Pinkie's Fetishy, Fattening Party of Fun

by PonePlumper

First published

A very hungry Pinkie Pie remembers the time she saw Starlight Glimmer make a cake out of thin air, and pays her a visit at Twilight's castle. Her shameless gluttony ends up fulfilling the lewd fantasies of the three ponies there.

Starlight Glimmer awaits Trixie's arrival for some bonding time. But, before she arrives, Pinkie Pie comes out of nowhere - wanting her to make food out of thin air to satisfy her ridiculous appetite. This triggers her secret feederism fetish, and she decides to take advantage of the situation to fatten her pink friend up. Then, Twilight reveals her own secret fetish, and decides to join in on the fun by experimenting with a naughty, self transformation spell...Oh, and Trixie arrives as a recently realized vorephile.

Pinkie doesn't seem to mind any of this. She loves to eat and party. And, it seems that she got to do a lot of both with this visit.

Contains: Stuffing, WeightGain/Fat, Slight Slob, Clothes Transfomation, Vore(nonfatal), burping, some description of internal digestion

Art by the amazing Calorie.

Made this for Megapone's Fetish Fanfic Fapstraviganza. I've been meaning to get back into writing, in general. And, this little event honestly made me want to contribute. I've been thinking of trying to do one-shots to get my mojo back. Seems like the perfect time. I decided to throw in something that isn't really a fetish of mine, but sounded hot and fun to write about when the idea suddenly came to me.

EDIT: This isn't technically a one-shot anymore.

You're fat, Ponk

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"...Oh no..."

"Oh dear."

The beastly sound emanated from the top floor of Sugar Cube Corner. A sound that often causes the bakery's owners' bodies to shudder. For they know the monster that produces such a haunting howl. And, the far too frequent slaughter that occurs as a result of its demands. The bakers must usually be sure to meet them with a steady supply.

And, today they could only make so many tributes in reserve. The feeling of dread permeated the kitchen as Mr. and Mrs. Cake heard the telltale clops coming from the second floor. She was on the move. The gluttonous fiend would be coming down the stairs any moment now.


"Uh oh! Sounds like it's tummy's time of the month! And, we're only two weeks in.", chirped a certain pink, party pony, up in her room.

Pinkie Pie was feeling that hunger that came to her, at least, once every month. The hunger that made her already intimidating appetite amplify to a whole other level. Although, it seemed like this was becoming a bit more common of an occurrence than the carefree pony realized.

"Time to see what the Cakes have for me! It's my day off! And, I'm gonna enjoy it the best I can! What better way is there to have a good day off than to have some yummy treats?"

Pinkie began trotting towards her door. The ensuing clops making slightly louder squeaks on the floor boards than she remembered.
"Mr. Cake really needs to fix that.", she thought. But, that thought was interrupted when she caught a glance at herself in her mirror, from the corner of her eye. She turned her full attention to it.

"Huh. That's weird."

Pinkie Pie was never really a fat filly. A little bit thicker than most, maybe. A surprising feat of nature, considering her affinity for all things sweet.'s more like a nearly crippling addiction to them. But, she was responsible enough with her own intake to not become overweight. Believe it or not, her metabolism has limits. And, she's very aware of them. At least, that's what she always believed.

Pinkie was a grown mare who had discipline...So, why were her balloons looking a bit stretched?

"Whistles", Pinkie twisted and turned in front of her mirror. "Is it me? Or am I lookin' at a bit more Pie than usual?"


"Hnnnnng. That's not the pie I was referring to, tummy! We'll get to that in a minute!"

Pinkie then turned to her most faithful friend in the world. Gummy blinked once, then gave Pinkie Pie his signature mile long stare to signify that she had his attention.

Pinkie frowned, and her eyes shimmered a bit as she gazed pleadingly at her alligator pal. "Hey, Gummy?....Am I getting fat?"

Gummy only bore his all seeing gaze into his pink companion. He noted that his master has been looking a bit fuller than usual, for the past few weeks. However, Gummy's tact was probably that of one of the most refined gentlecolts in Equestria. He could never really point out to his friend how her butt cheeks had seemingly inflated an extra two inches or so. Or, how her thighs had widened just about as much. Or, how Pinkie Pie's barrel now drooped halfway to her knees while standing. Or, how her neck produced the ghost of a second chin when she looked down. Or, how her face had rounded slightly more, as well.

Gummy's mind raged within a tempest of conflicted hesitation. On one claw, he could just tell her the truth. Pinkie Pie and Gummy had a long-lasting relationship that revolved around a deep trust that could never be tainted. Not even by a weight problem. However, on the other claw, Gummy knew that a mare's emotions tended to contradict her initial thoughts, at times. She may want an honest opinion. But, she may not be prepared for it.

"Most beings with a capacity for complex thought and emotion deal with this quandary. Is it better to be plagued with the thoughts of reality that are the result of a bystander's influence? It is the quickest and most efficient choice. You learn from another's perspective quicker than from your own. However, thoughts coming from another can be demoralizing. We all seek approval from one another. Including ourselves. Weakened self esteem has no easy fix. Or, should the truth be found from internal realization? A risky choice, to say the least. As one can only grasp so much of one's self in a broader time span. But, a choice that may test the fortitude of one's ingenuity. And, one may become more adept in self awareness and acceptance as a result. Gaining the will to change accordingly, and when necessary. Although, the opposite could still happen..."

Pinkie shifted slightly, waiting for an answer. Her butt and belly jiggled slightly as a result.

"And, then...of course...."

Gummy blinked his left eye once, then his right eye twice.

"Huh. I guess I may be worrying about nothing. Thanks, Gummy!"


"Alright! Alright! Sheesh! I best mosey on down to cake town."

Gummy watched as his chubby, pink master trotted with a bounce to her step, out the door. Giving Gummy the perfect view of her rhythmically wobbling buns.

"That ass, though....May the plot thicken...."


Mr. and Mrs. Cake were racking their brains to figure out how to quell the situation. Pinkie Pie has become a bit more of a burden lately, due to the terrifying reality that her already overzealous appetite has been increasing. And, she has been relying on the bakery's leftovers and extras a bit too much for them to handle. Her more than frequent 'test baking' has been taking a toll on their supplies. Her taking advantage of her current living situation has been getting out of hand. A pony with a sweet tooth like Pinkie's could only spend so much time living in a bakery before they made the place go bankrupt from supply costs.

"The poor dear has definitely lost a bit more control, as of late. Have you taken a good look at her, recently, honey?", a rather concerned Cup Cake asked.

"Yeah, she's definitely put on a few. It's shocking, really. We thought we'd never see the day. But, aside from that, hon; we can't just keep enabling her. We can't afford to have forty percent of our baking costs go to Pinkie's black hole of a stomach. She needs to slow down on the sweets around here.", Carrot Cake admitted.

"Oh, but she doesn't seem to really notice, Carrot. Pinkie's always been a big eater. But, what if she doesn't take somepony telling her that she's getting heavy very well...I don't want to know what she'll do if we tell her she needs to go on a diet...shudders"

They have been reluctant to state their minds on Pinkie's worsening bad habits. She was an unpredictable mare. And, one that had strong emotions. They didn't want to have a melodramatic Pinkie on their hooves. Or, worse, an angry one.

GROOOOOWLL "Heya, guys!"

Pinkie bounced into the kitchen, eagerly sniffing the air and wagging her tail. Causing some of her new chub to wobble. However, Pinkie realized that she could not find what her tummy was looking for. She gave the Cakes an odd look.

"Wait a second...I don't smell any fresh treats being baked right now. Aren't you gonna make more for the rest of the day's potential customers?"

"Potential customers is the key word there.", Carrot mumbled.

"Pinkie...we're not making extras today. It's been a rather slow afternoon. And, we need to wait for more ingredients, anyway."

Pinkie whined, "Aaaaaaw...But, I'm soooo hun- I-I mean, what if we get a sudden rush?", Pinkie gave them a nervous smile after that slip up.

Mr. Cake looked at her critically with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry, Pinkie, but we can't just make cakes out of thin air. If we run short. We run short until more ingredients arrive. That's always how it has been....Pinkie???"

In Pinkie's mind, his voice echoed.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie, but we can't just make cakes out of thin air."

"Can't just make cakes out of thin air."

"Make cakes out of thin air." Memories of the hijinks of a certain socially skewed unicorn came to mind.



Pinkie drooled profusely as she turned away from the cakes and made a wild sprint out of the kitchen and then the bakery.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake were somewhat dumbfounded. But, mostly alarmed. This could not be good.


"Y-yes dear?"

"Go lock the front entrance and put the closed sign up...And, if any government officials, authorities, or guards come knocking; tell them we have no affiliation with Pinkie Pie whatsoever."

"Yes dear...."

Feedee Pie

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Starlight Glimmer stared into the sparkling splendor of the Cutie Map. She fidgeted here and there anxiously. She normally would've gone out to town to calm her nerves; or go read some more trashy romance in the library. But, Twilight Sparkle was currently hogging the library. Twilight was apparently busy compiling her notes on a secret 'research project' that she swears is important. So, not even her super dorky mentor could be some kind of distraction for the time being. All Starlight wanted to do was wait near the front entrance to the castle. She was expecting company.

"I'm pretty sure I know it isn't really anything that important...But, if my casual snooping has given me the right idea....It's something pretty weird.", Starlight thought to herself. She blushed a little at the thought of what she knew about the secret project. Thankfully, Twilight was quite oblivious when it came to what others thought about her.

"Oooooh! I just can't wait!", she exclaimed to herself. "What if I can't continue to even make this friendship work? Am I really being this clingy? So desperate for this one friend to come see me that I can't stay calm? I gotta get myself together..."

Her new close friend, Trixie, was supposed to stop by the castle to visit Starlight today. She was probably Trixie's only real friend, as well. So, Trixie made room in her schedule just for this occasion. Trixie was the only pony that Starlight felt she had much in common with. So, Starlight was especially anxious to see her. And, when Starlight got anxious, her mind tended to be all over the place. She was currently struggling with some self-esteem issues regarding her lack of acceptable social skills, as well. She often feared that she wouldn't be able to hold onto this friendship that meant so much to her and Trixie. Like, she would mess it up, somehow.


Starlight jumped. Her coat nearly raising like a cat's. "GAH!! What was that?!"

She frantically looked around the Cutie Map chamber; trying to find whatever intruder could make such a horrid sound.

"T-Twilight? Was that you? Spike? This isn't funny!"


Then, Starlight looked up at the remains of the Golden Oaks Library. A bit too late, though.

THUMP "Hiya, Starlight!"

"WAAAAAH!!", Starlight screamed and shielded her face with her forelegs; cowering in Pinkie Pie's Cutie Throne. Starlight shook for a few seconds before peeking at who was sitting on the edge of the Cutie Map in front of her. Ironically, it was Pinkie Pie, herself.

Starlight panted and sighed in both relief and irritation. "Oh...hah...Pinkie Pie!! You nearly gave me a heart attack!! And, gods know I don't need to have cardiovascular problems on top of the mental ones I already have!"

Pinkie's ears drooped. Her expression quickly lowered. "Oops...I'm sorry, Starlight..."

"Oops?! That's all you have to-", Starlight breathed in, paused, and closed her eyes. She exhaled gently, and took a few seconds to reorient herself.

As much as Starlight would typically just stay angry at most ponies that evoke her wrath, Starlight had admittedly improved on her issues with anger. Thanks to Twilight, and her friends. And, Pinkie Pie was one of her friends that she had grown a bit fond of, especially. She might've been loud, overly energetic, and sometimes downright insensitive. But, Pinkie Pie had proven to Starlight that she was a pony that cared about every pony in Ponyville. Including herself. Whenever Starlight was down, if Pinkie Pie could do something about it, she would put all of her effort into lifting her spirits.

Starlight looked at Pinkie with a face of leniency. She just couldn't quite stay mad at this goofball.

"It's okay, Pinkie...I know you didn't mean to scare me. I'm actually sorry that I nearly exploded on you."

Pinkie grinned. "Nah, I really shoulda been paying attention to what you were doing in here before making an entrance like that. Something I should improve on. But, I'm glad you've been incorporating your calming exercises when you really need to. So that you don't beat me up when I get you mad."

Starlight smirked knowingly. "What was that, now?"

"Oh, nothing...." Pinkie scrunched her face than looked away. But, she eventually cracked and started having one of her giggle fits.

Starlight began to chuckle along with her. Until she stopped and smiled as she gazed at her giggling friend. The pink one was certainly growing on her.

" more than one way, it seems...", Starlight thought to herself as she looked at Pinkie. She couldn't help but stare as Pinkie's giggling caused her chubby belly to shake. In fact, the more Starlight looked, the more she realized that her friend had put on some weight. Her gut hung in between her legs slightly over the edge of the map she was sitting on. And, Pinkie's legs and thighs joined in on the jolly jiggling, as well. She wasn't exactly excessively fat. But, the chub was hard for the unicorn to ignore.

Especially as that anxiety started creeping back in again. Starlight was trying hard not to start biting her lip as she was getting triggered by Pinkie's lightly quivering form.

"Of course, the one who eats a lot would start gaining weight after I become her friend..."

However, Starlight's issue wasn't that she was repulsed by Pinkie's weight. Quite the opposite, actually. There was, admittedly, another more risque reason why Starlight warmed up to the pink mare pretty smoothly. Her stomach. Not many ponies really knew, but Starlight had an affinity for ponies with large appetites and large bodies. She had a hidden stash of special magazines, in her little town, that catered to her strange fantasies and neglected libido. To keep up her ideals and illusions, she made sure to stay single, and appear abstinent for the time she ruled the town. So, she had her own, personal mail pony that she would send out to pick up and deliver various toys, magazines, and any other erotica to scratch that itch when it would rear its ugly head. She would mind wipe the mail pony to make sure word never got out about this.

"Oh goodness...I never went back to remove all that stuff from my house..."

She could just imagine the field day her citizens may have when they find it all. But, that could be a whole other story on its own...

Pinkie Pie wasn't exactly that physically large, though she seemed to finally be getting there. But, it wasn't long, after the move to Ponyville, before Starlight witnessed what happens when Pinkie Pie is hungry. Pinkie ate like no other pony Starlight had ever seen. And, she certainly became intrigued. Starlight couldn't help but be consumed by old habits, now that she actually knew a truly gluttonous pony. Her mind wasn't always so pure when regarding the party pony.


Pinkie Pie suddenly groaned. Her belly visibly bubbled in hunger. Causing Starlight's eyes to widen a bit. "Oooooooh...That's right! SO HUNGRY!!...U-um...Starlight?"

"Well then...That explains the sound from earlier...I swear. If she asks what I think she is going to ask...", she began to blush as the metaphorical fuel to her fire began present itself.

"Y-yes, Pinkie?"

"Uh...remember when you were trying to make new friends; you tried helping Mrs. Cake by making a cake appear outta nowhere?"

"...N-No way...This can't be happening...Am I dreaming? Alright, alright...Just keep your cool, Starlight. I should just answer the question honestly, and not like a nervous freak."

"Gulp...Yuh...Yeeeeees?", Starlight punctuated her answer with an overly forced and exaggerated grin that would not come across as genuine to almost anyone.

"Sigh...Way to go, awkward pervert..."

Good thing Pinkie Pie wasn't just almost anyone.

"Well, today is my tummy's time of the month! It wants much more yummy treats than normal! And...heh-heh...maaaaaybe I've been taking advantage of living in a bakery more than Mr. and Mrs. Cake can handle...", Pinkie blushed, herself. Realizing that maybe. Just maybe. She had a problem. But, at the current moment, all that mattered was getting her fix. "So! Mr. Cake had brought to my attention that there is only so much sweet-", she licked her lips, "tasty, tasty goodness...mmmmm...Uh, th-that Sugar Cube Corner could provide for me! So, Starlight...", Pinkie began to drool and sweat like a starved animal.

"CANYOUPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEEEEAAAASE-MakeallthetreatsthatIwantwiththatspell!!!!", she spat out as she leaped on and grabbed Starlight by the shoulders.

Of course, Starlight was both physically and mentally shaken by this situation that just fell on her lap, out of nowhere. Just like the weight of Pinkie literally sitting on her lap as the pink, pudgy stomach brushed against her own, svelte self. With Pinkie's breathing and hunger causing it to vibrate rather sensually against her body. The plump plot oozing over her rear legs. Practically engulfing one of them with its crack. Starlight could only take so much. She was definitely getting horny and almost dangerously anxious, now. Her mind becoming a vortex of fear, confusion, and lust.

"O-OHMYGOODNESS. OHMYGOODNESS!...Th-This has to be one of her pranks! O-OH NO!! That's it!! Sh-sh-she somehow found out!! SOMEHOW!! NO!! THAT CAN'T BE!! WHY GODS?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?! IS THIS MY PUNISHMENT?! TO COMPLETELY EMBARRASS AND HUMILIATE MYSELF IN FRONT OF THE FEW FRIENDS I HAVE?! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE TURNING A NEW LEAF!! BUT, THEN YOU BRING ME THIS TEMPTATION THAT CAN SULLY MY EFFORTS!!.......I......I want this....I want to say, yes, sooooo badly! This is the opportunity of a lifetime! To scratch that itch in a way I only dreamed of.....She's asking for it. What's the harm? She's my friend. And, she's asking me a favor. It's not wrong to be a good friend and do her a solid, right?...I can make her aaaaall the treats she can stomach....And, maybe then some...Yes...YEEEESSS...Fill her up with all the treats. Stuff her and stuff her and stuff her until she's too big to-"


Pinkie raised an eyebrow as she looked at Starlight sweat and shiver like she had seen a ghost. Her bottom lip folding hard under her upper teeth. Her eyes the size of pinpricks. With them just staring into space and twitching like she was going mad. Which, knowing Starlight, was probably the case.

Pinkie facehoofed, "Whoopsy...Big whoopsy...I'm such an idiot. Great job, Pinkie. You scared her into a catatonic state! That's not what friends do! Some friend I am! Good golly, am I out of control!...I should truly be ashamed of myself..."

Pinkie Pie got off of Starlight, and stood next to her paralyzed friend. She visibly drooped, and felt a sense of guilt that she hadn't felt in, at least, a month. Give or take another incident, last week, that made Rarity want to kill her. Pinkie sorta felt bad, that day. But, it was Rarity, so...

"Sigh...I'm so, so sorry, Starlight...I'll just...go away. And, probably go find some help for you...And, probably go on a...GULP...D...D...", Pinkie visibly blanched, "...DIET...", the word came out like it was the filthiest thing Pinkie had ever said in her life. Like it was a word only the damnedest of ponies would utter. Like she would rather poke her eye out than ever have to say or even think about it ever again. Like the prospect of acting out such a word's definition was a death sentence. She felt as if she needed to wash her tongue out with a bar of soap; take an hour long shower; and, then maybe give Gummy a bath too, while she was at it.

At that, and the gentle sound of Pinkie's sorrowful trot towards the exit, Starlight snapped out of her stupor. She saw Pinkie's jiggling behind moving out of the chamber, when she shouted, "GUH! Wait, Pinkie! Come back!", in near desperation.

Pinkie's head and ears rose up, and she stopped in her tracks. She turned, looking at Starlight with a face that was a mix of shock and excitement. She quickly trotted back to Starlight and pleaded with her eyes.

"Starlight! You're alright! Can you forgive me for how bad of a friend I am?...A-And for sitting on you and startling you like that?"

Pinkie leaned her face into Starlight's. Her forelegs were on the armrest of her throne. Her paunch brushing against it, slightly.

Starlight just blushed and smiled softly. "Y-yes, Pinkie...As...As a matter of fact...I would g-gladly fulfill your request..."

Pinkie sat back on the edge of the Cutie Map, in front of Starlight, like before. "Wait? You mean-"

"Yes, Pinkie! I will make you cakes, cup cakes, pies, ice cream, and just about any sweet treat you can eat!", she said with a bit more enthusiasm than necessary. "It would be a good way to practice my magic, anyway. I could experiment a bit more with my food conjuring spell than I normally get the chance to...Considering how much you-", she emphasized her point by poking a hoof into Pinkie's belly, "-like to eat."

Pinkie blushed a bit. Starlight's hoof sunk into her plush gut. Right where her cute, indented navel was. Pinkie couldn't exactly tell, but suddenly, she got a completely foreign vibe from Starlight. Even the way she jabbed her hoof into her belly felt rather...intimate? Pinkie wanted to think. She seemed eager to feed Pinkie conjured treats. In a way that Pinkie recognized as similar to how Mr. and Mrs. Cake would be eager to get together and have some 'alone time'. Of course, her tummy growled ominously once again; this time, in approval. Starlight smirked, intently. Almost mischievously, in fact. Almost as if the Starlight that brainwashed a whole town of ponies was resurfacing.

Then, it truly dawned on Pinkie.

"She's probably just amused at how much of a fatty I've become...If the mirror wasn't enough evidence, then the fact that Starlight's entire hoof sinks into my belly should be. I'm actually getting fat....Huh...I'm surprisingly not that upset about it. I mean, I would rather be a skinny Pinkie, so that I can still be the best party pony I can be. Can't exactly do that if I'm too big to do all the things the best party pony needs to do. But, otherwise, I don't mind rounding out so much. As much as maybe I should, I feel like it's impossible for me to give up sweets. That's definitely not the Pinkie Pie way. Not sure what my friends would think if I kept getting bigger, either. Nothing good, probably...maybe..."

As Pinkie Pie contemplated her lifestyle choices, Starlight's horn began to glow. In a matter of a second, what seemed like a perfectly edible eclair popped into existence, in front of Starlight's muzzle. She sniffed it. Her mouth cracking into a toothy grin.


"Heh-heh...Yeah...maybe my mirror was really telling me that I'm getting a pudge. M-Maybe I really should go on a-MMPH!"

Pinkie's mouth was suddenly assaulted with the taste of cream, chocolate frosting, and sweet dough. She knew immediately that it was an eclair. And, she certainly wasn't complaining. Her stomach growled some more.

"MMMMMMM...Ulp...More...please...", Pinkie practically moaned. That did it. Any other thought that Pinkie had but a moment ago had vanished. All she wanted was to eat. Nothing else mattered.

"Well, that was pretty easy. I got her right where I want her. Maybe, I should've tried this on my fellow equalists."

"Oh...I'll give you more, my friend...", Starlight conjured a whole dozen eclairs; all held over her head, in her magic. She leaned into Pinkie, wrapping her forelegs around her waist. Her head being level with the pink ball of flab. She rubbed her cheek against it, and stuffed another eclair into that greedy maw.

"A lot more."


Pinkie was a little put off by Starlight's blatant groping of her lower body and torso, but the six eclairs that Starlight fed her were well worth being borderline molested. In fact, it was kinda nice. Pinkie was no stranger to friendly cuddling. And, this felt pretty much like that. Just felt a bit more than friendly, though. And, Pinkie had a hunch as to why. But, for now, she just wanted to devour everything that Starlight literally threw at her.

Pinkie licked her lips and rubbed her tummy. "Mmmm...Starlight...this is a new friendship that I definitely don't regret. I didn't know that magic treats could be just as yummy as regular ones! I'm not even sure if Twilight could do this!"

Starlight giggled. "I'm flattered, Pinkie. It's not actually that simple to make these eclairs taste like homemade ones...And...I-I can say the same about my friendship with y-you. Heh heh..."

"Uh huh. Feed me another eclair, please."

Another eclair floated into Pinkie's face. She swallowed it whole. "Another.", she practically demanded. Starlight complied. "Gulp. Keep it coming.", Pinkie said with a moan. Starlight decided to conjure up two dozen cupcakes. Pinkie rose her brow with a smug grin, as she rubbed her pudgy belly and licked her lips. "Gee, Starlight. You really do know me well..."

"W-Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you really like sweets..."

"That may be...OMPH-gulp...But, if I didn't know any better...", Pinkie grinned an unassumingly innocent grin, "It kinda feels like you really like that I really like sweets. But, I could just be talkin' crazy..." She rolled her eyes for emphasis.

Starlight paused very suddenly and stiffly. Her face scrunched up in a fashion more intense than Applejack's facial muscles were capable of. And, that's a feat.

Starlight visibly shuddered and sweat a little. "U-u-u-ummmm-Y-YEAH! You...You-ou are such a silly, crazy pony, Pinkie...Ehehehe-he-heheeeeh...."

Pinkie looked at Starlight knowingly. She took a glance slightly above her. "Hmmm...Y'know, Starlight...", Pinkie began leaning toward Starlight. Her forehooves stretched down to the armrests of her throne. On the way down, she grabbed a floating cupcake with her long, flexible tongue. Her hind legs landing on the floor. She inches closer to the growing shock of Starlight Glimmer. Cheeks full and deliberately chewing sensually. Soft moans permeating from her throat. Her pudge brushes against Starlight. She swallows the cupcake. A notable bulge causing her belly to brush further against Starlight's coat. Pinkie puts on a smug face, gazing into Starlight's anxious eyes.

"You're sitting in my seat..."

Starlight gulped, then peered up and behind her. Sure enough, she finally noticed the yellow and blue balloons emblazoned into the back of the crystal throne.

"I-Is...Is this a problem?..."

"Hmmmm, not if you make room."

"M-Make room?"

"Y'know.", Pinkie swiftly turned. Her plot now facing Starlight. Jiggling some, from the motion. "Just scooch over a smidgen. I'm willing to share with a friend."

Starlight's face was glowing red hot. "U-uh...Y-yeah! Sure!...I'll...try...", Starlight was becoming sure, at this point, that Pinkie was on to her sensual enjoyment of the situation. She may have been rather out of touch with the true feelings of other ponies. However, through her life of manipulation, she had learned a thing or two about disarming another pony. Pinkie had managed to disarm a master of the art, it seemed. Starlight fidgeted as she shimmied to the left a bit. These Cutie Map thrones would normally be just wide enough to fit two ponies, for some reason. Of course, two ponies would be wedged in, practically. Their flanks would be brushing against one another, at least. Starlight knew that her own shapely hips were a bit on the wider side. Of course, she also knew that that didn't mean much, considering the girth of the plot that was descending into what ill fitting space there still was. "Oh goodness."

With a jiggly plop, Pinkie wedged herself next to Starlight. Her flabby flanks were certainly fighting to take over the space. Her right side squishing into the armrest; her butt cheek molded in between her corner of the seat. The left half of Pinkie had gifted Starlight's side with a good amount of chub from the side of her belly, and her flank almost overlapping Starlight's. Starlight was nearly more than snug in her half of the throne. She could feel some of the pressure of Pinkie's weight squishing her slightly.

At this point, Pinkie had to be a good thirty to forty pounds or so overweight, for a mare her size. Probably a pound or two more, after inhaling these magic pastries that Starlight was crafting. Starlight conveniently neglected to mention that these pastries were packing three times the amount of calories even the richest recipes would have. Combined with Pinkie's monstrous stomach, she would certainly be getting physically bigger within the incoming feeding.

Before Starlight could even say or do anything, Pinkie was inexplicably swallowing a sizable load of sweets. The dozen cupcakes she had summoned gone within literally the blink of an eye. She seemed to have scooped the remaining ones in a single gulp. She belched lightly in satisfaction after the lump had pushed her tummy out another inch. Starlight responded by forming another dozen cupcakes. But, Pinkie just leaned forward and grabbed all of them with her forelegs, at once. They were all stuffed into her maw in a large glob. Swallowing voraciously, Pinkie's belly visibly bloated with two dozen cupcakes in a span of ten seconds. A deeper, rumbling belch was belted out; Pinkie trying to stifle it, slightly. Her chubby cheeks jiggled from the vibration.

"UNF-Wh-whoa...Uh-uh...I-I guess I should be m-making more than a dozen sweets at a time!", Starlight blurted, aghast. Not just greatly aroused, but even feeling a little intimidated. She was subconsciously leaning away from Pinkie, after her display of gluttony. Herself skittish to even lay a hoof on the hungry beast.

Pinkie inhaled, then exhaled a heavy sigh; causing her gut to contract, then inflate like dough. Starlight already felt herself squish a tiny bit more against the throne. Pinkie Pie frowned. "Yeah...I've gotten fat...And, piggier than ever....Sorry if I'm crushing you with my fatty...fatness....And, freaking you out with my intake...And, if this is too much to ask of you. I guess I shoulda warned you a bit more firmly that you might be feeding me as if I were a whole party of ponies...A whole party of fat ponies...S-so fat that I....I need to ask a friend to make more than a-a whole bakery can afford..." Pinkie was beginning to get some self conscious vibes. Her lips trembling a bit. Eyes getting misty. "Maybe this is bothering me more than I thought it would. More than I wanted it to..."

Starlight looked at her concernedly. Then, she grinned warmly and reassuringly to her fat friend. "Oh, it's okay, Pinkie Pie. You just have a hearty appetite for a mare. Eheheh...But, that's nothing to be ashamed of. Believe me...", Starlight looked down, suddenly in thought, "I have much more to be ashamed of...Much more worth being ashamed of...A-Aside from what you already know....I...I guess I should make a confession...Since, well...this is kinda the best opportunity..."

"Oh?", Pinkie raised a brow. Her hunch may just be proven.

Starlight sunk back into the seat. She felt like she was holding a breath that she couldn't release. Then, she felt Pinkie lean her warm body towards her. Pinkie wrapped her foreleg around her shoulder, and nuzzled her. "Thank you, Starlight...It's okay...You can tell your pal, Pinkie Pie, anything."

Starlight practically melted in the soft embrace. She shook a little. Her left foreleg crept out toward Pinkie. It rested itself gently on Pinkie's globular gut. She began to massage it, soothingly.

"Mmmmmm, that feels good, Star...", Pinkie loosened up and slouched in the throne. Her belly gurgling and sticking out as Starlight massaged it. Pinkie was practically purring in approval.

"....I...I like....fat mares....And....A-And, I w-watch them eat....and get bigger.....You....", Starlight sighed heavily; beginning to break out in a cold sweat, "I wanted to feed you. But, only for that reason...You are a natural fatty, Pinkie...First one I've ever known...And, I like it...I....I really don't mind what you've asked of me. I'm more than happy to oblige."

Starlight then blinked rapidly. "I can't believe I just said all that!", she mentally blew a fuse in that moment. "...I'm ruined...."

However, before Starlight could engage in her ensuing panic attack, Pinkie began giggling. It started out lightly, and started building up into a good natured, belly laugh that shook her countenance and Starlight all together. Even though this shocked and slightly upset Starlight further, at first; Starlight slowly began to grin, the infectious laughter of the jovial pony creating the beginnings of her own light giggling. She felt her distress slowly ebb away. The jiggling flesh practically tickling her side. It seemed as though Pinkie never failed to brighten things up. Even when she was fat, and in the presence of a chronically disturbed individual. Pinkie Pie could lighten up anypony's day.

"SIIIIIGH", Pinkie wiped a tear out of her eye. She grinned widely at Starlight. She gently booped Starlight in the nose with a hoof. "I knew it."

Starlight blushed. "Y-Yeah...I...figured that you knew...I wasn't exactly subtle in this current situation."

"Baaaw, it's okay Starlight! You have no idea what kinds of weird things I've learned about the ponies I've met! Especially the weird kinda parties I've been asked to put together! Heeheeheee...The truth is...we're all weirdos in some way. Heck, I know that some ponies definitely think I'm a weirdo! A weirdo who loves other weirdos! All the weirdos!...All around me..."


"Let's just say, that you're not the only pony around here with an odd kink or two. And, I guess I was being silly about my weight, before. I mean...I just can't help myself, sometimes....Okay, maybe most of the time. I like food, darn it! I've been like this for as long as I can remember!...I-It's just catching up to me, all..." It was Pinkie's turn to blush, as she lifted her gut with her hooves, and released the mass to bounce in place a couple seconds.

Starlight smiled awkwardly. "Well...I like it...obviously.", she tried to look sincere. "A-And, besides...Twilight and I can probably whip up a weight loss spell or something. If you don't want to be fat and have to diet to lose it, that is." Starlight's grin was rather forced as she regretted offering Pinkie a means of reversing her wonderfully rubenesque form. But, Starlight figured that she should at least try to be considerate, for once. Even if she really didn't want to be, at the moment.

"Weeell-Wait...What?!", the squeaky, rubber cogs in Pinkie's pink, fluffy head turned and skidded on hyper drive. "You mean...there really is magic that can just do that lip sucking thing, or whatever the celebrity ponies talk about, to make me skinny again?"

"I think you mean Liposuction?"

"Yeah, yeah! That!"

"Well, yeah. Kinda like that. It's typically rather obscure and complicated, metabolic delipidation through Matter Magic. More so than just sucking lard out with expensive medical equipment. The obscurity and difficulty of such spells, for most ponies, is the reason ponies are still willing to go to their doctors for such things, and usually with no small fee."

Pinkie raised her brow. "Okaaay...So...are you implying that I can get as fat as I want, and just get all that pudge magically removed whenever I want?"

Starlight fidgeted slightly. "Well...yeah...I guess so...", she blushed.


The monstrous moan of Pinkie Pie's egregiously greedy gut sounded off, once again. Not caring for all the idle chit-chatter and emotional dumping that has done nothing but prolong its need to feed.

Pinkie smirked, "Well, in that case, keep the sweets comin', sister! I'm wastin' away here!"

Starlight smiled crookedly, "Well, well. I guess you'll take any excuse to gorge, huh?" She patted Pinkie's tummy, "Eh, Piggie Pie?"

Pinkie grinned gingerly, "Eheheh. Just get on with it, Starly! I know you wanna stuff me up, good! ~ I'm a growing girl who's gotta eat, after all! ~"

Pinkie giggled and leaned herself onto Starlight a little more. Her flank squishing the unicorn's. Starlight blushed and bit her lip. The pink one was certainly growing on her, indeed. And, she was gonna make sure that literally continued. Her horn hummed and sparked with a lot more energy than before. A four foot tall, multilayered, chocolate, red velvet cake popped into existence. The base's diameter as wide as a carriage wheel. Pinkie drooled like a pony who thought she was a dog. She tried to lunge herself into the whole thing, but Starlight kept it out of her range. She whined like a sad dog, too.

"Ah-ah-ah! I'm the one who's gonna feed you. You'll probably inhale the whole thing if I don't. Let me have my pleasure as you get yours."

Pinkie sighed, but licked her lips and gazed at Starlight with lidded eyes. She inched her muzzle into Starlight's ear. "Okay, boss. I just hope you can handle and fill my tummy up, just right. Cuz, I'm not just any fat filly.", she licked Starlight's ear, causing her to shudder, "I'm the hungriest in Equestria." Her rather lecherous statement was punctuated with her core rumbling. Quaking both of the ponies in their seat. She opened her mouth wide. Really wide. And, just sat there. Waiting for something to fill it.

"Sweet Celestia", was all Starlight could mutter in her head. The mare's loins beginning to tingle. The humming of magic was her only response.


Within practically the blink of an eye, a glob of cake the size of a pony's head flew like a bullet into the pink pony's gaping maw. Her cheeks nearly struggling to contain it. Both of them becoming comically engorged. Like a chipmunk that overly prepared for Winter. Of course, this was Pinkie Pie we're talking about. She tended to defy some basic laws of reality. And, when it came to stuffing her face, this was especially no exception. She could probably fit anything in there. Some frosting was gushing out of her muzzle and dropping onto her belly. She chewed the mass for a few seconds, moaning in contentment. But, anything that Pinkie deems edible never lasts for more than five seconds within her head space. Let alone past her jaw.


Her cheeks deflated, and her throat inflated out as if she were some kind of frog-pony hybrid croaking. The sugar bomb landed and exploded within her gut, physically blowing it up like a hot air balloon with an overpowered igniter. Her belly certainly ballooned past her lap as she sat. Stuffed to a capacity that would make any other pony sick. "MMMMMMM", she licked her lips and promptly licked whatever frosting that fell out. She rubbed her tummy broadly as it gurgled; already dissolving and spreading the load of calories. Pinkie's stomach was certainly an anomaly that defied what ponies knew about the digestive system. She belched some of the hot air, from her balloon, out heartily. Visibly deflating as her legs rounded out ever so slightly.

Starlight could not help but grope and knead the pink dough. Taut, yet with some give. Her hoof sunk in a little more as the seconds went by. She could feel Pinkie's girth folding further into her very gradually as Pinkie moaned, rubbed, hiccuped, and belched. She wasn't kidding about her tummy's 'time of the month'. It was digesting at a rate which would probably only stave hunger for minutes, at most.

"We're definitely gonna start running outta space, here..."

Pinkie was physically widening in her throne. Her girth contesting more of the space between the armrests. Causing Starlight to shift accordingly. She was certainly feeling the increasing weight as the magically increased calorie count of the already rich dessert, combined with her metabolism, was fattening Pinkie up mid meal. She opened her mouth for the next absurd serving. Starlight wasted no time in indulging her gluttony as she became more and more enamored by it and Pinkie's accelerating growth.

The time between Pinkie devouring loads of cake and digesting them was shortening as time went on. Her momentum was increasing. She would only wait less than a minute before greedily inhaling more of the massive dessert. She was literally gaining pounds in minutes. By the time half the tower was gone, Pinkie had to have gotten thirty pounds heavier, at least. And, a few inches rounder on every portion of her body. Starlight was starting get a bit uncomfortable; still sitting as if she were supposed to be right next to her friend. But, her friend's plot was getting closer to needing the whole seat. Starlight was crossing her legs, at this point, and practically wedged into her corner. It was incredibly arousing to actually experience her fat feedee quite literally growing on her. But, she was starting to consider shifting to a more fitting position for this occasion.


"OMPH-MMMMPH! GULP! UUUUUUUURRRRRRAAAAARP-daaah....Yeah, St-uuurrrff-Starly?" Pinkie's powerful releases and belly stuffing and gurgling was causing her whole body to jostle. Adding more to the erotic sensation that Starlight felt when pressed against her growing, pillowy piggy.

"I-I think I gotta move, here."

Pinkie frowned, "Aaaaaw-hic! I'm so sorry, Starly! My big ol' booty is starting to crush you, isn't it?", she blushed, "I was actually kinda worried about that, when I realized how fattening these magic treats were. Y-hic-You're really blimpin' me up, here. ~You sly pony, you.~"

For emphasis, Pinkie cradled her belly, both of her front hooves sinking into the underside of her gurgling disposal sac. Some gas blurted out of her lips from the action of lifting it. Pinkie had never been this heavy before. If she wasn't currently stuffed, her stomach would probably hang like one of her baking aprons. Covering her pink crotch, and flowing across her lap. It would probably be hanging slightly past her knees as she stood on all fours, at this point. Swinging like a cuddly, plump pendulum as she trotted. Her belly button had deepened to the point where a filly could fit her snout in there.

If her plot was wide before, it was excessively so, now. Her rump was nearly wide enough for her flanks to touch both armrests of her Cutie Throne. It was only getting there, at least. Her forelegs had thickened to almost look like mini hams. Her cheeks had dimpled, and could be seen with her own eyes if she looked down. Her neck had fattened to the point of officially becoming a little, second chin as she sat.

She released the flab, and it bounced heavily on her lap for multiple seconds. She belched, again, and sighed; grinning drunkenly with her eyes lidded and hazy. Her cheeks blushed some more, as she realized how big she was getting. And, how much her companion was probably enjoying it.

"Yep. I'm out and out fat, now...It's not so bad, actually. I feel all bouncy and cuddly! And, I like to make ponies smile, after all. Starlight is certainly a happy feeder. I ain't complainin'. MMMMM..."

She licked the stains of chocolate and frosting around her muzzle, completely enraptured by her gluttony.

"Oh, d-don't worry, Pinkie! I'm fine! If you'll just let me...", Starlight's horn brightened and hummed even more, and lifted Pinkie Pie in her levitating aura.

"Huh? Starlight, what're you-?"

Starlight shifted in the throne; stretching a little and sighing in a bit of relief. However, she was not getting up. As Pinkie, floated and was so suddenly taken out of her reverie, Starlight pacified her - for the time being - with more cake. Starlight felt the warmth of the indented portions of the cushion that Pinkie was sitting in. It made her tingle that much more as she prepared to feel a lot more of that warmth in a more comfortable, and much more arousing position. She could no longer revel in the anticipation of what she was going to do, as Pinkie gulped down her current morsel. Pinkie floated lower, and precisely centered to her throne. Then, Starlight suddenly let go. She watched that ass plummet from two feet above her, onto her lap.



Pinkie's body bounced and jiggled wildly from the impact. Her plot spreading, again, claiming her throne almost entirely.


Pinkie felt some squirming under her voluptuous rear. She got a little worried, but also aroused as she certainly felt some rubbing between her doughy buns. Some wetness, too. And, not her own.

"Are...Are you alright, back there?", she mewled softly, despite her concern.

"UUUUUNNNFFFF...OH CELESTIAAA! MY BIG, FAT PIGGY IS RIGHT ON TOP OF ME!! I'm practically wedged in her crack, Gods...It's so warm; so soft; so heavy...But, not uncomfortable. Oh, no. Definitely not! Ooof, my pussy... OOOOH...I gotta try to reach around..."

Starlight first stuck her forelegs out from behind Pinkie's flabby back. Then, they clasped onto her form. She was trying to wrap her legs around as much of her tubby pal as she could. They stretched until the tips of her hooves were at the edges of Pinkie's cavernous navel. The legs massaged and groped; causing Pinkie to whine in pleasure. Some gurgling confirming her tummy's approval, as well.

Starlight popped her head out and gasped for breath, partially because of no air when her muzzle was squished into the back fat, and the poofy mane that was pushed against her. But, mainly because of her own growing arousal. She was beginning to pant with both exertion and ecstasy. She leaned her chin over Pinkie's shoulder and breathed her warm breaths into the side of Pinkie's head.

"~Hmmmmm~ You like it, don't ya?", Starlight whispered wistfully. "Me, helping you gorge like never before. My hooves all over you. ~Helping you make room for more.~ I certainly love it. And, I will fill you up with more. To your heart's content. Until you're too big for this throne. ~Maybe even bigger.~"

Pinkie was starting to get into all this as much as Starlight was. She was definitely pleased and turned on. Panting, herself. Causing her barrel to contract and expand with heavy huffing and puffing. Her tummy felt amazing under Starlight's hooves. Her great meal fulfilling her form that much faster and more pleasurably. She had become a slave to their soothing antics. Her body rippled and folded over them. Even the back legs - wedged and squirming in between her behind were most appreciated. She moaned until it became more guttural. Then, a roaring belch ripped throughout the Cutie Map chamber, rattling some of decorations.

Her gut had deflated. Gurgling and shrinking as her record breaking burp died down. She had almost fully digested all of the sweet, confectionery slop that had sat heavily within her core. Starlight certainly felt the pounds apply more pressure to her lap. Her front hooves could now touch each other, and excavate the cute gap, in the middle. Pinkie had to be nearly twice the weight she was, when she first barged into the chamber. And, there was still half a tower of magical cake floating, and ready to meet its fate.

"More...slurp...More! GIMME! GIMME! MORE, STARLIGHT! MORE!", Pinkie bellowed like a maniac. She flailed her forelegs; trying to grab the rest out of the air.

"~Of course, sweetie!~"

Starlight began funneling the rest of the mountain of cake into Pinkie's gullet. In a stream that she was swigging, as if it were a flow of liquid. A fluffy, chocolaty, very fattening liquid. Pinkie's eyes glazed over and closed. As it diminished in size, Pinkie's paunch expanded. Starlight could feel the mass push against her legs; driving them apart, once more. And, more significantly, than before. The weight climbed - along with Pinkie's gradually widening width. The calories scrambling to find their new home before they all even settled in.


Before long, the cake that could've fed a gala's worth of ponies had vanished. Along with some - a few dozen, actually - extra morsels that Starlight snuck in, when it was already gone. Donuts, pies, danishes - all added to the flow of hedonism. And, Pinkie's jaw and gullet never ceasing to glut until there was nothing else flying into them. Like a machine running on pure hunger. Within a dome that pushed against the edge of the Cutie Map, the glorious feast sat heavily. Almost enveloping it. All within one very greedy, very overfed mare.

"BRROOOOOOORRRP!! OOOOOOOOHH-UUUURRRRRRRRP!...SIIIIIIGH....Starl-uuuuurgh...Star...light...Hurf You...You're the besht...", Pinkie could practically only say under her breath.

Pinkie Pie had actually never been as bloated as she had been at this moment. Nopony had ever provided her with this much food. And, she knew that she wouldn't be done, after this. This gorge was not only reaching her limits. But, also expanding them. She felt like she could do this all day. Even at the cost of her mobility. She was definitely becoming a waddling, chair breaker - after this load finished. The pink mare cooed and rubbed her swollen abdomen. She was on a high. She could feel her fat rise like the pounds of dough and baked batter that she ingested.

Starlight was close to climaxing under her enormous friend. She could barely poke her head out without being smothered by some flab. And, both her back legs were completely swallowed by the mounds of butt. Starlight wanted to get Pinkie empty, and completely hungry again. So, she decided to cheat, using her own magic to accelerate Pinkie's metabolism even further than it's already impressive rate.

Pinkie Pie felt the tingling and churning as her gut deflated, and the rest of her fattened. She was going into the obesity range, for a pony her size. Her flanks squished against the armrests of the throne as she became empty. Becoming a little wider than two ponies sitting side by side. The plot cheeks becoming beach ball sized. Giving her a few inches of height, as she sat. Her cutie mark almost looking like standard sized balloons flattened against the flanks. Her belly stopped just touching the tops of her back hooves dangling over the edge of her seat. Also being almost as wide as her flanks, when sitting. The love handles pretty much supporting this. Her great navel was as big as a pony's hoof, and a three foot long shelf of belly fat that stretched from where she sat. Each foreleg was complete with bingo wings. Her back thighs rubbing together, under her belly hang. Pinkie's cheeks were permanently within her peripheral vision, they were so engorged. And, finally, her flabby neck had become a full chin that sat on her barrel's shelf. Poking out from under her snout as far as the tip of it.

"I might be wider than the front door of Sugar Cube Corner, at this point...And, I don't care..."

Pinkie Pie was officially the fattest pony in Ponyville. And, certainly on her way to being one of the most obese in the kingdom. She shifted a bit, as she felt wedged into the seat.

"Uh, oh. I think I'm stuck...And, the seats wet...I guess Starlight came..."


"Hungry, too. Starlight! You fine and dandy, under there? I want some more!"

"MMMMMMPH!", two purplish pink forelegs wiggled feebly against the side rolls. Now, they were only able to reach two feet across each side of Pinkie. Just barely enough to still grab a good majority of belly.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie could hear some trotting. A door creaked, and a voice echoed off the chamber walls.

"Starlight! What was all that noise? It sounded like Spike on spam day. Is Trixie here, yet? It's been almost an hour, and-....PINKIE PIE!?"

"Uh, oh..."

Now it's a party!

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Pinkie blushed as she timidly avoided eye contact with the sudden intruder. "Heh...Um...Hey there, Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle stared. Jaw agape at the scene she had walked in on. To her, it seemed as though Pinkie Pie had gained a ton of weight since last she saw her. So wide, that she was wedged into her map throne, no less. However, she almost wasn't entirely sure. This was Pinkie Pie, after all. Anything was possible, when it came to the pink bundle of spontaneity. This could be a prank, or a strange game she suddenly came up with.

She mechanically walked toward her seemingly overbloated pal, wracking her brain to come up with a proper inquiry. She thought so hard, that she didn't even realize when she was right next to Pinkie. She was big! At least, compared to anypony she had met before. There was this one strange unicorn she came across in Canterlot who was pretty obese herself. But, she hardly knew her.

"Guuuh...", was the first word she uttered. Causing Pinkie to fidget a bit, uncomfortably. Looking rather mortified. Twilight shook her own head, realizing that she may have offended her normally easygoing friend.

"Smooth, Twilight. Smooth..."

Looking at her more closely, and with some sympathetic concern, she confirmed that this definitely wasn't a trick. Pinkie somehow managed to gain an absurd amount of weight in a short time. And, it was already apparent before that Pinkie was getting bigger these days. While Pinkie herself seemed quite oblivious. Twilight nor her other close friends wanted to bring it up so suddenly, knowing full well that they could hurt her feelings. Wanting to find the right time to approach her, and let her know that she was putting on weight, very delicately. Her sloppy first impression was definitely an undesirable one for such a delicate situation.

Twilight nuzzled against her friend's chubby cheek. "I-I'm sorry, Pinkie. Please don't cry! I just...Huh? Wait a second." Twilight just noticed something even more peculiar. An extra set of pink forelegs, that were not Pinkie's, were hugging around her girth. Both discernibly still, as well. A little bit concerning. And so, she got her first inquiry. As awkward as it might have been.

"Are you...sitting on somepony?"

"Uuuuh....No?", said Pinkie. Punctuating the response with a nervous smile.

Twilight just gave her practiced deadpanned expression that she had honed over the years of dealing with all kinds of troublesome characters. Something was up after all.

"You're definitely sitting on somepony. And, whoever it is, he or she may need some air. Don't you think? Here. I'll help you outta there."

"W-Wait! Twilight!"

Of course, Twilight would not heed Pinkie's exclamation. She surrounded the tub of lard with her aura. Beginning to pull Pinkie, and embarrassingly her compact flanks, to help pluck her out. With Twilight's magical strength and finesse , it wasn't necessarily a problem. With an audible POP!, Pinkie was successfully dislodged from the grip of her now ill-fitting seat. Her entire body jiggled and jostled as she was lifted out with such force. Startling Twilight that much more with the party pony's new enormity, now that she could see how fat she really was.

"We may need to make a hopefully singular renovation to this chair.", Twilight thought sardonically. Twilight gently lowered Pinkie down to the cold, crystal floor. Her big derriere cushioning her and spreading on it like two small beanbag chairs. Pinkie shivered adorably from the chilling touch after getting out of the warmed up throne. Speaking of which, Twilight heard a raspy and rather sensual gasp coming from where the seat sat.

Starlight Glimmer's mind was still hazed in satisfied lust. "OOOOH, that was incredible..."

When Twilight turned around to see who was there, she was rather shocked once again. Pinkie Pie winced and started diverting her attention to the remains of the Golden Oaks Library, trying to pretend that she wasn't there and wouldn't have to answer to anything. Of course, practically being the elephant in the room didn't help. And she'd feel pretty guilty bailing like a coward on Starlight during such an embarrassing situation. So she hoped she could just sit there and give moral support without having to be blamed or singled out for anything.

"Starlight?!", Twilight gasped. A harsh blush building up around her muzzle. The smell of sex permeated from the throne, and Twilight could see the moisture that it came from all over Starlight's thighs. Her hair was matted in sweat, and her face was locked in airy bliss.

That is, until Starlight Glimmer jumped out of her reverie in reaction to the new voice in the room.

"H-Huh?!", Starlight froze as she stared at Twilight in horror, "....I-I-I...Oh....n-no...", she started reddening and tearing up in embarrassment.

However, Twilight Sparkle did what Starlight did not expect. She sat down and sighed deeply. Eyes closed for a moment, relaxing herself. Then she looked at Starlight right in the eyes. With a face of neutrality and patience.

"It's okay, Starlight. Just relax. Don't cry. Don't break down. Don't freak out. Just tell me everything. I will not judge you negatively. And, I will try to keep both an open mind and open heart. I am both your friend and your mentor. And that will never change. No matter what you tell me.", she smiled warmly. Her gaze serene and understanding.

Starlight Glimmer stared even more. Mouth agape, a growing feeling of warmth in her center. Her eyes watered further, but a smile of her own began to crack.

"Oooh...Th-Thank you so much, Twilight. You...You really have become a great friend too." She looked over to where the pink lump was sitting. Pinkie winking at her with her tongue sticking out playfully between her cutesy grin and dimples on her rounded face.

Starlight took a moment to breathe in, and then breathe out. Also wiping some tears off her face. " you might have been able to guess, I like mares. B-But Pinkie and I did not just have sex. I-I just...A-A-And with P-Pinkie's big butt rubbing on there...y'knooow...Siiiigh...And, I'm not quite in a romantic relationship with Pinkie. At least, not at this time. Sorry, Pinkie."

"It's okay, Starlight. I don't mind friendship with benefits. Heeheehee! Don't know if I like you like you just yet, anyways. I've always been into guys more. But, I gotta say, you've treated me well. Giggle Snort!", Pinkie responded. She now felt comfortable enough to speak up and even lighten up the situation with her usual levity.

Twilight raised a brow at Pinkie Pie, got up, and started advancing towards her. "Am I correct in thinking I might know what you mean by that last statement, Pinkie?" She got up in her personal space for once. Twilight began poking and prodding Pinkie's flabby body. Causing the jovial mare to giggle some more. "You definitely have grown. And, not only do you not seem bothered by this, but you were much smaller the other day. Somepony couldn't control herself today, huh?"

GRROOOOWLLL, Pinkie's jelly belly vibrated in response.

A minor blush formed on Pinkie's cherubic face. Though she didn't stop smiling. "EEHEEHEEHEE! Daaaaw-you got me! Yeppers. I'm SUPER hungry today...A-And, an ideaaaa...", Pinkie grinned nervously as Twilight gave her a look she saw all too often, when she was either in trouble or being a little too Pinkie for Twilight.

"And, that idea waaas?"

Pinkie raised a forehoof behind her head, now becoming a little less comfortable with the situation. She sighed, "Uuuuh...Well...I remembered something. When Starlight was trying to make friends in Ponyville, she used magic to make cakes appear out of thin air. A-And...I was soooo hungry. I couldn't help myself today.", she whined. Her stomach still groaning for sustenance. Her nervous grin grew crooked, as she was reminded of how much of a fat pig she had become.

"Uh-huh. Sigh. Pinkie, the girls and I were going to tell you - at some point - that you have been rapidly gaining weight lately. We didn't want to hurt your feelings. But, clearly, we should've intervened sooner. You seem to have gotten really out of control here.", she jostled the waterbed of a gut, "And, you just barged in imposing on and begging Starlight to feed you, didn't you? You got her to do it for you, with an 'incentive', huh?"

Pinkie gulped, "UUH-UUH...Y-Yes, ma'am...", she visibly deflated.

"So, you actively took advantage of her and her sex-"

"Twilight, wait."

Twilight's ears flicked towards Starlight's direction. She turned around, confused. "Huh? What is it, Starlight?"

Starlight let go of another deep breath. "I...I'm the one who took advantage of her."

"W-WHAT?!", both Pinkie and Twilight yelped.

"You see, Twilight. I'm not just into mares...I'm into fat mares, and fattening mares up, as well. Pinkie Pie did barge in, and desperately wanted me to feed her. But, she almost walked out in shame for imposing on me for such a greedy reason. I pleaded her to stay, so that I could act out my fantasies on her."

Twilight and Pinkie stared at Starlight in astonishment. Pinkie started sputtering, "B-But, Starlight! I thought you-"

"Yes, Pinkie. I did want to hide all of this. But, I did technically take advantage of you too. And, I feel like I should come clean about that. Besides, you did say that I could tell you everything, without fear, Twilight."

Twilight shook her head intensely, "Wait...So...this was all entirely consensual?"

Both Starlight and Pinkie stared at each other, but then grinned. Both chuckling as they realized they only mutually bonded over this experience. And nothing more. Despite both initiating the experience with selfish intentions.

"Yeah.", they said in unison. Pinkie Pie added, "I'll admit, Twi, I felt subconscious about my weight once I kinda realized I was getting fat...But, Starlight came out to me about all this just to make me feel better. So, I just thought, 'I can eat all I want and make a friend happy? This is a no brainer!'"

Twilight was beside herself. However, she composed herself, and sighed. Now smirking at the two troublesome mares. "Well then...Aren't you two lucky? It isn't everyday that two ponies not in a romantic relationship spontaneously decide to share their questionable vices with one another...Although, Pinkie Pie, we may need to put you on a diet soon."

"Lucky girls indeed...Hmmm...M-Maybe...", Twilight looked over to Pinkie Pie, again. She began to register that Pinkie Pie may be just the friend to go to for a lot of strange, erotic experiences. She was Pinkie Pie, after all. There were no boundaries when it came to spreading joy to everypony, for her. And, of course, Pinkie's sheer size was beginning to give Twilight her own ideas...

Pinkie Pie visibly blanched. "No way, Twi. I'm fine with being this big. I'll never sacrifice my food for the sake of my waistline. You'll have to try and force me to! And, I'll fight back! Besides, we could just use magic to shrink me, if I feel I'm getting too big!"

Twilight was taken aback. "Well then...You're not wrong, actually. Between Starlight, the princesses, and myself - we could use magic to do just about anything...And....maybe we don't have to slim you down too soon...", Twilight's mind was whirring as she stared at Pinkie Pie rather curiously. "Do I really dare?...I've been working on this spell for a while, now...And, I believe it's ready to be tested...Oooooh, just look at all that flesh to snap onto...It would be amazing... Maybe I can get more level with them this way as well...Oh c'mon, Twi! Might as well 'take advantage' of this occasion too. Hopefully..."

Twilight bit her lip. She swiveled around and looked to see if anypony else was around. Seemed as though Spike was goofing off somewhere deep in the castle, again. Everything was quiet. It was only the three friends.


"Yes, Twilight?", they asked in unison.

"...Since you both seemed to have shared an...'interesting' experience with a fetish...I...Would it be okay if I confessed mine, and...shared?"

Pinkie Pie giggled and smiled wryly at Twilight. "Aw, Twilight. You know I'm all ears. And, we could have even more fun, together. Heeheehee. Besides, I'm still hungry. I could still go for some special treats from Starlight.", she winked at Starlight. Her belly growling with hunger as she pat and groped it.

Starlight blushed and bit her own lip, but tried to express assurance to her mentor. "S-Sure thing, Twilight...Besides...", Starlight abruptly stopped to keep this thought to herself, "I kinda knew you were hiding something weird. Might know what it is, too."

"Besides what, Starlight?", Twilight asked, catching her slip up.

"Oh-uh...Nothing, Twilight. I agree that we shouldn't keep these things to ourselves if we want them, at this point. So, what's your kink?"

Twilight's awkward - borderline creepy - smile gleamed in anticipation of what was to come.


"Well, as you girls both know, I am a stickler for learning the many possibilities that magic can bring to light. I've researched and tested many a spell since I first got my cutie mark as a filly. And...well...", she blushed, "There is some magic that exists for the sole purpose of fulfilling....questionable desires..."

"C'moooon! Just get to the point, Twi! We both wanna know your dirty little secret! Heehee.", Pinkie squealed.

Twilight harrumphed indignantly while blushing even brighter, "Of course, you don't want any explanation! My words mean nothing to you! J-Just-uh.....try to stand up, Pinkie."

"Oh. Okie doki...Lemme just-hrng-UFFF!", Pinkie rocked herself back and forth on her big, malleable booty. Her entire body rocking like some giant, inflatable weeble wobble. Belly slapping the crystal floor noisily. She huffed and groaned exaggeratedly, and made a big show of herself trying to get onto her hooves. Starlight shuddered while Twilight rolled her eyes and smirked, knowing full well that Pinkie could easily get back on her hooves and was just trying to set Starlight off some more. She finally rolled onto her belly and stood up with her chunky legs, causing her flab to ripple all over. She huffed and mewled from the exaggerated exertion. Her gut was mere inches away from grazing the floor. She eyed Starlight coyly and shook her hips to cause her flab to sway as she stood. Butt and belly swinging far out from right to left. Starlight blushed and smiled crookedly from Pinkie's wobbly display.

"Mhmhm. I see we're really committed to the pleasure of this moment.", Twilight giddily goaded. "Welp, here goes nothing!"

Twilight began to cast a spell. Looking like a pretty standard affair for her. However, her magic surrounded herself until the lavender aura began to gleam brighter than normal. Humming and sparkles and pops got louder as the magic became almost blinding, obscuring Twilight's form. Starlight raised a leg to shield her eyes as she tried to observe what Twilight could possibly be casting. All while Pinkie just oohed in wonder while her eyes shimmered with the reflection of the intense light. The mass of magical aura then shot towards Pinkie Pie and enveloped her in the brightest blast of light. Soon, it all ended. The sound of crackling magic dust began to fade.

Starlight put her leg down and blinked away the slight irritation in her eyes. Her eyesight gradually became clearer as she looked at the pink blob that soon became more defined.

"...Uh...huh? Really? Is that all? Well, I can't say I could complain about this. Love it, in fact."

Starlight stared at Pinkie Pie in clear approval. She was now wearing a snug, laced, single piece lingerie with a fishnet pattern hugging a lot of her barrel. The flab the fishnet pattern hugged was bulging through the gaping openings. The straps wrapped around her from her fattened chest all the way to between her prodigious plot. It wedged right in there. The various laced straps held rather tightly around her limbs and folds, with more dense fishnet material enveloping her chunky legs like stockings. Twilight even had it colored the same as her own coat and mane. It matched nicely with Pinkie's own.

"Well, Twilight. This is a pretty tame fetish, if you ask me. But, Pinkie looks pretty darn sexy in that lingerie, I must say."

Pinkie Pie spun, wobbled, and strut about to get a good look at herself. "Ooooo! I agree, Starlight. I feel sexier in this thing. Feels all nice hugging my blubber too! I gotta say, Twilight has good taste! Uuuh...but...", Pinkie then began looking around in mild confusion.

"But what, Pinkie?"

"Where'd Twilight go?"

Starlight curiously looked around the room to see where Twilight might be hiding. She really seemed to have disappeared. "Really, Twilight. You can come out. There's no reason to be embarrassed for liking mares in lingerie. Honestly, it's gotta be one of the least embarrassing things I could think of being into. Was sure this spell was gonna be weirder..."

"Ooooh yes! PANT...It...It worked...Ooooh...This is amazing!"

Pinkie and Starlight heard Twilight's voice moan with pleasure, but it sounded strangely distorted, and certainly much closer than her not being present in the room. Their confusion was that much greater as Starlight spun around to spot her, with Pinkie trying to do the same with a ponderous, shuffling motion that made all of her fat wobble elastically in the confines of her new clothing. They could both even hear a subtle whining of the fabric as Pinkie's luscious lumps' movements fought it for daring to contain them.

"Unnnf! Every movement!...I can feel every part of myself stretching and folding...Ooooh. I'm enveloping all of your bulging, wobbling corpulence with every fiber of my being, Pinkie!"

They heard her loud and clear. Starlight's eyes widening with realization as she scanned Pinkie Pie's new 'lacing'. Pinkie was still rather confused, but giggled playfully.

"Oh, Twilight. If you wanted a big ol' hug like that, you could've just asked! No need to do it invisibly, you silly! Don't be shy now!"

Starlight Glimmer stepped towards Pinkie Pie, reaching a hoof up. She prodded and rubbed directly around the lacing on Pinkie's fluffy barrel and engorged flanks. Pinkie cooed while looking back towards Starlight. But, she wasn't the only one who cooed. Twilight's strange voice was heard. Pleasured vocals reacting to the tender touch of Starlight.

"Pinkie...This...The lingerie is Twilight!"

Pinkie stared at Starlight. She then flopped down onto her rump suddenly. Her bountiful butt spreading on the crystal flooring. Her great belly and everything else bouncing. Ruffling up and stretching the lingerie congealing over these flabulicious aspects. She looked down at herself dumbly, her chubby cheeks and neck fat encroaching her snout and vision.

"Oh...Wow...", Pinkie looked on in wonderment. "This...This is...positively...totally...utterly...absotutely...", Pinkie began gyrating in place, causing more wobbling. Causing Twilight Sparkle to groan in ecstasy as Pinkie bounced up excitedly. "NEATOOOO!!!"

"UUUNGH! AAAAhh!! OH, Pinkie! YESS!! Huff...isn't it?! Isn't it great?! I've personally crafted this spell myself!! So far, I-I've only been able to t-test it on objects! You're my first experience performing it with somepony else. Ooooh, and what a subject to try it out on!"

This spell succeeded beyond Twilight's ambitions. She had truly never felt something quite like this, and it felt even better than she had imagined. She had been fantasizing what it would be like to mold her body around other ponies since getting into more physical contact in her life in Ponyville. A deeper hug than what was normally possible. It had become a rather neurotic fixation, then turned into an outright erotic fantasy.

With how often her free time is spent in learning magic and other worldly subjects, she had certainly learned that many interesting things were technically possible. Most ponies simply don't care to explore these possibilities. Or, maybe they simply weren't as freakishly curious and 'eccentric' as she was. With increased magical capability becoming an alicorn has granted her, you better believe she has been theory crafting around a lot of esoteric things.

One day, it came to her: What it could feel like to be Rarity's various ensembles, as the theoretical possibilities in magic craft gave her an epiphany. It was already possible to transform one's self and others into various objects known in day to day life. Rocks, plants, various pony made things, etcetera. She had then begun expanding her knowledge on clothing; something ponies only really cared about for fashion purposes. Learning of the various materials, forms of clothing and how to replicate them, she got to experimentation with fabrication spells. Then she simply applied that to transmogrification magic. Twilight had been testing it on herself and other objects for a few months now.

Starlight chimed in, still rubbing away at Pinkie's sides. "So, I guess my theory was sorta correct. Y'know, Twilight, you're not exactly the most discrete when it comes to your experiments."

"Mmmm...Y'know what, Starlight? I don't think I really care at this point. I-UNF...I can do what I want as an alicorn princess, so long as I'm not hurting anypony, right?""

"Hmmm yeah. You're not wrong. Honestly, Twilight, you might've made yourself a masterpiece here. This is fantastically hot. As absurdly pervy as it is. Eheh."

"I'll ignore the last part and take whatever compliment you have. Sigh...I never would've imagined the first pony I'd do this on would be one of my friends, and especially not somepony so overweight. This is truly a game changer!"

Caressing every bulging curve; every one Twilight felt was pushing out harshly against her transmogrified form. Pretty much trying to burst right out of her grasp. One would imagine it hurting, but it was actually electrifying.

"Girls...I...I want to feel more resistance! The tightness I feel from Pinkie's fat fighting against me is amazing! I bet it would be even better if she were bigger!"

Starlight looked concerned, "But, what happens if you erm...tear?"

"Don't worry. I don't think it'll hurt. And as long as I'm not disintegrated or anything like that, I can reform back to normal."


"In that case, commence feeding again, Starlight! Please. I'm dyin' over here!" Pinkie Pie whined.

Starlight grinned wilily, "Don't you fret, Piggie Pie. I was never gonna leave you hungry."

And so, the food conjuring continued. This time, with both of them being unconfined to Pinkie's map chair, Starlight Glimmer was able to appreciate more of Pinkie Pie's body as she kept up the feeding on the wide open floor of the Cutie Map chamber. She helped Pinkie up off her rump to be able to get up close and personal with said rump with her upper body and face. It was certainly massive by now, and would be growing by the minute. Those cheeks had become so full, that they reached over Starlight's head at their apex. Starlight stood on her hindlegs and hugged as much huge booty as she could, submerging her head between it with her tight embrace. Pinkie twitched and jiggled, yipping and moaning with her mouth constantly full of confections. Pinkie blushed, but she didn't complain. Starlight felt half of herself cupped by two perfectly soft sacks, her glowing horn poking out from the top of the crack. Nestled like a hotdog in an extremely oversized bun.

Twilight's own noises overlapped as the constant fondling and frequent compounding pressure from Pinkie's expanding body stretched her form. The parts of her enveloping Pinkie's entire midsection in particular were feeling the 'burden' especially. In real time, the fabrics around those areas grew tauter as Pinkie inhaled the magically flying sweets like a machine. Her flabby belly and waistline ballooning at a gradual but consistent pace. The sensation feeling as if Twilight's skin was tied completely around an inflating beach ball bigger than herself, but as she was physically stretched by the action, the nerve endings in her skin were being aroused sensually with great intensity. It was certainly miraculous how pleasurable this was. It probably had to do with Twilight's own personal touch to her transmogrification spell to make sure pain was dulled.

Twilight's loud involuntary sounds were joined by the audible groaning of taxed fabric. The softball sized lumps of food travelling down Pinkie Pie's gullet being highlighted by the fishnet lacing around her tummy crying out in the struggle to contain it. As strange as it was to audibly hear the lingerie she was wearing physically and vocally react to her fattening, Pinkie Pie was just happy Twilight was happy. It made her feast feel like it had an ulterior goal: testing Twilight's body past its limits. She wondered what would happen when she burst out of it. At this point, Pinkie accepted how close to that reality she was coming to. Chewing, swallowing, her belly filling with scrumptious sweets. Pinkie felt like she might not want it to end. As full as she was getting, it was the best feeling she felt that wasn't hearing others laugh. She should be worried about it. But, she didn't care. It was tasty. Scarfing down and only getting a few seconds to belch and make room for the next wave was an addicting sensation she rarely got to partake in. Nopony had ever dared to really feed Pinkie quite like this.

The tight caressing of her butt concluded as quickly as it occurred. Starlight now opting to slightly levitate her off the ground. Her belly button was ever so slightly kissing the ground just before this after guzzling down indiscernible dozens of pastries. She was gently put back down, and her stomach now covered and enveloped Starlight Glimmer's whole body up to her chin. The sudden pressure causing Pinkie to yelp before a massive gas bubble rocketed past her lips as she looked down at Starlight's enamored eyes. Pinkie Pie began to moan the loudest she had all day. Her face heating up, eyes lidded as she grinned sensually at Starlight bellow her. Her tire neck and cheeks framing the gesture to create a truly precious visage. All four of Starlight's legs roamed and rubbed along as much circumference as they could reach as Pinkie's now pony engulfing gut sandwiched Starlight firmly between itself and the crystal floor. Some more sweet buns floated into the view between them.

Pinkie decided to rest her hooves off the ground and have her whole weight bear down on Starlight - her belly spreading further over her and her muzzle. A couple hundred pounds of lush pink plush weighed on Starlight with a sweaty warmth that made her whole body tingle rapturously. Pinkie opened her cavernous maw wide over Starlight's line of sight. Inviting the big bundles of fattening sweetness in; their muzzles close together. Pinkie's hot, sweet smelling breath making Starlight's face redden. The buns went up and in, Pinkie's maw engulfing them whole, cheeks expanding greatly as she chewed fiercely for no more than two seconds.


The great lump travelled down against Starlight's face, Pinkie's gullet puffing out to press down on her head. The pressure against her body increased as she felt another load swell the fat, pink stomach over herself more. Cheerful rumbles reverberated against her as the beast purred with satisfaction.


Twilight Sparkle screamed in ecstasy like she had been rutted by a large stallion. She was audibly gasping and panting afterward.

"GASP!...PANT!...Huff, puff....B-best...experiment...EVERRRR..."

That certainly affirmed what Twilight had said earlier. Some wide holes opened around pockets of fat that the fishnet of the lingerie could not contain. But, instead of pain, orgasmic pleasure coursed through her form. A rumbling, slightly subdued belch hit Starlight in the face. Pinkie giggling and snorting after all the noise.

"Sounds like everypony is havin' a grand ol time! This is what it's all about for Pinkie Pie, party pony extraordinaire!"

Not even a second after the exclamation, Pinkie's pie hole was crammed with an oversized cream filled donut, some of the cream dripping down onto Starlight's forehead. On and on it continued. More of Twilight Sparkle's form tearing and stretching into orgasmic shouts from her ethereal voice. After enough rounds of food, Starlight's horn glowed with another metabolic spell. The telltale churning within Pinkie's core began, her tummy visibly bubbling under her as the tautness of it ebbed away in favor of the rest of her filling out further. Starlight groaned as the gastric vibrations practically massaged her whole body, the pressure of Pinkie's weighty paunch giving her even more immersive sensations. While Pinkie's barrel widened and pushed her prone legs out, the holes in that fishnet coated area of her lingerie tore further as well as the area around her ass as it inflated wider and rounder. Now the strappings that pulled Twilight Sparkle together were buckling with exertion over the thickening limbs and ballooning backside.


"OOOOOOAAAAAAAH!!!!", Twilight howled louder than ever in her life.

Then, in a series of loud snaps and bangs, Twilight's fabric form's various strappings burst violently off of Pinkie Pie as her weight and size nearly doubled in seconds. What was left laid limply over the bulbous fatty until it began shimmering. Twilight Sparkle reforming back to her alicorn form - lying on top of Pinkie's broad back in an exhausted, sweaty heap. Her wings prone along the width and not even touching the floor due to the girth they hung around. Starlight Glimmer was now completely overtaken by Pinkie Pie's titanic barrel. Pinkie's billowy legs spread out enough to be lifted off the ground forcefully by her belly by almost a foot in height. Her neck fat grew thick enough to completely cushion her head with her softball sized jowls heavily framing the rest of her face. Twilight Sparkles back legs were resting upward a bit as Pinkie's enormous buttocks rose higher than a large stallion standing. Tail being almost devoured, Pinkie's ass was now wide enough to take up three chairs with a crack you could get lost in. It was probably nearly as wide as her own bed back at the bakery. Each cheek rotund enough for a whole mare to curl up inside.

"Buuurrrarrrp!...Gee...I don't think anypony is as big and well fed as me.", Pinkie grinned bashfully, blushing profusely.

"Huff....haff.....sigh.....gasp....Starlight....Maybe...Maybe your taste - cough - in warranted...", Twilight threw out in exacerbation. She gave one last breath before her head slumped onto her friend's cushiony back fat. Eyes closed for a temporary rest.

With a POP! Starlight Glimmer's head emerged from under the front of Pinkie Pie's impressive girth. Starlight gasped intensely for air for a few moments. She proceeded to growl roughly, wriggling her front legs strenuously. She gradually wriggled half of her body out from under the tremendous countenance, causing rippling waves along Pinkie's barrel with each struggling motion. Starlight's mane flopped on the floor matted with sweat. She laid her head back, front legs laid outstretched on the crystal flooring.

"Huff-HAH! Th...Thank you, Twilight...sigh...", she looked up at Pinkie's engorged visage. "And thank you again, Pinkie."

She smiled sensually up at her bloated piggy. Golly, she was big! Starlight was able to feel just how densely fluffed Pinkie was with her whole body. She was lucky she was able to withstand it all without passing out completely. Starlight kept it to herself, but admittedly, she would've gladly passed on under Pinkie Pie's glorious body if it came to that.

Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and gave Starlight a broad, adorable grin that looked especially so with the extra dimples framing it.

"No problemo, Starlight! Stuff like this is what I live for!" She patted her ponderous paunch with her expanded forelegs, sending one last gelatinous ripple onto Starlight.

Starlight slid right out from under Pinkie by pulling away with her anchored hooves. She finally rolled over and stood upright. Then glomping Pinkie Pie's front especially strongly. Sinking herself into her with raw emotion.

"I guess I can get used to all of you in Ponyville after all."


Trixie Lulamoon gleaned her immaculate visage from within the reflection of herself in the large, golden door of the Castle of Friendship.

She gave herself an approving grin. "Mhmhm. Trixie certainly is looking her best. Perfect for a hang out with her dear friend, Starlight."

She took her time admiring herself before deciding to not even have the decorum to knock, opening the doors with her magic and trotting on in. Her hoofsteps echoing loudly along the way.

"Ugh. It simply isn't fair. I should be the mare with a lavish castle of such radiance to match my own. Oh well, I guess Twilight Sparkle deserves it more." She rolled her eyes, but ultimately smiled in jest. She no longer hated Twilight, but the twinge of jealousy was still there. Although Trixie felt as if she deserved the world, she as well as ponies around her liked to think she had humbled at least a bit. Having a friend like Starlight Glimmer made her feel like she at least belonged and made her realize she'd be okay being a 'modest' stage performer. Living day by day on not much more than what she could take from the audiences.

It didn't take long for her to reach the entrance of the Cutie Map chamber. It was essentially the central hub of this magic castle. Walking straight forward from the main entrance would always take one there. Without any hesitation, Trixie pretty much barged in loudly. Doors slamming the hard, mystical sedimentary walls. Creating an echoey raucous of immediate attention stealing fervor befitting the showpony.

"The Great and Powerful Trrrixie has arrived!", she exclaimed while sticking her forehooves skyward. A toothy smile highlighting her bombastic mood. "Starlight! You better have fun enough activities planned! For Trrrixie is...well, quite bored and bereft of any ideas of her own..."

After random chewing and swallowing noises concluded, Trixie was met with awkward silence. She finally took notice of what was in front of her, gawking in perplexity; a dumb look on her face. She stared at both Starlight Glimmer and the pink friend of Twilight Sparkle, and they stared back. Starlight was perched atop the pink one's shelf of a gut, while the pink one sat upright on the floor. Pastries floated above Starlight's head being held aloft by her magic. Last time Trixie saw the pink one, she was sure she was not quite so rotund. They continued to stare at each other awkwardly for what felt like minutes. But, the hyperactive loudmouth was of course the one to break the silence first.

"Heya-BURP!-Trixie!" She smiled widely and waved her flabby leg enthusiastically, causing her whole body to quake. Her belly audibly burbling from the movement. "It's so nice of you to join us!"

Pinkie Pie was her name, Trixie finally remembered. She was massive! Bigger than anypony she had ever seen. At least, in girth that is. Starlight sat several feet above the floor while on top of Pinkie's fat stomach that stuck out a few feet itself as it heavily spread across the floor. Her face nearly sunken by her chest, neck, and cheek fat. Her flanks had to be wider than her travelling coach, she thought. Legs as thick as tree trunks even.

"Er...thanks? This certainly...wasn't what Trixie could expect coming here. Hey uh...Starlight." Trixie finally said, grinning ungainly at Starlight.

Starlight returned the gesture with similar energy, putting a forehoof behind her head. "Hey Trixie...About time you showed up...", she uttered through gritted teeth.

Trixie rolled her eyes, "Trixie had to run a few errands today. Does anypony have patience these days?"

Starlight chuckled sardonically, "Like you're one to talk."

"Anyway...I'm assuming this is what you had in mind for our time together today? Playing with a pink pig of a mare?"

"Giggle-SNORT! I don't think so, Trixie! But, we have been having so much fun without you here!"

Pinkie Pie was silenced with an extra thick, ten foot long cream horn. Completely stretching her gaping maw around it. She groaned emphatically, the sugary creamy goodness pacifying her instantly. Her lidded eyes conveying a state of bliss unmatched. Saliva cascaded around it before she took a substantial bite, her wobbling cheeks hardly seeming to hold in the massive morsel. Then after a great, gullet inflating swallow, the behemoth pastry jammed right back in. Trixie was mesmerized for but a moment, then Starlight began to prattle as she stared unfocused on anything particular. Trixie also noted that Twilight Sparkle was also in the room, lying prone on the Cutie Map, seemingly asleep.

"Pinkie Pie came in here while I was waiting for you...Oddly enough, she wanted me to make her magically manifested sweets because...well...she was feeling very hungry today...She felt as if I could satisfy her craving. And well...I agreed to do it. And not just because I could..."

Her muted gaze befell on Trixie, her mouth wiggled as she buffered what she had to say next. Her muzzle held a stiff emotion as she annunciated, "I wanted to. I wanted to very, very badly." Her face flushed. "She...she encouraged me to give into it...and it has been glorius, Trixie! Twilight then stumbled onto what we were doing, and she herself was convinced to give into her own...f-fetish..." She looked down, eyes shifting nervously avoiding eye contact with her best friend.

Astonished understanding dawned on Trixie, a look of shock plastered on her face. "Ex...Excuse me?!" Her eyes shifted toward each of the three mares in the room in a comical loop until she felt a bit dizzy. She shook her head out of it. Then gave Starlight a devilish smirk. Such snark perpetuating from her own lidded gaze. "Hmhmhm...MUH-HAHAHAHA! Well, well, well...It seems as if we've found quite the activity befitting our hang out, today!" She exclaimed as if she had just earned a valuable prize.

Trixie sashayed towards them, her stomps echoing off the whole circumference of the chamber. "Oh Starlight, there is no need to fret!" Her eyes gave off a wild energy, lecherous smile gleaming deviously. She stood on her hindlegs to rest her forehooves on Starlight's. She looked hungrily, deeply into Starlight's eyes. "For Trixie is no stranger to bizarre desires herself. Needless to say, Trixie has been around the block as a travelling magician..." She flashed her eyebrows up and down at her friend, beginning to giggle haughtily. Starlight bit her lip and tried to look away. She was beginning to sweat, unprepared for this unabashed, uninhibition from Trixie.

"I guess I should've figured as much...She has been a travelling showmare before I even met her...Celestia knows how much she's done on bustling nights in some places...And she's just so self-confident and independent..", Starlight thought as Trixie diverted her attention to Pinkie Pie's encumbered face.

Trixie beheld Pinkie Pie's impressive capacity for the massive cream horn in her mouth. Pinkie winked at her, seeming to have paid attention to her words and advance. Pinkie began to hork down the thing rapidly. Like a switch in gears on a heavy duty machine, her gob devoured it with vigor one would think normally impossible for any pony. Engulfing, swallowing something way bigger than a pony could typically consume; it made Trixie think of some predatory beast ponies should be wary of. She was unaware that Pinkie Pie was capable of such voraciousness. She had a realization while observing the unhinged gluttony.

"Hmmm...Perhaps Trixie can further explore that feeling this way..."


"Starlight...Twas not long ago we met. That day when you helped the then Humble and Penitent Trixie succeed in her Equestrian Apology Tour...Resoundingly..."

Starlight gave Trixie an inquisitive look, "Y-yeah? We uh...sure became friends that way..."

Trixie closed her eyes in resolution as she idly rubbed her hooves playfully along Pinkie's meaty side. "Starlight was a pivotal assistant in finally achieving Trixie's grandest stunt...Hoofdini's Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive...sigh...I still do really appreciate you for it, Starlight..."

Starlight smiled down at Trixie, "I'm just glad I was able to make a friend I could relate with. As much as I can appreciate Twilight and her friends helping me out, I think you're truly my best friend. And I'd do anything for you."

"Indeed. I feel the same towards you, Starlight...I, however, bring this up not just for wholesomeness of course."

Trixie smirked coyly at Starlight. "It certainly was an interesting experience to say the least, meeting the literal jaws of doom, before you made it possible to escape a prey's fate." She drew Starlight's attention and her own towards Pinkie's ravenously operating gullet. Nopony noticed that Twilight began to stir, her eyes fluttering open slowly.

"The warm wetness lathered Trixie within darkness. The jaws and tongue of the beast pulling her slickly, as the esophagus sucked down with a gulp which reverberated over her skin." Pinkie's own gobbling noises highlighted what she was conveying. She sidled along Pinkie's belly as it expanded outward with each swallow. Starlight's eyes grew distressingly concerned, but she didn't interrupt.

"Sliding down the slippery tube, covered in the dissolving juices that matted her hair, Trixie unexpected thrill from it all." Trixie reached around the front of the massive pink tum. Pressing her head down against it as she rubbed against where the cavernous belly button resided. The cauldron of overdriven gastric activity bellowed and bubbled viciously back at her. She could feel and hear the activity so viscerally from within the fat swaddled sack, she began to get excited all over again.

Trixie bit her lip, then threw her head back, groaning loudly with need. Starlight herself was breathless as she gulped. A bead of sweat came down her cheek as she too bit her lip anxiously. Her eyes beginning to shrink from the dawning inclination exuding from her friend.

"ULP-UNF-GUUUUUUULP! Pant-pant-pant..." Pinkie had finally finished eating the biggest pastry she ever had in her life. Her belly pushed Trixie across the floor gradually as it was done. A quaking bubbling shook both Starlight and her, but Trixie only continued.

"For only the briefest of moments...Trixie's whole world became so steamy. A powerful eructation rumbling her to the core as the dark, pooled chamber vibrated around her. The mugginess swirling over her head."

"BUUUUURRRRARRRRARRRRRUUUURRRRRRP!!!!! SIIIIIIIIGH...Incredible..." Her gelatinous body rippled greatly from the sheer force of the blast, Starlight felt like she was on the biggest waterbed in Equestria. Pinkie lazed into herself as she stared contently up at nothing, her face cradling her head in a pile of flab. Trixie was goaded on by the sensation.

"Isn't it?...Just before the tingling of magic surrounding her lead to chill night air and a round of applause...As you can see...I still think about it...I still dream of it...I've...well...", Trixie blushed for a moment. "I've woken up from need to experience it more..."

Twilight Sparkle shivered. She heard what Trixie was saying with rapt attention. "I...I never would've imagined a pony fetishizing over being eaten.", she said with slight unease in her voice.

Trixie just shrugged, not perturbed in the slightest by Twilight's and Starlight's clear worry this information gave them. "Trixie was always a pony embracing the eccentric and exotic. Chasing thrill and excitement."

Twilight rose a brow at her. "The same pony who was deathly afraid of an Ursa Minor?", she snarked.

Trixie waved her hoof dismissively at Twilight, "Trixie is always getting braver. How could she without being afraid first? Hello, Twilight Sparkle, by the way."

Twilight rolled her eyes, but smiled at her. "I'll give you that. And, hello to you too, Trixie." She then put her hoof to her chin. "So - as I was kinda out of it just a few minutes ago - I can surmise you've been talking about when Starlight teleported you out of the manticore's stomach when you two became friends, this fetish was awakened in you, and now Pinkie's er...inequine voracity has made you want to be eaten by her, Trixie?"

"Erm...Indeed, Twilight..." Trixie said awkwardly. Her eyes shifted around, realizing the strangeness in the desire being known as it was spelled out so callously by Twilight.

"Hrmmm...Well Starlight, Pinkie, and I can certainly give you this experience. Safely, I might add."

Pinkie Pie did think for a few moments before saying her own thoughts. "Huh, I never would've thought somepony would ever want me to eat them. Not gonna lie, I'd rather nooot do that. It's a bit too much of a request, even for could be fun...So long as we can keep you safe and you could, y' taken out of my t-tummy..." Pinkie blanched a bit, but relaxed. She shrugged, as much as she could with her very fattened upper body and forelegs. "Anything to make somepony happy, I guess. Hmmm...I do wonder how you'd taste, Trixie."

Although Trixie bit her lip and shivered with delight at the thought, Twilight blanched in horror. Really hoping that Pinkie wouldn't suddenly get a taste for ponies now. A truly apocalyptic scenario played in Twilight's mind.

"Eheheh...on second thought, maaayybe we shouldn't go through with this...", Twilight added nervously.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Twilight. Like what I'm sure you were thinking - we can apply a heavy duty, full body fortification spell on Trixie. So that she can be inside of Pinkie's stomach without any issue, while she can also be able to feel the sensations she wants. Then, I just teleport her out just like I did for her stage trick." Starlight assured. "Besides, I promised Trixie we'd do something together today. And I'm the one who derailed whatever normal activity we were gonna have with my own depravity. If this is what she wants right now, I feel like I should help her do it."

"That's not my concern...", Twilight remarked. Trixie harrumphed at that. "Pinkie...I just need you to keep this in mind..."

"What, Twilight?"

"Please. Please don't start eating ponies, especially without their consent."

Pinkie squinted then burst out laughing. "PBTHH-EEhahahahahaha! Sure thing Twilight. C'moooon, you act like I've got zero self control or something. Besides, I'm sure it won't be my thing anyway."


"Enough talking. I want to do it!!", Trixie exclaimed.

Twilight and Starlight looked at each other for affirmation. After a brief pause, they nodded at each other. It was only fair. Leaving Trixie hanging after she had just stumbled upon a debaucherous exploration of their own indulgent desires, which had lead her to thinking that she could join sharing her own as well, would be wrong. Their own provocative uses of their magical expertise have been not only successful, but also safe enough. With their combined power, they could definitely conjure a complex enough layer of fortification on Trixie's body. One which not only would protect her from digestion and suffocation, but also one that would allow her senses to experience what she craved.

Starlight hopped off of Pinkie Pie's wide belly. At this point, it had to have been stretched out enough to easily house a pony. That last thing Starlight fed to her was far bigger than Trixie was as is. Its hard work could be heard from anywhere in the room. Visibly, Pinkie 's features bloated out further and further as her gut gradually shrank. It was as if it were making room for its most unorthodox meal. Another roaring belch from the pink blob was followed by an ominous growling that beckoned Trixie. Trixie caressed what she could of it, embracing it with as much of her body as she could. As if trying to push herself through its layers to be inside.

"Not to worry, Trixie will fill you up nicely in just a moment.", she cooed as she rubbed the belly as if it were her hungry pet.

Twilight and Starlight stood in front of Trixie and faced each other. They closed their eyes and concentrated deeply, until they touched horns as they began to spark with a magical charge. With the combined connection of their conjuring energies, they were able to share the envisioned particulars of the fortification spell. The sparks of their horns ignited spectacularly. The telltale humming and popping resonated loudly. A concentrated beam of light shot towards Trixie. It enveloped her with a blueish purple membrane that was visible for a mere moment.

Trixie stepped back and examined herself. "Hmmm, interesting. Besides the initial slight tingling sensation, Trixie feels no different." She poked her foreleg with a hoof and noticed a subtle, flickering ripple on the spot she poked. "Cool."

"Impressive, isn't it?", Twilight gushed. "With this, you can survive in almost any environment otherwise lethal to a pony. A spell only really possible with as much magic as we were able to conjure together, with mine and Starlight's heightened potency. Of course, it is temporary. Will probably last long enough for you to get your fill of the...being inside of a stomach thing you want."

"Hahaha! Maybe Trixie treated Twilight too harshly in the past. I am ever so glad we can be friends now." She batted her eyes at Twilight with an apologetic pout.

Twilight rolled her eyes and forced a smile. "Juuust don't push it."

Starlight grabbed Trixie with her telekinesis, lifting her up to the apex of the belly shelf she once sat on. She climbed up there with Trixie and blushed, rubbing her foreleg with a hoof and looking down bashfully. "Mind if I...h-help you out here?"

Trixie smirked smugly at Starlight. "Mhmhmhm. Trixie would very much appreciate the pink one's honorary feeder offering Trixie as just another morsel.", she said knowing that Starlight could enjoy feeding Pinkie Pie while servicing her own fetish. Their time together not being put to waste.

Pinkie Pie flushed and scrunched her snout as Trixie crawled towards her puffy face. The rumbling in her tummy betrayed her own reservations. "I...I'm not sure about this...but I could eat one last thing..."

"Just don't worry too much, Pinkie. Everything will be under our control. We don't want to leave Trixie out of our party, right?", Starlight insisted.

"R-Right...It would be against party protocol otherwise...", Pinkie rationalized.

Trixie inched ever so closely to Pinkie Pie's bloated features. Forehooves sinking into her neck tire, which transitioned to caressing her melon sized cheeks vigorously. She pressed her snout into Pinkie's, smirking all the while. Her sultry gaze attempting to disarm the party pony's reluctant disposition.

"~Open uuup! Here comes Trixiiie!~ C'mooon, pink fatty. We promise Trixie will be okay. And so will you! ~Trixie will make you feel nice and full.~"


With that, Pinkie poked her tongue out gingerly, licking Trixie's snout exploratively. Without any warning, but at the same time rather tenderly, Trixie's snout pushed into Pinkie's lips. Although she resisted for a moment, Pinkie's lips wrapped around the snout gently. Starlight was behind Trixie; her hoof against the back of Trixie's head, nudging her forward to feed her last treat through her feedee's maw. Pinkie's eyes looked into Trixie's alluringly as the taste washed over her. It was better than anypony would expect, yet it was hard to describe. Pinkie was beginning to get into the mood, and wanted to savor it. She was willing to swallow up Trixie much more slowly than most of her food. It felt quite special.


Pinkie joined tongues with Trixie. It was the oddest kiss both mares had the pleasure of enacting, but neither could complain. Starlight bit her lip and couldn't help but bring a hoof down south. Twilight sat there on the crystal flooring with her mouth hanging open, breathing through her mouth dully as she tried to process what she was about to witness. And, her listless stare never looked away.

Trixie put her hooves up to the sides of her snout to tenderly invite them between the slobbering lips, coaxing the elastic chops to make way for more Trixie. She felt the surprisingly well maintained teeth lightly brush against her forehooves as they made purchase in the party pony's mouth. Pinkie's muzzle parted further, slowly sweeping over more of Trixie's face. Starlight laid a hoof on Trixie's horn to tuck it in smoothly. It was nothing to Pinkie; the hard protrusion touching the roof of her mouth wasn't any more discomforting than inhaling Maud's rock candy. This also applied to the hooves. Ironically, Pinkie's body instinctually desired to swallow the pony whole that much more. It was a unique but tantalizing new experience for Pinkie Pie's insatiable self. The odd moan indicated her ecstasy, her desire to complete the task.

Trixie's line of sight was greeted with a moist, cavernlike atmosphere framed by the pearly white teeth. There was still just enough light to make out the uvula and surrounding contours of the esophagus's entrance, before the pitch blackness indicated the deeper tunnel leading inward. When their kiss ended, Pinkie's tongue left Trixie's to then cup her chin. With her whole face being engulfed, Trixie could even smell the sweet scents wafting - from the hot breath - of feasts preceding herself. Trixie was no less excited. If anything, her own need to dive in further escalated exceedingly as these sensations began to moisten her own nethers. She vigorously dug her hooves into the malleable insides of Pinkie's meaty cheeks to pull herself inward. Their exterior visibly puffed outward as Trixie slid her forelegs into the interior of each. Her ears and most of her head now past the jaw. A lot of her mane now lathered with spit.

Starlight reeled her free hoof back as she finished rubbing her own mound. She opted to start working on helping along the rest of Trixie's body by gripping her shapely hips. Noticing her friend's own apparent need, she decided to service her with her own tongue. Trixie yelped into the void of Pinkie's throat, but she certainly wasn't opposed to the sudden intrusion. She would have to thank Starlight and her friends for all of this later. She felt some pressure on her hindquarters as Starlight shoved her gently.


Pinkie's gullet reacted to the big pony head encroaching its space. Her brimful gob billowing with almost half of a unicorn mare. The foreign but pleasant tastes coming from the showmare's coat helped elicit positive responses from Pinkie. She visibly seemed like she was enjoying this final meal from Starlight's perspective. She seemed to be in hog heaven. Her massive tummy quaked with gastrointestinal desire as it allocated space. Pinkie whined hungrily, the noise engrossing Trixie's senses. The exhilaration caused Trixie to shiver anxiously; the need to press on mounting. They goaded Starlight on to push.


Trixie's whole neck, shoulders, and chest entered the passage. Her vision now very obscured by darkness as she was now on her way through the throat. She lit her horn to grant herself a better view of her journey. The slickened tube her legs and head poked into effortlessly stretched around them as each swallow from Pinkie and push from Starlight advanced her forward. A jolt of excitement wringing through her as she could see the organic tunnel open along with her travel downward. She wriggled and crawled down as her eagerness to reach her goal increased with Starlight shoving into her rear with her hooves and snout, gasping at the stimulation between her back legs all the while. With the pace accelerating, Trixie's belly glided over Pinkie's tongue. The delectable flavor invigorating Pinkie exponentially. Once Trixie's hips reached the lips, Pinkie's neck fat bulged against the two friends' hind legs. Starlight could feel Trixie causing Pinkie's layers to rise against her somewhat, the fruits of her feeding generating heavy breaths of arousal from the exhilarated unicorn. She couldn't help but thrust more forcefully than before against Trixie's buttocks.


Starlight felt her own front hooves slip into her gluttonous piggy's mouth, legs rubbing into her blubbery jowls. Pinkie licked both Starlight's legs and Trixie's loins heartily as much as she could, causing both of them to yell and cum before she executed her most powerful suction yet. Twilight Sparkle gasped in astonishment as everything climaxed to a close. The reality of Pinkie Pie swallowing a pony whole shocking her whole being.

"GUUUUUUUUULP-UUUULFF!!! - HAAAH!!!", Starlight reeled backwards - falling onto Pinkie's mattress like paunch - feeling it bloat up against her back as her best friend was deposited within it. "Hahf-H-HUUUAAAARRRRP!!!", it blasted out as Pinkie tried gasping for breath. Pinkie's body rippled at the force of her eructation, which was felt by Starlight as everything under her rumbled tumultuously. Meanwhile, Trixie felt herself fall and curl into the muggy chamber that was Pinkie's massive stomach. The burp right after she felt as a powerful draft rushing around her upward. A chaotic rush of gas trembling every part of herself as the chamber shrank slightly. It was truly incredible. She laid atop a massive, gooey ball that was a conglomerate of confection melting gradually to the acidic enzymes. Pinkie's exacerbated breathing she could both feel and hear so intimately, along with the fast beating of her hyperactive heart.

"PANT-Yes...YEESSSS!! Hahff! Trixie has done it!! Oh what a wonderful trip!", she squirmed in excitement, her limbs and head writhing to feel around her new environment.

The various begrimed textures, while overwhelming, were no less as pleasurable to feel as she had once dreamed. Her movements caused the active, overfed organ to groan and yawn as the gooey hill of sweetness began to shrink more quickly. Without initially intending to, Trixie realized she was triggering heightened digestive activity. She felt herself sinking down with the dissolving food, and also getting more space. The fortification spell shone as a shimmering mesh effect that coursed over all of her skin as all of the intense action beat against it. It proved to be operating quite efficiently, as Trixie could cleanly breathe as well as not feel any painful burning.

Outside, as Starlight laid on her feedee, she felt the squirming of her best friend and the gastric quaking it was causing. More lardy surface gradually expanding under her at the same time. She never knew this would be something she'd enjoy as much as she was right now, nor something she'd experience at all. She rolled over onto her barrel, resting her legs under her head and looking infatuatedly at Pinkie's bloated face. She saw the party pony's tongue lolling out as loud gurgles could be heard through her maw.

She gave Pinkie a serene look, a knowing smirk highlighting her own satisfaction. "So, is my big piggy happy now?"

Pinkie groaned with elation, the squirming inside and Starlight's crawling up to her blobby visage along her full and chorusing tummy outside giving her some of the greatest feelings she ever felt. She shook roughly as Twilight Sparkle's own hooves poked and prodded around her cavernous navel. At this point, Twilight standing on her hindlegs only allowed her horn to reach over her titanic tummy's apex. And Twilight was taller than all four of them. She couldn't help but join in by groping and rubbing the glorious mountain of adipose herself. She began rather timidly, but quickly just lost herself in the effort. Rubbing her whole body along it vigorously.

"Pinkie...I will admit, I don't mind admiring just how soft you are myself. And uh...errr. Belly rubbing will-uh aid in your digestion of course.", Twilight added bashfully.

"Ooooooh...Starlight...Twilight...Trixie...this was sooooo amazing...Best-BAAAURRURRP!-party ever...I finally feel full...", she uttered while blasting Starlight in the face with a wet belch. Starlight shivered in delight from it.

Starlight dug her forelegs under Pinkie Pie's humongous cheeks. They were not only now pretty heavy, but blanketed them completely. Her hindlegs swished in and out against as much as they could behind her. "Mmmmm. I definitely agree. You're really somepony extraordinary, Pinkie. We all have to thank you for it."

Starlight and Twilight continued their explorative groping and massaging of Pinkie's monumental body. It continued to soften and billow out further and further against them as the digestion of the mass of food continued. They seemingly fell into a flowing dance of pudge kneading. Trixie's environment gave her all of the unique sensations that came from it. From her friends' weighted touch against her confines, to the rushes of gas swirling up and around her, to the the mass of food melting around her, to the rising pool of fluid bathing her soothingly. Trixie was earning much from this fetish fueled escapade.

"It's oh so wonderful. I must also thank you all. Trixie would never be able to do this without your help.", Trixie said with legitimate compassion. Starlight and Twilight heard it, but it was quite muffled from the layers of fat the statement tried to travel through. It was heard more clearly through Pinkie's mouth.

Twilight smiled, "I'm always willing to help out my friends. Yes, I do consider you one now, Trixie."

Eventually, Pinkie Pie began to snore. Her now half a ton body providing her maximum comfort in her food coma. Starlight and Twilight decided to lay on top of her for their own nap - indicating the successful fetish party's conclusion. They'd make sure to get Trixie out as soon as they woke up.