> On The Bridge > by deadpansnarker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > On The Bridge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara knew that look as soon as she saw it. The loneliness. The heartache. The misery of somepony all alone in the world. It was exactly how she'd felt the day everything came crashing down, after failing to be reelected as Class President, alienating everypony in school with her haughty attitude and even losing her best friend into the bargain. Getting chewed out by her domineering mother afterwards only added to the feeling of despondency, and as she had trudged through town that afternoon, she could only reflect how so many other ponies around her, despite their comparatively modest lifestyles, seemed so much... happier. The problem was, she'd had no idea how to achieve that level of contentment herself, indeed the only moments she felt a slight frisson of pleasure was during her usual itinerary of belittlement and ridicule to all those around her. Somewhere in her young, blackened heart, she knew it was wrong to take her frustrations out on others, but it was the only way she could release hours of pent-up tension from having that mare bluster on about how to walk elegantly, how to talk properly, how to breathe in an acceptable way... Her situation seemed impossible, her future was set to be defined purely by her worth as an heiress, and Celestia help any stallion who ended up lumbered with her. But then, something truly amazing happened. Just when she'd hit absolute rock bottom that day, and the very world seemed ready to cave in on her, three tiny chinks of light appeared. These beacons of hope, formerly known as 'those losers' or 'blank flanks' had lifted her spirits when she'd just about given up on everything, shown her how to make proper use of the talent she'd always regarded as a curse and imbued in her the courage to pick a new path where she could make her own decisions, the right ones this time . Sure, it was going to be a rocky road, with plenty of potholes and bumps along the way. Her mother definitely wasn't best pleased, and even her far more subdued father was still coming to terms with the new filly living under his roof. It was something both would have to adjust to though, because this pony was not for turning. She had more friends now than she'd ever dreamt possible, ponies greeted her in the street as opposed to cowering in fear at her arrival and even her grades had improved dramatically as a direct result of her far greater sense of purpose. At this particular moment though, it looked like one of the trio that had been key to her fresh start was the pony in need of help. The first time Tiara had noticed something was amiss is when Apple Bloom came marching into the cookery class Diamond was participating in, along with Silver Spoon and some other green filly that she hadn't quite memorised the name of yet. It was weird enough to see Bloom solo... her, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed almost joined at the hip in everything they did. That sullen face as well though, most unlike the cheerful farm filly Tiara knew and formerly hated. These two separate observations troubled her immensely, and she resolved to launch an investigation into their root cause there and then. It's not easy to make pies while distracted, but Tiara kept her attention primarily focused on her morose prey throughout the arduous process. Besides, Silv was always the best cook of the duo, as befitted her culinary cutie mark. Diamond had only signed up for these lessons because she felt like she had to learn to do some things for herself, poor old Randolph had seen better days, and the rest of the staff at her mansion deserved a break from everything she'd subjected them to for years. Now however, her priorities had shifted past personal independence to the well-being of one of her new circle of friends. It was no great surprise to discover that Diamond's own lamentable attempt at bakery had end disastrously, with both Spoon and their new pale green acquaintance refusing point blank to even humour the pink filly by touching the vile concoction that her half-hearted labours had produced. On the other hoof, Spoonie's pastry-encrusted masterpiece was a delectable taste sensation that set her soul on fire, had a choir singing in her mouth and her brain teetering on the edge of nirvana. Mmm... ssssoooo good... Tiara thought, before realising there was another pony in that room who needed that sort of euphoria far more than her. Diamond turned around to the single worktop she'd had her eyes glued to all afternoon, fully intending to offer Apple Bloom a slice in a desperate ploy to relieve the farm filly's obvious depression, but it was now vacated. Come to think of it, she had seemed even sadder a moment ago, with her finished pie and yet nopony else to share with. She must have given up and left, Tiara concluded with a slowly rising sense of panic, I didn't see because I was caught in taste heaven. The pink filly then noticed something else out of the corner of her eye in the garbage... a freshly made pie, still exuding steam, that looked like it could have even rivaled Spoon's superlative creation. Smells awesome, too... Diamond noted ruefully. That did it. She wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but Tiara felt she had the right... no, the duty to intervene. There was no way that such a happy-go-lucky filly deserved to be dragged to the pits of despair like she almost was. Making excuses to her companions as to why she had to leave (they seemed to be too caught up in immersing themselves in flavour country, anyway) Diamond took off after Apple Bloom, determined to find out what was happening and assist in any which way she could. At first, Tiara thought that she'd lost her, but she soon spotted a forlorn figure standing on a bridge in the distance, staring into the water as if it would provide the answer to all of her problems, just like Diamond had on that day. The only difference was, Apple Bloom was yet to start crying like the pink filly had, though she seemed on the verge of precipitation. Tiara remembered her own teardrops making miniature ripples in the water as they'd landed, and resolved to not let that happen to her new friend. Diamond approached the brooding Apple Bloom with trepidation, unsure if she'd rather be left alone to deal with her personal issues. She decided to risk it, anyway. "H-hey there, what's up?" Apple Bloom jerked her head up and spun around upon hearing those words coming from the last pony she'd expected to see. A momentary expression of surprise appeared on her melancholy features upon scanning the visitor, but it soon passed. "Oh, it's you, Diamond. What do you want? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your friends back there? Don't let me keep you..." Bloom's tone was a mixture of defeat and resentment, and she slowly turned back to the water after she'd spoken, obviously thinking the conversation was now over. Diamond wasn't quite ready to give up that easily, although the farm filly's almost instant dismissal was a little demoralising. "Apple Bloom..." she started, as she leaned in alongside her new friend. "I-I was just thinking... where's the rest of your dorky entourage? Shouldn't you be off doing weird stuff together as usual? Like, something involving a rocket pack or jet skis, possibly resulting in the extinction of the town?" Despite the insulting undertone to the pink filly's question. Bloom couldn't help but smile. Same ol' Diamond Tiara in many ways, but at least she was trying to be cordial. "That's the whole problem. Now we've all got our cutie marks, there's no real point in carrying on with any of our old routines, so we've been spending a bit of time apart trying out new things. Scoots and Sweetie have been getting along jus' fine, but as for me... I've done whitewater rafting, fruit stomping, portrait drawing and now even baking, yet nothing seems to fit. I-I miss my friends, Di... b-but I'm not sure if they miss me..." Ah, now tears were beginning to emerge. Small yet noticeable patches of moisture appeared on the cusp of the farm filly's eyes, and it looked like the usually headstrong Apple was about to go into watery meltdown. Well, not if Diamond Dazzle Tiara had anything to say about it! She grasped ahold of Bloom's head, forcing the farm filly to face her directly, before engaging her in a stern voice that left no room for doubt. "Now, listen here. You three are perhaps the most irritating, bothersome, vexatious, cloying and dogged bunch of miscreants it's ever been my misfortune to meet. Being around you has been a never-ending trial of patience and restraint. Thanks to you nuisances, I've ended up hopping about in a bunny costume, covered in ink as a newspaper printer and a total pariah in the eyes of Princess Twilight. That's not even to mention the numerous punishments I received from my disappointed Mom when I got home, after my latest disgrace..." Tiara rolled her eyes and curled her lips backwards at the memories, a slight snarl emitting from her mouth. "Gee Di, way to make me feel better..." Apple Bloom remarked sarcastically, unimpressed with the pink filly's efforts at counselling. "Are you sure you haven't done this kinda thing before? You've got such a knack for it, I'm about to jump off this here bridge right here, right now..." "You're missing my point!!" Diamond seethed, trying to get through to the farm filly. "When you all foiled my plans, and forced me to accept my latest humiliating loss, you did it together! Many times I tried to break your mutual spirit, to sink your little friendship boat, to derive some sense of satisfaction from your eventual downfall. Not once did I even come close, and if that doesn't show how stubborn and pigheaded your bond is together, I'm not sure what does! Don't tell me I lost out in the Equestria Games flag waving contest and fell into that muddy puddle for nothing..." Apple Bloom began to see where Tiara was getting with this lecture and was touched at her concern, even though the delivery of her message possibly left something to be desired. "B-but what do we do next? We've helped you and Troubleshoes out with your cutie marks, but I'm not sure if there's any other pony in town that needs our guidance. We tried aiding Bulk Biceps earlier, but that didn't go so well... OW!!" That was sound of Diamond lightly tapping Bloom's head, although the farm filly would have said it felt more like a hit. "Um... hello? Is there anypony in there?! There's all kinds of ponies around town who could do with a helping hoof in their destiny. Take our class, for example. Think of how many blank fla... cutie mark impaired colts and fillies there are who might need your assistance, as hard as it is for me to admit. That's not even getting into the ones who have their symbols, and don't know what to do with them. That creepy super-strong filly with the porcupine, for instance... what's that all about?!" Apple Bloom concentrated hard on Tiara's harsh but fair words, and the more she dwelt on them, the more they made sense. Her and the fellow Crusaders' friendship was truly one to be cherished, and it would take much more than a bit of time apart to bust up such an unbreakable trinity. She was also worrying over nothing regarding their future role, as there would surely be plenty of opportunities to put their newfound multi-coloured shield marks to the test, both locally and perhaps even worldwide. All they'd have to do is achieve parity with the six grown-ups on that darn map at Twilight's castle. Just imagine... a feather, a chord and an apple floating in mid-air above some far off destination, that would be so sweet... Judging by the effusive smile that had suddenly lit up Bloom's face, Diamond knew that her work here was done. While the farm filly was in the middle of her daydreaming, it would be best if she slipped away, after all despite her reformation, she didn't want to get a reputation of being too much of a goody-two-horseshoes. Silv and that other pony probably needed a hoof with the washing-up, anyway. Hopefully, she'd get stuck with drying duty, it was so much easier. As she tried to make her escape though, Bloom snapped out of her reverie and called out to the pink filly. "Hey, Di? Where ya going?! Don't you wanna spend a bit of time with me, and... what's that in your hoof?" "Huh?" Tiara glanced down, to discover that she'd been holding a plate with a piece of Silver Spoon's pie on it throughout her ultimately successful attempt at a motivational speech. "Is that for me? It looks delicious..." Bloom looked like she was about to produce moisture again, only this time it was thankfully salivating from her mouth rather than dribbling down her cheeks. "E-er, yeah..." Tiara fibbed, seeing as how hungry the poor blighter in front of her was." I felt sorry for you, seeing as how you threw away your perfectly good recipe. Are you sure you still want it, though? It's most likely stone cold by now..." "Cold, hot, fallen in a pig's trough, I'll take apple pie anyway I can get it! Now, let me at it!" Bloom literally snatched the dessert from Diamond's hoof, and stuffed her face without hesitation. "Mmm, tastes as good as it looks! Did you make this yourself? "O-of course I did!" Tiara wasn't sure why she lied again, after all, why care so much about winning the favour of a farmer's daughter. "I have many talents, besides leadership. Isn't it that obvious?" "That's great, because me and Granny Smith are making pies next week for the annual Apple family charity drive..." Bloom exclaimed with enthusiasm. "With your help, we should be able to make even more bits than last year! What d'ya say? Wanna help out a friend?" "W-what?" Bloom's offer had blindsided Diamond, as did the farm filly so casually referring to her as a friend. "I-I don't know..." "Pur-lease?! For the orphans?" Uh oh. Bloom was doing her patented puppy-dog eyes, from which there is no known defense. So, despite her reluctance at spending all day doing hard work in a kitchen listening to a geriatric waffle on about 'the good old days', Diamond Tiara had little choice in the matter. "Okay... Okay, I'll do it. Just promise me one thing." "Anything, Di." "If anypony needs their stomach pumped later on, don't blame me." "Deal... wut?!"