Tough Love

by GivingSpider

First published

Sometimes Fluttershy wants a little spice ih her love life. Sometimes she wants her husband to get a little rough. Today she decides to see what happens if she provokes him.

In her marriage to Discord, Fluttershy grew to be open about her interest in being dominated and spanked. Usually she gets her wishes noticed by getting his attention while wearing a collar. Today she takes things a little further and acts out a little.

Containes content that fetishizes ideas from the Domestic Dicipline lifestyle as well as use of bondage, dominance play and a dildo.

Chapter 1

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Characters used here are the property of their respective owners.

Discord stretched his body and sprawled out like the couch he was on was the only couch that existed. With a snap of his claw a kettle full of tea spawned above him. He raised his paw towards it and ignited his lion limb. After a long day of random mischief he was more than ready to unwind before enjoying the evening. The burning paw make short work of boiling the kettle’s contents. He took a deep breath and licked the flames off his paw and took a moment to enjoy the residual taste of cotton candy. Twilight was not a fan of his most recent stunt but she was a better sport about it than he expected.

Or perhaps she refused to get upset about his innocent antics lately. Turning Spike’s delivery method into a spun sugar generator was a lot more tame than what he was capable of. Plus the dragon didn’t mind at first. It was only an inconvenience when the Alicorn needed to send a scroll.

Discord shook the recent events out of his head and focused on the current task. He summoned a few dried orange peels along with a few mint leaves. At the sound of hoof steps he turned and caught a glimpse of his mate. The yellow Pegasus who taught him the value friendship and soon after the value of love had become his entire world. Her soft smile and eyes full of a mischievous look made him pause and take another look. She regarded him with what appeared to be hungry intent. She hesitated and slowly tilted her head to give a better view of her neck and the black collar that adorned it.

Discord’s brain snapped from relax mode to the rules that came with the collar. A very quick but serious overview of her limits flashed through his thoughts. Fluttershy wanted to play her little game and it wasn’t exactly a difficult task to feel like indulging. He continued to observe her as she walked around the room. She grew visibly nervous as she approached a vase that sat on the table next to his seeping kettle. With a deep breath and a confident motion she raised her hoof and firmly shoved the vase from the table. It went about a foot forward before hitting the floor and breaking into several large chunks as well as many smaller ones. Discord looked into her eyes and saw a mix of excitement and defiance. Clearly she wasn't looking for a short round. He offered a firm glance and she responded with a nervous breath.

“If I need to stop” she softly said as she stepped a bit closer. “The safe word is ‘mercy’ and I can open my wings if I can’t speak.”

Discord fought to keep himself from grinning. Usually he was the one to remind her how to communicate the need to end the scene. He continued to regard her with a stern gaze and elected to interpret this as an invitation to go a little further than usual.

“I can’t deal with this right now” the Draconequus said with a grumble as he stood up.

Fluttershy blushed and stepped back. She was about to walk away under the impression that it wasn’t a good time to ask him to indulge her more personal tastes. Maybe knocking the vase over was too much. It was a nice vase and it did seem to complete the table. Maybe it was a good thing she didn’t break the lamp he made. Suddenly his claw slipped under her collar and he tugged her to follow him. She blushed and her breathing quickened. Maybe the message was loud and clear. Usually he would give her a position to get into for a spanking. Being physically towed was a very new move. The Draconequus led her across the room and towards a corner. She hesitated with confusion and almost skipped a step to avoid being dragged.

“Stand on your hind legs. Fore hooves behind your head. Muzzle in the corner” Discord sternly said as he gave her flank a swift swat.

She squeaked in surprise. Without giving herself a moment to think she stood up and positioned herself as instructed. Her front hooves touched down on her mane as her snout was lightly wedged where the two walls met. Once she was in position her husband spoke once again in that firm tone.

“Stay here until I come for you.”

Judging by the volume he was in the act of walking away from her. She didn’t know where he was going but she didn’t dare turn to look. Whatever he had in mind she was very eager to find out and was more than willing to go at the pace he demanded. A delicious sensation of nervousness brought a wave of arousal. Before she knocked the vase over she wanted a spanking; now she felt aching for one. She wanted to play and was stuck in the corner; waiting for him to decide her fate. Did he leave the room? Did he go back to his tea? Was he in the middle of deciding how to punish her? Fluttershy uttered a moan as she shifter her weight slightly. The anticipation was getting to her. The urge to bring a hoof down to her most personal region was mounting. The thought of an inevitable mounting wasn’t far behind it. The cornered mare squirmed as she silently begged that she wouldn’t be there long.

Discord grinned at what he saw. The passage of time was an interesting thing. For him it was less than a minute but judging by her squirms it felt like at least five or ten to her. He spawned a chair and sat a few feet behind her. With a wave of his paw the vase was repaired and back in its proper place. With a gesture with his claw he summoned his kettle to pour him a cup. With his tongue he savored the simple concoction. With his eyes he enjoyed the view of his naughty wife’s hindquarters. With his nose he enjoyed the scent of her arousal. He continued to sip tea and enjoy her squirms. He found himself wanting to march over and penetrate her in that pose. He had a very clear opportunity to roughly claim her as her punishment. He was sporting an erection at the thought of walking over, gripping her mane and prodding an entrance. The way she stood combined with his body shape would grant a very easy aim at her supple plot.

He finished his tea and walked over to his excited captive and gently ran his claw through her mane. She shuddered under his touch and offered a whimper as it trailed down her back and over her cutie mark. Discord took a deep breath and decided that as much as he wanted to plunder her eager body; this was about her fantasy. He had every intention of making sure his needs were satisfied but first he had a naughty pony to discipline. He traded his horny state of mind for a more strict standing before addressing her.

“Fluttershy…you broke a vase. You just walked into the room and shattered a vase. I don’t know how you thought that such an action was a good idea; but clearly I have to remind you to behave.”

Fluttershy shivered as the words met her ears. His commanding presence was leaving her more excited for what was to come than the act of putting the collar on her neck did. She felt his claw trace her mark before gliding along her very vulnerable bottom. She blushed and moved her tail in an effort to cover herself. His paw quickly gripped the end and held it against her front hooves and he continued to lightly caress her plot. His claw left her flesh and she softly moaned his name. Discord grinned to himself. The rebellious pony was gone and only an aroused mare remained. He considered mounting her where she stood again but concluded that she signed up for what was coming. He wrapped a talon around her collar and lightly tugged her from the corner. She landed on her hooves and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“Dizzy…please just”

“You’re being punished” Discord interrupted her as he led her by the collar to the couch. “Maybe if you’re good we’ll have a little fun later; but for now all I can think of is the vase you broke. I was enjoying a nice cup of tea and you just trot in and deliberately shatter it.”

Discord didn’t sound angry or upset but it was a clear scolding to her ears. Fluttershy whimpered as he brought her to his destination in front of an arm of the couch. Denying her the rutting she desired was supposed to be part of his assertion over her but all it did was arouse her further. Without a word he slowly brought her fore hooves onto the arm of the couch. She watched him spawn a small black line of silk rope. He slowly moved her tail behind her back and tied it in place. Her husband summoned a longer one and proceeded to wrap the middle around her front legs just below her knees. After two rounds of wrapping he brought the ends to the other side of the couch and tied them to the legs of the furniture. She uttered a squeak as she was tugged further up so that her stomach rested on the padded arm and her head rested on the seat. The Draconequus then gently lifted her chin and placed a soft pillow under her head. She came back down and playfully bit on the small comfort device. Her legs stretched to try to reach the floor and paused when a wooden platform was placed under them. She let her hooves come down and felt him spread her legs. Discord summoned more silk binds and secured her ankles to the short bench.

Discord took a moment to admire his handiwork as he partook in another cup of tea. The corner made her vulnerable but being tied to the couch made her helpless. He gave another moment of admiring her posterior and started to consider how to deliver a bit of justice for the vase. Fluttershy squirmed in place and moaned softly. Her excitement had begun to soak into the fabric of the couch arm. He briefly massaged his erect organ and soundly moaned. The bound Pegasus wriggled in an attempt to look back at him but the silk ropes refused to let her. All she could do freely was extend her wings. Discord finished his cup and dismissed the dish and kettle. The squirming was very enjoyable to him but this wasn’t about giving him a show. Fluttershy wanted to act like a brat; or at least her idea of a brat then she was going to get a brat’s sentence.

He approached his restrained wife and softly caressed her cheek. She looked up at him with a pleading expression.

“Fluttershy” he softly said as his eyes met hers. “I’m going to spank you. This won’t be light or quick. It will be the sort of spanking that you hopefully remember before you decide to break another thing to get my attention. I am not angry; just disappointed in you and myself. Clearly you need more discipline and I need to be more strict. When I am done punishing you I am going to fuck you. I am going to firmly remind you of who holds the reigns in this home. You will accept what happens to you; the only thing that will stop me is use of the safe word or opening your wings. Unless either of those happen I will continue until I decide it’s enough. Are we clear?”

Discord paused as he waited for her answer. Breaking character to make a point of the quick release measures was a potential mood killer but going too far without a way to get him to stop would be much worse than an unsatisfying evening. She smiled warmly and nodded. Her eyes silently expressed something that translated to a vow of trust. His anxious wife drew a heavy breath before vocally answering.

“You think I’m scared of you; you Serpent?”

Fluttershy stuck her to tongue out at him and smirked. Discord grinned briefly before putting on a strict scowl. The word ‘Serpent’ always inspired a tang of clenched jaws and equally tight fists. He noticed that her smirk remained. Discord looked at her flank for another moment of admiring and caught her swaying it suggestively. The Draconequus stepped behind her rump and scratched his chin in thought. He summoned his chair to come to him so he could seat himself behind her helpless bottom. With a snap of his claw a small portal to a small shelf in an upstairs closet could be seen through it. He reached in and hefted a small wooden hairbrush. This and the leather paddle served as the standard medium for warming backsides. He set the brush back and picked up a long riding crop. Not as commonly used; about as often as the eight tailed flogger it was stored next to. The sound of her whimpering was a clear request for him to start but over the course of the evening he had developed a taste for denying her. The crop was set down and he reached for a wide strap of leather. The belt was there without her knowledge. A grin came over his face as he looked upon her yellow flank again. He stood up and pushed the chair back.

Fluttershy writhed and moaned as nothing happened. The wait was almost too much. She silently repeated to herself how she was a naughty pony. She mused over how soon she would be facing intimate justice. Normally being caught wearing the collar resulted in a swift yet memorable spanking. Breaking a vase was going to get her a longer session from her lover. The idea of being helpless burned into her mind as more proof of her arousal matted the fur near her groin. Her appetite for being punished was about to be taken care of but clearly only when Discord was good and ready. Was he having another cup of tea? Was he deciding what object to spank her with? Did he leave her alone to reflect on her fate? She moaned and writhed again.

“Please Discord” she begged soundly as she put more effort into her struggling. “I can’t take it anymore! Please punish me! Please Dizzy!”

A sudden stroke from his paw caused her to squeak. A second stroke landed on the same cheek and she moaned. A third love blow landed on the opposite side and she lightly began to grind herself on the arm of the couch. Discord went straight to a steady rhythm of claps on her rear. The strokes didn’t build in force or speed but as a warmth began to grow in her bum they slowly felt firmer. The distinct sting that came from tough love became apparent as Discord expanded on where he was landing his paw. He rained a steady supply of swift strikes, covering her rear, slowly encouraging a pink tinge to show through her yellow coat. A delicious mix of pleasure and pain came over her as the impacts continues to come down. The occasional hiss came out as his paw came down on a commonly struck area and she again tested the restraints. She began tensing up in anticipation of his strokes which only served to make it feel more impactful when it landed. Fluttershy bit down on the pillow and softly whimpered.

Discord stopped striking his paw against her rump and admired his work. He wasn’t really a spanking enthusiast in the beginning; even less so for the idea of discipline. The whole thing seemed to be something of an anti-thesis to things he stood for. What he admired about it all was how she chose to be in this situation. She chose to spend her freedom on the illusion of having none. In his deepest thoughts the idea of bondage in the bedroom was well outside his comfort zone. Now here he was, a free Spirit of Chaos, a metaphor for a lack of order; imposing a strict type of law over someone else. This wasn’t a mindless prank. It wasn’t like any time he imagined or made himself king of something. This was control with responsibly. Every decision about what happened to her was his alone to make; but only until he was given an order to stop. He could at any point satisfy whatever urge came over him but she was trusting him to listen to her body and respect her limits.

He took a break from the serious thoughts and laid the belt out across her warmed up flank. She tensed up as the leather met her flesh. Her breathing became heavier from desire but also a touch of fear. She never had been on the receiving end of a belting but had what she felt was a very accurate idea of what kind of lasting impression it could leave on a pony’s rump. Not only would she be remembering their evening tomorrow morning but she might be feeling it as well. As nervous as she was about what was to come; she yearned for it. She felt nothing but gratitude for having a lover so willing to indulge her most hidden desires that bordered on masochism. The warm up session delivered by his paw left her wanting more. Fluttershy was still a little uneasy about her first time with a belt but was also eager to feel its judgment.

The belt was lifted from her body and was lightly set down across her rear. It came up a second time before softly landing over both cheeks. She softly winced at it landed a third time on her mildly sore flesh. A moan escaped her as he continued to tease. Then she almost jumped when she heard belt soundly crack. Discord wasn’t teasing. He was marking his target. He was prepping to focus on the thickest area of her bottom. A second audible crack echoes through the room. Fluttershy wondered what he was striking. Had he spawned a target just above her plot or was he hitting the couch between her legs?

“Discord” she pleaded as another strike was heard behind her. “I’ll be a good girl. I’ll be a better wife. I’ll be on my very best behavior. Please, not the belt!”

“Seems to me you asked for the belt” he replied as he cracked the belt against his paw just an inch above her supple posterior. “Seems to me you know you deserve this. Seems to me you want this.” Discord lightly ran his paw along her warmed up backside and was greeted with a wince and a moan. “Sounds to me like you knew very well what I was going to do when I led you to the couch. You didn’t protest or struggle when I tied you down. You’re a naughty little brat who earned this and you know it. Trying to bargain with me just proves that you’re not really committed to understanding your place in this house; so I’m going to do right by you and take it a step further.”

Fluttershy blushed feverishly as he spoke in a calm and commanding tone. The session of surprises continued to keep her in a delectable state of nervousness and anticipation. She watched him walk to the front of the couch where she could see him. Her eyes fell on the leather strap. Her gaze shifted when his claw gripped his erect cock. She watched him briefly stroke his length with a great deal of excitement.

“Please don’t belt me” she lustily moaned as she continued to watch his self service. “I know my place, Dizzy. A good wife respects and honors her husband. A good wife knows to take care of him. Let me take care of you…let me apologize by sucking it for you.”

Discord grinned at her words. Months ago he wouldn’t get a wiggle downstairs from such a broad show of submission. All these nights of tending to her fetish had greatly opened his world to such tastes. He did think about setting the belt down and accepting her apology but his mind was made the moment he belt was in his hand. Her eyes visibly widened as he separated his organ from his groin. Discord brought his member forward and slowly pushed it halfway into her mouth. With a moan she started sucking on his offering and squeaked as it began moving in and out on its own.

“And now my dear” he said as he moved behind her; cracking the belt on his paw as he stepped. “If you drop my cock there will be consequences on top of the spanking you’ve earned.”

Fluttershy uttered a muffled compliance as the possessed penis slowly slid back and forth. Her body tensed as she awaited the first blow from the belt. Having seen it in his possession made it seem more intimidating and erotic. She considered what he might do if she bit down. As the animated phallus continued to help itself to her mouth she could head her husband softly moan in approval. Discord made a very convincing ‘Head of Household’. His paw stroked the base of her tail before caressing her tinted hide. If this was the result of breaking a vase then she might break something else next time the mood hit.

A vary audible snap was heard as the belt struck her bottom. Her eyes opened wide and watered as the strap firmly landed over her already tender rump. She opened her mouth and a sharp cry came out. She hurriedly closed her lips before Discord’s dick fell to the pillow under her head. A second stroke with the wicked instrument of judgment caused her to yelp again. There was a hesitation before the third blow landed just below the first two. A fourth strike resulted in another vocal complaint and tears began to roll down her face. The stinging sensation combined with the feeling of being dominated further heightened her arousal. She couldn’t name a lot of folk who might be this accepting of her fantasies. The fifth strike made her more focused on her flanks. She shut her eyes tight and buried her face into the pillow and screamed. Through her muffled cries she could vividly hear as well as fell stroke six. Fluttershy now began to thrash against the binds. The seventh slap of the strap on her now burning bum made her fiercely bite down on the pillow in pain and ecstasy. When no eight visit from the strap came she tensed up. Was he winding up for a harder lick? Was he waiting for her to lower her guard? Fluttershy slowly composed herself and turned her head to face into the back of the couch.

“I think I got my point across” said her lover as he gently guided her head into turning to face him. He knelt down and softly kissed her and picked up his still throbbing cock. Fluttershy’s eyed widened. She wasn’t sure when she dropped it but clearly she had done just that. Discord put it back on his body and softly stroked her mane.

“But I can’t accept an incomplete apology” he concluded with a grin as he continued to run his paw through her mane. “One more try. Convince me you learned something tonight.”

Fluttershy blushed as he spoke. When they first started dating he would never dare do any of what he was doing. He could turn her mane vomit green or change her voice as a joke but he would never have lorded over her in a sexual manner. She found herself again grateful for him having been willing to take the first step and put her over knee when she first asked him to try it. She regarded him with hungry, reddened eyes and surrendered again to his command.

“I’m sorry, Discord. I’ll behave. Please let me”

She was cut off by his claw gently holding her muzzle closed.

“Such a naughty mare” he said with a smirk. The façade of strict husband was gone and only a Draconequus with a boner was left. “You had your chance earlier. I just wanted to hear you beg again before we finish up.”

Discord’s claw remained on her muzzle as he stepped away. The part detached from his arm as he moved behind her. His paw caressed her sore cheeks and she felt a claw grip the base of her tail. She uttered a muffled squeak as he prodded her eager marehood. Discord gave a slight chuckle as the tip penetrated her.

“No need for lube or foreplay…such a naughty pony. Feels to me like you like to be spanked.”

Fluttershy uttered muffled utterances of agreement as he pushed deeper. In one slow thrust he went in until his hips met her tenderized butt. She winced and moaned at the contact and continued her approving sounds as he pulled back. The Pegasus writhed in pleasure as he continued to thrust in and out of her. Every time he came back he pressed himself against her sore bottom as if to remind her what happened back there. Not that she needed reminding; Fluttershy wondered how long it would be before she could comfortably sit down. His movements slowly picked up speed and her moans grew louder. Every thrust and every contact with his hips sent pleasure through her body. His claw fell from her muzzle and quickly traveled to her most personal region. Discord withdrew and his severed claw took over. It felt like she was now receiving a dildo the shape of his cock; guided by the hand. Discord stepped to where she could see him and she caught him sponging off his dick.

“Open up for me. Let’s try that apology again” he firmly announced as he leaned over her.

As she complied his dick pushed past her lips and he began thrusting with the same rhythm as the toy behind her. The Draconequus like cock began to vibrate as Discord gripped her mane with his tail. With a sharp squeak she was overcome by her inevitable orgasm. The dildo was removed from her satisfied body and Discord stopped moving. He kept his grip on her mane and slowly pulled back until only the head of his cock remained in her mouth. His member twitched and pulsed as a thick serving of his seed shot into her. His grip remained as she slowly swallowed his essence. He pulled out and she smiled while savoring an aftertaste of fresh strawberries. The silk ropes faded into nothing and Discord gave her another soft kiss before speaking.

“Did you learn your lesson, my dear?”

“Yes, Dizzy…but I’ll forget it at some point” she replied with a giggle before returning his kiss.

Discord sat down and slowly guided her over his lap. She braced herself for another spanking. When it never came she blinked. Soft moans and winces escaped her as Discord slowly massaged cooling lotion into her reddened plot.

“That’s fine” he said casually as he treated her sore flesh. “I’ll remind you as many times as it takes.”