> What A Life: The Life of Dai > by Dustchu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What A Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So no luck in finding his parents?" Twilight Sparkle questioned the Foal Protection Agent standing before her with a quiet sigh. "No, unfortunately." The stallion responded, adjusting his glasses as he looked down at his clipboard. "Every attempt to speak with the young Dai about his parents, family or even his home results in him using foul language or outright ignoring us." Letting out a sigh, Twilight Sparkle looked outside her window into the town of Ponyville. Down below she saw Dai, the young thestral foal trotting alongside the crusaders. The three girls were as happy as could be, Dai however had that deep frown on his face, eyes a little bit narrowed as he followed alongside them. She wondered why he had to be so... persistant in his foalish ways of staying away from his family. Who knows how his parents are feeling right now... they have to be devastated because of how long he's been gone... nearly four years now. "I'm sure we'll find them." The agent nodded his head towards the mare. "It just takes time, your majesty." The princess just sighed, shaking her head slowly. "I'm not sure about that... but please try and find them, he needs to go back to his family." The stallion muttered a promise she tuned out before trotting out, followed by guards as she watched Dai walk with his little friends around a corner. She could only close her eyes, placing her head in her hoof and rubbing her forehead with a tired expression on her face. So much time has passed since that young colt wandered into town, stoic faced yet confused, asking for help wondering where he was. She was happy to help him... but so much changed afterward, learning his name and the fantastical tale he spun about being a human of all things, which she couldn't bring herself to believe. It was so strange he would weave such a story to her, a princess and have the utmost honest tone and expression on his face while telling it. He's so disillusioned by this fantasy he believes it himself. Twilight thought sadly, shaking her head before trotting towards the door. What A Life: The Life of Dai Written by: Dustchu The town of Ponyville was as vibrant as ever, ponies were out and about minding their stalls and shops, waiting for customers to arrive and buy their wares so they can fill their pockets with some much needed coin. The streets were filled with ponies, talking and having a generally good day, the sun was shining as pegasi were flying and keeping stray clouds away so ponies on the ground could enjoy the sunshine. Foals were out and about, playing in the parks and on the roads. Four such foals, were hanging out near Sugarcube Corner. One of which, was frowning. "This place is giving me diabeties just looking at it." A thestral colt with silver bangs and blue wings over a black body muttered next to an alabaster filly, who was sipping a drink while her two friends ate powdered donuts. "Oh come on now, Dai." Applebloom muttered past her donut. "T'ain't that bad." "This place is a literal gingerbread house covered in sweets..." Dai responded, poking a donut he was given. "Pardon me while I wonder how the pink one hasn't had her kidneys fail by now with how much of her own product she consumes." He commented before taking a bite of the donut. Chocolate... eh. Gulping down some of her food, Scootaloo looked towards the pink mare in question who was hopping all around, bringing out freshly baked food to the customers. "She's weird like that," A shrug was followed soon after before she added, "Pinkie can do a lot of stuff that's really freaky." "Dare I ask?" Dai questioned carefully, before he saw, to his shock, Pinkie Pie moonwalking back into the kitchen... but she was moving doing it in reverse somehow. "Never mind, I have enough of a headache as it is." "Why?" Sweetie Belle asked him, turning to look Dai in the eyes with her own pretty green ones. "Do you need to go to the doctor?" Dai shook his head rapidly. "No, I do not." He told her firmly, "I am just sick of having to deal with these FPS ponies, and Twilight's whole," He then made a face and altered his voice to mock Twilight Sparkle, "You're not a human silly colt, you're a pony and you belong back with your parents~" Once he finished, the three fillies around him giggled slightly. Along with a mare. "That's a good impression Daiky Wikey!" They all heard Pinkie chirp from behind the colt, causing Dai to bristle and nearly jump out of his seat. "Gah!" Dai whirled around in his seat, narrowing blue eyes at the overly bubbly pink mare. "Damn it PInkie!" He hissed at her. "How many times have I asked you not to sneak up on me!" With the brightest smile the mare could possibly muster, she looked Dai in the eyes and said, "Exactly 245!" She answered happily, grinning widely and causing her jaw to squeak slightly as if it were rusty. "And I like sneaking up on you Dai, you're cute when you're all mad~" Dai's eyebrow twitched slightly. "I am not... cute." "Yes you are~" "No I'm not." "Of course you're cute! Just look at your fluffy cheeks!" "Don't touch my face." "Come on, lemme hug you! You're so fluffy!" "No." "Buuuuuuut Daaaaaaaaaaaai." "I said no Pinkie." "Butyou'resofluffy!" "... Pinkie... why are you looking at me like that?" "FLUFFY!" "... Bugger." Dai shot up from his seat and darted out of the shop, followed by a squeeing Pinkie Pie declaring snuggles and hugs for all time. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom just ate their food and slurped away their drinks without a care in the world. With Dai, he was sprinting as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, instinctively flapping his wings as he heard wings flapping above him. "Whoohoo! Chase!" He hear Rainbow cheer, and a look behind him showed both mares now in hot pursuit of him. "Give me a break!" Dai cried, wondering what he did to deserve such a fate to be constantly chased for being, cute. This is the story of Dai... a former Navy Seal in the United States Navy back on his own homeworld. A former human as well, a deadly fighter, a warrior with blood that was as cold as ice. But now, now he's an extremely adorable thestral colt, that many in Ponyville find incredibly cute, much to his dismay. No matter how many times he tries to tell everyone about his past, what he was, what he did, no one believed him and just assumed he was a colt who ran away from home. Such is a life, the Life of Dai. > The Life of Dai - Dreams and The Block > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life in Ponyville had been a constant annoyence for young Dai, the former human warrior turned thestral colt had been at odds with Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. He had known her since she arrived in Ponyville itself, having been involved in most of the Mane Six's adventures, mostly because Twilight was responsible for him ever since day one. All of her friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and even Fluttershy were also responsible in not only taking care of him, but trying to find his parents as well. Kind of hard for them to do, considering they don't exist in this world. So all Dai could do was put up with everypony in the place, until they either left him alone, or he grew old enough to be able to take care of himself. Which, according to Twilight, would take a long time, seeing how his current age was somewhere around 10 to 12 years old. So he had another near decade or so before he could finally put this family business to rest. But he knew for a solid fact, that Twilight was too hardheaded and stubborn to give up, he knew that she would search the ends of this world called Equus for his family, even if it took her entire life, which considering she was an Alicorn... would be forever. But for now, we're off that, and instead we're going to focus on Dai right now... where he was dreaming. Of what? Nothing fun. Afghanistan - Kabul - 2026 Steady breathing... slow, almost non-existent as a single piercing blue eye peered through the glass of a very advanced looking rifle. The streets of Kubal were nearly empty, cars and trucks all burning, buildings all around the one he was in burning spires of concrete and steel as he slowly moved his sight towards the upper street level where he saw an overpass. There he saw a convoy of vehicles driving across, heavy military trucks carrying crates with technicals and a few humvees escorting them. I remember this mission... just months before... Dai thought to himself as he watched everything play out just as it had years ago. Dai steadied his rifle, listening to the sounds of jets flying over with a loud screeching noise, before the hiss of missiles being fired could be heard, along with a distant explosion in the skies above. He paid it no mind however, instead focusing on the gas truck that was near the middle of the overpass's support column, which according to intelligence should have been weakened by bombing runs. He could tell it was correct to some degree, as the concrete was split and missing chunks out of the middle and base. He was tasked with not only destroying the overpass, but killing any of the enemies he could before relocating to his second objective. He could hear his heart thudding in his chest, a drop of sweat making its way down his forehead as he remained as still as a corpse in the grave. He blinked, moving his crosshairs over the tanker and waiting until a jet flew overhead... he waited... and waited... The convoy passed right above the target point... A jet screeched overhead, flying low enough to drown out any shots... He slowly pulled the trigger... And then everything went black. Ponyville - 2030 Dai woke up, breathing heavily as his body shook and he stared up at the ceiling of his room in the Castle of Friendship. He heard the chirping of birds outside, the sounds of a few ponies yelling in the distance and foals playing. Sunlight peeked in through the window nearby, bathing his room in a yellow-ish orange glow as he continued to stare up at the ceiling. This had been his entire process for the past year now, dreaming of past missions on his world from when he was a sniper... that always left him waking up covered in a cold sweat and breathing erratically. He growled, smacking his lips before sitting up and looking around. His room was pretty small, big enough for a foal to live in comfortably. There was a nicely sized bed, a closet that didn't exactly hold anything in it except a small suit that was fitted for him whenever he was taken to formal events... mostly against his will. Other then that, it was pretty bland and empty, the way he preferred it. Back on his own world, his room, which was basically the same size only had a few small items of significant importance in it, which was a few posters and family items. But now... he had nothing, nothing except his mind. With a sigh, he climbed out of the bed, once more... falling onto his butt with a slight grunt. "Damn it." He cursed, standing up slowly and shaking his body, tail flicking to the side slightly. Can never climb out of bed without falling onto my ass. The colt groaned before heading to the door that led out of his room, upon reaching it he opened it up and went out into the very long halls of the castle. However he stopped, confusion evident on his features as he looked left and right... "Yay..." He cheered sarcastically, eyes narrowed in anger before turning left. He hated this castle, not for its eye vomit inducing color, or even the fact that it was massive... but more of the fact that he found it nearly impossible to find his way around. The last time, he wandered around for about seven hours, lost before he was found by Starlight Glimmer, cursing up a storm that made even her blush. But it seems he was in luck this time, as he spotted the colorful mare approaching, and smiling. "Oh, hey Dai, good morning." Dai just snorted, eyes half closed as he lumbered down the hall. "Mornin'." "Bad dream?" She asked him, turning to walk alongside him. "Nope." He replied, he didn't exactly feel the need to continue the pointless attempts to explain who and what he was to these mares. And he certainly didn't have any want to explain his dreams to the mare, his dreams mostly consisting of bloody murder, assassinations and explosions, stuff he knew ponies couldn't handle from how... fruity they were. Starlight made a face. "Oh... um..." She turned to look out ahead, clearing her throat slightly before asking, "Need help getting somewhere in the castle?" With a nod from the colt, he said, "Food." "Great! I was just heading there myself." Starlight said, before trotting out ahead of him happily with a smile on her face. The student of Twilight happily made her way down the hall, having lived here for a solid year she kenw her way around somewhat, and was happy to help the colt. What she didn't know however, was that Dai was not looking at the floor. Nice ass. Dai nodded slightly to himself as his blue eyes took in the nicely shaped rear of Starlight Glimmer, she was about on par with Twilight, but was slightly bigger and her hips were a bit wider. Over the past year since Dai and Sweetie Belle's... actions in the Everfree Forest, he's long since given up trying not to be attracted to ponies, and tended to sneak a peak any chance he got. It wasn't like anypony seemed to care that much, they were all naked and his eyes were quick to catch a glimpse of the treasures beneath their tails. Of course, that was mares only, and some may have seen this as rude and uncouth, but he didn't give a bigger damn what anypony thought of him. While he got a generous look of Starlight's nicely shaped ass and tight nether lips, Starlight continued to lead him towards the mess hall of the castle. Upon arriving there, he barely had enough time to pull his gaze away before he spotted Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie suddenly turn their heads towards him. "Hey, look who's up~" Pinkie waved, as Rainbow had a glint in her eyes. "Sup squirt." Rainbow grinned at him. "Changed your mind about my offer?" Dai rolled his eyes as Starlight went over to Twilight, who was writing something down as Fluttershy spoke with Rarity about something, and Applejack was cooking food. "Why would I want to learn how to fly? Walking is just fine with me." Twilight took that moment to look up and over to Dai, as Applejack hummed a tune to herself. "Flying might be a healthy thing for you to do, your wings might end up being too weak to fly at all if you don't use them enough." "... And?" Dai retorted, taking a seat at the somewhat large table and staring at the alicorn. "I don't want to fly, so why should I care if my wings grow too weak?" "Dude, flying is awesome!" Rainbow chirped with a wide grin. "Its so cool, I don't see why you wouldn't!" Dai turned to face Rainbow, giving her a flat look. "I don't have any need to fly, I can walk just fine." In truth, he has never wanted to fly in his entire life, perhaps when he was a child he had a small desire to fly but over time that want to fly had grown stagnant and disappeared entirely. Rainbow continually brought it up, saying she would teach him how to fly whenever she got off of work and had the time. She always brought it up just about every day, offering him flying lessons, and he didn't exactly feel keen on taking them, considering he'd probably fuck up and fly into a tree... again, like with the crusaders and their dangerous contraptions they always seemed to have on hand for their ridiculous attempts to get their cutie marks. "Oh come on Dai, you sure you don't want to learn how to fly from the one and only Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow asked Dai again, grinning widely. "Equestria's fastest flyer and Element of Loyalty~?" Once again, Dai just rolled his eyes and turned to the table before rubbing his eyes. "I don't want to fly, Rainbow Dash, so just stop asking me." He told her, missing the dejected look she gave him before she hid it and turned to Pinkie Pie. Snorting, he just sat back in the chair he was in, rubbing his snout now before turning to look at the apple farmer, who he had to admit had the most fantastic ass of all of the ponies' he's ogeled by far. "What's for breakfast?" he asked her, admiring her perfectly toned hind legs and rear. Years of apple bucking have turned both her legs and ass into something that mere words could not discribe. "Hay fries and pancakes! With some apple syrup to add onto them." Applejack announced, whistling a little tune as her hips swayed a bit slightly as she cooked, unaware of Dai's subtle gaze beneath her blonde tail. Fearing a possible boner in front of them all, he averted his gaze and looked at the table in front of him. Now he had to figure out what he wanted to do today... 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 After having breakfast, once more cementing the fact that Applejack is a damn good cook in his opinion, Dai had left the castle shortly after everypony else did and was out wandering around Ponyville, for no real reason other then to just walk around. His face was relaxed but pensive as it always was as he walked through the streets, passing by ponies who paid him no mind as they went about their day. Many had eyeballed him on the first couple of weeks he was here, because of his race and some had begun making fun of him and taunting him, including a filly duo named Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. He accused them all of racism and threatened to write the Princesses in Canterlot about this situation, they didn't believe him... They most certainly changed their minds the next day when both Princess Celestia and Luna came to Ponyville, and remedied the situation. Nopony fucks with Dai... nopony. As of now, Dai had made his way through the crowd of ponies in the main street, blue eyes taking in all of the stands and stalls selling goods, ranging from food and drinks, to various knick knacks and other items that didn't exactly spark his interest in the slightest. It wasn't as if he had the money to purchase anything if something did get his attention to begin with, as such, he continued on his way, ingoring most of the ponies who gave him hopeful looks when he passed on by. Eventually, the young colt ended up at Rarity's boutique, which doubled as her place of residence. Do ponies here make a habit of living where they work? He wondered, he understood Applejack, but not Pinkie Pie or Rarity. He shrugged however, opening the door and going inside where he was greeted with the faint purfume laden room and the clothing. The ponyquins always freaked him out, manniquins in general always disturbed him because of how they looked. He couldn't count the amount of times he almost shot a full magazine of ammunition into one back on his own world because they gave him a spook. "Hey... Sweetie?" He called out, Rarity wasn't home course, and he hadn't seen Sweetie Belle in a while so he figured he'd hang out with her. Between the Crusaders, Sweetie Belle was a good friend... and not because the two had super secret sex on a somewhat regular basis... The clip clop of hooves giggidy sounded, and eventually Sweetie Belle appeared, frowning a bit before she caught sight of Dai, then a wide smile appeared on her face before she galloped down the stairs. "Hi Dai!" She squeaked before plowing into him, knocking him onto his back with a slight squeak of his own. "Gah!" He chirped out in surprise, he should have been expecting that, but alas... "Sweetie!" With a giggle, Sweetie straddled the colt and stared into his blue eyes. "Sorry~" She said, still smiling as her tail wagged behind her like a happy puppy who's owner just came back home... after a few minutes of being gone. "So, what are you doing here Dai?" The thestral colt shrugged, while he was a bit worried somepony might come in and... spot them, he didn't care that much. "Just wanted to see my friend, that's all." He told her, giving her a tiny smile. A smile that she loved seeing on his face, no matter what. Smiling back at Dai, she leaned down and nuzzled his cheek, an action he slowly but surely returned to the filly. "Well I'm glad you came over! I was getting bored." She told him, pulling away to look him in the eyes again. "Apple Bloom's too busy with chores, and Scootaloo's doing something with her step-dad, so I'm all alone... and bored." She muttered, puffing out her cheek cutely as a hoof was placed on his furry chest. "Bored?" He parroted, before his own hooves found their way onto Sweetie's hips near where her cutie mark would be, if she had it that is. "I... got an idea how to fix that." Sweetie's eyes had a sudden shine to them before her smile returned full force like a derailed crazy train carrying a bunch of pony loving goobers... Oh wait. "A-are you talking about... uh..." Sweetie started, only to tap her hooves together and making a tapping noise. She got her answer when she felt something slowly making its way up her furry belly, slowly but surely growing stiff. "O-okay!" She chirped, her breathing suddenly shaky as she glanced down. Dai gave her a tiny smirk. "As much as I'd love to take you here and now, I'm not sure Rarity would appreciate the uh... mess we leave behind, hehe." He told the filly straddling him before getting up, causing her to slide off before he suddenly scooped her up and onto his back before trotting towards the stairs. Sweetie had the most excited look on her face as she held onto him, tail flicking back and forth in anticipation as she felt a growing heat in her nethers. Her tiny pearly white horn took on a pinkish hue as well, something that went unseen by Dai as he quickly ventured upstairs to the filly's bedroom, upon reaching it the door, Sweetie quickly opened it up and shut it up nice and tight after they went inside. Sweetie's room was pretty normal for a filly her age, it had a nice looking bed with plush pillows, a vanity and other filly related items that no one cared to read an entire paragraph of words of it. Dai allowed Sweetie to slid off of his back onto the floor, and he quickly whirled around to face her before wrapping his lips around hers in a kiss, once she eagerly returned as the fire in her loins built up. Her heartbeat quickened as Dai pushed his tongue past her lips, mingling with her own as a tiny moan escaped her. If there was anything she loved the most in the current world, it was the taste of Dai's breath and his lips on her own. To her, he was a delicious little colt and she was glad she stumbled on him in the woods that day. She honestly didn't know what they would be doing otherwise... She felt him push her back against her bed, which she allowed to happen as she ran her tongue over his long fangs, shuddering as he pulled away. The young filly realized her eyes had closed at some point during their kiss, and she opened them to find Dai's wonderful blue eyes locked on her own, with a blazing fire in them that took her breath away. The colt pressed up against her, his muzzle pushed against her neck as he inhaled deeply, before placing a kiss on her neck. It wasn't long before he suddenly moved her back onto the floor, making her lay on her back. The filly grew curious at what he was doing, usually he would just kiss her and then the fun times happened, this time he was doing something different. "Uh, D-Dai?" She squeaked out, watching as he stared between her legs at her tight little lips, currently dripping with her sweet smelling arousal. And Dai was gonna see if she tasted just as sweet. She watched as the thestral colt leaned down, before pressing his muzzle to her private parts, causing her to shiver from the contact as he inhaled her scent incredibly deeply. He continued to do so for a few moments, before she felt his silky smooth tongue poke out and touch her nether lips, "Eee!" She squeaked, shaking from the odd feeling but not exactly retreating from it. It felt... different from what the colt usually did during their little get togethers, it wasn't bad either... it was... "Ahh!" She yelped slightly, feeling his tongue brush over her sensitive little button. It felt fantastic~ "Ahh, hah, Dai!" She moaned out, feeling his tongue run up and down her nether lips, the warm appendage sending little pulses of pleasure coursing through her lower body. It was such a strange feeling, but it made her feel so good, "Ahh, that feels weird... but I like it!" She added quickly when Dai's blue eye gaze flicked up to her green one. Her hind legs twitched as Dai wrapped his arms around them, keeping them spread as he dug his tongue in deeper. "Mmm!" Dai expected Sweetie to taste just as sweet as her heart was, and lo and behold, she did. It was almost addicting how she tasted, so sweet and tantilizing he just had to dig deeper. He was no stranger to eating a girl out, back during his younger days he would often have a girl come up to him, a pretty young thing looking to hit it off with a talented sniper of the Navy Seals. Obviously things got a bit dirty later on, usually ending in a sweaty embrace and the faint taste of a girl on his tongue inside a hotel room somewhere. Probably not the most healthy of life styles to live, but what else did he have to do with his life? Shoot bitches obviously. "Mmm." Dai hummed in approval as his tongue reached farther within the tight filly's snatch , tasting the deepest parts of her treasure. Her juicyness flowed forward eagerly, running across his tongue and down his throat. He could feel his own arousal throbbing beneath him, his black rod pulsating as drips of pre-cum fell onto the floor. He wanted to stop what he was doing and shove it deep into Sweetie, but he didn't want this to end that quickly. He wanted to make Sweetie feel good, and he was willing to go that extra mile to do it. Dai continued to ravish Sweetie's tight little cunt, his tongue swirling around and making her squirm, moan and squeak whenever he hit a certain spot inside her. "Hhh, hah, hah," Sweetie breathed out, her heart beating faster the longer Dai went. His muzzle pressed firmly against her wet hole before he pulled away, only to drag his tongue from the bottom of her pussy to the top where her clitoris was, and then wrapping his lips around it and sucking on it. "AHH!" Sweetie yelped, her hind legs wrapping aroudn Dai's neck as he continued to suck on her love button, lapping at it with his tongue as pleasureable tingles shot through Sweetie Belle's body as Dai's tongue shot into her pussy again. "D-Dai, I'm gon-gonn-" She was cut off as her muscles contracted around Dai's tongue, her body shuddering as she hit her climax. "Ahhhhh!" Dai didn't waste time lapping up her filly-cum, tongue darting into her snatch as his mouth wrapped around her nether lips, drinking the sweet taste the nearly exploded from within her. She moaned and groaned loudly as he kept his hold on the filly, her back arching and tail whipping back and forth as her horn shot off little sparkles. Her climax continued on for some time before ending, and she flopped backward as her body slowly relaxed. The colt let her lay down, letting go of her legs as he licked his lips. "Tasty~" He cooed quietly, giving her the tinyest of fang filled grins as Sweetie shuddered. "T-that was different..." Sweetie commented, breathing heavily as she looked up at the colt, eyes twinkling as Dai returned her gaze. "W-where did you learn to do that?" Dai sighed, shaking his head and flicking his mane out of his face as he sat down. "Back where I'm from, I've... been around." He said. Does that technically make me a slut? He wondered, face scrunching up in thought. Not understanding what he meant by that, the filly sighed as she kept her legs spread, her eyes flicking to his throbbing member and the trickle of cum dripping off of its tip. While she felt a bit winded, she was certainly willing to keep going for him, if only to feel the throbbing muscle deep inside of her as she had many times before. Both were breathing rather heavily, and Dai soot over Sweetie and was about to impale her... When the sound of a bell going off down below sounded, with Rarity's voice yelling out, "Sweetie I'm hooome~" Dai's eyes went wide, before slowly closing. "Bugger!" Sweetie shot up, before her horn flashed and the smell that permeated the room vanished, along with any stains on the floor. Dai looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face, before quickly shoving him back against the bed. "Gah, Sweetie, what are yo-" He was shushed when the door to Sweetie's room started to open. With Rarity, she was having a lovely day, and decided to come home and check on Sweetie Belle. However, upon opening the door to her room, the older mare saw that Sweetie was sitting on the floor... except she had her back to Dai and was sitting up against him. The colt looked slightly shocked, but his expression melted to that frown he always had plastered on his face as Sweetie looked up at her sister. "Oh, uh... hi Rarity!" Sweetie squeaked out, smiling wide. Dai just kept his mouth shut, painfully trying not to move because of Sweetie's insane little plan to keep it hidden. "Oh, hello Dai, I didn't expect to see you here." Rarity smiled at the two, head titled. "What are you two up to?" She asked, smiling as she saw how Dai was holding her sister. Awww, how sweet~ She thought, completely unaware... so unaware. "Yep! We were just... uh..." Sweetie looked around, before spotting a crayon book. "I was teaching Dai how to draw!" She said excitedly. "But then he wanted a hug, so... yeah." She finished lamely, still smiling widely as she tried not to let the throbbing member bother her too much. Basically, Sweetie's plan involved hiding Dai's cock inside her. But that was proving to be rather hard no pun intended, hoho seeing how Dai was slowly but surely getting off, if the feeling welling up in his gut, and the beads of sweat trailing down his head were any indication. He tried so hard not to thrust up, his hind leg twitched and he just wanted Rarity to leave. Jeez! This... no... Dai thought as he felt Sweetie's walls squeeze around him tightly. "Aww how adorable!" Rarity cooed, smiling still as she heard a ding. "Oh, it appears I have a customer!" She said, before turning around. Dai was relieved and was about to relax himself, only for that to crash and burn when Rarity popped back just as he neared his climax. Fuck fuck fuck! "Oh, I almost forgot, Twilight wants to speak with yo-Dai?" Rarity asked, watching as Dai gripped onto Sweetie rather tightly and she squeaked. "Are you well?" "Yep!" Dai gasped out, forcing himself to stay put on the floor as his cock throbbed inside of Sweetie, and his seed shot out into the filly. "I just... love hugging Sweetie... a lot..." He gasped out again, gripping the filly tightly to himself as he tried not to thrust his hips upward. "Oh... well," With a smile, Rarity said, "Well I'm glad you like hugging my sister! Anyway, Twilight needs to see you rather soon, just a heads up darling~" Rarity said, before closing the door. Once they were both certain she was gone, Dai let out a huge gasp before bucking his hips up into Sweetie Belle, the filly shuddering as well as she felt his hot seed filling her up. "Goddamn it..." Dai cursed, placing his head against the back of the alabaster filly's. "That was too damn close..." "You're telling me, I'm surprised!" Sweetie said, before twisting around with a tiny moan and looking into Dai's eyes. "Feel better?" She saw the colt give a nod, a tired one. "Ugh... now I gotta go see Twilight... I can only wonder why she wants to see me." Dai sighed out, rubbing his head as Sweetie pulled off his member, which flopped down. "I'm sure its nothing too bad, maybe she found your parents!" Sweetie said, before going into her bathroom. "I doubt that." Dai muttered, before standing up himself and following her. Time to get cleaned up. > The Life of Dai - I Believe I Can't Fly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a rather brisk hot shower with Sweetie Belle, Dai had left the boutique in search of his caretaker, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The mare, formerly a unicorn turned alicorn had been his caretaker since arriving in Ponyville. He had been taken in by the young mare and living with her ever since. She was... suitable at taking care of him at least, but she had her annoyances that got on Dai's nerves, one of which had been her obsession with pleasing Princess Celestia. The soldier knew right away Celestia must have been a powerful individual from how tall she was, the power she seemed to radiate... And the solitary fact that he saw a pony literally piss themselves upon sight of the alabastar alicorn. No one does that unless that person is someone of significant importance. But... back in the past he tried getting her attention, he was cockblocked by Twilight of course, telling him to be respectful to the princess. Celestia had left shortly during Twilight's lecture about proper etiquette. He had promptly thrown one of her books out a window. He was grounded after that. But, that was years ago, and everytime Celestia had come to the small farming community, he was always preoccupied somehow. Either with the crusaders, Twilight managing to keep him busy or having one of her friends keep him occupied like the foal he was. Needless to say, he was pissed constantly from their efforts, thinking he was going to bother the princess over something so trivial, he was sick of being treated like a child. But alas... He had no choice in the matter. As he walked, his mind turned back to when he first arrived in Ponyville... that fateful day his life changed forever. Afghanistan - Ghazni - 2026 Ensign Dai sat at outside Camp Echo in Ghazni, sighing to himself as he drank a Bud Light beer while listening to the radio nearby. It had been a month since the mission he was assigned where he had to ambush a convoy heading across a weakened overpass, he had gotten to a good place to snipe... and was about to destroy the support and destroy the enemy convoy... Only for an A-10 Thunderbolt II to zip overhead and drop enough payload to effectively level the area he was in. It had been fast, and without warning and for some reason he wasn't told by anyone. Dai had been trapped under the rubble of the twenty story hotel he was in for a week, and had to slowly dig his way out. Thankfully he had only broken just his arm, truly a miracle, he thought with enough sarcasm to level a orphanage. After getting out, and making a very lonely thirty mile trek he met up with some marines who drove him up to Ghazni where he was patched up. Afterards he learned that the A-10 was sent in because of some false intelligence that Dai had failed in his mission, and they went with their backup plan. Which was bomb the shit out of everything, cause America fuck yeah! Dai had thought, before mentally bitch slapping whoever sent that damned plane. For now he was given orders to remain in Ghazni and help out Camp Echo to the best of his abilities, which so far... was mainly keeping the locals at bay and making sure there were no unauthorized people inside the camp. The base itself was rather large, with soldiers hailing from just about every branch of the United States Military soldiering around. Dai was just lazing around, having nothing better to do then drink... That and he was off duty, so he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. After a bit more drinking, an Army Ranger ended up stalking over to him... and to his great misfortune it was a woman who, despite her different branch, always seemed to be able to find him on the battlefield, back on the mainland, anywhere. Quite frankly, she was a bitch in his mind, an annoying one who got away with too many morally questionable things in firefights. The woman was two years young then he was, wearing a tank top and fatigues, along with a baseball cap with sunglasses on top. She had a decemnt figure for a woman her age, nice toned ass and a decent set of tits... and judging from her shirt, she wasn't wearing a bra either. "Well hello Dyke~" The woman cooed, taking a seat nearby and looking at him. Dai just leveled his blue eyes at her, narrowed as he held his bottle in his hand. "Oooo there it is, that infamous Blue Eyed Stare~ How many Afghani's do you give that too before you put some lead between their eyes?" Dai just stared at her. "None of your business, I don't have to tell you shit." He told her, emptying his bottle and putting it beside him in a small bucket, which had another empty bottle in it. "Aww, why not? Afwaid I'll tell someone ewlse?" She cooed once more, her green eyes locking onto his own. "Come on, we're both hardened soldiers! Share some stories with me~ Maybe I'll suck your cock afterwards, give you a nice blow~" She offered, tugging down her tank top a little and showing the top part of her cleavege. "... You do know I have a girlfriend, right?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman who just pulled down her tank top a little more in response, and showing him her perky pink nipple. "Come on~ You know you wanna nail me!" She chuckled, letting her tank top slip back up as she bounced a little, showing how deliciously jiggly her breasts her, even going so far as to squish them together with her arms as she leaned forward. "I bet you think about me~ All alone up on your sniper's perch, wondering just how tight," She gasped silently, "And juicy I am, ooo~" She squeaked. Dai was not amused. Thus, he pulled out his cell phone. "Mind being a slut somewhere else?" He asked, dialing a number on his phone. "I need to talk to my girlfriend, and I'd rather your slutty whorish ways not block my signal." The man told her as he stood up and walked over to a nearby tower, with the woman in hot pursuit. "Oh come on, forget your girlfriend and let's go fuck!" She said, "You, me, no condom~ You get to feel me all nice and wet, I'll even let you grope me if you wan-" She was cut off when Dai spoke again. "Abubububu, shut up, go away, thank you and goodbye." He said, spitting on the ground nearby as the woman fumed. "God you are one of the worst guys I've ever met!" She muttered before turning away and strutting off. "I'm practically throwing myself at ya and you don't even flinch... pfft..." Dai wasn't listening to her, instead waiting for his phone to connect. He waited and waited, only he heard the beeping noise of a text coming through, he rose an eyebrow before pulling his phone away from his ear and looking at the screen... That was the last thing he saw before his world went white, and a loud piercing noise echoing through his ears and he tasted dirt. "AMBUSH!" "They're everywhere! Fuck!" "Get on that MG Stevens! Remirez, move!" He heard the screams after the ringing stopped, but everything was blurry and muffled as he heard the whistling of explosions, the thudding of bombs impacting the dirt and sand, and the screams of those caught in said explosions. Dai used everything he had to get up onto his feet and take cover, and pulled out his sidearm before slumping against the wall. He would have continued his train of thought... But then it ended... Ponyville - 2030 Dai's train of thought ended when he came up to the Friendship Castle, a fruity name if he ever heard one. The entire world, was a cartoon to him, everything worked in such an odd way that it threw him off at times, like how Pinkie broke the laws of physics and reality just for a silly prank, to make food, or just pop up in a completely different place. That, and she constantly popped up behind him to scare him, because she thought it was funny... "HIYA DYKEY!" Like now for instance. "GAAH FUCK!" Dai screamed, shooting up into the air in shock and falling over into some bushes with a yelp pf pain. "Hahaha!" Pinkie giggled loudly, covering her mouth with a hoof as she peered into the bush, staring at the blue eyed thestral... who glared burning hot daggers at her. "Goddamn it Pinkie Pie!" Dai screamed, climbing out of the bush and glaring at the mare, who just smiled at him. "I told you not to do that! No means no! Not continue!" Pinkie just smiled. "Hehehe, but it's so funny!" She told him as the doors to the castle opened up, and Twilight peeked out. Upon spotting her charge, Twilight smiled. "Oh, you're here! Great!" Twilight said before her magic wrapped around the colt, who began flailing. "Gah! Put me down! I can walk damn it!" Dai yelled, wide eyed from how high up he as Pinkie just watched him and Twilight ignored his protest. "Now come along, I've got some questions to ask ya!" Twilight said as she trotted back into the castle, followed by Pinkie Pie who led the two... well, one inside while forcibly carrying the other. Dai just grumbled loudly, crossing his arms together and glaring at the back of Twilight's head as she carried him into the castle. He had no idea why she wanted him, but if he had to guess, it either involved asking him about his past, his family or why his name isn't pony friendly. That's right, they all thought his name wasn't real either, and tried to get him to tell them his real name. Something he found idiotic, because he wasn't about to change his name, even for these ponies. His body was taken from him, but his mind remained, as well as his memories and his name. Dai Kitana. Passing by some doors and an odd break dancing Spike that made Dai raise an eyebrow, he was seated in a room with couches, chairs, and a table and fireplace. Twilight sat opposite of him on a nice plush pallet as Dai was on a beanbag chair, and he made a mental note to get one, because the one he was on was soft as all hell. "Okay," Twilight started, pulling out a notebook that Dai recognized. He groaned. "This again?" Dai asked, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle. "I told you before, Dai is my real name. Dai Kitana, not whatever horseshit you have in that book." "Now come on, Dai Kitana is such a silly name, and certainly not a pony name." Twilight told him matter of factly, making him raise an eyebrow. "Sounds like something in one of Rainbow's silly video games." "Oh? So you're telling me that, basically if you met a creature named say... John Stamos, it would be silly?" Dai asked, getting a look from Twilight. "What if you met another pony and their name was something like Richard? Or Sarah? Of Mikey?" "W-well... that would be... odd, to say the least." Twilight said, tapping her chin as she opened up her book. "But that's no-" "Odd? So their choice of having a different name that isn't something related to their special talent is odd?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as Twilight looked at him again. "Wait, what?" Twilight asked. "Oh please, half of the ponies I see, I've heard their names and I can tell it has something to do with their special talent or something to do with how they look." He pointed to Pinkie Pie, who was balencing on a ball. "Pinkie Pie, she's pink and just so happens to work in a bakery where pies are made. Pinkie Pie." He enunciated her name, as the mare in question giggled. "And take Rainbow Dash, her mane and tail are rainbow colored, hence her first name, and Dash comes from how fast she moves when in the air or on the ground. And put them both together and you have that funky ass trail of rainbow she shits out when she's flying really fast." Dai continued, not even noticing Twilight's odd look. "And your name, Twilight Sparkle, a bit tougher for me to figure out but I got it. Twilight Sparkle, because of that ass tattoo on your flank, and I guess it has something to do with how talented at magic you are, that and when its twilight, time wise it tends to be a little bit purple." He finished. Twilight stared at Dai for a few seconds, before writing down something. "Regardless... your self given name isn't... appropriate to help us find your family," She told him after scanning through her book, making Dai facehoof. "So... is your name... Ravan Fire?" "Nope." Dai told her, sighing as he leaned back, rubbing his temple. "Wind Swept?" "No." "Inferno Blast?" "Nada." "Nighthawk?" "As awesome as that sounds, no." Dai blinked. I actually like that one, why couldn't she have asked me that one earlier, that sounds badass. "Okay, how about..." Dai groaned... This is going to take forever. An Hour Later An hour of name guessing, and Twilight slumped back in her chair while Dai was looking at his hoof, as if inspecting it as Pinkie snored nearby. Twilight had tried as many names as she could find that were Thestral given, but none of them fit the young colt... that or he was lying, which Twilight was pretty sure he was doing, just to mess with her. Regardless... "Okay... I give up... for now, anyway." Twilight said, closing her notebook and sending it away with a flash of magic. "Time for the next part." That got Dai's attention, making him raise his eyebrow at the mare who stood up and shook out her body. Dai couldn't help but notice how certain parts jiggled slightly, such as her rump for example, making it look nice and plush. He shook his head however, the last thing he needed was explaining why he got a boner... or why he was refusing to get up. "What now?" "Follow me~" Twilight chirped, making Dai roll his eyes before hopping out of his beanbag chair, giving his body a slight shake and causing his wings to flap a little before he followed the older mare. Dai and Twilight trotted out of the room, heading down a hall as Twilight walked with a slight bounce. Giving the young colt a nice glance at her rear. Damn it, these ponies have no idea... Dai thought as he got a nice glance at her rear, the slightly bouncing flesh and her swaying tail. While he did despise Twilight at times, she had a decent body... Granted, over time since coming here, the to had developed a sort of... sibling bond so to speak, with near constant bickering, so it felt kinda weird to be thinking about her sexually... but he did it anyway. Twilight also babied him at times whenever he got hurt, but he felt... touched, but nonetheless he accepted his fate. Granted it felt nice to have someone to lash out at and they weren't going to bitch about it later, Twilight didn't seem too bothered by it... in fact she seemed to enjoy it at times. After awhile, the two arrived at a door that Twilight opened up, and when they went inside Dai saw it was a massive open room with a very tall ceiliing and open space. There wasn't even any furniture... But there was Rainbow. "Uhm... why did you bring me in here? And why is Rainbow here?" Dai asked, looking away from Twilight's rear to look over at Rainbow, who had a little smirk on her face. Twilight just smiled. "Well Dai~" Rainbow said, grinning further. "I'm going to teach you how to fly!" Dai just stared at Rainbow... And one solitary thought ran through his mind in that moment... ... Nope. > The Life of Dai - I Still Believe I Can't Fly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dai stared at both of the mares in front of him, Twilight smiling like she did something good and was expecting a treat, tail wagging like a puppy almost as Rainbow Dash stood next to her with a grin. He had been expecting a few things, like perhaps another test to discover who his parents were, something to do with testing some magical device, or some other such pony nonsense... Instead Twilight brought him to Rainbow, to teach him how to fly. "No." Dai said firmly, frowning deeply. "Come on Dai!" Rainbow told him, grinning a bit wider. "What have you got to lose? You could use the exercise, I mean... why not?" Dai blinked his eyes. "I have told you both, I don't want t-" "Oh horseapples!" Rainbow scoffed, "You're always telling the Crusaders about how you're like... what, a soldier or whatever?" She asked him, continuing before he could even give an answer. "Wouldn't it be a good thing to learn how to fly in case you needed to? Learn the advantages of what you can do and stuff?" She pointed out. Dai was silent. Fuck... He thought as he sat down, rubbing his head in aggravation as he thought about that. He was surprised she thought of that, and he knew that she was right. Here he was, one of the most dangerous warriors in an unknown world and he was in a body that had the ability to fly. It was an ability that he, theoretically, could learn to utilize to prevent something bad from happening to him, such as falling from a very high building or, god forbid, being thrown from a cliff. As a soldier, over the course of many tours he's had to learn several things to help him get past certain... troubling situations, different languages, bomb defusing, even a few other things like knife throwing, and even how to pilot a small aircraft. Of course, he's always had a problem with aircraft in general... It wasn't that he hated flying... ... Actually that's the exact reason. With a tiny growl, Dai replied saying, "Theoretically... yes, it would, Rainbow... if it wasn't for one tiny problem..." "Oh? What, you chicken?" Rainbow asked him with a teasing smirk as Rainbow gave him a suspicious look, as if thinking about something. "Scared of taking off or something?" She asked next, starting to giggle slightly. If both mares looked closely, they could've seen a tick mark appear on his forehead, pulsating madly. "I have been in more deadly war theaters then you could imagine, I am not scared of flying!" "Then what's your problem with it then?" Rainbow asked smugly, raising an eyebrow at Dai. Frowning, he replied, "Simple, I don't like flying." He told them both, blue eyes narrowed at the rainbow haired mare and her best friend. "I've had... bad experiences with flying in the past..." He said quietly, shivering as he recalled a very 'fond' memory of him flying. 2028 - Over Afghanistan Fuck this shit, fuck this shit, fuck this shit. Dai repeated this mantra again and again as the Osprey flew over enemy territory, the turbulence was getting the better of him from the constant Anti-Aircraft fire from below. Every shake, every jostle inside the cabin made him want to call in several airstrikes on the enemy position, preferably airstrikes that would level the entire landscape they were over. Nuke this entire fucking hillside and build a strip mall in its place. He thought with no small amount of hate for this place. It had been a year since he was thrown into several missions that required him to jump from planes, something that he wasn't too keen on doing years before... it still held true today, even more so now that his plane was being shot at once more. Bullets piercing the hull of the plane, fires starting near the cockpit as alarms went off. And at least three different Navy Seals and two Marines were killed by gunfire, and another because he fell out through a gaping hole in the side of the fucking plane. Oh yeah. "We're gonna have to jump sooner then expected ladies!" A man yelled out, brandishing an M4. "Check your chutes and get ready to jum-" He started, before a stray round from the AA down below blasted him, tearing off half his head and spraying the wall in bright red blood. The soldiers began to panic around Dai as fire suddenly consumed the cockpit, and the Osprey started to spin out of control, he tried to hold on but the back was blown off, and everyone began get sucked out and thrown into the air. Screams filled the air, panicked cries as the Osprey spun out of control in the high altitude of the air, and Dai was shown just how far up they were. He was high enough that he could see for quite some distance... but low enough that his chute might not be enough... "Shit fuck!" He yelled, trying to steady himself as he reached for his ripcord. Jets screamed through the air around him, he could hear the missiles strafing by and impacting enemy jets. He heard the gunfire from below, the thudding of artillery being fired above at the other aircraft, loud explosions and yells. He flailed in the air, trying to reach his ripcord... and once he pulled it... He realized however, he ended up pulling too late. The chute exploded from his pack, catching the air but not slowing his decent as much as he would have liked. The parachute exploded out of his pack and he felt the ripping sensation course through his body as the chute tried to slow him down. And it did, but not enough for a safe landing. He ended up crashing into a tree, where to his immense shock, the ropes snapped and he was sent flying down a hill. "Goddamn it!" He screamed, falling onto the ground hard, "Gah!" Another yell of pain as he rolled hard and fast, hitting rocks and fallen limbs, a sickening crack sounding somewhere as his equipment stabbed into him during the roll. Each thing he hit was like burning hot pain, every tumble down the hill made him wish he had managed to pull sooner, but alas... Life hated him. Eventually he stopped rolling, landing on flat-ish ground with a sharp hiss and a groan of pain. Gunfire continued around him as something crashed nearby, blasting through the trees and exploding, sending flaming debris flying everywhere. He didn't get to shield himself, and was thus hit with said debris, a few flaming chunks of metal hitting his pack and one hitting his cheek. "F-fuck!" He tried to get up, only for his arm to give out from the agony he felt in it. One look at his arm and he saw why it hurt and gave out, something was protruding through the skin. He didn't need to lift up the shirt sleeve to know what it was. Goddamn it. His breathing quickened, panic setting in as he heard the gunfire drawing closer behind him. He looked around for a place to hide, and found it in the form of a rock. He bit back the pain and forced his body to crawl up towards the rock, he had to get to cover before whatever was coming... arrived. He could hear something mechanized moving in the thick mountain foliage behind the rock he was hiding behind, and felt his nerves act up, eyes flashing towards the sky as he saw literal beams of light fire from the woods nearby accompanied by a FWOOM noise. Those beams hit one of the other planes in the sky... And it came crashing down... Towards him. "Fuck..." Ponyville - 2030 Dai shivered as he remembered that day... which pretty much instilled his hate in flying. He never wanted to get on anymore planes, but his missions after that one always involved flying... only half of them were actually shot down, and twice was he still inside, he wasn't sure exactly how he survived either. Luck. He figured... considering. "So you are scared?" Rainbow teased, grinning cooly at the colt in front of her, who frowned her way. Stepping closer to the mare, Dai said, "Listen to me, and listen well... I do not fear flying... I had several bad experiences with it and... I just don't like it." He told her, and she just leaned down to stare him in the eyes, and he could smell something like cider on her breath. "So stop saying that." "Well prove me wrong then," She said, grinning as her muzzle was a few inches from Dai's down. It was close enough for Twilight to start blushing... Dai just growled under his breath, planting his butt firmly onto the floor as Rainbow did the same. The colt stared down Rainbow Dash for the longest time, before he scoffed. "I don't need to prove anything to either of you." He said before standing up and turning around and walking out of the door. Leaving behind two mares who just frowned. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Dai sat alone on the hillside overlooking Ponyville, wings tucked at his sides as he gazed at the modestly sized farming community. He saw many pegasi flying about, moving clouds or just out for a nice flight. He saw plenty of foals younger than himself flying about, and he scowled. Flying... pfft... He scoffed at the idea... he knew Rainbow was right in a way. But he didn't want to prove her right... "Come on!" He heard someone say off to the side, and when he turned his head he saw Scootaloo nearby a hilltop that ended in a rather steep drop a few feet down. He saw Scootaloo jump up, flapping her wings as fast as she could in an attempt to fly... only she ended up falling down onto her rump. Dai watched as the filly darted back up the hill, only to attempt it once more. "Dang it!" The colt saw the area she was doing this in was a little bit secluded, so she had some manner of privacy while she attempted to fly... again, and again, and again. He watched as Scootaloo continued this for a few minutes, going on an hour of her constantly trying to fly. He knew all about her love for flying after watching Rainbow do it so many times, and all of the other pegasi in their school. She wanted to fly, but for some reason she was unable to fly alongside the others. He wondered if it was a birth defect or something else preventing her from doing so. She certainly wasn't scared of heights or pushing herself to her limits, as evidenced by the amount of sweat on her body right now and how sluggish she moved when going back up the hill. Seeing her pushing herself to the limits reminded him of the human kids he had seen wandering the streets of Kubal during his time overseas, how often they pushed themselves to the limit just to help feed their families. It was heartbreaking for some, but he found it hard to care with what all was going on... But this was one of his friends pushing herself, for an hour now trying to fly. He sometimes watched her do so whenever he spotted her, over the years he's known her she would always push herself to fly only to fail every single time... Ahh fuck it... He sighed before trotting over to the filly. He arrived just as Scootaloo was resting for now, body covered in sweat and chest heaving as she tried to get her breath back. When she heard hoofsteps, she looked up and spotted Dai trotting over to her. "Oh... um, hey Dai!" She greeted weakly, waving a hoof. "I'm just uh... training, is all..." Looking over the filly, he said, "Doesn't look like its doing you much good." He bluntly stated as the filly glared at him before looking down. "Why don't you rest?" She huffed, looking at the ground as her wings sagged by her sides. "I don't want to rest... not until I can fly." "You're not going to be able to fly if you end up hurting yourself like you're doing now." Dai commented, sitting down next to her. "Why don't you get Rainbow to help you out? Hell I thought she was teaching you." "She... she does, sometimes." Scootaloo said quietly, sniffling as she wiped her nose. "She's usually busy with those friendship problems to really... spend any time with me, so I've been trying to teach myself to fly..." Dai frowned. Wow Rainbow... nice. He thought, sighing as he looked towards the hill. "Why don't you just try gliding?" "Gliding?" Scootaloo asked, looking up at the colt. "You've been trying to hard to fly up that you haven't tried gliding," Before she could protest he held up a hoof. "Trust me, I've been watching you attempt to fly for years, and you never once tried to glide." He then looked at her and smiled. "Sometimes you gotta crawl before you can fly." She rose an eyebrow at that as he helped her up and took her over to the edge, she didn't know what he had planned... But she was willing to try whatever he had in mind if it helped her achieve her dream of reaching those clear blue skies... > The Life of Dai - Gliding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dai led Scootaloo over to the edge, the orange filly watching him curiously as he stood near the edge overlooking Ponyville. The former navy seal snorted, looking down and feeling a slight sense of vertigo. Ehh, good enough. He stepped back out of the way, and said, "Okay, first things first. You obviously suck at flying," He said bluntly, as Scootaloo frowned and her ears pinned to her skull. "But I'm sure I can fix that." One ear perking up, she tried to forget the slight insult before asking, "Y-you can?" He nodded. "Yep, you gotta crawl before you can walk, or in this case... glide." He said, gesturing to the edge with a hoof. It wasn't too far a fall and would, at most only cause Scootaloo minor pain if she happened to fall. "You've been trying too hard to actually fly, flapping your wings and trying to gain lift. And yet all the times I've seen you try, you've never once tried gliding, so... I'm gonna teach you how to glide." A raise of the eyebrow. "You're gonna teach me? You don't even fly yourself, how could you teach me how to glide if you won't even try yourself?" Dai grunted at that, snorting afterwards. "I have my reasons for not wanting to fly, so shut up about that if you want my help." He motioned for the now grumpy Scootaloo to come over to him. Once she was next to him, he looked at her wings. They were on the small side, smaller then most pegasi foals and he wondered if it was because she was younger, or if she had a condition. "Extend your wings for me would ya?" Scootaloo confused by the request but did as asked, extending her small wings outward as Dai looked them over. "Okay, I want you to back up a few steps," Again she did as told, and once she was far enough away Dai said, "Now I want you to jog a bit and jump off, and glide." Scootaloo gave a look to Dai, before snorting and readying herself. Dai watched her wings flap a few times, the feathers stretching to their fullest as he eyed her legs and body. Compared to the other fillies he'd seen at school, Scootaloo was a bit on the thin side but still rather good looking in his eyes. And after a few seconds Scootaloo jogged, or rather galloped her way to the edge before jumping off. And she flapped her wings, very rapidly before quickly falling to the ground with a thump. "I said glide not fly." Dai chided the filly, who got up with a huff. "What's the difference?" Scootaloo question, turning to look at Dai as she climbed back up. "Well for one thing, flying requires you to flap your wings and do a bunch of angling and shit." He told her. "Gliding, you just leap off, spread your wings and soar down. I've seen Dash do it plenty of times..." He pointed out, he had watched Dash fly plenty of times in the past. Sure he didn't want to fly, but watching her fly was kinda... mesmerizing in a way. Dai shook his head of the image of her doing a loop and exposing some parts of her to the elements as he said, "So don't flap this time." "But if I don't flap I'll fall!" Scootaloo protested. "Do. Not. Flap." He told her, enunciating his words carefully as if talking to a child... ... Oh wait. Scootaloo huffed again, taking up a position near Dai as he watched her from where he was sitting. His eyes trailing from the side of her head to her rear as she gave her rump a little wiggle, like a cat would do before pouncing on their unsuspecting target. He also caught a view of her tight filly lips, barely noticeable from beneath her purple tail. He had of course ogled the crusaders from time to time, they didn't know any better as their male friend always checked them out. Or so that's what he told himself, he didn't make much effort to hide it. Eventually Scootaloo galloped to the edge again, and struggling not to flap she just held out her wings and tucked in her legs as her eyes closed. She fully expected to fall, instead of glide like Dai said. But for a brief moment, she felt herself become weightless and felt the wind whisking past her. Upon opening one eye, she saw she was still in the air, slowly falling to the ground. "W-whoah!" She cried out, suddenly ecstatic as she flapped her wings. This ended about as well as you would expect as she wobbled in the air, before she fell straight to the ground with a thud. Dai watched from atop the hill and winced. "Ouch." He trotted down and off the hill, headed over to Scootaloo who was getting up and rubbing her head. "You okay?" Scootaloo turned to Dai and he saw her look, she was incredibly excited right now. "Did you see Dai! Did you see that! I flew!" "No, you glided, but close enough." Dai smiled that rare smile of his at Scootaloo, nodding his head as he looked between her and the cliff edge. "Now do it again," At her curious look, he clarified. "Look, gliding is good and all for someone like you, but you need to build up your strength and practice." Scootaloo groaned, plopping down onto her rump. "I've been practicing since I could walk!" She protested, looking at Dai carefully. "Ever since I could walk, all I've ever wanted was to fly like all the other ponies..." Scootaloo hung her head after that, ears drooping. "But I can't... my wings are too weak..." She sighed sadly, wings drooping at her sides. "Sometimes I feel like I should just give up..." The colt looked over Scootaloo once more, sitting down himself as his smile faded into his ever pensive frown. Seeing Scootaloo so down in the dumps made him feel sorry for the filly, he knew how long she had been trying to fly for, for years since he met the young pony. Each day she would practice, she would strive and push herself to try to fly. Only in the end she's failed several times. "Listen..." Dai started softly, his frown still in place but he did have a soft look in his eyes. "I know its hard to practice, when there's barely anything to show for it, but you can't give up." he told her sternly, "You just need to work on your wings a lot, do stuff like gliding and exercising." When Scootaloo looked up at him, he continued speaking. "If it makes you feel any better, I used to be like you... except it was more with how my body looked before I joined the navy." Scootaloo blinked. "What do you mean?" Dai sighed, chewing his cheek slightly as he looked up into the skies. "A decade ago or so, before I came here to this world. I was trying to join up with the Navy, but I was a bit on the small side, thin... barely any muscle." He went on to explain. "I wasn't gaining any muscle to join up with the Navy, because I needed to be a certain weight regarding muscle and fitness. But no matter how hard I trained my body I couldn't gain any muscle, and I was like you... I was close to giving up." Looking at the thestral colt, Scootaloo asked, "Did you?" Dai shook his head. "No... my old man talked me into not quitting on myself, same with my brothers." Dai told her, looking back down at her and letting her see his eyes... and she could see something in them. "They helped me train, put me through some of the most strict training I'd even been through in my whole life." Another smile came across his face, a happy one of him remembering a time that was long lost to him. "They helped me through life in the past, and they helped me one more time before the war..." The young filly watched as his expression went more sad, his smile faltering slightly and his eyes going downcast as he looked up into the trees around them. She had never seen him like this before, his tone had gone from happy remembrance to barely contained sorrow. It made her frown sadly, wondering if he really missed his family. "Dai... if you miss your family, then why don't you go back to them?" She asked, ears perked up slightly. Dai slowly looked down at her, and shook his head. "It's not that simple..." "But, I mean... Princess Twilight said you ran away from home s-" Dai hissed, teeth bared in anger at the filly. "I am getting really sick and tired of everyone saying that!" He growled, making Scootaloo's ears fold back down. "I didn't run away from home, because I have no home here! I don't have any family in this fucking place, but no... you damn ponies all are so insistent that I'm some kind of runaway kid. If I could go back to my family, I fucking would!" He yelled, making Scootaloo back away from him. The two had a stare off for some time, before Dai stood up and walked away, leaving behind a slightly frightened... but incredibly worried Scootaloo in his wake. She watched as he trotted away slowly, head hung low until he disappeared into the woods nearby around Ponyville. Not the Everfree of Course, just the trees leading to the Apple Tree Orchard. Scootaloo looked down at the ground in thought... and wondered, What do I do?