I needed to protect you

by RealmOMFG

First published

Love can make a pony do some crazy things... A lesson learned all too well.

Those words kept repeating themselves in my mind. “Why him? Why him?” I kept thinking about his messy hair, or his uptight features, or his eyes. His eyes… They were off putting. I couldn’t help but look into his eyes and think he was up to something. Something you shouldn’t have anything to do with. Something wrong. Mischievous… evil. Of course that is one massive leap in logic if I’ve ever seen one. But something about that pony… I needed to make sure he didn’t hurt you. I knew I was being ridiculous, I vowed not to raise of hoof unless I was certain he’d hurt a single hair on your beautiful mane.

Heh… I guess I didn’t do a very swell job keeping to that vow did I?

Love can make a pony do some crazy things.

I needed to protect you

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“I remember the first time I’d set eyes on you. I don’t want to say it was love at first sight, as I know this does not exist. But you were, and have always continued to be absolutely gorgeous. I, a love sick fool never did have a chance, now that I look back on it. But the possibility that’d you’d notice me of all ponies was exhilarating. I began making routine visits to your boutique, always coming up with some sorry excuse. “I needed a new hat.” Or… “I forgot my measurements, and I simply must have them for future reference.” Some silly thing like that.

It’s really a wonder how you never picked up on my feelings. I did an awful job hiding it. Though perhaps you did notice, and you simply chose not to say a thing in order to preserve my fragile heart. I wouldn’t put it past such a wise, generous mare such as yourself to do a thing like that. But if you were in fact attempting to spare my feelings, why pray tell did you kick such dirt in my face... If you had indeed picked up on my slow beating heart.

Maybe you just didn’t know. But I can’t get these thoughts from my mind. The idea that perhaps you did know… and you simply don’t care. You shouldn’t care. Why would you? I’m being a selfish prick. Maybe it’s good you found another stallion. But why him? You deserve better. I’ve seen you walk around Ponyville with him. Real diligent looking fellow. But there’s something about him… maybe it’s the smug way he carries himself. He just doesn’t seem right. Or should I say… he didn’t seem quite right.

I’m not suggesting you should’ve chosen me. I’m not suggesting I was the obvious choice. I’m not saying you should’ve noticed my plight, and arranged your happiness around mine. But why of all stallions him?

Those words kept repeating themselves in my mind. “Why him? Why him?” I kept thinking about his messy hair, or his uptight features, or his eyes. His eyes… They were off putting. I couldn’t help but look into his eyes and think he was up to something. Something you shouldn’t have anything to do with. Something wrong. Mischievous… evil. Of course that is one massive leap in logic if I’ve ever seen one. But something about that pony… I needed to make sure he didn’t hurt you. I knew I was being ridiculous, I vowed not to raise of hoof unless I was certain he’d hurt a single hair on your beautiful mane.

Heh… I guess I didn’t do a very swell job keeping to that vow did I?

I began visiting your boutique even more often than before. Your friends warned you of my behavior. They insisted you talk to me. Ask why I always seemed to be hanging around, observing. You laughed that beautiful, and lovable laugh of yours, you assured them nothing was wrong. You shrugged off my behavior as nothing to be concerned about. At the time I was so happy you weren’t asking me to beat it. I was so relieved you hadn’t found my presence unnerving. Though in retrospect I suppose it would’ve been better for everypony had you asked me to leave. Maybe I would’ve listened. Maybe I would’ve come to my senses. Or maybe not. Love truly does make a pony blind. You’ll do anything for those you care about, I intended to do just that.

One day, after stopping by Carousel Boutique, having lied about wanting a cheap sweater, out the corner of my eye, I caught your new coltfriend lurking about. The bit of sense I had left within my love blind head, insisted I let it go. Insisted I didn’t follow. It was none of my business.

But I had to.

Carefully and quietly, I followed behind him, doing my best to stick to the safety and cover of the shadows. I followed him to some sort of alley way. Suspicious as all hell, I’ll tell you that much. The alley reeked of garbage, from the surrounding dumpsters, the smell almost too unbearable. With each hoof step, and small cloud of dust kicked up from the rocky ground beneath. He stood there for a good five minutes, not doing anything. Just sitting, as if he were waiting. I was just beginning to scold myself for being so paranoid, and got ready to take my leave, when suddenly a voice emerged from the alley opening.

“Good afternoon.” Came the voice, in a low monotone way. He begun addressing the stallion of my suspicions. “Glad I came when I did?”

“Damn straight. You took long enough though.” He stopped to lean in real close with the new comer, lowering his voice. “Rarity’s shift ends soon, and I can’t have her suspecting nothing, got it?”

“Got it.”

They exchanged goods. Mare-stealer over here gave this mysterious figure a good some of cash, in exchange, he received a small, wrinkled bag. You could point hooves all day, and say I jumped to some serious conclusions, and I did. But in my defense, this situation had red flags all over it. Anypony seeing this would have had some gears turning in their minds about all the terrible things that could’ve spawned from this situation. Of course I wasn’t gonna leap into action quite yet, I needed something more. I needed further proof this guy was up to no good. That he was dangerous…

That he could, or was intent on hurting you.

I think back on these feelings I had towards this stallion, and now… I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Given the irony of the whole situation. Though I’m not sure what my reaction is to the current circumstances, I know very well what yours must be, and though I intended to do so a tad bit later, I supposed now is as good a time to apologize for what we both know is gonna happen next.

I needed more evidence you say? Well what happened next certainly took the cake. Just then, your coltfriend, removes a small glass bottle from the bag. The bottle was filled with a strange liquid. Sort of a deep blood red color. Though it certainly wasn’t blood. What was it? Whatever it was, why would he be buying secret like this? Then it hit me… The substance in that bottle was dangerous. Or was it? Could it hurt you? Was it going to? I was sure of it. What he said next solidified this in my mind.

“She’s gonna be in for quite the birthday surprise when we pour a bit of this into her glass” He laughed. He laughed his infuriating, obnoxious smuggy laugh. “Hope you’re up for it Rarity my dear.”

It was in that moment I knew… I knew all my suspicions were true.

And I needed to protect you.. Or so I thought. I’m a joke.

As I now sit in this cold prison cell… I hope you understand I regret what I’d done. I stood over his lifeless body later that fateful night, pondering what had just occurred. I’d ended a pony's life, blinded by dumb love, guided by false emotion, and fueled by pumping adrenaline. I hadn’t actually meant to end his life. Maybe just knock him out? But in the heat of the moment… I guess the blood came running out. Of course… some part of me was relived. I was glad. Perhaps because I thought I’d just performed a heroic act. I’d saved you before it was too late. Or maybe I was happy because… I now once more had you to myself.

Whichever it may be, Rarity I ask for nothing more, than your forgiveness…”


Dear Princess Celestia

It has been a while since I’ve written to you, your highness, however with the events to have recently transpired, I felt this was as good a time as any to send a letter.

A few months back… I’d met a wonderful stallion, as I’m sure you’re aware. Even more so, I’m sure you’re aware the terrible murder to have taken place recently in Ponyville. Unfortunately the victim of this heinous act was none other than my darling.

Earlier this day, I received word that the killer wished to speak with me. At first, I was more that compelled to decline his offer. But… something told me it was worth looking into. This stallion had caused so much heart ache, not only has he caused me the loss of a loved one. But the family and friends of his victim as well. I needed to see what this beast of a stallion had to speak to me about.

Was is to gloat? To apologize? To explain himself? Turns out it was all but the former.

Apparently it was all over some silly bottle. What was in the bottle he had asked? It was a rare adult beverage all the way from the Crystal Empire. An extremely rare wine. This poor fool thought my lover was out to poison me, or whatever ridiculous accusation. This wine was to be his birthday gift to me… I only wish I was able to enjoy it with him.
Once our little murderer had finished pouring his heart out, being the hopeless romantic he is for me.. He actually had the nerve to ask of my forgiveness, and you know what?


I don’t forgive him. To be frank, I’m not sure if I ever will be able to. He murdered my lover, what reason would I have to forgive him? But Celestia.. I think I may be able move on. I’ve shed enough tears over this matter. I cannot forgive. But I think I may be able to forget. There’s no sense in holding on to the past.

Forgiveness isn't always easy. Nor would I say is it always needed. But never is it good to catch yourself lingering on things you cannot change.

I can only hope he’s learned a lesson from all this mess. A mess this certainly was. Perhaps once he gets himself out of that cell... I'll be willing to speak with him about this whole affair.

- Your faithful subject, Rarity.