyhole. As soon as she unlocked the door and pulled out the key the door glowed red. When dash opened the door inside was a huge awesome looking apartment with hellish style too but in a good way. It includes a living room, bedroom, bathroom, closet, and kitchen. She then walked straight to the bathroom. The disguise spell wore off as she walked. She then stripped naked in front of the mirror and got a good look at herself. She was average height for her age before she died which was 32. Demons can't age and neither can Angels. Her age is now 38. She is still as hot as ever. She has E sized breasts and are proud of them with a matching ass. She knew a few spells from some succubuses that was very good at transforming magic to keep them that way or larger if she wanted. No regret on that. Dash then turned on a hot bath. The faucet then started pouring blood instead of water. ‘Still creeps me out I have to take a blood bath to keep my magic from going screwy. That it somehow cleans me. Demon stuff is weird.’ Dash got into the bath and spent a good half a hour enjoying it while cleaning herself. After a few more minutes she got out and dried herself off. ‘That still feels amazing every time though.’ She then put on her robe that was made to look exactly like her old one and went the living room to sit on the couch and watched some TV. After half an hour dash then glances at a picture of her old self and her friends. She then grabs for the picture frame and stares at her old friends. “One day. I'll tell them.” ‘They will never accept a monster like you. They will just treat you like the freak you are. Rainbow Dash is dead. You are Shadow Dash.’ Dash looked pissed and sheared a single black tear. “Shut The Fuck Up.” Dash then put the photo back where it was and went to bed. > Cancellation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm so sorry. I really am. I know a lot of you really love this idea and I still do but, I have so much on my plate at the moment that I can only focus on one story at a time at the moment. And all that attention is being focused on my VTP story. I won't bore you with all the details as too what exactly is happening in my life, but here is the main reason for it. Collage. Now believe me, I really don't want this concept to die here. So from here on out I will allow anyone who sees this has my permission to write a story on the exact same concept. My only personal request is if your going to continue this idea just possibly add in twidash ship, make a botched assiassination attempt turns twilight into a changeling queen, and have demon rainbow dash and changeling Twilight Sparkle fuck. Now you do not have to do this personal suggestion, but the only thing I ask more then anything else is to inform me that your making a story off this one. Please. I thank you for your time I'm truly sorry for this, but all things come to a end, sometimes sooner then expected.